Yeji Jung's Deliverable 2 Infosys 2014

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Name Yeji Jung
NetID Yjun444
Group Number: 514
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Khushbu Tutor Tuesday 1pm
Time Spent on
23 hours Word Count: 1638


By implementing the speed logging software into vehicle that wirelessly sends to a server
with the vehicle registration and licence plate, the number of drivers breaking the law from
overspeeding will decrease as they will keep their speeds low, and from this the social cost
spent by government on fatal crashes will decrease. Social cost of fatal crash in NZ is
estimated at $3,797,600 (Ministry of Transport 2012 Statistics) but when governments
social cost is reduced, the saved cost can be spent on other sectors. Also decreased fatal
crashes will decrease number of deaths will reduce societys suffering and damage on the
community. Even though the role of police is protecting all persons against illegal acts (UN
Blue Book) but police dont have resources to catch all over-speeding drivers. But
furthermore, this will solve the problem and increase police productivity by reducing the
need for them to be actively catching speeders in an urban context.

3.1 Vision
To reduce the number of road accidents and make the road safe for both drivers and
3.2 Industry Analysis: Road Safety Software Industry
Industry: Road Safety Software Industry. This industry will focus on reducing the
occurrence of road accidents and improving the road safety by creating the software
that will enforce people to follow the road safety laws and reduce the injury and
death rates from fatal crashes.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low Buyer power is low as
Supplier power: Low Supplier power is low as
Threat of new entrants: Low Threat of new entrants is low as
Threat of substitutes: Low Threat of substitutes is low as
Rivalry among existing
Low Rivalry among existing competitors is low as


Overall attractiveness of the industry: This industry is highly attractive based off the
Porters 5 force analysus and it also has a first-mover advantage due to the fact that there
has not been any software implemneted on vehicle that will reduces the occurance of road
accidents and improve the road saftey.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Our main customer will be the government and police. The government will need to this
software to reduce the high social cost spent on fatal crashes. Drivers that break the law will
be reported to a server which will help government to collect fines from them and increase
the government revenue. At the moment police dont have resoruces to catch all the drivers
breaking the speed limit but implimenting this software will help over-speeding drivers to be
caught and fined easliy without wasting policeman power. By making the process automatic,
police can work on other jobs that require human resources.
3.4 The Product and Service
A software that logs the vehicles speed will contribute in catching the over-speeding drivers
that was originally caught by policemen and speed cameras. Our software is better and
more effecient as many speed cameras havent cut accident rates and may even increased
them. They are only highly effecitve in clocking up speeding fines. The tax money being
spent on installing speed cameras by government is not actually making the raod safter, and
just government rasing the money by receiving speeding fines (Jason Groves, 2011) where
as this software will decrease the accident rates and increase the government revenue. The
software will also minimise the dangerous distraction to drivers as they dont have to check
the speedometer when the speed camera is nearby. Looking down at the speedometer for
just 1 second without the driver concentrating properly on the road will highly cause fatal
crash as vehicle travells about 13 metres in 1 second (dabatewise, 2014). By generating the
process into automative process to decrease the number of car accidents and improve the
road safety.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners


In order to implement this software into the vehicle, we will need a software developer to
create the vehicles speed logging software. MadgeTech has created a data logging software
that logs data and allows users real time and wireless recording, and more (MadgeTech,
2014). By working with Madge Tech, we will be able to create a speed logging software that
logs the vehicles real time speed and send them wirelessly to the server.

As the implememt of this software will reduce the wasting of policeman power and increase
the governmnet revenue. We will be partnered with police and government to contribute in
reducing the road accidencts and improving the road safety to decrease the fatal crash. Also
in order to implemnet the software into vehicle, we will need car mechanics to install the
software inside the vehicles.
3.6 Strategy: Focussed High Cost
To create a software that logs the vehicles speed and sends them wirelessly to a server, we
will require high start up cost as it is only a start up software and wont be easy to create.
Also a software that is aimed for reducing the road accident will be focused in narrow scope
of market to start with.
The overall strategy is therefore Focussed High Cost
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Making the product or service
The most important value chain activity for this business is making the software that logs
vehicles speed and identifies whether the drivers speed was above the speed range and
sends them wirelessly to polices server in order for driver to be fined for over-speeding. If
the software is produced with lots of error consumer will not need it and their needs wont
be satifsied. Thus, the impact of it will be huge as it is going to be implemented in all
vehicles and partnered with government and police. The software has to be delivered with
high quality with no error as it will be used to determine drivers who are breaking the law. It
should be implementable into the vehicle as it needs to log the speed in real-time and need
to be able to achive the goal of solving the problem of over-speeding and causing fatal


3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. PRODUCTION PROCESS is the main and most important process because the
finished software needs to be high standard with no error so it can be implemented into the
vehicles to catch the over-speeding drivers and meet the needs of government and police.
From creating and designing software and testing before installing it into the vehicles needs
to be done effectively and productively through different departments. This supports the
value chain activity of making the software by adding value to make the road safer.

3.8.2. SPEED LOG IDENTIFICATION PROCESS The process of identifying the
speed log wil l determine whether the driver has broke the law by driving above
the speed range of 20-110km or not. It is i mportant as if they dont identify the


log correctly and sends it to the server to report them, the driver will be
penalised to pay fine. This supports the value chain activity of collecting the speed log
and adding value using the speed range of 20-110km to make the road safer.

3.9 Functionalities
Creates finished good and test it do minimise the error before installing
Adds value and quality to finished good and provide service
Identifies collected l og of speed whether it is above the speed range or


Determines whether the speed was legal or illegal based off the speed
3.10 Systems
3.10.1. SPEED IDENIFICATION SYSTEM This system identifies whether the driver
has broke the law by driving above the speed range of 20-110km or not base off
the speed logs. This ensures the log has been correctly sent to the server to
report that driver broke the speeding law for them to be penalised with fine.
3.10.2. VEHICLE IDENIFICATION SYSTEM This system identifies which vehicle broke
the speeding range based off recevied data of vehicle registration and licence plate. This
enables the police to access into personal detail and penalise the driver with fines.
3.10.3. WIRELESS REPORTING SYSTEM This system reports the drivers speed logs
and drivers vehicle registrations and licence plates when they drove above the speed range
of 20-110km wirelessly to a server that is connected with police. The police will then contact
them to penalise the driver with fines.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s) Broad Information System(s)

1. Production
1. Creates fi ni shed good and test i t do
mi ni mi se the error before i nstal l i ng
2. Adds val ue and qual i ty to fi ni shed good
and provi de servi ce

1. Speed identification
2. Wireless reporting
3. Vehicle identification
Decision support system

Collaboration system

Collaboration system
2. Speed log
1. Identi fi es col l ected l og of speed whether
i t i s above the speed range or not
2. Determi nes whether the speed was l egal
or i l l egal based off the speed l og
1. Speed range
identification system
2. Speed log identification
Decision support system

Decision support system


Our software will increase the government revenue by identifying overspeeding drivers and
receiving fines, and at the same time it will decrease the number fo injuries and deaths
caused from fatal crash by generating the process into automative process to decrease the
number of car accidents and improve the road safety. And by making the process automatic,
it will increase effeciency and productivity for government, police and citizens.

1. Jason Groves. (24 August 2011). Speed cameras 'do not cut accidents'... they
create them, study finds[

2. Datawise. Should we abolish speed cameras?

3. Madgetech. []


5. Ministry of Transport 2012 Statistics

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