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Northcentral University

Time Management Workbook

This workbook is a companion to the video training available at
You will need at least 30 minutes a day for 5 consecutive days to complete this workbook. The entire
workbook including viewing the video will take you appro!imately "0 hours to complete so plan accordingly.
You will upload this entire workbook for your #entor. Your content grade will be based on evidence that you
completed the training$ there are no right or wrong answers.
%efore you get started please answer these &uestions. %e honest with yourself.
'You can enter an ( in a bo! by double clicking it and selecting the checked option in the menu that opens. )r
you can simply highlight the answer you wish to choose.*
". +ave you completed a formal time management training course in the past, Yes -o
.f yes what program,
/. 0o you have a plan for scheduling the "01"5 hours per week you will need to engage in learning
activities, Yes -o #aybe
3. )n a scale from "12 how effective do you think you are at managing your time with " being not at all
effective 3 somewhat effective and 2 completely effective, 3elect the choice that is closest to where
you are now.

" / 3 4 5 5 2
-ot at all1111111111111111111111111111111111111113omewhat11111111111111111111111111111111111111116ompletely
4. Thinking about the last 30 days how fre&uently have you e!perienced an!iety or stress due to not
having enough time to get everything done,
"1never /1occasionally 31fre&uently 41most days 51every day
.f you have not yet watched the Welcome! video please do so now.
1 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
Introduction Section
Watch the Introduction Video (Duration 9:15) Completed
". This workshop will teach you 5 skills: 6hoosing 7rranging 8le!icuting Tracking and 8ocus. 9hich
skill are you most interested in learning and why,
Type in these tortoise bo!es: . am most interested in learning about Tracking. . look forward to
discovering the system presented in this workshop.
/. 9hat time management tools do you currently use,
. focus on what has to be done :right now; and what can be done :later;. 7s a teacher my days are
generally planned out but . plan to be fle!ible. . also make checklists in the evening for the following
day. 0uring the day . write spontaneous items on strategically placed <ost .ts when they enter my head
then enter these into my i<ad when convenient. 9hile . agree with the video for the most part . still
think there are the occasions when multitasking are appropriate.
3. 0o you consider yourself a multi1tasker, Yes -o
4. 0o you currently start each day with an action list or to1do list,
Yes -o 3ometimes
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
!rac* +our !ime
!rac* ,our time -or t.o da,/ Da, "ne Da, !.o
)nce you have watched the introductory video track your time for two consecutive days. 0o this before
watching the ne!t video. You will find the time tracking worksheets at the back of this workbook in the
7ppendi!: Track Your .nvestment of Time 'note that you cannot type information into these sheets*. <lease
print them and carry them with you filling them in throughout your day. You will not turn these into your
#entor but the e!ercise does need to be completed in order to answer other &uestions in the workbook.
2 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
Watch the S*ill o- Choo/in0 Video (Duration 11:51) Completed
This video focuses on the skill of choosing. You will be asked to write down events that fit in different
categories 'red green yellow and gray*. The video asks you to consider work and personal domains. .f you are
not in the workforce then focus on the personal domain 'after all continuing your education is a personal
". 9rite down as many >?0 activities 'true urgencies* that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
6ar accident stomach virus tornado e!am in@ured or sick child fire drill irate parent virtually my
entire day as a pre1k teacher,
/. 9rite down as many A>??- activities 'go here* that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
>eading family time meal time hiking virtually my entire day as a pre1k teacher,
3. 9rite down as many Y?BB)9 activities 'caution 1 reschedule* that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
3cheduling an eye e!am scheduling time with my brother and sister1in1law planning a trip
4. 9rite down at least 3 A>7Y activities 'time wasters* that you can remove from your life and free up
more time for your course work.
Aossip e!cessive television e!cessive internet surfing
5. >efer to your time tracking sheets and designate each activity you tracked as red green yellow or gray.
7dd up the amount of time you spent in each color for both days and then divide by / to get an
:average; over the / days. .nput your results in hours:
>?0 C 5 A>??- C 33 Y?BB)9 C / A>7Y C "
5. +ow do you think coloring your choices will help free up the time you will need for pursuing your
. feel like this is targeted towards people in the business field. 7s a teacher my days are generally
planned out with the mind set of being fle!ible when the occasions arise. The lines are blurred between
Areens >eds and Yellows. .n pre1k we take scheduled bathroom breaks. 9ould those be considered
Areen or >ed, 7re >eds things that cannot be anticipated or things that re&uire being done precisely at
a particular time or both, 7ssessments are ongoing$ would those be >ed Areen or Yellow, . donDt
believe that watching television and surfing the internet are time wasters e!cept in e!cessive amounts.
7s humans we re&uire :down time;. <ersonally watching my regular shows usually doubles as down
3 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
time and internet surfing time. 3ometimes . even use TE time as an opportunity to cut out things for
pre1k. .s this not multitasking, 9hat is wrong with that, . have two hours scheduled each weekday for
course work and at least ten hours available over the weekends during the 'work* school year. . have
nearly unlimited time during 'work* breaks. . also have contingency plans in case of une!pected power
outages or computer failure. 6oloring your choices is a nice theory but if . used paint to manually color
my entire day on a piece of paper most of it would be brown.
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
Watch the S*ill o- (rran0in0 Video (Duration 2:33) Completed
This video focuses on the skill of arranging. You might want to download and print the handout '.nterruptions
8ilter Fuestion* in the downloads tab and hang it in a few visible places.
". Bist 5 activities currently on your to1do list and color them.
a. >eport 6ards >ed Areen Yellow Aray
b. 9ork on assignment / >ed Areen Yellow Aray
c. +iking >ed Areen Yellow Aray
d. 9atching :The Eoice; and :#arvels 7gents
of 3hield;
>ed Areen Yellow Aray
e. >eading >ed Areen Yellow Aray
/. 6ommit to planning your day. 9hat is your plan, 'include the time management tool you will use when
you will plan your day etc*.
. plan my days the night before and make modifications during my scheduling times at school. #y time
management tools include focusing on what has to be done :right now; and what can be done :later;
lists and planning to be fle!ible.
3. <lan your day for the ne!t 3 days. You can use the 7ctivity Aame available as a <08 download under
the 7rranging video and 0ownloads tab or any time management tool you already use. You will not
turn this into your #entor. )nce you have planned your day for 3 consecutive days using your new time
management skills write a short reflection on this e!ercise for your #entor here.
4 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
This e!ercise helped me reinforce and solidify my e!isting plan.
4. -ow look over for the ne!t month and write down the due dates and corresponding dates and times you
will be preparing for the ne!t 3 activities. 3ubmit your plan here.
0ue dates for the ne!t 3 activities: 05/"G//0"4 05//5//0"4 05/0"//0"4 'the content post is due by
"":5H:5H on 9ednesday of this week and the response post by "":5H:5H on 3unday*. 8or each week .
start be reading the weekDs introduction activity description and emails from my instructor regarding
each new activity the prior weekend. Then . have two hours scheduled each weekday for course work
and at least ten hours available over the weekends during the 'work* school year. . have nearly unlimited
time during 'work* breaks. . also have contingency plans in case of une!pected power outages or
computer failure.
NOTE: you do not need to wait until you have tracked your time for 3 days before moving onto the next
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
Watch the S*ill o- &le4icute Video (Duration 2:55) Completed
This video focuses on the skill of fle!icuting: being willing to leave your activity list.
The video will instruct you to download and fill out a time management style worksheet. That worksheet
appears below for your convenience.
!ime Mana0ement St,le/: 7re you polychronic monochronic or a combination,
9hen and how you plan your academic activities depends upon necessity practicality efficiency and
spontaneity discussed in the 3kill of 7rranging as well as your personal style of doing things. These styles
range from highly structured 'monochronic* to highly unstructured 'polychronic*.
In/truction/: 6heck one choice below for each numbered pair that represents your dominant style even though
you may do both on occasion. Then add the number of checks in each column and enter the number at the
bottom of each column.
5 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
#onochronic 3tyle <olychronic 3tyle
Task oriented >elationship oriented
0o activities in a linear manner 0o several activities simultaneously
3ocially reserved 3ocially e!pressive
Bimited e!pression of feeling I emotions )pen e!pression of feelings I emotions
8ocus on structure I systems 8ocus on trust communication respect
.ndividually oriented Aroup oriented
8ormal .nformal
0irect .ndirect
8i!ed 8le!ible
8ocused on the goal 8ocused on the process
/ Total G Total
". %eware of multi1tasking= This video introduces the concept of time contamination. .t will be difficult if
not impossible$ to complete your program if you allow yourself to contaminate the time you spend on
your learning activities. You must be "00J present and fully engaged while you are working on your
course activities. 9rite a reflection on the concept of time contamination.
.n the conte!t of working on course activities . do believe that . must be "00J present and fully
engaged. 9hen dealing directly with other people . also agree with being "00J fully present and
engaged. .n other areas of my life . find myself challenging this theory. .n pre1k . am constantly
multitasking. 7t any given time . am managing "5 children an assistant observations and ongoing
assessments. 0uring naptime . am monitoring the children putting folders together to go home
checking emails and voicemails scheduling appointments getting snack ready etc. 9hen . go hiking
with my mother . am having family time reflecting on my day and e!ercising.
Watch the S*ill o- !rac*in0 Video (Duration 11:19) Completed
This video e!plains the need for :buckets;.
". Take time to decide how you are going to track your time or how you might modify the method you
already use 'i.e. electronic application or paper and pencil method or a combination of both*. 0ecide
how many buckets you need and name them.
. use a combination of electronic application and paper/pencil methods. . have three buckets: #onthly
6alendar >eminder Bists and 0aily Bist.
6 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
/. ?!plain your tracking system here.
The #onthly 6alendar is in an electronic application on my i<ad. This is where . keep all of my
appointments and deadlines. The >eminder Bists and 0aily Bists are also kept on my i<ad in a list
application. .n addition to the 0aily Bist on my i<ad . also hand write my 0aily Bist and place it on the
cork board where my daily schedules are posted ne!t to my desk each morning. . think the process of
writing things down on a piece of paper helps with memory retention$ it also serves as a visual for when
. am not readily able access my i<ad. . do not think :floating paper; is a bad thing as long as you have a
system and the intention of further documentation. . do not always have my i<ad on my person in the
classroom but . am good about maintaining strategically placed <ost .ts for when spontaneous thoughts
enter my head. This allows me to &uickly @ot down said thoughts without interrupting the current
activity. 3ince <ost .ts have adhesive . can stick them to my sleeve until . am able to put said thoughts
into my i<ad. 7s far as emails go . maintain two email accounts. )ne is for :@unk emails; and the
other is for :important emails;. . do like the idea of having a weekly email purge.
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
Watch the S*ill o- &ocu/ Video (Duration 6:57) Completed
This video focuses on the skill of knowing when to say :-o.; The video asks you to download the 8ocus
%reakers e!ercise. .t has been included here in your workbook for your convenience.
&ocu/ 'rea*er/
3elf1.mposed .nternally #otivated 8ocus %reakers
3tart learning to focus by taking a personal inventory of the negative activities that cause you to break your
In/truction/: Book carefully over the following list of self1imposed internally1motivated focus breakers and
put a check mark by the ones you do that break your ability to stay focused.
.nsufficient planning 3ocialiKing
3urfing the net 7ttempting to do too much
Aetting lost in details <reoccupation
.neffective delegation Lnwillingness to say :no;
7rguing Back of self1discipline
7 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
<rocrastination 8ailure to prioritiKe
Your own errors 8ailure to listen carefully
Your need to over1control Lnrealistic time estimates
<oorly defined goals #isplacing or losing items
8ailure to anticipate events or changes >esponding to counterfeit urgency
+ave some focus breakers not on the list, 7dd additional focus breakers below.
?!ternal 8ocus %reakers
-ow what about all the focus breaker activities that are e!ternally motivated, These are the activities we are
often sucked into that cause us to break our focus as well as make us feel irritated and frustrated.
6an we say no to all of those, -ot really but to many of them we can. 8irst complete the following
assessment. 6heck the ?!ternally #otivated 8ocus %reakers you encounter most often.
#eetings 0elayed work
0elayed decisions .nappropriate use of email voicemail etc.
6omputer problems <oor communication
?rrors by others Telephone calls
8re&uent visits 'drop1ins* Bengthy visits
<oor definition of tasks or problems Lnclear lines of authority
Lnderstaffing Back of feedback
Lnclear roles )ngoing incompetence
6onflicting priorities ?motional conflicts
6hanging instructions priorities
+ave some focus breakers not on the list, 7dd additional focus breakers below.
". Bist three internally imposed focus breakers and then revise them to make them focus makers$ which
one will you focus on first,
.nternally imposed focus breakers: getting lost in details$ my need to over1control$ attempting to
do too much.
>evised internally imposed focus breakers: . will not get lost in details$ Aod grant me the
serenity to accept the things . cannot change the courage to change the things . can and wisdom
to know the difference$ . am realistic about my daily goals.
8 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
/. <ick three e!ternal focus breakers that you will need to resolve while you are working on your degree.
Bist all three and then pick one and e!plain your plan for resolving it.
Three e!ternal focus breakers: delayed decisions fre&uent visits and emotional conflicts. 9orking with
a group of women guarantees there will be emotional conflicts. These emotional conflicts can become a
drain on energy when left unchecked. #y plan is to avoid the scuttlebutt at all costs while remaining
3. The video offers strategies for e!ercising your :no; muscle: >efusal statement delay tactic helping
hand approach. Think of a situation that will likely occur in the ne!t month that may interrupt your
coursework time and how you can say no. ?!plain the situation and your plan here.
#y sister1in1law will want to go out and do something with me. 0onDt get me wrong. . love her and am
truly blessed to have her in my life but now that . am working on my degree . have less time for going
out. 8or when she wants to do something . will apply the delay tactic. . will let her know that . want to
hang out with her but that . need to think about it and let her know when . might be available.
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
Watch the Conclu/ion Video (Duration 5:86) Completed
This program introduced you to 5 skills related to time management. %ut these skills are skills you will
need to practice to truly tame the time management beast= 6onsider signing up for weekly productivity
strategies. You can do this by clicking on the :3ubscribe to <roductivity 3trategies; link under the
<roductivity 3trategies tab. These are emails that will remind you to practice the skills of 6hoosing
7rranging 8le!icuting Tracking and 8ocus.
#E(D !9E :#"D;C!IVI!+ S!#(!E<IES I !9E :#"D;C!IVE S!#(!E<IES !('
". <ick three strategies you will likely use while completing your degree and list their numbers here.
. will likely use productive strategies " 30 and 5H while completing my degree.
You have decided to aim high and complete a higher degree. You will need the support and understanding
of your family friends and co1workers to eventually cross that finish line.
9 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
/. 0raft an email to people that will be impacted by your new time management techni&ues 'family
friends co1workers* e!plaining your new time management strategies. You might want to e!plain that
there will times that unless something is a >?0 you might not be able to attend to it. You might want
to share a productivity strategy with them as well. .t would also be prudent to thank them in advanced
for supporting you during this @ourney 'which will last years*.
0ear family friends and co1workers
7s you may know by now . have entered graduate school. This means that . must enter a time of
e!treme focus and prioritiKation. Lnless something is urgent . might not be readily available. . would
like to thank you in advance for supporting me during this @ourney.
%est regards
Bindsey 9inter
-ow that you have completed formal time management training please answer these same &uestions that you
answered at the beginning of the workbook.
". 0o you have a plan for scheduling the "01"5 hours per week you will need to engage in learning
activities, Yes -o #aybe
/. )n a scale from "12 how effective do you think you are at managing your time with " being not at all
effective 3 somewhat effective and 2 completely effective, 3elect the choice that is closest to where
you are now.
" / 3 4 5 5 2
-ot at all11111111111111111111111111111111111113omewhat11111111111111111111111111111111111111116ompletely

3. 3ince completing the program how fre&uently do you think you will e!perience an!iety or stress due to
not having enough time to get everything done,
"1never /1occasionally 31fre&uently 41most days 51every day
4. 0id you learn new skills that you think will be beneficial to you as you integrate going back to school
into your life, Yes -o Too soon to tell
ME!"#$S C"MME!S%&EED'(C)
10 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
You are not re&uired to submit anything below this line but you may if you wish.
(ppendi4: !rac* +our Inve/tment o- !ime
#any of us donDt really know where our time and energy go because itDs impossible to mentally track our
activities. 8or e!ample trying to track all of our financial transactions in our mind without records would be
very frustrating if not impossible. .t is even more difficult to track our investment of time.
.f you are going to complete your program it will entail balancing your academic responsibilities with the rest
of your life. You must learn to focus your energy on carefully selected activities. Tracking your activities for
two days is an eye1opening e!perience. .t will help you recogniKe habits and trends. .t will reveal how you
might change your method of operating to achieve better concentration of power.
9ith this tool simply log your activities only when you have completed one activity and are ready to begin
<ut a mark ne!t to the time you begin the first activity of the day. 0o not write in the description until you have
completed it and you are ready to move on to the ne!t one.
7s you transition from one activity to the ne!t simply put another mark on the line ne!t to the time your
completed the activity and in the space provided describe in a word or two what the activity was. 7t the end of
the day youDll have an accurate history of which type of activities consumed your time and energy throughout
the day.
Do thi/ -or t.o da,/= )nce you have viewed the 3kill of 6hoosing Eideo you will be instructed to color code
the activityM #ED <#EE +E>>"W or <#(+.
6arry the activity record with you and fill it out as soon as you complete an activity 'note: you will not
input your notes into your workbook but will need to complete this activity to answer &uestions in the
%e honest with yourself. #aking up details wonDt serve your purpose.
Bist interruptions and assign them a color too.
0o not rely on your memory$ mark the activity record at the completion of every activity.
7fter completing this activity for two days add up the amount of time 'in minutes* you spent in each color.
11 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
Then average these times over the / days and round your average to the nearest hour. You will enter this data
into your workbook.
Total Time: #ed NNNNNN <reen NNNNNN +ello. NNNNNN <ra, NNNNNN
!rac* +our Inve/tment o- !ime 07T?: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Event % (ctivit, # < + <+ Event % (ctivit, # < + <+
5:00 3:00
5:"5 3:"5
5:30 3:30
5:45 3:45
5:00 4:00
5:"5 4:"5
5:30 4:30
5:45 4:45
2:00 5:00
2:"5 5:"5
2:30 5:30
2:45 5:45
G:00 5:00
G:"5 5:"5
G:30 5:30
G:45 5:45
H:00 2:00
H:"5 2:"5
H:30 2:30
H:45 2:45
"0:00 G:00
"0:"5 G:"5
"0:30 G:30
12 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
"0:45 G:45
"":00 H:00
"":"5 H:"5
"":30 H:30
"":45 H:45
"/:00 "0:00
"/:"5 "0:"5
"/:30 "0:30
"/:45 "0:45
":00 "":00
":"5 "":"5
":30 "":30
":45 "":45
/:00 "/:00
/:"5 "/:"5
/:30 "/:30
/:45 "/:45
#ed: Vital%;r0ent <reen: Vital%ot ;r0ent +ello.: ot Vital%;r0ent <ra,: ot Vital%ot
Total: #ed NNNNNN <reen NNNNNN +ello. NNNNNN <ra, NNNNNN
!rac* +our Inve/tment o- !ime 07T?: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Event % (ctivit, # < + <+ Event % (ctivit, # < + <+
5:00 3:00
5:"5 3:"5
5:30 3:30
13 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
5:45 3:45
5:00 4:00
5:"5 4:"5
5:30 4:30
5:45 4:45
2:00 5:00
2:"5 5:"5
2:30 5:30
2:45 5:45
G:00 5:00
G:"5 5:"5
G:30 5:30
G:45 5:45
H:00 2:00
H:"5 2:"5
H:30 2:30
H:45 2:45
"0:00 G:00
"0:"5 G:"5
"0:30 G:30
"0:45 G:45
"":00 H:00
"":"5 H:"5
"":30 H:30
"":45 H:45
"/:00 "0:00
"/:"5 "0:"5
"/:30 "0:30
"/:45 "0:45
":00 "":00
14 | P a g e
Northcentral University
Time Management Workbook
":"5 "":"5
":30 "":30
":45 "":45
/:00 "/:00
/:"5 "/:"5
/:30 "/:30
/:45 "/:45
#ed: Vital%;r0ent <reen: Vital%ot ;r0ent +ello.: ot Vital%;r0ent <ra,: ot Vital%ot
Total: #ed NNNNNN <reen NNNNNN +ello. NNNNNN <ra, NNNNNN
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