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Name HeaRin Cho
NetID Hcho488
Group Number: 455
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Johnny Shubet Wednesday 12pm
Time Spent on
10 hours Word Count: 1650


According to World Health Organization, Asthma is one of the major noncommunicable
respiratory diseases. About 235 milions of people in the world are suffering from asthma
and it is not cuable disease which creates substantial burden to individuals and also to their
families. Most of the reasons causing asthma are related to the air. For example, tobacoo
smoke, air pollution, indoor allergens are one of the reasons that triggers the asthma.
However, if air quality is controlled and monitored, risk of getting asthma or respiratory
disesase can reduced. Hence we came up with a solution to contribute to control and
manage the quality of air condition via mobile application. Our product will allow people to
check and control the quality of air in the house or inside the building and it is connected to
electric windows wirelessly, so when it senses the bad air, it will trigger the electric window
in the household to open, allowing fresh air to ventilate the room. This solution will lessen
the causes for the asthma and prevent that triggers the asthma as well which will enable
people who are suffering from asthma to enjoy a good quality of life.
3.1 Vision
To assist people who are suffering from asthma and to reduce the chances people getting
asthma throughout the world.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Mobile appl ication i ndustry
Industry: Health and safety mobile application industry. We operate in health and safety
mobile industry. As we are concerned about control and management of asthma which is
related to health.


Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High There are plenty of application providers to
choose from who provides health care (Google
Play, n.d). Also it is easy for people to switch to
other health care providers, which means that
switching cost is low (Jain,S. 2011).
Supplier power: Low The supplier power is low, as industry can choose
their own supplier who satisfies them the most.
Because there are plenty of skilled expert in
software developing (Jain,S. 2011). Also there are
many window manufacturer in the market.
Threat of new entrants: High According to mobile statistcs, the availability of
adroid mobile app is drasically increasing from
year 2010 to 2013, 289,000 and 50,000,000,000
number of apps respectively which means that
the barrier of entry is low as it is easy to make a
mobile application.
Threat of substitutes: High There of high threat of substitute products. As
there are many ways to manage and control
asthma manually even if patient do not have
smartphones or does not have accessability to
mobile app.
Rivalry among existing
High According to mobile statistics, there are great
number of potential mobile app developers in the
market and the industry is growing rapidly so that


the rivarly amont the existing competitors would
be fierce.
Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall industry attrativeness is reasonably attrative.
Though supplier power, threat of substitute, threat of new entrance, rivarly among
competitors are high, there are great increase of new mobile application in the market
which means this business has great potential to grow and succeed in this industry.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Our customer is people who are suffering from asthma or familiies of them. However,
potentially everyone, in the world, who cares about their health could be our customers as
well as they would want to live in favorable condition with good air quality. Customers
need is to manage and control the quality of air inside their house. However it is hard to
know how bad or low is air quality without any specific device to detect it. According to
Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, Air pollutants exacebates asthma in
those individuals who already suffer from it. So controlling and managing air quality is one
of the important needs for our customers.
3.4 The Product and Service
This Smart Window Mobile Application is a way of helping people who are suffering from
asthma, taking advantage of the highly used software. We will develop a electric window
called Smart window which is connected to smart phone using our app wirelesssly. We will
team up with CitiSense which alreay exist in the market they developed a mobile application
which allows smartphone users to monitor the air quality from their smart phones. We will
integrate the CitiSense app into our Smart Window app so if the air quality is low, the Smart
windwo app will trigger the electric windows in the house to open, allowing fresh air to
ventilate the room. This addresses the causes of asthma as the fresh air dilutes the air
pollution, cigarette smoke and strong odours while removing dust from the room.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners


As we will be integrating CitiSense app which will be embedded in our product, they are the
software expert whom we need to work together as partner.. And our another partner
would be Playstore(Adroid) or Appstore(Apple) as we can not launch our product just in the
air, we need to have a place where we can launch and sell our product to customers. As our
product is there in the market, playstore and appstore would also get benefit from it so we
will be working as partners. Our supplier will be manufacturer of electric window. We need
to get supplied from them as we do not have skills to manufacture those electric window.
And once we can supplied from them, we can embedded our system to it. Another supplier
will be the logistic company. Once electirc window is manufactured it needed to get
delivered to our customers.
3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership
Our cost strategy is low cost as mobile application should be inexpensive so that many
people are willing to purchase the product. We would not want to charge high price whoch
would drive people away.
Our target market or competitive scope is broad as mobile application is opened to
everyone who uses smarphone and anyone has access to it.
The overall strategy is therefore Cost Leadership
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Research and Development
The most important value chain activity for this business is Research and Development.
The most important value chain is Technology development because our Smart Window
product heavily relies on system use of Information Technology. Therefore we need to focus
on developing the software to increase value. We need to continually update our product
for a easier and hassle-free experience for the customers.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS - As our most important value chain activity is
research and development, our application should always be updated and improved to
create hassle-free experience to people. This process is vital as we will be developing and


updating the applcation mostly based on our customers complaints or feedback. And it will
contribute to achieve our goal of creating errorless service.

3.8.2. FEEDBACK RECEI VI NG PROCESS Customers are the people who use this application so
that they would know what is good and bad about this application hence we must receive
timely feedback or complaint from the customer to solve the problem promptly. This


process will help our business which area to develop and allow us to improve our product so
it will satisfy our customers.


3.9 Functionalities
To update with newly developed software
Detect problems with the application
Analyze problems with the product via customer feedback
Categorise feedback with different deparment
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. APPLICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system will keep chronological record of
updates or development which will make company to mangage the product in more
efficienty ways. It will make company to get updated with newly deveolped software. It will
make company to get insights into which areas product needs developed and fixed. As
company deveop and improve its product it can create competive advantage to competitors.
3.10. 2. COMPLAINT ANAYZING SYSTEM This system will automate process of collecting
feedback or complaint from people. It will eliminate unnecessary steps and reduces cycle
time. Also it will categorise feedback to different areas of business which will make easy to
manage and able to have fast and convenient feedback management. This system will make
company efficient allowing company to response quickly to customers feedback.
3.10. 3. TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SYSTEM This system will allow to support application
management system by providing recent version of softwares. And it will enable to do
running test or trials to check if the software is okay or if existing problem has been solved
for new versions of softwares and allow undelayed launch for improved product for


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. To update wih newly develped software

2. Detect problems with the application
Product management

Technology support system
Decision support System

Transaction processing
2. Feedback

1. Analyze problem with the product via
customer feedback
2. Categorise feedback with different
Feedback analyze system

Feedback analyze system
Customer relatioship

Customer relationship
management system


In order to make this business proposal feasible, we need to act on words by designing the
application using a appropriate software and hiring software expert in order to produce
quality product. Use of information system will make a close relationship with customers.
Information system will make the business more valuable by creating compeitive
advantages from the competitiors allowing us to produce what customers actually want and
desire. Not only the competitive advantages, but also information system will make
company to generate more profit by reducing cost and time. And this will allow the
company to focus more on improving the quality of product or in different area.
Overall, Information technology and information system will make company more
competitive from competitors and improves the customer satisfaction and generate growth
which make company more valuable to outstands from other companies.



1. Jain, S. (2011). Mobile Applications: a consulting report that defines the entry strategy for
client company. Retrieved from
2. Google play. Apps. (n.d) Retrieved August 27, 2013, from
3. Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand. (2001). The burden of asthma in New
Zealand. Retrieved from
4. The asthma foundation. (2012). 2012 ASTHMA INFORMATION. Retrieved from
5. The Asthma Foundation. (2013). 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from
6. Health Care NZ (2013).Provider and Trainee: 2013. Retrieved from
7. Washington. (2012, December 20).Now, sensors to let you detect air pollution on your
cellphone. THE INDIAN EXPRESS. Retrieved from
8. World Health Organization. Asthma. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2013, from

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