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Name ______________________________________ Class ______________________________

5 Progress Test A
1 Match the words.
0 get a up
1 break b married
2 have c out together
3 go d children
4 get e in love
5 fall f engaged
/ 5
2 Match the words with the definitions.
bridge museum theatre monument concert hall palace
0 A place where you can see actors in a play. theatre
1 This usually goes over a river. __________
2 It is there so that we can remember an important day or person. __________
3 A place where you can hear music. __________
4 This building was probably the home of a king. __________
5 A place where we keep objects from history. __________
/ 5
PHOTOCOPIABLE 202 Pearso! Ce!tral E"ro#e $#% & o%o%
3 Complete the text. Use make, keep or break in the correct form.
From !atie
To "ordan
#ubject $ew %ear&s 'esolutions
(i "ordan)
(appy $ew %ear) It&s "anuary 1
again and I&ve
made two resolutions. First+ I&ve
__________ a promise
to myself that I will be healthier this year. I&m not going to eat any chocolate , last year I only managed to
do this for three days) #o I really must
__________ my record) I&m sure I can do four days at least. I have
__________ a second resolution , to take care of my teeth. #o I&m going to
__________ an appointment
with the dentist today.
This is the best) 0an you
__________ a secret2 Tom asked me to marry him and I&ve said yes)
/ 5
4 Match the situations with the predictions and decisions.
0 %ou eat too many burgers. a (e probably won&t pass.
1 "ames hasn&t studied for his e3am. b I won&t eat three pi44as again.
2 5o you think (arry would like to go to the concert with us2 c %ou&ll get fat)
3 I feel really sick) d 6aybe , I&ll te3t him and ask.
4 I&ve lost my notebook. e I&ll have a look at it for you.
5 %our computer is making strange noises. f I&ll go and buy a new one.
/ 5
PHOTOCOPIABLE 202 Pearso! Ce!tral E"ro#e $#% & o%o%
5 Complete the sentences. Use going to.
0 7e aren't going to arrive 8not 9 arrive: on time.
1 I woke up at 1..* a.m. I _______________ 8go: to bed early.
2 7hat _______________ 8we 9 have: for lunch today2
3 Frank _______________ 8do: his homework tonight.
4 It;s very sunny) They _______________ 8not 9 sell: a lot of umbrellas today.
5 _______________ 8you 9 visit: <ondon with us2
/ 5
6 Complete the sentences. Use will/won't or going to.
0 0ome to the youth club with me , I&m sure you will make 8make: new friends there.
1 7e __________ 8not 9 visit: my cousins this weekend , they are both ill.
2 It&s really cold today , I think it __________ 8snow:.
3 %ou shouldn;t have a party this weekend. %ou __________ 8fail: the test on 6onday.
4 It;s your mum;s birthday ne3t week. 7hat __________ 8buy: for her2
5 7hy don&t you try that new sandwich2 I&m sure you __________ 8like: it.
Circle the correct words.
0 !re "ou #oin# $ %ill "ou #o to the school play ne3t week2
1 =h no+ I forgot to bring lunch today. I &ll bu" $ &m bu"in# a sandwich.
2 #orry+ 5ad can&t take us to the concert tonight , he is wor'in# $ will wor'.
3 I don;t think >ete is comin# $ will come to our party on #aturday.
4 >erhaps #am&s uncle is mo(in# $ will mo(e to America ne3t year.
5 I &ll #o $ &m #oin# to France ne3t month. I&ve already bought a ticket.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 202 Pearso! Ce!tral E"ro#e $#% & o%o%
/ 5
/ 5
) *ut the lines in the correct order +0,6- to ma'e a dialo#ue.
a Is it =! if I sit here2 ?0@
b %es+ I started yesterday. ? @
c %es+ sure. ? @
d (ow do you like it2 ? @
e Are you new here at school2 ? @
f Thanks. ? @
# It&s =! so far. ?6@
/ 5
Vo*a+"lar, 5
'rammar 20
)"!*t-o!s 5
Total .0
PHOTOCOPIABLE 202 Pearso! Ce!tral E"ro#e $#% & o%o%

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