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Reading Level : ______________

Name : __________________________ Grade & Section __________________

Speed : _________ Minutes Score : __________________
Level : _________________________ Level : ___________________________
Direction: Read the selection silently. Record your reading time
as soon as you finish reading. Read the uestions
and encircle the letter of your ans!er.
Bulong (Whisper)

"ilipinos are #no!n for their creativity.

$ne contemporary proof of this claim is a %&'year old "ilipino named (oauin )edro
Gome* +aldes. ,e finished a degree in "ilm and -udio'+isual .ommunication at the
/niversity of the )hilippines. -s part of his graduation reuirements0 he needed to su1mit
a ma2or pro2ect called a 3thesis4.

,e then set his creativity to !or# and came up !ith a short film entitled 35ulong4
67hisper8. ,e su1mitted his !or# to different international competitions0 a couple of
months after its completion.

,is efforts paid off !hen 35ulong4 !hich tal#ed a1out life9s purpose and the
people9s freedom !hether to live that purpose or not0 !as named 35est :hesis4. ;t !as also
given the 3"elicianio -!ard4. ;t gained recognition a1road !hen it !as chosen to represent
the )hilippines in the prestigious Short "ilm .orner0 "estival de .annes0 in "rance. ;t also
!on the 5est Short Narrative in Ne! 5ei2ing ;nternational Movie 7ee#.

(oauin +alde*0 e<emplifying e<cellence0 made something not 2ust to meet
reuirements in order to graduate. ,e made a short film that 1rought pride to the country.
,e e<emplifies a 3!orld class4 "ilipino.

Grade +
No. of !ords: =>?
=. 7hat is 35ulong4@
SY 2012-2013
Phil-IRI Form 1 - Post Test
a. a short narrative
1. an a!ard
c. a short film
d. an international reuirement

%. (oauin +alde* is a _______________.

a. %&'year old filmma#er
1. %&'year old college student
c. %&'year old movie producer
d. %&'year old film !riter

A. 7hich of the follo!ing a!ards !as no! received 1y the film 5ulong@
a. 5est :hesis
1. "estival de .annes -!ard
c. "eliciano -!ard
d. 5est Short Narrative
&. 7hy did (oauin +alde* receive the a!ards mentioned for his short
a. ,e !as talented.
1. ,e !or#ed hard to ma#e a good pro2ect.
c. Many of his friends helped him.
d. ,e dreamed of 1eing a famous director.
B. 7hat does 3prestigious4 mean in the selection@
a. selective
1. international
c. multi'a!arded
d. popular

?. 7hen (oauin +aldes su1mitted his !or# to different international competitions0 !hat
character trait did he sho!@
a. creativity
1. loyalty
c. confidence
d. responsi1ility

SY 2012-2013
C. 7hat can "ilipino students learn from (oauin9s life@
a. Ma#e movies to receive international a!ards.
1. Give your 1est in everything0 even in simple school reuirements.
c. .hoose the right course in college.
d. Do everything to 1e sure that people !ill recogni*e you.

>. 7hich of the follo!ing illustrates creativity@
a. .opy someone9s story
1. -s# people for their ideas a1out some creative !or#
c. .ome up !ith a uniue and interesting story
d. "ind different !ays to research a1out people9s e<cellent !or#
SY 2012-2013

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