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March 4,1829 Today is going to be excellent!

I will be celebrating my win at the

inauguration ball with all my friends. It wont be some fancy ball, it will be a ball
where all are welcome. A ball with open arms for all commoners, my people, to
join. It will be meaningful and one heck of a party!
July 6,1838 Today is the day. The day where my troops and I will relocate all the
Indians west of the Mississippi river. I do not care for what the court has to say
because Im relocating them whether they like it or not. John Marshall has made
his decision...Now let him enforce it.This relocation will not
cause harm, they still will practice their culture and beliefs just
in another location. The Native Americans keep their rights and
we will receive more gold! Its a win win!
May 27,1830 I will not allow it. I will not pass the Maysville Road bill. I will
not allow the Federal government purchase an entire road all within in
Kentucky. Its a local matter, therefore Kentucky must pay for their own
road not us. As you can tell I will veto the bill and the Federal government
will not purchase the road.
March 4,1823 Today is a spectacular day! I am voted U.S
Senator of Tennessee! I couldnt have been any happier to serve
not only my country, but also my home. I know I will do a darn
good job as a senate!
June 20,1779 Today was a horrible day. I will never forget
how cruel and vicious the British were. I refused to clean his
boots because he killed my father right in front of me, what
was I supposed to do? He slashed me on my face. One day a
time will come when I will serve my father justice. That day
will come.
Martin Van Buren
Lawyer (prosecutor)
U.S senate
General for the army
I am known for my exemplary
dueling skills. I even had the
courageousness to kill a man
in duel during my presidency.
My excellent presidential
skills helped me become
the rst and only president,
as of now, to pay o! the
national debt. Sadly my wife,
Rachel Jackson, died and I
had no rst lady, so my solution
was to ask my wifes niece, Emily
Donelson,to be rst lady and she agreed.
Born on March 15,1767
Rachel Jackson
One man with
makes a

There are no
evils in
Its evils exist
only in its
You must pay the
price if you wish
to secure the
Jan 1,1780 I enlisted in the Revolutionary army with my
brothers. Im not scared at all. Im brave and I can
accomplish such a war at this age. I will ght till death
with honor. I will train hard, work hard, and ght the
British to the best of my abilities!
July 10,1832 I am furious at the National bank! How can you say
a nation provides equal rights when a bank charter from a
National Bank benets only the wealthy, but not the commoners.
That sounds nothing like the nation we are today. I decided to
veto the charter, I believe it is not right and Im sticking by it!
January 8,1815 The British wont get past me! I knew they were
heading to New Orleans and I went there with my troops. Ive
battled them before and I didnt loose a ght! I have one the
Battle of New Orleans for me, my troops, and the country! Victory
is ours!
Aaron Burr
James K. Polk

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