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Name ______________________________________ Class ______________________________

8 Progress Test B
1 Complete the postcard. Use these words.
island forest by a lake waterfall river mountains
April 23rd
Dear Grandma,
Were having a brilliant holiday here in Austria. Were staying

by a lake ! its very ni"e but the water is

very "old# $ur hotel is near a beautiful
&&&&&&&&&&, full of tall trees. All around there are really high
&&&&&&&&&&, whi"h still have snow on the top# 'esterday morning we went sailing and stopped for a
pi"ni" on a small
&&&&&&&&&&, right in the middle of the lake. (n the afternoon ( walked behind a
&&&&&&&&&& ! its strange to see all that water ra"ing down in front of you# *omorrow were going to walk
along the
&&&&&&&&&& and maybe have a swim in there too#
/ 5
2 Circle the correct words.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2!2 Pearso" Ce"tral E#ro$e %$& ' o&o&
0 *his is where you show your passport.
passport control / information desk
1 *hey "he"k your hand luggage here.
passport control / security check
2 'ou "an get some help here.
information desk / security check
3 'ou leave your luggage and show your ti"ket here.
check-in desk / departure lounge
4 (t shows details of your flight.
security check / information oard
! 'ou wait here before you get on the plane.
information oard / departure lounge
/ 5
3 "atch the words.
0 bus a park
1 pedestrian station
2 traffi" c -am
3 "ar d bus
4"ker e "rossing
! underground f stop
/ 5
4 Circle the correct words.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2!2 Pearso" Ce"tral E#ro$e %$& ' o&o&
0 *om has promised to come / coming to my party.
1 (ve de"ided to gi#e up / gi#ing up my art "lass ! ( dont have enough time.
2 ,ets go out ! the weather seems to e / eing a bit better today.
3 We didnt all en-oy to listen / listening to the s"hool or"hestra#
4 Do you fan"y to see / seeing a movie tonight/
! All the students managed to finish / finishing their 0nglish test on time.
/ 5
! Complete the dialogue. Use the #ers in rackets.
$enny% 1arrys late ! lets go. ( dont like

standing 2stand3 in the "old. Are you going to stay here/
&en% Well, ( dont fan"y
&&&&&&&&&& 2walk3 home on my own. ( dont mind
&&&&&&&&&& 2wait3 for
1arry. 4ome on, stay here with me.
$enny% $h, $5, -ust for a few minutes. Do you think he remembered
&&&&&&&&&& 2ask3 the tea"her about
our pro-e"t/
&en% ( don6t think so. ( think he wanted
&&&&&&&&&& 2talk3 to that new girl in the "lass# $h, here he is
'arry% 7orry# ( hate
&&&&&&&&&& 2be3 late.
$enny% 4ome on, let6s go home#
/ 5
( Circle the correct word.
0 ( fell hea#y / hea#ily and broke my foot.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2!2 Pearso" Ce"tral E#ro$e %$& ' o&o&
1 Did you do good / well in your e8ams/
2 9Dont do that again#: she shouted angry / angrily.
3 'ou need to be careful / carefully ! theres a lot of snow on the pavement.
4 $ur tea"her speaks very slow / slowly, so he is easy to understand.
! *he poli"e arrested two international / internationally thieves.
) Complete the reported commands and re*uests. Use told or asked and the words in rackets.
0 97top talking in the library#: 2them3
The teacher told them to stop talking in the library.
1 97tay with me, please.: 2dad3
;y sister &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2 91elp me with the washing.up, please.: 2us3
;um &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
3 9Dont worry about your test.: 2the students3
*he tea"her &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
4 97tay in bed for a few days.: 2my brother3
*he do"tor &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
! 9Get off the bus#: 2everybody3
*he "ondu"tor &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
/ 5
+ ,ut the lines in the correct order -0-!. to make a dialogue.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2!2 Pearso" Ce"tral E#ro$e %$& ' o&o&
/ 5
a $f "ourse, "an you see that green sign on the left/ < =
Go through the doors, turn right, and then youll see the "af>. < =
c *hank you# < =
d Ah yes, ( "an. < =
e ?o problem. < =
f 08"use me, "an you tell me where the "af> is, please/ <=
/ 5
Vo+a,#lar- !5
(rammar 2
*#"+t.o"s 5
Total /
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2!2 Pearso" Ce"tral E#ro$e %$& ' o&o&

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