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Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.

Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Table of Contents
Audi ence 2
Requi red Prerequi si tes 2
Course Lessons 2
Current Process Descri pti on 2
What s Changi ng? 2
Benefi ts 2
Lesson Obj ecti ves 3
Di fference between the Current State and Steady State General Ledger Processes 3
Agency versus BSC Rol es and Responsi bi l i ti es 3
Lesson Checkpoi nt Questi ons 4
Lesson Summary 4
Lesson Obj ecti ves 5
Journal Entry and Journal Processi ng 5
Lesson Checkpoi nt Questi ons 26
Lesson Summary 26
Lesson Obj ecti ves 27
General Ledger Accrual Busi ness Process 27
Lesson Checkpoi nt Questi ons 27
Lesson Summary 28
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Lesson Obj ecti ves 28
Runni ng General Ledger Reports wi th PS/nVi si on 28
General Ledger Reports i n Peopl eSoft 29
Peopl eSoft Query Reports 40
Lesson Checkpoi nt Questi ons 42
Lesson Summary 42
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Course Overview
The overall purpose of this course is to provide participants with an understanding of how
to complete the tasks associated with General Accounting.
This course is intended for all agencies and BSC General Accounting.
Required Prerequisites
PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting Configuration and Maintenance (BSC Only).
Course Lessons
General Accounting 101: (30 minutes)
Processing J ournal Entries: (1 hour)
Creating and Posting Accruals: (30 minutes)
Running GL Reports: (1 hour)
Current Process Description
Currently, each agency has its own process for processing journal entries and reporting.
Each agency is responsible for processing and updating journal entries on an individual
basis. Specific processes for updating journal entries and reporting differ between

Whats Changing?
All agencies will be using PeopleSoft 9.0 General Ledger for recording and categorizing
transactions. J ournals will be edited, posted, and unposted using PeopleSoft
functionality. BSC General Accounting will post all journal entries across the MTA
agencies. Both BSC and agency accounting staff will be able to create journals online
and via spreadsheet upload. All agencies will use PeopleSoft n/Vision functionality for
Creates standardization across all agency business transactions.
Allows all agency transactions to be processed within the same General Ledger.
Reduces time spent on transactional data entry with a single interfacing accounting
Establishes common accounting and reporting processes across the MTA agencies.
Allows manual entries to be processed acrossagencies, which invokes Inter-unit
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Lesson 1: General Accounting 101
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand Difference between Current State and Steady State General Ledger
Identify differences between the current and steady state General Ledger processes
Identify Agency versus BSC Roles and Responsibilities
Understand roles of the agencies
Discuss roles of the BSC
Difference between the Current State and Steady State General Ledger
Currently, the MTA agencies individually perform their General Ledger processes. Going
forward, General Ledger transaction processing will be a combination of agency and BSC
responsibilities. All agencies will be using PeopleSoft 9.0 General Ledger as the core of
the Financial Management System. The first release of the PeopleSoft 9.0 system will be
on J anuary 1, 2011.
The BSC centralizes specific core financial modules, resulting in a single interfacing
system. PeopleSoft 9.0 finance areas have specific integration points. Data from each
of these finance areas interfaces into the General Ledger to create a consolidated
Financial Management System, as illustrated in the following diagram:
Agency versus BSC Roles and Responsibilities
The MTA agencies and BSC will have specific responsibilities for General
Ledger transaction processing. While role responsibilities pertaining to specific General
Ledger processes will be explained later in the course, the chart below provides an
overview of these critical roles.
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Identify what word fills in the blank:
Data from specific PeopleSoft finance areas interfaces into the _________ to 1.
create a consolidated Financial Management System.
The __________ updates BSC access for journal entries for all Business Units. 2.
The __________ is responsible for updating BSC access to ChartFields and all 3.
other General Ledger maintenance pages.
Lesson Summary
Currently, the MTA agencies individually perform their General Ledger processes.
Going forward, the MTA agencies and BSC will have specific responsibilities for
General Ledger transaction processing. From a functional perspective, all agencies will
be using PeopleSoft 9.0 General Ledger as the core of the Financial Management
Rol e Rol e Defi ni ti on
GL BSC Data Entry Updates BSC access to journal entry and all
Business Units.
GL BSC Data Mai ntai ner Updates BSC access to ChartFields and all
other General Ledger maintenance pages.
GL BSC Reporter Runs BSC access on reporting pages.
GL BSC Super User Updates BSC access for journal entries for all
Business Units.
GL Agency Data Inqui rer Displays agency only for General Ledger
inquiry pages.
GL Agency Data Entry Updates agency access to journal entry display
only for approval page.
GL Agency Data Approver Updates agency access to journal entry
including approval page.
GL Agency Reporter Runs agency access on reporting pages.
GL Agency Super User Updates agency journal entry access for all
Business Units.
GL Agency Data Mai ntai ner Update agency access to limited General
Ledger maintenance pages (allocations).
BSC GL KK Budget Inqui rer Access to GL module and Commitment Control
(KK) pages. Access to inquire on journals and
budgets. Only MTAHQ uses KK.
BSC GL KK Budget Journal s Access to GL module and KK pages. Access
to enter budgets, adjustments, and transfers.
Only MTAHQ uses KK.
BSC GL KK Budget Manager Access to GL module and KK pages. Access
to update Commitment Control configuration
and open/close ledgers. Only MTAHQ uses
BSC GL KK Budget Reporter Access to GL module and KK pages. Access
to run KK and GL reports. Only MTAHQ uses
GL Journal Poster
(BSC & Agency)
Access to GL module and post journal entries.
GL Journal Data Entry
(BSC & Agency)
Access to GL module. Workflow to initiate GL
journal entries.
GL Journal Approver
(BSC & Agency)
Access to GL module. Workflow role to
approve GL journal entries.
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Lesson 2: Processing Journal Entries
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe how journals are entered in PeopleSoft including online, subsystem and
spreadsheet methods.
Understand how journal entries are processed in PeopleSoft 9.0, including journal
entry, workflow, and corrections.
Journal Entry and Journal Processing
Overvi ew
PeopleSoft General Ledger serves as the core of the PeopleSoft Financial Management
System. The PeopleSoft subsystem applications, such as Accounts Payable and
Treasury, create accounting entries that are selected to process in the J ournal Generator.
The J ournal Generator creates the appropriate journals from the accounting entries and
sends them to the General Ledger for posting to the appropriate ledgers. From this
posted accounting data, both detail and summary accounting information is provided,
and financial reports for the MTA are produced.
A journal in General Ledger consists of a header and entry lines. The header contains
the information that uniquely identifies the journal (Business Unit, J ournal ID, and J ournal
Date) and options that enable users to quickly set up adjusting entries. J ournal entry
lines record the monetary and statistical amounts as well as the ChartField values
associated with each transaction.
When a user creates a new journal entry, PeopleSoft provides three fields to specifically
identify that particular journal: Business Unit, J ournal ID, and Date. The J ournal ID can
default at NEXT, which assigns the journal entry the next value available, or users can
create their own J ournal ID that is up to ten digits. The Business Unit, J ournal ID, and
J ournal Date fields make it easy to identify and track journal entries.
Methods for Creati ng Journal s
There are three methods for creating journal entries. The onl i ne method uses online
panels to enter journal headers and lines. In contrast, the subsystem method uses the
journal generator process. The information from sub-ledgers (Ex: AP, INV, Fixed Assets)
is summarized according to predetermined rules into journal headers and lines. These
can then be treated like journals entered online. Once journal lines are created using the
online or journal generator process, the lines can be edited to verify that the ChartField
values are valid, debits equal credits, journal entries are flagged for posting to the target
ledger, or Inter-company balancing entries are generated. The spreadsheet method
uses PeopleSoft Spreadsheet J ournal Import functionality to create journal sheets in
excel files and import the journals directly into PeopleSoft.
Journal Entry Process Steps
At a high level, journal processing consists of four primary steps.
First, the online or journal spreadsheet entry is created. 1.
Then, the journal edit and validation step occurs in which the PeopleSoft system 2.
identifies any outstanding journal errors.
Next, journals must pass the appropriate approval processes. 3.
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Finally, the journals are posted to the General Ledger. 4.
BSC and Agency Responsi bi l i ti es wi th Journal Processi ng
Agency Accounting uploads a journal spreadsheet or creates an online journal entry.
Agency Accounting uploads the journal, edits, processes the journal and then checks
for errors identified by PeopleSoft functionality.
Should an error exist, Agency Accounting is responsible for fixing the journal error.
If no errors exist, the journal automatically routes to the corresponding MTA agency
Accounting department for approval (In the case of intercompany journals, both
agencies need to approve)
The Agency J ournal Approver reviews and approves the journal. Approval is a two
step process:
Click on the Approval tab on the Create/ Update Journal Entries page.
Select an Approval Action (Approve, Deny etc.)
Click on the Lines tab. In the Process drop down, select Submit J ournal
and then click on the Process button.
Following agency approval, the journal is posted to the General Ledger by BSC
Note: The individual agency accounting departments can create journals as well.
Wal k Thru 1 - Create, Edi t, and Post Journal Entry Process Steps i n Peopl eSoft 9.0
The following steps should be used to create, edit, and post an online journal entry in
PeopleSoft 9.0.
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >J ournal Entry >Create/Update J ournal
Journal Edit &
Validat ion
Post ing
Journal Processi ng Stages
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Perform one of the following actions: 1.
Complete the follow fields on the Header tab: 2.
If You Need To Compl ete the Fol l owi ng
Find an Existing
Remain on the Fi nd an Exi sti ng Val ue tab.
Enter the required search criteria to locate the journal
entry that needs to be updated.
Click to display potential matches.
Select the appropriate item from the list.
Add a New Value Click on the Add a New Val ue tab.
Enter the Busi ness Uni t, Journal ID and Journal Date.
Click .
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Participant Guide
Click on the Li nes tab. 3.
Complete the following fields on the Li nes tab (as needed): 4.

e fields marked with a (*) may not apply to all agencies
Refer to the GL Chartfield Combo guide provided as an Appendix to this course for
applicable fields for each agency.
To add additional lines, complete the Li nes to add field and click .
To delete a line, select the line and click .
To calculate amounts, click .
Select and click on in order to have the journal 5.
processed and errors identified.
Click to save the journal entry. 6.
Click on the Total s tab. 7.
Fi el d Name Descri pti on
Long Description Identifies the purpose or explains any discrepancies in the
Ledger Group Select the ledger group to which this journal posts (Actuals,
Budget etc.)
Adjusting Entry Select either Adj usti ng Entry or Non-Adj usti ng Entry.
Source Select GLJ for online journal entry.
Reference Number Refers each journal back to a document, person, invoice,
date or any other information that helps in tracking the source
of the transaction.
Period Change the adjustment period by clicking the lookup box to
display a list of valid adjustment periods. Select the period for
posting the entry.
SJ E Type Leave this field blank if this is not a standard journal entry.
ADB Date Enter the date to use for calculating average daily balances
(ADB). The ADB date determines the period for which the
average balance is calculated.
J ournal Class Select this field only for PeopleSoft General Ledger journal
entry transactions. J ournal classes enable users to
categorize journal entries for reporting.
Save J ournal
Incomplete Status
Select this box when all journal transactions cannot be
entered and will be finished at a later time.
Transaction Code Specify the code to indicate the appropriate Inter-company
payable or receivable account.
Fi el d Name Descri pti on
Process Select the task to perform (Exs. Edit J ournal, Post J ournal,
Unit Specify a Business Unit ID.
Account Specify an Account.
Resp Ctr* Specify a Responsibility Center.
Cost Ctr* Specify a Cost Center.
Function Code* Specify a Function Code.
PC Bus Unit Specify a Project Costing Business Unit.
Project Specify a Project ID.
Activity Specify an Activity ID.
Fund Code Specify a Fund Code.
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Participant Guide
Review the information displayed in the Actual Total s column. 8.
Click on the Errors tab. 9.
Errors associated with the Header or Lines are listed under their respective areas. 10.
As required, correct any errors listed.
Once all errors are fixed, click on the Approval tab. 11.
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Participant Guide
Review the information displayed under the Approval Status area. 12.
J ournals will V(valid) status will be posted through batch post processes. 13.
Scenari o 1: Creati ng an Onl i ne Journal Entry
Mario needs to create an Online J ournal Entry. What are the steps he should
St ep Descript ion
Dat a Value
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >J ournal
Entry >Create/Update J ournal Entries
From the Add a New Value Tab, enter the BU, J ournal ID,
and J ournal Date
Journal ID: NEXT
Journal Date:
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
2 Enter Header Information (Ledger Group, Source, SJ E
Type, Transaction Code)
Click Save
Ledger Group:
Source: AP
SJE Type: Model
3 On the Lines tab, select the Process to run and click
Click Save
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
4 Review the Actual Totals Column on the Totals tab N/A
5 Check to ensure there are no errors on the Errors tab N/A
6 Review the information on the Approval tab
Click Save again to prepare the J ournal to be posted
Posti ng Journal s
When a journal is marked for posting, the system verifies that no outstanding edit errors
exist in the journal that renders it invalid for posting. If the validation is successful, the
Status indicator changes from Valid to Posted and the lines are posted to the General
Journal Workfl ow
J ournal workflow refers to a process that routes a journal entry to specific agency
approvers prior to being posted to the General Ledger. Whether or not a journal entry
triggers workflow depends on the type of transaction. When an agency enters a journal
that pertains only to a transaction within its agency, it is not necessary to initiate journal
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
workflow. The journal only needs to be approved upfront by the agencys J ournal
Approver in order for the journal entry to be posted to the General Ledger. There are
three specific scenarios that require workflow to be triggered in order for the journal entry
to be posted to the General Ledger. In each of these scenarios, workflow is driven by
the value entered in the journal Source field.
The BSC is creating a journal on behalf of another agency. For this particular 1.
scenario the Source value will always be BSC (BSC default for journal approval).
In the below example, the Source is BSC, while the Business Unit is MNCRR, to
reflect the BSC creating a journal entry on behalf of MNCRR.
A MTA agency is creating a journal on behalf of another MTA agency. For this 2.
particular scenario the Source value will always be MBU (non BSC multi Business
Unit users). In the below example, the Source is MBU, while the Business Unit is
MNCRR, to reflect MNCRR creating a journal entry on behalf of another agency.
An Inter-company transaction between two agencies would fall into this
transaction category.
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Participant Guide
An agency is creating a journal for itself yet the agency still wants the journal 3.
routed through workflow. For this particular scenario the Source value will always
be SBU (non BSC single Business Unit users). In the below example, the Source
is SBU, while the Business Unit is MNCRR, to reflect MNCRR creating a journal
entry that pertains to itself but is being routed through workflow.
Once a journal has been created with the appropriate Business Unit, Source value, etc.,
it is routed to the J ournal Approver(s) at the specific agency or agencies to which the
journal corresponds. The J ournal Approvers must check their individual Worklist daily for
any journals that have been routed for approval. Once a journal appears in the Worklist,
the J ournal Approver must go to the Approval tab in order to Approve, Deny, or Recycle
the journal. In the below example, the J ournal Approver at MNCRR and MTBUS must
both approve the journal in order for it to be posted to the General Ledger.
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Once the J ournal Approver selects an Approval Action, he/she must return to the Lines
tab, select Submi t Journal in the Process field, and click Process. Once the journal has
been submitted for approval, the Approval Status changes to Pendi ng Approval (as
shown above).
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Note: The J ournal Status field (outlined in the above diagram) changes based on the
journal processing stage. The table below outlines the different status values.
e Recurri ng or Standard Journal Entry i n Peopl eSoft 9.0
Standard journal entries (SJ Es) automate the entry of similar or identical journals. There
are three types of SJ Es:
Recurring J ournal Entry
Any entry periodically generated according to a schedule, such as monthly o
rent, lease payments, and depreciation expenses.
Template J ournal Entry
A data-entry model for other journals that can be automatically reproduced on o
a fixed schedule, as done with recurring SJ Es, or used on request.
Spread J ournal Entry
Entry in which the entire journals amount is spread proportionately across the o
different periods.
The following steps should be used to define a recurring or standard journal entry in
PeopleSoft 9.0.
Wal k Thru 2 Defi ne Standard Journal s
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >Standard J ournals >Define Standard
J ournals
Perform one of the following actions: 1.
Val ue Descri pti on
N No Status needs to be edited
E J ournal has errors
P Posted to Ledger(s)
V Valid J ournal edits complete
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Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
As required, complete/review the following fields: 2.
Click to save the standard journal. 3.
3 -
al s (BSC Onl y)
PeopleSoft functionality allows users to mark journal entries to unpost from the General
Ledger. Only the BSC will have access to marking journals for unposting.
If You Need To Compl ete the Fol l owi ng
Find an Existing
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Remain on the Fi nd an Exi sti ng Val ue tab.
Enter the required search criteria to locate the journal
that needs to be updated.
Click to display potential matches.
Select the appropriate journal from the list.
Define a new
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Click on the Add a New Val ue tab.
Enter the Busi ness Uni t and the new journal name in
the Standard Journal field.
Click .
Fi el d Name Descri pti on
Description Description of the SJ E
SJ E Type Select Recurring, Spread or Template.
J ournal ID Specify the model journal for the SJ E. This model journal must
belong to the same unit as the SJ E.
J ournal Date Once you select the journal and date, the model journal status
J ournal Enter the J ournal ID for the SJ E.
Document Type Identify the document type. General Ledger J ournal (GLJ ) will
be the most common document type.
Allow Lines to be
This check box controls whether the standard journals can be
modified before being posted using the J ournal Entry page.
Clear this checkbox to prevent standard journals from being
Save J ournal
Incomplete Status
Click this checkbox to allow the journal to be saved as
Schedule Specify the frequency of the SJ E (Annual, Daily, EOM, etc).
This field is displayed if the SJ E type selected is either
Template or Recurring.
From Date Beginning date for the SJ E.
To Date Ending date of the SJ E.
J ournal Creation
Lead Days
Enables users to create standard journals in advance. Enter
the number of days in advance of the journal date to have the
standard journal be ready for creation. If this field is left blank,
PeopleSoft creates the standard journals on the journal date.
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Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >Process J ournals >Mark J ournals for
Enter the Busi ness Uni t, Ledger Group, Year, Peri od, Source, Journal ID, 1.
Journal Date From, Journal Date To, and Journal Cl ass criteria to search for
the journal to be unposted.
In the ChartFi el d Search Cri teri a section enter the Field Name and ChartField 2.
values corresponding to the journal to be marked unposted.
In the Sel ect Journal s to Unpost section, select the Process for the journals to 3.
be unposted by clicking on the corresponding Process checkbox. Change the
Unpost Date if it is different than the journal date. Click on the Journal ID to
review the journals details and to access the J ournal Inquiry page.
Wal k Thru 4 - Journal Generator (BSC Onl y)
The J ournal Generator is used to transform accounting entries into journals. The J ournal
Generator supports journals for multiple General Ledger Business Units as well as
multiple ledgers. Additionally, it supports debit and credit entries for the MTA agencies.
Only the BSC will have access to running the J ournal Generator functionality.
Prior to running J ournal Generator, users must select the specific journals to be
processed. J ournal Generator extracts accounting entries from the accounting entry
tables to generate the actual journal entries for editing and posting.
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >Subsystem J ournals >Generate J ournals
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Perform one of the following actions: 1.
As required, complete/review the following fields: 2.
If You Need To Compl ete the Fol l owi ng
Find an Existing
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Remain on the Fi nd an Exi sti ng Val ue tab.
Enter the Run Control ID of the existing Generate
J ournal Request.
Click to display potential matches.
Select the appropriate Run Control ID from the list.
Define a new
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Click on the Add a New Val ue tab.
Enter the Run Control ID.
Click .
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Click to save the journal generation request. 3.
Click to run the J ournal Generator process. 4.
5 -
wo Spreadsheet J ournal Import tools that enable users to enter journals offline using
Microsoft Excel and subsequently import the journals into PeopleSoft.
The first, and more commonly used Spreadsheet J ournal Import tool, must be
downloaded to a new folder on the users desktop. All three embedded files
Fi el d Name Descri pti on
Edit Select this check box to run the J ournal Edit process.
Budget Check Select this check box to run the Budget Check process. The
J ournal Edit process must be run prior to the Budget Check.
Post Select this check box to run the Post process. This must be run
after the Budget Check.
Request Number The system auto-assigns a new number to each run to identify
the process request.
Set ID This is a required field to extract the accounting entry definition
for the request.
Definition Name
Identify which accounting entry definition the system should use
when it creates the journal header and lines.
Business Unit
J ournal Generator extracts accounting entries for the Business
Unit selected and creates journal entries.
Ledger Group J ournal Generator creates journal entries for the specified GL
ledger group.
Template J ournal entries are created for the specified journal generator
template (Add, Accrual, etc.).
From Date Option This value determines which accounting entries J ournal
Generator extracts with the request. Select from the following
Begin Date From Period: Uses the beginning date of
the From Period in the ledger.
Begin Date To Period: Uses the beginning date of
the To Period in the ledger.
Current Date: Uses the date on which the J ournal
Generator is run.
No From Date: Uses all open dates of the ledger
before the chosen to date.
Process Date: Date specified on the Business Unit
journal process date option.
Specify Date: Uses the date specified to identify the
From Date Enter a date if Specify Date is the option selected for the From
Date Option field. If a different option is selected, there is no
need to enter a date.
To Date Option This value determines which accounting entries J ournal
Generator extracts with the request. Select from the following
Current Date: Uses the date on which the J ournal
Generator is run.
End Date From Period: Uses the end date of the
From Period in the ledger.
End Date To Period: Uses the end date of the
To Period in the ledger.
Process Date: Date specified on the Business Unit
journal process date option.
Specify Date: Uses the date specified to identify the
To Date Enter a To Date if Specify Date is the option selected for the To
Date Option field. If a different option is selected, there is no
need to enter a date.
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(BSC_J RNL_Template.xls, GLLOG.xlt, and J RNLMCRO.xla) must be unzipped and
downloaded into the same folder in order to function properly. After all three files have
been downloaded; open the main file, BSC_J RNL_Template.xls, to run the Spreadsheet
J ournal Import functionality.
Spreadsheet Journal
Import Tool
Cauti on: The program will not run properly unless macros are enabled and the
default macro security level is reduced to medium. To change the macro security settings
use the following navigation: Tools >Options>Security >Macro Security >Medium
The Excel file will open to the Spreadsheet J ournal Import Control page with 1.
buttons available to create, edit and import journals. To create a new journal
worksheet, click on New.
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Enter the Journal Sheet Name and click OK. 2.
Within a new worksheet, the Header and Line buttons have a series of icons. 3.
The table below illustrates the purpose of each icon. Using these icons, enter the
journal header and line data information.
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Save the Excel file. 4.
Click on to return to the control page. 5.
Click on Import Now to import the newly created journal sheet. 6.
The second Spreadsheet J ournal Import capability is accessed through PeopleSoft
General Ledger. Although the first Spreadsheet J ournal Import tool is used more
frequently, the below steps outline a second method for importing spreadsheet journals.
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >Import J ournals >Spreadsheet J ournals
Perform one of the following actions: 1.
Button Locati on Purpose
Main Button Returns to the Spreadsheet J ournal
Import control page.
Header Button Creates a new journal header with its
own default values.
Header Button Selects the journal header on the lines
being worked on.
Header Button Edits the journal header fields.
Header Button Copies a journal.
Header Button Deletes a journal.
Header Button Changes import status of a journal.
Lines Button Adds a journal line in the selected
journal header.
Lines Button Deletes a journal line.
Lines Button Copies a block of multiple lines.
Lines Button Deletes a block of multiple lines.
Lines Button Checks the Amount field values for the
defined number of decimals.
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As required, complete/review the following fields: 2.
heckpoint Questions
Identify what word fills in the blank:
The __________ method for creating journal entries uses the J ournal Generator 1.
There are three types of standard journal entries: Recurring, Template, and 2.
The __________ is used to transform accounting entries into journals. 3.
Lesson Summary
PeopleSoft General Ledger serves as the core of the PeopleSoft Financial
Management System. The PeopleSoft subsystem applications, such as Accounts
Payable and Treasury, create accounting entries that are selected to process in the
J ournal Generator. The J ournal Generator creates the appropriate journals from the
accounting entries and sends them to the General Ledger for posting to the appropriate
If You Need To Compl ete the Fol l owi ng
Find an Existing
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Remain on the Fi nd an Exi sti ng Val ue tab.
Enter the Run Control ID of the existing Generate
J ournal Request.
Click to display potential matches.
Select the appropriate Run Control ID from the list.
Define a new
Recurring or
Standard J ournal
Click on the Add a New Val ue tab.
Enter the Run Control ID.
Click .
Fi el d Name Descri pti on
Number of Data
Select one of the following options:
Single data file: The file attached to this page is the
data file containing the journal entry.
Index file to other data files: The file attached to this
page is an index file containing file path and file names
to one or more data files stored elsewhere.
Character Set Select the character set (naming convention for journal) of the
flat file being imported.
If J ournal Already
Select Abort, Skip, or Update.
If J ournal is Invalid Select Abort or Skip.
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ledgers. From this posted accounting data, both detail and summary accounting
information is provided, and financial reports for the MTA are produced.

Lesson 3: Creating and Posting Accruals
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the General Ledger accruals business process.
General Ledger Accrual Business Process
General Ledger Accruals are used to match expenses and revenues to the period of time
in which these transactions occur, instead of when the payment is made. Revenues are
recognized in the time frame in which they were earned and expenses are recognized in
the same period as incurred.
Accrual Process Steps
At a high level the Accrual process consists of the following steps:
At a more detailed level, the BSC Accrual process involves the following:
MTA BSC Payroll sends payroll data to General Ledger.
Fringe percentages are updated as needed.
MTA BSC completes journal entries for the month in order for close activities to begin.
Payroll Accrual Allocations are run in General Ledger.
Payroll Accruals are booked as auto-reversal journal(s) to the appropriate o
General Ledger expense and accrual accounts.
The next month, the previous months Payroll accrual journal(s) are o
Retro-Active Wage Adjustments (RWA) are run in General Ledger.
Unsettled union RWAs are booked to the appropriate General Ledger o
expense and accrual accounts.
When the union contract is settled, a reversal journal is entered to reverse o
the RWA accrual (Payroll records the RWA payment).
Fringe Allocations are run in General Ledger.
Accrual journal(s) is booked to the appropriate General Ledger accrual o
account for non-project based fringe benefit costs.
Year End process runs to accrue actuals amounts compared to the o
estimated amounts.
Ent ries are
Complet ed
Payroll, AP,
INV Dat a
Received by
Allocat ions
Run in GL
Booked t o
Correct GL
General Ledger Accrual s Process
ent ered if
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Lesson Checkpoint Questions
Identify what word fills in the blank:
General Ledger Accruals are used to match expenses and __________. 1.
MTA BSC completes __________ for the month in order for close activities to 2.
Lesson Summary
General Ledger Accruals are used to match expenses and revenues to the period
of time in which these transactions occur, instead of when the payment is made.
Revenues are recognized in the time frame in which they were earned and expenses are
recognized in the same period as the revenue. The Accrual process allows the current
cash expenses and revenues to be combined with future expected cash expenses and
revenues to provide more accuracy around an organizations financial state.
Lesson 4: Running General Ledger Reports
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Run General Ledger Reports with PS/nVision
Introduce how to create and run General Ledger reports
Recognize General Ledger Reports in PeopleSoft
Explain the different types of reports generated from PeopleSoft General Ledger
Run PeopleSoft Query Reports
Review the use of the PeopleSoft query tool and the data model
Running General Ledger Reports with PS/nVision
Overvi ew
PS/nVision is used to design and create Microsoft Excel spreadsheet reports on
accounting data in PeopleSoft. It retrieves information in the General Ledger PeopleSoft
database and places in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format that makes it easier for
users to interpret the data and make decisions.
PS/nVision is accessed from Microsoft Excel to create templates (layouts) for data
retrieval. Each Excel spreadsheet created with PS/nVision is either a report instance or a
report layout. A report instance contains the data that PS/nVision has retrieved from the
PeopleSoft database. It is the end result of using PS/nVision. Every report created is
based on a report layout. When a report is run, PS/nVision uses the specified layout to
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determine what data to retrieve for the report and how to display it. Once a report layout
is created, it can be used to format accounting data automatically. PS/nVision selects
data from PeopleSoft through using ledgers, trees, and queries. Tree data is used to
determine the query results.
Reference 3.2 PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting Configuration and Maintenance
course for detailed information on Accounting Trees.
Creati ng PS/nVi si on Reports
PS/nVision report creation is a three-step process:
Determine the report l ayout that specifies what query to use for the report and 1.
how to format the report. At a high level, the report layout is a formatted Excel
spreadsheet. However, the report layout does not include any actual PeopleSoft
data, rather it is the structure of the report (format, graphics, formulas, etc.). Once
a report layout is created, it can be saved and used repeatedly for future reports.
Create a report request specifying the layout and options for the report. This is 2.
the actual request to run a report according to the specifications set in Microsoft
Run the report request using the nVision menu in Microsoft Excel, the Run 3.
button, the request dialog box, or a button/macro that categorizes PS/nVision to
run the report. Multiple instances of the same report can be run. For example,
income statement reports can be created for each department within an
organization. Each instance is an individual report with the most recent data from
PeopleSoft, selected and formatted according to the instructions in the report
PS/nVisions also provides a Ti me Span feature to define reports that rollfrom period to
period without any changes to the layout. By using Time Spans, the same layout can
retrieve month-to-date, quarter-to-date or year-to-date data based on the as ofdate for
which the report is requested.
PS/nVi si on Components
There are three key components to the nVision report definition process:
Layout: This is where the report criteria is defined. For example, account nodes, 1.
department values, Time Spans.
The layout file is a template that can be re-used. In order to populate the a.
layout template with information, a Report Request must be defined. The
amounts will not appear in the template until the Report Request is
executed, creating an Excel file with data.
Scope: Used to run multiple report instances based on one layout file. 2.
For example, if the same report needs to be run for every Department, a.
then a scope request can be created for All Departments. The scope
would be linked to the report request.
Report Request: Form that specifies criteria necessary to run the report (i.e. As 3.
of date, output location, output file name, report title).
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Runni ng an nVi si on Report Request on the Web
Using a web browser, users can schedule a group of reports to run using a Process
Scheduler request. Reports are executed on the server in the format that is chosen. The
entire report book can be run with the same output type and format without changing any
individual component requests. The report books can also be scheduled to run at a
particular time or on a regular basis. Multiple nVision sessions can be scheduled on a
single report server. Additionally, each nVision session is associated with its specific
Excel executable. This enables users to maximize use of the report server without
requiring multiple report servers for multiple report books.
General Ledger Reports in PeopleSoft
Overvi ew of Peopl eSoft Reporti ng Opti ons
PeopleSoft 9.0 has three reporting options:
Del i vered Reports 1.
Reports can be generated from various pages in PeopleSoft. a.
Setting Run Controls allows users to define the type of report in need. b.
nVi si on 2.
nVision enables users to retrieve information from the PeopleSoft a.
database in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, not merely as rawdata, but
as information in a form that enables the user to see the big picture,
explore the details, and make decisions based on the data.
Queri es 3.
Queries allow users to extract information regarding PeopleSoft 9.0 a.
transactions and legacy data from the Enterprise Performance
Management (EPM) Data Warehouse.
Unlike reports, queries can be one-time and ad-hoc or can be used b.
repeatedly. Therefore, queries can be used to pull data to fill a one time
reporting need.
Runni ng Peopl eSoft Reports
At a high level, running a report involves the following steps:
Navi gate to the Reporti ng page 1.
Reports, queries, and nVision can all be accessed from the Reporting a.
Tools link on the PeopleSoft Menu. Click on Query to view queries, and
click on PS/nVision to access nVision and Report Manager to view a
report list. The Report Manager page lists pages to view all of the reports
that are available in PeopleSoft that the user is authorized to access.
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Reports can also be accessed from Module-specific pages by expanding b.
the Module-specific link and clicking on the reports feature. For example,
the General Ledger Trial Balance report functionality can be accessed on
the General Reports page.
Wal k Thru 6 Run Tri al Bal ance Report
Navi gati on: General Ledger >General Reports >Trial Balance
Set run control s for the sel ected report 2.
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To run a report, users must specify when and where the report should a.
run. For most reports, users must also set parameters that determine the
content of the report.
A run control is a database record that provides values for these b.
settings. Instead of entering the same values each time the user runs a
report, a run control can be created and saved with those settings to be
used at a later date.
Users can create run controls that apply to several related reports. Users c.
can create a single run control or several run controls for the same report
to manage different situations. Each time that the report is run, the
appropriate run control can be selected by the users.
Navigate to the Add a New Val ue tab. d.
To run a new report, users must enter a Run Control ID and click Add. e.
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Enter report data 3.
On the Report Request page, fill in the report parameters. a.
Select the Adjustment Period that you want to include and click on b.
Refresh button. The Chartfield Selection group box will be auto-
populated with the values based on the Adjustment period you selected.
Select the checkbox for Include CF field to include the Chartfields in the c.
Select the From and To Values for each Chartfield you selected. d.
Once the parameters have been completed, click Run. e.
Generate the report 4.
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After clicking the Run button, users view the Process Scheduler Request a.
page. Make sure the process is checked. Click OK.
You will be transferred to the Report Manager page where you can b.
monitor the status of the report. The Report Manager page can be
refreshed to monitor the status of a report and define report statuses. It
is a way to verify that a report has been generated successfully and view
any errors. If a report results in an error status, then the user should
review the error reason and contact the BSC Customer Management
Center for assistance.
Ensure the Report Status changes to Success and Distribution Status c.
changes to Posted
Click on the Details link. You will be directed to the Process Detail page d.
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Click on View Log/Trace link e.
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Click on the file with the extension .PDF. The report will open in a new f.
You can print or save the file to your computer using the icons indicated g.
in the screenshot above.
Report Manager
You can use Report Manager as an alternate navigation to view the current or previous
reports that you have generated.
You can trace the reports generated by several days and sort the reports by report name
or created date or user ID.
Navigate to the Report Manager page. 1.
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Enter the details (Fol der, Name, Instance, and Created On) for the report in 2.
Types of General Ledger Reports i n Peopl eSoft 9.0
PeopleSoft 9.0 has the capability to run a multitude of General Ledger reports. It is
important to note that agencies may not have access to run all reports or that the data
returned from the reports may be specific to a particular agency depending on user
security settings. The following General Ledger Reports can be run in PeopleSoft 9.0:
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Report Name Descri pti on Navi gati on
J ournal Entry
Detail Report
Displays all journal entries that were entered in
the system for a Business Unit and ledger within
the date range specified. Prints the journal
entries in ascending ID order within the ledger
and shows the journal date, the source,
whether a reversal entry was created, journal
status, posted date (if any), and a description.
For each line that is included in the journal
entry, the report lists the line number of the
entry, the account number, a description, the
department, product, and project ChartField
values, and debit and credit detail. Also, prints
statistical information where included in a journal
Processes >Print
Process Report
J ournal Entry
Detail Report
with Attributes
This report is similar to the J ournal Entry Detail
Report, except that this report also lists the
ChartField attribute values.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>J ournal Entry
Message Log
Prints message logs for a process instance ID
and batch report type, similar to the online
query that is available for each background
program. Displays job ID, program name, date,
time, sequence number, logged message, and
explanation for each process instance ID.
Processes >Print
Process Report
by System
This report consists of detailed subsystem and
General Ledger journal transactions that are
aggregated to the Business Unit, subsystem
source, ledger, account or alternate account,
fiscal year, and accounting period level. For
example, the report lists the data at the system
source level, such as Accounts Payable, and
then lists all the activity for Accounts Payable,
including what was posted and not posted, for
one or more selected ChartFields that appear in
the loaded data.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>GL Subsystem
Reconciliation >
Reconciliation by
System Srce
by ChartField
Lists the data based on one or more selected
ChartFields that appear in the loaded data.
Each of the subsystem amounts that fall within
the ChartField combination is listed on the
report along with the total amounts for the
ChartFields and the related ledgers.
General Ledger >
General Ledger
Reports >GL
Reconciliation >
Reconciliation by
Displays information about summary ledgers,
including a description, the detail ledger that it
summarizes, record names, and a listing of the
ChartFields that are associated with the ledger.
General Ledger >
Ledgers >
Summary Ledger
Definition Rpt
Displays information about summary calendars.
Includes a description as well as a listing of the
periods that are defined for the calendar.
Chain >Common
Definitions >
ules >Summary
Calendar Report
Report Name Descri pti on Navi gati on
J ournal Class
Displays the journal class name and a
description of each for a selected SetID.
Chain >Common
Definitions >
J ournals >Class
Lists detail information that is associated with a
particular allocation group.
Allocations >
Reports >
Allocation Group
J ournal Entry
Shows journal entry detail information by
Business Unit, J ournal ID, date, description,
ledger group, source, reversal, foreign currency,
rate type, effective date, and effective rate. It
also shows line number, account, description,
amount, rate type, exchange rate, foreign
amount, base amount, and totals for the
General Ledger >
J ournals >
J ournal Entry >
J ournal Entries >
J ournal Entry
Lines Page
Closing Rules Displays information about closing set rules. It
prints a description of the close set, identifies
the name of the account ChartField, and shows
the ChartField to which that profit and loss
account will be closed. The report also shows
the option for retaining earnings in the
General Ledger >
Close Ledgers >
Closing Rule
Closing Trial
Summarizes all entries on the ledger by account
type. Prints beginning and ending balances for
the year, totals for the period, adjustments, and
closing entries.
General Ledger >
Close Ledgers >
Closing Trial
J ournal
Displays the journal line details for journal lines
with various closing statuses.
General Ledger >
Close Ledgers >
J ournal Closing
Status Report
Displays all elimination set definitions for
financial consolidations. Lists accounts to which
differences will post if the set doesnt eliminate
and shows the ChartFields (such as ACCOUNT
and BUSINESS_UNIT) and the ChartField
values that make up the elimination set, as well
as a description of those values.
General Ledger >
Financial Data >
Reports >
Elimination Sets
Displays original budget amounts and compares
to actual remaining budget. When a PO is
approved, the approved value is displayed in
the encumbrance column. Once the PO is paid,
the value is displayed in the expense column.
The remaining budget is displayed in the
remaining column.
Control >Budget
Reports >Budget
Trial Balance
Displays the General Ledger trial balance with
detailed or summarized information.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>Trial Balance
Report Name Descri pti on Navi gati on
Open Item
Lists open items for the accounts specified,
including a description of the accounts, the
Open Item key field, and a detailed listing of the
journal lines that have an open status up to the
As Of Date. The journal lines are subtotaled by
key field value. J ournal lines containing Open
Item accounts are matched together based on
the Open Item edit field.
General Ledger >
Open items >
Open Item Listing
Out of
Displays the elimination sets and ledger
amounts that were processed for a
consolidation request. The elimination sets are
totaled and any out-of-balance amount is
displayed. The out-of-balance amounts are also
summarized at the node and tree levels.
General Ledger >
Financial Data >
Reports >
Elimination Out of
Displays the elimination sets and audit
information, including account and Business
General Ledger >
Financial Data >
Reports >
Elimination Sets
Displays reconciliation information by Business
Unit, ChartField, primary and balancing values,
and variance.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>InterUnit Activity
Displays information on a selected ChartField
combination edit rule.
Chain >Common
Definitions >
ChartFields >
Editing >
Combination Rule
Lists the allocation calculations that were
performed for a given process step within a
specified process instance. Displays the pool,
basis, and target amounts.
Allocations >
Reports >
Calculation Logs
Budget Copy
Lists the Budget Copy Process calculations that
were performed for a given process step within
a specified process instance. For each process
step, the report shows the sequence, Business
Unit, account, department, product, project
status, year, period, pool amount, basis
amount, basis total, target amount, and offset
General Ledger >
Budgets >
Budget Copy
Calculation Log
J ournals
Lists standard journal entries and their status. General Ledger >
General Reports
J ournals
Report Name Descri pti on Navi gati on
Activity Report
Lists the beginning and ending ledger balances
by ChartField combination and account. Also
lists the detailed journal line activity that is
posted against the ledger for the accounting
periods that are specified.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>Ledger Activity
Summarizes journal totals within a ledger by
General Ledger >
General Reports
J ournal
Provides the ability to report on journals that
were posted during a specific run of the J ournal
Post process. The J ournal Post process
updates all journals that were posted with the
value of the Process Instance. The Process
Instance is part of the search criteria that is
used by the Posted J ournals - Summary report.
General Ledger >
J ournals >
Process J ournals
>Posted J ournal
Summary Report
J ournal Edit
Provides detailed information about journal edit
errors: period, J ournal ID, date, source,
reference number, error type, line, line
description, field name, and error message.
General Ledger >
J ournals >
Process J ournals
>J ournal Edit
Errors Report
Trial Balance Combines detail and summary balance
information. Shows the ending ledger balances
for the specified year and period by ChartField
combination. Also displays subtotals by
ChartField. Prints a final total for debits and
General Ledger >
General Reports
>Trial Balance
Activity with
Lists the journal activity and the associated
attributes for one or more specific ChartFields in
a ledger for one or more periods, including
beginning and ending balances.
General Ledger >
General Reports
>Ledger Activity
with Attributes
Ledger File
Reads all entries on the ledger and gives the
ending balance for the year and period by
General Ledger >
Ledgers >Export
Ledger Data
J ournal Line/
Compares journal entry lines with accounting
General Ledger >
General Reports
>J ournal
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Queries allow users to extract information regarding PeopleSoft 9.0 transactions and
legacy data from the EPM Data Warehouse. PeopleSoft Query can be used in the
following ways:
To display data in a grid on the Preview tab, displaying the result set in a grid for
review. This option is useful as queries are refined.
To run queries as a separate process. Results can be sent to a separate browser
window by selecting the Run option from Query Manager or Viewer.
To schedule a query so that it runs at predefined times or on recurring schedules.
These results are routed to Report Manager.
To download and format query results as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
To serve as a data source for Crystal Reports. Users can apply advanced formatting
to the output of the queries.
To determine whom to forward information used in PeopleSoft workflow.
To create a data source for PeopleSoft nVision reports.
To serve as a primary data source for defining online analytical processing.
Query Tool Benefi ts:
Can be used one-time, ad-hoc or repeatedly.
Provide reporting flexibility to extract data regarding transactions that are delivered in
the existing PeopleSoft report library.
Results can be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and data can be
analyzed with user friendly functionality.
There are several types of users that will employ query functionality. Query Super Users
are a specific set of users that develop and run queries within PeopleSoft. Query
Viewers run public queries but cannot develop or modify the queries using the tool.
Users have access to data across the MTA based on the security settings defined in the
users profile.
Introducti on to the Query Data Model
The query tool will be used to develop reports that extract data from EPM and PeopleSoft
production tables. Data extracted from EPM will be in a one day lag behind production.
EPM will include a series of core PeopleSoft HR and FIN transaction tables.
HCM Data Model
All queries should be done in EPM with the exception of applicant data o
and data queried to verify payroll and address payroll changes.
Query may also be used to perform audit checks or to understand an o
issue using the audit tables.
Finance Data Model
The majority of queries are expected to extract data from EPM. o
In cases where real-time data is required, PeopleSoft production will be o
Introducti on to the Peopl eSoft Query Busi ness Process
The PeopleSoft query business process has several key components:
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EPM will include two types of tables: Custom PeopleSoft core tables and o
tables containing historical data that was not converted into PeopleSoft (i.e.
inactive transactions).
Select Record(s)
In the PeopleSoft database, tables are represented as record definitions. o
In PeopleSoft query, the record definitions are also called records. o
Create expressions (optional)
Expressions are calculations that PeopleSoft Query performs as part of a o
Use an expression to define an effective date. For example, enter a fixed o
effective date or prompt the user for a fixed effective date.
Define selective criteria (optional)
Identify individual pieces of data by defining what column (field) and row o
(record) it is in.
Specify which columns and rows to retrieve in the query results. o
Define having criteria (optional)
In SQL, a having clause is similar to a where clause for rows of data that have o
been aggregated into a single row of output.
The system evaluates where clauses by looking at the individual table rows o
before they are grouped by the aggregated function, and it evaluates having
clauses after applying the function.
Run and Save query
Run query to validate results. o
Save query as public or private if it is expected to be run repeatedly. o
Process for Requesting New Queries:
Agency employees who have Super User Role will be able to create new Queries through
Query Manager in PeopleSoft. Any complex queries which require additional technical
support must be requested from BSC IT group.
Lesson Checkpoint Questions
Identify what word fills in the blank:
__________ is used to design and create Microsoft Excel spreadsheet reports on 1.
accounting data in PeopleSoft.
PeopleSoft provides three reporting options: Delivered Reports, nVision, and 2.
Layout, report request, and __________ are the three key components to the 3.
nVision report definition process.
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Lesson Summary
PS/nVision is used to design and create Microsoft Excel spreadsheet reports on
accounting data in PeopleSoft. It retrieves information in the General Ledger PeopleSoft
database and places it a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format that makes it easier for
users to interpret the data. PeopleSoft 9.0 has three reporting options: nVision,
Delivered Reports, and Queries. nVision enables users to retrieve information from the
PeopleSoft database in a form that enables the user to see the big picture, explore the
details, and make decisions based on the data. Reports are generated from various
PeopleSoft pages and specified by setting Run Controls. Queries allow users to extract
information regarding PeopleSoft 9.0 transactions and legacy data from the EPM Data
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Appendix A
Agency-specific combination rules:
Agency Combi nati on Rul es
MNCRR Balance sheet accounts require Responsibility Center =
70000, Cost Center =99500, and Function Code =105
Operating Expense accounts require Function Code (%), a
Cost Center (%), and a Responsibility Center within the
Administration, Transportation, or VP Operations range.
MTABC Balance sheet accounts require Balance sheet accounts
require Responsibility Center =7000000 and Cost Center =
Expense accounts require Responsibility Center =70500_ _
(suffix within range 10-18, 99; ie RC =7050010 or RC =
7050099) and a Cost Center (%)
Revenue accounts require Responsibility Center =70400_ _
(suffix within range 10-18, 99) and a Cost Center (%)
Suspense account (208403) require Responsibility Center =
70500_ _ (suffix within range 10-18) and a Cost Center (%)
LIRRD Expense accounts require a Responsibility Center (%) and a
Project (%)
Balance sheet accounts require Responsibility Center =
Depreciation accounts (720100 720899) require
Responsibility Center =10030
PettyCash account (102253) require Responsibility Center =
10070. NOTE: Thi s may change to Cost Center
Revenue accounts require Responsibility Center =10050
LIBUS Expense accounts require a Responsibility Center (%)
fol l ows TA)
Balance sheet account can not have a Responsibility Center
Capital account (151000), Federal Grant account (160100),
and Receivable account (161000) require a Fund Code (%)
and a Project (%)
Expense accounts with a Responsibility Center in the 8000
range require a Project (%) and Fund Code =509
Expense accounts with a Responsibility Center =955x (where
x=0-9), require a Project (%) and Fund Code =408
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Other Expense accounts require a Responsibility Center (%)
and a Fund Code (%)
PettyCash account (102253) requires a Cost Center (%).
NOTE: Thi s may change to Responsi bi l i ty Center
Revenue accounts require a Responsibility Center (%)
BRTUN Balance sheet accounts require Responsibility Center =999
Revenue and Expense accounts require a Responsibility
Center (%)
MTAHQ Expense accounts require a Responsibility Center (%), Budget
Reference must be OPER, and Project must be BLANK
PettyCash account (102253) require one of the following
Responsibility Centers: 010010, 110600, 110710, 220710,
400510, 400910, 650000, 880100, 900610, 900630,
901020, 902010, 903010, 903310, 904010, 905010,
907010, 908020, 909010
NOTE: Thi s may change to Cost Center
SIRTA Expense accounts require Responsibility Center NOTE: SIRTA
sti l l bei ng revi ewed
Appendix B
To configure an Online J ournal Layout follow the steps below:
Navi gati on: General Ledger >J ournals >J ournal Entry >Create/Update J ournal Entries
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Perform one of the following actions: 1.
2. When the page displays, click on the Lines tab.
3. Click on the Template List hyperlink.
Uncheck the columns which are not applicable to your agency. Then click OK. 4.
If You Need To Compl ete the Fol l owi ng
Find an Existing
Remain on the Fi nd an Exi sti ng Val ue tab.
Enter the required search criteria to locate the journal
entry that needs to be updated.
Click to display potential matches.
Select the appropriate item from the list.
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Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Shared Services / PeopleSoft 9.0
Performing PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting
Participant Guide
Course Evaluation
All training participants are required to complete an online course evaluation upon course
completion. Evaluations are based on course content and are meant to measure the key
information and objectives of the course. The evaluation can be accessed via the link
provided by your instructor and must be completed in the classroom.
Performance Support Documentation (found on
BSC Portal)
This table lists performance support materials such as J ob aids, Policies, Procedures, and
Service Level Agreements that are relevant to this course.
Ti tl e Type (Job Ai d, Procedure, SLA, etc.)
PeopleSoft 9.0 General Accounting Configuration
and Maintenance
Uploading J ournal Spreadsheet Procedure
General Ledger Reports J ob Aid
Understanding Chartfields J ob Aid
Accounting for Treasury J ob Aid

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