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Name Nicholas Hon Liang Ng
NetID nng982
Group Number: 121
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Claris Chung Monday 3pm
Time Spent on
20 hours Word Count: 1649


The world today is one filled with the brilliance and exuberance of modern day technology.
Despite our grand leaps of innovation, many people still live without light. This is mainly due
to a lack of infrastructure in less economically developed country (LEDCs). This problem is
also evident in more economically developed countries (MEDCs) where daylight hours per
day drops significantly during winter. To combat this chronic problem, the solution is
profound; harness the suns light energy and reflect it back to specific parts of the Earth,
using a network of mirror satellites.
3.1 Vision
To be the worlds leader in floodlight technology by providing an affordable, rapidly
responsive, and natural source of light to every settlement, city, and country in the world.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Solar Powered Floodlight Industry
Industry: Solar Powered Floodlight Industry. A floodlight is commonly an artificial light that
illuminates a wide area. The use of mirror satellites to reflect sunlight can be viewed as a
natural type of floodlight.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High There are many companies in this industry, which
buyers can choose to buy from. This is evident in
the long list of top companies that sell LED solar
floodlights. (Johnson, 2014)
Supplier power: Low Companies have many suppliers which they can
buy from. This is because solar floodlights are


made using solar cells which are quite extensively
made. (Eco Business Links, n.d.)
Threat of new entrants: Low It is relatively expensive to start up a solar panel
floodlight business. Machinery to make solar
panels are expensive, meaning substantial
amounts of start-up capital is needed. Hence,
barriers of entry to this industry is high. (LMS
Machinery, n.d.)
Threat of substitutes: Low Light is used in our everyday lives. The only real
substitute to light is fire. However, there are
many dangers associated with its use and its not
bright enough. (BSEF, n.d.)
Rivalry among existing
High There are a large number of companies in the
industry. They are all fighting for a piece of the
market share leading to increased rivalries.
(Johnson, 2014).
Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall, this industry is relatively unattractive to
potential new businesses. This is predominantly due to the high competition that already
exists and the high buyer power.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
A target group for this product would be MEDCs who are experiencing shortened daylight
hours. Finnish Meteorological Institute (n.d.) states that Finland only experiences about 6
hours of sunlight in a day during midwinter. Hence, people living in these ice cold climates
are unable to gain access to sufficient sunlight for recreational activities. Furthermore,
research by the Harvard Medical School (2006) suggests that vitamin D from the sun is vital


for bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. In this way, the product adheres to the
customers social and health needs.
LEDCs, like Uganda, are another possible target group. These countries lack the capital
needed to build infrastructure for electricity. Indiegogo (2013) states that there are 590
million Africans [that] live off the grid. These countries are forced to use flame based lamps
that release harmful gases. Indiegogo (2013) also explains that these lamps are cheap but
fuel to run them is not. Therefore, these lamps cause significant health issues and financial
3.4 The Product and Service
Using the sun and a network of mirror satellites, it is possible to illuminate specific areas
using a natural source of light. This is useful as the mirror satellites are able to reflect light to
countries experiencing winter, allowing customers to enjoy sunlight. Also, the fact that they
are able to gain greater exposure to the sun means that they decrease their risk of vitamin D
Mirror satellites would remove the problem of having to build expensive infrastructure.
Also, kerosene lamps would be replaced by a natural light source, removing harmful health
issues associated with burning fossil fuels. Because these countries cannot afford to pay top
dollar for the satellites, their fee can be subsidised by charging MEDCs more. Sponsorship
from large corporations is also a viable option.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
An invaluable supplier to this business would be Navman; a company specialising in GPS
technology. Navman have an existing network of satellites which can be used to pinpoint
locations of low light intensity. A telecommunications company, like Telecom, would also be
a useful supplier. They have an extensive network which can transmit information between
the ground team and the mirror satellite network.
A partner specialising specifically in satellite technology would be beneficial to the business.
NASA is an organisation that has extensive knowledge needed to operate a vast satellite


network. An energy company, like Mercury Energy in New Zealand, would also be a valuable
partner. In order to exploit the market, it would make strategic sense to partner with
Mercury Energy as they are able to provide the business with information regarding
peoples lighting bills. This can then be used to employ effective marketing campaigns.
3.6 Strategy: High Cost and Broad market
The high cost of the product is mainly due to its uniqueness and the fact that it is a world-
first innovation. The product will initially be marketed to richer European nations suffering
the effects of a bitter, cold winter, and are therefore more likely to buy and be able to
afford the product.
As profits increase, it is envisioned that the product will be sold to LEDCs in desperate need
of lighting at night. This can be done through subsidies and sponsorships, thereby expanding
the sale of the product to a different market. Hence, this aligns with the broad market
competitive scope which will be used.
The overall strategy is therefore Differentiation.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology development (and R&D)
The most important value chain activity for this business is Technology development (and
Technology development (and R&D) is essential to this business as the product being
offered is an utterly new innovation. In order to charge a high cost, the product must be of
high quality. This is also emphatically emphasised in the vision whereby this company
promises to be the worlds leader in floodlight technology. To meet this bold criteria, it is
paramount for the technology to be cutting edge. Along with this, it is also of great
importance that the research into new technology is done thoroughly in order to create
new and better technology for every settlement, city, and country in the world. In this
way, technology development (and R&D) is one of the most important value chain activities
for this business.
3.8 Business Processes


3.8.1. WEATHER INFORMATION GATHERING PROCESS - This process gathers weather
information which is needed to identify the areas where light intensity is low. By going
through the stringent steps in the process, irrelevant information is discarded. In the
meantime, the relevant weather information can be stored and used to align the satellites in
specific ways in order for sunlight to be reflected into the right areas.
3.8.2. PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT PROCESS This process analyses a customers feedback on
the product, in particular looking for negative feedback, which can be used to help improve
the product. By being able to identify and analyse a customers particular negative
feedback, the business will be able to implement changes to rectify the problem.




3.9 Functionalities
Ability to detect low levels of light intensity.
Predict weather patterns accurately.
Identify improvements that need to be made.
Catalogue needs, demands, and desires of customers.
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. WEATHER INFORMATI ON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system assists the business in
locating the areas where light is needed the most. The system is able to categorise key
information. Once the system has located a specific location, this information is then able to
be used to automatically align the mirror satellites accordingly. By being able to locate
specific areas, no matter how big or small, the vision of bringing light to every settlement,
city, and country in the world is fulfilled.
3.10. 2. FEEDBACK PROCESSING SYSTEM This system allows the business to make the full use
of its customers feedback. It will sort out a feedback based on its usefulness helping to
support decision making. The ability to process a customers particular negative feedback,
allows the business to implement changes to correct the problem. This system would aid in
any future modifications to the product, keeping with the business firm believe in being the
worlds leader in floodlight technology by constantly making improvements.
3.10. 3. WEATHER PREDI CTING SUPPORT SYSTEM This system enables the weather
information gathered to be processed rapidly. The system is able to predict weather
patterns using the data collected. By being able to systematically process the weather
information gathered, response time to weather changes is greatly decreased, enhancing
the automation capabilities of the product. Hence, this clearly satisfies the rapid response
part of the business vision.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

(and R&D)
1. Weather
1. Ability to detect low levels of light intensity.

2. Predict weather patterns accurately.

Weather information
management system

Weather predicting support
Collaboration system

Decisions support system
2. Product
3. Identify improvements that need to be

4. Catalogue needs, demands, and desires of
Feedback processing system

Feedback processing system
Supply chain management

Decision support system


The lack of light in modern day civilisation is a fixable disparity. Through the implementation
of mirror satellites, this problem is resolvable. The use of information systems, particularly,
the weather information management system, allows this problem to be identified and
rapidly resolved. Using information technology, information is collected to facilitate in the
automation of the mirror satellites. Hence, through the use of information systems and
information technology, the mirror satellite network is more effective in meeting the needs
of customers.

1. Johnson, D. (2014). Top LED Floodlight Manufacturers. Retrieved from

2. Eco Business Links. (n.d.). Solar Panel & Cell Manufacturers. Retrieved from

3. Guangzhou LMS Machinery. (n.d.). Machine to Make Solar Panel. Retrieved from

4. Bromine Science and Environmental Forum. (n.d.). The Dangers of Fire. Retrieved

5. Finnish Meteorological Institute (n.d.). Seasons in Finland. Retrieved from

6. Harvard Medical School (2006). Vitamin D: Enjoying its day in the sun. Retrieved

7. Indiegogo (2013). Light the Future for Rural Ugandans. Retrieved from

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