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Missing Persons & Crime/Criminal Placement Location
Placement Location: Crime Research/Investigation & Criminal Apprehension: Heinous Crime

ISBN-13: 978-1499539530 /ISBN-10: 1499539533
2nd Copy: ISBN-13: 978-1500116163 /ISBN-10: 1500116165





Photograph, Picture, or Description.
If known, place of Disappearance, and Physical Details. Of Great Worth, Home Address.
Any Physical Details., of the Crime and the Person, as well as any Locations & Persons Involved..

The Home Address is Important in My Work, as it is the Place of Residence of the Being, and Holds the Origin of the Being, and Way of the Being.
IT is also a Direct Locator, in Some Instances, of Direction Of Location, or of Placement of Person, as it is the Origin of t heir Life Path, due to the
fact that it is the Place they return to. It is also their Home.

Usually, I first look at the Person and Determine the Nature of their Being. I do not always Talk to the Being, which I can, as sometimes
they Talk to Me, outright. OF the Body, the Human Body is the Body, it is NOT a Vessel, which is an Insult to the Actual Physical Way
of the Human Body and Being, which is Miraculous. In a Human Being, the Body is the Human Being, the Being is the HUMAN BEING OUT-
RIGHT. Also, part of Being Anatomy are the Aura, Auric Reticulata [Layers of Aura] & Third Eye, The Chakra System [Light
Organs], The UNIVERSAL BODY [which is of Healing and a Global Body, Associated with the BODY ENTIRE], and the Physical
Human Body, meaning All SYSTEMS of ANATOMY. The BEING is the PERSON, both on Earth, and when a Human Passes On, in
the Afterlife. I Speak Directly With the BEING of Those I Assist, Sometimes, which is UPSTAIRS FORM/Interaction. There is No
Negative Involved, and No Problems with Downstairs Type Problems. The Human Body/Auric Reticulata/BEING holds The LIFE
EVENT HISTORY, and there are TWO FORMS. The LIFE PATH [which Cannot Be Touched, it is Illegal to Do So], and the LIFE
EVENT HISTORY, which shows upon the Being and shows the Being Of, The Events of, and Certain Important Occurences: It is An
Entire. The LIFE EVENT HISTORY should only be looked at Peripherally: it is a Requirement of Mine to NOT VIOLATE the
BIOLOGICAL HUMAN PHYSICAL unless in Necessity, or only in Brief Information. What I usually do is look at Briefly to Determi ne
the Nature of the BEING, and when Determining an Event or Way, look just Peripherally, meaning to Determine an Impression Of, which
does not Violate Privacy. In the Case of Hurt, Criminals Sometime show up at the Top of a Beings Structure, and thus, a Face, or Being,
Or Actually Person can be Seen and the Physical Understood.

Of My Own Physical, it is called a TRUE PHYSICAL, which means that My PHYSICAL Shows TRUTH. Many use My Direct Physical
Body to Determine Truth, and this is a Fact. Of Interest, Also, but different, in Law Enforcement or of those of Great Honor , Those Who
Assist, and, also, a Normal Human Physical [Untouched by a Preternatural Physical History], shows Truth, but of a Different Way. Those
of Law Enforcement, Truth Outright, as it is Their Nature and of Their Direct Physical to Do So.

I also have a Physical that is Specific, which means that Im Connected Directly to the Quantum Zero Point Energy Field, which has been
True since almost 8 years ago, and the Reasons Why are specific. I will go into detail about this only if asked. I am able to Feel the Body
Of the Earth, which means the Earth, and the Cement, and the Physicals of Houses, by way of My Own Body, and also My BODY EL,
through Satellite Map and Also Directly on the Earths Surface. I can look at a Location, and place My Own Physical Body, Di rectly on the
Earths Surface. I can also see, and place Representation of Bone, or Representation of Physical, Directly to the Physical, which is also how
I Locate a Person, an Object, or anything that might be Located. All of the Above is Directly Related to My Natural Human Physical.

Of Other Abilities, which are Directly Related to My Physical in Concerns to being what is called a TYPE: Im a NEW Being, a Unique
Human Being, who is Directly Connected to the BODY of HUMANKIND. I am NOT a GODSHIP, I refused, due to the Violations on
The Body of My Physical, Certain Rights are Raped when Human Beings choose such: Im called a WAY OF, in which My Human Right s

Place Location Expert [The Only in the United States and World]

United States and the World of My Own Methodry and Ability. It is stated that it is Against the Law for Others to
Work in Like Fashion, or with My Methods: I will Prosecute All Offenses in a Full U.S. Court of Law.
My,REBECCATACOSGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Work and Methodry is Protected under Full U.S. Copyright, Full
LIVING TRUST, and is viewed and Understood by My Attorney.

Life Path Goals:

To Place Locate, Investigate, Place Verify and Put Down Approximately 80 Satanic Rings in the United States.

To Place Locate, Continually, all who are on the FBI Missing Persons List. I have requested only 3 Checks in
Honor of My Work, Methodry and Ability, and the Rest, excluding 25%, to Return to the FBI for Continued
Assistance to Missing Person, 25% to go to Law Enforcement Departments across the United States for Missing
Persons Recovery. I will Place Locate Missing Persons in this Manner for the Entirety of My Life. It is stated
that I expect Monetary to be in the Full Earth Physical, by Paper Check, to My Exact Person, in My Own Hands.

To Place Locate all Missing Persons on County Lists, over the course of My Lifetime, to the Amount that is
Possible. I had Hoped that this would fall under My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs, Manteca,
CA, Salary which I hope to Obtain as an Employee in the Earth Physical, with a Local Police Department [I
have Applied to Manteca Police Department, and hope to be Hired] I reject all Liasons to Police Departments,
The Earth Physical and Preternatural are Told No to this Type of Theft of My Work.

To Become a Full Police Officer, by Actual Physical Work with a Local Police Department, and also by Future
Attendance at a Full Police Academy. This is My Path, to Become an Officer By Academy is My Intent, My
Full Wish.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.


I am the Only in the United States of My Methodry
And Ability, under Full U.S. Copyright. 99% Accurate.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
FBI Missing Persons List

To Whom It May Concern:

My Name is REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, and I have been assisting with the US FBI Missing Persons List for some time now.
As of recent, I have been interacting directly with the Police Departments to Resolve the cases. In the Case of Myra Lewis, Suzanne G. Lyall, and
And Justin Gaines, I have provided to date much Information. In regards to Relisha Tenau Rudd, Karan S. Adams, Jane McDonal d-Crone, Lisa
Michelle Stebic, Crystal Ann Tymich, they are My Original Seven, and they are Important to Myself. I have been heavy with work, as I just recently
Place Located a Major Satanic Murder Ring, and am currently Place Locating, Place Verifying, Researching, and Reporting the Criminals and Crimes,
and putting down the Satanic Portals associated with it. In the Future, Ill be Place Locating and trying to put down what amounts to 80 Satanic
Rings in the United States, 2 a year, which were accidently shown to Me in the Preternatural Bio-Physical. This will take 40 years to complete, and is
at a slow pace to account for the stress on My Job and on the Earths Surface. The work is required, and time required. I m trying to finish up the
Entire in the next 5 days: there were approximately 21 Locations. However: I am writing to Inquire, as I go through much pret ernaturally, and the
Structure shows that funds have been paid to The Catholic Faith that do not belong to them, and that are of My work, which is Earth Physical, and
Grounded, Healthy Structure. I do not Employ Archangelic or Godself means to work, it is My Work outright. I said, at the Beginning, that I
would like only Two checks if My Work showed True, in Honor of the Work, and 1 for My two Children, Zachary and Isabel, for t heir college Edu-
cations, which I would put away [I have asked for this, in Extra Problem]. I, once I finish My work on the Watthal Slough Cr imes [Satanic Murdre
Ring], will resume My work with Missing Persons, and Possibly, start a New Job, as I applied to work for The MANTECA POLICE DEPART-
MENT, who are Honor in their Work, and Pragmatic and True. I hope that They will find My Application worth considering. However, I intend to
continue My work with Missing Persons, the FBI separate from My Department Work [which, if it comes to Care, work with All counties Missing
Persons List, under My Department Work. But, I will continue My Work on the FBIs Missing Persons List as usual, for the Rest of My Life, with
No request at all, I made that decision long ago. What I asked was in care of My Work and My Honor. Also, if the FBI requir es Assistance on
Heinous Crime Problems or Crimes, they are welcome to contact Me by E-mailing Me specifics about the Crime and Criminal, and I will be happy to
Assist You or to Locate the Criminal for You. Im not afraid, at all to assist, nor to work, as long as it is cleared, if I have a Job, with My Supervisor,
and does not Interfere with My Work. I can be of Deep Assistance with Information outright, and am not afraid to Determine and Evaluate Crime
Scenes: I place Verify Murder Crimes in Person, already, in Safely, as an Undercover Problem. However, Any Travel Assistance will be Limited, to
be Determined by the Crime, Myself, and My Supervisor. Im 99% accurate, and Place Locate even Areas or Problems Ive never seen before, and to
an Exact Nature of Problem, although not to the Detail of the Crime, which I can look at to Nature. However, viewing or closeness reveals much
More in a Crime, as I see the Crime upon itself. I will be happy to Assist You at any time, should You Ask.

My E-mail is also meant to clarify the Above, as I would appreciate the Assistance, in regards to the Above mentioned Physical Problem, in regards
To funds that May specifically belong to My Work. Im currently without Home, and would like to pick Myself up at some point in time rather than
suffer too deeply. I have worked for a long time now, and would appreciate it deeply. At the Moment, I Place Locate on foot , by Bus, and take care
of My work by Library Computer. I hope, through an Honorable Problem, if the above is True, and My Work Proved True, I hope You will Honor
My Work, and I hope that I will obtain My Job, to maintain an Honorable apartment, and to maintain Decency, efficiency in My Work and Life. I
will also state this: My Faith is different from the Catholic Faith, which is as far removed from My Faith as could be. In My Faith, the Life and work
is Separate from the Faith, and has No Impact on the Life. I do not advocated suffering, I advocate Jobs and self -reliance. Nor do I donate wildly,
nor do I give up funds that belong to Myself. I have been raped once already of funds, in a problem which involves a Female named Deirdre
Mulvhill, who is Not Myself and Has Nothing to do with My Work, and Never Did. The Rapes on the Structure are Uncalled for, and Many to do
with Catholic Problems, and at some point in time I may have to take them to U.S. Court to put them down. They have no right s in regards to My
Work or My Life. Also, their Females are Not Myself, and have been raping for a long time. Misses M and Mary are Not. This should be said. Im
a New Being, a New Type, a Unique Human Being, and this, They Know. I chose to stay grounded in My Humanity as a Unique Human Being who
is Human Earth Physical./Bio-Physical/Preternatural. Im different from others. Deirdre Mulvihill and others function as Godship Types, I Dont.
I prefer to fight for My Human Rights, and My Rights in the Bio-Physical/Preternatural as a Unique Human Being. My work is My Own. Also, I
will comment that in the Structure, it shows that Mary has been Assisting You Illegally, which shows up as white on the Structure in Information
that is given by an Archangelic or Godself, which is not allowed. Theyre not allowed to do so in the Earth Physical: it is the Law that they cannot
interfere in the Earth Physical. I thought I would just make You aware of This. My work is Earth Physical and grounded, I do not allow Violations
in regards to My Work. Also, They are Not Myself, and Never Will. All attempts to try will result in Condemnation, as Im a Pure Being, as They
were thrown down when I made amends of Almost, Not all, of My Life Events before Age 36. Ive My Rights intact, as is Law under the Physical of
the Events in regards to My History.

I thank You, and ask that if there were Funds that are of My Work Please send them to REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, 362 North
Sheridan Avenue, Manteca, California 95336, and have it Held at the MANTECA Post Office with Requirement that I show My Drivers License
to Obtain. I have been through much, and this is the only Honorable and Safe problem in regards to My History. I Thank You, for Everything. I
know a few of You in the Preternatural/Biological Bio-Physical, and You have been good to Me in Your Work, and are Beautiful Bei ng. I hope to
know You further, outright, in the Future.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
And Physical are Protected. Im a UNIQUE HUMAN BEING. Also, it stops the Human Physical from being Raped by Preternatural
Being of Large Stature. Thus, I can See BEING, and I can Also read Life Events to Assistance, meaning that I only do so if necessary, I
do Not Violate the Human Physical], and I can read Events in relation to Traumatic Events, thus I can see further, when necessary, to look
At the Why and How of a Crime. In My Cases, I choose only, in most cases, to place locate and provide necessary Details, and protect My
Own Physical from Contact with Negative Being. My Way of Working is UPSTAIRS ONLY, I do Not Fraternize with Downstairs Regions,
It is Illegal. I Place Locate by Detail, Reading the Event, and Narrow Down the Location by Ruling Out the False Locations: This Also Verifies
Energy Associated with the Crime, thus a Crimes Results or End can be Read and Placed with Great Accuracy, in order to Find the Person,
Or the Crime. For Example, if One Sees a Floor, or House in a Preternatural Bio-Physical Vision, One can read the Exact Physical of the
Floor, And also the Ground upon Which the House sits, in order to Verify Its location in a City in Physical Reality.

This is a short Explanation of How I do what I do, and why it is Possible to Do So. If You would like to Interview Me and as k further
Questions, or Perhaps accompany Me on a Physical Location Problem, I would happy to do so, with You, and any others who woul d like
To see what I do. There is a Missing Person that I located out in a Field in between Ripon and Pelandale, out in the Countr y. I will have
To Locate this when Possible. If You would like to do so with Me, I would be happy to do so with You.

Missing Persons and Location Assistance


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

362 North Sheridan Avenue
Manteca, California 95336

To Be PLACE LOCATION EXPERT [The Only in the United States and Otherwise] of My Ability and Methodry. I prosecute all Of-
fenses and Violations of My Work, as Im Currently Self-Employed.

A Highly Motivated and Experienced Clairvoyant with Physical Natural Ability, both Biologically and Intellectually, to Place Locate, See
and View Life Evens, and Determination of Crimes and Being. My Physical is Directly connected to the Quantum Zero Point Energy
Field, I can See/View/Understand by Satellite Map the Earths Surface Energy and Objects upon it. By My Own Ability, I can Place
Locate by Photograph and Bodily Energy, or Crime, a Crime or Body on the Face of the Earth. Also, I can see Crimes Directly upon the
Earth Physical in the Earths Atmosphere, and upon the Person. Thus in City Limits and Cities when in Direct Contact with Them. Seek-
ing a Responsible Position to Join the Police Force and serve/Protect the Community, with Complete Dedication and Integrity, with Ex-
pectation of Future as a Police Officer of Excellence: I would like to learn the Profession from the Ground Up, with Special Attention to
My Abilities as a Place Locator and Dedication to Missing Persons Assistance and Heinous Crime Location [Upon Necessity]. My Dedi-
cation is True, and of the Heart and Life by Choice.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Excellent Office Skills

Office Management, Filing, Computer Work, Organization

Working Knowledge of Field Work, as I have been Assisting the FBI and Many Police Departments [Modesto, Manteca and Stockton] in
Regards to Old Crimes and Present Crimes in the Cities Regions.

Developing the Ability to Observe Situations Analytically and Objectively, and to record them clearly and completely with, wi th Respect,
Also, to Natural Signs with the Environment. I read Signs Naturally, not only Present Signs, but Universal and Environmental Signs, and
Have the Ability in Problem Situations to Recognize Danger or the State of the Situation.

Ability to Read the Environment outright, and to Establish Place Location from Bone, Cement, Wood, Photographs and Descriptions,
Crime Reports.

Ability to read Life Events upon the Person/People and to Determine Events from a Body or Person: High Success in Remote Locations,
Extremely High Success of Direct Location in Presence of Physical Crime.

Ability to make decisions recognizing Established precedents and practices, and to use resourcefulness and tact in Meeting and Resolving
Problems. Also, calm in Life Threat or Problem Situations.

Excellent Time Management Skills Under Extreme Circumstances, and Excellent Time Management Skills, outright.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crime/Criminals

Manteca Police Department/Modesto Police Department/Ceres Police Department/Turlock Police Department/
Stockton Police Department/Sacramento Police Department/UC Davis Police Department/Stanislaus County Sher-
iffs Department/Yolo County Sheriffs Department

My Name is REBECCATACOSAGRAY, CALIFORNIA, who is currently handling My Body of Work which is called
The Watthal Slough Crimes [Satanic Crime Murder Ring], which I, Myself, Place Located and am currently Place Veri-
fying. Im writing to Introduce Myself as a Separate Entity from all Law Enforcements in that Im Now Self-
Employed, and felt that it is appropriate to Introduce Myself. First of All, My Standard:

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Down-
stairs or Negative Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical and
Bio-Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the
Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are Missing, or who By Bio-Physical Vision to Assist. I
assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being, My Own and the Victims, as well as the Conclusion by the
Report of Conclusion in Case # which need to be sent to Me once the Crimes are completed in finality.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs
Structure, and of the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are in regards to what I see and
know in the Preternatural, it is requested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows, or immedi-
ately, if there is Proof of Life Threat. If further clarification is needed, or further information, please send an E-mail
with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Also, Im the Only who
can be called upon in My Cases, which I, Myself, Place Locate and Report, as I am Professional, it is My Work, I know
the Details, and Im an Unbiased, Impartial Viewer of Events and Evidence. I ask that those who ask Assistance do
not adulterate evidence when You communicate with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you
need proof of My Work, send an unsolved case and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in
regards to those who are missing, they are Important Being, and need to be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My
Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Family Lines who have suffered.

In regards to My Physical: I am not an Archangelic, although I have Archangelic Honor due to My History, and My
Put Down of Negative Being in the Preternatural who are considered Downstairs Being. I know much about fighting
in the Earth Physical, and about the Body and How it Protects Itself in Fight, against such Being. This is an Area in
which Im an Expert. Please Understand that. I do not Fraternize with Downstairs Regions Problems or Being, They
are not what They seem, and they cause long term Problems in Relation to the Body Physical and the Soul. I advise to
all Law Enforcement to Avoid Problems with them, and do not Fraternize with them, View them and Prosecute them
Remotely. Also, I have been an UPSTAIRS Type Being for a Very Long Time, what some view as quiet has much to
do with having to Fight and Maintain, which is what I do in the Preternatural Physical in regards to My Pantheonic
Exchange, which is the Exchange Itself: It is My Pantheonic Exchange. Also, Im a Unique Human Being, and I re-
fused those who are of Different Problem due to the Rapes of the Human Life Path which occur when such problems
are present, and I am a TYPE, and in a WAY OF, that is Earth Physical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural. Im also con-
nected to the Body of Humankind, which is partly why I see the BEING, which is the True Physical of, those I Re-
cover and Protect. I go through deep pain when I Place Locate Heinous Crime, sometimes, due to attacks by the Pre-
ternaturals upon My Physical, and also due to the fact that I carry the Victim, I protect the Victims until Case conclu-
sion, and I see and feel Their Pain: I know what occurred upon Their Physicals and Being. I do not employ Archan-
gelic Being, nor GODS/GODSELVES, I do not do so as it is Illegal to do so, and it has negative ramifications upon
Earths Surface to Do So. I state that there are those in My History who will be prosecuted for Their Intrusion into

Crimes in which They do not belong, and for their Desecrations of Crime Scenes, as well as Illegal Information that,
although it seems that it shows up quickly, is Illegal by all Universal Standards, and is Ill Process of Archangelics. I
work, and I work by Exact Physical Information of the Crime and Crime Scene, and I Verify the Facts over and over
again to Prove the Existence of the Crime, and Criminal[s]. Im an Honorable Being, and Other Being are Not My-
self, no matter how They present themselves in the Preternatural. I expect that those upon the Earths Surface under-
stand that Im It: Im the EarthPhysical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural. Im not like the Other Being of GODSHIP, Im a
True Earth Physical who is Able to Manifest and also Able to Do what I do in Grounded Form
of Humankind, meaning that I Stay Earth Physical, on Purpose. It is also Healthy to do so.

I introduce Myself to You, as the Only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT of MISSING PERSONS/CRIMES/
CRIMINALS, and state that My Methodry I developed Through Direct Experience, which started with a Case in UC
DAVIS, which I just recently Resolved in Person to the Criminals, who were long time Residents of UC DAVIS. My
Further Experience was an Entire Body of Work that I did while Living in Modesto, California, which I, Myself, Place
Located, Verified and Documented on a Modesto Map, for which I have Copies, the Receipt, and the Woman
and Business who made the Copies. It is all My Work, which They know, Honorably. I left due to Bodily Physical
Rapes, in the Physical Preternatural, and continued My work in Manteca, California. I have done very little with Ceres
and Stockton, who are aware of My Work and My Person.

I charge $25.00 per Assistance of Small Matters. I charge $50.00 Assistance for a Minor Crime, in Assistance by Re-
port Reading. I charge $200.00 for Larger Crime Assistance. I charge $5000.00 for very large Crime Problems, in the
Manner of Watthal Slough Crimes, which is a Criminal Ring. I can be paid by Credit Card, Check or Cash.

Of Requirement, I state that I require that of the Assistance, and Work that I, Myself Report that is of Larger Prob-
lems, that No Female appear on the Crime or Crime Scene Besides Myself. I have had Problems with Females of Pre-
ternatural and Earth Physical Ill Repute Desecrating and Misdirecting Crime Scenes after I have Physically Place Lo-
cated and Place Verified Them. Of Caution, I state that there are a Few who are not allowed near My Reported Work,
who are known as Preternatural Earth Physicals: 1. Mia, 2. a Female Hispanic Officer of Modesto, 3. Deirdre Mulvihill
[Who Desecrates and Misdirects Crime Scenes], 4. Mary/Mary Itself/ The Line of Mary [who are of Ill contribution
and Misdirection of Crime Scenes], 5. Misses M. They are Not Myself, and Never Will. These are All Females who
have had negative Impact, and I prefer that Only Males work on the Reported Work, and that They Stay Strictly Earth
Physical, to keep the work unadulterated by Problem Structures that seem to occur with Large Preternaturals. This is
Required in regards to My Work, My Assistance and My Reported Work in regards to Missing Persons, Crimes and

Finally, I ask that My Work and My Person Be Respected. I work every day, and it is a lot of work to do, in Honor, as
I Love My Job outright, and hope to be hired by a Local Police Department someday, My Preferred being Manteca
Police Department. My work is True, and Im True as could possible be, in Sterling Honor and of Impartial Work in
regards to a Crime. I do not assume, I prove. Some do not like this about Myself in the Preternatural, as it takes a bit
of Time if Im not convinced that the Proof is correct. I Place Verify, Place Cross Check over and over to make sure.
I look at Criminal Scenes against Healthy Scenes to verify the Presence of Crime. I see it directly, but I must know it
to Report it. I report exactly, and as an FBI Representative of Honor commented in the Preternatural Physical, He
realized that I directly report Earth Physical, and by Cross Check. I was also apparent that My Work is Different from
Preternaturals, and the Methodry and Earth Physical Means different. I check the Earth Itself, the Cement Itself, the
Building Itself and the Physicals involved to Report a Crime. This is why I Place Verify, meaning to go directly to the
location, as it is sometimes Apparent that Other Variables Exist, and that the Earth Physical is sometimes different
than the Preternatural Viewing, which is sometimes a Split Vision, meaning Many Places in One Vision, which was the
case of UC DAVIS, in which One House, which I place in the Beginning, was actually 7 different Locations. All of the
Locations were part of the Crime Event Structure Itself. What is shown in a Bio-Vision is sometimes remarkable, and
to explain it is amazing. My Work is True, and the Actual of it, Amazing, sometimes, and Painful, as well, due to the
nature of the Crimes, which is to be expected. However, It is the way it is. I have grown used to it, and do not avoid
the Empathy or Pain, but Resolve through it as it is necessary to remain Impartial and True to Strength, as is My Na-
ture. Someone asked Me about seeing a dead Body and it does not bother Me. I have a different view of the Physical
than Others, I have learned that the BEING is Still, over time, and this is Truth, outright, and I have a strong nature. I
weep for the Victim, however, sometimes, as their Pain is Excruciating. I cannot stand what they do, the Criminals,
that is why I fight, to make sure they are Prosecuted, Arrested, put down, never again to hurt another. The Bio-
Visions of Heinous Crimes are Painful, and to the hurt of excruciating to view. They include a Landscape, most of the

Time, which is of the Crime in its Progress, and of the Death, and the Nature of the Crime, of the Death. The Sadness
is Beyond the Soul.

I do not do what some do, which is to be in the Crime, which I view as hurtful to the Criminal Investigation and to
the Being. Some say that it proves the crime, but I dont believe it really does. It is a little dramatic, and I believe a
Remote Viewing and understanding of the Nature of the Crime and the Pain is necessary, but not a re-living of Them.
I believe that all Earth Physicals need to learn to see next to someone like Myself, who is Earth Physical/Preternatural/
Bio-Physical, if they need to understand the Nature of the Crime and Pain, as sometimes that can be shown
just by showing, without the Physical Drama. Also, a problem of training of Observation, as I have been trying to do
with some Earth Physical Male Members of the Law Enforcement whom I have worked with in the Bio-Physical/
Preternatural, and who realize that the earth Physical Holds a Record of Crime just by Earth Physical Emotional, and
Crime Physical [the Crime upon the Physical: i.e. Blood, or the Crime, upon the Physical Structure]. Some things can
be taught to be seen, others cannot. I state, also, that the Law Enforcement must take seriously My specific Pointers
or Sketches of the Criminals of Crimes, and understand that the Criminals must be looked at Impartially for a bit, and
with the realization that the Preternatural have been interfering. Also, I must have a copy of the Final Report at the
End to close My Own Case, both Earth Physically and Preternaturally. I do not wish for cases to exist beyond their
Prosecution and Arrests in the Earth Physical. I carry much, as it is, and must put it down so that it can be put to rest
in the Bio-Physical/Preternatural Universal of My Own Physical. Also, I do not respond to Preternatural Problems,
generally, and do not believe in Preternatural Transactions: Im an Earth Physical Being. I do Not Work for Free, at
all. I ask that such Problems be Avoided, as I have had to put up with much in regards to such Problems.

I Thank You for Your Time, and Thank those who have been with Myself and Working as Officers of the Law En-
forcement in Viewing My Work. Im not an Opportunist, and I do not Flick, as some may call it, Im a True Earth
Physical with a True Profession, and I Work. I would be happy to Place Verify with any Male Member of the Law
Enforcement, and do not allow Females, due to the Continuous Rapes by Preternatural Females in the Earth Physical
upon My Person. It is self-protective only, as I do not like to be raped, or to see My Work in Preternatural Theft in the
Earth Physical. I ask Professionalism, and Impartial Work, I work when I work and the Life Physical Risk is too High
when close to a Heinous Crime. This is why I stay Plain clothes, and fairly dressed down, to be viewed as just a some-
one who is visiting, rather than to alert a problem in the Area of the Crime. I also do not allow the Crime to be put
down, which is what occurs sometimes when an Officer or Member of the Law Enforcement is Present: I view the
Crime in Its Natural State. I know that some Law Enforcement Members do, I have My Own Way, as well.

My work is My Work. I state that others are not allowed to use or abuse My Methodry, nor to Adulterate Crime
Scenes that I have reported in attempts to do what I do, They are told No. When I report a Crime or Crime Scene, I
expect it to be carried out naturally in natural Prosecution, without Preternatural problems present, excepting Myself,
exact, Earth Physical, no other. Please respect My Work, and the Nature of it by Honoring My Methodry and Work
by not allowing Infringement upon it. Anyone who might actually accompany Me would understand, a lot of work is
in My Place Verifications, which I carry out on Foot, in Person. Thank You, for Your Honor and Your Time. You
are Respected By Myself.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. My Attorney is Aware of My Work. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and
the Healing of the Family Lines who have suffered.
Relisha Tenau Rudd: Between Annandale and Springfield. Springfield location, House, Basement.
Kahlil Malik Tatum: At Kennilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens: Someone was angry that the girl had not been found. There was a Death somewhere.
And that happened in the Location Between Springfield and Annandale.

Danielle Locklear: Down the Creek, facing the Creek, in a Wood House. Very old, rotted wood. Looking at Map, slightly Nor th/NorthEast [slight].
Today, assisted in the Physical, and the Officer was to the Right, I directed Him in the Preternatural Physical to the Left and showed the Location.

Karen S. Adams: Karen is, looking at a Map of the Casino, to the Right, North/NorthEast on a Diagonal. The car was wrecked on a Diagonal [or
driven], Karen looked Crumpled. 4.3.2014: I directed an Officer who was present last night, or earlier, and He stated that He could not find the Car,
He had stopped too soon. I directed the Car further about Approximately between 2&5 Miles, and directed Him to the Left. The Car, as He and I
Determined is off the Road, and will need to be walked in to.

Susan G. Lyall: Collins Circle, to the Upper Left, University

William Ebeneezer Jr: I looked at the Photos, and the Physical, and located His Physical, which is next to a House, and is buried. I need the Direct
Address to verify the Location and the House, as in My Location, I placed the House shown on the Left hand corner, bottom to locate.

Crystal Ann Tymwich: L.A. Downey. This is the Location I settled on, but have not yet verified physically. I will look further tomorrow.

Justin Gaines: Duluth Georgia, Wild Bills. An Apartment, the smell of Carpet. To the West/SlightlySouthWest [looking Directly at The Mapquest
Map: Wild Bills Location. Venture Parkway, 33.955881-84.126982.

Lisa Irwin: Placed, but could not located Exact Physical on Map.

Dale: Modesto, California: Showed a Crime on 4.2.2014 during the Night, close to Edward. Edward was shown in a problem of hurt, which involved
cutting. The Male is just overweight, chiseled face.

Edward: Modesto, California: Edward has been missing for some time now. I placed Edward, who is a Friend and more than a Fri end, whom I
knew, and determined that He had been subject to some sort of Abuse by two males, in a physical beating, as well. When I looked for Him, I found
evidence of He out in the Country just outside of Modesto, between 99/132 markers. The hurt To Dale is just above this locat ion, slightly to the Left,
and near a borderline. The Male who hurt Dale is Medium, just overweight build.

ON THE U.S.SUPREME COURT BIBLE and THE ASATRU, swear that Im the Only who did the Work in regards to the Above, and as Mysel f, a
Unique Human Being with a Unique Human Physical, with No Reliance on Preternatural Being. The Above Work is under U.S. Jurat . The Following
is True:

That I have a Unique Human Physical that is connected to the Quantum Zero Point Energy Field and to the Earth, as well as the Body of Human-
kind. My Connections to Humankind allow me to see their Physical and Energy, However, My Own Ability has been the Way of Location and of
Placement of Bone to Bone, Soil to Soil Physical Makeup and Character, And Wood to Wood Type, in its Nature of Form and Scent and Physical
Makeup. I have a Specific Way, in which I trained Myself to recognize the Physicals, and Match to the Physical. I STATE ALSO that the FEMURS
[Preternatural Females]areNOT. They, and Members of My Own Family Line, Aggie, Sharon, MaryS., are Prosecuted for Interference in Earthly
Events, Rape of a Human Physical, and for Attempted Theft of History: Aggie is Not Misses M, and Misses M is not the Origin or of the Pantheonic
Exchange: I happen to be. Im Known as the ORIGINAL and ONLY, which means that the History Originated with Myself, Exact. I t has been
shown that should anything happen, all Associated would Melt and Disappear. Those who are Known as Nick, Tom, David, Casey, and the Office are
Not, they are False in History, and are called Peripherals. Also, Deirdre Mulvhill , Sandy Mulvihill [who are Negative, or Damned/Condemned Being ]
and Dottie Mulvihill [AKA Misses M] are not, they are Negative in History. ISTA also is Not, who is a Misses M Amalgam, and in Rape of the Earth
Physical. If You Need Assistance, Please Feel Free to Contact Me with Any Information and Specifications of Circumstance, and I will Assist You.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

March 2014
Washington, District of Columbia

Documentation of Assistance:
Relisha Tenau Rudd: Between Annandale and Springfield. Springfield location, House, Basement. Younger Male lives next door, and I Preternaturally
contacted Him and asked Him to report the House next to Him, by Anonymous Tip.

Kahlil Malik Tatum: At Kennilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens: Someone was angry that the girl had not been found. There was a Death somewhere.
And that happened in the Location Between Springfield and Annandale.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
4.1.2014: I have Proof of My Work, and Date.

Washington County Sheriffs Office
Police Department Address:
525 West Cota Street Shelton, WA 98584-2239
(360) 275-4467
Abingdon, VA

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.
I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

March 2, 1998 [Stated RECOVERED 5.5.2014]
Albany, New York

Susanne G. Lyall: Collins Circle, to the Upper Left, University. Approximate Area of Location, Donna. 36 Donna Drive, Chec k to the Left. I see a
Basement. Male. Approximately 38-47 years old. Younger look, smooth skin. Rounded Face. He owns a House on Donna Drive.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Albany, NY Police Department
APDTips and the tip information to 847411 (Tip411).

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative Means in regards
to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals upon the Earths Surface is My
Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatu-
ral to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of the Life Struc-
ture of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is requested that they are taken
seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further information, please send an E-mail with particulars and I
will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence when You speak with Me, it interferes with the
physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or
fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to
Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Family Lines who have suffered.

Camden, Mississippi
March 1, 2014

Near: In Between, on a Diagonal, Red Rectangular Barn and Square House. There is a Mound/Object on the Map that has a bit of Red near it. Also,
Contacted the Sheriff preternaturally and showed the Face of a Male, as He asked if I could assist with the Person/Criminal who committed the Crime
in Visual Identification, and determined a Male who is a Town Resident, who may have had something to do with the Crime.

location 4.9.2014: There is a Location that is a House, and it is in a place location: approximately 2115 Mississippi 17, Mi ssissippi, United States
[Address is approximate] There is a Building Central from the Road, that is smaller. Of Place Location, The Young Lady is under something that
Shows linear Lines moving upward, possible iron, or a House.

4.10./2014: The Location is a Farm type House, and I preternaturally Contacted the Camden Sheriff, and let Him know the direct Location, and also
the Exact Physical of Iron Associated with the Object under which I Believe Myra to be Buried. It looks like a large Iron grain carrier, or something
of the Like. Spacing:

Grain Carrier [The Star Represents the Body]


4.11.2014 Documentation, approximately 2:20 p.m. I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, under THE ALPHA AND OMEGA's OATH,
with My Hand on the U.S. Supreme Court Bible, state that I alone Provided the above and Following Assistance, No Other, without Preternatural
Influence, and in Good Only, contrary to capitulations by Negative persons on the Floor. The Following is the Preternatural Occurrence, I have not
Verified it, Earth Physically. I will send an Entire Copy of the Assistance to My Attorney.

At approximately 2:30/3:00 p.m., I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY, became aware that a Young man had gone to the Place I,Myself, determined as the
Location of Myra Lewis. I intervened Preternaturally Physically, and it looked as if the Young Man made it to safety. Preternaturally, the Sheriff of
Camden County was informed, and met the Young Man along the Road, and they, following, interrogated the Male while I, Exact, was Present, and
who directed them to Proper Locations. They First Checked the Barn, and then Checked the Location of Grain Carrier. Later that Day, Mr. Lewis was
placed directly with My Earth Physical. It was stated Myra had been found, which I will have to verify. I cannot verify, at present, the Above interac-
tion. ** It is stated that the Catholic Faith and the Line of Mary will have to be prosecuted, as it is showing that Mary, as an Archangelic, is illegally
presenting Herself, along with a Basic Clairvoyant, falsely in the Preternatural. It is stated that Jesus Christ is already under prosecution for interference
and abuse of the Earth Physical, due to the Fact that His Pantheonic Exchange is not present in History. Also, his interference in the Earth Physical
which shows up as: Interference in Earthly Events, Abuse and Aggression of the General Public, and Abuse of the Preternatural . He is not Present in
History, this Work is Not of His Faith. It is stated that I will post the Documentation of My work to My Attorney, as I will need to Prosecute the
Catholic Faith for Attempted Rape of Human History: I prosecute the Line of Mary, who are prosecuted for illegal Use of Archangelic by way of a
Preternatural Female[Not Myself, a Basic Clairvoyant] of the Catholic Faith: I prosecuted Mary Yesterday for Attempted rape of History: They are Not

I also Determined the Criminal, who is at the Place of Burial, and who is a tall male, with Larger Facial Structure. I contacted Both Local Offices at
work, as well as those of the Community who are Looking for and Who care about Myra [who searched for Her], as well as the Camden Sheriff to
show the Physical and Physical Characteristics of the Male, who is Larger Boned, and the Crime, which was heinous, to the hur t of Bone] The Male
Lives on the Property, the Grain Carrier, Iron Structure is to the right.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Camden County Georgia
Sheriff's Office, P.O. Box 699, Woodbine GA 31569
Phone: (912) 510-5100, Fax: (912) 510-5144, 4.9.2014 2:21p.m.

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.


Placed, but could not located Exact Physical on Map. It looked as if n a carriage, with two individuals, but I have not yet verfied/Crosschecked this.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
4.1.2014: I have Proof of My Work, and Date.

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

[Already Recovered]

Down the Creek, facing the Creek, in a Wood House. Very old, rotted wood. Looking at Map, slightly North/NorthEast [slight ]. Today, assisted in
the Bio-Physical Physical, and the Officer was to the Right, I directed Him in the Preternatural Physical to the Left and showed the Location.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
4.1.2014: I have Proof of My Work, and Date.

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.


Sweetwater Creek: Co-Ordinates: 33966182-8411185

.Duluth Georgia, Wild Bills. An Apartment, the smell of Carpet. To the West/Slightly South West [looking Directly at The Mapquest Map: Wild Bills
Location. Venture Parkway, 33.955881-84.126982. I have assisted You for Quite some time Preternaturally, and am a Unique Human Being with Spe-
cific Abilities for Place Location and Missing Person's Location, outright. The Male who committed the Crime has a Previous Record, and was arrested
by one of Your Officers. The Street of the Apartment looks fairly unkempt, and the walk up into showed windows. The Street, i n Location proximity
to Wild Bills is to the South/South East, and it shows in the Preternatural the Sickness of the smell of Carpet. [Possibly Satellite and Venture Drive. I
placed the Location, in proximity of a Google Map, to the Right, s lightly lower than the Spatial of Wild Bills. I looked at, firstly, Venture Parkway, in
that Location, either up near the Buildings, or off to the Right in the Wooded area. However, in hte Life Physical I saw a Verdant Place that is out
further to the right, on the Map, somewhere, that is Wooded, Shady, and the soil is softer. It is stated that All Catholics must be avoided in regards to
this Investigation, they have been willfully interfering with investigations, and have tired to place information Illegally by Archangelic Rape, which
means that they access information illegally. All Work Above is Earth Physical, and Under the Law. I wish You Luck, Justin is Important to Me. I am a
Upstairs Unique Human Being, of Good Only, and Know Justin outright, by His Being. I would be happy to talk to His Parents at a later date in time,
once He has been Located and the Investigation concluded. He is a wonderful Being, it is a true loss for He to have been through what He went
through. Please tell His Parents that He Loves them, this Outright said, by He. REPORTED TO:Federal Bureau of Investigation I hope My Infor-

Duluth Georgia, Wild Bills. An Apartment, the smell of Carpet. To the West/SlightlySouthWest [looking Directly at The Mapquest Map: Wild Bills
Location. Venture Parkway, 33.955881-84.126982.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Duluth Police Department

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.


I looked at the Photos, and the Physical, and located His Physical, which is next to a House, and is buried. I need the Direct Address to verify the
Location and the House, as in My Location, I placed the House shown on the Left hand corner, bottom to locate.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA: Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals: Tip Documentation


I apologize for not Assisting More, sooner, but I just recently place located a Satanic Crime Ring, and have been, by Bus and Foot, Place Verifying and
Documenting over 25 Location, the Particulars and Their Crimes and Crimnals, as well as the Nature of the Satanic Rituals, many which are Blood
Murder Related: There are Portals for each Location. Many of the Murderers are Heinous. I will be continuing My Work, but i t is slow until I have
Documented, Investigated, Reported and Seen Prosecuted the Entire Crime Ring, which is called the Watthal Crimes, of Nile Road [The Watthal
Slough], which is the Seat of Many Satanic Related Crimes for the Area Between Sacramento and Bakersfield. Thank You: REBECCATACO-



Date of Birth: September 3, 1987/ Hair Color: Blonde/Eye Color: Hazel/Female/Ethnicity: White
Place of Disappearance: Los Angeles, California, Height: 4 , Weight: 60 lbs.

On June 30, 1994, six-year-old Crystal Ann Tymich was playing near her residence in South Los Angeles with her three older brothers. She was
last seen picking peaches from a neighbor's tree, before disappearing sometime between 2 and 5 p.m. She was last seen wearing a pink T-shirt,
shorts with a floral print, and tennis shoes with a picture of a mermaid. If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your
local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.
Field Office: Los Angeles


L.A. Downey. The Location is very near Downey Street and Third Street, from the shops North, on the Google Map, The Possibl e Loca-
tion is 8371 La Villa Street. If there is a Basement, Check the Basement. Or it could be a Location Close By, which may have a basement,
a Possible Wharehouse Type Structure. It looks as if the Couple stole Crystal, and took Her to a Beach walk Location at some point in
Time. They then took Her back to the House, which shows a Floral Problem, Scent of Flowers, or the Mother/Female of the Hous e is a
Floral Type. Crystal did not believe Them, and did not wish to be with Them. It was a kidnapping. The Male seems to be of a Mexican
background, and is showing responsible for the Murder. Hand on the Neck.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.


The Understanding shows that Lisa Was hurt by Her Own Husband.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

FBI Missing Persons List

There is a House. It shows that She is in the Basement, and that this is a Satanic Related Crime. I reported this in the Pr eternatural Bio-Physical to the
Sheriff of the County. The Sign shows a slight Floral, or scented name, it is in a Decent area, and shows the housing as on a curved space, or raised.
This was a painful experience, and showed great pain.

Jane has been through Extreme

Federal Bureau of Investigation

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Crimes

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in
regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals upon the
Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are Missing, or
who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.


Karen S. Adams: Karen is, looking at a Map of the Casino, to the Right, North/NorthEast on a Diagonal. The car was wrecked on a Diagonal [or
driven], Karen looked Crumpled. 4.3.2014: I directed an Officer who was present last night, or earlier, and He stated that He could not find the Car,
He had stopped too soon. I directed the Car further about Approximately between 2&5 Miles, and directed Him to the Left. The Car, as He and I
Determined is off the Road, and will need to be walked in to.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Missing Person's Assistance
5.30.2014 Approximately: 3:45-4:10 p.m.

Kellisue Ackernecht

Exact Location:
100 Holland Cir Dr

Missing Persons List

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and
of the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is
requested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further i nformation,
please send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adult erate
evidence when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another
unsolved case and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important
Being, and need to be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing
of the Family Lines who have suffered.

Modesto, California

The Viewing shows as Misses Yarnell possibly being hurt at a/Her Car. The Location of Her Bone structure shows u as being Located
Somewhere between Patterson and the Outer of Modesto, Exact Location I can Describe or Find in Physical, as I know the Direct En-
ergy of the Place. It registers as Highway.

Modesto, California

Timothys Body/Bone Structure/Presence registers directly at a House out to the North east of Modesto, somewhere near Oakdale, or
Between Oakdale and Modesto on a Country Road. I registered that the Cow Farm on the Corner of one of the Roads is Near the Loca-
tion. The House is Small, and seems to be wood, a lot of open space around it. Specific Energy, I will have to Place Locat e on Satel-

Modesto, California

Initial Vision/View: Caswell Park, a Circle around the Being, in the Caswell Park Area Near the River. Later, u

Karissa is Located Near Caswell State Park, in a Soil Location. Possibly near Almonds. There is an Almond Orchard
at 9421 Bacon Road, and I believe this might be the Location, as Karissas Body Registers on a Curve, and is buried In
soft, seems to be wet soil. I can Place Locate the Exact or Near Exact when I get there--most likely Exact as I will
Place Locate the Bone Structure Itself in the Earth Physical-- as I am able to see the Energy on the Earths Surface.
You and I, or I and one of Your Employees, should Locate this Today, to Deter Problems.

Vidal Azevedo

Kimberly Anne Bearden

Modesto, California

Evelyn looks to have been hurt and placed in a Modesto Location, I locate near Rouse. I will have to go out an Place
Locate the Exact, and Report it to You. Place Located in a Car on 5.2.2014 on Rouse/The Car has a rounded top and
is possibly Abandoned, Evening, and could not make it back to Modesto to Place Verify and Locate in the Environs of
Modesto. I have prosecuted a Female Officer who attempted Theft in the Preternatural and Earth Physical. Also, the
Possible Association of a Ceres Police Officer, License Plate #1360606, and am inquiring into Events and the Events

Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being. I state that
Those who employ a Mary or an Archangelic Presence are in Direct Violation of the universal and Earth Physical, which registers as a
Violation of the Law. It is a Direct Problem on the Earths Energy for They to do So, and it is required by Law for Human Beings to
reject All Structures of Catholic Faith Problems that Employ such abuse of the Spiritual/Biological Physical. My work is Directly Earth
Physical, and of My Own Body. Also, such being are NOTALLOWED to Abuse My Body, they are Told No.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is
requested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further i nformation,
please send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adult erate
evidence when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another
unsolved case and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important
Being, and need to be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of
the Family Lines who have suffered.

It is stated that the Modesto Police Department and Stanislaus County Departments are Aware of My Work and it is ststed that Mary
and a Female known as the Hispanic Latino Female Modesto Officer are Prosecuted for Attempted Theft of This Work: It Does Not
Belong to Them.

Modesto, California

The Viewing shows as Misses Yarnell possibly being hurt at a/Her Car. The Location of Her Bone structure shows u as being Located
Somewhere between Patterson and the Outer of Modesto, Exact Location I can Describe or Find in Physical, as I know the Direct En-
ergy of the Place. It registers as Near a Highway, out near I-5 to Los Angeles, West.

Modesto, California

Timothys Body/Bone Structure/Presence registers directly at a House out to the North east of Modesto, somewhere near Oakdale, or
Between Oakdale and Modesto on a Country Road. I registered that the Cow Farm on the Corner of one of the Roads is Near the Loca-
tion. The House is Small, and seems to be wood, a lot of open space around it. Specific Energy, I will have to Place Locat e on Satellite.

Modesto, California

Karissa is Located Near Caswell State Park, in a Soil Location. Possibly near Almonds. There is an Almond Orchard at
9421 Bacon Road, and I believe this might be the Location, as Karissas Body Registers on a Curve, and is buried In
soft, seems to be wet soil. I can Place Locate the Exact or Near Exact when I get there--most likely Exact as I will
Place Locate the Bone Structure Itself in the Earth Physical-- as I am able to see the Energy on the Earths Surface.
You and I, or I and one of Your Employees, should Locate this Today, to Deter Problems.

Modesto, California

Evelyn looks to have been hurt and placed in a Modesto Location, I locate near Rouse. I will have to go out an Place
Locate the Exact, and Report it to You. Place Located in a Car on 5.2.2014 on Rouse/The Car has a rounded top and
is possibly Abandoned, Evening, and could not make it back to Modesto to Place Verify and Locate in the Environs of
Modesto. I have prosecuted a Female Officer who attempted Theft in the Preternatural and Earth Physical. Also, the
Possible Association of a Ceres Police Officer, License Plate #1360606, and am inquiring into Events and the Events
Following, which show a problem of Ill Repute by both the Female Modesto Officer [who is a Fraud] and another. It
is stated that the Females involved should have been told No.

Modesto, California

Between Turlock and Fresno, a Highway Location Registers, or Near, a Shack like or Wooden Structure. This is
Just a Basic Reading, I will have to look further at the Location.

Modesto, California

Outiside of Modesto, to the North/slightlyNortthwest. In a Small House, looks Blue, and Square. Still have yet to
Place Verify.

Modesto, California

The Car is parked Located in an Area Similar to Caswell, out in that Region.

Modesto, California

Ruth Ann is somewhere towards LA, to the West, and in an Outlying Town, which I have not yet Investigated on
Google Map. I have not yet determined Death Type or cause.

Modesto, California

Car was left in the Country. Outlying area of Modesto, North. It looks to be in a Ditch or River Problem.

Modesto, California

Modesto, California

Two Crimes are in this Vision, and I place Located Ruth Ann in a Modesto House, in a Wall. I have verified that the Two Men in Ques-
tion show Guilt, in regards to the Crime. There is another Associated House, in a Place Like, or Exactly, Denair, that is like a Victorian,
Old, that shows a Crime against an Older Woman.

Modesto, California

Modesto, California

Amsterdam, NY 12010 0.1 mi SE

The House is in wooded Area, Possible Holland Circle Drive. There is a Circle of Dirt [42.972765,-74.191543] at 100
Holland Circle Drive. From the Google Satellite Map You will look on a Diagonal North/Slightly Northwest. There is
a first Rust Patch on the Curve of Gras, which constitutes the Entry to the Body, in the Forest on the Diagonal.

There is pain on this Crime, and The Depth is Dark Blue.

Ill send You further information as I look at the Bio-Physical Vision, in regards to the Criminal and the Nature of the
Crime tomorrow. I let the Bio-Vision sit to get a good look at the Bio-Vision Itself, and the Physical, as well as the Na-
ture of the Crime, which I will verify to prove True Physical occurence.

Pertinent Details:

Date: 09/30/2008
Time: 9:35 p.m.
Location: Town of Amsterdam, Montgomery County, N.Y.

She was last seen wearing tan slacks, a black shirt, new white sneakers, tan stockings and she was wearing brown glasses.
Kellisue Achernecht was last seen at approximately 9:35pm, in the Town of Amsterdam, N.Y. She has not been seen or
heard from since.

Race: White
Sex: Female
DOB: December 16, 1972
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 135 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Location Map:

100 Holland Cir Dr, Amsterdam, NY 12010
Link: <,-74.191543&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&ll=42.973153,-

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


Name of Missing Person Last Seen
Ackernecht, Kellisue September 30, 2008
Alford, Patrick K. January 22, 2010
Anderson, Corrie L. October 28, 2008
Arbas, Herman January 2003
Bulmer, Cynthia D. March 26, 1998
Conklin, Darlene April 19, 1981
Connell, Frank E. April 20, 2007
Corso, Paul F. September 15, 2006
Cuccia, Valarie Lorraine May 04, 1974
Deering, Arthur P. June 20, 1998
Dougherty, Bethanie L. April 01, 2008
Dunckel, Earl "Eric" August 27, 1993
Eason, Michelle C. September 1997

Fox, Frank Lamont January 01, 1983
Franolich, Erica Jane October 13, 1986
Frear, Craig A.
UPDATED: May 16, 2006 June 27, 2004
Fuentes, Lucy Delia October 22, 1992
Geurin, Judith February 20, 1991
Gillis, Colin March 11, 2012
Goodwin, Douglas E. June 08, 1990
Green, Donald February 26, 2010
Harris, Michele Anne
UPDATED: Jun 27, 2007 September 11, 2001
Helt, Joseph D. January 16, 1987
Herron, Audrey May August 29, 2002
Hoheusle, Selina June 13, 2004
Krywe, Kevin W. September 27, 1999
LaForest, George J. April 22, 2006
Laimer, Sue Carol February 2001
Lewis, Dean M. September 25, 2003
Lyall, Suzanne G.
UPDATED: Mar 3, 2004 March 02, 1998
McCormick, Tammie Anne April 29, 1986
McLaughlin, Michael Scott October 23, 1975
Nerenberg, Audrey Lyn July 15, 1977
O'Donnell, Judith E.
UPDATED: Mar 2, 2004 November 30, 1980
Olsen, Harriet T. June 24, 2000
Overbaugh, Deborah Marie July 13, 1992
Pendino, Dominick A. March 03, 1999
Rainwalker, Jaliek L. November 01, 2007
Ramin, Mark Donald January 18, 2002
Ratynski, Edward A. December 13, 2007
Reilly, Leichia M. January 31, 1985
Reyes, Louis H. November 11, 1989
Santiago, Monique March 29, 1990
Sapienza, John A February 23, 1997
Scrima, Jeanne M. March 19, 1980
Seelman, Mark W. June 08, 1990
Shoe, Agnes June 17, 1979
Sollie, Sandra A. May 23, 1994
Steele, Lutricia May 01, 2008
Stresing, Douglas Cory May 27, 2002
Sullivan, Brian W. July 08, 2007
Tillinghast, Sheryl Ann September 24, 1973
Vallese, Guy Richard May 14, 1979
Wesolowski, Maryanne August 18, 1971
Willow, Bruce Max February 05, 1991
Wilson, Karen Louise March 27, 1985
Wilson, Nicia L. December 06, 2013
Wood, Carol (Larsen) August 04, 1996
Woolheater, William F. February 1981
Zani Jr., William Michael October 25, 2005

Prosecution of an Officer and Tall, Thin female.

Female: Tall, Thin, Brown Hair, Fairly Basic, who has been in Violation of the Earth physical: The Female has Femurs [Preternatural Females Placed
Around Her, and they are in Rape of My Own Physical/Physical
Characteristics/Some of My Work/and of My Physical. She is associated with a Misses M, Mary Itself, and a Mary.


Inquiry into the Events of the Officer and the Tall, Brown Haired Female by Documentation, including Place of Meeting and Ori gin of Meeting,
as well as Event Structure, as Matching will tell whether Event Structure has been stolen by Preternatural Females of Ill Repute.

Inquiry into the actual Physical State of Tall, Thin, Brown Haired Female, and to Her Actual Physical, as I state outright that She cannot, and is not, a
Clairvoyant. I have Prosecuted the Catholic Faith for Placing a Mary/MissesM near the female, in direct Violation of Law in regards to Humankind, in
Misrepresentation of Physical. The Catholic Clairvoyant is a Basic Clairvoyant who is also in Physical Violation of Law, in regards to My Work, as it
shows on the Physical that the Catholic Clairvoyant has relied on a Mary to Obtain Illegal Information, which is a Violation of Law, Human Law, and
Universal Law. Of Documentation, all Preternatural Revelations, Inquiries, Assistances, I wish Documented. The Femurs/Preternatural Females
are in Violation of the Earth Physical in Their Problems.

I wish Documented that I associate the Office and the Thin Female with St.Raphael and Nick, who are in Violation of Law, and are part of the Crimi-
nality of UC Davis Problems, along with MARY ITSELF, and those of Catholic Origin. I have told the Office and the Thin Femal e that it
is Against the Law for They to Violate the Earth Physical to have what is called a Filthy-E, which involves other Preternaturals and they know This.
I do not Like to be Violated in the Earth Physical for Female Preternaturals to be Violative of Earth Physicals in Relationships, which is AGAINST
THE LAW, by the Law. The Preternatural Females know this, They Are Not Myself. IT is stated that there is No As If and No As or Like: They
are Not Myself. IT is Against the Law for Others to Violate Human Rights: It is My Earth and Preternatural Bio-Physical. It might be
appropriate for I, Myself, Earth Physical/Preternatural Bio-Physical have a meeting with Both, that I can tell the Female Directly No, and put her back
in Her Earth Physical Problem. She is Also associated with a female named Sharon, who is Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humani ty. [Sharon
Haggerty, who is Married to Doug Haggerty, Sharon had Breast Cancer] She cannot Be the Femurs, nor is She Myself.

Inquiry into Catholic Involvement in regards to Daily events and History, they are under Prosecution for their Crimes Against the Structure and Inter-
ference in Daily Events, as well as Interference with a Faith Not Their Own. They are also under Prosecution in the Preternatural for
Attempted Misrepresentation, They are Not Involved in My Work in regards to Assistance. As I understand, Stockton Police Department may
Have already located two of the 7 San Joaquin Delta Persons of Honor, whom I documented in a Map, showing Location in the Del ta.

Inquiry into All Events Related to My Work, and My Assistance to The Modesto Police Department and UC Davis Police Department s, if
Questions Arise, and only if necessary, as there has been Direct Interference by Preternaturals into Earthly Events. All Questions should be
Directed to Myself, if in Question of Myself, as there may be Events that Have Nothing To Do with Myself.


Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

MY WORK. I can Demonstrate and Prove My Work upon Request, in the Earth Physical.


Upon First Viewing, I looked directly at the Being to See who Karissa is. I then looked at the Bone, Bone Type, and Bone For ensic Type/Character
and Placed the Bone [which is a Visual Simile, to the Physical Bone on Earths Surface. What this does is place the Location of the Body. This is a
Copyrighted Process and cannot be done by Others, without written Permission by Myself and Verified by My Lawyer, from Myself on Earths Sur-

I Place Located Karissas Body in a Location near CASWELL STATE PARK, STANISLAUS COUNTY, which showed as on the Curve of the River.
The Next day I looked at the Location on Google Maps, and place Located the Exact Location, and determined that it was near Almonds. Later that
Day, I was able to Manage a ride to RIPON, and then another to CASWELL STATE PARK to Place Locate and Verify in the Earth Physical My
Findings, which are Earth Physical Work.

I went to the Location, after verifying with the Employee at CASWELL STATE PARK [Clint] the River Path, and went to the Locat ion, and on a
Driveway to the River. It showed up as Place Location Correct. I then Place Located the Physical that I determined from Google Maps to the
Earths Surface to Determine Body Location, I found a Location, which ended up being General Direction, the First Time. As I work, I verify the Soil
type to Soil Type, as I verify the Soil Type in Visions to determine Place, Nature of Character, Nature of Soil, State of Soi l, and any Characteristics that
are Different. I place Exact to Exact, and determined the Location to not be Quite Exact, although the Correct Location. I also knew that the Curve
of the River was not correct in the Location, and proceed to walk along the Road to the Curve of the River. As I was closer to the Curve of the River,
I saw
A Structure, which I placed as part of the Crime, and the Environs. What will occur close to a Crime is Silence, meaning that the Placement has been
Located. This occurred in this Location. I verified a House, to the Left, and the nature of the Environs, which is wooded, and then Verified Location
of Body. Also, I verified that the Area is surrounded by Almond Orchards. The Direct Address of the House is 27364 Austin Road, the House just
next to CASWELL STATE PARK.. I have verified the Physical of the Surrounding Environs on the Vision, and have re-Verified by Location, by
Preternatural, and by Visual of the Being of the Victim. [Part of My Ability, due to My Physical Connection to the Body of Humankind] Both of My
Abilities, Earth Physical is Place Location and Seeing a Life Visual on the Person, and the second that of Seeing the Being, which is Preternatural Bio-
Physical due to My Connection to Humankind.

Exact Place Verification of the House. The First Vision and placement on the Map, I verified today to be Exact. The Placement on the Curve of the
River Neat this House, which I place Located just as a Visual on the Map, is Exact in the Earth Physical.,-121.17869,3a,75y,126.43h,98.4t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sLF8i-K4_QMWnNZciHUqBLw!2e0

Original CASWELL MAP: The Top Curve was my First Place Location.,-121.1892144,2960m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!

Problems: It is stated that in the Preternatural David and Deirdre Mulviihill -14410 Modoc Court, Manteca, who is considered a Fraud and is unasso-
ciated with this Work], and those of Negativity, tried to alert the Criminal to My Presence. A Male in a Truck with Dogs appeared near Myself as I
returned to CASWELL STATE PARK for Safety. I placed Him as Criminal, or not in a good place. I have had to Prosecute the Preternatural Physical
for Crimes Against Humanity, and for interference in Criminal Investigations that I have carried out, as certain Members of Enforcement seem to
associate with Preternaturals who are in violation of Earth Surface Law, and in Attempted Theft of Earthly Work that does not belong to Them. My
Attorney has Record of All of My Work.

Stanislaus Sheriffs Department

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case. I am hoping You Might consider Me for a Position In Your Department. I would like to con-
tinue to Assist throughout the United States, with all Missing Persons Cases.



Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance

Possible Blood Murder: Lenore Drive
999 Lenore Court is the Possible M.O.
This looks as if it is Part of Current Crime.

In this, I was talked to by a Downstairs Hispanic Male, who held a cane with Duct Tape on the End, who asked Me why I was there. I stated I was just looking at
Houses in the Area. He continued down the Street after a Short conversation, as I made it a light conversation, and He told someone, look, Shes a Basic. Shes Good. I
followed to look at the problem House, which I Have documented on the Map as a Possible Problem [Beating Related], area back of Spencer House Problem. It showed up as
extreme negative today, and someone mentioned in the Preternatural that it was a Blood Related Problem. I followed, and He t urned and told Me Not To. When I Verified
just the Area of the House, He Hit the Cane Against a Telephone Pole. I walked. He said He would go after Me if I looked any longer.


600 Spencer AREA Visions

600 Spencer/ House: Ax under Floorboards, under Left front [going in the Door]. Also, Back Yard, to the Back
Left: Dead Animal, 1 Dead Body [Shows as Female], along the Right Fence, two long bars that show Desecration
To Body.

Second Part of Vision, End of Street Approximately 6-7 Bodies. When I Verified this Today, 5.1.2014, Approx. 11:15 a.m., I verified that the Original
Vision was not one House, but possibly a Few Properties Carrying a Dead Body. I would verify One First, to verify the Entir e Vision.


a. 114 Spencer has 4 males who look to be Trouble Makers, Downstairs Types. Please View Shack, Slur against the Police Department, and
Basic Possible Crime House.
b. *128 Spencer [Part of Problem Vision.] Back Yard Possible Problem. If You Look from the Bike Trail, You will find a Yard that is Full of
Paraphenalia. Please do not Approach this House until I can verify All Houses on this Street, by Tomorrow. Must Physically Re-verify. I
need to look at the Back Yard Area from the Bike Trail. Three Bodies shown on Down Left M.O.d for this House, Back Yard Area.
c. 124 Spencer Avenue: This is a Tip from a Preterantural, Non-Grounded. 1 Body, Lower Left.
d. *304/305 Spencer, Possible Problem. Must Physically Re-verify. Body, Upper Left.
e. 415 Spencer, Possible Problem. Must Physically Re-Verify.
f. 323 Spencer, Possible Problem. Must Physically Re-verify.


1000/924/933 Briggs: 924 and 933 Show Back Yards that are Negative in Nature to Life Hurt. 1000 Briggs shows a Murder, pos sible. To the Back
of the Apartment to the Right, is a House, that Area Holds a Body. This is a Verified Problem. Possibly Crime and Drug Related.

831 North Seybold. Possible Body near Tree in Back Yard.

Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

UC Davis Problems
Original Case

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, met Casey once, in Modesto, over a Month ago, He was in Transit/Travel, as far as I understand.
He left for His Travels, and became part of History, as I could see Him peripherally. This means that His Travel could be seen, sometimes,
separate from My Own Life Path and Daily Events. I have already shown Proof of My Life, as I have all of My Reciepts daily f or My Modesto
Daily Life, and work at Ceres and Modesto Libraries, My Own Unrelation cannot be contested. What I saw was the Following: That Casey
suffered during His Travels. That He and Mary/Mary Itself were involved in the Preternatural, along with the Preternatural Females of Misses
M[White], ISTA, and Misses M. That He was attacked by Downstairs Regions Problems. That He was Corrupted Mid-Travel by a showing of
a Book that is of Negative Nature by Deirdre M.[An Earth Physical Negative Preternatural], and from that point became a Negat ive Structure.
Also, the Following:

A Negative Event with a Female Near Elk Grove. I place the Event near the Freeway, on a Side Road.
A Negative Altercation with a Male in a Side Town, which looks to be in the Foothill type/ location, a Peripheral Town, not near The Freeway.
A Negative Event Involving a Male/Male Relationship, and a Three-Way Relationship involving a Sorority and Fraternity Male and Female and Casey,
and hurt to the Female.
A Negative Event that Involved the Fall of a Structure that is called a Renegade Structure, Meaning Separate, and was Mary/Catholic Faith
in Entire., and Showed the Catholic Faith as the Origin Problem, by the Way of MARY ITSELF. MARY ITSELF and Misses M are Guilty,
in the Structure. The Structure was entirely White, and I saw it from the Modesto Area, in the Sky to the West. IT resulted in a Crime, which
was Shown in a Preternatural Bio-Physical Vision, which I reported to the UC Davis Law Enforcement.

I was in the City of Modesto from January until 3.19.2014, then Visited UC Davis form 3.19.2014[Arrived 9:30 p.m.] -3.22.2014[Left 5:50a.m], then
Home to Manteca, and have all receipts and Physical Verification by those who know Me of My Physical Location. The Offices of Modesto and UC
Davis are aware of this. I have reported the Assistance I have been able to view, and consider that the Path for they to Prosecution is of their
Work, Now. Casey is Physically Guilty, this is what the Preternatural and Preternatural Physical Shows. It also shows, however, that Preternatural
involvement by Negative Being, Femurs, Preternatural Females, and Archangelic Being are Largely Responsible for the Crimes themselves. Many of
the Preternaturals show as being in Violation of the Physical.

Also, it is stated that the Preternatural Females Known a s Misses M, Misses m Problem, and Deirdre are guilty, as Themselves. It shows that the
Police Departments had problems with Preternatural interference, and it is stated that Misses m is Not, in regards to UC Davis, and that the
Misses M/M.Mag/Mary is not, in regards to Modesto. The Larger Preternatural Females and Femurs are Prosecuted for Willful I nterference
in Earthly Matters, and it has shown that it had a Negative Influence on Both Police Departments. Also, They are Not Myself.

I point also to an Illicit Relationship that followed the Above Documentation and Prosecution, in which Mary/Mary Itself, Mis ses M, and others
of Preternatural Origin walked over to Modesto, California, where I reside, and started a Relationship in an illegal Earth Physical Problem, with an
Office of the Law, which is in Rape of the Earth Physical, and is problematic as they are the Criminals/Murderesses in the Pr eternatural in regards
to the UC Davis Problems. The Female is in Rape, also, by way of Catholic Faith Problems, also involving a False Basic Clai rvoyant, who is in Viola-
tion of the Earth Physical by rape of Information, and also illegal Trafficking with a Mary, who has already been Criminally Prosecuted by
the Establishment for Violations. The False Catholic Clairvoyant has been posing as someone She is Not, and is in Violation of My Own Work, which
is fully Legal, and in goodness of both Earthly and Preternatural Law. I have Reported what I saw, under the Law, May Will Be True.


Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation: UC DAVIS Problems

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to
be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Famil y Lines
who have suffered.

EDWARD or [A Male]
However, I believe it to be Edward. I have not seen Him for Over a Month.
April 2014
Modesto, California

In the Case of Edward, Related Crimes in the City and Environs of Modesto Committed by the Negative downstairs Regions, meani ng Criminals
Of Modesto, some in relation to Satanic Ritual, and related to the UC Davis Crimes, but of a Distance.The Above Shows two Loc ations, the First was
My Placement when checking after a Preternatural Vision that Showed Edward as being Hurt by Two Males. I checked, and it showed the Location to
the Right, near the Freeway, which I located as being under the Bridge, near Crows Landing Road, where Homeless Live. I went to investigate, and
that day a Male with an Iron Bar was there, and decided not to Investigate Further. At First, in the Preternatural, they showed a chicken: Then, later,
it showed that a Crime had indeed occurred, and later that it involved a Female. The Criminals may also have hurt Edward.

The Location to the Left, which is C & 7th, is a placement that showed up as True by Cement Matching and Placement Location, but I was not willing
to call it a location. It probably should be looked at in relation to the History, as in a Vision I saw Edward Bound hand and foot, and placed it near the
Downtown Area to begin With, then a 2nd Story Apartment, then followed the Energy to the C & 7th Location, which has a second Floor. Another
Location, E and 4th, tan house, also shows up in Second story, but might have been the product of a knock down of the Event.

Third Location Possibility: 718 6th Stteet, from the Alley, the Left apartment, from the Front, the Right apartment . In t hese Locations, the Event
Structure is as follows:

I saw a Preterantural Bio-Physcal Vision of Edward, and He was Bound Hand and Foot: I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, protected
Him from Stockton, where I was living at the Time, and Tried to Direct the Modesto Police Department to the Location to stop the Crime in
Progress 3.24.2014. Proof of Location: 11 Magnolia Street, Male with Mustache, 28 Magnolia Street, Ledo, due to the fact that at the end of the
day, the Police Department and a Young Man who Works at Mcdonalds/Bus Station, refused to Assist, or to Help. There was not hing I could
do, and I left behind trying to Assist. I have my receipts for the rest of the day. In continued Explanation: I Threw out Individuals of Downstairs
Problems immediately, one a Female who lives in House/Garage in the alley, across from the Back Driveway of 124 Pleasant Street: Dark Curly
Haired Female, Short, whom I believe knows who the Criminals Are. Upon First Location I place located from Stockton an Area near the
Downtown area/Police Department. Later, when I came back to Modesto, intending to stay in Turlock, I decided to go and Look for Edward,
who is a Friend, and about whom I was worried. I went to the Location I first placed, and it had a Stairway going up, and i s Warehouse like:
Although it is an Exact on the physical of Warehouse, and of Staircase, [there are two types that showed up] it ended Up bei ng a Workout Gym.
I looked at the Preternatural Bio-Physical Vision/Event to Determine Characteristics of Place Location, and Placed again by the Physical of The Door
to what I believed was a 2nd Floor Apartment. The Door has a Specific Place Location Physical, and in My Subsequent looking at the
Physical Location, ended up a C & 7th in regards to Cement [The Cement below the Vision/Event], but it did not match in Wood to the
Apartment Door, nor in Physical Energy in Total. Most Recently, the 718 6th Location, Right Apartment, which shows a Direct Match on
Wood Type. Of the Exact Physical Characteristics of the Location, they are:

Near the Downtown Area and of a Warehouse Type or near Warehousing. It was a Second Floor Apartment, that I first recognized and watched the
Criminals Exit to the Left.. It showed that there was a male who worked on Cars to the Left, whom I actually contacted Preternaturally, and asked
Him to report the Problem to the Police Department, or to go find the Place to stop the crime. Edward was hurt repeatedly by both the Criminals and
Preternaturals, as well. Lat in the Day One Male showed Up, and Edward kept asking to be released from His bindings that held
His Hands and Legs, the Male was Refusing, was Tall, Darker Form, of some type of Power/Authority, and shadowy. His Personal ity and Face
did not show. Also, in the Process of Trying to Locate Edward, I contacted a Fireman, of the Fire Department, who showed a crawling method that
is used by Policeman and Others to Determine a Location. I have a Complaint that I have seen Criminals in the Preternatural and of Female Persua-
sion [Not Myself, I Dont Crawl], who have been Abusing the Method/Process in History. Someone of the Police Department needs to sit down and
Document that Downstairs Being, Femurs [Preternatural Females], and Females called Filtha-E or Filthy-E do not Abuse the Method/ Process. It has
been used in Negative Fashion and I find it a Problem. Im asking that the Processes of Preternatural Obtainment/Investigat ion be directly Limited
to the Law Enforcement. However, the Process was shown by a Male, and I state outright that the Particular Male Interfered with The Law and with
the Protection of Edward. He actually tried to dismantle the Physical, which is an Act of Crime. Edward is Innocent, He
shows as Innocent.

I worried for two days about Edward, but believed that there was nothing I could do. In that Time Period, and I lived in St ockton, I was also
aware of a Police Officer of the Modesto. Also, it shows that there was Police Involvement on that Day, in the Preternatural , possibly in
Assistance. As well, there was what is called a Filthy-E, which means Negative Intervention in regards to the Police Department in the
Preternatural, that Interfered with Assistance or Help to Edward. I returned to Modesto, on the 27th, and have proof of My Return Early in
the Morning, both ACE Train and ACE Bus, a Driver with Silver Hair, who Knows Me, and has known Me for a Great While, as I vi sit My
Two Children, Zachary and Isabel Gray Twice a Week in Manteca. He was happy to see Me, He had not seen Me in a While, as I had lived in
Stockton for some time.

NEW 4.23.2014:

Two Addresses to Investigate: 3459 Finney Road, which M.O.s in Exactitude, as a Male with the Exact Same Truck stopped to as k a Question,
And I believe might be the Criminal. 3509Finney Road, please Investigate, it may be the Scene of the Crime. It is approximate location to My
Original of the Line of Trees, and with a very Tall Palm Tree. Please Investigate all Three. The Male seems Tall, Brown Hair, fairly
Heavy in Body Structure: He is the of My Original View, which I showed in the Sketch that I included. The Truck, Brown, shows in
Exactitude on the Picture: Google Maps, 3459 Finney Road on the Side of the House.
3459 Finney Road

Also, the Line of Parallel for the Bone Structure[s], Originally there was one, there are now two. Line Approximate: 3481 Beckwith Road, and this
Line Parallel North, also possible approximate on Bacon Road. Please Investigate Both Bacon Road and the Levee, which Curves near Beckwith.
I have shown the approximate Locations on the Enclosed Map, encircled. The Above is a Documentation of a set of locations outside of Modesto,
near Carpenter Road, that show up as having Crime Associated with

Them in regards to the Case of EDWARD. The First, Lower, near the Small country road, shows the location of Evidence of Crime. The Second,
Above, is somewhere near a dividing line/country line, and shows a small place, area or house. It shows that Serious Crimes took place Here, and
needs to be Investigated upon Immediacy. I saw the first as a Preternatural Bio-Physical Vision, and Place Located it at that spot, on the side of a
country road. In such visions, it is likely that either it is close to the road, or much further in. That is what sometimes with a vision. I would have
to see the road to Place locate in more accuracy.


Prosecutions: Documentation

I am someone who is of Assistance through the Positive Preternatural, meaning that I do not associate with Downstairs or Negative
Means in regards to My Assistance. I have a Specific Earth Physical which is Biological Physical, and My Ability to Locate Physicals
upon the Earths Surface is My Own Physical Ability. I also have the Ability to see Events, and sometimes am asked by those who are
Missing, or who are in a way in the Preternatural to Assist. I assist until the Entire Problem is resolved, upon the Being.

I must state that all capitulations upon seeing the dead are refuted, I see what is called the Being, which is an Upstairs Structure, and of
the Life Structure of the Person, in Great Good. The Following are Tips in regards to what I see and know in the Preternatural, it is re-
quested that they are taken seriously and checked upon, when time allows. If further clarification is needed, or further inf ormation, please
send an E-mail with particulars and I will look at, meaning view, and provide further information if found. Do not adulterate evidence
when You speak with Me, it interferes with the physical Structure of Viewing: If you need proof of My Work, send another unsolved case
and I will prove it another Way. I do not adulterate
or fabricate in regards to those who are missing, they are important Being, and need to be respected as such. Thank You, I hope My
Assistance leads to Your Recovery of the Physicals, and the Healing of the Family Lines who have suffered.

[Criminal Preternatural, Satanic Activity]
Modesto, California
Documentation Only

It is stated that in the Environs of the DMV, Jessie Street, & 124 Pleasant Street, there have been problems in the Bio-physical looking to be of Prob-
lems of Downstairs Origins, and Satanic Problems. There is One other, and this is that of C & 7th, which is of Deirdre Mulvhi ll, who in the Preteran-
tural is a Perpetua, and a Downstairs Problem. My Concern is Great in this Problem:

I went to see a Friend, who lives in the Gold Apartment facing Gallo, and noticed that He is having Trouble Physically. I al so noted that the
Entire Area is a Problem. My Recommendations are as Follows, as I have Already Cleaned up the area 4 Times, the last being an Entire Clean
up and a Banishment of the Problems, which resulted in Natural Grounding. I have Determined that the Problem is Mark, and by a Blue Star
Problem, which is a Negative Problem Outright. If He continues to Manifest Negatively in Downstairs Regions Fashion, and in Satanic Problem,
He will end up in Preternatural Damnation and will also have endangered Many. He must be faced and told to stop His Practices. This can
Only be done with a Physical Visit to tell Him to Stop, by someone of the Physical Law Enforcement. Mark is a problem struct ure, who must
be made to stop the Criminality in the Preternatural, He is a guilty Male. Of His House, which should be condemned outright , due to its
condition, In the End it must be fully dismantled, the Ground purged and then cleansed. It must be left without anything upon it in order to
correct the Preternatural and Earth Physical Problems. Whatever Mark has done is in Severe Criminality. If anything is done with Mark, He
Should be placed outside the City Limits.

C & 7th
Modesto, California
Documentation Only

C and 7th Must Be Cleaned up by a Visit to Deirdre Mulvihill on 14410 Modoc Court, Manteca California who is a Perpetua [Damned Being],
And who is associated with Catholic Faith Problems. She must be told to cease downstairs Activities, and to Cease Preternatural Problem, as
well as Termination of all Downstairs and Satanic Problems. Deirdre is Associated with Misses M and Misses M/Mag., and many of the
Problems emanation from the Preternatural Females. She must be Told Directly to Cease Interference in Earthly Events, and to Cease all
Downstairs Activiites for the Public Good.

A Comment on the CRIME of MODESTO
Modesto, California
Documentation Only

The Problems resulting in Crimes of Downstairs Problems must be stopped, and by full Interference of the Law Enforcement, in regards
To Downstairs Regions Problems, and also those of Preternatural Involvement of Humanity,. Who are these: Nick and His Wife, Deirdre
And Dottie Mulvihill, Aggie & Jerry Tacosa, Mark Simms: There are possible Persons in UC Davis, due to that Particular History. Also,
Those of Downstairs need to be Addressed, who are originally part of a 9th Street Apartment History Involving Dale. Tlna, A Tall Blonde
Male who used to Manage, on 124 Pleasant Street, Garage in Alley to the Back, curly haired Female who may know something about the
Modesto Crimes involving Edward: The last I understood, Dale was stated to have been in the Hospital


Prosecution of Crime at Modesto Street, Modesto, California

KERR STREET: 233 Kerr Street is the Address I first M.O.d for the Area, when I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA rode the Bus out to
the Gospel Mission Area after seeing a Bio-Physical Vision/M.O. of a Satanic Problem. I got off of the Bus,
And walked toward the Area, which I saw as a House, with Many Problems. I was near Jack-in-the-Box, and looked directly at the
House/Location, to see or Discern Character. I saw Exactly who was With the House, and it was a MALE, who is called the ORIGIN MALE, who is
a SEPARATE ENTITY. He is a Heinous Being of Murder, and is someone who can Manifest and Create
Crime by the Manifestation of His Own Physical. Thus, crime happens in a string of Crimes, that continue with Manifestation. The House In Ques-
tion was stated by the Preternaturals who were Present, to Myself in Deterrence, that there are Several Bodies, and that they need to be Recovered in
order to Put Down and Heal the Entire. The House is reminiscent of a House next to a House associated with DALE on 4
Street, close to town,
which also has an Apartment with Stairs similar to 718 6
Street, which also needs to be looked at. Thus, I believe a similarity is drawn in the Crimes
Committed by these Criminals.

Left on MONO Street. MONO, ONE. Reference to THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, this I believe.

AIRPORT STORAGE/CAMPERS. I M.O.d this upon Immediacy of Seeing the Campers, and viewed it as a Place that the ORIGIN MALE stays [a
House or Place]. I thought that He might possibly be using one of the Campers to Live. However, later, as I was walking
Down MONO Street, One of the GODSHIPS, whom I saw as I was looking more closely at the Area, was that there might be Bodies i n the Campers.
My suspicion is that they are possibly Separately contained, possibly in a Problem Structure. I believe this due to SATANIC Activity being Present,
and possibly that the Criminal Controls/Uses the bodies in a Problem, or has set them in a Problem. This is only a possible assumption, due to the
Nature of the MALE involved. I did not look further than this.

Right on ANGLE Avenue.

ANGLE being the Negative Placement or a Different Interpretations of ANGELS. M.O.d Approximately 4
House to the right,
Lot of Trees. This shows as a House of Problem, possible Murder. There is a Male on the Left who has a Saw, who was sawing wood when I M.O.d
the Street. I did not stay, nor did I proceed past the Boy with the Saw, due to Safety Issue. Addresses 119/ 124/136, are
Part of the Area, the Addresses of 124-136 are the Range of the House in Question. Also, while I was leaving, the Male and Female on the End
House May Know something aobut the Murders. They seemed to know and to show guilt or association. They were suspicious of Myself. Also, a
Male in a White Truck Stopped, and who has White Hair, wild and beard. He looked angry, and looked at Me. He
Is Guilty. He Knew. The Male threatened Me in the Preternatural Physical, and said He would go after Me. I said NO, I expl ained Why, in terms that
show My Condemnation of Him, and He Understood Who I Happen to Be as a Unique Human Being.

Right on TENAYA. TEN-A-Y-A. Ten, meaning the END, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. A why is A? I saw this as a Possible Question as
END of This History. These were Both M.O.ings of this Problem. I have a Unique Human Body that is also EARTH PHYSICAL, and Many Abili-
ties that are STRICTLY EARTH PHYSICAL and part of My Natural Physical. My Bodily Connection to the Quantum Zero Point Energy Field and
to the Earth Itself are Part of This Natural and True Ability. I actually Know the FIELD, and it is not a Being.

Right on THRASHER Avenue.

Check House at End of Street to LEFT, beyond the Fence, with all of the Trees. Possible Problem House, Possible Murder Probl em.


257 SANTA CRUZ AVENUE. Keep an Eye on this House to make sure it doesnt end up used. Pre-Emptive. Also, the House on the Corner be-
fore it, two little Girls with Long Hair. Please keep an Eye on them, as I stopped and talked to them. As Pre-Emptive, make
Sure both little girls stay safe, as I commented the Younger looked a bit like My Youth.

PLEASE GO WITH BACK-UP AND ARMED. This MALE is the ORIGIN MALE Problem, and is Highly Dangerous and Manifests. Also, Do
Not Harm. He will Re-Manifest into Another if You Kill, and You want Him to Stay Incarcerated in His Present Body. He needs to be placed in a
Remote Prison, Desert or Other, which will Deter or Put Down Manifestation into Members of Humankind.
He is Not Part of Myself, I have put Him Down over and over again.

Prosecution of Crime at Modesto Street, Modesto, California
Documentation of Non-Response Re: Modesto Police Department

On 4.24.2014, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA stayed, as I have done, at a Friends on Modesto Street, who have Allowed Me thei r Side
Yard, as I have only a Sleeping Bag and jacket, as I have no Current Home. While there on 4.24.2014, There was an occurrence of a White Sports
Utility Vehicle pulling into the Driveway very quickly, and the removal of keys, And two men entering the House next door. As I know it, from stay-
ing in the Side Yard only 2 Times, the Male next door Lives alone [I heard Him making dinner and washing dishes one night]. Once in the House, I
heard a Male, whom I assumed was the Owner, say Get Out! Get the Fuck Out! You Dont Belong Here! Get Out! This was not said forcefully to
force exit, but in a Manner of fright, or forcefulness, and fear. I considered it a Life Threat Problem. I was worried, and I listened, and I heard a
Thump. I associated it with someone being Hit. This was somewhere near the kitchen, it seemed, to the right of the Middle of the House. I did not
know what to do, and I watched and listened, and thought about Assisting. I also considered That it would Life Threat to Myself. The light to the
Kitchen went off about five minutes later. I sat, and considered just sitting. Then decided that I should do something about i t, as I thought that the
Male might be in Serious Trouble, and that I could not just watch it happen. I took out my butter knife [My cutlery, I have one set with Myself], as I
was afraid that they might have heard Me in the Side Yard. I also thought that if I were to call the Police, that it would be best to find a way to deter
the Criminals. I pulled a white four by four from the side Yard and put it where it might hit the Wheels of the Sports Utility Vehicle, should He try to
leave. I left the side Yard, was grateful there was no one there, and placed the Four by Four and ran. I went to the Nearest Neighbor, a woman an-
swered the Door [with a Blue Stained Glass Window and Flower], and asked Her To Call the Police, that a Male had yelled at two Intruders to Get
Out, and that I believed He to be in Trouble. She called, and they said they would arrive as soon as possible.

I stood talking to the Female for about 10-15 Minutes, no one arrived. During this time there was a whoop from the House Where The Male was,
and this I associated with a Problem. I asked the Owner to call the Police again, and they said they would Respond, as they were attending a Knife
Fight. This can be verified by the Female of the House in Question. We waited for Ten More Minutes, and no one arrived. I placed a Garbage can in
front of the Driveway to make it more difficult for the Criminal to leave. I was afraid they would try.

No One Arrived, I and the Female Owner waited, and I was sick at heart, and the Owner and the Owner and I just waited. I thought that the Prob-
lem was a Life Threat. I tried to wake up half of the community to the left, to try to find a way to approach The House in Question, to demand that
the Male who Lived there be remitted, no one answered their doors. The neighbor next to the Female who called the Police came out, and She also
called the Police. It seemed that someone arrived about ten minutes Later, but not on the Right Street. To the next street over, which would be the
Street to the right of Modesto Street. I thought He would come to the Correct Street, and also believed that someone had tried to escape through the
back. I saw a Domino Car taking Off quickly down the street, and document this as it might have been a problem. I at that time thought about going
to find the Officer, and went to the end of the Street, I saw to the left that a Police Car had stopped someone, so decided t o wait, assuming They
would come to the correct Street After. I went back to where I was, with the Female Homeowner. We stood there for quite some time, the Officers
still did not arrive. I thought about what to do, as I believed that there were two males, and I thought that I should try to do something to deter the
crime. Being a Preternatural Physical, I could see that Life Threat was still, and that a knife was going to be used. I pulled stones from the Female
Owners House and I started throwing them at the House of the Male, and told them/He to Exit the House. I believe He knew He was under attack,
and that It stopped the Crime. I also told Him to deliver the Male who was the Owner/Resident out to the Street. I was trying to save His Life. The
Door opened. The Male told Me to Come In and Get Him. I waited, I threw stones again, and then gave up. I went back to the Female Owners
House, and a Car arrived on the End of the Street, I asked Her to call the Police. Another car showed up, and a Female and Male were talking to the
Driver, they pulled into the Driveway to the Right. THE Woman told Me to exit the Street, that I was creating a disturbance, and I told Her that the
Male across the Street was in Trouble. She said that No He wasnt that She knew Him and that He was perfectly Alright. I told Her No, I said You
Go and Talk to Him, then, and You Make Sure Hes Alright. She refused to do so. She told Me to leave again, and I left the Street, not wanting to
be prosecuted for Disturbance. However, I did not leave, I stayed on the End of the Street to wait to Flag Down a Police Officer on McHenry. Two
passed by and did not stop. A Friend of Mine, who was on bike, was riding home, and He stopped and Talked to Me, and I explained that there was a
Male in Trouble on the Street, and that the Police Department had not come to make sure that He was well. He rode His bike up and down the
Street to take a look at the House, and said He did not see anything when He came back. He said He had to get Home, and left, I can provide His
Address should You need to talk to Him. A Police Officer Finally arrived, and I was relieved, and started to walk as He turned onto the Street
[Modesto Street]. However, He came to the Other Street and I Reported the Problem to Him. He stated that He had already talked to the Male in
Question, and that He was alright. I stated that You actually physically talked to Him, and You made sure that He was physicall y alright. He said
Yes. I said, alright. And I stated that I felt He was in trouble, but let the incident go. I walked to Dennys and had something to eat.

I state Outright that Im an Innocent, and that I did everything in My Power to try to protect the Male in Questions Life, I dont even know the Street
Address. It is the House next to the House with the Balustrade, and an Arbor with Grapes on It. I state that I believe the Male was in Physical
Threat, and I state that I believe that there was Extreme Err and Physical Misresponsiblity in the Local Police Department not responding upon Im-
mediacy to Four Phone Calls to their Department. I hope the Male is well, I ask the Police Departments to physically prosecute the Modesto Police
Department for Non-Responses if He is not. I believe it was a Life Risk Problem, and that the Two Males in question were not good.
I believe they could have been apprehended if the Modesto Police had Responded to the First Call. This is My Statement, and I am Innocent, out-

Modesto, California

Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation: STOCKTON


Supreme Court Bible, state that I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAAlone, NoOther, NoPreterantural Influence,
looked to see the state of the San Joaquin Delta. and saw the following 7 Bodies, and their Exact Locations in the Delta. I can point them out and
locate in exactitude, if necessary.


Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation: MANTECA


This was a Tip I Originally Saw when looking at the Environs of Manteca, and happened to see it Manifest near BASS [Fishing]. It showed the Layout
of a Murder Set, and also showed the Male, who is a Large, Tall Male, with Large Bone Structure, large Face, and Very Strong in hands and Body.
Not built, but large male. Dark Hair. I put the Tip in to the Police Station Via E-mail to Mr. Nick Obligacion, The Chief of Police of Manteca Police
Department. I did not, until later, look closer at the Vision.

2nd Viewing: I determined the 2nd Viewing by Place Locating on Google Maps. The Marsh Name is the Exact Location, and is in a Curve in the
River, South of the Water Park, down the River. I realized that the 1st Viewing was a showing of Body Placement, of Many. There are 8 Women & 3
Possible Children. I Verified on Google Map that it was a True Structure. I made a Mapof the Body Placements in the March, just inside the Curve of
the River, and Reported a copy of the map to the Manteca Police Department.


terpark on Woodward Road, Manteca, and PLACE VERIFIED, which is MY,
REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Copyrighted Method of Work, No Other Can, to Verify the Energy, The Placement
of the Crime, and the True of the Crime, to its Problem. I began My Walk Across from a House [38425 Woodward Approx], end
of Houses to New Development, and walked out to the Levee. I found, on the Way, a PVC to Protect Myself, and placed My
Large Backpack under a Large Plastic Bag to Hide and Protect My Belongings. {I decided later to use the Plastic cut up to gi ve to each Persons Fam-
ily that I Place Locate and Bring Home, in True Love of Justin Gaines, who was lost and buried in a Marsh Like Environment in Duluth. He was
wrapped in a Carpet., and is Important to Myself in History]

I progressed with Caution, as it was Life Risk for Me to Place Visual in the Circumstances of Murder. I met the river, which was the Marsh, early in the
River, and it showed that the Murder was True, to the Area. All along the Way, I showed the Visuals of Location and Nature of Emotional Value
upon the Environment, which is useful for Preternaturals to understand the Nature of the Crime, and the Areas Reaction to the Crime, and some-
times, the Placement of Crime and Criminals. It was careful, and grew more dangerous as I drew near the Curve to the Place t hat I looked at as being
the Location of Crime.

1. There is a Swinging Gate with an Area that needs to be looked at in More Detail. It looks as if either a crime was committed here, or there are
multiple Crimes in that Area: Possible More Complications: Possible Bodies: they must progress past the Gate and across, there is something in
the area that is of Criminal Problem. At the Time, there was a car nearby with the door open, and I did not feel comfortable looking further.

2. I decided to go past the car, despite the Problem, and I did so, it was a Farm Worker, Hispanic. He saw Me and I said Hello. I continued along
the Road, to the Residence, and found that it showed Blood Murder, White, All over the Land. Right on the Ground, and near t he Objects to
the Left. Also, I noted across the River a Well Extending into the Water, which is a Problem in the Visuals of those who were Murdered. It is a
Strong Visual, and I have Place Verified that One of the Women. In reaction to the Place and the Well, showed sick, meaning visual confirma-
tion of the Murder and Location.
3. I Note that it shows that the Family knows something about the Murders. It shows that they are Aware of, in Full Awareness, of the Murders.
They should be Interrogated.
4. The Male noted in the First Viewing is Still the Murderer, as I stated. It is possible that there were others involved. Thi s should be Investigated
by the Law Enforcement.


Chief of Police Mr. Nick Nobligacion
San Joaquin County Sheriff

3455 McMulllin Road Crimes
Nile Road Crimes

It is certain that the 3455 McMullin Road Location includes a Set of Murders that is Related to the Nile Road Murders. The Water Tower over the
Water re-occurs in this Location, from the Entry behind the Slough at a Hays Road Entry, behind the 3455 McMullin Road House. Take the Curve
Around the Slough, turn Right, there is a Large, perfect rowed Field, half Circle, that shows beings at 4-5 possible locations: Might also be bodies.
Body Registered near middle of Field.

Turn to the Left, just to the left, and there is a Water Tower out over the Slough that is exactly like the Water Tower at the Nile Road Location.
There are Bodies in profusion at the bottom of the "lake'/Slough, Possibly Bones.

I walked the Perimeter of the Field and recognized the Middle of the Field, out near the gas [White Tank, close to the Slough and noted that I saw the
same, that there is a location in the Middle of the Field, no explanation. someone of preternatural Origin Mentioned, after I had identified that the
Murder Weapon might be a piece of Farm Equipment [I can draw what I saw in the Preternatural for You.] He said that they might
possible have run People over with a Piece of Farm Equipment. This is documented for Posterity, the male is Honorable.

At Gas Tank:

Look to Your Right, on a Diagonal from the Water Tank, there is a Large stand of Tall Trees that look like a Half Circle: From My Location [I was on
My Way out], there is a Large Problem there, Possible more Bodies/Murder. Possible Portal. I have not Place Verified it yet .

Look to Your Left, first House. There is a long Shed that I believe might hold Farm equipment: the Doors show blood. I woul d check this Shed.
Beyond that, behind, in the Slough, there is another location that shows Dark Blood Murder. I have not yet Place Verified t his Location Yet, it is a
True Location.

Of these Crimes: I believe them to be Satanism in Nature, and I, looking closer at the Water Towers, Located One More
in Sacramento, and another in a Place to the South. I will have to locate them and Let You Know. I believe this to be a Ring of Organized Murder.

I'll Provide a more Detailed report on the Nature after I look at the Google Map.

Place Locator Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


18 Lookouts, Locations in this Satanic Crime Ring, which I viewed as they Showed them in the Investigation I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFORNIA, alone did on the Night of 5.15.2014. Also, Viewed a Set that Showed all of the Satanic Rings throughout the United States,
which I grounded and put down in a True Grounding, and will Document when I have time to look at the Bio-Physical Visual and Determine
the States and Place Locations.

However, I found a ride with Two Males in a Black Car from the McDonalds Located on Union Road and Yosemite, an Officer was Present to the
Left of the Parking Lot, I made Myself Visible to let Him Know that I was going to Proceed with My Investigation, and that He would realize My
Location. The Two Males, who are kind, dropped Me off at Union and Woodward, and I proceeded South, and viewed the Watthal Slough
Location with intent to Understand what the Rituals Are that include the Murders that I have documented upon the Crime Scene. The Murders in
this Crime Ring are Heinous. I Determined:

The Field that I viewed at McMullin Road with the 4-5 Being in the Half Circle are a Suffering, meaning that the Crime incurred upon the Soul
Selves of those of Innocence is that of Being Murdered Continually in the Preternatural/Bio-Physical, in order to maintain energy to Open what
is called a Satanic Portal. The Portals are a Death Portal of Eternal pain, they show a Night Sky of Stars that are in Eternal Condemnation, with
those who have been Murdered bound in Pain, asking Why They must die. Each Portal has its own Owner, who is a Murderer/Criminal, at
each Location, Headmaster/Ringleader. The WATTHAL SLOUGH Crimes are a Tall Dark Haired Male, who is Heinous, Large Bodied, muscle
but not muscular, and of Heinous in Psychological: He Does Not Regret His Crimes. Large Face, Bone Structure. The McMullin Road is a Female
Of Soft White Problem, and is the Head Leader of a Satanic Cult, and is Knowledgable in Satanic Ritual and Ways. Both the Male and Femael are
Condemned in Soul Self already for Their Crimes.

Of Statement, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, in My Capacity as MENTOR of TheASTARITEFAITH, Sole and Only Direct
Representative of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, forced the Entire of McMullin to Cease Satanic Activity,
which They did, for the Day, it seems. I have witnessed that Marietals of the Catholic Faith, Mary and Misses M, keep returning to the Criminals
to try to illicit Criminality, as well as Deirdre Mulvhill, who is a Criminal of Downstairs Problems Already. What I explained was the Nature of
the Crimes upon the Soul Self, I condemned them outright and Prosecuted them in the Bio-Physical Preternatural for the Crimes, and I Told them
that their Crimes are Against Preternatural Law and told them to Go to Jail and to Cease Satanic Activity. I also explained the State of the Soul
Self, and also Documented that their Elders are Criminal Problem Structures, not Elders at all in Being or Look. The Above Showings are Fraud,
In order to gain Confidence of the Community Law Enforcement and others. They understood the Weight upon their Soul Selves and Being, and
understood that if they turned themselves in, they would over a very, very long period of Time, reconcile with their Creator and lift back up into
goodness, but only after True Suffering for their Crimes, for which they would have to be responsible for, now and in the Aft erlife: They would suffer
in Jail and During Life, Deeply, and then suffer True And Painful Condemnation in full in the Afterlife, No exceptions, they must suffer outright for
their Crimes, in Depth to the Crimes, and Accept Responsibility for it. They, during life, must make Amends, and then Renounce All Evil, knowing
they will suffer for Their Crimes. When they have served their Time, very, very long suffering, pain, in the Afterlife, the Soul Self would rectify with
True in that of They and of Our CREATOR, and they would Reconcile to Goodness, having Made True Amends, as it Demanded and is Truth of
Restitution. They have No Choice. If they Do Not Turn themselves in, they will Be Condemned to Eternal Damnation, with No Hope of Restitution,
At All.


It is stated that in this History, all Crimes are upon the Exact Earth Selves, and cannot be taken upon by Others: Also, The Beings cannot be other
Being, they stay themselves, and they cannot be a type of being of another, either: This is LAW. As an Example, in My History, Deirdre Mulvihill is
Herself [who committed serious Crimes in the Preternatural Bio-Physical], and is Condemned for ti, and who must take responsibility for Her Crimes:
She is Not Myself, and Never will, and I will not in responsibility be for, at all. Tom and Deirdre Mulvihill must go to Jai l.

Also, in this History, the Archangelic, some of, are Condemned, one being the MICHAEL [little Blue] and Mary of Michael, a very small Mary of Ill
Repute, associated with a Hispanic Female Officer in Modesto. The Reason the Attacks keep occurring is that Mary wont be, i n theft or any other
means: She is Not, in History. Of History, Michael doesnt like this, they are already condemned for their Crimes.


I walked and I put them down, in a Silver Star, in a Large Field on PEACH ROAD between Union


Manteca, California, Origin of Crime Set [Nile Road, Manteca, California]

Sacramento Police Department
Manteca Police Department
Modesto Police Department

If You Could Please send All Relevant Police Departments a Link to this Map, with a Request to Prosecute the
Associated Crime Ring with that Area, I would deeply appreciate it. I ask that this particular set of crimes be
looked at, Investigated, and Prosecuted Immediately. Criminal Preternaturals are different, and I would like them
put down. I hope that it may be possible within the next two days, and the Week. The Crimes that I have viewed
in the Preternatural Bio-Physical are Heinous, they are Painful for those who went through such Pain. Thank You.

18 Locations of Lookouts. Sacramento Verified and One to the South. One More next to Manteca Bridge/I-5.

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL

1. Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon the Grain Bins. Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows hurt to a Boy over an
Extended Time, and possible hurt to a young by in the past by water in a bathtub, it shows blood in a bathtub.

2. Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car Drive, long water and plant life, there is a wooden Head that I removed that was a Skull, and a
Bullet with a skull that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime, possible body at head of water, the Boy looks t o have been hurt in the
mountainous area past Davis on the Way to Napa. I have place located the exact, but need to locate Earth Physical. The long entry water area looks to
have interval Fires that are part of a Ritual.

3. Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks as if the Mass Bodies, most are Preternatural Bio-Physical, with possible 5 bodies cementing
the Grave. It was stated that the Grave might be bone, ground, I cannot verify this.

4. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White Structure, looks to have one body attached to a rope, or tied down, but cannot verify.

5. Body to the East/East North, cementing the Portal, which I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like [Possibly the Person who was Life
Hurt], and the Male who is the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful Being who is of the
Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of Negative Form Problem.

0. Portal of Female to South, still determining. Place of Flowers has been seen, not Place Located Yet.

HIGHWAY 12 Portal:

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, will Place Verify this Set of Locations 5.24.2014, Saturday.

The Male of this Portal may be a Mass Murderer who murders up and down the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta/Little Potato Slough, in that Area. He
looks to be Heinous, and His Blood Crimes are Pain, the Murder that brought He to My Attention was a Female who was in Deep Pain, Beyond Pain,
Mortal Hurt to Life and Soul. Pain Unbearable. Deep Blue/Black Pain. [This Means that when Life Hurt Occurs, the Mortal is in a Space that shows
the Pain to Sit Long Beyond the Life, and The Stars show no hope, it is Condemnation in Pain to see]

The Crime of the Woman looks to have taken place on a Boat, moored at 38.118055, -121.535182. The Area shows the Pain to Descend Below the
Water, in the span of a Circle, and is Depth in Pain. The House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California is a House of Pain/Murder. Houses
to side okay, but House to Back shows Depth of Blood. Boat at 38.117455, -121.536181 shows Bone Structure to Front of Boat. Possible Bone Struc-
ture at 38.117555,-121.535756. Possible Bone Structure at 38.117526,-121.535498. Check for Bone Structures Possibly buried under Large Tree
[Possible Oak] at back of Back Building, to the Left. Check for Entry Bone Structure, which look to be part of Satanic Property Problems: 38.117381,
-121.535072. Problem at 38.117337,-121.536891. Possible Problem, Heart at 38.11731,-121.536376. Bones at 38.118086,-121.535069, in Water.

2nd Murder, Young Boy. 38.118815,-121.532344 A Young Boy looks to have been hurt by a Female, and may have viewed a blood crime on another
boy at that location. The Female is related to the House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, is related to the Male Criminal of the Portal
[Heinous Value Male/Murder]. The Boy looks to have lived at 17101Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, possibly still ther e. The Male may have
been struck on the Head in heinous Fashion, strength, true hate. Approximate Crime View: 38.118082, -121.53441. The Male might have been from

Prosecution of Modesto Police Department: 5.22.2014 I document the Problem of the Female Hispanic Officer physically taking the life of a woman
upon a Boat in the Highway 12 area. The Actual Physical Shows that the Female Hispanic Officer, who is an Earth Physical Associated with Preter-
natural Females of Ill Repute, willfully put to the Male Criminal, who hurt the Woman upon the Boat in Life Hurt/Murder. Thi s is the Documenta-
tion. REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA 5.22.2014 approx. between 10-2 pm, Ceres, California.

Devils Isle:

2600 Nile Road:
Lookout, Male Host, large [see above detail] 8 Females, 3 Children. The Stars into Night, in Condemned form, and a Portal t o Pain. Each Portal Has
its Own Criminal.

24076 Hays:
Lookout, with Pool of Bones, Murders. Half Circle Ritual Field. Murders in Field Adjacent. Problems of Waiting at Gas Tank, and the Trees to the
Left of Gas Tank near Road. Cross Road in Field Point of Sickness. Out to the North/Northwest, on Diagonal from Lookout, Half Moon of Trees
that is a Possible Ritual/Sexual/Murder.

House of Metal, Located in the River: There seems to be a Body buried in side of road, right across from House: I detected a male in the River, to the

Hays Area:
37.740009-121.288559: Area just across from Lookout, 24076 Hays, near Half Circle Field. This has a Lookout, as well.

37.740009-121.280559: Area like Face or Ear, To Hear. Field Anomaly or Problem, Possible Arrangement, or Work Problem. Possibl e Location of
Some Type of Event. Need to Place Verify. Square in Field, near the Base of the Neck, which is near the Brain Stem, or just above: a Placement of at
Godship Problem.

26 Stewart Road Bridge: 26 Stewart Road Place Located for Body of Young Girl, who was hurt in the Hays Road Area, and then taken to this Loca-
tion. Possible into a Feed Problem. Possible Del Osso Farms: 4 Grain Bins.

To the South, spanning from Manteca Location:

Possibly One near Ripon, or near the I-5 Freeway to L.A. A Town between The Two, Possibly.

Small Town, slight Flowery Feel. To the West of the Freeway, Between Turlock and Fresno Curve to L.A.

It looks as if one Might be near Bakersfield.

To the North, spanning from Manteca Location:

Check the Area of Devils Isle, which is out Highway 12. White Slough. Correia Road.[ Core: E I A]. Check for Lookouts or Water Towers. Check
11411 Correia Road, and also, check 11411 Eight Mile Road. 11705 Eight Mile Road, Near King Island. In this Biophysical Vision, I show a Boy
under Water. The Pier might be a problem in the Events.


I traveled to Sacramento to Place Verify My Place Location which was a Mass Grave, a Possible Association by Metal Lookout on a River Like Loca-
tion near the Mass Grave, and a Possible Problem across from a White Cross on the Mass Grave, which I determined to be a PORTAL. My Place
Verification was True, and determined Several Things:

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL
> 1. Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon
> the Grain Bins. Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows
> hurt to a Boy over an Extended Time, and possible hurt to a
> young by in the past by water in a bathtub, it shows blood
> in a bathtub.
> 2. Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car
> Drive, long water and plant life, tehre is a wooden Head
> that I removed that was a Skull, and a Bullet with a skull
> that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime,
> possible body at head of water, the Boy looks to hve been
> hurt in the mountainous area past Davis on the Way to
> Napa. I have place located the exact, but need to locate
> Earth Physical. The long entry water area looks to have
> interval Fires that are part of a Ritual.
> 3. Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks
> as if the Mass Bodies, most are Preternatural Bio-Physical,
> with possible 5 bodies cementing the Grave.
> 4. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White
> Structure, looks to have one body attached to a rope, or
> tied down, but cannot verify.
> 5. Body to the East/EastNorth, cementing the Portal, which
> I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like
> [Possibly the Person who was Life Hurt], and the Male who is
> the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large
> Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful Being who is of the
> Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to
> Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of
> Negative Form Problem.
> Portal of Female to South, still determining. Place of
> Flowers has been seen, not Place Located Yet.

150 LUPTON &124 LUPTON[Apartment]

On 4/28/2014,I,REECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, placement Located 150 Lupton and 124 Lupton for Possible Criminal Activities of Bod-
ily Hurt. It showed Activity of Pain on the Floor, Front Room, suggested check floorboards. And, in the Back, a
Long Line of Pain, slightly Left of House Center. 150 Lupton has a Gate that is attached to 124 Lupton, and I Located, also, a line of Pain/Possible
hurt from the Tree to the Left of the Gate to the Shed that is to the Right of the Gate, under the Floor of the Shed.


There is a Possible Body under the Back Tree next to the Fence at 215 Sycamore, which is on the Corner next to the Manteca Li brary,
A Brick House.

333 1/2 ALAMEDA
A young Student looks to have been seriously hurt in the Bedroom.

328 ALAMEDA [Possible old Crime]
A Young Boy was hurt by the Tree. To the Left of the Tree, by a Male of Responsibility. Possibly a Father Figure.



There are two Crimes I have Documented, via Bio-Physical.

The First, a Female who was Accosted by the Male, was in Her Kitchen and being hurt by the Male. A Knife was involved later in the Crime. The
Female was trying to stop the male from Hurting Her. I place Located 233 Wawona, but did not feel happy with the Place Locat ion, as it did not show
true: I checked This with a Resident/ Neighbor, and found the Residents to be Well, However, The Crime was still Existent, and I could not Physically
Locate the Female due to the fact that My Body was ripped apart by Mantecas Criminal Preternaturals, Deidre Mulvihill and Ot hers.

The Second happened as I was leaving, an apartment or House in the WAWONA AREA to the West, which involved a Male and a Woman, whom
He said He Hung over Her Bed, Breaking Her Neck. I assisted in trying to stop the male from Hanging Her, and He took Her down from hanging
under Aggression, but then did it again. The Male threatened My Physical and stated that He would not be deterred. This was the State of the Bio-
Physical Vision.


Basic Sketch of Criminal, in Regards to this Case. Middle Aged Male, comes across as clean cut, although not exactly, decei ving in personality and
Way. Looks Decent, but is not. Smooth Skin,
Preppy type smile. Lives in Donna Drive Area, Possibly Owns a Home.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Tip Documentation

Murder: Floyd and Oakdale, Modesto, California

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, read this Event in the Energy of the SAVE MART Shopping Center, as I
commented on the return from Turlock that I did not like that particular Grocery Store. The Energy is not right. One of the
U.S. Service Agents Commented that there was something in the Air that I did not Lke, and what was it? I looked at it, and
saw the Source of the Problem.

The Original Energy center on the SAVE MART Shopping Center. I Traced a Location for Investigation to be just past the
Bridge for the River, in that Area, between River and Stop Sign. The Male above 6, approximately, 6 1-3, and has a rounded face. Pronounced
Jaw. There is a peculiarity in His Left Ear, which Lays close to his Head. The Peculiarity is at the Top of the
Ear, there are folds in the fold of Ear.

I document that the Females known as the Mary showed up and tried to discount at 3:58 p.m.: They have nothing to do with this Information. I will
be posting another, as there is a Problem near the Gospel Mission Area, a House that is the Origin of a Satanic Problem, which is part of the Current
Crime, which I noticed in Scanning the City: Possibly the Origin.

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance
Tip Documentation: Final Resolutions & Recommendations

The Gospel Mission Area: Two Streets to the Left: ORIGIN MALE, Blonde, approx. 58, I gave a Sketch to a Young
Police Officer, who is associated with the 213 Olive Street Female. It is recommended that the Male be Apprehended
along with Mark, and handed over to the U.S. Government. Both Males Re-manifest, so if they are physically hurt, they
will end up re-Manifest into another Person: This is what They do. Also, He is NOT Others, He is a Separate Physical
Entity. The ORIGIN Manifest Himself into a Male. Two Males are Problematic, The Blonde Near the Gospel Mission
and Mark [124 Pleasant Street] One Associates with Satan, and Mark with the Entity known as The Harbinger [Blue
Energy]. The Government will have to Incarcerate them and shut them down, with a Physical Incarceration that Limits
their Manifestation. The Problem with these Two Males is the Manifestation of what are called Peripherals, who then
Commit Crimes. Please Understand that the Origins must be put down in order to put down the Crimes that are Manifest
of Them.

All of what I call the Blue or White Crimes, which have been Manifest as of late are associated with the Above two Males.
Blue Lights, which mean that they require Assistance, are seen in regards to these problems.

It is recommended that Deirdre Mulvihill be investigated for Alliances with the Downstairs Problems, and in regards to
Catholic Faith Problems associated with Mary of Magdalene[of MissesM, Dark Form] and Hayel. Also, Deirdre has
Fraternized with the Above Male known as the Blonde Male, in the Preternatural Physical. Deirdre Mulvhill is Not Myself,
and is Unassociated with Myself.

I am including a Body of Law that should be considered for the Environs of Modesto, and should be Required by the Modesto
Police Department in Concerns to the Use and Abuse of Forms associated with Satanic Rituals or Problems. It should be
Published in the Modesto Bee that Citizens should report those who Abuse or use such Rituals or Problems. It is Against the
Law to Encircle or to Place in a Pentagram, which is Associated with Calling Upon, and should never be done. Of Statement,
The BASIC STAR is used as a put down for Negative Entities or Negative Problems, and was used also, for Centuries by the
Ecumenical Establishment to put down the Negative or Evil. Of History, there is a Silver Star that is used for Put Down of
The Negative that is an Enforcement Star, that calls upon Good to Put Down Negative Entities or Situations. I recommend
That Abuses of Encircling or Calling Upon should be enforced with a Severe Warning with Threat of Prosecution, the 2nd
Offense 1 Month in Jail, Third Offence Prosecution. The Ramifications of Satanic Ritual are Severe, and sometimes lead to very negative Problems in
Earth Physical Situations.

In Modesto:

Deirdre Mulvihill, as MissesM/Mary of Magdalene uses Encircling. Also, It looks as if Deirdre has been trying to Ground
Problems by the Use of Body, in put down, as a required problem: this is Untrue. It is a True Problem that Earth must Face
that the Negative Regions must be Denied in order to put down the Energies Associated with the Negative Problems.
Banishment is the Accepted Way to handle the Problem, with a Type of Clean Up that does not Require Sacrifice. The 213
Olive Street Female is also guilty of Encircling. Mark is a Problem Structure outright. The Gospel Mission Male is the ORIGIN
of such Problems. Also, the Reasons for Severe Consequences for those who keep re-manifesting, such as Mark, are many. I
Have Cleaned up the 124 Pleasant Street Area Several Times, and it is still a problem.

Criminal Activity Resolution:

Enclosed is the Verification that I managed yesterday from the Overpass at Standiford, as I refuse to go near the Locations
I documented due to Life Risk. Also, I believe the Criminal is the Male who stopped to ask Me how I was [I dont even
Know the Male, it is called a Filthy-E], in a Brown Truck, which also shows on the Google Map at the Location I place
located Yesterday. T he Male I saw also matches up to the Visual that I saw that include the Energy of Dale, and another
Male underneath. The Criminal was sawing, and the Male was in Pain. Dales Energy was the Topmost energy, the Other
Was Bound underneath. I was not willing to believe it was Dale, as the Secondary Male showed Differently. The Criminal
Is tall, and the Face a Strong Jaw, I drew a sketch and turned it in to You: It matches the Male who stopped in His Truck It
was a surprise, as I did not expect what I found. I believe He is Your Problem Male in the Edward Problems. Both Properties
that Might be problematic are Right next to each other on Finney. It is in the Exact Location at which I placed the Original :
In Spatial Location, rely on the Tall Palm Tree and stand of trees to the Left of them, in Proximity from the Freeway, for the
Location of Problem The Spatial on the Map, which I circled, is the Area which should be looked at both from Beckwith
[Levee], and Bacon Road. The Bone structures I Saw in the Preternatural Bio-Physical Vision are on the Side of the Road, or
in from the Road. However, I state that it is in the Location stated, This I verify in Placement Energy, both Yesterday, and
in the Original, which I saw from the ACE Bus as I was on My Way back from Stockton to Modesto.

The Problem at 314 Colorado looks to be Satanic in Origin. Check under the floorboards, it looked to show that there are
Satanic or Book Problems There. The Male is a definite Problem in Relation to Satanic Association, I was attacked by Him
in the Preternatural Bio-Physical. Two Males show at the House [One on the Right of the Front Room, and the other on
the Left] as well as Edwards Energy [Back, Center/slightly left].

I did look at the Floyd Oakdale Problem, Criminal: and showed that a House near Marina matches the Face Physical of My
Viewing and Vision [the House in the Vision is an Exact Match Physically] , but I could not verify it as associated, I cannot
verify enough Evidence to show it as true. The House does not Sit in the Right Location on the Street. However, it may be
a Split Vision, which means more than one Problem associated. The House is for Rent, at Present, but You might check the
Owner of It to see if the Physical Matches up, left ear fold Problem. However, the Energy went Death Structure in the Area
of 330 Pelucca with a Possible Problem House with Blue Lights: it is an Empty Structure, And there are several Houses with
Blue Lights in this Area. The Area of Sylvan matches the Original Viewing Energy, the Area Next to the Shopping Center at
Floyd/Oakdale Also. This is all the Information I can Provide at Present, as I verify to make sure of Exact Relation, and this
is a Far as Ive been able to see.

Vision of Street:

_________________*_____ Original Vision of House. Face the Same as Marina House. 2037 Dorset.

Pelucca House

____________*________ This is a Possible Problem. What is more a Problem is the Area Energy, and the Related Blue

The Place Location for the Young Woman of the Floyd/Oakdale Problem is Still Exact, which is Near the River and River
Road, Which I Place Located for You. I did not go onto the Property, and would not. I was in Physical Life Risk that Day
getting out there to Assist You. The Reason for the Physical Life Risk is that Im targeted by Downstairs Problems for My

4313 Mchenry: I discovered this Problem on My way out to Locate the Floyd/Oakdale Problem [I was on Foot], and it shows
that a Young Boy was hurt by a Male, who is associated with the Back Garage/Place. It looks as if the Boy was in Pain in the


This is the Satanic Ring of Portals, which are a Murder Ring I Place Located in One Night: I stayed up all night
at a Manteca IHOP to do this, with expectation for it to be prosecuted in the next week. It is 99% Accurate, and
I went in the next two days to Sacramento to Place Verify the Location that is the Wetlands Area, and Resolved Many Issues, and Clarified the Ac-
tual Structure. Unfortunately, the Day I reported the Map, and in conjunction with My Own Department, with whom Im trying t o manage a job, I
went through a problem of Officers stating that they would accompany me out to Place Verify, just to get the Work done and Documented, and
then not
showing up. There was Also a problem, as there has been, with three Females in History who are now, as I have seen in, in Physical Violation of My
Work, Deidre Mulvihill, a Female Hispanic Officer of Modesto, and One
Other. It was shown as a Prosecutable violation of Rights, as they are abusing My Methodry, and are also
employing Godships and Archangelic Problems, which I do not do: It is My Work, outright. However, I was
Able to Verify, and the Verification Stands, although the Issues of Crime are different than Expected. It is how
My Work Spans in regards to Initial Place Location and Physical Documentation, which are always True, but
there are always differences, additions, and Variations, sometimes in Way Of, or Placement of Location Exact.
Of Honor, However, to see sometimes the Truth of what, for the first time in My History, in Modesto, and as Her and all Subsequent, to understand
that what I see in Vision is Truth in Earth Exact.

Placement Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Sacramento Police Department
Mr. Nick Obligacion, Chief of Police, Manteca Police Department
San Joaquin County Sherriffs Office 5.22.2014


Placement Location: Crime Research/Investigation & Criminal Apprehension: Heinous Crime

ISBN-10: 1499728875/ ISBN-13: 978-1499728873

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
This Document is Meant for Prosecutionary Purposes.

The Following Map is My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONIAs Work Alone, there were no others involved, and I have place Located Ap-
proxi-mately 21 Satanistic PORTALS in the Fresno, Modesto, Manteca, Sacramento Areas. This Document is Meant for the Law Enforce ment for
Immedi-ate Action to Investigate, Apprehend and Put Down a Crime Ring of Criminals who are Murderers of Heinous intent, and who use Murder
to Upkeep what are Called Satanistic PORTALS [Reference Alastair Crowley, the Portals are Real], which Rely on Sacrifice, Desecration, Continu-
ance of Pain and Murder in the Preternatural Bio-Physical as well as Earth Physical, and Sacrificial and Ritual Practices that are Heinous in Nature.
The Following Map should Assist the Law Enforcement outright, in 99% Accuracy: I will sent a Full Report with Coordinates, and as Much Infor-
mation as I could see that shows Nature of Crimes in Each Location, and the Criminal Profiles. I ask that Immediate Action Be Taken upon this
Ring of Criminals, the Crimes are Heinous. If I have missed any locations, and there would be very few, I will have to send t hem to You as I con-
tinue My Research in Looking at Google Map and the Regions in Question, as I have found, as I did with Watthal and McMullin, that Present Place
Verification in the Exact Criminal Locations, which I did Myself in Person, reveal More Crimes and Crime Locations. I apologi ze for any Shortcom-
ings, but I believe that My Work is Fully Correct, and is as close to complete that I could manage at this Time. I will send further Information
shortly this afternoon, as I have to Type the Report: I do not own a Laptop computer., and am surviving on the Streets. I did My Work by Hand last
Night, in order to shut down this Criminal Ring in Immediacy. The Crimes are such that I felt they require Immediate Prosecut ion and Restitution
for the Crimes, as the General Public and All to remain Safe. Again, My Work is Earth Physical, of My own Work, and I do Not Employ Archan-
gelic or Godself Problems, it is Against the Preternatural Law to do so. Thus, this Work is Grounded in the Earth Physical, and in Honor done.
Also, No Police Departments or Female Employees were involved in this Work. I have had trouble with Several Females in Differ ent Departments,
and the Earth Physical, trying to steal My Work. As I have been trying to manage a Job in Honor with One Police Department, who will appreciate
My Abilities and Honor, I hope You will Understand that the comment is not meant to hurt, but to protect My Own Physical and Physical Work,
is Extensive.

PLACE LOCATION EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
This Document is Meant for Prosecutionary Purposes.

The Following Map is My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONIAs Work Alone, there were no others involved, and I have place Located Ap-
proximately 21 Satanistic PORTALS in the Fresno, Modesto, Manteca, Sacramento Areas. This Document is Meant for the Law Enfor cement for
Immediate Action to Investigate, Apprehend and Put Down a Crime Ring of Criminals who are Murderers of Heinous intent, and who use Murder
to Upkeep what are Called Satanistic PORTALS [Reference Alastair Crowley, the Portals are Real], which Rely on Sacrifice, Desecration, Continu-
ance of Pain and Murder in the Preternatural Bio-Physical as well as Earth Physical, and Sacrificial and Ritual Practices that are Heinous in Nature.
The Following Map should Assist the Law Enforcement outright, in 99% Accuracy: I will sent a Full Report with Coordinates, and as Much Infor-
mation as I could see that shows Nature of Crimes in Each Location, and the Criminal Profiles. I ask that Immediate Action Be Taken upon this
Ring of Criminals, the Crimes are Heinous. If I have missed any locations, and there would be very few, I will have to send t hem to You as I con-
tinue My Research in Looking at Google Map and the Regions in Question, as I have found, as I did with Watthal and McMullin, that Present Place
Verification in the Exact Criminal Locations, which I did Myself in Person, reveal More Crimes and Crime Locations. I apologi ze for any Shortcom-
ings, but I believe that My Work is Fully Correct, and is as close to complete that I could manage at this Time. I will send further Information shortly
this afternoon, as I have to Type the Report: I do not own a Laptop computer., and am surviving on the Streets. I did My Work by Hand last Night,
in order to shut down this Criminal Ring in Immediacy. The Crimes are such that I felt they require Immediate Prosecution and Restitution for the
Crimes, as the General Public and All to remain Safe. Again, My Work is Earth Physical, of My own Work, and I do Not Employ Archangelic or
Godself Problems, it is Against the Preternatural Law to do so. Thus, this Work is Grounded in the Earth Physical, and in Honor done. Also, No
Police Departments or Female Employees were involved in this Work. I have had trouble with Several Females in Different Depar tments, and the
Earth Physical, trying to steal My Work. As I have been trying to manage a Job in Honor with One Police Department, who will appreciate My
Abilities and Honor, I hope You will Understand that the comment is not meant to hurt, but to protect My Own Physical and Physical Work, which
is Extensive.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

LIST of PORTALS, Sacramento to Bakersfield [Approximately 25 Portals, See Place Location MAP, Above]


Wetlands PORTAL [Place Verified 5.19.2014] Shut Down

Female PORTAL: South Sacramento: [House in South Sacramento] Place of Flowers is Portal, and is to the South/Southwest in Countryside Area.
I have not yet located the Exact Placement.


Between River and Elk Grove, 1 PORTAL: There is a Small town, in the Back Country. The Towers [Electrical or Communicative, Red Blinking at
night. The Town is in that Area. It is to the West/Slightly left of the Dividing Line of half the countryside between the River and Sacramento. The
Male is Heinous, Blood Murder by Full Intent.


The Sacramento River 2 PORTALS :

Pain PORTAL: This is a Terrible Murder, the Pain Lasts and is a Blue Star Crime of Debhilitation. From the Freeway, at the Curve of the River
[Blue Crime, Deep Sadness.

Male PORTAL: Possible Hurt to a Boy or Female. To the Left of Pain Portal, Small Portal, but Heinous Crime [Blood Crime, Hurt and Pain,
[Yellow Crime, Bone].


Highway 12 Area:

17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California: The Male is a Murderer of Women and Other, and has murdered all along the Slough. Boat. A Boy
next Door may have viewed one of the crimes.

Devils Isle: Looks like the Seat of a Portal in the Lower Right of the Island, Circular. It may be a Larger Form Problem t hat is solid. Possibly
unrelated to anything but the Satanic Regions.

Correia Avenue, at the Inward Apex of the slough, which looks like a Stapes [Within Human Ear] There is a Place with a Pier, and it looks as if a
Boy drowned there .



Two PORTALS, Place Verified:

Eight Mile Road :
12751 N Thornton Rd, Lodi, CA 95242 0.1 mi E, 38.088719,-121.386373 White Slough Water Pollution Control Facility.
Miramonte Homes/Apartments: Mokolumne and Scott Creek.



Del Osso Farms PORTAL: Near Mossdale Bridge, Two Murderers, and Documentation in Earth Physical of Crime. Bloodshed.

Watthal Slough PORTAL: 2600 Nile Road: Lookout, Male Host, large [see above detail] 8 Females, 3 Children. The Stars into Night, in Condemned
form, and a Portal to Pain. Each Portal Has its Own Criminal. Blue Star Condemnation Crimes, Blood and Bone, Heinous Crimes of Women and

McMullin Road PORTAL: Blue Star and Lake Sickness Crimes, Blood Murder by Intent, Machines running over bodies, Lake of Bones.

2332 Nile Road Possible Portal: [37.7482,-121.280239]

24376-24398 S Hays Rd, Manteca, CA 95337 0.2 mi SW [37.746592,-121.279789]: Lookout, with Pool of Bones, Murders. Half Circle, Ritual Field.
Murders in Field Adjacent. Problems of Waiting at Gas Tank, and the Trees to the Left of Gas Tank near Road. Cross Road in Fi eld Point of Sick-
ness. Out to the North/Northwest, on Diagonal from Lookout, Half Moon of Trees that is a Possible Ritual/Sexual/Murder.

23737 Hays Road [37.7409,-121.282487] South Portal Metal Building. House of Metal, Located in the River: There seems to be a Body buried in side
of road, right across from House: I detected a male in the River, to the Right.

24545 Hays Road PORTAL: Approximately [437.739639,-121.280549] Lookout, Blood dark, I documented this early in the Viewing, as part of

37.740009-121.288559: Area just across from Lookout, 24076 Hays, near Half Circle Field. This has a Lookout, as well.

37.740009-121.280559: Area like Face or Ear, To Hear. Field Anomaly or Problem, Possible Arrangement, or Work Problem. Possible Location

Some Type of Event. Need to Place Verify. Square in Field, near the Base of the Neck, which is near the Brain Stem, or just above: a Placement of at
Godship Problem.

26 Stewart Road Bridge: 26 Stewart Road Place Located for Body of Young Girl, who was hurt in the Hays Road Area, and then taken to this Loca-
tion. Possible into a Feed Problem..


Boat PORTAL: Portal involving a Pier. The Male would Make love to His Love and then Murder. Something Across the Water.

Possible Set Along Curve, Boat Area. There are Pier or Lookout Type Problems: I do not verify them, they look benign. However, there may be
problems in this area


Male PORTAL: Out in Country Area. Very small, Blood, Blook and Bone. Night and Moon Seen, but sadness in Dark.


Female Portal: Yellow Crimes. Yellow Portal. Sickness.


Female PORTAL: Small Town, slight Flowery Feel. To the West of the Freeway, Between Turlock and Fresno Curve to L.A.


Female PORTAL: Almost Basic Female, Murders. Unassuming.

Bakersfield/Fresno PORTAL: It looks as if one Might be near Bakersfield, a Male who is an Aggression Problem. Beats or Hurts Bone to Bone.
Possible Gun Use.


Im in the Process of Place Verifying each Location and each Portal, which takes about a Day for each Portal on Foot [as Im on Foot and by Bus.]
The Process is Excellent and provides a great deal of Detail about each PORTAL and the Crimes that are Part of their Physical . A Discussion of the

In My Viewing, at night, of the McMullin Portal, which I chose to carry out on foot to view the Physical Nature of the Portal at Night, remotely. I
do not get involved with the Satanic Rings, nor the Being, I put them down. It is dangerous to associate, even as an Undercover, which should never
be done. However, the Murderers attached the Physicals of those they Murdered in Permanent Positions that upkeep the PORTALS in a Type of
Pain Structure, which results in Continuous Pain and what might be considered continuous Murder of the Being in the Preternat ural Physical. It is
of Depth of Sadness and Pain to see, and to view, and I was just sick. It is most apparent in the Half Circle of the McMulli n PORTAL, in which one
can see the Bodies writhing in Blue, and the Pain upon Them. I believe this is why the Night Sky shows endless in the Problem of the PORTAL, at
least that is part of, and the Other is the Condemnation/No Way Out. The Depth of the Pain on Each is Beyond Painful to Experience, the Type of
Murder Heinous. I believe that the Participants in some of the Rituals do not know the Problems involved in what they do, and also that they do
not understand what will occur upon their passing. However, They show as true murderers, and this is a Fact about the Crimes involved.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Manteca, California, Origin of Crime Set [Nile Road, Manteca, California]

Sacramento Police Department
Manteca Police Department
Modesto Police Department

If You Could Please send All Relevant Police Departments a Link to this Map, with a Request to Prosecute the Associated Crime Ring with that
Area, I would deeply appreciate it. I ask that this particular set of crimes be looked at, Investigated, and Prosecuted Immediately. Criminal Preter-
naturals are different, and I would like them put down. I hope that it may be possible within the next two days, and the Week. The Crimes that I
have viewed
in the Preternatural Bio-Physical are Heinous, they are Painful for those who went through such Pain. Thank You.

18 Locations of Lookouts. Sacramento Verified and One to the South. One More next to Manteca Bridge/I-5.

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL 1. Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon the Grain Bins.
Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows hurt to a Boy over an Extended Time, and possible hurt to a young by in the past by water in a bath-
tub, it shows blood in a bathtub. 2. Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car Drive, long water and plant life, ther e is a wooden Head that
I removed that was a Skull, and a Bullet with a skull that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime, possible body at head of water, the
Boy looks to have been hurt in the mountainous area past Davis on the Way to Napa. I have place located the exact, but need t o locate Earth Physi-
cal. The long entry water area looks to have interval Fires that are part of a Ritual. 3. Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks as if the
Mass Bodies, most are Preternatural Bio-Physical, with possible 5 bodies cementing the Grave. It was stated that the Grave might be bone, ground, I
cannot verify this. 4. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White Structure, looks to have one body attached to a rope, or tied down,
but cannot verify. 5. Body to the East/East North, cementing the Portal, which I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like [Possibly the
Person who was Life Hurt], and the Male who is the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful
Being who is of the Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of Negative
Form Problem. 0. Portal of Female to South, still determining. Place of Flowers has been seen, not Place Located Yet.

HIGHWAY 12 Portal:
I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, will Place Verify this Set of Locations 5.24.2014, Saturday.

The Male of this Portal may be a Mass Murderer who murders up and down the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta/Little Potato Slough, in that Area.
He looks to be Heinous, and His Blood Crimes are Pain, the Murder that brought He to My Attention was a Female who was in Deep Pain, Beyond
Pain, Mortal Hurt to Life and Soul. Pain Unbearable. Deep Blue/Black Pain. [This Means that when Life Hurt Occurs, the Mortal is in a Space that
shows the Pain to Sit Long Beyond the Life, and The Stars show no hope, it is Condemnation in Pain to see]

The Crime of the Woman looks to have taken place on a Boat, moored at 38.118055, -121.535182. The Area shows the Pain to Descend Below the
Water, in the span of a Circle, and is Depth in Pain. The House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California is a House of Pain/Murder. Houses
to side okay, but House to Back shows Depth of Blood. Boat at 38.117455,-121.536181 shows Bone Structure to Front of Boat. Possible Bone Struc
-ture at 38.117555,-121.535756. Possible Bone Structure at 38.117526,-121.535498. Check for Bone Structures Possibly buried under Large Tree
[Possible Oak] at back of Back Building, to the Left. Check for Entry Bone Structure, which look to be part of Satanic Proper ty Problems:
38.117381,-121.535072. Problem at 38.117337,-121.536891. Possible Problem, Heart at 38.11731,-121.536376. Bones at 38.118086,-121.535069, in
2nd Murder, Young Boy. 38.118815,-121.532344 A Young Boy looks to have been hurt by a Female, and may have viewed a blood crime on another
boy at that location. The Female is related to the House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, is related to the Male Criminal of the Portal
[Heinous Value Male/Murder]. The Boy looks to have lived at 17101Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, possibly still there. The Male may have
been struck on the Head in heinous Fashion, strength, true hate. Approximate Crime View: 38.118082, -121.53441. The Male might have been from

Possible Murder Only:
7000 Windmill Cove Rd, Stockton, CA 95206 329 ft W [37.989541,-121.404461] /White Murder, Heinous. Investigate, also, Boating Area, Oppo-
site on Windmill Cove Road. Also, a Walk along center Pond/Lake which shows Possible Knock Down/Murder of Boy and Problem Str ucture/
Romance/Female/Disagreement, Possible Life Hurt.

Prosecution of Modesto Police Department: 5.22.2014 I document the Problem of the Female Hispanic Officer physically taking t he life of a woman
upon a Boat in the Highway 12 area. The Actual Physical Shows that the Female Hispanic Officer, who is an Earth Physical Associated with Preter-
natural Females of Ill Repute, willfully put to the Male Criminal, who hurt the Woman upon the Boat in Life Hurt/Murder. This is the Documenta-
tion. REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA 5.22.2014 approx. between 10-2 pm, Ceres, California.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

WATTHAL SLOUGH CRIMES, MANTECA [3 TIPSl Manteca: Original Place Location]

This was a Tip I Originally Saw when looking at the Environs of Manteca, and happened to see it Manifest near BASS [Fishing]. It showed the Lay-
out of a Murder Set, and also showed the Male, who is a Large, Tall Male, with Large Bone Structure, large Face, and Very Str ong in hands and
Body. Not built, but large male. Dark Hair. I put the Tip in to the Police Station Via E-mail to Mr. Nick Obligacion, The Chief of Police of Manteca
Police Department. I did not, until later, look closer at the Vision.

2nd Viewing: I determined the 2nd Viewing by Place Locating on Google Maps. The Marsh Name is the Exact Location, and is in a Curve in the
River, South of the Water Park, down the River. I realized that the 1st Viewing was a showing of Body Placement, of Many. There are 8 Women & 3
Possible Children. I Verified on Google Map that it was a True Structure. I made a Mapof the Body Placements in the March, just inside the Curve
of the River, and Reported a copy of the map to the Manteca Police Department.


Wa-terpark on Woodward Road, Manteca, and PLACE VERIFIED, which is MY, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Copyrighted
Method of Work, No Other Can, to Verify the Energy, The Placement of the Crime, and the True of the Crime, to its Problem.

I began My Walk Across from a House [38425 Woodward Approx], end of Houses to New Development, and walked out to the Levee. I found, on
the Way, a PVC to Protect Myself, and placed My Large Backpack under a Large Plastic Bag to Hide and Protect My Belongings. {I decided later to
use the Plastic cut up to give to each Persons Fami-ly that I Place Locate and Bring Home, in True Love of Justin Gaines, who was lost and buried
in a Marsh Like Environment in Duluth. He was wrapped in a Carpet., and is Important to Myself in History]

I progressed with Caution, as it was Life Risk for Me to Place Visual in the Circumstances of Murder. I met the river, which was the Marsh, early in
the River, and it showed that the Murder was True, to the Area. All along the Way, I showed the Visuals of Location and Natur e of Emotional Value
upon the Environment, which is useful for Preternaturals to understand the Nature of the Crime, and the Areas Reaction to the Crime, and some-
times, the Placement of Crime and Criminals. It was careful, and grew more dangerous as I drew near the Curve to the Place that I looked at as being
the Location of Crime.

1. There is a Swinging Gate with an Area that needs to be looked at in More Detail. It looks as if either a crime was committ ed here, or there are
multiple Crimes in that Area: Possible More Complications: Possible Bodies: they must progress past the Gate and across, there is something in the
area that is of Criminal Problem. At the Time, there was a car nearby with the door open, and I did not feel comfortable looking further.

2. I decided to go past the car, despite the Problem, and I did so, it was a Farm Worker, Hispanic. He saw Me and I said Hell o. I continued along the
Road, to the Residence, and found that it showed Blood Murder, White, All over the Land. Right on the Ground, and near the Objects to the Left.
Also, I noted across the River a Well Extending into the Water, which is a Problem in the Visuals of those who were Murdered. It is a Strong Visual,
and I have Place Verified that One of the Women. In reaction to the Place and the Well, showed sick, meaning visual confirmat ion of the Murder
and Location.

3. I Note that it shows that the Family knows something about the Murders. It shows that they are Aware of, in Full Awareness, of the Murders.
They should be Interrogated.

4. The Male noted in the First Viewing is Still the Murderer, as I stated. It is possible that there were others involved. This should be Investigated by
the Law Enforcement.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


Chief of Police Mr. Nick Nobligacion
San Joaquin County Sheriff
3455 McMulllin Road Crimes
Nile Road Crimes

It is certain that the 3455 McMullin Road Location includes a Set of Murders that is Related to the Nile Road Murders. The Water Tower over the
Water re-occurs in this Location, from the Entry behind the Slough at a Hays Road Entry, behind the 3455 McMullin Road House. Take the Curve
Around the Slough, turn Right, there is a Large, perfect rowed Field, half Circle, that shows beings at 4-5 possible locations: Might also be bodies.
Body Registered near middle of Field.

Turn to the Left, just to the left, and there is a Water Tower out over the Slough that is exactly like the Water Tower at the Nile Road Location.
There are Bodies in profusion at the bottom of the "lake'/Slough, Possibly Bones. I walked the Perimeter of the Field and recognized the Middle of
the Field, out near the gas [White Tank, close to the Slough and noted that I saw the same, that there is a location in the Middle of the Field, no
explanation. someone of preternatural Origin Mentioned, after I had identified that the Murder Weapon might be a piece of Far m Equipment [I can
draw what I saw in the Preternatural for You.] He said that they might possible have run People over with a Piece of Farm Equipment. This is docu-
mented for Posterity, the male is Honorable.

At Gas Tank:
Look to Your Right, on a Diagonal from the Water Tank, there is a Large stand of Tall Trees that look like a Half Circle: From My Location [I was
on My Way out], there is a Large Problem there, Possible more Bodies/Murder. Possible Portal. I have not Place Verified it yet. Look to Your Left,
first House. There is a long Shed that I believe might hold Farm equipment: the Doors show blood. I would check this Shed. Beyond that, behind, in
the Slough, there is another location that shows Dark Blood Murder. I have not yet Place Verified this Location Yet, it is a True Location.

Of these Crimes: I believe them to be Satanism in Nature, and I, looking closer at the Water Towers, Located One More in Sacr amento, and another
in a Place to the South. I will have to locate them and Let You Know. I believe this to be a Ring of Organized Murder. I'll Provide a more Detailed
report on the Nature after I look at the Google Map.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


18 Lookouts, Locations in this Satanic Crime Ring, which I viewed as they Showed them in the Investigation I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFORNIA, alone did on the Night of 5.15.2014. Also, Viewed a Set that Showed all of the Satanic Rings throughout the Uni ted States,
which I grounded and put down in a True Grounding, and will Document when I have time to look at the Bio-Physical Visual and Determine
the States and Place Locations.

However, I found a ride with Two Males in a Black Car from the McDonalds Located on Union Road and Yosemite, an Officer was Present to the
Left of the Parking Lot, I made Myself Visible to let Him Know that I was going to Proceed with My Investigation, and that He would realize My
Location. The Two Males, who are kind, dropped Me off at Union and Woodward, and I proceeded South, and viewed the Watthal Sl ough
Location with intent to Understand what the Rituals Are that include the Murders that I have documented upon the Crime Scene. The Murders in
this Crime Ring are Heinous. I Determined:

The Field that I viewed at McMullin Road with the 4-5 Being in the Half Circle are a Suffering, meaning that the Crime incurred upon the Soul
Selves of those of Innocence is that of Being Murdered Continually in the Preternatural/Bio-Physical, in order to maintain energy to Open what
is called a Satanic Portal. The Portals are a Death Portal of Eternal pain, they show a Night Sky of Stars that are in Eternal Condemnation, with
those who have been Murdered bound in Pain, asking Why They must die. Each Portal has its own Owner, who is a Murderer/Criminal, at
each Location, Headmaster/Ringleader. The WATTHAL SLOUGH Crimes are a Tall Dark Haired Male, who is Heinous, Large Bodied, muscle
but not muscular, and of Heinous in Psychological: He Does Not Regret His Crimes. Large Face, Bone Structure. The McMullin Road is a Female
Of Soft White Problem, and is the Head Leader of a Satanic Cult, and is Knowledgable in Satanic Ritual and Ways. Both the Mal e and Femael are
Condemned in Soul Self already for Their Crimes.

Of Statement, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, in My Capacity as MENTOR of TheASTARITEFAITH, Sole and Only Direct
Representative of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, forced the Entire of McMullin to Cease Satanic Activity,
which They did, for the Day, it seems. I have witnessed that Marietals of the Catholic Faith, Mary and Misses M, keep returni ng to the Criminals
to try to illicit Criminality, as well as Deirdre Mulvhill, who is a Criminal of Downstairs Problems Already. What I explained was the Nature of
the Crimes upon the Soul Self, I condemned them outright and Prosecuted them in the Bio-Physical Preternatural for the Crimes, and I Told them
that their Crimes are Against Preternatural Law and told them to Go to Jail and to Cease Satanic Activity. I also explained t he State of the Soul
Self, and also Documented that their Elders are Criminal Problem Structures, not Elders at all in Being or Look. The Above Showings are Fraud,
In order to gain Confidence of the Community Law Enforcement and others. They understood the Weight upon their Soul Selves and Being, and
understood that if they turned themselves in, they would over a very, very long period of Time, reconcile with their Creator and lift back up into
goodness, but only after True Suffering for their Crimes, for which they would have to be responsible for, now and in the Aft erlife: They would
suffer in Jail and During Life, Deeply, and then suffer True And Painful Condemnation in full in the Afterlife, No exceptions, they must suffer out-
right for their Crimes, in Depth to the Crimes, and Accept Responsibility for it. They, during life, must make Amends, and then Renounce All Evil,
knowing they will suffer for Their Crimes. When they have served their Time, very, very long suffering, pain, in the Afterlif e, the Soul Self would
rectify with True in that of They and of Our CREATOR, and they would Reconcile to Goodness, having Made True Amends, as it De manded and is
Truth of Restitution. They have No Choice. If they Do Not Turn themselves in, they will Be Condemned to Eternal Damnation, wi th No Hope of
Restitution, At All.


It is stated that in this History, all Crimes are upon the Exact Earth Selves, and cannot be taken upon by Others: Also, The Beings cannot be other
Being, they stay themselves, and they cannot be a type of being of another, either: This is LAW. As an Example, in My History, Deirdre Mulvihill is
Herself [who committed serious Crimes in the Preternatural Bio-Physical], and is Condemned for it, must take responsibility for Her Crimes: She is
Not Myself, and Never will, and I will not in responsibility be for, at all. Deirdre Mulvihill is also prosecuted for Crimes involving My Work, as Im
the Only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT in the United States and Otherwise, of My Methodry and Ability. The Manteca Police Department seems
to be aligned with Deirdre Mulvihill in the Physical Preternatural, and might need to be investigated in regards to the Watthal Crimes and Violations
by Deirdre Mulvhill, as well as My Work, which She has Nothing to do With. Also, a Hispanic/Latino Modesto Officer, who was a Basic Officer at
5.2.2014, when I applied for a job at the Modesto Police Department: She tried to steal in the Preternatural and Earth Physical soon after, and was
Told No. I have told all Females of Officer Type, Sheriff Type, and Others of Human Preternatural No to Rape and Theft of My Work.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Del Osso Farms, Manteca, California

Evidence: MANTECA POLICE DEPARTMENT : Shovel, 1 Handwritten Report [copy], and Sketches of Two Criminals/Basic Structure

I Place Located this PORTAL in Looking at the WATTHAL CRIMES and the MCMULLIN CRIMES, which I also Place Located and Place Veri-
fied [In Person]. Upon First View, the Portal appeared as a Place next to the Mossdale Bridge. The Bridge was the Indicator for the Portal. Also, a
second Portal Showed up to the West/North, that was of a Woman. I have not yet Determined this Portal on the Face of the Ear th. The DEL
OSSO PORTAL is a SEVERE CRIME PORTAL, of True Pain and Blood.

Entry, 4 Stone Towers. The Portal/Windows face East/Slight South East at Top of Stone Tower. The Portals are Blood Problems, and are
the Exact of Each Criminal. A. Young Man/Possible Young Man of Watthal/McMullin Crimes, of Children Criminality and of Blood.
Thin Crime, meaning that He is of a Sexuality Problem. B. Stars Condemnation/Night/Blood Murder/Watthal Type Crime/Watthal
Male Association. C. Blood and Bone, Severe hurt/ to Murder/Heavy/Stars Condemnation/DifferentWatthal Type. D. Blood Red
Crimes/Gospel Mission Type, to Blood Sea, the Crimes are indescribable: This Type of Crime is Blood beyond Blood, the Criminal is
Heinous. To Understand the Portal, walk inside the Stone Tower to View Only, the Crimes are of the Portal, and of the Criminal.
DEL OSSO PORTAL: Major. The Major Portal of DEL OSSO is a Large Structure. The Structure consists of Two Brick Towers to the
West of the Property, near the Train Tracks. The Two Brick Towers show Two Criminals: The Left Tower, viewed from the Entrance,
is of the Watthal Male Criminal, of the Blue Star Condemnation, Deep Pain, Blue, Death, No Way Out. The Right Tower is Blood,
Blood Red, and is of Heinous Crime, bathed in blood, Blood beyond Blood: The Criminal is Heinous. The Two Portals Correlate with
Two Oaks out Beyond the Train Tracks, on the Next Property Over, which is of River Islands New Housing Development. The Access
is on a stone/dirt road behind the Train Tracks, and on the Property, the Ring which is Willow-Like in Nature [Surrounded by Willow-
like Plants], which is a place of Witchery/Satanism. There is a Lone Willow to the Left of the Circle, out past the Dividing Road [which
is off of the stone/dirt road], which shows deep weeping, and a Boy: Possible Body. The DEL OSSO PORTAL is a Major Blood Por tal.
Walk Between the Oaks and there is a Record of All of the Murders that have taken place there, in deep pain: it is also Part of the Portal

The Day was a hot day, and I went off of the stone/dirt road, down the side path and to the Oaks which were showing as Problem Structures.
When I stepped into the space between the Oaks, it was like water, or swimming, and was a Preternatural Problem, as what it was that I walked
through was a Preternatural Problem of the Murders Themselves. The Physical was clear, outright Clear, and the pain was excruciating, I could
barely Physically Bear it. What I did was pay attention to It, to understand the Nature of It, and saw the Pain of some of t he Crimes, which were
Heinous. I believe that My BODY and BODY EL showed this Reaction, and it is also a True Bio-Physical/Physical of the Portal. When I walked
out it was a Problem of Pain as I assessed the Pain, and then just held the Entire. To look at the Pain is too Painful, it i s Traumatic. This is a Docu-
mentation of the Exact Physical of the Viewing and Event of the Portal between the Oaks.

The Portal Directly Corresponds to the Ring. It is Two Brick Towers/Oaks/Ring. Also, it may *Look directly at another Locat ion,
which May be the McMullin Site. It is facing the direction of the Mcmullin and Watthal Sites, but I believe it directly related to the
McMullin Site.

The Possible Grave or Burial Mound. The Grave or Burial Mound is on the River Island Property, and is just diagonal from the Intersecting
Road, to the Right. There is a small wooden round, buried into the Ground, that has old red paint on it. I found a shovel t here, half
buried and left, and I entered it as Evidence at the Manteca Police Station with one of the Employees at approximately 7:00-7:30 p.m.
that day. I believe it might be an old Crime, and that there is a Possible Male buried there in the Mounded Area. It may ha ve been years.
The Record of Watthal Crimes: Upon the Property, there is a Halloween Type Structure that I believe is also a Record of Crimes, in regards to
the Satanic Ring. I recognize them as I place Verified All Locations on Foot and in Person, and Recognize the Place Problems in the
showing of Crimes by the Del Osso Crime Location. The Fence portion at the bottom of the Showing by Del Osso, seen from the View
of the Train Tracks, is of the McMullin Site. If One View the Portal [Lookout/River] at the Pool of Bones, across the River is the House
and the Fence. To the Right of the Fence, a large Structured Male dummy whom I believe is the Watthal Male. It looks as if He is Orat-
ing. There are various forms of Farm Equipment, and I believe it correlates to the McMullin Site, and the hurt by Farm Equipment to
Bodies. There is a RIP Gravestone, uncorrelated, but I might view that differently if I had a closer look at the Entire. What I docu-
mented above was all I was able to see in the short time that I was there to Place Verify, having to leave due to Possible Li fe Threat. I
stay only as long, in each place, as is Possible without hurt to the Person, or identification by those who might be near. At the finding of
the Shovel, I left the Property, and in Certainty of having Documented and Investigated all that needed to be seen for that day.

Final Notes:

I gave a handwritten Report to the Manteca Police Department that day, as soon as I returned, with the Shovel as Evidence of Possible Crime in the
River Island Property, that it might provide just cause for Investigation in Physical Means, upon further investigation by the Law Enforcement The
DEL OSSO Portal is a True Satanic Portal, and this is said Without a Doubt. As I have seen interference from several Locations, including some of
Law Enforcement, as well as those of Downstairs Regions, I Document the Following: Any interference by Deirdre Mulvihill is rejected, as a
viewer, after the Fact, of the Location, as Deirdre Mulvhill is known for Desecration of Crime Scenes. This Means Misdirection, Mislocation, and
also the drilling of a Bone Structure or Body to determine History, which is Illegal and is hurtful to the Body and the Per son of the Victim, as it
affects the Life Path and Being, despite their Death. I only View the Being and the Life Path, I do not interfere with the Physical or Hurt the Victim,
at all, in any way. Also, I document that Downstairs Regions being have been influencing the Moving of bodies on Locations by direct Interference
in the Preternatural by direct conversation in the Preternatural with the Criminals of Each Location. Thus, time is an issue with reported sites. Also,
the Mary, who have often tried to be a Viewer after, are cited for Misdirection, Mislocation and Misinformation. I advise all who read My reports to
stay with the Physical Report only, and to understand that what they might have viewed with Myself, in attendance of My Work, is True and Accu-
rate. My Reports are accurate, in the Earth Physical, thus, I state, follow the Report, and do only Earth Physical Work, as it always is. I advocate,
also, non-interference of Other Preternaturals while the work is done, and to rely on only Earth Physical or My-
self,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, who Place Located, Investigated and Reported the Crime, as it should be. It is My Work, and Im
Pragmatic and demand that Earth Physical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural be Exact and Earth Verified, which I do in My Work, and which was con-
firmed by an FBI Agent upon viewing of My Work.
Im a true being who requires Evidence of Confirmation, and Re-Confirmation of Physicals to Prove Existence. As I said, I place Direct Physical of
Blood Shown Houses or Structures, the exact Metal or Wood, up against Innocent Structures to look at the State of their Probl em. It always proves
the Presence of Murder, Crime or Blood, and the Type and Degree of Crime. As Im an Honorable being, I state that Honor should be maintained,
and that all unnatural relationships that result in Desecration of the work be avoided. An Earth Physical Investigation will probably do as it should,
which is Investigate and Prosecute appropriately and Properly, by the Report given in Honor and exactitude of the Place and t he Crime Itself. I have
found that the showing up of so called preternaturals and those who are of Mary or Deirdre, have done more harm to a Crime Scene than good.
Im hoping that the Documentation of the Problems will resolve the Problems naturally, as the Desecration of Bodies, and Misunderstandings, as
well as Misrepresentations of Energy on Earth Physicals and Physicals will abate. I report the Crime Exact, I view in Impart ial Attitude, and Place
Check against Structures that are not of the Crime to Determine Truth. This is the Nature of My Work.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Stockton, California Portals [2] 5.28.2014: Physical Viewing In Person Approx. 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Approximate Arrival 7:00 p.m/7:15p.m on 6:45 Bus, at the Eight Mile Road Shopping Center Location. I Proceeded Across the Road to
Determine or Approximate the Portal Location, which I assumed Might be further or closer than expected. The Location was Exact,
upon the Earths Surface.

1. 12751 N Thornton Rd, Lodi, CA 95242 0.1 mi E, 38.088719,-121.386373/ Whiteslough Water Pollution Control Facility [209] 333-6749:
There is Blood on the Factory [on the Lands, meaning Murder is Present on these lands.] The Factory looks as if women have been
brought out and hurt, Life/Blood/Bone Hurt in blood problem. The Murders are Two, at Present, both Owners, one a Working
Owner who is a larger bodied Male, shorter stature, who knows the Crimes, and is associated with bone to bone hurt. Blood and Bone is
what I call it, and it is aggressive physical hurt to the body, possibly to Life Hurt, and is of a Dark Blood Nature. The Other Owner is a
Diplomatic Owner, thinner, and of Medium to Average Stature, and is unaware of the Crimes Upon the Structure, but by comment of a
viewer, it looks as If the Male of Younger Age who possibly lives at Miramonte is the Criminal, and who is related to the Diplomatic
Owner. There may be only a few employees who know about the Crimes.

2. The Portal is to the West, and is the Slough on the Property [38.084201, -121.396345] next to N. Rio Blanco Road. The Slough itself,
which is like a Lake/Slough, viewed from the South End, is a Long Platform Portal, with the End to the North, and the Physical begin-
ning the Two Triangle Electric Towers and one Central Electric Tower the Physical beginning. The Towers Point possibly to something,
which I cannot determine. From a Later Experience, which is called a Preternatural Bio-Physical Pointer, which I experienced on UOP
Campus, it may be a Tree, or Physical Location that is a Natural Location. Extreme Blood, Possible Bodies at 38.090903, -121.400291,
which is Second Slough Behind the Portal Slough of White Slough Property.

3. Miramonte Apartment/Homes: Surrounded by Mokolume [East], Hennessy [South], and Scott Creek Drive [North]. Problem Structure:
Mira Monte Across from Silver Oaks. This is a reference to the Preternatural Structure of the Negative against the Positive, [Gospel
Mission Male Vs- REBECCATCOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA and THE ALPHAAND THE OMEGA. Silver is My Designated color of
My Faith and being, Sterling/Honor and the Oak is the Absolute Tree that Designates THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, outright,
and has been part of My Faith History for a long time.] What I will state at present is that the Crimes are Natural, meaning that they are
separate from the Faith History, but that the Way Of is Present, and this is just a true of a Physical Preternatural History. The Problem of
Miramonte is that I believe it is physically Put Upon, and shows the Pain of the Crime Being Present upon Itself. The Crimes are hurtful
to the Place, and the Establishment does not like it. It looks as if several crimes have already taken Place in the Environs. The Crimes
are Thin Crimes, which means that they are underhanded, and with a smile dealt, meaning that the Criminal weasles, or is such that He
is Undetected, and then Murders Heinously.

4. There is a Possible Problem to the Back Area of the Golf Course, which is registering with a Problem. 38.071729, -121.397335 Blood on
Bone Problem.Address: Relocated from Relocated to Not true? Show all edits Not true?Placement on map is approximate
3804'18.2"N 12123'50.4"W


I walked all the Way out to the end of the Walkway of Eight Mile Road to View the Landscape, and took a look at Placement. I t might
be wise to take a look at an Aerial View of the Crime Placements, just to see how they Lay. I was looking at Proximity of crimes from
the Del Osso Crime Scenes, which are just to the North, to the Stockton Crime Scene, which is the White Slough Water Treatment Facil-
ity. Overall, a good look at the exact Layout of the Crimes might provide some information on How they are built, in order t o determine
a Commonality of the Way Such Crime Rings develop. It Might be different for different Types of Crime, as the Three Prevalent Types
of Crime in this Satanic Ring I call the Blue Star Condemnation [Deep Pain, No Way Out, Condemnation of the Stars, of Hopeless, and
of Condemnation into Night. Terrible Pain.] Another is the Red Crimes, which are Extreme Blood Crimes which have no explanat ion of
the Type of Pain and Bloodshed: it is Heinous and beyond Pain [It means the Criminal is Heinous, and of a Problem Heinous], t he last,
Blood on Bone or Bone to Bone. Extreme Physical Hurt, sometimes to Bone, and to Blood.

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

HIGHWAY 12 Portal:

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, will Place Verify this Set of Locations 5.24.2014, Saturday.

The Male of this Portal may be a Mass Murderer who murders up and down the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta/Little Potato Slough, in that Area.
He looks to be Heinous, and His Blood Crimes are Pain, the Murder that brought He to My Attention was a Female who was in Deep Pain, Beyond
Pain, Mortal Hurt to Life and Soul. Pain Unbearable. Deep Blue/Black Pain. [This Means that when Life Hurt Occurs, the Mortal is in a Space that
shows the Pain to Sit Long Beyond the Life, and The Stars show no hope, it is Condemnation in Pain to see]

The Crime of the Woman looks to have taken place on a Boat, moored at 38.118055, -121.535182. The Area shows the Pain to Descend Below the
Water, in the span of a Circle, and is Depth in Pain. The House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California is a House of Pain/Murder. Houses
to side okay, but House to Back shows Depth of Blood. Boat at 38.117455,-121.536181 shows Bone Structure to Front of Boat. Possible Bone
Structure at 38.117555,-121.535756. Possible Bone Structure at 38.117526,-121.535498. Check for Bone Structures Possibly buried under Large Tree
[Possible Oak] at back of Back Building, to the Left. Check for Entry Bone Structure, which look to be part of Satanic Proper ty Problems:
38.117381,-121.535072. Problem at 38.117337,-121.536891. Possible Problem, Heart at 38.11731,-121.536376. Bones at 38.118086,-121.535069, in
Check 38.117593,-121.534451

2nd Murder, Young Boy. 38.118815,-121.532344 A Young Boy looks to have been hurt by a Female, and may have viewed a blood crime on another
boy at that location. The Female is related to the House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, is related to the Male Criminal of the Portal
[Heinous Value Male/Murder]. The Boy looks to have lived at 17101Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, possibly still there. The Male may have
been struck on the Head in heinous Fashion, strength, true hate. Approximate Crime View: 38.118082, -121.53441. The Male might have been from

PLACELOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

The BOAT Portal:

527 B Street
[The Original Crime which I viewed as a Bio-Physical Vision, The First]

527 G Street:
This House is Cemented as the Probable Place of the Young Girl, with possible location under the Floor-
boards. The Back Shack shows as negative outright. Please check this House as the Guilty House. Casey might
have spent some time here, and the little girl might have been brought here.

Relevant Houses:

620 D Street: This was the First House I Place Located in Reference to the Split/Layered Vision: It shows Heavy
Energy of the Little Girl. It might be her Home. 609 D Street: This Male seemed to know the Little Girl, and
Might possibly have known something about the Event/Abduction. He should be Questioned, in any regard. He
shows up in reference to the Males at 35040 Russell Blvd.

The Episopalian Faith near the Malll Area came up, which indicated Casey might have taken Safe Haven there at
some point in time. Also, someone there might know of Catholic Faith Guilt, or relevant information, in concerns
to Casey's History. I would talk to them.

27010 County Road 95A
It looks as if this Male has taken two lives: a Male and a Female. Bloodshed in the back of Property, view from
road, towards bridge/South. Large Rounded trees to the Back, Approx. 38.546412,-121.859311 google map/
Satellite. Dark Bloodshed of a Male. to the Right, slender Trees, bloodshed of a Female. The Female was hurting,
and I saw that She was being Held by Her Collar, on Her knees, Approx.38.546445,-121.858941. Both Burials are
the Approximate Locations. That is all I saw. The Male looks Younger/Middle and has a slender Body. Fairly
well composed, Blondish Hair.

35040 Russell Blvd
The One Shack to the Right is a place of Pain, deep pain for Casey, who was beaten to near death, and left there.
There is blood on the Entry wall, the Floor to the west, and the west wall, that should show up if looked for. It
shows over the Entry that the Little Girl was at this Area, this Location, at some point in time.

Casey seems to be buried at approximately the coordinates 38.546831,-121.859922, on the Edge of the Prop-
erty. Casey was seriously abused and hurt at 35040 Russell Blvd it looks as if they had him tied up at the House,
on the left side of House, viewable from street, possible bedroom. Looking back at the Vision that I had on the
20th, it showed Casey as being tied up, and I believe that is what was occurring during that time, and that two
males of that location were responsible. This may have been why it was a Split Vision, and what it showed were
two crimes: The Little Girl, as I look at the Timeline, looks to have been Life Hurt between the 15th-17th. It l
ooks like Casey perished after the 22nd. What occurred upon My Arrival Here this week was the understanding
that the Murderers are different than expected. However, it shows that Casey might have been present when the
Little Girl was hurt. Also, He was hurt to near death in the small structure to the right of the Two small houses,
there are three. He was beaten. I cannot verify the body in the placement, it is a possibility only. The Others are
Earth Physical verified problems.

25722 Road 95A
This Address shows blood on the Land. The Two Shacks, even though they've been updated with green fronts,
show blood on the inside that seems to be a permanent problem, and it will not disappear. It is True Bloodshed that
is set in the walls. The House shows a Murder of a Woman, the bloodshed is on the left side of the House only, the
Woman was Frantic, in the Event I viewed and clawed the Walls to get out. She was in Pain and Screaming. I
place located the Body, and the Approximate Location looks to be underneath a large Metal Grinding Structure,
covered in cloth out in the back yard area. She looks to be covered up in Tarp, and facing upwards. In the Shed,
there was an event that seems to have involved Casey, against His will, in which He was sat somewhere near the
Front, and watched the Male do something to the Right of the Shed. It shows in a Dark Negative.

There is one More Shack on the UC Davis Property that keeps showing up. It is certain Bloodshed upon the Shack
the Tools and the Walls. It is out to the South/Southwest. I believe He is a Repeated Criminal, and the Sky shows
red. I will continued to Locate the Shack until it is found. I will go out again today to see if I can locate the Area,
and I will send You another Report as soon as possible.

If You don't Mind, during My Location and Documentation, I have had interesting Problems with certain Modesto
Problems. It was stated that, in concerns to My Work, which is very large, that a Notebook was fabricated in
Modesto in regards to the Large Body of Work that I, Myself, alone did for them. I have all of My Original
Notebooks and Work with Myself, and can prove My Work, as well copies of the Large Map that I marked to
show the Crimes. I gave Them the Original. If You could check the Validity of this, I would Appreciate
it. If I find that they have Attempted Theft of My Work, I would like to Prosecute Them. Thank You, I hope I
have assisted You. When You Look at the Crime Scenes, try to look with the View of the Crime Around You.
Meaning, look to see what is true in the Physical of the Environment. Usually, Heinous Crimes show up over
Houses or Areas in Darker Energy, compare the Houses to Innocent Houses next to You, and see what You see.

Also, in view of the Crime, look in View of the Little Girl. You might be surprised to just notice energy, which is
natural to the Human Eye.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


Yolo County Sherriffs Office 5.22.2014

I hope My Information will Assist You in this Case.


Last Week Woman was Murdered by the Interference of a Modesto Hispanic Police Officer, in a Highway 12 Blood Blue Star Crime Murder, and
Her Life was lost due to the Interference. If I had a vehicle, I could have deterred this Crime Long before it came to the Place of Pain. Also, I
have no problem with Officers Accompanying Me during or upon My Work, but I can only accommodate 1-2 Officers to a Location, and Only One
can Proceed in, in Plain Clothes, undercover management. The Reason for this Method is to View the Crimes Scene in its natural State, unap-
proached or unchanged by Law Enforcement Presence. When I view a Location, Most view me as a Basic, and Im able to view things without
change to the Crime, which sometimes Happens when the Law Enforcement is Present Visibly. I hope My work has proved True in Regards to
Your Department, I have worked for quite a Long time now, and just recently resolved the Original Crime for which I viewed a Vision of Energy
Only. When I looked at the Energy to the Vision, I saw the Crime. It is Now My Life. It is My Life Path to Put Down Crimes and Criminals of a
Heinous Nature, I am the Type to do so. Also, Im the One who also Assists and brings Home Missing Persons. Of the Two Types of Crime,
sometimes they walk hand in hand.

Informative: I intend to put down Satanic Crime Rings 4 Times a Year. There are Approximately 80 in the United States, which were shown to
Me inadvertently in an interaction, when I was Viewing the Events of Watthal in a Night Problem, in order to determine what the Nature of the
Satanic Ritual happened to be. [They harness the Crimes and the Bodies to continual pain, meaning raise them up into pain States during their
Rituals, in order to maintain the Portals.] Also, once Im finished, which should be approx. 20 Years, the Murder Crimes that are Red Crimes/
Blood Heinous, are approx. 250-300. I will attend to those, thereafter, largely remotely, unless called upon.


I do not get involved in Satanic Activity, when I Place Locate, Investigate, and Resolve Crimes. I stay as far away from the Criminals and Satanic
Activity as Possible, that is the Only Way to Protect Yourself. I understand that Others, Like the Hispanic Female Officer and Deirdre Mulvihill
end up involved, and it is against the Law to do so, first of All, However, Deirdre is a Downstairs Being Type, so it dos not surprise Me. I have
spent Much time trying to try to put her down, as She places Her own criminality upon others to stay up, and to sometimes steal, I have yet to
find a way to Prosecute Her appropriately: She is Not Myself. In the Most recent, the Watthal Crimes, Deirdre Compromised an Entire Pan-
theonic Exchange by getting involved and also involvement in Sexual Problem, of a Ritual in the Preternatural, and others ended up having to pay
the Price for it, including an Officer of Worth who protected My Son Zachary. I expect that You will understand that If I tell you to view the fe-
males known as Deirdre Mulvihill and Dottie Mulvihill as Crimina [Criminal Preternaturals] then I expect it to be Understood. Deirdre has raped
for a Long time, and it is a problem in the Structure. Both She and Dottie are part of those who committed crimes in the original History and were
condemned, and Deirdre and Sandy are known as Perpetua [Damned Being by their Own Crimes]. However, it is advised:

Do not Fraternize with Satanic Being. Im gong t have to prosecute Deirdre Mulvihill for Preternatural Crimes, in which She has tied down Inno-
cent Being in Stars [Circled/Satanic] to hurt. Also, undercover work does not work with such crimes. It is Dangerous to do it, and should never
be done. Those who get involved usually find their Lives and their Soul Selves Change Drastically. The Problems involved are Severe Hurt. I
suggest Remote Viewing, and understanding of the Ritual Problems, then put down of the Ritual Problems in Murder or Satanic Crime. I suggest
Earth Grounding at all Times, Good Health, and Distancing from Problems. For Myself, I Hold the Victim, not the Criminal, and put the Crimi-
nal down at all times. I hold the Victim to Resolve the Crimes, and thus I know their Pain and I know the Crimes Enacted upon Them. I experi-
ence severe pain in regards to Victims, and know in exactitude the Acute Nature of the Crime, Depth for the Crime, Depth of t he Pain, and the
Type of Crime, which are always Severe. I shield others from this, also Myself, as I hold and Know, and only Resolve when Necessary as to view
the Crime is a painful Experience that is hurt to the Body and Person. It is not necessary to view the Entire Crime to Know the Entire Crime, and
I usually View. Sometimes, at the end, when a Crime Scene has been Resolved, in order to Resolve the Pain with the Victim, to Heal Them. The
pain upon Them is Incalculable. Also, it is not true, that Proof of Crime is in a Emotional Viewing of it, or the Experience of It, which is some-
times Detrimental to the Investigation. I advise Pragmatism and Empathy, Depth of Empathy and Knowing, with Intent to Resolve, Investigate,
Prosecute and Heal the Location and Victims, and to bring them Home, The Criminal or Criminals Prosecuted and in Jail. Im an Honorable
Being, and I have fought Negative Entities for over 8 years, and Know much about the Body, Longevity in Battle, How to Protect, How to Defend,
How to Discern, How to Put Down: I have done this for a very Long Time, Im an Expert in this Area. I have no Problems answering questions
about the Preternatural, Preternatural Universal, Soul Self [I have seen My Own] , Preternatural Protection and Defense, and Questions about
Archangels, GODS and GODSELVES, which Im Not: Im a Unique Human Being, I refused them to stay Human/Bio-Physical/Preternatural].
I have Archangelic Honor, but am Earth Physical, and do not Exhibit or Use My Honor other than to Maintain the Protection on the Entire Pan-
theonic Exchange, of which I happen to be. FIGHT. Is My Organization, I alone built it form the Bottom Up, with No Preternat ural Influence , it
put down the Preternatural Females, and the Establishment supported and supports My work. I maintain Everything in the Earth Physical, Im
First and Foremost a Unique Human Being of Honor, who has fought for My Rights in the Earth Physical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural. Also, of
My Physical, I do not Commit Crime. At All. It is very nearly physically impossible, generally. I built My Own Physical for Honor, to Maintain a
very large Pantheonic Exchange, with My Honor Base being Earth Physical Certainty, as My Honor protects all Physicals in the Exchange. Im a
Decent and Beautiful Being, I work Very hard and beyond that, sometimes, by My Own Will. It has been a battle to Obtain a Job, as Many Preter-
naturals Interfere in Earthly matters illegally, and to the Deficit of My Own Life, in which I struggled from a Divorce, with nearly nothing mone-
tarily, to now, in which I hope to find a place of goodness. Also, of My Faith, it is Separate from My Work. Im Not Cathol ic, They are Not Like
Myself, My Faiths Laws are that the Work and the Life is Separate. I can Work, and I should work and be paid for it. The Catholic Suffering
Problems must end, they are not Correct in this, My History, and they Know It. The Universe has shown that My Work would Ground the Entire,
in Paid and True Position, and would constitute a Grounded and Healthy Pantheonic Exchange, which they have sometime tried to deter.

Documentation of My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Refusal to the CIA to work/become as an
Agent, I have no Interest in the Field, as it is Unlike Myself or My Interests. I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFONRIA, on 4.28.2014 applied to the MODESTO POLICE DEPARTMENT for a Job/Physical Position,
with Intent to become an OFFICER in Long Term Work [Full Application to Learn All Aspects of Position] and
with Emphasis on My Abilities to Place Locate both Missing Persons and Crimes [I intend to continue Both in
regards to the FBI and other Agencies]. My Work would be grounded under the Honor of the MODESTO
POLICE DEPARTMENT after My Hiring, should I be Hired in the Earth Physical. [Also, Documentation of
Preternatural Problems re: Hispanic Female and attempted rape of Job Application, and Rape of My Application and Job for
Manteca by the Criminal Preternatural Deirdre, who is Not in History, and who is Prosecuted, Now and in the Afterlife.]

Documentation: Missing Persons [Remote] Assistance

of EVENTS, And Documentation of Those I have Stayed With/Near to Prove Place and Time, by the End of the Day [5:30 p.m] 4.14. 2014.
Additions to EDWARD, in regards to the Event History and Work, are Present. Im an EARTH PHYSICAL/Bio-PHYSICAL
PRETERNATURAL, of Honor, with a Specific Physical that is Directly Connected to the Quantum Zero Point Energy Field. I decided to
stay a Human Being, and to Fight as a Human Being, to fight as Myself and as one of My Kind. Of My Abilities, EARTH PHYSICAL is
Place Location/BoneIdentificationandMatching/Wood,Metal,Earth,andCement Matching, Total Physical Matching [Place Recognition, and
Environment Recognition. Of My FAITH, and of My HISTORY, and also of My PHYSICAL is that of the BODY of HUMANKIND. Who
are Directly with Myself at all Times [Life Event History, also BEING ITSELF]. I can see the BEING ITSELF, and Know the Being of
Humans, Even those Past, outright. Contrary to capitulations, which I do not like, there is no seeing of dead people. I know their Being, and
it is an UPSTAIRS Problem. I will Document How I WorkREBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA., that You may understand How I

It is Stated to the City of Modesto that REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA Alone did the Work Documented by this Document, and that the
only Intent for the Work was the Protection Entire of the City of Modesto and Its Inhabitants. The Truth of this Structure i s as Follows:
That there are Pretenatural Being Involved, some of them who are considered Dangerious. Also, there are Catholic Representat ives Involved, who
have contributed to the Corruption of the Entire.
That Work has not been done in Many cases due to the Interference of Catholic Representatives, which is Unacceptable due to t he Fact that lives are
at Risk in the present History. What is asked as a Solution is No Small Problem, it is a Requirement for the City to Remain Protected and Safe, in
That REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, who can see Events and Event Structure in the Preternatural Bio-Physical, Viewed, Researched,
Tracked Down, and Documented Locations and Types of Crimes in order to Facilitate the Carrying out of Law upon the Criminals. I did this out of
Necessity. All of the Documented Events I viewed from the Life Path of One Event, which happened to be related to Another. From that Point
Forward, I researched All Until I felt the Entire Had been Documented, and Asked that it be Investigated and Handled by Our Local Law En-
forcment, who are True Honor.
It is stated that the FBI has been Involved in a Peripheral, and that there have been interferences both by Agents and Preter natural Beings of Larger
Stature, who have been Detrimental, Against, the Path of Protection and Prosecution Required to Keep the City Safe.
It is stated that My Work is Accurate and True, and that I cross-check and make certain that all Work is of Truth in its Report.

It is asked that the Information provided be taken Seriously, and that the End Results be Exact in Investigation and Apprehension of Criminals. IN
the Case of Two Criminals who are Preternatural in Nature, both Males, The ORIGIN MALE, who is the Origin of many Crimes, some of which
have been Satanic in Nature, and a Male named MARK, who is of the HARBINGER. It has been requested outright that they be apprehended by the
FBI and the Law Enforcement without Harm, and put into Incarceration into a Remote Locations Not Near Humankind, due to the Fact that they Re
-Manifest Themselves through Human Beings when attacked. They must be Arrested and Put Down.
It is asked that the Body of Law Enforcement and of the FBI to cease interaction with Larger Bodied Females and Males of Pret ernatural Origin, as
They have Interfered with Local Basic Investigation, and have caused serious Problems leading to Crime, some unmeant, some f ully understood to be
fully Willful. The Beings of Mary, Misses M, and Others are fully Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
It is requested that it be understood that Once Recommendations are fully carried out, to the Satisfaction of the Safety of t he Entire of the City of
Modesto, which I know outright just by looking at it, then comments will Cease. I would not have Researched & Documented had I not thought it
necessary to the Safety of All Individuals within the City.
I thank the City of Modesto, and state My Love of the People and of the City, as I have been present for a Very Long Time Now, and as a Unique
Human being, the Direct Representative of THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, and Inceptor and Builder of My Faith, The
ASTARITE FAITH, which is of True Beauty. I state My Goodness and My Innocence, outright, and ask that the City of Modesto Request the Two
Above Males to be put down, in Honor, no others, and that those who have interfered in Criminal Investigations who are Called Wives Club Fe-
males, and Flicker Females, be Prosecuted and put down., they had nothing to do with the Work and never will. I ask Your Assistance in Requiring
the Work to Be Investigated, for the SAFETY and HONOR of MODESTO, and THE CITIZENS of, You are Of Love.

SoleInceptor/Author/Composer/Artist/Builder, TheASTARITEFAITH & FIGHT.
Missing Persons and Place Location Assistance


Documentation, 4.30.2014
Accusation of the Establishment for attempted Rape of Physical, and Aggression of an Innocent. I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNI A was
aggressed by the Establishment on the Night of 4.30.2014, all night long, and then raped in the Morning of My Work and My Honor, as well as the
Hurt to Body Physical. My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Physical, shows up in the Preternatural as Innocent and Extreme Good. I
was raped of My Honor, and the Establishment of Negativity tried to place Criminal Energy in My Space. I undid the Problem, and showed/stated,
that the Criminals who raped that night cannot Prosecute an Innocent. It has been a problem since then, as I have seen sever al Females of Earth, a
Female of Ill Repute [Dispatch and Front Desk] as well as a Hispanic Female [associated with 213 Olive Avenue, Modesto] showing up in the Preternatural with
My Work upon Them, which is Illegal. I state MyOpposition to the Hurt, as well as the Oppositions to Rapes of My Family Line, the TACOSAs of
Manteca, California, who are Fully Innocent.

Documentation, 213 Olive Avenue, Modesto

Information to Modesto Police Department: Investigate a Problem in which a Female with a young child at 213 Olive Street Modesto, in circum-
stances possibly lied to the Police Department about a case, or a Person. Possibly involves a sheet of Paper or a receipt. Al so, possibly an Illicit Rela-
tionship at same address, two possible males, possibly Officer or Government origin. Vehicle License Number 5JZF171.


Documentation of My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Refusal to the CIA to work/become as an Agent, I have no Interest in the Field,
as it is Unlike Myself or My Interests. I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONRIA, on 4.28.2014 applied to the MODESTO POLICE DEPART-
MENT for a Job/Physical Position, with Intent to become an OFFICER in Long Term Work [Full Application to Learn All Aspects of Position] and
with Emphasis on My Abilities to Place Locate both Missing Persons and Crimes [I intend to continue Both in regards to the FBI and other Agencies].
My Work would be grounded under the Honor of the MODESTO POLICE DEPARTMENT after My Hiring, should I be Hired in the Earth Physi-
cal. [Also, Documentation of Preternatural Problems re: Hispanic Female and attempted rape of Job Application, in consideration of Hiring as a File Clerk, which had been
mentioned in the Preternatural Physical as a possible Hiring for Myself to start. Problem cannot be verified, but I believe t o be True, re: Young Male Officer, Bus Station.

5.6.2014: Documentation of the Problem of a Younger Hispanic Female Officer, who followed Me,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNAI whi le
I place Located a Possible Murder in Ceres, California, which was a Multi -Layered Vision, with 4 [Four] Different Locations. The Female Hispanic
Officer and Deputy tried to steal the Work, and I also document that Mr. Galen Carroll possibly tried to cut a Check to the Young Hispanic Female
Officer, which I wish to be Investigated. [The Addresses in Question are 1414 Holm [Criminal Ring] 1408 Lucchesi [Victim], 1408A Peco [Male
Criminal, Possible Murder and Criminal of 1408 Lucchesi: His Drivers License: 7V92Z48], and a very small House on Holm, whit e, with Tree to
No address on Mailbox, Possible Murder or Crime.]

Prosecution of the Catholic Faith for Attempted Thefts of Work, and Interference in the Preternatural Bio-Physical.

It is stated that the following is Prosecuted:

A Young Male Officer and Hispanic Female Officer, as well as the Stanislaus Female Deputy Hardage, a U.S. Male blonde Service Agent, and Nick,
who are told No to the Rape of My Work and Methodry, which is under Full U.S. Copyright and cannot be done by any other, it i s
My,REBECCATACOSA GRAY,CALIFORNIAsMethodof Working RegardstoPlace Locating Missing Persons and Crime/Criminals. It is
My,REBECATACOSAGRAY, CALIFORNIAsMethod,andcannot be copied or used: I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAwill Prosecute all
Offenses in a Full U.S. Court of Law.

Jesus Christ is Prosecuted for Attempted Rape of a Faith Structure, which is My Structure, TheASTARITEFAITH, And My Own Work,
that which is Documented in this Publication. It is stated that the Catholic Faith and their Problems have NOTHING TO DO WITH
This WORK. All Attempts by they to Steal, Misrepresent, Fabricate in regards to will be fully prosecuted in a U.S. Court of Law. I,

A Female of the Catholic Faith who is a Basic Clairvoyant, who is Not Myself, and who has been illegally associated with a Mary, who is
Corrupt, and who is accused by Myself of Theft of Work in the Preternatural Physical, and Misrepresentation during My Work, which is
Documented in This Publication. Also, MARY is prosecuted for Illegal attempts in concert with the Catholic Clairvoyant, which show
as Direct Violations of Universal and Earthly Law: I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY, CALIFORNIA do Everything in the Earth Physical,
It is My Work, and All by Law. I state outright to the Female Catholic Clairvoyant, who is of problem to natural history: She is Prosecuted,
Now and in the Afterlife for Crimes Against Humanity, and Crimes Against the Structure, and for Illegal Obtainment of Information by
Catholic Faith Methods, and for rape of a Human Physical in concerns to a Male Officer of the Modesto Police and Myself, Exac t. The
Female that Femurs chose to disturb History is in Rape of a Human Physical, and is Told No.

Of Documentation, in Relation to Thefts by the Female Clairvoyant and Preternatural Females :

The Observance of a Structure of the Soul, of a Longing, of an Event, is My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Observance,
No Other, No Preternatural Influence, at all. The subsequent Rapes of the Individual, an Officer, by the Filthy-E Females known as Misses
M, Mary, and a Female of Earth, are documented by this Acknowledgement. Their Rapes of the Physical to have an Affair are called Illegal
In the Preternatural, they are Told No. Also, the Second Observation by Myself at approximately 4:30-5:00p.m. on 4.11.2014, which involve
His Short Stories, are My Observance, as He told Me early in History that He Wrote Short Stories, and showed Me one Yesterday. I observed
That the Journey that is of His Soul is Apparent and part of the Nature of His Stories. The Finality, meaning Travel Destination, have much
To Do with His Soul Path. Each of the Resolutions, internally, are of the Resolution Itself. I have asked that the Preternatural Females and
Femurs Stop raping Earthly Events, that they Vacate Earthly Relationships, and that they stop stealing in the Preternatural Physical to have
relationships with earthly Males, and that they stop with Identity Theft and Rape of the Human Physical, which is what they have been doing.

Prosecution of a Preternatural Male, who is of the Catholic Faith, who is a problem in Concerns to His rabid problems of want ing a Marietal
set of Histories, which is illegal in My History, and in My Faith. They are Not of this Faith or History. It has shown as having caused Problems
in two Police Departments, that of Modesto and UC Davis. It is stated, Unequivocally, that Mary is Not, Mary is Not in History, They are Not Myself.
This also applies to the Beings of Misses M, and Misses M Proper.

Prosecution of Mark and Michael for Rape of My Physical, who have been turned down repeatedly by Myself, and who are told NO, outright. The
Rapes by the Femurs and Preternatural Females for Females of Ill Repute on Earth are Problematic, I have been Raped for Too Long. I have told
Michael NO, I have No Interest in He, now or in the Afterlife. I wish to Marry a Police Officer, of our Present Law Enforcement, already Estab-

Prosecution of the Curly Blonde haired Female, who is one of the Flicker Females of Ill Repute, for Crimes Against the Establ ishment and Rape in the
Preternatural Physical. It is Documented Her Association with an Agent, they are both told No to their Relationship of Ill Repute in Rape of the
Earth Physical.

Prosecution of Deirdre and Misses M, for Crimes Against the Structure and Crimes Against Humanity. They are Not of The ASTARI TEFAITH, nor
will they be, Now or in the Afterlife.

Also, it is stated that the Law Enforcement is Told NO to making Mark, He was told No, He is not an Officer, He is a Preter natural Criminal who is

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


My Physical History, through which I became a Physical Officer, and in My BODY the Only who can Place, Investi-
gate, Research, and Report as Ive done, and Im the only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT2014REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA
And by Value of My Work, outright. I have had to Battle for My Rights with the Local Police Departments, and also
have had to put down Several Females of Ill Repute, some who Work for the Police Departments, who thought to take
a ride on My Work illegally, and who need to be prosecuted and removed from their Positions at their Jobs.

My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Original Vision, which originally occurred in UC Davis, was unex-
pected. I had gone to UC Davis after being fully raped in the ACE Train Parking Lot by the negative Preternatural
Establishment, some Earth Physical Preternaturals, knows as Nick/Nicks Wife, Deirdre Mulvihill, David, Dottie, a few
Catholic Representatives, Casey, Mary/Mary itself, and others who were trying to steal My History that is of My Faith,
which is Part of My History: Im a Place Location Expert First and Foremost, with intent to become one of the Most
Beautiful expert Officers, and Martial Arts Expert, in order to put down in the Earth Physical Heinous Crimes, and to
Bring Home Missing Persons. Just alongside that, My Life Path also, My Faith, The ASTARITEFAITH which is Sepa-
rate in My Physical to protect My Earth Physical, as Im Earth Physical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural. I have a Specific
BODY[Earth Physical] and BODY EL which are still, but separate, but not. Im the Representative and the Body/
BODY: Preternaturals Do Not Exist in My Regard, I Represent Myself as a Full Type. I have to fight most of the time
on Earths Surface to make the Earth Establishment Proper understand that being like Mary, Michael and Others are
Not Myself, and cannot represent, They are put down underneath of Myself in the Understanding that Im a Unique
Human Being who fought for My Own Rights in the Biological/Bio-physical and Spiritual Community. Im My Own
Type, I Exist as the Owner of the Entire Pantheonic Exchange, I brought it into Existence in My Own History, I Pro-
tect, Defend and Maintain It, and I will be the One who Will Rise Up in the End . However, Im a Unique HUMAN
Physical, not a Godself or Godship, which I rejected outright due to the Rapes of the Human Physical, and I remain in
a WAY OF with those of My History, who are TRUE. Many of the Preternatural keep trying to dupe My History with
saying Oh, Youre the...trying to place a God up, which is a NO. I stay Earth Physical, and I develop My BODY
and BODY EL specifically Earth Physical, which is a Different TYPE and Type of Honor/Strength/Honor Base
when I Rise Up, very Strong, and Earth Physical Based. I have built Myself to be an Earth Physical TYPE who will be
a Very Beautiful TYPE in the End. I am also Near THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, in
a different, Unique Human Physical, as it should be.

I have had trouble with Establishment thinking that they get away with things, such as Rape of a Human Physical, and
also Rape and Theft of Work, of Events, of Money, of Many things. They do not understand, again, that Im
a Unique Human Being under Human Rights outright, and have the Right to My Money, My Work, My Life and Eve-
rything About it. Also, My Faith, TheASTARITEFAITH, I built for Separatism of Work & Life from Faith, meaning
that I require all to have Jobs, including Myself, Separate from Faith. My Own Personal Life and Funds are Separate
from My Faith and Faith Work, period. I have been raped over and over again of My Job Efforts by the Preternatural
Establishment and Earthly Establishment, simply because Preternaturals have shown up to
interfere with the Job Application and Review Process. It is a shame, as I have suffered deeply, and in two
instances was forced onto the Street to sleep at night, as those whom Ive assisted seem to show no support for
My Work, and chose to invest their persons in what is called a whore flick, a detestable practice that involves Preter-
natural Whoring and rape of My Physical upon Earth Physical Females who have no business in My Work
or My History. Thus, I have hurt, I have suffered, I have wished to cry, but do not, and am trying to find a way
to explain the Exact, so that I can have the Exact Truth on the Floor, which is Earth. Im a Unique Human
Being, and Im the Only Place Location Expert in existence with My Own Methodry, which I developed
Myself Through Experience, and is Earth Physical Grounded, meaning Honorable. I do not, it is AGAINST
THE LAW, in Exactitude, Employ Archangelic or God/Godself. I have a Specific Biological/Bio-Physical
Phyiscal that is My Human BODY, which is connected outright Physically to the Quantum Zero Point Energy

Field. Im probably the only in Existence, Now or Ever, to be as I happen to Be. It is an Unusual Circumstance that
Brought Me to such, and it is an Unusual Way that is Truth. I have a History that is of this WAY, several Events are
TRUE outright in My History that are of this Nature.

I have the Right to have a Paycheck, and a Job, this is One Major Discussion that needs to be resolved, as the
Downstairs Regions and others have tried repeatedly to Rape My Work. Many have blackballed and others
have raped and stolen My Work on Earths Surface, some of them believe that work runs around freely. No. I
have told them No. It is My Work, and I need to be paid for it, when it is Demands Payment. Meaning that My
Work of the FBI Missing Persons List, which has been Quite, some funds seem to have found their Way in to
Catholic Avenues, which should not have, and I require justice upon the Issue. Of My Modesto Work, for the
Map of Modesto which I built for the Chief of Police, Galen Carroll, to resolve the Major Problems of Heinous
Crime in the City, those were in Love of the People of Modesto, to Protect Them. They are My Love, and I
protected that City outright with My Own Work and Love. After, I applied for a Job at 1010 H Street, as I had
Hoped to stay, but I was rejected in two Officers, one of them the hated Latin/Hispanic Officer of Dishonor,
arriving outside on the Day I was to Meet Mr. Carroll for a Job, 8:00 a.m.I showed up Early, at 7:30with
the Flag being Lowered to Half Mast right in front of Me. In the Preternatural I was told I was Rejected. I was
told that the Officers had voted, Many who had protected, supported, and cared about My Work, and that two
had dissented. There was no real reason given as to why, as there were also other issues at hand, and those were
the Problems of the Misses M, the Catholic Faith, and those who wished to see work freely. I told them No.

In the next couple of Days, after standing there with tears in My eyes, and then leaving to hope that I might find
employment somewhere else. Rejection is acute, especially if You love those you worked near, but I hoped to
stay near. I went to the Stanislaus Sheriffs Office next, but in due course had to reject a job in that Department,
due to the fact that I was raped in the Preternatural by the Misses M. The Female who is responsible for Missing
Persons probably does not realize the scope to which Preternatural Females rape when they wish to stealan
Earth History, Work, Pay, or Otherwise. Misses M is Not Myself, and Never Will. I have watched the One
Preternatural Rape More of My Life than I care to tell, and I have hurt, in struggle, just trying to survive.

Also, I have been raped repeatedly by the Femurs, as they call them, which means Those Who Are Not: They are
Not Myself. They have No Rights, to My Life or My Money. They are Not My Body, Nor My Physical. I have
a Physical Separate from them. They are part of History, and have part of My Physical hanging on Them. Many
Have raped My Physical Sexuality, My way of Loving, and My Actual Physical/Sexual and Love, My actual Love,
on Earth through continued Rape of Male Human Physicals. It is illegal. They try to Pretend to be a Physical, in
the Preternatural, by saying they are like a, or as a, which is Not True. It is called Physical Rape. They are Not
Myself. I hate to show it this way, but this is what its really like:

Event: I like, or show Love of/to Someone. I chose a relationship with.
Violation: I watch the Femurs and Preternaturals, in the Preternatural, approach the Male. Sometimes it is as a
separate, sometimes They tell them they are a like, part, or as, They are sometimes believed. Some actually
enter problems with, and I end up raped. I end up raped. I end up raped. Theyre Not Myself.
Problem: I protect the One I Love, as Im in Love, in Entire, Physically as well, with My Own Love, Faithfulness
and Honor. I still end up raped.
Problem: I watch the Females rape the both of Us day after day, and protect the whore flicks, who are not
Myself, but who have raped My Physical and who entertain all manner of problems, who end up in a Type of
sick cycle of rape. Theyre Not Myself.
Problem: The Negative Establishment forces the One I Love to Fall. There are ways they do this, one is force
Unfaithfulness [Well, Youre Unfaithful, so now You cant be up. ..And, Youre Unfaithful, You can choose, this or this, which
is like... ] or the earth Physical with Femur Attached shows up and Threatens the Male, or rapes in the Earth Physical,
there are a plethora of events that occur when Femurs or Large Preternatural Females wish to rape. A Prime Example
is the Whore Flick Hispanic Female Officer of Modesto, who has been a Nightmare in Preternatural History. I have
been raped in Major Ways by this one Female, and it is a problem on the face of the Earth, outright. She, recently,
tried to steal My Husband, who is a Ceres Officer, whom I Met in the Preternatural and Physical one night outside
of Ceres Community Center, who bears the License Plate #1360606 of that night, and who pledgedFaithfulness and
Love to Myselfalone, that night. I,Myself,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA have been Faithfulness to the
5-yearCeresOfficer,.HisOwnEarthPhysicalOnly. Im a direct to Direct Being, and I do not like the messing of
Preternatural Problems, and I wish an Earth Physical Officer of 5 Years Standing, that is My Hope, and He happened
by Accident. The Problems, however, are that He does not seem to realize that His whore flicks are Not Myself.
The Hispanic Female Officer of Disrepute, of Modesto, is not Myself, and has nothing to do with My Work.

However, the point I make is that they force the One I love to Dishonor, and then go to work punishing them for it
in order to get what they want. What they usually want is a whore flick, in which they choose someone as a replace,
and then Rape the History. If I had to explain how many times I have been through this, You would all sit down to

Problem: The Femurs Rape. The Preternatural Females Rape to stop people from having a wonderful sexual, and to
stop them from loving at all. This is basic fact.
Problem: Sometimes it is a Double Rape, as they will rape two people who love each other just to break them up. And
they will also prosecute in downstairs Regions for negative energy problems, just because they cant get them to stop
loving. It looks a bit like, Honey, why am I being Prosecuted, or why am I hurting again?, The Answer is, Theyll
rape you just because You Love each other, and also that You dont know each other. Those who dont know each
other are easy to Rape, those who know Each other [which is a smart thing to do], cannot be raped. I have told
Officers, now, that if they go through a Filthy-E, which is hurt to the Body Physical to the point of the Male being
Negative to an Extreme, that they should cuff themselves to the front of a Library or Public Building for a Meeting
with Myself, to discuss the History, as sometimes, not always, it requires just a Conversation to get someone at least,
back to Their Earth Physical. I can shut Preternaturals down in a Space, across from someone, most dont understand
this. Also, I will require that, in My Presence, they reject certain Preternaturals and Earth Physicals, and tell them why,
which will protect and return them to their Earth Physicals.
Problem: I end up raped by the Femurs and Preternatural Females for their host Females. For Example, this is a
History of Problem:

Female Preternatural:
Mary of Magdalene of Misses M/ the Maggot [A Dark Female/Downstairs Regions/Hayellian/Attack/Gauntlet]

First Female:
Maria, the Female of 213 Olive Street, who was put upon by Mary, and who then of Her Own Earth Physical Free
Will, took it upon Herself to Lie to the Police. She was put down by Her own Free Involvement with Satanic
Problems, and also put down two Officers in the Process, one a Government Male, who was Her Love, and the
Other the Bus Station Officer. She also tried to become a Filing Employee of the Modesto Police Department,
which was the Original Part Job for Myself, via Galen Carroll, as part of My Job, and which was detoured by
Preternatural Involvement. My Path Changed. Also, I had to put up with some lying by the Modesto Department
in the Pretermatural Physical, which I have refuted over and over again. There was NO email to not one in regards
to the Modesto Police Department regarding a job, at all. I mean it. When I was rejected that Day, in front of the Mo-
desto Police Department, I took it as a rejection. I require a W-4, a Job and a Salary. Period. Now, it is specific.
I require a Job as the Only Place Location Expert of Missing Persons, Crimes and Criminals, for the Manteca Police
Department is My Hope [as Im Devoted to Them], as the Only in the United States, and in the World, of My Metho-
dry and Work. There will be No Others.

Second Female:
The Female Hispanic Officer of Modesto Police Department, who literally tried to rape My work and My Job right
out from under Me. I Put Her Down. In all reality, She needs to be Put in Jail. I dont know Her name, but the day
She and the Officer lowered the Flag at the Modesto Police Department, She was just a Basic Officer. She raped
Her way up into a problem which includes the possible showing of work that is not Hers, and in possible Rape of My
Methodry, which is Illegal. Later, on 5.22.2014, the Female Hispanic Officer murdered in the Preternatural Physical,
which shows up outright on Her Earth Physical Body in Modesto. This means that when She dies, She will be ac-
countable for Her Crime, as the woman I was protecting, and from whom I had driven the Criminal out of the place
of Crime, perished due to the Modesto HispanicFemale Officer. The Hispanic Female Officer has needed to go to
Jail for some time now, or at least to be fired. Of Problem, it will be a Problem to see exactly what the Problems are in
regards to My Own History, as the Preternatural shows the Hispanic Female Officer as: 1: Having Attempted Theft of
a type of Job that is not Her Place, and in Violation of Methodry She is not allowed to use. I have stated this to the
Departments over and over again: They Know Theyll be prosecuted if They try to violate.

Mary is at the top of These two Females, and is a whore on Downstairs Regions Problems, Preternaturally, and is Not
Myself. MMag/the Maggot, as I call Her, has raped My Physical now for over 5 1/2 Years, all the Way back to St.
Raphael, when She pair murdered in the Earth Physical Preternatural layers of My Physical with Maggie, who is a
Mary/MMag Problem on the Heinous Downstairs Regions. I have put up with the Large whore for a long time, who
mate is HAYEL, a Downstairs Attack Being, of Dark Character, and who is associated with Latin or Hispanic Regions.

I have hated MMAG and HAYEL for a long time now. Of the Downstairs Regions, I cannot tolerate Them ,
at all. Their Physicals are desecratory to Myself. Probably, also, to My Family. My Physical is an Upstairs
Physical, and the Downstairs is Dark Energy, which is an ugly energy. I throw them out. Of Officers, and
others of good, the Downstairs Male Energy is Put Down, or in a Form that is in a Good Format, which is
still in Put Down Form. Also, with Myself, I require Physical Honor, in order to be with someone, at all. I
cannot tolerate Crime, Dishonor, Betrayal: when people betray Me I throw them out of My Love and My
space, I cannot Physically Tolerate Them. This Means My BODY and My BODY EL are Physical Honor
and True, I do not commit Crimes. To even look at it is extreme aversion on My Physical, and is a No in
My Physical, by My Own Will, at that, as well as a Physical Manifestation of Establishment Love. Of My
Own wish to Love, I require someone of the Highest Honor, of strength, of Fight, to put down the Femurs
And Preternatural Problems that are true of the History, and they must be a Direct Human Being, and I wish
to Marry-an-Officer of 5-years Standing. The Honor on Officers are High, and They are beautiful being in
Heart, and Hard Working, with a Ethic like My Own. Their Empathy, sometimes, is also a True, that is Love
In Myself. I like who They Are. I also have no problem with the harder Problems, Im like that, as well. Its
necessary, to Uphold the Law, and to put down Crimes and Criminals, to Protect, to Uphold. However, Honor
Is High in Individuals who Protect and Defend.

At the Bottom of the Structure of the Female Hispanic Officer/MMAG is an Earth Physical, Mary, who is a
Dark Haired Female, of Harder nature, and who is how She is. Usually such Earth Problems are like this, with
An Earth Physical Somewhere that is somehow related to the Preternatural, excepting Myself, which is the
Ones Themselves Problem, which is that Im Myself. Im the Actual, the Unique Human Being, who is
called the Original and Only. I should say, now, that the Good Preternatural are Beautiful. They show
themselves sometimes, they are there, and are of Beauty in History, and will have to be known, at the End for
their Love, and support/way. They are part of History, outright. In My case, However, the Earth Physicals went
to bat and have shown some of the Most Beautiful Truths of Time, to be known, that Earth Physical would fight
as we do is something to be said, known and Seen. Our Flags, Our Countries, Our Love, Beauty outright. If
You knew this as I do, Humankind would be Love beyond Love.

However, I have been Raped for a Long time, it is always the Same Structure, where the Preternatural Females
Have come up from behind, or right in front of, and raped a history daily right in the Earth Physical, by Physical
Interaction. It sometimes involves theft of Reactions, Energy or Events. Also, they have a nasty habit of taking good
from good physicals and placing it upon Themselves, which is illegal. I woke up this morning, 5.25.2014,
Entirely Raped of My Physical and it was a problem. It always is when it is severe rape, and I had to take measures t
correct the Problem, as I cannot function with My BODY and BODY EL in seeming Dishonor.
Last Night they tried to place the Female Hispanic Officers Guilt in regards to Her hurt of the Highway 12
Female, who was already being hurt beyond pain. I cannot forgive, and must prosecute, but She will be down
outright in the Afterlife. The Hispanic Female Officer will end up Down, outright. This is Exact True. It is in Her
Body, and will not be taken upon others.

Another Female Problem is the whoring Female known as Dead-re, or Deidre Mulvihill, who will end up
prosecuted and put down, Now and in the Afterlife. I have put up with severe rape by this one Female who
is also an Earth Physical, who lives Outside of Manteca, on the Outskirts, in Patio Village. Dead-re, as I
Call Her, is a Perpetua, a Hayellian, a Jet, and a Raping Major. She has also attempted Earth Physical Theft
of Work and of monetary, to a Degree, although it may have been through a means that is My Own Mother.

Of My Early, Early History, and I have side Talents that include 18 years of Theatre [which I do not use
unless necessary, by Ethic and Honor] Acting/Singing [Belting to First Soprano], minor dancing [and I love
Dancing: I hope My OfficerHusband will like to dance], I like to Cook, and many others, sports related,
and Writing/Poetry/Music[Piano]/Spontaneous and Short Stories, these are some. If I need to call on
something in My Path, I do so, but, I require solidarity, and those Talents of Mine I consider side Talents are
Side Talents of Great Worth. Im very good and beyond good at the Above. In My Path, Im a Place Location Expert
of Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals, and on week-ends build My Faith, The ASTARITEFAITH,
which is also My Life Path.
Deidre has tried to be for a long time, and has cotinued to rape, which is a problem. Deirdre tried to make Her mark
with the Manteca Office, and calls Herself a Protector, all the while undermining the actual Physical Safety of the En-
tire. When I Place Located the Watthal Crimes, meaning The Watthal Original Location, I Place Verified the Entire
Location in One Afternoon in Person. At the Time for the Establishment it was considered High Risk, and I headed
out by catching a ride to the Intersection of Woodward and Union, and I walked out to the Field
Facing to take a look. What I verify is whether the Earth Physical is True of the Bio-Physical Vision or Structure,
Which I can do from a distance. What I have discovered over and over again is that All Related Area of the Crime
become truly apparent and sometimes more than that, in the Earth Physical, in the Area of the Crime. Also, in My
Work, I have found that there are Many Peripheral Areas, or Crimes, related to the Central Crime or Criminal. What I
have found is that when I view a Criminal, Ill Place Locate/Verify and Report the Original, and also see the Past
Crimes, and Investigate and Report Them, as well. Its unavoidable when it happens, I see it on the
Physical or in the Environment. However, I Place Verified Everything, and that night watched Deirdre steal My Work
in the Preternatural Physical. She had laid a body of Her energy below the site, and it was a problem the next day, as
they stated that they had reported the work differently, and not with My Own Energy, which is called Theft of I did not allow it, and fought for My work, but the Problem remains that Deirdre is Not Myself, and has not
done one thing in regards to My work and never will. Its My Work.


Most Recently, I have to prosecute the Female Hispanic Officer, in the Preternatural Bio-Physical, for Crimes Against
Humanity and Crimes Against the Structure. She is Not Myself, and Never will, Now or in the Afterlife. I have
watched My Husband, a Ceres Polilce Officer, Probably more than 5-Years standing, who in the Bio-Physical Preter-
natural has been raped, like Myself, repeatedly by the Preternatural Establishment and what is called a Whoring Line
in Modesto, California. He gets angry with the rapes, and I, as well, and I

must find a way to make Him understand that He needs to face Me in the Earth Physical, and talk to Me about the
History, His Problems, and what occurred in Rape on He and I in real Life. I have been raped beyond rape by the
Hispanic Female Police Officer of Modesto, who first started Her whoring with a Bus Station Officer, then progressed
to others, and then tried to steal My Own Husband. Also, all capitulations of cementing should NOT apply to My
Physical relationship of Love. The Downstairs Regions and the Establishment do this just to Rape, and should not.
They also do such things to get their whoring lines set up, and they call it assuaging, which should never happen in a
History, it undermines Law. I have told them that They must learn to talk to Me, in the Earth Physical, just by asking
about My History, as Im the One who fights, and who knows how to fight in the Preternatural/Bio-physical to put
down Downstairs Problems, and Problems with Femurs and Other Preternaturals demanding what they cannot Have.
Most do not understand that Major Preternaturals [Preexisting] HAVE NO RIGHTS. I have the Right to Everything
About Myself, they do Not, Theyre not Myself, They cannot Eat, They cannot Touch a thing: that goes Double for
Downstairs Problems, who HAVE NO RIGHTS AT ALL. The more assuage comes up, the angrier I get, as I Tell
Them No to Everything. They need to Talk to Me in the Earth Physical by setting up a Coffee Appointment to Do So
[Which is Hospitality to Myself, it is not a Jets Reference: He is a Wake Up Call] It is a Goodness to know Actually,
Who You Are In Front Of. The Femurs and Other Are Not Myself.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Proficiency in Microsoft Office Package, Minor Experience with Databases.

Missing Persons and Place Location
Modesto, California/Stockton, California/UC Davis, California/Ceres, California/Sacramento, California

I have been Assisting the FBI and Many Others in the Place Location of Missing Persons, or Persons believed to be hurt by Ser ious Cir-
cumstances. Direct Experience Place Locating and Reading of a Preternatural Physical, as well as Earth Physical Reports, Verbal
and Physical. I can Assist Any Police Department Directly, as an Employee of the Modesto Police Department. My Assistance is consid-
ered Good Only, with No Attachments to the Negative, Negative Downstairs Regions, or Negative-Preternatural. All of My Assistance is
Earth Physical, Earth Grounded, and Not Associated with Downstairs Activities. I am well Acquainted with Preternatural
Circumstances, Battle, Encounters, Defense, and Bodily Defense in the Earth Physical. I would like to Train from the Ground Up to be a
Police Officer with Special Skills, of Excellence. In All Forms of Understanding of the Position and Work of a Police Officer, until attain-
ment of a Position in a Permanent Fashion in My Lifetime, with Emphasis both on Traditional Skills/Duties/Responsibilities,
and My Special Skills as Missing Persons and Place Location Expert. In My Work, it shows as Earth physical, Fully Good, and Fully
Legal, in Earths Surface Work. My Body, as I said, is Directly Connected to the Quantum Zero Point Energy Field, in the Eart h Physical,
and by Natural Event of My Own Life Events. I hope to be understood as a Earth Physical Preternatural of Extreme Good. My Training
would be Primarily Earth Physical, and would Focus on Earth Physical Training in all Regards, to Extreme Excellence.


Modesto, California

MAP of Crimes, in Relation to Modesto, California [For Which I have Copies of the Original, and the Receipt for the Copies, t he Original
I placed with the Modesto Police Department, with a Final Recommendations Report.]

1. Floyd/Oakdale Murder: Which I Place Located and the Body, which Lay in a Field next to the River, River Road, Stanislaus County.
2. Spencer Street Detail: There are many Bodies located in Several Locations on Spencer Street, some very Old, and one, 600 Spencer
Street, with one body in the Backyard, to the Left, near a desecrated small animal. To the right, along the Fence, Blood Problem.
3. Finney Street Murders/Brown Truck: Which I Place Located Early in My History as part of Edward, whose Possible Bone Structure
Occurred and were placed near Bacon, which I saw in a Bio-Vision on My Way back from Stockton, California. A Sheriff, whom I
know Personally, I believe, carried out the Work. The Murderer showed Saw/Bone Hurt to Murder Crime.
4. The Gospel Mission Male: Whom I call, and who is a Separate Entity outright, Im a Unique Human Being, and the Documentation
and report of Airport Storage and Angle Street. I do not know the Outcome of this particular Crime.
5. 308 Colorado, a Satanic Problem House, who beat Edward Senseless, which I saw in a Bio-Vision. Two Locations under the floor
board, on either Side of the Front Room show proof of Satanic Activity.
6. 1000/924/933 Briggs: 924 and 933 Show Back Yards that are Negative in Nature to Life Hurt. 1000 Briggs shows a Murder, pos sible. To the
Back of the Apartment to the Right, is a House, that Area Holds a Body. This is a Verified Problem. Possibly Crime and Drug Related.
7. 831 North Seybold. Possible Body near Tree in Back Yard.

Manteca, California

1 MAP of All Satanic Portals for what I Named the WATTHAL CRIMES. [Watthal, McMullin, Sacramento Wetlands, Del Osso, and
Stockton will be in Progress this afternoon/2 Portals.]
2 413 Elm Street [I was requested to find a Young boy in the Preternatural, and Place Located this Crime and Criminal. I Place Veri-
fied in Person, and Reported the Location.
Ceres, California

1 Peco Avenue: A boy was wrapped in a rug in the Garage, which I saw as a Bio-Physical. [Interference, also, in Crime Scene, by
Hispanic Female Officer, who had viewed that day remotely.]
2 Holm Avenue: One Burned Residence, which Held a Set of Criminals, and a very small Residence with One body which I Place
Viewed as Under the House, or buried in the Back Yard: A Male was the Criminal. [This crime I viewed the Same day as Peco: I had
just applied a few weeks earlier at 1010 H Street for a Job with The MODESTO POLICE DEPARTMENT]

I state that I was put upon in the Preternatural to do My Work, with those of the Establishment expecting that Officers of Departments
in Modesto crediting Themselves with work that is not theirs, I rejected Their Problem. I had no email interaction, at all, with They or
Chief of Police, Galen Carroll, who is of Honor. My Work is True, it is extremely Accurate, and I work Quickly and Efficiently. With a
Car, and a Laptop Computer, which I currently do not have, [I do everything on Foot and by Library Computers], My Work Base would
grow dramatically, as I require a Google Satellite Map to Place Locate in Extreme Accuracy, and also would be able to Complet e My work
On Missing Persons Quickly, as I have worked with both the FBI Missing Persons List [Seven to date, in Honor] and the Stanislaus
County Missing Persons List [Caswell Park, Karissa Aline Schell], Entire, and have very nearly finished My Initial Placement for They, in
Honor. In Frustration, to not be able to manage to make it to a Location to Assist, Deter, to Find outright, is Problematic for Myself. Just

Prosecution of the ARCHANGELIC in This HISTORY

THE U.S. SUPREME COURT BIBLE, state the Following:

TheARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL Is Prosecuted and REJECTED,now and in the Afterlife, to My Physical and My Love,as I divorced
Him Long Ago: He Has No Rights, at All, and is Prosecuted for CrimesAgaisnt Humanity, as the Murderer Mark Simms isPRosecuted
for Severe Rape of a Human Being in the PreternaturalPHysical [Myself,who has Never Touched Him, at all], and for Rape of a 9 and 12
Lyear Old in Felony Problems in the Preternatural. He must be sent to Jail, and Michael is Prosecuted for trying to put upon

The Being Called MICHA, who is FALSE, and who is associated with the FBI, and an AGENT, is Prosecuted for Crimes Against Hu-
manity and Crimes Against the Structure. It is stated that MICHA is Not Associated with TheASTARITEFAITH.

Those of the Police Departments who have associated with the Preternatural Beings called Misses M, Deirdre Mulvihill, Mary, Misses M
Proper, are Told No to what is called Flicking, and which is In Violation of My Biological Human Physical: They are Not Mysel f. Also,
They are Not of My Work, nor do They have to do with, they are Not, in this History. Those called the Wives Club are also Prose-
cuted, they are Not of My/This Work.

The House of MICHAEL/ST.MICHAEL is Prosecuted for Serious Crimes against the Structure and Crimes Against the Structure and
Crimes Against Humanity, They are REJECTED OUTRIGHT, all of MICHAELREJECTED, without Fail, Now and in the Afterlife.

The Male of the Police Department who is Associated with The Bus Station is Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes
Against the Structure. Of Preternatural Documentation: The Female of Olive Street who is Hispanic, and who is associated with the
Male Bus Station Police Officer, is Prosecuted for Crime sin regards to Satanic Activity, and for Lying to the Police Department [And
Drawing a Circle around a Star] in Regards to My History, which is a Good and True History, as I Fight, Prosecuted, Clean Up and Put
Down Satanic Practices, Criminals and Crimes. The History shows the License 5JZF171 as being present.

Also, in the Preternatural, an apartment, which I noted as a Possibility to Rent on 5.5.2014, on J Street, near 12
, as Associated as a Filthy- E Prob-
lem supposedly rented by the Male Officer for a Female of Ill Repute . They are Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity and Cr imes Against The
Structure. The Male Officer needs to be Prosecuted in the Earth Physical.



The Inceptor and Author of PALE GLASS SKY, REBECCATACOSAGRAY, CALIFORNIA is 43 years old, and is the Inceptor
and Owner of a New Faith on Earth, The ASTARITE FAITH, which is of Free Will, Truth, Trust Faith, and True Love. She is the
Mother of two, Zachary Gray, 12 years old, and * Gray, 9 Years Old, who are both Beautiful, and Both Brilliant. She has been an
Artist for over 7 Years, Door to Door and Person to Person, and has made a Living as All Artists do. She has also been a Composer
and Natural Pianist for over 5 1/2 Years and has now started Studies to become a Complex Pianist, Composer, and Lyricist of Love
Songs, with plans for over 100 Original Albums during Her Lifetime, based on Direct
Observation of the Universe, Earth, and Daily Events. She is also an Accomplished Actress,
Singer, and Minor Dancer, having done Theatre for over 18 years, both Straight Plays and
Musical Theatre: She has an Elly for Eva Peron in EVITA, Sacramento, California.
REBECCATACOSAGRAY has Degrees in Theatre and English [BA], UNIVERSITY of

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Earth Physical Work: Unique Human Being who is Earth Phsyical/Bio-Physical/Preternatural
My Work is Legal, and Earth Physical Work, I work in Earth Physical.


Sole Inceptor, Owner, Author, Composer, The ASTARITE FAITH & FIGHT.

Music and Lyrics:
REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA LYRICS [The Name is not what it seems...My Website is Beautiful] []

PALE GLASS SKY, STARMAN [Album: Long Term: 2 SongsPresent], EVERY STAR in the SKY [Album: 4 Songs] Written
11.22.2013. , ABOUT A GIRL* [Album: Personal. 9 SongsPresent: 29 Songs Total. Written 11.17.2013. NOTES [Album: 5
Songs],SNOWSONG [Album: 5 Songs]


YOU BELONG TO ME [Original Title, 5th Revision] [Also on AMAZON.COM]





I have put together My Living Trust, and wish to set it forth, as I have Built My Business in the Earth Physical as
the Only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals, of My Methodry and Ability. I have
made it clear to all Law Enforcement that it is against the Law for They to Imitate, to Approximate, or to Abuse by
Theft My Methodry or My Work Ethic, Way of Ability, My Documentation, or anything that is in Relation to My
Work that is Specifically of My Methodry and Development. I have also told them that it is Against the Law for
They to Abuse My BODY and BODY EL, which are a True Structure that is specific to My Own Body, in regards
to Bio-Physical/Preternatural Work. I state that I do not associate with not one, in regards to My Work, and that
Ill prosecute all Offenses that Violate My Work and Methodry in a Full U.S. Court of Law. I state outright that I
Dont employ Archangelic or GOD/GODSELF Being or Problems in My Work, My Work is Outright My Own
Work. I comment that I have seen several, one being Deirdre Mulvihill [Who is Not Myself, Preternatural or
Physical], and a Hispanic/Latino Female Officer [who was a Basic Cop near 5.2.2014, when I applied for a Job
with the Modesto Police Department at 1010 H Street, by Resume], as well as a few others who have tried to ag-
gress in the Preternatural. I have Told them All No.

Also, The Following: Of My Faith, The ASTARITEFAITH, the Following is My Wish, outright, and there will be
No Changes.

1. That if in case, Im ever hurt in My Profession as Place Location Expert, or Mortally Hurt, that My FAITH
stay in Exactitude as it is, in its Development. This Means: a. That My Website Never Change. What I have
built is How it Stays. B. That My Text, The ASATRU, as I have Shown You, and there is a PDF Attached,
Remain Exactly As It Is, As I Have Built It, in Permanency. No One is Allowed to Touch a thing about It:
The ASATRU will be known as the FAITH ITSELF, and is the Only, along With My Website, Physical that
will Represent My Faith after My Age 88-98, or in case of Problem. It is also to be Stated, in Full Statement,
Both Equally Important:

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, am the SoleInceptor/Owner/Builder/Author/Writer/Artist/Builder of
Other. I AM THE WORK. I AM THE ONLY WHO IS THE WORK. All Preternaturals are Prosecuted for their
Attempted Thefts of My Work in the Earth Physical and Preternatural, they had No Right to Do what they Tried to
TION of A FAITH, in the Earth Physical and Bio-Physical Preternatural. [I.E. Masters of Other Faiths are Lao
Tze, Bohidharma, Jesus Christ, Many of the Sikh Faith, and of All Faith, the Builders and Philosophy of Each

United State and in the World, I Developed My Own Methodry and My Ability is Specific to My Own Exact
Physical BODY and BODY EL, which are MY Own. I state that it is Against the Law for Others to Imitate, to
Steal, to Attempt to be Like, or to Attempt to Be, in the Earth Physical or Preternatural. This is the LAW.

2. I state that the Above is My Full Wishes and Will, and that the Preternatural Beings known as Femurs are
NOT in My History, and have Nothing to do with My Work: THEYRE NOT MYSELF. [Femurs: Misses M,
Mary, Mary Itself, The Hispanic/Latino Modesto Female Officer, Deirdre Mulvihill, They are considered
Criminals in My History.] They are banned from My Work and My Life, that has been the case for a Long
time: it is Against the Law for they to Steal in the Earth Physical and Preternatural. This is the Absolute
state this Document to Be True and Correct. It Cannot Be Disputed, Now or in the Afterlife.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

I Love My Job: Im the Only Place Location Expert in the United States of My Ability and Methodry, and expect to Remain So: Im Self
Employed at the Moment and My Work is Under full U.S. copyright and Cannot be Imitated or Stolen, Earth Physical or Preternat ural. As
I have had Problems with these Issues in the Earth Physical, Im making it clear that I will File Court Cases against those who attempt
Fraud or Theft of My Work or Methodry. They are All Told No in the Earth Physical, which by Law should also stop Preternatural Infrac-
tions. My Work is True. I hope You will consider Me for a Position with Your Department, who are Respected by Me. I inform you that
I will continue My work with All Missing persons Lists, and the FBIs Missing Persons List throughout My Life. Of that part of My
History, a Truth that I asked that they, if My Work Proved True, only Three checks in regards to Monetary Involvement, of Honor: I told
them that of All of the Work I would do that all Monetary thereafter would stay with them, excepting 25% to All Police Stations, one by
one, to Assist with Missing Persons Recovery. Im the Only who said this, this said to clarify, as the Preternatural has been rampant with
Theft. To Date, it looks as if they Owe Me a bit, that seems to have been detoured to Catholic Problems, and Im going to have to speak
with them. Due to My present state, I would appreciate the care of My Work Being Recognized, as it is Earth Physical, and True. I hope
You Will Know it to Be So, I would be a True, Excellent and Faithful, Reliable Employee. I hope to be a Full Officer, who is Like an
Agent, and who is able to Defend as a Martial Arts Expert, in Self Defense, in My Future. I am True in this Path, it is My Life.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Sole Owner/Inceptor/Author/Writer/Composer/Artist/Builder, TheASTARITEFAITH & FIGHT.

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