Faculty of Education and Languages

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1. The assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the accuracy of the answers given
and the credibility of the supporting arguments, data and references.

2. Type your assignment using “Times New Roman”, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing
on A4 size paper.

3. Your assignment must be submitted to your tutor before or by the 4th tutorial.

4. This assignment is worth 35 % of your final course grade.

5. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited. Plagiarised materials will not be accepted and
no marks would be awarded for the work.

Task 1

For this task, you are required to come up with a glossary of ten (10) important keywords
and/or names of important people from your module. The glossary should be done in
alphabetical order (A-Z). Each key item should be followed by a short note. DO NOT
include the glossary that can be found in your module. The example is given below:

A Aw, Tash A Malaysian-born author of The Harmony Silk Factory who

now lives in London.

B Bala The main character in Gopal Baratham’s short story entitled


(5 marks)

Task 2

For this task, you are required to create a portfolio containing three (3) short stories from
Malaysian and/or other countries. The short stories you select must be photocopied and
compiled into your portfolio.

(5 marks)
Task 3

For each of the three (3) short stories you selected for Task 2, write a 500 words essay on its
theme. At the end of this task, you should have THREE essays.

(25 marks)
Student’s Guideline

1. You must refer closely to your module to complete the tasks.

2. You must start using materials that are not included in the module.
3. You are prohibited from using Wikipedia as your source of reference.
4. You must make sure you write in accurate form and language. Use the checklist
below when writing:
Accurate Grammar, syntax, no sentence fragments, correct punctuation
Layout Margins, double-spaced lines, pages numbered, paragraphs clearly
indicated by indentation
Spelling and Use Spellcheck. Keep editing and asking your friends to read your
proof-reading work. For the final draft, you may put in corrections by hand, do not
need to retype.
Quotations Short quotations and longer quotations handled differently in the
correct manner
Titles, Titles of book-length works (including book-length poems and
referencing plays, and names of learned journals) are to be italicized. Titles of
and notes short works (short poems, essays, short stories, chapters of books,
articles in learned journals are to be quoted, please use double
quotation marks (“ ”)
Bibliography In alphabetical order of author; all required information in the right
order and punctuated correctly.
Tutor’s Guidelines

1. Tutor must help the students in completing the tasks by providing links to some
external resources.

2. Tutor must also work with the students in the writing process. Please pay attention to
the accuracy of language expression.

3. You must make sure you write in accurate form and language. This carries 5 %. Use
the checklist below when marking:

Accurate Grammar, syntax, no sentence fragments, correct punctuation

Layout Margins, double-spaced lines, pages numbered, paragraphs clearly
indicated by indentation
Spelling and Use Spellcheck. Keep editing and asking your friends to read your
proof-reading work. For the final draft, you may put in corrections by hand, do not
need to retype.
Quotations Short quotations and longer quotations handled differently in the
correct manner
Titles, Titles of book-length works (including book-length poems and
referencing plays, and names of learned journals) are to be italicized. Titles of
and notes short works (short poems, essays, short stories, chapters of books,
articles in learned journals are to be quoted, please use double
quotation marks (“ ”)
Bibliography In alphabetical order of author; all required information in the right
order and punctuated correctly.

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