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Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)


Effects of Calcite and Dolomite Mini ng on Water and Soil Qualities:
A case study of Freedom Group of Companies,
Ikpeshi, Edo State Nigeria

Saliu, Muyideen Alade and
Shehu, Shaib Abdulazeez

Department of Mining Engineering,
The Federal University Technology, Akure Ondo State, Nigeria
Department of Mineral Resources Engineering,
Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: Saliu Muyideen Alade
Calcite and dolomite mining have created numerous environmental problems such as destruction of landscape,
damage to natural drainage, pollution and destruction of natural habitats in Igara region of Edo state, Nigeria.
The purpose of this study is to assess the water and soil qualities of Ikpeshi in Edo state where Freedom Group
of Companies is currently quarrying calcite and dolomite. Samples of water and soil were taken separately for
analyses from ten and five locations respectively. Tests were carried out to determine Temperature, pH, Total
dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, Total Solid, Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chloride, Sulphite,
Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, organic carbon, Organic matter, Organic nitrogen,
Exchangeable Cation, and Exchangeable Base. All the water samples tested have a temperature, pH, odour,
colour, Total Dissolved Solid, Total suspended Solid and Hardness values within the recommended standards
by World Health Organization (WHO). However, total alkalinity values are below the permissible level of
200mg/l. Also, the chloride values which range from 311.6 to 399.4 is above the World Health Organization
(WHO) standard of 250mg/l for drinking water. The result of the soil analyses shows that all the parameters
tested are within the permissible levels except for phosphorus which ranges from 14.1 to 22.3mg/kg which is
higher than the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) permissible level of 7.0mg/kg.
Keywords: calcite, dolomite, habitat, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, ph, exchangeable cation,
exchangeable base, alkalinity
Effects of calcite and dolomite on immediate
environment have received a great attention recent
years. Calcite and dolomite are very similar minerals
with both having the same Mohr hardness of 3, a
specific gravity of 2.71, rhombohedral cleavage, and
they are found in identical geologic settings
(Dunham, 1962). Acid test is usually used to
differentiate between the two. Calcite is a carbonate
mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3). The other polymorphs are the
minerals aragonite and vaterite. Aragonite will
change to calcite at 470 C, and vaterite is even less
stable (Sayoko and Yasushi, 1985). Calcite is a
common constituent of sedimentary rocks, limestone
in particular, much of which is formed fromthe shells
of dead marine organisms and is approximately 10%
of sedimentary rock is limestone (SBM, 2011). When
conditions are right for precipitation, calcite forms
mineral coatings that cement the existing rock grains
together. When conditions are right for dissolution,
the removal of calcite can dramatically increase the
porosity and permeability of the rock, and if it
continues for a long period of time may result in the
formation of caves (Trewin and Davidson, 1999).
Calcite is used as an acid neutralizer in the chemical
industry; as raw material in cement and paint
production; for treatment of acidic water etc. Calcium
carbonate derived fromhigh purified limestone or
marbles is also used in medicine. Mixed with sugar
and flavoring, calcium carbonate is made into
chewable tablets used in the neutralization of
stomach acids. It is also an ingredient in numerous
medications used to treat digestive and other ailments
(, 2011)

Dolomite is formed by the intrusion of magnesium
into calcite sedimentary carbonate rock and a
mineral, both composed of calcium magnesium
carbonate CaMg(CO3)2 found in crystals. Dolomite
is harder and denser than the calcite formof calcium
carbonate or limestone, and is more chemically inert
and more impervious to acid attack (SMI, 2011). The
inherent differences between dolomite and calcite
drive the applications for dolomite. Dolomite is
chosen for many construction and building product
applications due to its increased hardness and density
(SMI, 2011). Asphalt and concrete applications prefer
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3 (1): 19-24
Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2012 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)

dolomite as filler for its higher strength and hardness.
Dolomite also finds use in a number of applications
as a source of magnesiumsuch as glass and ceramics
manufacture, as well as a sintering agent in iron ore
pelletization and as a flux agent in steel making.
Farmers use dolomite for agricultural pH control. The
chemical industry uses the mineral dolomite in
making magnesium salts including magnesia,
magnesium oxide (MgO), which is used in
pharmaceuticals. In as much as mining is contributing
to the social and economic development of the nation
through the exploration, exploitation and processing
of calcite and dolomite, it renders the environment
hostile for the survival of man by polluting the soil
and water bodies in the surrounding environment.
However, due to low hardness of these minerals, they
tend to be easily dissolved by water (precipitation)
thereby infiltrating into the surface and groundwater
and rendering it unfit for drinking. Also, tailings from
processed, minerals if disposed in streams, oceans,
ponds and other water bodies may affect aquatic
lives, calcareous is known for its ability to both
harden the water and increase the pH (WHO, 1984).

Table 1: World Health Organization (WHO)
Guidelines for Drinking Water
pH 6.5 8.5
Colour 15.0 pt/co unit
Taste Unobjectionable
Odour Unobjectionable
Total Suspended Solids >10 mg/l
Total Dissolved Solids 500 mg/l
Total Solid 1500 mg/l
Total Hardness 500 mg/l
Sulphate 250mg/l
Sodium 200 mg/l
Alkalinity 30 500 mg/l
Chloride 250 mg/l
Magnesium 20 mg/l
Calcium Not stated
Potassium Not stated
Source: (WHO, 1984)

Water Sample Collections
Samples were taken from ten different sources of
water at FreedomGroup Mine at Ikpeshi, Edo state.
The water samples were collected at 30 meters
interval away fromthe mine and also another sample
was collected from calcite pit, calcite and dolomite
pit, water from calcite rock, dolomite pit and a stream
around the mine respectively. Then a sample was
kept in refrigerator at 40C for further analysis. For
trace metals to avoid contamination, the sampling
materials and sample containers was cleaned using 20
percent of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to leach out trace
metal on the surface.

Preparation of Reagent (EDTA 0.01M)
3.723g disodiumethylene- diamine tetra- acetic acid
dihydate was dissolved in distilled water and made up
to one litre. 0.5g einriochrome Black T was
dissolved in a mixture of 3 parts of triethanol- amine
and 1 part of methylated spirit.
pH Determination
Electronic ph meter (digital) model GMBH, D4040
NEUSSI was used. It has a combined electrode.
Immediately before sample measurement, the pH
meter was standardized with two buffer solutions of
different PH value to serves as check for proper
instrument response. pH value 4 and 9 were used and
pH reading were taken.
Temperature Determination
The apparatus used for measuring temperature was
the mercury in glass thermometer. The thermometer
was placed vertically by immersing the bulb
containing the mercury in the water/effluent; it was
allowed to stand till temperature reading was steady
and the readings were taken.
Odour and Taste
The odour and taste were examined using human
sense organs.
Total Suspended Solids
A clean crucible dish of a suitable size was placed in
an oven at temperature of 103- 150 0C until constant
weight was achieved. The weight was noted. 100ml
of water sample was pipetted into the dish after
shaking thoroughly and evaporated at temperature
between 103-105oc, cooled to room temperature and
weighed. It was then returned to the oven, dried
further 10 to 20 minutes, and weighed after cooling to
roomtemperature. This was repeated until the weight
of the dish plus residue is constant to with 0.05mg.
Suspended, Dissolved and Total Solid
100ml of sample is measure and filter into 100ml
measuring cylinder using a pre- weighed filter papers,
it is then make up to 100ml with distilled water. It is
later transferred pre-weighed crucible and evaporated
into dryness in stream were bath, dried in an oven at
1050c for one and a half hours; cooled in desiccators
and weighed. The weight of the crucible is recorded
as W1, and that of dissolved solid as W2.
Total Alkalinity
50ml of water sample was measured into a clear
conical flask and two drops of methyl orange
indicator added and shaken. It was then titrated with
0.02M standard HCl until colour changed from
yellow to orange. The volume of the acid used was
noted and recorded.
Total Hardness
25ml water sample was diluted to 50ml with distilled
water in an erlenmeyer flask. 1ml of buffer solution
was then added. 3-4 drops of eriochrome black T
indicator was added, the flask shaken and titrated
with EDTA 0.01m. The absence of sharp blue end
point indicates the presence of some interfering
agents. Masking reagent (e.g NaCN) was added and
titration continued until the reddish ring disappeared
fromsolution. The blank was also determined.
Reddish-brown colour comparison blank was
prepared. 100ml distilled water was put into a clean

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)

conical flask and 1ml K2CrO4 solution and
0.2ml(0.0282M) AgNO3 solution were added to the
distilled water in a flask, it was shaken gently and left
to stand. 400ml sample was pipetted into conical
flask and 0.25ml potassium chromate solution
indicator was added. It is then titrated (with constant
stirring) with 0.0282M AgNO3 solution of colour
comparison blank.
Sodium and Potassium
The flame photometer was placed where there was no
direct rays of sunlight or dust and also tobacco smoke
after which a blank sodiumcalibration standard was
prepared in step (0-100mg/l range). Starting with the
highest concentration and then working towards the
most dilute solution, the measurement on the
emission on the photometer at 589nm was measured.
The calibration curve was constructed from the
sodiumstandard. The same sample on the photometer
at 589nmwas run and the reading was noted
100ml of water sample was taken and filtered. 1:1
HCl was added in drops with three drops added in
excess, it was then evaporated to 50ml. The solution
was boiled and the boiling bariumchloride solution
(10%) was added until all the sulphate is precipitated.
It was then digested on the water bath until the
precipitation sintered through crucible glass. The
precipitate was washed a number of times with hot
distilled water until the filtrate was chloride free.
The crucible precipitate was dried in an oven at 103-
1050C to constant a weight. The weight of the
precipitate was measured alone by difference.
Bray and Kurtz (1945) method was used in
determining available phosphorus. 5g of water
sample pipetted into a 100ml polyethylene bottle,
followed by the 4ml of phosphorus colour developer
(a combination of ammonium molybdate and
ascordic acid reagent,). It was allowed to stay for
10mins and then read at 882nmusing Unicomand
UV/ visible spectrophotometer.
Metals in Water
The water samples were first digested with
concentrated HNO3 and pre concentrated before
analysis using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer
(AAS) Alpha 4 model. 100ml of well-mixed water
sample was measured into a 250ml beaker and 10ml
concentrated HNO3 was added. The solution was
evaporating to near dryness on hot plate under a
medium heat (solution not allowed to boil). The
beaker with the content was allowed to cool to room
temperature after which another 10ml portion of the
HNO3 and 5ml H2O2 were added. The beaker was
immediately covered with a watch glass and returned
to the hot plate and heated under a gentle reflux
action. This was continued until a whitish residue
was obtained. The residue was dissolved with 5ml of
HNO3 and some quantity of distilled water. The
solution was then filtered after cooling through
Whatman paper N0 42 into a 25ml volumetric flask
and made to the mark with distilled water. The
solution was then transferred into a polythene bottle
prior AAS analysis as suggested by Ademoroti
Calculation: Concentration of metal in mg/l = g
metal/ ml metal in aliquot.
Soil Sample Collection
Soil was taken fromfive different sources at Freedom
Group Mine at Ikpeshi, Edo state. The samples were
collected at 30 meters interval fromthe mine pit. The
soil samples were transferred into a well labelled
polythene bag for easy identification and further
Sample Preparation
The soil was spread evenly on well labelled drying
trays. Large particles of debris and organic materials
were carefully picked out of the soil and allowed to
air dry. After air drying, the soil samples were sieved
through a 2mmsieve, kept in a polyethylene bag and
taken to the laboratory for analysis.
Soil pH Determination
The pH of the sediment samples in water was
determined by the method described by (Hendershot
et al, 1993). From the sub-sample, 10g sample were
weighed into a 100ml beaker and 20ml of distilled
water added. The mixture was properly stirred and
allowed to stand for 30minutes. The pH meter
(Jenway pH meter) was first calibrated with buffer
solution of 4 and 9, and this was followed by dipping
the electrode into the sample solution and the pH
Exchangeable Cations (EDTA Titration
10.0 grams of soil was weighed into a beaker. 100ml
of the ammoniumacetate solution was added and the
mixture was stirred and allowed to stand for 1 hour.
The mixture was then filtered using Whatman grade 4
(110mm) filter paper. The filtrate was collected,
bottled and labelled. 10ml of the prepared sediment
sample solution was pipette and transferred to a
250ml conical flask. 5 drop of 2% KCN was then
added as the masking agent. This was followed by
adding another 5 drops of 5% hydroxyl ammonium
chloride solution. 7ml of concentrated ammonia
solution was added as buffer, 3 drops of Eriochrome
Black T indicator was then added. A wine red colour
was obtained. The solution was then titrated with the
0.01M EDTA solution to deep blue colour at the end
point. The titration was repeated and the mean values
were found. The result obtained was for both the
Mg2+and Mg2+ions present together in the sample

To obtain for Ca2+ alone: 10ml of the prepared
sediment sample solution was pipetted and
transferred to a 250ml conical flask. 5 drop of 2%
KCN was then added as the masking agent. This was
followed by adding another 5 drops of 5% hydroxyl
ammoniumchloride solution and 5ml 0f 20% KOH
solution respectively. A pinch of calcine indicator

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)

was then added to the mixture. The resulting solution
was titrated with the 0.01M EDTA solution. The
titration was repeated and the mean values were
found. To obtained Mg2+ions in solution.
Mg2+=Ca2+/ Mg2+- Ca2+
Soil Water Content
Plastic pot with 2mm air-dry sieved soil was filled to
about 1inch to the top. Enough water was added to
give a good crumb structure. 4 maize grains were
planted in each pot as test crop. It becomes thins after
5 days of germination. The plant was watered until
they have developed minimum of six leaves and then
completely sealed up the surface. The plant was left
in the green house until definite signs of wilting
appeared and to ascertain the permanent wilting
point, the pot was left in the moist atmosphere for
one night.

However, an empty can was weighed as W1 and from
the pots, the representative samples were taken into
the dry weighed can and covered with lid and then re-
weighed again as W2 which was then taken into oven
and dried for temperature of 105oC for about 24
hours. The oven dried soil was removed into
dedicator and cooled for about one hour and re-
weighed (W3).
Organic Carbon Determination
The organic carbon was determined using the wet
oxidation method of Walkley and Black described by
Schulte (1995). About 5g sieved samples were
weighed and transferred into 250ml conical flask.
10ml of 0.5M K2Cr2O7 were added followed by
20ml of concentrated H2SO4. The flask was
immediately swirled to mix the content. The mixture
was them swirled more rigorously for one minute and
allowed to stand on a sheet of asbestos for about
30minutes. 200ml of distilled water and 10ml of
concentrated H3PO4 were added to the sample and
allowed to cool to room temperature. 3 drops of
ferroin indicator were then added and titrated with
0.5M iron (II) sulphate solution to brownish red end
point. Blank titration was conducted in the same
manner, but without the sediment samples. The
percentage total organic carbon was calculated.
Organic Matter
Leaching tube was prepared (Buchner funnel with the
correct filter paper and Buchner flask with suction
pump). 10g of air dried soil sample was weighed into
the 250ml beaker, 100ml of NHOAc, was added and
allow to stand overnight. It was then transferred into
the Buchner flash and filtered with the aid of suction
pump. Leachate was collected and make to 100ml
with NH4, the content was transfered into the beaker
to the Buchner flash and filter with the aid of suction
pump. The leachate was collected and makes up to
100ml with NHOAc. The soil sample residue was
washed and by leaching with 100ml 95% ethanol
(about 20ml at a tim)e to remove the excess NH,
the sample were leached with 100ml of 1M NaCl into
100ml volumetric flask and the volume filled up to
100ml with NaCl solution. NH was determined in
the leachate as a measure of the cation by distillation.
The procedure (distillation) is as described in the
distillation under nitrogen determination. As each
cation was removed fromthe negative exchange sites,
its place was taken by NH. Thus, to find the value
for CEC, the amount of NH absorbed by the soil
was determined. The soil was washed with 95%
ethanol. The soil is then leached again with acidified
NaCl solution to dissolve the adsorbed NH.
Magnesium (EDTA Titeration)
20ml of sample was pipette and poured into 2500ml
conical flask V2. 100ml of deionized wale was also
added to 15ml of concentrated ammonia solution
(used as buffer) plus 70g ammonium chloride and
diluted to 2 litres with deionized water solution to
gives pH of 10. 10 drops of 2%KCN was added
(2gKCN in 100ml deionized water) and used as
masking agent, followed by 10 drops of 5%
Hydroxyl ammonium chloride, OH NH3Cl (5g
OHNH2 HCl in 100ml deionized H2O). 5 drops of
Eriochrome black T indicator was added, Eriochrome
black T indicator- (0.4g EBT p;lus 4g oh. NH2 HCl
in 100ml alcohol) was titrated with 0.01 MEDTA
fromwine red to deep blue end point. Titration was
repeated and the mean determined.
Sodium and Potassium
Extraction of metals from sediment samples was by
mixed acid digestion (Lacatusu, 2002). The digestion
was carried out with 20ml of a mixture of
concentrated HClO4 and HNO3 at a 2:1 ratio (v/v) on
a hot plate and the mixture heated to almost dryness.
20ml of 0.5M HNO3 was added and the solution
filtered into 50ml volumetric flask through Whatman
No 42 filter paper. The filtrate obtained was made up
to 50ml mark with distilled water and used for heavy
metals determination against those of the blank using
a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The
flame photometer was placed where there is no direct
rays of sunlight or dust and also tobacco smoke after
which a blank sodium calibration standards was
prepared in step (0-100mg/l range). Starting with the
highest concentration and then working towards the
most dilute solution, the measurement on the
emission on the photometer at 589nmwas measured.
The calibration curve was constructed from the
sodium standards. The same sample on the
photometer at 589nmwas run and the reading noted.

Water Quality Assessment
The result of the chemical analysis of water samples
are shown in Table 2. The result obtained fromten
different sources show some different in their values,
it was compare to WHO specification. 27oC was
obtained for all the samples for temperature apart
fromthe water fromcalcite and dolomite pit which
was determined to be 28oc. The water is good for
drinking, domestic purposes and for cooling purposes
in the industries. The value obtained for the pH

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)

ranges from7.41- 7.52 which is very weak alkalinity
and has no effect on human and aquatic life. This pH
value falls within permissible WHO standard of of
6.5-8.5. The Colour and odour of the samples were
colourless and odourless. The total dissolved solid
ranges from 0.204 to 0.024mg/lit and total suspended
solid ranges from 9 to 49mg/lit while they both had
the same WHO guideline of 500mg/lit. The samples
were all within the range. Total solids value of all the
samples were all within the specified range and does
not need filtration before use.

The hardness value was above the permissive limit
for WHO guidelines for drinking water which is 100-
200mg/lit with the exception of sample of stream
water within the mine premises and water sample
taken 150maway from the mine. Total alkanility and
sulphate were all within the limit laid down by WHO.
Samples of water from calcite rock and stream
around the mine had 196 and 198mg/lit respectively.
Sodium had the permissive limit of 200mg/lit on
WHO standard. High sodium content in water if
consumed can cause hypertension, cardiovascular
disease and may eventually damage the kidney
(WHO, 1984). The Chloride result ranges from311.6
- 395.4mg/lit. All the samples tested were above the
WHO permissible limit of 250mg/lit. This can
corrode metals and change the taste of water.

The result for potassiumranges from 2.0-6.6mg/lit
and the calciumin the water samples ranges from 62-
146mg/lit while calcite and dolomite pit had the
highest value of 146mg/lit. Calcium is the most
abundant metal in the human body and main
constituent of bones and teeth with key metabolic
functions. However, excessive calcium could be very
toxic to aquatic organisms.

Soil Quality Assessment
The result of the chemical analysis for soil samples
are shown in Table 3. The pH were determined which
ranges from5.53-5.96. The frequency distributions
for soil pH irrespective of the horizons vary from
slightly acid to strong acids than the alkaline region.
Clayed alluvial soils which are not too acidic are rich
in nutrients and good for oil palms. pH determine the
extent to which nutrients are available to plants.
Organic carbon ranges from 0.132-1.340%, and
sample taken 150m away from the mine had the
highest value which is1.340%. The exchangeable
cation for the soil samples ranges from 450-
1250cmol/kg. The highest value was recorded in
samples 1 and 4. The Calciumpresent in the soil
samples vary from17.7-16.8meq/100g with the first
sample having the highest value of 17.7 meq/100g.
Calciumgenerally improves the balance of most soil
nutrients and also serves as lime (CaCO3) for
neutralizing soil acidity. The magnesiumand sodium
in the soil test ranges from 4.59-5.07meq/100g and
230-434ppm respectively.
The recommended level is apparently 50-250ppmfor
Potassiumand the value of the samples ranges from
142 164ppm, the samples were all within the
specified range for soil specification. If we have
excess potassiumin the soil this might kill plant cells
because of high osmotic activities.

The concentration of soil phosphorus ranges from
14.1-22.3mg/kg. These values are higher than FAO
standards of 7.0mg/kg (Ibitoye, 2006). Ipinmoroti
and Oshodi (1993) posited that excess phosphorus is
manifested by micronutrient deficiency can also
induce potassiumdeficiency.

Table 2: Result of Water Analysis
PARAMETERS Calcite Pit Calcite &
around the
the mine
the mine
the mine
the mine
Temperature (
C) 27 28 27 27 27 27 28 27 27 27
pH 7.42 7.41 7.42 7.41 7.41 7.56 7.41 7.42 7.52 7.41
Total Dissolved
Solids (mg/l)
0.285 0.324 0.293 0.277 0.204 0.209 0.221 0.304 0.294 0.316
Total Suspended
Solid (mg/l)
16 33 14 9 18 49 43 41 29 10
Total Solid
16.3 33.3 14.3 9.3 18.2 49.2 43.2 41.3 29.3 10.3
Colour Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless Colourless
Odour Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless Odourless
Hardness (mg/l) 383 340 324 470 184 356 234 322 318 194
Total Alkalinity 248 330 340 270 282 240 294 258 258 274
Chloride (mg/l) 395.4 329.8 322.5 349.8 333.4 344.4 318.9 318.9 307.9 311.6
Sulphate (mg/l) 14 28 14 6 13 11 16 10 12 6
Sodium(mg/l) 480 361 196 330 196 380 260 249 228 198
Potassium(mg/l) 4.8 5.8 6.2 6.6 5.6 3.8 3.4 2.0 6.8 5.6
Calcium(mg/l) 121 146 76 96 102 115 82 79 66 62

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(1):19-24(ISSN: 2141-7016)

Table 3: Result of Soil Analysis
60 mfromthe
90 mfrom the
120 mfrom the
150 mfromthe
pH 5.96 5.73 5.64 5.57 5.53
Organic carbon (%) 1.312 0.622 0.570 0.132 1.340
Organic matter (%) 2.262 1.072 0.983 0.228 2.310
Organic nitrogen (%) 0.066 0.031 0.029 0.007 0.067
Exchangeable cation (cmol/kg) 1250 450 800 1250 850
Magnesium(meq/100g) 4.59 4.59 4.85 5.07 4.88
Sodium(ppm) 414 334 434 230 350
Potassium(ppm) 152 159 164 162 142
Calcium(meq/100g) 17.4 16.8 17.2 17.7 17.5
Phosphorus (mg/kg) 18.7 14.1 18.5 17.9 22.3

Fromthe result gotten from analysis of water and soil
at FreedomGroup Mine, water fromthe pit is not
harmful as the temperature, Total Dissolved Solids,
and pH fall within the permissible range of WHO.
The colourless and odourless nature of the sampled
water also encourages usage for other domestic
applications but the hardness of the water is higher
than the permissible limit of WHO guideline apart
from sample 5 and 10 that falls within the range
which is not harmful to health.
The effects on soil have also shown that percentage
of organic carbon, exchangeable cation and
potassiumare still within permissible levels except
for phosphorous. The direct effects of water have not
being fully analysed because it has a long time effect.

Ademoroti, C.M.A. (1996). Environmental chemistry
and toxicology Foludex Press Ltd. Ibadan, Nigeria.

Bray, R.H. and Kurtz L.T. (1945). Determination of
total organic and available forms of phosphorous in
soils. Soil Sci., 59: 39 46.

Dunham, R.J., 1962, Classification of carbonate
rocks according to depositional textures, in Ham
W.E. (ed.), Classification of carbonate rocks: Am.
Assoc. PetroleumGeologists Mem. pp. 108-121. (2011). Calcite: Mineral uses and
properties. Retrieved from
/minerals /calcite.shtml on 9th of October, 2011.

Hendershot, W.H., Lalande, H. and Dequette, M.
(1993). Soil reaction and exchangeable acidity in Soil
sampling and methods of soil analysis (M.R., Carter
Edition), Canadian Society of Soil Science, Lewis
Publishers, London. 141 145

Ibitoye. A.A. (2006) laboratory manual on basic soil
analysis pp19-34

Ipinmoroti K.O and Oshodi , A.A. (1993).
Determination of trace metals in fish, associated
water and soil sediment from fish pond. Discovery
and innovation. pp 5,135-138.

Lacatusu, R. (2002). Application levels of soil
contamination and pollution with heavy metals.
European Soil Bureau, Research Report No. 4

Sayoko, Y. and Yasushi, K. (1985). Transformation
of aragonite to calcite through heating. DTA -TG
study. Geochemical Journal Vol.19, pp. 245-249.

Schulte, E. E. (1995). Recommended soil organic
matter test. In Recommended soil testing procedures
for the North-eastern United State (Schulte, E. E. Ed.)
Edn. Chapter 8.

SMI (2011). What is Dolomite? Retrieved from on 11th
November, 2011.

The calcite - SBM (2011) in calcite Mining and
Calcite Applications. Retrieved from on 8th of
October, 2011

Trewin, N.H. & Davidson, R.G. (1999). Lake level
changes, sedimentation and faunas in a Middle
Devonian basin-margin fish bed, Geological Society,
156, pp. 535548.

WHO (1984). Guidelines for drinking water quality,
edn., WHO, Geneva.

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