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In the monday morning, there are some students want to go to champus. There are verry
happy to go to champus.
A : Good morning...
Hay guys, how are you ?
B : Im fine. ou !oo" so pa!e #
# : es right, $ow, I fee! %ad condision %ecause from two days ago, I am f!u and diare..
Guys, Have we a eng!ish homewor"?
B : es, The homewor" a%out popu!ar ido! narasi. &a!ian udh
pada %uat %e!om?
A : A"u sudah dong. How a%out you #?
# : 'h my God. I am forget to the homewor". ( # !oo" panic)
on this morning the streat verry %usy. *udden!y there are motorcyc!e hit c.
+a!anan pada hari senin ini %egitu padat dan ramai "arena menge,ar wa"tu untu" "etempat
tu,uan masing-masing, .an ada motor yang me!a,u dengan "ecepatan tinggi. # yang sedang
panic tida" sadar %ahwa dirinya me!ewati %atas pe,a!an "a"i dan masu" area ,a!an raya.
Ti%a-ti%a terdengar %unyi rem motor dengan "erasnya... dan rem motor yang tida" ter"ontro!
menye%a%"an # terta%ra" motor terse%ut
A and B : #.......................... ( panic dan mencari %antuan dengan memanggi! orang
dise"itarnya) "eadaan # sudah tida" sadar"an diri.
/eno!ong : .ont worry and dont panic guy..
0ets he!p me ang"at "e tempat yang teduh
1. 2a"e sure you position the victim on his %ac"
3. If the patient doesnt %ecome norma! within a minutes, see" medica! he!p
4. #hec" to see if airways are c!ear
+aw trusth manuver
#rost finger
5inger swap6
7. 0et the victim get enought air to %reathe
8. 0oosen c!othing9%e!ts9co!!ars
:. .o cardio-pu!monary resuscitation ( #/; ) if necessary
<. =hen a person fee!s paint, ma"e sure he sit down or !ie down
>. ?!evate feet a%ove head !eve!
$@;*I$G I$tT;A#TI'$
In .arma 0a"sana Hospita! datang!ah pasien %ersama "e!uarganya disam%ut dengan %agian
front office
$urse : Good morning
we!come to dharma !a"sana hospita!
patient fami!y : Good morning nurse...
$urse : '". I am AAB. I am a resepsionis in there. =hat can I do for you?
patient fami!y : 2y hus%and want to chec" up, nurse
$urse : '" mom, %efore to chec" up, your hus%and mush comp!ete admission
patint fami!y : o" nurse. /!ease
$urse : '"e 2r, now I wi!! as" you some Cuestion. 2ay I "now your
p!ease ?
/atient : 2y name is &risna *adewa.
$urse : =hat is ypur first name ?
/atient : 2y first name is &risna
$urse : '"e 2r "risna, your registrasion num%er is D31.
2r. &risna what is your pro%!em now?
/atient : I have anemia history nurse. And now I fe!! not comforta%!e,
%ecause I am confused. $afsu ma"an %er"urang, dan susah tidur
pada ma!am hari, "onsentrasi menurun. $ow I want to ce"
darah. $urse
$urse : '" 2r. ou shou!d chec" up to the genera! pratitioner
/atient : '". $urse
$urse : =here do you !ive 2r "risna?
/atient : I !ive in &ota Baru $o. 11 B
$urse : 2ay I "now your phone num%er 2r ?
/atient : es of course. 2y phone num%er is ........................
$urse : =here were you %orn?
/atient : I was %orn.....
$urse : Are you married 2r?
/atient : es I am merried
$urse : =hat is our profession 2r?
/atient : I am teacher
$urse : what is your re!igion?
/atient : I am mus!im
$urse : =ho is your neEt of "in names?
/atient : The neEt of "in is my wife. Her name *uciati
$urse : =here is his adreess?
/atient : 2y wife adreess same !i"e me in &ota Baru $o. 11 B
$urse : .o you have genera! practitioner?
/atient : $o, I don Ft have
$urse : 2r "risna do you "now a%out genera! practitioner in charge of case
/atient : $o, I dont "now a%out that.
$urse : '". 2r now in charge of case are genera! pratitioner is .r ?do and .r
/!ease choose one of them 2r &risna
/atient : '". I prefer .r ?do to .r eri"
$urse : '" 2r &risna your identity was comp!ete. $ow you can stay in
/atient : '"e nurse. Than"s you
$urse : ou are we!come.
1D menute "emudian
$urse : 2r &risna *ahadewa. *e"arang gi!ian mu. *i!a"han masu" "e
ruangan yang
di po,o" "anan
/atient : o" than"s you.
2asu" "e ruang .r Ido
$urse : 2orning, *i!a"ang masu"
.r ?do : 2ari si!ah"ang dudu"
#an I see your Addmission.
/atient : o". It is ( menyerah"an "artu addmission)
.r ?do : '" 2r &risna *ahadewa. .o you have any comp!aint as &amu
riwayat anemia dengan "e!uhan
pusing, nafsu ma"an %er"urang, dan su!it tidur pada ma!am hari.
Benar itu
/atient : Benar do"
.r ?do : Bai" di u"ur du!u tensinya, temperatur ya !angsung di am%i!
*us to!ong disiap"an
$urse : Bai" do".
2r. 0et me chec" your %!ood pressure, temperature and ta"ing %!ood.
/atient : es, /!ease
$urse : =ou!d you mind !ying down on your %ed, p!ease?
/atient : '&
$urse : #an I have your arm, 2r?
/atient : Here, it is
$urse : =ou!d you ro!! your s!eeve up, p!ease
/atient : o"
$urse : I want to put the stuff in your arm
=ou!d you first your finger p!ease
/!ease ri!eE
/atient : o"
$urse : $ow, Im going to pump this %u!% to inf!ate the cuff.
/atient : '"
$urse : $eEt, Im going to chec" your temperature.
/atient : '"ay
$urse : #ou!d you raise your arm %ecause I!! put this thermometer on your
/atient : with my p!esure
$urse : wou!d you ho!d it with your arm for 8 minutes
o" mr. $ow I want to ta"e the thermometer. /!ease raise your arm.
=ou!d you ro!! your s!eeve down p!ease.
/atient : '"
$urse : =e!! 2r &risna. our %!ood p!esure is norma!. Its a%out 13D9>D
mmHg and
temperature 4:,8. I!! report to the doctor a%out your resu!t.
p!ease wait in here mr.
/atien : o".
$urse report to the deocter a%out resu!t vita! sign patient.
$urse : Its resu!t vita! sign patien do".
.octor : o". $ow I want ta"ing %!ood patient. *udah siap a!at-a!atnya
$urse : *udah do".
.octor : menu,u %ed patient
.octor : o" 2r "risna now I wan" ta"ing your %!ood. =ou!d you straight your hand
and fist your finger
/atient : o" doc
.octor : I want to ta"e the terniCuet arround your arm. '" re!aE
$ow, i wi!! to insetr the need!e into your vein. Ta"e e deep %reath , p!ease..
'" we!!... now p!ease, ho!d the caton for a%out 3 minutes. And i now chec"
your %!ood in !a%oratory.

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