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Name Greg Potter
NetID gpot727
Group Number: 117
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Mira Lee Tuesday 9am
Time Spent on
36 hours Word Count: 1649

With one of NZs worst rates of air pollution, and the cause of 300 premature deaths per
year, it is certain that air pollution in Auckland is a problem. The main cause of air pollution
is private transport, so in an attempt to reduce the number of drivers in Auckland we have
developed GoGreen; an app which rewards you for using eco-friendly methods of
3.1 Vision
Our vision is to make Auckland the worlds most healthy, clean, and environmentally
responsible place to live.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Sustainable Transport Mobile App Industry
Sustainable Transport Mobile App industry: The industry for mobile apps which encourage
the use of environmentally sustainable transport methods.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low GoGreen is the first app of its kind on the NZ
market. There are no other substitute products
for our customers to alternate to in our NZ
market. A similar app to GoGreen is a London-
based app called re:route. But because they are
solely London-based, they pose no real threat of
substitution (David Murphy, 2012).
Supplier power: Low Our critical suppliers provide us with mobile app

platforms (e.g. Apples App Store). We would use
mulitple platform providers, so there is little if no
supplier power at all. It is also relatively cheap
($99 *on+ Apple) to list an app, so there is no
incentive to use one platform provider over
another due to price differences. (Carter Thomas,
Threat of new entrants: Low The combination of low start-up costs and the
ease of sourcing app developers would suggest
low barriers to entry and therefore a high threat
of new entrants. But because companies within
this industry usually have environental goals
instead of profit maximising goals, it is unlikely
that a firm would enter due to the industry
profitability being low. Overall there is a low
threat of new entrants.
Threat of substitutes: High Assuming that customers use GoGreen purely to
earn rewards, it is likely that they could switch to
alternate products which also work on a reward-
based system. Although, some customers may
use our apps solely to make an environmental
difference. Going by the assumption though that
most customers would use GoGreen for the
reward incentive, then it is likely they could be
tempted to switch to a reward-based substitute
product (Hannah Lauterback, 2013).
Rivalry among existing
Low GoGreen is the first of its kind in the NZ app
industry, so there is no existing rivalry amongst

Overall attractiveness of the industry: The combination of low barriers to entry/exit, lack of
existing competition, and a lack of direct substitute products makes the industry
appear very attractive.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
GoGreen is targeted at regular transport users and smartphone users within New Zealand,
in particular Auckland. The companys broad market includes more than 3.5m cars in NZ,
and 64% of Kiwis who are smartphone users. Our customers are three key needs are: firstly,
the need to make an environmental difference; secondly, the need to gain useful rewards;
and lastly, the need to track their travel and their environmental impact. (Frost and Sullivan,
2013) (NZTA, 2014)
3.4 The Product and Service
GoGreen is the only product available in NZ which can satisfy all three specific needs of our
customers simultaneously.
Environmental Difference: GoGreen helps users make an environmental difference by
incentivising eco-friendly methods of transport as opposed to private transport, which is a
leading causes of air pollution in NZ (Auckland Council, 2013).
Rewards: GoGreen has several large NZ partners including New World, The Warehouse,
and Rebel Sport. These companies provide us with vouchers which are used to reward our
customers based on their effort.
Track: GoGreen uses GPS technology to track each footstep and pedal stroke the user
makes, and then compares your effort to other users in your area. GoGreen also tracks
how much carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide you have prevented from entering our
atmosphere each time you travel.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners

Apple supplies GoGreen with a mobile software platform called the App Store. This allows
us to distribute GoGreen via smartphones. This method of distribution is fast and efficient
for both suppliers and customers.
Smudge supply us with app development and design services. Having an easy to use
interface design is essential for the success of mobile applications, so we choose Smudge as
they have a history of creating elegant and efficient mobile applications.
New World is one of NZs largest supermarket chains. They provide us with store discount
vouchers which we use to reward customers. In return they gain widespread advertising via
our app, and the vouchers also draw in new customers to their stores.
Auckland Transport (AT) is the body responsible for public transport services in Auckland. AT
offers a discounted rate of travel for active GoGreen members. In return our application
incorporates AT bus, train, and ferry routes for customers to use.
3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership
Cost Strategy: Our aim is to make GoGreen available, and affordable for everybody who
uses transport. Especially the cost-conscious and price-sensitive consumer. With the aid of
Government funding, it is possible to supply GoGreen at a reasonable price.
Competitive Scope: GoGreen targets a broad market. Our app is designed for anybody who
uses transport regularly and has a smartphone (64% of New Zealanders according to Frost &
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Service After the Sal e
Unlike other apps, our customer relationship lasts long after the sale.
One of GoGreens key attributes is that it makes traveling from A to B more enjoyable and
rewarding. To achieve this we bring out new and improved features every few months, and
offer various types of rewards for the customers efforts.

GoGreen also has a customer feedback section in the app. Customers can give us a rating
which is then published on each distribution platform. We also use customer feedback when
making alterations and updates to the app.
With a vision of making NZ a healthy, clean, and environmentally responsible place to live
keeping customers updated about their progress is vital. A 6 monthly flyer is sent to
customers with statistics regarding their regions air quality, and rate of pollution. It is
important that our customers know that they are making a difference.
3.8 Business Processes

3.8.1. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK PROCESS With service after the sale being a key value chain
activity for GoGreen, customer feedback plays an important role in our business. Allowing
users to communicate directly with us is vital, particularly when it comes to customer
satisfaction and attracting new customers. With their feedback we can make accurate
alterations to the application, and determine which rewards we offer to certain groups of

User enters the feedback
page of the app
User chooses to
either call or
create a message.
User automatically
transferred through to
help desk.
User directed to text
form within the app.
Customer is notified
that their feedback
has been reviewed.
Relevant data is
transferred to
the R&D
Message is sent
and received.
Data is logged
into the database.

Call takes place,
and feedback
data is logged into

Customer Support Department
Research & Development Department
Customer Relations Management
Feedback Processing System


3.8.2. APPLI CATI ON UPDATING PROCESS Regular updates are another component of our
service after the sale. This process allows us to fix any bugs which our users may encounter,
and also add new features which may enhance the users experience. This process is
important as it keeps customers happy, and therefore positively impacts our customer
retention rate.

Public Announcement.
Analyse feedback
data, and determine
where this can be
applied in the
Use Application
Management System
(AMS) to make
alterations to the app.
Receive customer
feedback data
from the
Customer Support

Run application testing.
Is the app function and
are problems resolved?

Public Announcement.
Upload updated
version of app via
Management System
(DMS) to all platforms.
Research & Development Department
Customer Support Department
Application Management System

Distribution Management System

3.9 Functionalities
Customer feedback messaging/communication.
Customer feedback sorting and analysing.
Application devloping capabilities.
Bug/issue identification.
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. FEEDBACK PROCESSING SYSTEM (FMS) This is used to manage and process the
inflow of customer feedback. The system analyses feedback and groups data into specific
categories, making it more efficient for us to respond to particular issues. The system also
reduces feedback cycle time. By keeping our customers pleased, we can strive towards our
environmental goals by keeping up our user rate, and keeping down the private transport
3.10. 2. APPLICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AMS) An AMS enables us to make alterations
and developments to our app. We can more easily identify bugs/issues, and can implement
additional features faster. To make a significant impact on the environment, we must be
able to supply our customers with the latest eco-friendly updates and features, and reduce
any risk of bugs which may prevent our app from success.
3.10. 3. DISTRI BUTI ON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DMS) Following the update and
development process, the app gets re-distributed onto the various platforms. The DMS
takes the application from our AMS, and codes it based on the platform providers
technology, so that it can be downloaded onto devices on all operating sytems. DMS saves
us time in altering the app for the different platforms, and helps make the app more
accessible to all consumers. The more customers we can get using GoGreen, the greater
the potential for an environmental impact.



3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

After the
1. Customer
1. Customer Feedback

2. Customer Feedback Sorting and Analysing.
Feedback Processing System

Customer Relationship
Management (CRM)
2. Application
1. Application Development Capabilities

2. Bug/Issue Identification.
Application Management

Distribution Management
Supply Chain
Management (SCM)

Supply Chain
Management (SCM)


GoGreen is an app which makes a difference to our world. With our product being the first
of its kind on the market, we strive towards setting an unmatchable benchmark. We can
only make such an impact on the environment and society as a whole through the use of
information systems and throught the utilization of ever-evolving technology.
Making sure our customers are continually being satisfied and rewarded long after the
purchase of GoGreen is essential to the success of our app. This relationship between the
customer and our team cannot be established without the aid of Customer Relationship
Management systems.
We also aim to provide our customers with the lastest innovations and techonology in
mobile applications, in order to enchance the effectiveness of our app, and to make sure
they can have fun whilst using it. We rely heavily on our Application Management Systems
to keep our app updated and to help us continually improve it.

1. David Murphy (9 May, 2012). Re:route app rewards eco-friendly travel in London.
Mobile Marketing.

2. Carter Thomas (2014). How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App?

3. Hannah Lauterback (19 February, 2013). 5 Awesome Fitness Apps That Offer

4. Frost and Sullivan (11 December 2013). NZ Will Have 90% Smatphone and 78%
Tablet ownership by 2018.

5. NZ Transport Agency (February 2014). NZ Motor Vehicle Registration Statistics 2013.
Table 31, Page 54.
6. Auckand Council (July 2013). 2013 Air Quality Report Card. Page 2.

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