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Name Geolook Ma
NetID gma391
Group Number: 422
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Mira Lee Friday 11am
Time Spent on
27 hours Word Count: 1644


In the mordern days, people always look for something faster than ever. No customers like
waiting for their food and beverages in their limited amount of time like when they are
picking up the coffee in the morning or getting lunch or snack. If that happens often then
the business will have such negative impact. (Pruyn & Smidts, 1998) Therefore, many
businesses are trying to seek any possible way to increase their speed of service to survive in
this competitive industry. We change your daily operating system to maximize your service
speed and we will let you know everything about your customer what you need to know.
3.1 Vision
Omiscience - Knowing your customers and knowing your business. The best guidence to
optimize your business and make the world more efficeint.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Business Service Management Industry
Industry: Business Service Management Industry.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High Buyer can have many choices as there are many
companies offer tailered service for the customer
in each different business type.
Supplier power: Low There are several IT companies can develop a
application, web-base payment system, and
customer record managing software. That would
imply that we can have many option when we


select our supplier.
Threat of new entrants: Low Developing the system to manage the business
service is not only costing significant amount of
money, but also it takes long time. Therefore,
that would discourage people to start the new
Threat of substitutes: High Customers can hire a conventional business
consultant and there are various form of
businesses exist to help enhance the business
Rivalry among existing
High As there are many business exist in the business
service management industry and limited
number of customer, it would make rivalry
among exisiting competitors high. Moreover,
each firm would compete to maintain their
reputation high.
Overall attractiveness of the industry: High competitiveness among exsiting company and
high start-up cost in the beginning seems to be the most challenging part in this industry.
However, as once the business is established, when business gains possitive reputation in
the market business can have competency in the industy.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
We are targeting the food and beverage businesses which has to accompany with fast
service. For example, cafes, bakeries, take-away retaurants and so on. For this kind of
business, service speed is dicrctly related to their profit and maintaining their business in
the market. Peterson (as sited in Gray, 2005) mentioned that This is a game of seconds,
for kind of business. Furthermore, Koch(2011) indicate that 20% of clients usually account


for 80% of profit. This means that business need to focus its most valuable customers.
Therefore, potential customers would like to increase their customers service experience by
faster and precise service and also they would always want to focus on their most valuable
customer. This way, the business owner of fast service based food and beverage business to
be successful even leading to higher revenue and lower costs.
3.4 The Product and Service
For most of the food and beverage businesses, they do not take to long time to make th
product they serve. According to Gray(2005), for the cafs the actual drink making time is
less than 90 seconds. That can we interpreted as there are other things that affect the speed
of survice. Generally food are consumed in 3 specific time of the day. Majority coffee shops
has most of sales are focused at the morning and afternoon. Which casue delay on the
service as each business has limit to utilize its resource in allocated volume of sales.
Moreover, traditional ordering sytem does not suit for the regualar customers as it cause
long delay. Regular customers tend to consume what they usually have and they do not
need extra explanation about the product. They know what they want.
Therefore, we would offered the two kind of service to help them to manage business
First, we would supply the specially designed wireless ordering and payment system for
their customer to avoid waiting time on the que. That system will provide a inforamtion to
the their customers about waiting time depending on how busy the restaurant/caf is, as
indicating expected waiting time can lead customers to have higher satisfaction (Wang,
2011). This would increase better allocatoion of labour for the. However, this wireless
ordering and payment service would more recommanded to regualr customer as business
would still need to focus on people conection with their non-regular customers as that
would promote non-regualr customer to repurchase a product in future(Masters, 2013).


Secondly, for the business itself, we offer tailered information of customers who use the
wireless ordering and payment system. Information is collected from the survey conducted
time to time in the system and also businesses can deliver a message about promotion or
any events for customers. This will also offer personalized suggestions or reward system.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
To create the wireless base ordering and payment system, we need IT technology. We can
source IT companies. If the IT system is constructed, we would also need supplier who can
establish infrastucture for the wireless communication system between the business and
the server.
We would have card companies as partner. Wireless technology does not deal with the
physical money so offering card payment service can make it more comfortable. By offering
additional service for the customer, like accounting ,with the information we have. We can
also be a partner with accounting company like Xero.
3.6 Strategy: Focused Low Cost
Our service is targeting small part of hospitality industry as we are focusing business which
put emphasis on quick service. Thus, Our scope is narrow market.
For the customers to make their business to be more efficeint with the fix amount of
resource, our service needs to focus on low cost stretegy.
The overall strategy is therefore Focused Low Cost.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Service after the sal e
The most important value chain activity for this business is Service after the sale.
We are the service providing company which need to uphold its reputation. Since our
offering is centered at tailed service for each type of business, so maintaining the service
effectivness is most important thing for the business. If we fail to meet the customers
expectation, we will be out of the market.


3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. DATA COLLECTI ON PROCESS From the intial stage, when their regular customers
using a system to place order and make payment, this process allows to collect possible data
about customer, receive feed back, and do survey.
Check whether registered
Entering personal information eg.
Date of birth and personal favorite
Enter payment method and
payment detail
Data Recorded
Personal details, and
payment method
Ordering System
Retrieve customer
information from Database
Continue on ordering
Data Recorded
Selected or not
Personal ordering option 1 Yes
Personal ordering option 2 Yes
Personal ordering option 3
Create new order
Loyalty program
Payment System Waiting time information Survey or Feedback
Suggest Current promotion or
special offers
Select option 1
Select option 2
Select option 3
Customer option
Record Data
Sales data saved
Save Data
Survey result and Feed Back
Time consume is recorded
and order place time is also


3.8.2. DATA PROCESSING PROCESS From collected data, we offer tailered information to
our customers about their customers.
Sales and customer Data
Valued customer data
Sales Management
customer by
Personal preferance
Categorise by
frequency of visit
and product
purchase amount
Analyze Sales trend
in a Day, Week,
month and Year
customer by type of
product option
Product development and quality assurance
Analyze for possible
revenue growth and
possible promotions
Data management
information by
business preference


3.9 Functionalities
Enables faster and accurate payment system with technology.
Collect the customers data and sales information and suggest personilze
promotion and special deal for each customer.
Organize and restructure the sales and customer data.
Analyize and offer tailered information for the customers.
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. WIRELESS ORDERI NG AND PAYMENT SYSTEM With this system, business can avoid
tranditional one-to-one based serving for the people who knows what they would like and
just need to finish payment. This allows their customer to make order and payment in the
remote distance so which would eliminate unnecessary waiting time.
3.10. 2. CUSTOMER AND SALES DATA COLLECTI ON SYSTEM While the ordering is proceed, for
each stage, this system colllects the customer data and this would enable to conduct the
quick and easy survey to collect the additiona customer data. Plus, it will let the business to
receive the feedback from the customers immidiatly.
3.10. 3. CUSTOMER AND SALES DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM From the collected data,
system sort and organize the information about their valued customes and and the sales
trend, product selling trend and so on. And by processing this data, system will generate
personalized suggestion for each customers and critical information for the business.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information




1. Data
1. Enables Faster ordering and payment

2. Collect data from customers and
recommand according to personalized
Wireless payment and
ordering system

Customer and sales data
collection system

Customer and sales data
management systme
processing system

Customer relationship
management system
2. Data
1. Organize and restructure date from

2. Analyze business trend and offer
personalized information for business
Customer and sales data
collection system

Customer and sales data
management systme
Knowledge management

Decision support system


Our business is offering faster and personalized information for both fast service food and
berverage business and their customers. We emliminate the turnel neck in the business and
increase customer satisfaction which will enventually lead business to leading position in
this competitive environment. To make that realize, our business stucture will be built over
the support of information system and information technology. With IS and IT there will be
unlimited possibility to tailer our customers business to maximise its efficeincy.


1. Gray, S. (2005). Coffee on the double. The Wall Street Journal, 1-2. Retrieved

2. Koch, R. (2011). The 80/20 principle: the secret to achieving more with less.
Random House LLC

3. Masters, M. (2013). The Importance Of Human Interaction Over Technology.
Retrieved from

4. Pruyn, A. & Smidts, A. (1998). Effects of waiting on the satisfaction with the service:
beyond objective time measures, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15,
4, 321-34.

5. Wang, P. C. (2011). How can Restaurant Waiting Time Experience Influence on
Different Customer Groups Waiting Time Satisfaction?. Retrieved from

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