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Applications requirements Liquid cooled generator sets

Generator set start-

up checklist
Open & enclosed generator sets
This checklist should be used to validate the completion of
generator set start-up procedure. A check-list should be
completed for each generator set of a multiple installation.
Project Details
Project Name ...
!ustomer "#nd $ser%......
Address ....

!ustomer representative....
Tel. No ..
Generator set details
&enerator set model...
&enerator set serial number.'et no.
!ontrol t(pe...
!ontrol serial number..
'(stem control t(pe "if applicable%
Generator set environment and services
Precommissioning )ork * checklist complete D
'urroundings clean * clear from obstruction D
Lighting + heating, etc., s(stems operational D

!oolant heater
operational D
Leak check D
.!A dosing cartridges fitted * valves open D
/emote mounted radiator s(stems
/adiator, engine * pipe)ork checked for leaks D
!oolant heater operational D
0ans, pumps and controls checked D
Leak check D
.!A dosing cartridges fitted * valves open D
1eat e2changer * cooling to)er s(stems
'(stem, engine * pipe)ork checked for leaks D
!oolant heater operational D
'econdar( cooling s(stem checked D
0ans, pumps and controls checked D
.!A dosing cartridges fitted * valves open D
Legionnella dosing checked )here applicable D
/ecord dosing chemical * concentration.............................
Diesel Fuel System
3ulk storage facilit(
4solating valves correctl( positioned D
Transfer pump * controls operational D
Pipeline + tank heating s(stem operational D
0ill point alarm operational D
Leaks check D
'torage facilit( secure D
.a( tank
4solating and solenoid valves checked D
Tank filled D
'pillage containment * alarms operational D
Transfer pump operational D
Leak check D
0ire valves * release tested and operational D
#nsure starting is inhibited until start-up is required D
'et clean and full( assembled D
No loose materials near set D
Air ducts clear and clean D
Access * egress routes unobstructed * labelled D
!ontrol * maintenance positions unobstructed D
/oom secure no unauthorised access D
Personnel )arned of start-up process D
Gas Fuel System
4solating valves correctl( positioned D
/egulator set to correct pressure D
&as leak detection equipment operational D
.ouble shut-off device operational D
Leak test complete D
Purging complete D
.ocument Number5 P&6 0!. 78-79:8
'tart-up checklist ;9.7
< =778 !ummins Po)er &eneration Ltd
Applications requirements Liquid cooled generator sets
Cooling System
'et mounted radiator
/adiator, engine * pipe)ork checked for leaks D
3elts * guards checked for securit( + slipping D
Fire alarm / suppression system
0ire alarm + suppression s(stem operational D
'uppression s(stem lock-off operational D
-perator instructed in fire s(stem operation D
.ocument Number5 P&6 0!. 78-79:8
'tart-up checklist ;9.7
< =778 !ummins Po)er &eneration Ltd
u!rication system
#ngine oil pan filled to correct level D
-il make up s(stem operational D
&enerator set voltage * frequenc( correct to order D
!ontrol s(stem calibrations checked D
Phase rotation checked D
Paralleling sets phase coincidence check D
Starting system
3atter( starting
3atteries installed, filled and connected D
&enerator set s)itchgear manual operation correct D
Local stop + emergenc( stop control checked D
/emote start + stop + emergenc( stop checked D
3atter( charger commissioned D
!ompressed air + h(draulic starting
4solating valves correctl( positioned D
!ompressor operational D
1P * LP air + h(draulic pressures checked D
!ondensate drained D
"#haust system
!heck securit( of pipe)ork * muffler D
!heck co)l and+or rain cap are operational D
!heck )ater drain pipe)ork and valves correct D
Leak check D
!heck for e2haust gas recirculation D
$entilation & attenuation
!heck louvers are clear and operational D
0orced ventilation s(stem operational if applicable D
!heck for hot air recirculation D
"lectrical system
!ontrol s(stems
Au2iliar( supplies energised D
&enerator set local controls checked D
&enerator set remote controls checked D
&enerator set s(stem controls checked D
!ustomer remote indication + controls checked D
!hangeover s)itchgear + transfer s)itch
Au2iliar( supplies energised D
$tilit( suppl( energised D
;oltage + phase rotation checked D
4ndications correct D
All covers in position D
Paralleling s)itchgear
Au2iliar( supplies energised D
4ndications correct D
All covers in position D
%nitial start&up
>anual start-up, idle * full speed checks complete D
Generator set load test
Note: Load test is carried out on customers site load
unless agreed in writing prior to start-up. Artificial load
bank test will be performed using resistive load unless
otherwise specified.
Load test completed using customer?s load D
/ecord load achievedk@
Load bank test "if applicable%
!heck load bank voltage * po)er capabilit( D
!heck cables installed correctl( * tightened D
#nergise au2iliar( supplies and check functionalit( D
Load test completed D
/esult sheet completed D
/ecord load achievedk@
/ecord po)er factor
System start&up completion
&enerator set operational D
!hangeover + transfer s)itch operational D
Paralleling s)itchgear operational D
Automatic operations checked D
>aster control operational D
All safet( shutdo)ns and )arnings operational D
#lectrical 1;+>;+L; rules and procedures in place D
!omments on an( item that ma( affect acceptance5

!hecklist completed b( .
Print Name
Note5 !ompletion of this checklist does not relieve the installer of contract obligations.

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