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[Arepev] Igor - the precept of the future - the bible of the future

First page of the precept
Future -
Bibles of future 11
Chapter One
Text 1 19
Text 2 2
Text ! 22
Text " 2!
Text # 2#
Text $ 2$
Text % 2&
Text of & !1
Text 9 !2
Prophec' !#
Prophec' !#
Re(elation !#
Re(elation !&
Re(elation "
Re(elation "!
Chapter T)o
Text 1 "#
Re(elation "$
Text 2 "&
Re(elation "9
Text of ! #1
Text " #2
Re(elation #!
Re(elation #$
Text # #&
Chapter Three
Re(elation $1
Re(elation $#
Re(elation $$
Re(elation $&
Chapter Four
Text 1 of %1
Re(elation %#
Re(elation %&
Re(elation &
Text of 2 &1
Text ! &!
Text " &"
Text # &#
Text $ &$
Chapter Fi(e
Re(elation 9
Re(elation 92
Re(elation 9%
Text 1 9&
Re(elation 1
Re(elation 12
Text 2* 1"
Text ! 1%
Text " 1&
Text # 11
Text of $ 111
Re(elation 112
Text % 11"
Text & 11#
Chapter One
Text 1 119
Text 2 122
Text ! 12!
Text " 12"
Text # 12$
Text $ 129
Text of % 1!1
Chapter T)o
Text 1 1!"
Re(elation 1!#
Text 2 1!%
Re(elation 1!&
Text of ! 1"1
Re(elation 1"!
Re(elation 1"#
Re(elation 1"&
Re(elation 1#
Chapter Three
Text 1 1#!
Text 2 1#"
Text ! 1#$
Text " 1#&
Text # 1$
Text $ 1$2
Text % 1$"
Text & 1$#
Text 9 1$$
Text 1 1$&
Chapter Four
Text 1 1%
Text of 2 1%1
Text ! 1%2
Text " 1%"
Text # 1%#
Text $ 1%%
Re(elation 1%&
Text % 1&
Re(elation 1&
Text & 1&2
Chapter Fi(e
Text 1 1&!
Text 2 1&#
Text ! 1&#
+piritual agree,ent 1&&
+piritual agree,ent 1&9
Text " 19
Text of # 191
Re(elation 19!
Text $ 19#
Chapter One
Text 1 199
Re(elation 21
Text 2 2!
Text ! 2$
Text " 2%
Text # 212
Text $ 21"
Text % 21#
Text & 21%
Re(elation 21&
Chapter T)o
Text 1 22
Text 2 22"
Text ! 22&
Text " 2!2
Text # 2!2
Text $ 2!$
Text % 2!&
Re(elation 2"2
Re(elation 2""
Re(elation 2"$
Re(elation 2"%
Re(elation 2"&
Text & 2"9
Chapter Three
Text 1 2#!
Text 2 2##
Text ! 2#&
Text " 2$
Re(elation 2$2
Text # 2$!
Text $ 2$&
Text of % 2%1
Text & 2%#
Re(elation 2%&
Text of 9 2&1
Chapter Four
Text 1 2&!
Text 2 2&"
Re(elation 2&#
Text ! 2&%
Re(elation 2&9
Text " 29
Text of # 291
Text $ 29"
Text % 29#
Re(elation 29%
Text & 299
Chapter Fi(e
Text 1- !2
Text 2 !!
Text ! !#
Text " !$
Text # !&
Text of $ !11
Text % !12
Text & !1"
Text 9 !1#
Text 1 !1$
Text 11 !1%
.atter of the /stranitsaper(o'0 boo1
/2a(eta3r'a4ushchego0 - /BibliiBu4ushchego0 of
1. two of three were with the father celestial. And on the hand of father the sphere, which
earlier was gold, is stale, and now before this sphere appeared seas, oceans, continents, excellent
lakes, mountains and scaffolding. And we saw, as all this will live, be developed and go forward.
And there was that is shown, by the page from the book, which earlier was stale to [nastole] of
creator and which [niktone] was before taken beside the hands. And suddenly this book of
[okazalasv] hands of one of us.
. father, who stood opposite us, he said! earlier this book was written by hieroglyphs and it
was in the center of continent, in the center of states, in the center of state, in the center of
mountains pour on, " it wound was clay, and earlier it was burnt. And earlier it was in one person.
And had this person it withered from me. And it subordinated down element, and sea, and winds,
and saved people its on the will of my. And the book above so much time completed and
accomplishes passage - both terrestrial and celestial, both celestial and terrestrial. And this book
was twice on the #arth. And it was used once. And you obtained, children my, it third time. And she
has another designation, and she will be the second time used. And you will ask the son of my,
whom third with you, that, for the sake of whom you were always together, and will remove sign it
its based on the sheet. And this sign in the form of eight with the inclination will be, and it will be
infinity sign, and it will personify consciousness, and will be understood by you the fact that " said
earlier. And you will see the formation celestial, down which infinity of realization will be
extended. And the first sheet of the book of my will be opened.
$. %o [prochtete] you, to [poymete] you will indicate dates and events, and people, and
peoples, and planet, and galaxy and much other, hitherto unknown. And " give to you force,
possibility and the solution as far as will my about the changes on each sheet of the book of my &
according to the man, on the events, before the countries, on the states, as far as seas and nature,
on birds and animals, on the stars and the planets, on the galaxies and on much to other, to
hitherto unknown. And " attach that, about which " spoke, and " attach down the fact, who will
write my book. And " transfer for the difference from others it withered my, " allot by the force of
my " attach authority my before his person.
" subse'uently will add you beyond the way true and will say about all which will occur both
on the #arth and around the sky and before other, which it is hitherto unknown no one, besides the
children of my, and it will be unknown during that time, when " arrive to the earth human, where
you three will see with own eyes me and you will talk for the sake of me as others, as you and spoke
during this time. And then " will see, that made you, that they created, that each of the people
made, that each of the people created, that he thought and that he wanted to see before the reign
terrestrial as before the reign celestial.
"5 I as soon as sai4 these )or4s- no one can influence the reason 'our- per capita 'our-
4o)n the spirit 'our5 - onl' 'ou the,sel(es- onl' I so that 'ou )oul4 fin4 the free4o, co,plete
before the actions- before the thoughts- before the creation an4 the creation- the ,ateriali6ation an4
the re(i(al as before the truth5 7o one ,ore )ill be gi(en to 'ou in4ications- as i5 I )ill )orr' about
'ou it in the ,anner that )orrie4 hitherto5 After obtaining of agree,ent fro, 'ou 8)e sai4 to father
that- certainl'- the' )ere agreeable9- I attach 4o)n 'ou gift ,'5 :es it )ill be thus; - sai4 father5
#5 sphere- an4 precisel' the sphere of the soul- through )ho, an4 near )ho, )ere sai4 the
)or4s this- )as re4uce4 - in the form infinity, in the form waters of terrestrial, in the form skies, in
the form the clouds of intermediate, in the form consciousnesses and realizations, in the form the
spirit of that be omnipresenting & and passed before it withered the father of celestial. And we
accepted it withered from it with its blessings.
And it was thus( And was reduced distance before the reign celestial between the souls of
father and children. And they approached, and they were together all the time, as each line of this
was written
%ext as further.
). so it was seen in reality by one of the children before the presence of others. *o it was read
by one of the children before the presence of others. *o it was made the third of the children before
the presence of others. #ach of them could create [sozdaet] that which was given three. #ach of
them was [nadelen] knowledge and each of three knew accurately, in whom it is located it withered
and is how its destination. %hey knew about this three, as father said celestial, and more this know
no one could during that time, as it was written. And the reason of each person, each, who reads,
will be opened & for the father of celestial and for each other person so that he would not be
tempted and was not accepted the incorrect solution both as far as himself and as far as other
people. And at the point of this solution it will be responsible. And this solution must be creative.
+.["] went father, and children above it. And they saw that in one of them was the book before
the hands, another of them held sphere before the hands, and the third of them governed infinity.
And selected children of three one and [porchili] at the point of it to describe all. *o it was made,
that also was [imizasvidetelstvovano]. #verything is recorded exactly and with that intonation, as
said father celestial children his.
%he first page is so given
,recept of the future & bibles of future.
If )e loo1 besi4e the consciousness- then )e see onl' one )or4 - life. An4 this )or4 there is -
spirit- soul- consciousness an4 father- )ho create4 spirit- soul an4 consciousness5
Father place4 life in realit' - besi4e the consciousness- after transferring it through the spirit
fro, the soul- an4 it thus beca,e the reason for life- an4 it beca,e in4estructible- it beca,e
Father sai4< gi(e life to other - an4 'ou the,sel(es to its /obretete05
Te%t &
15 I said father celestial children his: you will appear that the fact that it is not appeared, infinite before
the infinite, desired before that desired, [sozidaemoe] before [sozidaemom].
25 I made thus.
!5 I said father to the children: add white.
"5 I a44e45 An4 appeare4 its soul- energ' an4 consciousness- an4 its organs5 An4 its thoughts
)ere (isible5
#5 I sai4 father to the chil4ren< chil4ren ,' - 'ou ,a4e un4e(elope4 before that appeare45
A44 bright plan- particle ,e besi4e the ,an5
$5 I a44e45 An4 the bright plan in the for, of infor,ation besi4e the soul of ,an )ent5 An4
soul began to breathe- an4 entere4 life besi4e the ,an- an4 ,an )as appeare4- an4 he )as create4
for the sa1e of those- )ho, calle4 father celestial5
%5 I allotted father celestial the force of the great of those, who created man from the undeveloped
before that appeared. And three began to help people and to save people. And people spoke, and they will
speak, and they now indicate that they create the miracles of the father of celestial by his hand. oth they
[vozradovalis] and they praised the name of the father of celestial.
&5 I of [vozradovalsya] father our is celestial, seeing happiness human.
95 so was given by father celestial the page from the bible of future, which was written before present
about that )hich e(er'thing is unite45
15 I learne4 three besi4e one an4 one besi4e three- that unite4 an4 set the' )ere in4i(isible5
115 An4 father shut the boo1 for the sa1e of presses- an4 it )as )ritten on it< PR=C=PT OF
T>= F?T?R= - BIB.= OF F?T?R=- bible for the peace this an4 for that- )ho /6hi(et0 in the
125 An4 notifie4 the father of the /chere6s'no(e'0 of his truth to people5 An4 )ere accessible
truth- /i(i4na0 4o)n the,- an4 /(o6ra4o(alis0 people about the fa(or gentle,en5
1!5 +o the father Of /nebesn''opo(estil0 about ne) /sob'ti'a1hro40 are hu,an5 An4
/6a1r'lOn0 the boo1 on the first sheet5 /Ib'l0 it is contente45 An4 all shu44ere45 An4 he sai4<
/bu4etta10- as I co,,unicate4 one /i6troi1h0 an4 to three before one5
1"5 I )as 1no)n 4o)n three /o(ole0 of father5 An4 the' selecte4 /4(oetretego0- )hich an4 to
/6apisaleti0 )or45 An4 as /po6helalOtets0- it trans,itte4 all exactl'- also- )ith that intonation-
/1a1s1a6al0 father5 A,en;
Te%t '
15 I opene4 father celestial the boo1 the secon4 ti,e5 An4 )as hear4 thun4er celestial- an4
shu44ere4 s1' terrestrial5 An4 the' listene4 to its three sons5
25 I opened father the second sheet of book his with the presses. And fire opposite the father arose.
ut father made a sign hand ! and fire left. And the horses of the different colors arose. ut father made a
sign hand ! and horses left. And arose force enormous, force terrestrial. ut father made a sign hand ! and
force left.
!5 I said father children his:
RAI+= A7@ :O? AI.. B= I7FI7IT=- >=.P A7@ :O? AI.. B= B.=++=@-
/+O2I@A:T=0 A7@ ACB7OA.=@3=@ :O? AI.. B= BOT> C= A7@ B: P=OP.= O7
T>= =ART>5
"5 after these )or4s father o(erturne4 sheet an4 began /chitat4alshe05 An4 fire before the
)or4s of )riting arose5 Father pacifie4 /egoi0 it sai4 to the chil4ren< )hat is Cir- b' /(1otoro,0
'ou /6hi(ete0D
An4 sho)e4 Cir- stu4ie4 b' us an4 un4erstoo4 b' us5
- A that is lifeD
An4 it sho)e4 that there is life- an4 it sho)e4 soul hu,an5 An4 breathe4 in besi4e it life5 An4
chil4ren sa)- an4 the' learne4 so that the father sho)e45
#5 I sai4 father b' the terrible (oice< an4 that is an ene,' hu,anD - I )as replace4 its
(oice after these )or4s5 An4 sa) chil4ren its fence high )ith the gates5 An4 silence an4 4eath stoo4
in the gates5
$5 I glance4 chil4ren at the point of the fence- an4 the' sa) there precipice5 An4 4eath
shu44ere4- an4 it )aite4 the ans)er of the father of celestial5 But )ithout ha(ing )aite4 for ans)er-
it )as 4eco,pose4- since soul hu,an stro(e for father celestial5
%5 ! "he one who it does not have soul, its voice began to thunder, as thunder ! that went away from
me and kind of human#
&5 I was heard thunder, and heralds arose near the father on the right hand and from behind it, and
they said: so to that and to be#
Thus co,,an4e4 father celestial- ruler both the creator of entire li(ing an4
/(spo,oga'ushchi'0 to li(ing5
95 I sai4 father sons his< 'ou )ill co,bine houses 'our- /so6i4a'te0 three together5 An4 'ou
)ill be unite45 After being co,bine4- /nesite(eli1oe0- that I ga(e to 'ou also at the point of
/che,ta10 for long hunte4 those opposing to light an4 to the 1no)le4ge of force5
:u5 I father change4 intonation- an4 he sai4- after ,a1ing the pause< )or4 is ,' gotten to
1no) - an4 'ou- chil4ren ,'- the' got to 1no) )or4 ,' - it 1no)s- I spo1e about than5 But not
gotten to 1no) )ill search for )or4 ,'- in or4er to rescue an4 to be /spasenn',05
115 An4 sons sol(e4- that so,eone of the, three ,ust )rite 4o)n these )or4s- an4 the'
selecte4 one in or4er to )rite 4o)n that the fact that sai4 the father- an4 to trans,it his intonation5
125 An4 after this father allotte4 their force of his an4 truth- )hich the' ha(e5 An4 father
shut the boo15 An4 this boo1 )as 4irecte4 in the future- an4 approache4 this boo1 the present5
1!5 =as' to recogni6e this boo1 on its t'pe5 But its t'pe )as create4 i,,e4iatel' - pages
be'on4 the letters la' 4o)n instantl'- I rea4 the chil4ren of the page of its boo1- an4 the' tol4
people about the )a'- in4icate4 before father celestial5
1"5 I after the words of father the book began to emit on top white light, and from below dark.
And it made in the center of the book of incomprehensible for the reason human, but children understood its
sense and essence of creation.
An4 )as all recor4e4 exactl'- as he sho)e4- an4 it )as other )ith that/tonatsie'0- as sai4
father celestial chil4ren his5
Te%t (
15 I is past time, and opened father celestial the book third time. And before the unearthed book
children saw, that there was not one letter on the sheet in father, not one word and not one saying. And
father smiled, looking against the children, and it gave to each of them task. ut its children compared, that
gave to them the father, and this was united. And [vozradovalis] children to father celestial, and it appeared
25 te$t before the book of father.
!5 I read the father
"5 te$t said to them so that they dispatch on the %arth and they transmitted word to its each.
#5 I made father a stoppage, and he raised eyes its. And children saw its face, and it shone by light
celestial. And it was not above and it is more than this light.
"5 I sai4 father to the,< /(otlist0 ,' - )rite be'on4 the 3er5
An4 the boo1 of that opene4 left5
#5 I )as there recor4ing- an4 sa) that recor4ing this- an4 together /sbrat'a,i0 its retol4 /(se(0
of accurac'5 T)o testifie4 about that- )hich )as recor4e4 exactl'- also- )ith that intonation- )ith
)hich the father spo1e5
$5 I the' ,a4e their ,atter- lea(ing of one5 An4 /(i4elioni0 soul- an4 the' coul4 raise- an4
prolonge4 the 1in4 hu,an- about than the thir4 of the,- )hich the' selecte4- before /tochnostii0
)ith the intonation- )ith )hich the father spo1e- trans,itte4- /6apis'(a'ana0 sheet )hite5
%5 I the' )ere three together on the right han4 fro, the father5 Rea4ing the boo1- father
arrange4 to their next /ssobo'0 on han4 his5 An4 /4alOtets0 to each press its- /ib'la0 their press is
i4entical - one before three an4 three before one5
&5 I the recor4 of the sheets of /1nigiOttsa0 )as ,a4e besi4e /tsentre7achala0 of initial on
)all an4 /na(rata1h0 of the beginning of beginnings )as )ritten< I I+ A.P>A /IOC=3A05
95 I there )as in the center place that- )here the' hear4 the or4er of father /4eti=go0- )here
all IE )as create45 An4 li(ing fro, li(ing- an4 a4Facent 4o)n it- an4 helping to it- an4 )as gi(en
/so6i4a'ushchee0 )ith it5 An4 against the beginning /b'lo+lo(o0- as it is earlier5
15 three left the' fro, there an4 )ithout 4ifficult' again entere4 there5
I5I after lea(ing again- the' )ere )ith the )or4 of father5 An4 ha(e the' the confir,ation in
the for, besi4es inscription of father5 An4 it confir,e4 force b' their force Of /ottso(o'05
125 An4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father to act to such5 An4 it per,itte4 /i,troi,0 to be locate4 in the
)orl4 b' /sl'u4,i05 An4 to acco,plish its ,atter5
An4 chil4ren sa) its counting of 6ero5 An4 the' /(o6ra4o(alis0- an4 the' bo)e4 to father5 It
blesse4 the,5 An4 it ren4ere4 to the, assistance its5 An4 profit the' before Cir of terrestrial- an4
,a4e all- that sai4 to the, the father celestial5
1!5 An4 father celestial )as locate4 )ith chil4ren his- an4 he sai4 to the,< chil4ren ,'- ca,e
/('na0 the =arth to /so6i4at0- an4 'ou /so6i4aete0 hitherto- the' breathe4 in life - /6hi(ete0 hitherto-
brought har,on' an4 free4o, - an4 )ere free45 Bear an4 trans,it to /etol'u4'a,05
An4 the' trans,itte45
1"5 I /(o6ra4o(alis0 people5 An4 three a,ong the people )ere locate45 An4 /bogoslo(il0
father is celestial an4 chil4ren- an4 people- after gi(ing to the, the 1no)le4ge of the la)s of
uni(erse5 An4 )ere in4istinguishable- an4 /so6i4ali05 Both rea4ing an4 hearing - the' got to 1no)
1#5 An4 the father of the )a' of those going strengthene4- an4 he ga(e forces-
1no)le4ge an4 1no)le4ge to the,5 An4 the' accepte4 )ith the appreciation an4 )ith the
reali6ation5 An4 people )ere strengthene45 An4 the' sa) a,ong the lie an4 the truth - truth5 An4
,an' thought5 An4 it )as thus5
1$5 I ,o(e4* An4 it )as ne)- an4 it )as gotten to 1no)5 An4 there )as this against infinit'-
an4 it )as before the present- an4 it )as the' apparentl'- an4 possesse4 people that seen5
An4 )as all recor4e4 exactl'- as it sho)e4- an4 )ith that intonation- as sai4 father celestial
chil4ren his5
Te%t )
15 I is past three days. And children in the father of celestial were gathered. And father at the work of
children looked. And it was contented.
25 I opened the book after three days, and to the fourth sheet water approached. And father raised
hand. And water stopped.
An4 father sai4 to the chil4ren< 4o see 'ou the ,e4iator bet)een ,e an4 peopleD An4 chil4ren
sa)5 An4 father lo)ere4 han4- an4 )ater before its place steppe4 bac15 An4 4i4 not atte,pt )ater
to pass s1' /6e,05 An4 )ater absorbe4 the ,e4iator of terrestrial- an4 it hi4 before itself5
"5 I said father children his: I give to you age!old from the age!old, true from the true, great from the
great, and small before the small.
#5 I saw children. After seeing, steel they in the center the book of father. And before the same moment
vision was it. "his was circle with the point, and at point there was I".
$5 I loo1e4 chil4ren5 An4 sai4 father that it gre) all of the center- point - an4 point
itself- an4 circle5 An4 it )as trans,itte4 to other5 An4 it is 4i(i4e4 hitherto5
%5 I ga(e father force chil4ren his- so that the' coul4 ,a1e the unite4 before the unite4
an4 create unite4- b' an'thing not 4istinguishe4 fro, it )as steep- point an4 that )hich is locate4
insi4e it5
&5 children on the left side down the hand of father arose. And father thought.
95 I is past time. And the father before the look of children appeared the creation of peace. And in its
center circle was shown. And point is shown that in the center of the circle of that, and that also who grew,
and who and that hitherto they live. And children saw enormous variety, and they understood sense&
15 I of /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father- /i1nigu0 shut- an4 he let go chil4ren5
115 Chil4ren- sa'ing goo4b'e )ith the father- sa) )ater terrestrial an4 so,ething- an4
so,ething of the )ater rose /i1hotelo0 to beco,e bet)een the people /iOttso,05 But it )as not
able* it )as con(erte45 An4 people ga(e na,e to it5
An4 re,aine4 people so,e )ith the father- )ithout the ,e4iator an4 the ,e4iators5 An4 the'
/(o6ra4o(alis0 this life5 An4 the' )ere grateful to father celestial at the point of his 1no)le4ge5
125 An4 the chil4ren of father on the =arth transferre4 that gotten to 1no) 4o)n people5 An4
their people un4erstoo45 An4 the' create4 in the ,anner that father it taught the,5 An4 it )as
create45 An4 people learne4 to create5 An4 it )as obtaine45 An4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father- seeing this5
1!5 An4 ti,e is past5 An4 the father of the chil4ren of his gathere4- an4 he opene4 the
boo1- an4 o(erturne4 sheet5 An4 left the boo1 enor,ous energ'- an4 sheet of the boo1 of the
,one'-changers of color5 An4 father share4 energ'5 An4 so,e- )hich pre(iousl' separate4 the
father- burn to the right an4 the' )ere happ'5 But others- )hich burn to the left - the, it began to
turn an4 to t)irl5 The' cleane4- an4 the' shoute45
1!5 I took father it withered beside the hand.
An4 thun4er )as hear45 An4 heral4s appeare45 An4 the' ble) b' (oice angelic< so to that an4
to be;
An4 the chil4ren sai4< A,en;
Father sat 4o)n5 It sho)e4 the chil4ren of energ' an4 the use b' the,5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo45
An4 sai4 father to chil4ren ho) to learn people the, to use5
An4 chil4ren again un4erstoo45
An4 sai4 father- as to 4ra) nearer energies5
An4 thir4 ti,e chil4ren un4erstoo45
After )hich it let go the, )ith the peace5 An4 /bogoslo(il05
An4 sen4 chil4ren5
Te%t *
15 I calle4 the father Of /nebesn''4ete'0 thir4 ti,e still /chere6tri0 of 4a'5 Appeare4 chil4ren
against the father5 Too1 father the boo1 before the han4s- but its /neot1r'l05 It sho)e4 again
An4 the' sa)5
25 I after opening the boo1- father o(erturne4 sheet5 An4 )ere in4icate4 the /nagla(n'e0 parts
of the peace5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo45
An4 it 4i(i4e4 these parts5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo45
An4 he sai4 ho) to 4ra) nearer the,5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo45
!5 I sai4 father- rea4ing the boo1< this ne) before the ne)- this it is first the first- this original
before the initial5 This shifts base4 on the point of /i4aet0 increase5 An4 )ill be si,ilar /etitoch1i0-
an4 there )ill be aroun4 the, circle- /ibu4et0 this actuall'5 An4 /u(i4'atl'u4i0 this s,all- an4 )ill
An4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father5 An4 it punishe4 to chil4ren b' its< bear people this an4 sho)- as
this to ,a1e5 An4 the' )ill change- an4 the' )ill go for)ar4- an4 the' )ill not stan4 on the spot- as
this )as5 An4 there )ill be )a'5
"5 I shut father the boo15 An4 it blesse4 chil4ren5 An4 it sent to create5
#5 I arri(e4 chil4ren5 An4 the' create4- as father taught5
An4 people ,o(e45 An4 the' un4erstoo4 creation5 An4 there )as point- an4 there )as circle5
An4 the' un4erstoo4 that at the point of this5 An4 the' coul4 create still circle- an4 still one point-
an4 that insi4e it5 An4 the' )ere gla4 against this5 An4 the' )ere gla4- because the' coul4 create
still an4 still5
An4 sen4 chil4ren5 An4 the' )ere gathere4 together5 An4 the' )ere together5 An4 the'
selecte4 of three secon4- )hich )rote 4o)n the )or4s of father in or4er to trans,it to their people5
An4 t)o confir,e4 that )as recor4e4 all exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e intonation- as sai4 father
celestial chil4ren his5
$5 I calle4 the father of the chil4ren of his- an4 he sai4 to the,< chil4ren ,'- 'ou )ill
)ithstan4 at the e4ge of the uni(erse5
An4 father )ent5 An4 chil4ren abo(e it5
%5 I after reaching the center- /,'u(i4eli0 light )ere turne45
An4 )hen )e loo1e4 there- fro, )here the' arri(e4- then sa) peaces- realit' - all that the
father create45
&5 I sai4 to us the father< here creation is ,' - all that I )ante4 to sho) 'ou5
95 I sa) chil4ren the uni(erse- cos,os- realit'- the' sa) the Can- uni(erse5
An4 it )as real- an4 there )as as )e- an4 he )as ,an5
15 I looked children down the father. And he said to them: children are my, here the creation of
peaces, here is real means, here is forward movement, here the fact that you all [sozidaete] through soul
your. 'ere that you realized, here that you saw through the spirit of saint.
An4 sen4 chil4ren- an4 )as trans,itte4 to people- an4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father- an4
/bogoslo(il0 of people 4o)n the )a' true- so that the people )oul4 co,e into being of the father of
celestial an4 1no)le4ge )as obtaine45 An4 it )as un4erstoo4- an4 it )as seen an4 reali6e45
125 An4 sen4 chil4ren together )ith the father5 An4 sa) the chil4ren of people- )hich
left fro, the peace of ph'sical an4 )hich are locate4 in the )orl4 other- in the )orl4 li(ing- an4
those being stri(ing- an4 going besi4e the peace ph'sical5 An4 there )as the, ,uch- an4 the'
)aite4 ai4 fro, the people of those li(ing - for the re(i(al an4 the restoration5
1!5 An4 father sai4 chil4ren his< chil4ren ,'- I a, gla4 at the point of 'ou< to thoughts
b' 'our an4 to reali6ation- an4 to the a4(ance of that seen an4 real- an4 to the connection of the
peace of celestial an4 peace of terrestrial5
:es it )ill be thus; - sai4 father5
An4 /(o6ra4o(alis0 chil4ren5
An4 )as all recor4e4 exactl'- as he sho)e4- an4 )ith that intonation- as sai4 father celestial
chil4ren his5
Te%t +
15 I calle4 father the celestial of the chil4ren of his5 An4 the' )ere collecte45 An4 father in
entire increase beca,e5 An4 illu,inate4 all that )hich )as locate4 in front an4 fro, behin4 it5 An4
there )as light5 An4 all appeare45 An4 sa) chil4ren - space the =arth5 An4 reache4 light the =arth
an4 he )rappe4 it5
25 I sho)e4 father /4et'a,s(oi,0 reign future5 Of /iu(i4eli0 the' ,a4e so- /1a1po1a6al0 b'
the, father5 An4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 it5 An4 let go the'5
!5 I send children, and they made in the manner that he taught their father. And they brought the light,
which the father gave to them. And people came into being and they [vozradovalis] to it.
"5 I is past time. And again father celestial gathered children. And villages. And it opened the book.
And there was before the book all, but it did not have beginning and did not have an end. And father said,
showing down the sheet of the book: this not from the beginning and not from the end. "his is structure. And
it placed hand its beyond the sheet. And saw children, which all is united. And they saw, that all from the
united. And children understood. And father was contented.
#5 I said father the celestial: create from the united, and create variety. And so that there would be
much variety. And before the variety so that it would be different, but it went from the united. And then this
will be fastened united.
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo4- an4 their father let go celestial5
$5 I the' create4 fro, the unite45 An4 the' create4 4ifferent an4 (arie45 An4 it ca,e out5
People sa) an4 the' )ere happ'5 An4 4i4 not recall people of the ,e4iator- )ho )as earlier an4
)ho, the' the,sel(es na,e45 An4 )as contente4 father an4 /(o6ra4o(als'a05
%5 I calle4 the father of chil4ren5 The' /Isobralis0- but the' sa)- /chtoOtets0 celestial )as on
The /6e,lei1h0 an4 it )as a nu,ber5 An4 /(o6ra4o(alis0 chil4ren ho) /(o6ra4o(als'a0 of /iOtets0
&5 I said to them father about peace, and he spoke about the device of peace. And father spoke about
other peaces, which were a number. And where it is possible and it was necessary to [sozidat]. And
[sozidali]. And it was obtained. And smiled father celestial.
95 I saw children infinity, infinity before its positive part. And forewent they the fact that was poor and
unacceptable. And it left them, people of terrestrial, above the uselessness. And [vozradovalis] all. And
[sozidali]. And father was contented. And their way strengthened. And they did not roll up.
15 I selecte4 three one- /ipere4ali0 it all exactl' cost b' intonation as /s1a6alOtets0 celestial5
An4 /so6i4ali0 the'5 An4 people sa) this- an4 the' repeate45 An4 it )as obtaine45 An4 b' this the'
escape4 the,sel(es base4 on that not a(oi4e45
Te%t ,
15 I called father the celestial of the children of his, and there were they with it.
25 I said the father: you look on (ir as down the particle itself, and down itself as down the particle of
!5 I saw children.
An4 there )as Cir- an4 it )as li,itless- an4 there )ere ele,ents- an4 the' )ere (arie45
"5 I sai4 father /7ebesn''4et'a,0 his< trans,it /l'u4'a,to0- that the' sa)5 But sa)
/(',nogoobra6ie0 of peace- an4 before the (ariet' - ele,ent- an4 /ele,entsoot(etst(o(al0 to the
cell of soul5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo4- an4 the' )rote- an4 the' retol4 all exactl'- also- )ith that
intonation- as father sho)e4 an4 4escribe4 celestial5
An4 people un4erstoo4- an4 the' )ere rescue4- an4 the' )ere free in the )orl4 se(en5
#5 I sai4 father /7ebesn''4et'a,0 his that Cir )as infinite an4 Cir not one5 An4 to
/pon'ali4eti0- an4 the' loo1e4 against the peaces- /1u4apo1a6'(al0 father5 An4 there )as
/i6e4inogo0 - )hole- fro, )hole - set5
An4 chil4ren un4erstoo45 An4 the' trans,itte4 to people )hole- an4 as a )hole - set5
$5 I sai4 father the celestial< I - a, unite4- an4 before ,e - (ariet'5
An4 chil4ren loo1e4- an4 the' reali6e4 the aforesai45
An4 s,ile4 father celestial5 An4 it sai4 to the, so that the' )oul4 loo1 4o)n the,sel(es an4
the' sa) as a )hole - (ariet'5
An4 sen4 chil4ren- an4 the' /(o6ra4o(alis0 seen an4 un4erstoo45
An4 )as contente4 father celestial b' lesson )ith the chil4ren- an4 he sai4 to the, so that
the' )oul4 trans,it to the people all )hole- also- before the set5
An4 it )as ,a4e5
%5 I )ere gla4 people against enlighten,ent their- an4 the' than1e4 the father of unite4-
that it ga(e to the, the possibilit' to see the,sel(es before the integrit' an4 before the set5
&5 I )ere gathere4 chil4ren- an4 the' selecte4 one of three- )hich )rote 4o)n all
exactl'- also- )ith that intonation- as it )as clearl' hear4 an4 it is clearl' seen5
95 I sai4 father celestial chil4ren his- after ta1ing before the han4s the boo1< the boo1 is
,' - this )or4 is ,'5
But that is a )or4 ,'D This is the 4e(ice of the peace this5
An4 father 1ept silent5
An4 chil4ren sa) the peaces an4 the uni(erse5 An4 the' )ere infinite5
15 I sai4 father celestial chil4ren his- sho)ing /na1nigu0< the boo1- as Cir- is infinite5 An4
after shutting it- he sai4< e(er')here is the solution ti,e- is consciousness- an4 reali6ation5 @i4
un4erstan4 'ou thisD
An4 it opene4 the boo1 against the sa,e place5 An4 the peaces an4 the uni(erses again
returne45 An4 there )as life- an4 there )as puff5 An4 father )as serious5 An4 it sai4 chil4ren his< to
'ou it )as the first ti,e gi(en see that )hich is li,itless that it is not gotten to 1no) that it is not
co,prehen4e4- but it is seen5
115 An4 father again 1ept silent5
An4 chil4ren before peaces their- besi4e the peaces of father loo1e45
An4 it )as un4erstoo4- an4 it )as unite45
An4 father ga(e har,on'- an4 ga(e it besi4e the reali6ation5
An4 chil4ren )ere grateful- an4 this )as trans,itte4 to people5
125 An4 people )ere gla4- /i4olgo0 the' thought about that sho)n b' father5
An4 there )as Cir- an4 it )as free5
An4 )ere free people before 3er5 I the' reali6e4 this5
1!5 An4 /(o6ra4o(als'a0 Is /otets7ebesn''05 An4 appeare4 light- /iushla0 the 4ar15 7o one
an4 /nes1a6al0 )or4 is death never, an4 /ushlaona0 abo(e the uselessness5 /Bhot'ab'la0 still a,ong
the people- /nooso6na(ali0 people are it5
1"5 I un4erstoo4 an4 it5 An4 there )as exception5 An4 there )as light- /is(et0 )hite fro, the
boo1 both on top an4 fro, belo)5 An4 it )as un4erstoo4- this /ib'lo0 is sai4- an4 )as the latter
e,phasi6e4 - an4 it is isolate4- an4 it )as chec1e45
An4 people )ere gla45 An4 it )as accepte45
1#5 An4 sai4 father to the /4et'a,s(oi,0< there )as little rea4ing /po1nige0- but ,uch )as
un4erstoo45 An4 it is necessar' to isolate fro, /pon'atogo(0 that reali6e4- an4 that reali6e4 b' 'ou
,ust be trans,itte4 to people of /4l'aponi,ani'a0 an4 reali6ation b' the,5
1$5 I sai4 chil4ren to the father< /,'oso6nali0 sai4 an4 /tochnopere4ali0 to people an4 to
/1a6h4o,uchelo(e1u0 of 1no)le4ge an4 the light of 'our5
An4 there )as no pri4e before the )or4s of chil4ren- but there )as un4erstan4ing5
An4 father accepte4 celestial5 An4 that accepte4 )as fastene4 b' father5
An4 )as gla4 e(er'one - an4 father celestial- an4 chil4ren its- an4 people against the I
un4erstoo4 an4 that reali6e45 That also )as recor4e4 b' one of three exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e
intonation- as father sai4 celestial an4 unite4 for us5
An4 his )or4s )ere intelligible for us before the (ariet'- since people there )as ,uch- an4
there )as before the, (ariet'5
1%5 An4 sai4 father celestial chil4ren his- after ta1ing before /ru1i1nigu0< ,an' )ante4
/u(i4etee0- ,an' )ante4 to rea4- to 4escribe ,an'5 An4 no one /4osi1h0 ti,es )ere gi(en
/u6retBes1onechnoe0 before the infinite- reali6e4 before that not 1no)n- eternal before the eternal-
final /(bes1onechno,0- unite4 before the unite45
An4 ga(e father celestial the boo1 chil4ren his5 An4 he sai4< chil4ren ,'- 4escribe it5
An4 )as ,a4e that )as sai45
An4 that )hich )as seen5
1&5 An4 there )ere e(ents- an4 /b'lo(re,'a05
An4 there )as the past- an4 there )as present5 An4 there )as future5
An4 there is all i,,e4iatel'5
An4 there )as Cir- an4 it )as create4 b' father celestial5
An4 there )ere other peaces5
An4 there )as i,,ortalit'5 An4 there )as re(i(al5
An4 there is- an4 it )ill be fro, no) on;
195I on the book of father there were presses and they were united, and there were they one. ut it
was not possible to e$amine them, since there was their set.
25 An4 there )ere colors- an4 there )as the, ,uch5
An4 there )as light- an4 it )as unite45 An4 it is not possible to na,e it- an4 it is possible onl'
to sa'< loo1 against the boo1 - there truth5 An4 loo1 besi4e the truth- 'ou )ill see future5 An4 all
this in the center of the boo15
An4 there )as light5 An4 there )as it - bright5
An4 there is no on the =arth light of such5 An4 there )as light before the boo1 - both on top
an4 fro, belo)5 But not as it is earlier- )here there )as 4ifference5
An4 there )as beginning5 An4 there )as en45 But father sai4 that this is infinit'5 An4 it )as
not possible to see en4- since there )as infinit'5
An4 father sai4 chil4ren his< an4 against infinit' there is an extre,it'- spea1 about this for the
reali6ation- an4 'ou )ill be before the truth- an4 'ou )ill be true5
215 An4 sen4 chil4ren5
An4 set as a )hole )as seen before the boo15
An4 searche4 for people before the set )hole5
An4 )hole )ill be gi(en b' it- if the' un4erstan4 the aforesai45 But before the aforesai4 as
before the boo1s of the son of father- triple sense5
G )nderstand the sense the first two books, and you to [poymete] the sense of the third writing,
said father celestial.
G I you will be free based on this time. And you will be against infinity. And you will be forgiven.
G I you will [sozidat], as not [sozidali] hitherto.
225 An4 )as contente4 /Otets7ebesn''0- an4 it than1e4 chil4ren- an4 it affir,e4 their force
on the =arth- force hu,an- force true5 An4 it )as not larger force in others- that hi4e fro, the
people truth celestial5
An4 there )ere se(en presses5 An4 there )ere se(en colors5 An4 there )ere se(en
explanations of the boo1 of the father of celestial5 An4 there )ere se(en fires5 An4 there )ere se(en
horses5 An4 the' listene4 to the father of se(en religions5
An4 )as un4erstoo4 the thir4 sense of the thir4 boo1 b' the chil4ren of father5
2!5 An4 it )as
The text of )riting- /ib'l0 the sheet of the father- )ho la' 4o)n on
The text- )hich /b'lso64an0 is unite4- an4 the' rea4 its )holes5
Both the' )rote an4 the' rea4 it fro, the beginning to the en45
An4 it )as infinite5
An4 it )as infinite in or4er to be un4erstoo45
But it )as un4erstoo4D
An4 as it 4i4 beginD
2"5 I there )as )riting5
An4 4escribe4 chil4ren- )ho rea4 its boo1 - unite4 an4 )hole- about )riting on behalf of
An4 )as recor4e4 all exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e intonation- as sai4 an4 sho)e4 father
celestial chil4ren his5
Text &
15 I calle4 the father Of the /nebesn''4ete'0 of his5
An4 it sai4 to the,- hol4ing the boo1 before the han4s< chil4ren ,'- :O? .OOB besi4e T>=
F?T?R=- /+O2I@A:T=0 OF IT TRA7+F=R @OA7 P=OP.=5
An4 it is three ti,es 'ou )ill be true true- an4 the' are lo(e4 both b' ,e an4 b' those- to
)ho, I sent 'ou - b' birth hu,an- an4 it )ill be opene4 realit'- )hich I create4 for all5
25 I sa) chil4ren realit' - true- for the sa1e of /so64annu'uOttso,0 celestial for the 1in4 of
An4 it appeare4- an4 she respon4e4- )hich )as not al)a's before5
An4 it )as un4erstoo4- an4 it )as seen- an4 ,ust be trans,itte4 in the ,anner that
co,,unicate4 father celestial to 1in4 hu,an because the' un4erstoo4- an4 in the ,anner that the'
respon4e4 4o)n the ai4 of the father of celestial5
!5 I was said by father to celestial about the life future and life of eternal on the %arth, similar down that,
as there is around the sky [*ospodnem]. And it was understood, and it was seen.
"5 I when showed father celestial ! looked children above the view of the father of celestial, the view of
that, who created all and anticipated the future and created reality, saw life eternal and revival, both
[neumiranie] and e$ception of dying from the life of those living.
#5 I was said by father to celestial and about the diseases of human, and about the warnings, which
were on the %arth. +I as, and that forecast will change by whom.
$5 I looked father celestial down the children of his, and he opened by them the secret of knowledge.
And they understood.
%5 I )ere grateful To /ottsu7ebesno,u0- creator in all- that it ga(e to the, the possibilit' to
create an4 to transfer all /(i4i,oei0 in(isible 4o)n 1in4 hu,an an4 e(ents- an4 that )hich is calle4
realit'5 An4 /b'lioni0 are grateful to it5
An4 ga(e father celestial to the, )ill an4 free4o,- so that the' )oul4 see the in(isible an4
the' 1ne) that not expose45
Both the' traine4 an4 the' transferre4 all exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e intonation- as it )as
seen an4 hear45
&5 so father celestial sho)e4 an4 co,,unicate4 realit' of /4l'aupra(leni'a0 an4 creation5
Text 9
15 I called father the celestial of the children of his, and he said to them, holding the book before the
hands of its: I give to you authority and truth above reality, give to you evidence of human about the matters
your, which I charged to you.
25 I 'ou- ,' chil4ren- )ho 1no) truth- na,e ,' an4 true face is ,'- lo(e ,' an4
para4ise - before ,e5
I )ill sho) 'ou before the entire truth )ithout the exceptions - space- an4 peace create4- an4
peace future- peace ph'sical an4 peace real5
An4 father 4i4 not loo1 besi4e the boo1- but he loo1e4 far5
!5 father looked celestial beside the future. And to people arrived based on the sky by to the earth and
born on the %arth human, which arrived beside the peace of physical based on the sky [*ospodnego] and
knowing about the father celestial, and constantly having encounter with the father, who obtains his light and
knowledge, that saw reality and (ir ! to the children of the father of celestial was shown the unity in all for
facilitating of understanding and fulfilling the order of the father of celestial.
"5 I was seen all in the world seven. And even reflected based on it. And was understood by children
that, he spoke about than and that showed the father celestial ! intention of father, creator of entire living in
the world.
But in the )orl4 e(er'thing is li(e- although has the separation- an4 it has le(els of
consciousness an4 reali6ation5
#5 I of /(o6ra4o(als'a0 father- to /i4eti0 hi, )ere gla4 against unit'- an4 to the light of father-
an4 to his 1no)le4ge5
An4 it )as seen- an4 it )as un4erstoo4- an4 it is percei(e4 b' the souls of chil4ren- as it )as
planne4 b' creator unite4 an4 b' eternall' li(ing an4 being before the life an4 in the )orl4- an4 in
realit'- both before e(er'thing - an4 before the future- an4 creating all- that still it 4i4 not co,e5
$5 I )ere grateful the chil4ren of father at the point of the )or4s this- at the point of the
lo(e of the father of celestial- at the point of the fact that the father ga(e5 The' )ere grateful- also-
at the point of ,uch- that the' coul4 not express b' )or4s to the creator in all5 +oul an4 lo(e at the
point of the father - are not ter,inate4- an4 not ter,inate4 the light of father for the souls of our5
%5 all )as recor4e4 b' the thir4 an4 testifie4 b' t)o - all exactl' an4 )ith the sa,e
intonation- as sai4 creator- an4 as it )as seen an4 un4erstoo45
An4 )as this recor4e4 an4 trans,itte4 to 1in4 hu,an for the truth- for the )a'- for the light
of reason an4 consciousness- since the father celestial sho)e4 the consciousness of peace an4
realit' an4 our consciousness5
An4 it )as seen b' the chil4ren of the father of celestial- that the consciousness of peace )as
subor4inate45 An4 is so arrange4 it- as our consciousness- although it is ,ore as far as the (olu,e5
&5 I each- )ho )ill see- /po',et0- an4 precisel' /po',et0 - /ira4ost0 great before that- to
/chtob'pon'at0- about than the speech of /i4et0 to see that sho)e4 the father before /Cirei0 abo(e
the peace- that this is actual5
To To, there )ill be light- an4 there )ill be 1no)le4ge;
- I )ill be free4 people base4 on the 4iseases- 4eath an4 grief- although trul'- I trul' tell 'ou
that this ,o(e4 an4 there is on the =arth- an4 /i4et0- an4 it ,o(es- sai4 father celestial5
95 after this father celestial shut the boo1 an4 he )ent besi4e the eternit'- but chil4ren
follo)e4 it an4 4i4 not re,ain5
An4 it )as thus5
An4 it )as 4escribe45
An4 there )ere e(i4ence5
An4 it )as in the ,anner that sai45
An4 after this there )as re(i(al5
An4 angels repeate4 the )or4s of father5
An4 it )as sai4< an4 /nachnet0 seeing base4 on the sheet
The text of father- an4 )ill see that seeing an4 hearing
Text of the father of celestial5
An4 )ill be 4a7 light5
An4 it )ill be un4erstoo4 an4 rea4 before
Text all- )hich )ill illu,inate light celestial5
An4 light celestial )ill illu,inate all an4 separatel'5
:ou /u6rite0 light - in4ee4 it is gi(en;
An4 'ou )ill as1 in father - in4ee4 it is per,itte4;
An4 it )as the fact- )ho )rote- it is seen5
An4 it )as un4erstoo45
An4 it )as trans,itte4 to the fact- )ho rea4s e(en he un4erstan4s- that there is truth an4
)here it to search for5
15 'es it )ill be in the ,anner that recor4e4; An4 it is confir,e45
An4 )ill testif' people the truth of re(i(al5
:es there )ill be in the ,anner that he sai4 father;
:es there )ill be in the ,anner that he sai4 son;
Before the na,e of father- an4 son- an4 hol' spirit5 A,en;
An4 it )as trans,itte4- an4 it is recor4e4- an4 it is seen b' one of three5 An4 )as testifie4 t)o
that all is recor4e4 before co,plete agree,ent an4 )ith the sa,e intonation- as father sai4 celestial
to people for their rescuing5
An4 there was I aroun4 the s1'- I sa) clou45
An4 clou4 )as built before
arro)- I in4icate4 )a' an4 )or4s5
An4 )as in4icate4 perio4 - ten
An4 it )as sai4<
Arro) too1 its beginning base4 on the large enor,ous countr'- base4 on the pole5
An4 not 4o)n' to the pole of other- A it stoppe4 against the en4 of the large continent- I
in4icate4 the ,ain letter of the na,e countr' /(0 the na,e of ,an- )hich began the )ar of peaces5
An4 its en4 of the beginning )ill be assu,e4 on the na,e5
An4 there )ill be this person- be'on4 )hich lies the co,pletion of )ar- it is note4 as far as
scar on the tele- as on face- in the for, 4e,ilune5 An4 it )ill be possible to 4istinguish it as far as
the loc1et on its belt5
Aill lea(e the >i,ala'as ,ountains ,an- ,on1- )ho carries besi4e the countr' of the north
the )riting- )hich 4eter,ines people- )hich are po)erful to help all5 An4 this
Text )as locate4 before ,onaster' of thousan4s 'ears an4 no one 4uring this ti,e it )as
Text )ill be rea4 an4 /oglashen0 )hen of /spa4et0 the flag- on )hich there are se(en stars5
Can- )ho carries )riting- an4 itself )ill not 1no) - )hich is there )ritten5
+ince this is )ritten to ancient an4 not its language5
Although it )as )ritten in that place- fro, )here this person arri(e45
Con1 )ill be 4resse4 before the long free clothing- an4 on his clear re4 clothing there )ill be
the color of 4ar1-blue a6ure5
T)o )ere )ith the father- an4 father sai4< in certain cases 'ou sa) that the soul )as ,o(e4
fro, the spaces 4o)n the terrestrial plan5 It )as ob(ious that it )as for,e4 fro, the space to the
le(els funnel5 It - the integral part- )hen soul passes to the earth5 An4 then on the e(ents it is
possible to ta1e infor,ation5 But is line separating- feature5 I tol4 'ou - it no) 4oes not pla' role5
Again< it there is- but it 4oes not pla' role5 =(en bet)een the )hite an4 the blac15
In front of 'ou infinit'5 I per,itte4 'ou besi4e it to enter - 'ou 4ispatch an4 4ispatch5 Both to
the left an4 to the right it )as possible to ta1e infor,ation5 But here are 'ou again to /i4ete0 an4
/i4ete0 - an4 infor,ation beco,es all less an4 it is less5 But if 'ou are exa,ine4 bac1D In4ee4 fro,
so,ething to be repulse4 is necessar'D There histor'- e(ent- e(olution- ci(ili6ations - are ,uch
)hat5 In all- )hich )as- is a beginning en45 But future - it is infinite5 Before it is possible infinitel'
to create an4 to strengthen that create4 in or4er to approach ,ore rapi4l' the future real5
If present )as connecte4 for the sa1e of the positi(e 4esirable e(ents- 4epen4ing on people
an4 circu,stances- then future approaches5 It lea(es- that not 'ou to it to /i4ete0- but it approaches
'ou before that reason- that 'ou to /so64aete0 b' 'our 4esire the ele,ents of peace before that
infor,ation space5 An4 it opens to 'ou an' sphere of action5 I spea1 about control- that 'ou no)
,a1e - 'ou go(ern5 To go(ern necessar'- an4 space )ill approach 'ou to)ar4s5 The greater
/so64aete0- the ,ore the infor,ation can connect bet)een the,sel(es- the greater 'ou obtain- the
,ore accurate- the ,ore the infor,ation can obtain5 Thus it lea(es- the ,ore the' create4
infor,ation- the ,ore the' reali6e4 their 4esires an4 the large (olu,e of infor,ation go(ern- since
'ou 'ou are sent fro, the present at the point of infinit'- 'ou buil4 the e(ents of future - 'ou
go(ern e(ents- si,ultaneousl' creating the points of archi(e storage5
:ou can about an' situation- )hich 'ou 4isturbs- to buil4 e(ent5 Can push still 4eeper besi4e
the ,acro-space an4 obtain still ,ore than authorities at the point of that reason- that 'ou
/so6i4aete0 positi(e infor,ation- an4 'ou re,o(e negati(e infor,ation5 +pace )ill gi(e har,on'
an4 free4o, to 'ou5
The points of archi(e storage of infor,ation - the' are ,ultila'er5 But- in a44ition - )hat is
the principles of operation )ith the,D Ah' the plant of /rastet0D Because so,eone pours on it5 This
is also control besi4es e(ents5
>o) to )or1 )ith the points ho) to open the infor,ation- )hich before the, is
/ar1hi(iro(ana0D It is eas' to fin4 point5 Coreo(er- 'ou can create it the,sel(es- ,oreo(er it is
nearer before the space-ti,e than it is earlier5
The point of archi(e storage can be 4ra)n nearer- it is possible to create5 But this is the
ele,ent of peace5 Therefore use the principle< you do not understand & do not climb. On the
creation also< you do not know - do not make.
To create infor,ation or it to /ra6ar1hi(iro(at0 - this is alrea4' accessible5 But it ,ust appear
before the appeare4 space5 This thus far it is not obser(e45 It is not ,anifeste45 To4a' it is possible
to hence create there- an4 (ice (ersa - to fro, there create here5 Alrea4' thus far the' reache45 But
)h' it is not ,anifeste4 co,pletel'D Principles )ere to 'ou gi(en- but this is ho) are use4 the'D
It cannot be been 4e(elope4 onl' before one 4irection- onl' speciali6ing at the re(i(al5 It is
necessar' to 4iagnose- to treat- to /,ateriali6o('(at05
Can' points of infor,ation exists- an4 the' are create4 also- but i4itol it is further5 An4
se(eral points in front )ere 4esignate45 Their eight5 This is the global infor,ation- )hich /so64aet0
an4 /4aet0 a 4e(elop,ental tren4 to entire uni(erse- to entire space5
Fro, these points go the ra's - channels on entire space5 But as this connection it is builtD The
principles of the construction of connection ,ust be 1no)n5
If 'ou 1no) the principles of the construction of cell- then 'ou )ill see space no)5 But if
principles 'ou 4o not 1no)D
Cell - ,ost co,plex5 It is correlate4 before the co,plexit' )ith these points of space5
If )e ta1e the nucleus of cell- then there 'ou also see la'er -/(ost0 infor,ation5 7ucleus an4
space5 Is ,ore accurate - space- as cell5 An4 before it there are also ,an' points of infor,ation5
If 'ou 1no) as to )or1 )ith the cell- then it is necessar' to )or1 b' analog' )ith the space5
Both here an4 there - the ele,ents of peace5
>ere 'ou 4ispatch- 4ispatch- 4ispatch an4 the' reache4 the ,ost interesting - to control5
A@CI7I+TRATIO7 /@O.2>0B?T TO B= B=FOR= T>= CR=ATIE= P>A+= -./ T>=
=7TIR= AOR.@- -./ A.. P=OP.=5
7o) that 'ou stu4ie4- it is necessar' to use5
:ou sa)- as /sefir'0 the' )ere connecte4 for the sa1e of the le(els5 This connection is clear5
The points of archi(e storage no) appeare45 The' ,ust be co,pulsoril' connecte4 for the sa1e of
.e(els are built 4ue to /se0-/fir05 /+efir'0 )ere built 4ue to the infor,ation on control besi4es
peace an4 space5
+pace is built 4ue to un4erstan4ing of the ele,ents of peace5
All possibilities of peace to eat at these points5 Against an' ,o,ent of /sefir'0 the' can cause
infor,ation fro, the, an4 trans,it 4o)n the le(els5 >u,anit' ne(er 4eparte4 further /sefir05 It
4oes not 1no) that also this onl' of structure5
Consciousness is built on the principle OF I7FI7IT: OF +PAC=5
An4 cell before the organis, also has an infinit' sign - eight5 =ach cell has @7A- )hich can
be 4e(elope4- /so6i4at0 an4 li(e infinitel'5 Infinit' sign exists in /(os1reshenn'1h0 an4 in those-
)ho ha(e the exten4e4 an4 true consciousness5
Father sho)e4 the )a'- )hich )e ha(e passe45 But it is ho) ,uch still necessar' to pass5
The' passe4 )a' before the re(i(al- an4 it is necessar' to go further5 Ti,e there stan4s5 An4 it is
e(i4ent that )e left far for)ar4 at the point of the re(i(al5 +uch hori6ons- such prospects;
This is ne) science - creation5
In or4er to be fastene4 against infinit' - it is necessar' to reali6e it5 >ere is it- infinit'; Father
ne(er ages5 7o) father appears 'ounger- ,uch 'ounger than before5 An4 )e- probabl' before this
participate45 Of this happiness )oul4 be sufficient for the happiness5 Consciousness there enters
an4 no longer he )ants to return5 Before it the )or4< "n order to know future, it is necessary to
know the past. 0ut you will know the past - not you [umresh] never.
T)o of three )ere )ith the father5 An4 father sai4< soul - this po)erful /i6lucha'ushche0-
assu,e -/shchi'0 source5 Through it is possible to pass an' infor,ation5 As a result un4e(elope4
can beco,e appeare45
>eart focuses soul5 Then reception an4 transfer beco,e still ,ore Hualitati(e5
There is a channel of hol' spirit5 It 4i(i4es blac1 an4 )hite5 7ot to fill the,- but it 4i(i4es
the,5 +ource is one - these are light- but then /i4et0 separation5
If )e arise 4o)n the pin1- then can ,a1e of one cell organ5 It 4istinctl' )ill appear on the
)hite5 If (ice (ersa - that organ also )ill appear5 If in the center- then all it )ill appear an4 in the
center- but not for a long ti,e5 Because this neither the appeare4 an4 nor un4e(elope4 peace5 This
is the resol(ing peace5 There it is possible to create itself )ith the ai4 of the thought5
This as three ri(ers5
All these three ri(ers flo) up)ar45
Before the right han4 of creator it )ithere45 All three ri(ers 4epart before it )ithere45
One of us touches the clothing of creator - this is cos,os5 It hol4s clothing- an4 )e /i4e,0 on
cos,os5 An4 in this case there ,ust not be the thought of 4oubt5 Other)ise it is possible to fall an4
to brea15
- :es- it is possible to fall an4 to brea1- an4 /ra6obets'a0 'our consciousness- sai4 father5 -
:ou ,ust possess col4 before the fire in or4er not to burn an4- on the contrar'- b' heat before col4
in or4er not to free6e5 Both b' silence an4 b' silence5
@ar1 - fuss an4 )or45
Bet)een the blac1 an4 the )hite - penetrating- that resol(es an4 reaching- an4 for,ing5 This
thought is 'our5 It is necessar' to ha(e a thought- )hich /so64aet0 one or other obFect or another5
Reign of ,' son of /gr'a4et05 It there is before each person5 It before the heart 'our- an4 roa4
to it - through the soul 'our5 Before it the )a'- along )hich it is possible to reach the reign of ,'5
But reign is ,' - cal,ness5 Although creation - here- )hat I teach- an4 here- I spea1 about than5
+u44enl' strea, arose before us before cos,os5 Ae approache4 the strea,5 Father sai4<
- >e can be poure4 besi4e the ri(er- an4 can in the sea5 Can itself spill as ri(er or sea5 +o the
thought of people5
Ae pass strea,5 It beco,es as ri(er5 Ae is cost on the )ater5 It is )orth)hile to onl' thin1
that this is i,possible- an4 ,an )ill sin15 7ot 1no)n5 It turne4 out that it here5 But this shore
4iffers in no )a' fro, that5 This onl' abo(e an4 here necessar' efforts- in or4er to rise be'on4the
top5 =fforts are necessar'5 But height alrea4' next- the hori6on also5 >ere is it- the hori6on5 Because
of it /(staet0 the sun5 It actuall' raises an4 shines5
+un - as cell5 Cell - as the sun5 +hell- shop- plants- nucleus- spiral- infor,ation an4 the
inter,inable energ'- )hich aroun4 the spiral5 /Bere,0 the infor,ation- )hich inclu4es the nucleus
before the integrit' an4 rationalities5 Ae pass to the sun an4 )e see people- )hich )e help - this is
creation an4 real instruction5 But e(er'thing else - illusion5 It is not necessar' to 4rea,- but it is
necessar' to ,a1e5 This is realit'5
Father sai4< ,an of /6hi(et0 before the illusion - 4rea,s5 It beca,e accusto,e4 an4 it 4rea,s5
But realit' 4oes not assu,e- as ,en are assu,e4- realit' has5 As I ha(e a(ailable all forces of i5 this
I correctl'5
- I4itol it is further- in(ites creator5 - Con(ersation about re(i(al of one an4 ,an' people - this
is realit'5 It not far an4 is not close5 This ,ust be ,a4e- ,a4e an4 ,a4e5 ?n4erstan4 all this an4
'ou to /po4(e4ete0 su, to its instruction5 :ou )ill resurrect one an4 'ou )ill resurrect all
subseHuentl'5 It is not necessar' to 4oubt- it is necessar' to accelerate )or15
- After being hel4 at the point of ,e - 'ou 4o not 4oubtD - as1s father of one of us5 - A )hen
'ou re,o(e han4 - it is not necessar' to /1olebats'a0 an4 to 4oubt the forces of its5 " give to you
that which on the forces, and forces in you becomes all more with each minute.
To the =arth- to ,an' countries- to peoples- each person - it is necessar' to help5 The
infor,ation of future shoul4 be rea4 an4 it is not necessar' to fear5 Consciousness )ill be enlarge4
- an4 'ou /4obetes0 of creati(e result5
The channel of hol' spirit - it is possible to stan4 )here to con(enientl' an4 ,a1e all base4
on an' position< creation- re(i(al- regeneration5 Concerning 4istance an4 ti,e- this ,ust not place
'ou before the 4ifficult'5 If it for,e4 before itself tas1 - that it is not necessar' to set space an4
ti,e before itself5 7ot better )hether all to ,a1e here an4 no)D
Reign ,' an4 the son of ,' before the heart 'our- an4 I fro, it 4o not an')here 4epart5
T)o of three )ere )ith the father5 An4 father sai4- sho)ing< strea,- ri(er an4 sea are
characteri6e4 b' (olu,e an4 force5 +o 4iseases are characteri6e4 b' (olu,e an4 force5 The higher
the )a(e- the ,ore 4angerous for the ,an- but it is not 4angerous for 'ou5 Before 'ou there is
Hualit' - cal,ness< 'ou to /i4ete0 on the sea an4 /(e4ete0 'oursel(es are Huiet5 :our thought can
stop strea, an4 ri(er5 It can free6e the,- it can light an4 buil4 flo)5
In or4er to con4uct people along three roa4s- it cannot be 4oubt- because 'our 4oubt )ill ruin
those- )ho /i4et0 abo(e 'ou5 >igh shore - this is the s',bol of 1no)le4ge5 It /4aets'a0 to 'ou )ith
4ifficult'- but it ,ust be o(erco,e5 Re)ar4 - this that it is possible to see the hori6on- also- as a
result of the hori6on - e4ge of the sun5 :ou can besi4e it enter- besi4e its nucleus5 Aho enters into it
- are obtaine4 /bogo0-/slo(enie0 - global infor,ation- energies an4 solution of (arious global
Ae /i4e,0 follo)ing the father5 Ae obser(e- )e learn5
+trea,- ri(er- sea5 The ri(er of hu,an life falls before the sea5 +ea is fille4 b' ,an' ri(ers5
Ae loo1 ho) /i4et0 for the sa1e of the flo) of ri(er pure )ater- as it rages- as it free6es- as it
Before the ri(er 4irt' )ater is cleane4 )ith the ai4 of the cells5 ?sual hu,an cells sol(e all5
Fro, )here ri(erD Fro, the broo15
+trea, cannot be separatel' fro, the source - nucleus5 The' passe4 strea,5 Ae 4escen4 b'
lo)er- un4er the s1in or un4er the earth5 +ource of ri(er - nucleus of cell- infor,ation5 Ae pass
besi4e the nucleus of cell5 This an4 the energ'- (er' po)erful5 It /i4et0 fro, the nucleus - fro,
un4er the earth or fro, un4er the s1in5 This process is 4eep5 Abo(e the energ' of /i4et0
infor,ation5 It brings people 4o)n the concepts - goo4 source- Ipoor source5 +trea, appears fro,
the infor,ation of people5
The appearance of 1e'- strea, lea4s 4o)n the thought- that al)a's in the cell there are
un4ercurrents an4 there is infor,ation5 Aith the energ' before the nucleus - infor,ation5 There are
still in(isible flo)s- the' before the blac15 The' are in(isible- but the' there is5 An4 the' flo) 4o)n
that or other si4e5 These are also infor,ation an4 energ' - onl' un4e(elope4- an4 the' flo) before
the 4ifferent 4irections5 Blac1 - forbi44en for the people5 In the center bet)een b' energ' an4 b'
infor,ation there is consciousness5 Consciousness is enlarge4 - 4isease goes bac1 to the source
itself- through the thinnest broo1 to the 1e'5
If the ,an has a pre4isposition to goo4 or poor- but there is no )ill to go(ern its thoughts an4
beha(ior - all operates in the ,anner that /i4et05
The un4e(elope4 an4 appeare4 peace the' are a4Foine45 Ae enter into cell - energ'-
infor,ation- consciousness5 An4 i,,e4iatel' )e occur near the ,eans of creator5
Again I )ill repeat5 +ea - this of cell5 Aater is turbi4 - cancer- cell hexahe4ral5 If it cleane4
)ater- then cells pentahe4ral - health'5 An4 rest insi4e the nucleus5 The sea is nor,al- is clean5
In the sic1 cell surface flo) to the right- cloc1)ise5 Is 4eeper - flo) countercloc1)ise5 An4
the 4eepest - again cloc1)ise5
Ae on the ,i44le of sea5 T)o parts of the sea are 4i(i4e4 b' left an4 right han45
@isease- after spen4ing its force 4o)n the fight )ith goo4 thoughts- steppe4 bac15 Ae /i4e,0-
an4 all aroun4 us is cleane45
/I4e,0 besi4e the ri(er- besi4e the strea,5 /I4e,0 besi4e the cell- to the nucleus5 It is cost
before the nucleus5 Ae see the appeare4 an4 un4e(elope4 peace5
An4 un4e(elope4 peace in exactl' the sa,e ,anner has energ'- infor,ation- consciousness5 It
is e(i4ent that the hexahe4ral cell )as for,e4 fro, the external action - act- the 4isease- the
infection5 Before the hexahe4ron the ,otion of energ'- infor,ation- consciousness occurs
4ifferentl'- spontaneousl'- /neupor'a4ochenno05 +piral @7A brea1s- infor,ation is force4 against
the insi4e of the shell of nucleus- energ' lea(es fro, the nucleus through the brea1s of shell in
4ifferent 4irections- but not besi4e the gates- an4 it 4estro's infor,ation5 Therefore )hen 4isease
stri1es cell- is (isible re44ish color first- then - 4ar1 bro)n- gra'- blac15 Before the ,i44le of cell -
as (olcano- as eruption5 @isease is exten4e4 off the bo4'5
Ahen consciousness pulse goes before the cell- /i4et0 i4entification - frien4-foe5 +tranger can
be ,ore strongl'5 An4 then occurs the 4isplace,ent of nucleus in the cell - as it is alrea4'
4escribe4 earlier5 The spiral of infor,ation is co,presse45 If )e b' consciousness act on sic1 cell -
brea1s of its shell beco,e narro)5 The ri, of nucleus is co,presse4 an4 goes insi4e the nucleus-
an4 straightens spiral- is built energ'5
In the cell the la'er of consciousness is arrange45 Consciousness is arrange4 before the
nucleus across the ri, of shell as on the staff of creator5 The /so6i4a'ushcha'a0 energ' 4escen4s
besi4e the un4e(elope4 peace an4 /techet0- as ri(er flo)e45 The cell is heale4 after this5 7othing
can 4a,age it5 The force of creator )ithout an'thing )ill not be co,pare45 This cell is 4i(i4e4- it
buil4s ne) cells an4 organs )ith the regeneration5 Positi(e infor,ation 4isplaces negati(e- an4 it
4eparts 4o)n the un4e(elope4 peace5
People spea1 - ,iracle5
Creator spea1s - )or15
An4 still he sai4< )or4- thought- silence5
To /olshe0 father nothing sai45 +ilence5
It 4eparts fro, the )hite peace- an4 the celestial sphere is pulle4 abo(e it5 But it can be an4
(ice (ersa5 But it can re,ain on the spot5
To4a' sno) - all )hite5 But can be an4 (ice (ersa - blac1- ,u45
T)o )ere )ith the father an4 sa)< the strea, of /techet0 )ith one spee4- ri(er )ith another-
before the sea flo) - )ith the thir45 Pulse be'on4 the reco(er' ,ust be ,atching to flo)5 The'
o(erlappe4 strea, - )ater is accu,ulate4 an4 it /pere1hlest'(aet0 4a,5 Therefore the part of the
4isease ,ust be con(erte4- an4 part turne4 bac1)ar4s5 Aith 4iagnostics an4 inspection half of the
force of 4isease ,ust be con(erte4- an4 then ,a4e a conclusion an4 reache4 to one cell5 I5e5- to first
locali6e the focus of 4isease- then to )or1 )ith the cell- )hich it exten4s5
B' consciousness it is necessar' to act on cell an4 to neglect process )ith such force that the
action an4 the opposition )oul4 be correlate45
Ah' /i4e,0 on the )aterD Because the spee4 of thought is correlate4 )ith the reco(er' rate
an4 the ti,e5 An4 )ith 4ar1 space- )here )e /i4e,05 Infor,ation trac1ing appears5 =(i4entl'- as
the )a(e of /i4et0 4o)n the ,an5 =(i4entl'- )hat )eather5 Before the treat,ent of 4iseases )e also
,ust rest be'on4 the infor,ation about the )eather on the strea,- the ri(er- the sea5 +he
acco,panies 4isease5 Ae see father large an4 s,all- see father as grain of san4 an4 as the uni(erse5
Ae see father rich an4 poor5 Ae see father b' prophet an4 b' passer-b'- )ho go to)ar4s us
an4 )ho sa'< 'ou lo(e each person as ,e5
Ae pass 4o)n that shore- )here there is no ele(ation- fro, )here it is necessar' to pass along
the )ater5 Rising 4o)n the height - )e obtain 1no)le4ge an4 right to (isit the hori6on5 Those- )ho
(isite4 the hori6on- see,ingl' the' ,erge for the sa1e of the sun- the, e(i4entl'5
One of us (isite4 - it ,ateriali6e45 People base4 on another shore 4o not see it5 As it 4oes not
exist5 But it there is5 This is 4e(elop,ent stage - 4issolution before the sun5 It is possible to ,a1e a
step- to lea(e an4 (er' far 'ou )ill pro(e to be fro, that place- )here it )ent- before se(eral
1ilo,eters- either before hun4re4 1ilo,eters or before thousan45 Ti,e there of /i4et0 before other
4irection an4 )ith another spee45
Ae base4 on the height loo1 - bet)een the hori6on an4 the sun there is a colorless lo4icule of
hol' spirit5 Ae see others abo(e this lo4icule- but us the' 4o not see5 /Teleportatsi'a0 of /i4et0
through the sun5 An4 4ue to the solar energ'5 An4 4ue to the 4ifference before the ti,e5 It is
possible to pro(e to be (er' far fro, the initial point of 4isplace,ent- especiall' if )e )ith the ai4
of thought pulse strengthen ,o(e,ent5 The past- future- le(itation- 4isplace,ent before the space
of cos,os - this are all through the force of cos,os- through the force of the sun5
/I4e,0 into the 4epths of the sun5 Ae see nucleus5 7ext to the nucleus - po)er station- the'
gi(e nourish,ent - energ'5 Aith their ai4 the trans,ission pulse of infor,ation be'on4 the
consciousness is achie(e45
The future an4 the past - are scant'5 Present opens )a' up)ar45 But it is necessar' to accept
past an4 future besi4e itself in or4er to control present5
Ae sa) 'ester4a'Is trash in ri(er an4 blac1 )ater5 Ae sa)5 This trash - e(il hu,an - it )e tell
this5 Ae proclai,- that an' )ater for us - bright5 Ae is 4isco(ere4 )a' an4 b' the fact- )ho
re,aine4 on the farther ban1- an4 /4ae,0 to the, possibilit' not to en('- but to regain (ision5
People- after stepping 4o)n the )ater- )ill not fall through an4 )ill not sin1- because the' ha(e a
light before the consciousness5 Ae /po(e4e,0 of people along this roa4 )ill first be together )ith
the, on this roa45
Ae go 4o)n the ,i44le of ri(er an4 can see poor thoughts before the )ater an4 con(ert the,5
Te%t &
15 father sai4 to one of us< enter besi4e the space an4 loo1 4o)n the perio4 - it stoppe45 =nter
besi4e the consciousness- an4 'ou )ill see grain of san4 before the large an4 boun4less peace5
Ahat 4o see 'ouD
- Cir- father5
- Correct that )hich is 4estro'e4 for the sa1e of thought- an4 'ou )ill obtain result5 Intro4uce
life an4 respiration an4 loo1- as ti,e is arrange45
G It [snovo] of [techet] as consciousness on the physical plan.
G ,ou obtained result ! the grain of sand, without which it cannot be constructed (ir.
)nderstand it ! and you [poymesh] (ir, and you will be [)divlen].
!5 grain of san4 buil4s peaces- )hereas peaces 4o not note it5 Connect grain of san4 )ith the
grain of san4- infor,ation )ith the infor,ation in realit'5 An4 so connect cell )ith the cell- organ
)ith the organ- )hole )ith )hole5 An4 'ou )ill obtain re(i(al- an4 'ou /(o6ra4ueshs'a0 to this5
.oo1 an4 4o not 4epart- until 'ou see for the sa1e of 'our e'es5 I al)a's )ith 'ou an4 I to the i4es
to 'ou5 I - unite4- passing through the grain of san4- before )hich )hole5 I - Cir5
Reali6e- an4 it )ill be before the statics - ,otion- an4 before the ,otion - as if (isible statics-
but this is not so an4 it )as al)a's not thus5 @irect all- about )hich I spo1e- correct besi4e the be4
of ri(er5 Both it )ill co,e out an4 it )ill happen5
:es it )ill be thus;
"5 is recor4e4 all exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e intonation- as father sai4 celestial to son his
)ith other t)o sons of his5
An4 those it )as confir,e4 - is gi(en e(i4ence on the =arth on the )ill of father of celestial-
the creator entire li(ing on the =arth an4 aroun4 the s1'- creator of peaces5
T)o of three )ere )ith the father celestial- an4 father sai4< there )as feature an4 there )as
this feature of in(isible5 Eisit this feature an4 be exa,ine4- 'ou )ill see- that the space beco,es
uni(ersal5 An4 before this space points are foun45 An4 the' are foun4 before the constant ,otion5
This is infor,ation5 An4 obFect for the sa1e of the obFect is connecte4- but connections 4o not
intersect5 Approach again this feature - 'ou )ill see Cir an4 as Cir is arrange45
Peace- spaces an4 soul - are unite45 If this /po',ete0- then /po',ete0 an4 the essence of ,an-
his soul- an4 can /so6i4at0 an' ele,ents of peace- the' - the obFects of infor,ation5 @uring the
un4erstan4ing an4 the reali6ation occurs instantaneous re(i(al an4 /4aets'a0 the free4o, before the
4e(elop,ent an4 the reali6ation5
It is possible to obtain infor,ation base4 on the soul an4 the peace5 But it is possible fro, ,e
- the father of celestial5 Being locate4 before the space- 'ou al,ost ha(e ph'sical bo4' an4 can turn
ha(oc an' obFect of infor,ation5 Consciousness an4 soul - onl' assistants for un4erstan4ing of
peace an4 har,on'5
The appeare4 an4 un4e(elope4 peaces - are i4entical5 An4 their har,on' is also i4entical5
Before the space 'ou un4erstan4 the 4egree of free4o, of 'our soul5 It buil4s bo4'5 It - the eternal
ele,ent of the peace- )hich can be 4e(elope4 freel'- infinitel' an4 ha(e its in4i(i4ualit'5 Aith it is
possible to associate )ith the ai4 of the /si,(oli6iro(anno'0 infor,ation an4 the (oice5
+oul 4e(elops bo4' an4 is achie(e4 the process of the ,anifestation of ph'sical before the
ph'sical- ,aterial before the ,aterial5 The greatest- that there is before the ,an - his soul- )ho
freel' is 4e(elope4 an4 it /so6i4aet05
All in the )orl4 has a infor,ation5 It is possible to ta1e it an4 to change before the positi(e
si4e5 An4 then Cir )ill change- )ill change for the better5 But people 4o not 1no) ho) to use
infor,ation as against it to loo15 Be' to the un4erstan4ing- to un4erstan4ing of all fact that is
locate4 in the )orl4- before the ph'sical of tele- person an4 as this is interconnecte4- lies against
the consciousness5
+ubli,it' an4 (ariet' of peace- spaces begins base4 on the creation5 An4 I ga(e to 'ou the
right to /so6i4at0 an4 to create5 I no) to 'ou )ill explain technolog'5
Ahen father pronounce4 these )or4s- spaces an4 soul approache45
Father sai4< 'ou sa)- that the feature bet)een the blac1 an4 the )hite cease4 to pla' role-
because 'ou passe4 besi4e infinit'5 Before it there is an' infor,ation - positi(e an4 negati(e5 But
the further fro, the =arth - the less the infor,ation5
Future is infinite as space5 If future )as connecte4 for the sa1e of presentl'- then space an4
future )ill approach 'ou5 7ot 'ou to it to /i4ete0- but it to 'ou5
The greater 'ou to /so64aete0- the greater 'ou obtain infor,ation- an4 the greater the
possibilit' to go(ern5 Positi(e future creates appropriate present5
Ahat rea4ing the boo1 - 'ou cost at this point- fro, )here infor,ation is exten4e4 besi4e all
spaces- for the entire )orl4- for the entire =arth5
For )hich this
Text- before than the sense
The text of the boo1 of ,' an4 )h' 4oes act it on all an4 is eternall'D :ou ,ust get to 1no)
all principles of peace an4 reali6e in or4er to /so6i4at0 ,ore 4eepl' an4 ,ore thorough5 An4 ,'
boo1 )ill heal5
I create4 an4 create4 the point of archi(e storage- against )hich there is all infor,ation about
the boo1 - large positi(e infor,ation5 :ou also ,ust create the point of archi(e storage about this
boo15 :ou ,ust 1no) - as this to ,a1e as to create- )here an4 )ith )hat para,eters it to buil45
+i,ilar points of archi(e storage alrea4' exist- an4 'ou can intro4uce 'our para,eters before the,5
Infor,ation an4 ai4 'ou ,ust gi(e to all5
It is possible to (isit besi4e infinit'5 Before it all is possible /so60to gi(e5 But it is possible to
ren4er ai4 on the =arth5 An4 to co(er e(er'thing5 +elect that position- )hich to 'ou is con(enient5
An4 /so6i4a'te05
Text 2
15 I calle4 the father of chil4ren his besi4e reign his5
An4 chil4ren sa) that reign terrestrial an4 reign celestial - the' )ere in4i(isible5
25 I of /po(el0 the father of the chil4ren of his sai4 to the,< chil4ren are ,'- here reign
,'- it - is not 4i(i4e4- it is unite4 an4 it is actual5 :ou loo1 an4 reali6e- that reign terrestrial an4
reign celestial - the' are not 4i(i4e4- the' unite45
!5 as ne(er- )e /i4e,0 to)ar4s each other5 /+o6i4a'a0 future e(ents- 'ou all nearer an4
nearer approach ,e- an4 I - to 'ou5
I too1 boo1 ,' before the han4s an4 ga(e to 'ou the right to )rite 'our boo15
"5 'ou are situate4 before The /tsarst(e7ebesno,0 an4 'ou actuall' go(ern- actuall'5 An4
'ou 1no) about this as 1no) others5 An4 there is- the' /ibu4ut0- an4 the' )ere al)a's to that of
the confir,ation of people5
#5 'ou so,e of the first- )ho approache4 the ,eans to ,'5 An4 I a, (er' gla4 so that
'ou )ith ,e5 I a, cal,- cal, at the point of the =arth- at the point of the people5 Although (er'
4ifficult- correct )a' 'ou selecte45 I )ill be support an4 support to 'ou- an4 I )ill be base- I )ill be
light an4 1no)le4ge- 'ou )ill be creati(e before e(er'thing5 An4 this is - )a'5
$5 to co,plex select )a'- to co,plex bring its consciousness 4o)n the energ' of clean
spirit an4 to accept 1no)le4ge against the le(el of soul5
To still ,ore 4ifficultl' see all an4 actuall' to reali6e5 But - this is )a'- this is the )a' of
rescuing for all5
%5 rescuing of soul - /(echna'a6hi6n0- re(i(al - is this truth5
?n4erstan4- chil4ren ,'- the truth )as assu,e4 as the basis of all religions5 But as it )as
interprete4 before the consciousness of people an4 as )as percei(e4 - this other*
An4 each separatel'- an4 all together sol(e- as it )ill be an4 as each /po',et0 of the )or4s-
)hich I put before the ,ouths of each an4 besi4e the ,ouths of in4i(i4ual an4 righteous people5
&5 chil4ren are ,'- 'ou all chil4ren ,'5 It is necessar' to percei(e truth- it is necessar' to
reali6e the technolog' of creation- an4 precisel' creation5 :ou 4epart an4 co,e of one besi4e
another- 'ou buil4 /oso6naete0 Cir 4ifferentl'- an4 it 'ou 4ifferentl' see5
But Cir- son ,'- father turne4 hi,self 4o)n one of us- Cir - as it is ,uch before this )or45
Base4 on it the beginning of beginnings - base4 on the )or45 .i1e the bible- )hich ga(e the
pre(iousl' son ,'5 An4 I see that precisel' 'ou ,a1e an4 that 'ou thin15 I 1no) that )ill ha(e 'ou
an4 in the )orl4 before the future- an4 I create this5 In4ee4 this Cir- son ,'- this Cir5
?n4erstan4 an4 correctl' trans,it
Texts are ,'5 But I open to 'ou
The texts of the boo1 of ,' so that 'ou- )hich earlier than this 4i4 not 1no)- it )oul4 learn-
)oul4 un4erstan4- )oul4 )rite an4 )oul4 trans,it5 This )ill be correctl'5 This is the )a' of 'our5
An4 the exa,ple to )a' for each- for each- )ho un4erstoo4 an4 reali6e45 An4 those- )ho loo1 on
Cir - I )ith each of the,5
As it is beautiful before the reign celestial; >ere Cir an4 lo(e- precisel'- lo(e5 It is necessar'
to un4erstan4 an4 to pass )a'5
95 chil4ren ,'- I al)a's next to 'ou- 'ou see ,e an4 tal1 for the sa1e of ,e5 Pass on
1no)le4ge to people- an4 )ill be Cir- that Cir- about )hich I spo1e- an4 that Cir- )hich I
sho)e45 Create an4 /so6i4a'te0 the )a' of peace5
15 after this father celestial arose an4 )ent- an4 I )as a nu,ber- an4 sa) that the fact that I
can 4escribe - first- fro, )hat it /so6i4aets'a0- first- fro, )hat begins to be- then- )here it is
e(i4ent that also as in realit' there is- an4 as it is built this Cir5 Ae - before the real peace- )e
shoul4 onl' see it base4 on the other si4e- base4 on the si4e of truth5 It is necessar' to onl' get to
1no) the 1no)le4ge of creator an4 to see his light5
An4 the' selecte4 three one so that it )oul4 be recor4e4 an4 trans,itte4 to the 1in4 hu,an5
All is seen an4 is recor4e4 exactl' an4 )ith the sa,e intonation- as sai4 father celestial
chil4ren his5
One of three )as )ith the father5 An4 father calle4 hi, )ith hi,self5
An4 )hen I )ent abo(e the father- then sa) ,an' people5 An4 there )ere the' as before the
sleep5 An4 the' stoo4- 4i4 not see an4 the' 4i4 not un4erstan4 that it occurs before the reign of the
father of celestial5 An4 )hen I approache4 nearer- I exa,ine4 all an4 all5
I also sa) itself5
An4 it a)o1e5
An4 )ent 4o)n the,sel(es an4 before the,sel(es three 4a's- an4 it again sa) father5 It
)aite4 ,e5
I approache4 an4 he stoo4 facing the peace next to the father- an4 sa) the light- e(ents an4
,uch about )hich I can trans,it accuratel'5
Father sai4< son ,'- loo15
An4 I loo1e4 against the father5
Thoughts- e(ents- an4 that I 4i4 not 1no) thus far- began to s)i, before ,' consciousness5
After )hich father )ent- an4 I )ent abo(e it5
I lagge4 - an4 sa) one5
I )ent next to the father - an4 sa) other5
It then ,e see,e4 that I )ent in front - an4 he sa) sphere fro, fire an4 air5 An4 entere4
father besi4e this sphere- an4 he )as re,o(e45
I entere4 besi4e the sphere an4 sa) fire- there is ,uch fire - it concerne4 ,e- but not burners5
I - )as as chil4- I - before the spirit5
An4 I see father- an4 I see the reflection of father- see reflection ,'- I see light before the
soul5 In4ee4 this all of sho)er; Ahere I not loo1e4- besi4e an' particle of the peace of entire li(ing
- e(er')here father5 It /(e64esushch0 is unite4- it - truth of truths- it - light of light- it - the one )ho
create4 all5
An4 I see father- an4 I see his reflection before an' peace- since Cir is unite4- but it is 4i(erse
before the consciousness an4 before the 4epth of 1no)le4ge5
An4 after in all- that I sa)- father sai4< son ,'- 'ou entere4 besi4e the soul ,' through the
spirit ,' an4 'our spirit- )hich sho)s- he in4icates an4 it /so6i4aet05 I sho)e4 the spirit- seen 'ou
an4 in(isible for others in or4er to in4icate )a' to people so that ,'- besi4e the reign hu,an )oul4
1no) the roa4 besi4e the reign5
In or4er to pass this )a'- it is necessar' to enter besi4e the gates of reign5 An4 it is necessar'
to beco,e s,all as grain of san4 in or4er to pass besi4e the large an4 to learn the 4e(ice of large
an4 enor,ous - boun4less before the consciousness an4 before the un4erstan4ing5
Father stoo4 before the )hite clothing5
An4 I calle4 others so that the' )oul4 testif' about ,e- an4 I- in turn- testifie4 about the,5
An4 it )as next to the, earlier- also- to this hour5
After )hich father sai4< chil4ren ,'- 'ou on the insistence ,' an4 on the )ill of 'our an4 on
the fact that I grante4 to 'ou - /so6i4aete0 e(en 'ou help- 'ou raise an4 'ou )ill raise- 'ou carr'
out that the fact that I charge4 to 'ou5
About than 'ou 4i4 thin1 an4 that 'ou 4i4 see along the )a' to ,eD One- rescuing5 The
rescuing of all- rescuing is the sho)er of hu,an5 +a(e /spasete0- as it )as in4icate4- an4 'ou )ill
be )ith ,e5
In4ee4 ,an' 4o not 1no)- ,uch the' 4o not see an4 ,uch the' 4i4 not see fro, the fact that
there is- an4 fro, the fact that is gi(en5
Rescue an4 to /pri4ete0 to ,e5
?n4erstan4 rescuing the sho)er of 'our an4 to /pri4ete0 to ,e5
/?(i4te0- that I all sa(e- an4 to /pri4ete0 to ,e5
+a(e /spasetes0- as it )as forseen an4 reflecte4 before the boo1 of ,'- as rescuing )as seen
an4 as )as trans,itte45 Rescue through the soul an4 the spirit- being reflecte4 before consciousness
its5 At the point of the reflection of peace - an4 un4erstan4ing- an4 the un4erstan4ing of the
connections of peace an4 entire li(ing5
@o not fall besi4e the sleep an4 'ou 4o not be before the sleep- since Cir appears not thus5
An4 in the )orl4 there is no 4eath- there are no ,e4iators - the' are ,anifeste4 onl' before the
presence of sleep- sleep of consciousness5 .ea(e an4 'ou )ill loo1 actuall' on Cir- Cir real- Cir-
of the create4 b' ,e- create4 for the 1in4 hu,an5
I create4 soul uni(ersal- spirit penetrating an4 creating- consciousness - reflecting an4 gi(ing
truth in co,bination )ith the soul5 +o 'ou be before the truth- so 'ou be )ith ,e5 +a(e /spasetes0;
Text !
15 I called father the celestial of the children of his and it said to them: here, the book before the hands
of my. efore the book ! knowledge about the future, present and past. ,ou, children my, see each sheet of
the book of my, hear each word, which I to you said, and you understand.
25 children my, you are situated before the spirit in order to visit beside the soul and to obtain
knowledge about entire, about all ob-ects of universe, material, realities. Are ready you. /o understand you
the creation of soul and the way of the rescuing of soul.
!5 boo1 has /bes1onechn''obe,0 of real infor,ation- to )illo)s it is necessar' to 1no) its
/so64anie1a6h4ogo0 sheet an4 the boo1s as a )hole5 :ou shoul4 1no) /o0 the creation of the cell of
soul an4 about the creation of soul as a )hole5 An4 to learn to create the structure of soul on the
basis of 1no)le4ge an4 (ision ,e5 An4 to create cells an4 structures as a )hole5 Being locate4
before the spirit- it is necessar' to obtain 1no)le4ge base4 on the soul an4 to create through the
consciousness - to create the har,onious s'ste,s for control for rescuing an4 /neunichto6heni'a0
of entire li(ing on the =arth5
"5 it is in realit' necessar' to (isit 4o)n the le(els also besi4e the cells of soul- to see
an4 to un4erstan4 creator thought about the creation- thought about realit' an4 realit' of creation5
#5 I on basis- an4 precisel' on basis- creation to see reflection an4 ,eans of creator-
,e- chil4ren are ,'- an4 to un4erstan4- an4 to precisel' un4erstan4- the process of creating in all
that there is before cos,os an4 on the =arth- that there is- )here ,ust be- an4 )hich onl' is
Chil4ren ,'- )ill connect 1no)le4ge those obtaine4 )ith the fact that I 'ou I )ill no)
sho)- 'ou be together- /so6i4a'te0 an4 be gla4 against that create45
$5 I sho)e4 father- fro, )here is a beginning en45 An4 the latter is infinite before its
An4 there )ere ,an' spheres5
An4 there )ere the' 4ifferent5
An4 there )as light5
An4 there )as creation5
An4 )as sho)n b' father future an4 his 4e(elop,ent5
An4 as it )ill be 4e(elope4 on the e(ents- on the 4ates- an4 on the spee45
An4 that /6h4et0 of people- an4 )hich )ill occur5
%5 I selecte4 the chil4ren of the thir4 for the )riting- so that it )oul4 trans,it to the 1in4
&5 text of the father of celestial5
95 all )as recor4e4 exactl'- as it sho)e4- an4 )ith the sa,e intonation- as sai4 father
celestial - creator in all both on the =arth an4 aroun4 the s1'5
Text "
15 I sai4 father /7ebesn''4et'a,0 his< C>I.@R=7 C:- :O? .OOB I7 T>= F?T?R=5
A7@ B: /OTRA2IT+:AE23.:A@OC0 F?T?R= /E7A+TO:A+>C>=C05
A7@ IT AI.. B= R=F.=CT=@ B: .I3>T A7@ B7OA.=@3=5
A7@ PR=+=7T B=FOR= T>= =T=R7IT: AI.. B= R=F.=CT=@5
25 A that is eternit' /1a1ona0 of /so64aets'a0D - as1e4 father5
An4 after Huestion his too1 father before the han4s boo1 his an4 opene4 it5 An4 it )as
e(i4entl' in realit' as un4er the (ie) of father before the consciousness of /techet0 thought- as the'
change on each page of letter- each )or4 un4er the (ie) of father5 But before each letter of the
)or4 of each there )as infinite infor,ation - it first )as substitute4- first it )as con(erte4- first it
)as fille4- then connecte4 i,,ense before the /ob'atno,0- or it beca,e On the Bor4er both the
)or4s an4 the surfacings of the boo1 of father5
!5 I sai4 the father< I )ill as soon as pronounce the )or4- sho)n b' ,e before the boo1- so he
)ill happen- it is con(erte4 an4 )ill lea(e5
An4 sa) chil4ren lo)er than the throne of father s1' celestial- for,ation an4 con(ersion-
fin4ing an4 obtaining5 An4 chil4ren sa) soul- uni(ersal soul of the father of celestial5 As soon as
)or4 fro, the boo1 of the father of celestial )as pronounce4- so i,,e4iatel' in the center in all
there )as creation an4 there )as reflection5 An4 sa) chil4ren- as ,an' people )ent 4o)n the
sphere- 4o)n the ,eans of the father of celestial- an4 the' obtaine4- an4 obtain 1no)le4ge celestial
for the creation of terrestrial5
"5 so )ere arrange4 /Ottso,7ebesn',0 the la)s of creation5 The basis of bases an4 the
secret of secrets so )as seen5 +o /b'loprochitano0 is trans,itte45 An4 /b'lopon'ato05 An4 sho)e4
father an4 soul- an4 spirit- an4 the generating consciousness5 +o )as built b' the pulse of the soul
through the spirit celestial - consciousness- an4 /so6i4a'ushchee0- an4 for,ing5 An4 it )as
#5 I selecte4 three /o4nogo4l'a0 of )riting5 All )as recor4e4 exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e
intonation- as sai4 father celestial chil4ren his5 An4 /b'lota105
I (isite4 besi4e the sphere- )here there )as all aroun4 fire - fire of the life- )here one coul4
see ho) /techet0 life5 An4 I )ent abo(e the father celestial5 For long it )ent- an4 )hen he
un4erstoo4 that the Can- uni(erse is reflection of creator before the range of fire- before the sphere
of life - I sa) the father of celestial an4 sa) the soul- )ho, the father sho)e45 Aas (isible the
structure of soul an4 as is for,e4 consciousness before the sphere- the sphere of light5 After )hich
the sphere of light )as 4i(i4e4 besi4e ,an' spheres5 Before the, )as e(i4entl' the reflection of
the sphere of light an4 there )ere structures - structure of the /otra6hennogo0 light5 An4 there )as
construction- an4 there )as ,aterial5 Before the sphere of soul there )as the 4ensit' an4 large- (er'
bright light5
An4 the father sai4< chil4ren are ,'- here the creation of bases- here eternal before the eternal-
here large before the large an4 s,all before the s,all5 @o see 'ou- 4i4 turn hi,self he 4o)n one of
us- Cir of large an4 li,itless- Cir before reflection- Cir real an4 being 4e(elope4 against the basis
of ,aterialD This is soul - this eternal- infinite- this /so6i4a'ushchee0- an4 this basis - the sphere-
)ithout )hich it is not possible to construct peace ,aterial an4 peace ph'sical5 This ,aterial -
structure of structures5 =ach cell before the uni(erse- each cell in ,an - one to one< light an4 the
reflection of structure an4 for,ation5 This is - the basis of bases5 After connecting the, about those
la)s- on )hich I to s'ste, an4 /so6i4a'u0 peaces- 'ou )ill obtain peace real- peace ph'sical5 @o
see 'ou the connections of peaceD The' co,e fro, the soul- the' go fro, the light5 >ere is it - the
infor,ation of bases- an4 the reason for reasons - original cause5
It )as all aroun4 4ar1- there )as night- in the center sphere an4 light - life5
Father sai4 chil4ren his< 'ou )ill loo1 all aroun45
Ahen father sai4 - it beca,e e(i4ent an4 it )as un4erstoo45
An4 there )as light- an4 there )as no 4ar15
The chil4ren of the father of celestial at the point of the 1no)le4ge an4 the 1no)le4ge
An4 it )as un4erstoo4- an4 it )as reali6e4- an4 the' )ere the' )ere grateful to the creator of
entire li(ing both aroun4 the s1' an4 on the =arth5 An4 it )as charge4 to the thir4 4escribe all
exactl'- also- )ith the sa,e intonation- as sai4 father celestial chil4ren his5
T)o of three approache4 the father an4 the' as1e4< Father- )e connecte4 large an4 s,all-
celestial an4 terrestrial5 But )e see- father that in connecting large an4 s,all- as it )as an4 earlier -
there is no reflection of 'our before that entire create4 b' us5 Ae an4 no) 4o not see reflection-
although the' passe4 all aroun4 all5 Ae 4o not 1no) - )here itD +a'- father- 4o 1no) )e
accuratel'D Correctl' )hether )e 4o seeD
- Accuratel' an4 correctl'- sai4 to chil4ren father celestial5 - I no) 4o not ha(e reflection5
In4ee4 I - ,en true an4 cost in the center of the fact that 'ou connecte4 an4 connecte45 But
reflection ,'- an4 father sho)e4 b' han4 all aroun4- here it5 This of Cir in realit'- )hich 'ou see
before the sphere of internal- but ,ore precisel' to sa'- before the sphere of external5 +a'- chil4ren
,'- in4ee4 'ou 4i4 earlier see that the fact that I to 'ou 4o sho) no)D
- :es- )e sai45
An4 the father sai4< in this place I create5 An4 un4erstan4 - an4 'ou- I see- the' un4erstoo4- as
I create - realit' reflects an4 buil4s that )hich is create4 b' ,e- an4 it con(erts- an4 it carries out
there- )here I )ill in4icate5 In4ee4 the' are that I sai4- he is built in this place5
An4 father 4o)n the center of the sphere- )here )e stoo4- sho)e45 An4 as soon as )e loo1e4
4o)n the center of sphere- )e sa) the sa,e si4e- on )hich )e stoo45
Father sai4< here external sphere change4 un4er the (ie) b' 'our5 Peace internal an4 peace
external )ill be i4entical- )ill be 4'na,ic or static- as soon as 'ou )ill buil4 it5
:ou sa) an4 see realit'- as she acts on these or other obFects5 An4 'ou change4 it - in4ee4 to
'ou it is gi(en5 It is gi(en at the point of 'ou to create - so create life in the center of sphere an4
'ou )ill loo1 besi4e the exterior5 Cost li1el'- 'ou )ill be astonishe4- although long ago 'ou
con(ert peace an4- probabl' 'ou 4o not set in 'our operation surprise5 The 4rea, of the thir4 of
'ou here an4 happene45 :ou can repeat an4 create again after this5 To create - an4 to reflect5 Then
others are astonishe45 An4 that ele,ent- )hich 'ou 4i4 not inclu4e- )ill be ,e /(1l'uchen05
>ere peace to the )orl4; >ere is the life of life; >ere is the te,ple of te,ples; >ere is the
)or4 of )or4s; >ere is the truth of truths; An4 here is the goo4 of goo4; >ere is the ,easure of
,easures; An4 here is the 4epth of 4epths; >ere is light an4 reflection- an4 here unite4 as a )hole-
here is cell in the cell- here all- sai4 father5
- Chil4ren are ,'- I /istinno(strecha'us0 )ith 'ou an4 to /istinnopo4t(er6h4a'u0 of
1no)le4ge 'our5 /:aperechislil0 is s,all before the large as 4eter,ining )a' 'our5 /I'a0 I loo1 on
'ou5 To no) /nu6hnopon'at0- that before the (ie) ,'D
- .o(e- father5 /.'ubo(1o0 to e(er'thing- that there is- an4 )hich )as- an4 )hich )ill be- to
the fact that /bu4etso64ano0 an4 that /so64aets'a05
An4 father sai4 chil4ren his< this - it is true- chil4ren ,'5 Bear 1no)le4ge an4 light- an4
exten4 the,5 :es it )ill be thus;
An4 there )as another- create4 first5 An4 there )as the thir4- base4 on )hich al)a's it is
possible to see t)o pre(ious an4 it is possible the, to go(ern5
An4 I sa) father5 An4 he )ent besi4e the future5 An4 I sa) in front of the sphere5 An4 abo(e
the spheres there )as eight5 An4 it )as ,ultiplie45
An4 I approache4 the,5 An4 he sa) before the eights of point of contact5 An4 the' )ere
An4 I )ent further5 An4 it sa) spheres5 An4 it )ent to)ar4s b' the,5
An4 it sa) point5 An4 it )as light5
An4 for)ar4 as it 4i4 not release ,e- an4 there )as this three 4a's5
Ahen I approache4 nearer the spheres- there )as abo(e 4epth- an4 there )as belo) height5 At
point I ,a4e to the left it one half-step ,ore an4 ,a4e to the right one half-step ,ore5 There it )as
neither 4rop nor other har, of an' 1in45 An4 it stoo4 on the consciousness- an4 )hich see,e4 in
front far- beca,e near ,e- next5
I exa,ine4 - )ho or that this )as5 These )ere ani,als5 The' )ere (er' large increase5 The'
)ere si,ilar 4o)n the lions- but these )ere not lions5 Their persons )ere hu,an5 Angels before the
)hite clothing- )hich I see constantl'- )ere al)a's next to ,e an4 in front of ,e5 Ahere neither it
)ent- )here nor con4ucte4 )a' - the' )ere locate4- )here there is the light- )hich there is before
the father5 An4 4uring this ti,e the' )ere locate4 al)a's to the left besi4es ,e5 7o)- )hen I
loo1e4 on ani,als )ith the hu,an persons- angels )ere fro, behin4 ,e5 An4 the' loo1e4 before
that 4irection - )here light )ent5 I )ent before the 4irection of that- )ho e,itte4 light5
These ani,als there )ere eight - on four base4 on each si4e5 I 4i4 not fall an4 it 4i4 not ta1e
a)a' ,e before an')here5 But I sa) that )hich )as aroun4 ,e5
I sa) in the ,anner that as if on the street )as night - bright- bright5 An4 the (oice- )hich
sai4 to ,e- hear4< 'ou are situate4 before the spirit5 An4 this (oice procee4e4 fro, there- )here
)a' an4 )here there )ere the sacre4 ani,als- con4ucte45
An4 I sa) soul ,'5 An4 it see,e4 ,e- as if all that I sa) all aroun4- )as reflecte4 before the
soul of ,'5 An4 as if )ere accepte4 the /opre4elenn'e0 outlines an4 si6es5 But here it left an4 it
beca,e - than an4 he )as )ho,5
I passe4 the first t)o ani,als- that )ere locate4 to the left an4 to the right of ,e5 The fire
procee4e4 fro, ani,als )ith the hu,an persons5 An4 this fire not of burners- but hea(enl' bo4ies5
An4 I sa) other ani,als- that sent 4o)n ,' si4e fire- but fire 4i4 not cause to ,e har,5
I first loo1e4 to the left- then to the right5 But this 4i4 not arrange the,5
I loo1e4 4irectl' e(en I 4o not 1no)- ho) to sa' or as to 4escribe- but I loo1e4 4o)n the )a'-
along )hich he )ent- an4 it here sa) the (ie)s both of left an4 right ani,al5
As soon as I sa) the first an4 secon4 ani,al i,,e4iatel'- (ie) ,' en(eloppe4 all this5 But
the fact that I sa)- began to approach ,e an4 it )as place4 besi4e the soul ,'5
Also I sa)- the fact that it )as locate4 be'on4 the =arth5 Also I sa) all- )hich )as locate4
before the reign celestial5
An4 I )ent further5
An4 I sa) ani,als )ith the hu,an persons5 An4 the' )ere to the left an4 to the right5 An4
4i4 not ha(e ti,e I to (isit abroa4 the,- as he approache4 the )ater5 Aater fille4 all- an4 I )as
precise before the )ater5 But I coul4 breathe an4 thin15 An4 I coul4 go further5
Before this )ater- before )hich I )ent- I sa) ,an' points an4 sa) ,an' spheres5 I sa) ,an'
connections fro, these points to these spheres5 Before the, there )as the inter,inable light5 I
loo1e4 besi4e one of ,an' spheres5
An4 there )as (oice5 An4 I sa) person- )ho sits on the throne an4 )ho tells ,e< I is the first
an4 last- I is the one li(ing before the li(ing- I is continuation of 1in4- I there is it began original5
An4 he sai4 to ,e< on the )a'- )hich 'ou selecte4- 'ou )ill ,eet )ith ,e5
An4 I (isite4 abroa4 )ater- an4 he sa) both to the left an4 to the right of itself ani,als )ith
the hu,an persons5
That- )hich )as to the left- sho)e4 an4 ga(e to ,e the boo15 An4 it )as unco,,on5 An4
before it there )as all- an4 e(er'thing )as here ,anifeste4 un4er the (ie) b' ,'5
That- )hich )as to the right- sho)e4 an4 ga(e to ,e the obFect- )hich 4esignates authorit'5
@i4 not ta1e I that the' ga(e to ,e5 An4 than1e4 the'- ans)ere4 the,- that I to the i4es to the
original- to the light- i4es to the real an4 the li(ing- that )aits each of us an4 that going to)ar4s to
us5 An4 the fact that the' propose e(en the' sho)- )as create4 for the sa1e of it- unite45 An4 those
1no)le4ge- )hich it /4aet0 to ,e- to each person- gi(e the right to cross the boun4ar' in all- )hich
)as propose45
Touche4 I neither in leftist nor in right ani,al )ith the hu,an persons nor b' han4 nor
thought of the fact that the' ga(e5
I ,a4e a step - an4 there it )as neither ani,als nor night5 But there )as bright light5
An4 I sa) soul ,'- an4 it- an4 precisel' it- she sprea4 on this light5 After )hich I sa)
precisel' b' ,' soul5 As soon as it )as foun4 before ,e- I sa) that ne)l' sitting on the throne5
An4 he sai4< I - li(ing- an4 I )as al)a's li(ingJ I - real an4 )as al)a's real- I - a, unite4 an4 I
there is before the (ariet'5
The light )as strengthene4 after this5 An4 I sa) that sitting stan4ing near ,e5 An4 he sai4< I
gi(e )or4 ,' to that gotten to 1no) the light an4 the 4ar1- goo4 an4 e(il- life an4 transient 4eath5 I
gi(e light ,' so that 'ou coul4 see all all aroun4 an4 to al)a's be next to ,e5
Text #
15 t)o of three )ere )ith the father- an4 father sai4< fulcru, - this that- I to /go(oril(a,0 is
earlier about than5 :ou loo1 an4 'ou see5 The first- )hat 'ou see - this the point of asse,bling-
)hich is turne4 ha(oc besi4e /geo,etriches1u'ufiguru0- or - that 'ou see constantl'< before )hat -
/libo1artinu0 - i5e5- 'ou 4iagnose5
:ou shoul4 trace - if 'ou ,a4e the first- 'ou )ill ,a1e the secon45 I this confir,5
25 on the basis of this 'ou can /pri4ti0 to the specific conclusion - there are entrance points-
/esttoch1i0 of output5 An4 b' these the point
I ,i of entrance an4 output 'ou can go(ern or the,sel(es create the,5 Create points 'ou can
as far as usual thought- 'ou shoul4 onl' see5 There is certain special feature before ho) are create4
points - b' usual thought5
Thin1 about the fact that 'ou are constant to /i4ete0 before one 4irection5 :ou can these points
not note - the first5 The secon4 K if 'ou these points note4- an4 'ou note4 the,- 'ou can not
4istinguish the,5 Ahich of the, entrances- such as outputsD But )h'D -or 'ou the' all i4entical -
'ou to /i4ete0 before one 4irection5
!5 1no) that the 4irections can be 4ifferent5 An4 not co,pulsoril' 4irectl'5 ?se 'our
1no)le4ge co,pletel'5 That- 'ou earlier itself spo1e about than- 'ou the,sel(es stro(e for )hat -
'ou this approache45 Before an' 4irection 'ou can )or1- create5 :ou 4iagnose4 base4 on the le(el
of consciousness - 'ou ,a4e 4iagnostics to ,an' people 4efinitel' thus- certain 'ou ,a4e
4iagnostics 4ifferentl' - base4 on the le(el of soul5 An4 4iagnostics before one an4
other the
cases 4i4 not coinci4e5 @iagnostics can an4 ,ust be precise- the 4ifference onl' against the
entrance points an4 output5
"5 against the entrance points infor,ation one- on the points /('1ho4ainfor,atsi'a0 is another5
?n4erstan4- chil4ren ,' that - 'ou a4ult- an4 base4 on the other si4e - 'ou are chil4ren base4
on one si4e5 I about this so ,uch 'ou tol4- I spea1- an4- I )ill spea15 +o,e call 'ou large an4 a4ult-
I call 'ou s,all an4 chil4ren5 An4 I 1no)- I spea1 about than5
#5 besi4es the entrance points an4 output- in actualit'- /1a1go(orit0 the thir4 of 'ou- there are
the points of 4rain- through )hich inter,e4iate infor,ation to /,o6hno('(esti0 or
/pro,e6hutochnu'uinfor,atsi'u0 can be intro4uce4- nona so,e ti,e- to the fastening of e(entual
$5 there is before the organis, of /toch1iinfor,atsii0- )hich )ere create4 b' ,e initiall' an4
)hich in so,e ti,e un4er)ent change5 7a,el'- to /'aobo6nachu0 these points of /slo(o,,nogo0-
or diverse. =ntrance points before the organis, of the hu,an - 4ar1- exit points are )hite5
1en, when it leaves physical body, it sees vice versa.
An4 I )ant so that these )or4s )oul4 be isolate4 as far as 'ou< white tunnel & and it is then
%5 all- )hat I sai4 - correctl'5 All- )hat tell people- /1otor'eb'li0 accor4ing to one or the other
reasons before the )hite corri4or - at the point of )hite- is co,pletel' right5 :ou shoul4 onl' be
4is,antle4- )h' 4ar1 /o1ut'(aetbeloe0- an4 that there is sleep5
Infor,ation at points- certainl'- is built an4 is reconstructe45 Aith an increase in the real
infor,ation of /so64aets'a0- gro)s real organ- real reco(er' an4 real re(i(al occurs5
&5 )ith the loss of infor,ation to /(toch1u0 of asse,bling the
/pere,eshcha'uts'aopre4elenn'e0 seg,ents- /chastii0 soul herself5 Ph'sical /6hetelo0 of /ostaets'a0
to /opre4elennogo(re,eni0 an4 perio4 before /fi6iches1o'realnosti05
Restoration can occur e(en on the ,e,or'- e(en on the ,eans - ,e this )as originall' lai45
The real o(erflo) of infor,ation an4 real re(i(al is achie(e4 )ith the ,ental effort an4 the
4isplace,ent of ,eans besi4e the ph'sical plan5 ?n4erstan4 that occurs precisely the overflow of
information and formation on the means and the similarity to my either cell or organ, or man. On
that or other ,eans5
95 rescuing of all people /i(os1reshenie0- certainl'- /proi6o'4et05 It alrea4' /i4et05 An4 'ou
/(eto,0 participate5 To /pro4ol6ha'te4elat0 that I charge4 to 'ou- /neotchai(a'tes0 not on )hat
15 here is the principle of /so64ani'atoche10 of infor,ation an4 /pere4achiee05 :ou this sa)-
reali6e45 :ou this 1no)- to 'ou it is necessar' at the point of /seti,0 to )or1 an4 to 4escribe5
/Eeto,0 consists the e(entual result of the )or1 of 'our5 This that- about than I spo1e earlier -
secret an4 in(isible /chelo(eches1o,ugla6u05 This that )hich ,a1es /treti'i60 'ou5
.ife - this beginning there are no initial it began without the life. Against
any beginning is life, since the life it is created for the sake of beginning.
An4 father tol4 apostles about the life of eternal5 An4 )hen there )ill be
the beginning of this life5
+ince life eternal /4aet0 )a' is true5
But truth is a base it began initial5
An4 )e foun4 )a'- /so6i4a'a0 an4 creating eternal5
:es it )ill be thus;
:es it )ill be reporte4;
:es it )ill be hear4;
I sa) the ancient roll- fille4 for the sa1e of strange for the sa1e of characters5 I coul4 rea4 hi,
an4 rea4- but as soon as he rea4- i,,e4iatel' forgot
Text an4 the 4iagra,- )hich )as belo)5 An4 I calle4 one of three so that he )oul4 help ,e to
recall that rea4- because it )as i,portant an4 it coul4 not be 4e(ote4 to obli(ion5 An4 t)o together
)e again rea4 secret- an4 the' sa) 4iagra, an4- after being i,,erse4 besi4e it- the' sa) the
creator- )ho )as s,all bo'5 It )al1e4 on the clou4- as if illu,inate4 fro, )ithin- an4 tal1e4 itself
for the sa1e of itself5
An4 )e rea4 the first< And then you will see true person, who goes towards you and who
speaks before the language, intelligible to each on the #arth, that gives to you life and assistant to
you before the same life. "t is grateful to you, as you are grateful to it.
"t created the peaces, when it was against the ripe age. And down this they relate as the sun,
as the 1oon, as stars, as wind, as water, as living and all other, which was created [im]. seeing it
they possess its light. As if its light - this is the body of its its, and word & this as water or the blood.
An4 )e rea4 the secon4< 2ou are located as a result of one table with it. And you taste its bread.
2ou to [pete] its wine. 2ou be grateful at the point of his hospitality.
1any falling before the network re'uest about the aid. And it from these networks frees
1any of those, who depart down the cardinal point, are in error. "t - light returns to the
light, calling them to itself. All, that there is in you and around you, is subordinated down its
view. 3nderstand essence - [obretete] of knowledge.
An4 )e rea4 the thir4< "ts discerning and knowing, carrying light will approach it and will
be obtained knowledge. And it will be to it known about proceeding around and about that, who
obtains prosperity. 4ord is %5# ,/.*,#/"%2 of [neset]
news indicates the origin of knowledge. And three pictures will be only if described and
written, they will be seen and folded together. Artist, and precisely artist, will see his true face and
will write by its paints.
And you, that read this
%ext, you will see and you will obtain the means of that, you will write about k.
6oing beside reality through the means of that creating all, you can see as sky, as mountains,
so also water. 2ou can look against all and you will receive everything. "ndeed we already
described the essence of proceeding, they are true. "ditol above the real and to [obretete] essence.
Ahen )e rea4
Text- one of us sai4< - )here before
Text it is 4escribe4 about the fact that )e sit )ith the father against one table- in ,e the
picture arose an4 it )as li(ing5 I sa) that )hich )as 4escribe45
An4 this )as as soon as pronounce4- roll )as shut- an4 )e pro(e4 to be against one table )ith
the creator- but the' sat alrea4' three together opposite it5 An4 on the table there )as )ine- an4
there )as brea45 One of us bro1e brea4 4o)n t)o parts an4 trans,itte4 to its father5 But father
ga(e to us )ine after brea1ing off fro, one of the parts of the brea4 to hi,self- he sai4< chil4ren
,'- I to 'ou gi(e )ine as light- as light ,'J an4 I gi(e to 'ou brea4 as ,aterial- as ,aterial ,'5
An4 4i(i4e4 the'5
In or4er light an4 ,aterial to gather together as Cir- I )ill ta1e a)a' )ar- an4 I )ill gi(e
eternit' to 'ou5 Originall' 'ou 1ne) light an4 creation- an4 then 'ou sa) 4estruction5 To 'ou is
sho)n this- so that 'ou /so6i4ali0 )oul4 create correctl'5
To each it )as gi(en on the (ali4it'- before his ,atters an4 past the age5 =ach of 'ou sees
light ,' an4 are obtaine4 1no)le4ge ,'5 =ach of 'ou sees spheres an4 points insi4e these spheres5
=ach of 'ou 1no)s that the spheres an4 points contain enor,ous peaces5 I )ill sho) 'ou no) ho)
to buil4 peaces as to buil4 future- as re(i(al occurs5 An4 the 4epth of ,' )or4s )ill be ne(er
enor,ous as- both about the sense an4 on the spee4 of trans,ission of infor,ation5
:ou loo1- loo1- chil4ren ,'- aroun4 ,e- aroun4 'ou 4ar1 points- )hite points- )hite spheres5
Ahen 'ou )oul4 see points an4 spheres- 'our consciousness see,ingl' stoppe4- an4 'ou sa) that-
I spo1e about than5 The' aroun4 'ou- aroun4 all people- an4 'ou are in4i(isible )ith ,e5
As soon as or besi4e the point to /(nesete0 ,eans or Cir- it )ill appear or )ill change besi4e
the sphere< at point - ,eans of ,an- an4 the ,eans of the ,an through the sphere - in the )orl45
An4 there )ill be it )ith 'ou- an4 there )ill be as 'ou- an4 it )ill be a,ong 'ou5 An4- certainl'-
there )ill be (ariet'5 Aho )ill approach the,- )ho )ill penetrate before the, an4 to the,- )ho
)ill place before the, ,eans ,'- ,eans his- )ho )ill gi(e the 1no)le4ge of personalit' before the
personalit' or accor4ing to the personalit'- that /obretet0 before the re(i(al an4 before the creation
truth unprece4ente45
To one of 'ou I earlier ga(e forces to ,a1e that- I spo1e about than5 An4 no) on the )ill of
,' 'ou all fin4 these forces an4 1no)le4ge about the truth an4 the re(i(al in or4er to ,a1e the
,atter- charge4 to 'ou5 =ach of 'ou )ill see- create life an4 intro4uce the ele,ents of eternit'
besi4e an' obFect together )ith the )or4. An4 ,ost i,portant- to intro4uce besi4e the structure of
life - life5
:ou no) sit against one table )ith ,e- an4 I entertain 'ou - b' the foo4 of spiritual5 An4 'ou
as the supporters of the unite4 ,atter to sign the unite4 solution as far as the future e(ents- an4 'ou
shoul4 con(ert the,5 The greater the people the' )ill ha(e this infor,ation- the ,ore rapi4
/proi6o'4et0 in the )orl4 Cir5 The ,ore rapi4l' 'ou )ill buil4 Cir before 'our consciousness- the
,ore rapi4l' the general structure of collecti(e consciousness )ill be built5 The ,ore rapi4l' the
1no)le4ge )ill be gi(en- the ,ore rapi4 an4 the ,ore co,plete the people )ill reali6e goo4 an4
e(il5 Although un4erstan4ing - this alrea4' is great goo45
:ou sa) the (er' beautiful =arth- an4 the' sa) that it )as create4 for the ai4 to people5 The'
sa) sphere an4 point insi4e5 +a) the consciousness in the for, of sphere an4 still insi4e the sphere
But )here the point of lightD It - in the center5 It - the foun4ation of the for,ation of
:ou go before the consciousness5 It is arrange4 in la'ers - the thir4 of 'ou in the ,anner that
an4 spo1e5 An4 there are connections5 An4 this is truth5
But on than 4oes stan4 consciousness itselfD On the soul5 +oul - is the bright point- )hich
ra4iates fro, herself light an4 )hich gi(es light to consciousness5 An4 is the light of ,in4 an4 the
light of consciousness before the consciousness itself5 It ,eans- Cir - this soul- an4 soul - this Cir5
An4 soul is built on the interrelations of the father of celestial an4 chil4ren- on their lo(e5 An4 she
is inaccessible to 4estruction5
+oul an4 ti,e- soul an4 space- soul an4 ,aterial- soul an4 bo4' - all ,ust be co,prehen4e45
An4 )hen )e sa) the point- )hich creates soul accor4ing to an4 on the 1no)le4ge of father- then
)e passe4 to it5 An4 each of us bore their )or4- an4 the' ha4 to ,erge )ith the )or4 of father as
broo1s )ith the ri(er5 Ae felt lo(e an4 appreciation at the point of To,- /Bto0 create4 Cir- its
in(ite4 us at the point of table an4 share4 as far as all- that he has- an4 it 4escribe4 about lo(e its5
Ae )ere grateful to father celestial an4 )ith the large a)e assu,e4 that the fact that it ga(e to us5
Ae 4esire4 to report /4onese,0 those 1no)le4ge- that co,,unicate4 to us the father for the people
besi4e the na,e of peace an4 prosperit'5
Ae than1e4 father at the point of his gift5
An4 father sai4< the great ,atter- )hen ,en are un4erstoo4 an4 it /so6i4aet0 about the
principles an4 the la)s- )hich there is an4 the' are create4 before the truth5 Cain thing -
un4erstan4ing ,e 'ou to /po',ete0 eternit'- an4 un4erstan4ing eternit'- 'ou to /obretete0
'oursel(es5 :ou )ill see- 'ou )ill hear an4 'ou )ill constantl' participate before this5 This )as
)ith 'ou earlier- this be no) an4 'ou )ill go(ern the fact that /gr'a4et05
But that there is futureD Ci3 - it has a (er' high spee4- a ,aterial- has color - an4 those
1no)le4ge- )hich 'ou no) obtaine4 an4 co,,unicate4 altogether onl' besi4e one bright point5
Ae create4 bright sphere- )here 1no)le4ge about the rescuing of all )as carrie4 an4 in all- that
there is before the ph'sical peace an4 as a result of its li,its5 An4 this solution - ,ost ,ain solution
before 'our life5
Father than1e4 us an4 sai4 that the essence of peace )e )ill 4iscuss three 4a's an4 three
nights- that it )ill transfer (er' tightl' 1no)le4ge- using not ter,inate4 b' bright light5
I )as )ith the father- an4 father sai4< loo1- there is a table- there is a surface5 I )ill conclu4e
this besi4e three spheres5 I ta1e the, besi4e the han4s an4 I transfer 4o)n 'ou5 Ahat 'ou 4o seeD
- I see the reflection of table- father- itself- all5
- .oo1 an4 'ou be (er' attenti(e5 Ta1e these three spheres- an4 the' as one- an4 place the,
be'on4 the table- )hich before the,5 :ou 4o feel before the, itselfD
- :es- since I hel4 their /(ru1a1h0 an4 sa) before the, itself5
- A )hen 4i4 assu,e the' be'on4 the tableD
- After placing the,- I sa)- that the' )ere connecte4 )ith this surface an4 are locate4 be'on4
- I 1no) that 'ou )ant to as1- an4 I ans)er5 These spheres - these are substance- this is that
)hich is locate4 before the soul5
Before the soul there is a point5 It in the /opre4elenno,0 place5 Against it is necessar' to loo1
in or4er to see these spheres- )hich )e create45
It ,eans- before the soul al)a's there is that )hich to 'ou is necessar'- is necessar' onl'
these spheres to see an4 to place before the, an' obFect of infor,ation5
These spheres can be 4e(elope4 before the 4eter,inate 4irections< is a sphere of external
realit'- an4 intra- creating for,- insi4e it - the gi(ing life to e(er'thing- an4 also the 4e(eloping life
outsi4e - eternit'5 :ou arrange4 /sfe0/r'0 on ,' table- this sho)s that it is possible to gather the,
an4 to hol4 before itself- before the space in the region of infor,ation5
Place4 besi4e this technolog' principle - principle of life- the principle of eternit'5
.IF= I+ B?I.T O7 T>= =T=R7IT:- A =T=R7IT: IT+=.F I+ B?I.T AT T>= .IF=5
An4 the first conseHuence - life develops eternity from within, and the eternity of [daet]
exterior form.
This principle buil4s connections an4 4eter,ines la)s5 It sa's la)<
IF T>=R= I+ +CA.. - IT B?I.@+ .AR3=5 A7@ .AR3= I+ R=F.=CT=@ FOR=E=R5
Another la)<
IF T>=R= I+ +CA.. - IT I+ A.AA:+ CR=AT=@ FOR T>= +AB= OF .AR3=5
3rain of san4 an4 4rop of )ater al)a's exists an4 the' )ill be in the ocean5 3rains of san4
an4 4rops line the botto, an4 buil4 the life of ocean fro, )ithin5 Eer' ocean of /4aet0 the
possibilit' to grain of san4 an4 to 4rop to see exterior for,s an4 Cir5
+o,eti,es 4rops b' 4rops are separate4 base4 on the ocean- or ,ore precisel' - the' )ill be
carrie4 4o)n the coast5 An4 one an4 another sees- precisel'- it sees- ,an- bir4- the ani,al - lea(e
,eans or pictures before their consciousness- an4 the' circulate5
That I to 'ou no) 4escribe4 - the past5 But 'ou see - before the present an4 in realit'5 I gi(e
to 'ou 1no)le4ge an4 tell 'ou about the principles an4 the la)s- )hich there is an4 the' act in
realit'5 ?n4erstan4ing- 'ou here obtain ans)er 4o)n 'our Huestion - )here 'ou can see ,e- before
)hat ti,e an4 in )hat place5 Obser(e the real e(ents of peace - 'ou )ill actuall' associate )ith ,e
an4 'ou get to 1no) Cir5 An4 )a' precisel' illu,inates 1no)le4ge an4 ,o(es ,an in realit'5
T)o of three )ere )ith the father5
Ae stoo4 before cos,os- an4 next to us there )as large e(ergreen tree5
Father sai4< 'ou loo1- 'ou cost not on the stone-- not on the san4* But on )hat 'ou 4o costD
:ou 4o re,e,ber- 'ou to ,e before the class 4i4 go an4 the' 4i4 fallD But then 'ou learne4 to
stan45 On )hat 'ou 4i4 stan4D Ahat no) 'ou 4o see before the ,eans ,'D An4 )h' there is
neither stone nor san4D 3enerall' there is nothing; But 'ou no) cost- 'ou loo1 4o)n)ar4 an4 'ou
1no) - there there is nothing- an4 nothing confuses 'ou5
This is (er' steep pitch5 Eer' steep pitch in or4er to be free45 To be free; An4 'ou beca,e
free5 An4 'ou 4o not fall5
There- )here 'ou arri(e4- 'ou see ,eans ,'5 :ou i,printe4 it- because there is a light- is
consciousness reflection base4 on the consciousness5 All this occurre4 instantl'- an4 'ou recei(e4
this for long- but can transfer 'our consciousness besi4e the ri(er be4- )here 'ou )ill recei(e (er'
rapi4l'5 :ou alrea4' began to recei(e (er' rapi4l' after the )or4s of ,'5
Ae loo1e4 an4 sa) the father of alrea4' one5 7ot ,eans- but one5
Father sai4< I opene4 to 'ou secret- secret of consciousness; Because there is that )hich
4isturbe4 'ou5 It 4isturbe4- because it )as reflecte45 An4 for, arose5
Chil4ren ,'- I arri(e4 against the great surprise< in4ee4 I - light gi(e life to e(er'thing5 I -
light gi(e to 'ou the light of 1no)le4ge5
In light of an4 before the 1no)le4ge of those people- )hich co,e 4o)n 'ou- there is 4uring
the reflection 4istortion5 :ou are locate4 next to these people- an4 can be locate4 before their cell-
before the ,eans- near the,- before the tree - )here(er 'ou not )ante45 In 'ou are a light the
1no)le4ge5 But the' ha(e reflection an4 4istortion - incorrect light5
I no) a, reHueste4 an4 )ill go further- an4 for this to ,e are necessar' onl' light- light of
1no)le4ge5 I a, ,o(e4 besi4e another space- before other Cir5 I create- )here it create4 )ill
create5 After seeing this an4 after percei(ing this- that 'ou ,ust un4erstan4 an4 about than thin1D
Ah' I 4o constantl' separate ,' )ith4ra)alD I 4epart for fulfilling one or other )or1 or another5
An4 about this I constantl' 'ou tell5 Coreo(er- 'ou see- )here I to the i4es5 An4 'ou see that I
>o)e(er- )hat it is necessar' to ,a1e in or4er to lea(e to the treeD An4 to see ho) usual tree
)ith the secret sense- )ith the (er' high societ'D
Arise near the tree an4 loo1 before it base4 on that si4e- )hich 'ou no) see5
Ae loo1e4 an4 ca,e - into being an4 father in the center of tree- before the cro)n;
Tree )as opene4 fro, )ithin an4 it sho)e4< Father passe4 besi4e the tree concerning the
soul5 >e- large- tra(erse4 the s,all an4 he again beca,e large5
There )as one of three before the spirit an4 it sa) - stoo4 three before the father- an4 fire an4
bright )hite light )ent fro, the father 4o)n the chil4ren5
An4 )hen he sa) this- )ere soun4e4 the )or4s< who obtained based on the father fire and
bright white light based on the soul beside the soul, that before the fire does not burn and before
the white light does not sink.
An4 it sa) enor,ous ocean- the ocean of 1no)le4ge*
Father sai4 that half of the hu,an bo4' is foun4 before the )ater- an4 the other half of bo4'
is locate4 abo(e the surface5 Father sai4 that the night belo) is locate4- an4 4a' is abo(e locate4
that the stars belo) are locate4- an4 s1' abo(e is locate45
Father sai4< that )hich is belo)- of course- tight5 But that abo(e- 'our bo4'- it- certainl'- is
4enser5 An4 if ,an is situate4 before this ocean of 1no)le4ge- then he in realit' 1no)s about
entire Cir5 +o he 1no)s also about the )eather- )hich abo(e- an4 itself it percei(es5 An4 also he
1no)s that there is be'on4 the surface*
Father sai4< but ho) not to 1no) that it is foun4 before the )ater - about entire Cir- an4
about all organis,s- an4 about all- that there is- if the,sel(es 'ou are locate4 there an4 'ou are
locate4 abo(e thisD But ho) not to see this- not to un4erstan4 or not to hearD In4ee4 it is gi(en5
Father sai4< but ho) to ,easure Cir- )hich before the )ater- if 'ou 4o not 1no)- )here the
e4ge of this peace- )here it 4oes finishD But there )hether e4ge- that 'ou 4o seeD In4ee4 e4ge-
)here 4oes not finish 4ensit'- either )ater or 1no)le4ge- but e4ge is ,uch further5
An4 still father sai4< if 'ou lea(e the )ater an4 'ou )ill fl'- as bir4s- then Cir for 'ou )ill
beco,e still )i4er an4 it is still ,ore5 An4 it )ill consist of )ater an4 lan4- ,ost accurate- larger
partl' it )ill consist besi4es the s1'- of air5 But ho) not to see Cir- )hich 4oes surroun4 'ouD
In4ee4 'ou - an4 before the )ater- an4 on 4r' lan4- an4 before air5 But ho) not to see lan4 an4 not
to go on it- since lan4 is 4enseD But ho) not to see Cir both before air an4 before the )ater an4 on
4r' lan4D :ou sa) entire Cir- )hich /rastet0 sprea4s as ocean5 >o) not to see that- )ho this 4i4
createD >o) not to see that- )ho 4i4 create 'ou an4 it is locate4 before 'ouD An4 ho) not to see
that- )ho is this allD An4 ho) not to see that- )ho there are 'ou the,sel(esD
This is not circle- this is not extre,it'5
Father sai4< these are 'ou is the,sel(es- an4 is that- I spo1e about than- it entere4 before 'ou
an4 there is before 'ou5
Father sai4< this past through 'ou )as reflecte45
Father sai4< )e is cost on the contrar' each other an4 is reflecte4 before others an4 before
other5 =ach can be locate4 before others an4 before other- since all - are unite45
Father sai4< 'ou an4 grain of san4 Cir5 :ou an4 grain of san4 Cir si,ultaneousl'5 An4 'ou
enter besi4e each other as Cir into grain of san45 .i1e grain of san4 before Cir5
=ternal /so64aet0 is eternal5 Infinite passes - an4 precisel' it passes - besi4e the infinite5
Certainl'- soul ,ost 4ense an4- it is certain- the soul ,ore easil' in all5 It has a color- it is
colorless5 It an4 so,eone- it an4 ,an5
Ahat ,eans someone 7 I I )ill explain i,,e4iatel'5 This is chil4- these are chil4ren5
Ahat ,eans men - I explaine4 alrea4' to 'ou5
2ou to [idete] beside the reign is my as children. B' one phrase I in4icate4 to 'ou )a'5 B'
one phrase I sho)e4 roa4 eternal5 B' one phrase I sho)e4 both the creation an4 creation of eternal5
=ach chil4- each chil4- )ho /(o'4et0 besi4e the reign ,' - )ill co,e fire an4 into being5
=ach- )ho /(o'4et0 - )ill obtain 1no)le4ge- i,,ense 1no)le4ge fro, the ,ouths of ,' besi4e
the ,ouths his- besi4e reason his- besi4e consciousness his5 Aill obtain spirit that be
o,nipresenting5 =ach- )ho /(o'4et0 besi4e the reign ,' - )ill obtain authorit' as 'ou5 An4 each-
)ho /(o'4et0- ,ust 1no) an4 1no)s that he - Cr5 an4 the (er' sa,e - )or1er- )hat he - it is
unite4- it - before the set an4 it - )ith all5
Reign ,' is great an4 is i,,ense5 Peace ,' is enor,ous an4 infinite5
All chil4ren ,'- )ho are situate4 before the reign ,'- carr' out the )or1- charge4 b' ,e5
The' all are originall' free5 The' all originall' ha(e a )ill5 The' all ha(e 1no)le4ge fro, ,e5 An4
all- that I sai4- relates also 4o)n 'ou5 The gates of the reign of celestial are opene4 before 'ou- an4
these gates it opene4 i5
I tell 'ou about this 4irectl'- an4 that 'ou no) see- it occurre4- as soon as 'ou ,a4e an4
4escribe4 it5
B: ACTIO7 :O? /+O2@A=T=0 I+ =T=R7A. B=FOR= C= A7@ FOR C= I7 OR@=R
TO B= =T=R7A. B=FOR= IT+=.F BOT> FOR A.. A7@ FOR IT+=.F5
A7@ T>I+ COCCA7@C=7T I+ C:5
That person- )ho )ill carr' out co,,an4,ent ,'- b' the faith of his an4 1no)le4ge his )ill
enter besi4e the gates celestial in or4er to go together )ith ,e as )ith others5
An4 spo1e father again about the fact that hear4 'ou at first- about that )hich relate4 4o)n
'ou an4 4o)n the souls b' 'our<
A7@ B=FOR= T>= FIR= IT @O=+ 7OT B?R7- I /E0 /+E=T=0 @O=+ 7OT +I7B5
An4 blesse4 the father of chil4ren his 4o)n the )a' true - to the 1no)le4ge5
An4 the father of the chil4ren of his calle45 An4 it sai4 to chil4ren that the 1no)le4ge-
obtaine4 fro, the father through his light- ,ust be un4erstoo4 an4 reali6e4- ,ust be use4 for the
goo4- for the light so that each person coul4 use b' the, an4 rescue5
An4 father- )here there )as for, an4- sho)e4 the structure of ,aterial an4 its for,ation
filling there )as pulse )ith the infor,ation5
An4 after this statics passe4 besi4e the 4'na,ics5 An4 began all to in realit' change- as it )as
lai4 b' father celestial5
An4 result ca,e out- an4 it happene4- as it )as planne45
After )hich father ga(e ti,e for the un4erstan4ing5 An4 he sai4< chil4ren- here that I create4-
an4 that 'ou no) ,a1e5
Text 1
15 t)o of three )ere )ith the father celestial- an4 father sai4< chil4ren ,'- 'ou correctl' all
un4erstan4 an4 correctl' 'ou exa,ine e(er'thing5 >ere is cell - this peace is internal5 >ere ,eans -
,eans is eternal an4 ,eans /so6i4a'ushchi'05 >o)e(er- but that there is as a result of the li,its of
cellD An4 )hat to /otra6haets'a0 in cell itselfD
Peace- entire Cir; Coreo(er- an4 un4erstan4 ,e correctl'- this Cir entire is place4 besi4e sole
one cell- such as s,all it not )as5
25 grain of san4 Cir< un4erstan4ing grain of san4- 'ou to /po',ete0 Cir5 :ou to /po',ete0
(ariet'- )ill see before e(er'thing- that I sho)e4- unite45 This is )h' the' call ,e unite4- call
eternal- call creator an4 creator* This is )h'- obtaining an4 fin4ing ,' 1no)le4ge- gi(en 'ou
4irectl'- 'ou e,bar1 on that path- )hich I to 'ou in4icate4 before the significant an4 1e')or4s5
These )or4s 4efine both the for,ation of one grain of san4 an4 of peace- an4 of religion-
,etho4- selection of 4irection- philosoph'- for,ation of exact science- an4 language as the
generali6ing structure5
.anguage - this is the generali6ing structure*
!5 at first people- )hich /6'shli0 fro, the reign of ,' )ith the creation of the =arth-
spirituall' an4 ph'sicall' sa) ,ore5 But )ithout ha(ing un4erstoo4- precisel'- )ithout ha(ing
un4erstoo4 the (alue of the grain of san4- )hich constructs peaces- the' lost their original abilities5
But this 1no)le4ge of the processes of creation an4 creation< grain of san4 to the grain of san4-
infor,ation to the infor,ation5
"5 'ou passe4 )a' real5 Tra(erse4 the grain of san4 an4 got to 1no) the ele,ents of the
peace- principles an4 la)s- on )hich Cir is built aroun4 an4 insi4e 'ou5 :ou un4erstoo4 the
processes of re(i(al- creation an4 creation5
All is built an4 it /so6i4aets'a0 on the lo(e - the connection of peace- connection bet)een the
cells- the connection bet)een the obFects of infor,ation5 The connections of ,an are built through
the relations- the un4erstan4ing an4 the (ision of the processes- )hich pass before one or other
space or another5
#5 )or1 at the global structures of peace an4 'ou )ill si,ultaneousl' see- un4erstan4- reali6e
/stroitprotsess'0 of the cellular le(el of /(tochnosti0- )ithout the 4istortions5 Onl' 1no)ing
principles an4 la)s of the creation of peace5 li1e cell- 'ou )ill be able to get to 1no) original
structure sho)ers- to obtain straight 1no)le4ge base4 on ,e to /i('stroit0 eternal Cir-
That- about than I no) sai4 to 'ou- has alrea4' long ago existe4 an4 long ago there is in 'ou5
:ou shoul4 onl' 1no) an4 un4erstan4 that I ,a1e i5 necessar' that 'ou )oul4 1no) this an4
the' sa)- an4 so that 'ou before this )oul4 participate- i5e5- the' coul4 this ,a1e5 An4 then 'ou
)ill accuratel' an4 actuall' 1no) an4 un4erstan4 that 'ou ,a1e an4 other people5 An4 on that our
co,bine4 action is 4irecte45
$5 spiritual structure is containe4 before all ele,ents of real peace5 +piritual structure buil4s
/fi6iches1oetelo0 - it /(osso64aet0 itself b' spiritual pro,ise - the /a4e1(atno'istinno'0 ,easure of
?n4erstan4 )or4s ,' exactl'- an4 'ou- chil4ren ,' as each person- the ha(ing straight
con(ersation )ith ,e- having light souls, you will build eternal before the eternal. :ou )ill
,e,ori6e these )or4s - an4 'ou )ill isolate the, for itself5
%5 I to 'ou gi(e - I sol(e- I attach 4o)n 'ou status of /ta1o'rabot'0 an4 transfer of such
1no)le4ge an4 )ill constant before /eto,(a,0 help so that 'ou )oul4 pass entire )a' together
)ith ,e5 /I(seg4a0 )ere together )ith ,e5
Father s,ile4 an4 sai4< Peace real has a constant ph'sical presence at one or other point or
another of realit'5
&5 father sai4< chil4ren ,'- /('s0 of this ,o,ent can be present at an' point of real peace-
ph'sical realit'- because 'ou obtaine4 straight 1no)le4ge base4 on ,e5 :ou /i,o6hete0 to
influence the ,otion of /l'ub'1hsob'ti'0 an4 the le(el of peace- it is other the le(el of cell5
I a, gla4 besi4es 'our agree,ent an4 'our precise un4erstan4ing of procee4ing- since threat
to i4eolog' exists5 An4 it is necessar' to appl' ,an' efforts before the real )or1 for re,o(ing the
existing proble,s5
It is necessar' to carr' out first of all )or1 on restoration- re(i(al- con(ersion of i4eolog' an4
95 B7OA- R=A. PICT?R= /CIRAOTRA2>A=T+:A0 I7 T>= R=A. C=..5
Because of the cell realit' is real- i5e5- generating action- that generates spiritual action5 After
seeing Cir in the cell- 'ou to its /spasete05 +a(ing sole- e(en sole cell- 'ou to /spasete0 )ill buil4 the
ele,ent of real peace - that 'ou ,a1e5 The truth begins base4 on this5 :ou )ill see internal - 'ou
con(ert external an4 'ou /4obetes0 of the result- )hich ,ust be ha4- to )hich to /i4ete05
15 be concentrate4 at the 1e' point of sphere - 'ou )ill see the 4e(elop,ent of peace aroun4
an4 insi4e this sphere5 An4 then 'ou )ill see the i4entit' of the creation of both the external an4 the
internal5 Then 'ou see that )a'- )hich I ,a4e originall'- an4 'ou )ill see original- as it sa) this no
one earlier- besi4es t)o- )hich left the reign of ,'5
115 Father sai4< I )ill continue con(ersation )ith 'ou after the co,prehension of the
aforesai45 An4 this is the first page of the fourth hea45
Ae than1e4 father5 An4 the' as1e4< Father- )e /i4e,0 are original as each personD
Father ans)ere4< before the soul of each person there are the necessar' 1no)le4ge- )hich
reflect the general an4 eternal structure of peace5 =ach person of /i4et0 fro, ,e )ith the
/opre4elenn',i0 1no)le4ge- has that infor,ation- before the creation b' )hich he participate4-
an4 that experience- )hich he acHuire4 in one or other place or another- )here he li(e45 But 'ou
about the coor4inates of this place spea1 - original5
But so,e people go originall' fro, the original
That inclu4es original on its concept ho) ,an it uses un4er specific con4itions- )ith the
specific possibilit' - all 1no)le4ge about the 4e(ice of peace an4 ,an- )hich )ere create4 at first
b' ,e an4 the' )ere inserte4 before it5
125 :ou three left the original- an4 the' )ere- an4 'ou are locate4 before the reign ,'5 An4
'ou use 1no)le4ge b' ,' original5
The original 1no)le4ge- place4 b' ,e besi4e the structure of 'our soul- gi(es the 1no)le4ge
of uni(ersal peace- con(ersion an4 creation of eternal before the eternal an4 the acco,plish,ent of
action- spiritual action of 'our on 'our )a'5 This )a' passe4 an4 I pass an4 I as the creator of
entire li(ing5
1!5 ?n4erstan4 that I spea15 It is necessar' that the part of the responsibilit' for the fulfill,ent
of that )or1- )hich I constantl' carr' out- )oul4 pass fro, ,e to 'ou as to the chil4ren b' ,'5 -or
this it is necessar' to ha(e a 1no)le4ge about all eternal ele,ents- )hich buil4- the' support an4
con(ert Cir5 :ou ,ust intro4uce infor,ation about the eternit' besi4e the ph'sical bo4' as against
the cellular le(el both before the consciousness an4 against the spiritual le(el - 4irectl' 4o)n the
le(el of soul- participating )ith ,e before the creation of spiritual processes an4 structure of soul5
1"5 subseHuentl' I )ill sho) 'ou- )here an4 as is arrange4 this point of the uni(ersal
1no)le4ge of original5 Although I trul' 'ou tell that 'ou are situate4 at this point an4 'ou obtain
1no)le4ge base4 on ,e - fro, the ulti,ate source an4 'ou use 1no)le4ge b' original5
For constructing each cell of ph'sical bo4'- each of its nuclei- each realit'- I use principle of
eternit'5 :ou shoul4 re(eal infor,ation pri,ar' an4 buil4 either finish buil4ing or con(ert this
infor,ation5 Then 'ou to /priobretete0 rescuing- the rescuing of all on the =arth an4 each
personalit' - each person in4i(i4uall'5
Follo)ing ti,e I )ill continue ,' lesson- although 'ou alrea4' obtaine4 correct ans)er 4o)n
that lesson- )hich I to 'ou pro,ise4 to gi(e earlier as far as a correct Huestion5
Ae than1e4 father an4 the' 1isse4 his han45 The' 1isse4 its han4 because )e lo(e father e(en
)e 1no) that it lo(es us- an4 its lo(e create4 us an4 Cir5
Abo(e the )a' of soul )as ra4iate4- as the sun it 4isperses b' ra's5 Cr'stal )as opene4 besi4e
the flo)er5
Faces - besi4e the lobes5 The' - an4 the cell of soul an4 the region of consciousness5
Cr'stal an4 flo)er are infinite- but b' for, the' are final5 B' 1no)le4ge cr'stal is infinite5
To the platfor, belo) - se(en paths5 This is - the )a' of soul5
Face- lobe- cell- region - the' cop' each other5
The' are interconnecte4 an4 pierce4 b' one5
Fi(e ele,ents of flo)er - pentahe4ron5
15 face.
25 passage beside the lobe.
!5 lobe ! cell.
"5 cell ! region.
#5 the' are interconnecte4 an4 pierced by one.
$5 pentahe4ron has a ,otion an4 a life5
%5 united [daet] motion.
&5 I life.
95 this I all infinity.
An4 so each cr'stal repeats this< face - lobe - cell - region- pierce4 b' one5 It is opene4 - it is
shut5 Cotion before the cr'stal of /4aet0 the life< fro, botto, to top - the first ,otion- an4 fro, top
to botto, - the secon4 ,otion5 This brings 4o)n /(os,er0to /1e0 - to the life it lea4s 4o)n the ninth
action - ,otion to infinit'5
15 fro, the ninth )e then ,a1e the tenth action - )e 4i(i4e to /nachasti0- /so64ae,0 set5
/Ono(0 of accurac' repeats /e4inoeili0 )hole- but base4 on /i6,enenie,,asshtaba05
115 The ele(enth action - )e connect set besi4e the unite45 /I4e,0 to the 4epart,ent - nu,ber
is eight.
If )e 4esire set to connect up unite4 - it before the left han4 - /i4e,0 on nu,ber eight . It
about the connections )ill place precisel' be'on4 its place5 Through infinit' )e onl' obtain set-
an4 fro, the set - unite45 The connections of peace are so arrange45 Onl' through infinit' )e can
obtain unite4 or base4 on the unite4 - set5
The /ot4elenna'a0 face left besi4e the (ariet'5 But this is output besi4e another space5 Ae
shoul4 Foin it 4o)n )hole - )e go through the eight an4 )e connect (ariet' as a )hole5 Onl' it is
possible to )or1 thus far b' one face5
The )a' of soul lea4s 4o)n the cr'stal- or 4o)n .ogos- flo)er- cell- region5 The connections
of peace are infinite5 The' are appeare4 an4 (isible as sil(er' or gol4 threa4s aroun4 the cr'stal-
the flo)er- the cell an4 the region5
Cr'stal - this is heart5 Thu,b - as (al(e5 Eal(e )as opene4 - ,otion )ent5 Fro, botto, to top
an4 fro, top to botto,5 Penetrating an4 unite4 - spirit bel- is sil(er'5
All connections of peace are (isible fro, the eternit'5 It the one )ho passes there- that it sees-
as soul it can rise an4 go about the connections of peace5 It there )ill be that belo) seeing5 That
seeing 4irects about the connections of peace - /so64aet0 )a' sho)er5 The (er' sa,e it 4irects
base4 on the terrestrial plan besi4e the celestial- the (er' sa,e - it 4irects base4 on the celestial
plan to the terrestrial soul5
125 Carries out it all this b' assign,ent of the father of celestial - creator in all an4 unite4-
that charge4 to it to go(ern an4 to sho) )a' through the heart- lo(e- flo)er- )hich is unite4 an4
)hich is locate4 before the gar4en of the father of celestial- to sho) )hich is locate4 before the
onl' nu,ber an4 before the set5 Before the gar4en father celestial /4aet0 printing bloc1 life an4
/4aet0 the possibilit' to each set to be opene45
>ere is the )ill of father- )hich it /pere4aet0 through the spirit of saint- )hich passes the )a'
of creation or the )a' of the life of hu,anit' - the peace of father an4 people- )hich are unite4-
but as before the gar4en are locate4 before the set5 Therefore the lo(e of father at the point of the
people - it stronger can be e(en stronger than before the gar4en in father5
1!5 Thirteenth action5 But ho) /rastet0 the uni(erse an4 as it is builtD /Rastet0 it b' the actions
of people )ith the ai4 of the 1no)le4ge of father- )hich it /4aet0 to people- since the' - the
creators< on the ,eans an4 the si,ilarit' 3o45
>o) /rastet0 of printing bloc1sD It /rastet0 b' cells5
>o) /rastet0 organis,D Aith the ai4 of the cells5
>o) 4oes rene) organis,D Aith the ai4 of the cells5
>o) is for,e4 infinit'D Aith the ai4 of soul an4 )a' of soul5
+oul enters on the )a' into cr'stal- the flo)er- the cell- the region- he is go(erne4 b' spirit b'
the saints5 About the connections of the peace of /i4et0 to infinit'- )here /beret0 of the 1no)le4ge-
)here /so64aet0 cell buil4s infinit'5 After )hich fro, the reign of peace celestial about the
connections it returns 4o)n its )a'- )here the penetrating an4 unite4 spirit 4irects it 4o)n the )a'
of soul5 +oul obtains 4e4ication- /i4et0 along her )a'- passes cr'stal- flo)er- cell an4 region an4
obtains thus life5 It arri(es along this )a' of soul to the earth- )here life fin4s soli45
Into soul enters the penetrating an4 unite4 spirit an4 la's )a' for the consciousness5 An4
consciousness lea(es fro, the cell of soul - fro, the internal besi4e the external )orl4- an4 it is
arrange4 in4epen4entl' as space5 After )hich ,an begins to breathe- his heart begins to be beaten-
it inhales an4 ,a1es the ,otion- re(erse /proi6(e4enno,u05 7a,el' - it fro, the peace of external
inhales besi4e the peace internal an4 breathes out besi4e the peace external5 Are connecte4 the thus
penetrating an4 unite4 spirit- consciousness an4 soul5
1"5 fourteenth action5 After the ti,e- on reaching of 1no)le4ge- on the blessings of the father
of celestial to ,an is gi(en the life5 Aith the ai4 of the soul- the spirit an4 the consciousness- that
connect it on the =arth for the sa1e of the 1no)le4ge of the father of celestial before the reign
celestial- through the 4isclosure of cr'stal- flo)er- cell- the region of consciousness - it can obtain
the possibilit' to be at the point of the father of celestial - near his throne- an4 to ,anage- an4 to
go(ern through the 1no)le4ge b' consciousness- spirit an4 to go /pute,0 of soul fro, infinit'
besi4e the final an4 fro, the celestial besi4e the terrestrial5
At point near the throne of the father of celestial is for,e4 /so6i4a'ushchee0- an4 it inclu4es
celestial an4 terrestrial- pierce4 b' one5
An4 I sa) circle5 An4 he )as large5 An4 he )as light5 An4 )or4s about the essence )ere
before it )ritten an4 essence of peace an4 ,an- each person5 An4 there )as this fro, the creator5
An4 there )ere these )or4s it5
An4 the father sai4< loo1- son ,'- an4 get to 1no)5
:ou see Cir an4 recei(e it as point- an4 point 'ou recei(e as )orl4s5
That- about )hich I spo1e - these are ,eans or ,eans5 The' are real as Cir5 An4 'ou see- as
4isperse the points- )hich 'ou /so64aesh0 as spheres - 'ou obtain infor,ation about e(er'thing-
recei(e it an4 'ou con(ert so- as this be in the )orl45
I sho) present to 'ou5 :ou again /pro'4esh0 on realit' together )ith ,e e(en 'ou )ill see- as
the soul through the spirit acco,plishes control- it transfers 1no)le4ge besi4e the consciousness
an4 recei(es the real picture of peace5
:ou left 'our ph'sical bo4' an4 began to recei(e 'our bo4' base4 on the si4e - against the
le(el of spirit an4 soul5 An4 this straight spiritual (ision against the le(el of soul5 After seeing 'our
ph'sical bo4'- 'ou percei(e4 all correctl'5
Ahen ,an spirituall' sees- he recei(es Cir real- an4 his ,atters an4 actions ph'sical are real5
Therefore I ga(e ti,e to 'ou so that 'ou )oul4 percei(e Cir it )oul4 correctl' an4 see ,' an4
'our purpose - the uni(ersal rescuing of people as 'ourself5 :ou percei(e4 correctl' the le(els of
soul- since ph'sical bo4' - this the part of the soul5
A7@ +O?. >=R+=.F I+ PR=+=7T B=FOR= T=.=- - B=FOR= T>= CAT=RIA.- I IT
@=E=.OP+ T>RO?3> T>= +PIRIT A3AI7+T T>= .=E=. OF T>= CO7+CIO?+7=++
OF CA7 A7@ CO7+CIO?+7=++ OF P=AC=5
An4 these principles are not 4i(i4e45
The principle of the generalit' of the life of ,an an4 peace is the basis of the la) of realit' of
the peace- )hich it sa's<
CA7 /2>IE=T0 I+ @=E=.OP=@ +T=P B: +T=P5
CA7 @=E=.OP+ T>= +TR?CT?R=+ OF P=AC= A+ FAR A+ >I+ CO7+CIO?+7=++
+O?. - CAI7 A7@ TR?= +TR?CT?R= OF P=AC=5
On the basis of the true consciousness of ,en it buil4s about the principles an4 the la)s-
place4 originall'- structures an4 ele,ents of the real peace through the la) of eternit'5
@=E=.OPI73 T>= BA+=+ OF =T=R7IT:- :O? AR= +PIRIT?A. /+O2@A=T=0 CIR
B=FOR= T>= +TR?CT?R= OF CO7+CIO?+7=++ - TR?= CO7+CIO?+7=++- B?I.@I73
Recei(e ,aterial 4irectl' through the soul- re(eal before the ph'sical tele- eternal5 An4 on the
basis of the la)s of eternit' an4 life 'ou intro4uce life besi4e the cellular le(el of ph'sical bo4' in
or4er to be eternal an4 not to lea(e ph'sical bo4'- but to 4e(elop it an4 to i,pro(e on the basis of
its true consciousness5 Attain thus rescuing an4 fin4ing of the life of true- but not false5 Fin4
pri,ar' infor,ation an4 encounter )ith ,e 4irectl' in or4er to obtain ne) 1no)le4ge - to re(eal
the 1no)le4ge- )hich there is before the soul originall'5 But each person against the le(el of soul
all 1no)s it accuratel' an4 has the 4irect (ie)ing of the processes of real an4 true peace5
:ou no) acco,plishe4 one action an4 sa) Cir before the spiritual structure in the ,anner
that he it )as built originall'- an4 it is in the ,anner that necessar' hi, to see in or4er to fin4 the
reign celestial- )hich there is before each person5 Act about principles an4 la)s of peace - 'ou )ill
open gates besi4e celestial Cir- sa(e an4 escape 'oursel(es - an4 get ri4 besi4es the )ar an4
/bole60b' it- since before the reign celestial is not this an4 ne(er there )as- since this of i4ea false
an4 the' 4irect hu,anit' incorrect- false of /pute,05
I gi(e to 'ou the 4irect (ie)ing of principles an4 la)s of peace actuall'- as there is in realit'5
I than1e4 the father of celestial at the point of the 1no)le4ge an4 )rote 4o)n all exactl'- also-
)ith that intonation- as sai4 father celestial chil4ren his5
An4 4eparting- father sai4 to ,e< be concentrate4 be'on4 'our consciousness - 'ou )ill
obtain point before the soul- 'ou )ill buil4 this point besi4e the sphere an4 'ou /nachnesh0 to
enlarge5 An4 'ou )ill obtain life before the ph'sical obFect5
:ou ha(e a sphere- 'ou use principles an4 la)s of creation- 'ou re(eal eternal - 'ou
/so64aesh0 an4 'ou con(ert infor,ation- 'ou thus obtain (ariet' about the original principles5 :ou
thus un4erstan4 ,e e(en 'ou see in or4er to see entire Cir- entire realit'- in or4er to go(ern it5
Again father sho)e4 all- he spo1e about than- an4 it )as contente4 b' un4erstan4ing

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