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Subject Page
1. Acknowledgement 3
2. Student Declaration 4
3. Preface 5
4. Certificate 6
Chapter 1: Introduction to Organization
1.1 Introduction 7
1.2 Location 8
1.3 Organization Structure 9
1.4 Plant Structure 10
1.5 Achievements 11
1.6 Objectives 12
1.7 Departments: 13
1.7.1Machining and Assembly Department 13
1.7.2 Design Department 13
1.7.3 Quality Section 14
Chapter 2: Training Given 15
Chapter 3: Result & Discussion 30
Chapter 4: Conclusion 32

I Antriksh pal student of Mechanical Engineering in Punjab College
of Engineering & Technology. Would first of all like to pay my
special regards and thanks to Mr. Raj Kumar and who has given me
the opportunity to work as a summer trainer in G Max Auto Ltd.
Bawal, Haryana.
I wish to pay special thanks to Mr.Vikash choudary and Mr.
Ravi Pal for providing me their valuable guidance and Co-
Last but not the least, I would like to thank all the Workers and
Executives of G MAX who had Co-operated with me in
completing my training and project report successfully.
It is a matter of proud and honor for me that I had got the chance to
undergo my summer training in an Esteemed Company; G MAX
where I got the support from each and every corner of the

Place:- Antrksh Pal


Working in an industry provides us a practical approach to our
theoretical basis of knowledge acquired in our classroom. It has
been a great pleasure, training atG MaxLtd. Bawal, basically a
sheet metal industry which helped me boost up my practical skills
correlating the theories of book into actual work environment.
The following implant training report presents all my observations,
analysis made during my training period of 6 (six) month. The
report concerns mainly with the Tool Room and quality
department where I have been deputed in the training.
The information data furnished in the context are on the basis of
my information collected through interaction with the Engineers,
Technocrats, Technicians, and Workers working in the firm. I have
tried to include a few typical readings for some sections as an
example to give a basic idea of the operation.
Despite taking every effort to produce an error free report, I
apologize for any mistakes evident in the context on my part.



G Max isa premier industry setup inBawal, Haryana dedicated for
the production and designing of various moulds associated with
automobiles. It has been a vendor Hero Moto Corp. It is a multi-
disciplinary and multi-dimensional organization dedicated for the
production of number of components
It is one of the sister company out of group of companies. It is
serving several of its clients. Large number of components ranging
from simple to highly sophisticated ones, have been designed and
developed by the company and their know-hows have been passed
on to the various of its clients.

Over a period of time, G Maxhas acquired state-of-art expertise in
designing components for different applications associated with
automobile industry. Keeping pace with emerging trendsG Max
has developed various components using state of the art

Its an ISOCertified company. It performs all of its operations
under the norms as laid by the International Standardization
Organization, keeping in view the well being of its employees and
workers at every level.

It is spread over an area total of 14000 SQM and the covering area
is being 10500 SQM.


It is located inBawal, the industrial city of Haryana state. Plot no.
33, sec.5, Phase.2, Industrial Growth Centre Bawal, Rewari
(Haryana) INDIA
One of the great advantages for the location is being that it is
situated very near to the Gurgaon.
An Overview of G MAX AUTO LTD:-


Plot no. 33,sec.-5,Industrial Growth Centre, Bawal, Rewari (Haryana) INDIA

Plot no. 33, sec.-5, Industrial Growth Centre, Bawal, Distt.
Rewari (Haryana) INDIA

i. Total Area :- 14000 SQM
ii. Covered Area: - 10500 SQM.

Power Back-Up Facility

i. Gen Set :- 325 KVA
ii. Gen Set :- 180 KVA
In the plant there is good power back up facility. It is work
automatically during the connection cut from outer electricity.


Maintaining ZERO DEFECT Products for HERO, HONDA,
MAHENDRA since Last 1.5 Years

Delivering Products ON TIME EVERY TIME for all


Aims at producing professionals endowed with technical
competence and
Leadership qualities.

To infuse thorough knowledge and impart industry -oriented
practical training to make the students a breed apart.

To inculcate a sense of discipline and responsibility coupled
with logical thinking, so that they are an asset for their

To instill a high level of self-confidence to make them
successful in all walks of life including entrepreneurship.

To emphasize their all round development, by ensuring
participation in cultural activities, group discussions, social
get-togethers, sports, etc.

To imbibe a quality that makes them better citizens.

To create professional competence.


(i) Machining and Assembly
(ii) Design
(iii) Quality section

(i) Machining and Assembly


1. Generally in machining we machined the raw material
as we required with the help of CNC machines.

2. After machining the parts of mould come in assembly
for assemble after few operation it assemble properly
and mould should ready for trial.

(ii) Design
G Max has a great power of designer which are capable to
make any type design of mould.
The first work to make the mould is to make the design of
their reliable structure in the design department.
In design department designer make the design of electrode
which are used in mould to remove the extra material from
critical areas.


As the name suggests this section houses all sorts of tools and
measuring instruments like venire calipers, venire height gauge,
slip gauges, surface plates, radius gauges, inside/outside
micrometers, depth gauges and hardness testing machines, torque
wrench testing machine etc. for checking the components
purchased from the vendors from outside the firm before being
stored into the store lying adjacent to this section.

This section monitors whether the components supplied by the
allied vendor party covers the quality specifications of the
company or not and according takes corrective action as and when
required. It also keeps a track record of the stock of components
inside the store.

Being an ISO certified company; the firm is deeply concerned with
managing of quality of the purchased components which ultimately
affect the quality of its final product.

The Quality Policy of the company can be quoted as:

Producing world class tractors in quality and reliability
Total customer satisfaction through services
Creating a culture among all employed toward total quality
Constant up gradation of technology and human excellence

After so many accomplishments, the company is still striving hard
to expand its capabilities and setting up new establishments and
manufacturing units in different parts of the country. Some of the
manufacturing units are under construction and soon will be ready
to work. It has signed with several international firms to match up
with the latest trends in the automobile industry, the fastest
growing industry of its kind in the current scenario.



For the manufacturing of the parts first of all the Overview
Of The plant is given. Different operations are performed
during the manufacturing of the different parts. The
operations performed during the manufacturing of different
parts the following processes are involved
(1) CNC
(2) Assembly
(3) Quality Section

2.1.1 CNC:

1. VF-3 YT(VMC) 4.Takumi (H16)
2. VF-2 YT (VMC) 5.Takumi (H16)
3. VF-1YT(VMC) 6. BC 2112

These are the machine in Tool Room of G MAX.
VF-1 is specially dedicated to the electrode.
VF-2 is specially dedicated to the child parts.
VF-3 is specially dedicated to the small moulds core and cavity.
Takumi (H16) and (BC 2112) for all type of moulds (core ,cavity).
CNC (Computer Numeric Control) is used in tool room for
machining of raw material.
Some over view of few machines:

Takumi Machine used in G Max Auto LTD

This machine is Takumi BC 2112

2.1.2Assembly section:

In assembly section we can do many little operation on mould
before assemble the mould.
1. Chamfering in core,cavity, ejector plate, top plate, bottom plate
2. Drilling on RDM machine (for cooling channels and for eye
3. Tapping in eye bolts holes for put the eye bolt.
4. Child parts grind on surface grinder as properly butt in mould.
5. Few operation on lathe and milling machine as we required.
6. After all small operation we go for bedding on disporting
7. After that we assemble it and paint it and sent it to go for trial.

2.1.3Quality Section:

In the quality section the part manufactured can be checked out
completely. In quality section these things can be checked out in
the part:
(i) Overlapping
(ii) Wrinkle
(iii) Deformation
(iv) Crack
(v) Dent
(vi) Material Strength
These are different facts that can be checked out in quality section
which are necessary to be checked out for the strength and
accuracy of the part.




3.1.1 Successful Development:In the final we getting the result
of the company it is a very reliable and peace full company. It
provides the mould to the vendor company as per their demand
with high quality and provide on time to time. It is a growing
company. It is ready to get his Objective in upcoming years. I hope
it will be a MNC in upcoming years.

3.1.2 Get the Chance to Gain The Knowledge: After watching
the complete phenomenon of manufacturing of part we are able to
getting the knowledge about the different mould operation such as
drawing, Machining, Bedding Etc. The different part of the Mould
works in a manner and these are automatically done so after
watching these operations we are able to get the knowledge of
different press operations.


3.2.1 Defects Produced:During discussion we discuss about
the problem facing during the manufacturing process of the
different parts. Basically the main problem can be faced is of
different defects produced during the manufacturing phenomenon.
The different defects produced are:

(i) Wrinkle
(ii) Crack
(iii) Deformation
These are the main problems that are faced during the
manufacturing process of part. These defects can be
discussed during the training.

3.2.2 Problem Produce duringthe working of
Mould:There are different problem that produce during the
working condition of Mould and these defects can be
studied or discussed during training. The different defects
produced in the presses are:

(i) Cooling Problem
(ii) Pressure Problem
(iii) Stick the plastic part inside the mould.
(iv) Wrinkle problem in plastic part.

These are the problems that are produced during the working
condition of the mould. So these defects can be discussed or solved
out during training.



In conclusion we are discussed to solve the problems produced
during the working condition of the mould and manufacturing of
the parts. To solve the defects produced on the surface of the
plastic part during operations different processes can be used if the
damage is small and it can easily be repaired then it can be
machined and repaired it but if the defect is not be able to correct
then the plastic part can be thrown into the scrap. If the problems
are small and it can easily be repaired then different operations
such as hammering, machining can be used. After applying these
processes the defects can be removed from the surface of plastic
part because without removing these defects it cant be possible to
use these parts. A defected piece cant be used in the
manufacturing of the car so it is necessary to remove theses
defects. In conclusion we discussed the process used for the
removal of the defects.
There are certain defects produced during the working of mould.
The different defects produced during the mould operation are
cooling problem, less pressure produced in the mould. It is
necessary to solve these problems because without solving these
problems the mouldcant work properly. If any operation of the
mould stops working then mould stops working so it is necessary
to solve these problems. Sometimes the pump of cooling stop
working and the mould stops working. So this effect can be
checked out and clear it so that the mould should work properly.
Sometimes the nozzle cannot produce proper pressure for the
stroke of the mouldso it is necessary to solve this problem that the
mould should work properly.
So these are the basic conclusions that are made to solve the
problems produced during the different operations.

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