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Firstly, I congratulate Ukarvi for inventing an interesting lie against Ahle Hadees.

Its nothing new, we

expect them to do so
Buffalo is Halaal according to the rules and principles of Shareeah. The one who says that Allah and His
messenger Sallallahu alaihi wasallam did not make it Halaal then he has attributed a huge lie and
falsehood to Allah and his Messenger Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Before the answer begins, I would humbly request you to ask the HANAFI ulama to produce the proof of
the Buffalo being HALAAL from Imaam Abu Hanifah rahimahullah. They claim to be his muqallid but are
devoid of proving from him. If they are truthful then let them bring one authentic chain of narration
from Imaam abu Hanifah rahimahullah to support their view point. I AM SURE THAT YOU DONT EVEN
It is the ignorance of the blind followers that they say that something cannot be proven to be HALAAL
from the Quran & the Sunnah but rather the fuqaha came up with a rule to make something HALAAL.
For us, Ahlehadeeth, HALAAL is only what Allah & his messenger Sallallahualaihi wasallam made HALAAL
and nothing else.

And say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely: This is lawful and this is forbidden,
so as to invent lies against Allah. Verily, those who invent lies against Allah will never prosper. (Surah
NAHL, Ayah 116)

Under the explaination of this verse, Haafidh Ibn Katheer (rahimahullah) Said: This includes everyone
who comes up with an innovation (Bidah) for which he has no evidence from the Shareeah or whoever
declares something lawful that Allah has forbidden, or whoever declares something unlawful that Allah
has permitted, only because it suits his opinions or whim to do so. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer: 4/75)
This proves that Halaal and Haraam is only that which Allah and his Messenger Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
has declared to be Halaal and Haraam.
It should be remembered that The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam brought complete Deen
to us. He Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, by the command of Allah, has descried to us, Jaami Usool for Halaal
and Haraam, in the light of which we know the permissibility or the prohibition of anything.
Evidence No. 1:

Allah the exalted says:
Lawful unto you (for food) are all four-footed cattles. (Surah Al Maidah: ayah 1)

The animals that are Haraam are an exception through other dalaail, as is indicated in this verse.

Imaam Qataadah bin Daamah (Taaiee) said in the explanation of this verse:

All the cattles (are made Halaal in this verse)
(Tafseer Tabari: 9/455, Chain Saheeh)

According to Imaam Ahl us-sunnah, Ibn Jareer at-Tabari (rahimahullah), this is the most authentic saying.

Ibn Atiyyah Said:
This opinion is good (Tafseer ash shawkaani: 2/4)
Under the explanation of this verse, Muhammad Sahfee uthmaani (deebandi) writes:
The word Anaam is a plural of the word Namuun. The eight types of pets such as: Camel, Cow,
BUFFALO, Goat etc which are mentioned in Surah Anaam are called Anaam. The word Baheema was
general but the word Anaam made it khaas (Specific), which comes to mean that the eight types of
domestic animals are made Halaal. As you have just read under the word Aqood that it includes all
obligations. One of these obligations is also that which Allah has ordained upon his servants regarding
the fulfillment of Halaal and Haraam. This statement has described that specific obligation that Allah has
made lawful for you Camel, Goat, Cow, and Buffalo etc. We can consume them after slaughtering them
according to the rules of Shreeah. (Book Maariful Quran by Muhammad Shafee Deobandi)
It is narrated from Sayyidunah Sad bin Abi Waqqaas (radiallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah said:
The most sinful person among the Muslims is the one who asked about something which had not been
prohibited, but became prohibited because of his asking (Saheeh Bukhaari: 2/1082 H,7289 Saheeh
Muslim: 2/262 H. 2358)

Evidence 2:
It is narrated from Sayyidunah Abu Hurayrah (radiallah anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (peace be
upon him) said:

The eating of all fanged beast of prey is unlawful.

The buffalo does not come under this rule of Shareeah because it is not one of the fanged wild animals.
There is no proof on its prohibition as well, therefore, it is Halaal.
Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah writes: Buffalos are just like cows (Majmoo Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah)
Imaam Hassan al Basari said:
Buffalos are just like cows (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah)
Haafidh Ibn Hazam writes: Buffalo is a type of cow (Al Muhalla)

Evidence No. 3
There is the consensus (of the whole Ummah) on the permissibility of Buffalo. No one ever declared it
Haraam. This is also one of the strong evidences because the Ijmaa (consensus) of Ummah is one of the
proofs of Shareeah.

Imaam Ibn al-Mundhir said:
There is the Ijmaa *of Muslims+ on *the issue+ that the ruling of Buffalos is the same as cows
[Al-Ijmaa by Ibn al-Mundhir: 1/45]

Haafidh Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisi writes:
We do not know of any difference in this. Ibn al-Mundhir has narrated an Ijmaa of Scholars on this, and
that Buffalos are one of the types of cows
[Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudaamah: 2/444]

Dear brother,

First thing first, Ahle hadees never denied Qiyas us Sharee nor Ijmaa us Sahaba or Ijmaa of the ummah
(i.e Ijmaa of Mujtahideen). If you think Buffalo isnt made Halaal by Allah, in the Quran nor the prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam informed us of it being Halaal in the Shareeah(through the
principles of Halaal and Haraam) then WHO dares to make something Halaal which isnt Halaal in the
Shareeah, if anyone does, then he is on kufrun bawah. It is a sign of ignorance and arrogance to say that
show me that the Buffalo is Halaal by name in the Quran or show me it in Bukhari by the way, he
cooked a beautiful story to demean the ulama of Ahlul hadees! A person can ask such questions only if
he isnt aware of the very basic & fundamental principles of Quran and Sunnah.
One simple basic principle for Halaal & Haraam is Everything which is Haraam has been clearly
explained in the Shareeah, either by name or by criteria based on Nusoos from the Quran and Sunnah.
Everything which hasnt been declared as Haraam in the Shareeah is GENERALLY Halaal except if it is
proven to be Haraam based on the criterias which Allah & his Messenger has informed us about.
Proof? Yes, proof of the above principle is a Hadith in Abu-Dawood.
Moreover, no way this masala can prove Taqleed. What did Okarvi or Deobandis wanted to prove
from this masala? is it that they wanted to prove that even Ahle hadees agree to Qiyas? Then they are
very ignorant people, they dont even know much about our belief, our usool & our methodology.
Let me remind you one thing that, until we decide what is Taqleed? What type of Taqleed is Halaal &
what becomes shirk? Is Taqleed part of our deen or not? Are there any mujtahids today? If so then can
they be followed if they differ with the 4 prominent imams? If not then what is the Daleel for such a
claim? If Yes, then what makes your sect unique that everyone should follow Hanafi Fiqh. Can a Hanafi
change his mind to follow Shafaee sect? Can a Shafaee change his mind to follow Hanafi sect? Is yes,
then how do you decide what is Halaal and what is Haraam? Is the ruling given by the Mujtahids make
things Halaal and Haraam? If Yes, then how do you reconcile between the 4 sects which differ in several
masail where the rulings are Halaal and Haraam on the same commodity under normal circumstances?
Its worthless to fight on issues of fiqh. Moreover, I dont want to learn Taqleed, I want to invite people
to Quran and Sunnah to the best of my knowledge and ability rather than calling people to blindly
follow certain Imaam and start refuting other sects. Our aim is to unite the ummah under the banner of
La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur rasoolullah. If anyone differs with us, we have no issues with him but we
request those who spread lies against our jamaah to speak the truth. Dont be a mutassib and dont let
your envy and hatred to be unjust, to the extent that you start placing the fatawas (of any mufti or
mujtahid) equal to Quran and Sunnah. Making Things Halaam and Haraam is only Allahs Haqq, even
prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alahi wasallam had no authority to declare anything Halaal and Haraam
except Allahs command so let the Hanafis understand that Imaams or Mujtahids have no authority on
any matters on deen. They just strive to see through the evidences and come to certain conclusions,
sometimes they err and some times they reach the Haqq.

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