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Name Qing!an Yang
Ne"ID qyan524
#$%!& N!m'e$: 056
(e')i"e Lin*:
T!"%$ia+ De"ai+) T!"%$: Da,: Time:
Kayur Ramson on!ay "pm
Time S&en" %n
20 hours (%$-
Easy Pay Parking Company
Most of people need parking everyday and deal with a lot of parking payment
problems. There are several parking payment problems we often meet, for example:
cant find payment machine

machines broken

waiting for payment for a long


bad security for payment system. Therefore my solution is create automatic car
park payment system to make everyone easy pay and parking.
".1 %i si on
Easy pay for the parking, save times and solve all machine problems.
".2 &n!ustry 'nal ysi s: Parking Payment Technology Industry
ndustry: Parking Payment Technology Industry. !utomatic car park payment system.
O.e$a++ a""$a/"i.ene)) %0 "1e in-!)"$,: The parking payment industry is
attractive and a bright future. The buyer power

threat of new entrants and treat of

substitute are low, that is means the business in this industry can ac"uire more
benefit and not worry about replace.
"." (ustom)rs an! *h)ir +))!s
#ur main target customers are $ew %ealand&s driver. $ow basically everyone
choose car as travel tools, so must facing parking. n today&s society customer needs
F%$/e: 2ig13L%
B!,e$ &%4e$: L%4 'eople can only parking in carpark or street
parking areas, otherwise is a illegal,cars would be
towed away. 'eople don not have much choice,
so the buyer power in this industry is low.
S!&&+ie$ &%4e$: L%4 (upplier power in this industry is low. )ecause
there are lots of suppliers can provide the
materials and electronic components used for the
car park.
T1$ea" %0 ne4
L%4 Threat of new entrants in this industry is low,
because breaking into this industry need high
level of technology and the entry barriers are
T1$ea" %0 )!')"i"!"e): L%4 Threat of substitutes in this industry is low.
)ecause currently only staffs charge the parking
fees can replace the system of parking meters.
Ri.a+$, am%ng
e5i)"ing /%m&e"i"%$):
2ig1 n this industry the competition is complacent.
Every competitors wants more contract and more
land space.
more convenient parking payment system, so our system will automatic processing
all the parking payment for customers and to ensure the safety of payment.
".4 *h) ,ro!uct an! -)r.ic)
#ur system by collecting information specific to the customer accounts and their
license plates and connect them, then use the laser sensor to identify and record the
time for car in and out of carpark, and then calculate the amount of money should
pay. Then send to the banking system and automatically deduct the amount. #ur
system save times for payments and more convenient. !lso automatic payment have
a high level of security.
".5 -uppli )rs an! ,artn)rs
(uppliers include laser sensor manufacturers like *E+E$,E-./. The partner for the
parking payment system are banks-e.g !()


)$%.../ and the other partner for

send message for the customers are 0odafone and1or 2 degree. !nd the potential
partner is shopping malls and government.
".6 -trat)gy: Defferentiation
The business follow 3ifferentiation strategies, the competitive scope for the business
is broad market because the system targeted the drivers in $ew %ealand. The cost
strategy is high cost because this system need to establish a high technology so the
cost of production is high.
".# %alu) (hai n 'cti.ity: Technology Development
!n important value chain activity is technology development. Technology and
development is to make sure our automatic car park payment system batter than
other parking payment system, and keep our advantages in the competition.
".$ /usi n)ss ,roc)ss)s
3.8.1 utomatic payment process ! This process help the customers finished
payment automatically also this process helps customers save a lot of time and
improve the safety of payment at the same time reduce the payment machines error.
!utomatic payment processing can effectively manage customer pay parking fees.
"#$I%E$$ P&'CE$$ ('DE) '*
#T'(TIC P+(E%T P&'CE$$

4eceive the parking times

,alculate the amount check the amount

confirm the account E$3
3.8., Time (anager Process
"#$I%E$$ P&'CE$$ ('DE) '* T-E TI(E
(%.E& P&'CE$$
In Time
'ut Time
".0 1uncti onal i ti )s
".0.1 'utomatic paym)nt proc)ss
,ro.i!) cl)ar paym)nt proc)ss for custom)rs
a2) par2ing paym)nt )asy
".0.2 *im) manag) proc)ss
anag) th) par2ing tim)s
".10 -yst)ms
5..6.. 7icense plate recognition system
This system can identify the license plate.
5..6.2 'ayment transaction system
'ayment will transaction automatically.
5..6.5 nformation notification system
Every time the transaction made the information notification system will send
message to customers.
The !utomatic car park payment system help $ew %ealands drivers solve the
problems of parking payment.

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