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BMA AW An Official Organ of The Bangalore Mizo Association

Registered Under Societies Act of Karnataka No. BLU-S188-2007-08 Date 7 May 2007
Vol. XV Issue No.33 Bangalore Mizo Association Pathianni Tin Chhuak Chanchinbu Date: 15th November 2009 Phek Khatna


&& Dr. Margareth Makimi WHAT DOES THE WORLD NEEDS

chuan a pa Pu J. Lalsangzuala TODAY?
hriatreng nan tunlai hlabu a siam a, - Rev. F. Hrângkhuma Ph.D
keini BMA pawh bu 5 min pe a ni.
Kan lawm hle mai. A chungah Where are we in world history? Are we heading toward a bright
lawmthu kan sawi e. future or a gloomy future? Is the world heading towards its end? Is
&& Kan Senior Adviser Pu B. the world better? As I sit in my office at South Asia Institute of
Kapthuama leh a nupui Pi Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS), and casually look at several
Thangliani te pawh, an fanu Ann te books I wish I have time to read. I read few pages of some books
chhung tlawhin Pune lamah an zin only, the other I glanced through the contents. Some I have studied a
mek. little bit more than others. Time! Oh, How I wish I have 48 hours a
day and the energy of some three men, sometime! And there are so
&& Rev. F. Hrângkhuma, tun
many things to do in the world. Sometimes I wish I am ten men!
tuma Singapore a han kal khan
Alvin Toffler's The Third Wave (1980) and Power Shift (1991); Paul
Living Water Mission
Kennedy's Preparing for the Twenty-first Century (1993) and Thomas
consultation-ah ‘Mission Principles
L. Friedman's The World is Flat (2006) are some of the secular books
Today: Lesson Learnt Yesterday’
that help me view some World history. I also look into some
tih hmangin paper a present a. Ram
Christian books, which I read a little bit here and there only. Those
21 atangin mi 90 an kal khawm a.
includes Anthony A. Hoekema’s The Bible and The Future (1979);
A nuamin a hlimawm a, an
Ben Witherington III’s Jesus, Paul and the End of the World (1992);
hlawkpui viau bawk niin thu kan
Hal Lindsey’s There’s A New World Coming (1973); Joseph
dawng. A paper present pawh
Pathrapankal’s Time and History (2002); and P.C. Biaksiama’s Kum
Pathianin mal a sawm nasa hle niin
Sang Lalram (2002). Without careful research I penned the following
kan lo hria.
reflection hoping that some may want to reflect a bit more and ask –
&& Kan Treasurer Nl. Blessy What are the needs of the world at this hour?
pawh vawiin tlai lam hian Aizawl Alvin Toffler looks at the future with optimism. The third Wave is
pan turin a chhuak dawn. Tluang for those who think human story, far from ending, has only just
taka a zin kan beisei e. begun. He says that we are in the third wave of civilization, and new
&& BMA Directory 2009-2010: potentials arise everyday. He believes that the emergent civilization in
Rs.60 in a lei theih reng e. Tin, which we are now living can be made more sane, sensible, and
Membership form a la thehluh sustainable, more decent and more democratic than any we have ever
theih reng. Chhinlung Magazine known. Would ecologists agree with him? In Power Shift, Toffler
pawh Rs.100 in lei tur a awm e, concludes that the world will soon be divided into fast and slow
chanloh palh pawh awm thei a ni e. countries (nations), not as South and North, or West and East.
According to Friedman, there have been three stages of
BMCF INKHAWM PROGRAMME globalization. The first lasted from 1492 when Columbus sailed to go
22nd November 2009 to India crossing the Atlantic Ocean, but instead discovered the
Hruaitu: Rev. H. Lalnunmawia
American continent, to around 1800. This is globalization 1.0. It is
Tantu: Nl. Lalkungpuii
Thawhlawm: Tawngtai rual
about muscle power, how much you can harness natural power
Special Number: including, at the later stage steam power and how creatively you can
Christ College deploy those powers. The size of the world was reduced from large
Thuhriltu: Pu PS Chhuasa size to medium size. The questions were how does my country fit into
Changvawn: Rom 2:6 global competition and opportunities? How can I go global and
‘Pathian chuan mitin an thil tih ang collaborate with others through my country?
zelin a relsak ang.’ (…contd on p-2)
Vol. XV Issue No.33 Bangalore Mizo Association Pathianni Tin Chhuak Chanchinbu Date: 15th November 2009 Phek Hnihna

Editor (…contd from p-1)

Mâdawnga Hauhnâr The second globalization lasted till around 2000. It reduced the
Joint Editors size of the world from medium to small. This is globalization 2.0.
Samuel Lalrozâma Hmar The key agent of change, the dynamic force driving global
Sawmteii Khawlhring integration, has been multinational companies. During the last decade
Hminga Pachuau of the twentieth century, continues Friedman, there arose ten forces
C. Zairemsiama that flatten the globe, ushering us into globalization 3.0. This
Circulation Managers globalization 3.0 reduces the world from small size to tiny, at the
Isaac Beingachha same time flattening the world. He says that the flat-world-platform is
B. Lalthakimi the product of a convergence of the personal computer with fiber-
BMA AW lak man: optic cable with the rise of work force software. The world of the
Thla khat - Rs.20
Thla thum - Rs.50 twenty-first century is becoming tiny. What does this mean to me as a
Thla ruk - Rs.90 Christian Minister? Knowledge is now at the tips of our fingers, and
Thla sawmpahnih - Rs.180 knowledge is power. And this knowledge can be used for good and
E-mail: for bad. Now we are living in a very fast changing world in the
Website: twenty-first century. And the world, according to these historians, will go on, and the implication is that, the world will become better
I mobile-ah khan JOIN BloreMizo tih and better.
type la, 567678 ah thawn rawh. The Christian view of history however, is different. In the midst of
Bangalore Mizote tana Hriattirna leh
thutharte ilo dawng thin dawn nia. diverse interpretations of Biblical future, there is a line in which all
Editorial agree. God is the God of history. He is in control. Under the
Kristian Nundan Tha Authority of God, time (history) is moving toward a definite goal.
Tum khat chu Chanchinthar ka And the end is not far off. Almost all the signs of the end time
en lai hian Andra Pradesh khaw predicted in the Bible have been fulfilled. Jesus is coming again, and
pakhata uire an sawisa hi an rawn the present world that we know of, will come to an end. A new world
tilang a. Nupa inkar tibuai thil leh will be inaugurated by Jesus Himself! And two of the signs of the
thil tha lo tak titute chu an khaw nearness of the end time are confusion and moral decline. In the midst
mipuite chuan an sawisa chiam scientific progress and economic improvement for the richer, there is
mai a. Thil tisualtute chu ka terrible moral decline.
khawngaih zawk ta tlat mai, awm We can not deny the fact that the world is moving toward the
ve ni ta ila chu ka chhan ngei ang future. Some see bright future whereas some see doom and
tih hialin rilru ka lo pu a. Roreltute catastrophe. Wars and natural disaster increase at a rapid pace. The
leh mantu sipai lam te chu rich are getting richer definitely and there are lots of positive growths
angatinge an thawhchhuah mai loh in the world. But at the same time, the poor are poorer and the
le aw ka ti a ni. Khawtlang nun leh number of the poor do not decrease, but increase. Troublesome
mipui kan khawsak hona lamah diseases increase. Terrorist groups increase. The power of humanity
hian thil tisualtute chungah mipui increase tremendously but morality definitely decline rapidly. Same
hian thu kan nei viau thei dawn em Sex marriage, a thing unknown in the past, condemned by everyone
maw ni le aw! Dan leh hrai irrespective of religions, is now accepted by an increasing number of
kengkawh tute an awm a. Kan people and made legal by several governments. In the midst of all of
hriat fo tawh angin, an ni lam these, individuals, you and me, are moving, heart beat by heart beat,
chinfel tura dah mai hi a tha ber toward that inevitable place – the grave or the end of the world. It can
tur a ni. Tunah pawh Tuikuk be at any moment! Our lives are like a mist, like a grass, they are so
misual thenkhatin Mizo tlangval an uncertain, it can be any moment, any place.
that der mai. Chanchin ka lo From Friedman's view point, the world is flat, and it is growing
hriatdanin YMA lam chuan roreltu better. The ecologists and sociologists will see a different world
ber ang maiin an hma lak dan tur altogether. Due to human greed which never says enough, and the
an sawi chiam mai. Hei hi thil tha unwise use of the natural resources and the many technological
ber chu a nih ka ring lo. Kristian inventions to make life more easy and enjoyable, the natural
nundan tha kan ngaihsan chuan resources dwindle drastically. We have been disturbing the eco-
Kristian nundan turin kan nung system and justice. The result is global warming. We have polluted
mai tur a ni dawn lo’m ni? the water and air, eroded the soil, depleted the forest and reduced
many thousands of living things to near extinction. (…contd on p-3)
Vol. XV Issue No.33 Bangalore Mizo Association Pathianni Tin Chhuak Chanchinbu Date: 15th November 2009 Phek Thumna
A lehlamah erawh chuan
(…contd from p-3) your past disturb you anymore. Look
We have made our world a dangerous place to live in the midst of forward to the goal for …
tremendous progress scientifically. At the same time, those which God calls you (Phi. 3:12-15).
available knowledge and power are in the hands of individuals of Then develop healthy habits. Discipline
all sorts. That is the power at hand could be used by people who your mind and body. Think of good and
do not respect human life – terrorists. Human sins in the forms of beautiful things (Phil. 4:8-9). Do
greed have increased that promote all sorts of trade at the expense spiritual exercise everyday. Read the
of other human beings – drug and human trafficking, with all the Bible and pray every day. It’s as simple
accompaniment of evils. While more people are becoming rich, as that. If you do these faithfully, you
more people are still poor and the gap between the rich and the can not but be better. The world needs
poor increase. Human sufferings increase with incurable diseases a better you. And so be a better you
like HIV/AIDS. Now the H1N1 pandemic is covering the whole beginning from today.
wide world. ------------------------------------------------
What does this rapid changing world need? As the world
rushes toward the future, the tremendous scientific technological MIZORAM CHANCHINTHAR
and economic progress badly colored mixed with moral decline – ## Bru National Army (BNA)-ten
the increase of the destitute and the many social and sexual ills of Mizo tlangval an kaphlum. Mamit
the world, we can not forget for a moment, the cry of many for District-a Zawlnuam Block chhung,
meaning and purpose. People cry for reality. Yes, they cry for Bungţhuam khaw tlangval, Zarzokima
salvation. In spite of the fact that almost all the nations of the (18) S/o Lalngilneia chu Bungţhuam
world have been reached with the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ, aţanga 1 km.-ah Bru National Army
millions are still without the salvation that is in Jesus Christ. (BNA)-ten Zirtawpni khan an kaphlum.
Many people groups still do not name the Name of Christ! In the Zarzokima a hi a nghawng, a nak leh
midst of these, what does the world need? It needs, among many bânah silaimu luhna a awm a,
other things, a better you! Joel Osteen, the Pastor of Lakewood Bungţhuam khaw mi Lalrinsanga’n a
Church, Houston, Texas, says, “No matter where you are in life, ruang hi a hmu hmasa ber a, a ruang
you can be better.” (Become a Better You, 2007). chungah hian Bru National Army
I believe God has given me this desire to become a better me Letter Head awmna lehkha hnutchhiah
this year, and I cannot but share with you. Become a better you at a ni a, Bru te thil phut hi a hlawhtling
home, at work, at college and school, everywhere. Become a lo a nih chuan a tawp thlenga ţan an
better husband/wife, sister/brother and friend. Become a better tum tih lehkhaah hian an ziak tih Police
person for the kingdom of God. How can we become better? te’n an sawi. Tukin zing lama thu kan
First, improve your relationship with God. This is the key to life. hriat danin nizanah Tuikuk khaw
Submit to Him in faith and learn to love Him with your total pakhat Rungpa khuaa in 21 vel chu
being (Deut. 6:4-9; Mat. 22:37). Let this be your daily Mizoin an hal. He Rungpa khua hi
experience. Next, improve your relationship with your neighbors, Thinghlun VC hnuai ami, Thinghlun
other people. This again, is the key to living. “Love your khua atanga km 2 vela hla a awm a ni.
neighbors as yourself” (Lev. 19:18; Mat. 22:39). True love,
biblical love, pure love, never does anybody wrong. Love is the ## Rel Kawng siamna tur kawng an
best way of life. It is the fulfillment of God’s law (Rom. 13:8- zawnna, khua atanga a hlat avanga
10). Next, improve your relationship with the creation which Hortoki khaw mipui aiawh
forms your earthly environment without which we can not live. coordination committee ten harsatna an
As much as it is in your power, care for it, protect it, develop it siam avangin ni hnih lai chawlh lailawk
and control it for good. Let us not be a party to the destruction of chu, Ningani khan thawh chhunzawm
our environment (Gen. 1:26-31). God created the world and leh a ni. He thil avang hian Kawnpui
everything in it. And he has given the earth for human being to SDO(Civil) Pu Lalchungnunga chu
care (Gen. 2:15). The Bible says, “The heavens are the Lord’s Hortoki-ah a kal a, sawrkar ngaihdan
heavens, but the earth he has given to human beings” (Ps. leh tum dan hrilha an thil ngiat
115:16). This is our earth. God has given us. Let us not be its chawlhsan tura a ngenna chu Co-
destroyer, but its preserver! ordination Committee hian ngaihtuahin,
Then, do not bring your garbage of yesterday with you
today. Leave them behind. Forget them no matter what. Let not
Nov. 22 thlenga hnathawhtir chhunzawm an remti leh ta a ni.
Vol XV Issue No.33 Bangalore Mizo Association Pathianni Tin Chhuak Chanchinbu Date: 15th November 2009 Phek Li na

## Dell-in Smartphone siam dawn.
Dell company chuan smartphone siam lamah an He an zirchhuah atang hian Pastor leh Sakhaw lam
sumdawnna huang an zauh tan. Zirtawpni khan hruaitu tha tak tak ten sawihona an neihah chuan
company chuan an smartphone siam chu November hetiang hian thil pathum an ngaihtuah chhuak a ni –
thla tawp lam hian China ah an hralh chhuak dawn 1. Biak In te chuan Thlarau lamah than lenna
tih an sawi. Kum tawp lamah Brazil lamah an hralh min pe tawk tawh lo a ni.
chhunzawm bawk ang. Dell smartphone chu Linux 2. Kan Inkhawmna hian Inlaichinna leh
operating system hmang a siam a ni a, a hmingah inkungkaihna lamah huang a zauh tawk lo.
Mini 3 tih an vuah. A chanchin dang erawh chu 3. Pathian tana rawngbawl turin mite chu kan
computer lam siamtu company hian an la sawi tha siam tur a ni.
duh vak lo. (source:internet) (source:Christian Websites)
## Google in Court thurel an hmachhawn dawn.
English Premier League point dinhmun:
Switzerland rama an map leh lei thlalak an tih lanna (as on 9th November 2009)
‘street view service’ an tihah a rama chengten
Position Club Played GD Point
mimal privacy a theih anga tha leh famkim taka
1 Chelsea 12 +21 30
veng tura an tih chu, Google lam hian an thlahthlam
2 Arsenal 11 +22 25
deuh avangin Court rorelna an hmachhawn dawn a
3 Manchester United 12 +11 25
ni. Google Maps leh Google Earth hian khawlai leh
4 Tottenham 12 +6 22
hmun thlalak te chu an ti lang chiang thei hle a,
5 Aston Villa 12 +8 21
khawilai hmun pawh chu lei chung atanga 2.5meter
6 Manchester City 11 +7 20
vel atanga thlir angin an ti lang a ni. Los Angeles
7 Liverpool 12 +9 19
Times sawi dan chuan Hanspeter Thür, The Federal
data protection and information commissioner 8 Sunderland 12 +1 17
chuan mihring hmel leh motor number plate te chu 9 Stoke City 12 -3 16
hriat theihloh tura tih fiahloh tura ngenna chu an 10 Burnley 12 -10 16
ngaihthah a ni a ti. (source:Internet) Sat 21st November 2009 Inkhel turte:
## American Christian chi hrang pangate. Liverpool v Manchester City 06:10pm ESPN
America a Christian-na hriatchian leh zual tumin mi Chelsea v Wolves 08:25pm Star
pahnih, rinna leh sakhaw rawngbawlna lama in Man Utd v Everton 10:55pm Star
anglo tak pahnih, Jennifer Hua (Ringtu tha tak leh

[&] Rooney leh Spanish League. Barcelona lam

active tak) leh James Smith (Christian inti tho, a hian Rooney hi an rim deuh reng a. A team-mate
Pathian chu a muslim thiante pathian ang tho ni a hlui Ronaldo ngei pawhin Real Madrid ah awm
ringtu) te chuan thalai kum 18 leh chunglam mi turin a duh thu a sawi. ‘Hetianga min duhna te hi ka
1000 hnenah zir chianna an nei a. He US Christian lawm hle a, mahse United hi nuam ka ti hle rih a,
te nungchang leh rilru sukthlek an bihchiannaah chhuak tura min ti a nih ringawt loh chuan ka
hian nasa takin an bei a. Kum lama upa deuhte chu chhuak lo ang. Ka contract zawhna tur hi kum 2 a la
Sakhuana lama an rindan leh thiltihte lamah an zir awm a, tuna atanga thla 2 velah chuan kan sawi fel
chiang thung a. He an thil tih hian an tihdan leh leh ngei ka ring’a ti. ‘Kan in atang pawhin minute
rindan inanloh zia a tilang chiang hle tih an hmu 30 kal chauh a ni a, nuam ka ti rih khawp mai’ tiin
chhuak. An zirchianna atang chuan hetiang hian chi United chhuahsan a la tum mai loh thu a sawi.
hrang panga ah an then – (saptawng hian dah mai
ang…a chiang zawk) Active, Professing, Liturgical, [&] Frank Lampard inhliam.West ham player
Private, and Cultural Christians. Heng chi hrang hlui, tuna Chelsea khel mek chu Brazil nena an
hrangte hi 1/5 ang vel zel an ni. Active te hi chuan inkhelh tur inbuatsaihnaah a malpui veilam tihrawl a
Isuaah rinna an nghat hle a, Cultural Christian te hi tihnat avangin kar thum chhung a chawl rih dawn.
chuan Bible pawh an chhiar tlem a, an inkhawm ---------------------------------------------------------------
tlem bawk. (…contd next column) @ Tu neih aiin Uite neih hi a buaithlak a nih hi!
BMA Office Bearers 2009-2010:
- Pi President
President : Pi Lalrinpuii @ Sihphir
Vice Presidentlam pawh kan tha
: Pu Josiah tlang e. – Ralte
Lalchhanhima Pu Pca
General Secretary : Mâdawnga Hauhnâr Asst.Gen. Secretary : Pu Paul Lalchhanhima
Treasurer : Blessy Sailo Assistant Treasurer : Thaarie Hnamte
Secretary i/c Games & Sports : Joel Murray Secretary i/c Cultural : Samuel Lalrozama Hmar
Secretary i/c Academic & Human Resources : Alan Lalhriatpuia

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