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Name Dannica Meng Tang
NetID dtan041
Group Number: 198
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Yvonne Hong Wednesday 10am
Time Spent on
12 hours Word Count: 1630


Diabetes is a serious health concern in New Zealand, 6.67% of our population are diagnosed
with diabetes (Ministry of Health, 2013). Diabetes is a syndrome when the human body is
unable to produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar level. The causes of Diabetes
are genetic disorder, viral infection .etc. which result in people suffering from bad immune
system, abdominal pain and infections .etc. Unfortunately, diabetes cannot be cured in our
generation. We have came up with a technological solution to help out the people who
suffer from diabetes to improve their lifestyles, as well as to create awareness to people
without diabetes about how serious this health problem can be and ways to prevent it. Our
app (Diabetes 2 Low) contains many different functions such as blood sugar level tracker,
food recommendation, weekly planner, health videos and socialising (connection with the
diabetes organisation) tools .etc. It will create a lot of convenience for people to use it as it is
a smart phone generation.
3.1 Vision
To help people living with diabetes improving their lifestyle and create social awareness of
this health concern with the convenience from the smart phones in their hands.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Health and Social Mobile App Industry
Industry: Health and Social Mobile App Industry. A mobile app focuses on diabetes and
healthy lifestyle.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High The buyer power is high.. They dont need to get
a health and social product/service just from this
industry. There is a wide range of similar products
and services buyers can get from elsewhere.


Supplier power: Low The supplier power is low. The suppliers of health
and social mobile app industry are usually
software developers and health related
researchers that they dont have many choice to
supply to.
Threat of new entrants: High The threat of new entrants is high. This is because
the barrier to enter the health and social mobile
app industry is not high, for example, it doesnt
cost a lot to enter and it doesnt necessarily
require any specific background knowledge to
enter this industry.
Threat of substitutes: High The threat of substitutes is relatively high. Some
substitute examples are health magazines, books
that are focused on diabetes and health issues,
personal health instructors .etc. All this substitute
products and services are threats to the health
and social mobile industry.
Rivalry among existing
High Rivalry among existing competitors is high. There
are quite many health and social focused mobile
apps already existing in this industry (such as
Glooko, Diabetic Connect .etc. (HealthLine, 2014))
according to the App Store and Google Play. (App
Store, 2013), (Play Store, 2013). Showing it is very
Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall, the health and social mobile app industry is
not considered as an attractive industry due to four out of the five forces being high. The
buyers have a lot of choices to get similar products and services from elsewhere, it is easy
for others to enter this industry, there are a lot of substitute products and services that can


replace any health mobile apps and within the industry there exist many competitors. In
order for individuals to do well in this industry, they must have great competitive
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Our customers are mainly people diagnosed with diabetes, people whoes family member is
diagnosed with diabetes and people who need suggestions on every healthy lifestyle.
Our customers need a convenient blood sugar level tracking tool, healthy food and exercise
suggestions. As a mobile app, they can do all these with the smart phones in their hands
anytime, anywhere. In our app, we have a blood sugar tracking tool that organises data into
easy to read formats (i.e. charts) straight from their blood sugar test meters to help them to
keep an eye on their sugar intake level. It contains other functions such as recommended
recipes and exercises not only for people diagnosed with diabetes, but also for everyone
who wants to live healthily and prevent themselves from getting diabetes or other common
syndromes such as obesity. To compliment these functions, in our app we also have
planners and community connections to help people plan what they need to do everyday as
well as connect to others who are also in similar health situations so they can encourage
each other.
Southern Cross Healthcare Group. (2012). Diabetes - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
Retrieved on 30th March 2014 from
3.4 The Product and Service
The functions we provide in our app are blood sugar level tracker, carbo intake tracker, food
recommendation, weekly planner, health videos and socialising (connection with the
diabetes organisation) tools. The blood sugar level tracker gets data straight from the blood
sugar test meter and organise them into analytical readible formats so users dont have to
manually input the data. The carbo intake tracker shows recommended amount of
carbohydrate level that people with different conditions should intake and keeps an eye on
how much they intake, for example, the user just have to input 100g white bread and the
app will work out the amount of carbo intake that is. The food recommendation function of
our app contains appropriate recipes recommended by health instructors to suggest to the
users what kind of food they should eat to stay healthy and give them simple ideas such as


what should we eat for dinner today. The health videos are videos from instrutors
suggesting possible exercises the users can do to stay fit everyday. The weekly planner and
socialising functions in our apps are compliments to our main app functions. They allow
users to plan their daily routines just like an electronic diary as well as provide a platform for
people who suffer from diabetes to share their stories, tips and encourage each other (the
connection with the diabetes organisation forum in the app).
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
Our suppliers are software developers and diabetes/health researchers. The diabetes/health
researchers provide accurate knowledge such as healthy blood sugar levels, appropriate
recipes for the need to build this diabetes and health focused app. The software developers
provide skills and knowledge such as building interfaces, coding .etc. in order to create a
pleasant and convenient app for the users.
Our partners are health instructors and healthy recipes chefs. We can link videos from health
instructors and they will demostrate more professional exercise instructions for the users.
We can also link recipes from chefs specialised with healthy food and they deliver good
recipes to the users.
3.6 Strategy: Focused Low Cost
Competitive scope: Our app is targeting on the narrow market. We mainly focus on people
who are diagnosed with diabetes and people who are concerned with diabetes and health
Cost Strategy: Our app is an app that is free to download and only offers some in app
purchase. It is very affordable to smart phone users. Our price strategy is low.
The overall strategy is therefore Focused Low Cost.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Procurement
The most important value chain activity for this business is Procurement.
Our most important value chain activitiy is procurement. It is very important for us to make
an app from raw knowledge and skills and turn them into something thats convenient to
use and helpful to people with health concerns mainly diabetes. It is implemented from raw
programming and diabetes/health knowledge, the app is focused on people who suffer from
diabetes and general health concerns. The knowledge and skills required are not obtained
with a high cost to make our app thus it makes our app very low priced. By making the app,
values are added to it for users to use, and it uses the focused low cost strategy.


3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. APP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS This process first begins with gather reasearched
contents of the app, then create app interfaces, code out the program and compile the
program, in the end make sure the program works as an app.




3.8.2. APP TESTING PROCESS This process begins with trying out the compiled
program on the target mobile devices, then check if all of the functions work the way they
should be working, debug any incorrect contents and functions, then test again until no



3.9 Functionalities
Visible app to record blood sugar data from users.
Provide healthy suggestions.
Detect bugs and errors.
Correct and improve information in the app.
3.10 Systems

3.10.1. INPUT DATA ANALYSIS SYSTEM Our Diabetes app contains functions that allow
data to be inputed directly from blood sugar test meter. The data is received into the app
and then undergoes analysis which it looks up at the time the data is recorded from the
blood sugar test meter, and compare the data with previous data. Then it will automatically
generate a chart of the comparison of the blood sugar level from the user within certain
time periods, i.e. weekly, monthly .etc. If the blood sugar level is at a dangerous level, a
warning and suggestions will be displayed. This requires decision support system as well as
all the information will need to be integrated.

3.10.2. SCHEDULE MANAGING SYSTEM Our app also contains a weekly planner for
users to plan their weekly tasks such as exercises, healthy food shopping list .etc. The app
will gather data inputed from the user and place them into time based schedules. Reminders
and notifications will be sent to the users when the time gets close to an upcoming event.
This system also requires intelligence and decision support.

3.10.3. ERROR DETECTING SYSTEM Error detecting system is an in-app function
(invisible to the users, only embeded inside the codes), which detects malfunctions of the
app such as app quit at a sudden or unable to save any data .etc. the error detecting system
will send reports to the app developing team which they will check the problem, debug and
improve the app. It requires all of the systems, databases to be integrated and consistent
and a lot of decision support.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. APP
Visible app to record blood sugar data from
Provide healthy suggestions.
Input data analysis system

Schedule managing system

2. APP
Detect bugs and errors.
Correct and improve information in the app.
Error detecting system

Information correcting



We believe our app has a competitive advantage and will improve customer satisfaction. Our
diabetes app (Diabetes 2 Low) contains many different functions such as blood sugar level
tracker, food recommendation, weekly planner, health videos and socialising (connection
with the diabetes organisation) tools .etc. It will create a lot of convenience for people to use
it as it is a smart phone generation. In the current market, there exist a few diabetes app,
however, our app contains improved tracking methods, it will be free to download (with
some in-app purchase) and new socialising functions such as connection with the diabetes
organisation is provided.
1. Southern Cross Healthcare Group. (2012). Diabetes - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
Retrieved on 30th March 2014 from

2. Dissanayake, A. (2008). About diabetes. Retrieved on 30th March 2014 from

3. Ministry of Health (2013). Health targets: More heart and diabetes checks. Retrieved
on 30th March 2014 from
checks 3) Teens Health. (n.d.). Long-term Complications of Diabetes. Retrieved on
30th March 2014 from

4. Diabetes New Zealand. (n.d.). About type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved on 30thMarch 2014

5. (n.d.). Causes of Diabetes. Retrieved on 30th March 2014 from

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