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Course Design Guide

BEH225 Version 4
Course Syllabus
College of Social Sciences
BEH/225 Version 4
Introduction to Bea!ioral Science
Co"yrigt # 2$11% 2$$&% 2$$'% 2$$( by )ni!ersity of *oeni+, -ll rigts reser!ed,
Course Description
.is course focuses on u/an "ersonality% /oti!ation% learning% and cognition, .e teories and insigts of
/a0or figures in "sycology are discussed, 1euroscience% "sycological disorders% and tera"ies are also
considered in relation to u/an bea!ior,
2aculty and students/learners 3ill be eld res"onsible for understanding and adering to all "olicies contained
3itin te follo3ing t3o docu/ents4
)ni!ersity "olicies4 5ou /ust be logged into te student 3ebsite to !ie3 tis docu/ent,
Instructor "olicies4 .is docu/ent is "osted in te Course Materials foru/,
)ni!ersity "olicies are sub0ect to cange, Be sure to read te "olicies at te beginning of eac class, *olicies
/ay be sligtly different de"ending on te /odality in 3ic you attend class, If you a!e recently canged
/odalities% read te "olicies go!erning your current class /odality,
Course Materials
6orris% C, G,% 7 6aisto% -, -, 82$1$9, Understanding psychology 8&t ed,9, )""er Saddle :i!er% 1;4 *rentice
-ll electronic /aterials are a!ailable on te student 3ebsite,
Week One: Psychological as a Science
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 Describe te de!elo"/ent of "sycology as a science,
1.2 Co/"are and contrast te !arious researc /etods in
1.3 E+"lain te di!ersity of u/an bea!ior based on gender% race%
and etnicity,
Rea te course descri"tion and ob0ecti!es,
Rea te instructor<s biogra"y and "ost your o3n,
Reain!s Rea -""endi+ -,
Rea C, 1=> of Understanding Psychology,
Participation Participate in class discussion, 1$
Respon to 3ee?ly discussion @uestions, DA1
DA 2
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
:esearc 6etods
Resources& "", 24B>5 in C, 1 of Understanding PsychologyC
-""endi+ B
Co'plete -""endi+ B,
2riday >$
Week Two: Biological Basis of Behavior and euroscience
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 :ecogniDe te relationsi"s bet3een te neural syste/ and
u/an bea!ior,
2.2 E+"lain te effect of or/ones on a "ersonEs bea!ior,
2.3 Describe te influence of eredity on u/an bea!ior,
Heredity and
Resource& C, 2 of Understanding Psychology
(rite a >5$B to '$$B3ord essay in 3ic you co/"are and contrast
te influence of eredity and or/ones on u/an bea!ior,
)nclue in your essay a discussion on te endocrine syste/%
identification of or/ones and te glands res"onsible for secreting
te/% and genetics% bea!ior genetics% and e!olutionary "sycology,
*or'at te essay consistent 3it -*- guidelines,
.ursday >$
Brain :es"onse of
Resources& -""endi+ CC "", 51B(' in C, 2 of Understanding
Co'plete -""endi+ C,
Note, .ere are tree "ages in -""endi+ C, Co/"lete *arts I=III to
fulfill te assign/ent
Sunday 1$$
Week Three: !earning and Me"ory
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Co/"are and contrast classical and o"erant conditioning,
3.2 E+"lain te "rocess of learning based on te infor/ation
"rocessing /odel of /e/ory,
3.3 Co/"are early and conte/"orary teories of intelligence,
3.4 Describe te caracteristics of a good /easure of intelligence,
Reain!s Rea C, 5=' of Understanding Psychology,
Participation Participate in class discussion, 1$
Respon to 3ee?ly discussion @uestions, DA1
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
DA 2
Resources& C, ' of Understanding psychology
Consier te follo3ing scenario4 Since you are a successful college
student% you a!e been as?ed by a for/er ig scool teacer to
address is/er class on te to"ic of u/an intelligence,
Create a "resentation in 6icrosoft
tat consists of ' to
1$ slides and detailed s"ea?er notes to addresses te follo3ing4
Gat is intelligenceH
Co/"are te early and conte/"orary teories of
Ho3 do 3e /easure intelligenceH
Gat are te caracteristics of a good intelligence testH
*or'at citations of original 3or?s 3itin te "resentation consistent
3it -*- guidelines,
2riday >$
Week #our: Cognition and $ntelligence
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 -""ly "roble/Bsol!ing tecni@ues,
4.2 :ecogniDe one<s use of "roble/Bsol!ing tecni@ues,
4.3 Illustrate te contributions of S?inner to learning and o"erant
S?inner -rticle
Resources& C, 5 of Understanding Psychology
(rite a 2$$B to >$$B3ord editorial for your local ne3s"a"er
su//ariDing S?inner<s researc and contributions to "sycology,
5ou /ust focus on te follo3ing4
I"erant conditioning
Su"erstitious bea!ior
.ursday >$
Resources& "", 224B2>> in C, ' of Understanding psychology and
*roble/ Sol!ing Si/ulation located on your student 3eb"age,
Revie+ te section in your te+t on "roble/Bsol!ing, -s you re!ie3%
consider te follo3ing @uestion4 Do you use a "roble/Bsol!ing
Co'plete te acti!ity *roble/ Sol!ing Si/ulation,
,ns+er te follo3ing @uestions in 1$$ to 2$$ 3ords eac4

Sunday 1$$
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
Ho3 did you inter"ret te "roble/H
Gat strategy did you use and o3 did you e!aluate your
Did you encounter any obstacles 3ile sol!ing te "roble/H
Gere you a3are of tis tougt "rocess as you 3or?ed
troug te "roble/H
Week #ive: Motivation and %"otion
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 Describe o3 /oti!e and e/otion direct bea!ior,
5.2 :ecogniDe te influence of gender and culture on e/otion,
5.3 Differentiate bet3een intrinsic and e+trinsic /oti!ation,
Reain!s Rea C, J 7 1$ of Understanding Psychology.
Participation Participate in class discussion, 1$
Respon to 3ee?ly discussion @uestions, DA 1
DA 2
Consier te follo3ing @uestion4 Is it "ossible for a /anager to
/oti!ate an e/"loyeeH
(rite a >5$B to '$$B3ord res"onse e+"laining your ans3er in ter/s
of intrinsic and e+trinsic /oti!ation,
2riday >$
Week Si&: Personality
Details Due Points
Objectives -.1 E+a/ine te contributions of 2reud% ;ung% and :ogers to te
understanding of "ersonality and to "sycology as a field,
-.2 Co/"are and contrast te "ersonality teories "ro"osed by
different "sycologists,
Inter!ie3 Iutline
.ub'it te follo3ing4
Descri"tion of inter!ie3ee
Kist of inter!ie3 @uestions
*er/ission of inter!ie3ee for te inter!ie3
-ssess/ent and
Resources& C, 1$ of Understanding Psychology
Co'plete te follo3ing test located at
2riday 2$
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
.eories tt"4//si/ilar/inds,co//0ungL3ord,t/l
(rite a >5$B to '$$B3ord su//ary of te "ersonality assess/ent
/etods discussed in C, 1$ of Understanding Psychology, 5ou
/ust include te follo3ing4
- discussion of o3 "ersonality assess/ents and
"ersonality teories corres"ond, In oter 3ords% identify 3ic
teories relate to 3ic assess/ents
Identification of te online test as eiter an ob0ecti!e or
"ro0ecti!e test, Discuss your o"inion regarding te accuracy of
tis ob0ecti!e or "ro0ecti!e ty"e of test% and te test<s accuracy
regarding your "ersonality
.V Caracter
Resources& C, 1$ of Understanding PsychologyC -""endi+ D
Co'plete -""endi+ D,
Sunday 1$$
Week Seven: Social Psychology
Details Due Points
Objectives /.1 Describe te influence of society on te bea!ior of an indi!idual
and a grou",
/.2 Co/"are and contrast te factors tat "lay a role in o3 3e
0udge oters,
/.3 E+"lain o3 attitudes are de!elo"ed,
Reain!s Rea C, 12=14 of Understanding Psychology,
Participation Participate in class discussion, 1$
Respon to 3ee?ly discussion @uestions, DA 1
DA 2
E!aluation and
Resources& C, 14 of Understanding Psychology
,ns+er te follo3ing @uestions in 1$$ to 2$$ 3ords eac4
Gat are te different 3ays in 3ic 3e e!aluate "eo"leH
Ho3 do tese factors "lay a role in our e+"ectations of oter
Gat are te disad!antages of tese e+"ectationsH
2riday >$
Week %ight: Psychological Disorders and Therapies
Details Due Points
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
Objectives 0.1 Differentiate bet3een te caracteristics of !arious
"sycological disorders,
0.2 Discuss te effecti!eness of "sycotera"y,
Resources& C, 12 of Understanding Psychology
Consier te follo3ing scenario4 .e local co//unity college tat
you 3or? for is "lanning a se/inar on co//on "sycological
disorders and as as?ed you to organiDe a "resentation,
Create a 1$B to 12Bslide "resentation in 6icrosoft
3ic you address te follo3ing4
.e !arious ty"es of disorders
-t least one e+a/"le of eac disorder
- brief e+"lanation of te sy/"to/s% causes% and treat/ent
for eac of your e+a/"les
*or'at citations of original 3or?s 3itin te "resentation consistent
3it -*- guidelines,
.ursday >$
Diagnosis and
Resources& C, 12=1> of Understanding Psychology
C$oose one of te "sycological disorders discussed in C, 12,
(rite a '5$B to 1%$5$B3ord "a"er in 3ic you briefly describing te
disorder and detail te current trends in diagnosis and treat/ent for
te disorder you a!e cosen,
*or'at te essay consistent 3it -*- guidelines,
Sunday 1$$
Week ine: $nterview Profile
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 E+"lain te a""lication of "sycology in e!eryday life,
Participation Participate in class discussion, 1$
Respon to te ca"stone discussion @uestion,
Do you tin? it is necessary for a "erson in your field of
study to learn "sycology and neuroscienceH E+"lain your
*inal Project
Inter!ie3 *rofile
Resources& "", 1'(=1J2 in C, 5C "", 1J'=2$$ in C, (C "", 25&=
2(J in C, JC "", >5>=>5J in C, 1$C and "", 4(>=4'1 in C, 14 of
Understanding PsychologyC -""endi+ -
)ntervie+ a "erson you feel co/fortable as?ing about teir
"ersonality and attitudes,
.ub'it your Inter!ie3 *rofile, 5ou /ust coose a "erson 3o is
close to your o3n age% and inter!ie3 tat "erson to learn /ore about
Sunday 25$
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
te/, In addition to te inter!ie3% co/"are and contrast te
res"onses fro/ your inter!ie3 3it your o3n res"onses to te sa/e
@uestion, 5ou /ust re"ort your findings in an infor/ati!e 1%4$$B to
1%'5$B3ord "a"er% and include te follo3ing ele/ents4

Does te inter!ie3ee re/e/ber infor/ation /ore accurately
if e or se obser!es te bea!ior being "erfor/ed or does e
or se "refer to read o3 te bea!ior is "erfor/edH
Does te inter!ie3ee "refer studying in a library% or at o/e
3ere tere are bac?ground noises and so/e distractionsH
Has te "erson you are inter!ie3ing ta?en te 6yers Briggs
testH :e"ort te results,
Does te inter!ie3ee tin? tese results are accurateH Gy
or 3y notH
Gic e+"eriences does tis "erson tin? contributed /ost
in te de!elo"/ent of is or er "ersonalityH
Does tis "erson feel tat e or se is selfB/onitoring in
regards to is or er attitudesH Ho3 or o3 notH
Gat does te inter!ie3ee feel 3as te strongest influence
on is or er attitudesH
Gat role does your inter!ie3ee tin? a "erson<s race%
gender% or etnicity "lay 3en for/ing tat "erson<s "ersonality
and attitudesH
Does tis "erson feel e or se is better at tas?s 3en
intrinsically /oti!ated or e+trinsically /oti!atedH
*or'at your "a"er consistent 3it -*- guidelines,
Optional Discussion 'uestions
(ee% One "iscussion #uestions
Consider te follo3ing state/ent4 *sycology as a long "ast% but a sort istory, Gat do you tin?
tis /eansH In your o"inion% 3ic "erson or "ers"ecti!e as ad te /ost influence on te gro3t of
Ho3 do you tin? gender% race% and etnicity a!e affected your bea!iorH *ro!ide an e+a/"le fro/
your life 3ere you a!e obser!ed "eo"le fro/ different etnic bac?grounds or genders bea!ing differently
in te sa/e situation,
(ee% 2$ree "iscussion #uestions
*ro!ide one e+a/"le eac of classical and o"erant conditioning in your o3n life, Identify eiter te
sti/ulus and res"onse or reinforcers in eac case, Gic ty"e 3ould you "refer for learning and 3yH
.in? about te last ti/e you attended a lecture or 3ere in a classroo/, -""lying te infor/ation
"rocessing /odel% 3y did so/e tings /a?e it into your sortBter/ /e/ory and so/e tings into your
longBter/ /e/oryH Ho3 can ?no3ing tis "rocess increase your learning "otentialH
(ee% *ive "iscussion #uestions
Course Design Guide
BEH225 Version 4
Gat a!e you learned about te influence of gender on e/otionH *ro!ide an e+a/"le of o3 gender
can influence e/otion, 5ou can use an e+a/"le fro/ "ersonal e+"erience or obser!ation,
Gat a!e you learned about te influence of culture on e/otionH *ro!ide an e+a/"le of o3 culture
influences e/otion, 5ou can use an e+a/"le fro/ "ersonal e+"erience or obser!ation,
(ee% .even "iscussion #uestions
.in? about t3o as"ects of your life tat you a!e strong attitudes to3ards% including one negati!e and
one "ositi!e, Gen do you belie!e tese attitudes 3ere for/edH GyH Ho3 /igt you 3or? to cange
negati!e attitudes in your lifeH
Earlier in te course 3e discussed o3 so/eone<s inerent traitsMsuc as race% gender% and etnicity
Maffect bea!ior, .is 3ee?% discuss o3 sociological factors affect a "erson<s bea!ior, Gat sociological
factors do you belie!e affect your bea!ior te /ostH
)ni!ersity of *oeni+F is a registered trade/ar? of -"ollo Grou"% Inc, in te )nited States and/or oter countries,
6icrosoftF% Gindo3sF% and Gindo3s 1.F are registered trade/ar?s of 6icrosoft Cor"oration in te )nited States and/or oter countries,
-ll oter co/"any and "roduct na/es are trade/ar?s or registered trade/ar?s of teir res"ecti!e co/"anies, )se of tese /ar?s is not
intended to i/"ly endorse/ent% s"onsorsi"% or affiliation,
Edited in accordance 3it )ni!ersity of *oeni+F editorial standards and "ractices,

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