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The mining industry in the Kosice region

In the past, industry in the Kosice region was

developing due to the mining industry. Mainly
that concerned the ore deposit of the Spis
and Gemer region. The mining industry dates
back to the !
century and was focused on
mining and processing iron ore and later it
focused on copper. "t the turn of the #
century many ore mines come to end, for
e%ample in Spisska &ova 'es where iron ore
was mined. "t the end of the (
century the town Krompachy become the second the most
important industrial enterprise in Slovakia. The traditional mining towns of Kosice region are
)o*nava, Spisska &ova 'as and Gelnica.
The mining of magnesite in Kosice
The mining of magnesite in Kosice started in the area of +ankov
in (,. -onversion of crude into burnt magnesite started in
.old/ magnesite factory in(. 0ater it moved into new locality
1 Tahanovce. +ut it had a negative effect on environment in the
immediate and distant vicinity. +ecause of that the factory was
closed. In doing so, employees of factory and mine were
sucked. &ow the factory is in ruins.
The future of the mining in Kosice region
Still there are a lot of deposits of natural raw materials in Kosice region. 2n one hand the
mining and processing them would have positive effect on the economic growth of the region
but on the other hand it could cause environmental pollution.
+eekeeping is the
traditional craft in
Slovakia. +ut the
number of beekeepers is
decreasing every year
because it is hard work
that involves a lot of
time, patience and
speciali*ed knowledge. The importance of beekeeping widely increases due to positive
effects on harvest results.
Wine-growing and viticulture
The first written accounts of the growing of wine grapes dates back to
century. They
come from &itra region, later from Tekov and royal towns3 4e*inok, Svaty 5ur, Modra,...
Today are well6known The -arpathian wine route that leads through the towns3 +ratislava,
Svaty 5ur, 4e*inok and Trnava, and the Toka7 wine route3 Mala Trna, 'elka Trna, Slovensk8
&ov8 Mesto, 'inicky, -erhov,
-ernochov and +ara where wine
cellars are carved into volcanic to
a depth of 9 1 # meters.
+oth wine routes have a rich history. The visitors can
use roads and cycleway to discover not only viticulture
but cooking specialties and interesting flora and fauna.
Metallurgy in Slovakia
The beginnings of metallurgy on the Slovak territory
reach deeply in the primeval ages.
:ntrails of our mountains were rich in minerals of
almost all important metals. The situation has
considerably changed recently. The ore deposits
have already been almost depleted.
Smelterworks production was gradually secured by
Iron metallurgy in Slovakia
Iron metallurgy development in Slavs started in the ;
and #
century in the area of
-arpatian mountain. The first blast furnace was built in #(< in 0ubietova. The increase of
iron production was in (
century in the area of Spis and Gemer. -urrently only steelworks
in Kosice and 4odbre*ova are working. The steel is and will remain a perspective material in
the future but it is =uestionable if steel production will remain in Slovakia in the future.
Development of the Slovak economy and industry started in the past during of
Habsburg monarchy. Slovakia was rich in raw materials. These raw materials were
the basis of mining industry. The mining industry produced gold, silver, coal, iron
ore. And the mining industry
started the production in
metallurgy, chemical industry,
engeneering, weaponry industry
etc. World War brought great
damage in the Slovak economy
and industry. After the World War
was the lack of vehicles,
building materials, machinery,
food, animals and the like. !ut the Slovak economy and industry was "uickly
restored. The new Slovak economy was builded on new types of industries and
started production in transport, agriculture, wood industry, te#tile industry, glass
industry, banking etc. Slovakia began to plan its economy also with other countries.
Slovak economy implemented new plans and were built new factories and modern
industry. $conomy of Slovakia still evolving till today.

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