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Deliverable 2

MAY 25, 2014
UOAID: 6668255
AUID: tnon831

Cyberbullying, is a one of tough problems that we seem to be facing in the
world today that is using the internet, phones or other technological devices to bully the
people. This bullying method can be involved by individuals or groups and since it is
used through technology it can occur at anytime and anywhere, whereas normal
bullying usually happens at school.
Then for this problem, our solution is to create a web application that provides
children who are aged between 9 and 18 with a training and testing environment for
education about cyber bullying at school all over New Zealand. This training and testing
will get more complicated every year, means starting very easy and fun tasks at year 5
and harder as the years go on. This application provide kids with education as soon as
they being using the internet and begin socializing online.

The vision for my business is To makes all of children politely and actively for
better heart, better school life, and better life. It means the politely and actively children
who does not think about conducting cyber bullying and cheerful without feeling a terror
for bullied by anyone. These children will be grown up to the adult and then tell to next
generation about it to spread for making a better place in the world.

Industry Analysis
This solution uses web application technology to makes it easier to get a
contents and knowledge of how to use the internet. Then, it belongs to educational
industry because it helps students to study about cyber bullying and computing at the
same time.
For determining the relative attractiveness of an industry, Porters 5 Force
Model is used.
Initially, the school have to choose educational materials which is similar
contents as their educational policy for teaching correctly. Then buyers (the school)
does not have many choices of whom to buy them, shows low buyer power and high
supplier power. With same reason, threat of substitute products is shown as low
because they cannot use other products which is different substance as their education.
It also needs absolutely high switching cost to change products if it is already supplied
to all of their students. If the contents which is able to use into the materials are not
restricted by government, threat of new entrance should be high, any other firms can
produce similar one, thats why. Finally, it can be said that this industry have high rivalry
among existing competitors. For the reason, the firms seem to be difficult to survive if
their materials are not sold by educational organization because they usually use same
material usually whole a year, half a year as short-term, so the industry will be fierce
among competitors for avoiding it.
For attractive industry, the industry which has low buyer power and low threat
of substitute products are called attractiveness, because there are large amount of
buyers (students at the school, in this case) and a lack of similar products what can be
used instead of (Value Investing, N/A)*
. It is able to achieve huge amount of profits if
educational organization, especially school buy their products because they do not have
many alternatives to change it.

Customers and their needs
This application is for teens students who are aged between 9 and 18 to study
into their school curriculum. Then the customer groups for this product are elementary
schools, junior high schools and high schools, or the parents of their student if a school
decided to purchase themselves. What is their need? They need a great application
which tells children about fearful things of cyber bullying and morality to makes them
better person when they finish high school life. For instance, for students who bully
someone, their parent can teach them how to solve problem without violence or support
bully prevention programs in their students school (National Crime Prevention Council,

The product
Then the web application is actually helpful for doing these method. It teaches
students from basically things like What is cyber bullying? to advanced things like
What should we do in this situation? For opening some programs by parents, they can
use this product instead of using a long time for explanation about the bullying.

Suppliers and partners
It is necessary to gather some suppliers and partners for making and providing
a product. For suppliers who has a relationship to make a product, we need application
programmers for making web application clearly, and professors who has a relation with
bullying, counseling and psychology are example for making a contents of application
(texts for explanation, quizzes and so on). For partners who helps development of a
product, parents of students are given for gather more information of the idea what do
they think about their son/daughter, and some advertiser for recommending the product
to schools for using into their curriculum.

For checking the strategy of organization, Porters Generic Strategies is

Into this paragraph, it can be said that the organization is shown on
Differentiation with some reasons. Cyber bullying is actually becoming as a problem in
the world and lots of educational organisation believes cyber bullying will be reduced, so
the market can be broad. During making a product, high cost with the salaries for
payments to professors which provides the knowledge into the contents and advertising
the product is also cost much for the advertisers salaries and the fee to advertise on
media. In the summary, the strategy is stood on Differentiation.

Value Chain
Porters Value Chain Model helps to analyze which specific activities are best
for what firms can make value and competitive advantage (Value Based, 2014)*

For education products, the contents have to be correct for avoiding students to
misunderstand, and they are sometimes changed as the progress of time. For this
problem, services after selling are going be most important for my business, for
example, fixing of contents with the change of truth in the real. Correct contents help
students to consider things correctly to be truly politely, and it actually costs high
because they have to keep updating the contents for removing wrong answer.

Key Business Processes
On the paragraph below, it shows the two key business processes that take
place within the service on the Value Chain.
and find a
Fix the
contents if it
is wrong
teacher etc)
Computer or
other internet
making tool
(might be

First, if the contents into the application seem to be written wrong things the
organization try to find a correct answer somehow. Then if it is actually wrong, the
contents will be fixed correctly. When searching the things we need some people who is
professional of the problem for searching exactly. After find a correct answer, ask
application programmer to rewrite the contents into the application.
Some systems are necessary for these processes. When we try to search
things, it is required to use some computer devices for searching easily with internet if
we could not find from books, magazines, and newspapers. Of course, programmers
are also need a device to access to the application and then edit the contents (they may
use computer or other devices for editing).

Some functionalities must be required for doing the key business processes
faithfully. First, the internet has a functionality which searching essays, journals, and
website that is written around the world. It is really important functionality to find an
answer faster because it does not takes a time to access it. Secondly, the functionality
of the software for the application programmer is to create an application with designing
and programming. (2014)*
stated that we need a text editor, a web server,
and probably some sort of database for making a successful web application. Then the
computer is required for operating them to make an application better.

Well, what kinds of system will help these functionalities? Firstly, we need a
computer for both of these functionality, for using the internet for searching and for using
a tools to make an application. Next, the software which is a tool for making an
application is necessary. We cannot create and manage it without this system. Finally,
web survey software (e.g. and to gather a survey by
students parents. This survey usually asks questions about their sons and/or daughters
for their better school life. Then the school may find the feedback which is written about
the parents impression and new information that school did not know.

Summary table
The below is the summary of the organisations value chain activity, key
business processes, functionalities, and systems:

Value Chain Activity

Most important activity is service.
When we got impressions and ideas by students and
parents or new correctly contents, then remove and add
these sentences as application updating.

Key Business Processes

1. Research and find a correct answer
We have to find the new answer with professional of that
subject with using the internet.
2. Fix the contents if it is wrong
When we find an answer, then ask application
programmer to rewrite the contents.
1. Searching the things with internets functionality

2. Creating the application with application
softwares functionality


1. Computer
For searching and operating softwares
2. Software
Software which is required for making an application
3. Web survey software
For collecting the impression and the idea by students

In summary, this organization might be important for making students better
life. This application is made by professionals but also the feelings by students, parents,
and everyone who wants to makes them happy. The technology development may be
the cause of cyber bullying, means STOP cyberbullying (N/A)*
stated Sometimes they
do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their
hands and too many tech toys available to them. I hope with this application, those tech
toys will be the items of study for students.

(1630 words)


Value Investing. (N/A). Porters Five Forces Analysis: Used to assess the attractiveness
of a stock sector. Retrieved from

National Crime Prevention Council. (2014). What Parents Can Do. Retrieved from

Value based (2014). Summary of the VC Framework by Porter.
Abstract. Retrieved from

*4 (2014). What do you need to make a successful web app?. Retrieved from

STOP cyberbullying. (N/A). Why do kids cyberbully each other?. Retrieved from

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