Go.151 Leave Travel Concession-Ltc-Rules

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ALLOWANCES - Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules
Leave Travel Concession - Recommendations oI the Ninth Pay Revision Commission
Orders - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.151 Dated: 04-05-2010.
Read the Iollowing:-

1. G.O. Ms. No.52, Finance (PC-I) Department, dated: 25.02.2010.
2. G.O. Ms. No.129, Finance (TA) Department, dated: 17.04.2010.

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O R D E R:

In the Government order Iirst read above, based on the recommendations oI
Ninth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay
Scales, 2010 to the State Government employees.

1. Orders were issued in the Government order second read above, on the
recommendations oI Ninth Pay Revision Commission on items relating to Travelling
Allowance on tour to the employees working in State Government.

2. The Ninth Pay Revision Commission has reviewed the existing Travelling
Allowance Rules and recommended to issue orders on the Iollowing matters relating
to Leave Travel Concession.

(i) To permit the employees to avail the Leave Travel Concession to go to
any place outside the State also but within the country, together with
eligible Iamily members, during the second block oI two years subject
to the condition that their claim shall be restricted to the last point in
that direction within the State.

(ii) In cases where the employees are entitled to travel by air while on
oIIicial tour, they along with their Iamily members may be permitted to
travel by air and claim the actual amount paid Ior the journey in L.T.C.

(iii) II a member oI the Iamily whose income Irom all sources, including
stipend, pension (including dearness relieI thereon) does not exceed the
minimum Iamily pension and dearness relieI thereon, shall be deemed
as dependent on the employee.
3. Government aIter careIul consideration has decided to accept the
recommendations oI the Ninth Pay Revision Commission and hereby order that -

(i) The employees are permitted to avail the Leave Travel Concession to
go to any place outside the State also but within the country, together
with eligible Iamily members, during the second block oI two years
subject to the condition that their claim shall be restricted to the
last point in that direction within the State.

(ii) II the employee is entitled to travel by air while on oIIicial tour, the
employee along with his / her Iamily members, are permitted to travel
by air and claim the actual amount paid Ior the journey within the state,
in L.T.C. also.

(iii) A member oI the Iamily whose income Irom all sources, including
stipend, pension (including dearness relieI thereon) does not exceed the
minimum Iamily pension and dearness relieI thereon, shall be deemed
as dependent on the employee, iI such member is included in the list oI
Iamily members as per L.T.C. rules and subsequent instructions /
clariIications, thereon.

4. These orders shall come into Iorce with eIIect Irom 01.04.2010 i.e., in respect
oI the journeys perIormed aIter 01.04.2010 or commenced prior to 01.04.2010 and
continued beyond 01.04.2010.

5. Necessary amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Travelling
Allowance) Rules, 1996 shall be issued in due course.

6. The G.O. is available on internet and can be accessed at the address
http://www.aponline.gov.in and http://www.apIinance.gov.in



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