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1 Matthew Connolly 8382373



Name Matthew Connolly
NetID Mcon814
Group Number: 021
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Claris Chung Monday 12pm
Time Spent on
15 hours Word Count: 1649


2 Matthew Connolly 8382373
Car theft is a huge problem especially here in New Zealand. My objective is to deter the
thieves from contemplating stealing cars in the first place. This is due to the fact that with
TPT (Theft Prevention Technology), the thief will know that he will get caught. A sensor in
the car detects if the car starts the move with the system being disabled. This sensor is
linked to your smart phone and sends a message alerting you to this change. The app then
gives you the option of immediately notifying the Police who can track the car using your
3.1 Vision
To stop car theft from being the severe problem it poses to the New Zealand
society and making car owners feel safe and secure leavi ng their car unattended
without the need for somebody to watch it at all times.
3.2 Industry Anal ysis: Car Theft Prevention Technology
Industry: Car Theft prevention
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low Automotive Security systems, Cisco Systems,
These companies all offer a similar system to the
system that TPT offers although none of them
offer a system that directly links to the mobile
device in the way that TPT does.
Supplier power: High Although as I previously stated many companies
offer a product that is used to try and avoid car
theft, TPT is the only product on the market that
links the alarm to the users device in order to alert
the car owner as quickly as possible.
Threat of new entrants: High With many companies offering an alarm system,
the threat of new entrants is high especially as


3 Matthew Connolly 8382373
they see the benefits of linking it to mobile
technoology as according to Horizon Poll, 50% of
New Zealanders now have a smart phones so
new entrants could easily adapt their existing
product to incorporate the smartphone
technology. The only major costs to transfer the
existing technology is making the app.
Threat of substitutes: Low Cars need alarm systems, otherwise car theft is
inevitable. Consumers have no option but to use
of the companies who provide alarms. It is also
expensive to change alarm systems as this
generally means having to buy a whole new
system like the one TPT offers, which involves
having to buy the app as well as the hardware
that is encompassed in the car.
Rivalry among existing
High Few major providers of car alarm systems who
are all rather large and well established which
leads to a high rivalry amongst the competitors as
they all want to establish a monopoly power in the
Overall attractiveness of the industry: The car alarm industry is attractive due to the
limited number of suppliers at the moment. This coupled with the the staggering statistics
regarding car theft such as 20,000 cars stolen in Auckland in 2013, suggest that the existing
companies arent doing enough to prevent this problem. By finding a niche in the alarm
market, it could be very easy to become the industry leader making this an attractive industry
3.3 Customers and Their Needs
The customers of TPT will be those who own cars. The main objective the customrs want
TPT to achieve is to prevent their car from being stolen. million each year in having to The
customers need to be assured that TPT will prevent any theft of their vehicle in order to
reduce any disruption to the vehicles owner, as theft can result in a lot of stress.. To know
that the car will still be where you left it the night before is a huge relief for most car owners


4 Matthew Connolly 8382373
as we now rely more heavily on motor vehicles. According to the NZTA, there are
approximately 3 million cars in New Zealand which means that 2 in 3 people have cars,
(NZTA, 2013)
3.4 The Product and Service
TPT is designed to reduce the number of thefts as well as catching the criminals in the act of
stealing. Out of the 20,000 or so cars stolen in New Zealand last year, only two thirds of the
cars were actually recovered and only around 20% of offenders were caught(NZ Herald) .
This means that a large amount of people will never see their car again and have to deal
with the disruption of not having a vehicle. According to a study in the Uk, 78.8% of car
theives are repeat offenders. ( The use of TPT allows criminals to be caught
in the act of stealing and by reducing the amount of theives on the streets, the amount of
thefts can also be reduced.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
For suppliers, I need the app to be made that makes TPT configure with Iphone and
Android phones so that the system in the car links with the system on the phone. Without
this link to an app, TPT just becomes another car alarm system and is not able to catch
criminals in the act. Also, I need a supplier on the tiny microchip that will be used to track
the vehicle. This chip has to be small enough so that it is not noticeable to any thief that tries
to steal the car.
For Partners, I need support from the police as the app will have a button that directly links
to the Police. In order to provide the fastest and most efficient service the police will need ot
be available regularly. Also, Apple/Android will need to be partners to ensure the smooth
running of the app so that it doesnt have any problems which will affect the effectiveness of
3.6 Strategy: Differentiation
TPT is a product that is focused to a broad market as it can be sold to anybody who owns a
car. However, in order to provide the best possible service, all of the necessary components
of TPT will be quite expensive. In order to be different from other car alarm systems, TPT
has to appeal to the more safety concious market who are willing to spend slightly more in
order to protect their assets. TPT is a product which requires a certain type of car owner who
wishes to go that extra step for the extra cost but this is the differentiation aspect which TPT
is designed to achieve.


5 Matthew Connolly 8382373
The overall strategy is therefore Differentiation
3.7 Value Chain Acti vity:
The most important value chain activity for this business is Service After sale
For TPT to work, the product needs to be monitored even after sale. This is what
differentiates TPT from other car alarm systems as the system is not just sold and forgotten
about, instead a relationship between business and consumer is formed in order to protect
the car from being stolen.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. CUSTOMER FACING PROCESSES Making sure the transition from initial
threat of theft, to capture of criminal is smooth by communicating with police, tracking
system and customer in order to catch the criminal with the least possible damage done to
the car and the public.


6 Matthew Connolly 8382373

3.8.2. BUSINESS FACING PROCESSES TPT needs to have an APP made in order
for customers to track their car once they leave their car unattended and turn the app on to
avoid theft. The app needs to be relaible and quick in order to receive the fastest response
and higher chance of capturing the thief.
Car Stolen
Reported to the owner via
app on phone
TPT, Police and tracking
company notified.
Car tracked down and thief
Car Returned to the
TPT Installed into
car to notify any
TPT transmits a signal
which tracks the cars


7 Matthew Connolly 8382373

App is created.
App is linked to police and
tracking system
App is made available to
Customer purchases app
and other hardware
App prevents car from
being stolen and lost.


8 Matthew Connolly 8382373
3.9 Functional iti es
Link together the police tracking system and TPT App
Alert sent to customer when car is stolen
Create an app which is quick and efficient
Make the app easy to use to encourage sales
3.10 Systems

3.10.1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM- Allows TPT to keep information on
location, make, model, owner and status of the car in order. This enables TPT to provide the
personal service in order to differentiate from the other car alarm systems.
information throughout the business in order to ensure the company runs smoothly. Day to
day costs will be fairly large for TPT as monitoring of the system will have to take place 24/7
in order to provide the best service for customers and ERP will enable all aspects of the
business to be monitored such as finances related to each customer.
TO 1 service to their customer by keeping records of how often they use the service and
offering extra security measures on discount when they become available as a loyalty
scheme for using the app which can be monitored everytime the app is enabled.


9 Matthew Connolly 8382373
3.11. Summary Table: Value Chai n to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information
Service after
1. Customer
1. Link together the police, tracking system
and TPT App

2. Alert sent to customer when car is stolen

Document Management

Customer Relationship
2. Business
1. Create an app which is quick and
2. Make the app easy to use to
encourage sales

Enterprise Resource


10 Matthew Connolly 8382373
In order for TPT to be effective, IS/IT is crucial as everything is based round computers,
phones and tracking devices all of which require IS/IT to be effective. TPT will bring about a
reduction in car theft but only if the Information systems required in order to function are able
to work effieciently and purposely by conjoining the various aspects of the business.

3.2 Stat regarding mobile phone usage in New Zealand: Published 2013
3.2 Amount of suppliers of Car alarms systems:

3.4 Car Theft stats 2013:
3.3 Amount of cars owned by Kiwis published 2013

3.4 The car thieves getting caught, 2013

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