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Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 Right (A) or Wrong (B)? If there is not
enough inforation to answer Right (B)! choose "#oesn$t sa%& ('). Write %our answers on
%our exa sheet.
(ichael )ose*h )ac+son (August ,-! 1-5.- )une ,5! ,//-) was an Aerican usician!
dancer! and entertainer. Referred to as the 0ing of 1o*! he is the ost coerciall%
successful and one of the ost influential entertainers of all ties. 2is uni3ue contributions
to usic! dance! and fashion! along with a highl% *ublici4ed *ersonal life! ade hi a
*roeinent figure in *o*ular culture for o5er four decades.
Alongside his brothers! he ade his debut in 1-67 as lead singer and %oungest eber
of 8he )ac+son 5! and later began a successful solo career in 1-91. 2is 1-., albu 8hriller
reains the best-selling albu of all tie! with Off the Wall(1-9-), Bad (1-.9)! Dangerous
(1--1)! and HIStory (1--5) also aong the world$s best selling albus. )ac+son *o*ulari4ed
a nuber of *h%sicall% co*licated dance techni3ues! such as robot and the oonwal+.
:ne of the few artists ha5e been inducted into the Roc+ and Roll 2all of ;ae twice!
his other achie5eents feature ulti*le <uinness World Records- including the "(ost
=uccessful >ntertainer of All 8ie&- 1? <ra% Awards! ,6 Aerican (usic Awards- ore
than an% artist- 19 nuber one singles in the @= (including the four as a eber of the
)ac+son 5)! and estiated sales between ?5/ ilion and 95/ ilion records wordwide
a+ing hi one of the best selling artists in histor%.
While *re*aring for the This Is It concert tour in ,//-! )ac+son died at the age of 5/.
2is eorial ser5ice was globall% broadcast! attracting a large audience.
1. (ic+hael )ac+son +nown as the 0ing of Roc+$n$Roll.
A. Right B. Wrong '.#oesn$t sa%
,. 2e ade his debut in the %ear 1-67.
A. Right B. Wrong '.#oesn$t sa%
?. 8he best-selling albu of all ties is his 1-9. albu entitled Bad.
A. Right B. Wrong '.#oesn$t sa%
7. =oe of his faous dance techni3ues include the oonwal+ and the robot.
A. Right B. Wrong '.#oesn$t sa%
5.:ne billion *eo*le watched his eorial ser5ice.
A. Right B. Wrong '.#oesn$t sa%
Producerea mesajului scris
Subiectul 1
Write a short letter to %our *en friend telling hiAher about a t%*ical wee+-end in %our
life. Include inforation about what %ou usuall% do in the orningA afternoonA e5ening! about
how %ou feel at the end of the da%.
#ear 8o!
I$ writing to see how %ou$5e been latel%. I iss %ou and all our friends now that I$
far awa% fro hoe.
In here e5er%thing is fine! I s*end all the wee+ stud%ing and onl% during the wee+-end I
ha5e soe free tie to do the thing I li+e.
Bow being s*ring! I lo5e to go for a wal+ e5er% =aturda% orning! Cust to relax and
enCo% the fresh air. Dater! in the afternoon! I go to see a o5ie at the cinea near here with
% friends and ha5e dinner afterwards at a local restaurant.
:n =unda% orning! I go for a swi at the local swiing *ool because I thin+ that
exercise is good for +ee*ing health%. In the afternoon! I *la% tennis! football or if it$s raining
we soeties *la% chess.
What is now hoe ?
Doo+ing forward to hearing fro %ou soon.
Best wishes!
Subiectul 2
Writte an o*inion essa% in res*onse to the following stateentE "=uccess in life coes
fro ta+ing ris+s or chances&.
We li5e in a world where it is so i*ortant to be successful. =uccess is a ean of
showing that we are great *eo*leF that we$5e been wor+ing hard to be where we aied.
=oeties we ha5e to a+e changes! to adCust the wa% we are wor+ing and li5ing in
order to achie5e our goals.
In % o*inion! ta+ing ris+s in our career is 5er% i*ortant! not onl% because this is a
wa% of 3uic+l% acco*lishing our ho*es and wishes! but also because that$s a+ing life
worth li5ing. =oeties! this can be dangerous because we can loose e5er%thing we ha5e
acco*lished so far. It is i*ortant when we thin+ about ta+ing ris+s to +ee* our fail% in
ind. :ur decisions shouldn$t affect the *eo*le we lo5e.
'hances a% coe our wa%! but at ties we are too frightened to ta+e the!
soeties we don$t reali4e we are encountering the. We ha5e to +ee* our e%es wide o*en
and thin+ that chances do cross our *athF we Cust ha5e to +ee* loo+ing and +ee* thin+ing
=till! in order to clib %our career ladder! %ou ha5e to be bold and ta+e ris+s and

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