Mastering Job Market Trends

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Masteri ng J ob Market Trends

Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t

Job Market Trends
By Ngee Key
Career Coach & Strategist
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Job Market Trends
By Ngee Key
Career Coach & Strategist
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Mastering Job Market Trends
By Ngee Key
Copyrighted Material 2012 by Ngee Key YourOwn360 All Rights Reserved
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information
in regard to the subject matter covered. If legal, accounting, medical,
psychological or any other expert assistance is required; the services of a
competent professional person should be required. Author specifically disclaims
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Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Ngee Key believes that everyone should enjoy and
love what they do in their job. His passion is to help
every person learn to discover their true talent, skills,
knowledge and purpose. He is a Career Coach
and Strategist of YourOwn360. With more than 15
years of corporate professional experience ranging
from start-up to multinational companies, he deeply
understands the questions and concerns faced by
working professionals. His expertise in personal and
business change was developed through many
years of professional experiences. Prior before
founding YourOwn360, he was the Business
Development Leader for Hewitt Associates Human
Resource Outsourcing Practice for South East Asia.
You are spending almost 30 or more years of your life working. He believe they
should be rewarding and fulfilling. Having a career that aligns with your talent,
values and passion at its heart is aligning your purpose for being on earth with
an idea so convincing that you simply must do it, despite the challenges or
fears that hold you back, says Ngee Key.
Certified by Career Coach Academy under the mentorship of Susan
Whitcomb, he has worked with many clients who have faced challenging
About the Author
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
career decisions you face now and moved them to better, meaningful and
fulfilling situations.
Ngee Key has been interviewed and featured in print, online media and radio,
including Straits Times, Business Times, AsiaOne, Today, NS Magazine, Her World
and 938 Live Radio.
If you find this guide useful, feel free to inform your friends, colleagues and
family so that they can purchase a copy and begin to discover meaningful
careers. Visit for more books, articles, webinars, blogs
and free resources. Look forward to see you there.
Yours truly,
Ngee Key
Career Coach & Strategist
Founder, YourOwn360
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Masteri ng Job Market Trends .....................................................................................................
In This Guide ................................................................................................................8
Why You Are Here .......................................................................................................9
The Industry and You ..................................................................................................10
Something to Ponder - Coaching Questions to Ask Myself ...................................11
Recommended Actions ............................................................................................13
Resources Toolki t Overvi ew ........................................................................................................
Defi ni ng Your Career Vi si on ........................................................................................................
Your Profession and the Environment .......................................................................17
Something to Ponder - Coaching Questions to Ask about my profession............18
Recommended Actions.............................................................................................20
Advisory Column .........................................................................................................21
Creati ng A SMART Goal ....................................................................................................................
10 Factors That Affect Attainability............................................................................26
How Attainable Are Your Goals?..............................................................................31
My SMART Goals ........................................................................................................35
Motivations and Fears ...............................................................................................37
Get Yourself Organized..............................................................................................26
I n summary ...........................................................................................................................................
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Let's face it: a lot of people hate job search. A lot of us dread doing this, even
before we begin. It's one of the most frustrating obstacles that we just have to
face in our lives, not only because of the difficulties it presents, but the necessity
of it - how there's nowhere else to go but through it. You need a job, and you
won't get any unless you begin looking for one.
One of the things that will help conquer your anxiety with your job search is to
understand the current industry trends and the changing job market. By
surveying your desired profession and its environment, you will be able to plan
and execute a more intelligent and efficient job search. The objective is for you
to be aware of developments having an impact on your chosen field, so you
can avoid dangers, identify opportunities and make the right decisions about
where you will best fit in the ever changing world of work.
Nobody is born golden; everybody has to start somewhere. This is the space for
you to be totally familiar with the overall picture of your profession and the
industry. Here there are no mistakes, only stepping stones towards achieving
your career goals.
Mastering Job Market Trends
The quality
of an
individual is
reflected in the
standards they
set for
Founder and former Chairman
of McDonalds Corporation
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
In This Guide
Throughout this Guide, we will use the word professional quite liberally. We want
you to get comfortable with it. In the past, only doctors, lawyers, certified public
accountants and other people with a specialized or advanced formal
education were seen as (and called) professionals. But aren't we all good at
what we do?
These days, everyone working with a defined body of expertise belongs to a
profession. We invest in our education, we display productive skills related to
our career, and we certainly have knowledge that can be of value to a lot of
companies. So yes, we believe a little dash of daring is in order: we are
professionals. You are a professional.
In fact, try it now. Say, I am a professional. Now doesn't that make you feel
good, even just a little? Whether you are in information services, purchasing,
customer service, human resource, operations management, sales, marketing,
financial services, or general management, you need to believe you are just as
good as any doctor, lawyer, or accountant. You are a professional, and you
should never be embarrassed at viewing yourself so.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
So what's a professional doing, being part of a career strategy program? The
answer is simple: you care enough to educate yourself on your professional
environment. You want to be updated on the latest and potential future trends
and developments in your field. You want to be a more appealing candidate
when you speak with hiring managers, and you aim to better discuss what is
happening or could happen in your particular profession. Let's get that out in
the open now, once and for all, and be done away with it.
What makes a professional the best at what they do is their desire to learn. This
is the opportunity for you not only to find a job that fits, but also to find a passion
and a purpose that you can sustain for years, if not the rest of your life. At the
end of the day, we want you to find that which will make you happy and
fulfilled. The potential is already inside you; the tools we will provide are just
extra help.
Losing a job or thinking about leaving your current one may make you feel
powerless and vulnerable. This is why we are here. This is why you are here. We
want you to abandon any preconceived notions about asking for help or
getting additional training at your age as signs of weakness. It's not. It's called
learning to be the best you can be.
Why You Are Here
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
In this guide you are encouraged to do a lot of research. This creates a context
for your job search, as you are now free to go beyond the limitations set by your
previous occupation. With your research, you'll be able to come up with
informed decisions in regards to which job are best for you and where you
stand in relationship to your profession as a whole.
You are not restricted to follow just one industry. Feel free to survey as many as
you like. Just keep in mind that these should be industries, which you are keen
to pursue and have a job in the future. It is possible that the kind of profession
you are eyeing is involved in many trades; for example, a photographer can
work in fashion, food, journalism, weddings, etc. If this applies to you then you
need to be aware of and study the different environments, as well as your
appeal as a candidate, because it can be useful when you are discussing with
hiring managers how your professional expertise fits into their particular
Since research would be quite an exhaustive task, you don't have to finish
everything before you begin other elements of your job search. We think it
would be even better if you can integrate this with other activities outlined in
the other modules. You can, for example, research industries and specific
companies within them at the same time. Later on, when you are talking to
contacts about certain organizations, you may also find the opportunity to
discuss industries, your profession and the larger issues affecting both.
The Industry and You
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Something to Ponder
Coaching Questions to Ask Yourself
What are the latest trends in my industry and environment? Will they have an
impact on my career goals? What would the future looks like for my chosen
What about the trends that will have an impact on my profession? What has
been changed over the years? What about the future prospects of my
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Will all these changes be affecting my current talent, skills and competencies
now and in the future? If yes, what would the impact be life?
What are the hottest trends I need to be aware in order to stay relevant and
competitive in my respective industry and profession?
What are the latest trends that capture my attention?
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Recommended Actions
Newspapers and
magazines are a good place to start, but you can also tap the
Internet to read about the latest, provided that these are credible
sources. You can read blogs of experts on the field, as well.
issues, particularly major events are key to understanding the
behavior of your industry today. You can also collect ideas on future
trends by observing its history.
Most companies
and organizations have corporate blogs now, in an effort to be more
transparent. Read up on their latest activities and involvement with
other partners. If they provide a forum where you can interact with
them, take advantage of that and ask relevant questions that will
help you with your research.
Gain an understanding of
the larger business trends that are affecting your type of work. Discuss
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
your views with family and friends after reading. Ask them about their
opinion as well to gain insight on how other people perceive your
industry and profession.
They are good and reliable sources
because they have already been/are currently there. Ask about their
experience, what they have learned, what made them leave or
what makes them stay.
Include the important trends, likely obstacles and possible
You are clear about your profession, industry and environment in the current
job market, consisting of important trends that are influential of the future, and
how these changes can have an impact on your career path.
After completion of this Guide:
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Resources Toolkit Overview
The following are tools that we have prepared to assist you with this guide.
Coaching Questions, recommended actions, tips and advices are also
provided to aid your research.
What is it that you really want to do in your career? You need to
have clarity of your profession before you can begin to
understand your surroundings and situation. You need to identify
actual responsibilities and activities involved and compare it with
your perception of what you should do/what you want to do in
your career.
Goals are important. Having something to aim for will keep you
from being unproductive. The intent is for you to avoid thinking
about being unemployed and self-pitying, and instead find ways
to get back out there. Goals that are truly attractive and
meaningful can also give you a new perspective about having
all that free time to yourself: it only means that you now have
more opportunities to pursue these aspirations.
There is a need to examine your desired profession and its
environment, as well as the industry where it belongs. To be able
to execute a job search that will produce favorable results, you
need to be aware of the current issues, trends, strengths and
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the job you are keen to
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
What is it that you do? Does your current/past job title actually describe your
A lot of people think that their job title is their work, but sometimes there is an
actual disconnect between the position you hold and the tasks being given to
you. In a real work setting, a job title is only useful on paper, but may not carry
enough weight outside your work place.
For example, what does a senior engineer even mean? Does the job entail
more complexity of engineering work from that which is handled by someone
with a slightly lower pay grade? Hardly; but notable-sounding job titles are
something a lot of people desire, even if they can't be hard-pressed to admit it.
You are led to believe that a job title is everything, and to have an impressive
label after your name symbolizes skills and status. Except this isn't true, and the
longer you stay in the job, the more you realize that this isn't what you wanted,
this isn't what you expected, and the tasks you actually perform has nothing to
do with the job title at all!
If it is to be,
it is up to me.
Founder of Famous Amos
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Defining Your Career Vision
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Your Profession and the Environment
A clear definition of your desired profession is a must. We want you to spend
some time describing what you want to do in your future career path. You
need to identify expected responsibilities and research on activities you want to
be involved. List out your ideal office scenario or a typical day at the
workplace. What are you doing? What kind of people are you interacting with?
What is it that will fulfill your passion and purpose while you are here?
The job market is dynamic and the changes might be huge since your last
career transition.
The ideas or concepts you have may have change drastically. In order to
compete more successfully in the global market, organizations may have
become shrunk their workforce and putting more focus on productivity. With
that, top management is insisting on a workforce that is lively and flexible.
Technology also plays a big part as it continues to affect us in different ways.
New skills are hot in demand and old skills are dying off. You need to know
exactly how these developments are affecting your profession.
Based on your profession, you are required to understand what it takes to be in
the desired marketplace. This is even more important if you are thinking of
switching industries. Your decision will be based on what you are looking for in
your future career path that meets your passion and that it requires of your skills,
talent and knowledge.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Something to Ponder
Coaching Questions to ask about my profession
As you think about your future career path, you need to know your current
strengths and what are the gaps you need to fill in to stay relevant and on top
of your career. Defining your profession begins with an examination of your
work experience and expertise.
What would my ideal work be? What type of training I need to advance in this
What is my passion? What profession do they suggest?
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
What comes naturally to me? What profession do they suggest?
How feasible is my profession? What are the threats to it in becoming obsolete?
What is the average salary level of the profession I am interested in?
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Recommended Actions
Identify the profession(s) that you have had
in the past and make a list of the activities and responsibilities that
came with it. Write the good and bad experiences, the advantages
and disadvantages of having that job, and the factors that made
you leave. Given new opportunities, would you still be interested in
pursuing the same job? Would you consider looking into a different
kind of profession but still within the same industry? Or are you
decided on trying something new altogether?
Go through the classifieds in newspapers and online job boards. Look
at the industry and profession profiles. Read about the requirements
(education, work experience, skills) as well as tasks (duties that will be
assigned once the position is accepted). See if this is something that
you would be attracted to.
Use the Internet to find more information about your
profession. Read blogs; join mailing lists and forums, etc. You can also
read occupational handbooks, as they describe working conditions,
training and education requirements, earnings and expected job
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Ask friends, colleagues, and family about
what other profession they see you working at in the future.
Speaking to people is an important factor of your work. You need to
be confident and prepared initiating such conversations. How you
begin the discussion and how you phrase your questions are particularly
important. It is a good idea to make an outline and write notes so you
can get the best possible answers.
Remember these three key points: the dynamic changes of job market,
the impact of technology on your profession, and how it is currently
perceived in the marketplace
Advisory Column
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
A holistic plan is to have a goal, one that will not only get you excited to
achieve results but also push your boundaries and challenge you to do your
best. Planning on how you will execute your job search is essential, but goals
that will enable you to be successful once you get the job are equally
important. To say that a goal needs to be smart is pretty much obvious, but you
can turn this word into a nifty acronym that you can use.
Simply put, stands for: pecific, easurable, ttainable, elevant
and ime -Bound. When you list your goals, whether short-term or long-term, we
want you to keep this in mind. Having these parameters will make it easier for
you to have more sensible targets.
Your goal needs to be well defined. Write it in present tense, as if it were true
today. This will help you internalize what you want to happen. Believe you
Set your goals
high and dont
let anybody tell
you no.
Founder and President of
Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc.
Creating A SMART Goal
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
deserve the new position and act as if you are already enjoying it! For instance,
a Gaming Programmer might state his goal this way:
I have a great job as a game programmer working for one of the biggest
online gaming company in the industry today. I am creating amazing 3D
Animation and earning a salary that is worth the amount of work I am
putting in.
If you are still not sure on your next move, consider writing it this way:
I am very passionate about creating 3D Games and online music. In my
previous job in a software firm, I didn't get to combine the two although I
had fun. Now I am considering doing the same job but changing
industries, like creating 3D Games with self composed music.
A specific goal is one that is direct to the point, easy to understand, and clear
to anyone even if they have no prior knowledge about your industry or
A goal is measurable if there's a target that you can reach or work towards it. It
needs to be a tangible result so that you can determine if you have been
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
successful. For example, a network engineer wants to make his network of
hiring managers from IT companies bigger. This is ambiguous and confusing:
I want to meet new hiring managers of IT companies.
This is clearer and much more concrete:
To increase my number of contacts, I will call up two IT companies
each week and get in touch with the hiring manager. I will do this for
three months.
If the desired result (increased number of contacts) has been achieved, then
the goal can be evaluated as a success. If not, then it is a failure. Another way
of evaluating a goal is to use a graduated level of attainment, from
exceptional to unsatisfactory:
: I will accept a position as a network engineer with a salary
within my dream range. Yay!
: I will accept a position as a network programmer with a
salary within in my comfort zone.
: I will accept a network programmer or developer
position with a company not on my target list; or, I will accept a
different position that will be a stepping-stone to my desired position.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
: I will accept a position with a salary way below my
expectations. Argh!
An attainable goal is one that is realistic and reachable given the
circumstances. It should be practical and not impossible to achieve. Of course,
there is nothing wrong with giving yourself a challenge, but you need to be
able to carry this out given the resources and timeframe you have. It doesn't
mean, however, that it has to be too simplistic or easy, because then you will
only be fooling yourself. Don't sell yourself short just because you have anxieties
about failing - an attainable goal means you are able to accomplish this in
stages, supported by perseverance and hard work.
10 Factors That Affect Attainability
"I have 90% of the skills, knowledge and
experience needed for my target position. I
have a solid knowledge of project
management and planning skills. I need
more hands on time with operation skills
which I could get up to speed quickly."
When choosing a profession, you need to know
what you can and can't. By browsing job ads,
focus on requirements the company is looking
for and assess yourself if you fit the bill. Decide if
you can include learning a new skill as an
attainable goal, given your present situation
(financial resources, time available, etc.)
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
"I have ten years of experience managing
key projects. I am currently working in
finance, but I want to transfer to a
manufacturing company. I don't have a
Bachelors Degree, but I have a PMI
certification. I am also looking into
Operational Management certification."
Similar with your skill set, you need to assess if
getting more certification is a priority versus
looking for another profession that will be
content with your experience and history.
"I want to get this position and willing to work
extra hard to get what I want. My parents
impart a really strong professional work ethic
in me, and I don't expect things to be
handed to me on a silver platter."
The more motivated you are, the more likely
you'll be able to find solutions to your problems. If
you view everything as a challenge rather than
a setback, then you are more likely to take on
more demanding and tough goals compared to
other people.
"I have been informed I am a bit of a
conservative who might affect my social
networking and interviewing."
The way you connect to other people and your
readiness to reach out to strangers can affect
how you create your goal. Do not use your
being a wallflower as an excuse to do something
10 Factors That Affect Attainability (conti nued)
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
"I just want to have a fair compensation of
what I do and worth paying for."
Part of job search is a look into the industry
where your profession belongs. Enquire salary
average that your colleagues receive.
"My life partner supports me completely in
making this move. I have a great friend who
will be my accountability partner. I know a
few people who have useful connections.
Engaging a support team sounds good, but you
need to be careful not to be too relying on
them. What happens if they are not free for
consultation? Are you able to pursue your job
search on your own?
"I have identify eight companies that I want
to focus and may add more later. Since I am
in the finance field, I will use mainly online
methods for my search (e-profile, blog, social
Strategies are stepping stones toward
attainability. Have a plan that works and suits the
resources and skills that you already have.
"I have average computer skills and all
equipment I need to work at home.
A big portion of the job search is using the
computer. Consider this and your ability to use it
when choosing your methods.
10 Factors That Affect Attainability (conti nued)
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
"I am putting in 50-hour work weeks at my
current job and I have a 2 year old son, so I
can only dedicate a few hours a week for
face-to-face networking. I'll do more online
networking in the evenings.
Think about your schedule and other
responsibilities during your job search. Observe
the time of day you can be most productive
and how you can maximize it.
"I have long hair and big beard, might put
some people off if I have to interview with
traditional corporate types.
Extra things to note are corporate culture,
expectations regarding employee behavior, and
more. Evaluate whether these are priorities for
you or not.
10 Factors That Affect Attainability (conti nued)
Remember: The stronger you are in each factor, the faster your search will be. Likewise, if
you come short in some areas, it will take longer to get where you want to go.
Relevant goals must be aligned with your purpose and the big picture in your
life. These are something that directly helps you move one step closer towards
your dream. Whether long-term or short-term, their role is to take you forward.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Relevant goals are one of the most difficult to achieve, if only because we
have a tendency to get sidetracked by other goals that we feel are important,
too. For example, a web developer looking to land a job in the IT industry can
have this goal that is significant but not relevant to his job search:
I just recently learned planning skills. I want to demonstrate my skills so
I've agreed to teach my friend to plan for a project.
How to turn this into a relevant goal:
I just recently learned planning skills. Based from my research, a lot of
companies now are looking for project managers with such skill. I have
decided to create a planning tool so I have something to show the
hiring managers during my interview.
It is important to note that a relevant goal is something that can create an
impact to your already existing plan, as well as the industry or profession you are
interested in.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Your goal needs to have a realistic timeline. Here's an example for something
I will accept an offer within 60 or 90 days, or,
I will give myself two days to decide if I really want to work there.
As for long-term goals that involve years, you need to be vigilant and examine
these regularly. Situations change; what may be achievable now might not be
so in the future. If a lot of other factors are dependent on these goals, you
might face difficulties. Be sure that you habitually review your objectives to
avoid being in this scenario.
It's now time for some self-examination. The table below will help you assess
each of the factors that affect goal attainment. Using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 is
low/false, 10 is high/true), circle a rating for each factor and then total your
scores. You can also ask a trusted colleague to rate you, then compare your
scores and assess any differences.
Masteri ng J ob Market Trends
Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
Current Skill Set - Do you have the majority of the skills
employers want for your target position? Can you get
up to speed quickly? Are your skills above average?
(This is especially important if the number of total
openings for your target positions is limited).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industry Experience and Education. Do you have
recent, hands-on experience in your target position?
Do you have the number of years of experience most
employers are looking for? Is your target industry
currently hiring? Have you researched your target
company against its competitors? Do you have the
degree or certifications required for the position?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Motivation: Do you really want this career change? Are
you willing to make sacrifices to get what you want?
Are you prone to seizing the day ("I have to make the
first move if I want something great to happen") versus
an entitlement mentality. (World owes me because I
have been through so much)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Social Skills: Are you personable and well groomed? Do
you have good communication and relational skills?
Are you reasonably self-confident?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Support Systems and Network: Do you have a goal-
oriented accountability partner? Can you tap into a
reasonably strong professional and personal network?
Do you know people within the industry?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How attainable are your goals?
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Search Strategy: Do you have a clearly defined
position and company target, giving consideration
geography, company size, organizational culture, and
so on?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IComputer Skills: Are you proficient with the technology
needed for the target job? Do you have a computer
and Internet connection time?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Salary: Is your salary goal in line with market realities
and current salary surveys?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Availability: Can you devote 30-40 hours or more
each week to your search if you are unemployed and
10-15 hours if you are employed?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Potential Obstacles: Are you free of any of these
potential obstacles; a long distance search, poor
employment record, disability, appearance, silent,
discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, or age
language barriers, criminal record, health problems,
heavy smoker, emotional problems, anything else.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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What Your Scores Mean
Although there may be some gray areas in scoring, this quick assessment will
give you an idea of whether your goal is attainable:
If your total score is within 80-100: You should be set up for a
relatively straightforward job search. You have a big chance of
getting the job you want faster, because of your dedication, ability to
engage, and a network that will get you the right connections.
If your total score is within 50-80: You could do with more time to
concentrate on the factors that need shoring up. It may be that your
skills are not enough to get you the job you are eyeing, or that you
have to develop more your relationships with other people. Either
way, a bit more effort would be better.
If your total score is below 50: You might need to review your goals
and research more about the profession and industry you are
interested in. Remember that a successful job search involves
dedication and time. You might also want to consider changing your
target to a bridge job if you want to be in a new position quickly.
(Bridge jobs tide you over if you've been laid off and can't find
another job in your profession.)
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Recommended Actions
Write down your goals. It sounds so simple yet it proves to be very
effective. It is so easy to talk about what you want to do, but when it
comes to putting them down on paper, you are compelled to really
think about it. We have provided a form on the next page. Print this
out and write down your thoughts.
Do not over think it. The wording does not need to be perfect at this
point. It is more important that you put what's on your mind to paper.
Seeing your thoughts written down helps you commit more and
makes your goals seem more concrete. Remember to write Specific
goals in present tense, as if it were already true. If you need ideas,
refer back to the examples for each of the SMART elements.
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Could be better
Skill Set
Industry Experience & Education
Social Skills
My SMART Goals
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Support Systems and Network
Search Strategy
Computer Skills
Target Salary
Potential Obstacles
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Motivation and Fears
When is my deadline (date) of sketching out my SMART goals? Whom will I be
What motivates me? How will I build this motivation in my daily routine?
Which SMART goal can I take today to boost my job search momentum?
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What fears and apprehensions are preventing me from doing well?
What aspects of job search do I feel threatened by? Out of the 10 factors that
affect attainability, which am I concerned with the most?
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Once you have truly defined your profession in terms of what you want to do
and where you want to do it, you need to educate yourself on the latest
developments in your profession and your professional environment. Again,
research will play a big role here. We cannot put enough emphasis on this. It is
not sufficient to familiarize yourself with current trends - you need to get details,
look into into histories, and brush up on companies' vision-mission objectives. In
as much as you devote time to examine your own values and skills, the same
determination is needed in understanding the industry of your choice.
If you are really interested to be part of an organization, a desire to know about
their track record is very important. You will want to know what makes them a
good employer - and what other qualities they have that makes them a
potentially bad one, too. The Internet is a valuable tool, both for investigating
information and networking with experts in your field. Make sure that you are
maximizing your resources.
diversity. The
idea of trying
everything is
President and CEO of Mattel,
Putting Things in Perspective
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Knowing Your Professional Environment
Here are some more concrete ways on how you can understand your
professional environment better:
Study the classifieds in newspapers and online job postings. Note
all the companies and industries that need your professional services.
Can you meet all of their requirements? Note that the prerequisites do
not only pertain to skills and experience, but also age, gender,
location, etc. For example, you may find that a lot of open positions
related to finance are located in the city, which is a bit far from your
home. Further research can reveal that this is because the financial
capital is there. This and other kind of information might be a factor in
your job search.
Aside from relevant websites, read industry newsletters and
professional journals. Take notes. Share these with your support
team and ask related questions. If you have difficulty getting answers,
approach experts via forums or their blogs.
When you are further along in your preparation and are gathering
marketplace information, develop and constantly meet with your
sources. These are the people with whom you can discuss your
findings about your professional environment.
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Get Yourself Organized
An efficient job search will be more possible if you are organized from
the get-go. Build electronic or hard copy files of articles on your
profession and industries that attract you, and continue to compile
this information throughout your search.
Start to bookmark all the relevant web sites so that you can refer to
them easily. Get a new journal solely for your job search so you won't
have to lose notes written on random pieces of paper. Keep an
address book of all your contacts.
Put all your files in a dedicated box or container and place it on your
desk where it is within easy reach. Constantly review all the
information that you have. This will train you to be the best-informed
and most up-to-date candidate, which makes for a great first
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There is great joy in accomplishing a lot from a to-do list, and this guide is,
admittedly, quite a big one. As you slowly discover, there's a lot that goes
behind getting the job of your dreams: hard work, determination, self-belief,
and most importantly, preparation.
In this stage of your job search, doing your homework is fundamental.
We have talked a lot about being a professional, and owning it. This is crucial
because we need you to believe in yourself first, before you can move onto
other stages of the job search process. The tools that we provide you with are
only extra helping hands - the most important thing you can rely on is yourself
and putting the plans into action.
Always keep this in mind: true professionals stand out from the crowd. Their
enthusiasm and commitment enable them to develop rewarding careers in the
future. They see opportunities and work hard, and they expect nothing less but
Keep an open
attitude and be
willing to try
new things.
Former President and CEO of
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
In Summary
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Ngee Key C a r e e r C o a c h & S t r a t e g i s t
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