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Coimbatore, also known as Kovai is the third largest city of the state.

It is one of the most

industrialized cities in Tamil Nadu, known as the textile capital of South India or the
Manchester of the South, with an area of 4!! s".km and a population of #4,!,$%. The
city sits amidst Noyyal&s 'asin area and has an extensive tank system fed 'y the river and
rainwater. The ei(ht ma)or tanks *wetland areas of +oim'atore are , Sin(anallur,
-alankulam, .kkadam /eriyakulam, Selvampathy, Narasampathi, Krishnampathi,
Selvachinthamani, and Kumaraswami.
+oim'atore is situated in the west of Tamil Nadu, 'orderin( /alakkad district of the state of
Kerala. The re(ion is 'ounded 'y Kerala state on the west and is surrounded 'y Tirupur
0istrict, Nil(iris 0istrict, 1rode 0istrict.The head"uarters of the district is +oim'atore city.
1xcept taluks like 2ettupalayam, /ollachi, -alparai 34ill station5 all other parts 'elon( to
+oim'atore +orporation itself and few parts of Tirupur district which comes under the
2etropolitan area of +oim'atore.
+oim'atore has a pleasant, salu'rious climate due to its proximity to thickly forested
mountain ran(es and the cool 'reeze 'lowin( throu(h the /al(hat (ap which makes the
consistently hot temperatures pleasant. The city has a tropical wet and dry climate , with the
wet season 'ein( from 6cto'er to 0ecem'er due to the northeast monsoon. The eastern side
of the +oim'atore district, which includes the city, is predominantly dry. 0ue to the presence
of the mountain pass, more elevated parts of the district 'enefit from the south7west monsoon
in the months from 8une to 9u(ust. 9fter a warm, humid Septem'er, the main monsoon starts
from 6cto'er lastin( till early Novem'er. These monsoons are 'rou(ht a'out 'y
the retreatin( monsoon. The avera(e annual rainfall is around :: mm with the North 1ast
and the South ;est monsoons contri'utin( to 4< and !%< respectively to the total rainfall.
Earlier Administration in Coimbatore
The re(ion around +oim'atore was ruled 'y San(am +heras and it served as the eastern
entrance to the /alakkad =ap, which was the principal trade route 'etween the west coast
and Tamil Nadu. The medieval +holas con"uered the Kon(uNadu in the >:th century +1. In
>$$:s, the military (overnors 32adurai Nayaks5 of the -i)ayna(ara 1mpire took control of
the re(ion. 9fter the -i)ayana(ara 1mpire downfall in the >th century, the 2adurai Nayaks
esta'lished their state as an independent kin(dom. The Nayaks introduced the/alayakkarar
system under which Kon(u nadu re(ion was divided into !4 /alayams. In the later part of the
>%th century, the +oim'atore re(ion came under the Kin(dom of 2ysore,followin( a series
of wars with the 2adurai Nayak 0ynasty.;hen part of Kin(dom of 2ysore the re(ion was
under the administration of 4yder 9li and later Tipu Sultan of 2ysore. 9fter defeatin( Tipu
Sultan in the 9n(lo72ysore ;ars, the ?ritish 1ast India +ompany annexed +oim'atore to
the 2adras /residency in >@@. The +oim'atore re(ion played a prominent role in the
Second Poligar War (!"# when it was the area of operations of 0heeran +hinnamalai. In
!$%, +oim'atore was esta'lished as the capital of the newly formed +oim'atore district and
in >%AA it was accorded municipality status. Sir &obert Stanes 'ecame the first +hairman of
the+oim'atore +ity +ouncil.
+oim'atore is divided into five administrative zones,namely,1ast, ;est, North, South and
+entral and each is su'divided into '" wards. 1ach ward is represented 'y a councillor who
is elected 'y direct election. +ouncillors from each zone also elect a Bonal ;ard +ommittee
chairman and most importantly the 0eputy 2ayor throu(h their num'ers . The executive
win( of the corporation is headed 'y a +orporation +ommissioner. The corporation runs and
maintains 'asic services like water, sewa(e and roads.
In the last local 'ody elections in !:>>, 9I902K party won ma)ority of the council seats
and 9I902K&s S(M()elusamy 'ecame +oim'atore&s mayor and the 0eputy 2ayor is
Mrs(S(*eela+athiunni.The 0istrict itself is administered 'y the 0istrict +ollector,
M(,arunaharan. The 0istrict court is the hi(hest court of appeal in +oim'atore. The /olice
force in the city is headed 'y a +ommissioner and there are >% /olice stations in the city. The
0istrictCs revenue department is headed 'y Mrs(,(,arpagam( P & Natara-an is a mem'er
of the >$th Dok Sa'ha of India. 4e represents the +oim'atore constituency of Tamil Nadu
and is a mem'er of the +/I325 party.
.( &e+enue Administrati+e /i+isions0
Eevenue 0ivision No. of Taluks No. of Bones No. of Firkas No. of revenue
+oim'atore $ !> >A#
/ollachi # # >! >#!
Total % >: ## !@$
..( *ocal 1odies in Coimbatore0
+orporations :>
2unicipalities :!
III =rade 2unicipalities :>
/anchayat .nions >!
Town /anchayats #
-illa(e /anchayats !!@
...( *egislature0
2em'ers of the De(islative 9ssem'ly
>. 1lected
!. Nominated
2em'ers of /arliment3Dok Sa'ha5 :!
2em'ers of /arliment3Ea)ya Sa'ha5 :>
The people of +oim'atore are cultured, known for their hospitality and are well educated and
polite. The city is a multicultural society with a lar(e Tamil speakin( community. 9 lar(e
num'er of Kannada 7, Tele(u 7 and 2alayalam 7speakin( people are also present. 9lso
Ea)asthanis and =u)aratis are found in lar(e num'ers.
+oim'atore and its people have a reputation for entrepreneurship. Thou(h it is (enerally
considered a traditional city, +oim'atore is more diverse and cosmopolitan than all other
cities in Tamil Nadu. The city conducts its own music festival every year. 9rt, dance and
music concerts are held annually durin( the months of Septem'er and 0ecem'er 3Tamil
calendar month , 2ar(azhi5 at Ea)alakshmi Fine 9rts.The heavy industrialisation of the city
has also resulted in the (rowth of trade unions
The culture of the re(ion has 'een centered mostly around reli(ion, with only a few non7
reli(ious festivals takin( place each year. +oim'atore, like most other places in South India,
has a num'er of old and historically important temples. 4induism is the dominant reli(ion,
'ut Islam, +hristianity, 8ainism and Sikhism are also present in +oim'atore.
1ven thou(h +oim'atore is not a pil(rima(e center or a place of reli(ious si(nificance, there
are still a num'er of noteworthy Temples. Some of the more important Temples include the
Dord Shiva 3/atteswarar5 temple at /erur, The Sri 2uru(an Temple at 2arthumalai, the
Thandumariamman Temple, the 9rulmi(u 1achanari -inaya(ar Temple at 1achanari ,
9rulmi(u Koniamman Temple, the Sivan Temple at /oondi. 9 'eautiful replica of
TIE./9TI7TIE29D9 temple is situated in Then Thirumalai 4: km north of +oim'atore
The 2ariamman festivals, at the cityCs numerous 9mman temples, are ma)or events in
summer. The mos"ues on 6ppanakara Street and ?i( ?azaar Street date 'ack to the period of
4yder 9li. +hristian missions date 'ack to >A4 when permission was (ranted 'y
the Nayak rulers to set up a small church in Karumathampatti >! km 3.$ mi5. It was
destroyed 'y Tipu SultanCs army resultin( in a new church in >%:4. In >%%A, +oim'atore was
constituted as a diocese after 'ifurcatin(with /uducherry. Sikh =urudwaras and 8ain Temples
are also present in +oim'atore.
+oim'atore cuisine is predominantly south Indian with rice as its 'ase. 4owever, the
population of +oim'atore is multi7cultural due to the influx of mi(rant population from
various re(ions of the country.
The ma)or food is rice 'ased south Indian dishes like ?oiled Eice, Idly, 0osa, /on(al etc.
North Indian foods like +happathi, Eoti, ?iriyani, Naan are also availa'le in most restaurants
and eateries. +oim'atore also has several +hinese restaurants, continental food restaurants
and fast food restaurants.
+inema, shoppin( and (o7cartin( are popular recreational activities. There is a (olf clu' on
the /ollachi 4i(hway at +hettipalayam. The Kari 2otor Speedway is a racin( heaven for
autosport enthusiasts. There are three (o7cartin( centers,at Kari 2otor Speedway, at
+hinniyampalayam, 9vanashi Eoad and another at Thudiyalur. The Kasturi Srinivasan
+ultural +enter exhi'its rare arts and also has a Textile 2useum. The =.0.Naidu Industrial
exhi'ition at 9vinashi Eoad is of interest.
Tourist Spots
The ma)or tourist sites are
/erur Temple
9vinashilin(eswarar Temple.9vinashi
Then Tirumalai Sri -enkateswara Swamy -ari 9layam
Kari 2otor Speedway
2arudhamalai 2uru(an Temple
Top Slip 3wildlife sanctuary5
+oonor 3hill station5
9naimalai ;ildlife Sanctuary
6oty 3hill resort5
1achanari -inayaka Temple
Kovai Kutralam waterfalls at Siruvani, # km from +oim'atore city.
-aithehi Falls near semmedu.
Sivan Temple at /oondi
Kovai Kondattam ;ater Theme /ark at /erur
?lack Thunder ;ater Theme /ark at 2ettupalayam
Thirumoorthi 4ills near .dumalpet
?otanical =ardens, TN9.
Forest +olle(e 2useum
-ellin(iri temple at /oondi 3called the Kailasha of the south, opens only durin( a
particular season every year5
9nu'avi Su'ramaniar temple near Thada(am.
-inayaka Temple, /uliya Kulam Second lar(est monostone idol in the ;orld
=oldwins near K2+4
2annesvara Temple , 9nnur
ISK+6N Temple
/anchamu(a 9n)aneya Temple 34anuman with $ Faces5
0hyanalin(a Go(ic Temple
People and *anguage
The current population of +oim'atore is 4,!!4,>:. In the ur'an a((lomeration, males
constitute $:.:%< of the population and females 4@.@!<. +oim'atore has an avera(e literacy
rate of %@.!#<, hi(her than the national avera(e of 4.:4<. 2ale literacy is @#.>< and
female literacy is %$.#< with %.@< of the population under A years of a(e. The Sex ratio was
@A4 females per >::: males. It is ranked !>st amon( #$ ma)or cities in India in the incidence
of crimes.
+oim'atore and its people have a reputation for entrepreneurship. Thou(h it is (enerally
considered a traditional city, +oim'atore is more diverse and cosmopolitan than all other
cities in Tamil Nadu except for +hennai..The heavy industrialization of the city has also
resulted in the (rowth of trade unions. There are numerous temples in and around the city
includin( the /erur /atteeswarar Temple, Konniamman temple, Thandu 2ariamman temple,
-azhai Thottathu 9yyan temple, 1chanaari =anesh temple, Karamadai temple, 2arudamalai
2uru(an temple and the 0hyanalin(a Go(ic Temple.
The native lan(ua(e spoken in the +oim'atore city is Tamil. The city&s population is
predominantly 4indu, alon( with a small (roup of 2uslim
population. +hristians, Sikhs and 8ains are also present in small num'ers. +oim'atore also
has a lar(e num'er of Telu(us, 2alayalis, mainly from /alakkad and North Indians, mainly
=u)aratis, who are en(a(ed in trade and commerce. 0urin( the >@:s the city witnessed a
population explosion as a result of mi(ration fuelled 'y increased economic (rowth and )o'
opportunities. 9round %< of the city&s population lives in slums.
+oim'atore International 9irport is the primary airport servin( the +oim'atore metropolis in
South India. It is located at /eelamedu, a'out >> km from the heart of the city within the
+oim'atore metropolitan area. It is mainly a custom airport and is 'etter known as
+oim'atore +ivil 9erodrome. 0urin( >@4:s, the airport commenced the Indian operatin(
Fokker F!, 0ou(las 0+7# and 4awker Siddeley&s 9vro 4% for the first time. 9t that time,
the air services were only up to the cities like +hennai and ?en(aluru which later extended to
2um'ai and +ochin as well. In the period of the late %:s, the airport was temporarily shut
down for runway expansion. It was in the year >@% the airport (ot its new terminal. 9t
present, the airport is operatin( 'oth domestic as well as international fli(hts with two
terminals. It is the >%th lar(est airport in India in terms of total passen(er movement and >#th
lar(est airport in terms of car(o handled.

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