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The Mentalist, season 2, episode 5 : Red Scare

Introduction (before the credits)

Right, wrong, or not mentioned?
1. The crime was committed in a very dangerous neighbourhood.
2. The victim is a teacher, Alan Foster.
3. He is married and has 2 children.
. His wi!e wanted a divorce.
". #atric$ %ane is a very direct character.
&. The victim committed suicide.
'. Foster had received threats.
(. There are signs o! struggle in the room Foster was.
). Foster*s house, which he was wor$ing on, is said to be haunted by the ghost o! the original
owner, +ec$worth.
1,. A--arently, nobody came into the house. Foster was alone.
Translate/ 0 it rules out suicide/
0 to arm an alarm/
0 s-oo$y/
Part (!:"# to $:!5)
1atch the character to the correct sentence2s3.
4illian 5ictoria
5an #elt
1. is a descendant o! +ec$worth.
2. does volunteer wor$ in a homeless $itchen.
3. is Alan Foster*s widow.
. had sent threatening emails to Alan.
". was alone on the night o! the murder.
&. does not want to hear about ghosts.
'. discovers that someone bro$e into the
storage area o! the house.
(. is angry at Alan Foster.
). says there*s the ghost o! her grand!ather
in the house.
a. cree-y/ e. sensible/
b. groans/ !. relevant/
c. a loc$/ g. a bootlegger/
Part 2 ($:!5 to 2":!) %o&plete the su&&ar':
#atric$ shows 7ayne Rigsby and 6race 5an #elt that the mansion is not really 213 8888888888/
indeed, the strange 223 88888888888 and a--aritions are 9ust tric$s, controlled by
2338888888888888. A system o! 23 888888888888 carries the sound throughout the house
and the :ghost; is 9ust an 2"3 888888888888888888888888. +ec$worth used this !or his
s-iritualist s<ances and somebody used it recently to 2&3 8888888888 Alan Foster. #atric$ has
also discovered secret 2'38888888888888 and hiding -laces used during the 2(3 88888888888
to smuggle 2)3 88888888888 into the house. 1eanwhile, agent =ho >uestions the man who stole
21,3888888888888 !rom Foster*s -ool house. He says that he saw 4illian Foster in her car, in
the 2113 88888888888 near the house. A!ter a scare in the secret -assage, Rigsby tells 6race
that he is in love with her, and #atric$ %ane !inds a secret 2123 888888888888 to the mansion.
Part " (2":5 to "#:")
13 7hat did 5ictoria Abner as$ 4illian when she came to visit her?
23 7hy did 4illian lie to the -olice about being in ?an Francisco?
33 7hy does 4illian have regrets?
3 7hy did 5ictoria really want to live in the house?
"3 There is a -un in the clue. 7hat is it?
&3 Translate/ 0 a lawyer @ 0 a riddle @
0 a statement @ 0 a clue @
0 to -ress charges @
Part ! ("#:! to the end)
Right or wrong? =orrect the sentence i! it*s wrong.
13 #atric$ !ound the treasure under the -iano.
23 #atric$ %ane and Teresa 4isbon set a tra- !or the sus-ects.
33 6race and Risgby are ill0at0ease.
3 Arew, 5ictoria*s ne-hew, came to the house to $ill Alan Foster.
"3 Arew threw the body o! Foster out the window, the same way +ec$worth was $illed.
&3 Arew wanted to !ind the treasure to give it to his aunt.
'3 The treasure was in !act bottles o! eBcellent, -riceless wine.

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