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Name Wendy Feke
NetID wfek575
Group Number: 254
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Yvonne Hong Thursday 10am
Time Spent on
12 hours Word Count: 1648


Transport is Auckland biggest issue (Dearnaley, 2013). This is one of the biggest issue for
students using the bus transportation to school or other reasons. Sometimes students
rushed to the bus station for the bus, but the bus is late or it arrive 2 minutes early than the
time provided on the AT Transport App. Without knowing that the bus is stuck on traffic or
there are too many passengers that the bus has to stop several time, delaying the time for
the bus to actually arrive. Students late to lectures and appointment and everything due to
the bus transport not being there on time or arrive too early so we came with the solution
for theit problems REAL TIME APP. We provide real time, but not estimate time, we can
also provide GPS for the students to track there bus so that they will not rushed for nothing
or go early if the bus will arrive early. We can also provide text messaging using the
Vodafone or Telecom etc if they dont have any internet access on their mobile phone.
3.1 Vision
To provide aucklands students using the bus transport efficient time table everyday with
our useful and easy Application. (Best Example of a vision statement, 2014)
3.2 Industry Analysis: Auckland Bus Transport Industry

Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High The buyer power is high due to other alternative
application, such as the AT Public Transport, AKL
Transit and the Transit Auckland where students
can also checked the time table for the bus
transport in Auckland. (Limited, 2011) (Andy,


Supplier power: Low The supplier buyer is low because the choices for
the buyer are many such as Google, Apple, Play
Store, Programmer and the Bank.
Threat of new entrants: High The threat of new entrants is high because it is
easy for new competitors to enter the market.
Threat of substitutes: High According to customer review there are many
other alternatives application in the market for
Auckland Bus transportation so students have
choices to choose from between my application
and the other application (Limited, 2011)
Rivalry among existing
High According to customer reviewed on the other
application in the market, they reviewed that
they use that app and its much more easier other
said this is quite interesting and some says that
this app is not function well, so rivalry among the
existing competitors is high because other
competitors are trying to be the best one in the
market by privode customers what they actually
want and needs. (Transport, 2014)
Overall attractiveness of the industry: For Auckland Bus Transport industry it is quite easy
to enter the market since the threats of new entrans is high however since the competition
amongs the competitors in the market is already high it is not favorable for my app to enter
the market but according to customer reviewed on other alternatives application they are
most of the time inefficient and disfunctional so Real time will be favourable to enter the
market as we are aiming for the best to our targeted customer.


3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Auckland students using the bus transportation is our main target customer for our
application. Our application set features in our app for it to provide exact time for the bus to
arrive and to depart from the bus station, and also can track the bus whether it is late or
stuck in traffic jam. For our application all auckland students can use it, even other everyday
users that they want to use our application to look up for efficent timetable of the bus
everyday, our application can operate to everyone in Auckland that is interest in using bus
transportation in Auckland not just the students.
3.4 The Product and Service
We use what its call GPS tracking device for every bus in Auckland so that students and
everyday user of bus transportation can track their bus location. Also we wil be using
Telecommunication in New Zealand to provide text messages for customers whether the
bus is on time or late when they do not have internet access on their mobile phone.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
My suppliers are, the Software Developer and the programmer, to help creating my
application and also Google & Apple, these are world know applications to students on their
android phone, they will provide my application for the students to download and use.
I will partner up with Vodafone, so that they will provide text messages for my customers
whenever they need to know the time table and the location of the bus, they will also be
beneficials as many customer will then be using there company. Also the Auckland
Transport, since they are the main domain for Auckland transport, I will paired up with them
so they will provide me the name and get access to the bus transportation trackable device,
they will be in favorable as many students will then use the bus transport rather than using
taxi or vehicle to travel to school or other purposes.


3.6 Strategy: Focused High Cost
The competitive scope for my business is Narrow, I am only focus on Auckland. The price
strategy for my business will be high, hiring good software developers and programmer etc,
because I want good quality for my application so that customer meet their needs and
The overall strategy is therefore Focused High Cost
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Market and sell the product or service
The important value chain activity is the Market and sell the product or service. Customer
targeted; students study in Auckland using the bus transportation to travel and even
everyday user of Auckland can use this app if they want to which is ofcourse a narrow
market. It is Focus high cost strategy since there are many other alternatives application in
the industry,they aslo want to provide the customer what they actually needs and wants
and the cost for creating and developing my application will depends on how high the
quality for my application that I want to provide the customer.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS - This process will allow me to know what my
competitors level on the market and how they are performing so then I would know how to
make my product more efficient and easy for the target customer to use and meets their
needs and wants and also evaluate what the customer want and needs so I can be able to
provide it.



3.8.2. ADVERTISING PROCESS Indentify what type of methods and media use to get the
message out and reach out to my targeted customer Aucklands Students. This will help my


application get notice by the targeted customer, to maipulate and persuade them to use
Real time as we provide efficient and easy application for them to use.


3.9 Functionalities
Record and analyse competitors level
Record and analyse what customer needs in the market
Set the cost for budgeting
Identify the target audience/customers
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. MARKET ANALYSI NG SYSTEM This enable my business to indentify the level of the
competitors in the market by analysing the web survey that was being conducted and also
analyse what the customer really needs.
3.10. 2. PLANNING PROCESS SYSTEM This enable my business to plan advertising my
product and service to target audience/customer. Planning everything or doing one step at
the time can improve my business as I first do the market analysing to see what customer
and competitors in the market and then step to the next steps which is deliver my
application through advertising and to set out the cost for budgeting so that I wont be short
of fund or too much fund using for my advertising.
3.10. 3. CUSTOMER REVIEWED ANALYSING SYSTEM This system enable my
business to improve and to provide the customers need with what they
reviewed or respond with on the survey conduct and the research.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

High Cost
1. Market
1. Record and analyse competitors level

2. Record and analyse what customer needs
in the market
Marketing Analysis Systems

Customer Reveiwed
Analysing Systems
Transaction Processing

Customer Relationship
2. Advertising
1. Set the cost for budgeting
2. Identify the target audience/customers
Planning Process Systems

Decision Support system


In conclusion, providing efficient timetable for our targeted customer is our main goal, this
will depend on our planning and marketing process, to evaluate what the customer wants
and needs for me to provide it on our Real Time Application. Competition in this industry is
very high as there are many other competitors and it is easy for other alternatives to enter
the market. Real time Application aim to provide the targeted customer what they need and
that will increase the customer satisfaction which it will lead to a growth in the economy,
this will depend on the feedback the customer will provide and how often they use Real
time application. Real time application is what an Aucklands students need and wants if
they want to travel by bus.
Best Example of a vision statement. (2014, 5 25). Retrieved from Your Dictionary:
Andy. (2010, April 30). App Reviewed: Transit Auckland. Retrieved from iphonewzealand:
Dearnaley, M. (2013, October 22). Transport is Auckland's biggest Issue. The New Zealand Herald.
Limited, T. (2011, 3 4). iTunes. Retrieved from Apple:
Transport, A. (2014, 4 27). AT Public Transport. Retrieved from Apple : iTunes Previewed:

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