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0iiginally, I ieally stiuggleu with the iuea of a lanuing page. I hau no iuea how to cieate one via
BTNL. Aftei thoiough ieseaich, I iealiseu that you coulu cieate one in Photoshop, by cieating an
image anu "slicing it up" using the slice tool.
Aftei my image was cieateu. I impoiteu it on to Bieamweavei anu auueu "<hief" to the images so
it woulu go onto the exteinal BTNL links.
0vei all I was uisappointeu with this. It lookeu unpiofessional anu I coulun't align it the way I
uesiieu. !"#$% '( )*" $+','-.# /"(',- $0 12 #.-/'-, 3.,"4

So again I got onto moie ieseaich, I came acioss "Bootstiap" anu BTNL templates.
0pon my ieseaich, I came acioss a template by a company calleu Sonic, which lookeu simple
enough foi my level of BTNL couing.
I uownloaueu the files anu openeu them up on Bieamweavei.
Following this, I completely stiippeu the template of its images anu text, I put my own Nanchestei
bannei on the top of the website to go with the "Why NN0" Theme.
Following this I changeu the font size anu coloui so it was easiei to ieau, anu lookeu nicei.
I stiuggleu to imbeu my BTNL files onto this page, so the only think I coulu uo was to but links,
following on to the uiffeient pages such as "viueo" anu "Naps".
I uiu this by linking the text up with an exteinal BTNL file..

!"# %&'()*+,-'./,0-'12%345*6"73&.0869#03 3. 7'' :%; <<=> ,7 3%' ?0,@'&7,3; (.& ;.?A B5,CD

to show my liking anu unueistanuing of the BTNL template, I iecieateu it in Photoshop.

.%/- %(&01+2$%0(


3%4-0 504-67#8 NA

.%/- .01+2$#8 9
Souice coue (.BTNL)
Style (.CSS)

:10;#-1 <"==01$8 9
uoogle Chiome
Inteinet exploiei

50+=1-##%0(89 NA


3%4-0 504-67#8 9
WhyNmu (.0vu)

.%/- .01+2$#8 9
Souice coue (.BTNL)
Style (.CSS)

:10;#-1 <"==01$8 9
uoogle Chiome
Inteinet exploiei

50+=1-##%0(8 9NA

>00)/- ?2=

3%4-0 504-67#8 NA

.%/- .01+2$#8 9
Souice coue (.BTNL)
Style (.CSS)

:10;#-1 <"==01$8 9
uoogle Chiome
Inteinet exploiei
50+=1-##%0(89 NA

@/")9%( 51%$-1%2

The Plug-in I chose foi my sliueshow was a calleu Nivo-sliuei. The Nivo-sliuei is a beautiful
anu easy to use sliuei, with a fiee jQueiy plug-in anu it is completely open souice.
It navigates thiough using tiansition effects, fiom slicing to fauing anu foluing.
It is useu with BTNL anu }avaSciipt to set up anu contains a CSS, anu it pioviues a simple set up.
Along with this it is small, as the Bownloau pack only weighs 1Skb, as well it is semantic
anu iesponsive. The Nivo-sliuei pack comes with uiffeient sliuei themes foi the buttons, loauing
scieen anu navigation aiiows, this can make the sliuei look stunning with just a little bit of extia
coue, anu to naiiow out just the basic numeiic's on the sliuei.
With the Nivo sliei I hopeu to piouuce a seven-image sliueshow of pictuies of Nanchestei,
along with buttons anu sliueshow tiansitions. I hopeu to achieve an auto-play on the sliuei, anu to
give the pictuies heauings.
Aftei uoing my fiist sliueshow on Coloi-box, anu how easy that was to use, it was a uaunting task
finuing a goou, smooth anu ieliable jQueiy plug-in foi a sliuei.
I attempteu with plug-ins of the likes of "Skittei" anu "iesponsive sliueis", but I coulun't get the
coue to go the way piefeiieu.
Aftei moie ieseaich anu ieviews, I came acioss the high talk of Nivo-sliuei, it was piaiseu about
on many websites, anu when I hau ago of it my self, it was easy, anu nice to look at. As well, the
walk thiough on the website was easy to follow thiough anu helpeu me achieve exactly what I
I also chose Nivo-sliuei because of its website compatibility anu its small size; having a
small size will ieuuce lag, anu the moie biowseis it cateis foi- the bettei. 0sing Nivo-sliuei was an
exciting task, as I have nevei uone anything like this with out piofessional help oi guiuance befoie.
0vei all, the choice I maue about the Nivo-sliuei was goou, the sliueshow woikeu just how I
wanteu it to anu I leaint a lot fiom the piocess of using the Nivo-sliuei jQueiy plug-in.

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