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Ncw York, bchnd thc PubIc Lbrary, mcmoraI to Gcrtrudc

Stcn, Octobcr :8. "Lvcrybody`s Autobography, aurs

uhich tc// you sa uch that thcrc is na thinking that anc uas
ncucr bar unti/ au hcar accidcnta/g that e e ` ("Lrcumtcs-
son). (|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
Lathcrnc MaIabou and |acgucs Ocrrda, workng scsson tor Cauntcr-
)ath at thc Lutcta, Pars, 6 Novcmbcr t8. ( Eric |acolliot)
Lrc|acolotactcdas muchmorcthanawtncss to, orcartographcrol, thc
comngs andgongs thatconsttutcths book. Solctous host andvglant
advsor, prcscntatcvcrystagcoltsprogrcss, hc tookan actvcpartnthc
compostonolthcwork, lorwhchwc thankhmsnccrcly.
).1., C.N.
Jranslator`s acknowlcdgmcnt. I snccrcythank Lous Stcllnglor hs gcn-
crous andassduousassstanccnthcprcparatonolths translaton.
Mieke Bal and Hent de Iries, Editers
/r4vc/tng uttb 4cqucs Lcrrtd4
Cathertne Aalabou
and }acques Derrtda
Jranslatcd by Iavd lls
SranIord \nivcrsiry rcss
SranIord, CaiIornia
1his book has bccn pubishcd wirh rhc assisrancc oI rhc
Ircnch inisrry oI Cururchariona Ccnrcr Ior rhc ook.
Lu C0n!r:-uuc:by Carhcrinc aabou and jacqucs Lcrrida, incuding
L1cur!:m:n! d: u0::1cru:, urruc:, cu!u!r0h:by Carhcrinc aabou, and
C0rr:0ndunc:, l:!!r: :! cur!:0!ul: (:x!ru!) by jacqucs Lcrrida 'Iggg, La
_uinzainc LirrcraircLouis Vuirron, aris.
Scccrion Irom "Lcrrcr ro a japancsc Iricnd,` in 1:rrdund1_ nc:,rransarcd by
Lavid ood and ^ndrcw cnjamin, cdircd by Lavid ood and Kobcrr crnasconi,
Ig88. ' orrhwcsrcrn \nivcrsiry rcss. Kcprinrcd wirh pcrmission oI rhc pubishcr.
Lngish rransarion ' 2CCq by rhc oard oI 1rusrccs oI rhc
Lcand SranIord junior \nivcrsiry. ^ righrs rcscrvcd.
rinrcd in rhc \nircd Srarcs oI ^mcrica on acid-Ircc, archival-quairy papcr
Library oI Congrcss Caraoging-in-ubicarion Lara
aabou, Carhcrinc.
Conrrc-acc. Lngish]
Counrcrparh rravcing wirh jacqucs Lcrrida l Carhcrinc aabou and jacqucs
Lcrrida , rransarcd by Lavid is.
p. cm. - (Curura mcmory in rhc prcscnr)
Incudcs bibiographica rcIcrcnccs and indcx.
i8BN C-8Cqy-qCqC-2 (corh ak. papcr)
I8BN C-8Oq}-qOqI-C (pbk. : ak. papcr)
I. Lcrrida, jacqucs. 2. Lcrrida, jacqucs-1ravc. ]. hiosophcrs
Irancc-iography. q. Crirics-Irancc-iography. I. Lcrrida, jacqucs.
II. 1irc. III. Scrics.
B2q]C.Dq8qM]qI] 2CCq
Lrigina rinring 2CCq
Lasr hgurc bcow indicarcs ycar oI rhis prinring:
I] I2 11 IC Cg C8 C} C6 C Cq
Lcsigncd by Lcanor cnnick
1ypcscr oy 1im Kobcrrs in ^dobc Caramond and Lprima
Iranslator' Note
Jhis bookwas publishcdin Frcnch as La Contrc-a//c,ina scrics cn-
titlcd ,agcraicc . . o Jravclingwith . |.rcviouslypublishcdtitlcsin-
cludcd Lrnst |ngcr, Blaisc Ccndrars, Virginia ooll, Narccl roust,
Raincr Naria Rlkc, Nario dc ^ndradc, atsumc Sscki, and Vladimir
Nayakovski. Coantcrathis myncologism lor contrc-a//c,whichrclcrs to
a sidcroad, scrvicc or acccss road, or allcy that runs alongsidc a main
thoroughlarc,such onchndsprovidingacccsstothcbuildingsliningthc
boulcvardsolFrcnch citics. Inthis scnsc itisatributarytothcmain road.
Iowcvcr, as thcwordsuggcsts, /a contrc-a//chcrcconvcysalsothcscnscol
going _a//cr| coantcrto thatgrain, main currcnt, tralhc, circulation, larc,
way, orpath.
` ... |hc ma|g|n W||D|n Wht.h, savc .c||atn _d|tl|tng
,u uc/uc dcrtIc rcs), I sha|| rcma|n ...

Contents (Random Order)
Notcto thcRcadcr
Istanbu/, :o May :yy; ,
J i. Ioics
ChaptcrI. Forcword |
Nap ,y
tncrary ,e
Cerisy-l-Sae, :, )u( :yy; ,:
Chaptcr2. Forcword
Nap ,;
tncrary ,
lianche-sur-Mer Meina (lags Ma_isre),
, September :yy; ,,

Chaptcr. Forcword
Nap ,y
tncrary e
Chaptcr(: FromCncCatastrophcto^nothcr
Rcadng Jhc rtng Lcsson ,
XD Centents (Randem Order)
Jhc Innoccncc o| thc lambkvara
Lpgcncss and Lthnoccntrsm ;
Jhc Imtaton o| rtng y
Rcadng Cn thc Lnc. Jhcrc Is lo Soccty
thout rtng ;e
rtng and Roadvay ;,
Chaptcr ;: Cl^lgcra
Irst Jravcrsc ;,
Chdhood and Icar ;;
Issocaton o| Idcntty ;
gcran vthout ^rabc ;y
|cvshncss mnus |cvshncss :
Ircnch vthout Ctzcnshp ,
Ny Nothcr Jonguc, |or Cthcrs
lo) Norc than Cnc Shorc y
Jhc Cthcr Sdc o| thc Ncdtcrrancan y
Jhc Cthcr Shorc o| |udasm ye
lcthcr . . . lor y:
Chaptcr 6:JhcJmcolthcorld. crl andromsc
Jhc orld Is Cong adly y,
Jhc Iomnant Iscoursc y,
Jhc Iagucs o| thc Larth y
Jhc lcv Intcrnatonal y
li/lneta, : September :yy; y,
Neu Iork, : Ccteber :yy; :o:
Chaptcr : Ctcs
Jhc Cty o| ^syum :ey
Strasbourg, Jhs Ccncrous ordcr Cty n:
Iars as Captal :::
Iraguc, Ic/Rc-constructcd Cty n:
Los ^ngclcs and thc Iost-Ioltcal ^gc n,
Ccncva and thc ccomng-Iostal o| thc Nuscum ::
ordcaux and thc ccomng-Nuscum o| thc Iosta n;
Centents (Randem Order) 711
Lnknovn ^tvcrp n
^mstcrdam and thc Ioodgatc o| Its Jympan :1
^thcns and Ihotography. ^ Nourncd-|or Survva :1
Jhc lcv York Jhrcad ::y
` I n |crusacm: ::e
1 . ii. Lnvoyagc`andScttingOat"
Chaptcr,: Forcword
Nap ::,
Itncrary I:
Jhc Scnsc o| thc thdraval Retrait| o| cng n
Mcdcggcr z:
Cuttng a Iath ::y
Icrrdas Enreyage :;:
Chaptcrio: c Can`t Bypass Frcburg
Chaptcr11. Jhc/ra-uclcarCatastrophc
Khora n hch Country: :,,
Iurin-Pisa, :, Netember :yy; :,,
Jhc Mypothcss o| a Rcmandcrcss Icstructon
o| thc ^rchvc :,
Jhc Iuturc o| Jruth :,e
Chaptcr iz:Jhcostal rncplc
In thc cgnnng as thc Iost :,:
Lpochs o| thc Iosta :,
Chaptcri): Italyand thc CoantcrtimcolLovc
Chaptcri|: In thcFcld
Jhcrc Is lo Cutsdc to thc Jcxt ::
hcrcvcr c ^rc :,
Jhc Iorousncss o| ordcrs :,
Shbbocth :
Collapsc o| thc Ldgcs and Hccesting thc Cthcr :;
Jhc Lnprcscntablc ^pproach :;
Jhc Stcp lot pas| :
7N Csntents (Randsm Order)
Spur :y
Surround :,e
Nargn :,e
Chaptcri6: Corrcspondcnccs
Jccgram :,
Stamp :,
Iostcard :,
Jccphonc :e
Ia ::
Jccpathy :,
ChaptcrI JhcCxlord Sccnc
Jhc Lvcnt Jhat Rcvcrscs :,
^ccdcnt-^pocaypsc :,
Sccn |rom thc ack. Rcvcrsbty Cocs Nad :
Destinerrance :y:
Voyagc and Iarayss :y,
Jhc Icnoucmcnt :y
Lsnsn-Brightsn, :y Nstemher-: Decemher :yy;
Jhc Capc :ee
Jhc Vcrdct :e:
Jhc ^ccdcnt :e,
You' Lnd Lp n Immncncc :e,
Chaptcri,: JhcNctaphorcCatastrophc , Iclopols)
Psrts, ,-, Decemher :yy; :oy
Jhc Cdysscy o| Nctaphor ::e
Jhc Jransport Company ::e
Jhc Contnust Ircsupposton :::
Lsurc :::
Metaphsr and He!istrspe ::,
c ^rc lot n Nctaphor Lkc a Iot n Ms Shp ::,
hat Is `Insdc` and hat Is `Cutsdc` : ::,
Csntents (Randsm Order) xv
Jhc Iacc o| Languagc ::
Nctatccrhctorc ::,
Chaptcrzo: LcconstructonIs^crca:
Last and cst. ographca Rc|crcncc Ionts ::e
Norc than Cnc Icconstructon :::
Jhc Icconstructon |ctty and Its Rcsstancc to Jhcory
Icconstructon s/n ^mcrca. Jhc Jmc o| Nournng
Chaptcrzi: SantNonca
Jhc ^bsoutc Hrritant and thc Ncssanc :,,
Somcthng Lnquc Is ^|oot n Luropc :,
Cracsw, Katswice, wrsaw, y~:, Decemher :yy;
Jhc Lthcs o| Rcsponsbty :,y
Insuarty and Immncncc :,:
Iuturc-^rchtccturc :,:
Jokyo ascmcnts :,,
Jo a |apancsc Ircnd :,,
Chaptcrz|: Island, romscd Land, Lcscrt
^pora :,y
Jhcrc hcrc Lvcry Cthcr Is Lvcry t) Cthcr :;
Ratona Iath :;:
Isand :,:
^vays Norc than Cnc Sourcc :,,
Iromscd Land and Icscrt :,,
Jhc Lndcnabc Iossbty :,,
Comc Iocs lot Icrvc |rom Comng :,
Hthens, :-:: Decemher :yy; :,y
Chaptcrz,: ortratolthcJravclcras Icdgchog z6i
Jhc Iocmatc Catastrophc ::
)erusa/em, I/ Htit, Ramaah, 1)anuary :yy :,
Jhc Lnconscous o| thc Rctrcat :
Frihsurg, : )anuary :yy :;
7N Centcnts (Randem Ordcr)

Iunis, :y-:: February :yy :;

^ccdcnt vthout Sacrhcc :;e
Ba/timsre shns Hspkins), ,: March :yy :;;
laguna Beach, May :yy :;
Concluson.^Jro olays _ 4troisioics]
Stops :y
orks Ctcd :y,
Indcx o| Iacc lamcs ,e:
Contcnts Logca Crdcr) ,e,
11 111T\ !1 1Y
Zrq, Hrrtual, Catastra
|cscn|a|i0n and \h0i.c 0l cx|s
Dy \a|hc|inc a|aD0u
Note to the Reader
Jhc chaptcrs comprsngCathcrnc Nalabou`s cssay, IhcPart
w,s:Drq.rriia/, Catastrohc, havcbccnrandomlyarrangcd.Jhcirnu-
mcrcalscqucncc ,ito z,)docsnotthcrclorc rcspcct thcr logcalordcr.s
cxplancdat thc cnd olthc rclacc, ths s dcsgncdto cnablc scvcr.l .il-
lcrcntrcadngtra cctorcs. Jhc rcadcrwhowshcsto cstablsh thc ongmal
ordcr olthc tcxt, that s, to cxplorc succcssvcly athways i, z, and ) ,
nbrackctsatthc cndolcachchaptcr, lollowngths scqucncc.i, |,i;, i6,
i,, ,, io,iz,z,, i|, z, ,, i,, ;, i,,zo, zi,i,z,,, ), 6, 11, 22, z

tablcolcontcnts, rcproduccdasanappcndxtothsvolumc, willscrvcasa
rcmndcrand rcsolvc any unccrtanty.
rriiingand dcriiing dcrvcr] havc scparatcd. Catastrohc s thc
namclorthcpartng _ art|thathcncclorthkccpscachoutolrangcolthc
othcr. Icncclorth mcans sncc Lcrrda has passcdby sincc hchas stu-
atcdthcvcrypossbltyolthc io,agcwthnthatspaccorpartng.
nvtcthcrcadcr tolollowthcpath olths dcmoblzaton olwhats
dcrvcd d/riic|sothatwhatarrvcs, undcrcmcrgcncycondtons,as a
catastrophc,wllbcthcchancc thatstarts thcvoyagc.
* * *
D/riicr,lromthcLatn riias,strcam) or ria, bank) ,ltcrallymcans to
lcavc thcbankorshorc, ntwo contrary scnscs. Inthc hrst nstancc, dc-
rvngcan charactcrzcacontnuousandordcrcdtracctorylroman orgn
toancnd. Cncthusspcaksolthcctymologcaldcriiationsolawordthc
slowand rcgular movcmcnt olvaraton wthn languagc-or olthc lcc-
wnds. Inthcsccondnstancc, howcvcr, dcrvngasdrltngrclcrstoaloss
coursc, losng tsway. cccsstyand chancc thus cohabt, n a paradox-
callycomplctousway, wthnthcsamcvcrb.
Jhc samc doublc gamc sagan lound n arriial 1 arriic, lrom thc

2 Prcfcc
samc Latn root, rclcrs to thc lact olapproachng or rcachngthcbank,
shorc, or port.Jo arrvcs hrstandlorcmostto rcacha dcstnaton and
attan onc`s goal , rcach thc cnd olonc`svoyagc, succccd. But arriicrs
also thc tcrm lorwhat happcns, what comcs to, surprscs, or lalls lrom
thc cvcnt ngcncral,what s antcpatcdaswcllaswhatsnotcxpcctcd.
hat arrvcsor bclallscan thus somctmcs contradct, upsct, or
prcvcnt arrval n thc scnsc olthc accomplshmcnt or complcton ola
thng thatthccstcallsavoyagc, nalltslormsandmodaltcs,hasal-
darty, cvcnasynonymybctwccnthctwotcrms.Foralongtmc, dcrvng
andarrvnghavc bccn travclngtogcthcr.Jhclogcolthatsoldartyprc-
supposcsthat cicqthingthatarriicsdriicrsuchsthcaxomgovcrnngthc
csscntal rclaton that tradtonally obtansbctwccnvoyagcortravclngon
thc onc hand, and dcstination,cicnt,and trathonthcothcr.
thc unknown. Jhctravclcr dcrvcs orcvcndrltslroma bxcdandassgn-
ablcorgnnordcrtoarrvcsomcwhcrc, always mantanngthcpossbl-
tyolrcturnnghomc, olaganrcachngthcshorcoldcparturc.Jravclcrs
drlt as lar as thcr arrval, thus complctng thc crclc ol dcstination.
thnthat crclc thcrc can and must bc produccdwhat conlcrs onthc
voyagctsscnsc andallowsttobcdstngushcdlromasmplc movcmcnt
or dsplaccmcnt, namcly thccicntof thcrcigncr. n lact, thcvcry thng
oncalways cxpccts olavoyagc sthattwlldclvcr thcothcrthcun-
cxpcctcd, a typc oldclamlarzaton lnotadvcnturcorcxotcsm. Cnc
canalways travcl alar, butlthcrcsnotthssuddcncmcrgcnccolothcr-
ncss,whatcvcrlorm tmaytakc, thcvoyagc sn`t accomplshcd, tdocsn`t
rcallytakcplacc, t docsn`t happcn or arriic.
Jhc cvcnt that abducts thctravclcr`s dcnttyand allows anopcnngto
altcrtytobccomccxpcrcncc olthc world n gcncral must occurby sur-
sblty olanyauthcntcvoyagc, t obcys a typc olprogrammcd chancc.
Jhcrcsno trucvoyagcwthoutancvcnt, no arrvalwthoutarrval.hat
musthappcnorarrvcs thc drlt ordcvaton that allows thcothcrto ap-
| Prece
pcar nthchcsh.Ivcrysurprsc,cvcrydgrcsson,cvcrycrrancccomcsthus
tobcnscrbcd, intrath,onthchorzon.
to passasloncolthcscnscsoldcrvngandarrval (provcnancc, accom-
pshmcnt) nlacthad prortyovcrthc othcr (drh, sdctrackng, lortunc,
accdcnt) . Lcrrdashowsthatthiss,stcmatic/oc/ing-oatochanccconstitatcs
thc mctah,sicsothcio,agcandcrhasgoicrnsmctah,sicsasauho/c. For
and cvcnt, voyagc andtruth, scurrcntlydctcrmncdcorrcspondstoaccr-
tan trcatmcntocatastrohc. nlact, thc Crcckword /atastrohsgnhcs
cndolthcpay) , andsccond, a rcicrsa/or upsct, thctragcand unlorcscc-
abccvcntthatbrngs aboutthc run olthccstablshcdordcr.A a rcsut,
catastrophc rclcrs asmuchto thc trath, thcaccomplshmcntolaplayora
lc, as to thc accidcntwhosc surprscntcrruptsthc tclcologcal tracctory.
Jhc mctaphyscs ol thc voyagc nstalls a hcrarchy among thc plural
scnscs olcatastrophc. dcnoucmcntcxcrcscs control ovcrcvcnt, thus m-
plctlybutsurcydctcrmnngthcmcanngolthcvoyagc. tshouldbcrc-
mcmbcrcdthatthcvcrb strchcin, thatgvcsstrohc(as napostrophc, ca-
tastrophc, ctc. ) , mcans to comcandgo, to turn toward, agan ntwo
contradctoryscnscs. on thc onc handturnng toward n ordcr to rcman
orso ourn,onthcothcrhandturnngtowardnthcscnscolswrlng, lal-
ngtorcmanstl,wandcrng. nrinci/c,howcvcr,whatstaysalwayscar-
rcs thcdayovcrwhatcvcrdctours ordsconccrts.
Jhcsoldartybctwccn dcrvngandarrvng, markcdbyadscplncd
catastrophc, swhat usthcsthcparadgmatcvalucaccordcd, nthccst,
to accrtanlormolvoyagc. thcCdysscy. noncwayoranothcrthccst-
crntravclcralwayslolowsnthcstcpsolIlysscs. ForLcrrda,thcCdysscy
sthcvcrylormolancconomy, ltcrallythclawolthchousc ,oi/onomia,
lromoi/os,housc,rcsdcncc,and nomos, aw) . tsasIaccordngto
hcd n thc hrst nstancc thc possblty olrcturnng homc. O|-+
wo0' da| waysfo| ' owthepath of U' ysses. The| atte ret0rnstothes| deofh| s
| ovedonesort oh | mse' f, hegoesawayon| y| n v| ewof-++- h| mse| f, | n
orderto et0rntothehomefromwh| chj + 3oo-( thes| gna| fordepar-
Preace ,
6 Prece
t0re | s g| venandthepartass| gned, thes| dechosen ,|- + i, the| ot d| -
v| ded,dest| nycommanded +.
Ilysscs` pathwouldthcrclorcbcadcriicddrq, apartlromycttowarda
loundngpont. Lcrvngundcrstoodas ndcatorolprovcnancc wns out
ovcr thc drh that dsorcnts, nasmuch, prccscly, as thc orgn tscllrc-
mans mmunc lrom thc drlt that t rcndcrs possblc. thcorigindocs not
traic/hcn drltasdcvatonhappcns _ arriic| ,lkcsomcunlorcsccnca-
tastrophc, talways occursasanaccdcntbclallngancsscncc,andlar lrom
causng structural damagc, rcalhrms t rathcr.Jhcbordcr bctwccn samc
andothcrs always dstnctandndvsblc, rcstrctnganywandcrngbc-
pcst olmsadvcnturcs, and, to thc cxtcnt that t cvcr opcncd thcm, thc
Cdysscy closcs up whatcvcr accdcnts gapc along thc lcngth olts path.
Fatc, casc, and dcstny arc always crcumscrbcd. Bccausccxpatra-
ton onlyoccurs loratmc, thc surprsc olwhatcvcr canoccurssoltcncd
n advancc. Ilysscs cannot not rcturn, and cnclopcdocscvcrythng, or
prctcndstodocvcrythng, nordcrnotto' ose thet hread.
Jo arrvc, bydrhng, n alorcgn placc. such s thc ordcr that rcndcrs
possblc thcanici/ingothcothcr.P apoca' ypt| c(Ck. ao/a/at, un-
covcr) tone tops ollthc Cdysscanparadgmby doublng twth what
Lcrrdacalls a phenomeno| og| ca' mot| f, ` that s tosay, an csscntal d-
mcnson olmanlcstaton. Ivcry unvclng s nlact an unvclng olsomc
prcscncc. Jhc voyagc would bcgvcn thc phcnomcnologcal msson ol
pcrmttngacccssto thcprcscnccolthcothcrngcncral,olrcvcalngthc
sccrct orauthcntctyolcountrcsvstcdand placcscxplorcd, olcausng
thc domnant trats ola cvlzaton to appcar, n aword, ollltng, as l
mraculously, thcvclollorcgnncss.
CncthussccsthatIlysscs`pathcharactcrzcsbothrcal (loncwants
tocallthcmthat) andsymbolcvoyagcs. For Lcrrda, thcrcsnolvcd
voyagc, no cxpcrcncc oltravclthat docs notnvolvc avcnturc olscnsc.
t s prccsclythsconuncturc olcxpcrcnccand olscnscthat dctcrmncs
thcvoyagc as cconomy, or, whch amounts to thc samc thng, as mcta-
physc. Jhc Cdysscan paradgm prcsumcs that n bcng transportcd to
placcs olvacatonby mcans olmctaphor lor cxamplcscnsc kccps
closctotscll,thcrcbyantcpatngarcturnto tscll.^ndthsssocvcn l
Prece ;
t s a mattcr olavoyagcolnorcturn. Iomc and hcarth maybcat thc
cndolthcworld,whats csscntal sthclactolthcr bcnga/acctoa/idc
_ /esscntic/cstqa`i/dcmcurc] .^tbottom,thccatastrophctruth olthcvoy-
agc comcs lrom ts ncvcr bcngconccvcd olothcr than as a dcriicdhc-
nomcnon. . . olthctruth.
* * *
Lcrridas wholcworkproduccsthc catastrohc,thatstosay,thc rc-
icrsa/ olthscatastrophc.
n lact, Dcrrida docs notdrj. Ic cvcn clams not to lkc thc word
d/riic, promsng(hmscll)totakcstcpsnottoovcrusct,ornotanymorc.
nJo Spcculatcon` Frcud`, hcdcclarcs.
| haveao0sedth| sword, |thard' ysat| sf| es me. :-,) des| gnatestoocon-
t | n0o0s a movement. or athertoo 0 nd | fferent | ated, too homogeneo0s a
movementthatappears to d| stance | tse' f w| tho0tf|ts or starts from a s0p-
posed or| g | n , from a shore, a oorder, an edgew| t h an | nd | v| s | o' eo0t' | ne.
Now the shoe | s d| v| ded | n | ts very o0t ' | ne, and there ae effects ofan-
chor| ng, co' ' aps| ng at t he edge, strateg| es ofapproac h | ng and overf' ow,
str| ct0resofattachment orofmoor | ng, p| acesofrevers| on, stang0' at | on, or
3o||- |-3
Theshore |s d | v| ded | n |ts very o0t' | ne .. . " Jhs dvson s prccsclythc
placc ola radcal dssocatonbctwccn dcrvng andarrvng. ^ll olLcr-
physcs andatthc samctmcprcscrbcs lor thcvoyagc thc scnsc ola lor-
wardmarch.hcthcr tsa mattcroldcrvngconccvcd olas rcgulatcd
movcmcnt oldstancng lroman orgn, oron thc contraryas an uncon-
away lromthc shorc, onc that s always assurcdolndvsblcbordcrs, al-
ways capablcolbcng rcmcdcdorcompcnsatcdbyarcturn. Lcrvngdocs
thclrontcrolthcsamc, tspowcrlcsstoollcrthcpossbltyolanawa| t-
| ngw| tho0thor| zonofthewa| t, awa|t | ngwhatonedoesnotexpectyetorany
| onger, hosp| ta' |ty w| tho0t reserve, we' com| ng sa' 0tat | on accorded | n ad-
Prece ,
io Prece
vance totheaoso| 0te s0rpr| se ofthearr/van|from whomo fom wh| chone
w| | ' notaskanyth| ng | n ret0 n. `
Iaic/inguithDcrridthus mplcstakngthcCdysscybysurprsc, cx-
plorng a aggcd andscapc, lul oleffects and co' | aps| ng, hnaly lol-
lowngthc thrcadolastrangcandpcrlous advcnturc thatconssts n ar-
* * *
Jhc rcadcrwlllorgvc ths somcwhat abrupt cntry nto thc thckol
thngs. Buthowcanoncprocccdothcrwsc: Ccrtanly, Lcrrdasaways
travclng, hc s wthout a doubt thc mostworld-travclcd ol al phoso-
phcrs. Buthow,wthoutsomcothcrproccdurc,canonch xthcpontoldc-
parturc olvoyagcs outsdc oldcrvng: Iowto dctcrmnc thcr dcstna-
Jhcrcvcrsngolaogcoldcstnaton, thclaurcolthcorgnorolthc
nlactmpossblctosolatcsomcthnglkcthcthcmc orthcssoltravc
nabodyolworkthatprcscntstsclasascrcsolstcps,adspaccmcnt, an
ongo| ngpocess. ' Cnccan acccpt that ccrtan books byLcrrda appcar
morcmmcdatclyormorcobvousythan othcrs as travclwrtngs. Ihc
Post Card, Crcumlcsson, Back lrom Noscow lor cxamplc. n thosc
qucky bccomcs clcar that any numbcr ol othcr tcxts arc also datcd or
sgncdlromthc placc nwhch thcywcrc wrttcn and namc cach tmc thc
an a' mostep| sto| arys| t0at| on. Countrcs,ctcs,unvcrstcs,lrcndswho
nvtc hm, arc ncvtably brought nto thc dscusson. ^nd thc namcs ol
placcs, cvcrynamcngcncralsovcroadcdwthmcanngkcthccncryptcd
ncs olactycmcrgclromthctghtwcavcolthcdscourscbymcans ol
thcshcllrom^stcrdamnJympan nMarginsoPhi/osoh,,thcphan-
tomlromragucnBacklromNoscow, thcJo[obascmcntsolIlysscs
Cramophoncthcsc phcnomcna arc so closcly ntcrtwncd wth thc
Prfce 11
I2 Prface
Jhc mpossblty ollcavng, or startng, n hs work, lrom a prccsc
toosoltravcl, olsolatngorstuatnga localty, dchntvclyprcvcntsus
lromconsdcrngtravcl as anaccdcntolthnkng,somcthngthatbclalls
conccptual rgoras a typc oldstracton, comngto rcnd thc phlosoph-
cally dcductvc labrcwtha lcw bographcal pulls or tcars. ForLcrrda
thc motloltravcl s not cmprcal to thccxtcnt,prccscly, thatts not
Lllcrancc,wcrcad nMargins, cannotbcsubmttcdt othc qucston
What |s | t. " | fweaccept theform oftheq0est | on, | n | tsmean| ng and |ts
syntax | "What | s . . . l, we wo0 ' d have to conc' 0det hat d//erance has
oeender| vedhashappened, hasoeen masteredandgovenedon theoa-
s| softhepo| nt ofa present oe| ng, wh| ch| tse| fco0| doesomet h| ng, aform,
a state, a power | n thewor ' d. t s thcrclorc no morclcgtmatc to ask
poralzaton, spacng, nccssantdsplaccmcntolthc lcttcr andolscnsc-
morcthanwrtngsdcrvcdlromspccch s travcldcrvcdlroma localz-
ablcandlocalzcddcntty. Ivcrydcnttyhas, always, lromtsorgn,toar-
rvcattscll, totravclas laras tscll. !aic/ta/csthcoriginaua,uithit.
^ncw mcannglorcatastrophcsbornlromthsvacatngolthc orgn
bymcansolthcvoyagc, oncthat sclosctothat proposcd by thcmathc-
matcan RcncJhom. Lcvclopcdlrom topology, thcmathcmatcalcon-
ccpt olcatastrophc dcscrbcs what onc can call, n gcncral tcrms, an
cdgc- orshorclnc-cllcct. Catastrophcsdcsgnatcthc dclormatons and
pcrturbatons that occurwhcn agvcnspacc submts to apartcular con-
strant. Formc, any dscontnuty atall occurrngwthn phcnomcna s
a catastrophc.Jhccdgc olths tablc,whcrcthcwood bccomcslghtcr, s
asurlaccolscparaton, aplaccolcatastrophc . . . . Jhcrc scatastrophcas
soonasthcrcsphcnomcnologcaldscontnuty. Cnccanthcrclorccon-
sdcrcvcry bordcr as a catastrophc, onc that consttutcs, n ts own way,
an cndand a drama. thc drama ol thc abscncc ola rcgular passagc lrom
onclormoroncshorctothcothcr, thccndolcontnuty. Jhccndolthc
possbltyoldcrvng, Lcrrdawouldsay.
Jhc porousncss ol cdgcs and lmts s contnually cxpcrcnccd n hs

Prece i)
i| Prece
obtan bctwccn thc thcorctcal andthc bographcal. ntravclngwth
hm, tsmpossblcto start out lromthc lvcdcxpcrcncc olthcvoyagc
n ordcrtosubscqucntlydcrvcathcorctcalorphlosophcalscnsclrom
t. Icwarns. AsMonta| gnesa| d, ' | constant' yd| savowmyse' f, | t | s| mposs| -
o| et ofo' | owmytrace;'oragan,thcoorder| | nescparatngworkandllc
| smostespec| a ' | y not a th | n ' | ne, an | nv| s| o| eor ndvs/b/e tra| t ' y| ng oe-
tween theenc| os0re ofph| | osophemes, on theonehand, andthe ' ' |feofan
a0thora' ready | dent| f| ao| eoeh | nd thename, ontheother. Th| sd| v| s| o| eoor-
der' | netraversestwo ' ood| es, the corp0s and the oody, |n accordance w| th
the' awsthatweareon| yoeg| nn| ngtocatch s | ghtof. ' '
Convcrscly, ncthcrcan onc start outlromphlosophcmcs n ordcr to
prop up, artculatc, or crcumscrbc prvatc cxpcrcncc. Jhc samc cata-
strophc dcstnyporousncss and dvsblty olthc cdgcshas llc and
thnkngtravclngtogcthcrwthoutthcrc bcnganypossbltyolnatara/q
dstngushngthc domanolcach.Jhsdcstnys thc samconcthatlnks,
orgnarly, gcographytodscursvty. Fromthctmcolhscommcntaryon
Iusscrls OriginoCcomctr,Lcrrdashowsthatwhathappcnstothccarth
at thcsamctmchappcnsto thnkng, andvccvcrsa,whcnccthc mposs-
bltyolclcarlydstngushngthcpropcr and hguratvc scnscsolcach
olthc tcrms olthc toponymy thatwrtngputs nto opcraton.Jhus, lor
cxamplc, thcnowlamous conccpts such as dqrancc, dcstincrrancc, dis-
scmination, /racc, trait, rcocat/uithdraua//imitroh,, andtroic, arc ncthcr
propcrlyphlosophcal nor propcrly gcographcal. From a rhctorcdcvcl-
opcd athcoryoltoursorturns,tropcsorvchclcs,toa mctahoro/oythat
cxcccds rhctorc, lromccntcrto margn, lromthc prcscncc-to-tscllolthc
spokcnwordto wrtng conccvcd olas aloss olthc propcr, Lcrrda ncvcr
stops dcmonstratng that thc problcm ol tcrritoria/ization n gcncral rc-
cannot but pass, howcvcrmprobably, thc lnc olascrcs olcatastrophcs.
Fromthatpcrspcctvc, oncmustalsorcnouncc dctcrmnnga propcr
and a mctaphorcal scnscoltravcln Lcrrda`s work, notngas hc docs
thatwords ollanguagc n gcncral alrcady rasc n and olthcmsclvcs thc
qucstonoldsplaccmcnt.hcnhcannounccshsntcnton,n IhcPost

Prece I




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' P

i6 Prece
Car4towrtcah| sto|yofthe posta| ,hccomcsupaganstadlhcultythat
rcscmblcs ourown pont bypont.
| m0st not' etanyth| ngpass,notac| 0e,notthes| | ghtest' apse,thes ' | ghtestoe-
t|aya' . H0twhe|e |soneto passt h| so| ade,o|app| ythet | p,even,oft h| sra|-
|or |o| examp' edo | havetoy| e| da| | thewo|dswh| ch,d| |ect' yo| not, and
t h| s| sthewho| eto|t0e,efe|totheenvo,tothem| ss| on,to|ranche-msson,
to em| ss| on |ofstamps, o| ofte' e- p|ogams,to "|em| ss| on" . , . to comm| s-
s| on,to thecomms-voyaeur,t|ave| | ng sa| esman|,w| tho0tfo|gett | ngom| s-
s| on Th| son thepetextthattheooosand |ts pefacet|eattheenvo| n a| | | ts
fo|msSho0| d| a' so ca0te| zea|o0ndthe"dest | na' "pepos| t| ons, "to," "to-
wa|d," "fo|," a|o0ndthe adve|os ofp| ace "hee," "the|e," "fa|," "nea|," etc.
a|o0nd the veos "to a||| ve" | n a' | | ts senses, and "to pass," "to ca' | ," "to
come," "togetto," "toexped| te," a|o0nda| | the compos| tesofvoe, voyage,
vo|ure, v| ao| | | ty| tsend| ess,and | w| ' ' neve|getthe|e,the contam| nat| on | s
eve|ywhe|eandwew| | ' neve|| | ghtt hef| |e. |ang0agepo| sonsfo|0st hemost
secetofo0| sec|ets,one can no ' onge|even o0 nat home, |n peace,tace
thec| |c| eofa hea|th,one m0steven sac| f| ceonesown sac| f| ceto | t.
lthc qucstonoltravcl s alrcadyatworknthc lcast prcposton, thc
lcast bcngollanguagc, howthcn sonc tostart out: Fromwhcrc and to-
wardwhat could onc dcrvc nordcr to arrvc: |ang0age po| sons 0s, or
rathcrtcontamnatcscvcrythngttouchcs, thatstosaycvcrythng.Jhc
vrusolthclmts (thccontagonbctwccnrcgonsolthcworldandrcgons
oldscoursc, lngustcandconccptualbordcrs,ltcralandhguratvcscnscs)
phc. unlorcsccablcaccdcntandprogrammcdoutcomc.Jhchrstscnsccan
no longcr bcsubordnatcdtothcsccond. Bccausccontam| nat| on |s evey-
whe|e, tmaywcll bc that no spcctacularcndng, no dcnoucmcnt cvcr
takcs placc Wew| | ' neve|' | ghtthef| |e) .
Jhc gcocatastrophc, that contradcts tclcology, nvolvcs a vcrtablc
tragcd,of dcstination. nasmuch as t docs not dcrvc lrom an assgnablc
orgn, cvcry addrcss madc to thc othcr, and conscqucntly cvcry corrc-
spondcncc, cvcry apostrophc cana/ua,s notarriic,or mss ts addrcsscc.
FromvoyagctovoyagcthctcxtolIhcPostCardasawholcnscrbcs aon
inscritionitscq ths des|nerrance, ` thcbcng-dcstncd-to-wandcr olthc
Prece i;
i Prece
mcssagcandoldcstnngtscll. o longcr assgncd torcsdcncc,thccvcnt
olcncountcrngor accostingthc othcr _ /./orddc /.atrc|owcs ts chancc,
paradoxcally, tothcpossbltythattwon`trcachtsgoal.Jhcgamblcthat
govcrns, wthoutgovcrnng, thc dcstny olthc lcttcr, card, tclcgram, thc
mmcnsc postal apparatus, prcvcnts us lromconsdcrngIlysscs,thcar-
chctypc olcvcrytravclcr, as anythng othcr than a gramo-phonc, othcr
thanbymcans olthctraccoldcathandabscnccn hsvocc.|oycc kncw
ths, lor n |qsscs the mot| fof posta' d| fference, of emote contro| and
te| ecomm0n| cat| on, | sa| readypowef0| ' yatwok. ' `
Dcstincrmncc s nlactacccntuatcdlurthcrby thenew str0ct0reofspa-
t| o-tempora' d///rance const0cted oy new techn| q0es ofte| ecommun | ca-
t| on. ' 'Jhsnewstructuresalsooncolderac/na|/on, de/oca//za|/on, d/s-
/ncama|/on, /orma//za|/on, `
rcndcrngmorc undccdablcstllthclrontcr
bctwccnhcrc andclscwhcrc.Jhcworld s hcncclorth a spcctral spacc n
whchcvcrythng s rcproducblc fom anywheretoanywhere, and the
event| tse| f, || ketheconceptofexper| enceandofthetest| monythatc' a| msto
refeto |t, f| nds| tse| faffected, /n /|s /ns/de, oeyondthep0o| | c/p| vateoppos| -
t| on, oytheposs| o| ' | ty ofthe camerashot andofeprod0ct| onfompact| -
ca' ' yanywheretoanywhere. ''
hat docs thccicntothcothcrbccomc,thcrclorc, nthc coursc olthc
voyagc:`atplacccan thc othcr comc lromoncc thcdllcrcnccbctwccn
nomadandscdcntary loscs tsscnsc:
|ntheh| stoyof ach| tectue andthe ef'ect|on on space, whethe | mp' | c| toex-
p' | c|t,thed| scouse andthe suoject ofd| scousehave a' waystendedto oe ' oca' -
|zed. |venwhentheymovedtowadthethemesofnomad| sm,| nstao| ' |ty, de' ocal-
| zat| on,d| s| ocat|on,theyc| a| medto poceedfomas|te,fom af|xed p' ace, and
a' waystoma| nta| na moo| ng.Theywantedto knowwheetheycamefom and
wheethey went,they| ns| sted on e| n| ng |n the | ndef|n|tenessofan anywhee."
1hesuojectofd| scouses| gnedfomao| thp'ace,ahao|tat, a ' anguage, anethn| c
oe' ong| ng,etc. |tscompassmoved aoundan | emovao' epo| nt. |tspo| ntp' unged
| ntoan | nva| ao' ep' ace. Nomad|zat|on|tse'f,whethed| scouseoexpe|ence,op-
eatedfomacenteoacap|ta' , oat'eastfomthe| m| age,fomap' acethatwas
notjustanywhee.Canwe | ndeed speakofnomad|zat|ontoday: |stheoppos|t|on
oetweennomad| candsedentayst| ' ' c0ent: | stheep' acetoefetoap' ace,toa
Prece IQ
zo Prece
"Nandcrng crcumnavgaton` ("LIysscs Gramophonc`). ccIand, :gg].
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
un|Iy OI paCe, Oe |I even I|| s ea|I|, I|On v|| c| IO neasu|e adeIe|n| naI| On O| | n-
deIe|n| naI| On''
"Whathappenstoo|a||| vesatthe ea|th' "whatdoes' happentooa|| ve at
the ea|th mean . . what can oe the a|ch| tect0|a| o| 0oan conseq0ences,
that | sto say,thepo' |t| ca' conseq0encesofthatwh| ch' happenstoo|a||| ves
attheea|t h|n th| sway, ofwhathappenswhen, ontheeveoftheyeaZ000,
theoodyofmancan | eavetheea|tho|ooseve| tf|oma sate' | | te '
naspaccwhcrcmoorngpontsarclackng, uhathacnso r arriicsncicr
Jhc travclcr-ntcllcctualcndlcsslycxpcrcnccsthsstrangc adcstincrran/'
condton,andhsdcstnyshcncclorthscalcdbyawande|| ngc| |c0mnav-
| gat| on' rcndcrcdpossblcbythcncwstructurcolspato-tcmporaldhcr-
ancc, prc-cmptngdcrvngoranycontnualdcparturclromthcshorc.Jhat
dcstny rcqurcs thatn ordcrtospcak,wrtc, andtcach, hcpcrpctuallycx-


Prece zi
zz Prece
patratc hmscllandrcspond to thc ncwdcmands olthc powcrolthc mc-
da. ^ pcrmancnt dsplaccmcnt s what motvatcs cach book or lccturc,
bcarngwtncss also to thcrcaltyolan nvolvcmcntn thnkng that up-
roots thc rcscarchcrandwrtcr, mplcatnghmnaconstant tmclag, bc-
twccn onccontncntandanothcr, onccountryandanothcr, onclanguagc
andanothcr. Thet| med| f|e|ence dca/ae hora/re[ |s | nme, |t |s me. ' n
hcadmts. | ass myse' fwhat | amdo| ngw| th my' | fetodaywhen | t|ave' oe-
tweenJe0sa' em,Moscow,and |osAnge| esw| thmy' ect0|es and st|angew| t-
| ngs |n my s0|tcase. ` Jhccatastrophcolths paccorracccomcslrom ts
vcntsanyclcardstncton oncc agan-bctwccn twomcanngs olstrohc,
stayngand gong ontour _ toarncraatoar|

Jhcmpcratvc olthcvoyagc, nowndssocablclromthclatc olthnk-

ng, lorccs onc who submts to tto run ncrclcs, to allow hmscllto bc
prcccdcd, trcd and harasscd by hs ownwords, as lthnkng advanccd
lastcrthanhcddandrcmancdsomcthngolasccrct, cvcntohmscll. | e-
semo| eamessengefom ant| q0| ty,aoe' | ooy,a|0nne,the co0| eofwhatwe
haveg| ven one anothe|,oa|e| yan | nhe||to|,a ' ame | nhe| to, | ncapao' eeven
of|ece| v| ng,ofmeas0|| ngh| mse' f aga| nst whateve |s h| s to ma| nta| n, and |
0n, | 0n to o|| ng them news wh| ch m0st |ema| n secet, and | fa| | a' | the
t| me

`Iscwhcrc, hcwrtcs oloe| ng'expo|tednowf|omMoscowto |os

Ange' es,w| th a o| ef' and| ng | nPa| s, 0stt| meeno0ghto em| nd my | oved
ones ofmyex| stence, | ams| gh| ngto snow 0nt | ' when | w| ' ' oego| ng|o0nd
myse| f | n t h| s way, phantom o| pophet cha|ged w| th a m| ss| on, heav| | y
chagedw| thasecet0nsnownt oh| m. '
natcxtthatwaswrttcnto cclcbratcthchhcth annvcrsaryolthc our-
nalLcs7msmodcrncs, Lcrrdarcassumcsthc hgurc olthc antquc mcs-
scngcr,rclcrrngto astatcmcntbySartrcthatcomparcsthcwrtcrto thc
"| t wassa| dthat the co0|| eofMa|athon had d| ed an ho0| oefo|e each| ng
Athens. Hehadd| ed andwasst| | ' |0nn| ng,hewas0nn| ngdead,anno0nced
the C|eesv| cto|ydead. Th| s|s af| nemyth, | tshowsthatthe dead st| | | actfo|

Prece z)
z| Prece
a | | tt' ewh| ' eas |ftheywee| | v| ng. |oawh| ' e, ayea|,tenyea|s,pe|hapsf|fty
yea|s,atany|ate, a /n||e pe|| od,andthentheyaeo0|| edasecondt| me. Th| s
| st hemeas0|ewep|oposet othew|| te|. "`
| can a| so |ememoe the ch| csenssac|| f| ced |n thega|den ofmych| | dhood,
sevea' days oefo|eYom K| pp0|, how they set aoo0t|0nn| ng st| ' | , afte| they
had oeen decap| tated, not snow| ngwheetheywe|ehead| ng sans cap[ , | n
sho|t, as | f to save themse| ves cove|ed w| th o| ood f|omt hem| sfot0nethat
had 0stoefa| | enthem, and |t |s pe|hapsth0sthat | | mag| nefomyse| fthet| me
ofw| t| ng, o0t | on| yseemyse| frunnnaner my dea|h n|hs way a/|er |
|ru/y, and the|ewhee | a| |eady see myse//th0s, | t|yto 0nde|stand, w| tho0t
evegett| ngthe|e,fowhat andfo|whom, afte| what and af|e|whom | am
0nn| ng| nth| s way, | ntheexpe|| enceofanant| c| pat| onthathas| ost| tshead-
| ng andw| tho0tcap| t0| at| on, | t|y |nva| ntosnowwhoandwhatcomesoacs
to meo|fa| | s oacson mefomth| sst|anget| meofthedeadco0|| e|, comn
back|o memean| ngatthe samet| me, a|once, | dent| fy| ngw| th me, const| t0t-
| ngmy| pse| tythe|ewhee / /ndmyse//-Ore| se,then, the| pse|tyofmyt| me
|fo|th| s| pse| tydoesnotf| nd| tse' foefo|eth| sstangeposs| o| | |tyand comn
back|o me| | sethe |et0|n| ngspecte|ofmeanerwh| ch| 0no0tofo|eath:the
specte|goesso m0chfaste|than | do|
hatcomcsbacktothctravclcr-ntclcctual, thcbcnchthcdraws lrom
hs travcls, what rcturns to hmas hs sharcn t, canonybc hs dcath.
Jhs sthcshadowthatstalks allclvcdrunnng,allcthatrunsaltcrts
owndcath,thats to say, atonccbchndtandsomc tmcaltcrt, nthc
crctthattwll nothavchad tmc to know. Lcrrdaalways wrtcs n thc
mmncnccolthscatastrophc, as lcach olhsvoyagcswcrc gongto bc
thc last.Jhs s thc mmncnccola vcrdctwthout unvclng, apoca-
lyptc nthc abscncc olapocaypsc, thc mmncnccolan unantcpatablc
cvcnt whch s at thc samc tmc alrcady upon us and yct stl to occur,
whch docsn`t hnsh arrvngbccausc t s prccscly undcrvcabc.Jhcca-
tastrophc comcs lrom thc othcr, lrom cvcry wholy othcr. Cnc docsn`t
knowwhcrcdcathcomcslrom, nor, morcovcr, chancc or lortunc.
Prece z,
Iowsthscatastrophcto bcspokcnol:Iowcanoncrccounttwhcn
t sntrcscncJhc run olthc phenomeno' og| ca| mot| f smultancously
brngs aboutthc runolthc tave| na||at| ve. n BacklromNoscow
Lcrrda usthcshsrclusaltoaddhscontrbutontosuchagcnrcbywrt-
ng,lorcxamplc, hsown BacklromthcISSR . | co0| d,|f | we|e eady,
he|e attach my own 't|ave| na|at| veand say | nt0n, 'As soon as| a||| vedat
the Moscow a| |f| e| d. . . , f|om Pa|| s,aftehav| ngexp' a| ned,as| w| | | do | ate|,
why| accepted an nv|tat| onthat | had |ef0sedfo|a | ongt| me. H0t | am not
|eadyto oeg| n s0ch a na||at| ve no even to dec| de | fand how | wo0 ' d do
| t. Ic prclcrsrathcrto avo| d the | sss ofeve|ywe' | -a|g0ed ra/sonn
t|ave' og0e, thc se' ect| v| tyand thcrclorcthc censosh| p, thc aftethe
fact ra|/ona/za|/on. `
^uthors ol Back lrom thcISSR, such asCdc,
Bcnamn, andItcmblc,cannotavodthcsc traps tothccxtcntthatthcy
bclcvcthcmsclvcsablc totranslatc | mpess| onsofthe| |t|| pnto po| | t| ca'
d| agnoses. Jhcprcmscolcvcry travcl narratvcanda Backlromthc
ISSR sonlyonccascolthssthatthc
opeat| onofa po| | t| ca' andsoc| a' appa|at0s,f| st,phenomena| | zes | tse| ffo
the mostpa|t |th| sdoes not go w| tho0tsay| ng,fa| fom | t, second, | ts s0p-
posed phenomena| |tyema| nsaccess| o| eto thet|ave' e|wh| chgoes even | ess
w|tho0tsay| ng,evenwhen,th | |d,t h| stave| e|does notspeasthe | ang0age,
' ang0ages,os0od| a|ectsoftheco0nt|yw| th| nthestatev| s| ted|wh| chseems
to meto oe comp' ete' yo0tofthe q0est| on,yet | t | sthecasew| th most of
theset|ave' es,| npa|t| c0' aw| th C| deand Hen am| n. ''
tothcrcscntprcscntatonolthccountry, phcnomcnaolaculturc, man-
tual obcct olthc narratvc.Jhc modeofpresen|a|/on |and hence ofthe
fo|m of w|| t| ng would adust tscll to the ' p|esent of the th| ng |tse| f
|Moscowas| tpesents | tse| f. `^ll typcs oltravcl narratvcs, ournals, sto-
rcs ol conqucst, darcs, cthnologcal obscrvatons, p| ' g|| mage na|a-
t| ves,... eve|y poem |n the d| ect| on of a ' paad| se | ost o| a ' p|om| sed
| and, . . . 0top| as, . . . o' d o|newJe0sa' ems,Athenses,Romes|Moscowwas
a' sotheothe|RomeofCh | st| an| ty,. . . acco0ntsofthe||enchRevo| 0t| on,a| |
Pre[ce z;
ofwh| cha|e so many|ef|ect|ve, h| sto|| ca| , ph| | osoph| ca' na|rat. onss| gnedoy
fo|e| gnt|ave| e|s, `` obcyalawthatdccrccsthatthc truth oltravclamounts
conlormstocrtcradrawn lromthcrownculturc.
^ganst such assuranccs, Lcrrda stakcs a clam lor a voyagc uithoat
trath,oncthatwo0' dneve|aga| neach theth| ng |tse' f, . . . wo0' daoovea' '
neveto0ch | t. Wo0' dn teven to0ch the ve| ' oeh| nd wh| ch a th| ng | s s0p-
posed to oe stand| ng. `' Such a voyagc would stand rathcr n thc mm-
ncnccolacatastrophcthattea|snove| ' . ``Lcrrdatravclsnthctwlght
olthat mmncncc, pcrpctually mssng hs appontmcnt wth Ilysscs,
whspcrng Noapoca| ypse,notnow . | wo0| da' so ' | se, | nmyownway,to
name. . . thevoyage, o0tavoyagew| tho0tet0n, w| tho0tac| |c' eo|o0|ney
|o0ndthewo| d |n anycase, o|, |f yo0 p|efe|, a et0nto ' | fethats not a es-
0 |ect| on. . . ne| theandyssey noaTestament. `'
* * *
How, then, a|eweto | nte|p|etth| s | mposs| o| ' | tyoffo0nd| ng, ofded0c-
| ngo de| v| ng Doesth| s| mposs| o| ' | tys| gna| afa| | | ng ` n ascnsc, t s
truc, such an mpossbltys ndccd thc markola lalng, thc lalurc ol
ccrtantcsconccrnngthc actual scnscolthcvoyagc. ButLcrrda`s nss-
tcncconthcmotlolcatastrophc, thoughtsomet | mesappea|s | nf| n| te' y
hope| ess, ` should notbcrcadasthc symptomolany catastrophsm.
Jhclalng s n lact anothcr namc lor a promsc, promsc ola voyagc
that, bccausc tdocs not dcrvc, salwaysn thcproccssolarrvng. Lc-
constructon gcts gong lrom thc vantagc olths lalng, t s lromthat
pcrspcctvcthattnvcntsts iiablliq,thcchanccolavoyagcthatrcvcrts,
nanunhcardolmanncr, toascnscthat, loncstllbclcvcdnltcralty,
onccouldltcrallycallthccuttng fagc] olapath(way) _ ioi .rtng
must ndccd open | tse' f to a t h| n s| ng of the ea|t h as of the c0tt | ngof a
pat h. `
Fathlultothcpossbltyolsuchanopcnng, havc organzcdthctra-
dcconstructon olthc dcrvatvc schcma that tradtonally upholds thc
Cdysscyolscnsc. Jhc sccond skctchcs abographcal travcrsal.Jhcthrd
ntcrrogatcs thc accostingolthcothcrandthcmmncnccolthc absolutc

Prece 2Q

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arriiant. Iachpathwayprocccds by mcans olasgnpostcdtncrary, nd-
conlrontatonbctwccnthcmotls oldcrvngandcatastrophc.opathway
has cthcrlogcalor chronologcal prortyovcr thc othcrs, whch swhy
havc not prcscntcd thcr clcmcnts n lncarsucccsson."Jhcy cut across
nthcordcrnwhchtappcars, orto lollowthcthrcadoloncpathwayat
atmc,orcIsc tolollownopartcularthrcad butrathcrtosauntcrhcrcand
thcrc, carrcdalongby thcr dcsrcsorby thcr[drvcs. "'
_ l

Preace )i
2 Prce Preace
)| Prece
Prfce ) ,
) 6 Prece
1 t . !otcs
O l OG| SQCOSU| C QSC o /CvCi5a/. '
Iathvay I s n |act doubc. tvo drcctons that
procccd |rom a sngc |ork or crossng arc skctchcd
out hcrc. vll thcrc|orc scparatc I. Jropcs)
|rom I. ,Enoo,age and Scttng Cut) .

| vOu| d v| sh |aIhe| IO suggesI IhaI Ihe a| | eged de|| vaI| venessOI v|| I| ng,
hOveve| |ea| and nass| ve, vas pOss| O| e On| y On One cOnd| I| On. IhaI Ihe
O|| g| na| , naIu|a| , eIc. | anguage had neve| ex| sIed, neve| Oeen | nIacI and
unIOuched Oy v|| I| ng, IhaI | I had |Ise| I a| vays Oeen a v|| I| ng.
| have a| vays knOvn IhaI ve a|e | OsI and IhaI I|On Ih| s ve|y | n| I| a| d| sasIe|
an | nI| n|Ie d| sIance has Opened up
Ih| s caIasI|Ophe, || ghI nea| lhe Oeg| nn| ng, Ih| s |eve|sa| IhaI
| sI| | | cannOI succeed | n Ih| nk| ng vas Ihe cOnd| I| On IO| eve|yIh| ng, nOI sO,
Ou|s, Ou| ve|y cOnd| I| On, Ihe cOnd| I| On IO| eve|ylh| ng IhaI vas g| ven us O|
IhaI ve desI| ned IO each OIhe|, p|On| sed, gave, | Oaned, | nO | Onge| knOv
vhaI . . . `
Augus| VZZ. O, Ihe sIanp |s nOI a neIaphO|, On Ihe cOnI|a|y,
neIaphO| |s a slanp. Ihe Iax, Ihe duIy IO Oe pa| d On naIu |a| | anguage and
Ihe vO| ce. /nd sO On IO| Ihe neIaphO|| c caIasI|Ophe. O nO|e | s Ihe pOsI a
neIaphO|. "
1h| s de|| vaI| veOppOs| I| On |OI p|ys|sIO |ek|oe, O| OI p|ys|sIO oomos |s aI
vO|k eve|yvhe|e. `

' l
I .
|o C HA P 1 E R I
hcldbythcCdysscanparadgmolthcvoyagc.^ccordngto thatthnkng
thcsgnsorganzcd, nbothconccptandluncton,as thcadicntarcof rc-
rcscntation. ts dcstnycondcmnstto travcl, lkc a rcprcscntatvc or ms-
sonary, n thcplaccandstcad olthcnstanccthcprcscnccolthc rclcr-
cntthattschargcdwth dcsgnatng.
Ihcadicntarcofrcrcscntations conluscdwth thatolscnscngcn-
cral. Scnscgctscxportcd,rcmovcdlromtscllsscntanywhcrcatall,
onlyto thccxtcnt that trcmans capablcolrcturnngto tscll, that
sttutcsthchstoryolmctaphyscsasawholc, sstructurcdbyascrcs
ol oppostons
cmprcalwhcharcgovcrncdnthcrvcryprncplc bythcovcrar-
chngoppostonbctwccn o | g| nayandde| vat| ve. Lcrrdagvcs
anumbcrolsynonymslorthcadjcctvcdcrvatvc. dcpcndcnt,scc-
ondary, rcprcscntatvc, nduccd, whatcvcr opcratcs on thc bass ol
somcthng prcsumcd to bcalrcadyconsttutcd. Ic cmphaszcs n
partculartwocxcmplarycascsolthsschcmaoldcrvaton. thatol
propcr, andhguratvc scnsc.Jradtonally, wrtng s conccvcdolas
a phcnomcnon dcrvcd lrom spccch, and mctaphorcal scnsc as dc-
rvcd lrom, ora drlt away lrom, thc ltcral. rtngandh gurcs ol
orgn thatwould rcsst anycxpatraton, ustas thcvrgn, natural,
andlocal rcsstthcvolcncc olthctcchnology, abstracton, andcor-
ruptonwhchncvcrthclcssconsttutc thcm.
Jhs symbolc cconomyolthcvoyagc structurcs at thc samc tmc thc
conccptoltravcltscllJhcvoyagcsan cxportaton, aprovsonaldrltor
dvcrson bctwccnthctwo hxcd tcrms oldcparturc and rcturn. Cn thc
ccss.Jhssshown n OfCrammato/og, n Lcrrdas rcadngolthc chap-
tcrs lrom Iistcs Ioiqacsthat Lcv-Strauss dcvotcs to hsvoyagc among
Pathua,:Reoersa/-:. i. Foreuord |:
|z C HA P T E R I
hmscllas an ntrudcrwho brngs to thc trbc thc tcchnologyolwrtng
Startngout lromths prmalsccnc,athwayI. wll cxplorc thcwayn
whch Lcrrdatravcls nacountcrdrh _contrc-diic|bychcctnga rc-
vcrsala catastrophc thats not, as wc shall scc, a smplc nvcrsonol
thcordcrolprorty, andconscqucntlyolthcrcgmcolcausaltythatstruc-
turcstradtonaloppostons.Jhs tracctorywlllollowthrccmanstagcs.
and thccallng nto qucston olthc cthnoccntrsm that grounds thc ds-
tnctonbctwccnsavagc andcstcrnsocctcsnanoppostonbctwccn
socctcswthout wrtng andndustralzcdsocctcs.Jhs cthnoccntrsm
s thcvchclc loran cigcnctistconccptonolthc transmssonolwrtng,
bascdonan cpgcncssthatnvolvcsthcprccscscnscoldcrvaton thats
Sccond, a ccrtan Cxlord sccncwllrcvcrscthc ordcrolthc h laton
Jhc thrd stagc wll bc dcvotcd to thc mctaphorc catastrophc that
ovcrturnsthcrclatonbctwccnltcraltyandhguraton, lbcratngthcturn-
ngolthcsunlromts sgn|ngluncton.
Enioisolall sortslcttcrs, tclcphonc calls, tclcpathy callswll ac-
company thc undcrtakng n ordcr to conlound ts apparcnt dcductvc
Pathua,:Reoersa/-:. i. Foreuord |)
/XC/lCnCC = . lC WO|G | SO COS
QSS_C, !|VC|S| , COGu|OCC, OG |l !C O
QSS_C, Uu! CO UC !|VC|S| W|!Ou!
| | OC OG Wl !Ou! l OGl Vl Sl U| C UO|GC|. '
1he | anguage ca| | ed naIe|na| | s neve| pu|e| y naIu|a| , nO| p|Ope|, nO| | n-
haO| IaO| e. o |o|a|||.Ih| s | s a va| ue IhaI | s qu|Ie J|scoocet||ogand equ| vO-
ca| , One neve| | nhaO| Is vhaI One |s |n Ihe haO|I OI ca| | | ng | nhaO| I| ng. 1he|e
|s nO pOss| O| e haO| IaI v|IhOuI Ihe d| IIe|ence OI Ih| s ex| | e and Ih| s nOsIa| g| a.
OsI ce|Ia| n| y. 1haI | s a| | IOO ve| | knOvn. buI | I dOes nOI IO| | Ov IhaI a| | ex-
| | es a|e equ| va| enI. ||On Ih| s shO|e, yes, /om |||sshO|e O| Ih| s cOnnOn
d' n,t|va||oo)} , a | | expaI|| aI| Ons |ena| n s| ngu| a|.
| Ihe|eIO|e adn| I IO a pu||Iy vh| ch | s nOI ve|y pu|e. /nyIh| ng OuI pu|| sn. | I
| s, aI | easI, Ihe On| y | npu|e pu|| Iy IO| vh| ch | da|e cOnIess a IasIe. | I | s a
p|OnOunced IasIe IO| a ce|Ia| n p|Onunc| aI| On. | have neve| ceased | ea|n| ng,
espec| a| | y vhen Ieach| ng, IO speak sOI||y, a d| II| cu| I Iask IO| a p|eJoo|t, and
espec| a| | y I|On v| Ih| n ny Ian| | y, OuI IO ensu|e IhaI Ih| s sOII-spOken ness |e-
vea| Ihe |ese|ve OI vhaI |s Ihus he| d |n |ese|ve, v|Ih d| II| cu|Iy, and v| Ih g|eaI
d| II| cu| Iy, cOnIa| ned Oy Ihe I|OOdgaIe, a p|eca|| Ous I|OOdgaIe IhaI a| | Ovs ne
IO app|ehend Ihe caIasI|Ophe. 1he vO|sI can happen aI eve|y Iu|n. `
buI Oe| ng a| |eady sI|ange|s IO Ihe |OOIs OI ||ench cu | Iu|e, even | I IhaI vas
Ihe| | On| y acqu| |ed cu | Iu|e, Ihe| | On| y educaI| Ona| | nsI|ucI| On, and, espe-
c| a| |y, Ihe| | On| y | anguage, Oe| ng sI|ange|s, sI| | | nO|e |ad| ca| | y, IO| Ihe nOsI
pa|I, IO /|aO O| be|Oe| cu | Iu|es, Ihe g|eaIe| na O||Iy OI Ihese yOung | n-
d| genOus J evs |ena| ned, | n add| I| On, sI|ange|s IO | ev| sh cu | Iu|e. a
C HA P T E R 2
sI|ange| y OOIIOn| ess a| | enaI| On OI Ihe sOu | . a caIasI|Ophe, OIhe|s v| | | a| sO
say a pa|adOx| ca| OppO|Iun|Iy. buch, |n any evenI, vOu| d have Oeen Ihe
|ad| ca| | ack OI cu| Iu|e , |ocu||ute[ I|On vh| ch | undOuOIed| y neve| cOn-
p| eIe| y ene|ged. ||On vh| ch | ene|ge v| IhOuI ene|g| ng I|On |I, Oy ene|g-
| ng I|On |I cOnp| eIe| y v| IhOuI ny hav| ng eve| ene|ged I|On | I.
1he|e | s Ihen a sIaIe v| Ih| n Ihe sIaIe | n Ihe IvO senses OI Ihe vO|d sIaIe.
OOIh | n Ihe sense OI Ihe pO| | I| ca| O|gan| zaI| On ' and Ihese IheO|eI| ca| eII|es
a|e a| sO | nsI| IuI| Ona| IO|I| I| caI| Ons-and ve a|e pa|d and ve pay IO knOv
Ih| s, even | I |I |s c| ea|e| IO sOne Ihan IO OIhe|s-IO|I| I| caI| Ons vh| ch a|e | n-
c|eas| ng| y I|ex| O| e, nOO| | e, and I he sIaIe OI Ca| | IO|n| a | s Once nO|e exen-
p| a|y | n IhaI |especI. ve a|e used IO IheO|eI| ca| ea|Ihquakes he|e, and | n-
sI|IuI| Ona| a|ch |IecIu|es a|e e|ecIed I O |espOnd I O I he se| sns O| se| sn| sns OI
a| | Ihe nev |smsvh| ch n| ghI shake Ihe sI|ucIu|es, OOIh pOsI and nev sI|uc-
Iu|esI, and |n Ihe sense OI sIaIe as |epOrI, assessnenI, accOunI * s|a|emeo|.
|ach IheO|eI| ca| eIIy |s Ihe | nsI| IuI| On OI a nev sIaIenenI aOOuI Ihe vhO| e
sIaIe and OI a nev es|a|||s|meo|a| n| ng aI sIaIe hegenOny. |ach eIIy has
a hegenOn| c a| n, vh| ch | sn'I neanI IO suO ugaIe O| cOnI|O| Ihe OIhe| eII|es
I|On Ihe OuIs| de, OuI vh| ch |s neanI IO | ncO|pO|aIe Ihen |n O|de| IO Oe | n-
cO|pO|aIed | nIO Ihen. `
Iow docs Lcrrdatravcrscvarous countrcs, lrontcrs, ctcs, and
languagcs:Iowdocshcsctabouths cxcricnccoltravclng:
Itspossblc toclamnthchrstplaccthatLcrrdahas thrcccountrcs.
hs natvc^lgcra, Francc, and thc Intcd Statcs. Ic dvdcs hs llc, hs
tcachng, hswork, and hs homc,s) bctwccnthc last two. c shouldsay
morcprccsclythathswayolllcnFranccowcs tsstabltyonlytothctur-
bulcnccolatcnson,thatolthc thrcad tyng, bymcans acomplcxnctwork,
hscountryolbrth ,^gcra) to hs choscn country ,IntcdStatcs) .
Lcrrdaoltcn prcscnts ths tcnson as alovc story, a typc olmagnctsm
or, ndccd, atranslcrcncc.Jhcyoung|ench-Jew| sh-Magh|eo| anlcltcnam-
orcdolFrancc, as lor acountrythatappcarcdto hm, bclorchccvcrwcnt
thcrc, asap| aceoffantasy rves[ , ` an | nv| s| o| eo0t|ad| antheath. 'Jhcrc
wasthc nconsolablc lovcolaFrcnchman lor^gcra ,hs nos|a|get|a,`'as
Pathua,: Iraoersa/-Foreuord |,
hccons t) , butthcrcwasalsoa Franco-^mcrcanromancc. Deconst|0c-
t| on,aswesnow| t,w| ' ' haveoeenf| |stofa| | at|ans| at| ono|at|ansfe|enceoe-
tween |enchandAme|| can |wh| ch |s to saya| so, as||e0d has em| nded 0s
aoo0tt|ansfeence, a | ovesto|y, wh| chneve|exc' 0deshated, aswesnow.
Lcrrdathcrclorchas rootsncacholthcscthrcccountrcs,assshown
by thc crotc radus that cncompasscs thcm. But shouldwc consdcrthat
thcsc roots, pcrcgrnc as thcy alrcady arc, consttutc a homc ground, a
pcdcstal nrclaton towhch thc othcr countrcshcvsts, onall hs othcr
travcls, wouldbc mcrclyaccdcntal,occasonal, or dcriiatiicphcnomcna:
Canwcorshouldwctrytonscrbcthcscthrcccountrcsolorgn` wthn
Lcrrda shows thc mpossblty olsuch an undcrtakng. n Mono/in-
gaa/ismothcOthcr,havng ustspokcnolhsown , h)story,hcdcclarcs.
What | am ssetch| ng hee | s, aoove a| | , not the oeg| nn| ngof somea0too| o-
g|aph| ca' oanamnest| co0t' | ne,noeven at| m| dessay towad an | nte| ' ect0a'
o| ' d0ngs|oman. Rathe thananexpos| t| onofmyse| f, | t| sanacco0ntofwhat
w| ' | havep' aced an oostac' e| nthewayofth| sa0to-expos| t| onfo me. Anac-
co0nt,theefoe, ofwhatw| ' | haveexposedmetothatoostac' eandth|own me
aga| nst | t. fa se| o0st|aff|c acc| dent aoo0twh| ch | neve|ceaseth| ns| ng. "
hatse|| o0sacc| dentshcrclcrrngto:Iastcvcroccurrcdordocst
owc ts lorcc to somc phantasm: t s mpossblc to know, sncc lromthc
orgnthcrcsanapparatusputnplacctoprcvcntt. Mono/ingaa/ismothc
Othcrprcscntsthsapparatus as a f| oodgate, SomcStatcmcnts and Jru-
sms,a| etty. Jhchoodgatcsapcccolhydraulccqupmcntcomprsng
Jhc locks olacanal, lorcxamplc, allowaboatto movc lromamll racc to
atal raccorvccvcrsa, producngalcvclwatcrsurlacctomakcsuch apas-
causcway, that uts nto thcwatcrnordcrto protcct aharbor or dchnc thc
lmts olachanncl, alsopcrmttngsalcpassagc lorvcsscls.
Boththcscconstructons, dcstncdasthcyarctoavodcatastrophcs,arc
nscrbcd by Lcrrda n hs languagc and hs mcmory. Jhcy protcct hm
whlcatthcsamctmckccpngaccdcntsorarupturcolthcdykc natypc
,o C HA P T E R 2
olmmncncc.Jhcybothsavcand thrcatcnthcamorous commcrcc among
thcsc thrcc countrcsandhs lovc storywththcworldngcncra.
Jhchoodgatc apparatus, whch contradcts yct at thc samc tmc calls
lorth thc catastrophc drvc, prcvcnts us lrom dcrvng Lcrrda`s travcls
lrom surc and stablc roots. Iowcvcr, what s also strkngs thc lact that
whatprohbtsthatdcrvatonadrhnthsways, paradoxcally, accrtain
Inordcrto undcrstandthslogc, onchasto showwhatLcrrda.allsts
t|anscendenta' cond| t| on, that olan originar, cxi/c, undcrmnng cvcry
habtat, habt, ,assgnmcntto) rcsdcncc. Crgnarycxlc swhat tcars thc
spcakngsubjcctawaylromtsmothcrtonguccvcn trcmansattachcdto
t. InMono/ingaa/ismothcOthcr,Lcrrdaposcs thclollowngantnomy` .
! . He on/y everspeak one /anuae.
Z. He neverspeak on/y one /anuae. ' '
Ic hrstlormuatcs t as. ` ' haveon' yone | ang0age, | t | s not m| ne, and
latcr makcs clcar that when | sa| dthat the on' y ' ang0age ' speas |s no|
mne, | d| dnotsay| twasfo|e| gntome.The|e | sad |ffe|ence. | t| snotent | |e' y
thesameth| ng. '

Jhat mcans that onc ncvcr posscsscs a languagcnot cvcn onc`s
mothcrtongucas an objcct orchattcl.
The|e |s no g| ven ' ang0age, o| |athe|the|e |s some ' ang0age, a g| ft of ' an-
g0age | esb|de>pracheI , o0tthe|e | s not a ' ang0age. Not a g| ven one. | t
does not ex| st. c | se thehosp| ta' | ty ofthe hostevenoefo|e any | nv| tat| on, | t
s0mmons when s0mmoned. c | se a cha|ge en]onan|e[ , | t |ema| ns to oe
g| ven, | t|ema| nson| yonth | scond| t| on. oyst| | ' |ema| n| ngtooeg| ven. '
Jhcrc s mylanguagc, butnordcr, prccscly, thattbcminc,I mustn-
vcnttmywhoclc through, cntcrtnmyownway, dcncatcmystylc
wthnt,mypror-|o-|he-/rs|' ang0age)' `, conqucraspaccntthatsno
longcrj ustlanguagc, butmylanguagcwthnthclanguagcwthoutwhch
I wouldn`tbcabcto spcak. In a scnsc I am thcrclorc rcqurcd to co/onizc
my own languagc. ^t thc samc tmc, ths dom that I nvcnt s not ab-
ntcgral stylc takcs on,ntcrorzcs rulcs thatdon`t bclongto t but whch

Pathua,:: Iaoersa/-Foreuord ,i
ssuclromthclawolthcmothcrtonguc,tshstory, thcpoltcagcncalogy
olts nsttutons. I am thcrclorcaways atonccmastcrandhostagcolmy
languagc, onlynhabtngtlrom thcpostonolspccch`s orgnarycxlc.
olaFrcnch|cwn^lgcrawho losthsctzcnshpdurngthcCccupaton,
byrcprcssnghsacccnt, lorcngtback, holdngtnchcck.Jhatacccnt
always thrcatcnsto rcturn, trcmans mmncnt, lkc thcncvtablc catas-
trophcolthcdllcrcnccwthrcspcctto oncsclthatstructurcsalldcntty.
^udblcbutllcgbc ,but strcallyllcgblcal thcsamc:) , thcacccnt s a
tratolbclongng,thcwtncsstoa hrst ngustccxlc ,t sthctraccolthc
placc lromwhch an dom cmcrgcs wthn dom) , a trat that Lcrrda
mantanshchastochacc,ncutralzc,nthcnamcolapurty, thatsto say,
ncvcrthclcss, n thc namc olyct anothcr trat olbclongng. bclongngto
thc communtyolthosc who knowhowto spcak Frcnch, thccommunty
olthc cducatcd, olntcllcctuals. ^ dcrvaton, or orgnary cxc, s
causcdbythcmpossbltyolmoorngthsdoublctratto thcsamcshorc.
hcn thc acccnt rcturns, whcn Lcrrda lorgcts hmscll, hs purc
hsmcmorylkcaphantomlmb.Jhcsuccthatallowshmto passlrom
onc closcs ollthc othcr, and hs rcprcsscd languagc-cthcr purc or ac-
ccntcdpanmlynssts lkc what Lacan cals thc corc _ trognon] ollan-
guagc.Jhcwound rcmansopcn, thrcatcnngthccrculatonolbloodand
olscnsc. Thewo|stcanhappenateve|yt0|n.
I nspcakngolthc dcstnyoldcconstructon nSomcStatcmcntsand
Jrusms, maknghsrcmarksnthatconvusvcstatcolthc Intcd Statcs
thats Southcrn Callorna, subjcct as ts to scsmc catastrophcs, and n
nvoknglorthatrcasonthchgurcolthcjctty, Lcrrdamportsthscxpcr-
cncc ollanguagc nto thc sccnc olthcory. Lvcry thcory s a languagc,
thatstosay, morcthanonclanguagcandnomorcalanguagc, andtmust
lorgc ts path orprojcct tsstylc wthn thc landscapc olthnkng. Mo|e
d | ' 'h thana ' ang0ageandno moeofa ' ang0age p/us une anue , csays,b
thconydchnton hcwouldcvcrrskgvnglordcconstructon.Ivcrythc-
orysccks toswallowup orntrojcctall othcrs, to spcak all thcr languagcs,
andsocarrcswthntamutplctyoldoms, atthcsamctmc, unabcto
,z C H A P T E R 2
mastcr thcm, twll most oltcn stablzctscllandcongcal nts own lan-
guagc,bccomcts ownstcrcotypc, acccnt, -sm. ^gvcnthcorys always
n cxlclromthcoryn gcncral, lalngtocrcct ts ownwatcrtghtsystcm.
Jhccttyrclcrstoboththclaunchngandscrutnyolthnkng, rcgulatng,
bymcansolacontrollcdplayolopcnngs and closngs, thcpassagcandal-
tcrnatngcrculaton ola thcoryand ts multplcty, olthcgroup olthco-
rcs thattdclncatcstsclllromwhlcscckngto comprchcnd thcm.
Bctwccn thc hoodgatccontrollngthcspccch olayoungFrcnch^lgcr-
an|cw and thc ctty that structurcs thc thought ola grcat and world-
rcnowncdntcllcctualthcrcopcns thcvcrypartcularspaccolthccxpcr-
cncc oltravcl n thcwork ol|acqucs Lcrrda. ^t thc orgn, thcrclorc,
guagcor natvc sol. ^ drlt thatsccms, accordng to Lcrrda, to bc thc
Iowcvcr, docsn`t prcscntngt n thcsc tcrms mcan rcntroducngthc
dstnctonbctwccnthc transccndcntal ,commondrhorshorc) andthc
cmprcal ,cvcry cxlc and cvcry ndvdual voyagc) that consttutcsyct
aganthctradtonalschcmaoldcrvaton:Indccd, tsonthc condtonol
thstransccndcntalcdgc,oncdocs notposscss onc`sownlanguagc) , andby
startngoutlromt, dcrvnglromt, thatcvcryphcnomcnal,cmprcal, or
thanacascolortcstmonyto thatunvcrsaluprootng.
Lcrrda s pcrlcctlyconscous olthc rskhc runs byrcvcrtngto such
lormulatons. In/ono/ingaausmothcOthcrhc spcaks olthe ph| | osoph| -
ca| t|ad| t| onthats0pp| | es0sw| ththeese|vo| | of concepts | def| n| te' yhaveto
0se,andthat | have| ndeedhad tose|vefo|a sho|twh | | enow | nodetode-
sc|| oeth| s s| t0at| on, even | nthed| st| nct| on oetween t|anscendenta' o| onto-
| og| ca| 0n | vesa| | ty and phenomena| emp| || c| ty, mmcdatcly addng, |
wo0' dnow ' | seto showthatt h| semp| | | co-tanscendenta| o | ont| co-onto' og-
| ca| e-mas,th| sfo| d| ngwh| ch| mp|| nts |tse' f 0pontheen| gmat| ca|t| c0| at| on
oetween a 0n| ve|sa' st|0ct0e and | ts | d| omat| c test| mony, eve|ses a ' ' the
s| gnsw| tho0tanyhes|tat| on. ' `
Jhcrc s ccrtanlya unvcrsal condton, t rchccts a type ofo | g| nay
' a' | enat| on that | nst| t0teseve|y ' ang0age as a | ang0ageoftheothe|,'' but
sncc,atthcsamctmc,thspror-to-thc-h rstlanguagcdocsnotcxst,trc-

Pathua,: Iraoersa/-Foreuord ,)
mansalways tobcnvcntcd S| ncethep|| o|-to-the-f| |stt | meofpe-o | g| -
na|y | ang0age does not ex| st, | tm0st oe | nvented) , ' Far lrombcngprc-
consttutcd, lar lrom prcccdngwhat t scts thc condtons lor, thc tran-
sccndcntal hcrc dcpcnds prccscly, n ordcr to bc what t s, on thc
partcularoccurrcnccsolthcvoyagcthatgvcrscto t. nthsscnsc,ts
nottransccndcntal, tonlybccomcssobymcansolthcvoyagc. Iowonc
bccomcstransccndcntal, wouldthatnotbcabcautlulpossblty, abcau-
Lvcry oncolLcrrda`s trps nlactnvcntscach tmc thc condtons ol
ts possblty. It s nths scnsc thatthcyarcsngularand undcrvcablc
cvcnts. Itsalsobccauscolthsthatthctraccsolthcmwthnhsworkarc
so dlhcult to lollow. Cnc has to cxtract thc autobographcal cvdcnccs,
thcsnppctsolanarratvc, thc rclcrcnccs to suchandsuchaplaccwthn
dary olthcr logcal gcncss. Lcrrdamakcsclcar.
!hesp/||no/|heeo, n mea|/eas( sno|ranscenden|a/c/ap|rap . o ., /am,
/ke he who, re|urnn, /rom a /onvoyae, ou|o/every|hn, |heear|h, |he
wor/d, men and|her/anuaes, |res |okeep aner|he even|a /obook, w|h
|he /oro||en /ramen|ary rudmen|ary ns|rumen|s o/a prehs|orc /anuae
andwr|n, |res |ounders|andwha|happened, |o exp/an |w|hpebb/esb|s
o/wood dea/anddumb es|ures /rom be/ore |he ns||u|on o/|he dea/and
dumb, a b/ndmanropnbe/ore ra//e and|heyareon|o|ry |orecon-
s||u|ea//|ha|, bu|/|heyknew|hey wou/dbescaredandwou/dn|even |ry
thoutattcmptngcvcn thc slghtcstrcconsttuton, athwayzwll
rcspcct thc partcularty olcach placc that s travcrscd ,taly, Crcccc,
Czcchoslovaka,|apan, . . . ), whlcstll nsstngonthcradatnghcarths
that arc^gcra and thc Intcd Statcs. Icrc and thcrc, lromcountry to
countryandlromctytocty, thc thrcatormmncnccolcatastrophcwll
cmcrgcorshowtsoutlnc, thatstosayasmuchthcpossbltyolaccdcnt
as thcchanccolthc cvcnt.
,| C HA P T E R 2

Pathua,:: Iraoersa/-Foreuord ,,
C H A P 1 E R 2

N11! !11N1L
1he gap OeIveen Ihe Open| ng OI Ih| s poss|||||tyas a oo|vetsa|s|tuc|ute
and Ihe Je|etm|oa|eoecess||yOI Ih| s Or IhaI re| | g| On v| | | a| vays rena| n | r-
reduc| O| e, and sOneI| nes v| Ih| n each re| | g| On, OeIveen On Ihe One hand
IhaI vh| ch keeps | I c| OsesI IO | Is pure and prOper pOss| O| | |Iy, and On Ihe
OIher, |Is Ovn h | sIOr| ca| | y deIern| ned necess| I| es Or auIhOr| I| es. 1hus, One
can a| vays cr| I| c| ze, reecI, Or cOnOaI Ih| s Or IhaI IOrn OI sacredness Or OI
Oe| | eI, even OI re| | g| Ous auIhOr| Iy, | n Ihe nane OI Ihe nOsI Or| g| nary pOss| -
O| | |Iy. 1he | aIIer can Oe uo|vetsa|'Ia| Ih Or IrusIvOrIh| ness, gOOd Ia| Ih as
Ihe cOnd| I| On OI IesI| nOny, OI Ihe sOc| a| OOnd and even OI Ihe nOsI rad| ca|
quesI| On| ngI Or a| ready pat||cu|at,IOr exanp| e Oe| | eI | n a spec| I| c Or| g| nary
evenI OI reve| aI| On, OI prOn| se Or OI | n uncI| On, as | n Ihe reIerence IO Ihe
1aO| es OI Ihe |av, IO ear| y Chr| sI| an|Iy, IO sOne IundanenIa| vOrd Or scr| p-
Iure, nOre archa| c and nOre pure Ihan a| | c| er| ca| Or IheO| Og| ca| d| scOurse.
buI | I seens | npOss| O| e IO deny Ihe poss||||||y |n vhOse nane-Ihanks IO
vh | ch-Ihe der| vedoecess||y|Ihe auIhOr| Iy Or deIern | naIe Oe| | eII vOu | d
Oe puI | nIO quesI| On, suspended, reecIed Or cr| I| c| zed, even decOnsIrucIed.
Cne can oo|deny | I, vh| ch neans IhaI Ihe nOsI One can dO |s IO deny |I.
/ny d| scOurse IhaI vOu | d Oe OppOsed IO | I vOu| d, |n eIIecI, a| vays suc-
cunO IO Ihe I| gure Or Ihe | Og| c OI den| a| . buch vOu| d Oe Ihe p| ace vhere,
OeIOre and aIIer a | | Ihe |n| | ghIennenIs | n Ihe vOr| d, reasOn, cr| I| que, sc| -

e, Ie| e-IechnOsc| ence, ph| | OsOphy, thought |n genera| , reIa| n Ihe same
Ource as re| | g| On |n genera| . '
6o C H A P T E R ]
1O neuI|a| | ze | nvenI| On, IO I|ans| aIe Ihe unknOvn | nIO a knOvn, IO
neIap|O|| ze, a| | egO|| ze, dOnesI| caIe Ihe Ie||O|, IO c| |cunvenI |v| Ih I|e
|e| p OI c| |cun | OcuI| Ons. Iu|ns OI p||ase, I|Opes, and sI|OphesI Ihe | n-
escapaO| e caIasI|Ophe, I|e undev| aI| ng p|ec| p| IaI| On IOva|d a |ena| nde|-
| ess caIac| ysn. V|aI |s unhea|d OI he|e vOu| d Oe I|e aOyssa| , and, IO| Ihe
s| eepva| ke| | an Ia| k| ng aOOuI, pass| ng IO Ihe s| de OI Ihe chasn vOu| d
amOunI I O Ia| | | ng | nIO | I usI Ihe same, v| IhOuI see| ng O| knOv| ng. buI dOes
One eve| d|e OI|e|v| se
beIO|e |I's IOO | aIe, gO Ou IO Ihe ends OI Ihe ea|I| | | ke a nO|Ia| | y vOunded
an| na| . |asI| ng, |eI|eaI, depadu|e, as Ia| as pOss| O| e, | Ock Onese| I avay v|Ih
Onese| I |n Onese| I, I|y I| na| | y IO unde|sIand Onese| I, a| One and Onese| I.`
VhaI a|e Ihe c|ances OI ny ' Os| ng aI a gane O| IO| Ihe neuI|On OOnO IO Oe
Jhcworlds gong badly . . . `hatshappcnngtothcworld to-
days a catastrophc. Lcrrda ncvcr stops sayng so, whcrcvcr hcgocs, on
cvcry onc olhs travcls. oltcal, socal, cconomc, and stratcgc analyss
orcntsallhs movcmcnts andallhstcxts.
^ catastrophc. thc dsappcarancc ol Lastcrn and cstcrn blocs, thc
cmcrgcncc olthc ncw world ordcr havc donc nothng to rcsolvc cco-
nomcwars,thcncqualtyandn ustccthatrcsultlromthcm,onthccon-
trary, thoscchangcshavcacccntuatcd such astatc olallars.Jhcmpos-
ton olthc lrcc-markct captalstmodclas thc onlycconomcpcrspcctvc
hcts andwarswth cvlan hostagcs, thc rcturn olnatonalsms, lanat-
ncwpoltcaland socal stakcshavcbccnrascd, thcrcarcncwlorms olllc,
naword, ncwchanccs.JhcconstructonolLuropc,lorcxamplc,couldbc
oncsuchchancc. osngthcqucstonolthcluturcolthcLuropcanInon,
Lcrrdaasksprccscly, n IhcOthcrHcading, howtmghtbcpossblclor
thatLuropcto bc opcn to`I|e |ead | ng OI I|e OI|e|. '
Pathua,,: ersion (Non-Hrrioa/')-Foreuord 6i
| I | s a| vays I|Om v| I| | n I|e same d | scOu|se, acCO|d | n g IO I|e same | Og| C,
I |aI |e denounces I|e CaIasI|Op|e and a| | Ovs sOmeIO | ng e| se IO be an-
nouncedO| appea|. 1|aI | s I|e | Og| C IhaI |aI|vay 3 seeks OOI| IO u nIO| d and
IO| | Ov.
V|aI | Og| C and d | sCOu |se a|e ve Ia| k| ng aOOuI |e|e, p|esun | ng suC|
vO| ds a|e sI| | | pe|I| nenI | I I|ave| , I|e expe|| enCe OI I|e OI|e|, I|e Open| ng I O
I|e vO| | d Can n OI, O| nO | Onge|, |espOnd IO I|e p|enOmenO| Og| Ca| mOI| I
that allows oncto cstablsh dagnoscs, to proposc dogmatcsolutons, to
draw up asscssmcnts byrclyng on a truth or ascnscolrcscncc, thcnt
mustbcshownthatwhathascomc to pass,whatscomngto pass today,
andwhatcancomcto passtomorrowdocsnotdcrvclromanycxstngor
assgnablcorgnorcausc.hathascomctopass,whats comngtopass,
orwhat can comc to pass draws ts rcsourcc lrom a non-placc. thc purc
possbltywhch can ncvcr prcscnt or rcscntq tscll-ol thc cv,nt,
somcthngthat nocvcntcan, couldcvcr, wllcvcrbcablc to lullysatts|
_satarcr|.Jo thsnon-placcthctcxtLcmcurc,^thcncsgvcsthcnamcol
` ' _/ ' ` n On-a||| va or nOn-a||| ve| cnonarr:ic .
Jhnkng arrval wthout dcrvaton rcqurcs us to tutn toward
scnsc olnon-arrval. athway i cxplorcs that icrsionorthat strohcm tts
ownway, undcrthchcadngol`desI| ne||anCe. Jhc cvcnt alw.ys csc.pcs
tclcologybydntolsurprsc.hatcvcrarrvcs msscs orlacks tts dcstma-
ton,nothcrwordstdocsn`tarrvc. athway)cxamncsanothcraspcctol
thc rclatonbctwccnarrval and non-arrval. Instcadolnsstngonwhat-
cvcr, by arrvng or occurrng, sboundncthcrto tc/osnor .cstnaton

s at thc samc tmc thcdctcrmnantcondtonlor anythngwhatsocvcrto
words onc olthc most subtlc turns olLcrrda`s thnkng, onc could say
that cvcrythng that happcns owcs ts chancc to non-arrval. Cwcs ts
chancc: ths cxprcsscs at thc samc tmc a dcbt ,cvcrycvcnt s ndcbtcd
wthrcspccttonon-arrval) andthcrclatonolapossbltytotsco-dt,n
olpossblty,whathappcns orarrvcs dcrvcs lromnothng, owcs tts cxts-
tcncc to non-arrval) .
a,csandwhathasntarrvcd.hats bctwccn thcmtakcsplacc. t/cc
6z C HA P T E R ]
isthcuor/d thc world oltoda,. Butwhat docs today sgn|n such a
casc:hcndocs todaydatclrom:Intcrrogatngthcscnscoltoday`s datcs
an cntcrprscthat, nmany rcspccts, mghtsccmabsurd. todays agccss.
Buttrcmansthatagccssncssalways hasatodayandnthatscnscta-
lows tscllto bcdatcd. Inwhat rcspcct can ourtodaybcsadto markts
datc: Ino^pocalypsc, otow Lcrrda shows that thc todayolour
world s thc n0c| earage. ^ thc catastrophcs that allcct thc world arc
warlarc.^n cvcntwthout prcccdcnt. Hee we are dea ' | ng hypothet| ca| ' y
w| thatota|andema| nde| essdestr0ct| ono theach| ve. Jhcpossbltyol
thscatastrophc,whchhascmcrgcdonynthctwcntcthccntury, sthat
olthc absolutc dcstructonolthcworld.Yctatthcsamc tmcthswarhas
not takcn placc. It s what has not arrvcd. Ithas no placc. It cxsts ony
through prophctc, sccnthc, or phantasmatc vcrsons olts potcnta
brcak-out.^non-placc (thcwarthathas nottakcnplacc)gvcsrscto thc
Jhc rclaton bctwccn arrval and non-arrval s thcrcby clarh cd. But
Lcrrdapostulatcstnamorcradcalwaystll.whatl at bottom, cvcry
cvcnt, whatcvcrtsagc, owcdtspossbltytoanon-placc, to non-arrva:
^ndwhat lat bottom nuclcarwarwas tscllonlya icrsion(accrtanoc-
currcncc,accrtanlacc,accrtanntcrprctaton) olan atoiathatwaspar-
adoxcalyconsttutvc olthcworld, a non-placc olplacc, so old as to bc
agclcss: In lato`s Iimacus, thc namc lor ths non-placc s khra. Jhc
womb ormatrxolal lorms, tsclmpassvcandndllcrcnttoall lorm,
khrasthcnothngthatgvcsbrthto cvcrythng.
Lcrrdarccalls thccurrcntscnscsolkhranCrcck. ' p| ace, ' | ocat| on,
' p' acement, ' reg| on, 'co0nty . Jhssamostmportantpontlor thnk-
ng thcvoyagc, namcly that what gvcs rsc to ormakcs pacc lor placc,
country, rcgon,landstsclstatclcss,wthoutaplaccolorgn. Khradocs
notmakc aworld, s nothng ntscll, buttmakcs aplacc lor cvcrythng
thats.ItslorLcrrdathcmostspcnddnamclornon-arrva. athway)
wll thcrclorc attcmpttobrngtolghtthcsurprsngrclatonthat untcs
khra and nuclcar war and allows ths atoia to bc conccvcd ol as
mothcr, nursc, orrcccptaclc lortravcl.
Pathua,,: rsion ('1on-Hrrioa/')-Foreuord 6)
Isnotnon-arrvaalso, bydch nton, ,i)whatcoudhavcarrvcdorhap-
pcncd: z) whatcan stlarrvcorhappcn: Is tnotthc othcrolcvcryhng
thathas takcnpacc, thatrcmanstocomc, thcothcrpossblty, thcwholly
wthpromsc,thcpromscol ustcc, thcpromscoldcmocracy. on-arrval
s thcvcrypossbltyolthcarrval olcvcrywholy othcr (thng) , thcworst
aong wth thc bcst, and thcrc s thcrclorc no contradcton nthnkngol
non-arrvalas thc abso/u|ear| vant. Jhs absolutc arriiant doesnotwat,
tcxcccds cvcryhorzon olwatng, cvcryapocalypsc, al vsblty, turnng
towardt also mcans turnngaway lrom t, thc arriiantundocs anysuch
icrsat/ion.Lcrrdarclcrsto amcssanctyw| tho0tmess| an| sm, ' 'thcrcby
thatdocsnotnvolvcwatng, tothcpromscolacomngwthoutanyNcs-
mcnsonolthc mcssanc,anayzngthcchanccolawordas headno/
|heo|her, o0ta' so . . . the o|hero/|hehead|n. `
l l
Fnally, wth thc ttlcIsland, romscdLand, Lcscrt, thc lourthand
olthscrcdtorlathaccordcdthcwhollyothcr. Sucha /c/igorcnts,kc
thcnccdlorrcason, bothvoyagcandthnkng.
Irom CncCatastrophc
to^nothcr ,^mazonIaris)
Jwocatastrophcvoyagcs,twotncrarcsthatlcadto thccountryor
thc^mazonlorcst,amongthcambkwara ndans.Jhcscconds thatol
Lcrrda ntcrprctngthc hrst. Jhc stagng olths sccnc s now lamous,
lound nthcsccond part olOGrammato/o

, cnttlcd aturc, Culturc,

rtng, andntshrstchaptcr,JhcVolcnccolthcLcttcr. FromLcv-
Strauss to Rousscau. n thosc passagcs Lcrrda commcnts on two
cpsodcslrom Iristcs 7oiqucs, cxtractcdlrom thc chaptcrs Jhcrtng
Lcsson and Cn thc Lnc, h rst olall brngng to thc attcnton olthc
rcadcr the at ofcompos| t| on oft h| stave| og0e. |n acco|dance w|th e| gh-
teenth-cent0|ytad| t| on, theanecdote,thepageofconfess| ons, thef|agment
foma o0na' ae snow| edgeao| yp0t| np| ace,ca| c0 ' atedfo|thep0posesof
a ph| ' osoph | ca' demonstat| onofthe|e' at| onsh| ps oetween nat0|e andsoc| -
ety, | dea| soc| ety andea| soc| ety, mostoften oetweent heo|hersoc| ety and
Rcadng Jhc rtng Lcsson
t is unncccssary to point out that thc lambikvara havc no vrittcn languagc,
but thcy do not knov hov to drav cithcr, apart |rom making a |cv dottcd lincs
or zigzags on thcir gourds . . . . I handcd out shccts o| papcr and pcncils. ^t nrst
From OneCatastrohetoHnother 6,
thcy did nothing vith thcm, thcn onc day I sav that thcy vcrc al busy drav-
ing vavy, horizonta incs. I vondcrcd vhat thcy vcrc trying to do, thcn it vas
suddcnly bornc upon mc that thcy vcrc vriting or, to bc morc accuratc, vcrc
trying to usc thcir pcncis in thc samc vay as I did minc, vhich vas thc only
vay thcy coud conccivc o|, bccausc I had not yct tricd to amusc thcm vith my
dravings. Jhc majority did this and no morc, but thc chic| had hrthcr ambi-
tions. lo doubt hc vas thc only onc vho had graspcd thc purposc o| vriting.
So hc askcd mc |or a vriting-pad, and vhcn vc both had onc, and vcrc vork-
ing togcthcr, i| I askcd |or in|ormation on a givcn point, hc did not supply it
vcrbay but drcv vavy lincs on his papcr and prcscntcd thcm to mc, as i|
could rcad his rcply. Mc vas hal| takcn in by his ovn makc-bclicvc, cach timc
hc compctcd a linc, hc cxamincd it anxiousy as i| cxpccting thc mcaning to
cap |rom thc pagc, and thc samc look o| disappointmcnt camc ovcr his |acc.
ut hc ncvcr admittcd this, and thcrc vas a tacit undcrstanding bctvccn us to
thc c||cct that his unintcligibc scribbling had a mcaning vhich prctcndcd to
dcciphcr, his vcrba commcntary |olovcd almost at oncc, rclicving mc o| thc
nccd to ask |or cxpanations.
^s soon as hc had got thc company togcthcr, hc took |rom a baskct a piccc
o| papcr covcrcd vith vavy incs and madc a shov o| rcading it, prctcnding to
hcsitatc as hc chcckcd on it thc list o| objccts I vas to givc in cxchangc |or thc
prcscnts o||crcd mc: so-and-so vas to havc a choppcr in cxchangc |or a bov
and arrovs, somconc clsc bcads in cxchangc |or his ncckaccs . . . . Jhis |arcc
vcnt on |or tvo hours. as hc pcrhaps hoping to dcudc himsc|: Norc prob-
aby hc vantcd to astonish his companions, to convincc thcm that hc vas act-
ing as an intcrmcdiary agcnt |or thc cxchangc o| goods, that hc vas in aiancc
vith thc vhitc man and sharcd his sccrcts. c vcrc cagcr to bc o|I sincc thc
most dangcrous point vould obviously bc rcachcd vhcn al thc marvcs I had
brought had bccn trans|crrcd to nativc hands. So I did not try to cxporc thc
mattcr |urthcr, and vc bcgan thc rcturn journcy vith thc ndians stil acting as
our guidcs.
Ny hypothcsis, i| corrcct, vould obligc us to rccognizc thc |act that thc pri-
mary |unction o| vrittcn communication is to |aciitatc slavcry. Jhc usc o|
vriting |or disintcrcstcd purposcs, and as a sourcc o| intcllcctua and acsthctic
pcasurc, is a sccondary rcsut, and morc o|tcn than not it may cvcn bc turncd
into a mcans o| strcngthcning, justi|ing or conccaing thc othcr.

I| vc ook at thc situation ncarcr homc, vc scc that thc systcmatic dcvclopmcnt
o| compusory cducation in thc Luropcan countrics gocs hand in hand vith
thc cxtcnsion o| military scrvicc and proctarianization. Jhc nght against iit-
acy is thcrc|orc conncctcd vith an incrcasc in govcrnmcnta authority ovcr
66 C H A P T E R q
thc ctizcns. Lvcryonc must bc abc to rcad, so that thc govcrnmcnt can say. Ig-
norancc o| thc lav is no cxcusc.

Bythcmsclvcs,thcabovcquotcs crcatcawholc cconomynwhchasol-
dartyolrclatonsamongdcrvng, arrval, andcatastrophc s clcarlydc-
purposc olwrtng, thc chclrcvcrscs hs stuaton olgnorancchc
docsn`t knowhowto wrtcn ordcr tocxtractlromtthc bcst possblc
advantagc. Icprctcndsto knowhowtowrtcnordcrto opprcss anddc-
thanks to a concurrcncc olcrcumstanccs oran cicnt, abscncc olknowl-
cdgcproduccs ancxccssolpowcr-conhrmsan inicrsionorincq/cwhat
sccms tobcmcrcythcgct olwrtng ,sub ugaton) nlactrcvcals tscllas
thcprmarylunctonolwrttcncommuncaton. rtngthus appcars as
thasalwaysappcarcd nthcmctaphyscaltradton,apurcdcrvatonlrom
spccch,somcthngthatcomcs to allcctspccchlromthcoutsdc,howcvcr
muchtrcmans dcpcndcntont.
ccvc thcothcr mcmbcrs olthcgroup cvcn thoughhclags bchndwhats
rcallygongon.Icdocsn`t mastcrwrtngbutsmplyuscsatcchnqucm-
Scconddcrvcdcatastrophc. thssccnc s tsclladcrvcdrcproductonol
a morc orgnarystructurc, namclythcvolcntntruson olwrtngas n-
accdcntolthcwrtng lcsson sablctoconhrmagcncrallaw.
Jhrddcrvcd catastrophc. thc lact oldrawng wavylncs appcars as
thc mctaphorc scnsc olwrtng, dcrvcd lrom ts propcrscnsc, namcly
Jhc Innoccncc ol thc ambkvara
Lcv-Strauss thus prcsupposcs that thc cvl olwrtng ncccssarly
comesf|omw| tho0t, harmngthcntcgrtyolacommunty udgcdorg-
narlygoodandnnoccnt. Indccd, lorhm,accordngto Lcrrda.
From OneCatastrohetoHnother 6;
n' y an | nnocentcomm0n| ty, and a comm0n |ty of |ed0ced d| mens| ons | a
Ro0ssea0 | st themethat w| | ' soonoecomec' ea|e|l, on| y a m| c|o-soc| etyof
non-v| o| ence andf|eedom, a| ' the memoe|s ofwh| ch can oy || ghts |ema| n
w| th | n |angeof an | mmed| ate andt|anspa|ent, a "c|ysta' | | ne" add|ess, f0' | y
se| f-p|esent| n| ts | | v| ngspeech, o n | y s0chacomm0n|tycans0ffe|,a s thes0|-
p|| seofan agg|ess| oncom| ng/mm w/|hou|, the ns| n0at| onofw|| t| ng,the| n-
f| | t|at| onof|ts "|0se"andof| ts"pe|f| dy. "n | ys0chacomm0n|tycan | mpo|t
/mm abmad"theexp| o|tat| onofman oyman. "`
The Namo| swa|a, a|o0 ndwhomthe"W|| t| ng|esson"w | ' | 0nfo| d | ts scene,
amongwhomev| ' w| ' ' | ns| n0ate|tse| fw| ththe| nt|0s| onofw|| t| ngcomef|om
w/|hou|o . o , the Namo| swa|a,whodonotsnow howtow|| te,a|eood, we
a|e to| d. TheJes0 | ts, the P|otestant m| ss| ona|| es, theAme|| can anth|opo' o-
g| sts,thetechn| c| ansonthete| eg|aph ' | newhooe| | evedthey pe|ce| vedv| o-
' ence o| hat|ed amongthe N amo| swa|a a|e not on' y m | stasen, they have
p|ooao' yp|oectedthe| | ownw| csedness0ponthem. And evenp|ovosedthe
ev| ' thattheythen oe' | eved theysawo|w| shed tope|ce| ve.
Lpgcncss and Lthnoccntrsm
Jhc dcrvatvc schcma put n placc byLcv-Strauss ,wrtngdcrvcs
lromspccch,mctaphorcscnscdcrvcslromltcralscnsc) sauthorzcdbyan
cigcnctistconccptonol wrtng,accordngtowhchthclattcrwouldbcca-
pablcolsuddcnlyappcarng, bcngbornall at oncclromspokcnlanguagc.
Jhus, lorLcv-Strauss, thc chclddnottakclongto undcrstandthclunc-
tonolwrtng,thcsprtlnotthclcttcrolt. Bctwccnanthropologst-trav-
clcr andtrbal chclgraphc contamnaton occurs almostnstantancously.
Lcrrdadcnthcsnthat analyss thcvcryprncplcolcthnoccntrsm.
The co' | oq0| a| d| ffe|enceoetween ' ang0ageandw|| t| ng, the || go|o0sexte|| -
o|| tyofonew| th|especttotheothe|, | sadm|tted. Th| spe|m| tsthed| st| nct| on
oetween peop| es 0s| ng w|| t| ngand peop| es w| tho0tw|| t| ng. |ev| -St|a0ss | s
neve|s0sp| c| o0sof t heva' 0eof s0chad| st| nct| on. Th| saoovea' | a' | owsh| m
tocons| de|thepassagef|omspeechtow|| t | ngas a /eap, as the| nstantaneo0s
c|oss| ngofa ' | neofd| scont| n0|ty. passagef|omaf0| | yo|a' | ang0age,p0|eof

6 C H A P T E R q
a' | w|| t| ngp0/e, | nnocentto a | ang0age append| ngto | tse' f | ts g|aph| c
"|ep|esentat| on"asanaccesso|ys| gn| f| e|of anewtype,open | ngatechn| q0e
ofopp|ess| on. |ev| -St|a0ssneededt h| s"ep| genet| st" conceptofw|| t| ng| no|-
de|thatthethemeofev| | andofexp| o| tat| ons0dden| ycom| ngaoo0tw| ththe
raph/eco0 ' d| ndeedoethethemeofas0|p|| seandanacc| dentaffect| ngthe
p0|| tyofan | nnocent ' ang0agef|omw| tho0t. Affect| ng | tas//bychance. At
any|atetheep| genet| stthes| s|epeats, | nconnect| onw| thw|| t| ngth| st| me,an
aff| |mat| on that weco0 | d have enco0nte|ed f| veyea|sp|ev| o0s| y | nthe/n-
|roduc|/on a |oeuvre de^arce/^auss| p. 4/I. "|ang0age co0 ' d on| y have
oeen oo|ns0dden' y. "Wem| ghtwe' ' f| ndn0me|o0sq0est| onsto |a| se aoo0t
th | spa|ag|aph, wh| cht | es sense to s| gn| f| cat| on and mo|e na||ow' yto ' | n-
g0 | st| cs| gn| f| cat| on | nspoken ' ang0age. . . .
The t|ad| t| ona| and f0ndamenta' ethnocent|| sm wh| ch, | nsp| |ed oy the
mode' ofphonet | cw|| t| ng, sepa|atesw| t | ngf|omspeech w| than ax, | sth0s
hand' ed andtho0ghtofasant| -ethnocent|| sm. | ts0ppo||s aneth | co-po| | t| ca|
acc0sat| on: mans exp' o| tat| on oy man | sthefactofw|| t | ngc0 | t0|es ofthe
Weste|n type. Comm0n | t| es of | nnocent and 0nopp|ess| ve speech a|e f|ee
f|omt h| sacc0sat| on.
Two s| gn| f| cancesa|eq0| cs' yd|awnf|omthe| nc| dent|tse' f.
I . The appea|anceofw|| t| ng|s /ns|an|aneous. |t |s not p|epa|edfo|. S0cha
| eapwo0 ' dp|ovethattheposs| o| ' |tyofw|| t| ngdoes not | nhao| tspeech, o0t
theo0ts| deofspeech. "Sow|| t| nghad made|tsappea|anceamongtheNam-
o| swa|a| H0tnotata| ' , asonem| ghthave s0pposed, asthe|es0| t ofa ' aoo|| -
o0sapp|ent| cesh| p, " ||om what does |ev| -St|a0ssa||| ve atth| s ep| genet| sm
that | s | nd| spensao' e | fonew| shes tosafeg0a|d theexte|| o|| ty ofw|| t | ngto
speech ||omthe | nc| dent H0tthe scenewasnotthe sceneofthe or//n, o0t
on| ythatofthe/m/|a|/onofw|| t| ng. cven| f| twe|eaq0est| onofw|| t| ng,what
hasthecha|acte|ofs0ddennesshe|e |s notthepassagetow|| t| ng, the | nven-
t| on ofw|| t| ng, o0tthe | mpo|tat| on ofan a| |eady const| t0ted w|| t| ng. | t | sa
oo||ow| ngandan a|t | f| c| a| oo||ow| ng. As|ev| -St|a0ssh | mse' fsays: "Thesym-
oo| had oeen oo||owed, o0tthe|ea' | ty |ema| nedq0|tefo|e| gntothem. " He-
s| des,t h| scha|acte|ofs0ddennessoov| o0s| yoe| ongstoa' | thephenomenaof
the d| ff0s| on o|t|ansm| ss| on ofw|| t | ng. | tco0 | d neve|desc| | oe the appea|-
anceofw|| t| ng, wh| chhas, on thecont|a|y, oeen ' aoo|| o0s, p|og|ess| ve, and
FromOneCatastrohetoHnother 6,
d| f'e|ent| ated |n |tsstages.Andthe|ap| d|tyoftheoo||ow| ng,when| thappens,
p|es0pposesthep|ev| o0sp|esenceofthest|0ct0|esthat mase | tposs| o| e.
Z. Thesecond s| gn| f| cancethat |ev| - St|a0ss oe| | eves hecan |ead | nthe
ve|ytextofthescene| sconnectedtothef| |st. S| ncethey | ea|nedw| tho0t0n-
de|stand| ng, s| ncetheCh| ef 0sed w||t | ngeffect| ve| yw| tho0tsnow| ng e| the|
theway| t f0nct| oned o|thecontents| gn| f| edoy| t, theendofw|| t| ng| spo' | t-
| ca' and not theo|et | ca' , soc/o/o/ca/, ra|her |han . . . /n|e//ec|ua/. " Th| s
opensandcove|stheent| |espacew| th | nwh| ch|ev| -St|a0ss | snowgo| ngto
th| nsw|| t| ng.
Jhc Imtaton ol rtng
anthropologst consdcrs that thc ndans posscss onlymctaphors lor cx-
prcssngthcactolwrtng. makngalcw dottcd lncs orzgzags, draw-
ngwavy, horzontalncs. Lcrrdaaskswhcthcrthcltcralscnscolwrt-
ngsnotndccd always mctaphorc.
| t|sq0|teev| dentthata ' | te|a't|ans| at| onofthewo|dst hatmean"tow|| te"| n
the' ang0agesof peop' esw| thw|| t| ngwo0| da' so|ed0cethatwo|dt oa |athe|
poo|gest0|a| s| gn| f| cat | on. | t | s as | f one sa| dthat s0ch a ' ang0age has no
wo|d des| gnat | ngw|| t| ngand that the|efo|e those who p|act| ce | t do not
snow how tow|| te 0st oeca0sethey 0se a wo|d mean| ng "to sc|atch, " "to
eng|ave, " "to sc|| oo' e, " "to sc|ape, ""to | nc| se, " "tot|ace, " "to | mp| | nt, "etc.
As |f "tow||te" | n |ts metapho|| cse|ne| , meantsometh | nge| se. |s notethno-
cent|| sm a| ways oet|ayed oy the haste w| th wh| ch | t |s sat| sf| ed oy ce|ta| n
t|ans| at| ons o| ce|ta| n domest| c eq0| va| ents To say t hat a peop' e do not
snowhowtow|| teoeca0seonecant|ans| atethewo|dwh| chthey0setodes-
| gnatetheactof| nsc|| o| ngas"d|aw| ng | | nes, " |sthat notas| fonesho0| d|e-
f0se them "speech"oyt|ans| at | ng the eq0| va| entwo|d oy"toc|y," "tos| ng, '
"tos| gh" | ndeed "tostamme|. "Hyway ofs| mp| eana' ogyw| th |especttothe
mechan| smsofethnocent|| cass| m | ' at| on/exc' 0s| on, ' et 0s|eca| ' w| th Renan
that," | nthemostanc| ent' ang0ages, thewo|ds0sedtodes| gnatefo|e| gnpeo-
a|e d|awn f|om two so0|ces: e| the|wo|dsthat s| gn |fy 'to stamme|, 'to
;o C H A P T E R q
m0mo| e, o wo|dsthat s| gn|fy ' m0te. Ando0ghtoneto conc' 0dethatthe
Ch| nesea|e a peop| ew| tho0tw|| t| ngoeca0se thewo|d wen s| gn| f| es many
th | ngsoes| desw|t | ng | na na||owsenseAs | nfactJ. Cenetnotes.
Thewo|d wen s| gn| f| es a cong| omeat| onofma|ks, thes| mp| esymoo| | n
w| t| ng. | t app' i estotheve| ns | n stonesandwood, toconste' | at| ons, |ep-
esented oy the st|okes connect| ng the sta|s, to the tacks of o| ds and
q0ad0pedsonthego0nd|Ch | neset|ad| t| onwo0 ' dhave| tthattheoose|-
vat| on oftheset|acks s0ggested the | nvent| on of w|| t| ngl, to tattoo and
even, fo|examp| e, t othedes| gnsthat decoatethet0t' esshe | ' . . . . The
tem wen has des| gnated, oyextens| on, | | te|at0|e andsoc| a| co0tesy. | ts
antonymsaethewo|dswu|wa||| o|, m| ' |tarylandzh/| o|0tematte|notyet
po| | shed oo|namentedl . "
n takng to task thc prcsuppostons mplct n anthropologcal ds-
contcnttonvcrtccrtanprortcs. loncs tolollowthcvoyagcolgram-
matologcal rcadng, onc must abandon thc vcry prncplc olnvcrson,
whchsmcrclyannvcrscdcrvaton, nlavorolopcnnguptoadhcrcnt
thnkngolthccvcnt and thc accdcnt.^t thcsamc tmc, outsidcchangcs
ts mcanng. ndccd, thcvolcncc olwrtngdocs notcomc lromoutsdc.
|t} does no|supervenef|om w| tho0t0pon an | nnocent' ang0age |n ode|to
s0|p| se |t, a | ang0agethats0ffe|s the agg|ess| onofw|| t| ngasthe acc| dentof
| ts d| sease, | ts defeatand | ts fa| ' , o0t |s the o| g| nay v| o' ence ofa ' ang0age
wh| ch | sa| ways a | eady a w|| t| ng. Ro0ssea0 and |ev| -Sta0ss a|e notfo|a
momentto oecha| ' engedwhentheye' atethepowe|ofw|| t| ngtotheexe-
c| seofv| o' ence. B0t rad| ca' | z| ngth | stheme, no ' ongercons| de|| ngt h| sv| o-
' enceasder/va|/v_w| thespecttoa nat0|a| ' y| nnocentspeech, one|eveses
the ent| e sense ofa p|opos| t| onthe 0n | ty ofv| o| ence and w|| t| ngwh | ch
onem0stthe|efoeoecaef0 | nott oaost|actand| so' ate. ' '
Rcadng Inthc Lnc. Jhcrc Is
o Soccty thout rtng
^though thc lambikvara vcrc casy-going and unpcrturbcd by thc prcscncc
o| thc anthropoogist vith his notcbook and camcra, thc vork vas compicatcd
From OneCatastrohetoHnother ;i
by linguistic di|hcutics. In thc hrst placc, thc usc o| propcr namcs is taboo, in
ordcr to idcnti| individuas, vc had to |oov thc custom adoptcd by thc tcc-
graph vorkcrs, that is, comc to an agrccmcnt vith thc nativcs about arbitrary
appcllations such as Iortugucsc namcs|ulio, |osc-Naria, Luiza, ctc. or
nicknamcs ikc Le/reharc) or Hssacarsugar) . Jhcrc vas onc Indian vho had
bccn christcncd Cavaignac by Rondon, or onc o| his companions, bccausc hc
had a goatcc, a vcry rarc |caturc among Indians, vho arc usuay bcardlcss.
Cnc day, vhcn I vas playing vith a group o| childrcn, a littc gir vho had
bccn struck by onc o| hcr paymatcs took rc|ugc by my sidc and, vith a vcry
mystcrious air, bcgan to vhispcr somcthing in my car. 1 I did not undcrstand
and vas obigcd to ask hcr to rcpcat it scvcral timcs, hcr cncmy rcaizcd vhat
vas going on and, obviousy vcry angry, aso camc ovcr to conhdc vhat sccmcd
to bc a solcmn sccrct. ^hcr somc hcsitation and qucstioning, thc mcaning o|
thc incidcnt bccamc clcar. Cut o| rcvcngc, thc h rst littc gir had comc to tcll
mc thc namc o| hcr cncmy, and thc lattcr, on bccoming avarc o| this, had rc-
taiatcd by conhding to mc thc othcr's namc. Irom thcn on, it vas vcry casy, a-
though rathcr unscrupulous, to incitc thc chidrcn against cach othcr and gct
to knov a thcir namcs. ^|tcr vhich, having crcatcd a ccrtain atmosphcrc o|
complicity, I had ittlc di|h culty in gctting thcm to tcll mc thc namcs o| thc
aduts. hcn thc lattcr undcrstood vhat our con|abulations vcrc about, thc
chidrcn vcrc scodcd and no morc in|ormation vas |orthcoming.
Jhs tcxt shows n ncgatvc tcrms that sncc a socctyprcsumcs, as ts
condton olpossblty, a hcrarchyand cconomyolpowcr, nsttutons,
andstructurcsolparcnthood,nothcrwords,dq rcnccs,thcsourccolthat
powcrs classh caton, ordcr, thc taxonomyolndvduals, n othcrwords,
alrcady, thcchaccmcnt olthcrndvdualty. Lcrrdarclcrs to ths as thc
e|as0|eofthe p|ope|name. Ivcrysocalgroup cxstsaswhattsonlyto
thccxtcntthattsablctouscpropcr namcsas common nouns, nasmuch
as a propcr namc s uscd, as thc ambguty olthc tcrm suggcsts, to call
ndvdualsbutalsoatthcsamctmctoclass|thcm. nthswaythcnamc
bccomcsa labcl andloscstsvocatvcvaluc. Ivcrysocctysthcrclorcvo-
lcnt to thc cxtcnt thattprocccds on thc bass olthc dcath olthc propcr,
or what s onc`s own. Jhs obltcraton s prccsclywhat Lcrrda calls
w|| t | ng | n the ooad sense, a|che-w|| t| ng, or clsc d| ffe|ance. ^rchc-
wrtng s antcror towhatactuallyoccurs as thc cmcrgcnccolwrtng n

usualscnsc,ornthcnarrowscnsc. ts notsomcthngthathappcns to
thcgnalnnoccnccolspccch, tsncthcrthcdcadlydoublcnorthccx-
;z C H A P T E R q
otc storchousc olspccch. Jhc possbty ol obtcratng propcrncss or
ownncss nhabtsspccch tscI Bccauscolthat, communtcsthatdonot
knowwrtngnthcusuascnsc ,astcchnquclorthcnotaton olthcspo-
kcnword) cannotlor a thatbcsadto bcwthoutwrtng. H0taoove
a| ' , how can wedenythe pact| ceofw|| t | ng |n gene|a' to a soc| ety capao' e
ofoo' | te|at | ngthep|ope, that | stosay, av| o| entsoc| ety '
| fw| t| ng| sno' onge|0nde|stood | n thena||owsenseof | | neaandphonet| c
notat| on, | tsho0 | doeposs| o' etosaythata| | soc| et| escapao' eofpod0c| ng,
that| stosayofoo' |te|at| ng, the| | pope|names,andofo|| ng| ngc' ass| f| cato|y
d| f|e|ence| ntop| ay, p|act| cew| t| ng| n gene|a' . No |ea| | tyo|conceptwo0' d
the|efo|e co||espond to t heexp|ess| on "soc| ety w| tho0t w| t| ng. " Th| s ex-
p|ess| on |s dependenton ethnocent| c one| | sm, 0ponthev0 ' ga|, that |s to
sayethnocent|| c, m| sconcept| onofw| t| ng. ' '
|omthemomentthatthep|ope|name| s e|ased | na system,thee | s w|| t| ng,
the|e | sa"s0o|ect"fomthemomentthatth|soo| |teat| onofthepope| spo-
d0ced,that | sto sayf|om thef| st appea|| ngofthe pope|and fom thef| |st
dawn of | ang0age. Th| s popos| t| on |s 0n| ve|sa' | n essence and can oe p|o-
d0ced + How one passesfomth| s+ to thedete|m| nat| onofem-
p| || ca' facts | s a q0est| on that one cannot answe | n gene|a' hee. || st oe-
ca0se, oydef| n| t| on, thee |s nogenea' answe|to aq0est| onofth| sfom.
| t| sthe|efo|es0ch a /+ thatweenco0nte| hee. | tdoesnot | nvo' vethe
st|0ct0a| effacementofwhatweoe' | evetooeo0 pope|names, | tdoesnot
| nvo' vetheoo' | teat| onthat,pa|adox| ca| |y, const| t0testheo|| g| na|y ' eg| o| | |ty
ofthe ve|yth| ng | te|ases, o0tofa p|oh | o| t| on heav| | ys0pe|| mposed, |n ce-
ta| n soc| et| es, 0ponthe0seofthe popename. "Theyae nota| ' owed . . . to
0se p|openames, " cev| -St|a0ssoose|ves p. Z/0| .
Befoe we cons| de th | s, | et 0s note that th| s p|oh| o| t| on |s necessa-
| ' y de| vat| vew| th |egad to theconst| t0t| ve e|as0|e ofthe pope|name| n
what | have ca' | ed a|che-w| t| ng, w| th | n, that | s, thep| ay ofd| ffe:ence. | t| s
oeca0sethep|ope|namesa|ea| |eadyno' onge|p|ope|names,oeca0sethe|
pod0ct| on| sthe| | oo| |te|at| on, oeca0set hee|as0|eandt he| mpos| t| onof the
' etteaeo|| g| nay, oeca0setheydonots0pe|vene0pona pope|| nsc | pt| on,
| t| soeca0se thepope|namehas neveoeen, asthe0n | q0eappe| ' at| on e-
se|vedfo|the presenceofa 0n| q0eoe| ng, anyth| ng o0ttheo|| g| na| mythofa
t|anspa|ent | eg| o| | | ty pesent0ndetheoo| | te|at| on, |t |s oeca0sethepope
From OneCatastrohetoHnother ;)
namewasneve|poss| o' eexceptth|o0gh |tsf0nct| on| ngw| th| nac| ass| f| cat| on
and the|efo|e w| th | n a system ofd| f|eences, w| th | n a w| t| ng |eta| n | ng the
t|acesofd| ne|ence,thatthe| nte|d| ctwasposs| o| e,co0' dcome| ntop| ay, and,
whenthet| me came. . . co0 | doe eas| ' yt|ansg|essed,t|ansgessed, that | sto
say esto|ed totheoo' |te|at| onandthenon-se' f-sameness ,--ee| of
theo|| g| n . ' '
I lthc prmarynnoccnccolspccch, olthc ndgcnous group or com-
munty, has aways arcady bccn corruptcd by thc tracc, t must bc con-
cudcdthatanyorgnaryvoyagc dc/oca/izcslromthcoutsctanyproxmty
to scll. Startng outlromthc orgn, thcrc s translcr, translcrcncc, trans-
port, thatstosay, tcray, mctaphor.
Jhcrc s no ground lorobjcctngthat tracc s not thc ltcral scnsc ol
wrtng. rtng, nthc scnsc olknownghowtowrtc, as mastcryola
tcchnquc,canhardlybcthc tcra scnscolwhatapscudo-wrtngdcrvcd
lroman csthctc luncton ,makng a lcw dottcd ncs orzgzags on thcr
gourds, drawngwavy, horzontalncs) , s supposcdtomtatc.Jhctcra
scnscolwrtngs aways arcadymctaphorc, lor t aways rclcrs backto
ths samc aesthet| c valuc, orto a athe poo|gest0ra' s| gn| f| cat on . ^s
/ w|| t| ngthat |s sens| o| e, f| n| te, andso on, |s des| gnated asw|| t| ng| nthe ' | t-
e|a' sense, |t |s th0stho0ght on thes| deofc0 | t0|e,techn| q0e, andat| f| ce, a
h0man poced0e, the 0se ofa oe| ng acc| denta' ' y| nca|nated o| ofa f| n | te
c|eat0e. fco0|se,th| smetapho|ema| nsen | gmat| cand efes toa "' |te|a| "
mean| ng of w|| t | ng as t hef| |st metapho|. Th| s " ' | tea' " mean | ng | s yet 0n-
tho0ghtoyt headheentsof t h| sd| sco0se. | t| snot, the|efo|e, a matte|of | n-
ve|t| ngthe' |te|a| mean| ngandt hef| g0at| ve mean| ngo0t ofdetem| n| ngthe
" ' | tea' " mean| ngofw|| t| ngasmetapho| c| ty |tse| f. ' `
rtng and Roadvay
Contcstngthc catastrohicand catastrohistdrh olwrtngvs-a-vs
spccch, and mctaphorc scnsc vs-a-vs tcra scnsc cas nto qucston na
umbcrolwaysthctradtonadchntonolthcvoyagc. Inthch rstpacc,t
;| C H A P T E R q
calzatonandabstracton, propcrandlorcgn,wththctrcnchancyorcrt-
cal knlc ola hcrarchcal dcmarcaton. n thc sccond placc, to spcak ol
archc-wrtng or dq rancc, that s to say oncc morc, ol orgnary
mctaphorcty, amountstodsturbngthcvcrynotonolthcoutsdc.Jo say
thatwrtngdocsnot comcoutolspccchmcans sayngthatthcrcsnopurc
rvc) . Jhrdly, thc mmcnsc gucston olthccst`s rclatonwth tsothcrs
numbcr olcthnoccntrc, logoccntrc, and phonoccntrc prcsuppostons.
ForLcrrdatsamattcrolpostngavoyagc thatwouldnotprocccd
riiantcanonly arsc outolancwconccptonolwhathappcnsor cmcrgcs
thc accdcntandthc cvcntaccordng to whch catastrophc docs notoc-
cur or arriic, that s to say docs not brcach anyntcgrtyor allcct any
Jhc roadway along whch bcng, and thc savagc, arc lcd outsdc ol
Penet|at| on |n thecaseofthe Namo| kwa|a. The anth|opo| og| stsaf|ect| onfo
thoseto whom hedevotedone ofh| sd| sse|tat| ons, la ve/am/a/e e|soca/e
des/ndens ^ambkwara | I 9d4I . Penetat| on, the|efo|e, | nto "the | ostwo|| d"
ofthe Namo| kwa|a, "the | | tt' e oandsofnomads, who a|e amongthe most
gen0 | ne| y' p| m| t| veofthewo|| dspeop| es"on "ate||to|ythe s| zeof||ance, "
tavesed oya pcada |ac|0deta| | whose "t|ack" | s"noteas| | yd| st| ng0 | shed
fom the o0sh", onesho0 | dmed| tate 0pona| ' ofthe fo| ' ow| ngtogethe|. w| t-
| ng astheposs | o| | | tyofthe|oad, of the |0pt0|e, ofthe va rup|a, ofthepath
that |s o|oken, oeaten, /rac|a, ofthe space of |eve|s| o| | | ty, and of |epet| t| on
t|acedoytheopen| ng,thed| ve|gencefom,andthev| o| entspac| ngofnat0|e,
ofthenat0|a| , savage,sa| vage,fo|est.Thes/va | ssavage,theva rup|a | sw|| t-
ten, d| scened,and| nsc| oedv| o| ent| yasd| ffe|ence,asfom |s | mposedonthe
hy/, | nthefo|est, | nwoodasmatte|, | t| sd| ff| c0 | tto| mag| nethataccesstothe
poss| o| ' |tyofa |oad-map| snotatthesamet| meaccesstow|| t| ngl . '
I |
Ah, yo0 wantmeto sayth| ngs ' | ke "| was oo|n |n E| H| a| ontheo0tsk| |tsof
A' g| es |n a pet| too0|geo| sfam | | y ofass | m| | atedJ ews o0t . . . " | sthat |ea' | y
necessa|y | cantdo| t. Yo0w| | ' haveto he| pme. '
Irst Jravcrsc
. . . he 0ns, he f' | esso yo0 ng and | | ghtf0t| ' es0ot' eag| | e de' | ve| | ngto the
wo| ' dtheveyd| sco0|seofth | s| mp|egnao' e| ned| o' es| mu' ac|0m, thetheoy
ofthepaas| tev| |0s, ofthe | ns| de/o0ts| de, ofthe| mpeccao| epharmakos, te-
|o|| z| ng the othe|s th|o0gh the | nstao | ' | ty he ca| es eveywhe|e, one oook
open |n theothe|, one sca| deepw| th| ntheothe|, astho0gh heweed| gg| ng
t hep| t oanescarre | n t hef' esh o . +
hsmothcr,wouldwrtcsuchascll-portrat:as hcnotdcstncd to lcada

taryllc, ths scaedch| ' dwho0p0nt| ' p0oe|tyc| edo0t' M0mmy| m

sca|ee|y n| ght 0nt| ' they | et h| ms' eep on a d| van neah| s paents:' t
was onlyat thcagc olnnctccn, n Iq, that Lcrrda lchonhshrst rcal
voyagc, aboardthc //cdX_cr, hcadng l
Francc. Ic was on hs wayto ars, to cnrolllor thc hnal prcparatoryycar
lorthcagcgationcxams khgnc atthcLycccLous-lc-Crand.
C H A P T E R ;
Ruc Sant-Augustin, :g]z.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
Between the mode' ca| ' ed academ | c, g|ammat| ca| , o| | | te|a|y, on the one
hand, andsposen | ang0age, ontheothe|, |he seawasthe|e. symoo| | ca' | yan
| nf| n| tespacefo|a' ' thest0dentsofthe||enchschoo' | nA' ge|| a, achasm, an
aoyss. | d| d notc|oss | t, oodyandso0 ' , o|oodyw| tho0tso0 | |o0tw| ' | | eve|
have c|ossed | t, c|ossed | tothe|w| sel , 0nt| | , fo|the f| |stt| me, sa| | | ng ac|oss
onaooat, onthe v//edA/er, attheageofn| neteen. || |sto0|ney, f| |stc|oss-
| ngofmy | | fe, twenty ho0|sofsea-s| csnessand vom| t| ngoefo|e a weesof
d| st|ess and a ch| | dstea|s |n thes | n| ste| ooa|d| ng ho0se ofthe"Baz C|and"
| | n the khne ofthe |o0 | s- ' e-C|and ' ycee, | n a d| st|| ct | have p|act| ca' | y
neve|' eft s| ncethatt| mel . '
OH/geria ;;
Chldhood and Icar
Jhcchldcrcs, thcrclorc,whcnhchastolcavchomc. Iomc,nthc
hrstplacc, mcans both thc holday homc n Il Bar, whcrc hcwas born,
and thc prmary lamly rcsdcncc, ruc Sant-^ugustn n ^gcrs, whcrc
The|0eSa| nt-A0g0st | n, | n town, whe|e | ' | vedw| th my pa|ents 0nt| | | was 4
except | nthes0mme|, | |ememoe|ed afew monthsago, | n them| dd| eofmy
fac| a| pa|a| ys| s, | was d|| v| ng | n Pa|| s nea|thepe|aand | d| scove|edthat
othe||0eSa| nt-A0g0st | n, homonym oftheone | n A' g| e|s whe|e my pa|ents
' | ved fo|9 yea|s ane|the| | ma||| age, mye| de|o|othe|Renewas oo|n the|e,
Pa0 ' -Mo|se, whom | |ep| aced,wasoo|n and then d| edthe|eoefo|eme, .
|ememoe|edth | s . . . a da|s ha' | way, a g|oce|s downf|om the ho0se. . v v `
Jhcn twas back to Ll Bar, n a housc thc lamly movcd nto at i), ruc
d`^urclc-dc-aladncs, wthtso|cha|d, the| ntactPaRDeS, 'ontheedge
ofanA|aoq0a|te|and a Catho' | c cemete|y, attheend otheChem| nd0 Re-
Jhcchldcrcswhcnhc slost.
| wa' sed fo| mo|e than two ho0|s |n the same ne| ghoo|hood c|y| ng, a | ost
ch| | d. | have|athe|p|ec| sememo|| esofth| sexpe|| ence, | dontsnow |f | eve|
to' dyo0 aoo0t |t, | was e| ght o| n| ne, a fa| | | n E' B| a|. | co0 ' d no ' onge|f| nd
mypa|entsando' | ndedoytea|s| hadoeeng0| dedtowa|dmyfathe|sca|, 0p
oeh | ndt hech0|ch, oyt hec|eat0|esoft hen| ght,g0a|d| ansp| || ts.
Buthc aso crcsoutola scnsc that hs natvc country s alrcadylostto
hm. Isrcsstancc to lcavng tandto travcngspcrhaps a rcacton to
thcprcsccnccolan ncvtabccxlcprovokcdbyhsdoublccxpcrcnccol
war, olorldarandthc^lgcranwarlorndcpcndcncc.
| came to |anceattheageof n| neteen. | had neve| ' eft E' B | a|. Thewa|of
I 940 | nA' || a, andth0sthef| |st0nde|g|o0nd|0mo| | ngsoftheA' ge|| anwa|.
As a ch| ' d, | hea|d themcom| ng | n an an | ma| fash | on, w| th a fee| | ng ofthe
endofthewo| | dwh| chwasatthesamet| methemostnat0|a| hao| tat, | n any
casetheon | yone| hadeve|snown. Evenfo|a ch| ' dwhowas0nao' etoan-
C H A P T E R ;
a' yzeth| ngs, |t was c| ea|that |two0 ' da| | end n f| |eando' ood. No oneco0' d
escapethatv| o| enceandthatfea|."
Issocaton ol Idcntty
Butwhatdocshcmcanbyend , | ng} |n f| |e and o' ood: at s^-
|o| weknew oyway ofan oosc0|e o0t ce|ta| nfo|mofknow' edgethatA| ge-
|| awas | n nomanne|ofspeak| ngthep|ov| nce, no|A| g| e|sthewo|k| ng-c' ass
d| st|| ct.R| ghtf|omch| ' dhood,A| ge|| awas,fo|0s, a' soaco0nt|y, andA' g| e|s,
a c| tyw| th| na co0nt|y | naf0zzysenseofth| swo|dwh| ch co| nc| desne| the|
w| ththestate, no|w|ththenat| on, no|w|th |e|| g| on, no|even, da|e | say,w|th
ana0thent| ccomm0n| ty. And | n th | s"co0nt|y" ofA| ge| | a, oes| des,wewe|e
w| tness | ngthe|econst| t0t| onofthespect|a| s| m0| ac|0mofacap|ta|/p|ov| nce
st|0ct0|e | "A' g| e|s/the | nte|| o|, " "A' g| e|s/|an, " "A| g| e|s/Constant| ne, " "A' -
g| e|s-c| ty/A| g| e|s-s0o0|os, "|es| dent| a' d| st|| ctsgene|a| | yonh | | | tops/poo|d| s-
t|| ctsoftenf0the|oe| owl . ' `
Vcrycarlyon, Lcrrdahadthc lccngthathsdcnttywas dvdcd. "at
once a Magh|eo| an |wh| ch |s not a c| t| zensh | pl and a ||ench c| t| zen. ne
andtheothe|atthesamet| me. Andoette|yet, atonceoneandtheothe|by
br|h. "'
Frcnch, Naghrcban, and|cwsh.Jhctrpcdssocatonthatds-
locatcdthc stuatonolhs brthwastsclsubdvdcd n turn. Jhccom-
muntythatLcrrdabcongcdtow| ' ' haveoeenth|eet| mesd| ssoc| atedoy
what,a ' |tt' ehast| | y,wea|eca' | | ng| nte|d| cts.| I I || |stofa| ' , | twasc0tof|f|om
oothA|ao| co| Be|oe|| mo|e p|ope|' yMagh|eo| anl ' ang0age and c0 | t0|e. | ZI
| twasa| so c0toff f|om ||ench, and even E0|opean | ang0age and c0 | t0|e,
wh| ch, f|om | ts v| ewpo nt, on | yconst| t0ted a d| stanced po' e o|met|opo| e,
hete|ogeneo0sto | ts h | sto|y. | 3l | twasc0toff, f| na' | y, o|tooeg| nw| th, f|om
J ew| shmemo|y, and f|om the h| sto|yand ' ang0agethatone m0stp|es0meto
oethe| | own, o0twh| ch, ata ce|ta| npo| nt, no' onge|was. " '
Whe|ethen are we Whe|edo wef| ndo0|se' vesthc chd asks, W|th
whom canwest| ' | den|/y |n o|de|toaff| |mo0|own | dent| ty andtote| | o0|-
se' veso0| own h| sto|y ' ' nthcsamctcxt,Lcrrdawrtcs.Tooea ||anco-
OH/geria ;
LI ar n thc sccond dccadc ol thc twcntcth ccntury.
Magh|eo| an, one' ' | ke myse' f, |s not, not pa|t| c0 ' a|' y, and pa|t| c0 | a| ' ynot, a
s0|fe|to| || chnessof| dent| t| es,att|| o0tes,o| names. | nthe f| |stp' ace, |two0| d
|athe|oet|aya dsordero/den||y t|o0o' ed | dent| te}. `
i 4
^ Frcnch ^lgcran was mostoltcn someone to whom . . . access to
anynon-||ench ' ang0ageofA' ge|| a| ' |te|a|yo| d| a' ecta' A|ao| c, He|oe|, etc. l
wasprohb|ed. `
Ighschoostudcnts ccrtanyhadthc rght t ostudy
^rabc, butvcrylcwmadcachoccthatwasbothdcvalucdanddowngrad-
ngw,cspccttothc cutura norms mposcdbymctropoltanFrancc.
Wehad thecho| ce,thefo|ma| || ght,to ' ea|no|not| ea|nA|ao| co|Be|oe|.|
Heo|ew. | twasnot| ' | ega| , o|ac|| me. Atthe|yce, at' eastandA|ao| c|athe|
than Be|oe|. | donot |eca' ' anyoneeve|' ea|n| ngHeo|ewatthe|yce. The| n-
o C H A P T E R ;
Jhc Ocrrda-Satar tamIy "Souvcnr ot our outng to lort dc ILau on zOAugust :g]].

|.O. s thc
sccond chId hom thc Ich, scatcd bctwccn hs mothcrs Icgs. (|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
ted| ctwosedtheefoetho0ghotheways.Moes0ot' e,peacef0' , s| | ent,and
| | oea' ways. | ttoosothefomsofevenge. | nthe manneofpem| tt | ng and
g| v| ng,fo, | np| nc| p' e, eveyth| ngwasg| ven, o atanyate pem|tted. '
W| tho0thav| ngstat| st| csatm y d | sposa' , | ememoethatthepecentageof/y-
ce st0dentswhochoseAao| cwas aoo0tzeo. Thosewho, | nexteme y' | m-
| ted n0moes, eno| ' ed | n |toya cho| cethatatthatt| meseemed 0n0s0a| o
even o| zae d| d not even fom a homogeneo0sgo0p. Amongthem, thee
wee att| messt0dentsofA' ge| ano| g| n|the"nat| ves, " accod| ngto the off|-
c| a' appe' ' at| onl , when | n except| ona' cases, they ga| ned access to the
/ycLo0tnot a' ' ofthem, atthatt| me,t0nedtowadAao| cas a ' | st| c
d| sc| p| | ne. AmongthosewhochoseAao| c, | tseemstomethattheee ' | t-
t| e|enchA| ge| ansofnon-0oano | g| n, ch | ' denofsett| es,whocamefom
the"| nte| o. " |o' | ow| ngtheco0nse| odes| e ofthe| paents, necess| ty oe-
| ngthe | aw, theytho0ght |n advanceofthe needtheywo0 | doneday haveof
th s ' ang0agefortechn| ca' and pofess| ona' easons. amongothet h| ngs, to
mase themse| ves head, wh ch meansa' so ' | stened to, andooeyed oythe|
ag| c0 | t0a| woses. A' | othes, | nc' 0d ng myse| f, s0om| tted pass| ve' yt othe
OH/geria i
| nted| ct. | t mass| ve' yepesentedt heca0se, aswe| | ast heeffectwe' | , the
m0ch so0ght-afteeffectofthegow| ng0se| essness,theogan| zed mag| n-
a| | zat| onofthose ' ang0ages, Aao| cand Heoe. The| weasen | ng ex|nua-
|on| wasca' c0| ated oya co| on| a' po| | cythat petendedtoteatA' ge | aasa
go0pofthee | enchdepatments.
Aao| c, anopt| ona| foe| gn | ang0age | nA' ge | a|
Jhsyoung|cw`s acccsstohs|cwshncss ,languagc,culturc, rclgon)
was tscllsubjcct, ntsownway, to atypcolprohbton.
Asfo | ang0age |n thest| ctsense, weco0 | d noteven esotto somefam| | | a
s0ost| t0te,tosome| d| om | ntena' totheJ ew| shcomm0n|ty,toanysotof| an-
g0ageofef0gethat, ' | seY| dd| sh, wo0 | dhaveens0edane' ementof| nt| macy,
the potect| onofa "home-of-ones-own" un chez-so] aga| nstthe ' ang0age
ofoff| c| a| c0 ' t0e, oacs- 0pass| stancefod | ffeent soc| o-sem| ot| c s| t0at| ons.
"|ad| no"wasnotsposen | ntheA| ge| a| snew, espec| a| ' ynot | ntheo| gc| t| es
| | seA| g| es,wheetheJew| shpop0 ' at| onhappenedtooeconcentated. ' "
| nthem| | | e0whee | | | ved,w e 0sed to say"theCatho| | cs", w e ca| | ed a| | the
non-Jew| sh |ench peop| e"Catho' | cs, " even | ftheyweesomet| mesPotes-
tants, o pehapseven thodox. "Catho| | c"meantanyonewho was ne| the
aJew, Heoe, noanAao. `
Th | s| ncapac|ty, th | shand| cappedmemoy, | sthes0o ectofmy| amenthee.
That | smyg| evance. |oas | tho0ght| pece| ved | td0 | ngmyado| escent
yeas, when | was oeg| nn| ngto0ndestanda ' | tt| ewhatwashappen| ng, t h| s
he| tage was a' eady oss| f| ed, even necot| zed, | nto | t0a' compotment,
whose mean| ng was no | onge' eg| o| eeven tothema| o| tyoftheJ ewsofA' -
ge | a. | 0sed t oth | n s t hen that | wasdea ' | ng w| th a J 0da| sm of"exte na'
s| gns. " H0t| co0 ' dnoteoe' andoe| | eveme, | waseoe| ' | ngaga| nstwhat |
toos to oe gest| c0 ' at| ons, pat| c0' a | y on feast days | n the synagog0es|
co0 ' dnot | osemytempe, exceptfomwhatwasa| eadyan | ns| d| o0sCh | st-
| ancontam| nat| on. the espectf0 | oe' | ef | n | nwadness, the pefeencefo | n-
tent| on, theheat, t hem| nd, m| st0stw| th espectt o| | tea| nesso t oanoo-
z C H A P T E R ;
j ect| ve act| ong| ventothemechan| c| tyoftheoody, | n shot, aden0nc| at| on,
soconvent| ona| , ofPha| sa| sm.
. . . |wasnottheon| yonetooeaf|ectedoyth| sCh| st an"contam| nat| on. "
Soc| a' ande| | g| o0soehav| o, evenJew| sh | t0a' sthemse' vesweeta| ntedoy
them, | n the| tang| o| eooject| v| ty. 0 pact| cesm| m| csedthoseofCh| st| an
ch0ches,theaoo| wo0' dwea a o' acscassocs,andthevege chemasch[
a Napo' eon| ccocsed hat, the "oam | tzvah"wasca| | ed "comm0n| on, "and
c| c0mc| s| onwasnamed"oapt| sm. "'
//e. myname-no| nscrbed, |he on/y one, very abs|rac|, |ha|ever hap-
pened|o me, |ha| / /earned, /rom ou|sde, /a|ei, and|ha|/ have neverfe' t,
oone, |hename/do no| know, /kea number. . . anonymous/ydesna|n
|he hdden name, and n |hs sense, more |han any o|he( | s |he g| ven
name, whch / receved w|hou| recevn n |hep/ace where wha|s re-
ceved mus|no| be receved, norve any sn o/recon|on n exchane
||hename, |he/|, bu|assoon as / /earned, very/a|e, |ha||was myname,
/pu| n|o |, very ds|rac|ed/y on one sde, n reserve, a cer|an nob/|y a
sn o/e/ec|on, / am he who s e/ec|ed jce| 0| q0' on e| | t), |hs]oned|o |he
s|oryabou||he wh|e |a/e|h ||o be |o/de/sewhere) andsome o|her sns o/
secre| benedc|on.
Hefoe speech, among the J ews a' one, thee |s c| c0mc| s on, the saced
tong0ew| | ' have s | | pped ove meastho0gh ove a po' | shed stone, pehaps,
o0t | o0ythedeepth | ngs, | m0st have petendedto | ean Heoew, | ' | edto
them aoo0t ' ang0ageandschoo| , | peted d to ' ean Heoew soasto ead
| tw| tho0t 0ndestand | ng | t, ' | se thewo of mymothetoday, at one mo-
ment, | n I 94J, w| th a Raoo| fomthe 0e | s|y, j 0st oefoethebar-m|zvah,
wh| chtheya| soca' | ed "comm0n | on, "atthe momentwhen |enchA' ge | a| n
thepesonof|tsCoveno-Cenea' , w| tho0tthe| ntevent| onofanyNaz| , had
expe| ' ed me fom schoo' andw| thdawn my |enchc| t| zensh| p . . . , sothat
th0sexpe| ' ed, | oecametheo0ts| de, ty asthey m| ghtto comec| oseto me
they ' ' neveto0chmeaga| n, theymasc0 ' | neofem| n| ne,and| d| d my"com-
m0n| on" oyf' ee| ngthep | son ofa' | ' ang0ages, thesaced onetheyt| ed to
' ocsme0p | n w| tho0topen| ng meto | t, thesec0' atheymadec' ea wo0' d
neveoem| ne,o0t t h| s | gnoanceema| nedt hechanceof myfa| thas ofmy
hope, ofmytasteevenfothe"wod, "thetastefo| ettes. '
OH/geria )
neday | w| ' ' w| tea ' ongnaat| vefoyo0, notadeta| ' w| ' ' oem| ss| ng, not
a cand' e| | ght, not a f| avo, not anoange, a | ongnaat| ve aoo0tthe P0 | m
cases nE| - H | a, when | wasten yeaso' danda' eady0ndestood noth | ng.
Jhs acculturaton, product ol colonalsm, was at thc samc tmc
maskcdand rcnlorccdby thc nh ucncc olFrancc, most oltcncallcdthc
|o t hep0p| ' sof the|enchschoo' | n A| ge| a, whethetheyweeof A' ge| an
o| g| n, " |ench Nat| ona| s, ""|enchc| t| zensofA| ge| a, "ooon | nthatenv| -
onmentoftheJew| shpeop' eofA' ge | awhoweeatonceo s0ccess| ve' ythe
oneandtheothe | "| nd| geno0sJ ews, " asone0sedtosay0 ndethecc0pa-
t| on w| tho0tocc0pat| on, | nd| geno0sJ ews and nevethe' ess |ench d0 | ng a
ceta| n pe| odl , foa ' | thesego0ps, |ench was a | ang0ages0pposed to oe
mate na| , o0tonewhoseso0ce, noms, 0 | es, and ' aw wee s| t0ated e' se-
whee. . . . c ' sewhee, that means |n the Metopo' e. ' n the Cap| ta' C| ty
Mothe- |athe ' and. Somet| mes, we wo0 ' d say "|ance, " o0t most' y "the
Metopo| e, " at | east | n the off| c| a' ' ang0age, | n the | mposed heto| c of
speeches, newspapes,andschoo' . Asfomyfam| | y, anda| mosta| wayse' se-
whee,we 0sedtosay " |ance"amongo0se' ves| "Those peop' ecan affod
vacat| ons| n |ance","thatpeson |s go| ngtost0dy| n|ance", "he|sgo| ngto
tase thewates | n |ance, genea| ' yatV| chy", "th| steache |s fom |ance",
"th | scheese | sfom|ance"l .
Theme|ropo/e, theCap| ta' -C|ty-Mothe-|athe' and, thec| tyofthemothe
tong0e. thatwasap' acewh| ch epesented,w| tho0toe| ng| t,afaawayco0n-
ty, neao0tfaaway, nota| | en, fothatwo0 | doetoos| mp| e, o0tstange,fan-
tast c, andphantom' | se _ /an|omaj . Deepdown, | wondewhethe oneofmy
f| st and most | mpos| ng f| g0es of specta| | ty, ofspecta| | ty | tse' f, was not
| ance, | mean eveyth| ngthat ooeth | sname|ass0m| ngthat a co0nty and
whatoeasthenameofaco0nty| seveanyth| nge' se,evenfothe' easts0s-
pect ofpat| ots, pehapsfothemespec| a' ' yl .
A p' aceoffantasy, theefoe, atan 0ngaspao| ed| stance. As a mode' of
good speech and good w| t| ng, |t epesented the ' ang0age of the maste.
| c n r 1 r n ;
|What'smo|e, | do notth| ns| haveeve| ecogn| zedanyothesove|e| gn | n my
' | fe. l The maste toos the fo|m, p|| ma | | y and pa|t| c0 | a|| y, of the schoo| -
teache|.Theteache|co0 ' dth0s|epesent,w| thd | gn|ty,themaste|| ngenea| ,
0ndet he0n| vesa| feat0|esof t hegood Rep0o' | c. ' n anent | e| yd | ffeentway
thanfoa |enchch| ' d fom ||ance,theMet|opo' ewasc| sewhee, atonce a
st|ongfo|tessandan ent | e| yothep' ace. ||omthe| ep' aceao' ep' acement
ofth| smyth| ca| "ve|the|e,"| twasnecessa|ytoattempt, | nva| n ofco0|se,to
meas0ethe| nf| n |ted| stanceo| the| ncommens0ao' ep|ox| m| tyofthe| nv| s-
| o| eo0t|ad | anthea||h f|om wh| chcameto 0s paad| gmsd| st | nct| on, co|-
ectness, e' egance, | | teayo|o|atoy ' ang0age. The ' angageofthe Met|o-
po' ewas the mothetong0e, act0a' | y, the s0ost| t0te foa mothe|tong0e| | s
theeeveanyth | nge| se:l ast he| ang0ageof t heothe. `
| nthe m| dd| eofthewa|, 0st afte|the ' and| ngoftheA| ' | ed foces | n Noth
Af| ca |n Novemoe| I 94Z, wew| tnessed the const| t0t| onofa so|tof| | teay
cap| ta| of|ance | nex| ' e | n A| g| e|s. a c0| t0|a' effevescence,thepesenceof
"famo0s" w| tes, the p|o| | fe|at| on ofo0 na' sand ed| to | a| | n| t| at| ves. Th | s
a| so oestows a mo|etheat|| ca' v| s| o| ' |ty 0ponA| ge| an | | te|at0|e ofasthey
ca| ' |t||enchexp|ess| on, whethe|one | sdea | | ngw| thw| tesof E0|opean
o|| g| n | s0ch as Cam0s and many othe|sl o|w| th w| te|s ofA| ge|| an o|| g| n,
who const| t0te a ve|y d | ffeent m0tat on. Sevea' yeas ' ate|, | n t he st| | ' -
spas| | ngwaseo f th| s st|angemomentofg' oy, | seemedtoo e ha|pooned oy
||enchph| ' osophyand ' |te|at0e,theone andtheothe,theoneotheothe.
woodeno|meta | ' | c da|ts hches[ , a penetat | ngoodyofenv| ao' e, fom| da-
o| e, and | naccess| o' ewo|ds even when they wee ente| | ng me, sentences
wh| ch| twasnecessaytoapp|op| ate, domest| cate,coax _ amadouer| , that | s
tosay, | oveoysett | ngonf| |e,o0n| "t| nde|" amadou| | sneve|faawayl,pe|-
hapsdestoy, | n a' | eventsmas,tansfo|m, p|0ne, c0t,foge, gaf|atthef| e,
' et come | n anothe|way, | n othe|wods, to | tse| f|n | tse| f.
Jhccountrythatthcchldlovcssomuchs,howcvcr, thcsamccountry
that rcjccts hm. Jhs s thc snstcr cpsodc olthc Cccupaton, durng
|t |s an expe|| encethat | eavesnoth| ng | ntact, an atmospheethatonegoeson
oeath| ng foeve|. Jew| shch | ' denexpe| ' ed f|om schoo| . Thep| | nc| pa' 'sof-
f| ce. Yo0 ae go| ng to go home, yo0 pa|ents w| ' | exp' a| n. Then the A' | | es
' anded, | t was the pe|| od of the so-ca| | ed two-headed gove|nment |de
Ca0 ' ' eC| |a0dl . ac| a| ' awsma| nta| nedfo|a' mosts| xmonths, 0ndea "fee"
|enchgovenment. ||| endswho no| onge|snewyo0, | ns0 ' ts,theJew| shh | gh
schoo| w| th | tsexpe' | ed teache|s and neve a wh| spe|ofpotest fom the|
co| | eag0es. | was eno' | edthee o0t | c0tschoo' foayea.
Theyexpe' ' ed f|omthecyceedeHenAsno0n | n I 94Z a ' | tt' eo' acsandvey
A|aoJew who 0ndestood noth | ng aoo0t |t, to whom no one eve| gavethe
s ' | ghtest|eason, ne| the|h| s pa|ents, noh| sf| ends.
A' ongw| thothe|s, | | ostandthenga| ned oacs||enchc| t| zensh | p. | ' ost |t fo|
yea|s w| tho0thav| nganothe|. Yo0 see, nota s| ng| eone. | d| dnotassfo|any-
th | ng. | had ' ysnew, atthet| me,that |t had oeentasenawayfom me,not,at
any ate, | n the ' ega' and oo ect| ve fom of snow| edge |n wh| ch | am ex-
p| a| n | ng | the|e |fo, a' as, | got to snow | tanothewayl . Andthen, oneday,
one "f| neday, " w| tho0t, once aga| n, my ass| ng fo anyth | ng, and st| ' ' too
yo0ngto snow |t | n a pope|' ypo' | t| ca' way, | fo0ndtheafo|ement| onedc| t-
| zensh| p aga| n. The state, to wh| ch | neve spose, had g| ven |t oacsto me.
Thestate, wh| ch wasno | ongePeta| n's " |enchState," was |ecogn| z| ngme
anew. That was, | th| ns, | n I 94J, | had st| ' ' neve| gone "to ||ance", | had
| nessence, a c| t| zensh | pdoesnotspo0t0p 0st ' | sethat. | t| snotnat0|a' .
H0t,a s | n a f| ashofa p| v| | eged |eve| at| on, thea|t| f| cea n d peca| o0snessof
c| t| zensh | pappea|oette| when |t |s | nsc| | oed | nmemo|yasa |ecentacq0 | s| -
t| on. foexamp| e,the|enchc| t| zensh p g|antedtotheJewsofA| ge|| aoythe
Cem| e0x decee | n I d/0. |, oette yet, | n the t|a0mat| c memo|y of a
"deg|adat| on, "ofa ' oss ofc| t | zensh| p. fo examp' e, the | ossof||ench c| t| -
zensh | p, ' essthana cent0y ' ate|,fo|thesameJ ewsofA| ge| a.
S0chwas, | ndeed, thecase"0ndethecc0pat| on, "aswesay.
Yes, "aswesay,"fo | t |s act0a| ' ya | egend. A| ge|| awas neve|occ0p| ed. |
meanthat |f |t was eve| occ0p| ed, theCe|man cc0pantwas neve |espon-
s| o| efo| t. Thew| thdawa' of ||ench c| t| zens h| pfomtheJ ews ofA| ge | a,
w| th eve|yth | ng that fo| ' owed, was the deed ofthe ||ench a' one. They de-
c| ded thata' ' oythemse| ves, | n the| | heads, theym0st have oeen d|eam| ng
aoo0t| ta| ' a' ong,they| mp| emented |t a' | oythemse| ves.

6 c n r 1 r n ;
| was ve|y yo0ng at the t| me, and | ceta| n' y d| d not 0ndestand ve|y
we' | a' eady, | d| dnot 0nde|standvey we| | what c| t| zensh| pand | ossof
c| t| zensh | p mean||osay. H0t | do not do0ot that exc' 0s| onfo examp| e,
f|om theschoo' |esevedfoyo0ng||ench c| t| zensco0| dhavea |e' at| on-
sh| ptothed| sodeof| dent| tyofwh| ch |wasspeas| ngtoyo0amomentago.
| do notdo0ote| the|that s0ch "exc' 0s| ons" cometo | eavethe| | mas 0pon
th | soe' ong| ngo|non-oe| ong| ngo/| ang0age, th| saff| ' | at| on|o| ang0age,t h| s
ass| gnat| ont owhat | speacef0 ' | yca' ' ed a | ang0age.
H0twhoexact| ypossesses| t:Andwhomdoes| tpossess: | s ' ang0ageeve
|n possess| on, evea possess| ng o|possessed possess| on : Possessed o|pos-
sess| ng |n exc' 0s| ve possess| on, ' | se a p| ece of pe|sona' p|opety: What of
th| soe| ng-at-home e|re-chez-so| |n ' ang0age . . . :
| havej 0stemphas| zedthatthe ao' at| onofc| t| zensh| p| astedfo|twoyea|s,
o0t | td | d not, s|tc|u sensu, occ0 "0nde|thecc0pat| on. " | twas a ||anco-
||enchopeat| on, one even o0ghtto say anactof |enchA| ge|| a |n the ao-
sence ofany Cemanocc0pat| on. ne neve|sawa Ce|man 0n| fom |n A' -
ge|| a. Noa' | o| , den| a| , o|| ' | 0s| on| sposs| o| e. | twas| mposs| o' et ot|ansfethe
espons| o| ' |tyofthatexc' 0s| on0ponanocc0py| nga' | en.
Weweehostagesofthe||ench, ao| d| ng| y_ demeure| , someth| ngof| te-
ma| nsw| th me, no matte| how m0ch | t|ave| ."
Ny Nothcr Jonguc, lor Cthcrs
Somcthngolthscxpcrcnccrcmans, namclybcngdcprvcdolthc
mothcrtonguc. Neve|was | ao' eto ca' ' ||ench, t h| s| ang0age | am speas-
| ngtoyo0, ' mymothe|tong0e. Thesewodsdonotcometomymo0th,they
do not come o0t of my mo0th. | | eave to othes the wo|ds ' my mothe|
Themono' | ng0a' ofwhom | speasspeassa ' ang0ageofwh| chhe| sdeprved.
The ||ench | ang0age | s not h| s. Heca0se he | sthe|efo|e dep|| ved of a// | an-
g0age, and no | onge|hasanyotheeco0|sene| the|Aao| c, noHe|oe, no|
Heo|ew, no|any | ang0ages h | s ancesto|s wo0 | d have sposenoeca0se th| s
mono' | ng0a' | s | nawayaphasc|pe|hapshew||tesoeca0se he| sanaphas| cl,
he| sth|own | ntoaoso| 0tet|ans' at| on,atans' at| onw| tho0tapo| eof|efe|ence,
w| tho0tan o|| g| na|y | ang0age, andw| tho0ta so0|ce | ang0age _ /an_ue de d-
par|| . |o|h| m, the|e a|eon' yta|get | ang0ages _ /an_ues darrve| |f yo0 w| | | ,
t he|ema|sao| eexpe|| ence oe| ng, howeve|, thatthese ' ang0ages j 0st cannot
managetoeachthemse' ves _ narrven|passarrver| oeca0setheyno| onge|
snowwhe|etheya|ecom| ngf|om, /romwha|s|ar|n_pon| theya|espeas| ng,
and what the sense of the| j o0ney |s. |ang0ages w| tho0t an | t| ne|ay and,
aoove a| | , w| tho0tany s0peh| ghwayofgoodness snows what | nfo|mat| on .
As |fthee we|eon| ya||| va' s arrves| , andthe|efo|eon' yeventsw| th-
o0ta| | va' . ' '
^tthcsamctmcths s nnowayacontradctonLcrrdaadmtsthat
hc has ncvcr managcd to nhabt any languagc othcr than Frcnch, and
conlcsscs hs o' d | | a| son w| th that foe| gne|, shewho |s ca' ' ed the |ench
' ang0age. '
| fee' | ost o0ts| dethe |ench | ang0age. The othe' ang0ageswh| ch, mo|e o
| essc' 0ms| ' y, | ead, decode,o|somet| messpeas, a|e | ang0ages| sha' ' neve
| nhao| t. Whee "| nhao| t| ng" oeg| nsto mean someth| ngto me. Anddwe' | | ng
demeurer| .''
|o|| t|son|heshoresofthe|ench ' ang0age,0n | q0e' y, and ne| the| ns| deno
o0ts| de | t, on the 0np| aceao' e | | neof| tscoastthat, s ncefo|eve, and ao| d-
| ng' y _ demeure| | wonde| f onecan ' ove,enj oyonese| f_]our| , p|ay, d| e
f|ompa| n, o|j 0std| e, p' a| nands| mp' e, | nanothe|' ang0ageo|w| tho0tte| ' | ng
anyoneaoo0t| t,w| tho0tevenspeas| ngata| ' .'
^lthoughhc rccognzcs thathc has neveceased ca| ' | ng | ntoq0est| on the
mot| fof' p0|| ty| n a| | |tsfo|ms, Lcrrdaconlcsscstoaconsttutvcpursm
whcn t comcs to hs rclaton to Frcnch, a pursm` thatvcrycarlyon rc-
gurcd hm to rcprcss hsacccnt ,anacccntthathasalways | nd| cate,d} a
hand-to-hand comoatw| th ' ang0age | ngenea| and that says moe than
j 0staccent0at| on,
l '`toholdbackhsvoccwthah oodgatc.
ne enteed ||ench ' | teat0|e on| yoy | os| ngonesaccent. | th | ns| have not
| ost myaccent, noteveyth| ng |n my"|enchA' ge|| an"accent |s ' ost. |ts | n-
tonat| on | s mo|e appaent | nce|ta| n"pagmat| c" s| t0at| ons| angeoexc' a-
mat| on| n fam| | | a| o|fam| | | as0|o0nd| ngs,mo|eoften |n p | vatethan| np0o-
. . . ;
' | c, wh| ch |s a q0 | te e' | ao| ec| te| on fo theexpe| enceofth | sstangeand
peca| o0sd| st| nct| on . H0t | wo0 ' d ' | se to hope, | wo0 ' dvey m0ch pefe
thatnop0o' | cat| onpem| tmy"|enchA' ge| an"toappea. | n themeant| me,
and 0nt| ' thecontay |s poven, | do not oe| | evethatanyonecandetectby
readn_, f | do not myse' f dec| ae | t, that | am a "|enchA| ge| an. " | eta| n,
nodo0ot, a sotof acq0| ed ef| exfom thenecess| tyof th| sv| g| ' anttansfo-
mat| on. | am not po0d of |t, | mase no doct | neof| t, o0t thee | t | s. an ac-
centany| ench accent, o0taoovea| ' a stongso0then accentseems | n-
compat| o| e to me w| th the | nte' | ect0a| d| gn| ty of p0o| | c speech .
| | nadm| ss| o' e, | snt | tWe' ' , | adm| t | t. | ncompat | o' e, a fot| o| , w| ththevo-
cat| onofa poet| cspeech. foexamp| e, when| head ReneChaead h | ssen-
tent| o0sapho| smsw| thanaccentthatst0csmeasatoncecom| ca' andoo-
scene, astheoetaya'ofat0th, | t0 | ned, | nnosma| | meas0e,anadm| at| on
ofmyyo0th. '
| say"f' oodgate, " a f| oodgate oftheveoandofthevo ce. | have sposen a
geatdea| aoo0tt h| se| sewhee, as |f a c' eve mane0vee, a cyoenet| csex-
pet of the tone, st| ' ' sept the | | | 0s| on of goven| ng a mechan| sm and of
watch| ng ovea ga0ge fothet | me | ttoosto passtho0ghthe ' ocs. | co0 | d
havesposenof adamfowatesthat ae notveynav| gao' e. Th| sdam| sa| -
waystheaten | ngto g| veway. | wasthef| sttooeafa| dof myown vo| ce, as
|f | tweenotm | ne, and to contest| t, even todetest | t. '
Jhshoodgatcthatholdsbackthcvocc, holdngbackcatastrophcwhlc
mantanngt nts mmncncc (a catastrophc that Lcrrdadcnthcs n
Mono/inguahsm othc Othcrwth thcpossbltyolmadncss) , sthc rcsult
olan ant-colonalsm, ola volcncc bctwccn sclland scl, thc volcncc
whcrcbyoncscllncccssarlysubmts tscllto thcothcr. Suchanorgnary
ordcal s thatola pluralzaton ollanguagcswthn onc`s tonguc. Cncal-
waysspcaks morc than onc tonguc. ^t thc samc tmc, ts lromthc pcr-
spcctvcolths multplctyollanguagcs that onc can ndccd rcsistco/o-
nization.Jhat s somcthngLcrrdamakcs cvdcntat thc tmc olhs hrst
trptosub-Saaran^rca, nCotonou( Bcnn) , nthccourscolascmnar
that brought togcthcr varous Francophonc and ^nglophonc ^lrcan
| wo0 | d| | setodef| ne. . . what| th| n s can oe poposedfoyo0exam| nat| on
and deoated d0 | ng the d| sc0ss| on as the p | nc| p' e of a po| | t| cs of | an-
g0age. . . . We w| | ' nodo0ot havetoavo| d a ' | ng0 | st | c| sm o ' ogocent| sm
thatwo0 ' dc| a| mtoso| ve a| | poo| emsoyvo| 0ntaydec| s| onsconcen| ng/an-
_a_e, /an_ue,od| sco0se. Nonethe' ess,thepos| t| onthatmas| ng' ang0agea
tanspaent med 0m o ext | ns| cacc| dentmases the ' | ng0 | st| c seconday | s
a| so, paadox| ca ' | y, a ogocent| stpos| t| on. | w| | ' stateth | s p | nc| p| es0mma-
|' y. |here s no choce, andthecho| cethatdoes not ex| st |s notoetween one
| ang0ageandanothe, onego0pof' ang0ages andanothe|w| th eveyth | ng
a | ang0ageenta| ' s . Eveymono' | ng0a' | smandmono' og| smestoesmastey
o mag| sta| |ty. | t |s oy |rea|n_ each ' ang0age d//eren|/y, oy _raJn_ ' an-
g0agesontooneanothe, oyp/ayn_onthem0| t| p' | c tyof| ang0agesand on
them0| t | p' | c|tyofcodesw| th | n evey' | ng0 | st| ccop0sthatwecanst0gg' eat
onceaga| nstco/onza|on | n genea| , aga| nsttheco| on| z| ngp| nc| p' e| n gen-
ea' | andyo0 snowthat | texets |tse| fwe' ' oeyondthezones sa| dtooes0o-
ectedtoco' on | zat| on , aga| nstthedom| nat| onof' ang0ageodom| nat| onoy
| ang0age. The 0nde| y| nghypothes| softh| sstatement|sthatthe un|yof| an-
g0age| sa' waysavestedandman| p0 ' ateds| m0| ac0m. Theeaea' ways ' an
g0ages | n | ang0age and the st0ct0a| | gooft hesystem of' ang0age | sat
once a pos| t| v| stdogmaof| | ng0 | st| cs anda phenomenonthat can oefo0nd
nowhee. '
,o) Norc than Cnc Shorc
Its thcrclorc | mposs| o' eto co0nt ' ang0ages. '^ndthc dcnttyol
|o the ch | | d fom Povence o H | ttany, thee |s s0e| y an ana| ogo0s phe-
nomenon attact| on and ep0| s| on v| s-a-v| sthe "Metopo| e"[ . Pa| scan a' -
waysf| | | th| so| eof a me|ropo/s andocc0pythat p| acefoa pov| nc| a' , as
t heposhd | st| ctsmaydofoa ceta| ns0o0o. Pa | s| sa| sot hecap| ta' of || t-

c n r 1 r n
eat0e. H0ttheothe, | n th | scase, n o | onger hasthesametanscendence of
theover|here, the d| stanc| ngofbe/n_-e/sewhere, the | naccess| o| ea0tho| tyof
a mastewho| | vesoverseas. Asea | s | acs| ngthee. ''
Andyo0 can hearyo0se| fsay| ng, hee |t | s, hees the Med| teanean, seep
|t, |tsnoth | ng o0t| thas nop| ce, seep | t' | sea | ng,av0 | gaaq0ama| ne, | ts
noth | ng, aoove a' | not anyth | ng pec| o0s, | ts p| ce| ess | fyo0 w| ' | , we have
sw0m |n | t, and | tfogets0satevey| nstant. '
| teoosandf' ows | | se awavethat sweepseveyth| ng 0pontheshoesthat |
snow too we| | . | t ca| es eveyth | ng, that sea, and on two s| des, |t swe| ' s,
sweepsa| ong, anden| ches | tse' fw| theveyt h| ng, ca| es away, o| ngsoacs,
depots andswe' ' s 0paga| nw| thwhat | t hasdaggedaway.
Theothe shoeofJ 0da| smrclcrstowhat Lcrrdapcrccvcs olhsown
Theotheshoe ofJ 0da| sm, on anothecoast | | ne ofthe Med|teanean, | n
p| aces that, | n anothe way, ae even moe a' | en t o me than Ch| st | an
|ance. ''Jhsothcrshorc snotthatolacountry, t snotsracl. tskrts
crs. Kaha, Lcvnas, Scholcm, Bcnjamn, Cclan, ^rcndt, Roscnwcg.^llol
thcm cxlcsorlorcgncrswhowrtc n ordcr to nvcnt thcr ctzcnshp, a
ctzcnshpthat has, nascnsc, bccn lostsnccorlromts orgn.
Somcycarsaltcrhs loss, thcnrccovcryolFrcnchctzcnshp, Lcrrda
cndsup dcnt|ng, lyouwsh,hs|cwshmcmory, rccognizingtnthc
hgurc olthc Narrano a 0n | vesa' Maano, |f one maysay, oeyondwhat
may nowadays oe the f| n | shed fomsofMaanoc0 ' t0e) . ''Jhs s somc-
thnghcconhdcstohmscll, prccsclydurngavoyagc to Span.
| conf| ded | tto myse| fthe othe day |n To| edo, ,that} |s that | f| am a sotof
marranoof|enchCatho| | cc0| t0e,and| a| sohavemyCh| st| anoody, | nhe-
|tedfomSA| namoeo ' esstw|sted ' | ne, cond/ebare/ussa/e ,"seasonedw| th
H| s sa| t, "St.A0g0st | ne} , | amoneofthose marranoswhono' onge saythey
ae Jews even | n thesecet ofthe| own heats, notsoasto oe a0thent| cated
marranoson ooth s| des ofthe p0o' | c font| e, o0t oeca0setheydo0ot evey-
OH/geria ,i
t h| ng, neve go to confess| on o g| ve 0pen ' | ghtenment, whateve the cost,
eadyto havethemse' ves o0ned, a' most, atthe on ' ymomenttheyw| te 0n-
de t hemonsto0s' awof an| mposs| o' eface-to-face.'`
To thatwh| ch| | vesw| tho0thav| nga name,wew| ' ' g| veanadded name. Ma-
ano,foexamp' e. P' ay| ngw| ththe e' at | veao| ta| nessofevey nom| nat| on,
wedetem| neth| sadded name_sumom[ , wh| cha namea| ways| s, | nmemoy
ofand accod| ngtothef| g0eoftheMaano|ofthecypto-| 0da| c, and ofthe
cypto-X |n genea' l . Aswes0ggested| 0stawh| ' eago,| t|ssa| dthattheh| stoy
ofthe Maanoshasj 0st cometo an end w| th the dec| aat| on oy the Span| sh
co0t , | n I 99Z| . Yo0 can oe' | evethat | fyo0wantto.
|et 0sf| g0at| ve' yca| Maano anyone who ema| nsfa| thf0 | to a secetthat
he has not chosen, | n thevey p' acewhee he | | ves, | n thehomeofthe | n-
hao| tanto of t heocc0pant, | nt hehomeof t hef| stot hesecondarr/van|, | n
t heveyp| acewheehestaysw| tho0tsay| ngnoo0t w| tho0t| dent| fy| ngh| m-
se| fasoe| ong| ngto. We' | then, | n the 0ncha' ' enged n | ghtwhee thead| ca'
aosenceofanyh| sto | ca| w| tness seeps h| m o he, | nthedom| nantc0 ' t0e
thatoydef| n| t| onhasconto| ovetheca' enda,th | ssecetseepstheMaano
even oefoetheMaanoseeps| t.
cthcr . . . or
tatcs. Luropcan,^rcan, Latn:oncolthosctho0gh and t ho0gh .
. . . t hesotof 0pootedAf| can ,that} |am, oon | nA| g| es| n anenv| onment
aoo0twh| ch| tw| ' ' a' waysoed| ff| c0' t tosaywhethe| twasco' on | z| ngoco| -
on| zed. '
| amafoe| gne. . . oeca0se | am ne| theanAme| canwhetheoftheNoth
o oftheSo0thnoa E0opean, NothenoSo0then. | amnoteven ea' | y
a |at | n. | was oon | n Af | ca,and| g0aanteeyo0 that | eta| n someth| ng of
that he| tage. "
| am E0opean, | am nodo0ota E0opean | nte| | ect0a' , and| ' | seto eca' | th| s,
| ' | seto eca' | t h| sto myse' f, andwhywo0 ' d | deny | t: | n thenameofwhat:
pz c n r 1 r n ;
B0t | am not, nordo | fee| , E0|opean /n everypar|, that | s, E0opeantho0gh
andt ho0gh. Bywh| ch | mean, oywh| ch | w| shtosay, o|mus|say. l do not
want to oe and m0st not oe E0|opean th|o0gh and th|o0gh, E0|opean /n
everypar|. Be| nga pa|t, oe| ong| ngas "f0 ' ' y a pat, " sho0 | doe | ncompat | o' e
w| t hoe' ong| ng"| neve|ypat. ". . . | fee' E0|opeanamon_o|her|h/n_s. `
_ l am[ someonewho, asea|' yasg|adeschoo| | nA| ge| a, m0st havet|| edto
cap| ta' | ze,andcap| ta| | ze0pon, theo| dageofE0ope,wh| | eatthesamet | me
seep| nga | | tt| eofthe | nd | ffeent and | mpass| ve yo0th oftheothesho|e. ` '
I |
JhcJimc olthcNorld.
Jhc orld Is Cong Badly
Thewo|' d | s go| ngoad ' y, thep| ct0e |s o' eas, oneco0 | d say a' mosto' acs. '
Jhspanlulstatcmcntrcsonatcs nScctcrsoMarx, as l cchongIamlct`s
words. Jhc tmcsoutol ont. Jhcscntcnccspcaks ltcrallyolan cvl,
adscasc, a dsordcr ordysluncton.Jhc coursc olthcworld s out olkl-
tcr, lmpng.Jmcs dsontcd.
|n "The t| me |s o0t of| o| nt, " t | me |s e| the|e |emps | tse| f, the tempo|a| | ty of
t| me, oe| sewhattempo|a| | tymasesposs| o| e|t| meash/s|o/re, thewayt h| ngs
ae at a ce|ta| nt| me, thet| methat we a|e | | v| ng, nowadays, the pe|| odl , o|
e| se, conseq0ent| y, themonde, thewo ' das | tt0ns,o0| wo|| dtoday, o0to-
day,c0|entness |tse|f,c0|entaffa| |s. the|ewhe|e |tsgo| ngosay|wh| the|land
theewhe|e |tsnotgo| ngsowe| ' , whee | t| s|ott| ngo|w| the|| ng,the|ewhe|e
| t'swo|s| ng a marche[ o notwos| ngwe| | ,theewhe|e |ts go| ng osayw| th-
o0t|0nn| ng as| tsho0 | dnowadays par/es |emps qu/couren|[ . T| me. | t| s|e
|emps, o0ta| so |h/s|o/re, and |t |s |emonde, t| me,h| story,wo| ' d. '
s o0| wo| ' dtoday stll a world, or has tlost ts namc nlavor ola
At| meofthe wo| ' d, today, | n theset| mes, a new "wo|| do|de|" seessto sta-
,| c n r 1 r n 6
cng photographcd n Moscow, :q.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
o| ' |zea new, necessa|| ' ynew d| st0|oance _ d/emen| oy | nsta| | | ng an 0n-
p|ecedentedfomofhegemony. | t| sa matte,then, o0t asa' ways,ofa nove'
fomofwa|. '
Jhc Iomnant Iscoursc
Jhs ncwordcrs accompancdbya dscourscthatshapcs thc con-
agrcatcxtcnt, trclcsonthcrcjcctonolcommunsmand at| east|esem-
o| es ageat'con| 0 at| on' aga| nstMa|x| sm, a 'con| 0ementofMax| sm. ` In
Ihe Iimeothewor/d ,,
c n r 1 r n 6
BacklromNoscow, Lcrrdashowsthatsnccthccollapscolthclogcol
poltcalblocs,wcarctodaywtncssngavcrtablcglobalzaton mondi-
a/isation] olthc cstcrndcmocratcmodcl. Ic rccallswthhumor thc t-
dc ol thc Bcadcs song ,Back n thc LSSR) wth ts p| ay on the
homonymyo|themetonymyoetween Sand SSR, andtsstagngola
tw| nn| ng o|a spec0 | a|| ty, mo|e andmo|e | nte|est | ngtoday, oetween Sand
SSR. 'Jhclull Lnglsh tdc, BacklromNoscow, nthc LSSR, rcn-
lorccs ths. LurngavsttoNoscowthattookplaccnthcmddlcolthc
pcrodolpcrcstroka, nFcbruaryi,,o, Lcrrdawas prcscntdurngthc
hrsttrcmorsthatsgnalcd thcdcstructonolthc cnttythcn stll callcdthc
LSSR. 'hcrcas onc can cclcbratc ths dcstructon lromdvcrsc pcrspcc-
nant dscoursc conccrnngdcmocracy andlrcc-markct captalsm masks
an mpcralsm ola ncw typc. Jhc captalst good consccncc that today
rcgns unlormly throughout thccst authorzcs rch countrcs to wagc
waraganstrccalctrant oncs, to mposccconomc sanctons onthcm, or
clsc, qutc smply, to nsstthatthcyarc backward.
Today,t hedom| nantd | sco0|se, | n t heWestandfo|t het|ave| e|s | t d| spatches
| ntheEaste|nco0nt|| es,toooftencons| sts| nass| ngonese' f. A|ethesepeop' e
go| ngtos0cceedatwhat cost,atwhat |hythm| n |esemo' | ng 0soyente|-
| ngthe now more thaneve|ass0|ed space ofdemoc|ac| es and the| | ma|set
|whethe||t |s ca| | edcap| ta| | st, neocap| ta' | st, o| m| xed o|whethe|| tsa0to|eg-
0| at| on |s named | n anothe fash| onl A|e they f| na| ' y go| ng to ente| h| s-
to|y . . . Th | sd | sco0|se|wh| ch | wo0 | d' | se,ofco0|se, ata| | costs toescape,
a| ongw|th what | tove|t0|ns. thewho' eh | sto|| cd| ff| c0' tyofthetass,thed| f-
f| c0 ' ty ofth| ns| ngthe h| sto|yoft h| sh| sto|yl can oe ma| nta| ned on occas| on
oythec| t| zensoftheEaste|nco0nt|| es,aswesnowsowe' | , |t a| mosta| ways
| mp' | esthatdemoc|acy|s not|ocomeo0ta| |eadyg| ven |n thep|esenceof| ts
concept or | tsfact. |t |s my pe|p' ex| ty on t h| ss0o ectthat pa|a' yzes me atthe
momentofspeas| ng ofmyt|| ptoMoscow. Th| spe|p' ex| tydoesnotconce|n
on' ytheconcepto|thefactofdemoc|acy, | ta' so conce|ns, andasa resu/|,
the | dent| f| cat| on ofthe p|ocess that |s happen| ng and | s snown 0nde|the
nameofperes|roka. | nthedeoatesthat| w| | | t|yto|epo|t,ce|ta| nofmyM0s-
cov| te | nte|| oc0to|sandmyse' f|athe|eas| ' yfe| | | ntoag|eement| n say| ngthat
Ihe Iimeothevr/d ,;
c n r 1 r n 6
no oneyet snowswhatsometh| ng| | seperes|roka | s, wh| ch |s to say what | t
w| | | haveoeen.
Inrcalty, thcmnctonolthclabcl newwo|' do|de| stooccludcanew
wo|' dd | so|de| ,that[ |s attempt| ngto | nsta| | | ts neo-cap| ta' | smandneo- | | oe|-
a' | sm. cvcrbclorchas cconomcand socal volcncc bccn unlcashcdat
suchalcvclas thatolthcprcscnttmc.
|o| | tm0stoec|| edo0t,atat | me when somehavethea0dac| tytoneo-evan-
ge' | ze | nthenameofthe| dea' ofa ' | oe|a' democ|acythathasf| na' | y|ea' | zed
| tse| fasthe | dea' ofh0man h| sto|y. neve| have v| o' ence, | neq0a' |ty, exc| 0-
s| on, fam | ne, andt h0seconom | copp|ess| onaffected asmanyh0manoe| ngs
| ntheh| sto|yoftheea|thandofh0man|ty. | nsteadofs| ng| ngtheadventof the
| dea' of| | oe|a| democ|acyandofthecap| ta| | stma|set | nthee0pho|| aofthe
endofh| sto|y, | nstead ofce| eo|at | ng the"end of | deo| og| es"andtheendof
theg|eatemanc| pato|yd| sco0|ses, ' et 0sneve|neg| ectth| s oov| o0smac|o-
scop| cfact, made 0pof| nn0me|ao' es| ng0 ' a| s| tes ofs0ffe| | ng. nodeg|eeof
p|og|ess a' | ows one to | gno|e that neve| oefo|e, | n aoso| 0te f| g0 |es, neve|
havesomanymen,women,andch| | d|enoeens0o| 0gated, sta|ved, o|exte|-
m| natedontheea|th . ' '
Jhc Ilagucs ol thc Larth
Lcrrdadraws upao| acsp| ct0|e ona o| acsooa|d _ |ab/eaunor olths
global stuaton, cnumcratng a lst olten p' ag0es. uncmploymcnt, thc
massvccxcuson olthchomccss, thcrclcntlcss cconomcwar, thcnabl-
ty to mastcr thc contradctons olths war ,protcctonsm or opcnng ol
bordcrs) ,thcworscnngolcxtcrnaldcbt,armstramckng,thccxtcnsonand
dsscmnaton olnuclcar wcapons, ntcrcthnc wars, thc omnpotcncc ol
phantom-statcs, Naha,narco-tramc) ,thcncqualtyolstatcsbclorcthclaw
,ntcrnatonal law bcng largcly domnatcd by partcular naton-statcs) . ' '
Jhc lcv Intcrnatonal
oltcal,lcgal, andcthncdc/oca/izationhascrcatcdagcncralspcctralty
whch gvcs thc travclcr thc lcclng hc s losng hs groundng, as lthc
IheImeothewor/d ,,
worldhadccascdconsttutngacommunty. Iowcvcr, thsvocntdctcrr-
toralzaton also appcars as a promsc.Jhcrc s thus a sccond scnsc that
LcrrdahndsnthcscntcnccThet| me|s o0tof| o| nt, oncwhchnolongcr
amounts to h ndng somcthngwrong, butwhch nstcad announccs thc
possbltyoldscontnungthngs as thcyarc. ^s la prcscnt othcr than
thatolcatastrophccurrcntcvcntswcrcrclusngto kccpstcpwththclat-
tcr cvcn whlc accompanyng t as ts shadow or dctachablc lnng. For
cven oeyond the |eg0 | at| ng | dea |n | ts c' ass| cfo|m, the | dea, | fthat |s st| ' |
what| t | s, ofdemoc|acyto come, | ts " | dea" a s eventof p' edged | n 0nct| on
thato|de|sonetos0mmon theve|yth| ngthatw| | | neve|p|esent | tse| f| nthe
fo|m off0 | | p|esence, | stheopen | ng oft h| sgapoetween an | nf| n| te p|om| se
| a| ways0ntenao' eat' eastfo|the|easonthat |t ca| ' sfo|the| nf| n|te|espectof
thes| ng0 ' a|| ty and| nf| n|tea' te|| tyoftheothe|as m0chasfo| the|espectof
the co0ntao' e, ca' c0' ao| e, s0o ecta| eq0a' | tyoetween anonymo0ss| ng0| a| | -
t| eslandthedete|m| ned, necessa|y, o0ta' so necessa| | ' y| nadeq0atefo|msof
what hastooemeas0|edaga| nstth| s p|om| se. Tot h| sextent, theeffect| v| tyo|
act0a| | tyofthedemoc|at| cp|om| se, ' | sethatofthecomm0n | stp|om| se,w| ' |
a| ways seepw| th | n | t, and| t m0std o so,th| saoso| 0te| y0ndete|m| ned mes-
s| an| chopeat|tsheat,th| seschato| og| ca| |e| at| ontotheto-comeofanevent
andofa s| ng0' a|| ty, ofana' te|| tythatcannotoeant| c| pated. '
ioo c n r 1 r n 6
Jhc dtwd ustcd prcscntallows onc to tracc a strangc and mprobablc
lncolscparatonbctwccnwhatarrvcsorhappcns ,thc p| ag0es olthc
o| acsp| ct0|e) andnon-arrval,thcnon-placcaspromsc.Jhsnon-placc
would outlnc, lkca ncgatvc, thc tcrrtoryolthoscwho sullcr, andcxst
asthcparadoxcalstcolaNew | nte|nat| ona| comprsngallthosctravcl-
crswho conscntto cxpcrcnccads-ontcd tmc and spacc, thus opcnng
thcmsclvcs to thc rcsourcc olsuch a ds-adustmcnt. Jhs would bc thc
,The New | nte| nat| ona| } |s a | | n s ofaff| n | ty, s0ffe| | ng, and hope, a st| ' | d | s-
ceet, a' most sec|et ' | ns, as | twasa|o0nd I d4d, o0tmoe and mo|e v| s| o| e,
wehavemo|ethanones| gnof| t. | t| s an 0nt| me' y| | ns, w| tho0tstat0s, w| th-
o0tt| t| e, andw| tho0tname, oa|e' yp0o| | ceven | f| t| snotc| andest| ne, w| th-
o0t cont|act, "o0t of | o| nt, " w| tho0t coo|d | nat| on, w| tho0t pa|ty, w| tho0t
co0nty, w| tho0tnat| ona' comm0n | ty | | nte|nat| ona| oefo|e, ac|oss, and oe-
yond any nat| ona| dete|m| nat| onl , w| tho0tco-c| t| zensh| p, w| tho0tcommon
oe| ong| ngtoa c| ass. Thename New | nte|nat| ona| | sg| ven he|etowhatca' | s
tothef| endsh | pofana| | | ance w| tho0t | nst| t0t| onamongthosewho, even | f
theyno' onge|oe| | eveo|neve|oe' | eved | nthesoc| a| | st-Max| st| nte|nat| ona' ,
| nt hed | ctato|sh | poft hepo| eta|| at, | nt hemess | ano-eschato| og| ca| o| eof
the0n| ve|sa| 0n| onofthepo| eta| ansofa ' | | ands, cont| n0etooe| nsp| |edoy
at ' east one ofthe sp| | ts ofMa|x o Ma|x| sm |they now snowthat the|e |s
more|hanoneI and |n ode|toa| | ythemse| ves, |n a new, conc|ete, and |ea|
way,even | fth | sa| ' | anceno | onge|tasesthefo|mofa pa|tyo|ofawo|se|s
| ntenat| ona| , o0t |athe|a s| nd ofco0nte-con| 0|at| on, |n the|theo|et| ca| and
p|act| ca' l c|| t| q0eofthestateof| ntenat| ona| ' aw, theconceptsofStateand
nat| on, andsofo|th. | no|de|to|enewth | sc|| t| q0e, andespec| a' | yto|ad| ca| -
| ze| t. ' '
hat rcmans to bc qucstoncd n ths contcxt s thc artculaton bc-
I I |
IheIimeothewr/d ioi



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' 5U5 J U55 -w35-hC|BS,5 US|;..
IO2 C H A P 1 E R 6
JhctcxtLcmcurc,^thcncs , ousnousdcvonsalamort) waswrt-
tcn to accompany ascrcsolphotographs ands cntrclydcvotcd to analy-
ss olthcdclaycllcct, toatypc olnopportuntyorcontrctcmps, thc non-
concdcnccolscllwthscll, orolscllwththcothcr.Jhcanalyss sallthc
morcstrkngbccausctscontcxtatrpto Crcccctscllbcarswtncssto
an astonshngdclay, to thc lact that Lcrrdawcnt to Crcccclor thch rst
tmc latc n llc. Lcrrdas Crcck mraclc s pcrhaps duc to thcwayn
whch a dclay mcchansm, smlarto a camcras shuttcrdclay, rcvcalcd to
C|| CH| X
Thatday | wascom| ngoacstoAthensfomBa0|onw| thf| ends. | t wasaoo0t
m| dday and wewee go| ng to tase a sw| mafte|pay| ngo0| |espectsto the
p|ocess| onofyo0ngwomenonthe| | waytotheA' ta|ofA|tem| s. | had come
oacs toAthensthedayoefo|e,c0tthatt | me f|om Cape So0 n| on, wheewe
had a' so oeento sw| m, and | twasthenthat | had ememoe|ed By|onsothe
s| gnat0 |e, theothe| pet|og| yph that mass h| s hav| ng ceen the|e, at |e | c|
nea| Po|toVene|e. And| a' soememoeedthet| meSoc|atestoostod| eafte|
the ve|d| ctthatcondemned h| m|as we snow, the nameSo0n | oncannot oe
sepa|ated fom thateventl . Th | swas myth| d so| o0n |n C|eece. Ha|d' y"so-
io| c n r 1 r n ]
Monastcry ot Ksaran, Mt. Hymcttus, t6.
(|acqucs Lcrrda rchvcs)
o0|ns, "a| as,|athe|v| s| ts,m0 ' t| p' e, o|| ef, and| ate, so| ate.Whyso ' ate: Why
had | wa|tedso ' ongoefo|ecom| ngtoC|eece, so ' ate | n | | fe:
B0tf|om now on | | ove a de| ayas someth | ng that g| ves me the most to
th| nsaoo0t, mo|ethanthe p|esent| nstant, mo|ethanthef0t0|eo|ete|n| ty, a
de| ay be/oret | me| tse' f. Toth| n s thea|-presen|ofthenow | p|esent, past, o|
f0t0|el,to|eth | ns| nstantane| ty ontheoas| sofde' ay |athe|thanthe | nve|se.
De' ay re|ard | s notthe|| ghtwo|d | n fact, ade' aydoesnt|ea' ' yex| st. | tw| ' |
neve|oea s0o| ecto | a n oo ect. What | wo0 ' d|athe|c0' t|vate | s"ho' d| ngoff
ao| d| ng| y" re|ardemen|demeure[ , thech|onod| ssymmet|| ca' p|ocessofthe
mo|ato|| 0m, thede' aythatca|veso0t| tsca| c0 ' at| on | nthe| nca| c0 ' ao| e.
| havea| waysassoc| ated ho| d| ng-offw| ththeexpe|| enceofthephotog|aph| c.
Notw| th photog|aphyo0tw| ththephotog|aph| cexpe|| enceofan " | mage-
h0nte|. " Befo|ethe| nstantoftheshotwh| ch, a| mostfo|ete|n| ty, f|eezeswhat
|s na| ve| yca| | ed an | mage, the|e wo0' doeth| s re|ardemen|. Andtho0ghtf0 '
|ef| ect| onconce|n | ng |t hasa| ways oeen woven, andve| | ed, | n me a' ongthe
IheCreekDe/a, io,
' | nesoftwoAthen | anth|eads. pho|o_raphy|thew|| t| ngof| | ght, co0 | dthe|e
oea wo|d that was mo|e C|ees:landtheen| gmat| ctho0ghtoftheov |the
f0 ' | | nte|va| ofa d0|at| on, an | ncessantspaceoft| me, a| so somet| mesca' ' ed
ete|n| tyl . The/n|r/_u/n_poss| o| ' |tyofa ho' d| ng-off |s woven | n advancea| ong
theseth|eads. | ncessant' y.
| ncessant| y, whatawo|d.
Whence my pass| onfo|de| ay, andfo|thede| ayw| th| n de| ay | pe|| ph|as| s
fo|t headvance, onewo0| d need t| met omase thatt0|nl , t he|eason why|
' ovetod| st|act| ona| | thef| g0|esofth| smo|ato|| 0menabymethat |so|gan| zed
w| th| nphotog|aph| c| nvent| onw| ththe so| ea| m, a' most, of | | ' 0st|at| ng| to|
o|| ng| ng| tto | | ghtoythe techn| q0eca' | ed t|| gge|-de| ay, de| ayed act| on, o|
a0tomat| c de| ay. |t |s at once oana| | n |ts poss| o| | | ty and yet s| ng0| a|| y 0n-
p|ecedentedasanope|at| ng|e| at| on, andtoday| tg| ves| | set omach| ne|ythat
|s mo|e soph| st| catedthanso many| mag| nao| esoph| st|| es. Eve|yth| ngw| ' | oe
he| d| n p| ace| n the| nstant, | ncessant' y, p|esent' yo|atp|esent,sothat ' ate|, | n
afewmo|e | nstants,somet| mesa | ongt| me,ve|y| ongafte|, anothe|p|esentto
come w| ' | oe s0|p|| sed oy the c| | csof the sh0tte| and f| xed fo|eve|, |ep|o-
d0c| o' e, a|ch | vao' e, saved, o| ' ost fo| th | s p|esentt| me. Wedont yet snow
whatthe | magew| | | g| ve, o0tthe| nte|va|m0stoeooect| ve| yca/cu/ab/e,the|e
m0st oeatechn| q0e, andthat |s pe|hapsthe o|| g| no| essenceoftechn | q0e. '
LcrrdaskctchcsoutachronologyoltrpstoCrcccc. The|ewasAthens
th|eet| mes, and Mysonos, and Rhodes-wh| ch | swhe|e | th | ns| swamfo|
the f| |st t| methen Ephes0s, Patmos, w| th Ceo|ges and My|to, then the
Ka| sa|| an| monaste|yw| thCathe|| neVe' | ssa|| sand DemostheneAg|af| ot| s.
^nd hs wrtng grasps n a snglc movcmcnt thc dclay that consttutcs
photographyandhsowncxpcrcnccas atravclcr.
When |n factdoesa sho| p|| sedev0e[ tase p' ace:And then, whe|e: C | ven
the sh0tte| de| ay, the t| me ' ag, can | toe sa| d that the photog|aph | stasen
whenthephotog|aphe|setstheth| ng | n h| s s| ghts, when hesetstheape|t0 |e
and |e| eases thesh0tte|, o| whenthec| | css| gna| sthe capt0 | | ngofthe | m-
p|ess| on, o| even ' ate|st| ' ' , atthet| meofdeve' opment:`
We we|ecom| ngoacsf|om B|a0|on, whe|e we had seen theSa| nt Ceo|ge
Chape| , the ' | tt' ec|ate|sfo| the || t0a| of nased ma| dens |0n n | ngo|aga| n a
p|ocess| on ofv| |g| ns towa|d thea| ta| ofA|tem| s . . . andwe we|e go| ng to
io6 c n r 1 r n ]
"Photographcr on thc AcropoIs.`
( |can-Franois onhommc)
tase a sw| m. | had to catch a p' aneo0tde' ayswee on the agendaandwe
| a0ghed aoo0tthat, myf|| endssnowthat | | ovede| ay, the sma' ' estde' ays | | ' s
me, espec| a| | ywhen |t |s t| meto ' eavefothestat| ono|thea| pot, | nt|0that
the momentofa|| v| ng, ofa| v| ngto o| manag| ngto | eave.
tographcronthc^cropols andshows amansccpngormusngnlront
olhscamcra,whchs scton a trpod. Lcrrdacomparcs ttothctrpod
thc advancemo0|n| ng thats thc unantcpatablcantcpatonoldcath.
IheCreekDe/a, io;
Lclay appcars thus as thc rdculous rcprcvc scparatngthc travclcr lrom
hsown cnd.
C|| CH|X|
|et0scomeoacst ot he"Photog|aphe|ont heAcopo| | s, "whomyo0cansee
med| tat | ngo|s' eep| ng w|th h| s head down, |n thecenteofth | sooos. Hasnt
he| nsta' | ed an a|cha| cf| g0|e ofthe de| ayed act| onmechan| sm the|e |n f|ont
of h| m, |n f|ontofyo0 Hasnt hedec| ded, 0pon ef' ect| on, to photogaph
photogaphyand| tsphotogaphe|, | node|toshoweve|yth| ngthee | stosee
| n photogaphy, and de| | ve| eveyth | ngthee |s |n th | s ooos He seems to
haveaanged thean| ma| -mach| neon a De' ph| ct| pod. Eyesc' osed, ' oos,he
| spotect| ngthemf|omthe ' | ghtw|th s0ng| asses, hehasevenso0ghto0tthe
shadefomh| ss0n0mo|e' | a, 0n| ess | toea ef'ecto| . . .
Cc| CH|X | | |
| mag| ne h | m, tho0gh the | mages he h a s "tasen . " B y ss| t | ng the aoyss of
those | mages, as | was say| ngoefo|e, | etace the steps ofthe photog|aphe|.
/n advance, he o| ngsmo0|n | ngfo|Athens, mo0|n| ngfo|a c| tythat |s owed
todeath, and twooth|eet| mes athethana s| ng' eone, acco|d| ngtod| ffe|-
ent tempo|a' |t | es. mo0 |n | ng fo| an anc| ent, a|cheo| og| ca| , o| mytho| og| ca|
Athens, no do0ot, mo0 n| ng fo an Athens that has d| sappeaed and that
showstheoodyof| ts0 | ns, o0ta| so mo0n | ngfoan Athensthat he snows
oeca0se he has photogaphed | t, |n the p|esentofthe | nstants ofh| s shots
w| ' | d| sappeatomoow, |s a' eady condemned to exp| e, and whose w t-
nesses|theAd|| ano0SteetMaset, Cafe Neon on mon| aSq0ae,theSt|eet
P| anolhave |n factd | sappea|eds| nce he"toostheshot", andf| na| ' y,th | |d an-
t| c| pated mo0n | ng, hesnowsthatothe|photogaphshavecapt0ed specta-
c' es that ae st| ' | v| s| o' e, today, p|esent| y, at the momentthe ooos appeas
|Ath| nas Ma|set, Meat Ma|set, || sh Ma|setl , o0t wh| ch w| ' | have to oe,
"o0ght" to oe, dest|oyed tomo|ow. A q0est| on of deot o| of necess| ty, of
economy, ofthe"maset, "the | andscapeofthesesteets, cafes, masets, m0-
s| ca' | nst0ments hav| ngtod| e, owedtodeath. | t | sthe ' aw. They aeth|eat-
enedw| th o p|om| sed to death. Th|eedeaths, th|ee | nstances,theetempo-
|a| | t| es of death | n s | ght of o |n the o0s| ness of photog|aphy. . . , th|ee
io c n r i r n ;
"pesences"ofd| sappeaance,theephenomenaofthe"d sappeaed" oe| ng.
thef| stbe/oretheshot | stasen,thesecond /rom |heperspec|ve o/ ,dep0 | s}
the shot, andt he ' ast | atest| ' | , tomoow, o0t |t | s | mm| nent, aJer the ap-
peaanceofthep| nt. B0t| fthe| mm| nenceofwhat | sth0sowedtodeaths0s-
pendsthemoment | tfa| ' s d0e, asdoesthe epoch ofa | ' photogaphy, atthe
samet| me| ts| gns| tsved| ct. | tconf| ms| tandsea| s| tw| than| ne' 0ctao| ea0-
tho| ty. | tw | | | have tod | e, | t | sass| gned to es| dence andthedate | sset _ /a
mse en demeure es|en marche[ , theco0ntdown hasoeg0n, thee |s s| mp' y
ade' ay,t | met ophotogaph, o0t noonedeamsof escap| ngdeath, andnoth-
| ngw| | ' oesaved. | th| nsofSocatesdeath, ofthe /haedoand Cr|o. fthe
| nced| o| eep | eve that ho| ds offthefata| day so manydaysaftethe 0dg-
ment. They wee wa| t| ngfo sa| | s to appea, fo them to appea |n the d| s-
tance,to come | ntothe | | ght, ata pec| se, 0n| q0e, and | nev| tao| e| nstant, as
fata' asthec| | csofa sh0tte.`
I |
TheC| ol ^sylum
akng through ctcs onc hnds that thc cty s ndccd an opcn,
non-totazablcsctoldoms, sngulartcs, stycs. aacctovccomc thc
othcrvthn oncscll, aplacc opcn tovhat s comng, thcvcry comng ol
vhats tocomc, opcntommncncc.
Whatmasesposs| o' ethe| | v| ngcomm0n| tyofthegeneat| onswho' | ve |n and
const0ctthe c| ty, who ae pemanent' yexposed to the stessofeven po-
|ect | nga c| tyto oede- oe-const0cted, | sthepaadox| ca' en0nc| at| onof
theaoso| 0tetowe,ofthetota'c| tywh| cheachesthessy. | t|stheacceptance
ofwhata ' og| c| anwo0 ' dpehapsca' ' theaxom o/ncomp/e|eness. Ac| ty | s
a setwh| chm0st ema| n | ndef| n| te| yandst0ct0 a| | ynon-sat0ao| e, opento
| tsowntansfomat| on, tothea0gmentat| onswh| cha' teandd | sp' aceas ' | t-
t' easposs| o' ethe memoyof| ts pat| mony.Ac| ty m0st ema| n opentowhat
|t snowsaoo0twhat |t doesntyet snowaoo0twhat | tw|| | oe. |t |s necessay
to | nsc| oe, andtothemat| ze,theespectfot h| snon-know/ed_e | nach| tec-
t0a| and 0oan | st | c sc| ence o snow-how. thew| se, what wo0 ' d one do
othethanapp| ypogams,tota| | ze,sat0ate, s0t0e, asphyx| ate '
Jhc pcrmancntdc/rc-constructon thatassurcs thcsurva olactymust
io c n r 1 r n
"Jhc gucston `hat s a cty ("Gcncratons ot a Lty` ) . oston.
( Erc |acollot)
nscrbcthscvcntwthn t,atthc outsdccausngt,asawholc, toappcar
as cvcnt.
| fwhat we st| | ' ca' | todaythec| ty cons| sts ' ess than eveof a petog' yph| c
eect| on, o0t 0stasm0chone| ng' ass,w| ndows,te' ecomm0n| cat| onsf| oes,
andcao' es,e' ect| ca' andaco0st| ca| netwossthee | san 0 gencytoth | ns-
| ngthec| tyoyp| v| | eg| ng |n |tthee' ementay|o0tenewedlmed| aofspeech,
w| t| ng, andm0s| c.
Jhs s agan thc mcchansm olthc slucc andthc ctty, ths tmc structur-
ngthccty. rcgulatonanddstrbuton olthchowolsngulartcs, nvcn-
ton olabcng-togcthcrbascdonan orgnaryuprootngor cxlc.Jhat s
whycvcryctyshouldas amattcroprncplc bccomc a c| ty ofasy' 0m,
andclaboratcaneth | csofhosp| ta| |ty .
Hosp| ta| | ty |s c0| t 0e | tse' fandnots| mp| yoneeth | camongst othes. | nsofa
as| thastodow| ththee|hos,that | s, the es| dence,onesat-home,thefam| | -
Cities 111
| a p| aceofdwe ' ' | ng, asm0chas the manneof oe| ngthee, the manne| n
wh| chwee| ate to o0se| ves andt oothes,t oothesas o0 own o as fo-
e| gnes,e|h/cs/s hosp/|a//|y, eth| cs|sent| e| ycoextens| vew| ththeexpe| ence
ofhosp| ta| | ty, wh| chevewayoneexpandso' | m| tsthat. '
Ctcsolasylum, crcatcdasa nctworkbythcIntcrnatonal arlamcnt
olrtcrs,onwhchLcrrdascrvcsas aVcc-rcsdcnt,arcctcsthathavc
agrccd towclcomcandprotcctntcllcctualspcrsccutcdn thcrhomccoun-
trcs. Jhsprcsumcs acty`sautonomyvs-a-vs thc statcand mplcsa rc-
thnkng olthc rolcolthccaptal.
The q0est| on "What |s a c| ty" and "What |s acap| ta' " takes ontodayan a| |
themoeme' ancho| | co eschato| og| ca' appeaancewhen, | oe' | eve| andth| s
wo0 | d oethe | mp| | c| thypothes| swh| cho| entsthese modest poposa' sl , the
c| ty, the metopo' | s, thepo//s, thetown ae a| eady no ' ongethesteadfast
and 0 | t | mate 0n| t| es,topo' og| ca| 0n| t| es ofhao| tat, ofact| on, ofcomm0n| ca-
t| on, ofstategy,ofcommece| n awod,ofsoc| a' |tyandofh0manpo' | t| cs,
ofapo//|/cswh| chw| | ' havetochange| ts nameassoonasthec| tyaspo//so
acropo//s no| ongepov| desthemeas0eoftheres pub//ca. B0tthefactthat
th| spos|-c/|ya_e" hasoeg0n does not meanthatwesho0' dfogetthec| ty. '
Whethe|t oethefoe| gne |n genea' , the| mm| gant,theex| | ed,theef0gee,
the depoted, the state| ess othe d| sp' aced peson | a' ' ofwh | ch catego | es
needtooep0dent' yd| ffeent| atedl , wewo0' dassthesenewc| t| esofasy| 0m
to eo| entt hepo| | t| csof t hestate. We wo0| dassthemt otansfom ande-
fo0ndthe moda' | t| es of memoesh| poy wh| chthe c| ty c/|[ oe' ongs tothe
state, as | n a deve| op| ng E0ope o | n | ntenat| ona' | 0 | d| ca| st0ct0 es st| | '
dom | nated oythe| nv| o' ao| e0 ' eofstate sovee| gntyan | ntang| o' e0 | e, o
oneat' easts0pposed s0ch, wh| ch | soecom| ng | nceas| ng' ypeca| o0sand
poo| emat| c nonethe| ess. Th| s ne| the can no sho0 ' d st| | | oe the 0 | t| mate
ho| zonfoc| t| esofasy| 0m. |s th| sposs| o' e`
Whatwehaveoeenca' ' | ngthec| tyofasy' 0m, | tseemstome,o| dgessevea'
tad| t| onso sevea| moments | nWesten, E0opean, o paa-E0opeantad| -
t| ons. We sha' | ecogn| ze | nthe Heoa| ctad| t| on, on theone hand, those
c|t| eswh| chwo0 | dwe' comeandpotectthosewhoso0ghtef0getheewhen
p0s0ed oy a o' | nd o aveng| ng| 0st| ce,fomwhatthetextsofthat t| me ca' |
I I z C H A P 1 E R
' o' oodyvengeance , fo a c | meofwh| chthey we|e | nnocent|oothew| se
had comm|tted acc| denta' ' yl. . . . | n the med| eva| t|ad| t| on, on the othe|
hand, onecan | dent| fy a ceta| n sove|e| gnty ofthec| ty. thec| ty | tse| fco0' d
detem | nethe| awsof hosp| ta' | ty,t heat| c| esof pedete|m| ned | aw, ooth p| 0-
a' and|est|| ct| ve,w| thwh| chtheymeanttocond| t| on|heCeat|awofHos-
p| ta| |tyan 0ncond| t| ona| caw, ooth s| ng0| a and 0n| vesa' , wh| chodeed
that the gates oe open to each and eve|y one, ma' e and fema' e, to evey
othe|,toa| ' whom| ghtcome |ou|arrvan|| , w| tho0tq0est| ono|w| tho0tthe|
even hav| ngto | dent| fywhotheyaeowhencetheycome. . . . || na' ' y,at th| s
same 0nct0e,weco0' d | dent| fythecosmopo' | t| ca| tad | t| oncommontoa
ce|ta| nC|eesSto c| sm anda Pa0 | | ne Ch | st| an|ty, whose | nhe| tos we|e the
f| g0|esof theE n ' | ghtenment,andtowh| chKantw| ' ' do0ot' esshaveg| venthe
most | go|o0s ph| | osoph| ca' fo|m0 ' at| on | n h| s famo0s /e/n|veAr|c/e n
vewo//erpe|ua//eace. 'The ' awofcosmopo| | tan| sm m0st oe |est||cted to
thecond| t| onsof0n| ve|sa' hosp| ta| | ty
Strasbourg, Jhs Ccncrous Bordcr Cty
Th | sem| nent' yE0|opean c| ty, thecap| ta' c| ty of c0|ope, and thef| |stofo0
c| t| esofasy| 0m.
Ac| tywh| ch, wh| ' e| tdoes not, as| tonce veysymoo' | ca' ' yd| d, ' | eo0ts| de
of|ance, | sneve|the| essnot 0stany||enchc| ty. Th| sfont| e|c| ty | s a p' ace
ofpassageand oft|ans' at| on, a o0ffe|zone, a p| v| ' eged s| tefo|enco0nteo|
compet| t| onoetweentwo| mmense ' | ng0 | st| cte|| to| es, two a' so amongthe
mostdense| ypop0 | ated wo|' dsofph| ' osoph| ca' d| sco0se.
Iars as Captal
Regad| ng Pa| s, Va| ey 0sed to say that |t th | nss 0s moe than weth | ns| t,
even oefoewefomthep|o|ectofth| ns| ng| t."
Iraguc, Ic/Rc-constructcd Cty
Thee | sac| ty.Wea|ethe|e. We| nhao| t|t,wepasstho0gh t. Today,st| ' | , oy
Cities II
| aw, | t| sa cap| ta| . | toea|sa popenamewh| chthewho' ewo| | decogn| zes
and aoo0t wh| ch no | ega| cha' | enge has a|| sen. | t |s /raha, Pag0e fo a
||enchspease|. necan a| se ' ega' q0est| ons, oneco0' donedaycontest| ts
| dent| ty asa po| | t| ca| cap| ta| whethe|nat| ona' o | nte|nat| ona' |fo| examp| e
Czecho-s| ovas| anl , o|c0 ' t0|a| |fo|examp' ec0opean o|Centa' c0opeanl .
B0t noonewo0 ' doeao| et o|a| set hes ' | ghtest adm| ss| o' echa' ' enget othe
factthat| t| saq0est| onofac| tyandthat| tdoesoea thenameofPag0e. Th| s
c| ty | s | | se a 0 | d| ca' pe|son o|' | se a cha|acte| n a nove| , thepersonaofa
theat|| ca' , d|amat| c, tag| c, com| cf| ct| on, togethew| ththefactthatpersona
can s| gn|fya| sothemassoeh| nd wh| chthe| dent| tyoftheacto|o|ofthepe|-
sona' s0o ectcan ema| nsec|etasonadayofmasq0e|ade,offest| va| o|cam-
pa| gn opra|on[ , | ndeed, of|evo| 0t| onayope|a.What hasoeenthe| dent| -
f| ao' e, se' f-| dent| ca| s0o ectpe|s| st | ngth|o0gho0tthed| scont | n0o0sh| stoy
wh| ch has 0n tho0ghtheepochsofCoth| cand Ba|oq0each| tect0|e, the
dest|0ct| onoftheghetto, the| nst| t0t| on ofCzechos' ovas| a, theCe|man and
thentheSov| etpotectoate,thePag0eSp|| ng,thenoma' | zat| onandf| na| ' y
t he| ast|evo| 0t| onwh| ch| snow0ndeway | s| tt hesamec| tywh| ch|esponds
toth | sname| s| ttothesamec| tythatweae |espond| ngHowdoesone|e-
spondto ac| tyHow |s onetoanswer IO|, ass0me espons| o| ' | tyfo|,ac| ty ' `
I na passagc whcrc raguc spcaks lor tscl, thc cty whosc namc mcans
thrcshod says.
| am one, o0t | am on' ythethesho| dof myse| f, g0ad me, potect me, save
me,savethe|efo|etheo|dewh| ch | g| veyo0, heed my| aw, | t|s one, o0tfo|
th| sconst|0ctme,th0sde- and e-const|0ctme,yo0 a|eatthethesho| d, ex-
pand me, tansfom me, m0 ' t| p| yme,don't ' eave me| ntact, tasethe | | ssof
deconst|0ct| ng me. | fyo0 ' eave me | ntact, and one, yo0 w| ' | ' ose me. | t | s
necessay ootht opotect meando|easandenteme, ootht osafeg0a|d me
and t ot|ansf| g0|eme, t ot|ansfo|m mepec| se| y| n odet osaveme. | t| snec-
essayoothto' ovemeand tov| o' atemeo0t| n aceta| nmanneandnot| n
anothe|. | t | snecessa|yto aff| |m m e a s | aff| |m myse' f, and, | n o|de|fo|th | s,
to| nventthe| mposs| o' e,wh| chcons| sts | n |espect| ngmy pastoody, | nte' ' | ng
my age, o0t a| so, and o0tof |espect, | n g| v| ng me eno0gh | | fe so as not to
conf0se mew| thaconsevato|yofach| ves,a | | o|a|yof' | thog|aph| c| egends,
am0se0m, atemp| e, atowe|, acent|eofadm| n| st|at| veo| po' | t| ca| dec| s| ons,
IIq c n r 1 r n
"L.A. s not anywhcrc, but t s 3 snguIar organzaton ot thc cxpcrcncc ot `anywhcrc` ("la-
itcxturc`). (Erc |acollot)
a pa ' | amentay enc' os0e, a to0 | st hote' , a chamoeof commece, an | n-
vestmentcente, a h0oof a| | way o | nfomat| on connect| ons, a comp0te-
| zed stocsexchange, o even a hao| tao| e, ' aoo| o0s, and pod0ct| ve h| ve. |
| nc| 0dea ' | thesew| th | nme, |n mygeat,mov| ng oody, o0t yo0 m0stnevee-
d0ce me to t h| s, | am theth esho' d of someth | ng e| se aga| n. | have neve
oeen, anda c| tyw| | | neve have oeen, s| mp| ythat. ' '
Los ^ngclcs and thc Iost-Ioltcal ^gc
|. A. |s not anywhee, o0t |t | sa s| ng0 ' a ogan| zat| on oftheexpe| ence of
"anywhee. "Whatwo0 ' da| some| tsomeef| ect| onon o0pat, | nth| sp' ace,
| sf| stthefactt hat | t |s not a q0est| on of 0st anyc| ty |n thewo| do0tofth | s
m0n| c| pa' space,thatof|osAnge' es, fowh| chthenameofa c| ty, po/s, o
even 0oan st0ct0e pooao' yno ' onge f| tstothesamedegeeasfomany
c| t| es | n thewo | d. | t | sa emasao' eexamp' eofdecenta' | zat| on | na pe-
cap| ta| | st, cap| ta ' | st, and neo-cap| ta' | st h0man agg| omeat| on || want at a ' |
n Los AngcIcs wth S Ncbcr, :y.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
Cities II;
coststoavo| dtheexpess| onpost- o | ate-cap| ta' | sml . |. A. |s an expe| menta'
p| acefo n0meo0sso-ca| ' ed moden o postmoden ach | tect0a' | nvest| ga-
t | ons. Someofyo0 heecantest| fyoettethan othesthattheyhadmoethan
a | | tt' eto dow| th | ts | chness andv| s| o| ' | ty | nth | sespect. | n th| ssense, and
th| s| swhy| p| v| | eged th| sexamp' esofafom andsoc' osetoJ apan, |. A. | s
notanywhee | n the| | feofthemao| tyofyo0. No | n m| ne. And|. A.oe| ongs
pehapsa| eady, w| tho0toe| ong| ngcomp' ete' y, to what oneco0 | dca' ' the
"post-c| tyage, "wh| ch pehapsa' soanno0ncesa "postpo/s"andtheefoea
"post-po| | t| ca| age, "wh| chwo0| dnot necessa| | yoean apo' | t| ca' odepo| | t| -
c| zed age | thee| n | | es the d | ff| c0 | ty and the concen that o| ent these e-
massl . |osAnge' es |stheefoe not anywhere, o0t| t|s a' so an 0nc| ass| f| ao' e
and, atthesamet| me,exemp| ays| ndofanywhee. | donothavet | me | nth| s
| ntod0ct| on, o0ta 0sef0 | exec| sewo0 ' doetotestw| thth | sexamp| ethee-
masao| etaxonomythat Asada and | sozas| poposed to odearch|ec|ura/
space | I . sedentay, Z . nomad, J . nomad-| mmoo| ' el , ach| tect0e | n 0oan
space | I . ea' w| ththemed| at| onofenus /oco of /en su, Z. 0nea| , J .
s| m0| atedl , andach|tect0e| n 0n |vesa' space| hemet| co cypt| cspaceand
posta' ote| egaph| c, te| ephon | c,te| ev| s0a| spacel , that | stosay, a' sote| efax-
0a| . new| | | seethat|osAnge| es | s, ceta| n| y, am| xthatpar|cpa|es | na' | o
i 6 c n r 1 r n
these opposed mode' s |of Ven| ce, wh| ch |t m | mes, | nc| 0des, and a| so |e-
d0ces, ofTosyo and D| sney| and, tas| ng0ptwo oftheexamp| es | | ' 0st|at | ng
th | staxonomyl , o0t |osAnge' es a| so co||esponds, andp|ec| se| y| n thepo| | t-
| ca' -soc| a' v| o' ence ofwhat |s ca' | ed a " |eo0 | | d | ng, "to a th| |d tem not e-
d0c| o' eto anyofthetypes o| modesofthetaxonomy. |t exc| 0destheefo|e
that |n wh | ch |t seems to pat | c| pate. || note | n pass| ng that th | s | og| c, that
cons| sts | noe| ng atthesamet| meam| xt0|ethatpa|t| c| pates |n twooppos| ng
ext|emesandath| |d | |ed0c| o| ete|m, |s a| so the pa|adox| ntheP' aton | cp|es-
entat| onofthe Kh|al . '
Ccncva and thc Bccomng-Iostal
ol thc ^uscum
D| dyo0 snowthatthe o| ggestposta| m0se0m |stooefo0ndhe|e |n Ceneva
Assoon as | canwa| s | w | | ' getmyse| fthee || am cont| n0 | ng my| nvest| ga-
t| ons, mo|eo | esscont | n0o0s' yl . | nthe"moden" pe|od ofposta' oecom| ng
| | n my ' ang0age | | ntend oythatthepe|| od thatfo' | owstheepochof" | mpe-
| | a' "te| to|yand ofpo| | t| co- m| ' | tay| nvestmentPes| an oRomanemp| |es,
Cy0sand Caesathenthe epoch that | ea' ' ywo0 | d| | seto name the "0n | -
ve|s| ty" pe| od, oeca0se | n the ! 3th cent0 y | n |ance, d0|| ng the ' ong
p|ocessof|emonopo' | zat| on, oftheenat| ona| | zat| onofad | spe|sednetwo|s,
the c n | ve|s|tyof Pa|| s had oeen ganted a p|| v| | ege, | | | te' | yo0 aoo0t | t, | n
thec| |c0' at| onof thema| | . |o0 | sX | p0tsanendto | t,' | tt| eoy' | tt' e|ep|od0ces
cent|a' | zat| onofthe Romantype,w| th h| s own censo|sh| pand h | s "o' acs
cao| net"andthe pocess,fata't ot hecn| ve|s| tysp|| v| ' ege,w| nds0p, | no0|
day, w| th themonopo' | st | c|eg| me, | n ! b8 ! | oe' | evel, yes, | nt he"mode|n"
pe| odtheco0nt|yoftheRefomat| onp' ayeda |athe|| mpotanto| e, | tseems
to me, | nposta| efomand | oe' | evethefact | ss| gn | f| cant. The c n | ve|sa'
Posta' c n | on was oo|n | nBe|ne| ! 848l , and |s now an | nst| t0t| on0nde
the| 0 || sd| ct| on ofthe c . N . No, | don t have any o| g hypothes| s aoo0tthe
con o| nt deve| opmentofcap| ta| | sm, P|otestant| sm, and posta' |at| ona' | sm,
o0t a' ' thesame, th| ngs a|e necessa|| ' y' | nsed. Thepost | san | nstanceofthe
oans| ngsystem. Dontfo|getthat | ntheg|eat|efo|mat| onofthe"moden"pe-
| | od anotheg|eatco0ntyofthe Refo|mat| on p| ayed a spectac0 | a |o' e. | n

Cities i;
! 83 Row' and H | ' | p0o| | shes h| s ooos, /os|-C//ce Ke/orm: /|s /mpor|ance
and /rac|cab/|y. He s an ed0cato, and a |efo|me of the f| sca' system.
Whatwas hepopos| ngo0t t hestamp, my' ove, whatwo0| dwehave done
w| tho0t | t Theadhes| ve stamp, that | s, the 0n| fom| zat| onof payment, the
gene|a' eq0| va' entofthetax,andaoovea' | theo| ' | oefo|ethe| ette, payment
| n advance | |he un/orm ra|e and a sys|em o/ prepaymen|, wh | ch wee
adopted | n ! 840 afte geat pop0' a| ag|tat| on, thefamo0s oatt| eofthe pp,
popu/ara|a|on /or|hepennypos|J And 0nde|thep|ov| soof/ur|hern-
ves|a|ons, | oe' | evethatthepostcad comesto 0sfom the|etoo,veye-
cent| y |fom A0st|a' | a, ! 8b9, to Eng| and, ! 80, o0t the p| | vate pc|ure pos|
cardwasa0tho| zedon| y| n ! 894l . ' '
Bordcaux and thc Bccomng-^uscum
ol thc Iostal
Thee |s a cente |n ||ancewh| chassemo| esa| ' | ost ' ettes, a' ' the ' ette|ssent
P. R. that ae not p| csed 0p oy the| addesseeaftea ceta| ndate |thet | me
' | m| t | s shote t han yo0 wo0' d th| n sl, t he | ette|s whose add|essees and
sendescannotoefo0nd. | dont snow how | ongthey seep them, oefo|ede-
st|oy| ng them | s0ppose. | t |s | n Bodea0x, | wo0| dvey m0ch ' | se to snow
why. Ave|y, vey| ongt| meago, | hadtodea' w| th t h| smach| ney. nat| p,
| hadsentto myse' f, Poste Restante, a pacsetof | ette|sthat | d | d notwantto
seep on myse| f. | tho0ghtthat | had a veyw| de| nte|va' at my d| sposa| fo|
p| cs| ngthem0p, afte|myet0n. M| stase.when | p|esentedmyse' fatthe post
off| ce,theyco0 | dnotoefo0nd. Pesonne' conf0sed. they haddo0ot| essoeen
sentto Bodea0x|s| nceth| st| me| hadnt p0t myaddessonthe oacs,wh| ch
waspec| se' ywhat | wantedtoavo| d| nth| scasel . And | n Bo|dea0x, |t | sa' -
waysd| ff| c0 ' tt o|ef| ndanyth| ng. | n anyevent,eve|yth| ng | s openedand|ead
|n o|de|tod | v| ne, w|th theoest| ntent| ons|n thewo| d, the nameofasende
o|ofan add|essee. When | came oacs | nto possess| on ofthese | ettes two
months ' ate, they had | nfact oeen opened. nce mo|e oecome the post
cads that at oottom they a| |eady we|e. | have destoyed them s| nce, and
q0 | tes| nce|e' y| no| onge|eca| | wh| ch | ette|swee | nq0est| on. ' '
i i c n r 1 r n
\nknovn ^ntvcrp
Theta| n |s app|oach| ng Antwe|p. We a|e oa|e' yth|ee-q0a|te|s of an ho0|
fom H|0sse| s, and | had | ntended, even oefo|e the ' ect0|e, t ocome he|e
a' onefo| seve|a' ho0|s. Want c| t| es 0 nknown to yo0, to wh| ch yo0 co0 ' d
have accompan| ed me, and| no| onge knowwhethe|| amtak| ngthem | n
ode|tog| vethemtoyo0o | totakethemawayf|om yo0 . | hadto' dyo0that
| wo0 ' d cometoAntwe|p, th | smo|n| ng, andwhy, |n th | sc| tyaoo0twh| ch |
know on' ythe nameand a few c' | ches. |f yo0 wee c|azy yo0 wo0| dhave
come to wa|t fo| me | | ke someone ha' | 0c| nat| ng, ' wo0 | d have 0n towa|d
yo0 onthep| atfo|m, | ghtnextto the t|ack, ' wo0 ' dhavedoneeve|yth| ngso
as nottofa| | . '
^mstcrdam and thc Iloodgatc ol Its Jympan
Tympan0m, D| onys| an | sm, | aoy| nth, A|| adne' sthead. Wea|e nowtave| | ng
th|o0gh | 0p|| ght,wa| k| ng,danc| ngl, | nc| 0dedandenve' opedw| th | n |t, neve|
toeme|ge,thefo|mofanea|const0cteda|o0ndaoa||| e|, go| ng|o0nd|ts| n-
ne| wa' | s, a c| ty, the|efo|e | | aoy|| nth, sem| c| |c0 ' a| cana| swan| ng. t hesp| -
|a| wa| kways donot ho' dl c| |c| | nga|o0nd| | ke a sta| |wayw| nd| ng ao0nda
| ock, a d| ke | daml st|etchedo0ttowa|d thesea,c' osed | non |tse| fandopen
tothesea'spath. |0 | ' andemptyof| tswate|,theanamnes| softheconchaes-
onates a' one on a oeach. How co0 | da oeach oe p|od0ced, oetween the
eathandsea '
^thcns and Ihotography. ^ Nourncd-lor Survval
C|| CH|' |
Who| sth | s,deathTheq0est| oncanoeaskedfo|each| nstanceofth | sAthen-
| anphotog|aph| ccoss| ng, andnoton| y| nthecemete|| es,oefo|ethemo0nds
oowsoftomostones, f0nea|y ste| es, co| 0mnsand c|osses, a|cheo| og| ca|
s| tes, decap| tated stat0es, 0 | ned temp| es, chape| s, ant| q0estoes | nthef' ea
ma|ket, thed| sp| aysofdead an| ma| s, meato|f| sh, a| ongthest|eetofa ma-
ket. |o|theonewhotook thet| meto take these | magesofAthensovea pe-
Cities ii,
|| od ofaoo0tf|fteen yeas d| d not s| mp' y g| ve h | mse' fovet op|od0c| ng a
photog|aph | cs|a|emen| , e' eve[ ofce|ta| ns| testhat a/readyconst| t0ted hy-
pomnest| c | 0| ns, ' | ke somanymon0menta' s| gnsofdeath|Ac|opo' | s, Agoa,
Ke|ame| kos,Towe|oftheW| nds,Theate|ofO| onysosl . Hea| sosaw, w| ththe
passage of t| me, the dsappearance of p| aces he photogaphed when they
we|e,as| twe|e,"' | v| ng, o0twh| ch haves| nce"d| sappeaed, "' | ketheso|tof
f' ea maket on Ad| ano0 St|eet, fo| examp| e, o| Cafe Neon on mon | a
Sq0ae, mostofthep' aye|p| anos, etc. Th| swo| ' d, wh | chwastheAthensof
yeste|day, andwh| chepesenteda| |eadyaceta| nmode|n | tyofthatc| ty,the
Athensphotog|aphed oneday ' | ke anyothe|day,s0dden| ythatAthens| sno
' onge|Athens. ' tsso0| m| ghtoeeven ' essp|esent, | fthatcanoesa| d,thanthe
a|cheo| og| ca' vest| gesofanc| entAthens. The0 | nofthosevest| ges,the| | so| e
speak| nga|ch| ve,ofth| smaket,t h| scafe,t h| sp| ano,theoestmemo|yofthat
c0 ' t0|e |es| des | n these photog|aphs. ne has the|efo|e to med |tate 0pon
s0ch an | nvas| on of photogaphy w| th | n the h| sto|y of the c| ty. | t | s an ao-
so' 0tet|ansfo|mat| on, o0tonethatwasp|epaed | nthemostd| stantpast. . . .
Th| soookoeasthes| gnat0|eofonewhokeepsav| g| | , | nvo' ved | nmo|ethan
one mo0| n| ng, a do0o' ys0|v| v| ngw| tness, a ' ove|gent| y | nfat0ated w| th a
c| tythat hasd| ed sevea| t| mes, atseve|a t| mes, a c| ty o0sykeep| ngwatch
ove| |ts con|re|emps, o0t ' | v| ng. A | v| ngAthens | s he|e seen g0a|d| ng, e-
ga|d| ng, and |ef' ect | ng |tsdeaths. '
Jhc cv York Jhrcad
Day afte|tomo|ow, New Yok, appo| ntments on a|| va|at | 0nch t| me |at
MoMAl and the ' ect0eatn| ghtatCo' 0mo| a. | ' ' ' ca' | yo0f|omthee,f|omthe
stat| on one | s not oo| | ged to te' ephone co//ec|' |th| s ca' c0' at| on | s com-
p| ete| y| | d| c0 | o0s | n o0 case, as | fone co0 ' dknowwhopaysfo|thecom-
m0n| cat| on, andwhodec| des |tl . '
Cc|ober VZO.
| am w| t| ngyo0 | n atax| . | avo| dthes0oway, he|e too, p|ec| se' yoeca0se |
| | ke | t. And oeca0se | get ' ost | nthecorrespondances, a| tho0ghthesystem | s
m0ch s| mp' e t han| nPa|| s. |ts ' | ke an exp|essfact. |ast n| ght, aftet he' ec-
izo c n r 1 r n
t0 |e, | c|ossedtheent | |ec| ty |n atax| , a ' | thewaytoWash| ngton Sq0a|e,th | s
wasafte|the|ecept| on | | twasa| |eadyve|y ' ate, | t wasn| ce, | wasd|0 n k, |
| oved, | wenthomea' most | mmed| ate' yafte| .
Tomo||ow, |et0|ntoYa' e, dayaf|e|tomo||owexc0|s| on |n H | ' ' | sssa| ' ooat. ' "
|astweek | ntheEast. Th0|sday, NewYo|kaga| n, t h| st | me | ' | oeattheHote|
Ha|o| zon . Depa|t 0|efo|Co|ne| ' thenextmo|n| ngve|yea|| y.
f|om theve|y f| |stenvo. no g| ft,g| f| step pas
de don| , w| tho0taoso| 0tefo|gett| ng|wh| cha' soaoso| vesyo0 oftheg| f|, don,
andofthedose,fo|gett| ngofwhatyo0 g| ve,towhom, whyandhow, ofwhat
yo0 |ememoe|aoo0t | to|hope. Ag| n, | fthe|e |s one, doesnotdest| ne| tse| f.
. . . |hedesre |o name ^ew \ork, where Z yearsao, on no|ebooks /os|n
A/era n Z un/ess |heyre hdden here, / had beun aan, a| |he /o|e/
^ar|nque, |o wr|e /or myse///o//ow|he ^ew \ork |hread, /rom |rp |o
|rp, up |o |hs one, |he /ppours o/^. 1, |he cu| w|h /ppout, |he noncr-
cumcsono/|hesons-up|o|ha|yearwhen,comnou|o/a res|auran|near
^C^A / en|era re/ormedsynaoue . . . crcumcson remans |he |hrea|
o/wha| s makn me wr|ehere.
^m l n |crusacm
Thewa|fo|the"app|op|| at| onofJ e|0sa' em"| stodaythewo| ' dwa|. | t| shap-
pen| ngeve|ywhe|e, | t | sthewo|' d, | t| stodaythes| ng0' a| f| g0|e of| tsoe| ng
"o0tof| o| nt. "
Acco|d| ngto2 Ch|on| c| es,chapte|s3andd,thep' acewhe|eth| socc0|s,whe|e
thesac|| f| ceofAo|aham o|of| saac |and | t| sthesac|| f| ceofooth ofthem, | t| s
theg| ftofdeathonemakestotheothe|| np0tt| ngonese//todeath, mo|t| fy| ng
onese' f| no|de|tomakeag|f|ofth| sdeathasasac|| f| c| a' one|| ngtoCodtakes
p| ace,th| sp| acewhe|edeath | sg| veno|offe|ed,| sthep| acewhe|eSo' omonde-
c| dedtoo0| ' dtheHo0seofthe|o|d |nJe|0sa| em,a' sothep' acewhe|eCodap-
pea|edtoSo' omonsfathe|, Dav| d. Howeve|, | t| sa| sothep| acewhe|etheg|and
Mosq0eofJe|0sa| em stood, the p' ace ca| ' ed the Dome of the Rock nea|the
g|and E' -Aksamosq0ewhe|ethesac||f|ce of| o|ah| m| ss0pposedto havetaken
Cities izI
p' ace and f|om whe|e M0hammad mo0nted h| s ho|se fo| pa|ad| se ane| h| s
death. | t| sj 0staoovet hedest|oyedtemp' eofJe|0sa| emandtheWa| | | ngWa' ' ,
notfa|f|omtheWayoftheC|oss. |t |sthe|efo|eaho' yp' aceo0ta' soap| acethat
| s| nd| sp0te, |ad| ca' |yand|ao| d' y,fo0ghtove|oya' | themonothe| sms, oya' ' the
|e| |g| onsofthe0n| q0eandt|anscendentCod,oftheaoso' 0teothe|. `
Am | | n Je|0sa' em Th| s| s a q0est| ontowh| chonew| ' ' neve||espond | nthe
p|esenttense, on| y | nthef0t0|eo|| nthepastante|| o| . . . . Am | | nJe|0sa' em
o|e| sewhe|e,ve|yfa|f|om the Ho' yC| ty nde|what cond| t| onsdoesone
f| ndonese' f| nJe|0sa' em | s| teno0ghtooethe|e phys| ca| |y, asonesays, and
to| | ve | np| acesthatca||yth| s name, as| amnowdo| ngWhat | s| tto ' | ve | n
J e|0sa' em Th | s| snoteasyto dec| de. A' | owmeto c| te Me| ste| Eckha|t. . . .
|| ke thatof Denys, h| s wo|ksomet| mes |esemo| es anend' ess med| tat| onof
thesenseandsymoo' | smoftheHo' yC| ty. a ' og| c, a |heto|| c, atopo| ogy, and
at|opo' ogyofJe|0sa' em. He|e | sanexamp' eamongmanyothe|s.
Yeste|day | sat| na p| acewhe|e | sa| dsomet h| ng , dsp|ach | che| nwo|t}
that so0nds| nc|ed| o| e| sa| dthatJ e|0sa| em |s as nea|to myso0 | asthe
p' acewhe|e | amnow , mne|se| ea| s nhea| sd| 0stat, d| chn0stn} . | n
t|0th, that wh| ch | s a tho0sand m| | es oeyondJ e|0sa' em | sas nea|tomy
so0 | asmyown oody, | amass0|eofth| sasofoe| nga man |Ado/escens,
|bdco. sure, n ^es|er/ckhar|s /red|en, 2. 305 . '
1 l. HVC]8_C and Settin
Out "

Vcrzc_! undcn V_
(ho w show us thc way:)
. . . ndcrcchch!c uul!c!d cchc/
(n hstory thc cnu0 makcs thc aw) . '
. . . as | I | had aIIenpIed nO|e Ihan an exIens| On O| a coo||ouous |ad| Ca| -
| zaI| On OI Ihe Me| degge|| an nOvenenI. . . . |ve|yIh| ng Iakes p| aCe as | I |
had On| y gene|a| | zed vhaI H| COeu| Ca| | s Me| degge|s | | n|Ied C|| I| C| sn
and as | I | had sI|eIChed |I | nO|d| naIe| y, OeyOnd a| | OOunds. Apassage, K| -
COeu| says, I|On Ihe | | n| Ied C|| I| C| sn OI Me| degge| IO )aCques |e||| das
unOOunded deCOnsI|uCI| On' |n Vh| Ie yIhO| Ogy . . . .A| | II| e Iu|Ihe| On,
| n Ihe sane gesIu|e OI ass| n| | aI| On O| aI | easI OI COnI| nuOus de|| vaI| On, H| -
COeu| |esO|Is I O Ihe I| gu|e OI a IheO|eI| Ca| CO|e COnnOn I O |e| degge| and
IO |e||| da, nane| y, Ihe suppOsed CO| | us| On OeIveen Ihe neIaphO|| C COup| e
OI Ihe p|Ope| and Ihe I|gu|aI|ve and Ihe neIaphys| Ca| COup| e OI Ihe v| s| O| e
and Ihe | nv| s| O| e.
HeI|eaI , te|ta||} OI neIaphO|. | have nade a sIO|y OI vOyages | and nOI a na|-
|aI| On OI a vOyageI and OI Ihe ve|y ve|y d| v| ded I|a| I |k|ss OuI OI | I, |n COn-
nenO|aI| On OI us. VhaI | sa| d passed, as a| vays, as yOu ve| | knOv, unnO-
I|Ced. |asI I||p IO Leneva, IO vh| Ch yOu neve| v| | | have aCCOnpan| ed ne,
I| na| | y. `
| n OIhe| vO|ds. | I One v| shed IhaI w|||Jtawa|-o/Oe undersIOOd as a
neIaphO|, Ih| s vOu| d Oe a Cur| Ous, | nve|I| ng-One vOu| d say a| nOsI ca|a-
s|top||c, CaIasI|Op| Ca| -neIaphO|. |Is end vOu| d Oe IO sIaIe sOneIh| ng
iz6 c n r 1 r n ,
new,someth| ngst| | ' 0nheadoaoo0ttheveh| c| eand not aoo0ttheappa-
S0ch acatastophe' nvetstheeoethemetapho' cpassageatthemoment
when,hav| ngoecomeexcess|ve,metapho| c'tyno| onge|a' |ows|tse' tooe
conta| ned ' n'tsso-ca' | ed "metaphys' ca| "concept. `
1h' s ' s se' o0s oeca0se ' t 0psets He' degge|s st' ' ' de' vat | ve,schema
pehaps .
. . . o' ' ow' ng' nthestepsoHe' degge,who, pec| se' yneath| so|thodox
Cee-temp' e ,MonasteyoKa' sa' an' , d| dnota| ' , |n h| sAu/eo||a||e,to
' nc ' m' nateoncemo|e noton' ykome, 'tsch0|ch, 'ts' aw, 'tsstate, and |ts
theo' ogy, techn' cs, mach' nes,to0' sm, andthespectac' edes' gnedo|v' s-
'tosand aoove a| ' , photogaphy, the c ' | c-' ng and wh| ' ng o st' | ' o
mov| ecame|aswh| ch, ong0 ' ded to0s,"ep' aces"the a0thent' cexpe' -
ence otthev| s|t. '
ts common to consdcr, as docs Rcocurnpartcular, that thc rc-
vcrsalcllcctcd byLcrrda`s worksmpyradcalzcsa gcsturc thatwasal-
rcady contancd n Icdcggcr`s thought, as though twcrc a contnuous
dcrvatonlromt.thoutgongntothcdctalsolths unacccptabcn-
andwhchrcatcdrcctlytothcqucstonoltravcl. nlact,tspcrhapsthat
qucstonthcscnscthatoncwllgvctotravcl, tothcwayorpath, to iia-
tonbctwccn IcdcggcrandLcrrda.
t s ndccd Icdcggcr who was hrst to show that thc conccpt ol
mctaphoronlymadcscnscwthnthchcldolatradtonamctaphyscs. n
mctaphyscs. ^s Lcrrdacommcnts.'Metaphys' cswo0| dnoton| yoethe
enc' os0e | n wh| ch |heconcept ofmetapho |se//wo0| d oe pod0ced and
enc| osed. "t sndccdIcdcggcraganwho shrsttoapplyhmsclltothc
task ola dcstructon Dcstruktion ol thc mctaphyscal tradton and
hcncc to a Dcstruktion olthc conccpt ol mctaphor crcumscrbcd by t.
^ndthsDcstruktion, hnally, procccds lrom a clarhcaton olthcqucston
Pathua,:Reoersa/-: ii. Foreuord iz;
ol thc path or way _ wg. n ths scnsc, Icdcggcr would bc thc hrst
thnkcrolthcorgnaryvoyagc ,awaylrom tscll) olthcorgn.
Lcrrda`s undcrtakngqutcclcarlylollowsnthcwakcolsuchthnkng.
t s mpossbc to comprchcnd thc stakcs olthc ' n' t| a' catastophe" ' '
wthout takng nto account thsprogrcsson. But ts also clcar thatLcr-
rdalollows Icdcggcronlywthsty| e, wth,as hchmscllsays.
the wei ghtofsomepo' nted oo|ect.Att' mesth' sooectm| ghtoeon' ya q0' | '
o| a sty| 0s. H0t| t co0| dj 0staseas ' | yoea st| | etto, o| even a |ap' e. S0choo-
| ects m| ghtoe 0sed |n av' c' o0sattackaga' nstwhat ph' | osophyappea| sto ' n
the nameofmatte|o mat|' x, anattackwhoseth|0stco0 | d not o0t ' eave |ts
ma|k,co0 ' dnoto0t ' nsc|' oethee some' mp|' nto|fo|m. H0tthey m' ghta' so
oe 0sed aspotect| onaga' nst a theaten| ngfo|m, | node|to keep 't ata d' s-
tance, to |epe' 'tas oneoends o |eco| | s oefo|e ' ts fo|ce, | nf| | ght, oeh| nd
ve' | s andsa| ' s |des vo/es! . '
nothcrwords, Lcrrdalollows Icdcggcr uithoutdcriiing}om him,
rcpcllngthcth|eateni ngoo that, lorhm, sprccsclythat borrowcdby
Icdcggcr`s conccptolpath, and whch stllrcmans too attachcdto thc
dcriiatiic/ogicthattncvcrthclcssclamsto dcstroy. Buthows tposs-
blc to lollow somcthng wthout dcrvng lrom t: Lcrrda proposcs a
namc lor ths strangc gcsturc or dsturbng posturc. thc re|ra| ,rc/wth-
drawal] ) . Jhc word, analyzcd luy and prccscly n Jhc Rctrait ol
Nctaphor, s, loncwshcs, aortmantcau uord Cnchasto undcrstand
rctraitnthc scnsc ola noun takcn lrom thcvcrb rctircr,pul back, takc
back, wthdraw) , as wcl as-lolowng thc volcncc to or abusc ol '
thcword that Lcrrdaadmts toanoun bascdonto rctracc, a rctrcat
orwthdrawa, thcrclorc,thatalsosgnhcs arctracngolthctratorlnc,a
supplcmcntto t.
Jhsloldortwstolthc rctraitalrcadyndcatcsthcwaynwhchLcr-
rdantcnds to stuatchmscllwth rcspcct to Icdcggcr`swork. Icwll
lollowtbyrctrcatnglromtandrctracngtatthcsamc tmc,whcsct-
tngollonan ncrcdblcvoyagc olrcadngnthclorm olthc taskhcalso
scts hmscll, namcyolanalyzngthc vcry dcstnyolthcword rctraitn
Icdcggcr. | p|es0medthe wo|d et|a' tat once | ntact | andfo|ced, except
iz c n r 1 r n ,
| n my ' ang0age ands| m0 ' taneo0s' ya' te|edto oethemost p|ope|to cap-
t 0|e the g|eatest q0ant | ty of ene|gy and | nfo|mat| on | n the He| degger| an
text. ' '
Jhc Scnsc ol thc thdraval Kctratt| ol Bcng
n Icdcggcr
Nctaphyscs ,thcphlosophcaltradton thatcxtcnds lrom thc rc-
SocratcstoIusscrl) sdcploycd,accordngtoIcdcggcr, lromthcbassol
a rctrait_Entzichang, rctraitnthcsuspcnsvc scnsc] olBcng. In IhcPrin-
ci/coRcasonhc dcclarcs. Bcngprollcrs tscllto us, but nsuch away
that atthcsamctmct, n ts csscncc, alrcadywthdraws.
to thc vcry cxtcnt that t s not ,a) prcscnt. In lact, n ts csscncc Bcng
_ Scin, ctrc| snotabcngcntty, Scicndcs, ant| .Itsthcmcansbywhch
a bcngcomcs to bcbcng, t ndcatcs thc provcnancc and scnsc olbc-
comcs to bcbcngs nottscllabcng. Icdcggcrapplcsthc tcrm onto-
logcaldllcrcncc to ths dhcrcnccbctwccnBcngandbcng.Jhcphlo-
sophcal tradtonprocccds byoccludngths dllcrcncc, and thatswhat
lounds thc unty olthc tradton as mctaphyscal, lundamcntally dctcr-
mnng thc scnsc olbcng as a lorm olprcscncc , Oasia, Hnucscnhcit) , a
Nctaphyscsnvolvcsalorgcttngolbcng, orarctrcatlrom thcwth-
drawal olBcng, sncctconccvcsolBcngas somcthngthatcanprcscnt
tsclIhcnccas abcng.JhcgrapholthcwthdrawalolbcngnIcdcggcr
s thcrclorc a doublc lnc. thcmodcolbcngolthc dspcnsaton olBcng
,whchcxcccdsthccatcgorcsolprcscnccandabscncc) , aswcll asthcsup-
plcmcntordoublngolwthdrawal dcscrbcdbymctaphyscs` lall ntoa
tradton. But thcocclusonolontologcaldllcrcncc docs notobcyacon-
scousntcntononthcpartolphlosophy. Itcorrcspondstothcvcrywth-
drawalolBcng. Its ncthcr prcscnt norabscnt andcan onlycomcto bc
nwthdrawal. Itisnot, butdspcnscs tscll, and ths dspcnsaton const-
tutcs ts hstory, ts dcstny and dcstnaton, ts Ccschic/, whch Lcrrda
translatcsas cnioi,schic/cnsgnh csbothdcstnc andscnd) .
Pathua,: Reoersa/-:. ii. Foreuord iz,
Ceschck |s dest| ny, ofco0 |se, andthe|efo|eeve|yth | ngthatto0ches on the
dest| nat| onaswe| ' asondest | ny, andevenonsor|,"fate"} | tmeanssor|, as
yo0 know, and the|ewea|e c' osetothe/or|une-|e//nbook. | a' so | | kethat
th | s wo|d Ceschck, wh| ch everyth| ng ends 0p pass | ngth|o0gh, even the
th | nk| ng oftheh| sto|yofHe| ngasd| spensat| on, andeventheg| ft ofthe "es
b| >en" o| esb|Ze|, " | ' | kethatt h| swo|da| so saysadd|ess, not thead-
d|essoftheadd|essee, o0tthesk| | ' ofwhoeve| 'st0|n | t| s, | n o|de|top0 | ' off
th | s o| that, chance too somewhat, oned| ct| onary saysthechc"-| 0 not
mak| ng | t 0p| And schcken |s to send, envoyer, to "exped| te, " to ca0se to
' eaveo|toa||| ve,etc. '
owwthths thnkngrcgardngthc cnioi,Icdcggcrrcallystarts ph-
losophyollonavoyagc, cnio,agc, andmctaphorgocs on/caic.
Cuttng a Iath
Indccd, nandbytswthdrawal, throughtsdcstnngandscndng,
Bcingsctsoatonaath. Icdcggcr`sthnkngolBcngcannotbcscparatc+
lroma thought that nvolvcs markng thcway,Bahn) orpath , wg) . Ict-
dcggcrcalls Ccschic/aBc- vgang,whchcanbctranslatcdassc/tingoat

thcathmsccnchcmn] . c hcar thcwords `gvcway` Bc- vgang
ths scnsc. tobcthcorgnalgvcrandloundcrolways. . . . Followngthc
anccntusagc olthc^lcmannc Swaban dom, thc vcrb ucgcncan mcan
`tolorgcapath, ` lorcxamplcthroughcountrysdcdccpnsnow. ' ^ndhc
ponts outhow closc Bc- vgangs to thc Iao. Jhc kcyword nLaotsc`s
poctc thnkng s Iao, whch, `propcrly spcakng` mcans way . . . . Iao
couldbcthcwaythatgvcsallways. . . . andmakcswaylorcvcrythng.^ll
sway. '
c nccdt obcattcntvct othcguotatonmarksaroundpropcrlyspcak-
ng. Bc- vgangs nota mctaphor lor Icdcggcr, t docs not partakc ol
thcplaybctwccnltcralandhguratvc.Jo thccxtcntthatBcngsnotabc-
ng,tsprccsclympossblcloratropctodcscrbc t, nohgurccanrcprc-
scnt t. Nctaphorcal transport , rc-rcncc, orscndngback, and substtu-
ton olonc cntty lor anothcr) cannot luncton as thc vchclc lor what,
orgnarly, has rcndcrcd t possblc, namcly Ccshic/. Nctaphor cannot
c n r 1 r n ,
"Hcdcggcrs thnkng ot cng cannot bc scparatcd trom
a thought that nvoIvcs markng thc way (Bahn) or path
( w_) .` Hcdcggcr n Jodtnaubcrg, |unc t68. (Lgnc
Mcllcr Marcovcz)
transgrcss thc lmts olmctaphyscs. Brngngthc pathmakng _chcminc-
mcnt| olBcng, or Bcngas path, ntovcw, whchcantakcplacc thcmo-
mcntthcmctaphyscal tradton rcachcs ts lmt, dcmands prccscly thc
abandonng, orwthdrawal,olmctaphor. ` ` ` Nctaphor` as anormatvccon-
ccpton _ massgc/cndcrstc//ang also bccomcs untcnablc. '
Icdcggcrthusdrawsoutacomplctclyunhcardol scnscol voyagc, nc-
thcrltcral, nor propcr, thcorgnaryopcnngolallpaths, olall dcstna-

Pathua,::Reoersa/-:. ii. Foreuord II
thcmctaphorctyandltcraltyolthcpathway s not a lact olany ovcr-
abundancc norolany plcntudc olthc orgn, butrathcrolthc tracng ol
a trait, Haiss, whch Lcrrda translatcs as cntamc ,broachng/brcach-
ng) . ' Icdcggcrcalls ths traitasgnaturc, acut thatassgnspoctry
and thnkng to thcr ncarncss to onc anothcr, also rclcrrcd to as thcr
ncghborhood. t can no morc bc a casc olsubordnatng hguratvc
scnsc, whch dcrvcs tradtonally, and ncccssarly, lrom thc poctc rc-
sourccs ollanguagc, to thc purty or proprcty olthc phlosophcal con-
ccpt. octryand thnkng arc gvcn orgnarly oncto thc othcr, thcyap-
proach cach othcr always alrcady, wthout thc onc bcng oldcr than thc
a conscqucncc olthcrproxmty, whchprovdcs lorlanguagctscll thcrc
can bcnohcrarchcalscparaton bctwccn ltcral and mctaphorc. Bccausc
thc ncghborng trait,whchgvcs poctryto thnkngandvccvcrsa, s thc
opcnng ola path, thc path through whch Bcngscts out on tsvoyagc,
andthatvoyagctscll, havc ncthcrpropcrnor hguratvc scnsc. Nctaphor,
Icrrda`s 1nuaagc
By havngthcword rctrait capturethccncrgyolIcdcggcr`stcxt, Lcr-
rdas ablc to bcgnanalyzngthcstructural lnk bctwccn thc suspcnsvc
wthdrawal olBcng and thc suspcnsvcwthdrawal olmctaphor. But hc
shows thatthc rctraits barclycapturcdbclorcthatsuspcnsvcwthdrawal
s tsclldoublcd by a rctraitthat s a rctracng orsupplcmcnt olthc tmit
,Haiss) .
Nctaphorwthdraws, grantcd. But what rcmans, says Lcrrda, s thc
mctaphorctyolIcdcggcr`stcxt,bcgnnngwththcword rctraitandlor-
mulatons such as wthdrawal olBcng or wthdrawal olmctaphor
thcmsclvcs. Jhc suspcnsvc wthdrawal olBcng s doublcdwth a s0p-
p| ementa|y fo| dwhch |epeat s} the | nt|a-metaphys| ca' metapho| | nd| s-
p| ac| ng| t, ' whch rcicrscst,whchconsttutcsasupplcmcntaryscnscand
arctracngolthcmctaphorcalcatastrophc). c must nsstonths dou-
blcwrtng olthc rctrait, suspcnson and oicra/andantrcmaining, lor ts
i)z c n r 1 r n
whatlcads,as ltotsorgnaryartculaton, to thcqucston olthc trat or
thcbroach/brcachthatscts thnkngandpoctryonthcrway.
Lcrrda dcclarcs that t s ncccssary to takc nto account Icdcggcr`s
wrtng, h| st |eatmentof' ang0ageand, mo|e | go|o0s| y, h | st|eatmentofthe
ta| t,of't|a|t'| neve|ysense,andmoe|| go|o0s| yst| | ' of't|a| t'asawod| n h| s
' ang0age, andoft het|a| tas a tac| ng | nc| s| on | en|ameI of | ang0age. I n
othcrwords onchast ocxplorc theappa|ent| ymetapho|| cpowe|of atext,
whose a0tho| no ' onge| w| shes that what happens | n that text and what
c' a| ms to get a' ong w| tho0t metapho thee oe 0ndestood pec| se| y as
' metapho| c, ' no| even 0nde|anyconcept ofmeta' | ng0| st| cs o |heto| c. '
Lcrrda`s proposal s that wc thnkthc rctraitat thc lcvcl olIcdcggcr`s
tcxt, thnkng through ths te-trait,rcturn) olmctaphorlbcratcdbythc
,suspcnsvc) rctraitolmctaphor-mctaphyscs.
Rctrait/trait/tracng. Lcrrda`swordplayallowshmtohouas closcly
as possblcIcdcggcr`sthnkngolthcpathmarkngorscttngoutandvoy-
agcolBcng. ln lact,anundcrstandngolthc orgnarycuttngolthcpath
s notpossblcwthout ths polyscmy olthcword trat. Jo saythat thc
orgn s brcachcd as t s broachcd, brokcn opcn and nto by thc trait,
amountstosayngthat thc orgn s n rctraitor rctrcatlrom thc ,momcnt
olthc) orgn. Jhat mcans that nothngcan dcrvclrom t, nothngcan
happcntot. Icdcggcr`s traitsthusvcrycloscto archc-wrtng.Jhcpath
alongwhchbcngs dspcnscds not an Cdysscy, tunloldsonthcordcr
olcpochs or agcs ,Zcita/tcr) whch pcrodzc ts dspcnsaton. thc Crcck
cra, thc modcrn cra or cra olrcprcscntaton, ctc. But ths pcrodzaton
docsn`tobcyanytclcology. Ithasnoprc-assgncdscnsc, noprcdctcrmncd
dcntty, nordocstlormanytotaltyorsystcm. Itsthusthatthnkngthc
cnioiolbcngcxcccds thc mctaphyscal scnsc olavoyagc as drlt, a drlt
thatsalways dcrvcdlromanorgnary Ccschic/.Bcngsncthcrthcpont
oldcparturc northcplaccolarrvaloltshstory. or s tatransccndcn-
tal sgnh cd thatwould scnd somc sctoltropcal sgnh crs chargcdwth
Jhs orgnary rctrcat orwthdrawal olthc orgn s at thc samc tmc a
rctracngolthcconccptuallmtsolthcvoyagc. Its not, ornolongcr,pos-
Pathua,::Reoersa/-:. ii. Foreuord i))
dcmandsol rcscntqcationmadctothcothcrortothclorcgncr,oratlcast
rcnounccs brngngthat prcscncccloscr.Jravclngthcrclorc mplcs ancx-
pcrcncc olproxmtyolwhats dstantthat rcsults lrom bcng dstanccd
Lcrrda lollows Icdcggcr, butdstngushcshmscllas hc lollows and
rctraccs. ByproposngthatIcdcggcr`stcxtbcrcadonthcbassolthcmo-
ganzcd inthcsamcua,, hc s alrcadydsplacngt. Icdsplaccsttoward
a thnkngolthc dsscmnaton olthc trat thatwrcnchcs thc path-wg
or 1alromwhatstllhas to bccallcd ts dcstina/ani, lromwhatcvcr,
wthn t, rcsiststraic/ing. Lcrrdawllnlactshowthatthc Ccschic/or cn-
ioiolbcng rcmans dcpcndcnt upon a tradtonal logc oldcstnaton.
JhatscnscolBcngncvcrgctslostalongthcroadandalways cnds up ar-
rvng atorbcngmoorcd to trath. In thc samc manncr, twllalways bc
possblc lor poctryand thnkngto rccollcct thcmsclvcs or rcasscmblc n
thc unty ol ths cnioi whch bccomcs a atting into ocration ol thcr
truth.thIcdcggcr, thcorgnary traitdocs notcndby bcngcllaccd.
In ths scnscthc dspcnsaton olbcngstll obcys, ntsown way, thcdc-
Cvcn that, thc Bc-vgangdocsn`t travcllar cnough. Lcrrda rcmans
thcrclorcvcrysuspcous olthc path, olcvcrythngwth rcspcct to tthat
stll dcpcnds ona mcthodica/dcriiation.Jhscxplanswhyhc ncvcrchar-
actcrzcs hs own projcct as a path oras pathmakng. In borrowng a lor-
mula lrom IhcPostCard, I would proposc callng ths non-pathmakng
projccths cnio,agc.' Enio,agchas us undcrstand at thcsamc tmca bc-
ng-away _ /'ctrc-cn-io,agc| wthoutpausc orstopovcr, and thc cuttngola
Jhc lourstagcs olthcj ourncy that lollowarc all organzcd to cxplorc
ths cnio,agc, sctn moton bythcscwords. ` ' havet| ed to |et|ace a path
opened onath | nk| ngoftheenvowh| ch . . . ''`
I O|
Nc Can


c can`t bypass _contoarncr| Frcburg. ' t s n thcsc tcrms that

Lcrrda alh rms thc unavodablc aspcct olIcdcggcr`s thnkngwthout
Jhcrcadcrs nvtcdto travclthroughthslongcxtractlromJhcRctrait
olNctaphor wthout anymrthcrcommcntary.
What,then, wo0 ' dhappenw| th metapho|Eveyth | ng. thetota| | ty ofwhat | s
| /|an|I. And | two0 | d happen thatwesho0' dget a| ongw| tho0t| t, w| tho0t
oe| ng ao| e to d | spense w| th | t | / sepassera| cec quon devra| se passer
de//esanspouvorsenpasserI, and t h| sdef| nes the st|0ct0|eofw| thd|awa| s
wh| ch| nte|ests mehe|e. nt heonehand, wem0stoeao' et od| spensew| th
| toeca0sethee| at| onof|ontotheo| og ca' l metaphys| cstothetho0ghtofHe-
| ng, th| s e| at| on| ezuI wh| chmaksthew| thdawa| | re|ra|, /n|zehunI of
He| ng,can no ' onge oe named|/|era||ymetapho|| cas soon asthe0sage
|| dosay0sage, the oecom| ng-0s0a| ofthewo|d and not| tso|| g| na' mean| ng
to wh| ch noonehaseve efeed, | nanycase notmel wasf| xed oywayof
th | sco0p' eof metaphys| ca| oppos| t| onto desc| | oe |e' at| onsamongoe| ngs.
He| ng noth | ng, not oe| ng a oe| ng, | t can not oe exp|essed o named more
me|aphorco. Andtheefoe |t does not have, | ns0cha contextofthe dom| -
nantmetaphys| ca| 0sageoft hewod ' metapho, a popeo | | te|a| mean| ng
wh | ch co0 ' d oe a| | 0ded to | vsI metapho|| ca| ' y oy metaphys| cs. Conse-
W Can'tB,assFrei/arg" i),
q0ent' y, | fwecannot speak metapho| ca' | y on | ts s0o| ect, ne| the| canwe
speak p|ope| yo|| |te|a| | y.Wew| ' ' speakofoe| ngon| yq0as/-metapho|| ca| ' y,
acco|d | ngtoa metapho|ofmetapho, w|ththes0 |chageofas0pp' ementa|y
t|a| t, ofado0o| et|a| t| re-|ra|I, ofa s0pp' ementayfo| dofmetaphoa|t| c0' at-
| ngth | sw| thdawa| , |epeat| ngthe | nta-metaphys| ca| metapho|| nd| sp| ac| ng
| t, theve|y onethatthew| thd|awa' ofHe| ngwo0' dhave madeposs| o' e. The
g|aph | csofth | sw| thd|awa| wo0 | dthentakethefo' | ow| ngt0|n| a//ureI, wh| ch
| desc| | oeveyd|y' y.
I . WhatHe| deggeca| ' smetaphys| cs |se//co|espondstoaw| thd|awa' of
He| ng. Theefo|emetapho, asaso-ca| ' edmetaphys| ca' concept,co||esponds
toaw| thd|awa| ofHe| ng. Metaphys| ca| d| sco0se, pod0c| ngandconta| n| ng
the concept of metapho, |s |tse' fq0as| -metapho| c w| th espect to He| ng.
the|efo|e | t| sa metapho|eng' oo| ngthe na|ow-|est|a| ned-st| ct concept of
metapho|wh| ch|tse' ftheefo|e hason' yst| ct' ymetapho|| csense.
Z. Theso-ca' | ed metaphys| ca| d| sco0secan on| yoeexceeded| dbord I
| nsofa|as |tco|espondstoaw| thd|awa| ofHe| ng,acco|d | ngtoaw| thdawa|
ofmetapho|asa metaphys| ca| concept, acco|d| ngto a w| thd|awa' of meta-
phys| cs, a w| thdawa| ofthe w| thd|awa| of He| ng. H0t asth| sw| thdawa| of
themetapho| c| eavesno p| acefeefo|ad| sco0|seofthe p|ope|othe| | te|a' ,
| tw| | | haveat t hesamet| met hesenseof a e-fo' d| re-p/I,of what|et|eats' | ke
a wave on the sho|e' | ne, andofa e-t0n | re-|ourI, ofthe ove|cha|g| ng |epe-
t| t| onofthes0pp' ementa|yt|a| t, ofyetanothemetapho,ofado0o' et|a| t| re-
|ra|I of metapho, a d| sco0|se whose heto| ca| oode| i s no | onge dete|-
m| nao| eaccod| ngtoa s| mp| eand | nd| v| s| o' e' | ne, accod| ngtoa ' | neaand
| ndecomposao| et|a| t. Th | sta| t hasthe | nte|na' m0 ' t| p| | c| ty, thefo| ded-e-
fo| ded st|0ct0eofado0o' et|a| t|re-|ra|I . The w| thdawa| ofmetapho|g| ves
p' acetoanaoyssa| gene|a| | zat| onofthemetapho|| cmetapho|ofmetapho
| ntwo senseswh| chsp| ays| vaseI theoo|de|s,o||athe|, | nvag| natesthem.
| donotw| shtooeove|ao0ndant| nthedeve' opmentsofth | spa|adoxy, | on| y
dawf|om| t, veyq0| ck' y, twopov| s| ona' conc' 0s| ons.
I . Thewo|dre|ra|, wh| ch | s' ||ench 0ptoace|ta| npo| nt, | snottooao0-
s| ve, | oe' | eve, asat|ans' at| onof/nzehun, the>ch-/n|zehenofHe| ng, | n-
sofa|as, s0spend| ng,d| ss| m0' at| ng, g| v| ngway, andve| | | ng | tse| f, etc. , He| ng
w| thd|aws | nto | ts cypt. To the extentofoe| ng ' not too ao0s| ve |a 'good
t|ans' at| onm0sta' waysabuseI,the|enchwod | ss0 |tao| e| n odetodes| g-
i)6 c n r 1 r n I o
nate the essent | a' and | n | tse' fdo0o' e, eq0 | voca' movement wh| ch makes
poss| o' ea ' ' that | amspeak| ngaoo0tatt h| smoment| nthetextofHe| degge|.
Thew| thd|awa' ofHe| ng, |n | tsoe| ng-w| th-d|awn, g| vesp' acetometaphys| cs
asonto-theo' ogyp|od0c| ngtheconceptofmetapho, com| ngfo|th andnam-
| ng | tse| f | n a q0as| -metapho|| c manne|. | n odeto th | nk He| ng | n | ts w| th-
dawa' | two0 ' doe necessa|y to a' ' ow a w| thdawa' of metaphoto come
fo|th otovanshaway| se|ed0 | |elwh| chhoweve|| | eav| ngoomfonoth| ng
wh| chm| ghtoeopposed, opposao| etothemetapho| cl w| | ' sp|eado0tw| th-
o0t ' | m | t and w| | ' cha|ge any metapho| c t|a| tw| th s0pp| ementa|y s0p' 0s
va' 0e. He|et hewo|d re-|ra||ata| t| nadd| t| ont os0pp' ementt hes0otact | ng
w| thd|awa' , there-|ra|exp|ess| ng atonce,atonestoke dun |ra|[ thep' 0s
andthem| n0sl des| gnatesthegenea' | z| ngands0pp' ementayet0non' y| n
a so|tof q0as| -catachest| cv| o' ence, a so|tof ao0se | | mposeon ' ang0age,
o0tan ao0se that | hope |s ove|j 0st| f| ed oy what |s |eq0 | ed fo good, eco-
nom| cfo|ma' | zat| on. Ke|ra| |s ne| thea tans' at| on noa non-t|ans| at| on | | n
t hec0entsensel | ne' at| ont ot hetextof He| degge|, | t| sne| thepope|no
' | tea' , ne| thef| g0at| ve nometapho| c. . . .
2 . Secondpov| s| ona' conc' 0s| on. oeca0seofth| s ch| asmat| c| nvag| nat| on
of oodesand | fthe wo|d re|ra| f0nct| ons he|e ne| the ' | tea ' | y no oy
metapho| donotknowwhat | mean | veuxdreI oefo|ehav| ngtho0ght,so
to speak, the w| thdawa' ofHe| ngasw| thd|awa| ofmetapho|. |a| fom po-
ceed| ng oy way of a wod o a known o| detem| nate mean | ng |the w| th-
d|awa' l to th | n k whe|e the q0est| on of He| ng oof metaphostands, | w| | '
cometo comp|ehend, 0nde|stand, |ead, th | nk, a| ' owthew| thdawa' | ngen-
ea' toman | fest |tse| f, on| yf|omthew| thd|awa' of He| ngasa w| thd|awa| of
metapho | n a' | the po' ysem| c and d| ssem | na| potent| a' of w| thdawa' . | n
othewods. | f onew| shedthat w|hdrawa/-o/ Oe 0nde|stooda s a metapho,
th | swo0' doea c0| o0s, | nvet| ngonewo0' dsay a' mostca|as|rophc, cata-
st|op| ca|metapho|. |tsendwo0 ' doetostatesometh | ngnew, someth| ngst| ' |
0nhea|d ofaoo0ttheveh| c' eandnotaoo0ttheappaents0oj ectofthet|ope.
H|hdrawa/-o/-en-or-o/-me|aphor vOu| dp0t0sonthewayofth| nk| ng ' ess
He| ngo| metapho|than the He| ng o|the metapho|o/w|hdrawa/, oywayof
' ead| ng0stoth | nkaoo0tthewayandtheveh | c| e, othe| | fog| ngofthepath
/rayae[ . Hao| t0a' |y,0s0a' ' y, a metaphoc' a| mstopoc0 eaccesstothe0n-
knownandtothe| ndete|m| nateoythedeto0ofsometh| ng|ecogn | zao' yfa-

W Can'tB,assFrei/arg" i);
m | | | a|. ' Theeven| ng, a common expe| ence, he| ps 0s t o th | nk ' o' d age, '
someth | ng moe d| ff| c0| t toth | nkoto | | ve, as 'theeven| ngof| fe, ' etc. Ac-
co|d| ng to t h| s common schema, we wo0' d know |n a fam| ' | a way what
w|hdrawa/means, andwewo0| dtytoth| nkthew| thdawa' of He| ngo| of
metapho|oywayof |t. Nowwhata| ses hee |s thatfo|oncewecanth | nkof
the t|a| tofre-|ra|on' yf|om the tho0ghtofth| sont| co-onto| og| ca' d| ffeence
on whose w| thdawa' wo0' d have oeen t|acedw| th the oo|des of meta-
phys| csthec0|entst0ct0|eofmetapho|| c0sage.
S0ch a catastophe | nvets the|efo|e the metapho| c passage at the mo-
mentwhen, hav| ngoecomeexcess| ve, metapho| c| ty no | onge a' | ows |tse' f
tooe conta| ned | n | tsso-ca' | ed "metaphys| ca| "concept. . . . | w| ' ' the|efo|e
0nde ' | ne . . . He| degge|s statementson the so-ca' | ed metaphys| ca| concept
ofmetapho, and, ontheothe|, hand[ , h | sowntext| nsofa|as |tappea|smoe
' metapho| c o| q0as/-metapho| cthaneve|, attheve|y momentwhen hede-
fendsh | mse' ff|om |t. How |sthatposs| o| e
| n o|detof| ndthepath, thefo|mofthepath, oetween thetwo, | t| snec-
essa|ytog| | mpsewhat | havej 0st ca' ' ed thegene|a' | z| ng catastophe. | w| | '
dawtwoexamp' esfomamonga n0moeofposs| o| | | t| es. | t | s st| ' ' aq0est| on
ofthesetyp| ca' moments when, eso|t | ngtofom0 | as wh| ch onewo0 ' doe
tempted to accept as metaphos, He| degge spec| f| es that these a|e not
metapho|sandthowss0sp| c| onon whatweoe| | eveass0edandc| ea|n th| s
wod. . . . | nthe"|etteon H0man | sm, "a movementwh | ch | cannot |econ-
st| t0te he|e | nc' 0des th| s sentence. /as /en ken bau|am/ausdes >ens,"
"Tho0ghtwo|ksat |const|0ct| nglthe ho0se of He| ng, " the adj o| nmentofHe-
|ng | /ue des >ensI com | ng to ass| gn, enj o| n | ver/uenI man to | nhao| tthe
t|0thofHe| ng. Anda ' | tt| ef0|the|, afte|a c| tat| onf|omH' de|| | n.
/scourseabou||hehouseo/en| D| eRedevom Ha0sdes Se| nsl s no|
a me|aphor| oe|t|ag0ngl |ranspor|n|hemaeo/|hehouse|owarde-
n, bu|oy| mp| | cat| on. conve|se' y} |sbywayo/appropra|n|hnkn
|heessenceo/en|sonde|na0sdem sachgemassgedachtenWesensdes
Se| nsl |ha|wew//one daybe ab/e|o|hnkwha| 'houseand |o nhab|
are. | pp. ! 89/23b3 l
" Ho0seofHe| ng" wo0 | d notopeate, | n th | scontext, | n the manne|ofa
metapho |n the c0 ent, 0s0a| , that |s to say, ' | te|a| mean| ng |sensI of

c n r 1 r n i o
metapho|, | the|e | sone. Thec0||entandc0|s| ve mean| ng| 0nde|stand | t
a| so | nthesenseofd| |ect| onwo0' dt|anspo|tafam| ' | a| p|ed| cate| andhe|e
noth| ng |s mo|e am| ' | a|, am| | | a' , known, domest| c and econom| c, one
wo0 ' dth| nk,thantheho0seltowa|da | essfam| ' | a|, mo|e|emote, unhem/ch
| 0ncannyl s0o| ect, wh| ch |t wo0 ' doea q0est| on o oette|app|op|| at| ngo|
onese' f, oecom| ngam| ' | a| w| th, 0nde|stand| ng, andwh| chonewo0| dth0s
des| gnate oy the | nd| |ect deto0| owhat | s nea|estthe ho0se. Now what
happenshe|e w|htheq0as| -metapho|otheho0seo He| ng, andwhatdoes
w|hou|metapho| | n |tsc0|s| ve d| |ect| on, | sthat | t | s He| ngwh| ch, |om the
ve|ymomento tsw| thd|awa' , wo0| d | eto|p|om| seto ' ettheho0se o|the
hao|tatoetho0ght. . . . ' nthe| nve|s| oncons| de|ed, He| nghasnotoecomethe
p|ope|ofth| ss0pposed' yknown,fam| ' | a|, nea|oyoe| ng,wh| choneoe' | eved
the ho0setooe |n the commonmetapho|. And | fthe ho0se hasoecomea o| t
unhem/ch, th| s | snotfo|hav| ngoeen|ep| aced, | nthe|o' eo' what | snea|-
est, ' oy "He| ng. "We a|ethe|efo|e no | onge|dea' | ng w| th a metapho|| nthe
0s0a| sense, no|w| th a s| mp' e | nve|s| on pe|m0tat | ngthe p| aces | n a 0s0a|
t|op| ca' st|0ct0|e.A| ' themo|e s| nceth| sstatement|wh| chmo|eove|| snota
j 0d| cat| vestatement, a common p|opos| t| on, oftheconstat|ve type S |s P | s
no| onge|a statementamongothe|soea|| ngon |e| at| onsoetween p|ed| cates
andont| c s0oj ects. || |stoa| ' oeca0se | t | mp' | esthe econom| cva' 0eofthe
dom| c| ' eandofthep|ope|, ooth owh| ch of|en |o|a' waysl | nte|vene | n the
def| n| t| onothemetapho|| c. Then, oeca0sethestatementspeaksaoovea' | o/
' ang0age andthe|efo|e |n | to/me|aphorc|y. |nfact,theho0seoHe| ng, we
w| ' | have |ead aoove |n the " |ette|, |s de>prache |a pa|t| c0| a| ' ang0age o|
' ang0age |n gene|a' l . . . . Anothe|wayofsay| ngthatonew| | ' oeao' etoth| nk
thep|ox| m|tyo t henea||wh| ch, |tse| f, | snotnea|o| p|ope|. p|ox| m|ty | snot
nea|, p|op|| ety |s notp|ope|on' y|om andw| th| n' ang0age. . . .
Th| smovement| sno| onge|s| mp| ymetapho|| c. ! . | toea|son | ang0age | n
gene|a' andona pa|t| c0 ' a| | ang0ageas ane| ementofthemetapho|| c. Z . | t
oea|son oe| ngwh| ch | snoth| ngandwh| chonem0stth| nkacco|d| ngtoon-
to' og| ca| d| fe|ence wh| ch, w| th the w| thd|awa' of He| ng, makes poss| o' e
ooth |ts metapho|| c| ty and| t sw| thd|awa' . 3 . Conseq0ent' ythe|e | s note|m
wh| chmayoe p|ope|, 0s0a| , and ' | te|a| |n thesepa|at| onw| tho0td| ve|gence
|dans |car| sans car|I oft h| sph|as| ng. Desp| te |ts aspect| a//ureI o| |esem-
o' ance,t h| sph|as| ng | sne| the|metapho|| cno|| | te|a' . Stat| ngnon-| |te|a| ' ythe

W Can'tB,assFrei/arg" i),
cond| t| onometapho|| c| ty, | t|ees ooth | ts0n' | m| ted extens| onand| tsw| th-
d|awa| . W| thd|awa' oywh| chwhat | sd| stanced | en|/ern|I | n thenon-nea|o
p|ox| m| ty | s w| thd|awn andshe' te|ed | n | t. As sa| dattheoeg| nn| ng o"The
Nat0|eof|ang0age, "nomo|emeta' ang0age,nomo|e meta| | ng0| st| cs,the|e-
fo|e no mo|e meta-|heto|| c and no mo|e metaphys| cs. A' ways yet anothe|
metapho|themomentmetapho|w| thd|aws | nexpand| ng|vasan|I | ts' | m|ts.
Th| sto|s| on, th| stw| st ofthega| tand ofthestep,th| s de|ourothe He| -
degge|| an path, onef| nds| tst|aceeve|ywhe|e whe|e He| degge|w|| tesand
w||tes aoo0tthepath. ' tst|a| ' canoefo| | owed eve|ywhe|e andcanoedec| -
phe|edacco|d| ngtothesame|0| ewh| ch| sne| the|s| mp| y|oma |heto|| cno|
|omat|op| ca' system. |w| ' | s| t0ateon' yoneothe|occ0||ence,oeca0se | ten-
j oyssomep|| v| ' eges. ! . | n"TheNat0|eo|ang0age" | ! 9558l , | tp|ecedes,
|om q0| tea d| stance,thepassagec|ted awh| ' eagoon Hor|e we/umen"
|wo|ds | | ke | owe|sl . Z . | t conce|ns not on' y the c| a| med metapho|| c| ty o
some statementson ' ang0age |n gene|a| , and on metapho||n ' ang0age. | t| n| -
t| a| ' yp0|s0es an ostens| o| ymetapho|| cd| sco0|se oea|| ngon the|e' at| on oe-
tween tho0ghtandpoet|y | /enken und/ch|enI . 3. | tdete|m| nest h| s|e| at| on
asoneofne| ghoo|' | ness| vosnae, ^achbarschaJI, acco|d| ngtoth| stypeo
p|ox| m| ty | ^heI ca' | ed ne| ghoo|hood, | nthe space o the home and the
economy othe ho0se. Now the|e aga| n, to ca' | metapho|, as | fwe knew
what |t was, any va| 0e ofne| ghoo|' | ness oetween poet|y andtho0ght,to act
as | one we|e f| |st o a' ' ass0|ed of the p|ox| m|ty of p|ox| m|ty and of the
ne| ghoo|' | ness one| ghoo|hood | vosnaedu vosnaeI , | sto c' oseonese| f
tothenecess| tyoftheothe|movement. | nve|se' y, | n|eno0nc| ngthesec0|| ty
owhatweoe' | evewe |ecogn| ze 0nde|the nameometapho|andofne| gh-
oo|hood,wew| | | pe|hapsapp|oachthep|ox| m|tyofne| ghoo|' | ness. . . .
What the|efo|e | s the t|a| t | KssI o th| s ezu oetween /enken and
/ch|en | t| sthet|a| toan ' | nc| s| on |en|ameI , ofa t|ac| ng, /raynopen| ng
|thewo|d ahnen , path, g|oove} appea|sof|en | nth| scontextw| ththe| g0|es
of eween to open a way} l , o an Au/rss. The wo|d ncson ,entame}
wh| ch | have0sed agooddea| e' sewhe|e, appea|stomethe most app|ox| -
mate|approchan|I fo|t|ans' at| ngAu/rss, adec| s| vewo|d, awo|dodec| s| on
| nt h| scontextofthenon-vo| 0nta|ydec| s| on, andonethat||encht|ans' ato|s
|ende| somet| mes oy |rac-ouvran| |open| ng sketchl and somet| mes oy
ravure|eng|av| ngl .
Iqo c n r 1 r n i o
| nc| sed,thetwopa|a' | e' sc0teachotheat| nf| n|ty, e-c0t, sp' | tands| gn| n
somewaytheone| ntheoodyoftheothe|, theone | nthep' aceof theothe,
thecontactw| tho0tcont|actofthe| ne| ghoo|' | ness. 'fthepa|a' | e| sc0tone
anothe|schneden sch. | ntesectlat| nf| n| ty| m Ln-end/chenI | n th| sc0to
th| s sp| t|en|a//e, >chn||I , theydonotdo | ttothemse| ves, they e-c0tw| th-
o0t to0ch | ng each othe|, w| tho0t affect | ng each othe, w| tho0t wo0nd| ng
eachothe. They on| y| nc| seeachothe|anda|e c0t|eschn||enI |n the| nc| -
s| on|Au/rssI ofthe| | pox| m| ty | avosnemen|I, ofthe| ne| ghoo|| ngessence
| nachbar/chen \esensI . Andv| ath| s | nc| s| onwh| ch| eavesthem| ntact,they
ae enezechne|, "s| gned" as the p0o| | shed ||ench tans| at| on says. de-
s| gned, chaacte| zed, ass| gned, cons| gned . He| degge|then says /ese Ze-
chnun s| derKss. |t | nc| ses| erress|au/, |t t|aces | nopen| ng/ch|en and
/enken | n theappox| mat | ng| approchemen|I ofonetotheothe. Th | sap-
p|ox| mat | ng does not d|aw them | nto p|ox| m| ty aga| nfom anothe| p' ace
whe|etheywo0 ' da| |eadyoethemse' vesandthenwo0 ' da| | owthemse' vesto
oe dawn |zehenI to each othe. The app|ox| mat| ng |s the /rens wh| ch
sends /ch|en and /enken oack | nto t he p|ope | n das /eneI ofthe
essence| \esen).Thet|a| tof the| nc| s| on, the|efo|e, maksthe /rensaspo-
p|| at| on, as an event of p|op|| at| on. | tdoes not p|ecede the two p|ope|t| es
wh | ch |t ca0sesto cometothe| p|op| ety, fo |t |s noth | ngw| tho0tthem. | n
t h| s sense| t | snotana0tonomo0s, o| g| nay| nstance, |tse| fp|ope| n|e| at| on
tothetwowh | ch|t| nc| sesanda' ' | es. He| ngnoth | ng, | tdoesnotappea||tse' f,
|f hasno p|opeand | ndependentphenomena' |ty, and| nnotd| sc' os| ng |tse' f
| tw| thdaws, | t | sst|0ct0 a' | y | nw| thd|awa' , asa d| ve|gence |car|. sp| | tt| ng
as| del, open| ng,d| ffeent| a| | ty, tace,oode|,t|act| on, effact| on, etc. ||omthe
momentthat| tw| thd|aws | ndaw| ng|tse' fo0t,thet|a| t| saprorw| thd|awa' ,
0nappeaance,andeffacementof |tsmark| n| ts | nc| s| on.
| ts| nsc|| pt| on, as' haveattemptedtoart| c0| ate | t| nthetaceo|| nd| ffe|-
ance, succeeds on/yn bene0aced,n a| ve q0 aseffaceI.
|t a| ves, happens, and comes aoo0ton' y |n effac| ng |tse| f. | nvese| y, the
ta| t |s not de | ved |t |s not seconday, |n |ts a|| va' , | n|e| at| ontothedo-
ma| ns,o|theessences,ototheex| stencesthat| tc0tsaway,f|ays,andefo' ds
| nthe| | |e-c0t. The re- ofre-|ra| | snot an acc| dentocc0r| ngtothet|a| t. | t
| ses0p| sen/veI | na| ' ow| nganypop|| etyto| se 0p, asonesaysofaf| g0|e
aga| nst a gro0nd. H0t |t |s | | fted ne| the|oefoe no|anethe | nc| s| on wh| ch

W Can'tB,assFrei/arg" IqI
pem | ts |tto oe ' | fted 0p, ne| thes0ostant| a ' ' y, acc| denta| | y, mate|| a ' ' y, fo-
ma' | y, no| accod| ng to any of the oppos| t| ons wh| ch ogan| ze so-ca' ' ed
metaphys| ca| d| sco0|se. |fmetaphys| cshada 0n |ty, |two0 ' doetheeg| meof
theseoppos| t| onswh| chappeasand |s dete|m| ned on' yby wayo( bys|ar|-
nou|/rom |a pat| del , thew| thd|awa' ofthet|a| t, thew| thdawa' ofthe
w| thdawa' , etc. The "sta|t | ngo0tf|om" | s | tse' feng0 ' fed | n | t | sy abme)
I ?]
Jhc Xbar4-luclcarCatastrophc
Inothcrwords,whatrcmanstobcqucstoncds thcartcuaton bc-
twccn thccvcntwhatcomcstopassorarrvcsand tsvcrypossbty,
orcicn/ncsscvcncmcntatc] .cmust rcmcmbcrthat cvcrycvcnt owcs ts
chancctonon-arrval, tothc mmncnccolthcwholyothcrnthcvoyagc
toward arrva.
lon-arrval can ndccd bcthoughtolas apontoldcparturc, as dcpar-
turc lromand rcsourcc lorcvcrycvcnt. But thschanccs prccscynotan
orgnlromwhchwhatarrvcs dcrvcs. lon-arrvaldcsgnatcsanon-pacc
nthcpaccandstcadolthc orgn. Inascnscthsnon-placc s arincq/c.
But t s a mattcrola non-archcoogca ar/h, an an-archcarchasm, n
ng,onc) ,anar/hthatrcsstsandcxcludcstsclllromaarchvaton,non-
^n orgn lrom whch nothng can dcrvc s obvousy atoian and
scltobcconccvcdol, thcrclorc,asanon-placcnspaccandas anon-tmc
ntmc,asthcvcrypossbty, lorthcprcscntolthcnow, oldsontngt-
aradoxcaly, ths non-placc and non-tmc arc nscrbcd dccp wthn
thcmctaphysca dscourscolthc orgn, andlromthcvcrybcgnnng. In

IheKra-Nac/earCatastrohe Iqj
lact,wch ndthcpcrspcctvcolanothcr thnkng, anothcrorgn,anothcr
thnkngolthc orgn, brcakngtsclolllrom atonc phosophyat thc
vcry lcvc olts loundaton. Its namc s /hora, thc mpassvcncss olthc
Iimacas,an-archcandan-archvabc. ' Khorabccomcsmorcandmorcn-
sstcntnLcrrdas tcxts,dcvcopcdasthcwholyothcrol whatdcrvcs.^-
thoughvcryanccnt, /horahaunts our prcscnttmc. Frccd lrom chrono-
ogca ordcr t bcongs to an age| ess contempo|ane| ty. Jhs s what
cxpans ts capactyto appcar or rcappcar, phantomatcay, n our cra,
thrcatcncdas tsbyaradcalcvcnt,namcynuccarcatastrophc, an cvcnt
thats tsclan-archvablc. Khora, whch orgnarlyrclcrrcdto placc and
carth wthout cthcr occupyng pacc or bcng lound on carth, cals lor
thnkng ol and n thsvcry momcntwhcn thc dangcr oldcstructon ol
cvcrysngcpacchas sprcadacross thccarth. Khraandatomic{ssiongo
cnvoyagcnt] togcthcruithoat//ouingoncom thcothcr, n an unhcard-
ol complcty that lormswthout gvng t lorm-thc consttutvc
anachronyolal hstory, thc lantastc andphantasmatc mcmoryolcvcry
voyagc today, thc nvsbclacc olthcworld, notyct comc, st to comc.
Ahara n hch Country:
IncvcrydayCrcck/horamcanscountry orrcgon.
/hra, spac| ng, can a' sos| mp| ymean, |n so-ca' | edc0||ent| ang0age,co0nt|y,
v| | | age, o| thp' ace, | ndeed, theeath. /ou |es khoras. " | nwh| chp' ace on the
ea|th"o0ta| so "| n wh| chco0nty" | two0| doenecessa|ytost0dye| sewhee
theg|amma|, ' og| c, andthe0sesoftheC|eekpou. Th| swo|d ent| t' esoneof
A| stot| esten onto| og| ca' catego | es, and| tsf0nct| on |s somet| mesthatofan
| nteogat| ve adve|oofp' ace| onesea|chestoknow, todetem| ne, | n pos| ng
theanx| o0sq0est| on "whee"l , somet| mesthat ofan | ndeI| n| te adveothat
aoandonsth| ngsto the negat| v| tyofthe| | | ndete|m| nacy| que/quepar|, | dont
know, somewhee,anywhe|ef|om wh| chcomesthemean| ngof" | nsome
manne, pe|haps, | t | sposs| o| e, | t | snot | mposs| o| e, d| ff| c0 ' t to dec| de, | n a
way, somehow, why not, "etc. And the"etcetea" | tse| fa| sesthe stakesofthe
| ndef| n| tenessofanyI . `
i|| c n r i r n I I
Inasmuch as /hora mcans n Crcck an nhabtcd placc, post, or pos-
lcr to thc orgn, thc sourcc olwhat s, tcould cvcn dcsgnatc thcvcry
bass ofbcng, ts causc, prncplc, thc takng- or bcng-placc olcvcry
placc.ow, whcntappcarcdlor thchrsttmconthcphosophcalsccnc
nlato`s Iimacas,tdstanccdtscffromthcontologcaldgntythatts
namcncvcrthclcssnvokcs. Indccd,bymcansoltsmpassvcncssorncu-
traltytrcsstcdallfoundatonallogc. Nothcrolall lorms- , | t[ f| g0es
the p| aceof| nsc | pt| onofa// |ha|smarkedon |he Vor/d 'trcmanst-
sclllorcgn to lorm.
/hra ece|ves, soastog| ve p' aceto them, a| ' the detem| nat| ons, o0tshe/| t
does not possess anyof them as he/|ts own . She possesses them, she has
them, s| nce she ece| ves them, o0tshedoesnotpossessthem aspopet| es,
shedoes not possess anyth | ng as heown. She " | s" noth| ng othe thanthe
s0mo thepocessofwhathasj 0stoeen | nsc | oed"on"he, onthes0o| ectof
he, onthes0oj ect, | ght 0paga| nst hes0o|ect, o0tshe| s notthesub]ec|o
thepresen|suppor|ofa| |these| ntepetat| ons, eventho0gh, nevethe| ess,she
| snot ed0c| o' etothem. `
Heyondtheetaded oj ohnny-come-' ate| yoppos| t| onof/oosandmy|hos,
how | sonetot h | nkthenecess| tyofthatwh| ch, wh | | evnp/acetothatop-
pos| t| onasto so manyothes,seemssomet | mesto oe |tse| fno' onges0oj ect
to the ' awofthe veyth| ngwh| ch |t s|ua|es Whatofth | sp/ace |s |t name-
ao' eAndwo0 | dnt | thavesome| mposs| o| ee| at| ontotheposs| o| ' | tyofnam-
| ng | sthee someth| ng to |hnkthee, as | have| 0st so hast | | ysa| d, andto
th| nkaccod| ngto necess|y
In Fath and Knowlcdgc Lcrrdadcclarcs that Choa s no|hn ,no
ben, nopresen(. `
Cvcnthat, onc cannotcvcn spcakabouttntcrmsol
mctaphor. For /horathcrc s ncthcr mctaphor nor ltcral scnsc, no hrst
scnscwhch, n, by, orthrough t, couldlcttsclfh gurcassomcthngthat
would bccomcaconccpt. Bccausc tdsturbscvcry dalcctc polarty ,scn-
sblc/ntclgblc,samc/othcr) , /horasubvcrtsthcdcrvatvccconomyollt-
cra and mctaphorcal, ofcsscntal andcontngcnt. Itdocs notcvcn makc
scnsc onthchorzonolbcng.

!he Kbta-Nac/earCatastrohe i|,

Iq c n r 1 r n i i
We sha' | not speak of metapho| . . . . And th| s . . . wo0| d not oe oeca0se | t
khra| wo0' d| na| teao' yoe |se//oeyond | ts nameo0toeca0se | n ca||y| ng
oeyondthepo| a|| tyofsense | metapho| ca' o| pope|l, |two0 | dno | onge|oe-
' ongtotheho|| zonofsense, notothatofmean| ngasthemean| ngofoe| ng. "
Wewo0| dneve|c| a| mto p|oposetheexactwod, themo|]us|e, fo|khra,
no|toname| t, |se/( ove|adaoovea| | thet0|nsanddeto0|sof|heto| c, no|
f| na' | ytoapp|oach | t, |se/( fowhat| tw| ' | haveoeen, o0ts| deofanypo| ntof
v| ew, o0ts| deofanyanachon | cpe|spect| ve. |ts name |s not an exact wo|d,
nota mo|]us|e. | t| spom| sedtothe| nef|aceao' eeven | fwhat| tnames,khra,
|s not|ed0cedto |ts name. Topo' ogyandanachon| sm a|e | nev|tao| e. Anda| |
wewo0 | d ' | ke to show | s that | t | s st|0ct0|e wh| ch makes them th0s | n-
ev| tao| e, makesofthemsometh| ngothe|thanacc| dents,weaknesses, o| p|o-
v| s| ona| moments. | t| st h| sst0ct0|a| ' aw wh | chseemsto meneve|to have
oeen app|oached as such oy the who| e h | sto|y of | nte|petat| ons of the
Imaeus. | two0 | d oe a matte|ofst0ct0|e and not ofsomeessenceofthe
khra, s| ncetheq0est| onofessenceno ' ongehasanymean| ngw| th |ega|d
to |t. Nothav| ngan essence, how co0| dkhra standoeyond |ts nameThe
khra | s anach|on| st| c, | t "| s" the anach|ony w| th | n oe| ng, o oette| . the
anach|onyofoe| ng. | tanach|on| zesoe| ng. "
/hra maksap' aceapa|t,thespac| ngwh| chkeepsad| ssymmet|| ca| |e| at| on
toa| | that wh| ch, "| n he|se' f, "oes| deo|| nadd| t| ontohese' f, seemstomake
a co0p| ew| th he|. | ntheco0p| eo0ts| deoftheco0p| e, the st|ange mothe|
whog| vesp| acew| tho0tengende| | ngcan no| onge|oecons| deedasano| -
g| n. She/| te' 0des a| ' anth|opo-theo| og| ca' schemes,a ' | h | sto|y, a| | eve| at| on,
anda| | t|0th. P|eo|| g| na|y, be/oreando0ts| deofa' | gene|at| on, sheno' onge
even hasthemean| ng ofa past, ofa p|esentthat | spast. e/ores| gn| f| es no
tempo|a| ante|| o||ty. The |e| at| on of| ndependence, the none| at| on, | ooks
mo|e ' | kethe|e' at| onofthe| nte|va| othespac| ngtowhat | s| odged | n | tto
oe|ece| ved | n | t. '
//|here s p/ace, o|, acco|d| ngt oo0| | d| om, p/aceven, t og| ve p| ace he|e
does not comedowntothesameth| ng as to make a p|esentofa p' ace.The
exp|ess| on|ovep/acedoesnotefe|tothegest0|e ofa dono|-s0oect, the
s0ppo|to|o|| g| nofsometh| ngwh| chwo0 ' dcometooeg| ventosomeone. ' '
IheKbta-Nac/earCatastrohe q]
/rom |heopen n|eroro/a corpus, o/a sys|em, o/a /anuae, ora cu/|ure,
cho|a wou/ds|ua|e |he abs|rac|spacn, p' ace | tse| f, |he p/ace o/abso/u|e
ex|eror|y. '
c n r 1 r n i i
Jhc Iypothcss ol a Rcmandcrlcss
Icstructon ol thc ^rchvc
lothngthcrcforc dcrvcs from /hora.Jhcrcsnostartngout from
from thc possbty ofgongsomcwhcrc, ofcavng and rcturnng, n a
word, of travclng. Jhat docs not prcvcnt a ccrtan tracctory-ncthcr
day _actac//c| , contcmporary mmncncc ofthc an-archvablc. hat rc-
spondstothcmmcmorascnortyofthcCrcck-spcakngk/ra wthout
ths rcsponsc cchongthc tclcoogyofascndng-sthcradcanovctyof
adcsttutonofthcar/h, thcpossbtythatcmcrgcdonynthctwcnt-
cthccnturyofatotadcstructonofthcwordbymcans ofnuclcarcatas-
trophc. Iowcvcr, bctwccn thc absoutc cxtcrorty that opcns wdc ts
wombormatrxtothcdawnofphlosophy, andthcrskofathctotaldc-
structonofcvcrypossbcmatrx nanuccarconhct,thcrcpasscs, but n
anaporctcwaywhchmcansthattimasscs, somc sortofstrangc aancc,
lkc that lnkng fcow travccrs. Jhs complcty comcs fromthc fact of
thcrbothpontngnthcdrcctonofthcarchvc.Jhc possbtyofcvcry
archvc bcngdcstroycd lcads back to /horaas thcvcrypossbtyofthc
an-archvabc. Convcrscy, thc nuccar thrcat nvtcs us to rcrcad thc
Iimacas.Khoratakcsplaccnthcprccptatcmanncrofacatastrophc, and
cvcrycatastrophc carrcs thc mcmoryof/hora.Jhcrcforc, todays travccr
salways dcstncd, n cvcrypacc travccd, to havcthcj ontcxpcrcncc of
thcsctwo non-placcs.
Herewearedea| | ng hypothet| ca| ' yw|th atota' and rema| nder| essdestr0ct| on
ofthe arch| ve. Th| s destr0ct| on wo0 ' d take p| ace fothe f| rst t | me and | t
wo0 | d | ackanycommonproport| onw| th, for examp' e, theo0n| ng ofa ' | -
oary, eventhat ofA' exandr| a, wh| choccas| oned so manywr| tten acco0nts
and no0 | shed so many | | terat0es. The hypothes| s ofth| stota' destr0ct| on
watchesoverdestr0ct| on, | t g0| des | ts footsteps, | toecomes poss| o| etorec-
ogn| ze, | n the | | ght, soto speak,ofthat hypothes| s,ofthatfantasy, or phan-
tasm, thecharacte| st | cstr0ct0resandh| stor| c| tyofthed| sco0rses,strateg| es,

IheKbra-Nac/earCatastrohe Iqp
texts, or| nst| t0t| onsto oedeconstr0cted. That | swhydeconstr0ct| on, at' east
what |s advancedtoday| n | ts name, oe' ongstothe n0c' earage. ' '
c saythcnuclcaragc,anddocsn`t arcfcrcncctoagcstlmplyarcf-
crcnccto hstory, toancraorcpoch, nasmuchas nuclcarwar, ths | rre-
d0c| o| ynewphenomenon, ' 'smadcpossbcbyaccrtanstatcofmodcrn
tcchnoogy, thusappcarngundcnablydatcd Locsn`tspcakngofthcnu-
ccaragcmcan rcturnngto a modcl ofdcrvaton, ntcrms ofwhchca-
tastrophc,orrathcrthcrskofcatastrophcwoudoccuras anaccdcntdc-
rvcd from a causc: In ordcr to undcrstand thcsc gucstons wc havc to
ccarlyundcrstandthat,lkc /hora, nuccarwarhasnorcarcfcrcntnthat
thasn`t takcn pacc. Lkc /hora, thasn`t arrvcd. Itonycxsts bynot bc-
ng produccdand n thsway rcmans n mmncncc. Its a mattcr ofa
phenomenonwhoseessent | a' feat0e | sthatofoe| ng,thro0gh andthro0gh,
/abu/ous/y|ex|ua/. `'`
|othemoment, a n0c| earwar has not taken p| ace. onecan on | yta' kand
wr| teaoo0t| t . Yo0 w| | | say, perhaps. o0t | t| snot t hef| rstt| me, theotherwars,
too,so ' ongastheyhadn ttaken p' ace, wee on ' yta' ked aoo0tandwr| tten
aoo0t. Andastothefr| ghtof| mag| nayant| c| pat| on, whatm| ghtprovethata
E0opean | ntheper| odfo' | ow| ngthewarofI d/0wo0 | dnothaveoeen moe
terr| f| edoythe"techno' og| ca| "| mageoftheoomo| ngsandexterm| nat| onsof
the SecondWor| dWar|evens0ppos | ng he hadoeenao' etoforms0chan | m-
agel than we ae oythe | mage we can constr0ctfo o0se' ves ofa n0c' ear
war The | og| cofth | sarg0ment | snotdevo| dofva' 0e, espec| a' ' y| fone | s
th| n k| ngaoo0ta | | m| tedand"c| ean" n0c| earwar. H0t | t| oses |tsva| 0e | nthe
face ofthehypothes| s ofatota' | y n0c| earwar, wh| ch, as a hypothes| s, or, | f
yo0 prefer, as a fantasy, o phantasm, cond | t| ons evey d| sco0rse and a| '
strateg| es. n ' | ket heothe wars,wh| chhave a | ' oeen precededoywars of
more o' essthe sametype | n h0manmemory | andg0npowded| dnotmark
arad| ca' oeak| n t h| srespectl, n0c| earwar hasno precedent. |t hasneveroc-
c0rred, | tse' f, | t | sa non-event. The exp| os| on ofAmer| can oomos | n I 94b
endeda "c| ass| ca' , "convent| ona| war, |td| dnotsetoffan0c| earwa.Theter-
| fy| ng"rea' | ty" of n0c' ea conf| | ct can on| yoe the s| gn | f| ed referent, never
therea| referent| pesentorpastlofa d | sco0rseoratext.At | easttoday.And
thatsets0stoth | nk| ngaoo0t |oday, o0rday, the pesenceofth| s present| n
I;o c nz r 1 r n i i
andtho0ghthatfao0 | o0stext0a| |ty. Hette|thaneve|andmo|ethaneve.The
g|ow| ng m0| t| p| | cat| onofd| sco0|ses| ndeed,ofthe | | te|at0|eon th| ss0o-
ectmayconst |t0teap|ocessoffea|f0' domest| cat| on, theant | c| pato|yass| m-
| | at| onofthat0 nant| c| patao' eent| |e' y-othe|. |o|themoment, today, onemay
saythata non- | oca' | zao| en0c| ea|wa| hasnotocc0||ed, |t hasex| stenceon| y
th|o0ghwhat | s sa| dof| t , on| ywhe|e | t| sta| ked aoo0t. Somem| ghtca' | | ta
fao| ethen, a p0|e | nvent| on. | n thesense | nwh| ch |t |s sa| dthat a myth, an
| mage, a f| ct| on, a 0top| a, a |heto|| ca' f| g0|e, a fantasy, a phantasm, a|e | n-
vent| ons. | tmaya| sooeca' | edaspec0 | at| on, even afao0| o0sspec0| a|| zat| on.
Theo|eak| ngofthe m| ||owo0 ' d oe, f| na| ' y, th|o0ghan act of' ang0age,the
ve|y occ0 enceofn0c| eawa|. Whocan sweathato0| 0nconsc| o0s | snot
expect| ngth| s d|eam| ng of| t,des | || ng | t '
Jhc Iuturc ol Jruth
Lcrrda`s statcmcnts do not, onccagan, ndcatcany catastrohism.
Frstly, bccausc thcyncthcrprophcsynorlorcsccanythng. on-arrvals
unprcscntablc, cvcn ltwcrc toarrvc oroccur, twouldn`tprcscnt any-
cnt, possbty. It aways rcmans what t s. possblc, and n ths way,
unantcpatabc. Its truth s wthout apocaypsc. No t|0th, no apoca-
' ypse. ' '^ truththatrcvcas nothngcscapcs unvclngandvsblty. c
wlnotsccthccatastrophcarrvc.^s arcsut,andbccausconccannotturn
onc`sbackont, thcthrcatolthcworstsalsothcpossbtyolchanccand
thcnuncton to comc. Theaoso| 0teeffacementofanyposs| o| et|ace . . .
| sth0stheon' y| nel|aceao' et|ace, |t| ssoasthet|aceofwhat| sent | |e' yothe|,
|racedu |ou|au|re . `
hlcwcccrtanlyrsk | ook, | ng[ | | kes0| c| da' s| eep-
wa| ke|s, o' | ndand deafa' ongs| dethe0nhea|d of, ' thsrskstsclthcrc-
sourccolthc hturc. Th | s| nvent| onofthewho| ' yothe||stheon| y| nvent| on
poss| o| e. Itcanbcsccnthatnon-arrval harborsasmuchthcpossbty
olthcworstasthcpossbltyol ustccordcmocracy.
Heyond || ght, and st| | ' mo|e oeyond 0 | d| c| sm, oeyond mo|a' | ty, and st| | |
mo|e oeyondmo|a' | sm, does not 0st| cea s |e| at| ontotheothes0ppose. . .
the| ||ed0c| o| eexcessofad | s|o| nt0|eo|ananach|ony, some Ln-/ue, some

IheKra -Nac/earCatastrohe I ;I
"o0tof o| nt" d | s| ocat| on | n He| ngand | nt| me |tse' f, a d| s| o| nt0e that, | n a| -
ways|| sk| ngtheev| | , exp|op| at| on, and| n 0st| ce|adkaI aga| nstwh| chthee
| s noca' c0' ao| e| ns0|ance,wo0| da| oneoeao| etodo]us|ceo|torender]us-
|cetotheothe|asotheAdonthatwo0| dnotamo0nton| yto act| onand
a rendernthatwo0' dnotcomedown 0stto|est| t0t| on. . . He|e . . . wo0| d
oep| ayedo0t t he|e' at| onofdeconst0ct| ont ot heposs| o| | | tyof| 0st| ce . . . to
what m0st |w| tho0tdeotandw| tho0td0tyl oe ende|edtothes| ng0 | a|tyof
theothe|, to h| s o| he|aoso' 0teprecedence o| to h| s o| he aoso| 0te prev| -
o0sness,tothehete|ogene|tyofapre-, wh| ch, tooes0|e, meanswhatcomes
oefo|e me, oefoe anyp|esent,th0soefoeanypastp|esent, o0t a' sowhat,fo|
thatve|y |eason, comesf|omthef0t0|eo|asf0t0e. asthe veycom| ngofthe
event. Thenecessa|y d| s| o| nt0e, thede-tota' | z| ng cond| t| onof 0st| ce, | s| n-
deed he|e thatofthepesentand oythesametoken theve|y cond | t| onof
the p|esent and ofthe pesenceofthe p|esent. Th| s |s whee deconst|0ct| on
wo0 ' da' waysoeg| ntotakeshapeastheth| nk| ngoftheg| ftandof0ndecon-
st|0ct| o' e| 0st| ce. '
,What[ . . . nevefa| ' stohappen. . . happenson ' y| n thet|aceofwhatwo0 ' d
happen o|herwseandth 0sa| so happens, | | kea specte, | n thatwh| chdoes
| t |s the|ethatd | ffe|ance, |f |t ema| ns | ||ed0c| o' e, | |ed0c| o' yeq0 | |ed oythe
spac| ngofanyp|om| seandoythef0t0e-to-comethatcomestoopen| t,does
notmean on' y| as some peop' ehavetoool|en oe' | eved and so na| ve' yl de-
fe||a' , ' ateness, de' ay, postponement. | nthe | ncoe|c| o' ed | ffeancethehee-
now 0nf0|| s. W| tho0t ' ateness, w| tho0tde| ay, o0tw| tho0tpesence, | t| sthe
pec| p| tat| onofan aoso| 0tes| ng0 ' a|| ty, s| ng0 ' a oeca0se d| ffe | ng, pec| se| y
]us|emen|[ , anda| waysothe|,o| nd| ng| tse' fnecessa|| | ytothefo|mofthe| n-
stant, | nmmnence and n urency even |f |t movestowa|dwhat |ema| nsto
come, the|e | s thep/ede ,gage[ | pom| se, engagement, | n| 0nct| on and |e-
sponseto the | n 0 nct| on, and so fo|thl . The p' edge | s g| ven he|e and now,
evenoefo|e, pe|haps,adec| s| on conf| |ms |t. | tth0sespondsw| tho0tde| ayto
thedemandof 0st| ce. The| atte|oydef| n| t| on |s | mpat| ent, 0ncomp|om | s| ng,
and0ncond| t| ona' . `
I 2
In thc Bcgnnng as thc Iost
lstartngoutlrom _artirdc| lallsntotsownabyssas rc-traitol
thcorgn,whatstthatstartsscndngup _ /cmotcardc/'cniot] `tspos-
rdaasksIcdcggcr.Jhc qucstonclcarlydocs not am at somcloundng
motor, thatsto saythcmachnc.lthctratolscndngs nothng, tthcrc-
lorchas to bcundcrstoodn onc scnsc as aatomomatiqac, thats to sayas
tcchniqac. Scndngsnot possblcwthoutthcpost.
Icdcggcrpcrhaps ncvcrwcnt to thc vcrycnd olhs cxpcdton and
ncvcrmanagcd to thnk thc cnioias posta' p | nc| p' e. ' But that s thc
domnantmotlhauntng IhcPostCard atcxtwhoscLnvosplayonthc
possbltyolcrcatnga dcparturc bctwccn thc currcnt undcrstandng ol
thc lormula postal prncplcpost ,olhcc) as nsttuton, tcchnquc,
words, modcoldspcnsatonolthc traitandolthc cuttngolapath. Lcr-
rdashows qutc prccscly thatonccannot pont to thc post as ontolog-
cal | "thepostw| tho0ts0ppo|t | nthe 0s0a' andst| ct sense} , the postw| th-
o0t post, w|tho0t 'doc0ment, and even w| tho0t w| |es, w| tho0t cac| es"l ,
IhePosta/Princi/e i ,)
wthoutalsopontngto postal tcchncs,whatsordnarlyundcrstoodby
thcword post. hat rclatcs to thc machnc andwhat rclatcs to dcstny
havcbccomc nscparablc and travcl togcthcrnadcstnaton. Lvcrythng
bcgnswththcpost,whchs to say, docsn`t bcgn.
Theth| ng | sve|yse||o0s, | tseemstome,fo| fthee | sf| st, sotospeak,theen-
vo, the>chcken |eassemc' | ng |tse| f| nto Ceschck, | ftheenvo de|| ves)fom
noth| ng,then the poss| o| ' |tyofposts |s a' waysa| |eadythee, | n|ts ve|y |et|eat
re|ra|} . Assoon as|heres, assoon as| tg| ves|esb|I, | tdest| nes, |ttends. . .
| tdest| nesand | ttends| | w| ' ' showth| s| nthep|eface, | fl w|| te | toneday, cy
ead| ngthep' ayofCeben, >chcken, andKechen|nZe|und>enI . | fl takemy
"depa|t0e" f|om the dest| nat| on and the dest| ny odest| n| ngof He| ng | /as
>chcken m Ceschckdes >ensI, noonecandeamofthen /orbddn me |o
speakofthe"post,"excepton thecond| t| onofmak| ngofth| swo|dthee| ement
ofan| mage,ofaf| g0e,ofatope,apostca|dofHe| ng | n someway. H0ttodo
| t,| meantoacc0seme,tofoo| d me,etc. , onewo0| dhaveto ce na| ve' yce-
ta| n ofknow| ngwhatapostcadothepost|s. |f,onthecont|ay|c0tth| s| snot
s| mp' ythecontayl, |th| nktheposta' andthepostca|donthecas| softhedes-
t| na| ofHe| ng,as|th| nktheho0se|ofHe| nglontheoas| sofHe| ng,of' ang0age,
and notthe | nve|seetc. , then the post |s no | ongea s| mp' emetapho, and | s
even, ast hes|teofa' ' t|ansfe|encesanda| | co||espondences,t he"pope|"pos-
s| c| ' |tyofeve|y poss| o| e|heto| c. Wo0 | d th| ssat| sfy Mat | n Yes and no. No,
ceca0sehedo0ot' esswo0| dsee |n the posta'detem| nat| ona p|emat0|e| l | m-
pos| t| onof|ekhnandthe|efo|eofmetaphys| cs|hewo0'd acc0se me, yo0 can
see|tf|om hee,ofconst0ct| nga metaphys| csofthepostsoofposta| | tyl,and
acove a| | an | mpos| t| onofthepos|on p|ec| se| y, ofdete|m| n| ngtheenvoof
He| ngaspos| t| on, post0|e,thes| sotheme|>eLun, |hess, etc. l , agest0ethat
he a| | eges |os|ua|e, aswe' | astechno| ogy, w| th| nthe h| sto|yof metaphys| cs
andw| th| nwh| chwo0' dceg| ventoth| nkad| ss| m0| at| onanda et|eat re|ra|}
ofHe| ng| nts envo.Th| s|swheeth| ngsa|ethemostd| f|| c0| t.ceca0sethe vey
| deaofthe|et|eat|popetodest| nat| onl,the| deaoftheha|t, andthe|deaofthe
epoch |n wh| ch He| ng ho' ds | tse| fcack, s0spends, w| thdaws, etc. , a| ' these
|deasa|e| mmed| ate| yhomogeno0sw|thposta|d| sco0|se.To post| stosendoy
"co0nt| ng" w| th a ha| t,a e| ay, o|a s0spens| vede| ay, the p' aceofa ma| ' man,
theposs| o| ' |tyofgo| ng ast|ay andoffogett| ng| notofepess| on, wh| ch | sa
I ;q c n r 1 r n i z
moment of keep| ng, c0t of forgett| ngl . The pokh and the Anschha/|en
wh| chessent| a| ' yscanorsetthe rhythm ofthe "dest| ny"ofHe| ng,or|ts "ap-
propr| at| on"| /tensI , |s thep| aceoftheposta' , th| s is where |t comesto ce
andwhe|e |ttakesp| ace| | wo0| dsay etene|I, where |tg| vesp| aceanda' so
' etscometoce. '
| nt heceg| nn| ng, | n pr| nc| p| e,wast hepost,and| w| ' | nevergetover| t . H0t| n
theend| know | t, | cecomeawa|eof| tas of o0r deathsentence. | twascom-
posed,accord| ngtoa| | poss| c' ecodesandgenresand | ang0ages,asadec| a-
rat| on of ' ove. . . . And |t ceg| nsw| th a dest| nat| on w| tho0taddress, thed| -
rect| on cannot ce s| t0ated | n t heend. There | s no dest | nat| on, my sweet
dest| ny
w| th| nevery s| gna| ready, every mark o|everyt|a| t,there | sd| stanc| ng,the
post,whatthe|e hastocesothat | t| s| eg| c| efo|another,anotherthanyo0or
me, andeveryth| ng | smessed0p | n advance, cardsonthetac| e. Thecond| -
t| onfor | tt oa|r| ve | sthat | tends0pandeven that | tceg| ns cynot a|r| v| ng.
Th| s| show| t| stoceread, andwr| tten, thecat|eofadest| nat| on. "
nIcdcggcr thc cnioirctansthcscnscoa scndingothcscq ands
notcxposcdtodvsblty. Enio,agc, onthcothcrhand,rccrstothcpath
to thc cxtcnt that thc lattcr bcars o, s crascd, gcts postcd as t gcts
| havet|| edtoretracea pathopened onatho0ghtofthe envowh| ch, wh| | e
| | | ke the Ceschck des >ensofwh| ch He| deggerspeaksl ofa st|0ct0re as
yetfo|e| gntorepresentat | on, d| d notasyetgather| tse| fto | tse| fasanenvo
ofce| ngthro0ghAnwesenhe|, presenceandthenrepresentat | on. Th| sas |t
were pre-onto' og| ca| envodoes not gathe| | tse| ftogethe|. |t gathers | tse' f
on| y| n d| v| d| ng | tse' f, | nd| ffer| ng| tse| f. | t| sne| theror| g| nary noro| | g| nar-
| ' y a send| ng-from envo-de[ |theenvo ofa ce| ngor ofa presentwh| ch
wo0 ' dprecede| t , st| ' | ' essof as0c| ect,orof anocj ectcyandfora s0cj ectl .
|t |s not oneand does not ceg| nw| th | tse' fa| tho0gh noth | ngpresent pre-
cedes| t, and | t| ss0esforthon| y| n a| readysend| ngcack, | ton| y| ss0esfo|th
start | ngf|omtheother, |heo|hetn|se//w|hou||se// Everyth| ng ceg| nscy
send| ngo|referr| ngcack pat|e tenvo[ , that |stosay, does not ceg| n . . . .
H0t asthese tenvosfrom theotherandtotheothe|, thesetraces ofd| ffer-

IhePosta/Princi/e I ; ;
n tront ot thc YaIc Post Omcc ("and n ordcr t o rcaIIy tccI what 3 taIkng about, mcan
about my body, you must rccaII what an Amcrcan maIbox standng n thc strcct s Ikc . . . .
go ovcr to thc othcr cnd ot thc maII, thc Iargc, aII-whtc post omcc` j 1hc 1ast Car) . (|acqucs
Lcrrda rchvcs)
ance, a|e not o|| g| na' andtranscendenta| cond| t| onson thecas | sofwh| ch
ph| | osophytrad| t | ona| | y t|| estoder| veeffects, not s0cdeterm| nat| onso|
even epochs, | tcannot cesa| d, fo|examp' e, that representat| ve | or s| gn| fy-
| ng orsymco' | c, etc. l st|0ct0re be/a//s them, we sha| ' not ce ac| eto ass| gn
per| odso|havesomeepochofrep|esentat| onfo| ' ow0ponthesetenvos.As
soon asthere are tenvos, and| t| s a| waysa| ready, someth| ng ' | ke |ep|esen-
tat | onno' ongerwa| ts andwem0st perhaps a|rangetote| | th| s storyd| ffer-
ent| y, from tenvostotenvosoftenvos, | n a dest | nywh| ch |s nevercerta| n
of gathe| | ng | tse' f0p, of | dent| fy| ng | tse' f, or of determ| n| ng | tse| f. | dont
know |fthatcancesa| dw| tho|w| tho0tHe| degger, and |t doesnotmatter.`
i , 6 c nz r 1 r n i z
Lpochs oI thc Iostal
Jhcprobcmatcolthc dvsbtyolthc trait, whch thrcatcns thc
untyoldcstnaton, accounts lorthc dstancc scparatng thc cnioiolbc-
nglrommcadcstnaton olthclcttcr. Lcrrdamakcsccarthatdllcrancc
offe|s | tse| ftotho0ght. . . beyond|he ques|on o/ben, ofa gathe|eddes-
t | nyoroftheenvoofoe| ng,'bcyondthcpaccthoughtbyIcdcggcr, lor
whom the p| ace. . . |s a| ways a p| ace of co| ' ect| ng together | versamm-
/unI . `

^untyolcmssoncanbcdccphcrcd n Icdcggcr`s conccpton

rva. the oe| ng-togetherofthe o|| g| na|y envo| n awayarr| vesat o| moors
| tse| f sarrve[ to | tse| f, c| osestto | tse| f. hcrcas thc cpochsolbcngarc
notdcpoycdnrcsponsctoanytclcoogy, thcydo ncvcrthclcssloowthc
ontologcalthrcadolihc Ccschic/, andarccollcctcdnanorgnary/cgcin.
Jhcyarc rcaycd through a unty, through thc ducton or dacti/iolthc
gucston olthc scnscolbcng,whch rcmans lor Icdcggcr, as s known,
thcgucston thatdrcctsandscts usrght _ rcctriccctdirccoicc| .
Jhs gucstoncnsurcsandsatthcsamc tmc cnsurcdbyasortof| nd| -
v| s| o| ' | tyof what | sdest| ned du des|naj
l 0
thatkccps andsalcguards ths
scnsc,thatstosaythcpath.ndccd,lorIcdcggcr, Sense|s a| waysthed| -
|ect| on|sensI ofa road|sen|andse|| n | ndo-E0ropeanl . ' ' Jhs s aroadthat
ncvcrgctslostcnroutc. Lcrrdahndsproololths ndvsbtyolwhats
dcstncdnIcdcggcr`scriodiztionolthchstoryol bcng-| t|s |n oas-
| ng | tse' fonth| s gathe|ed | nd| v| s| o| ' |tyoftheenvothat He| degger's |ead| ng
cans| ng| eo0tepochs ' apcrodzatonthatst obcys, ntsvcrystruc-
turc, thc dcriiatiicschcmathatgovcrnsthctradton.Jhccpochsolbcng
wouldstl /cdcriicdlromthc cnioiolbcng.
Th| s|sser| o0soeca0se | t0psetsperhaps He| degge|sst| | | 'der| vat|ve"schema
|pe|hapsl,0psetsoyg| v| ngonetoth| nsthattechno| ogy,thepos| t| on, ' et0ssay
even metaphys| cs donot come aoo0t, donot come |o de|ermne and to d | s-
s| m0| ateanenvo" ofBe| ng|wh| chwo0' dnotyetoeposta| l , o0two0| doe| ong
tothe"f|rst" envo-vni cnoov| o0s| y| snever"f| rst" | n anyorde|whatsoever,
forexamp| ea ch|ono' og| ca| or ' og| ca| order, no|even theorderofthe /oos
|th| s | swhyonecannotrep| ace,exceptfor | a0ghs,thefo|m0' a" | ntheoeg| n-

IhePosta/Princi/e i ,;
n| ngwasthe 'ogos"oy" | ntheoeg| nn| ngwasthe post"l . |fthepost|techno| ogy,
pos| t| on, "metaphys| cs"l |s anno0nced at the "f| rst" envo, then there | s no
' onger lA m|aphysque, etc. | | w| | | t|ytosayth| s one mo|e t| me and other-
w| sel, norevenTHE envo, o0tenvos w|tho0tdest| nat| on. ' '
s notdcrvcd. Icdcggcrwouldnothavc admttcd that but rathcrwould
havc consdcrcd thc posta prncpc as a dctcrmnaton propcr to an
cpoch olbcng.
!ekhn| anddo0ot' ess , He| degger[ wo0| dhavecons| de|ed the posta| str0c-
t0re and everyth | ng that | tgoverns as a de|ermna|on |yes, prec| se' y, yo0|
wordl , ametaphys| ca' andtechn| ca' determ| nat| onoftheenvo orofthedes-
t| na| | ty| Ceschck, etc. l ofBe| ng, and hewo0' dhavecons| deredmyent| re | n-
s| stenceont hepostsasametaphys| cscor|espond| ngtot hetechn| ca| erathat
| am descr| o| ng, theend ofa certa| npost, thedawn ofanother, etc. l , now,
|ekhn, th| s|stheent| re| nf| n| tes| ma' anddeci :i ve-d//erance, does no|ar-
rve. No more than metaphys| cs,therefo|e, o| than pos| t| ona| | ty, a' ways, a| -
|eady| tpa|as| testhatt owh| chhesays | thappens, a|r| ves,o|that | ts0cceeds
| n happen| ngto arrve arrveq . Th| s | nf| n| tes| ma| n0ancechangesevery-
th| ng |n the |e| at| onoetween metaphys| csand | tsdo0o' eso|| tsothers. ' '
Lcrrda rcpcs by showng that takng thc postal prncpc out ol thc
tlromhstory ,orlromtravclstorcs) .
There |s noteventhe post o| theenvo, the|e arepos|s and envos. Andth| s
movement|wh| chseemst omes| m0| taneo0s| yveryfarfromandverynea|to
He| degger's,o0tno matte|lavo| dss0omerg| nga| | thed| fferences, m0tat| ons,
scans| ons, str0ct0res of posta' |eg| mes | nto oneandthe same g|eat centra|
postoff| ce. | na wo|d |th| s|s what| wo0 ' d| | setoa|t| c0' atemorer| goro0s| y| f
| wr| te | toneday | nanotherforml , assoon asthe|e | s, there | sd0erance| and
th| sdoesnotawa| t| ang0age, espec| a' | yh0man| ang0age, andthe ' ang0age
ofBe| ng,on| ythe ma|sand thed| v| s| o| etra| tl , andthere |s posta| mane0ver-
| ng, re| ays, de| ay, ant| c| pat| on, dest| nat| on, te| ecomm0n| cat| ngnetwors, the
poss| o| | |ty, andthereforethefata| necess| tyofgo| ngastray, etc. There | sst|o-
c n r 1 r n I 2
phe|there | sstrophe| n every sense, apostropheandcatastrophe, address | n
t0rn| ngtheadd|ess , a| waystoward yo0, my| ove} , andmypostcard | sstro-
phesl . H0tth| spo| ntofc| ar| f| cat| on g| vesonethe poss| o| | |tyofass | m| | at| ng
noneofthed | f|erences,the|techn | ca' , eco-po| | t| ca| , phantasmat| cetc. l d| f-
ferent| at| onofthete| ecomm0n| cat|vepowe|s. Hy no | ongertreat| ngtheposts
asametaphorofthe envoofHe| ng, onecan acco0ntforwhatessent| a' ' yand
dec| s| ve| yocc0rs, everywhere, and | nc| 0d| ng | n | ang0age,tho0ght, sc| ence,
andeveryth| ngthatcond| t| onsthem, whentheposta| str0ct0re masesash| ft,
>aL|fyo0 w| | | , andpos| tso|posts |tse' fotherw| se. Th| s|s whyt h| sh| storyof
theposts,wh| ch|wo0| d| | setowr| teandtoded| catetoyo0, cannotoea h| s-
tory oftheposts. p|| mar| ' yoeca0se |tconcernstheve|yposs| o| | |tyofh| sto|y,
ofa| ' theconcepts, too, of h | story, oftrad| t| on, oftransm| ss| on or | nterr0p-
t| ons, go| ngastray, etc. And then oeca0se s0cha "h| storyofposts"wo0 | doe
o0tam| n0sc0| eenvo| n the netwo|sthat |ta| | eged| ywo0 ' dana' yze|the|e | s
nometaposta| l , 0sta card | ost | na oag,that a str| se, o|even a so|t | ngacc| -
dent,cana| waysde| ay | ndef| n | te| y, | osew| tho0tret0|n.Th| s| swhy| w| | ' not
wr| te | t, o0t| ded| catetoyo0what|ema| nsofth| s| mposs| o| eproect.The|es-
chato' og| ca' , apoca' ypt| cl des| refortheh| sto|yofthepostswo|| dw| de|sper-
haps on' yaway, avery | nfant| | eway,ofcry| ngoverthecom| ng end ofo0|
"correspondence. "' `
Jhcrc arc thcrclorc posts and scndngs, and ths dsscmnatvc plural-
zatonolthc cnio,agcrobsthcpostalprncplcoltsuntyolscnsc,thats
tosayolts path.Jhcpostal prncplc docs nothavcthc scnsc olagucs-
ton, norstagucstonaboutscnsc.Jhccatastrophc-smplcsortngac-
cdcnt-anodync and banal,yct thrcatcnngorlatal, can compromscan
cnioi, thcsalc arrval andsalchavcn loralcttcrortravclcr, lorcvcr.
Such acatastrophcs too lar lromthc truth, pcrhaps, lor Icdcggcrto
havcconccvcdoltstratandlorhmtorccognzctas ntal catastrophc,
as thcmachnaton olwrtng, ad| fference0nao| etooe repatr| atedw| th| n
theenvo| o/ se//`
I 6
nthc cnd, Icdcggcr would rcman navcly onhs
ath,wthnthc ordcrouhatisdcriicd lkcctzschc,Frcud, andallthc
The cha|ter |s the contractforthe fo' | ow| ng,wh| chq0|test0p| d| y one hasto
oe' | eve. Socrates comes be/ore P' ato, there | s oetween themand |n gen-

IhePosta/Princi/e I;p
era|anorderofgenerat| ons, an | |revers| o| eseq0enceof| nher| tance. Socrates
|s oefore, not| n f|ontof, o0toefo|eP| ato,the|eforeoeh| nd h | m, and thechar-
tero| nds 0s toth| so|| s| s or| entat| on| n th | ns| ng, th| s|s the | ef|andth| s
| st her| ght, march. Socrates, hewhodoes notwr| te,asN | etzschesa| d| how
manyt| mes have | repeatedtoyo0that | a' sofo0nd h| moccas| ona| ' yo| even
a' wayssomewhatna| ve on |heedes, |ememoerthatphotog|aphofh| mw|th
h | s "good g0y"s| de,attheoeg| nn| ng |n anyevent, oeforethe"f|t maj , "oe-
fo|ethed | sasterl . He0nderstood noth| ng aoo0tthe | n| t | a' catastrophe, orat
' eastaoo0tth| sone,s| ncehesnewa| ' aoo0ttheothers. || seeveryonee| se he
oe| | evedthatSocratesd| dnotw|| te,that hecameoefore P| atowhomo|e o|
' esswrote at h| s d | ctat| on andtherefore | et h | m wr| te oy h | mse| f, as hesays
somewhere. ||omt h| spo| ntofv| ew, N. oe' | eved P| ato and overt0rned noth-
| ng at a| | . Theent| re "overt0rn| ng"rema| ned | nc| 0ded | n theprogram ofth| s
cred0' |ty.Th| s| str0ea /or|or, andeacht| mew| th ad| nerenta /or|or, ready
toscreweveryth| ng 0potherw| se,of||e0d and e| degger. '
I 3
Itayandthc Cauntcrttmc oILovc
Jhc othcr sdc s also thc sdc olthcothcr, whom orwhch tsm-
possblc to rcachaltogcthcr. Cnccagan, a hoodgatc controls acccss.Jhc
lovcrs voyagc-thc mcmory olwhch travcrscs npartcularLnvos n
IhcPostCard-scomposcdolnopportuntcs,contrctcmps, co Htcrtimcs.
Jhc lovcrs olVcrona lvc on and dc olths scparaton wthn proxmty.
| twas nearthe | ta' | anoorder, com | ng oacs from || orence, c0stomswas not
faroff,yo0 gave meaverygreasycheesetoeatwh| | e| wasdr| v| ng, and|to| d
yo0that yo0 transf| g0redeveryt h| ng, yo0 d| dnothear me,yo0mademere-
peatwh| | et0rn| ngtherad| od| a| || st| ' ' seeyo0r f| nger, the greasypaperofthe
cheese,andther| ng. . . `
|Yo0 rememoer, wehadsposenoftas| ngthep' 0ngew| thas| detr| pto S| c| | y
that s0mmer, wewere r| ght near | t, yo0 were aga| nst | t when, m| sfort0ne
wo0 | d have | t that, on the coast so0th ofRome, that acc0rsed phone ca| '
oroseo0tover0s,tr0| yao| owandtheworst| s thatnoth| nghadoo| | gedme
toca| ' that n| ghtmyse| f.l
What happens to Romeo and J 0 | | et, and wh | ch rema| ns. . . an acc| dent
whose a| eatory and 0 nforeseeao| e appearance cannot oe effaced, at the
cross| ngofsevera' ser| esandoeyondcommonsense, canon| yoewhat | t| s,
acc| denta' , | nsofaras| t hasa/readyhappened, | nessence, oefore| t happens.

ItaandtheCountcrtimc oLooe i6i

Thedes| reofRomeoandJ 0| | etd| dnotenco0nterthepo| son, thecontretemps
orthedeto0rofthe| etteroychance. | n orderfort h| senco0ntertotase p| ace,
there m0st a/ready have oeen | nst| t0ted a system of marss | names, ho0 rs,
maps ofp| aces, datesand s0pposed' y"oo ect| ve" p' ace-namesltothwart, as
| twere, the d | spers| onof| nter| orand heterogeneo0s d0rat| ons, toframe, or-
gan| ze, p0t | n order, renderposs| o| ea rendezvo0s. |n otherwords to deny,
wh | ' e tas| ngnoteof| t, non-co| nc| dence,theseparat | onofmonads, | nf| n |te
d| stance,thed | sconnect| onofexper| ences,them0| t | p' | c |tyofwor' ds, every-
th| ngthat renders poss| o| eacontretempsorthe | rremed| ao| edeto0rofa |et-
ter. H0t the des| re of Romeo andJ 0| | et |s oorn |n the heartofth| sposs| o| ' |ty.
Therewo0| dhaveoeen no ' ove,thep| edgewo0| dnothavetasen p| ace, nor
t| me,nor| tstheater,w|tho0td | scordance. Theacc| denta' contretempscomes
to remarktheessent| a| contretemps. Wh| ch | sas m0ch asto say | t| snotac-
c| denta| . | tdoes not,fora| ' that, havethes| gn| f| cat| onofanessenceorofa
forma' str0ct0re. Th| s |s nottheaostractcond| t| onofposs| o| | | ty, a 0n| versa'
form ofthere| at| ontotheother| n genera' , ad| a| ect| cofdes | reorconsc| o0s-
ness. Ratherthes | ng0 | ar| tyofan | mm| nencewhose"c0tt | ngpo| nt"sp0rsde-
s| re at| ts o| rththeveryo| rthofdes| re. | ' ove oeca0setheother| stheother,
oeca0se| tst | mew| ' | neveroem| ne. The| | v| ngd0rat| on, thevery presenceof
|ts | ove rema| ns| nf| n| te| yd| stantfrom m| ne, d| stantfrom | tse| f|n that wh| ch
stretches | ttoward m| ne and even | n what one m| ght want t odescr| oe as
amoro0se0phor| a, ecstat| c comm0n | on, myst| ca| | nt 0| t | on. | can | ove t he
otheron| y| nthepass| onofth| saphor| sm. Wh| chdoesnot happen, doesnot
come aoo0t ' | se m| sfort0ne, oad | 0cs, or negat | v| ty. | t has the form ofthe
most ' ov| ngaff| rmat| on| t | sthechanceofdes | re. And | t not on' yc0ts | nto
thefaor| cofd0rat| ons, | t spaces. Contretempssayssomet h| ngaoo0ttopo' ogy
orthev| s| o' e, |topenstheater.`
Clttlcmcanngordrccton, noncscnsc.Jhcrcarcmultplcor-
cntatonswthn thsstrangclandscapcthatpromscsthcpcrlouschancc
olan arrvalwthout dcrvng, butwhch npromsngkccps tsclln rc-
scrvc, that s to say always rcscrvcs thc possbity ola surprsc. ocm-
hcdgchog, no morc onc than thcothcr, dcstncd toknownothng olts
traitolbcongng, thc travclcrcmbarks uponastrangcgamc. a tcxtualty
matchwthno ollsdcrulc, ordcawthoutmts.
ndccd, nothngoutsdcthctcxt, noorgn, no ndvsbcmoorng, no
scnscolapathway. lothng, andlorthatvcryrcasontamountstoan n-
ccssant ourncyng. tsavoyagcthathastsmarksandpontsolrclcrcncc,
rccton. Lcrrda`s work always lays out lor thc rcadcr thc topographca
prohlc olthc spacc t cxplorcs, that ola co0ntrys| de w| tho0t co0ntry,
openedonto the aosenceofa home| and, a ma|| ne| andscape, spacew| tho0t
terr| tory, w| tho0tpr| vateroads,w| tho0texpress | oca| | ty /eu-d|| . `
Jhcrc Is o Cutsdc to thc Jcxt
Lcrrda bcgns by dsturbng thcvcryconccptsolopcnng andUos-

In theFie/d i6)
ng, ntcror and cxtcror. Jhcdhcrcncc bctwccn nsdc and outsdc s
ncvcrgvcn, talways rcmanstobcproduccd.
| fthere |s noth | ngo0ts| dethetext,th| s| mp| | es, w|th thet|ansformat| onofthe
conceptoftext| n gene|a' , thatthetext |s no| ongerthesn0ga| rt| ght| ns| deof
an | nter| or|tyo|an | dent| ty-to-|tse| f. . . o0trathe|ad| fferentp| acementofthe
effectsofopen| ngandc' os| ng.
Themovementsofdeconstr0ct| onare noto|o0ghttooea|onstr0ct0|esfrom
the o0ts| de. They are poss| o| eandeffect| ve, andao| etotase acc0rate a| m,
on| yoy| nhao| t| ngthosestr0ct0res. | nhao| t| ngthemna cer|anway, oeca0se
onea| ways | nhao|tsanda ' | themo|e whenonedoesnots0spect | t. pe|at-
| ngnecessa|| ' yfrom the | ns| de, oorrow| ng a| ' thestrateg| candeconom| cre-
so0rcesofs0overs| onfromtheo| dstr0ct0re,oo|row| ngthemstr0ct0|a| | y,that
|sto sayw| tho0toe| ngao| eto | so| atethe| | e| ementsandatoms,theente|pr| se
ofdeconstr0ct| ona' ways | nacerta| n wayfa| ' s preyto |ts own wors. `
hcrcvcr c ^rc
Jhcpontoldcparturccannothcncclorthbc usthcdnanyabsolutc
The open | ngofthe q0est| on, thedepart0|e f|om the enc| os0re ofa se' f-ev| -
dence,thep0tt | ng| ntodo0otofasystemofoppos| t| ons, a' | thesemovements
necessar| | yhavethefo|mofemp| r| c| smandofe|rancy.Atanyrate,theycan-
notoedescr| oed,as|opas|norms, except| nth| sform. Noothertrace| sava| | -
ao| e, andastheseerrantq0est| onsare notaoso' 0teoeg| n n | ngs | neveryway,
theya| | owthemse' vestooeeffect| ve| y|eached,acrossthewho' eofthe| r s0r-
face, oyth | sdescr| pt| onwh| ch |sa' soacr| t| q0e. We m0stoeg| n whereverwe
are andthetho0ghtofthe trace, wh| ch cannot not tase the scent | nto ac-
co0nt,hasa| |eadyta0ght0sthat | twas| mposs| o| eto 0st| fyapo| ntofdepar-
t0re aoso' 0te' y. Hherever we are. | n a text where we a' ready oe| | eve o0r-
se' vestooe. '
Thedepar|ure| srad| ca| ' yemp| r| c| st. | tp|oceeds| | seawander| ngtho0ghton
theposs | o| | |tyof| t| nera|yandofmethod. | t| saffected oy nonsnow| edgeas
oy| tsf0t0|e and| tven|ures ou|de' | oerate| y. `
i6| c n r 1 r n I q
Bclongngtoaplacc,toanyspaccolhabtatonwhatsocvcr, nthcworldor
nthctcxt,cannolongcrbcconccvcdolntcrmsolsol,blood, hlaton,
What |s a | | neage | n the orde|ofd| sco0rse andtext |f | n a rathe|conven-
t| ona' way| ca| | oythenameofdscoursethepresent, | | v| ng,consc| o0srep-
resen|a|on ofa |ex|w| th| ntheexper| ence ofthepersonwhowr| tes o| reads
| t, and | fthetextconstant' ygoes oeyondth| s representat| onoy meansofthe
ent | re system of| ts|eso0rces and | ts own ' aws, thentheq0est| onofgenea| -
ogyexceedsoyfartheposs| o| | | t| esthatareatpresentg| venfo|| tse| aoorat| on.
We snowthatthemetaphorthatwo0' ddesc|| oethegenea' ogyofatextco|-
|ect' y|s st| ' | /orbdden. | n | tssyntaxand |ts ' ex| con, | n |ts spac| ng,oy| tsp0nc-
t0at| on, | ts ' ac0nae, |tsma|g| ns,theh| sto|| ca| app0|tenanceofatext| snever
a st|a| ght| | ne. | t |s ne| the|ca0sa' |tyoycontag| on, northes| mp| eacc0m0| a-
t| onof ' ayers. Nor even thep0re 0xtapos| t| onofoo||owed p| eces. And |f a
text a' ways g| ves | tse| fa certa| n |epresentat| on of | ts own roots, those |oots
| | ve on| y oy that |epresentat| on, oy never to0ch | ng the so| | , so to speas.
Wh| ch 0ndo0oted| ydestroysthe| r radca/ essence, o0tnotthe necess| ty of
the| r racna|n /unc|on.Tosaythatonea' ways | nterweaves |oots end' ess| y,
oend| ngthemto senddown roots amongthe roots, to pass th|o0ghthesame
po| nts aga| n, to redo0o' e o| d adhe|ences, to c| |c0| ate among the| | d| ffer-
ences,to co| | a|o0ndthemse| ves o|to oeenve| oped one | nthe other, to say
that atext |s neveranyth| ng o0t a sys|em o/roo|s, |s 0ndo0oted| yto contra-
d| ctatoncetheconceptofsystem andthepatternoftheroot. B0t| n orde|not
to oe p0|e appearance,th| scontrad| ct| ontases on themean| ngofa cont|a-
d| ct| on, and |ece| ves| ts" | ' ' og| ca| | ty,"on' yth|o0ghoe| ngtho0ghtw| th| naf|-
n | teconf| g0rat| ontheh| storyofmetaphys| csandca0ghtw| th| na |ootsys-
temwh| chdoesnotendthere andwh| chasyethas noname.
Jhc Iorousncss ol Bordcrs
Iow docs onc cross a bordcr ltheshore |s d| v| ded | n | ts ve|y o0t-
' | ne, lthc trat s dvsblc, lthcrc s a c| | s| s of vers0s, olthc onc
aganstthcothcr:Lcrrdashows thatcvcrybordcrs pcrloratcdbyamul-
tplctyolopcnngsthatrcndcrnlractonsoltungovcrnablc, uncontrol-
IntheFie/d i6,
"Jhc crossng ot bordcrs aIways announccs tscIt accordng to thc movcmcnt ot a ccrtan stcp
j]n]~and ot thc stcp that crosscs a Inc (H)oria). oundary stonc marking thc Jropic ot
Lanccr, aa LaItorna, Mcxco. ( Erc |acollot)
lablc, cvcn mpossblc. Jhc lrontcr always ntcrsccts or brcachcs tscll.
Ivcrythng that s kcpt outsdc olt, cxpcllcd, not tolcratcd byt, comcs
backattlromthcothcrsdc, conlrontatonallyorndrcctly.
Thecross| ngofoorders a| ways anno0nces |tse| faccord| ngto themovement
ofacerta| nsteppas| -andofthestepthatcrossesa | | ne. An| nd| v| s| o| e' | ne.
Andonea| waysass0mesthe| nst| t0t| onofs0chan | nd| v| s| o| ' |ty.C0stoms,po-
| | ce,v| saorpassport,passenge|| dent| f| cat| ona| | of that |sestao| | shed0pon
the| nst| t0t| onofthe| nd| v| s| o| e,the| nst| t0t| onthe|eforeofthestepthat | sre-
| atedto | t, whethe| the stepc|osses |t o| not. Conseq0ent| y, whe|ethef| g0|e
ofthestep | s ref0sed to | nt0| t| on, whe|ethe| dent| tyor| nd| v| s| o| ' |tyofa | | ne
| /nsor perasI | s comp|om| sed,the| dent|tytoonese| fandthereforethepos-
s| o| e| dent| f| cat| onofan | ntang| o' eedgethec|oss| ngofthe | | neoecomes
aprob/em. The|e |s aprob/em assoon astheedge- | | ne| sthreatened. And | t
| sth|eatenedf|om| tsf| rstt|ac| ng. Th| strac| ngcanon| y| nst| t0tethe| | neoyd| -
v| d| ng| t| nt| | ns| ca' | y| ntotwos| des. There | saprob/emas soonas th| s| nt|| n-
i66 c n r 1 r n I q
s| cd | v| s| on d | v| desthe |e| at| onto | tse| fofthe oo|derandtheefo|e d | v| des
| dent| tyo|theoe| ng-one-se| f ps|[ ofanyth| ngwhatsoever."
Cblquc and transvcrsal paths, ntcrlcrcnccs, contamnaton, cvcry
markolbcongng, cvcrysngulartyordomslromts orgn subcctto
mgraton transhumancc ;lkcaquotatonoratranslaton, always cxpatr-
atcd, wthouthabtat.
|n p|| nc| p| e, theq0otat| on-trans| at| onthat | amfo|amomentcompar| ngtoa
transh0mancea| waysseemsposs| o| efromanyp| acetoanyothe|p' ace,from
anywhe|e to anywhere. A q0otat| on-t|ansh0mance a| ways seems poss| o| e.
Start| ngfromt hetrans| at| on, recept| on, andrecyc| | ngofatho0ght,t hemove-
ment ofaq0otat| on, | | se the | nc| tementtotheq0otat| on, can seemtocome
from anywhere and th0s to cha ' | enge | ts | nd | geno0sness, | ndeed | ts a0-
tochthony, thep| aceof| tsor| g| n, | ts hao| tat, | ts arch| vat| on, | ts ' | ora|y. ' ts | d-
| om | n s0mandownersh| p| n genera' . Andthearch| tectsassemo| ed hereare
notoychancetodaygreata|t| stsoftheq0otat| ona| graftandexperts |n rheto-
| c. P| ace | tse| fand, amonga' ' p| aces,the p' ace of hao| tato| poss| o| eres| -
dence,theendofatransh0mance, | sdef| nedanerthefact, | | seth| sanywhete
thatcomesto oe dete m| ned, to s0spend | ts wander| ng or | ts o|gan | zed m| -
grat| on, f|omwhatone| mportst o| tor expotsf|om | t . P| acethenoecomesa
reach pot|e[ or apot|, wh| ch| nthe |rench| d| oma| so ' eads 0s tothem0s| -
ca| staff /apot|emusca/e[ aswe' ' asseapo|t,ocomportmentpot|de ||e} ,
| notherwo|ds,tothehead che( capu|| , thep' aceofcap| ta| o r whatonea' so
ca' | s | n my | ang0age,theco0ntyseat che/-/eu[ , | ndeedthecap| ta' . thepr| v-
| ' eged s| te ofdec| s| on, ofacc0m0' ated wea' th, ofa0tho||ty o powe|, a cen-
t|| peta| and atthesamet | me cent| f0ga' heath o|foc0s. Theport | s some-
t| mesacape, andwea|e he|e, onth | s| s' and, notfafrom a p' acewheethe
portandthecape a|e one. ' `
Wheredothed | v| d| ng | | nespassamongtheeventofan | na0g0|a' statement,
a q0otat| on, paraph|ase, commentary, t|ans| at| on, read| ng, | nte|pretat| on ' '
Jhc d| v| d| ng ' | neormprobabclmtdocsnotcxstothcrthanas apass-

IntheFie/d i6;
word, as amarkhavngno scnsc nand oltscllbutwhch alows dstnc-
tons tobc madc, lkcashbbocth.
Ashbbo/e|h, theword shbbo/e|h, | f| t| sone, names, | ntheoroadestexten-
s| onof| tsgenera| | tyor| ts0sage,every| ns| gn| f| canta|o|trarymas, forexam-
p' ethephonem | cd| nerenceoetween shands, asthatd| fference oecomes
d| scr| m | nat| ve, dec| s| ve, andd | v| s| ve. Thed| ffeence has nomean | ng | n and
of|tse| f, o0t| toecomeswhatonem0stsnowhowtorecogn | zeandaoovea| '
toma|s | fone| s|o |ake |henex|s|ep ,fa| re ' epas[ , togetovertheoorderof a
p| aceorthethresho| dofa poem, toseeonese| fgranted asy| 0morthe | eg| t| -
mate hao| tat| onofa | ang0age. Soas no' onge|tooeoeyondthe | aw. Andto
| nhao| ta | ang0age,onem0sta| readyhaveashbbo/e|hatone'sd | sposa' . not
s| mp| y0nde|standthemean| ngoftheword, nots| mp| yknowth| smean | ngor
snow how a word shou/doe p|ono0nced |the d | fference of h oetween sh
and s. th| s the Epha| m|tes snewl, o0tbeab/eto say | tasoneo0ght, as one
o0ghttooeao| etosay| t. | tdoesnots0ff| cetosnowthed |ffe|ence,onem0st
oecapao| eof| t, m0stoeao| etodo | t, o snow howto do |tanddo| nghere
meansmatkn. '
Collapsc ol thc Ldgcs and ccastingthc Cthcr
taskmcansacccptngtopostononcscllonlynthcsurrounds paragcs] ol
thcothcr, rcnouncngaccostingabordcr] thcmdrcctlyorlaccon.
Ihc |nrcscntaa/c_raach
Accos|n ,aoorder} | sthe s| owness of a movement of approach, oetween
gest0|e andd| sco0rse, a movementthat doesn't yet reach | tsend, atta| n |ts
goa| herethat |sthesho|e , r/ve} doesn'tyetar|| ve,hasn'tyeta| vedoroc-
c0|ed. As a movement |or step ornotl, |t hasn'tyet madecontactw| th the
edgebotq , wh | chon | yrema| nsanedgew| th respectto| ttotheextentthat
|t | sn'tto0ched or that | ts cont| g0| ty doesn'ttota| | yerasewhat |s d| st| nctor
d | stant.Abotdetmeansha| ' | ngors| gna| | ngfromafar, | tth0sa| so meansca' | -
| ngt othed | stancefromad| stanceanddependsonthe| n| t| at| veandp| aceof
t6 c n r 1 r n I q
the othe|, who, oe| ng th0s p|ovosed, doesn't necessar| | yaccept to oe ac-
costed. Come. | n th| ss0spense ofad| stanc| ng prox| m| ty, theedgeoftheap-
proach |or,tocomeoacstothesea,ofooard| ngforve|| f| cat| onof| dent| tyl | s
d| ss| m0|atedw| tho0tfo|a| ' thatoe| ng presentede| sewhere. ' '
Jhcproblcmatcolthcapproachtothc othcr snscparablclromthc
logc olthcas,whchhas tobcundcrstood ntwoways. thcas noun
rclatngtopassagc,stcp,advancc) ,andthcasolncgaton. Bothsgnalto-
passagc.Jhcscnscolthclormulastcpnotbcyond asau-dc/ orwhat
gocs lor accrtanas" i/ iad`unccrtainas s thcrclorc undccdablc.
Jhcstc-nottouardthcothcrdocsnt ndits/acc.
| no0rstart| ngpo| nt, however,wew| | | dogmat| ca ' | yoeg| nw| ththeax| om ac-
co|d| ngtowh| chnocontext |saoso| 0te' ysat0|ao| eorsat0rat| ng. Nocontext
candete|m| ne mean| ngtothepo| ntofexha0st| veness. Thereforethecontext
ne| therprod0ces norg0a|antees | mpassao| eoorders, thresho| dsthat no step
co0 | d pass, |respass, aso0| ang' ophonefr| endswo0 | dsay. Byreca| ' | ng that
th| ssentence, /yva dun cer|anpas, |s 0ntrans| atao| e, | am th| ns| ngnoton| y
oftrans' atao| ' | ty | nto another' ang0ageor| ntot heothe|'s | ang0age. |or any
trans| at| on | ntoa non-|rench ' ang0agewo0 ' d' osesometh | ngof| ts potent| a'
m0| t | p| | c| ty. And | fonemeas0|es 0ntrans| atao| | | ty, orrathertheessent| a| | n-
comp| etenessoftrans' at| ng, aga| nstth | srema| nder, we| ' , thena s | m| | aroor-
dera/readypassesoetweenthesevera've|s| onso|| nte|pretat| onsofthesame
sentence n /rench. Theshbbo/e|heffectoperates w|hn, | fonemayst|' | say
so,the |rench | ang0age. ' '
|orexamp| e, andto | | m | t myse| fto 0sttwo poss| o| | | t| es, /rs|o/a//, onecan
0nde|stand| t, that | s, onecanpa|aphrase | t| nth| sway. he| sgo| ngthereata
certa| npace /y va dun cer|anpas[ , that |s tosay, someone,theothe|, yo0
o| me, a man or a wa| s| ng an | ma' , | n the masc0 ' | ne or the ne0ter, goes
somewherew| th acerta| n ga| t. | ndeed, onew| ' | say. | oos, he |s stepp| ngo0t
atacerta| n pace /yva dun cer|anpas[ , he |sgo| ngthe|e |totown, towo|s,
tocomoat,tooedthat| stosay,todream, to| ove,tod| el w| thacerta| n ga| t
IntheFie/d i 6,
pas| . Heretheth| rd person prono0n "he" j hasthegrammat| ca' va| 0eofa
masc0 | | ne pe|sona| s0o| ect.
B0t, second/y, one can a| so 0nde|stand and paraphrase the same sen-
tence, /y va dun cer|anpas, | n anotherway. what | s concernedne0ter
and | mpersona| s0oectwhatone |sta| s| ngaoo0there, |stheq0est| on ofthe
step,thega| t,thepace,therhythm, thepassage, orthetraversa| . . . .
!hrd/y, andf| na| |y, th| st | me | n | na0d| o' eq0otat| on ma|ssor| ta' | cs, one
can a' so ment| on a ma|sornegat| on, oyc |t | ng| t. a certa| n "not" pas[ | no,
no|, nch|, kenI . ' `
,Thepas[ | s accomp| | shed | n |tsvery | mposs| o| | | ty, | tenfranch| ses | tse' fw| th
respectto |tse' f.

Thestep pas[ thatapp|oachesstepsaway -/one[ , atthesamet| meand| n
thesamestepthatden | es |tse' f andtases |tse' foff, | tred0cesandextends | ts
own d| stance. '
Jhsstrangcadiancchas thclormolaspur.
Th0s, the sty' e wo0| d seem to advance | n the manne| of a spur of sorts
peron[ . | | sethep|ow, forexamp| e, ofa sa| | | ng vesse| , | ts ros|rum, thepro-
ect| onofthes h| pwh| chs0rgesaheadtomeetthesea'sattacsand c' eave |ts
host | | es0rface.
|yetaga| n, and st| | | | n na0t| ca' term | no| ogy, thesty| em| ghtoecompa|edto
that rocsypo| nt,a| soca| | ed anperon, onwh| chthe waves oreasatthehar-
oor's entrance. '
Theperon, wh| ch | s trans| ated sporo | n |rans| sho | H| gh Ce|man, spor | n
Cae| | c, | sprono0ncedspur| nEng' | sh. | nlesmo|s an/asMa| ' a|mere' ates | t
totheve|o|ospum,that| s, tod | sda| n, toreo0f|,toreectsco|nf0| | y.A| tho0gh
th| s maynot oea part| c0| ar| yfasc| nat| ng homonym, there | s st| | | a necessary
h| stor| candsemant| cope|at| onf|om one| ang0agetotheotherev| dent| nthe
factthattheEng| | shspur, theperon, | sthe samewo|d astheCerman>puc
or, | n otherwo|ds,t|ace,wase, | nd | cat| on, mars. ' "
I;o c nz r 1 r n I q
/araes |s0rro0ndsl aga| n. th| s no0n seemstoemerge a| | oy | tse| fthat |s at
| eastwhat | t| ooss | | se| n orderto record acerta| n economyofthemesand
senses,forexamp| ethe 0ndec| dao| ' | tyofc| oseandfar, sett | ng off appare/-
/ae[ | nthem| st, | n s| ghtofwhatdoesor doesntarr| ve ormoor|tse| ftothe
v| c| n| tyofthecoast,the| mposs| o| eandnecessarycartographyofa | |ttora| , an
| nca| c0' ao| etopo| ogy, the ' awsofmovementofwhatcannotoegoverned. `
/araes. | et 0sentr0st | n th| s s| ng' ewordwhats| t0ates, nearorfar, thedo0-
o| emovementofapproach andd| stanc| ng,often | nthesamestep, s| ng0 | ar' y
d | v| ded, o' derandyo0ngerthan| tse| f, a| waysother, onthevergeoftheevent,
when |t arr| ves anddoesnt arr| ve, | nf| n| te| yd| stant at the approach ofthe
othershore. '
Jhcsurroundsmarsamarg| nthatphlosophcadscoursccannot | n-
f| n| te| yreappropr| ate. Jo gvc thc margn ts duccomcsdovn to takng
nto accountaabyrnthncstructurc, lkc that olthc car orts tympan,
apart| t| on | na de| | cate, d| fferent|ated str0ct0re whose or| f| cesmaya| ways
rema| n0nf| ndao| e, and whoseentryand ex| tmayoeoare| ypassao| e. `
Where hastheoodyofthetextgonewhenthemarg| n| sno| ongerasecond-
aryv| rg| n| tyo0tan| nexha0st| o| ereserve, thestereograph | cact| v|tyofanen-
t| re| yotherear
verf|owsandcracss.that | s, ontheonehandcompe| s0stoco0nt | n | ts
marg| nmore and ' essthan oneoe' | eves |s sa| dorread, an 0nfo| d| ng d0eto
the str0ct0reofthemars |wh| ch |s the sameword as marche, as | | m| t, and as
marg| nl , andon the otherhand, | 0xates the very oody ofstatements | nthe| r
pretens| ont o0 n| voca' r| g| d| ty or reg0 ' ated po' ysem| a. A | ocsopenedt oa
do0o| e0nderstand| ng no ' ongerform| ngas| ng' esystem.
Wh| chdoes not| 0stamo0nttoacsnow| edg| ngthatthemarg| nma| nta| ns
| tse| fw| th| n andw| tho0t. Ph| | osophysayssotoo. w|hn oeca0se ph| ' osoph| -
ca| d| sco0rse | ntendst osnow andt omaster |ts marg| n, t odef| net he' | ne,
a| | gnthe page, enve| op| ng| t | n | ts vo' 0me. H|hou|oeca0se themarg| n, |s

In theFie/d I;I
marg| n, |so0ts| deareempty,areo0ts| de. anegat|veaoo0twh| chthereseems
tooenoth| ngtodo,anegat| vew| tho0tef|ect | nthetextLanegat| vewors| ng
| ntheserv| ceofmean| ng,themarg| n re/ev|au/ehobenI | nthed| a' ect| csof
theBoos. Th0s, onew| | ' havesa| dnoth| ng, or| nanyeventdonenoth| ng, | n
dec| ar| ng"aga| nst"ph| | osophyor"aoo0t" ph| | osophythat | tsmarg| n | sw| th | n
o r w|tho0t, w| th | nandw| tho0t, s| m0 | taneo0s' ythe | neq0a| | ty of |ts | nterna|
spac| ng andthe reg0 | ar| ty of| tsoorders. S| m0' taneo0s| y, oymeansofr| gor-
o0s, ph| | osoph| ca' | y n|ransen|ana| yses, andoy means ofthe | nscr| pt| on of
marsswh| ch no | ongeroe| ongtoph| ' osoph | ca' space, noteventothene| gh-
oorhoodof| tsother, onewo0 ' dhavetod | sp| aceph| | osophy'sa' | gnmentof|ts
own types. To wr| te otherw| se. To de' | m | t the space of a c| os0re no ' onger
ana| ogo0sto what ph | | osophycan representfor | tse| f0 nderth| s name, ac-
cord | ngtoastra| ghtorc| rc0| ar' | neenc| os| ngahomogeno0sspace.To deter-
m| ne, ent | re| yaga| nst any ph ' osopheme, the | ntrans| gence that prevents |t
from ca| c0| at | ng |tsmarg| n, oymeansofa /m|rophcv| o| ence| mpr| ntedac-
cord| ngto new |ypes. To eatthe marg| n |n ' 0xat| ngthetympan0m, the re| a-
t| onsh| pto| tse| fofthedo0o| ememorane. Sothat ph| ' osophycan no | onger
reass0retse| fthat |thasa| waysman|aned|tstympan0m.'
I 5
JhcIrauc^ air
Jhc rcprcvc s ncalculablc. `o knows whatcan happcn to thc
travclcr,whatnopportunty, whatdclay, whataccdcnt:Lcrrdacouldnot,
lorcxamplc, havc antcpatcdwhatwaswatnglorhmnraguc, ni,i,
as hc was passng through customs at thc arport, on hs way back to
Franccahcrgvngaclandcstncscmnarwth agroup olstudcntslromthc
|an Ius ^ssocaton. Iow could hc havc lorcsccn that at that momcnt,
whcnsymbolcallyatlcasthcwaswthhsownpcoplc, thatdrugswould
bclound nhs luggagcandthathcwouldbcscnttoprson: ' Jhclttlc
|cwcxpcllcdlromthcLyccc Bcn^knoun andthcpurvcyoroldrugsn-
carccratcd n raguc arc ndccd thc samcpcrson. From thc tmc olthc
panlullossolhisFrcnchctzcnshpn^lgcra, Lcrrdawasprcparnglor
thc worst. hcthcr thcy cxpcllcd mc lrom school or thrcw mc nto
prson, I always thoughtthcothcrmusthavcgoodrcasonto accuscmc.
Q. . Last ycar, you vcnt to Iraguc to mcct somc Czcch intccctuas. ^t thc air-
port, as you vcrc caving, thc customs agcnts |ound drugs n your suitcasc.
You spcnt tvcnty-|our hours in prson and vcrc |rccd thanks to thc intcrvcn-
ton o| thc Ircnch govcrnmcnt. hat vas, during thosc tvcnty-|our hours,
your cxpcricncc o| ths dssocation:
|. I. . Pehapsasomewhatmoe 0th ' ess| ns| ght, o0ta| soasotofcompas-

IhePmgaeH_ir I;{
s| on . Desp| te eveyth | ng, oefoe my | mp| sonment, thee wasthat e| ght-
ho0| nteogat| onw| thsomete| fy| ngStateoff| c| a' swhom oneco0' da| so
have p| ty fo. The posec0to, the po| | ce ch| ef, the tans| ato, and the
| awye ass| gnedto me snewveywe| | whyth| s tap had been set, they
snewthattheothes snew, weewatch| ngeachothe, andcond0ctedthe
who| e comedyw| th an0nshasao' ecomp' | c|ty. Theyp0ton anothe p' ay
whenthesameonescameto | | oeate me, addess| ng me espectf0 ' | y as
"Mons| e0 'e Pofesse0. "S| nce| had ohen sposenof Kafsa |atthatt| me|
waswos| ng on a ' | tt| etexton "Befoethecaw"wh| ch| hadw| th me, and
nodo0ot| twaswhen| wenttov| s| tKafsasgavethattheytooscaeofmy
va| | se | nthehote| l , the ' awyesa| dtome | nanas| de. "Yo0 m0st havethe
| mpess| onof ' | v| ng | n a Kafsa stoy. " Andthen ' ate. " Don'ttaseth | ngs
tootag| ca| ' y, cons| de| ta ' |teayexpe| ence. "| espondedthat | d | dtase
| ttag| ca| ' y, o0tf| stofa' | foh | mofothem, | dontsnowexact| y. And
then, asfome,thed | ssoc| at| onsweed | ffeento0t| 0stas| ndesc| oao| e| n
afewwods. | snewthescena| oand| d | d, ' th ns, eveyth| ngthathadto
oe done. B0t how to desc | oe a| ' the acha| c movements that ae 0n-
' eashed oe| ow that s0face, at the momentwhent hetap wassp 0ngat
c0stoms, d0 | ng the | nteogat| on, d0 | ng the f| st | ncaceat| onthe
g0ads ye| ' s and | ns0' tstho0ghthe e| nfoceddooandeven | ntheso| | -
tayce| ' wheeoneofthem madeagest0et oh | t meoeca0se | assed fo
a |ench | awye, and thenthe n0d| ty, the photogaphs || have neveoeen
moe photogaphed | n my| | fe, fom the a| potto the p | son, c| othed o
nasedoefoep0tt | ngonthep| sones"0n | fom"l A ' ' ofth| s| spatofs0ch
a common expe| ence, a| as, that | two0 | doe | ndecenttote' | | t 0n | ess |
co0 | d ecapt0esome aoso| 0te s| ng0 | a | ty, wh| ch | can not do wh | | e | m-
pov| s| ng |n fontofam | cophone. Theveyf| stt| me| spose oefoe ate' -
ev| s| oncamea, | hadt ooes| ' entaoo0twhatmyexpe| ence was, wh| ch
atthatmomentd| dnt ho' danygeat| nteest. ' twasatn| ght, | nCemany,
on theta| nthat oo0ght me oacs fom Pag0e. | t seemed to me that, at
thatmoment, | o0ghtto speas ofwhat had 0st happened, to wh| ch | was
the on' yone capao' eoftest| fy| ng and wh | ch had some genea| | nteest.
St| ' | | had to oesat| sf| edw|th ooad steeotypesofthesot. " | -went-thee-
o0t -of-so|| da| ty-w| th-those-who-ae-st0gg' |ng-fo-the-espect-of -h0man-
| ghts, etc. " Th| s was a| | t0e, and | wanted espec| a| ' yto sa| 0te those
I;q c n r 1 r n i ;
whom | had metthee,ooth| n ando0tofp| son. H0thowcanyo0expect
me, |n that s| t0at| on, to sayto someonefom Channe| Z who p0ts a m| -
cophone| nfontof me. "Yo0 snow, ' amass| ngmyse| fceta| n q0est| ons
aoo0ttheState,thefo0ndat| onsandthef0nct| onofthed| sco0seon h0-
man | ghtstoday" e| se. "Theessent| a| then | swhatwassa| dthee | n
the o0t| awed sem | na aoo0t the po' | t| ca' q0est| on ofthe ' s0o ect' and
othe e| atedt h| ngs" e| se. "What| ea| ' y' | vedtho0ghtheewo0| dde-
mandacomp' ete| yd| f|eentfomofnaat| on, anothepoet| csthanthatof
the even | ng news" e| se. "Thee was someone |n me who seemed, | n
sp| te of eveyth | ng, totase p' eas0e | n someth i ng aoo0tthat p | son, who
seemedto oe e| | v| ngsomeha| ' 0c| nat| on, whoseemed towant | tto | ast
| onge, andto eget o|tte| ytheoetaya| he fe' tatthemomentof | eav| ng
t hef| ves| dswhoweew| t hme| n thesecondp| son ce' | "
J 0st | mag| nethe | oosont hefaces oftheepotesandtheTVv| ewes.
H0tthed| ff| c0 ' ty| fe| t| nthemostac0tewayatthat moment| spemanent,
and |t |s what paa' yzes meeveyt | me' have to tasethe f' ooand speas
i n p0o| i c. Even hee,st| ' | , now.'
Ten yeasago |n Pag0e,| 0stoefoeoe| ngtasen to p| son and | 0staf|eran
e| ght-ho0off| c| a| | nteogat| on, | assedthecomm| ssa|n anas| de, "Come
on, 0stoetween 0s, te' | me,doyo0 ea' ' yoe| | eve,deepdown, thatsome-
one | | se mean | nte' | ect0a| , a ph | ' osophe, an o' d pof|s go| ng to
am0se h| mse| foycom| ngtoCzechos| ovas| ato0ndetasesomed0gtaf-
f| cs| ng" | Pod0ct| on and taff|c of d0gs wee the chages that had 0st
oeen off| c| a| ' yoo0ghtaga| nst me. l Thecomm| ssa's esponse. "Yes, yes,
exact| y, we ae 0sed to | t, | t's peop' e | | se yo0 who do that, most often,
we| ' - snown | nte| ' ect0a' s, at| sts| ooswhat happened tothe Heat | es | n
Japan. || sten, | te| ' yo0t h| stoeass0eyo0,theya' sowee | nd0| gentw| th
them pec| se| yoeca0setheyaeveywe| | snown . "
And | te| ' myse' fth| smon| ng | n the m| owhoae yo0 ta| s| ngto, | ' ve
m| ssed yo0, yo0'vem| ssed me, thee aest| | ' afewdaysto oespenthee
oefoe pass| ngfom | | fe to death, hes o m| ne, | have oeg0n to enteo| d
ageandseemyeyeoowst 0 nwh| tew|tho0thav| ng snownt hew| t| ngof
conves| on, t hatconventthat the R0zynep | son mademedeamoffoa
few ho0s, | n Pag0e, oetween Ch | stmasand New Yea I 9dZ, when |n a


IhePragaeH_ir i ;;
te| f| ed| 0o| | at| on, oefoe see| ngt he| nfena' ce| ' , oefoethat Czech off|-
ce had sceamed andtheatened me, hand a| sed, oefoe p0tt| ngonthe
st| ped pa| amas, | tho0ghtthatat' ast, at ' ast, | wasgo| ngtooeao' etoe-
hease,andthen w| te,w| tefoyeas |n penc| ' onac' eanwh| tewood po-
| | t| ca' p| sones' tao| e, ' seethef| | mofmywho' e| | fe, hencefoth,tenyeas
afte my o| th, and fo ten yeas now, famed oy two sets of oas, two
heavy, meta' | nted| ct| ons, the exp0 | s| on and the | ncaceat on, o0t of
schoo| and | ntop| son, that'swhat | et0ntoeveyday, that'swhat| ' moe-
com| ng,that'swhat | was, that'swhee | w|te, each t | meca0ght0p aga| n
oyoneandfeedfomt heothe, moe | ocsed 0p| nonet han| nt heothe,
o0t wh | ch, eacht| mefom thefee| | ngofan | ' ' eg| o' eacc| dent, ofawo0nd
asv| t0a| , as0nmemoao| eas |t |s 0ndec| pheao' etothefot0 | to0sv| ct| m
ofthe modensac| f| cewh| chwo0| dg| ve me space,to me, | ep' aceao| y,
wheetheygot me, wheetheyw | | | nevegetme,they masc0 | | ne o fem-
n | ne, the | ep| aceao| e m| ss| on no ' onge ' eav| ng yo0, any moe than
hee, thecho| ce oetween thea' eatoyandtheca| c0 | ao| e, myse' fwhee |
am, on th | sday, on ' yoyno ' ongety| ngto ed | scovemyse' faccod| ngto
some eg0' a and geo' og| ca' e' at| onoetweenchanceand necess | ty, 0pto
the otheto | nventme. `
I 6
| d| dnot | | se yo0 send| ngmethatte' egam. | tho0ght' fe| tsometh| ngothe
thanhaste | n| t, eventheoppos| te, aneconom| ca' wayofnotw| t| ngt ome,
ofsav| ngyo0 t| me, of"exped| t| ng. "Yo0exped| te me | n awaythaI | pev| -
o0s' ywo0| dhaveaccepted fom nooneo0t | no ' ongecywhenyo0de-
pat, | wa' s, | wa| s, on my head ofco0se. Yo0 fogot pehapsthatthef| st
te' egam danced |yeas ago . |t camefom the ne| ghoo | ngpostoff|ce, yo0
co0 ' d have oo0ght | tyo0se' f. | 0ndestood noth| ng except that | tdanced
and wh| ' ed | v| ng | he| d | ton thestee | ngwhee|
o0te| egaph| csty' e, o0postcad ' ove, o0te' e-
ogasm| zat| on, o0s0o' | me stenogaphy'
Havest| ' | ece| ved noth| ngfomyo0, |t| s
| ong, | m| ssyo0. Yestedaya| eady' toosconto' ofthep' ace, as | doevey-
whee that | a| ve. Tans| at| on. | am pepa | ngthe max| m0mofp| cs0psfo
myse' f, co0nt| ngthem, veyattent| veespec| a' ' ytos0ch and s0cha one, that
| m0stnotm| ss,foexamp' eSat0dayaftenoon oS0nday. Th| s|s thef| stap-
peasement, when | amw| tho0tyo0,and |n odeea' | ytofee|what | amta' s-

Corresondences I;;
| ngaoo0t, | meanaoo0tmyoody,yo0 m0steca' ' whatan Ame| canma| ' oox
stand| ng| nthesteet |s | | se, how oneopens|t, howthe p| cs0psae | nd| cated,
and thefom and thewe| ghtofthatoo' | q0ecovethatyo0 p0' | towadyo0-
se' fatthe ' ast moment. Andthen | go oveto theotheendofthe ma' ' , the
' age, a' ' -wh|tepostoff| ce,too0ya se| es ofae oecentstamps and how
we' ' yo0 snow that th| soecomes a | te, a s' ow ceemonyfo evey ' ette. '
choose, ' ca' c0 ' ate, | w| te to yo0 on the enve' ope w| th a' | these s|amps
|evey a0t0mn| aga| nf| ndthe ' adywho se| | sthestamps | no0| sofoph| ' at-
e' | sts, she | senomo0sand has d| ff| c0 ' ty mov| ngao0nd | ntheg' ass oooth
whee she |s enc| osed, she |svey oossy and vey ' | ve| ynevethe' ess, | th| ns
sheea' ' y0ndestandsme, shewo0' d' | set otase pat | na geat scenethat
shedoesntfo' | ow, sheteats me ao| t' | sea son who comestomaseooscene
conf| dencestohe . | ts new, the' oveofstamps, | n me, | ts not a co' ' ecto's
' ove o0ton ' ya sendes | ove. And | want yo0 to | oosattheenve' ope fo a
' ongt| meoefoe yo0 openme. Hee ' am notspeas| ngofthewod |mbre,
w| th wh| ch| havea vey o' d' | a| son| a' ongw| ththetypes, thetympans, qua/
que//e, etc. , o0tofthe ' | tt' e ectang0| a st| cse chaged w| th capt| ons and
p| ct0es. | t| san a' | egoyofa' ' ofh| stoy, o0 h| stoy, that | wo0' d ' | setoe-
co0ntto yo0 | ntem| nac' y | n the ' ette evey t| me, as | f| wee ooast | ngoy
' odg| ng| ttheeent| e' y. |oexamp' e, s0pposethatonedayastampofS. and
p. | smade. We' | then, | nadvancethosetwo wo0 ' dcompehend 0s. cs| nga
ceta| natofc' ass| ccompos| t| on, andofecompos| t| on, oneco0' dte' ' evey-
th| ngaoo0t0sw| th the ta| ts ofth| sscene. | oetthat noth| ng |s m| ss | ng and
thatweae| ghtthee.
Hang| ng 0p| 0st now as a' ways, "hang
0p, "" No,yo0hang0p, "" No, yo0, "Yo0 hang0p, yo0, ""Yo0 hang0p, "
"' ' m hang| ng0p, "etc. , ' was | nseventh heaven, ' was | a0gh| ng soft ' yove
o0 ' eaned convesat| on |we ae comp' ete' ycazy| concen | ng thewod
"ph | | ate| y. " |eaned, f| na' ' y, |s say| ng a ' ot. |o| ntheend, D| ot| ma,theyae
somewhat ' acs| ngad| ct| onay| n yo0 co0ntyho0se. No, ph| ' ate' ydoes not
mean ' oveofd| stance,ofthetem,ofthe|e/os oofthete' e-, nothe ' oveof
' ettes, no, myvey neaonef0' ' ofs0n, |t |s a vey ecentwod, | t |s on' yas
o| das stamps,that |s ofthe State monopo' y, and |t teats ofa|e/ea |the /ac-
|eur, notthet0th . A|e/ea |sfans| ng, the exempt| onfomtaxes,whencethe
c n r 1 r n I 6
"Jhcrc is but that, this rcproduction ot a rcproduction ot which
am dying and which torbids mc` , Tbeosr Card). ,Ltikul|ot)
stamp. | t |st0ethat |t ma| nta| nstheefoea e' at| onw| thoneofthe sensesof
|e/os. acq0| tta' , exempt| on, payment, cost, expend | t0e,fee. | om acq0| tta|
oneco0 | dgoto g| n, offe | ng, and even, | nSophoc| es, ma| age ceemony|
Ph | ' a-te' ythen | s | ove w|hou|, w| th/w| tho0tma| age, andtheco| ' ect| onof
a' | stamps,the| oveofthestampw| thow| tho0tstamped ' ove. H0ta' ongw| th
a' | theothe sensesof|e/os| pat| c0 ' a ' ythatofpowe,ofaoso' 0te| 0| sd| ct| on
ooff0 | ' powe, thatofthep| eas0e p | nc| p| e, thePPthat | ta' saoo0ta ' ' the
t | me | n /esI, yo0 canseea' ' that onem| ghtdo. | w| | ' ' eavetheth | ng to oe
donea| ' oy| tse| f, | a| wayspefe. H0t | wo0 ' dea| ' y ' | setoca| | theooosph-
/a|e/y | n odetocommemoatesecet| yo0somewhat n0tty phoneca| ' . '
| w| | | have sent yo0 on | ycads. Even |f they ae | ettes and |f | a| ways p0t
moethanone | nthesameenve| ope. '
Corresondences I;p
pefe cads, one h0nded cads o epod0ct| ons | n the same enve| ope
athethanas| ng| e"t0e" |ette.`
| w| teyo0 the ' ettesofatave' | ngsa' esman.
Yo0 sa| d| ttomeoneday, | th| ns, | a| waysw| te ons0ppot, | ghtonthes0p-
pot o0t a' soon the s0o| ect. Expectedes0 | t, | tdefoms |t, theeoy| ooach | ts
dest0ct| on, a| | thewh | | e show| ng| t, | tse| f, |n the co0seofbenthatwh| ch
destoys |tse| f, fa' ' s | nto p| eces,a o| t theat| ca' , andt hen| nc| neates | tse| foe-
neath yo0 eyes and thee | s no | onge anyth | ng o0t yo0 eyes. Yo0 0nde-
standthatt h| s|s the| ns0ppotao| epat| t| onofthe s0ppot. |t |s w| th| neason
nottos0ppot | t,and | 0ndestandth | sead | | ytotheextentthat | am eason-
ao' e, ' | seyo0 and ' | seeveyone, o0tpec| se' yatstasethee | s eason. say.
|o examp' e | w| te on post
cads, ohwe' | | w|teon postcads. "| "oeg| nsaga| nw|th a epos0ct| on| say,
| 0st wote epoS0ct| on. have yo0 not| ced that | mase moe and moe
stange m| stases, |s |t fat | g0eo age, occas| ona' ' ythespe| '|ng goes, phonet| c
w| t | ngcomesoacs| nfoce,as| ne| ementayschoo| whee | td| dnot happen
tomemoeove, on| ytootheswhom| conf0sed' y| ooseddownonp| 0sthe
/apsus o s/ps oov| o0s| yl . And oy means of a epod0ct| on | tse' f epo-
d0ced se| a| ' y, a' waysthe same p| ct0eon anothe s0ppot, o0t an | dent| ca|
s0ppot, d| ffe | ngon' y numro. | tdatesfom when, thepostcad, "pope y
speas| ng, " doyo0 snow N | neteenth cent0y necessa| ' y, w| th photogaphy
andthestamp, 0n' ess . . . Wanttow| te andf| sttoeassemo' eanenomo0s
| | oayonthecourrer, posta' | nst| t0t| ons, techn | q0esandmoesofte' ecom-
m0n| cat| on, netwoss and epochs of te| ecomm0n| cat| on tho0gho0t h | s-
toyo0tthe" | | oay" andthe" h| stoy"themse| vesaepec| se| yo0t"posts, "
s| tesofpassageoe' ayamongothes,stases, momentso effectsofres|ance,
and a' so pat| c0' a epesentat| ons, na owe and naowe, shote and
shote seq0ences, popot | ona' ' y, of the Ceat Te| emat| c Netwos, the
wor/dwde connec|on.
Aga| nthecad |S e|p, th | s |s the popos| t| on made to 0s and |f yo0 get | t,
cometotheendez-vo0s |omtheoeg| nn| ng ofth | st| p | have hadthe | m-
pess| on| t| stas| ngon avey"comp0| s| ve" aspectastheysay|comp0 ' s| on
| sa vey oea0t| f0 ' wod no ' onge 0ndestood, one no | ongefee' sthe as-
io C HA P T E R I
semo' | ngofthep0sh yo0, yo0 a|ethep0sh[ and|epet| t| oncomp0' s| on| s0n-
destoodeven ' ess| havethe| mpess| onthateve|yth| ngcomestoesemo| e
|tse' f, andmef| |stofa' | , | na postca|d,thepostcadthat | am, amfo| ' ow-
| ng que]e sus[ . Thee |s o0t that, th| s |epod0ct| on of a |ep|od0ct| on of
wh| ch| am dy| ngandwh| chfo|o| dsme, wh| chmasesofyo0, my ' | v| ngone,
an| nte|d| ct| on
and| donotoe'| evethatonecan
pope| yca' | "postca|d"a 0n| q0eoo| g| na' | mage, | fsomes0chth| ng eve|
occ0|s, a pa| nt| ngo|daw| ngdest| nedto someone n |heuseofa postca|d
and aoandoned to an anonymo0s th| |d paty, to a ne0t|a' mach| ne|y that
s0pposed' y' eadsthemessageto | tsdest| nat| on, oat' eastthatwo0' dhave| ts
s0ppo|t mase |ts way, fo| |fthe post ca|d |s a s| nd ofopen | ette| | | | se a' ' ' et-
tes, one can a' ways, |n t | meofpeaceand 0nde|ceta| neg| mes,attemptto
mase | t | ndec| phe|ao' e w| tho0t comp|om| s | ng | ts mas| ng | ts way. | ndec| -
phe|ao' e, my0n| q0eone, evenfotheadd|essee.Andyetthe|e ae o0tpost
ca|ds, | tste||| fy| ng.
J]une VZZ.
andwhen | ca| ' yo0 my ' ove, my | ove, | s |t yo0 | am ca| | | ngo| my ' ove
Yo0, my ' ove, |s |t yo0 | the|eoy name, |s |t to yo0 that | add|ess myse' f |
dont snow |ftheq0est| on |s we' ' p0t, | tf|| ghtensme. H0t| am s0|e thatthe
answe|, | f| tgets to meoneday, w| ' | havecometo mef|omyo0. Yo0 a| one,
my' ove,yo0 a' onew| | ' have snown |t.
we have assed each othe| the | mposs| o' e, as the
| mposs| o' e, ooth of0s.
/n]eder/ne/ s|schreck/ch, "
oe| oved.
when | ca' | yo0 my' ove, |s | tthat | amca' ' | ngyo0,yo0se| f,
o| |s |t that| am te| ' | ng yo0 my | oveandwhen | te| | yo0 my | ove |s |t that |
am dec| a| | ng my ' oveto yo0 o| | ndeed that | am te' | | ng you, yo0|se| f, my
| ove, andthatyo0 a|e my| ove. | wantsom0chtote' | yo0. "
Corresondences ii
Yo0 vo| ce| 0stnowaga| n|sma| ' , ed, panedoooth | nthesteet, 0ndeatee,
ad0nswaswatch| ng methewho' et| meand wantedto speasto me,hec| -
c| ed ao0ndtheg| asscage, stopped fom t| metot| me, a o| t f| ghten| ng,w| th
a so' emna| |, as | fto pono0nce | 0dgment, yo0 vo| ce c' osethaneve|. The
chanceofthete' ephoneneve' oseanoppot0n|ty|tg| vesoacso0vo| ce
ce|ta| n even| ngs, at n| ghtespec| a' ' y, even mo|e sowhen | t | sa' ' thee | sand
thedev| ceo' | nds0stoeve|yth| ng | | dont snow | f| eve to' d yo0 that, add| -
t| ona' ' y, | of|enc' osemyeyeswh| ' eta' s| ngt oyo0,whent he' | ne | sc' ea|and
the |mbre ef| ndsa s| nd of"f| ' teed" p0|| ty | | t | sa o| t | n th | se' ement that |
| mag| netheet0|n of|evenants, oy meansoftheeffect o| thegaceofa s0o-
t| eands0o' | me, essent | a' , sot | ngtho0ghthestat| c paras|es[ , fo|the|e | s
noth| ngo0t pa|as| tes,aswe' ' yo0 snow, andtheefoethe|evenantshaveno
chance, 0n| ess the|e have on' y eve, fom the f| st "come" vens| , oeen
|evenants.Theothe|day, |ntheco0|seofasma' ' tass,| not| cedthatthewod
"pa|as| te" had eg0' a| ' y| mposed | tse' f0pon mean | nca| c0 | ao' en0moe|of
t | mes, fo|yea|s, f|om "chapte|" to "chapte. " Now, pa|as| tes, he|e | t |s, can
| oveeachothe| samer| . We' '
]une VZZ.
| am a|| v| ngnow
|ogot aga| n 0st now the t| me d| ffe|ence d-
ca/ae horare| , do0ot| ess oeca0se | snewthat yo0 wo0| dnot oe a' one. Yo0
can | mag| ne || wo0| d' | se 0sto |ead | ttogethe|, ' os| ngo0se' ves| n| t the | m-
mense car|eofthecomm0n| cat| onsca' | ed "| mmed| ate"| t hete' ephone,etc. ,
ca' | | tte| epathyac|ossthed| stanceandnetwo|sof"t| med| ffeences"|a| ' t he
ed po| ntsthat ' | ght0pat thesamet | me ono0 mapofE0ope. We wo0| d
haveaangedth| ngs,t h| sf | nemo|n| ng,f| stgea|passed, | no|de|t ospeasto
eachothe|a// |he |me, w|| tetoeachothe|, see, to0ch, eat, d | ns, send, des-
t | ne t h| sothat, yo0 o|me, pemanent' y, w| tho0t the s ' | ghtest | nte0pt| on,
w| tho0tha| f-t| me, s| mp' yoyoans| ngon e' at| v| ty, ca' c0| at | ngw| ththe0n| -
vesa' t| med| ffe|ence dca/ae[ |p0 ' ' | ngo0t t hestops _ ca/es[ o|m0| t| p| y| ng
them . ^oreove( |hs s wha|does happen. Hetween w| t| ngw| t ha peno|
speas| ngonthete| ephone, what a d| ffeence. That | sthewo|d. Howwe' ' |
snow the system of ooect| ons, o0t they do not ho' d, |n s0m do not go fa|
i z c n r 1 r n I 6
eno0gh. Yo0 canseec' ea ' ythat b. | ste' ephon| ng andoeh| ndtheotheone
| swh| spe | ng. ' '
P' anefom Heathow ton | ght. |
w| | ' havet|| edtoca| | yo0 oacsaga| n| co//ec|I fom nowt| | ' then, |fthe' | ne | s
f|ee. | feve| | sho0| dno' onge a| ve,yo0 snowwhatw| ' ' haveoeen my| ast,
my ' astwhat |n fact Ce|ta| n' ynotw| ' | . My ' ast| mageat the oacsof myeyes,
my | ast wo|d, the name, a' ' oft h| stogethe|, and | w| | | not have sept myoe' t
o0cs' ed, onest|ophemo|e, theo|gasmandf| na' comp0 ' s| on, | w| | | sw| m| n
yo0 namew| tho0tt0| n| ngoacs,o0tyo0w| | | neveoeyo0| name,yo0 neve|
have oeen, even when, and espec| a| ' ywhen yo0 have answe|ed to | t. The
name |s made to dow| tho0tthe | fe o the oeae, and |s the|efo|e a| ways
somewhatthe name ofsomeone dead. ne co0 | dnot ' | ve, oethee, except
oyp|otest| ngaga| nstones name, oyp|otest| ngonesnon-| dent| ty w|th ones
popename. When | ca' | ed yo0, atthewhee' , yo0 wee dead. Assoon as|
namedyo0, assoonas| eca' ' edyo0|f| |stname. Andyo0 came| ghto0t and
sa| dsoonthephone, oefoethef| st endez-vo0s,t| mo|o0s' y| nvos| ng, w| th
what ' 0c| d|ty, yo0 | " | nst| nctofconse|vat| on. " Hyo' acsma| | | ng yo0 h| ghe
fee' | ngs "yo0say| nst| nctofconsevat| ondontyo0f| ndthatth| s' acssa | | t-
t| e. . . "l | made yo0 g| ve | t 0p fo a t| me, o0t acco|d| ng to yo0 c| te|| a,
wh| chw| ' | neve|oem| ne,conse|vat| onseemstohavegottenthe0ppehand
aga| n. | nodetoconsevewhat, theca| c0 ' at| on | s | mposs| o| e. | hope| can
spotyo0when | | and_ . |
nce 0nfo| ded, thet| t| e | tse| , /ax|ex|ure, wo0 ' dp| ay amongC|ees, |at| n,
and Eng' | sh | d| oms. arch|ec|ure, /ac, |e/e-/ax, that | s to say, |e/e-/ac-sm/e,
/ac|and/ake, /a/se, /aux, /ausse-/ac|ure, /aussepr/ace,etc. ' '
| | ns| st on the |ax. |t a| readys| gna' ssometh| ng of speed andthete' ev| s0a'
mode ofcomm0n| cat| on that ' | n ss, a' tho0gh st| | | on a papes0ppot, any
po| nt | nspacew| th anyothe||f|om anywheetoanywhe|el , th0scond| t| on-
| ng | na ce|ta| n waythep|od0ct| on, theconst|0ct| on, o0ta| so, pehaps,the
de-const0ct| on of p' aces, | oca' | zat| on and de' oca| | zat| on, occ0pat| on o
hao| tat| onofte|| | to|| es,the| | cente | ng, the| | assemo| | ng, o0ta' so the| | de-

Corresondences i )
cente| ngandthe| d| ssem| nat| on, t he| p' acementandthe| ep' acement,af-
fect| nga' so ooth |ef|ect| onanddec| s| on | n thesedoma| nsthatae no ' onge
exact| ydomans. ' '
A' ways d| ff| c0 ' tto | mag| ne that one can th | nssometh | ngto onese' f a par|
so| , deep down | ns| de, w| tho0t oe| ng s0 p| sed oy the othe|, w| tho0t the
othe|oe| ng | mmed| ate| y| nfomed,aseas| ' yas| f| thadag| antsceen | n | t, at
the t| me of the ta| s| es, w| th |emote cont|o| |/commande[ fo chang| ng
channe| sandf| dd | | ngw| t htheco' o0|s,t hespeech d0ooed w| th | a|ge ' ettes
|n odetoavo| d any m| s0ndestand| ng. ' `
|o|he|e | s my f| na| paadox, wh| ch yo0 a' onew| | | 0nde|standc| ea ' y. |t | s
oeca0se theewo0 ' doete' epathythat a postcadcannota| veat | ts dest | -
nat| on. The0| t| matena|vetywo0 ' doet oa' | owonese' ft oth | nsthatTe' epathy
g0a|anteesa dest| nat| onwh | ch"posts and te| ecomm0n| cat| ons" fa| ' to po-
v| de. nthecont|ay,eveyth| ng | sa| d aoo0tthe postcad-st0ct0e |a s|ruc-
|urecar|epos|a/e| ofthe mas| | ntefe|ence, paas| t| ng,d| v| s| o| ' |ty, | te|ao| ' |ty,
andso onI |s fo0nd | nthe netwos. Th| sgoes foanyte| e-systemwhateve
|tscontent,fo|m, o med| 0mofs0ppo|t.
I '|
I 7
Jhc Lvcnt Jhat Rcvcrscs
Jhcspaccolrcvcrsblty couldbcanothcrnamclor IhcPostCard
lor tcxporcs suchaspacc ncvcryscnscanddrccton. Indccd, what s a
postcardlnotrcvcrsbltytscl,amcssagc thatgcts turncd around, magc
andtcxt, abrclmcssagc scntwhlc onc stravclng, lcgblcto all alongthc
way, although rcscrvcd lor onc addrcsscc npartcular, dcvcrng tssccrct
Lcrrda has a who| es0pp| y ' olpostcards and hc dsscmnatcs thcm
throughoutthctncranttcxtolInvos, bctwccnIuropcandthcIntcd
Statcs, lrom Cxlord to Iars bywayolRcadng,^ntwcrp, Ccncva, Stras-
bourg, or Italy, and lromcwYorkto Irvnc bywayolYac orashng-
ton. ^whocsupplyoloncand thcsamccard,thconcdscovcrcd nCx-
lord,whoscmagc sprccsclythcrcvclaton olrcvcrsbtytscll. Socratcs
wrtng whlc Ilato dctatcs, provdng a graphc nvcrson olthc trad-
tonal ordcr oldcrvaton obtanng bctwccn spcakng and wrtng. Jhs
about-lacc,cxplctlycalcd the | n| t | a' catastophe, motvatcsallthcvoy-
agcs undcrtakcn by thc card`s scndcr.Jhc rcvcrsal rcprcscntcdon thc card
cmblcmatzcsa ccrtan path olthnkngand olthc lcttcrwhosc convolu-
tons arc rcvcalcdwhlc Lcrrda travcls abroad. Invos stagcs thc star-
tlng colson bctwccn lvcd and thcorctcal voyagc, a collson that

IheO_rdScene" i)
makcs thc scnsc oldcstinationvacllatc and, aganst ths cpstolary back-
ground, upscts dcrvatvc logc, that ola contnuous passagc lrom onc
shorctoanothcr, lromonccountryorcontncnttoanothcr, lromascndcr
to anaddrcsscc.
In awaythe xfod scene' ,Lcrrdadscovcrs thc SocratcsIlato
postcard nthc BodlcanLbrary) rcpcats thcrtngLcsson by rcvcrs-
ng t. Jhccncountcrwth thccard sndccdan accdcnt, a rcica/ingnc-
dcnt,andonccagantprovokcsacatastrophcbyunvclngt. Jhcdscov-
lrcnds,|onathanandCyntha, who arc gudnghm n alabyrnthnccr-
cutthroughthc town andthrough thc dllcrcntcollcgcs comprsng Cx-
lord Invcrsty.
Com| ngoacsto P| ato andSocates.Yesteday,then, JonathanandCynth| aae
g0| d| ng me tho0gh the c| ty. | ' | se them, he |s wos| ngon a poet| cs ofthe
apostophe. Wh ' e wewa' s, shete' ' s meaoo0the wospoects | ! 8th cen-
t0ycoespondenceand | | oet | ne | | teat0e, Sade, a who| e p' ot ofw| t| ngs
that | cannots0mma| ze, andthen Dan| e' Deonda, oy C. E| | ot, astoyofc| -
c0mc| s | onandofdo0o| e- ead| nglandwet0n| ntothe ' aoy | nthoetweenthe
co| | eges. | s0spect them of hav| ng had a p' an. They themse| ves snow the
cane. No, notthemapofthec| ty, o0ttheonethat | amsend| ng yo0, th| s| n-
ced| o| e epesentat| onof Socates | | f| ndeed | t | s h| ml t0n| ng h| s oacsto
P| ato |n odetow| te. They had a' eadyseen |t, andco0| deas| | yfoeseethe
| mpess| on | two0' dmase on me. The pogamwas | np| aceandwos| ng. '
J onathanandCynth| aweestand| ngneamenext
totheg' asscase,thetao' eathe, whee | a| do0t,0ndeg| ass, |n atanspaent
case, amongtheh0ndedsofepod0ct| onsd| sp' ayedthee, th| scad hadto
0mpo0tat me. | saw noth| ng e| se, o0tthat d| d not peventmefomfee' | ng
that| ghtneameJ onathanandCynth| aweeoosev| ng meoo| | q0e| y,watch-
| ngme | oos. As | ftheywee spy| ngon me | no de t of| n| shtheeffectsofa
spectac' etheyhadstaged |theyhave| 0st ma| ed moe o | essl
| no | ongesnewwhattodow|th myse' f. Howtoseeto theoottomofa| |
I o c n r 1 r n i ;
those |ectang| es oetween Socates | egs, | f| t | sSocates | st|| | donotsnow
how to see what the|e |s to see. |t g| vesthe | mp|ess | on | ' oosat |t f|om the
othes| de,t0|nthecad ovelthat P' ato, | f| t| sP| ato,doesnotseee| the, pe|-
hapsdoesnoteven wanttosnow, ' oos| nge' sewhe|e andf0the|of|ove|the
sho0 ' de|oftheothe, whatS. |s |n them| dd' e, |n t|a| n, yes, en |ran, ofw|| t-
| ng o| sc|atch| ng on a ' ast ' | tt| e|ectang' e, a | ast | | tt' eone| nthem | dd| eofa ' |
othes|co0ntthem, theea|eat ' east2 3 l . Th| s' ast' |tt| eone| sthemost"| nte-
|| o|" ofa| | ofthem, | tappeas 0nto0ched. | t |s Soc|atesw| t| ng s0|face, and
yo0can | mag| nethem| ss| veothe|ectang0 ' a chat, Soc|atespostca|d. To
whomdoyo0th| n s he| sw| t| ng|o|me| t| sa' waysmo|e | mpotanttosnow
that thanto snowwhat |s oe| ng w|tten, moeove | th| ns|t amo0ntstothe
same, totheothe f| na' | y.Andp| ato,d| st | nct ' ysma| ' e, h | tchesh | mse| f0poe-
h | nd Socates,w| thonefoot|n thea| | as| fhewantedto come 0ptothesame
he| ghto| | fhewee |0nn| ng | n o|detocatch a mov| ngta| n|wh | ch | swhat
he d| danyhow, no l . `
Jhc magc olthc postcard ,rcproducton lrom anllumnatcd manu-
scrpt)stscllnaccrtanscnscaccdcntal. lormallytwouldbcSocratcs
who spcaks and latowhowrtcs, not thc rcvcrsc.Jhc author olthc llu-
mnaton,Natthcwars, llustratorolalortunc-tcllngbook,bookollatc,
dvnaton,goodfortunc,advcnturc, orchancc,musthavcmadcamstakc,
gottcndstractcdordvcrtcd.^n crrorollatc,thcrclorc,pcrhaps,butalso,
andat thc samc tmc, asgn oldcstny. nlact, thsgross mstakc, ths n-
vcrson, ths llustratvc catastrophc comcs to attcstwthout our bcng
ablcto undcrstand ts provcnancc ororgn-tothcvcrylalurcolprovc-
nanccandthcabscnccolorgn,thc nvcrson orntal laultclaboratcdby
Lcrrdawcll bclorc hs cncountcrwth thc card. Jhcrc agan, as n Lcv-
Strauss`s account, thc card-accdcnt sccms to conhrmastructurallaw, but
nrcvcrsc. latobchndSocratcs,wrtngbclorcspcakng.
Have yo0 seen th | scad, the | mage on the oacs
dos ofth | scad | st0mo' ed acoss | tyeste|day, | nthe Hod' e| an|thefamo0s
xfo|d ' | o|ayl , | | ' te' | yo0aoo0t| t. | stoppeddead,w| thafee ' | ngofha| | 0c| -
nat| on| | shecazyowhathehasthenamesm| xed 0p| l andof|eve| at| onat
the samet| me, an apoca' ypt| c|eve| at| on. Socates w| t| ng,w|| t| ng| n f|ontof
P' ato, | a' ways snew |t, | t had ema| ned ' | se the negat | ve of a photogaph

IheOxrdScene" Io
odIcan Lbrary, Oxtord ("Jhc Ouxc Humphrcy Room, n thc OmLibrur . sanctuary ot
thc most prccous manuscrpts` j 1hc 1ast Cur). (|can-Mchcl Vogc)
wa| t | ngto oe deve| oped fo| twenty-f| ve cent0 | es| n me of co0 |se. |t | 0st
needed to oew|| tten |n o|oad day| | ght. The deve' ope v/a|euj |s thee,
0n | ess | st| | | cant dec| phe|anyth | ng | n th | s p| ct0e, wh | ch | swhat | s most
pooao| e| nfact. Socates,theonewhow| tesseated,oentove,assc|| oeo
doc| | ecopy| st,P' atosseceta|y, noHe| s| nf|ontofP| ato,no, P' ato| sbehnd
h| m, sma| ' e||why sma' | e|l , o0tstand| ng0p. W|th h| so0tst|etchedf| nge|he
| ooss| | se he| s| nd| cat| ngsometh | ng,des| gnat| ng, show| ngthewayog| v| ng
an o|de|o d| ctat | ng, a0tho|| ta | an, maste| y, | mpe|| o0s. A| most w| csed,
dontyo0 th| ns, and | ntent| ona' ' yso. | oo0ghtawho' es0pp| yofthem.
| havenotyetecoveedf|omt h| s|eve'atoycatas-
tophe. P| ato oeh | ndSoc|ates. Heh | nd he has a' ways oeen, as | t |s tho0ght,
o0tnot | | se that. Me, | a' ways snew | t, andtheyd| dtoo, thosetwo, | mean.
What a co0p| e. Soc|ates t 0| ns h| s backt op| ato, who has madeh | m w|| te
whateve he wantedwh| ' e p|etend | ngto |ece| ve |t fom h| m. Th| sepod0c-
t c n r 1 r n I ]
t| oni sso' dhe|easapos|card, yo0 havenot| ced,w| three|nsandaddress.
Socates w| t| ng, do yo0 ea' | ze, and on a post ca|d. | snow noth| ngmoe
aoo0t |t thanwhatthecapt| on says | | thasoeen tasen f|om a fo|t0ne-te' ' | ng
ooos, an asto| og| ca| ooos. ped| ct| on, the ooos ofdest| n| es, fate, so|t, en-
co0nte, chance, | dont snow, | ' | havetosee, o0t| | | se th| s | deal, | wanted
toaddess |ttoyo0 || ghtaway, | | se a p| eceofnews, an advent0|e,a chance
s| m0' taneo0s' yanod| ne,anecdota| , andove|whe| m| ng,themostanc| entand
the' ast.
What | adm| |ed the most, then, | s athe|the ovet0|n| ng renversemen|[ , o
say, |athe, thef| na' reversemen|, fo| tm| ght| ndeedoeaq0est| onofthat,and
theEng' | shwod | "eve|sed"l p0ts 0sonthetacsofthe |enchreverseroet-
te|, even |f |t p|| ma|| ' ymeansove|t0nedo| | nve|ted, pe|m0ted.
Sccn lrom thc Back. Rcvcrsblty Cocs Nad
Jhs swhat makcs all thc dllcrcncc wth rcspcct to thc rtng
Lcsson` . accdcntanddscovcryntcrvcnc notnordcrtoallcct orharma
statc olallars, but n ordcr to conhrm agcncralzcdaccdcntalty, as ln
passng, bctwccn chancc and ncccssty. Jhs s a truth that cannot bc
lookcd at lacc on bccausc, n ts vcry cvdcncc, t turns ts back and rc-
movcs tsclllromsght. itdocsnot rcscntitscqrtngpushcs spcakngn
thc back, andcvcrythnghappcns as lthc postcardwcrc scnt cvcn bclorc
thcvoyagc took placc, prcccdngt always, lrom thc start. Norcovcr, no
voyagc s possblcwthout ths prorty, and t dcstncs cvcry mcsscngcr,
cvcryspcakngorwrtngsubcct, torunwthoutrcsptc,torcccvcthcba-
tonwthoutcvcr bcngablctocatchupwththcstartng pont olthchrst
archvc. Jhis rclayracc s anothcr namc lor thc hstoryolphlosophy. ^
What | p|efe, aoo0t postcads, | s thatonedoes .:otsnowwhat | s | n f|onto|
what | s | n oacs, he|e o|the|e, nea|o| fa|, the P' ato o|theSocates, |ectoo|
ve|so. No| what | sthemost| mpo|tant,thep| ct0eo|thetext,and| nthetext,
the messageothecapt| on, otheadd|ess. He|e, |n mypostcad apoca| ypse,
t he|e a|e pope| names, S. and p., aoove the p| ct0|e, and eves| o| | | ty 0n-
' eashes |tse' f, goesmad. "
Ihe OxrdScene i,
V]une VZZ.
//a|o wantsto em| t. Seed, at| f| c| a' | y, techn| ca' ' y. Thedev| ' ofa >ocra|es
ho' dsthe sy| nge. To sow the ent | e eath, to send the same fet | ' eca|d to
everyone. Apancar|e, a pan-cad, a o| | ' ooadthatwe have on o0 oacssa' -
tho0gh wecanneve ea' ' yt0n o0| oacson | t o|t 0 n| t a|o0nd. |o exam-
p' e, poo||e0d, P' ato, v| aSoc|ates, v| a a' ' theaddesseeswhoaefo0ndon
t he Westen way, the e' ays, the po|tes, the |eades, the copy| sts, t he
ach| v| sts,t heg0ad| ans, thepofesso|s,thew| tes,t he/ac|eurs, | ght, P' ato
st| css h| mw| th h| s pancar|e and ||e0d has |t on h| s oacs, can no ' onge|get
| dof |t. Res0 ' t, es0' t, fo |t |s not sos| mp' eandas-| -show- | n-my-ooos | t | s
then P' ato who | sthe | nhe| to|, fo|| e0d. Whop0 ' | s thesamet|| cs, some-
what,onP' atothatP' atop0' ' s onSoc|ates.Th| s| swhat | ca' ' acatastophe. ' `
Intcrmnablc lncagc. all thc phlosophcrs push ncach othcr`s back, rc-
pcatngwthout knowngt thc ntalcatastrophc, nvolvngtnthc ad-
vcnturc ol hstory and ol hlaton. The f| |st catastophe |s the | gnoo' e
ach| ve wh| ch|ots eve|yth| ng,thedescent descendance[ | ntowh| cheve|y-
th| ngt0mo| es. ' '
Jhclantasyolawholcmctaphyscsconssts nwantngwthoutcvcn
knowng tto countcrthc travcl drvc ,thc cc-staticstructurcolthcpost-
card that lcavcs ahcad olcvcry dcparturc) , to brng ordcr to thc racc.
ng spokcn, sccn, travcrscd, cxplorcd, ustas thclathcrprcccdcs hs sonn
tmc,dc}ctoanddcurc,sothcvoyagcshouldprcccdc, dc}ctoanddcurc,
ts own archvaton, so thcorgn shouldprcccdc ts conscqucncc, andn-
dgcnous nnoccncc cvcrytcchncalproccdurc. Jhswould bc, prccscly,
thc rcassurng and mcthodcal ordcr ol dcrvaton. lncagc, hlaton, gc-
ncalogy. Butwhat bccomcs ollncagc, hlaton, and gcncalogyoncc thc
photograph olthc orgn has bccn dcvclopcd, oncc thcrc s rcvcalcd ths
clchcthatrcvcrscs, thatolalathcrsmallcrthanhsson:
Yo0 ae go| ng to t h| ns that | veneate th| s catast|oph| c scene |my new
fet| shes, the"h|t"ofthes0mme|l . P| ato,teache|, | n e|ect| onoeh| nd Soc|ates,
st0dent, foexamp' e, and |n say| ng"catast|oph| c, " | am th| ns| ng, ofco0|se,
of the ove|t0n| ng and | nve|s | on of e| at| ons, o0t a' so, s0dden' y, of the
Ipo c nz r 1 r n I ]
apot|opeandtheapost|oph | c. p. a fathe|sma' | e|than h| s son o|d| sc| p' e, | t
happens, p. , 0n' ess| t| sS. , whomhe|esemo| es,dev| ' | sh|y, showsh | m |tooth-
e|s andatthesamet | meshowsh| mtheway, sendsh | m, andatthesamet | me
apost|oph| zesh | m,wh| cha| waysamo0ntstosay| ng"go"o| "come, " /or|, da.
/or|da of S. and p. , th| s |s what |t | s, theent | |e post ca|d onto| ogy. What | t
| eaves st|ange' y0 nexp| a| ned, | sthat h | mse' fheadd|esses h| mse| ftoS. o|to
othe|s oeyond S. H0tdoes one eve|snow. '
Jhcparadgm oldcrvaton ,gcncalogy, ordcr olscnsc) s runcdlrom
thc start. What does | t mean 'to have oeh | nd onese| f
, ,,
' ' Lcrrda asks,
whatdocstmcantonhcrtorrcccvcalcgacywhcnths bchndoncscll
prcccdcsallncagc,obltcratcscvcryorgnnadvancc: You s | | | me |n ad-
vance, ' hc tclls hs addrcssccalttlclatcr. Cnc cannotcvcncountona
stuatonalrcvcrsal, orhopcthatthcadvanccolwrtngloundsabackwards
drlt. Lct us, howcvcr, rsk ths qucston.whatl, at bottom,bymcans ol
ths labulouswndlall that s thcpostcard, dllcrcnccwcrc thcrcbyto hnd
cvcrythngcndngup by rcturnng to thcscndcr, nan cconomc loop ol
scnsc, Q1Z,wthoutwandcrng,wthoutthcpossbltyolchancc,thcds-
tology. ^ndlat bottomcvcrythngwcrcto hnshbyrcturnngto thcdc-
rvatvc schcma: cl , altcr all, spccch docs n lact dcrvc lrom wrtng.
Jhat`s t. othngmorcto do orscc.IappyshcwhosIysscs. Jhcab-
scnccolaconh rmcdorgn, thats to say an orgnattcstcdto byths rc-
productonasrcproducton.roolandcndolj ourncy. Lkccnclopc,ths
rvc or happcn: hat would rcman to bc dscovcrcd: hat country:
Jhctcxtol Lnvos causcsthcscqucstonstoconstantlytrcmblcnthc
vcrtgo olthcrdsplaccmcnt, provngncvcrthclcss, by ts vcrytra cctory,
thatthsCdysscy n rcvcrsc s prccscympossblc. Ilthc post s prmary,
whatcvcrsscntcan ncvcrrcturntotscll, t cannotlcttscllbc dcduccdor
dcmonstratcd, thccrclccanncvcr bc closcd, nstcadbcngrcpcatcd, dl-
luscdntsvcrympossblty,whatcan happcn orarrvcsstuatcdnthc
rrcducblcopcnng _ ccart thatat oncc scparatcs and untcswhat can bc

IheOxrdScene" IpI
>ep|ember VZZ.
S. | sP., Soc|ates | sP' ato, h| sfathe|andh| sson,the|efo|ethefathe|of
h| s fathe|, h| s own g|andfathe|andh| sown g|andson. Whenthest|o' | e|
ove|t0|nsafte|hav| ng "o0mped" aga| nsttheth|esho' d| s thef| |stt|0eevent
| n /a/o/edu]our, afte|wh| chtheday"hastensto | ts end. "A' |eadya s| nd
ofp|| ma' , and|epeated, scene. D| v| ne,whocang0esswhat | sgo| ngt ohap-
pento0s. Whateve|happens, | candonomo|eaoo0t| t . | awa| teve|yth| ng
f|om an eventthat | am | ncapao| eofant| c| pat| ng. No matte| how fa| my
snow' edge goes andhoweve| | nte|m| nao| emy ca| c0 ' at| ons, | see no way
o0tthat |s not catast|oph| c. The dea' |s | mp' acao' e, wea|e ' ose|sateve|y
t0|n. Wem0sthaveoeen ' oos| ngfo| | t. ' `
' t now |esemo' es a |eo|oadcast, a s| n| ste| p/ay-back | o0t g| ve ea| c' ose| y,
come nea|to my | | ps, andwh | ' e w|| t | ngyo0 | hencefo|th snow what | am
send| ngtothef| |e,what | am ' ett | ngappea|andthatyo0g| ve me oacseven
oefo|e|ece| v| ng |t. ackco0 | dhave o|chest|ated a| | ofth | ssta|t | ngf|om the
t| t' e. the back ,dos[ ofSoc|ates and ofthe ca|d, a ' | the dossers that | have
oo0nd, the /eed-back, the p/ay-back, the |et0|nsto sende|, etc. , o0| tape-
|eco|de|so0| phantom-cassettes. '
Cnc can ncvcrbcsurc that somcthnghas rcachcd ts cnd.Jhc cata-
strophc rcvclaton, thc postcard, thc apocalypsc ola lbrary arc not thc
ruscs olsomc tclcology. Cnthccontrary, thcrcsan nccssantdllcrngol
thc cnd, an rrcducbltyolthc bad nhntc.Jhc cnooialways msscs ts
am. otcvcn Codcan guarantcc thattwllbcothcrwsc.
P. S. |fo|got,yo0a|ecomp' ete| y|| ght. one
ofthepa|adoxesofdest | nat| on| sthat| fyo0wantedto demons|ra|e, fo|some-
one, that someth| ng neve|a||| ves at | ts dest | nat| on, | tsa' | ove|. Thedemon-
st|at| on, once | thad |eached | ts end, wo0 | d have p|ovedwhatwasneed| ng
nott ooedemonst|ated. H0tthat | swhy,dea|f|| end, | a| wayssay"a| ette|can
a' ways no|a||| ve at |ts dest| nat| on, etc. "| tsa chance. *
*P. S. || na| | ya chance, |f yo0 w| ' | , |f yo0 yo0 |se| fcan, and |f yo0 have | t,the
chance | |ukh, fo|t0ne, th| s| swhat | mean, food fo|t0ne, good fate. 0s . The
m| schance|them| s-add|ess ofth| s chance | sthat | n o|de||obeab/enotto
I z c n r 1 r n I ,
a|| ve, | tm0st cea|w| th| n| tse' fafoce anda st0ct0|e, a d||ftofdest | nat| on,
s0chthat | tmus|a | ' thesamea' sonota| ve. Even | na|| v| ng| a' waystosome
"s0cect" , the 'ette|tases| tse| faway/rom |hearrva/a|arrva/. | ta|| vese' se-
whee, a' wayssevea' t | mes. Yo0 can no| ongetaseho' dof |t. | t |s the st|0c-
t0eofthe ' ette |aspost cad, | n othe wodsthefata' pa|t| t| onthat | t m0st
s0ppotwh| chdemandsth | s, | have sa| d |t e' sewhe|e, de| | veed to a /ac|eur
s0cectto the same' aw. The | ette|demandsth| s, | ghthee, and yo0,too,yo0
demand |t.'
|o|thedaythattheew| ' ' cea |ead| ngof
the xfod ca|d, the one andt0e ead| ng, w| ' ' ce the end ofh | stoy. the
cecom| ng-p|oseofo0 | ove. ' `
A| ette|, at t heve|y | nstantwhen | ttasesp| ace|and| amnoton' yspeas| ngof
consc| o0sness, d| v| des | tse' f | nto p| eces, fa| | s | nto a post cad. We| ' yes, th| s
| so0|t|ag| c' ot, mysweet ' ove,t heat|oc| o0s ' otte|y, c0t| ceg| nt o| ove yo0
on the cas| soft h| s| mposs| c| | | ty,the | mpassedevotedtofatecannot' eave 0s
to awa| tanyth ngf|om a chancetosee | topen | tse| fone day. We snowthat
t h| s|s 0nth| nsac| e, andthat Cod h| mse' fco0 ' dnot p|ov| defothea' eatoy| n
th| sfom|yes,Codwo0' dce| mpotenttomaseposs| c' etodaywhatyo0 snow
|ema| nsfoc| ddento 0s, Cod h| mse' f, wh| chsho0| dg| veyo0 themeas0|eof
theth | ng, c0tthe chance ofthe | mpassedevoted tofatecan ce the | mpasse
| tse' f, and what comesto pass |n | tfo|ce| ng 0nac| eto pass. Th| schance|af-
f| |mat | on w| tho0tex| t can on| ycometo 0s fom yo0, 0nde|stand ' '
Ilthc lcttcrprcccdcscvcryaddrcsscc, tcan always notarrvc ,rcach
tsshorc) ,andsthusnvolvcdnadcstincrranccorndccdan adcstincrrancc
wthoutcnd, an rrcmcdablcdclay _sou_ancc] oldcstnaton.
Thee |s the|e a sou//rance de /a des|na|on |no, not a fate ne0|os| s, a| -
tho0gh . . . | nwh | ch | have evey| | ght t oecogn| ze myse' f. | ams0ffe| | ng
| c0t ' | se eve|yone, nome, | snow | t f|om a ea' patho' ogyofdest | nat| on. |
am a| waysadd|ess| ng myse' ftosomeonee| se| no,tosomeonee' sest| | ' | , c0t
to whom | acso' ve myse' f cy |ema|s| ng that th | s | s d0e, cefo|eme, to the

Ihe OxrdScene" i{
powe, of no matte| what s| gn, the "f| |st" t|a| t, the "f| |st" ma|s, t o ce |e-
mased, p|ec| se| y, to ce epeated, and theefo|e d | v| ded, t0|ned away fom
whateve|s| ng0 ' a dest| nat| on, and t h| scyv| |t0eof| tsve|yposs| c| ' | ty, | tsvey
addess. |t |s | ts addessthat mases | t | nto a postcad that m0' t | p' | es,tothe
po| nt ofa cowd, myadd|essee, fema' e. And cythesametosen, ofco0|se,
myaddessee, ma' e. Ano|ma| patho' ogy, ofco0se, c0tfometh | s| stheon' y
onethats| ' | s meur|ricre[ .ones| ' | ssomeonecyadd|ess| nga ' ette|t oh| mthat
|s notdest| nedto h | m, andtheecydec' a | ngones ' oveo|even oneshated.
And | s| ' ' yo0 ateveymoment, c0t| | oveyo0. Andyo0 can no ' onge|do0ct
| t, even |f | dest|oy eveyth| ng w| th the most amo|o0s pat| ence |as do yo0,
moeove|, ceg| nn | ngw| t hmyse' f. /m des|roynmyown //e, | sa| dt oh| m
/u | n Eng' | sh | nt heca. | f| add|ess | myse| f, asonesays | n ||ench , a| ways
to someone e' se, and othew| se | | | ght he|e, aga| n , | can no | onge| addess
myse' fcy myse' f. n' yto myse| f, yo0 w| ' ' say, f| na' ' ysend| ng mea' ' those
ca|ds, send| ng me >ocra|es and //a|o| 0st as they sendthemse| vesto each
othe|. No, not even, no |et0|n, |t does not comecacsto me. | even ' osethe
| dent| tyofthe, asthey say, sende, theem|tte|. Andyetnoonecette|than |
w| | ' have snown how, o athew| ' ' have ' oved todest | ne 0n | q0e' y. Th| s| s
t hed | saste|ont hecas| sofwh| ch | ' oveyo0, 0n| q0e' y. Yo0, towa|dwhomat
th| sveymoment,fo|gett | ngeven yo0| name| add|essmyse' f. `
. . . thepoof,the' | v| ngp|oofp|ec| se| y, thata ' ette|cana' waysnota|| veat
| tsdest | nat| on, andthattheefo|e | t neve|a|| ves. Andth | s| s|ea' | yhow| t| s,
|t | s not a m | sfot0ne, t hats' | fe, ' | v| ng| | fe,ceatendown, t|agedy, cythest| ' '
s0v| v| ng ' | fe. |o|th | s, fo ' | fe | m0st ' oseyo0, fo ' | fe, and mase myse' f| | -
' eg| c| efo|yo0 . ]accep|e.
Dcstincrrancc s thc othcr namc lor thc posta' p|| nc| p| e, accordng to
whch one cannot say of the add|essee that s/he ex| sts cefoe the | ette
avan|/a/e||re. "
Wo0 | d ' | setoaddessmyse' f, | nasta| ght' | ne,d| |ect| y,w| tho0tcourrer, on' y
toyo0, c0t| cant managetoa|| ve,andthat | sthewostof| t. At|agedy, my
| ove, ofdest | nat| on. Eve|yth| ng cecomesa postca|d once mo|e, ' eg| c' efo
the othe, even |f he 0ndestands noth | ng aco0t | t. And | f he 0nde|stands
noth | ng, ce|ta| n fo themomentoftheconta|y, | tm | ghta' ways happento
ipq c n r 1 r n i ;
yo0, a| ve fo|yo0, too, andhappenthat yo0, too, 0nde|stand noth| ng,and
theefo|e me a' so, and the|efoe fa| ' to a||| ve, | meanat the dest| nat| on. |
wo0| d' | setohappentoyo0, toa|| ve|| ght0 p toyo0, my0n| q0edens| ty,and
| 0n | |0n and | fa| | a| ' thet | me,f|om onest|| detothenext. '
Jhcstcrcotypcal charactcr olcorrcspondcncccchocs thatolthcworld
thatsthcscdaysmadcavalablctothccycsandlootstcpsolthctravclcr, as
a rcproducblc spacc, whcrc nothng rcally rcmans mpcnctrablc, whosc
sccrcts, as ldcad. ForLcrrda,lcgbltysdcath.Jo gvcsomcthngto bc
rcad s to rush hcadlong towarddcath, to kll, to consgn to thc h amcs.
Th| nsofeveyth| ng | haveoeen ao| etodest|oy | n
theshapeof ' ettes | n th| s shot | | fe howshot ' | few| ' | haveoeen| l . neday
espec| a| ' y | t | asted oneent| |eday, | don'tth| nswesneweachothe|yetl, | ' ' |
te' | yo0 aoo0t |t, one of the most com | c and s | n| ste|, most 0nspeasao' e,
scenesofmy ex| stence. |t was ' | se an | nte|m| nao' em0|de|. Techn | ca' 'y, ma-
te| a| ' y| co0 | dnotgettotheendof|t,oeca0sewhatw| th my0shandmyao-
s0|d fea| ofoe| ng s0|p| sed | chosethewo|st means. Eve|yth| ng went| nto | t
and | nd | ffeentp| aces, | gottheeoyca| a| most| oos| ng| nthe|ea|v| ewm| |-
o|to mase s0e no onewas fo| | ow| ngmel . Themostoea0t| f0 | | ette|s | n the
wo| d, mo|e oea0t| f0 | thana| ' | | te|at0es, | oeganoytea| ngthem 0ponthe
oanssoftheSe| ne, o0t| two0' dhavetasentwenty-fo0| ho0|sandthepeop' e
pass | ng andthef|agmentsthat co0| dhaveoeenp0toacstogethe|, a ' ' those
cops a| wayson my path as |f oosessed aoo0t myp| | vate | | fe ofwh | chthey
snow noth| ng, a' | that. | pacsed | ta| ' oacs| ntothecaand | na s0o0|othat |
d| dnot snow, whee | choseto w| nd 0p, | o0|nedeveyth | ng, s| ow' y, atthe
s| deofa |oad. | to| dmyse' fthat | wo0 ' dnevesta|taga| n
veyoana' todaythe | deathatone |s s| ' ' | ngoyo0 n| nga ' et-
teoas| gn, a met|ot | csetthattheothe hashe' d |n h| s hand, a mov| et| cset,
the w|appeofa s0ga c0oe. . . . M0|de| |s eve|ywhee, my0n| q0eand | m-
mense one. We a|et hewo|stc| m | na| s| n h | sto|y. And, || ght he|e | s| ' | yo0,
save, save, yo0, saveyo0| 0n away sauve-|o[ , the 0n| q0e, the ' | v| ng one
ove|theewhom| ' ove. c ndestandme, when| w|| te, || ghthee,onthese | n-
n0meao| e post ca|ds, | ann | h | ' ate not on ' y what | am say| ng o0t a' so the
Ihe OxrdScene" i p;
0n | q0eaddessee that | const| t0te, andthe|efoe evey poss| o| eadd|essee,
andeve|ydest| nat| on. | s| ' | yo0, | ann0| yo0atmyf| nge|t | ps,wappedao0nd
myf| nge. To do| t s0ff| ces on| ythat | oe | eg| o| eand | oecomei | ' eg| o| eto
yo0, yo0 aedead. |f| saythat | w|| tefo|dead addessees, notdead |n thef0-
t0|e o0t a' eadydeadatthemomentwhen | gettotheendofa sentence, | t| s
not| no|detop| ay. Cenetsa| dthath| stheate|wasaddessedtothedeadand
| meanthesameth| ngfo|theta| n | nwh| ch | am go| ngw| t| ngyo0w| tho0t
end. Theaddesseesa|e dead,dest| nat| on | sdeath. no, not | n thesenseofS.
op. 's ped| cat| on, accod| ngt owh| chwewo0 | doedest| nedt od| e, no, not
| nthesense | n wh| chtoa||| ve ato0 dest | nat| on, fo| 0s mota' s, |s to endoy
dy| ng. No, theve|y| deaofdest| nat| on| nc' 0desana' yt| ca| ' ythe | deaofdeath,
' | sea ped| cate pl | nc| 0ded | nthe s0o|ect Sl ofdest| nat| on, theaddesseeo
t headd|esso.Andyo0 a|e,my ove, 0n | q0e. '
Voyagc and Iaralyss
solutcntmacywththcothcrandthcvcrympossbltyolcvcry onng-
togcthcr.Jhc othcrcan bcthclovcdonc, thc lorcgncr, thc lar-ollland, a
languagc, an sland oracty. Lnvos cxprcsscsthcshockolths collson
bctwccndcsrcand thc mpossblcbymultplyngplaccs, mcans oltrans-
port, andcorrcspondcncc, bysowngdoubton thcgcndcranddcnttyol
nng s ndccd mprcssvc. arports, strccts, unvcrstcs, tclcphonc calls,
tclcgrams, lcttcrs, trans, plancs, cars, pcrpctual scparaton and dstancc,
ctc. ) smatchcdbythc lantasyolatotalmmoblty, olaplaccwhcrconc
V]une VZZ.
d| stance myse' f n orderto w|| te yo0. |f now | am st| ' ' send | ng yo0 the
samecad, | t| soeca0se | wo0 | doew| ' | | ngtod| e,toenc' osemyse| ff| na' ' y| n
as| ng' ep' acethat| sap' ace,andoode|ed, as| ng' ewo|d, as| ng' ename. The
0n| q0e| magethenwo0 | dca||yoffmy| mmoo| ' e, extendedoody,thens' ow' y
i,6 c n r 1 r n i ;
what yo0 w| ' '
havesentm e oacs
yo0 snow now on the oas| s of what catastophe,
what d| saste, th| s mota| des | e to wa| ' myse' f0p | nthe epec0ss| onsof a
name,to ' et me oeat myheadto the songofa name,theon' yone. Andofan
| mage. The | mage andthe nameae thesame. Yo0 haveg| ven meth | so0t |
wo0'd | | se yo0 tocatch me at | tandtase me w| tho0t
The et0nf | ghtensmeand | amevenf| ghtened
toca' | . And |fyo0weenottheew| tho0thav| ngoeen ao' etowanmeD0-
| ng t| ps, at those moments when | am | naccess| o| e, oetween two "ad-
desses, "when now| eo w| e' ess | | nss metoanyth | ng,toyo0, | d| eofanx-
| etyandthendo0ot| essyo0g| ve me| andpadonmetoolthep| eas0ewh| ch
| snotfafom cest| ng, asnea asposs| o| e, w| tho0tmeas0 e f| na| ' y, oeyond
eveyt h| ng,thatwh| chwe, accod| ngtothesa| decstasy
a| p| anes
avons[ -lvO w| ngs _deuxa/es| , that | swhat | need
w| tho0twh| ch, cash, fa| ' sfom the nest
' | se a oad cad, the | os| ng one, the 0ndes| deofwh | ch m0st oeshown, not
on' yto the othe, o0ttoonese' f. When | w| | ' snowwhat game | am p| ay| ng
w| thmyse| f, my ' ove. H0twhen | f|y w| thyo0 whydoesnttheanx| etyd| sap-
peaYo0 yo0se' fae vey tanq0 | ' , yo0 ae t0nedtowad thesceney and
yo0tasep| eas0e | ntheo0ts| deas| fyo0 had 0stoeenoon. | assmyse| foc-
cas| ona' ' yq0 | tes| mp' y| fyo0ex| stand| fyo0 havethe s| | ghtestnot| onof| t. `
Jhc anxcty olbcng outsdc wthn thc ncst tscll, ollosngthc othcr
wthn thc vcry hcart ollovc, n thc anonymty olall thc ntcrchangcs,
works onthctravclcr`s /od,, subcctngtto thccontradctoryprcssurcsol
sccdingandarasis. Jhs doublc constrantalso gocs bythc namcs ol
ZZ >ep|ember VZZ.
oetween 0s thesongwas anachon | st| c, andecstasy | tse| f. neday | was
ta| s| ngto yo0 aoo0t | tas ' do too oftenand yo0 pono0nced acossthe
stat| c_paras|es[ |foweweete' ephon| ngeachothel "godofthet| med| ffe-
ence. " | st| ' | seep thetwo watches on my am, on the | eft | am s| x ho0s

IheOxrdScene" i,;
aheadofeveyth | ngthat | appeato | | veatT0mo0 ' | . | s| m0' ate eveyth | ng,
that yo0 ae s| m0 ' taneo0sfome, my ' ove, andthat atthe moment when |
ca' | yo0, oy yo0 name, | | ghtandthe hythmsofood | es, s0nands| eep, no
| onge mase a sceen. And | ts notso | | ' 0soy. | wose 0p at aoo0tthesame
t| measyo0 th| smon | ng|o0t| t son' ythef| stday,yeslandveysoonyo0ae
go| ng to "| ng, " | am go| ngto co0ntthet| mes. Yestedayat Kennedy, same
scena| oasthepeced| ngyeas, | hadthe | mpess| on | t wasyesteday. Pa0 '
and H | | ' | s wa| t| ngfome,comedownfom Ya| e| how |s an appo| ntmentpos-
s| o| e, desp| tea| ' the | nteva' sandtanscont| nenta' d | ffeences, and thef| de' |ty
onwh | ch| ' | ve,and th | sm| ac| eoefoewh| ch| w| ' | a' waysema| nach| | d l .
Aftesay| ng he' ' o, | madet hemwa| t |aga| nl , asa| ways, | nodet oca' | yo0
fom the p0o' | coooth, the on ' yonethat | snow hee a| ong w|th the one | n
CandCenta' o PennStat | on, t heon| yonefomwh| chone| s notoo' | gedto
ca| ' "co| ' ect" at theexpenseoftheaddessee. | n a second | had yo0 |n the
n| ght, yo0weego| ng tooedw| th me | ntheo| goed, and | cameo0tofthe
a| pot c0shed oy the s0n |the New Yos heat | n A0g0st wh| ch nevegoes
awayl , seene and despeate, am| ao| ew| th myf| ends and | ncapao| eof e-
memoe | ng myse| f. | | ess and | ess snow whee my oody | sand a' | these
phantoms, heeo thee, and atwhatt| me. Keepme, seep 0s, g| ve met| me.
|| se h| m |M. H. l , | ' | se thewod "d| saste, "to nameth0sthe oottom| ess
m| sfot0netowh| chthef| stmon | ng,thef| sts' eep| essn| ghthad dest| ned0s.
Desp| te thet| met hat w| | ' 0nt | ' theendoft| me foo| d 0stoeach ]ondre[
|what a wod,dont yo0th | nsl eachothe|yo0 have| 0st ca| ' ed, yo0 have
| 0stenteedthe ooml , d| sasteo| ngs0stogethe. | | ovea' | thewods,a| | the
| ettes, | nthewodd| saste dsas|re| , | tsent| eteem| ng conste| | at| on, a| | the
fates cast | n |t, andeven that | ts0o ' | mates0sa o| t.
Thet| med| ffeence _ dca/ae horare[ | s| nme, | t| sme. | to| ocss, | nh| o| ts,
d| ssoc| ates, aestso0t | ta' so e' eases, mases mef| y, | nevefoo| dmyse' f
anyth | ng,yo0snow, f| na' | ynotme, and| t| stowadyo0, | t| st oyo0that | f' y.
cn| q0e| y.Atth| sveysecond .
| myse| fam |n mo0n | ng. |oyo0, oy yo0, smeaed w| th death, and paa-
' yzed. Paa| yzed. paa| ys| sdoes not mean that one can no | onge move o
wa' s, o0t, | n C ees | fyo0 p' ease, thatthee | s no moet | e, that eveyo| nd,
evey ' | a| son hasoeen0nsnotted _dnoue[ | | n othewods,ofco0se, ana-
ip8 c n r 1 r n i ;
| yzed and that oeca0se of th| s, oeca0se one | s "exempt, "acq0| tted" of
eveyth | ng, noth | ngwoss any mo|e, noth| ng ho| dstogethe|any mo|e, noth-
| ng advancesanymoe. Theo| nd andthesnotae necessa|y | n o|de|totase
a step.
Jhc Icnoucmcnt
Iaralyss rclatcsto catastrophcnasmuchastsgnalsanunknottngor
postal prncplc, thccvcntslrccd,dssocatcdntspossbltylromcvcry
mcthodcal antcpaton, lrom cvcry ordcr ol arrval. Jhc voyagc takcs
placconthcbass olthsunlnkng,dcstnngthctravclcrtoconlrontboth
punshmcntandfortunc, whch s always thc casc ntcrms ollatc orthc
lottcry. Is tbychanccthatlatcr, nippo, Lcrrdawasstrckcnwth acasc
ollacalparalyss causcd bya vrus: In Crcumlcsson hc askswhcthcr
thsparalyss s notprccsclythc prcc to bcpadlor dcvclopngthc prnt
olthcntalcatastrophcandlorrobbngthcvoyagcolts orgn.
| seemto haveseen myse| fnea|to ' os| ngmyface, | ncapao| eof' oos| ng|n the
m| |oatthefr| ghtoft|0th,thed| ssymmetyofa ' | fe | n ca|| cat0|e, ' efteyeno
| ongeo| | ns| ng andstaesatyo0, | nsens| t| ve, w| tho0ttheesp|teofAuen-
b/ck, the mo0th speassthe t0th s| deways, defy| ngthe d| agnost| cs o|p|og-
nost| cs, the d| sf| g0|at| on |em | ndsyo0 that yo0 do not | nhao| tyo0 |face oe-
ca0se yo0 have too many p' aces, yo0 tase p ace |n mo|e p' aces than yo0
sho0| d, and tansg|ess| on |tse' fa' waysv| o' ates a p' ace, an 0nc|ossao| e ' | ne,
| tse| zes|tse| f, p0n| shes,paa' yzes| mmed| ate| y,topo' ogyhe|eoothoe| ngand
notoe| ngaf| g0e, and| f| t | sad| sf| g0at| on, thatsthetope| ve| 0stoeenh| t
| | ght | nt hefacew| t hfo hav| ngv| o' atedt hep| aces, a' | oft hem, t hesac|ed
p| aces, the p| aces ofwosh | p, the p' acesofthedead, the p' acesof|heto| c,
thep' acesofhao| tat on, eveyth | ng| vene|ate.
Volatngall thcplaccs, rcvcrsng orovcrturnngthc ordcrs, no doubt calls
downpunshmcnt. But thslaultalso opcns thcspaccolancwchancc,thc
chancc thatsomcthngothcr than thcvoyagccan happcn orarrvcwthn
IheOxrdScene" ipp
Now, mypostca d, th | smon | ngwhen | am av| ngaoo0t | t o|de' | ve|| ng| t
quand]e/ad/re ou/ad/vre| | nthestateof ea| o0sythat hasa' wayste||| -
f| ed me, my post ca|d na| ve' yove|t0nseveyt h| ng. | n anyevent, | t a' ' ego-
| zesthe catastoph | c0nsnown ofthe o|de. || na' ' yone oeg| nsno | ongeto
0ndestandwhat to come venr| , to come oefoe, to come afte|,to foesee
prvenr[ , to come oacs reveni| a' ' meana| ongw|th thed| neenceofthe
gene|at| ons, andthento | nhe|| t, to w||te ones w| ' ' , tod| ctate, to speas,to
tased| ctat| on, etc.Wew| ' | f| na' | yoeao' eto' oveoneanothe|. "
- -z

t t b


4 ,



- ...
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iO Iind iI _

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I 8
^ndlthsvoyagcwcrctobcthc last:Jhchauntnglcarolanaccdcnt,
olnot comng back, a lcclng olmmncnt pcrl accompancs Lcrrda
cvcrywhcrc hc gocs, puncturng hs wrtng, darkcnng thc landscapc.
Fromwhatcapc, lromwhatLandolFrc,wlldcathcomc:
Jhc Capc
^ capc s a pccc olland uttng nto thc sca, lromwhch onc can
scan thchorzon. Itallows onc to sccwhat s comng, towatortoantc-
patc. Ittcnds cntrclytoward thc mmncncc olthc cvcnt, towardthat
wh | ch comes ,v| ent| , wh | chcomespe|hapsandpe|hapscomes fom acom-
p| ete| y othe sho|e, ' thc luturc tscll hcthcr t rclcr to a t|emo|
ssme[ `
oradange, 'toasurprscortodcath, thccvcntssometh | ng
thatdoes not yet haveaface.
hlc onCapc Sounon, ncar^thcns, Lcrrdacannot hclp thnkngol
Socratcs and hs mpcndng dcath, somcthng thc lattcr thought hc saw
comnglromthatprccscplacc, lromthatcapc.
Socrates.hy, vhat is this ncvs: Mas thc boat comc in |rom Iclosthc
boat vhich cnds my rcpricvc vhcn it arrivcs:
Crito. It hasn`t actualy comc in yct, but I cxpcct it vil bc hcrc today, judg-
IheLasto,age 2OI
ing |rom thc rcport o| somc pcoplc vho havc j ust arrivcd |rom Sunium and ch
it thcrc. It is quitc ccar |rom thcir account that it vil bc hcrc today, and so by
tomorrov, Socratcs, you vil havc to . . . cnd your i|c.
Socrates.cll, Crito, I hopc that it may bc |or thc bcst. | thc gods vill it so,
so bc it. ^l thc samc, I don`t think it vi arrivc today.
Crito. hat makcs you think that:
Socrates. vil try to cxplain. think I am right in sayng that havc to dic
on thc day a|tcr thc boat arrivcs:
Crito.Jhat`s vhat thc authoritics say at any ratc.
Socrates.Jhcn don`t think that it vill arrivc on this day that is j ust bcgin-
ning, but on thc day ahcr. I am going by a drcam that had in thc night, ony
a littc vhic ago. It ooks d though you vcrc right not to vakc mc up.
Crito.hy, vhat vas thc drcam about:
Socrates. thought I sav a goriously bcauti|u voman drcsscd in vhitc
robcs, vho camc up to mc and addrcsscd mc in thcsc vords. Socratcs, Jo thc
plcasant and o| Ihtia on thc third day thou shat comc.

Socratcswats lor hs dcath, ts comngto bcannounccdby thc rcturn ol
thc boat, sghtcd lrom Capc Sounion. ^thcns had madc avow to^pollo
arcprcvc durng thc pcrod olthcplgrmagc. thec|ty m0st oe sept p0|e,
andnop0o' | cexec0t| onsmaytasep' ace0nt| 'thesh| p haseached De| osand
et0ned aga| n. ' Socratcswllthcrclorc dconlyonccthcboatrcturns. In
oncscnsc,thatrcturncannotbcantcpatcd, tdcpcndsonthcscasandthc
strcngth olthcwnds. Iowcvcr, Socratcs clams to see | nadvance,tofo|e-
see andto not a| | ow h | mse| fto oes0|p|| sed oythede' ay | nh| s death. Is
rcsolutonssctntran, andoncchchasdccdcdnottocscapchcprcparcs
hmscll lorccs upon hmscllthc dscpnc oldyng , cimc/cia thanatou)
andolthclastvoyagc. Icawa| tsthea||| va' , whch mcansthathca|| ves
atthedepa|t0|e. Icowesh| mse| ftodeath. Butwhatsthcprccscscnsc
olthcstatcmcntWea|eowedtodeath" ^ousnousdevons /a mon| :
We a|eowedtodeath. ncefo|a| | t| me. The sentence s0|p| sed me . . . o0t |
| mmed| ate| y snew that |t had to have oeen wa| t| ng fo| me fo cent0|| es,
co0ch| ng |ntheshadows, snow| ngaheadoft| mewhe|etof|nd mewhe|eto
/ndme whatdoesthat mean l . Howeve|, | wo0| doe |eadyto swea|| t, that
zoz c n r 1 r n i 1
sentence on| y eve| appea|s once. | t | s neve| g| ven ove| to commenta|y, | t
neve|mases |tsmoda| |tyexp| | c| t. | sth| sastatemento|ap| eceofadv| ce. "we
a|e owed to death" Does | tdec| a|e the | aw ofwhat s o|the | awthat p|e-
sc|| oeswhatshou/dbe |s |tto oe0nde|stoodthatweoweo0|se|vestodeath
| n facto| |n t|0th o|e| sethatwem0st devons| o|sho0 | d devrons| owe de-
voq o0|se| vestodeath |o|, n amanne|ofspeas| ng, | thason| yeve|cometo
meonce,theo|ac0| a|th| ng,th| sone,onceon| y, atthe samet| methe f| |stand
the| ast,ons0chands0chaday| nJ 0| yats0chands0cha moment,andeve|y
t| me| mase | tcome oacs, eacht| me, |athe|,that | |et| t|eappea|, |t| sone|me
/ora// . . . | | sedeath. . . . What does th| sd0ty, th| sow| ng, t h| sf| |st | ndeoted-
nesshavetodow| ththeve|oofth| s| napp|op|| ao| edec| a|at| on"wea|eowed
todeath" W| thwhat |tseemsto mean Ne| the|"we a|eowed 0nt| | death
mor| , "no|"weoweo0|se| vesdeath, "o0t"wea|eowedtodeath. "
Who | sth| s, death |Whe|e | s | ttooefo0nd as | n thec0|| o0s||enchex-
p|ess| on |muver/amor|, tof| nddeath, mean| ng,tod| e . "
Jhc Vcrdct
^ousnousdevons /a mor|. `Jhsdutyoroblgaton,wthtsdsso-
catonolthcsubcctandrchcxvcpronouns HJ ` docs nothowcvcrrc-
rcmanslorcvcr mpossblctoprcparc lor t. Cnccannot,byantcpatng
t,lcsscntssurprsc. Immncnccknows nocnd,whatscomngdocsn`tac-
complsh t. Its vcrdct s thcrclorcwthouttruth, rctanngtscllwthout
standng stll n a strangc spacc, a strangc stuaton, lkc a planc n thc
Its,ndccd,nanarplanc, | ns| ghtofT| e||a de| |0ego, |n the Mage| | an
st|a| t,| nmemo|yoftheca|ave| s, ' 'nthc coursc olahghttoBucnos^rcs,
that Lcrrdawats loravcrdct, butavcrdct thatsn`tprcscntcd, docsn`t
unvclanythng, lkcadccrcc or athrcatsuspcndcdn thc ar.
Who snows Pe|hapswe havetoda|e, | ndeed .Asfo|the ve|d| ctth 0ss0s-
pended, whatweo0ghtto || ssw| | | a| waysdepend on a "pe|haps. "Thef0 | -
g0 |at| ng newness of th| s day depends, o| tends. Towa|d whom o| what |
snow not yet. H0t |t tends and depends on what no do0ot | snew w| tho0t

IheLastl,age zo{
At thc homc ot |orgc Luis orgcs, ucnos Arcs, zO Octobcr :8y.
(Lisa lock dc char)
snow| ng. | was expect | ng | tw| tho0t snow| ng. so w| tho0texpect | ng, some
w| | | say. Yes, a o| t| | se | nthest|a| t-t| methatsepa|atesmef|omth | sve|d| ct,the
expected,fea|ed,hoped-fo|ve|d| ctattheendofthet|| ptocat | nAme|| ca, on
my |et0|nf|om H0enosA| |es, Sant| ago deCh| | e, andSo Pa0 | o. Whe|e one
snows noth | ngofthef0t0|eofwhat | s com| ng, oefo|etheth|owofthed| ce
o| |athe|theshotf| |edatthetemp| e| n R0ss| an|o0 | ette. So, whatWhodoes
th| s|e-commencementw| tho0t|ecedent| oos| | se | fst| | | | texpectsa .et0| n
H0t"|es0||ect| on" | snott he|| ghtwo|d. Ne| the|t hef| |st no| thesecond |es-
0||ect| onSa| ntsPa0 | and A0g0st| neta| s to meaoo0t.
1oo obvous, that's my age, true enough. snow eno0gh, mo|e than
eno0gh, | tsoov| o0s, aoo0tthet|0thyo0 |e soattachedto, thet|0th asa h | s-
to|yofve| | s. Whatfat| g0e. Exha0st| on. P|oofst| |et|0th, asH|aq0esa| d, mo|e
zoq c n r 1 r n i
o| ' ess. That'swhy| vegonesofa|towa| tfotheve|d| ct,tothetop| cs. |om
Sa| ntJ ames ,Sant| ago[toSa| ntPa0' , SoPa0 | o} .Mayoew| thav| ewnotto|e-
t0|n. H0t "fat| g0e' st| | | doesntmean anyth| ng| n th| scase. . . . Yo0 st| ' ' dont
snowthe"fat| g0e" | mta| s| ng aoo0t. Theexha0st| onofth | sfat| g0ew| ' ' ga| n
| ts mean| ng, tomo||ow, pe|haps, f|om thet|0th that engende|s | tandwhen
onehas0nde|stoodwhat| tmeans,fosomeone| | seme, atthemomentwhen
he | s d|eam| ng ofw|| t| ng | t | n Span | sh, one of h| s fogotten ancest|a' ' an-
g0ages,f|omtheoottomofthemapofthewo|' d, whattobeatgued,yes,a-
tguedothetruth . . .
! I
Jhc ^ccdcnt
Lcrrdahasalways bccnhauntcdbyacomp0| s| ontoovetase doub/eq
each second,' | se one caove|tas| nganothe|, aphotog|aph| ccompulson
thatntroduccsthctcstamcntarylnngolan archvcundcrthclvngprcs-
cntolllc. Jhc racngolacar s hlmcdorphotographcd, always on thc
vcrgcolhavngan accdcnt, lrom onccndol|. L. `sworkto thc othcr. ` '
" | wantt os | | ' myse' f" speass | essthedes| et op0t anendt omy ' | fe thana
so|t ofcomp0 ' s| ontoovetaseeachsecond, | | seoneca|ove|tas| nganothe|,
do0o| | ng |t |athe|, ove|p | nt| ng |t w| ththe negat| ve ofa photogapha' |eady
tasenw| th a "de| ay" mechan| sm . ' '
| was| | ss| ng acc| dents | ntheca|, w|| t| ngo n thewhee| o o n theseat nextto
me,except,as yo0 we| | snow, whenyo0 accompanyme. And| addedthat| n
fact | nevew| te, andthatwhat | note | nt heca| o|even wh | | e |0nn| ng ae
ne| the| "| deas, " of wh| ch ' have none, no| sentences, o0t 0st wods that
come,a o| t| 0cs| e, ' | tt' epec| p|tatesof ' ang0age. '
| dec| ded to stop he|e oeca0se | a' mosthadan acc| dent 0stas | was ott| ng
down t h| s| astsentence,when, on ' eav| ng the a| |po|t, | was d| v| nghomeaf-
tethet| ptoTosyo. ' `

IheLastl,age zo;
You`ll Lnd \p n lmmncncc
Jhc vcrdct rcvcals nothng, barcs nothng. Jhc cvcnt t promscs s
ne| the| snown no 0nsnown, too we| | snown o0t a stange|f|om headto
foot,yetto oeoo|n. '
Attheothe|endofthewo' d, | ntheshadedaeaofmy| | fe,th | s| swhe|e| am
a| eady, thee, | nthewest, and' awa| tyo0, the|ewhe|ewea|e notyete| the|
oneotheothe|. '
| am notwe| ' t h| smo|n | ng. The|ew| ' ' neve|oeanyposs| o' econso' at| on, the
d| saste| | s| neffaceao| e. Andyet,atth | sve|y momentwhen the| neffaceao' e
appeas to me as the se' f-ev| dent | tse' f, the oppos| te conv| ct| on | s 0st as
st|ong. Theent| |e m| sfo|t0ne, t h| s0 n ' | vao| es0ffe|| ngthatyo0snow a| ways
w| ' ' oecapao' eofd | ss| pat| ng | tse| fatth | sveysecond, was |n s0m d0eon| y
t oa oad chance, a stoseoffate, an | nstantthatweae no' ongeeven s0|e
had thes' | ghtestcons| stency, the s| | ghtestth | csnessof| | fe. D| saste|we have
deamed of |t, noneday w| | ' s0ff| ce'
Too | ate,yo0ae | ess, yo0, ' essthan yo0se' f, yo0have spentyo0| ' | fe | nv| t-
| ngca' | | ng p|om| s| ng,hop| ngs| gh| ngd|eam| ng,convos| ng| nvos| ng p|ovos-
| ng, const| t0t| ngengende| ng p|od0c| ng, nam | ngass| gn| ngdemand| ng, p|e-
sc| o| ngcommand| ngsac|| f| c| ng,what,thew| tness,yo0 myco0ntepa||,on| y
sothat hew| | | attestth| ssec|ett|0th | . e. weanedfomthet0th, | . e. thatyo0
w| | ' neve|have hadanyw| tness, ero es, |nt h| sve|yp| ace,yo0a| onewhose
' | fe w| | ' haveoeensosho|t, thevoyageshot, sca|ce| yo|gan| zed,oyyo0w| th
no | | ghtho0se and noooos, yo0 thef' oat| ngtoyat h| ght| deand 0nde|the
moon, yo0 thecoss | ng oetween thesetwophantomsofw| tnesseswhow| | '
nevecomedowntothesame. ' "
Theesnochanceofthatevehappen | ng,of oe' ong| ngt oonese| feno0gh| | n
somesavor, | fyo0wanttop| ayandofs0cceed| ng | n t0| n| ngs0chagest0e
towa|d onese' f. Yo0 ' ' end0p| n mm| nence.
I 9
, Icliopolis)
aralyzcd, thcrclorc, dshgurcd, as hc says, punshcd by a vrus, a
tropc takcn rght onthc ksscr. Chastscdby mctaphor, ahgurclulln thc
lacc _rc .Forhavngvolatcdallthcplaccs,ashcputst,lorhavngpro-
vokcddsordcrandcatastrophcnthctropcs, undcrthctropcsnlact,rc-
vcrsngthcmthcbcttcr,not) tosccthcmlromthcback.^shcdcclarcsn
IhcPostCard thss what- | -ca' ' , c| tat| on, 'the metapho|| ccatast|ophe. ' '
^ tropc ,Ck. troos, turn, drccton, and trccin, to turn) s ahgurc ol
spccchbymcansolwhch aword or cxprcsson s dvcrtcd, turncd away
lrom tspropcrscnsc. Rctorc as awholcprcscnts tsclln ths wayas a
thcory oltravcl.
N o ' essthanach | tect0|e, as m0ch as 0oan| sm, heto|| cpesents | tse| fasa
theoyofp' aces.topo' ogyandt|opo' ogy. T|opes a|e to0|s, changes ofp' ace,
fomsomewheetosomewhe|ee| se. d | sp| acement,voyage,tansfeo tans-
pos| t| on, metonymyometapho|, t|ans ' at| onotansh0mance.
port wthn ts vcry namc ,n lact, n Crcck, mctaphor ltcrally mcans
transport) , andnauguratngthccondtonoltravcl wthnlanguagc, at
,Metapho} |s ve|yo' ds0o| ect. | tocc0p| estheWest, | nhao| tso 'ets| tse| foe
Ihe 1etahoricCatastrohe"(He/ioo/is) zo;
| nhao| ted. |ep|esent| ng| tse' ftheeasaneno|mo0s' | o|ay| n wh| chwewo0 ' d
moveaoo0tw| tho0tpece| v| ng| ts| | m| ts, poceed| ng f|om stat| ontostat| on,
go| ng onfoot, step oystep,o|| na o0s| weae a' eadycomm0t ngw| ththe
"o0s"that | have 0stnamed, | ntans' at| onand, acco|d| ngtothep|| nc| p' eof
t|ans| at| on, oetween
berse|zun, me|aphorkosst| ' ' des| g-
nat| ngtoday, |n whatoneca' | s"mode|n" Cees,thatwh| chconcensmeans
oft|anspotat| on . ^e|aphora c| c0| ates | nthec| ty, | tconveys 0s' | se | ts | n-
hao| tants,a| onga| ' sots oft|aecto|| es,w| th | nte|sect| ons, ed '| ghts,one-way
steets,c|oss|oadso|c|oss| ngs, pat|o| ' edzones and speed ' | m | ts.Weae |n a
ce|ta| nwaymetapho| ca| ' yofco0|se, andasconce|nsthemodeofhao| ta-
t| onthecontent and theteno|ofth | sveh | c| e. passenges, compehended
andd| sp| aced oymetapho|.'
c arcthcrclorc passcngcrs, not drvcrs, olthcmctaphorcvchclc. Jhs
bctwccnltcralandmctaphorcalscnsc, whcrcthclattcrsasmplcdcrva-
tonolthclormcr.Jhcrcvcrsalolths rclatonsndccdamctaphorcca-
tastrophc, n all scnscs olthc tcrm. Ilmctaphorcty s orgnary, t bc-
comcs prccsclympossblcto maste|comp' ete| y, wthoutrcmandcr, thc
mctaphorcd|| ft, togvc tbackto ltcral scnsc,tobrngtoahalttsnh -
Ast|ange 0tteanceto stat offyo0 m | ghtsay. Stange at ' eastto | mp| ythat
wem | ghtsnow what nhab|means, and crcu/a|e, and |o |ranspor|onese/(
to haveo|/e|onese| foet|anspo|ted. |n gene|a' and |n th | scase. St|angetoo
oeca0se| t|s noton' ymetapho|| ctosaythatwe | nhao| tmetapho|andthatwe
c| |c0 | ate | n |t as | n a sot of veh| c' e, an a0tomoo| ' e. |t | s not s| mp' y
metapho| c. No| anymo|e pope|, ' | te|a| o0s0a' , not| onsthat ' donotcon-
fo0nd | no| ng| ngthem togethe, | t oe| ng oetteto spec|fyth | s | mmed| ate| y.
Ne| the metapho|| c no a-metapho|| c, th | s "f| g0|e" cons| sts s| ng0 ' a| ' y | n
chang| ngthep' aces andthef0nct| ons. | tconst| t0testheso-ca| ' ed s0o ectof
0tteances su]e|desnoncs| |thespease| /ocu|euq othew||te| scrp|euq
thatwesayweae, oanyone who wo0 ' doe| | eve h | mse' f to oe makn use
of metapho|sandspeas| ngmore me|aphorcoI as con|en|o|enor|st| ' | pa|-
t| a' | y, and a| ways a' |eady "emoased, " "aooa|d" ofa veh | c' ethat compe-
hendsthes0oect,ca| es h| maway,d| sp| acesh| mattheveymomentwhen
zo C H A P T E R I
th| ss0o ectoe| | eveshe| s des| gnat| ng| t, say| ng| t, o| ent| ng| t, d|| v| ng| t, gov-
e|n | ngo|stee | ng |t, " ' | se a p| ' ot |n h| s sh| p. "
c| sea p| ' ot | nh| ssh| p.
' have 0st changedthe p|| nc| p' eand meansoft|anspot. We a enot | n
metapho' | se a p| | ot | nh| s sh| p. W| tht h| sp|opos| t| on, | d| ft. Thef| g0|e of
the vesse| ooftheooat, wh| chwas sooftentheexemp| a|yveh | c| eof|heto|-
| ca' pedagogy, ofd| sco0|seteach| ng heto| c, masesmed|| fttowadaq0o-
tat| onofDescates whose d| sp| acement| n t0nwo0 ' dd|awmem0chf0the|
awaythan | can a| ' owatth| smoment.
The|efo|e | o0ghttodec| s| ve' y| nte|0ptthed| ft | ngo|ss| dd| ng. | wo0| d
do | t | f | t wee poss| o' e. H0t what have | | 0st oeen do| ng | ss| d and
' d| ft| ||es| st | o' y. | am ty| ng to speasabou|metapho|, to say someth| ng
p|ope| o '| te|a' on the s0o ect, to |rea| |t as my s0o|ect, o0t t h|o0gh
metapho| | fonemaysayso | amoo' | gedtospeasof| tmore me|aphorco,
| n| ts own manne. | cannot |rea| | en |ra|er[ w| tho0tdea/n w|h | sans
|ra|eravece//e| , w| tho0tnegot| at| ngw| th |t the| oan | tasef|om |t | no|de
to speas of | t. | do not s0cceed | n p|od0c| ng a |rea|se un |ra|[ on
metapho|wh| ch | s not |rea|ed w|h |ra| avec[ metapho|wh| ch s0dden ' y
appeas n|rac|ab/e n|ra|ab/e[ .
That |s why 0st now | have oeen mov| ng fom d| gess| on to d| gess| on
dcar|encar|[ , f|omoneveh | c' etoanothe|w| tho0toe| ngao' etoo|aseo|
stopthea0too0s, |tsa0tomat| c| tyo||tsa0tomoo| ' |ty.At| east, | cano|aseon' y
oyss| dd| ng, | nothe|wo|ds, | ett | ng mycont|o| ovet hestee | ng s' | p 0pt oa
ceta| npo| nt. | canno ' ongestop the veh | c' eoancho|the sh| p, maste|com-
p' ete' y sans res|e[ thed || ft | ngo| ss| dd| ng' had |eca| ' ed somewhe|e that
thewo|d "ss| d" drapae[ , oefo|e | tsgeatestmetapho|| css| dd| ng,hadtodo
w| thace|ta| np' ayoftheancho||n na0t| ca' | ang0age, o| |athe|the' ang0age
ofthe f'eetandofwate|ways paraes| I . At | east, | can on| ystop the eng| nes
ofth| sf| oat| ng veh| c| ewh | ch |s hee myd| sco0se, wh| chwo0 | dst| ' | oethe
oest means ofaoandon| ng| tto |ts most 0nfoeseeao' ed| ft| n_. Thed|ama,
foth | s |s adama, |s thateven |f | had dec| ded |o no /onerspeakmetapho|-
| ca' | yaoo0t metapho, | wo0 | d not ach | eve | t, |t wo0 ' d cont| n0eto go on
w| tho0tme | n o|de|to mase mespeas,tovent|| ' oq0| ze me,to me|aphorze
me. How not to speas the| ways of say| ng, othe| ways of espond| ng,
athe|,to myf| stq0est| ons. What | shappen| ng w|h metaphoWe' | , evey-

Ihe '1etahoric Catastrohe"(He/ioo/is) zo9

.: .




e| oto
| t+ tc

nm| a

_ '' |



"o t

|e| , | |

e t

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, . ,_

2IO c n r 1 r n i ,
th | ng. the|e | snoth| ngthatdoesnothappenw| thmetapho|andoymetapho|.
Any0tte|anceconce|n| nganyth| ngthathappens,metapho|| nc' 0ded,w| | ' oe
p|od0cedno|w|hou|metapho|.The|ew| | | nothaveoeen ametapho|| cscon-
s| stenteno0ghtodom| natea| ' | ts 0tte|ances.
Itsthchgurcoldrhng _ diic asskddng-onccannotputthcbrakcs
sbltyolnscrbngmctaphorwthnadcrvatvcstructurc.Jhc mposs-
bltyolmastcrngmctaphorcdrlt mcansthatmctaphorsmpossblcto
scnsc, lor t to bc moorcd to thc shorc ol a crcular Cdysscy. Jhc
mctaphorccatastrophcsprccsclythat, thclalurcolanyanchor.
Jhc Cdysscy ol ^ctaphor
hat typc olanchor n partcular arc wc talkng about: Cnc nor-
mallysupposcs thc tropccrculaton olscnsc to bcmcrclysccondaryand
tcmporarytwouldlastonlythc tmcola dctourwth rcspcct to thc
ltcral scnsc consdcrcd as vcrtablc moorng placc and orgn. Jhus,
mctaphor s tradtonally dch ncd as a substtutvc voyagc olsgns, ds-
placcmcntoloncsgnontoanothcrandolasgnh cdonto asgnhcr. In
oncolhsgrcattcxtsdcdcatcdtomctaphor, htcNythology, Lcrrda
dcclarcs. Metapho| has a' ways oeen def| ned asthe t|ope of |esemo| ance,
nots| mp' yas the |esemo| ance oetweena s| gn | f| e|and a s| gn | f| ed o0tasthe
|esemo| anceoetweentwos| gns, oneofwh| chdes| gnatestheothe|. `
Nctaphor thus transports by substtuton and dsplaccmcnt. In hs
7aitedcstrocs, thcrhctorcanLuNarsasdch ncst, lollowng^rstotlc,
as a hgurc by mcans olwhch thc propcr, ltcral mcanng ola noun s
transportcd. Islamouscxamplc,borrowcdlromthc Foctics, soldagc
sthc cvcnng olllc. Jhcscnsc olanouns cxportcdtoward somcthng
clscrathcrthandcsgnatngthcthngtssupposcdto dcsgnatc. Hao|t0-
a| ' y, 0s0a| |y, a metapho|c| a| mstop|oc0|eaccesstothe0nsnownandtothe
| ndete|m| nate th|o0gh thedeto0| ofsometh | ng |ecogn| zao| yfam | | | a|. In

Ihe MetahoricCatastrohe"(He/ioo/is) 2II



_ __



oldagcsthccvcnngolllc, cvcnngsthcvchclcolmctaphor. Lvcrtcd
lromtslamlarandcurrcntscnsc, tdsplaccstscrcpuscularvaluc, cllac-
ng tscllloran nstantbclorcthcphcnomcnon t shcds lght on, namcly
takcnovcr, lorthctcrm oladctour, bysomcthnglorcgn.
Thesenseoano0n, | nsteadotdes| gnat| ngtheth| ngwh| chtheno0n hao| t0a' ' y
m0stdes| gnate,ca||| es|tse| fe' sewhe|e.| f|saythateven| ng | stheo' dageofthe
day,o|that o| d age| stheeven| ng of ' | fe, "theeven| ng, " a| tho0gh hav| ngthe
samesense,w| ' ' no| onge|des| gnatethesameth| ngs. Hyv| |t0eof|tspowe|of
metapho|| cd| sp| acement,s| gn| f| cat| onw| ' ' oe | n a s| ndofstateofava| ' ao| | |ty,
oetween the nonmean| ng p|eced| ng ' ang0age | | thasa mean| ng andthe t|0th
of' ang0agewh | chwo0 | dsaythet h| ng s0ch as | t| s |n |tse| f, |n act, p|ope|| y. "
Nctaphor thus appcarsasa transportcompanythathas scnsc travcl wth
tscll, usng ntcrchangcs and organzng stopovcrs n varous borrowcd
dwcllngs. Indccd, accordng to Lu Narsas. Metapho| |s the|efo|e a
spec| es ofT|ope, the wo|d wh| ch one 0ses | n the metapho| | s tasen | n an
othe|thanthe' | te|a' , p|ope|sense. |s, sotospeas, na borroweddwe//n,
as one of the anc| ents says, wh | ch | s common to and essent | a| fo| a' |
T|opes. ^ccordngto ths conccptonolmctaphorthcvacaton ordctour
throughlorcgnncsswll notahcctthccrculatonolscnsc. Jhclattcrwll
as lnthccurrcntoladcrvatvc logcwhchwouldhavc no ncgatvc cl-
ziz c n r 1 r n i ,
andtranslatonolan dcal scnsc, t|anspo|tofan | ntacts| gn| f| ed |n theve-
h | c| eofanothe' ang0age ' ' ,wthoutanygashorslt, cutorslcc) .
Ihc "ContinuistPrcsuosition
I nthccourscolthcrvoyagc acrossmcanng, thc translcrrcdcnttcs
wouldbc dsplaccdwthoutanyrupturc, thcywouldrcman dcnthablc
and rccognzablcas such, csscnccs ndhcrcntto thcrmcans oltransport.
Lcrrdashowsthattwomctaphorcparadgmstradtonallyscrvc as hgurcs
lor ths dcrvaton. 0s0y/wea andtea usure| and thc t0n| ng ofthe s0n.
us unc
,The va' 0e of usure[ seemsto have a system| ct| eto the metapho|| ca' pe|-
spect| ve. |t w | | | oe ed| scoveed wheeve| the theme of metapho |s p| v| -
| eged. And |t | sa| soa metaphothat | mp' | es a con|nus|presuppos|on. the
h| stoyofa metaphoappeas essent| a' | ynotasad | sp' acementw| th oeass,
e| nsc|| pt| ons | n a hete|ogeneo0ssystem,m0tat| ons, sepaat| onsw| tho0to| -
g| n, o0tathe|asa p|og|ess| ve e|os| on, a |eg0 ' a semant| c ' oss, an 0n| nte-
0ptedexha0st | ngofthep| m| t| ve mean | ng. anemp| || ca' aost|act| onw| tho0t
ext|act| onf|om |ts own nat| ve so| | . . . . Th | s chaacte| st| cthe concept of
0s0reoe| ongs nottoa na||owh | sto|| co-theoet| ca' conf| g0|at| on, o0t mo|e
s0e| yto the concept of metapho | tse| f, and to the ' ong metaphys| ca| se-
q0ence that |t dete m| nes o that detem| nes | t. . . . |n s| gn| fy| ng the
metapho|| ca| p|ocess,thepa|ad| gmsofco| n, ofmeta| , s| ' ve|andgo| d, have
| mposedthemse| vesw| th ema|sao' e| ns| stence. Hefo|e metaphoaneffect
of| ang0ageco0 ' df| nd |ts metapho|| nan econom| ceffect, a mo|e gene|a'
ana| ogyhadtoo|gan| zetheexchangesoetweenthetwo"eg| ons. "Theana| -
ogyw| th| n ' ang0agef| nds|tse' fepesentedoyanana' ogyoetween ' ang0age
and someth| ngothethan | tse' f. H0thee,thatwh| chseemsto" |ep|esent, "to
f| g0e, |s a| sothatwh| chopensthe w| despaceofa d | sco0seonf| g0|at| on,
andcanno| onge|oeconta| nedw| th | n a |eg| ona' odete|m| nedsc| ence, | | n-
g0| st| cso|ph| ' o| ogy.
| nsc| pt| on on co| nage | s most often the | ntesect| on, the sceneof the ex-
changeoetweenthe| | ng0| st| cand theeconom| c. ' '
Ihe MetahoricCatastrohe"(He/ioo/is) zi{
"P|ogess| veeos| on, a |eg0 ' a| semant| c ' oss,an0n| nte0pted exha0st| ngof
the p | m| t| vemean | ng, sucharcthcdomnanttrats charactcrzngusurcn
thc dcrvatvc schcma, allowng tropc movcmcntto bc conccvcdolas an
cconomccrculatonwthn adwcllngthatkccpsandsavcsthcltcral n
thc coursc olts hguratvc trajcctory ,lct us rcmcmbcr that oikosmcans
ho0se, |oom, tomo, cypt

, '
mc1rnon o ncii o1norc
Jhc cont | n0 | st pes0ppos| t| onconvcycdbysuch a rhctorco-phlosoph-
calconccptonolmctaphormplcs ahcrarchcal dcrvaton notonlybc-
twccn ltcral andmctaphorcscnsc but also bctwccnmctaphor and con-
ccpt. It s gcncrally admttcd that phlosophcal conccpts such as thc
absolutc, Cod, systcm, spcculaton,wcrcorgnarlymctaphors, that s to
tvc-scnsblcwth rcspcct toltcral-conccptualwouldthus havc cndcd up
bybcngrcvcrscd, undcr thc cllcct oncc agan olusurc.Jhcsc mctaphors
wouldhavcworn thcmsclvcs out to thc pont olcllacngthcmsclvcs and
bccomng transparcnt. S| m0' taneo0s' ythe f| st mean| ng and the f| st d| s-
p| acement a|e then fo|gotten. The metapho |s no | onge not| ced, and |t | s
tasenfo|t hepopemean| ng. ' '
orn-out mctaphors work, thcrclorc, lkcwhtcwashcd myths, myths
thathavc bccn subducd, colonzcd.Jhatcxplanswhymctaphorhnds ts
cxplanatorymctaphornconagc.Jhcrcwouldrcsdcatthc orgn olthcsc
conccptual mctaphors a lorgottcn prmtvc nscrpton. ^s lor lvc
background ,thatoldcadmctaphors) . Inusual, uncxpcctcdmctaphors,
cllcctsolstylc,wouldthusbclkclorcgncrs n transt,wthoutworkng
papcrs,dscursvctoursts rubbngshouldcrsnlanguagcwthnaturalzcd,
propcrlyuscd,andworn-out) lorcgnhgurcs.
The oppos| t| on oetween act0a' , effect| ve metaphos and | nact| ve, effaced
metaphos co||espondsto theva' 0e ofusure|Abnu|zunI, whose | mp' | ca-
t| onswe havea| eadyd | sc0ssed. Th | s |s an a' mostconstantcha|acte|| st| c | n
d| sco0seonph| ' osoph | ca| metapho|. the|eaesa| dt ooe| nact|vemetaphos,
wh | ch have no | nte|est at a| | s| ncethe| a0tho| dd no||hnko/|hem, and
s| ncemetapho|| ca' effect | sana| yzedw| th| nthef| e| d ofconsc| o0sness. The
zIq c n r 1 r n I
t|ad | t| ona| oppos| t| onoetween | | v| nganddeadmetapho|sco||espondstothe
d| ffe|enceoetweeneffect| veandext| nctmetapho|s.Aoovea| | , themovement
ofmetapho|| zat | on | o|| g| n andthen e|as0|e ofthe metapho|, t|ans| t| onf|om
the p|ope|senso|y mean| ngto the p|ope|sp| || t0a| mean | ngoymeansofthe
deto0| off| g0|es | snoth| ngothe|thanthemovementof| dea| | zat| on. ' '
Jhcsclaycrs olusurcconsttutc avcrtablcphlosophcal gcography.
Jhcycorrcspondtodcgrccs oltruthandlghtthatarcdstrbutcduncvcnly
n spacc, lrom Iast tocst. Jhs cxplans thc lrcqucnt rccoursc had by
phlosophcrs to thcmctaphorolthcmovcmcntolthc sun n ordcr tosg-
n|thcprogrcssolthnkng. thet0|n| ng ofthe s0na| waysw| | | have oeen
the t|aecto|y of metapho| . . . . Metapho| means he| | ot|ope, ooth a move-
ment towa|d the s0n and the t0|n | ng movementof the s0n. " ' ` n phloso-
phy-notably nlato-thcsunhas always bccn thc scnsblcsgnh crol
coursc turns aroundthcsun, tmakcsuscolthcsunash gurcn ordcr to
orcnt tsclltoward thcpropcrscnsc, as hgurc ol ph | | osoph | ca| metapho|
asadeto0| w| th| n |o|| ns| ghton |eapp|op|| at| on, parous/a, these| f-p|esence
ofthe| dea | n | ts own | | ght. Themetapho|| ca| t|a|ecto|yf|omtheP| aton| ce/-
dos to the Hege| | an | dea. ' Such a trajcctory dcscrbcs the h| sto|y of
' p|ope| mean| ng . . . whosedeto0| and |et0|n a|e to oefo| | owed. ' From
Crcntto Cccdcnt, bctwccn rsngandscttngolthcsun,wakcnngand
dcclncolrcvclaton, thcmovcmcntolscnsc s accomplshcdmctaphor-
cally. ' Jhc sun thus st|0ct0|es the metapho|| ca| spaceofph| | osophy. '
Jhcpontolcmcrgcnccollght, nscrbcdbymctaphor, s thcpontol
dcparturc ola mctaphyscal Cdysscywthnwhch ltcral scnsc always
cnds by arrvng, by rcturnng to tscllat thc concluson olts drltngs.
From dwcllngtodwcllng, lromprmtvcnscrptontoconccptualtrans-
parcncc,lromclandcstncmmgratontoproccssolnaturalzaton, tropcs
always h nshbyarrvng, turnngthcmsclvcs n.
Metapho|, the|efo|e, | s dete|m | ned oy ph | | osophy as a p|ov| s| ona| | oss of
mean| ng, aneconomyofthe p|ope|w| tho0t| ||epa|ao| edamage, a ce|ta| n| y
| nev| tao| edeto0|, o0ta| soa h| sto|yw| th |ts s| ghtsseton, andw| th | ntheho|| -
zon of, c| |c0| a| |eapp|op| | at| on of | | te|a| , p|ope| mean | ng. Th | s | swhythe
ph | | osoph| ca| eva| 0at| onofmetapho|a| wayshasoeenamo| g0o0s. metapho|
Ihe 'Metahori.Catastrohe"(He/ioo/is) zI;
| sdange|o0s and fo|e| gn as conce|ns /n|u/|/on |v| s| on o| contact, concep|
|theg|asp| ng o|p|ope|p|esenceofthe s| gn| f| ed , and consc/ousness | p|ox-
| m|tyofse| f-p|esence , o0t | t |s |n comp| | c| ty w|th what | tendange|s, |s nec-
essa|yto | t |n theextenttowh| chthe de-to0| |s a |e-t0|ng0 | ded oythef0nc-
t| onof|esemo| ance| m/mes/so| homo/os/sI, 0nde|the | awofthe same. `
c ^rc lot n Nctaphor
Lkc a Ilot n Is Shp
n ordcr to drawa dch ntc bordcrlnc bctwccn ltcral scnsc and ts
tropc cxcursons, t would bc ncccssaryas dcrvatvc logc prcsup-
poscsto bcablctostuatconcsclloutsdcolmctaphorcalplay. Butthat
s purcly and smply mpossblc. Lct us rcmcmbcr that even |f | had de-
c| ded|ono/onerspeakmetapho|| ca| ' yaoo0tmetapho|, | wo0 | dnotach| eve
| t. Jhats thc catastrophc, the d|ama, fo|th| s |s a d|ama . ltcral scnsc s
always alrcady transportcd, dvcrtcd lrom tscll. ^ mctaphor s always
pushngn thc back olanothcr,wthout thcrc bcnganypossbltyollol-
lowngbacktothcorgnolthcscqucncc. Cnchastoacccptt.0|g|eat
t|op| cs. tot0|nthe'' dos |n eve|ysense,ona| | s| des. '
vhatIs 1nsidc`andvhatis 'Outsidc`:
Jhc projcct that upholds mctaphyscal rhctorc and that nvolvcs
domnatng thc cntrc mass olthc phlosophcal corpus, or cvcn ollan
guagc, n ordcr to bc assurcd, ovcr and aganst thcm, olan mprcgnablc
vantagc pont, sthusdoomcdnadvancc. C| ass| ca| |heto|| c, then, cannot
dom| nate, oe| ngenmeshed w| th| n|t, themasso0t ofwh| chthe ph| | osoph| ca|
texttasesshape. Metapho|| s| ess | ntheph| | osoph | ca| text|and | nthe|heto|-
| ca| text coo|d| nated w| th | t than the ph| | osoph | ca| text |s w| th| n
metapho|. ' t s thcrclorcmpossblcto assgn strctlmtsto thc tropcs,
owncr dongthc rounds olthcpropcrtyollanguagc. thedeto0| does not
ove|tasethe|oad, o0t const| t0tes |t, o|eassopen the path. '

zi6 c n r 1 r n i ,
Jhc gaph | csofth| sd//ran|deto0` s whatopcnslanguagc to t-
sclandgctsnscrbcdntas orgnaryspatalty. Jhc tcxtcnttlcd Vo-
lcnccandNctaphyscsdcscrbcsthsnancxcmparyway, pontngtothc
mctaphorcalcondton,whatscndslanguagcontsway, as thcwo0ndand
f| n| t0deofo| th ol languagc.
Hefoe oe| nga heto| ca| poced0ew| th| n| ang0age, metaphowo0 ' doethe
emegence of' ang0age | tse| f. And ph | ' osophy | son' y th | s | ang0age, | n the
oestofcases, and | n an 0nacc0stomed sense oftheexpess| on, ph| ' osophy
can on ' y speak |, state the metapho |se/( wh| ch amo0nts to |hnkn
metaphow| th| nthe s | | entho| zonofnonmetapho. He| ng. Spaceoe| ngthe
wo0ndando| g| nayf| n | t0de|thef| n | t0deofo| rthl w| tho0twh| choneco0 ' d
noteven open ' ang0age,onewo0 ' dnoteven havea t0eofa' se exte| o|ty
to speasof. Theefoe, onecan, oy0s| ngthem, useuptad| t| onswods, 0o
them ' | se a 0sty anddeva| 0ed o' dco| n, onecan say thatt0eexte | o| ty | s
nonexte| o| tyw| tho0toe| ng| nte| o| ty, andonecanw| teoycoss| ngo0t, oy
coss| ngo0twhat a' eady has oeen cossed o0t. focoss| ngo0tw| tes, st| ' |
daws | nspace. ThesyntaxoftheS| te whoseacha| cdesc | pt| on | snot | eg| -
o| eonthemeta| of ' ang0age cannotoeeased. | t. sth | s meta| | tse' f, | ts too
somoeso' | d|tyand | tstoos h| n| ngo| | ' | ance. |ang0age,sonofeath and s0n.
w| t| ng. newo0 | dattempt| n va| n, | nodet owean ' ang0agefomexte| o-
| ty and | nte| o| ty, |n ode to wean ' ang0age fom wean | ng, to foget the
wods" | ns| de, " "o0ts| de, " "exte| o, ""| nte| o, "etc. , andtooan| sh themoy
decee,foonewo0 | d nevecomeacoss a | ang0agew| tho0tthe 0pt0e of
space, an ae| a| o aq0at| c | ang0age | n wh| ch, moeove, a| te|tywo0| doe
| ost moe s0e| ythaneve. |othemean| ngswh| ch ad| atefom | ns| de-0t-
s| de, fom || ght-N | ght, etc. , do not on| y| n hao| tthe posc| oed wods, they
ae emoedded, | n pesonov| ca| o0s| y, attheveyheatofconcept0a' | ty | t-
se| f. Th| s| soeca0setheydonots| gn|fyan | mmes| on nspace. Thest0ct0e
| ns| de-0ts| deoOay- N | ghthas nomean| ngnap0e spaceg| venoveto |t-
se' fand d| s-o| ented. | temeges on the oas | s of an nc/udedo| g| n, an n-
scrbedo| entwh| ch| s ne| thew| th| n now| tho0tspace. Th| s textofthegaze
Ihe '1etahoricCatastrohe"(He/ioo/is) zi;
|s a/sothetextofspeech. . . . No ph| ' osoph | ca' | ang0agew| | ' eveoeao| eto
ed0cethenat0a' | ty ofaspat| a' pax| s| na ' ang0age.
Ilthc dclocalzaton olscnscwhat Lcrrdacalswrtngsorg-
waysplaccdoutsdcoltscll, thcnmctaphorloscsthcstatusolan accdcnt
occurrng to ltcralty. Jhc mctaphorccatastrophc s also an accdcnt that
docsn`toccur, or, whch s thcsamc thng, occurs orgnarly. Its thcrclorc
mportant to exp| odethe eass0| ng oppos| t| onofthe metapho| candthe
pope, whch amountstostuatngtropcmovcmcntbcyondthccllccts
arhctorcolcontam| nat| on, olthcv| 0s,andthcvoyagcconccvcdolasdcr-
vatonwould comc up aganstthchgurcoladsplaccmcntby contagon.
Lcrrdacallsthsa te' eheto| c, orcvcnmetate' eheto| c.
| poposethewod |e/erhe|orcome|a|e/erhe|orcto des| gnate that | ngen-
ea' and moethan genea' space | n wh | chthesematteswo0 ' doeteated .
|o examp' e. |n thecaseofcomp0tes, |s the 0se of the wod "v| 0s" s| mp' y
a metaphoAndwem | ghtposet hesame q0est| onfothe0se oft hewod
"paas| te. "Thepreregus|etoth | ssotofpoo' emat| cwo0' dhavetoconcen
heto| c | tse' f, as a paas| t| c o v| a| st0ct0e. o| g| na | ' y and | n genea ' .
Whethev| ewed fom 0pc' ose o fom fa away, does not eveyth | ng that
comesto affect thepopeo the | | tea' have thefom ofa paas|te o v| 0s
| ne| thea| | ve no dead, ne| theh0manno "eappop| ao| eoyt hepopeof
man, "nogenea| ' ys0o ect| vao' el Anddoesntheto| ca' waysooey a ' og| c
ofpaas| t| sm athe, doesntthepaas| te | og| ca' ' yand noma' | y d| s0pt
' og| c |f heto| c |s v| a' o paas| t| c|w| tho0toe| ngthe A| DSof' ang0age |t at
' east opens 0p the poss | o| ' | ty of s0ch an affect| onl how co0 ' d wewonde
aoo0ttheheto| ca' ofwods ' | se "v| 0s, " "paas| te, "andsofoth And
f0themoe,thecomp0tev| 0s, 0st ' | se | ts"' |tea| " co0ntepat, attacss, | n
th| s casete| ephon | ca' ' y, someth| ng | se the"genet| ccode" ofthecomp0te
|c. |ao| en C0h| e, "Vote od| nate0 a | a veo' e" ,Yo0 Comp0te Has the
Pox[ , /e^ouve/Cbserva|eur, NovemoeI d-Z4, I 9dd. Thea0thonotesthat
zi c n r 1 r n i ,
comp0tev| 0sesae"contag| o0s"and"tave| tho0ghte' ephone| | nesatthe
speed ofan e| ecton. . . . ne need on| yoe eq0| pped w| th a modemtooe
contam| nated oyav| 0sfomAs| a,Ame| ca,o a neaoys0o0o" . Even now
"softwaevacc| nes" ae oe| ngdeve| oped. nceaga| nwe havetheq0est| on
ofthepharmakonasthefam| | | a| sceneandtheq0est| onofpaten |ty. ' astyea
|twasast0dentatCone' | , thesonofanoff| c| a' espons| o| efoe' ecton| cse-
c0| ty, who sentth| sv| 0s"g0 | ' ty" ofspead| ngt h| s"| nfect| on"| andw| | ' we
p0t q0otat| on masseveywhee, these speech actcondoms, to potect o0
' ang0agefomcontam| nat| on .
^ndwhat gocslor thcword vrus aso counts, olcoursc, lor thcword
. . . eveyth| ngthatconcensthevoe, v| ao| | |ty, cossoads,wa' s| ng,feetand
| egs, oacs-and-foth, the/or|da, pox| m |ty andd| stanc| ng. fco0se | tw | ' |
oe d| ff| c0' t todec| de,to soto0t,t o sepaateo n theonehandandtheothe.
when | s| taq0est| onofa| ' th| sd| ect' y, o"' |tea' ' y" Andwhenoymeansof
adeto0, af| g0e o pes0ppos|t| onHaveconf| dence | n mefoonce. "
Contcxtbccomcs aqucstonolconhdcncc.
o-oncknows, thcrclorc, whatcanoccurnthccourscolavoyagc.
Jhccvcnt, chancc, ordsastcr, cannotbcantcpatcd.^nythngcanhappcn
orarrvc,yctnothngcan dcrvclromthc orgnary dcrvaton thatconst-
tutcs thc hrst cxc. Lcconstructon s wha|happens orcomes |opass,

says Lcrrda, rclormuatngthus thc onydchntonhcconscntstogvcto
t, namcymoethanone' ang0age. Jo arrvcwthoutdcrvngmcansrc-
asospcaks scvcralanguagcs.
Deconst0ct| on| swhathappens, moethanone' ang0age. t soltcn
onthc bass olan^mcrcanpcrspcctvc, conccrnngthc IntcdStatcsand
thc^mcrcan dcstnyoldcconstructon, that Lcrrda anayzcs thcsctwo
statcmcnts. In Mono/ingua/ism othcOthcrhccvokcs hs chdlkcdcsrc
to makc somcthng happcn to thc Frcnch languagc. the deam, wh| ch
m0sthavestatedt ooed eamt,at t het| me,waspehapst omasesometh | ng
happent oth | s| ang0age . . . , foc| ngthe' ang0aget hent ospeas |tse| foy |t-
se' f, |n anotheway, | n h| s ' ang0age. ' Indccd,snotoncolthcmostspcc-
sort olvoyagc or lortunc rclatng to thc word dcconstructon, a word
whch, althougholFrcnchorgn, sccmstobcnmany rcspcctsan^mcr-
can appcaton:

22O c n r 1 r n 2 O
As cmoe|to Eco noted | n an | ntev| ew| n thenewspape| /bra|on | A0g0st
Z0-Z I , ! 983l , deconst|0ct| on |n E0|ope |s a so|tofhyo| dgowthand |s gen-
e|a' ' ype|ce| vedasanAme| can | aoe' foceta| ntheo|ems, ad| sco0se, o a
schoo| . Andth| scanoeve| f| ed, espec| a| ' y| nEng| and, Ce|many, and |ta| y. '
lcgtmacyolsuchan dcnthcaton. Il, ndccd, thcrc s an^mcrcan phc-
nomcnon oldcconstructon, t cannot clam to domnatc or crasc othcr
lorms olt.
H0t |sthee a pope|p| ace, | sthe|e a p|ope|stoyfoth| sth| ng deconst0c-
t| on} | th| ns t cons | sts on| yof tansfe|ence, and of a th | ns| ng th|o0gh of
t|ansfeence, | n a | | thesensesthatth| swo|d acq0| es | n mo|ethan one | an-
g0age, andf| stofa| ' thatofthetansfe|enceoetween | ang0ages. `
Jhrcc lundamcntal tcxts allowustoskctchoutthchstoryolthcm-
possblc possblty ol thc lormula dcconstructon s ^mcrca. Irst,
Mcmoircs:rPau/dcMan,whch brngstogcthcrthrcclccturcsgvcnn
Ioq, nIrcnchh rstolallatYalc Invcrstythcn n Lnglsh scvcral
wccks latcr at thc Invcrsty ol Callorna at Irvnc, n thc contcxt ol
thc Rcnccllck Lbrary Lccturcs, sccond, Somc Statcmcnts andJru-
sms . . . , thc conlcrcnccpapcrgvcnatIrvnc nIo, and thrd, Jhc
JmcIsCutol|ont, thctcxtolalccturcgvcnncwYorknI dur-
nga conlcrcnccwth thc cvocatvc ttlcLcconstructon s/n^mcrca.
Last and cst. Bographcal
Rclcrcncc Ionts
Jhcscthrcclccturcs,whchdcal ndhcrcntwayswththc samc qucs-
ton,wcrcdclvcrcdonthctwosdcs, thctwocoasts,olthcIntcdStatcs.
Bclorc cxplorngthcm lurthcr, tshould bc rccallcd that lor manyycars
now Lcrrda has bccn tcachngon a rcgular bass on thc Last and cst
Coasts, andhasgvcnalargcnumbcrollccturcs throughoutthccountry.
cmcrgcnhswork.JhchrstmportanttrpwasmadcnI lorthccon-
DeconstractionIs Hmerica 22I
|ohns Hopkns Lnvcrsty, atmorc, 6.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchvcs)
lcrcnccorganzcdbyRcnc Crard atthc|ohns IopknsInvcrstynBal-
tmorc, whcrc Lcrrdagavcthc lccturc cnttlcd Structurc, Sgn, and lay
n thc Lscourscolthc Iuman Sccnccs, an cvcntthatscalcdhssucccss
nthcIntcdStatcs. 'InI hcbcgantcachnglorscvcralwcckscachycar
atYalc, alongsdc Ills Nllcr and aul dc Nan. In Io2 hcwas namcd
^ndrcwL. htcrolcssor-at-LargcatCorncllInvcrsty. Inhsnaugu-
ral lccturc, hccommcntcdonthc cxprcsson at-largc .
| wondeed whethea pofesso| at | age, not oe' ong| ngto anydepatment,
no even to the 0n| ves| ty, wasnt |athe| | | se the pe|son who |n the o| ddays
wasca' ' ed un ubgus|e, a "0o| q0 | t| st, " |fyo0 w| ' | , | n the c n | ve|s| tyofPa|| s.
A0o| q0 | t| stwasa docto|oftheo' ogynotattached toanypa|t| c0| a| co' ' ege.
0ts| de that context, | n |ench, an ubgus|e | ssomeonewhotave| sa | ot
andtave' sfast, g| v| ngthe | | ' 0s| onof oe| ng eve|ywhe|e at once. Pehaps a
p|ofesso|at ' age, wh| | enot exact' yan 0o| q0| t| st, |s a| so someonewho, hav-
|ng spent a ' ongt | me on the h | gh seas, au /are | | n | ench, moe than | n
Eng' | sh, th| sefesespec| a| | ytoma | necodes,occas| ona' ' ycomesashoe,af-
zzz c nz r 1 r n 2 O
te|an aosencewh| ch has c0th | m offfom eveyth | ng. H e | s 0nawae ofthe
context,thep|ope|| t0a| s, andthechanged env| |onment. He | sg| ven ' eave
tocons| de|matte|s' of|| | y,fomafa|. Peop' e| nd0' gent' yc| osethe| eyestothe
schemat| c, dast | ca' | yse| ect| vev| ewshehastoexp|ess |nthe|heto|| cpope|
toanacadem c' ect0|e aoo0ttheacademy.
,consortum olthc Cty Invcrsty olcw York, cw York Invcrsty,
cwSchoollorSocalRcscarch, andCardozo Law School) .
Norc than Cnc Icconstructon
| have neve|c' a| med to | dent| fymyse' fw|th what mayoedes| gnatedoythe}
name ,ofdeconst0ct| on} . | thas a| ways seemed st|angeto me, |t has a| ways
| eft meco| d. Moeove, | have nevestopped hav| ngdo0ots aoo0t the ve|y
| dent| tyofwhat |s efe|edto oys0cha n| csname. "
Jhs dcclaraton orstatcmcnt mghtscrvcasthccpgraphloranyanaly-
ss olthc rclatonbctwccn^mcrcaand dcconstructon. In Memoires:r
Pau/deMan,Lcrrdaoutlncsthclourrcasonswhyhc bclcvcstsncccs-
saryto rcnouncc thc dcaolspcakngthcmatcallyaboutLcconstructon
n^mcrca` .
Can we speas of "deconst0ct| on |n Ame| ca" Does | t tase p| ace | n the
cn|tedStates || st| nE0|ope,andthen | nAme|| caassometooq0| cs| ycon-
c| 0de. . . . Dowesnowf| |stofa' ' whatdeconst|0ct| on |ep|esents | nE0ope
Wecannot snoww| tho0tdaw| ngo0ta' | theth|eadsofa snotwheewesee
tang| ed w|th each othe|the h| stoyofph| | osoph| es, the h| sto|| es of"Ph | ' oso-
phy, "of| | te|at0|es, ofsc| ences, oftechno| og| es,ofc0| t0a| and 0n | ves| ty | n-
st|t0t| ons,andofsoc| o-po' | t| ca| h| stoyandt hest0ct0|eofa m0 ' t| t0deof | | n-
g0| st| c o| so-ca' | ed pe|sona| | d| oms. Theseentang' ementsae m0 ' t| p' e, they
meetnowhee, ne| the | n a po| ntno |n a memoy. The|e | snos| ng0' a mem-
o|y. |0the|moe, cont|a|y to what | s soof|entho0ght, deconst0ct| on | snot
expo|tedf|omE0|opetothecn|tedStates.Deconst0ct| onhasseve|a'o|| g| na|
conf| g0|at| ons | n th | s co0nty, wh| ch | n t0|nand thee a|e manys| gns of
th| sp|od0ces| ng0| a|enects |n E0|opeand e' sewhe|e |n thewo|' d. . . .
DeconstractionIs Hmerica zz{
The second |eason why | dec| ded not to ta' s aoo0t "deconst|0ct| on | n
Ame|| ca, " d| sega|d| ngtheadv| ceof S0zanneCea|hatandDav| dCa|o| | , | s
thatonecannot andsho0' dnot attemptto s0|vey o tota| zethe mean| ng of
an ongo| ngpocess,espec| a| | ywhen |tsst|0ct0e |s oneoftansfeence. Todo
sowo0 ' doetoass| gn ' | m| tswh| cha|enot |tsown, toweasen |t,todate| t,to
s' ow | tdown. |othemoment, | donotca|etodoth| s. To mase"deconst|0c-
t| on| nAme| ca"athemeo|theooectofanexha0st| vedef| n| t| on| sp|ec| se' y,
oy def| n | t| on, whatdef| nestheenemy ofdeconst|0ct| onsomeonewho|at
theve|y' easto0tofamo| va| encewo0 ' d' | setoweadeconst|0ct| ono0t,ex-
ha0st | t, t0n thepage. Yo0 canwe' ' 0ndestandthat | n th | smatte|| amnot
theone |n the geatesth0|y.
Theth| |d |eason. | w| | | on| ystate |ts fom. . . . Thee | sno sense | nspeas-
| ng ofa deconst0ct| on o| s/mp/ydeconst|0ct| on as |fthe|e we|e on | yone,
and espec| a| ' yas |f thewo|d had a |s | ng' e mean | ngo0ts| dethe sentences
wh| ch | nsc| | oe | tand ca|y | tw| th | nthemse' ves.
Thefo0|th |eason | sthatofa s| ng0 ' a|c| |c' e, onewh| ch| s" ' og| ca' "o"v| -
c| o0s"| nappeaanceon' y. | nodetospeasof"deconst|0ct| on| nAme|| ca, "
onewo0' dhaveto c' a| mto snow what one | sta| s| ngaoo0t, andf| rstofa| |
what| smeanto|def| nedoyt hewod"Ame| ca. "J 0stwhat| sAme|| ca| nt h| s
context We|e | not sofeq0ent' yassoc| ated w| tht h| sadvent0e ofdecon-
st|0ct| on, | wo0| d|| ss, w| tha sm | | e, thefo| ' ow| nghypothes| s. Ame| ca/sde-
const0ct| on | / Amer/gue, ma/s c est /a decons|ruc|/onI . /n |h/s hypo|hes/s,
Ame| cawo0 ' doe the pope|nameofdeconst|0ct| on | n p|ogess, | ts fam| | y
name, |ts toponymy, |ts | ang0ageand | ts p' ace, | ts p|| nc| pa' es| dence. And
how co0 | dwedef| nethe c n|ted States |odayw| tho0t| nteg|at| ngthefo' | ow-
| ng | nto the desc| | pt| on. | t |s that h| sto | ca| spacewh| chtoday, |n a | ' |ts d| -
mens| onsandth|o0gha| ' | ts powe|p' ays, |evea| s| tse' fasoe| ng0nden| ao' y
themostsens| t| ve,|ecept| ve,o eact|vespaceofa' | tothethemesandenects
ofdeconst|0ct| on S| nces0cha space |epesents andstages, | nt h| sespect,
the geatest concentat | on /n |he wor/d, one co0| d not def| ne | tw| tho0t at
| east | nc| 0d| ngth| ssymptom | | fwe can even speas ofsymptoms |n |tsdef| -
n| t| on. | n thewathat agesove|the s0o|ectof deconst|0ct| on, the|e | s no
font,the|e a|e nof|onts. H0t | fthee we|e, they wo0 | da ' ' passt ho0ghthe
c n|tedStates.Theywo0 | ddef| nethe| ot, and, | nt0th,thepat| t| onofAme|-
| ca. H0t we have ' eaned fom " Deconst0ct| on" to s0spend these a| ways
zzq c n r 1 r n z o
hasty att| o0t| onsofpopenames. My hypo|hess m0stth0soeaoandoned.
No, "deconst|0ct| on" |s not a popename, no| |s Ame| cathe pope|name
ofdeconst|0ct| on . |et 0s say | nstead. deconst|0ct| on and Ame|| ca ae two
open setswh| ch| ntesectpat| a' ' yacco|d| ngtoana ' | ego|| co-metonym | cf|g-
0|e. |nth| sf| ct| onoft|0th,"Ame| ca"wo0 ' doethet| t' eofa newnove' onthe
h| stoyofdeconst0ct| on andthedeconst|0ct| on ofh| stoy. ' `
Jhc Icconstructon |ctty and Its
Rcsstancc to Jhcory
JhctcxtSomcStatcmcntsandJrusms . . . agantakcsup thssct
olrcasons.Jhcwordthcory, Lcrrdasays, sap0|e| yNothAme| canar-
|/ac|, ` ' ' whch rclcrs to dscplncs taught n ccrtan^mcrcan unvcrsty
dcpartmcntsol ' |teat0|e. Icgroupstogcthcrasctol-sms . NewC|t-
| c| sm, st|0ct0a| | sm, postst0ct0|a' | sm, postmode| n| sm, post-Max| sm, new
h| sto|| c| sm, and so on, ' as wcll as deconst0ct| on and deconst|0ct| on-
| sm. ' ' From thatpontolvcw, thc gcncral ttlcolthc colloquumhcs
addrcssng, Jhc Statcs ol`Jhcory, `` can havc rcal mcanng only n thc
Intcd Statcs. hats atstakchcrc s not, as oncmghtundcrstandlrom
aIuropcanpcrspcctvc, sccnthc ,physcsor mathcmatcs) , cpstcmolog-
cal, orcvcnphlosophcal thcory. Jhcory corrcspondsto theopen| ngof
a space, the emegence of an e| ement |n wh | ch a ce|ta| n n0moe of phe-
nomena0s0a| | yassoc| atedw| th| | teat0|ew| | ' ca' ' fo|tans-, | nte|-,andaoove
a| ' 0 | t|a-d| sc| p| | na|yappoaches' 'suchas lngustcs, psychoanalyss,lcm-
Jhcsc dscpnary h clds act as fo|ces. In ordcr to charactcrzc thcm,
Lcrrdaconvokcs thc hgurc olthc etty, aword that should bc undcr-
stoodntwoscnscs. nthchrstplacc,thcjcttydcsgnatcsamovcmcnt,onc
can hcar ntthc Frcnchvcrbctcr, to throw) . Lcrrdacalls ths h rst
jcttyadestao | | | z | ng ' `onc.
Hythewo|d" etty" | w| | ' |efe|fomnow ontothe /orce ofthemovement
wh| ch |s notyetsub-]ec|,pm-ec|, o| ob-]ec|, noteven|e ect| on. . . thatf| nds
| tsposs| o| | |ty | nthe etty, whethe|s0cha pod0ct| ono dete|m| nat| onoe e-
' atedtothes0oect, theooect,thepoect, o|the |eect| on. '
DeconstractionIs Hmerica zz;
Iach thcorctcalj cttyhas anantagonstcrclaton tothcothcr.hcrcas t
could not smply bc part ola wholc, t ncvcrthclcss projccts tscllas a
wholc. It cannot comprsc tscllwthout attcmptng to ncludc and cn-
globcallthcothcrparts,wthouttryngto accountlorthcm.Forcxamplc,
what, n thc h cld olltcrary thcory n thc Intcd Statcs s thcsc days
callcd Narxsm appropratcs to tsclllundamcntal conccpts borrowcd
lrompsychoanalyss, lrom structuralsm, and lrom poststructuralsm. By
mcans olths opcratonthcjcttyat thc samc tmc stablzcswhattnamcs
andtranslorms tntoastatc.
cach theo|et| ca' |etty |s the | nst| t0t| on of a new statementaoo0tthe who' e
state andofa newestao| | shmenta| m| ngatstate hegemony. Each etty has a
hegemon| ca| m, wh| ch | snt meantto s0o 0gate o| conto| theothe ett| es
fom theo0ts| de, o0twh| ch |s meantto | ncopoatethem | n odeto oe | n-
co|poated | ntothem. '
Jhcsccond scnsc olthcword j ctty thcn comcsntovcw, thatolthc
stablzngjctty, whch, lkcthcconstructonnaharborthatsdcsgncd
toprotcctshpsanchorcdat lowtdc, hxcsasctolaxoms. Inthcordcrol
thcory, thcstablzngj ctty
poceedsoyped| cat| vec' a0ses, |eass0|esw| th asseto|ystatements,w| thas-
se|t| ons, w|th statementss0chas"th| s|sthat". foexamp' e, deconst0ct| on | s
th | sothat.
|o | nstance, one asse|t| on, one statement, a t0e one, wo0 | d oe, and |
wo0 | ds0osc | oeto | t. Deconst|0ct| on |s ne| the|atheoy no|a ph| | osophy. | t
| sne| the|a schoo' noa method. | t| snotevenad | sco0|se, no|anact, no|a
pact| ce. |t |s what happens, what |s happen| ngtoday| n whattheyca' | soc| -
ety, po' | t| cs,d| p| omacy, econom| cs, h| sto| ca| ea' |ty, andsoonandsofo|th.
Deconst|0ct| on |sthecase.| sayth| snoton' yoeca0se|th| ns |t |st|0eandoe-
ca0se | co0 | ddemonst|ate| t| fwe had t| me, o0ta| sotog| veanexamp| eofa
s|a|emen|| n thes|a|cfo|m ofthe etty. '
Sncc ts clcarlypossblctolormulatc asscrtons onthcsubjcctoldccon-
structon, trcmanssubjcct, lkccvcryothcrthcory, to thclawolthcsta-
blzngj ctty. Inothcrwords, tscapabcolbcngtranslormcd nto dc-
constructonsm, thclormalzatonandsystcmatzatonoltcchncalrucs,
zz6 c n r 1 r n z o
oltcachablc mcthodologcal proccdurcs, nto thc codhcaton ola ds-
The|e |s decons|ruc|onsm |n genea' each t| methat thedestao| | | z| ng etty
c| osesandstao| | | zes| tse' f| nateachao| esetoftheoems,eacht| methatthee
|s se' f-pesentat| onofa, o| mo|e poo| emat| ca' | y, of|hetheo|y. ' "
Yct, tothcvcrycxtcntthatthcstatcmcntsorasscrtonsthatdcconstructon
gvcsrscto lundamcntallyopposcorrcsstthcory, trcmansa dcstab-
lzngjcttycvcnwthntsratonalzngandcontrollngstructurc. Bccausc
tdcstablzcs thccondtonsolpossbltyolobcctvty, olthcrclaton to
thc ob cct, olcvcrythng that consttutcs an assurcd sub cctvty n thc
lorm olthc cogito, thc ccrtantyolscll-conscousncss,ctc. , dcconstructon
provcs thc mpossbltyolclosurc, oltotalty, olasystcm ordscoursc ol
oron mcthod. Lcconstructon s nota thcoryolthcory. ^nd Callorna,
thcscsmcstatcolthcory, snottsonlyhomcland.
Icconstructon s/n ^mcrca.
Jhc Jmc ol Nournng
| haveoften hadoccas| ontodef| nedeconst|0ct| onasthatwh| ch| sfafom
atheo|y, a schoo' , a method,even ad| sco0|se, st| | ' | essatechn | q0ethat can
oeappop|| atedatoottom wha|happensorcomes|opass,ceq0| a|| ve} . | t
ema| nsthen to s| t0ate, ' oca' | ze, detem| ne what happensw| th what hap-
pens, when | thappens. To date | t. Hasdeconst|0ct| on happened Has| ta|-
|| ved`
Istborn: Lcad:Stll-born:Rclcrrngtothoscwhodclghtnproclamng
thc dcath oldcconstructon, Lcrrda asks how t s possblc to mourn
somcthngthat, nascnsc, docs notcxst.^twhatmomcntcould ts dc-
msc bcdatcd:Jhc qucstons olmournng andoldatcs arc dctcrmnant
oncs.Jhcyarcwhatallows thcscntcnccuttcrcdbyIamlctJhctmcs
outol onttobcbroughtntorclatonwththcttlcolthccolloquum,
Lcconstructon s/n^mcrca. Lcrrdacallslor an ntcrrogaton olthc
DeconstractionIs Hmerica zz;
proxmty n whch s s lound n thc two cascs. Doesth | s' | s' havethe
same mean | ng Does | tpefo|mthesamef0nct| on, o athethe samedys-
f0nct| on| ng, | noothp|opos| t| ons '
Iamlctuttcrshsscntcncc nrclcrcncct omournnglorhslathcr,at thc
tmc olmournng lor hs lathcr. Iamlct`s mcmory | s s0ffe| ngfom the
deathofa s| ng, a fathe. . . o0t | t | ss0ffe | ngf| |stofa' | and oythatve|yto-
sen, asmemory, f|om amnes| a, f|om an amnes| athat |s not nat0 a| . Is
amncsaconccrns thccxactdatcolhslathcr`s dcath.
The poofthat"thet| me|s o0tof o| nt" ne p|oofat' eastWe| ' , noone can
ageeaoo0tthet| me, aoo0tthedateofthe K| ng's death, andaoo0tthet| me
thatsepaates pesentspeech f|omth| seventwh | ch, | nsp|teofo|oeca0seof
a | ' that dest| nes |t to |epet| t| on, p| ays an | na0g0|a' , fo0 nd| ng, o| | nst| t0t | ng
o' e| n t hesto|y. Noonecanag|ee aoo0tt het | meofmo0 n| ng, wh| ch | sf|-
na| ' ythet|0es0o| ectofthep| ay.'
Jhctmcolmournngs always ads ontcdtmc,dsmcmbcrcd, dsartc-
ulatcd, dcconstructcd Inths scnsc, onccannotsaythatts.
Pe|haps deconst0ct| on wo0 ' dcons| st, | fat' east | td | d cons| st, | npec| se| y
that. deconst0ct| ng, d| s| ocat| ng, d| sp| ac| ng, d| sa|t| c0 | at| ng, d| s o| n| ng, p0t-
t| ng"o0tof| o| nt"thea0tho|tyofthe " | s. "'
Theh| stoyofdeconst0ct| ono|thedeconst|0ct| onofh | sto|ypehapsoams
ao0ndthed| so| nted p| votofth| scop0 | a"| s, "th| sc' a0seof| nc' 0s| on"| n, "o
th | scon 0nct| on "and" oywh| choneseess atthesamet | metoco0p| e, en-
c| ose, ocon| o| na s0o ectanda ped| cate. |oexamp| ehe|e, " Deconst|0c-
t| on and| | n, | s, asAme|| ca. `
Jhclactthat dcconstructon cannot rclcr backtoanyloundngcvcnt,
thclactthat, lkcmournng, thas no tmc, sprccsclywhatdcstncs tto
. o
Th| st|ans| at| v|tyofdeconst|0ct| ondest| nes |ttoe| | ng andvoyage, wh| ch | s
t osay,t oadest| nat| onanddest| ne|ance. Now, when | d| scove|edw| th some
s0|p| sethet| t| eofth| s co' | oq0| 0m, thet| t' e s0ch as | twaschosen notoyme
o0toyTom H| shopandAnse| mHavesamp, | | etmyse| fd eam aoo0ta' | the
|ead| ngsoneco0 ' dg| veof| t. | ead| ts0dden | yas| f| na newspape, atave|

c n r 1 r n z o
d| a|y, o|a p|ess |e| ease. Hey, deconst|0ct| on, on th | s date f| nds | tse| fhe|e
these days, |t |s | nAme|| ca, |t ' anded yeste|dayatJ | K and, mo|e o| ' ess | n-
cogn| to and fo| a ' | tt | ewh | ' e, | s pass| ngt h|o0gh the c n| ted States, | n the
Ame|| can season of| tsto0|. Today, deconst|0ct| on | s, happenstooe, | tt0|ns
o0tthat| t| s| nAme|| ca. Whe|ewas| tyeste|dayWhe|ew| ' ' | toetomo||ow
etc. W| ththats' ash |n them dd| e| | s/| nAme|| calwh | ch | nte||0ptsthe|eve|| e
andg| ves0sasta|toyma|s| ngc' ea|' yw| than | mp| acao| e| nj 0nct| onthatwe
havetochoose. e| the|/s o|e| se /n.
He|ethenaga| nthe d| ffe|enceofas| ng| e' ette|, n o|s. |tma|ssfo|0sve|y
we| ' , /n |he //rs|p/ace, that |fdeconst|0ct| on /s /nAmer/ca, "| n"can we' | | n-
d| cate | nc' 0s| onaswe' | asp|ov| s| ona' passage,theoe| ng- | n-t|ans| tofthev| s-
|to|| Deconst|0ct| on |sj 0stv| s| t| ngandf|om v| s|tat| ononepassesq0| cs' yto
thev| so|, tothev| so|and ha0 nt| ngeffect | n Ham| et|et0 |n to Ham' ets fa-
the|l . | f, then, /econs|ruc|/on /s /nAmer/ca, that meansa| so, /n |he second
p/ace, that |t |s notAme|| ca. |f D | s |n A, | t |s notA, |f D |sA, |t |s not | n, etc.
Thes' ash | ndeed | nsc|| oes o| | nc sesa d | sj 0nct| on | nthecop0 ' a" | s, " | n the
co0p' | ngofthep|esentthat | nte|ests mehe|e.
Lcconstructon wandcrs nthc ds ontcd tmc olmournng.^s a rcsult,
Thed| agnoses and the p|ognoses a|e he|e at once mo|e t|0e and |as many
s| gnsa| soattestl | esst|0ethaneve|.Th | s| mp' | esthatthete| eo' og| ca' schema
| o| |th, g|owth, o' dage, s| csness,endo|deathl can oeapp' | ed toeve|yth | ng,
and to eve|yth | ng aoo0t deconst|0ct| on, except, |n a ' ' ce|t| t0de and |n the
modeofa dete|m| nant snow| edge,tothatwh| ch |n |toeg| nsoyq0est| on | ng,
d| sp' ac| ng, andd| s' ocat| ngthemach | neofth | ste' eo' ogy, andth0sth | soppo-
s| t| onoetween hea| th and s| csness, no|ma' | ty and anoma' y, ' | fe and death.
Such arc thc tcrms Lcrrda cmploys, n thc modc olthc languagc ol
Shakcspcarc coorcdbyhsown Frcnch, n spcakngaboutdcconstruc-
rcplcs to thc qucstonconccrnnga possblc dcnthcaton oldcconstruc-
tonwth or n acountryora languagc. Languagcs makc lovc to oncan-
DeconstractionIs Hmerica zzp
I . "Thet| me|so0tofj o| nt. "
Z. " Deconst|0ct| on|s/| nAme|| ca. "
| s| gned ne| the|theoneno|theothe|,ofthesestatements} , that| st|0e,
o0t| have | ovedoothofthem. Mo|eove|, onecan neve|| oveanyth| ngothe|
thanthat. whatonecannot s| gn, heo|she| nthep| aceofwhomonene| the|
can, co0| d, o|wantstos| gn. . . .
Whatdotheyhave | ncommon, thesetwo oe' ovedsentences || |stofa' | ,
| have ' ovedthem, wh| chat ' eastfo|me| sp|| ce| ess.Th| s | ove |ende|sthem
des| |ao' y| neffaceao' ew| th| nme. Next,thesetwosentencesp|etendtosay
what | s, what |s " | s, "on' y|n o|de|to end 0p a' so oyfo|c| ng meto |e' | n-
q0 | shthe " | s, "oyd | s- ' ocat| ng, d| sc|ed| t| ng,ands0spend| ngtheve|ya0tho|-
| tyofthe"| s.
?I |
2 I
Sain Monica
Jhc out-ol- ont, dsmcmbcrcd,dspcrscdtmc olmournng obscsscs
thcson`smcmory. InLcrrda`s wrtng,annsstcntandhauntngmotlol
thcdcath olthcmothcrcorrcspondstothcdcath olthc lathcrn Ham/ct.
Callornathus comcsto bc nscrbcd n hstcxts as thc placc lromwhch
ason crcs lorhs dyngmothcrandrcvsts throughhsthnkngthcgco-
graphyolhcr agony. Icr bcdsorcs bccomc thoscvolcanocs on thc body
whoscmcmorycvokcsmagcsollandscapcsorccrtanctcs, artculatcdn
thctghtwovcn labrcolaconlcsson.
hlc tcachngatIrvnc,Lcrrdastays nLagunaBcach,nthcrcgon
olLos^ngclcs and Santa Nonca. Nonca s also thc namc olSant^u-
gustnc`s mothcr.
astho0ghA0g0st| nest| ' ' wanted, oyfoceof| ove,to o|| ng |taoo0tthat |n ar-
rvn at Cod, someth | ng sho0 ' d happen to Cod, and someone happen to
h | m whowo0' dtansfo|m thesc| ence of Cod | nto a | ea|ned | gnoance, he
says hehastodoso| n wr|n, p|ec| se| y, afte|thedeathofthemothe|, ove|
whom hedoes not dep| o|e thefactof not hav| ngwept, not that | da|e | | ns
whathesaysaoo0tconfess| onw| t ht hedeathsofo0|espect|vemothe|s, | am
notw|| t| ngaoo0tSa| ntCeo|gette,thenameofmymothe|, whomhe|o|othe|
somet| mes0sedtoca| | Ceo, no|aoo0tSa| ntEsthe|, he|sac|ed name,theone
nottooe0sed,the| ettesofa name| have0sed som0chsothat | tm| ght|e-

Lnvcrsq ot LaItorna, rvtnc, :y.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
SaintMonica z{I
ma| n, fo|mymothe|wasnotasa| nt,notaCatho' | cone| nanycase, o0twhat
thesetwowomen had | ncommon |s thefactthatSanta Mon| ca,thenameof
thep| ace| n Ca| | fo|n| anea|towh| ch| amw|| t| ng,a| soended he|days,asmy
mothew| ' | too, onthe othe|s| deofthe Med| te|anean, fa|fom he| | and, | n
he|case| n t hecemetey| n N | cewh| chwasp|ofaned | n I 9d4.

Mach J I , I 990, |n twoweess. . . , | sha' | |et0 |n c' oseto SantaMon | ca,to-

wad thef| |stwod of|ag0naHeach, p|| vat| zat| onof' | teat0|e, ann| ve|sayof
the | n | t | a' pe|| phas| s, end of the evo| 0t| on | noted when | et0|ned f|om
Moscowtwoweessago, pe|haps mymothe|w| ' | st| ' | s0|v| ve the c| |c0 ' at| on
ofthet|| pa|o0ndthewo| ' d, | n advance | ' ove thet|| 0mphof hes0|v| va' ,
a' ongw| tho| | | | onsof othe|sfoeve|s hesnowsnoth | ngofwhat | w|| te, neve
hav| ngwanted | n a' | he|| | feto|eada s| ng' esentenceof| t.
Ap| ' I 0, I 990,oacs| n|ag0na, notfa|f|om SantaMon | ca,oneyea|afte|the
f| |stpe| phas| s, wh| ' efo|seve|a' days now| haveoeen ha0nted oythewo|d
and | mage of m0mm| f| cat| on, astho0gh | we|e p|oceed| ng w| th the | nte-
m | nao' e emoa| m| ng of Mothe| a| | ve, s0|v| v| ng o| dy| ng, s0|o0nd| ng he|
z{z c n r 1 r n 2 I
t| ght| yw| thmyS 9 p|aye|oands,andnow' astn| ghtad|eamth|ows meoacs
towa|d he|aga| n, andtowa|d he|wo|ds,thesewo|dsfo|he|, whow| | ' neve|
|eadthem. `
i,,o, i,,, i,, dllcrcnt voyagcs wth thcr ds ontcd tcmporaltcs.
Jolcdo, Nadrd, Barcclona, thcn cc. Ncmory cntanglcs thc dllcrcnt
. . . th| sDecemoe|Z, I 9d9, |n Mad|| d, when |tsa yea|ago,totheday, that
| tho0ghtmy mothe|was a| |eadydeadf|om he|fa| ' andthat| snowhe|to oe
a' | vew| tho0tsnow| ngwhat| snow| nth| sway, aoo0the|who |s a' | ove|me,
whomas|ega|dstheeyesand' | ps | |esemo' emo|eandmo|e,as| seehe|fo|
examp' etoday atTo' edo, th| sSat0|day afte|noon, w| th he|ancesto|s, Sa| nt
A0g0st| neas an ext|a |et0|nedatthe momentoftheo0| | a| oftheCondede
|gazto p| ace h | s |ema| ns |n thetomo, and he|e | am stopped w| th he|, | n
t heco|ne|of the p| ct0|e, | am t heson of t hepa| nte, h| s s| gnat0|e | n my
pocset. . . and on my|et0|n f|om Ha|ce| ona, whe|e | stayed | n the va Au-
us|a, | |e|ead "TheH0|| a| oftheCondede |gaz"s| gned oyJ . -C.
. . . and | saw then thef| |st mo0|n| ng asthe mo0|n| ngof my mothe|who
co0' dnot, then, | | te|a' ' yweepfo|me,metheso' e|ep' acement,weepfo|me
asmysonsw| ' ' haveto,whe|eas myso| edes | |e |ema| nsthatofg| v| ngto oe
|eadthe | nte|| 0pt| onthatw| | | | n anycasedec| detheve|yf| g0|e, th| sw|| t| ng
that|esemo| esthepoo|chanceofap|ov| s| ona' |es0||ect| on, ' | setheonethat
toos p| ace |n Decemoe|I 9ddwhena phoneca| ' f|om myo|othe|-| n- | awsent
me|0nn| ngfo|thef| |stp| aneto N| ce, t|e, da|ss0|t,wh|tekppa |n mypocset,
t|y| ng|n va| nnoton ' yto c|yo0t, | dontsnow, tostopmyse' fc|y| ng. `
Jhcwounds onhsmothcr`s bodyarc lkcso manyaccdcnts orcatastro-
phcsoccurrngonthccarth`s crust.
| ' ovewo|dstoo m0ch oeca0se | have no ' ang0ageofmyown, on' yfa| se es-
carres, fa| se foc| |eskharaI, those o' acs| sh and p0|0 ' ent c|0sts wh| ch fo|m
a|o0nd the wo0nds on my mothe|s oody, 0nde| he| hee| s, then on the
sac|0m andtheh| ps, n0me|o0s, | | v| ng, c|aw' | ngw| th homonym| es.
The escarre oedso|e} , an a|ch| pe| ago of|ed and o' acs| sh vo| canoes, en-
f' amed wo0nds, c|0sts and c|ate|s, s| gn| f| e|s | | se we| ' s seve|a' cent | mete|s
deep, open| ng he|e, c' os| ngthe|e.

SaintMonica z{{
She| soecom| ng. . . th| svo' cano| te| ' myse' f| mwe' ' o0tof.
. . . attheoottom oftheoedso|eopentothessyo|ontheedgeofthec|ate|
whose | avashaveo| ood| ed my| | fe. "
t sh smothcrwho s thc orgn olhs h rst nlantlcportmantcauword
_ mot-ra/isc , thcword valsc.
No|w| ' | theyoe| | eveme |f | saythatthewo|d "va' | se"fo| me w| | | a| waysoe
the p| eceofsometh| ng | sho0ted o0t athe|o |th, ach| | ds osefamo0s| nthe
fam| | y. "P0the|oacs | n he|va' | se. " |Atth| smoment| amsay| ngtomyse' fthat
"p0toacs" says no | essthan"va| | se. " Mymothe|sfathe|had 0st| nt|od0ced
me | ntotheoed|oomafte|thede' | ve|y, theyhad come 0p w| th noth | ng oet-
te|.to ' eave meoe| | ev| ngthat the va| | se | | nmy memo|y an eno|mo0st|0ns
that do0ot' ess conta| ned a| ' t henecess| t| esfo| de| | ve|y at that t| me, | t had
oeen | nthe|oomfo|weess,thatth| sva' | se . . . wasp|epa|| nghe|o| |th, pe|-
haps even conta| ned he| ' | se a oe| | y. Theyst| ' ' |eco0nt howmyg|andfathe|
| a0ghed at| tmo|ethan anyonee| se. Do0ot| essth| swasthef| |stdes| |edho| o-
ca0st |as onesays awantedch| ' d, a des| |ed g| | | . ' `
Shewhoweptasm0chasMon| caateachofmydepa|t0|es,f|omthef| |st,on
the C|yo/A/ers | n thea0t0mnofI 949, seas| csness oad eno0gh to mase
yo0 g| ve 0ptheghost, andso manyt| mess| nce, | ' | edtohe| a| ' thet| me, as|
dotoa' | ofyo0. ' '
l 8

Jhcmmncnccolthcabsolutc arriiant,olthcwhollyothcr, calls lora

rgorous thnkng olthc mess| an| c or ol mess| an| c| tyw| tho0tmess| an-
| sm, and nothnglcss than that thnkngwll bcablctotakc accountol
what comcstopass nthcworld today. Jo takc asnglccxamplc, what s
currcntlyhappcnngn Luropc, thc constructon olthc ncw poltcal, so-
cal, and cultural rcalty that s thc Luropcan Inon, cannot bc thought
tty s madc to cmcrgc prccscly as possblty olopcnng to thc wholly
othcr. Lvcrydcnttyto scllmustopcn to ts dllcrcncc, scttscourscto-
ward and hcad lor thc othcr. ^nd cspccally toward thc hcadng olthc
othcr.Cnlysuchantncrant_ io,agcusc dcnttybodcswclllor thcluturc.
Jhc ^bsolutc Hrrtuant
and thc ^cssanc
Jhcwholly othcr s a hgurc wthout a lacc _gurc , wth thc unprc-
What | stheeventthat most a||| ves /vnemen| |ep/us arrvan|| What | s
t hearrvan|that masest heeventa|| | ve | was |ecent ' ytasen oyth| s wo|d,
IheOtherHeading z{;
arrvan|, as| f| ts 0ncann| ness had 0st a||| vedt ome | na ' ang0age | nwh| ch
| thas nonethe' essso0ndedve|yfam| ' | a|t omefo|a ' ongt | me. Thenew ar-
rvan|, th| swo|d can, | ndeed, mean the ne0t|a' | ty of |ha| whch a||| ves, o0t
a| so the s| ng0 ' a|| ty of who a||| ves, he o| she who comes, com | ng to oe
whe|e s/hewas not expected, whe|e onewasawa| t| ngh | m o|he|w| tho0t
wa| t| ngfo|h | m o|he|, w| tho0texpect | ng| t , sya||endre[ , w| tho0tsnow| ng
whato|whomt oexpect, whato|whom' amwa| t| ngfo|and s0ch | s hos-
p| ta' | ty |tse| f, hosp| ta' | tytowa|dtheevent. nedoesnotexpecttheeventof
whateve|, ofwhoeve|comes, a||| ves, andc|ossestheth|esho' dthe | mm| -
g|ant,theem| g|ant,theg0est, o| thefo|e| gne|. H0t |f thenew arrvan|who
a||| ves | snew, onem0stexpectw| tho0twa| t| ngfo| h| mo| he|, w| tho0tex-
pect | ng|tthat he does not s| mp| yc|ossa g| ven th|esho' d, whose poss| o| ' -
|tyheth0so|| ngst o' | ghtoefo|eoneeven snowswhethe|the|e hasoeenan
| nv| tat| on, a ca' | , a nom| nat| on, o| a p|om| se | verhessun, /essen, etc. .
Whatweco0 | dhe|e ca| ' t hearrvan|, t hemostarrvan|amonga| ' arrvan|s,
thearrvan|pa| exce' | ence, |s whateve|, whoeve|, | n a||| v| ng, doesnotc|oss
a th|esho| d sepa|at| ngtwo | dent| f| ao' ep| aces, the p|ope| and the fo|e| gn,
thep|ope|oftheoneandthep|ope|oftheothe|, asonewo0' dsayofthec| t-
| zenofa g| ven | dent| f| ao' eco0 nt|ywhoc|ossestheoo|de| ofanothe|co0n-
t|yasat|ave| e|, anem| g|eo|apo' | t| ca' ex| | e, a |ef0geeo|someonewhohas
oeen depo|ted, an | m m | g|antwo|se|, a st0dento||esea|che|, a d| p' omato|
a to0 || st. Thosea|e a ' ' , ofco0 |se, arrvan|s, o0t| na co0nt|ythat| sa| |eady
def| ned and | n wh| chthe | nhao| tants snow o|th | n s they a|e at home. v . .
No, | amta' s| ngaoo0ttheaoso| 0tearrvan|, who| snotevenag0est. Hes0|-
p|| sesthehostwho |s notyet a hosto| an | nv| t| ngpowe|eno0ghtoca' '
| ntoq0est| on, tothepo| ntofann | h | ' at| ngo| |ende| | ng| ndete|m| nate,a ' ' the
d| st| nct| ve s| gns ofa p| | o| | dent| ty, oeg| nn| ng w| th theve|y oo|de|that de-
| | neated a ' eg| t| mate homeandass0|ed ' | neage, names and ' ang0age, na-
t| ons, fam | | | es,andgenea' og| es . '
Jhc absolutc arriiantthus has nonamc and nodcntty. Jhc mm-
ncncc olhs or hcror ts comngdcmandsa hosptaltywthout rcscrvc,
thc opcnngolthcSamctoan unassmlablcdhcrcncc.Jhshosptaltys
notan antcpaton.Jo watlor orcxpcctthccomngolthcarriiantncc-
cssarlycomcsdown tolcsscnngthcsurprscolsuchancvcnt.hatsrc-
z)6 c n r 1 r n 2 2
qurcdhcrcs awatngwthoutanyhorzonolwatng, asngularwatng
thatLcrrdacalsthcmess| an| c.
!hemess| an| c, ormess/an/c/|y w/|hou|mess/an/sm. !h/s wou/dbe|he open-
/n |o |he /u|ure or |o |he com/n o/|he o|her as |he adven| o/]us|/ce, bu|
w/|hou| hor/zon o/ expec|a|/on and w/|hou| prophe|/c pre//ura|/on. !he
com/n o/|he o|her can on/y emere as a s/nu/areven| when no an|/c/pa-
|/on sees /|comn, when |he o|herand dea|h-andrad/ca/ ev//-can come
asa surpr/se a| any momen|. /oss/b///|/es |ha|bo|h open and can a/ways /n-
|errup| h/s|orj, or a| /eas| |he o|d| na|y co0|se o/h/s|ory u| |h/s ord/nary
course /s |ha| o/wh/ch ph//osophers, h/s|or/ans and o/|en a/so |he c/ass/ca/
|heore|/c/anso/revo/u|/on speak. /n|errup|/n or|ear/nh/s|ory/|se//apar(
do/n/|bydec/d/n, /n a dec/s/on |ha|can cons/s| /n /e||/n |he o|hercome
and |ha| can |ake |he apparen|/ypass/ve /orm o/|he dec| s| on of the othe|.
even |here where /|appears /n/|se/( /nme, |he dec/s/on /smoreovera/ways
|ha| o/|he o|hei, wh/ch does no| exonera|e me o/respons/b///|y. !he mes-
s/an/c exposes /|se//|oabso/u|esurpr/se and, even ///|a/ways |akes|hephe-
nomena/ /orm o/peace oro/]us|/ce, /|mus|, expos/n/|se//so abs|rac|/y be
prepared ,wa/|/n w/|hou|awa/|/n | tse' f, w/|hou|expec|/n) /or |he bes| as
/or |he wors|, |he one never com/n w/|hou| open/n |he poss/b///|y o/|he
Somcthng \nquc Is ^oot n Luropc
Jhc mcssancnvolvcswclcomngamodaltyolarrvalthatslrccd
lromany rclaton toan cnd , tc/os) and lrom anyordcroldcrvaton. Jhc
poltcal rcach olths hosptaltysclcarlybroughtto lghtwth rcspcct to
Luropcn IhcOthcrHcading.Jhclattcrtcxt scxplctlywrttcnn acon-
dton olmmncncc. somcthngs promscdnLuropc, somcthngothcr
ropc. Someth | ng 0n | q0e |s afoot |n c0|ope, |n what |s st| ' | ca' | ed c0|ope
even | fwe no ' onge|snowve|ywe| ' wha|o|whogoesoyt h| sname. '
Hy p|opos| ngthet| t' e"Thethe|Head| ng"fo|someo|| ef, q0as| - mp|ov| sed
|ef' ect| ons, | wasth| ns| ngatf| |st, wh | ' e on ooa|d a p' ane,ofthe' ang0ageof
IheOtherHeading z);
a| | o|sea nav| gat| on. n the sea o| | n the a| |, a vesse| has a "head| ng". | t
"headsoff," towa|d anothe|cont| nent, pe|haps, towa|d a dest| nat| onthat | s
| tsown o0tthat | tcana| so change. nesays | n my' ang0age /a/re cap" o0t
a| so chanerdecap"-IO "havea head| ng" o0ta| soto"change head| ngs. "
Thewo|dcap" | capu|, cap/|sI |efe|s, asyo0we| ' snow, tothe head o|the
ext|em| tyoftheext|eme,thea| mandtheend, the0 ' t| mate,the ' ast,thef| na'
momento|' ast | egs,t heescha|on | ngene|a| . | the|eass| gnst onav| gat| onthe
po| e, theend,the|e/osofano|| ented, ca| c0 | ated, de| | oe|ate, vo' 0nta|y, o|-
de|ed movement. o|de|ed mostoften oythe man | ncha|ge. . . . The exp|es-
c n r 1 r n 2 2
s| on"Thethe|Head| ng"cana' sos0ggestthatanothe|d| ect| on| s| n theoff-
| ng, o that |t | s necessay to change dest| nat| ons. To change d| |ect| on can
meantochangegoa| s, todec| deonanothe|head| ng,o|e| setochangecap-
ta| ns, o| evenwhynotthe age o sex ofthecapta| n. | ndeed |tcanmean
to eca| ' that thee | sanothehead| ng, the head| ng oe| ng not on' yo0|s |e
n|re| o0ttheothe| / au|re| , noton| ythatwh| chwe | dent|fy, ca' c0| ate, and
dec| de 0pon, o0tthe headn o/|he o|her, oefoe wh| chwem0st |espond,
and wh| ch we m0st remember, o/ whch we m0st remnd ourse/ves, the
head| ngoftheothe|oe| ngpe|hapsthef| |stcond| t| onofan| dent| tyo|| dent| -
f| cat| onthat | snotanegocent|| smdest|0ct| veofonese' fandtheothe|.
H0toeyondourheadn, | t |s necessayto eca' | o0se| ves noton' ytothe
o|herheadn, and espec| a| ' ytotheheadno/|heo|her, o0ta| so pe|hapsto
theo|hero/|he headn, that |stosay,to a |e' at| onof | dent|ty w|th theothe|
that no' ongeobeysthefo|m,thes| gn, o|the ' og| cofthehead| ng, no|even
ofthean|-headtn-OI oehead| ng,ofdecap|tat| on. Thet|0et| t| eofthesee-
f|ect| ons, eventho0gh at| t| e| sa head| ngohead| | ne,wo0| do| ent0sathe|
towadtheothe o/thehead| ng. '
rccton.anothcrhcadng,thchcadngolthcothcr, thcothcrolthchcad-
thats to say, thc cap| ta' fom, the f| g0e-head /ure deproue| ofthe ad-
vanced po| nt, andofcap| ta| | z| ngese|ve. `
thnthattradton, nlact,Iuropchasalwaysdchncdtscllasahcad-
ngorcapc. Inthc gcographc scnsc hrstolal, both cxtrcmc sacnccola
contncnt nto thc sca, and ccntcr, n thc sprtua scnsc n thc sccond
placc, thccapcbcngaplaccolgathcrngwhcrcscll-mcmorycaptalzcson
tscl, a prvcgcd placc, onc that shows ts cxamplc to thc rcst olthc
word. Iuropc, structurcd by thc ^thcns-omc-|crusalcm-Byzantum
axs,hasaways thoughtoltscllasthcadvanced po| ntofexemp' a|| ty, a
gudc lor thc world, opcnngthcway, dcparturcpontand cnd pontlor
cvlzaton ngcncral. From Icgcl toValcry, lromIusscrl to Icdcggcr,
th| s tanscendenta' te| eo| ogy wo0' d have, fom the o|| g| n of ph| ' osophy,
shown the way, | nd| catedthehead| ng.
Jo opcn to thc othcr olthc hcadng woud bc thc secet ofa c0ope

IheOtherHeading zp
emanc| patedf|omoothAthensandRome, andwoudprcsupposcthatthc
totazng ogc olIuropc, towhch a Iuropc dchncd by thc Naastrcht
Jrcatys constantly tcmptcdtorcturn,wcrcunabcto provdclorwhats
thcrcbyannounccd. ' Jhc luturcolIuropcdcpcnds onthcwaynwhch
thcIuropcanInon sablctoalhrmtsdcnttywhlcatthcsamctmc at-
tcstngtotsopcnngtoan outsdc andtscapactytowccomctsowndl-
lcrcncc. Its a qucston olknowng towhat cxtcnt Iuropccan rcman t-
sclwhlc atthcsamc tmc cxposngtsclto tsaltcrty.
Jhc Lthcs ol Rcsponsblty
Such a qucston nvolvcs rcsonsi/i/ip. ow, bcng rcsonsi//ccon-
sstsnnotprovdngrcady-madc rcsonscsloraproblcm,nottranslormng
thcpromsc or mmncncc olthcwhollyothcrnto acalculablc program.
Jhnkingthcluturc olIuropc ndccdrcqurcsthatthat njuncton bcrc-
spondcd to, thnkingthatluturcsourduty.Buttsamattcrolacontra-
dctorynuncton, oncwhosc rcqurcmcnt must notprcscrbc.Jhc n-
uncton s hardy uttcrcd bclorc t gcts dcclncd as a scrcs ol
unsynthcszablc f| ss| on eact| ons, ' ' somcthng that cannot bc gathcrcd
| t |s necessa|yto mase o0se' vestheg0a|d| ansofan | deaofc0ope,ofa d| f-
fe|enceof c0|ope, bu|ofa c0|opethatcons| sts p|ec| se' y| nnotc| os| ng | tse' f
off | n | tsown | dent| ty and | n advanc| ng | tse' f| n an exemp| ay waytowad
what | t| snot. '
Jhsnuncton| neffectd| v| des0s,| t p0ts0 s a' waysatfa0 | to | | n defa0| t. ' '
Cn |he one hand, c0|opean c0| t0|a' | dent| tycannotoed| spe|sed | andwhen
' say"cannot, "th| ssho0' da' so oetasenas"m0stnot"andth| sdo0o| estate
ofaffa| s |s atthe hea|tofthe d| ff| c0 ' tyl . |tcannotandm0st notoed| spesed
| ntoa my| ad ofp|ov| nces, | ntoa m0| t| p' | c| tyofse f-enc' osed | d| omso|petty
' | tt' enat| ona' | sms, each one ea' o0sand 0ntans' atao| e. | tcannotandm0st
not |eno0ncep| acesofgeatc| |c0| at| ono| heavyt|aff|c,thegeataven0eso
tho|o0ghfa|esoft|ans| at| onandcomm0n| cat| on, andth0s, ofmed| at| zat| on.
H0t, on |he o|herhand, | tcannot and m0st not acceptthecap| ta| ofa cen-
c n r 1 r n 2 2
ta| | z| nga0tho| tythat, oymeansoft|ans-E0opeanc0 ' t0|a| mechan| sms, oy
means of p0o| | sh | ng, | o0 na| | st| c, and academ | c concentat| onsoe they
state-|0n o| notwo0 | d cont|o' and standa|d| ze, s0o ect | ng at| st | c d| s-
co0sesandp|act| cesto a g|| dof | nte| ' | g| o| | |ty, to ph| | osoph| ca| o| aesthet| c
no|ms, tochanne| sof| mmed| ateandeff| c| entcomm0n| cat| on, tothep0|s0| t
of|at| ngsandcomme|c| a| p|of|tao| ' | ty . . . . Ne| themonopo| yno|d| spe|s| on,
theefoe.' '
Jhcqucstonol rcsponsbltylcadsusback nthswaytothcthnkng
olhosptatyas mcssanctywthoutmcssansm.
thew| se ,deconst0ct| on[ |ests on the good consc| ence of hav| ng done
onesd0ty, | t| osesthechanceofthef0t0|e, ofthep|om| se o|theappea' , of
the des |e a' so | that |s | ts "own" poss| o| | | tyl, ofth| sdese|t- ' | se mess| an| sm
|w| tho0t content and w| tho0t | dent| f| ao| e mess| ahl . . . . the|w| se | 0st| ce
| sssoe. ng|ed0cedonceaga| nto 0| d| ca| -moa| 0 ' es,no|ms, o| |epesenta-
t| ons, w| th | nan | nev| tao| etota' | z| ng ho|| zon | movementofadeq0ate |est| t0-
t| on, exp| at| on, o|eapp|op| at| onl . ' `
Bcngrcsponsblcnvolvcs lcttngthcothcrcomc, makngthcrvoyagc h-

. . . onthe oode|oft h| sPac| f| cthat some p|ed| ctw| ' | oethe ocean of
theZ I stcent0|y. '
Insular| and Immncncc
hlcn|apan,Lcrrdarcmarksthatnsulartys mmncnccmadc
olcarth andwatcr, an sland s a placc whcrc onc can only watwthout
watng lor what comcs, thc cvcnt arrvng ncccssarly lrom clscwhcrc,
lromanothcrshorc, lromnowhcrc.
| ns0' a|| ty has a| ways oeen a p|| v| ' eged and, oythe sametosen, an amo| g0-
o0sp' ace,theedgeofevey hosp|ta' | ty aswe' ' aseve|y v| o' ence. | ns0 ' a|| ty,
exc0se th | s ta0to| ogy, o0t| | nes a p| ace | n wh | ch the edges | shoes, s| des,
oanssldonotsha|eanyte||est|| a' f|ont| e, e| thenat0a| o at| f| c| a| , w| ththe
othe, s0chthatth | s hao| tat, nat0 |a| ' yp|otected on | ts oo|de|s, a| so sees| ts
oodyd| sa|med,open, offeed on a' | | ts oo|de|| | nes,g| venoveto eve|yth| ng
that, on | ts sho|es, can happen , arr/ver | "a||| ve, " "happen, " | nthesenseof
com| ngaswe' | asofthe eventl . The oody ofan | ns0 ' a hao|tatseemsto de-
fend | tse' fand expose |tse| fmo|ethanany othe|. |toffes| tse| fto thefoe| gne|
whom | twe| comes, andth | s spo| | tenessand hosp| ta| | ty, | t opposesthefo|-
e| gnewhom | tfeas, the wa|| o|, the | nvade|, the co' on| st, and th | s |s e|ec-
t| on, | ntove|ted c' os0e, host| | | ty. c n ' essth|o0gh a ce|ta| n | nco|poat| onof
thefoe| gne |n |tse' f, |tmo0|nsooth theothe|and theoppos| t| on.
zqz c n r 1 r n 2 ]
| ns0 ' a|| ty| s not 0stanywhe|e. Espec| a| ' ywhen | t| sdo0o| e, thatofan | s' and
w| th| n an | s| and, | nt|0th | nth| sa|ch| pe| agothat | sJ apan. Aco0nt|ythat | s| n
thefo|mofana|ch| pe| ago, | sth | snotas| ng0 ' a| spac| ng| t| s, hypothet| ca| | y,
thepo| | t| ca' , c0 | t0|a| , and | | ng0 | st| c0n| tyofa gene|a| | ns0 ' a|| ty, as we| ' asa
State whose spac| ngassemo' es and at the same t | me d | spe|ses | n | ts ' a|ge
oodya m0' t| p' | c| tyof| ns0 ' a| 0n| t| es. `
Iu turc-^rch tccturc
Faxtcxturc s thc tdc ola lccturc gvcn on thc sland olYu Fun
n|unc Ippi at a conlcrcncc ,^nywhcrc) thatbroughttogcthcrarch-
tcctsandurbanstslrom cvcry contncnt.^s acountryand an archpcl-
ago, |apan would bc a prvlcgcd placc lor conccptualzng archtccturc
and thc ctynthc ncwmllcnnum. nhslccturc, Lcrrdadscusscsthc
possblty ol a ce|ta| n po' | t| cs of the ea|th ' on thc thrcshold olthc
twcnty-h rst ccntury, that s to say at thc dawn ol an cra whcrc hu-
manknd s vcryclosc to bccomng capablc ollcavng thc carth, an cra
whosc ' whe|e |s anywhe|e. ` Iow arc wc to construct, rcconstruct,
placc, andrcplacctoday:Lcrrdaposcsthsqucstonanddcalswthtn
what s abovc allts poltcal scnsc, byaddrcssngn partcularhs hosts,
thcarchtccts Izosakand^sada.
When they d| st| ng0| shamongthe sedenta||tyofE0|opean a|ch |tect0|e, the
nomad | cmoo| | | tyofthetent"wh | chtempo|a|| | yocc0p| esa p| ace, " andthe
nomad | c | mmoo | ' | ty ofa ce|ta| nJ apanese a|ch | tect0 |efo|wh| chthe"s0o-
stance" | s epheme|a' , pass | ng,t|ans| to|y, o0t whose"fo|m" |s ete|na' | "e. g. ,
the Sh|| ne of | se, wh| ch | s rebu/| eve|y twenty yea|s . . . " , | sozas| and
Asadadonot ass0s, | f| 0nde|standthemco||ect ' y, tot|0st | nth | soppos| -
t | onofs0ostance andfo|mo|etena' andt|ans| to|y. Rathe|,t heywo0| do| | -
ent 0soeyondtheseoppos| t| onstowa|d |he very|hnthattheset|ad | t| ona'
co0p' es a|e dest| nedto| nte|p|et, a||est, maste|, cont|o' , that | s, | n themd-
d/e-p/ace, an 0 ncont|o' ' ao' epa|adoxof |ep| acement, of |e-o0 | ' d | ng as |e-
p| acementandof rep/acemen|asthe ve|y poss | o| ' | ty ofp' ace, the o| | g| -
na|yandnon-s0pe|vened poss| o| ' | tyofa' ' p/acemen|. Re- p' ac| ngt|ans' ates
| nto Eng' | sh ooth remp/acemen| and re-p/acemen|, and t h| seq0 | vocat| on

}aan zq{
seems| nte|est | ngto me. |n th | s |espect | two0 ' doeeasytodemonst|atethat
oetween |e-o0| | d| ng and de-const|0ct| onthe|e | s nooppos| t| on, no| even
anyd| l|e|ence. oeca0sedeconst|0ct| on| saff| |mat| on, nodo0ot, o0ta| sooe-
ca0se thed | sp| acementoftheaccent,thest|ategy ofemphas| s, that comes
top|| v| ' egesomet| mes| he|edeconst|0ct| onandsomet| mes|the|e |e-o0| | d-
| ng, w| | | neve| e|ase th | s d0|ao' e pa|adox| ca | | tywh| ch. . . | | nss, | n |e-
p| ac| ng, the fata| | ty of any to where and anywhere to any expe|| ence of
p| ace. Rep| acement | mo|e p|ec| se' y, |ep' aceao| ' | ty as |epet| t| on |o| |athe|
as | te|ao| | | tyvesp/ace orves rse |o p/ace. As |ep| aceao| ' |ty, th| so|| g| -
na|y | te|ao | ' |typ|od0ces|athe|andea|' | e|thanfo| | owst hep' acementof
p| ace. The|e | s no p| acementw| tho0t |ep| acement, o| at | east w| tho0t |e-
p' aceao| ' |ty. And thatdoes notexc' 0de, onthe cont|a|y, the f| n | te s| ng0 | a|-
|tythata| waysmanagestodetach| tse' ff|omthatp|| nc| p' easp|ec| se| ywha|
happens |o orarrves a||hs rep/acemen|, tot h| sp| acementas |ep' acement.
| | ns| st on seep| ng fo| th | s wo|d "p| acement" a| ' | ts v| |t0a | mean| ngs, that
conce|n| ng the phenomenon ofp| aceaswe| ' asthat of m | ' | ta|y, po| | ce, o|
f| nanc| a| | nvestment,whethe|ofcap| ta| so|cap| ta| . | nothe| wo|ds,whethe|
| tco||espondstotheso-ca' ' ed mon0menta| and| ||emovao' e"s0ostance"of
occ| denta' a|ch | tect 0|e o| theso-ca| | ed ete|na' ' y|ep| aced "fo| m". . . ofa
ce|ta| n J apanesea|ch| tect0 |e,thenon-|ep' acement |s a' ways as| ng0 | a| and
f| n| te |esponsetotheaoyssofo| | g| na|y |ep| aceao| ' | ty, that | stosay, w| tho0t
o|| g| nandw| tho0tend.
Jo|o Bascmcnts
Lcrrdaalso cxpcrcnccs thc orgnaryrcplaccabltyolplacc f|om
anywhe|e to anywhe|e nthc bascmcnts olJokyo. lo placcwthout rc-
placcmcnt. dcmonstratng that ths motl s nscrbcd n thc ccntcr ol
|oycc`swork, Lcrrdahmscllcmbarks upon an crranccthattakcs hm to
Corncll,Jokyo, andFranklurt, thrccplaccswhcrchcprcparcs, thcndclv-
crsthclccturcsthatcomposc thcFrcnchvolumc |sscGramohonc.Iow
tosayycstothcchanccolan ntcrmnablcwandcrng:Jhcycs thats
callcd nto qucston hcrc scts ntran, nJokyo andclscwhcrc, a scrcs ol
zqq c nr 1 r n 2 ]
Kyoto, 8.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
Thethowofthe d| cetowh| ch| sa| dou, dec| d| ng | n thesamegest0|etos0o-
ectyouto | ttoo. | g| ve | tthe pope|nameTosyo.
Tosyo. doest h| sc|ty ' | eonthewestenc| |c' ethat ' eadsoacsto D0o' | n o
to| thaca
Wewe|ewonde|| ngwhathappenstotheyes when |t | s|epeated | n a "men-
t| on" o| | n a q0otat| on. H0twhat happenswhen | toecomes a tademas, a
s| ndofnont|ansfe|ao' ecommec| a| ' | censeAnd s| ncewea|e sp| nn| ng and
c0|d' | ng | nthem | ' s he|e,whathappenswhenyes oecomes,yes,aoand, o
a oandname, ofyogh0 t | sha' ' come oacstoh| o, th| s p| ace ma|sed | n
L/ysses. Now | nh| otheeex| sts atypeofDannonyogh0|twh | ch | s s| mp| y
ca' ' edYES. nde|neatht heYESt ooe|eadont he' | d, wef| ndt hes| ogan. " Het
Yo0 Cant Say NotoYes. ""
So| am | nthepocessofo0y| ngpostca|ds | nTosyo, p| ct0|esof' ases, andap-
p|ehens| veaoo0tthe| nt| m| dat| ngta| stooeg| venoefo|e"Joycescho| a|s"onthe
s0o|ectofyes |n L/ysses, and on the | nst| t0t| on ofJoyceSt0d| es when, |n the
shop| nwh| ch|f| ndmyse' fq0|teoychance, |ntheoasementoftheHote|s0|a,
| fa' ' 0pon"co| nc| denceofmeet|ng"a ooosent|t' ed Hays |oAvod>ay-
n^ooyMassas| | ma| . |twas, | oe| |eve,aooosofcommec| a| d| p| omacy. |t | s
sa| dthato0tofco0|tesytheJapaneseavo| d, asfa|asposs| o| e, say| ngno, even
when theymean no. Howcanyo0 mase no head, when yo0 mean | tw|tho0t
}aan zq;
say| ng | t How can no oe t|ans' ated oy yes, and what doest|ans| at| on mean
whendea| | ngw| ththeoddpa| yes/no,th| s| s,then,aq0est|onthatw| | | catch0p
w| th0s' ate|. Nexttoth| sooos,onthesameshe| fandoythesamea0tho|,the|e
wasanotheooos, aga| n |n Eng' | sh tans| at| on. ^ever !ake \es /oranAnswer.
Now |f |t |s d| ff| c0 | tto say anyth | ngata| ' that| sveyce|ta| n, andw| thany
ce|ta| nty, meta| | ng0 | st| c, on th| s oddwod, yes, wh | ch names noth| ng, de-
sc| oes noth| ng, whoseg|ammat| ca| andsemant| cstat0s | s amongthemost
en| gmat| c, | tseemsat | eastposs| o| eto aff| |m the fo' | ow| ng. tm0st oetasen
fo|an answe|. | t| sa| ways | n thefomofananswe|. | tocc0|s afte|theothe|,
to answe|a |eq0esto|a q0est| on, at | east| mp' | c| t,oftheothe|, even |fth| s| s
t heothe| n me, t he|epesentat| on | nmeof someothesposenwod. \es | m-
p' | es, as H | oom wo0 ' dsay, an " | mp| | c| t oe' | eve" | n somes0mmonsoft he
othe. \es a' ways has themean| ng, thef0nct| on, t hem | ss| onofan answer,
even |fth| sanswe|, as wesha' | a| so see, somet| mes hasthefoceof an o| g| -
na|y and 0ncond| t| ona' comm| tment. Now o0 J apanese a0tho|adv| ses 0s
nevet otase"yesfoananswe|. "Wh| chmaymeantwoth | ngs. yescanmean
"no, "o|yes | snotan answe. 0ts| dethed| p| omat| c-commec| a' context| n
wh| ch| t | s s| t0ated, s0chp|0denceco0 | dtase0 s f0|the.
H0t | am cont| n0| ngthe ch|on| c' eof my experences. J 0st as | was |ott| ng
downtheset| t' es,anAme| canto0|| stofthemosttyp| ca| va|| ety ' eanedovemy
sho0 ' de|ands| ghed."Somanyoooss|What| sthedef| n|t| veone| stheeany"
| twasanext|eme| ysma| ' ooosshop,anewsagency. |a| mostep| | ed,"Yes,the|e
aetwoofthem, L/yssesand /nneans Hake, " o0t| septth| syestomyse| fand
sm| | ed| nane| y| | sesomeonewhodoesnot0nde|standthe| ang0age. ' `
Jo a |apancsc Ircnd
thcLcttcrtoa|apancscFrcnd, addrcsscd to rolcssorzutsu,whoasks
Lcrrdalorclarhcatonconccrnngthcworddcconstructon nvcwola
translaton nto |apancsc. ldcconstructons morc than onc languagc,
attcmptngt otranslatc t nsomcwaycomcsdown to translatngtransla-
ton tscll. Jransaton s ncvcr a dcrvcd phcnomcnon. n ths rcspcct,
onccanonlysayycs tot. nmorcthanoncwayandnscvcral doms.
c n r 1 r n 2 ]
Dea Pofesso|| z0ts0,
Lhuson, Scnda, :8.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
. . . At o0 | ast meet| ng | p|om | sed yo0 some schemat| candp|e| | m| nay |e-
f|ect| onson the wo|d "deconst|0ct| on. "Whatwed | sc0ssed we|ep|o' egom-
enato a poss| o' et|ans| at| on ofth| swo|d | ntoJ apanese. . . . The|e | s a| |eady
|n "my" ' ang0age a se|| o0s sombre[ poo' em oft|ans' at| on oetween what
hee othe|ecanoeenv| sagedfo|thewo|d, andthe0sage| tse' f,the|eseves
ofthewod. And | t |s a| eadyc| ea|thateven |n |ench, th | ngs change f|om
onecontexttoanothe. Mo|eso |ntheCe|man, Eng' | sh, andespec| a| ' yAme|-
| cancontexts,whe|ethesamewod |s a' |eadyattachedto vey d | ffe|entcon-
notat| ons, | nf| ect| ons, andemot| ona' oaffect| veva| 0es. The| | ana| ys| swo0 | d
oe| nteest | ngandwa||antsa st0dyof |tsown.
When | chose th | swo|d, o|when | t | mposed | tse' f0pon me| t h| ns| t
was | n C/Cramma|o/oy-l | | tt' etho0ght | two0 ' doeced| ted w| th s0ch a
cent|a' o| e | nthe d| sco0se that | nteested me at the t | me. Among othe
th | ngs | w| shed to t|ans' ate and adapt to my own ends the He| degge| | an

}aan zq;
wods /es|ruk|on o| Abbau. Each s| gn | f| ed | n t h| s context an opeat| on
oea| | ngonthes|ruc|ureo|tad | t| ona' arch|ec|ureofthef0ndamenta' con-
ceptsofonto| ogyoofWeste|nmetaphys| cs. H0t| n|ench"dest|0ct| on"too
oov| o0s| y| mp| | ed an ann | h| | at| ono|a negat| ve ed0ct| on m0chc| ose| pe|-
hapsto N | etzschean"demo' | t| on"thantotheHe| degge| an| nte|petat| ono|
tothetypeof|ead| ngthat | p|oposed. So| 0 | edthato0t. | ememoe|hav| ng
' oosed to see | fthe wo|d "deconst0ct| on" | wh | ch cameto me | tseemed
q0 | te spontaneo0s ' y was | ndeed ||ench. | fo0 nd | t | nthe /||r. Theg|am-
mat| ca' , | | ng0 | st| c, o| |heto|| ca' senses por|es| weefo0ndtooeoo0nd0p
w| th a " mechan| ca' " sense por|e machnque| . Th | s assoc| at| on ap-
pea|edveyfo|t0nate, andfot0 nate| yadapted towhat | wanted at| eastto
s0ggest . Pe|haps | co0 ' d c| te some oftheent| esf|om the / ||r. /con-
s|ruc|on. act| on ofdeconst0ct| ng. Cammat| ca' te|m. D| saang| ngthecon-
st|0ct| onofwo|ds| n asentence. 'fdeconst|0ct| on, commonwayofsay| ng
const0ct| on, cema|e, /e /a manre dapprendre /es /anues, chap. ! , | n
Coursde /anue/a|ne. /cons|rure. I . To d| sassemo| et hepatsof awho' e.
To deconst|0ct a mach | ne to tanspo|t t e' sewhe|e. Z. C |ammat| ca'
tem. . . . To deconst0ct vese, ende | ng | t, oy the s0pp|ess| on ofmete,
s| m| ' a topose. Aoso' 0te' y. ' | nthesystemofp|enot| ona' sentences,onea| so
stats w| thtans' at| on andoneof |ts advantages |s neve| need | ng to decon-
st|0ct, |emae, | o| d. 3. >edcons|rure ,todeconst0ct |t-se| f[. . . . To | ose|ts
const|0ct| on. ' Modenscho| as h| phasshown 0sthat|n a eg| onofthet| me-
| ess East, a ' ang0age |each| ng | ts own state of pe|fect| on |s deconst|0cted
ses|dcons|ru|e| and a| teedf|omw| th | n |tse' faccod| ngtothe s| ng| e' aw
ofchange, nat0|a| totheh0man m | nd, V| | ' ema| n, /r/ace du /c|onnare
de /Acadme. "
Nat0a' | y| tw| ' | oenecessa|ytot|ans' ate a| ' oft h| s| nto J apaneseo0tthat
on' y postpones the poo| em. . . . The wo|d "deconst0ct | on, " | | se a| | othe
wo|ds, acq0| es | tsva| 0eon' yfom | ts| nsc| | pt| on | n a cha| n ofposs| o| es0o-
st| t0t| ons, | nwhat | s too o' | the' yca' ' ed a "context. " |ome, fo what | have
t|| ed and st| | | tytow| te,thewod has | nte|eston' yw| th| na ce|ta| ncontext,
whee | t|s ep| aced and ' ets |tse' foedetem| nedoy s0ch othewo|dsascr-
|ure, |race, d//rance, supp/men|, hymen, pharmakon, mare, en|ame, par-
eron, etc. Hydef| n| t| on, the ' | st can neveoec' osed, and | havec| ted on| y
no0ns, wh| ch | s| nadeq0ateanddoneon ' yfo| |easonsof economy. | nfact |
z| c n r 1 r n 2]
sho0 ' dhave c| ted thesentences andthe | nte|| | ns| ng ofsentences wh| ch | n
the| | t0|ndetem| nethesenames | nsomeof mytexts.
Whatdeconstr0ct| on |s noteve|yth| ngofco0se'
What |s deconst|0ct| onnoth| ngofco0|se|
| do notth| ns, fo|a' ' these |easons,that |t |s aoodword un bon mo|| . | t
| sceta| n| ynote| egantbeau[ . | thasdef| n| te| yoeenofsev| ce | na h| gh| yde-
te|m| neds| t0at| on. | no|de|to snowwhat has| mposed |t | nacha| nofposs| -
o' es0ost| t0t| ons, desp| te | ts essent| a' | mpe|fect| on, th| s " h| gh| ydetem| ned
s| t0at| on"wo0| dneedtooeana| yzedanddeconst|0cted. Th| s| sd| ff| c0 ' tand
| amnotgo| ngtodo| the|e.
ne f| na' wo|d. . . . | do not oe| | eve that t|ans| at| on | s a seconda|y
andde | vedevent | n|e' at| onto an o|| g| na| | ang0age o text. Andas "de-
const0ct| on"| s a wod,as| have| 0stsa| d, that |s essent| a| | y |ep| aceao| e| n
a cha| nofs0ost| t0t | ons, thenthat can a| so oe donef|om one ' ang0ageto
anothe. The chance fo|"deconst|0ct| on"wo0' doethatanothe|wo|d |the
samewod and anothe we|e |obe /oundo| nven|ed | n J apaneseto say
the sameth| ng | the same and anothe , to speasofdeconst|0ct| on, andto
/ead|e/sewhere, to | tsoe| ngw|| tten and |ranscrbed, | n awo|dwh| chw| ' |
a| so oemo|e oea0t| f0 ' .
When | speasofth| s w| t| ngoftheothe|wh| chw| ' | oemo|e oea0t| f0 ' , |
c| ea| ' y0nde|standtans| at| on as | nvo' v| ng thesame || ssandchance asthe
poem. Howtot|ans| ate "poem, "a "poem"
. . . W| thmyoestw| shes . ' '

Island, IromiscdLand, Lcscrt
,!hs, perhaps, swha|/wou/dhave/ked|osayo/a cer|an^oun|^orah
wh/eon|oCapr, /as|yea( c/oseby |he vesuvuso/Cradva. !oday / re-
member wha|/ had]us| /nshed readn n Cenet at Chat| | a, o/ whch so
manyo/|hepremses deserve |o berememberedhere, n DL many/anuaes,
|he ac|ors and|he vc|ms, and|he eves and|he consequence, a// |he /and-
scapes anda//|hespec|res. Cneo/|heques|ons/w// no|avods |ha|o/re-
/on. cag0na, Z6Ap| ' ! 995. l '
Isn`tarcsponsbltywthoutaprogram, arcsponsbltythatdocsn`t
bclcvc nthcrcsponsc,lbyrcsponsc onc ntcndsan axomatc cvdcncc,
cmncntly aporctc:ItsndccdthcstrangclogcolthcaporathatLcrrda
nvokcsnordcrtoqucstonandanayzc iia/i/iporio,agc-uorthincsstscll
Jhcvoyagcshouldowctspossbltytoanorgnarympossblty, thcm-
possbltyolgongstraghttothccnd,thats tosayalso olprocccdngor
hat docs apora` sgn|ltcrally:. a ce|ta| n mpossb/|yas nonv| a-
o| | | ty, asnont|acso| oa||ed path. |t concensthe| mposs| o' eo the| mpact| -
cao' e. | /apore| sA|| stot|este|m he|e, | tmeans' | mst0csdans|embarras| ,
| cannotgeto0t, | mhe| p| ess.

z;o c n z r 1 r n 2 q
ftheaporoso oftheapora. thed| ff| c0' t o the| mp|act | cao' e, he|ethe| m-
poss| o| epassage,t he|ef0sed,den| ed, op|oh| o|tedpassage, | ndeedthenon-
passage,wh | ch can | nfact oe someth| nge| se, theeventofa com| ngo|ofa
f0t0 |e advent vnemen| de venue ou davenr| , wh| ch no | onge| hasthe
fom ofthe movement that cons| sts | n pass| ng, tave|s| ng, o tans| t| ng. | t
wo0| d oethe "com| ng to pass" ofaneventthat wo0 ' d no ' onge have the
fo|m o theappea|anceofapas. | ns0m, a com| ngw| tho0tpas.`
What , | s[ atstase |nt h| swod , | s[ the"notsnow| ngwheetogo. " | thadtooe
a matte|of /deva|ya//erdu[ the nonpassage,o|athefom the experence
ofthe nonpassage,the expe|| enceofwhathappens sepasse[ and |sfasc| nat-
| ng_passonne[ | n th| s nonpassage, paa' yz| ng 0s |n th | ssepaat| on |n a way
that |s notnecessa|| ' ynegat| ve. oefoeadoo, ath|esho' d, aoode, a | | ne,o
s| mp' ytheedge otheappoachoftheothe|ass0ch. | tsho0 ' doea matte|of
_ devra|ya//erdu| what, | n s0m, appeasto o' ocso0| wayo|to sepa|ate 0s
|n the ve|yp' acewhe|e | wou/dno/onerbepossb/e |o cons||u|ea prob-
/em, a p|o|ect, o| a po|ect| on, that | s, atthepo| ntwhe|e theve|y p|oecto|
the p|oo' emat| c tass oecomes | mposs| o' e and whee we ae exposed ao-
so' 0te' yw|tho0tpotect| on, w|tho0tpoo' em, andw|tho0tposthes| s, w| tho0t
poss| o' es0ost| t0t| on, s| ng0 | a' yexposed | no0|aoso' 0teandaoso' 0te| ynased
0n| q0eness,that |stosay, d| samed,de' | veedtotheothe, | ncapao' eevenof
she' te|| ngo0|se' vesoeh | nd whatco0 ' dst| ' | potectthe| nte| o| tyofa secet.
The|e, |n s0m, |n th | s p' ace ofapo| a, |here s no /oner anyprob/em. Not
that, a' asofo|t0nate| y, the so' 0t| onshave oeen g| ven, o0t oeca0seoneco0 | d
no| onge|evenf| nda p|oo| emthatwo0' dconst| t0te |tse' fandthatonewo0 ' d
seep| nfontofonese' f,asap|esentao' eooectopoect,asap|otect|ve|ep-
esentat| ve o a p|osthet | cs0ost| t0te, as some s| ndofoode|st| ' ' to cosso
oeh| nd wh| cht opotectonese' f.
| w| | | evenvent0etosaythateth | cs, po' | t | cs, andespons| o| ' |ty, /|hereare
any, w| ' | on' yevehave oeg0nw| ththeexpe| ence andexpe | mentofthe
apo | a. Whenthepath | sc| eaandg| ven, when a ceta| n snow' edge opens
0ptheway| nadvance,thedec| s| on| sa| eadymade, | tm | ghtaswe| ' oesa| d
thatthee | s nonetomase. | |espons| o| y, and i ngoodconsc| ence,ones| m-
p' yapp ' | eso|| mp' ementsa pogam. Pe|haps,andth | swo0 ' doet heooec-
t | on, one neve escapes the p|ogam. ' n t hat case, one m0st acsnow' edge

Is/andPromisedLand,Desert z;I
th| sand stop ta' s| ng w| th a0tho|| ty aoo0tmoa' o|po' | t | ca' espons | o| | | ty.
The cond | t| onofposs| o| ' | tyofth | st h | ng ca' ' ed espons| o| ' | ty |s aceta| n ex-
perence and expermen|o/|hepossb/|y o/|he mpossb/e: |he |es|n o/
|heaporafomwh | chonemay | nventtheon| ypossb/e nven|on, |hem-
possb/e nven|on.

Jhcrc hcrc Lvcry Cthcr

Is Lvcry , Bt) Cthcr
Jhcaporasnotsynonymouswth unproductvtyoracqucsccncc,
ndccd,tnvolvcsrathcrthcmattcroldccson.Jo dccdctotakcsuchand
such a drccton, nandtoward thcluturc, cannotby dch nton obcythc
ccrtantyolacalculablcprogram.Jo dccdcstoknowhowtolctthcothcr
dccdc,thcothcrundcrstoodnotas a/tcrcgo,asthcsamcas mc,thcrcsno
qucstonolanothcrdccdnglor mcnthatscnsc) , but whollyothcr. on
that bass onlythc luturc can dccdc.Yct, thswholly othcr s nacccssblc
nts sourcc. thc 0tte' yothe|. . . |s | naccess| o' e| n | tsaoso' 0teso0ce. . . .
The|e,wheeeve|yothe|| seve|y| o| t othe, 0tte ' yothe, |ou |ou|au|re es|
|ou|au|re| . `
The|e whe|e eve|y othe| |s evey |o|t othe| can bc undcrstood n at
lcast thrcc scnscs.
i ) Inthcplaccwthoutplaccthats thcsourccolcvcryvoyagc, olcvcry
dsplaccmcnt, thc othcrswholly othcr. Ithas no common currcncy wth
mc, thats to sayalso,wththcothcrundcrstood usuallyas anothcrmc. It
swhollyothcrthan my othcr,
z)^t thcsamctmc, my a/tcrcgosthcwhollyothcrbymcansolaccr-
tan tratoltscll,through tsluturc, throughwhatcvcrolt has notar-
rvcdoroccurrcd) bymcansolwhchtsnottscl. Ivcryothcrnomat-
tcrwhat othcr-s thcwholly othcr to thc cxtcnt that ts prcscncc ncvcr
)) Fnally, thclormulathe|ewhe|eeveyothe|| seve|y| o| totheallows
us to thnk thc orgn, thc sourcc , / o) as a wholly othcr orgn and a
wholly othcr sourcc.hoorwhathas notarrvcdndcatcs a d0p| | c| ty of
o|| g| n, anorgnarysurplus,thcnon-placcolan orgn othcrthanthconc
c n r 1 r n 2 q
lrom whch cvcrythng s dcrvcd. n Fath and Knowlcdgc, Lcrrda
agan namcs thsrcsourccolthcsourccthc mess| an| cand sh|a.
>nceevery|hnhas|obesad n|wo words, /e|usve|wonames|o |hedu-
p/c|yo/|heseorns. /orhereorn sdup/c|y|se// |heoneand|heo|her.
/e|us name |hese |wo sources, |hese |wo we//s, or|hese |wo |racks |ha| are
s|// nvsb/e n |he deser|. /e| us /end|hem |wo names |ha| are s|// hs|or-
ca/, |here where a cer|an concep|o/hs|ory|se//becomes nappmpra|e. !o
do |hs, /e|us re/er. . . /rs| |o |he messanc, andsecond |o |hecha. = . .
Ratonal Iath
thout ths duplcty olthcsourcc, no cvcntspossblc.Jhcluturc
rcscrvcolthcsourccopcnsthnkngtothchorzonolwhatKantcallsa a-
t| ona' fa| th. lathnthcothcr,prccscly,thatmustorcntcvcryvoyagcthat
rcmans truly ocntothc uor/d t s n gucstonng rclgon that Lcrrda
hghlghtsths horzon ollath thats oldcrthananydctcrmnatc rclgon.
Jhcphlosophcrhndshmscllonansland ,Capr)wthanumbcrol
lrcndswhlcdcvotnghmscllto ths mcdtatononrclgon.
!o p/ay |he card o/abs|rac|on, and |he apora o/|he no-way-o0t, perhaps
onemus| /rs|w|hdraw|o a deser|, oreven so/a|eonese//on an s/and. And
|e//a shor|s|ory |ha|wou/dno|be a my|h. Cenre: Cnce upon a |me, ]us|
once, one day, on an s/andorn |he deser|, mane, n order|o |a/k re/-
on, severa/men,ph/osophers, pro/essors, hermeneu|cans, herm|s, oran-
chor|es, |ook|he |me|ommca sma/| eso|ercandea/|aran, /rend/yand
/ra|ema/ commun|y. /erhaps | wou/d be necessary n add|on |os| t0ate
sucharumen|s, /m||hem n |meandspace, speako/|hep/aceand|hese|-
|n, |he momen|pas|, one day, da|e|he /u|ve and|he ephemera/, snu-
/arze, ac|as|houhone were keepna dary ou|o/whch one wereon
|o |ear a /ewpaes. /awo/|he enre: |he ephemers ,anda/ready you are
speaknnexhaus|b/yo/|heday). /a|e: ZO /ebruary VV. //ace: an s/and,
Is/and, PromisedLand, Desert z))
|he s/e o/Capri. A ho|e/, a |ab/e around whch we speak amon /rends, a/-
mos| w|hou|any orde( w|hou|aenda , ode d0 | o0[ , no wa|chword , mot
d o|d|e save /ora sn/e word, |he c/eares| and mos| obscure: e' | g| on. "
Jhnkng rclgon today ncccssarly mplcs analyzng thc phcnomcnon
that gocsby thc namc olthc rcturn olthc rclgous, orrcturnolrcl-
gons, a phcnomcnon that s takngon morc and morc thc catastrophc
lorm oltcrror, ollanatcsm, ol rea//rma|ve ou|bddn ,s0|enchee |eaf-
f| mat|| ce} . ' 'ow, to takc account olths rasng olthc stakcs rcgurcs
hrst olall thatoncrctrcto a ccrtanplaccanslandthatoncrcmovc
samattcrolh ndngaganwhatrclgonmghtollcrnthcwayolsurprsc,
He are no|/ar /rom Kome, bu|we are no /oner n Kome. /ere we are /|er-
a//y so/a|ed /or|wodays, nsu/a|edon |he heh|s o/Capr, n |hed//erence
be|ween |he Koman and |he /|a/c, |he /a||erpo|en|a//y symbo/znevery-
|hn|ha| can nc/ne-a|a cer|an remove /rom, somewha|ou| o/sh| o(
|hcKomannenera/. ' '
Iowcan aconccptthatolrclgonbcspltor scparatcdlromt-
scll:Lct us rccapthc rcasonnghcrc.Jhc phcnomcnon olthc rcturn ol
rclgons svcrydlhcult to comprchcndand to crtguc. Lcrrdanotcs
that thc gucston olthc rcturn s ncvcr smplc. Cnc cannot crtczc or
condcmnthcrcturnolthcrclgouswthoutcausngrclgonto rcturnna
ccrtanscnsc.otsuchandsuch adogmaolsuchandsuchapartcularrc-
lgon, buta typc ollath, prccscly, lathnthc othcr, crcdt accordcdthc
othcr, lath that somcthng complctcly othcr mght comc to pass, that
atroctcsccasc bcng commttcd, n^lgcraor^ghanstan, lor cxamplc,
n thc namcolrclgon. ts thcrclorcalways nthc namcolaccrtan un-
lgous lanatcsm. Itwould bc navc to thnk that thc rcturn olthc rcl-
gouscanbccombatcdsolclynthcnamcolrcason, as lrcasonwcrcablc
c n r 1 r n 2 q
to mnctoncomplctclyndcpcndcntolbclcI oras l knowlcdgc, thatold
|or/ca/ reve/a|/on, s, to borrow Kant`s dch nton, a
re//ec|/n (|ef' es-
t| e|ende]/a/|h. `
i !
/ow |hen, |o |hnk-w/|h/n |he //m/|s o/reason a/one-a re///on wh/ch,
w/|hou|aa/n becom/n na|ura/re///on, wou/d|odaybee//ec|/ve/yun/ver-
sa/:Andwh/ch /or |ha| ma||ei, wou/d no /onerbe res|r/c|ed|o a parad/m
|ha| was Chr/s|/an orevenAbraham/c:
i l
|| sea' ' thenameswea|e | nvos| ng, ' | sea' ' names| ngene|a' , thesedes| gnate
atoncea ' | m| t,a negat|ve' | m| t, andachance. |o|pehaps|espons| o| ' |tycon-
s| sts | n mas| ng ofthename|eca' ' ed, ofthememoy ofthename, ofthe| d-
| omat| c' | m| t, a chance,that | s, anopen| ngof| dent| tyto| tsve|yf0t0|e. ''
Jhc luturc olrclgon or ollath n thc othcr (ood /a/|h o/|he u||er/y
rclcsthcrclorconthcpossblccomngol ustcc ,open/n |o |he
/u|ure or |o |he com/n o/ |he o|her as |he adven| o/]us|/ce`)' and ol
dcmocracy( wha|everourre/a|/on |o re///on maybe . . . , we a/soshare . . .
an unreserved|as|e, //no|an uncond/|/ona/pre/erence, /or wha|, /n po//|/cs,
/s ca//ed repub//can democracy as a un/versa//zab/e mode/`) .` Jhs lath
wthoutdogmasncccssarlylodgcd nthchcartol everyac|o//anuae
andevery address |o |he o|her. `
Such lathhas ts sourccn aplaccthatlcads backtothcnon-placcol
khra, morcorgnarythananyplacc, hstory, orgcncalogy. In Iow to
^vodSpcakng,Lcrrdansstsonthc oa|en dser|/que| , |ad| ca' ' ynon-
h0man, and atheo' og| ca' chaacte ofth| s p' ace. ' In FathandKnowl-
cdgc, thspurcpossbltyolplacc,whchstscllwthoutanycxstnglo-
cazaton, purcpossbltyolspaccthatdocs nottsclloccupyanyspacc,
thssourcc, the|ewhe|eeveyothe| |s eve|y| o| tlothe|, s namcd dese|t
desetw| th| nthedese|t) , oragan,Pom| sed |and.
In ths dcscrtany tracc olthc hstorcal loundngolthc laworolau-
thortyslost.Jhc dcscrt rclcrs tothc mprobablc dstancc that scparatcs
Is/and, PromisedLand, Desert z;;
bcgnnng and cvcry cvcnt. !es|amen|ary and /oran/c reve/a|/ons are /n-
separab/e /rom a h/s|or/c/|y o/reve/a|/on /|se//`
Yct, whatthc romscd
Land promscs sprccsclythc possbltyolqucstonngthc bclorc-thc-
hrst bass lor ths hstorcty, so thata revea/ab///|y,ffenoa|se| t} be a/-
/owed|orevea//|se/j w/|ha //h||ha|wou/dman//es|,/|se//moreor//nar//y
|han a//reve/a|/on _ffenoa|0ng} . `
! i
/n |h/ssame //h|, andunder|hesamesky /e|us|h/s daynameth|ee p' aces.
|he /s/and, |he /rom/sed /and, |hedeser|. !hree apore|/ca/p/aces. w/|h no
wayou|oranyassuredpa|h w/|hou|/|/neraryorpo/n|o/arr/va/, w/|hou|an
ex|er/or w/|h a p|ed| ctao' e map and a ca' c0' ao' eproramme. !hese |hree
p/acesshapeourhor/zon, hereandnow. ,u|s/nce |h/nk/n andspeak/nare
ca//ed /orhere, |hey w///be d////cu/|w/|h/n |heass/ned/tm/|s, anda cer|a/n
absence o/hor/zon. /aradox/ca//j, |he absence o/hor/zon cond/|/ons |he /u-
|ure /|se// !he emerenceo/|he even|ouh||opunc|ureeveryhor/zon o/ex-
pec|a|/on. Hhence|heapprehens/ono/an abyss /n |hesep/aces, /orexamp/e
a deser| /n |he deser|, |here where one ne/|her can nor shou/d see com/n
wha|ouh|orcou/d-pe|hap:-beye||o come. Hha|/s s|///' ef|tocome. )
/e|uss|ep up|hepace /n order|o //n/sh. /n v/ewo/a |h/rdp/ace |ha|cou/d
we// have been more |han arch/-or//narj, |he mos|anarch/c and anarch/v-
ab/e p/ace poss/b/e, no| |he /s/and nor |he /rom/sed /and, bu| a cer|a/n
deser|-andno| |he deser| o/reve/a|/on bu| a deser| w/|h/n |he deser|, |ha|
wh/ch makes poss/b/e, opens, ho//ows or/n//n/|/zes |he o|her. /cs|asyorex-
/s|enceo/|hemos|ex|reme abs|rac|/on.
e/ore|he /s/and-andCapr/ w///neverbe/a|mos-|here w///havebeen |he
/rom/sed/and. /ow|o/mprov/seanda//owonese//|o besurpr/sed/nspeak-
/n o//|: /ow no| |o /earand how no| |o |remb/e be/ore |he un/a|homab/e
/mmens/|yo/|h/s|heme: !he//ure o/|he /rom/sed/and-/s /|no|a/so |he
essen|/a/bondbe|ween |heprom/seo/p/ace and h/s|or/c/|y: yh/s|or/c/|y,
we cou/d unders|and |oday more |han one |h/n. //rs| o/ a a sharpened
spec///c/|yo/|heconcep|o/re///on, |he h/s|oryo//|sh/s|orj, ando/|hee-
nea/o/es /n|erm/n/ed /n /|s /anuaes and/n /|s name. //s|/nc|/onsare re-
qu/red. /a/|h has no|a/ways been andw/// no|a/ways be /den|///ab/e w/|h re-
c n r 1 r n z
/on, noi, ano|herpon|, w|h |heo/oy. A//sacredness andho/ness are no|
necessar/y, n |hes|rc|senseo/|he|erm, /|heresone, re/ous.
/o( n add|on |o nves|a|n |he on|o|heo/oco-po/|ca/ |rad|on |ha|
/nks Creekph/osophy|o |heAbrahamc reve/a|ons, perhaps we mus|a/so
subm||o|heordea/o/|ha|whch ress|ssuch n|erroa|on, whch w//have
a/waysress|ed, /tom w|hn oras |houh /rom an ex|eror|y |ha| worksand
ress|s nsde. Choa,|heordea/o/cho|a , wou/dbe, a|/eas|accordn|o|he
n|erpre|a|on / be/eved]us|/ed n a||emp|n, |he name /orp/ace, a p/ace
name, anda ra|hersnu/aronea||ha|, /or|ha|spacnwhch, no|a//own
|se//|o be domna|edby any |heo/oca/, on|o/oca/oran|hmpo/oca/ n-
s|ance, w|hou|ae, w|hou| hs|ory and more ancen| |han a// oppos|ons
|/orexamp/e, |ha| o/sensb/e/n|e//b/e), does no|even announce |se//as
beyondben, naccordancew|hapa|h o/nea|on, av| anegat| va. Asa re-
su/|, choa remans abso/u|e/y mpassve and he|eroeneous |o a// |he
processes o/ hs|orca/ reve/a|on or o/ an|hropo-|heo/oca/ experence,
whch a| |he very /eas| suppose |s abs|rac|on. /| w// neverhave en|eredre-
/on and w// neverperm| |se//|o be sacra/zed, sanc|/ed, humanzed,
|heo/o_zed, cu/|va|ed, hs|orczed. Kadca//yhe|eroeneous|o |he sa/eand
sound, |o|heho/yand|hesacred, |neveradm|so/any| ndemn| f| cat| on. !hs
canno|even be /ormu/a|ed n |hepresen|, /orcho|a neverpresen|s |se//as
such. /|s ne|heren, nor|he Cood, norCod, nor^an, nor /s|ory /| w//
a/ways ress| |hem, w// have a/ways been |andno /u|ure an|ero( even, w//
havebeenab/e|o reappropra|e, n//ec|orre//ec|achoaw|hou|/a|h or/aw)
|he very p| ace o/ann/n|e ress|ance, o/an n/n|e/ympassveperss|ence
(|estance].a /ace/ess who//yo|her
!hsmessanc|y s|rppedo/every|hn,as|shou/d, |hs /a|h w|hou|doma
whch makes |s way|hrouh |hersks o/abso/u|enh|, canno|becon|aned
nany|rad|ona/oppos|on, /orexamp/e|ha|be|weenreasonandmys|csm.
/|sannouncedwhereve( re//ec|nw|hou|hnchn, apure/yra|ona/ana/y-
ss brns |he /o//ownparadox |o /h|: |ha||he /ounda|on o//aw-/awo/
|he /aw, ns||u|on o/|he ns||u|on, orn o/|he cons||u|on-s a per/or-
ma|veeven||ha|canno|be/on|o |he se| |ha||/ounds, nauura|es or]us|-
/es. >uch an even| s un]us|/ab/e w|hn |he /oc o/ wha| | w// have
opened. /| s |he decson o/|he o|her n |he undecdab/e. /ence/or|h reason
Is/and, PromisedLand, Desert z,;
ouh||oreconze|herewha|^on|aneand/asca/ca//anundenab/e mys-
|ca/ /ounda|on o/au|hor|y. !he myst| ca' |hus unders|ooda//es be/e/w|h
cred|, |he /ducaryor|he|rus|wor|hy |he secre| ,whch heresn/es mys|-
ca/), w|h /ounda|on, w|h know/ede, we w// /a|er saya/so, w|hscenceas
don, as |heory prac|ce and|heore|ca/prac|ce-whch s |o say w|h a
/a|h, w|hper/orma|v|y and w|h |echnoscen|/c or|e/e-|echno/oca/per-
/ormance. Hherever |hs /ounda|on /ounds n /oundern, wherever| s|ea/s
awayunder|heround o/ wha| | /ounds, a||he very ns|an|when, /osn |-
se// |hus n |hedeser|, | /oses |he very |race o/|se//and|he memoryo/a se-
cre|, re/oncan on/yben andben aan. quas-au|oma|ca//y mechan-
ca//y, machne-/ke, spontaneo0s| y. Spontaneo0s' y, whch s |o say as |he
word ndca|es, bo|has |he orn o/wha|//ows /rom |hesource, spontes0a,
and w|h |he au|oma|c|y o/|he machne. /or |he bes| and /or |he wors|,
w|hou||hes/h|es|assuranceoran|hropo-|heo/oca/horzon. H|hou||hs
deser|n |he deser|, |here wou/dbe ne|her ac| o//a|h, norpromse, nor /u-
|ure, norexpec|ancy w|hou| expec|a|on o/dea|h and o/|he o|he( nor re/a-
|on |o |he snu/ar|y o/|he o|he| !he chanceo/|hs deser| n |he deser| |as
o/|ha| whch esemo' estothepo| ntofnon-ecogn| t| on, bu| w|hou|reducn
|se//|o, |ha|v| anegat| va whch /ores |s way/rom a Craeco-]udaeo-Chrs|-
an |rad|on) s |ha| n uproo|n|he |rad|on |ha|bears|, n a|heo/ozn|,
|hsabs|rac|on, w|hou|denyn/a|h, /bera|esa unversa/ra|ona/|yand|he
po/|ca/democracy |ha| canno|be dssoca|ed/rom |.
Th| s cond|on o/possb/|yoftheevent |s a| so | ts cond|on o/mpossb/|y,
' | se t h| s st|ange concept of mess| an| sm w| tho0t content, of the mess| an| c
w|tho0tmess| an | sm, thatg0| des0shee | | set heo' | nd. H0t | two0' doe| 0stas
easy to show that w| tho0tt h| s expe|| ence of the | mposs | o' e, one m | ght as
we' ' g| ve 0p on ooth 0st| ceand theevent. '
Jhc \ndcnablc Iossbl|
vcryconccptolbrth trcmblcs,whcrc thcrc cchocs thc dzzyng gucston
that cannot buthauntcvcrytradton,cvcryhstory, cvcrygcncss, cvcry
lnkng ollacts. what lsomcthng csc wcrc to takc placc, somcthng

z;8 c n r 1 r n 2 q
wholy othcr, somcthng unhcard ol, somcthngwhollyothcr thanwhat
has happcncd orarrvcd: Jhs samcqucstonsalsoposcdnthcdrccton
anothcrpossbltywcrccapablcolcomng to pass: Cnc cannotknowol
onc can bclcvc ntbccausc thc possbltyolths othcr possbltys un-
H0t |t seems | mposs| o' eto deny the possb/|y | nwhose namethanss to
wh| chthede| vednecess|y|thea0tho|| tyodetem| nate oe| | efl wo0 | d oe
p0t on t| a' o| | n q0est| on, s0spended, eected o| c | t| c| zed, even decon-
st|0cted. necan no|deny | t, wh| ch means thatthe most onecan do | sto
deny| t.
Jhcothcrpossblty, thcothcrchancc, s undcnablc. tsonthsbass
thatonccan and mustgvctcrcdcnccorcrcdt.Jo bc possbc mcans to
bc undcnablc. nths scnsc,whatspossblcappcarsas thcpurcandsm-
pcmpossbtyolbcngdcncd.Jo rcmanatthclcvclolthcpossblc, to
support thc dscovcry olthc world by mcans olths lath n thc wholly
|ngdscourscs, tolctoncsclbcgudcdaporctcalybythccvcntthatcan
Lcrrda ncvcr stops puttng nto practcc. It would pcrhaps rcly on ths
snglcnuncton. Come.
Comc Iocs ot Icrvc lrom Comng
| t| s|n o|de|to speastoyo0ofcom| ng /a venue[ , ofwhathappenso|a||| ves
o|doesntthat | haveca' | ed yo0, on| yyo0 . | wasnt ao' eto conve|seaoo0t
com| ng oefoe say| ng come , v| ens[ ,toyo0 . H0tw| ' | | haveceen ao' etosay,
toyo0, vens, w| tho0tsnow| ngsanssavor| , w| tho0thav| ng avot| , w| tho0t
see| ng voq | n advancewhat"tocome"means
Myhypothes| s. onecannotde| veoconst0ctthesense,stat0s, of0nct| on,
astheysay,ofvens, oftheeventvens, onthecas| sofwhatonepes0 mesto
snowaoo0ttheve|o venrand| tsmod| f| cat| ons. Come ,v| ens} |s not a mod-
Is/and, PromisedLand, Desert z;

| f| cat| onof |o come ,ven| |[ . n thecont|a|y. fco0se, t h| scont|ay |s not

s| mp| ya cont|a|y, |athea who' ' yothe||e' at| on. Andasa conseq0ence, my
"hypothes| s"no| onge|po| ntstoa ' og| ca| o|sc| ent| f| cope|at| on, | nthe0s0a'
senseofthesewo|ds,tosometh| ng onewo0 | dhavetove|| fy o d| sp|ove. | t
desc|| oes, |athe,the0n0s0a| | n|oad avance| madeoy comeon|ocome.

Comc,as nroad madcongongandcomng,comcslromthctocomc

olthcmturc.^smcmoryolcvcrymovcmcnt, as undatablccallolthcopcn
sca, comc, olcoursc, undcrvcd, aloncspcaks olthc nvcnton oltravcl.

' .
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z6o c n r 1 r n 2 q
Iortraitol thcJravclcras Icdcho
Lct mccontnuc. lthc traitolthc cniois not a bcng, wc must n-
dccdsupposcthatts naccrtanscnscautomo/i/e wc shoulddscovcrn
tsrctrcatthcvolcnccolthcmachnc,olthccngnc, olascnscolthcmc-
chancalthatmcans lurchngblndlylorward, swccpngasdc na lrcnzy
thcprcscncc olthc orgn.Yct Icdcggcr ncvcraccords thcstatus olvch-
clc to thc vchcular condton. Lcrrda nstcad asks what away _ ioic s,
whatmakcs a way a way, an csscncc, or avchclc ioiturc . | am tas| ng
yo0| ca| vo|ure[ |thewo|d |s moe and mo|e aost|act fo| me, vo|ure, that
wh| chmasesa voe | nto a voe, yo0| He/chke|I , etc. . ' Its mpossblc
to dccdc oncway or thc othcr. Ioctryand thnkng travcl togcthcr, but
thcrvoyagc s wthout truth, unguardcd, tstotallycxposcd to thcacc-
dcnt, toovcrturnng.
Jhc Iocmatc Catastrophc
Icdgchog. thatsthcpoctcrcsponsc,lor| tsees |tse| f, the esponse,
d| ctated to oe poet| c, oy oe| ng poet| c )that Lcrrdaproposcs n rcplyto
thc qucston ats poctry: Irccsclybccausctsdctatcdandconsc-
qucntlyoo' | gedtoaddess |tse' ftosomeone, ' to bcdcstncdabroad, out-
z6z c n r 1 r n z ;
sdc, thc pocmsa t|ave|sa' ou|sdeyo0|se' f, ' acrossngolno rcturn, a
voyagctoward thc othcr as ltoward theoe| ng' ost | n anonym| ty, oetween
c| ty and nat0 |e, an | mpa|ted sec|et, at once p0o ' | c and p|| vate, abso/u|e/y
oneandtheother, aoso' ved f|om w| th | nandf|om w| tho0t, ne| the|oneno|
theothe|, thean| ma' th|ownontothe|oad, aoso' 0te, so' | ta|y, |o| ' ed 0p | na
oa| ' , nex||o ,|se/|Andfo|thatve|y |eason, | tmayget|tse| f|0nove|,]us|so,
the hrsson, s|rce | n| ta| | an, | nEng| | sh, hedgehog. `
Jhcpoctcsthcvcrycxpcrcnccolthc:ntao_: (experence, anothe|
wo|d fo|voyage) to thc cxtcnt that t gvcs tscll, or dctatcs, lkc the
a| eato|y|amo| | ngofat|ek,thest|ophethatt0|nso0tneve|' eadsoacktod| s-
co0|se, o|oack home, at ' east |s neve| |ed0ced to poet|yw|| tten, spoken,
even s0ng. 'Jhc pocmswhatoncdcsrcstolcarnlromthcothcr, thanks
to thc othcr, and as dctaton. t thcrclorc always happcns n passng. t
travcrscsthcothcr,wholcarns tby,wayolthc) hcart. Buttsprccsclyn
thccourscolths travcrscthattcxposcs tscllandsorskscatastrophc.
n rushng toward thc othcr, thc pocm alrcady bctrays thc sccrct that
consttutcs t, thclactthattwantstobckcptbythcothcr,andthslacts
whatcauscs tto runtots run, lor tcan always bccllaccdorlorgottcn.
Lkc thchcdgchogthatrollstscllntoa ball, thnkngthattwll thcrcby
protccttsclIlkcthctravclcrwhoaskshmorhcrwho rcmans bchndnot
tolorgct, thcpocm scntrustcdtothchcartolthcothcr. Butndongths
tcxposcs tscllto thc powcrolan cngncoldcath, lorthcbyhcart, lor
bcnganntcrorzaton,snoncthclcssamcchansm.Jhc by hcart sthc
brcakngnolthcoutsdc nto thcnsdcolthchcart. Lvcrytravclcrscon-
dcmncd tocntrustthcr llc to amachnc ,n a tran, planc, car, sonc n-
sdcoroutsdc:) .
Jhc pocm spcaks.
Dest|oy me, o||athe||ende|mys0ppo|t | nv| s| o| etotheo0ts| de, |n th| swo|| d
|th| s| s a' |eadythe t|a| tofa| ' d| ssoc| at| ons, theh| sto|yoft|anscendences, | n
anycase,d o what m0st oedonesothatthep|ovenanceofthema|k |ema| ns
f|om nowon 0n| ocatao' eo|0n|ecogn | zao' e. P|om| se | t. ' et | toed| sf| g0|ed,
t|ansf| g0|ed o| |ende|ed | ndete|m| nate | n| tspor|and | nth| swo|d yo0 w| | '
hea|thesho|eofthedepa|t0|easwe' ' asthe|efe|enttowa|dwh| chat|ans| a-
Portraitothe Iraoe/erasHedgehog z6)

, i
z6| c n r 1 r n 2
t| on | spo|te|ed. Eat,d| | ns, swa' ' owmy| ette|, ca|y |t,tanspo|t| t| nyo0, | | se
the | awofa w|| t| ngoecomeyo0| oody. wr/|/n/n |/lse/| The|0se ofthe | n-
0nct| onmayf| |stofa' ' | et |tse' foe| nsp| edoyt hes| mp| eposs| o| ' | tyofdeath,
oythe| ssthata veh| c| eposesto eve|y f| n|teoe| ng. Yo0 heathecatast|ophe
com| ng. |omthat momenton | mp|| nted d| |ect' yonthet|a| t,comef|omthe
hea|t, themo|ta| sdes| e awasens| nyo0 themovement|wh| ch | scont|ad| c-
to|y, yo0 fo| | ow me, a do0o| eest|a| nt, an apo|et| cconst|a| ntl to g0a|d f|om
oo' | v| onth| sth| ngwh| ch | nthe same st|ose exposes | tse' fto death andpo-
tects |tse' f| na wo|d, the add|ess, the |eteatofthe hrsson, | | se anan| ma|
ont hea0to|o0te |o| | ed0p| na oa' ' . newo0| d| | set otase| t| noneshands,
0nde|taseto ' ea|n | tand0nde|stand | t,to seep | tfoonese| f, nea|onese| f.
/|era//y, yo0 wo0 ' d | | se to |eta| n oy hea|t an aoso| 0te| y 0n| q0efo|m, an
eventwhose | ntang| o' es| ng0| a|| ty no ' ongesepa|atesthe | dea| | ty, the| dea'
mean| ngasonesays,f|omtheoodyofthe| ette|. | nthedes | |eofth| saoso' 0te
| nsepa|at| on, theaoso| 0tenon-aoso' 0te,yo0 oeathethe o|| g| n ofthepoet| c.
Whence the | nf| n | te |es| stancetothet|ansfe|ofthe ' ette|wh| chthean| ma' ,
| n | ts name, neve|the' ess ca' | so0t fo|. That | st hed| st|ess of t he hr/sson.
What does the d| st|ess, s|ress | tse| f, want: >|rc|o sensu, to p0t on g0a|d.
Whencethep|ophecy. t|ans' ate me, watch, seepmeyetawh| ' e,getgo| ng,
saveyo0|se| f, | etsgetoffthea0to|o0te.
Th0sthedeamof/eamnbyhear|a| ses |n yo0. f' ett | ngyo0| hea|t oe
t|ave|sedoythed| ctatedd| ctat| on. |n as| ng' et|a| tandthatsthe| mposs| o' e,
thatsthepoemat | cexpe|| ence. Yo0 d| d not yet snowthe heat, yo0 ' ea|n | t
th0s. ||omt h| sexpe|| enceandf|om t h| sexp|ess| on. | ca' | a poem thatve|y
th| ng that teaches the hea|t, | nventsthe heat, |ha|whch, f| na' | y, the wo|d
hear|seemsto meanandwh| ch, | n my' ang0age, | cannoteas| | yd| sce|nf|om
the wo|d | tse' f. /ear|, |n the poem " ' ea|n oy hea|t" |to oe ' ea|ned oy heatl,
no ' ongenameson' yp0|e | nte| o||ty, | ndependentspontane| ty, thef|eedom
toaffectonese| fact| ve' yoy |epod0c| ngthe oe' oved t|ace. The memo|y of
"oy heat" |s conf| ded | | se a p|aye|thats safe|to a ce|ta| nexte|| o|| ty of
the a0tomaton, tothe ' awsofmnemotechn| cs,tothat | | t0|gythat m| mes me-
chan| cs on the s0|face, to the a0tomoo| ' ethat s0p|| ses yo0| pass| on and
oea|sdownonyo0as| f f|omano0ts| de. auswend/, "oyheat" | nCe|man. "
Portraitothe1raoe/erasHedgehog z6,

z66 c n r 1 r n 2
Jhc \nconscous ol thc Rctrcat
Isthc hcdgchog a mctaphor lor thc pocm: Is thc pocm a mctaphor
lor thchcdgchog:hchwouldbcthcltcralscnscandwhch thc tropc
outan cxpcrcncc olthc hcart, thcn thcrcsno poctccxpcrcnccwthout
stupdty /uisc .Intwoscnscs. hrstly, nothngsmorc asnnc _ /tc than
lcarnng by hcart, parrot-lashon, sccondly, nothng s morc alvc n llc
than thc hcart, posscsscdncommonbyall anmals.Jhcrc s thus anmal
nthc pocm, and pocm n thc anmal, n thc ncghborhoodolpocm and
hcdgchogtsnotpossblctodstngushwhch,propcrlyspcakng, comcs
bclorc thc othcr and prcccdcs t n thc cnio)agc. Nctaphorc orgn s
|n o|de| to |espond |n two wo|ds. e//pss, fo| examp' e, o|e/ec|on, hear|,
hrsson, o| s|rce, yo0 w| 0 have had to d | sao' e memo|y, d| sa|m c0| t 0e,
snowhowtofo|get snow| edge,setf| |etothe ' | oa|yofpoet| cs. The 0n| c|ty
ofthepoemdependsonth| scond| t| on.Yo0m0stce' eo|ate,yo0 havetocom-
memoate amnes| a, savagey, even the st0p| d| ty ofthe"oy heat" . the hr|s-
son. |t o ' | nds |tse| f. Ro0ed 0p | n a oa| ' , p| | cs' yw| th sp| nes, v0 | ne|ao| eand
dange|o0s, ca| c0' at | ng and | ' | -adapted | oeca0se | t mases |tse' f| nto a oa| | ,
sens| ng the dange o n the a0to|o0te, | t exposes | tse| fto a n acc dentl. N o
poemw| tho0tacc| dent, n o poem thatdoes notopen | tse| f' | se a wo0nd, o0t
nopoemthat | snota' so 0staswo0nd| ng. Yo0 w| 0 ca' | poema s| ' ent | ncan-
tat| on, theaphon | cwo0ndthat, ofyo0, f|om yo0, ' wantto| ea|n oyhea|t. "
Yo0 w| 0 ca| ' poem f|om nowona ce|ta| npass| onofthes| ng0 | a| ma|s,the
s| gnat0e that|epeats | ts d | spes| on, eacht| meoeyondthe /oos, a-h0man,
oa|e' y domest| c, not eapp|op|| ao| e | nto t hefam | | y ofthe s0o ect. a con-
veted an | ma| , |o| ' ed 0p | n a oa| | , t0|ned towa|dtheothe andtowad tse| f,
| n s0m, a t h| ngmodest, d| sceet, c| oseto the ea|t h, the h0m| ' | tythat yo0
n| csname, t h0st|anspo|t | ngyo0|se' f |n the nameoeyond the name, a cata-
ch|est | chrsson, | tsaows he| dat the |eady,whenth | sage| esso| | nd th | ng
hea|so0t doesnotseedeath com| ng. '
hcn thchcdgchog rolls nto a ball, t rctrcats ,or thnks t rctrcats)
PortraitotheIraoe/erasHedgehog z6;




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z6 c n r 1 r n 2
lromthctralhcandwthdraws lromcrculatonbymcansolrctracton. n
thsscnsc,ts susccptblc to wthdrawal rctrait ,to thccxtcnt olwth-
drawnglkc amctaphorlorthcpocm) . Iowcvcr, thc scnscs olthc rctrait
arc notbroughttogcthcrn t. tdocsn`t knowthcm, tsn awaythc0n-
consc| o0s. . . oft he|et|eat. ' ' tcxposcstsclltodcathwthoutknowng.
The poem can |o' ' |tse| f0p | n a oa| ' , o0t |t |s st| ' | | n o|de| tot0|n | ts po| nted
s| gnstowa|d the o0ts| de. To oes0|e, | tcan |ef|ect ' ang0age o| speaspoet|y,
o0t|t neve||e' atesoacsto | tse' f, |t neve|movesoy|tse' f| | sethosemach| nes,
o|| nge|s ofdeath . | ts eventa' ways | nte||0pts o|de|a| ' s aoso| 0te snow| edge,
a0tote' | c oe| ng | n p|ox| m|tyto|tse' f. Th| s"demonofthehea|t" neve|gathe|s
| tse| ftogethe|, |athe|| t' oses| tse' fandgetsoffthet|acs|de| | | | 0mo|man| al , | t
exposes | tse' fto chance, | two0 ' d |athe| | et | tse| foeto|nto p| eces oy what
oea|sdown 0pon| t. '
Bcngcxposcd to an accdcntthc latc olcvcry travclcrs not somc-
thngthat can bcknownas such, ts all thc morcradcallor nothavng
anyassuch. Jhatalso mcans thatthcpolyscmyolthcword rctraitcan-
notbcbrought togcthcr nanysupcror unvocty. t docs notsublatc ts
He| degge|wo0| ddo0ot' esscons| de|thed| ssem| nat| onofmean | ng |n w|| t| ng,
oeyondthecont|o| ' ed po| ysem| athat heoas| ca| ' y |ecommends, tooeanef-
fectof H|z. | am not mas| nga casefo| H|z. H0tthew|| t| ng-hedgehog| | nss
the essenceofthepoemat| ctothea' eato|y, noton| ytothea' eato|yfacto|of
' ang0ageo| nom| nat| on, o0ttothatofthema|s,andth| s| swhatdest| nes |tto
a " ' ea|n| ng-oy-hea|t" whose ' ette| | snottho|o0gh ' ynom | na| , d| sc0|s| ve, o|
| | ng0| st c. | n a| ' th | s, a g|eatp|ox| m|tytoHe| degge|doesnotexc' 0desome
m | sg| v| ngonthes0o| ectofnoth | ng | essthan poet|yandt|0th | /ch|unund
Harhe|I . th| ngs a|e p| ayed o0toetween the versamm/un|wh| ch | sto say
a| so,fo|He| degge|, the/oosI andd| ssem| nat| on. ' '
Jhcmotlol thchcartlnks thoscol ntmacyandthc mcchancal, but
wthout gathcrngthcm, and always n a sngular and unquc way. Jhs
lnkagcsacontam| nat| on, andth| sc|oss|oads,th| sacc| denthe|e.Th | st0|n,
thet0|n| nga|o0ndof|hscatast|ophe. ' 'Icncc.
PortraitotheIraoe/erasHedgehog z6,

| i






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c n r 1 r n 2
0| poem does not ho' dst| | | w| th| nnames, no|evenw| th| nwo|ds. | t| sf| |st
ofa' | th|own o0tonthe |oads and| n thef| e| ds,th| ngoeyond ' ang0ages,even
|f |t somet| meshappensthat |t |eca| | s |tse| f| n| ang0age,when |t gathe|s | tse' f
0p, |o| ' ed 0p | n a oa| | on | tse' f, mo|e threatened than eve| | n | ts |et|eat. | t
th| nss | t| sdefend| ng |tse| f, and | t' oses | tse| f. ' `
^ccdcnt vthout Sacrhcc
Jhc accdcntthatcan bclall thchcdgchogs nottobcconccvcd ol
n thc scnsc ola sacrh cc. For thc sacrhcc | s neve|acc| denta' . Lcrrda
contnucs. When the|e |s sac|| f| ce, the|| t0a' v| ct| m | snot |0n ove|oy h| s-
to|y | n an acc| denta| way, ason theh| ghway. low,nIcdcggcr, accdcnt
s always tcd tosacrhcc,whchs to say, to thc truth, talways comcs to
bc nvcstcd wth dest | na' mean | ng. ' ' ^s Lcrrda makcs clcar. Th | s
p|opens| tyt omagn | fyt hed | sast|o0sacc| dent| s fo|e| gnt owhat | ca| ' ed the
h0m | | |tyofthepoemat| chedgehog. ' ow, ve|y | ow, c| osetotheeath,h0mo' e
| hum/sI . `
l /
Jo saythatthchcdgchoghasnorclatontotscllstosaythattdocsn`t
scc dcath comng, n thatscnsc t s blnd. It docs not walk lrccytoward
dcath lkc thcDascin.Jhcpocmatccxpcrcnccsthatolavngcrcaturc
thatslorcgntothc logos, cxposcdtoadcathwthoutwords, adcaththat
Icdcggcrwoud call pcrshng, prccsclyn ordcr todstngushtlrom
dcath as such. thcvcrb`topcrsh`rctanssomcthngolthccr, olthc
passagc olthclmt, olthc travcrsal markcd nLatn by thccrco,crirc
,whch mcans cxactly. to lcavc, dsappcar, pass-on thc othcrsdc ollc,
transirc) . "'Jhchcdgchogspcrshablc,thatstshumlty, thclactolcx-
posngtscllto dcath wthout cxpcctngtorwatnglor t, nthc cxpcr-
cncc olcrossng. Itson thc road, onthcway, unconscous, knowngnc-
thcrlromwhcncc tcomcs norwhthcrtgocs, not dcriiing, ustpassng.
Itkccpstscllve|y ' ow, c| osetotheea|th . Itsdowntocarth, tadvanccs
along thc ground-a strp olasphalt-whch s not apathway, not a Bc-
ugung notopcnngonto anyscnsc.Jhchcdgchogsassurcdolnoa/rcad,
thcrcnor anydcstnaton, tpassvclyrcssts that logc, th| s ' og| cofdest| -
nat| onthatpe|m |tsonetosay, eve|ywhe|eanda| ways, '| havea| waysa| |eady
a||| vedatthedest| nat| on
. '
PortraitotheIraoe/erasHedgehog z ;I


, _ . .:
z;z c n r 1 r n 2 ]
Farlromthc^mazonanlorcst, notknownghowtoturnaroundlkca
hcotropc,lorcgntothchousc olbcngandtopropcrlydyng, thchcdgc-
hogtravclswthoutasound. Lkcthcntcrchangcsacrosswhchthazards
tsj ourncyand rsks mslortunc, ts dcstncdlor ony onc thng, to |e-
ma| n of | | tt' emean| ng res|erdepeudesens| . `
I 1|
PortraitotheIraoe/erasHedgehog z;)
z;| c n r 1 r n 2
Portraitothe!raoe/erasHedgehog z;)
c n r 1 r n 2 ] Portraitothe Iraoe/erasHedgehog z;;
c n r 1 r n z ;
Portraitothe Iaoe/erasHedgehog z7

^Jrio olNays H trats vatcs]
ic)c1 . Iavcwcarrvcd:
oic)cz . hatarcyou askng: hcthcrthc ourncys ovcr:whcthcr
wc can nowconcludc: Crwhcthcrwc, thcscpathways, orthcpathwayn
gcncral, mcans arrval:hcthcrt can bcconluscdwth thcvcrymovc-
\1 . Both.^lthatatthcsamctmc.
oic)c} . ^nothcrqucston.c arc thrcc, atlcastthrcc, wc havc bccn
lorgcdnthcworktsclI lollowngthrccdrcctonsthat,although scpara-
blc, rcman no lcss partcular and rrcducblc onc to thc othcr. am not
surc, howcvcr, whcthcr our scparatcncss or our partng rcssts arrval.
Iavcn`twccndcd up bcngconluscdoncwththcothcr:
\z . Both.^llthatatthcsamctmc.
\} . Ixplanyourscll
\z. c arcscparatc andwcarc conluscd. Butthats to bc undcrstood
\1 . Frstscnschrst.
\z . c arcscparatcandwcarcconluscd.thatmcans, nthchrstplacc,
thatthcspaccolscparaton /ccart] sourcommonlot.c arcconluscdat
lcasttothccxtcntthatwcalways procccdlromthatspacclromthcorg-
H Irioov,s z8I
narytmtt orbrcach/broachng cntamc] whatcvcrvoyagcswcmakcpos-
sblc and whch, n rcturn, rcndcr us possblc. c managc to, or arrvc
lrom, not dcrvng. Clcoursc thatprovokcs catastrophcrcvcrsal, upsct,
pcrl, dcstructon, orchancc, naword,mmncncc-all ovcrthcmap, n
ography. ^nd allovcrthc carth. Icncclorth, thcvoyagc signqcsthc scpa-
\} .^scparaton thatmakcsroomwthouttsclltakngplacc, sn`tthat
so:Butlthatsthccasc,howdocsoncknow, howcanonccvcrknowlt
ducc, altcrall, tobcngadcstnaton lkc anyothcr:
\1 . "What | s|t,a dest| nat on :
\z . Theewhe|e |t a||| ves.
\1 . Sotheneve|ywheethat | ta|| vestheewasdest| nat| on:
\z . Yes.
\1 . H0tnot oefo|e:
\z . No.
\} . That'sconven| ent,s| nce| f| ta| vesthee, | t| soeca0se | twasdest| ned
toa|| vethee. H0tthen one can on| ysaysoaftethe fact:
\1 . When | thasa| ved, | t |s | ndeedthe poofthat | thad toa|| ve, and a|-
|| vethee, at | tsdest | nat| on .
\} . H0t oefo|e a| v| ng, |t |s not dest | ned, fo examp| e | t ne| thedes| es
nodemandsany add|ess:Thee |seve|yth| ngthata|| veswhee | thad toa-
|| ve, o0t no dest| nat| on oefo|ethea|| va| :
\z . Yes,o0t | meantt osaysometh | ng e' se.
\} . fco0se,thatswhat | wassay| ng.
\1 . The|eyo0 ae.
\z . ^syouknow, thc pathwaydocs not prcdatc thcvoyagc. athway,
travclcr, andvoyagcarrvcandrcachcachothcr`sshorctogcthcr. Forbcttcr
\1 . I admtto nothavngcomplctclyundcrstoodhowapathway, you
or, candcstncnthsway, go cnio,aging,wthnanmprobablcbutsamc
tmc, outolstcp butstlloncandthcsamc, subcct,vchclc, andplacc.
\z . Ilyouprclcr, | | nte|0pt a moment. . . eve|yth | ng | to| dyo0 aoo0t
thesteppas| , theway voe| v| ao| | |ty, o0v| at| c0m, theca|and He/chke|,
etc. , nordcr toaskyouarddlc. I camc upon tycstcrdaycvcnng. ` . . .
thcwaythatthc travclcrrcccvcs thcbcngand thc namc olthctravcllcr.
Conscqucnty, whcnatravcllcrturns nto orsctsout alongan nh ntcway
and onc asks hmwhcrchc s, hc rcplcs that hcs on thc way, and lonc
asks hmwhcrc hchascomc lrom, hcrcplcsthathchascomc lrom thc
thcway to thcway . . . . But bc carclul about ths oh ycs, bccausc onc
couldcaslybccarclcss, thctcmptaton sgrcat, andtsmnc,tconssts
nnotbcngcarclul, takngcarcolnothng,bcngcarcmlolnothngrcn-
drcgardc,gar dcdcricn,gardcricn) , cspccalynotthc truth whch s thc
guardng tscll, as ts namc suggcsts] . thswaywhch s at thc samc tmc
llc, salsotruth. ` Cucss _ dciinc ,youthcsoothsaycr _dciinc ,whowrotc
that, whch s ncthcrthc t,pathand dscoursc) norNartn`s Wg, gucss
whatI havc msscd out. Itscallcd vhcrcisthcKingothc}cus
\1 . at, I thnkI know. It`s a tcxt bycolas dc Cucs. Lctmc hl n
thcpartyouomttcd. owaul sadthatn Cod. . . ' Itbcgnslkc
And | t|sth0ssa|dthatthe| nf| n|teway| sthep' aceofthet|ave' e|, andthatth| s
way| sCod. Conseq0ent' y, th| sway, o0ts| deofwh| ch not|ave| e co0| doe
fo0nd, | sth| sveyoe| ng,w| tho0tp| ncepso|end, towh| chthetave' e|owes
h | s oe| ngatave| e|, andh| s hav| ngeve|yth| ngthat mases h| matave' e|. H0t
thefactthatthetave| eoeg| ns oe| ng a tave| e onthewayadds noth| ng to
the| nf| n|teway, no|does |tp|od0ceanychange | nthepepet0a' and| mmo-
o| 'e pathway.
A| sooem| ndf0 | oftheway |nwh| chCod'sWoddec' a|esthat| t|stheway
,J ohn ! 4. ! b[ , yo0 can 0nde|standthata ea' ' y| | v| ng | nte| ' ect |sat|ave| eon
the pathway |that |stosay, |n theWo|d of| | fe,the pathwaythansstowh| ch
he| ssa| dtooeatave' eanda| ongwh| chhemoves. |o| fmovement| s| | fe,
thewayofmovement| s| | fe,and| t| sthe' | v| ngwayofthe' | v| ngt|ave' e|, | t| s
tothe ' | v| ngpathwaythatthe ' | v| ngtave| e|owesh| soe| nga | | v| ngt|ave' e,
andhe moveson t h| spathwayandstats o0tfom |t, a' ongth| spathwayand
| nthed| |ect| onof| t. | t| sth0s 0st' ythattheSonofCodca' | s h| mse' ftheway
and the ' | fe. '
H Irioov,s z8)
IlI undcrstandthcscnscolthcrddlc,youmcanthatgvngbackthctrav-
plcslcavngout Cod:
\z . o, notlbyCodoncmcansthcrcallcapolchanccorthcthrow
olthcdcc.Ycs,lbyCodoncmcans an orgncxccptcdlromthcwaythat
tstll managcsto opcnup,anon-vchcularornon-convcycdnstancc,stl
alvctothccxtcntthattncvcrcxposcs tsclltothc possbltyolaccdcnt,
tocatastrophcngcncra.Jhctravccrmovcsalongthcpathway, hccomcs
lromthcpathway, hcgocslrompathwaytopathway . . . . Ilonclcavcsout
thcorgnolths iia/i/ip, thep| | ncepstowh| chthet|ave| e|owes h| soe-
| ng a t|ave' e|, thcn thc voyagc no longcrdcrvcslromanythngand thc
orgnbccomcstransportablcands,asarcsult,always mssngntsplacc.
Jhcways ncthcrnhntc normmoblc. Iorthat rcasoncvcrycvcntar-
rvcsorhappcns as acatastrophc.
\} . ^ndwc arcconluscdthcrc, all thcpathways, nthcplaccolthsh-
ntcmoblzaton.^ndwcpartways thcrcalso, cach olushavngto tracc
thcrown hstorywthout bcngablctotakccarcolthc othcrs.Jhcpath-
wayscannot bc gathcrcd togcthcr, orbckcpt n truth. Jhc thrcc courscs
that wc havcmarkcdout, rcvcrsal, travcrsal, andvcrson, do not lorm a
wholc. thats thcr paradoxcal unty.
Jhcystlcomcbackto thc samc thngn away. ^ll thrccstatc thatno
voyagc hows lromasourcc.^ndtsalso lorthatrcasonthatthcydctach
thcmsclvcs onclromthcothcr.
\1 . cll thcn, whatsthc sccond scnsc, thcothcr scnsc olwcarcscp-
\z .Jhcsccondscnscpontstowardatypcolcontradcton. Itcouldbc
a qucstonolan apora, aparadox,an opposton.^problcmnanycasc.
\} . I thnkI cansccthatalrcady. ^ccordngto thclogcolthssccond
scnsc, andcontrarytocvcrythngthathas ustbccnsad, wc arcconluscd
n thatwc arc scparatcd prccsclylromwhatwc thnkwc arc. undcrvcd
scparatons, partngs, orlorgngs.
\1 . Youcan`tmcan thatwc wll always bclackngwth rcspcct to thc
vcrythngthatwc clamtodvcrt, namclydcrvaton:
\z . Ycs,cxactlythat. Bythccndolourthrcctours tsccmsnlactdl-
hcult, cvcnmpossblc, to avod t, atbottom, onc cannotdowthoutt, t
aways arrvcs by comng back, s0cceeds | n |et0|n| ng. ` Look at t rc-
boundng, rsng out olthc tcxts, crcumscrbc twth a lnc, t rcmans
thcrc, cvcrywhcrc, vglant. Rcpulscd, rcprcsscd, cxorcscd, t s thcrc, n
sptc olcvcrythng, throughout cvcrythng. Bc vcry carclul. onc daywc
would nccd to dcmonstratc systcmatcally how dcrvaton, or drltng,
hauntsLcrrda`stcxts.tsccmstomposctscllnthcsamcway, lorcxam-
plc, thatthcsupplcmcnt docs n Rousscau. Jhc catastrophc s nthc lact
\1 . Buthcncvcrsadothcrwsc. Lccarng,conccrnngdcriic, thathc
has ao0sedthe wo|d, docsn`tamountto ostraczngt. Bcsdcs,youknow
what promscs not to abusc somcthngarc worth. Dcriicwould bcJIL
harmakon,somcthngonccannlactonlyabuscaslongasthcrcsthc cn-
pacc twth a dllcrcnt onc. For Lcrrda, ts nota mattcrolplayngar-
rval ollagainstdcrvatonal drlt, but olshowng that thc lattcr s n no
waycsscntal, thataslar asthnkngs conccrncdtsmcrclyan unavod-
\ . n ths scnsc, thcrc s no problcm wth thc lact that a tcxt s
\1 . lyoulkc. The|e |s nocont|ad| ct| onhe|e, o0t|athe|ad| sp| acement
\2 . ^l thcsamc,somcthngstll bothcrs mc. Lookagan, lorcxamplc,
at ths cxtract lrom Fath and Knowlcdgc. H0t |t seems | mposs | o| eto
denytheposs/b////y|n whosenamethankstowh| chthede|| vedneces-
s/|y|the a0tho||tyo|dete|m| nateoe| | eflwo0 | doe p0t | nq0est| on, s0spended,
|eected, o| c|| t| c| zed, even deconst|0cted. t sstrangc. hy spcak hcrc
olthc de|| ved necess| ty:hats ts ncccssty: Iowwould hstory, a
scgucnccolcvcnts, cvcrythngthattakcspaccngcncral, bcdcrvcd: lthc
orgnal cnioissubcctto chancc,cvcnltgctsdatcdandauthorzcdas a
loundngcvcnt, ltsalwaysaltcrthccvcntthatonccansaythatwhathas
arrvcd had to arrvc, thcn why spcak ol dcrvcd ncccssty: From what
couldt, nlact, bc dcrvcd: sn`tspcakngnthswaytantamounttoman-
H Irio ov,s z)
tanng thc lact olthcrc bcng dcrvatonal drlt as somcthng ccrtan:
Locsn`ttstllamounttohavnglath nt:
\1 . amnotvcryconvnccd.
\ . don`tsccwhcrcyouarchcadng.
\2 . Lctmctakcanothcrcxamplc.hcnhcsccmstemptedtocons| de|
mo0|n| ng and ghost | ng revenance| , spect|a| | ty o| ' | v| ng-on, s0|v| v| ng,
asnon-de|| vao' ecatego|| es o| as non-|ed0c| o| ede|| vat| ons, or, agan,
spcaksol |ep' acementastheve|yposs| o| ' |tyofp' ace,theo|| g| na|y and non-
s0pe|vened non survenue[ poss| o| ' |ty ofa| ' p' acement, how can oncbc
surcthatthcorgnary-dcrvcd couplc docsnotcontnuc toplaytstrad-
tonal rolc: hy alhrm that thc supplcmcnt ,mournng, spcctcr, rcplacc-
mcnt, substtutc, rcmandcr, ctc. ) cannot bc dcrvcd, or rrcducbly dc-
rvcd, or ndccdhas notoccurrcd _ nonsuricnu . Locsn`t that amountto
anorgn _rimcdoriginc .hatsmcantnthchnalanalyssbynon-dc-
rvcd: Locsn`tsuchalormulaalways rclcrbacktoanordcrolarrval:Jhc
usc olthc word dcriic and ts dcrvatvcs s not accdcntal. Cnc must
never|rea|asanacc/den||he/orce o/|he name /n wha|happens , a||| ve|
' '
\ . You mcanthatdcrvatonal drlt, cvcn lrcicrscd cvcn ltraicrscd
cvcn llallcnntocatastrophc, cvcn lsccnaccordngto anothcr icrsionol
thclacts, docs not appcar to travcl aslar asoncmghtthnkn Lcrrda`s
\2 . Lct`ssaythatthcrcwouldpcrhapsbcanrrcducbcndgcnousncss
\1 . nothcrwords, hownot to dcrvc:
\2 . Crhownottosccthatdcriicanddsavowacovcrthcsamcgucston:
\ . Showngthatwouldmcanawholcothcrvoyagc.
\2 . Jhat`swhatwas sayng. Jhcrcyouarc.
1111T11 L1
Derrida racing
CutttCu/uO. !C wO|G C|I| |S UO|C !O !C |Ou!C !kC| Uy |CC !| !O !C u|Su| ! O d C-
|CC|. ^ |CC !! w| l l UC GCSC|| UCG C|C |C! | C| l y w| !Ou! COUUC|!|y. /t5-Cut5tOO
w| !Ou! G| SCOu|SC, _CO_|| C |_u|!| O| O | | C, !Cl C_|| C 3tOC-OCOOttC l SO,
Cu|SO|y, SC|| UUl CG GOw| | | |uS Uy |u||C| Qu|!C Ou! O U|C! |G |O! CVC| S!O-
| |_ !O GO |! C|Cul l y. 1| S CutttCu/uO jCtC_ttO3/tOO t5 || SkS |C_l CC!| |_ CVC|y!| |_ !!
UOVCS l O|_ w| ! | !, | |Cl uG| |_ !C CUO!| O|. by S| Ul y |U| |_ SC||CS O S!OS, | ! w| l l
| UUOU| | | ZC, S | | !Ul Cu, ! C S!_CS, GCS!| |!| O|S, l CC-|UCS, C|S CVC| !C
|y!U O UOGC O !|VCl !!, ! | CS! S| |CC ! Jbb, S UCC| l |OS! | |CCSS|!.
^S C|!O_|y-|O! CVC| !|VCl ] Ou||l-!| S G|C|y l | S! O l CCS |G G!CS
!!, !O SVC !| UC, | VC !O l | U| ! !O U| || Ul O|U O |O!!| O|, l SO C|S, Uy
UC|S O |O!C| CO|VC|!| O|, S | 3OOu3/. yC| IC| yC|, !C |OC| |UCS O
C| !| CS !! |CCl l l _CU|| C UC!O|yU| CS O| !OO|yUS. 1| S |OUC|Cl !u|C | |l l y l | S!S
|O!| |_ UO|C !| l OCl | !| CS j/tCuX-Ot/5] , u|GC|S!OOG || !C SC|SC O S| Uu| C|, CC
O !CU !C C| C|CG G| U| |u!| VC O| CXC|| C|CCS wOSC |||!|VC kCCS O| _O| |_.
l1C Cl C|G| |CU| |S | |COUl C!C | | UO|C !| O|C |CSCC!. u|Ul C !O !|uS! C| !C| Uy
Sm sIopcs, ncar thc PIatcau d Assy,
tyy. (|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
On thc LIba, ncar Praguc, :6o.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
UCUO|y O| SOUC |C| VC !! l || C! |CVC| |CCO|GCG, O| !O O !! | SC! UySCl !C
|ul C O l | S!| |_ C|C O|l y !OSC !|| S !!, O| O|C |CSO| O| |O!C|, WC|C |O! u|Cl y
1C SGl y COU| C CCC! O l l !|S l|| 0y COUu!C| | VC _| VC| | ! !C | l C|UC
!|VCl _C|Cy) GOCS|' ! CSCC UC. | l U !O UC _| VC| C|CG| ! O| !!, !C| O|C W| l l
|O GOuU! UC SC|S| !| VC !O SO|! O U| SC|y !! | S CX|CSSCG C|C. l |GCCG, l l O !CSC
!|VClS |C|CSC|! O| UC ] uU| l |! COUUO!|O| O| W| C l UC|!C UySCl |G W| C |S
SOu|CC O SuC|| |_. lO|, UCl |CVC UC, !C|C |S SOUCO|C l| UC WO |CVC| WOul G
!|VCl , WO | |S| S!S O| |O! GO| |_ | ! ! l l , WO | |S|S!S !! C |CVC| | | C! G| G. | O|l y
| WC|C |CVC| ! O !|VCl , ! lCS! |CVC| | |OU OUC, W| C | S SOUCWC|C !! l l -
|CGy CCl S | ! WC|C OOvCO C|Ou_, UO|C !| |CCCSS|y, Uy W! COUCS |G -
C|S !O UC. ^|G Uy W! GOCS|'! COUC O| C|, !O UC, !O O|C O| |O!C|.
!/u5 l/ l5 //3/ 5lOCC l VJU, !C yC| O Uy U| |I, u|! | l ! J4J, |I |OU !C OGG CXCu|S| O| | |
KUyl | C W| ! Uy !C|, | |CVC| l C! Ll b| | O| ^| _| C|S, |CVC| UO|C !| |OU |VC !O
SCVC|!y k| l OUC!C|S Wy, S | S !C UCCCS O bU-Cl -LuCG, b| |!-Lu_|C, LCuX-
^Oul | |S, ^G|_uC, O| !O LuyO!V| l l C, b| G| -lC||uC, ZC|l G, LC|CCl l , O| 1| S.
! J4J | |S! GC|!u|C, UO! |G !|| | !O !C C/tOjOC. ^|SC| l l CS |G ||| S.
! JbU LS!C| |Ol | GyS, | |S! !|| W| !| | l||CC, !O ^| X-| CS-b| |S W| ! || C|G. L|!| l ! Jb4, |O
UO|C !|VCl | |_ C| !C| | | l||CC O| U|OG, SOUC ||| S-^l _| C|S |Ou|G!|| S, O!C| SCU| -
Cl |GCS! | |Cl y, | |y CSC |O! CCO|G| |_ !O |C_u| !| O|S, O| UO|G SUl l C|_O l |CS
!! G| G|'! l OOk VC|y |CSSu|| |_ l lCSS CXC|S| VC Wy !O !|VCl , Uu! W| C COu| G UC
|!C| || _!C|| |_ WC| !Cy | ! | | OCkC!S W|! l!O_C!C| UO|C VC|!| _| |OuS |CSul!S
_| VC| !! O|C WS SC!CG O| UC|C || !C U| GGl C O CSCS ul l O VC_C!Ul CS! . KC_-
ul | ||| S| | GG|CSSCS. UO|G| |_ OS!Cl S ! !C |yCCC lOu| S-| C-L||G l |uC b| |!-
] CQuCS! |G !C LCOl C |O|Ul C SuC|| Cu|C l|uC G' Ll U! , |G O| UO|C !| yC|
| ! Jb ! -bZ || U| |uSCul C U| G'S |OOU W|!Ou! |u||| |_ W!C| ! ! , |uC l_||_C,
|C| !C |l CC ^uUC|!.
! Jb4 ||S! UO|GC| C|OSS| |_, ||S! O|C| _| COu|!|y. V| l C S!uGy| |_ ! !C LCOl C |O|U lC
SuC|| Cu|C | ! JbZ-bb , | UGC U|| C | Cl G !|| !O LCuVC| !O CO|Sul ! !C |uSSC|l
^|C| VCS.
! Jbb W| !| | l||CC l G V| S|!CG O|l y SOUC Sk| |CSO|IS l| !C ^| S | ! JbJ , lO| |C Vl l Cy
C!CuX | ! Jbb , |G O|U|Gy l |O|| Cu|, ! Jbb Uy !C ! | UC !!, Ol l OW| |_ !C
_tC_3/tOO CXUS, | l CI Uy UO! W| ! ^|_uC|| !C ^uCOu!u|| C| O| !C L||!CG b!!CS
l |CW 1O|k, LUU|| G_C, ||V|G L|| VC|S|!y, bOS!O|WC|C WC _O! U||| CG!C| Uy
C| S | S LC |!!C|S, bOu! L|Ol | |) . KC!u|| Uy !C SUC UO! l lC l| UC|!C! | |
] u|C ! Jb.
! Jb -bJ. U| l |!|y SC|V| CC | | ^l _C|| . ^! Uy |CQuCS! l G| G |O! WC| u|| O|U |G WS S-
S| _|CG !O !CC l| SCOOl O| !C C| l G|C| O SC|V| CCUC| ! KOl C, !| |Iy k| | OUC!C|S
|OU ^l _| C|S. bOUC !|| S Gu|| |_ !C SuUUC|, !O ||| S |G | | !C L|C|!C OCj3t/C-
OCO/, || ! JbJ, !O Uy ||S! LC|| Sy-| -bl l C COl l OQu| uU.
! JbJ lC ^|S |yCCC.
! JbU |C!u|| !O ||| S, SS| S!|!S| ! !C bO|UO||C. ll |S! !|| !O ||_uC, || !| |y L| !|OC|
OCuX C/Cv3uX.
! JbZ |C!u|| !O ^l _| C|S W|! Uy |C|!S !O Cl !CU O|_|| ZC !C| | CXOGuS |OU !C
COu|!|y. bl |CC !C|, VC!| O|S | | |||CC VC l WyS UCC| C| !C| | | !C L|C|!C l
V| l l _C |C| ^|_Ou| UC) O| |C| || CC. bCCO|G !|| !O ||_uC | | !C L| !|OC|.
! Jbb ||S! !|| !O |!l y lVC|| CC, UO|! O| !C l| GO).
! Jbb | |S! lCC!u|CS U|OG. ||U, O| ^|IuG, b|CSS|O|C lCO|C|C|CC O| !|_CGy!. l| |SI |C-
!u|| !O !C L||!CG b!!CS, bl !| UO|C, O| !C UOuS ]O|S |Ok| |S CO|C|C|CC. |Ol -
| OWl |_ !! CVC|! !C !|VCl S |CVC| S!OCG Uu| ! | l y| |_ |G CCC| C|! | |_. ^OS! O
!CU | |VOlVCG, ! lCS! S |C!CX!, SOUC CGCU| C | |V| !!| O|. | VC|'! |C!| |CG |y
|Cl | Ul C UCUO|y O !C SuU] CC!S O| !| !l CS. bCS| GCS !C C! !! |CCl l | |_ !CU l l C|C
WOul G |O! UC |I| Cul |l y Cl ul , UOS! O !CU VC UCC| |CCO|GCG S !C uUl | C-
!| O|S !! SuC SCU| ||S |G lCC!u|CS _VC || SC !O. l| !C | |!C|CS!S O U|CV|!y |G Cl |-
|!y, | W| l l !C|CO|C Cl SS| y !C OCC35lOO5 O| !CSC !|l S u|GC| //tCC CG| |_S, |G W| l l
l |G| C!C | | | !l | CS O| ! C |CCO|G-W! COu|!S, Uy GC| || !| O|, C|C-!C |UCS O
j/3CC5, C| !| CS, O| COu|!|| CS.
YaIc, n hont ot ngham HaII.
(|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
! . KC_ul | !CC| |_ OUl | _!| O|S l|OU O|C !O |VC wCCkS) ! !C Ol l Ow| |_ u|| VC|S| !| CS. ) O|S
|Ok| |S, b3//tOOtC, bb, ! , 4, Jb, J, Jb, /_/Ct5, ! , CX/OtO, ! -Z, Zut/C/, Z,
bCt//O lVCS!), J-4, 1lC, /C l3vCO, l | O| S|| |_ CC yC| |OU ! Jb !O ! Jbb,
LL bCtkC/Cy, b, LCOCv3, b, ^| ||CSO!, /OOC3jO//5, J, !OtOO/O, J, b4, b, b3O
bCO35//3O, bZ, LO||Cl l , ///3C3 l ^|G|Cw L. V|!C ||OCSSO|-!-L|_C), bZ-bb, LL1,
/C 1Otk, CVC|y | l l|OU bb-J! , L|!UOu! LOl l C_C, l3OOvCt, b, LL /tv/OC, CVC|y
S|| |_ |OU b !O !C |CSC|!, b/C_CO, bb, |Cw 1O|k L|| VC|S| !y, Cw bCOOl O| bO-
C| | KCSC|C, L|GOZO Lw bCOOl , /C 1Otk, CVC|y l l |OU JZ !O !C |CSC|!.
Z. LCC!u|CS lSOUC!| UCS O| !C OCCS| O| O CO|C|C|CC). !C u||VC|S|!|CS O| | |S!|!u!CS lwC|C
!CSC lCC!u|CS l UOS! l wyS !OOk l CC) w| | l UC | GC|!| |CG Uy !C| | |OC| |UC
wC|C !C | !| | C| ZCG |UC O !C C| !y GOCS |O! l |CGy | |G| C!C !C SUC.
! Jb b| |!-LOu| S, blu55C/5.
! Jbb |C|| b!!C, LO/vCt5//y /3tk, b!!C LOl l C_C, bu//3/O, |O|!wCS!C||, Lv3O5/OO, 1l C,
/C l3vCO, LOO_ /5/3OO, |1L |G LOl uUU| , /C 1Otk, bCt//O lVCS!!, Zut/C/, LOO-
lOl | Ow| |_ !C ! | UC O !CSC !||S, |G u|!| l ! JJ, | wS |CVC|!CG |OU !|VCl | |_ Uy l |C Uy
| u|Su|UOu|!Ul C C|. VC!C| | ! COul G UC CXl | |CG O| |O!, | ! V|| SCG || ! JJ.
bC!wCC| ! JbJ |G ! JJ l G| G l l Uy !|VCl | |_ Uy C|, !|| |, O| UO!, CVC| ! C l O|_CS!
!|| S, O| CXUl C !O |G |OU, |G w| !| |, !C L||!CG b!!CS, || ! J! .
! JbJ Zut/C/.
! JU LOOOOO, CX/OtO, !ut/O, //3O, /3j/C5, l/OtCOCC, bO/O_O3, KOOC, btu55C/5, LCO/,
L///C, b/t35OOut_.
! J! /_/Ct5, //CC, OO/tC3/, b/t35OOut_, ) O|S lOk| |S, bu///OOtC, |O|IwCS!C||,
Lv3O5/OO, 1l C, /C l3vCO, /C 1Otk.
! JZ O5/CtO3O, LC/OCO, L/tCC//, Zut/C/, CCt/5y-l3-b3//C.
! JJ buO3jC5/, LOOOOO, bCt//O lVCS!), At/u5, LCuvCO.
! J4 b| |!-LOu| S, btu55C/5, bL1 bu//3/O, b|Ow|, /tOv/OCOCC.
! Jb VCO/CC, LO||Cl l , ///3C3, lOw, /O3 C//y, CCt/5y-l3-b3//C.
! Jb /t/OCC/OO, VCO/CC, V| |_| || , C/3t/O//C5v///C, bL`1 b/OOy btOOk.
! J LOl uUU| , /C 1Otk.
! Jb LL b3O //C_O, LL /tv/OC, LOl uUU| , /C 1Otk, LO||Cl l , ///3C3, LCOCv3.
! JJ b| |!-LOu| S, blu55C/5, ltC/Out_-/O-btC/5_3u, LO||Cl l , ///3C3, bL1 bu//3/O, ^CL| l l ,
OO/tC3/, /O/tC /3OC, /C 1Otk, CX/OtO, LOOOOO, LO/OOut_/, b/t35OOut_, C//C3_O,
! JbU LL /tv/OC, LL b3O/3 CtuZ, LL b3O //C_O, K3O3/, CCt/5y-l3-b3//C, LOl uUU| , /C
1Otk, b/t35OOut_, bL 1 b/O_/3O/OO.
! Jb! COjCO/3_CO, COCO5C, At/u5, K3O3/, bCt//O lVCS!), LO||Cl | , ///3C3, LtCOOO/C, /t3_uC
l Cl |GCS!| |C SCU| ||).
! JbZ C3OOt/O_C, l| O|| G, L3/OC5v///C, LUO|y, //3O/3, bCt//O, LCuvCO, LO||Cl l , ///3C3,
CX/CO C//y, bC//C5O3 l3ty/3OO, ) O|S |Ok| |S, b3///OOtC, CCt/5y-l3-b3//C, l/O-
tCOCC, b3tCC/OO3, 3Ot/O.
! JbJ L/C_C, LO| uUU| , Cw bCOOl , /C 1Otk, )Ctu53/CO, lt3Ok/ut/, LCOCv3, !OkyO,
lukuOk3, KyO/O, bCOO3/, VCO/CC.
! Jb4 b|Ow|, /tOv/OCOCC, LL /tv/OC, LL bCtkC/Cy, bL|1 buh3/O, V| l l | US LOl l C_C,
////3O5/OO, ^| U| , CX/OtO, !OkyO, lt3Ok/ut/, LtO/OO, VS| |_!O|, bC3///C, L/5OOO.
! Jbb LOyOl , C//C3_O, b|Ow|, /tOv/OCOCC, ) O|S |Ok| |S, b3///OOtC, V/COO3, ll O|| G,
Stos z

L3/OC5v///C, LUO|y, //3O/3, OO/Cv/OCO, buCOO5 /tC5, b| |!- LOu| S, btu55C/5, LOO-
OOO, b/OCk/O/O, !tCO/O, V///COCuvC-lC5-v/_OOO, V/COO3.
! Jbb V/COO3, l|V|G, C3OOt/O_C, LOl uUU| , /C 1Otk, ^| ||CSO!, /OOC3jO//5,
)Ctu53/CO, b!|!ClyGC, L/35_O, /Ctu_/3.
! Jb LL /tv/OC, LL LO5 O_C/C5, LL b3O //C_O, V3/COC/3, LSSCX, CO/C/C5/Ct, /Ctu_/3, Ku!-
_C|S, /C btuO5/Ck, V|GC|U| | !, /35/v///C, COj//5, ^l UU, !u5C3/OO53, b3O
! Jbb LL /tv/OC, LL LO5 O_C/C5, ////5Out_/, LO||Cl l , ///3C3, )Ctu53/CO, bOC/uO, b/C_CO,
35//O_/OO l /. C. ! .
! JbJ LL /tv/OC, LL bCtkC/Cy, LL LO5 O_C/C5, V| l l | US LOl l C_C, ////3O5/OO, C//C3_O,
!ut/O, LCuvCO, LOuv3/O-l3-/CuvC, K355C/, /C 1Otk, K3O3/, lC5.
! JJU LSSCX, CO/C/C5/Cj O5CO, /t3_uC, utC/3, CU|Sk, L /OCO/O, LL LO5 O_C/C5,
! JJ! ) O|S lOk| |S, b3///OOtC, LL LO5 O_C/C5, LC!!y LC|!C|, LO5 O_C/C5, LL K/vCt5/OC,
LOl uUU| bCOOl O ^|C| !CC!u|C, /C 1Otk, VCO/CC, /t3_uC, C//C3_O, /3j/C5, LL
K/vCt5/OC, 1C!|C GC L UC!O|C, L///C, LC 3O5, b!G!O|uU, bCt//O, KOy3uOOO/,
! JJZ CX/OtO, /t3_uC, /3j/C5, V/COO3, LbL, b3/OO KOu_C, KyO/O, 1u lu/O, buO3jC5/, C3O-
Ot/O_C, b/t35OOut_, bC/_t3OC, CCt/5y-l3-b3//C.
! JJJ K355C/, LyOO, C5/O, 3t/Ck, LL b3O/3 b3tO3t3, LL K/vCt5/OC, /CC5, buO3jC5/,
! JJ4 LtCOOO/C, /3j/C5, O5/CtO3O, C3jt/, /C 1Otk, L/5OOO, bL |1 bu//3/O, b/t35OOut_,
!ut/O, bCt//O, V| l l |OV, ////3OC/j//3, LCO|_C ^SO|, l3/t/3X, C//C3_O, LOOOOO,
C5/O, O5CO, b/ /C/Ct5Out_, utC/3, 3Ot/O.
! JJb bOtOC3uX, //CO5, LOOOOO, 3Ot/O, CO5COZ3, !ut/O, V/COO3, !tCO/O, LOOOOO, Lu/OO,
LOuv3/O-l3-/CuvC, /C 1Otk, ^l UU, !u5C3/OO53, //3O, K/O_5/OO, lt/COut_-/O-
btC/5_3u, buCOO5 /tC5, b3O /3O/O, b3O//3_O.
! JJb //3O, !ut/O, buC3tC5/, Ct3/Ov3, LOOOOO, KOOC, !Ou/Ou5C, K3O3/, lt3Ok/ut('COCt,
ndan ncwspapcr artcIc naugurat-
ng LaIcutta ook lar, zg|anuary
Iggy. (|acqucs Lcrrida rchivcs)
zpq Stos
//CO5, uOtC/, ^3j/C5, C3jtt, LO||Cl l , ///3C3, CX/OtO, bOtOC3uX, LOOOOO, bCt/tO,
^L^^, ^C 1Otk, O|!wCS!C||, Lv3O5/OO.
! JJ bOOO3y, ^C /C//t, C3/Cu//3, /uO/tO, OO/tC3/, 3OttO, /5/3OOu/, 1/Out_, CCtt5y-
/3-b3//C, CtO3, /3_OtCO/C, ^| |_uC!!CS, LyOO5, LOOC| L|| O|, ^C 1Otk, V| l l |OV,
//t/3OC/j/t3, !uttO, /t53, LOOOOO, buSSCX, btt_//OO, /Ot/O, Kt3k, K3/OtCC, 3t-
53, //CO5.
! JJb )Ctu53/CO, !C vtv, b| |ZC| !, K3O3//3/, !uOt5, lttOOut_, 1C!|C GC l UCIO|C,
L t//C, tX-CO-/tOvCOCC, LL /3vt5, CCtt5y-l3-b3//C, VCSIC|| LC, LC!Ow|,
C3jC/OO, b/C//COOO5C/, |!l , /tC/CtO3tt/ZOut_, /O/C/C/5/tOOO, V|!w!C|S||G, )O-
/3OOC5Out_, /tC/Ott3, !uttO, btu55C/5, t/C5, 3OttO, V3/COCt3.
! JJJ lt3Ok/ut/, b3tO/-/3u/, LyOO, C5/O, b/3O/OtO, /5/3OOu/, bOtOC3uX, KC3OtO_, LOOOOO,
byOOCy, ^O|S, C/OOuOC, uCk/3OO, bL 1 /O3Oy.
ZUUU 3tOZ, C3ttO, bOtOC3uX, LOOOOO, /uCt/O KtCO, /C/5tOkt, Ljj53/3, lt3Ok/ut/, /CC5,
bL `1 /O3Oy, C/tC3_O.
ZUU! LtC_C, btu55C5, utCt3, b3tO/-/3u/, | l O|| G, L3tOC5vt//C, COjCO/3_CO, byGG|Sk,
COCO5C, /CtOC/OCt_, bCttO_, ^3OtO_, b/3O_/3t, /OO_ KOO_, lt3Ok/ut/ l^GO||O
||| ZC), V|GC|U| l !, ^35/vt//C, LOu_/OOtOu_/, bO/t3.
ZUUZ LyOO, b3tCC/OO3, b3tO/-/3u/, b/3O/OtO, 1Otk, CCtt5y-l3-b3//C, ^tCC, bL1 b/OOy
J. |O|O||y LOC!O|!CS. L||ICG bI!CS. LOl uUU| , ^C 1Otk, ! JbU, V| l l | US LO| l C_C,
t//t3O5/OO, ! JbJ, |Cw bCOO| O| bOC| l KCSC|C, ^C 1Otk, ! JbJ. L||ICG
K| |_GOU. LSSCX, CO/C/C5/Ct, ! Jb, C3OOttO_C, ! JJZ. l !l y. /3/CtOO l || CIZSCC
||| ZC), ! Jbb, !uttO, ! JJb. bCl _| uU. LCuvCO, ! JbJ . |u|_|y. /CC5, ! JJ J . L|G.
[uCC|S, KtO_5/OO, l JJ 5 . KuU|| . Ct3tOv3, ! JJb. |Ol |G. K3/OtCC, ! JJ . bOuI
^|| C. VCS!C|| LC, C3jC/OO, ! JJb. L|CCCC. //CO5, ! JJJ. bul_|| . bO/t3, ZUUU.
L| |. bCttO_, ^3OtO_, b/3O_/3t, ZUU ! .
|. I.
Sunday mornng,
courtyard ot Lyccc
Lous-lc-Grand, IgO.
(|acqucs Lcrrida
wr/s Ctted
vonxs BY )cqurs ornni o
HdieatoEmmanae/Loinas.Jransatcd by Iascalc-^nnc raut and Nchacl laas.
Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnvcrsity Ircss, l 999.
``Alcthcia.`` In Noas aoons ooacnotre oieadessignes, by ^nonymous. ordcaux.
am akc C Co., Ipp6.
^phorsm Countcrtimc. Jransatcd by lcholas Roylc. In HctsoLiteratare, cd-
tcd by Icrck ^ttridgc. lcv York. Routlcdgc, Ippz.
Horias.Jransatcd by Jhomas Iutot. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss,
ack |rom Noscov, in thc LSSR. Jransatcd by Nary Quantairc. n Po/itics,
Iheor,, andContemorar,Cahare,cdtcd by Nark Iostcr. lcv York. Co-
lumba Lnvcrsty Ircss, Ipp.
ut, bcyond . . . Cpcn Lcttcr to ^nnc NcClintock and Rob lixon) . Jransatcd
by Icggy Kamul Critica/Inqair,I Ip&6) .
Cinders.Jransatcd by lcd Lukachcr. Lincoln. Lnivcrsty o| lcbraska Ircss, IppI.
Circum|csson. In }acqaesDerrida, by Cco||rcy cnnington and |acqucs Icr-
rda, translatcd by Cco||rcy cnnington. Chicago. Lnvcrsity o| Chcago
Ircss, Ipp.
``` Icad Nan Runnng`. Saut, Salut. In Negotiations,cdtcd by Lzabcth Rottcn-
bcrg. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnvcrsty Ircss, zooz.
Icmcurc, ^thcncs lous nous dcvons aa mort) . n Hthenesd /om/rede/Zcro-
o/e, by |can-Iranois onhommc. ^thcns. Clkos, Ipp6.
Dissemination. Jranslatcd by arbara |ohnson. Chicago. Lnivcrsty o| Chcago
Ircss, Ip&I.
Dadroitamhi/osohie. Iars. Cacc, Ippo.
IheEarothe Other. Ldtcd by Chrstic NcIonald, transatcd by Icggy Kamul
lcv York. Schockcn ooks, Ip&;.
Iaith and Knovcdgc. Jhc Jvo Sourccs o| ` Rcligion` at thc Limits o| Rcason
^lonc. Jransatcd by Samuc cbcr. In Re/igion,cditcd by |acqucs Icrrida
and Cianni Vattimo. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp&.
Iaitcxturc. Jransatcd by Laura ourland. In Hn,uhere, cditcd by Cynthia
Iavidson. lcv York. Rizzoli, Ippz.
Iorcc o| Lav. Jhc `Nystica Ioundation o| ^uthority. ` ` Jransatcd by Nary
Quaintancc. In DeconstractionandthePossi/i/ipo}astice, cditcd by Iru-
ciIa Corncll, Nichc Roscn|cd, and Iavid Cray Carlson. lcv York. Rout-
lcdgc, Ippz.
Ccncrations o| a City. Ncmory, Irophccy, Rcsponsibility. Jransatcd by Rcbccca
Comay. In OenCip,Hqha/etCip6) , cditcd by |ohn Kncchtc. Joronto.
^lphabct City, Ipp&.
Ccopsychoanaysis. `and thc rcst o| thc vord. ` ` Jranslatcd by Ionald lichoson-
Smith. In IhePs,choanasisoRace,cditcd by Christophcr Lanc. lcv York.
Coumbia Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp&.
Ccschccht. Scxua Ii||crcncc, Cntoogica Ii||crcncc. Jransatcd by Rubcn
crczdivin. In HDerridaReader BetueentheB/inds, cditcd by Icggy Ka-
mu|. lcv York. Columbia Lnivcrsity Ircss, IppI.
Ihe Cq oDeath. Jranslatcd by Iavid is. Chicago. Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss, Ipp;.
Cioen Iime.:. CoanteitMone,.Jransatcd by Icggy Kamul Chicago. Lnivcr-
sity o| Chicago Ircss, Ippz.
Mov to ^void Spcaking. Icnias. Jransatcd by Kcn Iricdcn. In Langaagesothe
|nsa,a//e,cditcd by San|ord udick and o|gang scr. lcv York. Coum-
bia Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ip&p.
|oucIc prcnom. LesInrockati//esii; zo ^ugustz Scptcmbcr Ipp;) .
Khra. In OntheName, cditcd by Jhomas Iutoit, transatcd by Iavid ood,
|ohn ! Lcavcy |r. , and Ian NcLcod. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity
Ircss, Ipp,.
La Languc dc l`autrc. LesInrockati//esii; zo ^ugustz Scptcmbcr Ipp;) .
Lcttcr to a |apancsc Iricnd. Jransatcd by Iavid ood and ^ndrcv cnjamin.
In DerridaandDqrance, cditcd by Iavid ood and Robcrt crnasconi.
Lvanston, IL. lorthvcstcrn Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ip&&.
Living Cn. ordcr Lincs. Jransatcd by |amcs Mubcrt. In Deconstractionand
Criticism, cditcd by Marod loom ct a. lcv York. Scabury Ircss, Ip;p.
MarginsoPhi/osoh,. Jransatcd by ^an ass. Chicago. Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss, Ip&q.
wrks Cited zp;
MemoiresrPaa/de Man. Jransatcd by Cccic Lindsay, |onathan Cucr, Ld-
uardo Cadava, and Icggy KamuL lcv York. Coumbia Lnivcrsity Ircss,
Mono/ingaa/ismotheOtherortheProsthesisoOrigin.Jranslatcd by Iatrick Ncn-
sah. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp&.
Ny Chanccs/ Mes Chances.^ Rcndczvous vith Somc Lpicurcan Stcrcophonics.
Jransatcd by Ircnc Marvcy and ^vita Roncl. In IakingChances, cditcd by
|oscph Smith and iliam Kcrrigan. atimorc. |ohns Mopkins Lnivcrsity
Ircss, Ip&q.
lo ^pocaypsc, lot lov |u spccd ahcad, scvcn missics, scvcn missivcs) .
Jranslatcd by Cathcrinc Iortcr and Ihiip Lcvis. DiacriticsIq, no. z Ip&q) .
OCrammato/og,. Jransatcd by Cayatri Chakravorty Spivak. atimorc. |ohns
Mopkins Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ip;6.
C| a lcvy ^riscn ^pocayptic Jonc in Ihiosophy. Jranslatcd by |ohn
Lcavcy |r. In RaisingtheIoneoPhi/osoh, LateEssa,s /, Immanae/Kant,
Ianjrmatioe Critiqae/, }acqaesDerrida, cditcd by Ictcr Icnvcs. ati-
morc. |ohns Mopkins Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp,.
OSirit Heidegerandthe Qaestion. Jranslatcd by Cco||rcy cnnington and
Rachc ovby. Chicago. Lnivcrsity o| Chicago Ircss, Ip&p.
Cn Cosmopoitanism. Jransatcd by Nark Ioolcy. In OnCosmoo/itanismand
Forgioeness. lcv York. Routlcdgc, zooI.
Ihe Other Heading Rections on Ioda,s Earoe. Jransatcd by Iascac-^nnc
rault and Nichac . laas. loomington. Indiana Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ippz.
Parages. Iaris. Caicc, Ip&6.
Points. . . Interoieus, :y;,-:yy,. Lditcd by Llisabcth cbcr. Stan|ord, C^. Stan-
|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp;.
Ihe Post Card From Socrates to Fread and Be,ond. Jransatcd by ^an ass.
Chicago. Lnivcrsity o| Chicago Ircss, Ip&;.
Jhc Irincipc o| Rcason. Jhc Lnivcrsity in thc Lycs o| Its Iupis. DiacriticsI,,
no. , Ip&,) .
Ps,chcInoentionsa/uatre. Iaris. Caicc, Ip&;.
Lcs Iupics dc `Lnivcrsitc. Lc Irincipc dc raison ct l`idcc dc l` Lnivcrsitc. In Da
droitamhi/osohie. Iaris. Cailcc, Ip&z.
Jhc Retraito| Nctaphor. Enc/iticz, no. z Ip;&) .
Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation. Jransatcd by Ictcr and Nary ^nn Cavs. Socia/
ResearchSummcr Ip&z) .
Shibbocth. Ior Iau Ccan. Jransatcd by |oshua ilncr. In vrdIracesRead-
ingsoPaa/Ce/n,cditcd by ^ris Iiorctos. altimorc. |ohns Mopkins Lni-
vcrsity Ircss, Ippq shortcr vcrsion in HctsoLiteratare) .
``ASikvorm o| Cnc's Cvn Ioints o| Vicv Stitchcd on thc Cthcr Vcil) . In i/s,
cditcd by Mclcnc Cixous and |acqucs Icrrida, transatcd by Cco||rcy cn-
nington. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, zooI.
Somc Statcmcnts and Jruisms about lcoogisms, lcvisms, Iostisms, Iara-
sitisms, and Cthcr Smal Scismisms. Jransatcd by ^nnc Jomichc. In Ihe
StatesoIheor, "HistoHrt,andCritica/Discoarse, cditcd by Iavid Car-
ro. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ippq.
SectersoMarx: IheStateotheDe/t, thevrkoMoarning, andtheNeuInter-
nationa/.Jransatcd by Icggy Kamu|. lcv York. Routlcdgc, Ippq.
Sars Nietzches Sp/es. Jranslatcd by arbara Marlov. Chicago. Lnivcrsity o|
Chicago Ircss, Ip;p.
Jccpathy. Jranslatcd by lichoas Roylc. OxrdLiterar,ReoieuIo, nos. I-z
Ipp&) .
Jhc Jimc Is Cut o| |oint. Jranslatcd by Icggy Kamu|. In Deconstractionis/in
Hmerica, cditcd by ^nsclm Mavcrkamp. lcv York. lcv York Lnivcrsity
Ircss, Ipp;.
Jitrcs pour lc Colcgc intcrnationa dc phiosophic) . In Dadroit /ahi/oso-
hie. Iaris. Caicc, Ip&z.
|sseCramohoneDeaxMotsoar }o,ce. Iaris. Caicc, Ip&;.
Llysscs Cramophonc. In HctsoLiteratare,cditcd by Icrck ^ttridgc. lcv York.
Routlcdgc, Ippz.
Violcncc and Nctaphysics. In writingandDqrence, translatcd by ^lan ass.
Chicago. Lnivcrsity o| Chicago Ircss, Ip;&.
whosHaidoPhi/osoh,RighttoPhi/osoh,1 Jranslatcd by |an Iug. Stan|ord,
C^. Stan|ord Lnivcrsity Ircss, zooz.
o1nrn vonxs
^ugustinc. Ihe Cip oCodagainstthePagans. Lditcd and translatcd by R.
Iyson. Cambridgc. Cambridgc Lnivcrsity Ircss, Ipp&.
cnnington, Ccohrcy. Icrridabasc. In }acqaesDerrida, cditcd by Cco||rcy cn-
nington and |acqucs Icrrida, transatcd by Ccohrcy cnnington. Chicago.
Lnivcrsity o| Chicago Ircss, Ipp,.
Ic Cucs, licoas. Cu cst lc roi dcs |ui|s: Jransatcd by Nauricc dc Candiac.
LeNoaoeaaCommerceIo Ip6;) .
worksCited zpp
Ccnct, |can. CenetChati/a. Iaris: Solin, Ippz.
Cidc, ^ndrc. FraitsotheEarth.Jransatcd by Iorothy ussy. London. Scckcr C
arburg, Ipqp.
Mcgcl, C. Ihe Phi/osoh, oHistor,. Jranslatcd by |. Sibrcc. lcv York.
Iovcr Iublications, Ip;6.
Mcidcggcr, Nartin. Hcheminement oers /a aro/e. Jranslatcd by |can cau|rct,
ol|gang rokmcicr, and Iranois Icdicr. Iaris. Callimard, Ip;6.
.Hantha/te, in Cesamtaasga/e. Vo. ;;. Irank|urt. Kostcrmann, zooo.
. BeingandIime.Jranslatcd by |ohn Nacquarric and Ldvard Robinson.
lcv York. Marpcr C Rov, Ip6z.
-. Onthew ,toLangaage.Jransatcd by Ictcr I. Mcrtz. lcv York. Marpcr
C Rov, Ip&z.
. IhePrincq/eoReason.Jranslatcd by Rcginad Liy. oomington. Indi-
ana Lnivcrsity Ircss, IppI.
Kaha, Iranz. FragentsomNote/ooksandLoosePages. In DearestFatherStories
South Strcct Scaport, Ncw York, Scptcmbcr 8.
(|acqucs Icrrda rchivcs)
OO wrks Cited
andOther writings, transatcd by Lrnst Kascr and Lthnc kns. lcv
York. Schockcn ooks, Ip;q.
Kant, Immanuc. hat Is Crcntaton n Jhnkng. n KantPo/itica/writings,
transatcd by M. . lsbct. Cambrdgc. Cambrdgc Lnvcrsty Ircss, IppI.
Lcv-Strauss, Caudc. IistesIoiqaes.Jransatcd by |ohn cghtman and Iorccn
cghtman. London. |onathan Capc, Ip;,.
Naabou, Cathcrinc. LZoenirdeHege/P/asticitc, Icmora/itc, Dia/ectiqae. Iars.
Vrn, Ipp6.
Nontagnc, Nchc dc. IheCom/ete wrksoMontaigne.Jransatcd by Ionad
Iramc. Stan|ord, C^. Stan|ord Lnvcrsty Ircss, Ip;&.
P/atoIheCodectedDia/ogaes. Ldtcd by Ldth Mamton and Muntngton Carns.
Irnccton, l|. Irnccton Lnvcrsty Ircss, Ippp.
Sartrc, |can-Iau. rtng |or Cnc`s ^gc. n whatIs Literatare"andOtherEs-
sa,s, transatcd by crnard Ircchtman. Cambrdgc, N^. Marvard Lnvcrsty
Ircss, Ip&&.
Jhom, Rcnc. Prcdiren'estasex/iqaer. Iars. Champs-Iammaron, ippI.
Index o Place Names
(hotograph pagc rcIcrcnccs arc n tacs.)
1nr rn1i c or vvs
PIghanstan, 2]
P!rCa, ,, I
-Orth, q
PcXanCra, Iq
Pgcra, q, I-], ,-, 2,
I2C, I,,, 2]
^gcrs, ,, ,,,, I, q, I, 2]]
-!yCCc Dcn PknOun, , I,2
-uc bant-Pugustn, ,, ,,
PmazOn, q2, 6q, 2,2
PmcrCa, q, 6,, I, Iq, I,
I,,, 2I, 2I-2, 2q-q6,
]I, ]2q
-!atn, 2C]
-bOuth, ]IC
-\ntcC btatcs OI, q, I, ],
6, Iq, 22C-2, 22, ]2q-2
PmstcrCam, IC, II, ]I 6
PntWcrQ, I I, Iq
Psa, 2I
Pthcns, 22, 26, IC], IC, IC,,
I I -I, 2CC-2CI, 2]-],
]2I, ]26
-PCrOQOs, 10, IC6-,, I I I ,
-PCranOu btrcct ca
Narkct, IC,, II
-PgOra, II
-Pthnas Narkct, IC,
-LaIC cOn, IC,, II
-lcramckOs, II
-hcatcr OI LOnysOs, II
-OWcr OI thc NnCs, II
Pustraa, II,
DatmOrc, 22I, 221
-Ohns OQkns \nvcrsty,
22I, 221
DarCcOna, 2]2
Dcrn, II6
DOstOn, 10
DOrCcauX, ! I,
DraurOn, IC], IC
-Ptar OI Prtcms, IC], IC
-bant IcOrgc LhaQc, IC
Drusscs, II
DucnOs Prcs, 2C2-], 20
Dyzantum, 2], ]26
LaIOrna, q, I, 22C, 226,
2]C-]I , ]2q
LaQr, 2q, 22, 2], 2
Lhc, 2C]
Lhata, 2q, ]2
LOnstantnc, ,
LOrnc, I2C, 2I, 22I, 2q], ]2
LzcChOsOvaka, ], II], I,q
LcOs, 2CC-2CI
Lcnmark, ]26
LsncyanC, I I 6
Lsncy NOrC, ]2
Lubn, 2qq
L Dar, ,, ,,, ;y,]
-uc CPurcc-Cc-!aaCncs,
LnganC, I I,, 22C, ]26
LQhcsus, IC], IC
LurOQc, 6C, 6, ,, q, I2,
I III], Iq, I 6, II, Iq,
22C, 222, 22q, 2]q, 2]6,
2]-qC, 2q2, ]2I, ]26-2,
-Lcntra, II]
OrcnCc, I6C
Ort Cc Lau, ^0
ranCc, q2, q, ,q-,, ,,, ,,
]-, C, II2, I I 6-I,, I,2
ranRurt, 2q]
rcburg, I ]q, ]I,
rbOurg, ]I,
Icncva, II6, I2, Iq, ]I,
Icrmany, I,], 22C
IrccCc, ], IC]-
IuI, !crsan, ]26
CcanC, 20
rvnc, 22, Iq, 22C, 222, 2]C,
21, ]2q
sc, bhrnc O 2q2, ]2,
srac, C
tay, ], I 6C, Iq, 22C
thaCa, 2qq
]aQan, ], II, I,q, 2qI-q, ]I,
]crusacm, 22, 26, I2C2I, 2],
-LOmc OI thc OCk, I2C
-IranC NOsQuc, I2C
-Nang Na, I2I
-Nay OI thc LrOss, I2I
lasaran NOnastcry, J0q, IC,
lyOtO, 2qq
!aguna DcaCh, 2]C-]I
!crC , IC]
!OnCOn, ]2I
{oz IndexoP/ceNames
-cathrOW ^rQOrt, I2
LOs Pngccs, 22, 1I(, 11[,
IIq-I6, 2]C, ]I
NaastrCht, 2], ]26
NaCrC, 2]2
Nagcan, btrats O, 2C2
NarathOn, 22
Narsccs, ,
NcCtcrrancan, -C, 2]I
NcXCO, 10[
NOrah, NOunt, 2q
NOsCOW, IC, 22, 26, y(, 6,
2]I, ]I 6
NykOnOs, IC], IC
cW AOrk, 1ronttstcrc, II2C,
Iq, I,, 22C, 222
-LA, 222
-LOumba, II
-IranC Lcntra btatOn, I,
-Otc DarbzOn, I2C
-Otc NartnQuc, I2C
-lcnncCy PrQOrtl]l, I,,
-N\NP, II-2C
-!cnn btatOn, I,
-NashngtOn bQuarc, I2C
-bOuth btrcct bcaQOrt, 2yy
Cc, 2]I]2
-Lcmctcry, 2]2
\hO, 2qq
\ran, ,
\XOrC, q2, Iq6, 1^,, I2,
-DOCcan Lbrary, I-6,
!aChC \Ccan, 2qI
!ars, 1ronttstcrc, 22, 26, 6q,
,, ,,, , II2, II6, II, Iq,
-LyCCc LOus-c-IranC,
-uc bant-Pugustn, ,,
!atmOs, IC], IC, 2
!OrtO `cncrc, IC]
!raguc, IC, II2-I], I,2-,,
2C, ]2I
-uzync !rsOn, I,q
caCng, Iq, ]2I
hOCcs, IC
Omc, 26, I26, I6C, 2]-],
2], ]26
banta NOnCa, 2]C]I
bantagO, 2C]-q
baO !auO, 2C]q
bcnc, Iq
bcnCa, 2(0
bCy, I6C
bOunOn, LaQc, IC], 2CC2CI
bQan, C
btrasbOurg, II2, Iq
crra Cc ucgO, 2C2
OCtnaubcrg, 10
OcCO, C, 2]2
OkyO, IC, II6, 2Cq, 2q]-q,
-\kura Otc, 2qq
bb, 26, 6, ]Iq
`cnCc, II6
`crOna, I6I
`csuvus, 2C
`Chy, ]
`cnna, ]2J
NashngtOn Iq
-Nhtc Ousc, ]26
Aac, I2C, :,,, Iq, I,, 22C-2I,
-rumbu, I,
Au un, sanC O, 2q2
PrCa, 2,q
-bOuth, 2],, 2,q
Pgcra, 2,, ]2, ]q, ], 2], 26,
-LjCc, ]2
-!Ort IucyCOn, ]2
-gzrt, ]2
-z \uzOu, ]2
-AakOurcn Orcst, ]2
connrsroorcr. ir11rns o ros1cnos ,rx1nc1s)
Pgcrs, II, 2,, 3: ]I-]2, [, ,
26, 2,
PmcrCa, 2,, 2, 2,, 2,
-ntcC btatcs O, 2
Prgcntna, 2],
Psss, Iq,
Pssy, !atcau C , 2y0
Pthcns, 2
-PCrOQOs, 2
-LyCabcttc, 2
PusChWtz, 2],, 26]
Pustraa, 2,q
DatmOrc, 2,q
-]Ohns OQkns nvcrsty,
-LOvcrh OaC, 2,, z;,
-Iman a, 2,[
-NOman a, 2,
Dcrkccy, 2C
DOOgna, 2C
DOuCcr Lty, 2,
Draz, 2],
DrghtOn, I
DuCaQcst, 2],
DucnOs ^rcs, ,
Dyzantum, I
LaCutta, ]2, 2y
LaOrna, 26, 2,,-,
-aQa `acy, 2,
LambrCgc, I
LanaCa, 2,

IndexoP/aceNames {o{
LaQctOWn, 2,q LagO NaggOrc, q, 6 !OrtO, 2C, 20y, 2II
LaQr, Iq, 1([, 2 Laguna DcaCh, ICI, 2,6, 2,0, !Ortuga, 2],
Lcrsy-a-bac, qI, ( 2,7, 2, !OtChcstrOOm, 2,q
LhCagO, \arc PirQOrt, Las `cgas, 2, !raguc, ]2-]], {{, 2],, 2y0
Lhc, 2], LcrC, I], Iq, -uzync !rsOn, ]], {{
LOntrcXCvc, ]q LsbOn, 2C !rctOra, 2,q
LOrCOba, 26, LOnCOn, I, I
LOrnc, 2C -ussc Otc, I amaah, ]2, 26]
LOrOna Cc Nar, 2, LOrcnt, 2, cykjavk, ]2
LOtOnOu, ]2 LOs Pngccs, 2,, 2, Is-\rangs, I, 2I, , 2,I
LraCOW, 2], LuCCa, Iq, Omc, 2C
Lcath `acy, 2, Narsccs, 2,, ]6 bant -!au-Cc-`cnCc, q
NcCCa, ]6 bantagO, ]2, ,
L Dar, 2, ]2, ], ]6, , 2^y Ncna, q, Iq, baO !auO, ,
LnganC, 2, NOsCOW, ]2 bcattc, 2C
LurOQc, 2I, 2, Iq, 2], bC-DOu-ba1C, 26,, 2,I
-Lastcrn, 2, 2], cWQOrt DcaCh, 2I, 2, bcna, 6, Iq,
Lvan, ]q cW AOrk, 2], 2[, , ICI, :c:, bOvCc, Iq,
Lzc, q 2C bQan, 2],
-DrOOkyn cghts, IC2 btccnbOsCh, 2,q
anO, Iq, -Lcntra !ark, iI, :c: btOCkhOm, ]2
ranCc, ,, I], I,, 2, ]q], 6 -LOumba, IC2
rankurt, 2C -IramcrCy !ark, IC2 c Pvv, 26]
rcburg-m-Drcsgau, 26, -lcnncCy PrQOrt/]l, ICI, OCtnaubcrg, .6,
rbOurg, 26, 2C OkyO, I, ]2, , 2C
-Nanhattan, IC2 OrOntO, 2C
IranC LanyOn, 2, -NOntaguc btrcct, IC2 uns, 26,, 26, 2,I, 2,q
IrccCc, , 2], -bOhO, IC2 urn, Iq
IrOX, !c Cc, 2, -bOuth btrcct bcaQOrt, IC2 urkcy, , II, I, 2]
IubbO, Iq, -nOn bQuarc, IC2
-NashngtOn bQuarc, IC2 rbnO, 2C
OOvcr Lam, 2, Cc, q- ruguay, 2],
ungary, 2], OrmanCy, 2,,
`aQarasO, ,
nCa, I] \hO, 2C `crsacs,
rvnc, 2C, 2,,6, 2, \XOrC, `aar, ]2
srac, II, 26] `Chy, ]q
stanbu, ], II, I, 1y, 2I !acstnc, 26] `cranChc-sur-Ncr, q
-DOsQhOrus, 2I !antn Lcmctcry, 26, `ttc, ]q
-OQkaQ !aaCc, 2I !ars, ,, I, 2I, 2], 2,, 2, ]6,
tay, Iq, Iq, ,, IC2, 26, 26, NarsaW, 2],
-a `cttc, ,, y, NashngtOn, 2,6
]aQan, I -LyCCc LOus-c-IranC, 2y(
-ukuOka, I !cnnsyvana, 2, Aac, 2C, 2,
]crusacm, J, I , , 26], 26 !cruga, Iq, -Dngham a, 2y1
]Ohanncsburg, 2,q !ctcrmartzburg, 2,q
labyc, ]2 !sa, Iq
latOWCc, 2], !OanC, 2],, 26]
Contents (Lo

ical order)
Notcto thcRcadcr
Istanbu/ :c May :,,; ,
1 . i. Iroics
Chaptcr1. Forcword
Cerisy-/a-Sa//e, :, }u( :,,, ;:
Chaptcr(. From Cnc Catastrophcto^nothcr
Chaptcr I;. Jhc Cxlord Sccnc
Lsnsn-Brightsn, ., Nstember-: December :,,; :,,
ChaptcrI6. Corrcspondcnccs
ChaptcrI. JhcNctaphorcCatastrophc , Iclopols)
Psrts, ;-, December :,,, .o,
1 . ii. "nio,agc"and"ScningOut"
Chaptcr. Forcword
ChaptcrIo. c Can`tBypass Frcburg
ChaptcrIz. Jhc ostal rncplc
Chaptcrz;. ortratolthcJravclcras Icdgchog
}erusa/em, I/ Htio Ramaah, 1}anuary :,, .,
Fribsurg, . }anuary :,, .;
Csntents (Lsgica/ Order) )o;
Iunis, :,-.. February :,, .,
Ba/timsre shns Hspkins), ,: March :,, .,;
Laguna Beach, May :,, .,
ChaptcrI(. In thc Fcld
Chaptcrz. Forcword
lifanche-sur-Me Meina (Lags Ma_isre),
; September :,,; ,;
Chaptcr;. Cl^lgcra
ChaptcrI). Italyandthc CountcrtimcolLovc
Chaptcr ;.JhcCrcckLclay
ChaptcrI;. Jhcraguc^lar
Chaptcrzo. LcconstructonIs^mcrca:
Chaptcr zI. Sant Nonca
ChaptcrI8. JhcLastVoyagc
Chaptcrz). |apan
Chaptcr 8. Ctcs

Chaptcr) . Forcword
Chaptcr 6. JhcJmcolthcorld. crlandromsc
li/lnsta, . September :,,; ,,
Neu Iork, . Cctsber :,,; :c:
Chaptcr11. Jhc/ara-uclcarCatastrophc
Iurin-Pisa, ., Nstember :,,; :;,
Cacsu, Katsuice, wrsau, ,-:; December :,,, .,,
Chaptcr z(. Island, romscdLand, Lcscrt
Hthens, :-.: December :,,; .,,
Concluson.^Jro olays _Htroisioics
)o6 Contents (Logica/Order)
Stops :y
orks Citcd :y,
Indcx o| Iacc lamcs ,e:
Contcnts Logica Crdcr) ,e;
Iext Crcdits

Icxt Credits
Lngish transations |rom thc |ooving vorks by |acqucs Icrrida havc bccn
uscd in this book.
Lcttcr to a |apancsc Iricnd, in DerridandDq rance,transatcd by Iavid ood
and ^ndrcv cnjamin, cditcd by Iavid ood and Robcrt crnasconi, Ip&&.
lorthvcstcrn Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o| thc pubishcr.
Dissemination, transatcd by arbara |ohnson, Ip&I. Jhc Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss, ^thonc Ircss vordvidc. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
Jhc Rctrait o| Nctaphor, in Enc/itic,vo. z, no. z, Ip;&.
IheCqoDeath, transatcd by Iavid is, Ipp;. Jhc Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida, by Cco||rcy cnnington and |acqucs Icr-
rida, transatcd by Cco||rcy cnnington, Ipp. Jhc Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
Iihcrcncc, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, transatcd by ^an ass, Ip&z. Jhc Lni-
vcrsity o| Chicago Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
Jympan, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,,transatcd by ^an ass, Ip&z. Jhc Lnivcr-
sity o| Chicago Ircss, in thc L. S. and Canada. Marvcstcr Ircss, vordvidc.
Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
MemoiresrPaa/deMan,transatcd by Cccic Lindsay, |onathan Cucr, Lduardo
Cadava, and Icggy Kamu|. Ip&p, Coumbia Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith
pcrmission o| thc pubishcr.
C| a lcvy ^riscn ^pocayptic Jonc in Ihiosophy, transatcd by |ohn
Lcavcy, |r. OxrdLiterar,Reoieu,Ip&q. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.
OCrammato/og, transatcd by Cayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ip;6. |ohns Mop-
kins Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o| thc pubIishcr.
Ihe Other Heading, transatcd by Iascac-^nnc raut and Nichca . laas.
Ippz, ndiana Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o| thc pubishcr.
, `
)o8 IcxtCredits
^ Silkvorm o| Cnc`s Cvn Ioints o| Vicv Stitchcd on thc Cthcr Vcil) , trans-
latcd by licholas Royc in Ihe OxrdLiterar,Reoieu, ipp;. Rcprintcd vith
Jccpathy, transatcd by licholas Royc. OrdLiteragReoieu,ipp&. Rcprintcd
vith pcrmission.
IhePostCardFromSocratestoFreadandBe,ondtransatcd by ^an ass, ip&;.
Jhc Lnivcrsity o| Chicago Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o| thc publishcr.
SectersoMarx IheStateotheDe/t, thevrkoMoarning, andtheNeuInter-
nationa/ transIatcd by Icggy KamuL ippq by |acqucs Icrrida. Rcproduccd
by pcrmission o| Routlcdgc, Inc. , part o| thc Jayor and Irancis Croup.
Somc Statcmcnts and Jruisms about lcologisms, lcvisms, Iostisms, Iara-
sitisms, and Cthcr Small Scismisms, transatcd by ^nnc Jomichc. In Ihe
StatesoIheor, HistorHrt,andCritica/Discoarse, cditcd by Iavid Carrol.
ippo Coumbia Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith thc pcrmission o| thc pub-
Ny Chanccs/ Mes Chances.^ Rcndczvous vith Somc Lpicurcan Stcrcophonics,
transatcd by Ircnc Marvcy and ^vita Roncll. In Iaking Chances, cditcd by
|oscph Smith and iliam Kcrrigan, ip&q. |ohns Mopkins Lnivcrsity Ircss.
Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o| thc publishcr.
Jhc Jimc Is Cut o| |oint. In DeconstractionIs/In Hmerica, cditcd by ^nsclm
Mavcrkamp, ipp;. lcv York Lnivcrsity Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission o|
thc publishcr.
writingandDq rence,transatcd by ^an ass, ip;&. Jhc Lnivcrsity o| Chicago
Ircss. Rcprintcd vith pcrmission.

Jranslations |rom thc citcd Lnglish vcrsions o| Icrrida`s vork havc at timcs
bccn modincd, ohcn to cmphasizc thc scnsc o| thc Ircnch original dcvclopcd in
Nalabou`s discussion. ^ transations |rom Ircnch tcxts |or vhich no pubishcd
Lnglish vcrsion is citcd arc minc. I. )
i. Cioen Iime,;.
z. Ion`t losc thc thrcad, that`s thc injunction that Icnclopc vas prctcnding to
|olov . . . ^ Silkvorm o| Cnc`s Cvn Ioints o| Vicv Stitchcd on thc Cthcr
Vcil) , in i/s, zz.
. Back |rom Noscov, in Pohtics, IheorandContemorar,Ca/tare, zz;, zz6.
q. Jo Spcculatcon `Ircud` , in IhePostCard z6i. Jhc doubc bind or dou-
bc constraint is a structurc that combincs tvo contradictory injunctions. It is im-
possiblc to obcy thc onc vithout at thc samc timc disobcying thc othcr. Icrrida
aso namcs this c||cct a stricturc, |rom thc vord striction, mcaning tightcn-
ing, constriction, partial dccrcasc o| a huid in hux. Mcrc and cscvhcrc, cm-
phasis on drih, dcriving, and dcrivativcs is minc.
;. SectersoMarx, 6;.
6. Memoires rPaa/deMan,i;. Spcaking o| dcconstruction Icrrida dcclarcs.
onc cannot and shoud not attcmpt to survcy or totaizc thc mcaning o| an ongo-
ing proccss, cspccialy vhcn its structurc is onc o| trans|crcncc.
;. ^vant-propos, in Ps,chc, p.
&. Iihcrancc, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, i;.
p. Rcnc Jhom, Prcdire n'estasex/iqaer, z&, zp. Ior Jhom, thcrc arc scvcn
|undamcnta typcs o| catastrophc. thc |od, thc gathcr, thc dovctai, thc buttcrhy,
and thc thrcc umbiici zq|L) .
io. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida, ipp.
ii . Ctobiographics. Jhc Jcaching o| lictzschc and thc Iolitics o| thc Iropcr
lamc, in IheEarotheOther, ;6 .
IO Notes
Iz. Lnvos, n IhePost Card zzq.
i . Llysscs Cramophonc. Mcar Say Ycs n |oycc, n Hcts oLiteratare, z68.
iq. Iaxtcxturc, n Hn,uhere, zp.
i;. Iath and Knovlcdgc, n Rehgion,z.
i6. Iaxtcxturc, n Hn,uhere, zp.
I;. Ibd. , zI.
i8. Ibd.
ip. Llysscs Cramophonc. Mcar Say Ycs n |oycc, n HctsoLiteratare, z6p.
zo. Lnvos, n IhePostCard io8.
zi. ack |rom Noscov, n Po/itics, Iheor andContemorar, Ca/tare, zoz.
zz. CI I vll ask myscl| vhat to turn around _ toarneraatoar has sgnh cd
|rom my brth on or thcrcabouts , Ihe Post Card, z;6) . Jhc cnd o| Lnvos
thcrcby announccs Crcum|csson tcn ycars bc|orc thc cvcnt.
z. Lnvos, n IhePostCard 8.
zq. Crcum|csson n }acqaesDerrida, z;6;;.
z;. Ocrrda, quotng |can-Iaul Sartrc, rtng |or Cnc`s ^gc, n whatIs
Literatare"andOtherEssa,s, zq;.
z6. ` ``Ocad Nan Runnng`. Salut, Salut, n Negotiations, z6;68.
z;. In thc planc takng hm to South ^mcrca Ocrrda vrtcs vthout knov-
ng | vll| comc back alvc ^ Slkvorm o| Cnc`s Cvn, n ei/s, ;I) .
z8. Ocrrda dstngushcs n Lnvos bctvccn a story _ histoire o| voyagcs and
travcl narratvc _ ritdeoo,age", IhePostCard i ;) .
zp. ack |rom Noscov, n Po/itics, Iheor,, andContemorar, Ca/tare, zi 8.
o. Ibd. , i p;, ip8.
I. Ibd. , zI;. In SectersoMarx, Ocrrda commcnts. Jhcrc s a Ircnch trad-
ton, a knd o| Ircnch spccalty o| pcrcmptory dagnoscs upon rcturnng |rom a
quck trp to a |aravay land vhosc languagc onc docs not cvcn spcak and about
vhch onc knovs ncxt to nothng ;o;i) .
z. ack |rom Noscov, n Po/itics, Iheor,, andContemorar, Ca/tare, zz6.
. Ibd. , ipp.
q. ``^ Slkvorm o| Cnc`s Cvn, n ei/s, z .
;. Ibd. , z;.
6. Ibd. , zz.
;. HdieatoEmmanae/Lcoinas, zo.
8. Volcncc and Nctaphyscs, n writingandDqrence, p;.
p. Parages, i;.
qo. Scc thc lotc to thc Rcadcr O. ) .
qI . Dcrioes thc translaton |acqucs Lacan proposcs |or thc Ircudan conccpt
Irie/,a/ionn Ircnch, drvc n Lnglsh.

Notes II
I. Dissemination, ;-6.
z. OCrammato/og, ;6.
. Lnvos, n IhePostCard ip.
q. Ibd. , q6.
;. htc Nythology, n MarginsoPhi/osoh,, zzo. Ph,sismcans naturc,
tekhne, artncc or |abrcaton, nomos, lav.
6. Scc, cspccally, OCram mato/og, p;p8, and Horias, 6;. Ocrrda`s usc o|
thc adjcctvc diocCcr. a/ge/eitet) stuatcs t most o|tcn at thc ntcrsccton o|
thrcc tradtons. thc Kantan, vhch d||crcntatcs thc intaitasoriginariasorg-
nary or dvnc undcrstandng) |rom thc intaitasderioatioasdcrvatvc or nntc
undcrstandng, assmlatcd to dscursvty n gcncral), thc phcnomcnologcal
Musscrl), vhcrc dcriocsgnhcs modhcd or phcnomcnologcally rcduccd, const-
tutcd and not consttutng`zo, and thc Mcdcggcran, |or vhch all dscoursc that
procccds |rom thc qucston o| bcng vthout posng that qucston n a radcal
manncr bccomcs dcrvatvc. Jhus, |or cxamplc, tradtonal ontology s dcrvatvc
vs-a-vs Mcdcggcr`s cxstcntal analytc.
I. Horias, iqi;.
z. Mono/ingaa/ism, ;8.
. Ibd. , q;q8.
q. Ibd. , ;.
;. Somc Statcmcnts and Jrusms, n IheStatesoIheor,,"6;68.
6. Mono/ingaa/ism, qz.
;. Ibd. , ;z.
8. Jhc Jmc Is Cut o| |ont, n Deconstractionis/inHmerica, z;.
p. Mono/ingaa/ism, ;o.
io. Ibd. , ;.
II. Ibd. , i, ;.
iz. Ibd. , 6;.
I. Ibd. , 6i.
iq. MemoiresForPaa/deMan,i;.
i;. Mono/ingaa/ism,;p.
i6. Ibd. , 6.
I;. Ibd. , 6q.
i8. Crcum|csson, n }acqaesDerrida, i6p;o.
|Iz Notes
I. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion, ;&-;p.
z. lo ^pocalypsc, lot lov, zI . Last tvo scntcnccs not i n Lnglish vcrsion,
scc Ps,chc,6;. I. )|
. ``ASilkvorm ol Cnc`s Cvn, i n lci/s, zI.
q. Ny Chanccs/ Mes Chances, in IakingChances, 6I.
;. SectersoMarx, ;&.
6. IheOtherHeading, I;.
;. Icrrida borrovs this lormula lrom Ircud. Scc Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in
Hthenesn /'om/rede/' Hcroo/e, 6.
&. lo ^pocalypsc, lot lov, z;.
p. Khra, in OntheName,p.
Io. SectersoMarx, 6;.
II. IheOtherHeading, I;.
cnr1rn q
I. OCrammato/og,, II.
z. Lcvi-Strauss, IristesIoiqaes, zp6p;.
. Ibid. , zpp.
q. Ibid. , oo.
;. OCrammato/og,, IIp.
6. Ibid. , II6.
;. Ibid. , Izo, IzI.
&. Ibid. , Iz6z;.
p. Ibid. , Izzq.
Io. Ibid. , Io6.
II. Lcvi-Strauss, Iistes Ioiqaes,z;&;p.
Iz. OCrammato/og,, IIo.
I. Ibid. , Iop.
Iq. Ibid. , Io&-p.
I;. Ibid. , I;.
I6. Ibid. , Io;&.
cnr1rn ;
I. Lnscaling `thc old ncv languagc') , in Points, IIp-zo.
z. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrid, o6, o&.
. Ibid. , IIpzo.
q. Mono/ingaa/ism,qq.
;. Circumlcssion, in }acqaesDerrida, Izpo.

6. Ibid. , zq;.
;. Ibid. , z;&.
& . Lnvois, in IhePostCard q.
p. Lnscaling `thc old ncv languagc`) , in Points, Izo.
Io. Mono/ingaa/ism,q.
II. Ibid. , I.
Iz. Ibid. , ;;.
I. Ibid.
Iq. Ibid. , Iq.
I;. Ibid. , oI.
I6. Ibid. , z.
I;. Ibid. , &.
I&. Ibid.
Ip. Ibid. , ;q;;.
zo. Ibid. , ;z.
Notes ||
zI. Ibid. , ;q. Ior anothcr account ol this |cvish acculturation, scc Circum-
|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida, ;z;.
zz. Circumlcssion, in }acqaesDerrida, &, &q. Jhc story ol thc vhitc talcth is
in lact told in ``^Silkvorm ol Cnc`s Cvn.
z. Circumlcssion, i n }acqaesDerrid, z&&, z&p.
zq. Lnvois, in IhePostCard ;.
z;. Mono/ingaa/ism,qIqz.
z6. Ibid. , ;o;I.
z;. Lnscaling (`thc old ncv languagc`) , in Points,IzozI. Scc also Lnvois,
in IhePostCard &;-&&.
z&. Circumlcssion, i n }acqaesDerrida, ;&.
zp. Monohngaa/ism, I;I;.
o. Ibid. , q.
I. Ibid. , 6o6I.
z. Icmcurc ^thcncs, in Hthenesn /'om/rede/Zcroo/e,q;.
. Mono/ingaa/ism,;6.
q. Ibid. , z.
;. Ibid. , q6.
6. Ibid. , q;-q6.
;. Ibid. , q&.
&. Jhc Crisis in thc Jcaching ol Ihilosophy, in whosH}aidoPhi/oso-
h,Ioq; .
p. Mono/ingaa/ism,o.
qo. Ibid. , qz-q.
qI. Lnvois, in IhePostCard, Ioz.
{Iq Notes
qz. Mono/ingaa/ism,I.
q. Ibid. , ;p.
qq. Horias,;q.
q;. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida,i;o-;I. Jhc lcttcrs S^ arc Saint ^u-
gustinc`s initials. In C/as, thcy stand |or absolutc knovlcdgc _saooira/so/a .
q6. Horias,;;.
q;. Ibid. , &i.
q&. Jhc Crisis in thc Jcaching o| Ihilosophy, in whosH}aidoPhi/osoh,
qp. Ccopsychoanalysis. `and thc rcst o| thc vorld` , in IhePs,choanasiso
Race, 6p.
;o. IheOtherHeading, &z&.
;i. Ibid. , ;.
cnr1rn 6
I. SectersoMarx, ;&.
z. ^s onc Ircnch translation has it, as Icrrida notcs, Jimc is o|| its hingcs
_ Letemsesthorsdesesgonds .Scc SectersoMarx, ip.
. Ibid. , i&ip.
q. Ibid. , ;o.
;. Ibid.
6. ack |rom Noscov, in Po/itics, Iheor,, andContemorar, Ca/tare, zo.
Icrrida rcin|orccs, hovcvcr, thc irrcduciblc singularity o| thc namc LSSR. thc
only namc o| a statc in thc vorld that contains in itscl| no rc|crcncc to a locality or
a nationality, thc only propcr namc o| a statc that, in sum, contains no givcn
propcr namc, in thc currcnt scnsc o| thc tcrm. thc LSSR is thc namc o| an cta tic
individual, an indivdual and singular statc that has givcn itscl| or claimcd to givc
itscl| its ovn propcr namc vithout rc|crcncc to any singular placc or to any na-
tional past. ^t its |oundation, a statc has givcn itscl| a purcly artihcial, tcchnical,
conccptual, gcncral, convcntional, and constitutional namc, a common namc in
sum, a communist namc. in short a purcly political namc Ip&).
;. Icrrida's trip took placc prcciscly |rom z6 Icbruary to 6 Narch ippo, in rc-
sponsc to an invitation |rom thc Institutc o| Ihilosophy o| thc LSSR ^cadcmy o|
Scicnccs. Jhc country vas thcn in thc midst o| erestroika. Icrrida`s intcrlocutors
brought to his attcntion that in thcir cycs thc bcst translation, thc translation thcy
vcrc using among thcmsclvcs |or erestroika, vas dcconstruction ack |rom
Noscov, zzz) .
&. ack |rom Noscov, zzzq.

p. SectersoMarx, ;.
Io. Ibd. , &;.
II. Ibid. , &I-&q.
Iz. Ibd. , 6;.
I. Ibid. , &;-&6.
cnr1rn ;
I. Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in Hthenesa/'om/rede/Zcroo/e, q6q;.
z. Ibid. , qq.
. Ibid. , q&.
q. Ibid. , 6I.
;. Ibid. , iqIqz.
cnr1rn &
Notes {I;
i . Ccncrations o| a City. Ncmory, Irophccy, Rcsponsibilitics, i n OenCip,
I6. Icrrida bascs his analysis on a rcading o| Ka|ka`s commcnts dcvotcd to thc
timeoacipanderconstractionibid. , iq) in thc lattcr`s FragentsomNote/ooks
andLoosePages, a tcxt vrittcn shortly ahcr thc ar, at thc j ust rcccnt and |ragilc
birth o| Czcchoslovakia ibid. , i) . C|. Iranz Kaha, Fragments}omNote/ooks
andLoosePages, in his DearestFatherStoriesandOtherwritings, z;.
z. Ccncrations o| a City, in Oen Cip, z;.
. Cn Cosmopolitanism, in On Cosmoo/itanismandForgioeness, i6i;.
q. Ccncrations o| a City, in OenCip, i;i&. Cn this qucstion, scc also Ihe
OtherHeading, 6||.
;. Cn Cosmopolitanism, in On Cosmoo/itanismandForgioeness, q;.
6. Ibid. , I;, i&, i&Ip.
;. Ibid. , I&.
& . Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zp6p;.
p. Ccncrations o| a City, in OenCip, i;.
Io. Ibid. , i&Ip.
II. Ibid. , z-zq.
Iz. Iaxitcxturc, in Hn,uhere,z&. Jhis lccturc vas givcn in |apan, at thc opcn-
ing o| a con|crcncc cntitlcd ``Anyvhcrc, `` on architccturc and urbanism. Jhc qucs-
tion o| having to rcbuild Los ^ngclcs vas raiscd a|tcr thc dcvastating violcncc
riots and rcprcssion) that took placc |olloving thc Rodncy King trial in ippi. Iur-
thcr rc|crcncc to thc architcctural taxonomy mcntioncd hcrc can bc |ound in
chaptcr z. Cn thc subjcct o| Khora,scc chaptcr i i .
I. Lnvois, in IhePostCard, I&-p.
)i6 Notes
Iq. bid. , ;o.
I;. bid. , I&.
I6. Jympan, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, xviii. Jhc passagc skctchcs out a ma
ol thc city ol ^mstcrdam.
I;. Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in Hthenesa/'om/rede/Zcroo/e, qz.
I&. Lnvois, in IhePostCard I6q.
Ip. bid. , I66.
zo. bid. , I6;.
zI . Circumlcssion, in }acqaesDerrida, zoI-z.
zz. SectersoMarx, ;&. Scc also ack lrom Moscov, vhcrc, in his rcading ol
cnjamin, Icrrida stagcs a curious cllipsc vith tvo local points, Moscov and
|crusalcm in Po/itics, IheoandContemoraCa/tare, zoo) .
z . CqoDeath,6p;o.
zq Mov to ^void Spcaking, in Langaagesothe |nsa,a//e, I-Iq.
cnr1rn p
I. Mcidcggcr, Hantha/te, in Cesamtaasga/e,vol. ;;, zI;I6, zI&.
z. Jhc Retraitol Mctaphor, Iz.
. Lnvois, in IhePostCard I;.
q. Jhc Relait olMctapho1, z.
;. bid.
6. Lnvois, in IhePostCard 6;.
;. Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in Hthenesa /'om/rede /Zcroo/e, qq, cl Mcidcggcr,
Cesamtaasga/e, vol. ;;, z;.
&. Mcidcggcr, IhePrincq/eoReason,q&.
p. Jhc Retraitol Mctaphor, zo.
Io. Lnvois, in IhePostCard zo.
II. Sars, ;.
Iz. Jhc Reoaitol Mctaphor, zz.
I. bid. , Ip.
Iq. Mcidcggcr, IhePrinci/eoReason, 6;.
I;. Lnvois, in IhePostCard 6.
I6. Mcidcggcr, Onthew, toLangaage, pz sccond scntcncc lrom lootnotc rc-
lcrring to cxtract mssing lrom Lnglish, my translation I.)] . Jhc translators ol
thc Ircnch cdition ,Hcheminementoers/aaro/e, trans. |can caulrct, ollgang
rokmcicr, and Iranois Icdicr Iaris. Calimard, Ip;6| ) notc. c rccognizc,
thanks to this graphic intcrvcntion, thc coining ol thc vord Beuegang, `movc-
mcnt. ` Be- shoud bc undcrstood as in Be-dingang, Be-stimmang, signi|ing thc

Notes )i;
lact ol cndoving or providing. 1 lor wegang,it lcts thc path W_ shov through
immcdiatcly. `Sctting out on thc path _ miseenchemin] 'should bc undcrstood in-
transitivcly, thc paths arc givcn thc status ol bcing paths ,I&zn) . ^lso. ``All thc
vords mcntioncd hcrc arc Ccrmanic dcrivativcs ol thc root aegh, vhich gavc oe-
here to transport) and oiavay` ) in Latin. Cheminis a Ccltic vord I&n) .
I;. bid.
I&. Mcidcggcr, IhePrinci/eoReason, q&. Jhc Ircnch translation quotcd by
Icrrida in Marginshas /a concetiondcterminantede /a 'mctahore'tom/ed'ede-
m?mecollapscs by itscll| cl. Margins,zz6nzp) I.) .
Ip. n Jhc Retraitol Mctaphor, Icrrida notcs. Jvo lamilics . . . ol vords,
nouns, vcrbs . . . cross cach othcr in this contact ol thc trait in thc Ccrman lan-
guagc . . . . on thc onc hand thc `lamily' ol Ziehen ,zag, Bezag, Cezge,
darchziehen, entziehen), and on thc othcr . . . Reissen,Riss, Haiss, |mriss, Cran-
driss, ctc. ) z;) .
zo. Mcidcggcr, Onthew, toLangaage, po. Larlicr, Mcidcggcr statcs that thc
ncighborhood in qucstion pcrvadcs cvcryvhcrc our stay on this carth and our
journcy in it &q) .
zI . Jhc Retraitol Mctaphor, zI.
zz. bid. , Io.
z. bid. , zo.
zq. I& May Ip;&. ^rcady thc third trip to Ccncva. Jhis continual cnvoyagc is
cxhausting and yct . . . Lnvois, in IhePostCard Iqo) .
z;. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zq. do not havc thc spacc to discuss hcrc
thc cxtraordinary analysis ol Mcidcggcr`s rcading olJrakl in OSiritHeideger
andtheQaestion, notably chaptcrs p and Io, or thc commcntary on thc commcn-
tary on Somcthing Strangc s thc Soul on thc Larth , '1sistdieSee/eeinFremdes
aa Erden), vhcrc thc soul is said to bc solitary and voyaging , O Sirit, Io;, cl
Mcidcggcr, Onthew, toLangaage, I6I6) . Jhosc rcadings should bc hcard as
silcntly accompanying our j ourncy.
cnr1rn I o
I. ``And vc vill not gct around Irciburg, lct i t bc said i n passing Etonnecon-
toarneaFri/oarg, soitditaaassage Lnvois, in IhePostCard 6) .
z. ^ minimal outlinc ol thc stagcs in thc tcxtual journcy is dcvclopcd in
chaptcr p.
. Jhc Retraitol Mctaphor, zIzz, zz6, z&o.
)i Notes
i . Khoracmcrgcs i n a straight inc lrom thc discoursc on thc origin ol thc uni-
vcrsc. Jhc matrix ol all lorms, ol cvcry bccoming, it is thc rcccptaclc, and in a
manncr thc nursc, ol all gcncration , Iimaeas, in P/ato IheCodectedDia/ogaes,
II;6) .
z. lo ^pocalypsc, lot lov, in Ps,chc, &z lincs missing in Lngish transa-
tion I.] ) .
. Iaxitcxturc, i n Hn,uhere, zq.
q. Khra, in OntheName, Io6.
;. Ibid. , pp.
6. Ibid. , po-pI.
;. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion,zI.
&. Khra, in OntheName,pzp.
p. Ibid. , ppq.
Io. Ibid. , Izqz;.
IJ. Ibid. , Ioo.
Iz. Iaith and Knovcdgc, in Re/igion,Ip.
I. lo ^pocaypsc, lot lov, in Ps,chc, z;.
Iq. Ibid. , zo.
I;. Ibid. , z.
I6. Ibid.
I;. Ibid. , zq.
I&. Ibid. , z&.
Ip. Ibid. , zI.
zo. Ibid. , z& cl Ps,chc, &o, vords missing lrom Lnglish vcrsion I.| ) .
zI. SectersoMarx, z;, z&.
zz. Ibid. , z&zp.
z. Ibid. , I.
i . IhePostCard z;, ;q.
z. Ibid. , I;p.
. Ibid. , 6q, 6;. Cnc shoud comparc Icrrida`s plan to vritc a prclacc vith his
intcntion to vritc a history ol thc posts ibid. , I, 66) . ant to vritc and hrst
to rcasscmbc an cnormous ibrary on thc coarrier,thc postal institutions, thc tcch-
niqucs and morcs ol tclccommunication, thc nctvorks and cpochs ol tclccommu-
nication throughout historybut thc library and thc history` thcmscvcs arc
prcciscly but posts, sitcs ol passagc or rclay among othcrs, stascs, momcnts or cl-
Notes )i,
lccts ol restance, and also particular rcprcscntations, narrovcr and narrovcr,
shortcr and shortcr scqucnccs, proportionaly, ol thc Crcat Jclcmatic lctvork, thc
uor/duideconnection"ibid. , z;) .
q. Ibid. , zp.
;. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zqz;.
6. Ibid. , z.
;. OSirit, ;z.
&. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zz.
p. Scc Icrrida`s rcading ol Mcidcggcr`s Rcctorship ^ddrcss and analysis ol thc
valucs ol Fhrang, mission, conduction, guidc, and ordcr givcn, in O
Sirit, Iq.
Io. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zz.
ii. OSirit, po.
Iz. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, zz.
I. Lnvois, in IhePostCard 6;66.
Iq. Ibid. , Ipz.
I;. Ibid. , 666;.
I6. Lnvoi, in Ps,chc, I; c|. Scnding. Cn Rcprcscntation, z, not in Lng-
lish transation I.] ) .
I ;. Lnvois, i n IhePost Card zozI. Icrrida adds i n a notc. I must notc it
right hcrc, on thc morning ol zz ^ugust Ip;p, Io ^. N. , vhic typing this pagc lor
thc prcscnt pubication, thc tccphonc rings. Jhc ^mcrican opcrator asks mc il I
vi acccpt a collcct cal lrom Nartin shc says Nartinc or martini) Mcidcggcr. I
hcard, as onc ohcn docs in thcsc situations vhich arc vcry lamiliar to mc, oltcn
having to call collcct myscll, voiccs that I thought I rccognizcd on thc othcr cnd
ol thc intcrcontincnta linc, istcning to mc and vatching lor my rcaction. hat
vi hc do vith thc ghost or Ccist ol Nartin: I cannot summarizc hcrc al thc
chcmistry ol thc rcaction that vcry quickly madc mc rclusc "It`s a okc, I do not
acccpt) ibid. , zI) .
I . Lnvois, in IhePostCard q.
z. Ibid. , &z.
. ^phorism Countcrtimc, in HctsoLiteratare,qzoqzI.
i . Parages, I ; .
z. Dissemination, ;-6.
zo Notes
. OCrammato/og,, zq.
q. Ibid. , I6z.
;. Ibid.
6. Ibid. , IoIz.
;. Lnvos, n IhePostCard z6I.
&. Dissemination, z;.
p. Horias, II. Jhc porous ncss ol bordcrs rcqurcs onc to rcthink thc probcm ol
/imitroh,, n particular vithin thc discpinary hclds ol knovlcdgc. Cn this point,
scc Jitrcs pour Ic Cocgc ntcrnational dc phosophic) , in Da droit a /a
hi/osohie,vhcrc Icrrda qucstions cspccally thc limits ol philosophy.
Io. Iaxitcxturc, n Hn,uhere, zo.
II. Parages, Iz.
Iz. Shbbocth. Ior Iau Cclan, in wrdIraces:ReadingsoPaa/Ce/n,z& c|.
HctsoLiteratare, qoq) . Shi//o/eth, ths vord I havc calcd Mcbrcv, is lound, as
you knov, in a vhoc lamily ol anguagcs. Ihocncan, |udaco-^ramac, Syriac. It
is travcrscd by a mutipcity ol mcanings. rivcr, strcam, car ol gran, olivc-tvig.
ut bcyond thosc mcanngs, t acqurcd thc valuc ol a passvord. It vas uscd dur-
ing or ahcr var, at thc crossing ol a bordcr undcr vatch. Jhc vord mattcrcd css
lor its mcanng than lor thc vay n vhich t vas pronounccd. Jhc rclaton to thc
mcanng or to thc thing vas suspcndcd, ncutraIzcd, brackctcd. thc oppostc, onc
could say, ol a phcnomcnoogca eochevhch prcscrvcs, hrst ol a, thc mcaning.
Jhc Lphraimitcs had bccn dclcatcd by thc army ol |cphthah, in ordcr to kccp thc
sodicrs lrom cscaping across thc rvcr ,shi//o/ethaso mcans rvcr, ol coursc, but
that s not ncccssary thc rcason it vas choscn), cach pcrson vas rcqurcd to say
shi//o/eth.lov thc Lphramitcs vcrc knovn lor thcir nabity to pronouncc cor-
rcctly thc shiol shi//o/eth,vhch conscqucnty bccamc lor thcm, an anronoance-
a//ename thcy said si//o/ethand, at that invisblc bordcr bctvccn shiand si, bc-
traycd thcmscvcs to thc scntncl at thc risk ol dcath. Jhcy bctraycd thcr
dihcrcncc n rcndcring thcmscvcs ndhcrcnt to thc dacritcal dhcrcncc bctvccn
shiand si,thcy markcd thcmsclvcs d unabc to rc-mark a mark thus codcd bd. ,
zqz;, HctsoLiteratare, ppqoo) .
I. Parages, p6.
Iq. Horias, p.
I;. Ibid. , pIo.
I6. Parages, Io6.
I;. Ibid. , I.
I&. Sars, p.
Ip. Ibid. , p, qI.
zo. Parages, I;.
Notes zI
zI. Ibd. , I;.
zz. Jympan, n MarginsoPhi/osoh,, 2.
z. Ibd. , xi.
zq. Ibid. , xxiixxv.
cnr1rn I ;
I . Cl. Lnvois, i n IhePostCard Jhs s Luropc, centra/e, thc ccntcr ol Lu-
ropc, thc cartebctvccn Vcnna and Iraguc, my ovn in sum, vith an cxtcnsion ol
thc track or ol thc Cricnt-Lxprcss ncar ^thcns or Rcadng, bctvccn Cxlord and
London ;) .
z. Circumlcssion, in }acqaesDerrida, oo.
. Lnscang `thc old ncv languagc` ) , in Points, Iz&zp. Cn ths pont, scc
aso Rhctorc ol Irugs, in Points, z;.
q. ack lrom Noscov, n Po/itics, Iheor,, andContemorar, Ca/tare, zo.
;. Circumlcssion, n }acqaesDerrid, zpzpq.
cnr1rn I 6
I . Lnvos, n IhePostCard q.
z. Ibd. , IopIo.
. Ibd., ;;;6.
q. Ibid. , &.
;. Ibd., II.
6. Ibd. , Iq.
;. Ibd. , z;.
&. Ibd. , ;.
p. Ibd. , &.
Io. Ibid. , IoII.
II. Ibd. , oI.
Iz. Ibd. , p.
I. Iaxtcxturc, in Hn,uhere, zI.
Iq. Ibd. , z;.
I;. Jccpathy, IIq.
I6. Ibd. , I6.
cnr1rn I;
I. Lnvos, i n IhePostCard Io.
z. Ibid. , zo.
. Ibd., &.
{zz Notes
q. Ibid. , i;.
;. Ibid. , i 6i;.
6. Ibid. , pio.
;. Ibid. , iz.
&. Ibid. , i;o.
p. Ibid. , i.
io. Ibid. , z&.
II. Ibid. , zq.
iz. Ibid. , zz.
i. Ibid. , i;p.
iq. Ibid.
i;. Ibid. , q;.
i6. Ibid. , zz;.
i;. Ibid. , izzq.
i&. Ibid. , ii;.
ip. Ibid., &i.
zo. Ibid. , iiiiz.
zi. Ibid. , q.
zz. Jclcpathy, 6.
z. Lnvois, in IhePostCard z.
zq. Ibid. , z.
z;. Ibid. , z&zp.
z6. Ibid. , io;&.
z;. Ibid. , iz6z;.
z&. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrid, izzq.
zp. Lnvois, in IhePostCard zi.
cnr1rn i &
I . IheOtherHeading, 6p.
z. Ibid. , ip.
. Ibid. , ;.
q. Ibid. , ;6.
;. Crito, in P/ato Ihe Co//ected Dia/ogaes, z&zp, quotcd in Icmcurc,
^thcncs, in Hthenesa/'om/rede/Zcroo/e, ;p.
6. Phaedo, in P/toIheCo//ectedDia/ogaes,qi, quotcd in Icmcurc, ^thcncs,
in Hthenesa/'om/rede/Zcroo/e, ;i.
;. Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in Hthenesa/om/rede/Zcroo/e, ;i.
&. ``Avaiting (at) thc ^rrival is thc titlc o| thc ast scction o| Horiasq-&i) .

Notes {z{
Jhc |ormua arrivc at thc dcparturc is |rom Icmcurc, ^thcncs (in Hthenesa
/'om/rede/Zcroo/e, 6i) . Jhc voman docs not prcdict a dcparturc |or Socratcs
but an arrva. Norc prcciscy, sincc onc has to part and scparatc, bccausc onc has
to abandon, by quoting thc I/iadshc oricnts this dcparturc |rom thc point o| vicv
o| thc cndpoint or arrioa/o| thc voyagc , ;p) .
p. Icmcurc, ^thcncs, in Hthenesa/om/rede/Zcroo/e, qiqz.
io. ^ Silkorm o| Cnc's Cvn, in i/, zq. Jcxt vrittcn Jovard ucnos
^ircs, lovcmbcr zqzp, ipp;.
II. Ibid. , ;&.
iz. Cco||rcy cnnington, Icrridabasc, in }acqaesDerrida, ;.
i. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida, p.
i q. Lnvois, in IhePostCard i 6 .
i ; . Llysscs Cramophonc. Mcar Say Ycs i n |oycc, i n HctsoLiteratare,op (last
vords o| tcxt) .
i6. ``A Sikorm o| Cnc`s Cvn, in i/, ,i.
i;. Lnvois, in IhePostCard i6.
i&. Ibid. , ;;.
ip. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida( last vords o| tcxt) , iqi;.
zo. ``A Silkvorm o| Cnc`s Cvn, i n i/s, z&.
cnr1rn i p
I. Lnvois, i n IhePostCard 6q.
z. Iaxitcxturc, in Hn,uhere, zo.
. Jhc Retraito| Nctaphor, 6.
q. Ibid. , ;&.
;. hitc Nythology, in MarginsoPhi/o so h,, zi;.
6. Citcd i n ibid. , zq.
;. Jhc Retrait o| Nctaphor, z.
&. hitc Nythology, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, zqi.
p. Citcd in ibid. , z;.
io. Jhc K:trutt o| Nctaphor, ip.
II. hitc Nythology, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, zi ;i6. Cn thc doublc scnsc
o| asare, scc ibid. , zopnz.
iz. Living Cn. ordcr Lincs, in DeconstractionandCriticism,;6.
i. hitc Nythoogy, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, zii.
iq. Ibid. , zz;z6.
i;. Ibid. , z;i.
i6. Ibid. , z;.
i;. bid. , z;q.
i. For Mcgcl, lor cxamplc, thc history ol spirit is conhscd vith thc coursc ol
thc sun. Scc his Phi/osoh,oHistog,io .
ip. hitc Nythoogy, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, z,i.
zo. Ibid. , z;o.
zi. Lnvois, in IhePostCard i;&.
zz. Cl a lcvly ^riscn ^pocalyptic Jonc in Ihiosophy, in RaisingtheIneo
Phi/osoh,, i6.
z. hitc Nythology, in MarginsoPhi/osoh,, z,.
zq. Jo Spccuatcon `Frcud, ` ` in IhePostCard z&q.
z;. Ibid.
z6. Violcncc and Nctaphysics, in writingandDqrence, rrz-i,. Cn thc
qucstion ol thc originary spatiaity ol languagc, scc aso Ccschlccht. Scxual Iil-
lcrcncc, Cntoogical Iillcrcncc, in HDerridaReade: Lvcry languagc is hrst ol
al dctcrmincd by spatia signihcations ,,,,) .
z;. hitc Nythoogy, i n MarginsoPhi/osoh,, z;o.
z&. Jhc Rhctoric ol Irugs, in Points,q;z;.
zp. Lnvois, in IhePostCard i;;.
cnr1rn zo
i. Jhc Jimc Is Cut ol |oint, in Deconstractionis/inHmerica, i; cl Somc
Statcmcnts and Jruisms, in IheStatesoIheog, "&,) .
z. bid. , z; cL Memoires rPaa/deMan, i,).
, . Mono/ingaa/ism, ,i.
q. MemoiresrPaa/deMan,i|.
,. Ibid. , i|-i,.
6. Cl thc titlc ol a book publishcd in i,,, IheIu/e Critics Deconstractionin
Hmerica Ninncapolis. Lnivcrsity ol Ninncsota Ircss) . It vas in ip&q, in ^mcr-
ica, at thc Lnivcrsity ol Cailornia, Irvinc, vhcrc had not yct bcgun to tcach rcg-
uary. ^t that timc, and lor somc timc yct to comc, I rcmaincd morc ol an Last-
coast ^mcrican sincc I vas tcaching cvcry ycar lor scvcra vccks at Yac altcr
having donc thc samc thing at |ohns Mopkins. In i,|,thcn, had bccn invitcd to
givc thc cllck Lccturcs at rvinc. Iavid Carroll and Suzannc Ccarhart had sug-
gcstcd that spcakthis vas tcn ycars agoon vhat alrcady lor somc timc had
bccn cacd ` Icconstruction in Acrica``` Jhc Jimc Is Cut ol|oint, in Decon-
stractionis/inHmerica, z6) .
;. Iublishcd in writingandDq rence. Icrrida spcaks ol his hrst trip to thc
Lnitcd Statcs, in ip;6, in his discussion vith thc jazz musician Crncttc Cocman,
Notes z;
insisting on thc racial scgrcgation that hcld harsh svay ovcr thc country at that
timc. Jhc hrst timc I vcnt to thc Lnitcd Statcs, in i,,6, thcrc vcrc hitcs
Cnly signs cvcryvhcrc, and rcmcmbcr bcing struck by thc brutality ol it La
Languc dc l`autrc, LesInrockati//esrr, zo ^ugustz Scptcmbcr ipp;, qo) .
. Jhc Irincipc ol Rcason. Jhc Lnivcrsity in thc Lycs ol Its Iupis, 6;.
Icrrida makcs ccar in a notc to thc Frcnch cdition that thc construction ol thc
lccturc rctains an csscntial rclation vith thc architccturc and sitc ol Corncll. thc
top ol a hil, thc bridgc and barricrs ovcr a ccrtain abyss gorgc in Lnglish) , com-
monplacc lor many anxious rchcctions on thc history and ratcs ol suicidcs gorg-
ing out in thc oca idiom) on thc part ol studcnts and laculty. hat should bc
donc to stop pcoplc lrom throving thcmscvcs into thc gorgc: Is thc univcrsity rc-
sponsiblc lor thcsc suicidcs: Should barricrs bc crcctcd: Lcs Iupilcs dc `Lni-
vcrsitc. Lc Irincipc dc raison ct `idcc dc l` Lnivcrsitc, in Dadroit /ahi/osohie,
q6p-;o. Cl. Jhc Irincipc ol Rcason, ,-6.cncath thc bridgcs inking thc uni-
vcrsity to its surroundings, connccting its insidc to its outsidc, lics thc abyss _6 ) .
p. Jhc Jimc Is Cut ol |oint, i n Deconstractionis/inHmerica, i,.
io. MemoiresrPaa/deMan,iq, i;i&.
rr. Somc Statcmcnts and Jruisms, i n IheStatesoIheor,,;i.
iz. Ibid. , 6|-6,.
i,.CI ibid. , ;|-;6.
iq. Ibid. , &z.
i,. Ibid. , &q.
i6. Ibid. , 6,.
i;. Ibid. , 6.
i. Ibid. , |,,.
i,. Ibid. , .
zo. Jhc Jimc Is Cut ol|oint, in Deconstractionis/inHmerica,i;.
zi .Ibid. , i6.
zz. bid. , i;.
z. Ibid. , i.
zq. Ibid. , z;.
z;. bid. , z6z;.
z6. Ibid. , z&-zp.
z;. Ibid. , ,o-,i.
z&. Ibid. , z;.
cnr1rn zi
i . Circumlcssion, i n }acqaesDerrida, i-i,.
z. bid. , z,z-,,.
,. Ibid. , z6o.
|.Ibid. , i|,i ,o.
,. Ibid. , ,z-,,.
6.Ibid. , ,z-,,.
;. Ibid. , z.
. bid. , o.
,. bid. , ;6.
L. Lnvois, in IhePostCard z,,-,|.
II. Circum|cssion, in }acqaesDerrida, i;;.
cnr1rn zz
I. Horias, ,,-,|.
z. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion, i;-i. SectersoMarxalrcady charac-
tcrizcs thc mcssianic as a dcscrt-likc mcssianism vithout contcnt and vithout
idcntinablc mcssiah), opcning to thc coming o| thc othcr, thc absolutc and un-
prcdictablc singularity o| thearrioantas asticc' ,z) .
,. IheOtherHeading, ,.
|. Ibid. , i,-i6.
,. Ibid., z;.
6. IheCqoDeathbrings to light thc paradigmatic vauc o| this axis through
thc moti| o| sccrcts o| Luropcan rcsponsibility ,i-,|) . Scc also Iaith and
Knovlcdgc , Dq ca/ttosa, '1aroe''uithoatconnotingHthens-}erasa/em-Rome-
B,zantiam' in Re/igion, | ) , and Back |rom Noscov in Po/itics, Iheor,, and
Contemorar,Ca/tare, i,,) .
;. IheOtherHeading, z|.
. Ibid. , ,,.
,. IheCqoDeath, z,.
L. In SectersoMarx, Icrrida asks conccrning Icnmark. Cught onc to havc
rccallcd hcrc that in thc cst, ncar thc cnd o| thc Luropcan pcninsula, Icnmark
almost bccamc, prcciscly along vith Lngland, thc last Statc o| rcsistancc to a ccr-
tain Luropc, that o| Naastricht: ,i;) .Llscvhcrc, in IheOtherHeading, hc notcs
that today still, as in Mcgcl`s timc, Luropcan discoursc coincidcs] vith spirit`s rc-
turn to itscl| in ^bsolutc Knovlcdgc, at this `cnd-o|-history` that today can givc
risc to thc prating cloqucncc o| a hitc Mousc advisor this vas, lct mc rccall, bc-
|orc vhat is knovn as thc Cul| ar . . . ) vhcn hc announccs vith grcat mcdia
|an|arc `thc cnd-o|-history.` Jhis, i| onc vcrc to bclicvc him, bccausc thc csscntially
Luropcan modcl o| thc markct cconomy, o| libcral, parliamcntary, and capitalist
dcmocracics, vould bc about to bccomc a univcrsally rccognizcd modcl, all thc
nation statcs o| thc planct prcparing thcmsclvcs to join us at thc hcad o| thc pack,
right at thc |orc|ront _ ca] ,at thc capital point _ointe o| advanccd dcmocracics,
thcrc vhcrc capital is on thc cutting cdgc o| progrcss _ /aointedarogres "
,,z-,,) .
II. IheOtherHeading, ;,.
iz. Ibid. , z,.
i,. bid.
i|. Ibid. , ,-,,, |i.
i,. SectersoMarx, z.
cnr1rn z,
I . Iaxitcxturc, in Hn,uhere, z,.
z. Ibid. , z,.Jhc qucstion o| |apan`s rclation to immincncc is brought to light
again by Icrrida in ``Acthcia,`` a tcxt dcdicatcd to thc photography o| Kishin Shi-
,. bid.
|.Ibid. , zi.
,. Ibid. , z,.
6. Jhc taxonomy o| thc di||crcnt |orms o| architccturc proposcd by thcsc ar-
chitccts is as |ollovs.
ncni1rc1uni srcr. Jraditionally thcrc havc bccn scvcral typcs o| archi-
tcctural spacc, including.
Sedentar,.Luropcan architccturc as thc Mousc o| Bcing Mcidcggcr) .
NomadNobilc tcnt o| thc nomad, vhich tcmporarily occupics a spacc.
Nomad-Immo/i/e. ^ |apancsc architccturc in vhich thc substancc is
cphcmcral but thc |orm is ctcrnal c.g. , thc Shrinc o| Isc, vhich is rcbuilt
cvcry tvcnty ycars) .
Mov should vc rcconsidcr thcsc typcs o| spacc givcn thc conditions o| con-
tcmporary socicty: ^rc thcy rclcvant to contcmporary architccturc: Should ncv
typcs o| architcctural spacc bc invcntcd |or thc ncxt millcnium:
ncni1rc1unr i unn srcr. Joday vc arc con|rontcd vith scvcral typcs
o| urban spacc such as.
Rea/Citics that havc prcscrvcd thcir historical contcxts.
Sarrea/. Nctropolitan citics likc Jokyo vhcrc all kinds o| clcmcnts old and
ncv, cst and Last, ctc. ) arc put into play vithout rcgard |or contcxt.

)z Notes
H,errea//Sima/tedJhcmc-park citics likc Iisncy orld vhich arc dcvoid
ol any contcxt and bascd on hction and artihcc.
Mov shoud today's architccts copc vith thcsc dihcrcnt cnvironmcnts: Jradi-
tionally thc notions ol genias/ociin thc Cccidcnt) and nsaiin thc Cricnt)
havc scrvcd dmcdiators bctvccn architccturc and its cnvironmcnt. ^rc thcsc no-
tions rclcvant today: Il not, vhat is hnctioning in thcir pacc: Mov can vc in-
vcnt ncv lorms ol mcdiation or cvcn non-mcdiation lor architccturc and thc city:
^rchitccturc in univcrsal spacc. Joday spacc is dichotomous. opcn and
closcd, outcr and inncr, pubic and privatc, homogcncous and hctcrogcncous,
gcncral and particuar, ctc. Cn thc onc hand, vc arc coming to ivc ^nyvhcrc,
h oating on thc goba nctvork ol air transportation and ccctronic rca-timc
communication, on thc othcr hand, vc arc connncd in ^nyvhcrcin an arbi-
trary ccll ol a city as a thcatcr ol mcmory in ruin. Mov can vc slip out ol thosc
dualitics and h nd a ncv axis connccting hcrmctic/crypticcryptograph-
ic/grotcsquc spacc and posta/tccgraphic-tclcphonic-tclcvisua spacc: In othcr
vords, hov can vc conccivc thc singular-univcrsa axis apart lrom thc particu-
ar-gcncra axis givcn thc importancc ol virtual spacc) : In that dircction,
hov can an architcct cut-up and lold-in py/ /ier) thc spacc: Mov is thc dc-
construction ol thc past hcritagc and thc urbanization ol thc rcal-timc possiblc:
,Hn,uhere, I6-I;)
;. Iaxitcxturc, in Hn,uhere, z(.
&. Lysscs Cramophonc. Mcar Say Ycs in |oycc, in HctsoLiteratare, z;&.
p. Ibid. , z;p.
Io. Ibid. , z6(6;.
II. Lcttcr to a |apancsc lricnd, in DerridaandDq rance, Iz, (;.
cnr1rn z(
I. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion, 66. Jhc nna quotation is lrom Ccnct,
Ceneta Chati/a, Io.
z. ^porias, I.
. Ibid. , &.
(. Ibid, Iz.
;. IheOtherHeading, (I.
6. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion, .
;. Ibid. , I;.
&. Kant, hat Is Cricntation in Jhinking, in KantPo/itica/writings, z((
rational bclicl in Lnglish I.)] .
p. Ibid. , z .
Io. Ibid., z.
Notes )z9
II. Ibid. , (.
Iz. Ibid. , Io.
I. Ibid. , i(.
I(. IheOtherHeading, ;.
I;. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion,6.
I6. Ibid. , I;.
I;. Ibid. , ;-&.
I&. Ibid. , I&.
Ip. Mov to ^void Spcaking, in Langaagesothe |nsa,a//e, p.
zo. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, in Re/igion,p.
zI. Ibid. , I;.
zz. Ibid. , ;.
z. Ibid. , I6 vords missing in Lnglish translation I. | ) .
z(. Ibid., &p.
z;. Ibid. , zo-zI.
z6. Ibid. , I&-Ip. Scc aso SectersoMarx, I66-6p, and thc vhoc h rst scction
ol Iorcc ol Lav. Jhc `Nystica Ioundation ol ^uthority, ' ` in Deconstractionand
thePossi/i/ipo}astice, -zp.
z;. SectersoMarx, 6;.
z&. Iaith and Kovlcdgc, n Re/igion, ;p.
zp. Parages, z;.
cnr1rn z;
I. Lnvois, in IhePostCard, I;(.
z. Checos'e/aoesia, "in Points, z&p.
. Ibid.
(. Ibid. , zpI.
;. Ibid. , z&p.
6. Ibid. , zpI.
;. Ibid. , zp.
&. Ibid. , zp, zp;.
p. Ibid. , zp;, zp;.
Io. Ibid. , zp;.
II. Ibid. , zpI.
Iz. Ibid. , zpp.
I. Istrice:: Ih/nnadhier, in Points,o;. In OntheRoadtoLangaage, Mci-
dcggcr dccarcs that thc multipc ambiguousncss ol thc poctic saying docs not
scattcr in vaguc cquivocations, and hrthcr on. Jhc pccrcss rigor olJrak`s cs-
scntialy ambiguous anguagc is in a highcr scnsc so uncquivocal that it rcmains in-
{{o Notes
nnitcy supcrior cvcn to al thc tcchnica prccision ol conccpts that arc mcrcy sci-
cntincally univocal ipz) .
Iq. Checose/aoesia, "in Points,zp;.
I;. Ibid. , zp.
i6. Istrice:: Ih /nnadhier, "in Points, o&.
i;. Ibid. , op.
i&. Horias, i. Mcidcggcr distinguishcs bctvccn to dic _ster/en "and to pcr-
ish _ oerenden . "Cnly thc Daseinpropcry dics, thc animal pcrishcs.
ip. Istrice:: Ih/nnadhier, "in Points, oq.
zo. Ibid. , ii.
cOctusi O
i . Lnvois, in IhePostCard zqqq;.
z. Jclcpathy, Iq.
. ^cts I;. z&.
q. Ic Cucs, Cti cst lc roi dcs |uils: &ppo.
;. Iaith and Knovcdgc, in Re/igion,p.
6. Viocncc and Nctaphysics, i n writingandDqrence, &&.
;. Iaith and Knovlcdgc, i n Re/igion,;p.
&. Horias, 6i .
p. Iaxitcxturc, in Hn,uhere, zq.
L. Iaith and Knovcdgc, in Re/igion,6.
(u/tur4/ /cmar
tn tbc 1rcscnt
|acqucs Icrrida and Cathcrinc Nalabou, Coanter athIaoe/inguith}acqaes
Nartin Sccl, HestheticsoHearance
|acqucs Icrrida, E,esothe |nioersipRighttoPhi/osoh,:
lancttc Salomon, ShqingPriorities CenderandCenreinSeeenteenth-Centar,
|acob Jaubcs, IhePo/itica/Iheo/og oPaa/
|can-Luc Narion, IheCrossingothelisi//e
Lric Nichaud, IheCa/toHrtinNaziCerman,
^nnc Ircadman, IheMachiner,oIa/k Char/esPeirceandtheSign H,othesis
Stanlcy Cavc, EmersonsIanscendenta/Etades
Stuart NcLcan, IheEoentandits IcrrorsIrelnd,Famine,Modernip
catc Rsscr, cd. , PrioaciesPhi/osohica/Eoa/aations
crnard Iaurc, Doa//eExosare CattingHcrossBaddhistandVsternDiscoarses
^lcssia Kcciardi, IheEndsOMoarningPs,choanasis, Literatare, Fi/m
^lain adiou, SaintPaa/ IheFoandationo|nieersa/ism
Ci ^nidjar, Ihe}eu, theHra/HHistor,otheEnem,
|onathan Cullcr and Kcvin Lamb, cds. , }astBeingDq ca/tHcademicwritingin
|can-Luc lancy, HFiniteIhinking, cditcd by Simon Sparks
Jhcodor ^dorno, Can OneLioea}erHaschuitzHPhi/osohica/Reader,
cditcd by Roll Jicdcmann
Iatricia Iistcrs, IheMatrixosaa/Ca/tarevrkinguithDe/eazeinFi/m Iheor,
^ndrcas Muysscn, PresentPasts: |r/anPa/imsestsandthePo/iticsoMemor,
1 alal ^sad, FormationsotheSeca/ar: Christiani, Is/am,Modernip
Iorothca von Ntickc, IheRiseotheFantasticIa/e
Narc Rcdhcd, IhePo/iticsoHesthetics:Nationa/ism, Cende, Romanticism
Lmmanuc Lcvinas, OnEscae
Ian Zahavi, Hasser/sPhenomeno/og
Rodophc Caschc, IheIdeaoForm:RethinkingKantsHesthetics
Nichacl laas, Iakingon the Iadition:}acqaesDerrida andtheLegacies
Mcrlindc Iaucr-Studcr, cd. , ConstractionsoPractica/Reason:InteroieusonMora/
|can-Luc Narion, BeingCioen: IouardaPhenomeno/og,oCioenness
1hcodor . ^dorno and Nax Morkhcimcr, Dia/ecticoEn/ightenment
Ian allour, IheRhetoricoRomanticProhec,
Nartin Stokhol, wr/dandLqas OneEthicsandOnto/og,inwittgensteins
Ear Ihoaght
Cianni Vattimo, Nietzche:HnIntrodaction
|acqucs Icrrida, Negotiations:InteroentionsandInteroieus, :y;:-:yy,
cd. Lizabcth Rottcnbcrg
rctt Lcvinson, IheEndsoLiteratare:Post-transitionandNeo/i/era/isminthe
vkeothe Boom"
1imothy |. Rciss, HgainstHatonom,: C/o/a/Dia/ecticsoCa/tara/Exchange
Mcnt dc Vrics and Samuc cbcr, cds. , Re/igionandMedia
likas Luhmann, IheoriesoDistinction:Redescri/ingtheDescritions
oModeip, cd. and introd. iliam Rasch
|ohanncs Iabian, Hnthroo/og,uithanHttitade: Critica/Essa,s
Nichcl Mcnry, IHmthe Iath: IouardaPhi/osoh,oChristianip
Ci ^nidjar, OarP/aceinH/-Hnda/as"Ka//a/h,Phi/osoh LiteratareinHra/-
Mccnc Cixous and |acqucs Icrrida, ei/
R. ^nkcrsmit, Historica/Reresentation
R. ^nkcrsmit, Po/itica/Reresentation
Lissa Nardcr, DeadIme:1mora/DisordersinthevkeoModernip
Rcinhart Kosclcck, IhePracticeoConcetaa/Histo: IimingHistorSacing
likas Luhmann, IheRea/ipotheMassMedia
Mubcrt Iamisch, H ChiUhoodMemor,/,Pierode//aFrancesca
Mubcrt Iamisch, H Iheor,o/C/oad/ IouardaHistor, oPainting
|can-Luc lancy, IheSeca/tioeRemark(OneoHege/sBonsMots)
|can-Iranois Lyotard, Soandroo Room:Ma/raaxsHnti-Hesthetics
|an Iatocka, P/atoandEaroe
Mubcrt Iamisch, Sk,/ine: IheNarcissisticCip
Isabc Moving, InPraiseoNeuIaoe/ers:ReadingCari//eanMigrantwmen
Richard Rand, cd. , Fatares: ODerrid
iiam Rasch, Nik/sLahmannsModernip:IheParadoxoS,stem
|acqucs Icrrida and ^nnc Iulourmantcllc, OHosita/ip
|can-Iranois Lyotard, IheConssionoHagastine
Kaja Sivcrman, wr/dSectators
Samuc cbcr, InstitationandInterretation:ExandedEdition
|cllrcy S. Librctt, IheRhetoricoCa/tara/Dia/ogae:}eusandCermans
Lrich acr, RemnantsoSong: IraamaandtheExerienceoModeip
in Char/esBaade/ireandPaa/Ce/an
Samuc C. hcccr III, DeconstractionasHnaticPhi/osoh,
Iavid S. Icrris, Si/ent|rns:Romanticism, Hedenism,Modeip
Rodolphc Caschc, OMinima/IhingsStadiesontheNotionoRe/ation
Sarah intcr, FreadandtheInstitationoPs,choanaticKnou/edge
Samucl cbcr, IheLegendoFread:ExandedEdition
^ris Iiorctos, cd. ,

IheSo/idLetter:Readings oFriedrichHmer/in
|. Miis Nicr / Nanucl ^scnsi, B/ackHo/es/{ HidisMi//er; or Boastrohedonic
Niryam Sas, Faa/tLines: Ca/tara/Memor,and }aaneseSarrea/ism
Ictcr Schvcngcr, FantasmandFictionOn 1xtaa/Enoisioning
Iidicr Nacuvrc, MaseamMemories:Histor,, Icchno/ogHrt
|acqucs Icrrida, Monohngua/ismotheOther;or, IheProsthesisoOrign
^ndrcv aruch achtcl, MakingaNation, BreakingaNationLiteratareand
liklas Luhmann, LooeasPassion IheCodqcationoIntima
Nickc al, cd. , IhePracticeoCa/tara/HnasisExosingInterdiscq/inag
|acqucs Icrrida and Cianni Vattimo, cds. , Re/igion

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