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Name SuiPok Li
NetID Sli208
Group Number: 488
Website Link:
,utorial Details
Tutor: Day: Ti!:
-li.ia ,ues/a0 &am
,12NSL2,ING 2PPS 3245 ,65
W-1LD 75,,51 PL285
7ooble translatin! apps help me to "ommuni"ate with people
that speakin! other lan!ua!e
*( 9ision
,o make the worl/ without lan!ua!e barriers
*2 In/ustr0 2nal0sis: 7ooble translatin! app in/ustr0
8ompan0:7ooble translatin! app in/ustr0
For#!: $i%&'Lo(: )u*ti+i#atio,:
Buy!r -o(!r:
High The playstore from the
smartphone,customers can find many other
choices of translating apps to download.
Su--.i!r -o(!r:
Low We have many choice of supplier(software
engineers company).
T&r!at o+ ,!( !,
High Profitable marets that yield high returns will
attract new firms. This results in many new
entrants,and this business is easy to start.
T&r!at o+ *u/*tit
High !uyer propensity to substitute is high,there are
many alternatives from the e"istence of
products,so we need to have innovative to
Ri0a.ry ao,% !
1i*ti,% #o-!tit
High There are many translating apps in the
maret,so the competition is fierce.
Overall attractiveness of the company: We have many competitor,but they
cost customer money,and we don't.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
The target group of customers is anyone that want to learn other language, The
translating app is free,the goal is to increase the amount of customers.After
that,we will maing huge profit from advertisement for other company.The
translating app is free,the goal is to increase the amount of customers.After
that,we will maing huge profit from advertisement for other company.
3.! "uppli ers and #artners
We have two suppl i ers whi ch i s software engi neers and googl e company.And
the first partners whi ch i s l anguage centers that provi de the vocabulary to us
and the second partner whi ch is advertisement company. The disti nction
bet ween suppl i er and partner i s often not wel l understood but each has a
rol e in helpi ng us achieve us goals. A suppl i er is often selected through a
traditional bi dding process and provides goods or services i n standardi $ed
transaction patterns for a period of ti me conformi ng to standard terms and
conditions. When the transacti ons end, the busi ness rel ati onshi p end.
3.% "trategy& Cost leadership
'oobl e translati on company is a l ow cost and broad maret, it is not
e(pensive to mae a translati on of the appl i cati on, the target is that anyone
wi shi ng to l earn other l anguages. Cost l eadershi p i s often driven by the
company' s effi ci ency, si $e, scal e, scope and e(perience )learni ng curve*
cumul ative. The purpose of cost leadershi p strategy is the use of production
scal e, clearl y define the scope and other economies )for e(ample, a good
procurement method*, produci ng hi ghl y standardi$ed products, the use of
hi gh technol ogy. We are the l owest cost producers, but does not offer the
l owest pri ce for a product or servi ce, we have a hi gher than average l evel of
profitabi l it y and compete on pri ce, i t is very effecti ve competition in such a
way, we also have l ow cost structure and management.
3.+ ,al ue Chain Activi ty& Technology development
Technological Development-we use the equipment, hardware, software, procedures and
technical knowledge to make the app and provide for the customers.Research and
development-To make the apps different,and better than competitors.
3.- 'usi ness #rocesses3.-.../012334N5 #60C2""The key of the market is
making translating app,we only have to use low cost to make this app and available for
customers to download for free.The propose of free product is to make a huge amount of
customer,after that we can make a huge profit from advertisement.
As-is aking !rofit !rocess
3.-.7. 4/#60,2/2NT #60C2""
"e would improved the function of the #ooble translating app for attracting more
customers,$irst,provided a #ooble vocabulary notebook for customers,customers can
take a #ooble vocabulary notebook with them all the time.%ollect any good
words,sentences or articles,particularly wisdoms and epigrams.&econd,provided #ooble
library books for customers to read,customers can read #ooble library books any
time,anywhere and any location.
To-#e aking !rofit !rocess
3.8 9uncti onal i ti es
3.8... /012334N5 #60C2""
-The first most relevant functionalities is able to place an order to supplier to make an app
for translating and after received the app,able to Acknowledge receipt of the finished app.
-The second is notify the #ooble translating app is ready to connected to google
playstore.Those process is necessary.
3.8.7. 4/#60,2/2NT #60C2""
-The first most relevant functionalities is able to place an order to supplier for developing
the #ooble translating app. After received the app,able to Acknowledge receipt of the
finished app.
-The second is notify the #ooble translating app is ready to connected those functions to
#ooble translating app and connected with google playstore.
This functionalities which is the most relevant,because the functions can attracted more
customer to download it,therefore we will increased the huge amount of customers.
3..: "ystems
$unctionalities &pecific information &ystem's( Type of &ystem'#road(
place an order to supplier to make
and develop the app
)rder processing system T!& &ystem
notify the #ooble translating app is
ready to connected to google
)rder processing system*Delivery
planning system
T!& &ystem
After received the app,able to
Acknowledge receipt of the
finished app.
!roduction management system T!& &ystem
3.... "ummary Table& ,alue Chai n to "ystems
The target group of customers is anyone that want to learn other language, We
have two suppl i ers whi ch i s soft ware engi neers and google company.And the
first partners whi ch is l anguage centers that provide the vocabul ary to us and
the second partner whi ch i s advertisement company 'oobl e transl ation
company i s a l ow cost and broad maret, i t i s not e(pensive to mae a
transl ati on of the appl ication, the target i s that anyone wi shi ng to l earn other
l anguages.The value chain activities is Technology development,we do research
and development;To mae the apps different,and better than competitors.0ur
business process is /odelling process and 4mprovement process,this process is
to mae a huge amount of customers at the first stage,after that,we can mae a
huge profit from posting advertisement for other company.
,alue Chain
#rocesses 9unctionalities "pecific 4nformati
on "ystem)s*
'road 4nformation
place an order to
supplier to make an app
for translating
notify the #ooble
translating app is ready
to connected to google
)rder processing
)rder processing
planning system
T#" "ystem
T#" "ystem
ent proces
place an order to
supplier for developing
the #ooble translating
notify the #ooble
translating app is ready
to connected those
functions to #ooble
translating app and
connected with google
)rder processing
)rder processing
g planning system
T#" "ystem
T#" "ystem

T#" "ystem

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