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A- Form: Lets consider the verb finish:

Affirmative (+) Negative () Interrogative ()

F!"" form #hort form
I have finished
I have not finished I havent finished I ...?
$o! $o! (o! ..?
%e %e Has he finished?
#he has not finished #he she ...?
It It it ..?
&e &e )e ....?
$o! $o! (o! ..?
'he( 'he( the( .?
*resent *erfect (sim+"e) = Have in the present + a verb in the past participle form)
Finish is a reg!"ar verb, thats why it takes ed in the past participle, -!t for irreg!"ar verbs, they change
they have a special form. !hats why we m"st memorise them and learn them by heart.
For"e #e been $ have had $ go gone $ do done $ lose lost $ find fo"nd
%teal stolen &' (' )' $ say said $ meet met $ send sent $ b"y bo"ght $ see seen ....
-- %ome !ses of the present perfect *simple+ tense are &hen can we "se this tense? ,-./0 012 345678 9: ;<<=4> ?6-
/- @f the action is recent. @t happened A"st recent"( *= "ate"(+ 0BC>CD E0.> F GCH+ 0B(IJ K' -L G' C' H' 35M ;<>C/ 9;N 0O0+"es: P Q"r Roroccan football team has "ost the gameS T0U;V4/0 WCX/0 T(=/ Y<Z[/0 ;<V\6<- (7I CX/
P !he king has visited a n"mber of ]frican co"ntries "ate"( ^_X>(MF0 E`C/0 ,- ^a[4b- cd4/0 U0e CX/ 123456
P Ry sister has got married Y6I: fg D' `.h CX/ *= %he is now a wifeS+ P get married = i`.6>
P @ve got happy news for yo" yo" have s!cceededS f' jb8 CX/ c/ k(l- (VI mC/ P s"cceed = nb<> o fail
P @m very sorry to tell yo" that yo"r son has died. p;- Cq c<'r0 9sr t(VI: 9: 0BCD Y<l)K> P die = ?MJ[' 6'>L up[4>
P Qh, noS !he light has gone o"t. @ will go and b"y some candles v[w/0 xyX80 Cq. P a candle = ^54z
7- {hen time is not mentioned 8 not s+ecified *maybe beca"se its not important to mention, or !nknown+
?lN' ` |B 5M G' CH' Cg q' G' Cj/0 9: [2 }~4/0 3r |B : ;4~- _/ 8 `: GCH ?6- mUC8 F ;<8 ;- 0 35l/0 [q` , -e (L NO }6> F ;-C<a
*@f we dont know or when eactly an action happened, what we know is it happened or if we dont want to say
when the action happened beca"se time is not important, what is important for "s is that the action really
P @ have been to many cities in Rorocco from orth to so"th. T(_N ^_r(- 9C- ?/0 fL V2O u pL Ug eL CX/
P !hey have b!i"t the highest skyscraper in the world in "bai. @ts called #"rA halifa. }/;5/0 YM ;j) ^jZ;8 ?da: 0[<r CX/
P A: How do yo" know? c/O f' M(a _N -: @ve heard this in the news U;VI0 YM c/O fL 54) CX/
P A: @t is said that they have discovered a c"re to ]@% in gypt. @s it tr"e? -: %orry, @ really dont knowS
^B X_XH mU: F ) ..................... n_j 012 3~M (- YM 0C_7d/ ;BD|a 0[l6N0 Cq }~8sr E;X>L
9- {hen an action happened and its effects still eist in o"r present time.(;j/0 ?da ;- ( _sh ` p;);=580 G' CH m1/0 35ld/ 9[=h ;-C<a"es: : @ve "ost my key YH;6l- fL 5g ' :' upL Cg X'M' CX/
*= this means that @ cant open the door beca"se @ dont have the ;e( now @ve lost it. @ still dont have it. @ havent
fo"nd it yet -!t if @ lost it yesterday and later on @ fo"nd it, in this case, we m"st "se the past simple, beca"se the
action happened and finished at a specific time in the past @ lost my key yesterday = this means @ have it now+
: @ have visited agora many times. T(_N p 0(- TU[N0e ^' <>C- p Ug eL CX/
*= !his means @ know this city so well. @ will tell yo" many things abo"t it if yo" ask me +
<- {e can "se this tense with adverbs of time s"ch as a"read(= >!st= (et= ever= never= before= for= since= so far= ?
- A: Have yo" finished? -: o, @ havent. .. P @ havent finished (et. * = not yet+
- A: Have yo" finished? -: es, @ have. .. P @ have >!st finished. * A"st = a short time ago+
P @ have a"read( seen this film. *= @ts not new to me+ * in rench Aai d@>A v" ce film +
= @ have seen it before.3L Vq ,g - L 6L>:U CX/ .. P @ have seen it twice ,_h(- 6>:U
P @ have "earnt by heart irreg"lar verbs so far so far = "ntil now90 ?6H
A: Have yo" ever been to ngland? 0(6db80 ?/0 fV2O 9: c/ V) 32 -: o, @ havent. *@ have never been there+
P @ have never seen a snake like this one. 1~N' ?5M: q' U' : }/
B- {hen an action started in the past and still eists in o"r present time *= the action is still going on 0B(467- 35l/0 E0.> F+
$ @ have lived in bir did since @ was born u since u ^<) 1<- pL Cg /`L 9: 1<- C>Cb/0 (_V/0 YM ,=): ;8:
@t means that @ still live there Y8: ?<54r t;<2 _a: E0e: F
$ @ have lived in bir did for twenty fo"r years now 90 ^B <) ,>(a ` xrU: 1<- C>Cb/0 (_V/0 YM ,=):
"ntil now 90 ?6H "ntil the moment ^jd/0 ?6H for *= d"ration TC4/0 + since *= starting point vCV/0 ^yX8+
C- {hen time hasnt finished
$ @ have revised two s"bAects today. *= 'oda( hasnt finished yet+
$ @ve dr"nk c"ps of coffee this morning *= 'his morning is still going onS the afternoon hasnt come yet+
D!estions and ans)ers: ^d): ^r[D: `
/) $esE No F!estions: #hort ans)ers 7) &h- F!estions: Ans)ers

%ave (o! fo!nd yo"r key? *++ es, @ have. &hat have yo" said? @ve said nothing
P L hCD` CX/ 3g D' :' fdq 0O;- ;B_z 3q: }/
c' H' ;6l- p' CD` 3g 2 *+ o, @ havent. &ho has told yo" this? Ry dad has
0B1~r t' (VI: ,- Y8(VI: Yr:
0.ercise nG/:
ook at the table and write "estions and answers abo"t the things ]hmed has done and things he hasnt done yet
/) A: %as R"stapha surfed the @nternet? -: $es, he has.
7) ..
9) ......
<) ......
B) ..
C) ..
0.ercise nG7: *!t the verbs in brac;ets in the present perfect *simple+tense:
/- Ry father *A"stu arrive+ ..
7- A: {heres dad? -: He *go+ .. to the Ros"e.
9- A: *yo"u finish+ . cooking, mom? -: o, not (et. #"t @m abo"t to.
<- A: *yo"u see+ .... my cap? -: o, @ ..
B- A: *yo"u everu cheat+ .. in the eam -:
C- A: *yo"u everu eat+ snails? . -: es, @ *eat+ .. snails many times.
H: or me, @ *neveru eat+ .... snails.
I- A: *yo"u everu as;+ .... yo"rself this "estion? -: o, neverS
J- @ *ans)er+ ... all the "estions in a very short time. {hat an easy eamS
K- A: {owS @ts an awesome smartphoneS an @ have a look? -: es, of co"rseS Here yo" areS
A: *yo"r fatheru b!(+ ... it for yo"? -: es, .
/L- ] lorry driver (have) .... a terrible accident on the high way.
ort"nately, he *notu die+ .. *= Hes still alive ;B_H E0.> F +
//- ]lmighty -od *create+ .. "s to worship Him a"one.CH` CV5</ ?/;5h ` 8;jV) 0 ;<X' d'I CX/
/, s"rf the internet

7, read a newspaper

9, visit "ncle arim

<, eat co"sco"s

B, do shopping

C, play football with friends

/7- A: ongrat"lationsS o" *)in+ .. the first prie in reciting the Holy "ran -: !hank -odS
c/ ;B_<2 C4j/0 }>(=/0 9(X/0 T`|h YM ?/`0 T.;b/;r p.M CXdM
/9- A: !he police *ca+t!re+ .. the criminal. He is now in prisonS
-: {hen did they capt"re him? A: !hey capt"r ed him last night.
/<- A: ome and have l"nch with "s, ]iS -: !hanks, b"t @ *alreadyu have+ my l"nch.
/B- ]lresalah is the best movie @ve ever seenS Yh;_H YM 6>:U }d_M ,7H: [2 ^/;)(/0
!he Holy "ran is the best book @ *everu read+ .... !his is the .. @ve ever
Lets remember this:
Mo"den r!"e
/0 ;Br[D`L 345678 ;<8M Y;4/0 YM a[q` ,-e Cj8 ` 35l/0 xq` ?6- ,a Es78 ;-C<a
ast simple
P Have yo" ever .? es, @ haveu o, @ havent.
P Rohammad *#H+ is the greatest man history *everu ;no)+
P !his is the nicestu smartest st"dent @ve ever ta"ght
o"re one of the best st"dents
Hes the kindest g"y @ve ever metS
!his is the f"nniest Aoke @ve ever heardS
!hanks, b"t @ *alreadyu have+ my l"nch. @m f"ll nowS
. is a famo!s Hanadian +oet, %e has )ritten man( +oems for Is"am,
. is a famo!s Lebanese singer, %e has s!ng man( songs for Is"am,
@m still thinking where @ can find it
@m still looking for itS
@ cant open the door beca"se @ dont have the ;e( now @ve lost it. @ still dont have it. @ havent fo"nd it yet
$ @ve dr"nk c"ps of coffee this morning *= its sti"" morningS !he afternoon hasnt come yet+
P *yo"u see+ my cap? es, its A"st "nder yo"r feet
!he lorry driver
P @m very happyS @ *ans)er+ ... all the "estions in a very short time. {hat an easy eamS
P A: ongrat"lationsS o" *)in+ .. the first prie in reciting the Holy "ran
}>(=/0 9(X/0 T`|h YM ?/[/0 T.;b/;r p.M CXdM c/ ;B_<2
-: Qh, reallyS raise be to ]lmighty -odS @m so happy this is my best dayS
P ont sorry, sirS the police *capt"re+ the criminal. He is now in prisonS
- 'e"" me= ho) m!ch is it I rea""( dont ;no)
@m so happy this is my best dayS
@ cant tell yo" how happy @ am todayS
@ve got some bad news for yo" yo"r son has had an accident.c/ vY) (_I mC/
P @ve got good news for yo" yo" have won the first prie.c/ vY) (_I mC/
@t is said that they have fo"nd a c"re to ]@% in gypt. @s this correct? 0`CD` Cq }~8sr E;X>L
@ have been to many cities in Rorocco from orth to so"th. T(_N ^_r(- 9C- ?/0 fL V2O u pL Ug eL CX/
@ cant watch my favo"rite ! show v[w/0 xyX80 CX/ 3wl4/0 Yb-;8(r C2;z: 9: 9O0 Y<<=4> F .
Note: Finish is a reg!"ar verb= thats )h( it ta;e Ned in the +ast +artici+"e, !he past participle for irreg"lar
verbs is NO' verb+ ed. @n fact, they change. !hey have a special form. !hats why we m"st memorise them and
learn them by heart.
!ime for candles v[w/0 xyX80 Cq [4/0 fL q` 9;H .
P Qh, noS !he light has gone o"t. #ack to candles v[w/0 xyX80 Cq [4/0 .
- &heres mom #he (go) to the mar;et,
Pnti" no)= I have not (et fo!nd it
what is important for "s is that the action really happened.
@m s"re yo" have said this b"t @ dont remember when he said this to meS when did he said it @ cant tell yo" now
c) Qh, noS !he light has gone o"t *= !his means were in the dark now and we cant
{e "s"ally "se the past simple tense for an action that happened and finished at a partic"lar time in the past
Y;4/0 ,' - ,_5- fq` YM ?~680 ` G' C' H' ux' q` Cq ;- |B 5M `: ;BCH 9: ?da ^/FCd/ ,-./0 012 345678
#ome time e.+ressions !sed )ith this tense are: esterday ^HU;V/0, ast night, ^HU;V/0 ^' d_/,
ast Ronday Y;4/0 ,_<F0, ast week Y;4/0 [V)0 , ast time ^Xr;7/0 T(4/0 YM , in , three years ago,
{hen @ was a kid ;B_V' fL <N ;-C<a, {hen @ was , T(z;5/0 , ) YM f<N ;-C<a ast s"mmer Y;4/0 _/0 YM .. etc.
H- #ome"es: 0 5r ^d-
/- {hen @ was yo"r age, @ was too shy. 0CD FB [bI fL <N c<) 3 - YM fL <N ;4J /' $ He saved me Y81' X' 8g :' P He helped me Y<8';a:
7- esterday, @ had an eam at maths. @t was very easy for me. Y/ ^V7</;r 0CD |B ~) 9' ;N p;_;>(/0 YM 9;j6-0 mC<a 9;N
9- @ didnt have any "estions beca"se everything was clear. ;Bj0` 9;N vYz 3J N 9 ^d): ^>: mJ C' /' ,=> }/
<- A: esterday, @ didnQt find yo" at home. {here were yo"? f' <N ,' >sM E.<4/0 YM t' Cg D: }/ ^HU;V/0
-: es, @ wasnt at home. @ was in ]lPadida to see my "ncle who was sick. ...... TC>Cb/0 YM fL <N E.<4/0 YM ,N: }/ 3D:
B- A: id yo" have any eams last week? A: {ere yo" absent yesterday? -: es, @ was
-: es, @ had two one at maths and another at nglish A: {hy were yo" absent? -: #eca"se @ was sick.
C- esterday was a special day @ was very happy beca"se it was the day of id ]lPitr.;BH( M' fL <N .0B._'4' -L ;B-[> 9;N ^HU;V/0
I- 'eacher: %arah, @ know that yo" were top of yo"r class "ast (earS %o, do yo"r best in this year, tooS Qk?
#arah: es, teacher. @ promiseS t' CL a :' ... Y4 d5' -L 3g D' : $ {hy did yo" lie to me? YJ d'a f' rg 1' N 0O;4/
J- A"i: Rom was so worried abo"t yo"S ever forget to tell her where yo" go, right? c8sr 0CD ^B X'dq' f8;N Y-: .....
Rama": #"t didnt yo" tell mom that @ was A"st at the cybercaf?f8(68F0 ?~X- YM fL <N Y<8sr YhC/0` (g V\g hL }g /':' ,g = /'
A"i: o, @ didnt. @ A"st forgot. @m sorry for that. CX/ .35M: }/ F ST UVW c/O ?da ) .
K- #amia: {hen and where were yo" born, awtar?([N ;> p Cg /` ,>: ` ?6-
Ra)tar: @ was born in in bir did. W' ;a pL C/`L C>Cb/0 (_V/0 YM
#ome s+e""ing r!"es for the N-ed: ^_|-0 Ca0[q
$ or verbs which end in e, add d *Q! ed+ prepare prepared $ die died p' ;-
$ or verbs which end in ( preceded by a consonant, change ( into i then add ed tr y tried E' `' ;H
b!t y + a vowel no problemS A"st add ed stay stayed
$ or onePsyllable verbs, if the last three letters are consonant + vo)e" + consonant do"ble the last letter, then
add ed nit knitted $ scan scanned $ skip skipped $ ban banned x' <'-' chatted
*@f the word is two syllables, and the stress is on the last syllable, we also do"ble the last letter refer preferred
$ or verbs ending in", do"ble the ", then add ed !rave" travel"ed (' M' ;)'
$ @rreg"lar verbs are special cases *eceptions to the r"le+ lH ;<_da ,_56> 01/ L ;~6>;~8 YM ;~ ed 1L Ish F Y~M ^;I pF;H (V'6'5h E;5M0 5r
!hey dont follow the ed r"leS %o, we m"st memorise them and learn them by heart
or eample #e wasu were $ Have had $ go went $ do did $ say said E;q .
$ find fo"nd C' D' `' $ eat ate 3' N:' $ read read :'(' q' $ get got ?da 3' H uE' ;8 $ lose lost ' ;: C' X' M' (' 7 I'
D!estions and ans)ers: ^d): ^r[D: `
/) $esENo F!estions: #hort ans)ers 7) &h- F!estions: Ans)ers

Xid yo" sleep early last night? *++ es, @ did. &hen did yo" phone me? @ phoned yo"
^HU;V/0 0(=V- fL 4g 8 P 3g D' :' P yesterday evening at abo"t seven.
^HU;V/0 ^' d_/ 0B(= V- f' 4g 8 3g 2 *+ o, @ didnt. Yr f' d' hJ0 ?6-
He told me Y8(' VI: He asked me
He said to me Y</'s')' Y/ E' ;q

0.ercise nG/: ook at the table and write "estions and answers abo"t R"staphas weekend
/) ample : A: Xid R"stapha surf the @nternet? -: $es, he did.
7) ..
9) ......
<) ......
B) ..
C) ..
0.ercise nG7: *!t the verbs in brac;ets in the past simple tense:
/) @t *be+ s"nny yesterday. *s"nny 4 g -L rainy (y4- clo"dy }; $ foggy Vw- snowy windy stormy+
7) @ *)ant+ to travel yesterday b"t my son *be+ still ill.
9) @t *rain+ heavily in Rorocco last week.
<) @ "s"ally have some bread and a c"p of milk for breakfast, b"t yesterday, @ *have+ a few dates
beca"se @ *be+ a little bit late for school. p 0(' 4g h' x' wg r
B) A: *yo" fast+ on last ]cho"ra day? v0U[z;a W[> YM f4g L 32 ;4/0 Y
-: es, @ *do+ @ *fast+ two days the day of ]cho"ra and the day beforeS
C) @m terribly sorry, my dearS @ *notu mean+ to h"rt yo"S orgive me, pleaseS
I) HaAAi *+"a(+ the penalty kick and *miss+ the goal. %o, the team *"ose+ the game.
0.ercise nG9: ind the "estions for these answers
+ A: ? -: @ was absent yesterday beca!se @ was sick .
) A: {hen and where.? -: @ )as born in 'aYa= in /KK<. YM pL Cg /`L upL g ' eg 0
+ A: ..? -: !he eam )as very easyS 0CD |B ~) 9;j6-F0 9;N
+ A: {hat time ? -: @ arrived at nine oc"oc;.
+ A: {hat ..? -: He said than; (o!S E' ;q
+ A: .? -: No= @ did nt *@ didnt phone yo" last night+.
+ A: ..? -: !he %econd {orld {ar finished in /K<B.
+ A: ..? -: Rorocco got its independence in /KBC,
0.ercise nG<: ow, find the answers to these "estions
+ A: {as the last eam at rench easy or diffic"lt for yo"? -: ..
+ A: id it rain yesterday in bir did? ^HU;V/0 U;y-0 fdy' 2' 3g 2 -: .
+ A: {hat places did yo" travel to last s"mmer holiday? -: ..
+ A: {hen was the -reen Rarch? -: ..
0.ercise nGB: %o) to prono"nce the ed *for reg!"ar verbs+ !here are 9 different so"nds: utu, udu and uidu
"t these verbs in the correct col"mn
Riss play want st"dy need wash fi travel cheat talk la"gh stop finish comb try fast
watch die answer arrive visit work climb prepare like "se thank cook cry smile love
kiss last agree A"mp call lie
EtE pg EdEg EidEg 0
upu , uku , ufu , uu, Psh, Pch, Ps, mg utu , udu
missed played wanted
Z!sta+has )ee;end:
/, s"rf the internet

7, read a newspaper

9, visit "ncle #rahim

<, eat co"sco"s

B, go shopping

C, play football

{hat happen ed in /KIB?
^' <) x' q' `' uG' C' H' u 3' ' H' 0O;- /KIB
ill = sic; >(-
N,-, /- &ho told yo" this story?^X/0 1~r t(' V'I: ,g -' we ask abo"t the s!b>ect . : A"i told me Y8(' V'Ig : [\ ]^_`
7- &hat did he tell yo"?t(' V'Ig : 0O' ;4r we ask abo"t the ob>ect : He told me a secret. r Y8(' V'Ig : 3a V^
] invented the @nternet in
%o"th ]frica organised the world c"p
Rorocco won the ]frican c"p .
Rorocco )i"" organise the world c"p
@ think it will rain tomorrow.
@ will b"y yo" a bike if yo" s"cceed this yearS o"r father saysS
@m really sorry for what happen ed yesterdayS
A: {hen was the -reen Rarch? *in what year?+
{hat did he do?
{ho gave a gift to ]mine?
{hom did he give the gift to? !o whom?
{hy did he give for what p"rpose? {hats the wisdomu reason for which he
{ho said this news?
{hat did he say?
{hy did he say it?
{hen did he say it?
{here did he say it?
How did he say it?
A"i gladly gave a gift to his best friend ]mine in the caf yesterday evening to congrat"late him for his #] s"ccess
%adly said this bad news
Note ^H|-
{hat happened ? G' C' H' 0O;-
{hat happened? {hat happened in ? in ? in ? !here was a national event
{hat do the following dates remind yo" of?
{hat did yo" say?
id yo" say anything?
{hy did yo" let it happen?
{hy did yo" la"gh?
id yo" la"gh at me?
id yo" close the door?
@ didnt come to school yesterday beca"se @ was sick
{here were yo"?
{here did yo" go?
id yo"
!alk speak say tell go walk r"n
{ait try
@ was trying to repair the satellite dish
b` cd e` fT gh bceijk ljm n1^ o1pqi1 lT 1rm s
isit my two facebook pages for yo"
$ www.facebook.comusitesbac
$ www.facebook.comuenglishbac
{hen did yo" sleep last night ? @ slept
id yo" fast ]cho"ra
id yo" close the door
{hat did yo" have for l"nch last riday? id yo" have co"sco"s?
{e had co"sco"sS
P {rite three actions that yo" did yesterday and three others yo" didnt
or eample esterday, @ )o;e !+ at seven oclock @ didnt call my friend ]li

] {hen did Roroccan team win the ]frican c"p
# !hey won the c"p in @t was the only time
A: {ere yo" absent yesterday beca"se yo" were sick? -: es, @ was.
Xid the Roroccan team win any ]frican c"p
Xid yo" watch yesterdays derby?
{here was he born? in Rakkah

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