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Britains trade with the world

Britains trade with the world is a text that takes into consideration a subject
that has a highly importance for the British civilization. By reading the text, we
find out that Britain is unlikely to produce food for its people. Although Britain
farms try to produce products like wheat, sugar beet, beef and lamb, most of the
products are bought abroad and not by the British people.
As we go forward, we find out that timber and paper mills are nearly out of
business because of the limited areas of forests, that there is little iron ore for the
steel mills and that there is no solution but to take all these products from foreign
countries. Although all these important materials are taken from foreign countries,
Britain makes an exception when it comes to coal, oil and gas. This abundance of
coal, oil and gas that exists in Britain helps people use their own natural resources.
Even if it may seem that Britain is poor when it is to exports, we can be
deeply wrong. Britain exports Scotch whisky, Rolls Royce cars and aero engines
which are sold for commercial and military aircraft.
There are two kinds of exports that exist in Britain: a visible and an invisible
The visible export is the one that everyone can see where products like
whisky and cars are exported and the invisible export is the one produced mainly
from profit of investments. All of these services are to be found in a small area of
central London called the city. Taking a larger scale in consideration we find out
that only the USA and France earn more from these invisible exports.
British habits
Hand shaking
When it is to talk about British habits we find out that British people hardly
shake hands when it is to meeting someone. A more common approach is to kiss
on the cheek when meeting someone.

When it is to tea the British are the worlds greatest tea drinkers. Even if it is
day or night, the tea has an important role in the British civilization.
As we read the text we find out that in most of Britains pubs we can see all
kinds of alcohol and also light meals. Secondly, we find out that most pubs have
two drinking rooms called bars and that young people under eighteen are not
allowed to be served alcoholic drinks.
Going further throughout the text we see that British people have a real
weakness when it comes to darts. The game is to be found in many pubs and
become so popular that it is shown on T.V
Double-decker buses
Another characteristic of Britain is that most towns and cities have double-
decker buses. When saying double-decker buses we mean that they have an
upstairs and a downstairs.

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