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Name Xuying Zhou
NetID Xzho335
Group Number: 048
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Kayur Monday 4pm
Time Spent on
25 hours Word Count: 1601


Nowadays, people use more private car, which leads to more cars on the road, heavy
traffic jam and air pollution.Using this app can benefit to the public and bus services by
saving time and money. The environment and the resources are also can get improve.
We can see the effectiveness of this app when amount of the download increasing to
create amount of public transport user increasing.
3.1 Vision
Providing the best convenience to the customer by servicing them best valuse and helping
them save time , encourage more people to use public transport after they download this
3.2 Industry Analysis: Public Transportation app develop industry
Industry: Public Transportation app develop Industry.Providing all the information that user
needs to help them make a plan to save time and money .
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High
A website dedicated to transit applications and
open data, currently claims that of the 824 U.S.
transit agencies listed on their site, 184 have
open data (six of which are real-time) that have
resulted in over 170 transit apps. (The Rudin
Center for Transportation Policy and
Management, Mitchell L. Moss, Josh Mandell,
and Carson Qing,2011) As the Smartphone
become popular, more transportation app are
coming out. In New Zealand, when you open the


phone app store and search public transport , you
also can see hundreds of public transport app are
coming out. Buyer have so many choices .
Supplier power: low
The faster that transportation agencies release
their data and build relationships with
the developer and user communities.(The Rudin
Center for Transportation Policy and
Management, Mitchell L. Moss, Josh Mandell,
and Carson Qing,2011)There are many companies
can provide an appropriate and effective traffic
information to the public transportation app
developer. Also there are a huge IT graduate
student each year so it is not difficult to find the
developer. When we open the internet we can
find a lot of software tools to help us to making
an app so supplier power are low in this case.
Threat of new entrants: High "the important role the App store is playing in
lowering the barriers to market entry for
developers".(Andrew Odewahn,2010) This is a
easy entry industry because the developmeent
tools are free and the membership dues are
cheap.They don't need the professional skill .
Threat of substitutes: Low
As public support for new roads, highways, and
mass transit systems becomes more difficult to
obtain, there will be increasing use of mobile
communications by commuters and passengers
seeking to plan and arrange their trips to
minimize delays, waiting time. (The Rudin Center
for Transportation Policy and Management,


Mitchell L. Moss, Josh Mandell, and Carson
Qing,2011) We can find other way to get the
public transportation information such as check it
online and call the reception but they are not
convenience like the app can show all the
information that you want to know. They can't
really help you to check the information anytime
or anywhere so substitution is low.
Rivalry among existing
High Passengers can check scheduled departures for
train, tram and bus, get real-time tram
departures via tramTRACKER, plan their journey,
view the unplanned changes for metropolitan
trains, find their closest stops using GPS, load
their favourite stations and stops for quick access
to timetables and provide feedback via their
handset.( International Business, T. (0008,
March). Metlink Releases Train, Tram and Bus
Information App for Android Smartphones.
International Business Times)There are many
public transportation app in the app store can
provide the perfect services like that , they have
the similar function. If you have your unique
function and you will be copied by your
competitor very soon so rivalry among existing
competitor is high.
Overall attractiveness of the industry: It is easy to get into public transportation app market
because low cost and it is easy to copy to do another simliar app so there are a lots of
competitor. However , if my public transportation app have the unique function and I can
get the first mover advantage.


3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
All the passager such as :student, commuters, worker are public transportation's
ccustomer.For personal: they need to seeking a plan that can help them to save waitting
time, minimize delays, find the best value to the trip.
3.4 The Product and Service
This is an special public transportation app because they not only can provide the timetable
and also will use the GPA funtion to help you find the closest station for you which can save
your time, all the timetable showing up can minmize delays,record how many time you use
the public traportation and give you reward when you achieve the requirement.The most
interesting way is they can caculate how many calorie you use up when you walk to the
station and how you can improve the enviroment because that will record how many trees
you save and many air pollution you reduce which is creative and funny for the customer.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
Apple and Google are the partners of my app because when my app launch to the market, I
need to submit the application to Apple or Google 's app store and then if achieve the app
store's requirement ,they will authorized the app launch in the app store market,we are
parner so it will become more easy to get into the app store and app store will give focus to
promote my app. Apple and google player app store also can get the benefit when the app
downloading increase.
Software engineer will be my app's supplier because it is a is a person that provides goods
and/or services to my app as one of the contributors to the development process on the
way to the ultimate customer and they are not interact with the customer directly.
Therefore software enginner is my supplier.
3.6 Strategy: Cost leadership strategy
Public transportation app is cost leadership strategy because is a low cost of operation
therefore this app can offer customer the lowest price to downloading the app to earn a
higer profit than rivals or below the average industry prices to gain the market share. Even


they can free for download this app because this is an very broad market, when generate a
huge downloading of my app which means my app is successful, I can get many sponsories
and adverstising investment .
The overall strategy is low cost of operation so can provide lowest cost in this broad market
therefore cost leadership strategy.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology development Activities
The most important value chain activity for this business is Technology development
The app is it successful to attract customer is ralate to develop the app and let it become
special.When we search public traportation in the app store that will be come out with
hundreds of app so in the app industry has a lots of competitor .If we want to become a
famous app, the accurate information is not enough.We must have something develop is
different with others, such as my app which design to use technology to caculate how many
calories will use up when you walk to the station. This development just a little create
develop, but the first feeling bring to the customer is funny and I would like to try. Therefore,
technology development is the most value chain for my business
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. APP MAKEING PROCESS - Making a app need a making process because we have many
factor to consider so we need to clearly understand we should do what in each step. If we
don't follow the making process step, it is easy to go an wrong way. For example, if you
don't understand the policy before you make the app, after you finish the app and you find
it is not allow to get into the market because not fit with the policy,then you lost a lot of
time and money . Follow the making process, make sure you are in the right way.On the
otherhand , when customer understand how your business running , it can give them
confident to believe your product so I think app making processes is important.



3.8.2. AFTER SERVI CES PROCESS - After the app launch in the app store , we can do the
promotion to let more people know this app. Later, we monitor the amount of downloading,
and be careful to listen each feedback the customer give to us because from customer's
comment we know which part we are not doing well and we can change or improve to fit
into customer's favour. That's is the best way to retain the customer and when customer
satisfied they will introduce to their friend , finally we gain more customers.





3.9 Functionalities
Make sure what you should do in each step.
Give customer more transparency .
Receive customer's feedback
Keeping improve the product.
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHI P MANAGEMENT SYSTEM -Provide integrated view of
customer data and interactions , understand what customer's need , can help my app
product to work more effectively with customer.When improve customer's satisifaction, it
will generate growth with my benefit.
3.10. 2. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM - Constitute data ,the lowest from of imformation and my
app process it and use it , transport this information become proper information it is an
improtant system to value my product because it can help my app catch datas and
transform to one place , this information is become useful for the customer now.
3.10. 3. SUPPLY CHAIN SYSTEM - component help my product to plan,schedule and
control.Improving visibilility because it is ability to view all links in supply chain in real-time,
essential tool for reacting to customer's demand.Also add value as they can be first to the
market by viewing the latest trends and fashion.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information


1. App
1. Make sure what you should do in each

2. Give customer more transparency .
Supply chain system system

Transportation system
Supply chain app System

Enterprise Resource
Planning app system
2. After
1.Receive customer's feedback
2.Keeping improve the product.

Customer relationalship

Transportation system
Transaction processing app

Customer relationship
management app system


Get into public transportation app market is not difficult. The low operating cost make the
entry become so easy, therefore many companies want to use this chance to get
benefit.However, making a successful app is an not easy job. First, we should analyze the
industry and then identify our vision. We should clearly understand which process and
system is suit for our product and then proper to use it to generate the biggest profit and
reduce cost , otherwise we will going to fail our business.

1. Mitchell L. Moss, Josh Mandell, and Carson Qing. (2011). The Rudin Center for
Transportation Policy and Management. New York University, NY

2. International Business, T. (0008, March )
3. Andrew Odewahn(2010) iPhone economics and lower barriers to
entry .

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