Act 3 Template Annotated

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Title of Pape Goe! Hee

Fi!t and La!t Na"e
Noth#ental $ni%e!it&
Title Goe! Hee' It i! Not in Bold
*ou +ite an intodu#tion to &ou pape hee, ho+e%e' &ou do not u!e a heading that !a&!
intodu#tion- It i! a #o""on eo to +ite the +od intodu#tion .u!t unde the title /ut it i! not
#oe#t to do !o a##oding to APA fo"atting poto#ol!- It i! /e!t not to u!e hetoi#al 0ue!tion!
in high le%el a#ade"i# +iting, the& tend to deteioate &ou !#holal& %oi#e- A good attention
ga//e i! !tatling info"ation a!!o#iated +ith &ou topi#' /ut /e !ue to po%ide #itation! to
!u/!tantiate an& a!!etion! &ou "a1e- It i! al!o a good idea to ha%e a fe+ !enten#e! e2plaining
&ou topi# and ho+ &ou ae going to adde!! it-
This is a Level One Heading
*ou +ill ha%e to lean ho+ to fo"at heading! a##oding to APA poto#ol!- Thee ae fi%e
le%el! of heading! in all- *ou !hould not !1ip heading le%el!- If &ou ha%e a le%el one heading' and
&ou +ant to /ea1 &ou di!#u!!ion of the topi# a!!o#iated +ith that heading into !e%eal pat!'
&ou +ould u!e le%el t+o heading!- Ho+e%e' &ou #annot !1ip fo" a le%el one heading to le%el
thee heading!-
This is a Level Two Heading
*ou +ill !ee ho+ a le%el t+o heading diffe! fo" a le%el one heading- It i! flu!h left
+hile le%el one heading! ae #enteed- *ou +ould not u!e a le%el t+o heading unle!! &ou had
"oe than one of the"' i-e- the topi# "u!t /e /o1en into t+o o "oe pat! to +aant "o%ing
fo" le%el one to le%el t+o heading!- If &ou ae fa"ilia +ith !o"e of the ad%an#ed featue! of
3i#o!oft 4od' and &ou a##e!! the Styles potion of the Ho"e ta/ i//on' &ou +ill !ee that in
thi! te"plate' the heading one and heading t+o !t&le! ha%e /een popel& fo"atted a##oding to
APA poto#ol!- That "ean! &ou #an t&pe the +od! fo a le%el one o le%el t+o heading'
highlight the" +ith &ou "ou!e' and then #li#1 eithe the heading one o heading t+o /utton on
the Ho"e Page i//on- 3i#o!oft 4od +ill then auto"ati#all& fo"at the!e heading! #oe#tl&
fo &ou-
This is another Level Two Heading
A! noted a/o%e' &ou "u!t ha%e t+o o "oe le%el t+o heading! unde a le%el one heading
!o' in 1eeping +ith pope APA poto#ol!' a !e#ond le%el t+o heading +a! #eated a/o%e- A! &ou
ogani6e &ou pape &ou "a& ha%e !e%eal le%el one and le%el t+o heading!- *ou "ight e%en get
to !o"e le%el thee heading!- It i! dou/tful &ou +ill u!e le%el fou and le%el fi%e heading! /ut fo
%e& #o"ple2 do#u"ent! !u#h a! di!!etation! it #ould happen-
This is a level three heading. The !upi!ing thing a/out le%el thee heading! i! that the
#ontent that #o"e! unde the heading /egin! on the !a"e line a! the heading it!elf' .u!t a! i!
illu!tated hee-
This is another level three heading. Thi! heading i! in#luded /e#au!e' a! e2plained
a/o%e' thee !hould /e at lea!t t+o of the ne2t le%el of heading! +hen a !e#tion i! /o1en into
pat!- On#e again' &ou !ee the #ontent /egin! on the !a"e line a! the heading- If &ou e2a"ine
le%el fou and le%el fi%e heading fo"atting' &ou +ill di!#o%e the #ontent al!o /eing! on the
!a"e line a! heading! at the!e le%el!-
$nli1e the intodu#tion +hi#h ha! no heading' the #on#lu!ion doe! ha%e a heading and
&ou +ill noti#e it i! a le%el one heading- The #on#lu!ion !hould /ing #lo!ue to the eade and
!u" up &ou point! o po%ide a final pe!pe#ti%e on &ou topi#- 3o!t #on#lu!ion! fo
a!!ign"ent! #on!i!t of thee to !i2 thoughtful !enten#e! /ut thee i! no !et length- If &ou
#on#lu!ion get! too long &ou !hould ethin1 &ou ogani6ational !#he"e-
Good a#ade"i# +ite! offe a geneou! !uppl& of #itation! to !u/!tantiate all a!!etion!-
Ea#h ti"e &ou po%ide a #itation in the /od& of &ou pape &ou +ill ha%e to po%ide a
#oe!ponding efeen#e- All efeen#e! !hould /e #aefull& fo"atted a##oding to APA
poto#ol!- It ta1e! ti"e to lean efeen#e li!t fo"atting- Ea#h ti"e &ou lean !o"ething ne+
a/out it' /e !ue to add it to &ou e%e go+ing Pe!onal 4iting Che#1li!t-
A"ei#an P!&#hologi#al A!!o#iation- 8)919:- Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association sixth edition. 4a!hington' (-C-: Autho-

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