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Name Justin Wei
NetID jwei114
Group Number: 230
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Yvonne Hong Wednesday 11am
Time Spent on
14 hours Word Count: 1385


In the modern world we live in today, we expect our day to flow as smoothly and efficiently
as possible through the support of modern-day technology. This is not the case for public
transport in Auckland at all, and if you travel by bus often, youd know.
At present, the AT Public Transport app seldom suffices as a reliable one. Its unreliability,
along with that of the public transport service, puts many people off public transport
services. Daud (2013), a blogger says Auckland Public Transport has a pretty bad reputation
possibly the worst in the country, and he is not wrong.
Therefore, we have proposed the creation of a new app, which pin-points the exact location
of buses on a map using accurate information, allowing users to be informed about the
whereabouts of the buses they want to catch.
3.1 Vision
To provide the most innovative and reliable system supporting the making of the most
efficient public transport experience.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Public Transport Information App Industry
Industry: Public Transport Information App Industry
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low Buyers in this industry will not have many choices, as there
are currently only three of these types of apps in the Google
Playstore for Auckland users, including the official AT Public
Transport app when searching keywords auckland
transport in google play search (Google, 2014).


Low The supplier is the data that Auckland Transport publishes
through their website, and are the only providers of this
data needed to create this app for Auckland (Auckland
Transport, 2013). Therefore supplier power is low.
Threat of new
High This industry would be easy to enter, as there are no
significant entry barriers. Knowledge in programming
required to make this type of app is considerable, and
extensive time is needed to create an app, but nearly no
money is required to do so. Therefore many app developers
could enter the market, making the threat of new entrants
Threat of
Low Substitutes of such apps are few, and unappealing. This
includes looking at bus timetables, real-time boards, or
watching for buses at the bus stop. Nobody likes the other
options, so threat of substitute is low.
Rivalry among
Low The rivalry in this industry is currently not very fierce. Even
though there are three apps in the industry in Auckland,
including Auckland Transit and Auckland Buses, AT Public
Transport remains dominant at 50k+ downloads, (Google,
Overall attractiveness of the industry: The public transport information app industry is
unattractive, as due to the non-profit nature of this industry (it only supports the public
transport system), not alot of money can be made by entering this industry. Otherwise, if an
app developer is not seeking profit, this industry would be attractive to enter.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs


The customers of this app are regular bus travellers and anyone who wishes to travel by bus
in Auckland. Customers want to be able to travel around Auckland using public transport
without a delay in their own schedules. They want a product that can accurately show them
how long and how close their bus is to their stop. They want to be able to do this from their
homes, school, work, or anywhere that is more productive than at a bus stop. This is where
our app comes in.
3.4 The Product and Service
Our app is one that can accurately pin-point buses on a virtual map (eg. Google Maps), for
visual aid in determining the arrival of buses, while also providing an ETA to the desired bus
This can be done by tracking the GPS devices on every bus, displaying their real-time
location on the map within the app. Customers will find the visual map appealing and useful.
This method, aided by an ETA, will be much more reliable for users, as buses wont suddenly
disappear off the board if they are late.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
One supplier that is needed would be an internet service provider (eg. Vodafone), to be able
to retrieve the data online from Auckland Transport, as Auckland Transport publishes that
data on their website. Another supplier Android, which is owned by Google, and supplies
the app development software SDK which our app needs.
The most important partner will be Auckland Transport, as their public transport data is
required in order for the app to fulfil its purpose of interpreting the data and displaying it to
users Another partner that the business would associate with is Google, more specifically
Google Play. Google Play is one of the two largest app stores, so it would be logical to
publish the app here.
3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership


Our app is targetting anyone who is willing to use the bus, and not just regular bus
passengers. Anyone who visits the app store can download it, free of charge. Therefore it is
for a broad market.
Cost-wise, the app will not cost any money to use, as it is simply an app that will support the
public transport system and is therefore low cost.
The overall strategy is therefore cost leadership.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology Development (R&D)
The most important value chain activity for this business is technology development (R&D).
Technology development is a very important for this business, as the app created must be
reliable, but at the same time innovative, which would require maintaining the apps
stability, while developing more advanced technology to be incorporated into the app. It
allows the business to have the competitive edge by being innovative which adds value to
the product. This also links to the vision, in that developing an innovative and reliable app
will better support the public transport system.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. CUSTOMER REVIEW PROCESS This is the process of observing opinions and ideas from
customer reviews, and making changes or updates to the app accordingly. This process
ensures that customers stay satisfied with the product by keeping it maintained, and feel
that they are making a difference to the development of the app that supports the public
transport system.



3.8.2. RESEACH AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS This is the process where the research and
development team come up with new ideas through extensive research to be added into
the app, to keep it innovative. It involves devising new ideas and then implementing them
into the app.


3.9 Functionalities
Receive reviews from supportive customers
Implement fixes to app suggested by customers
Research on innovative ideas that will give app a competitve edge
Publishing the new update of app and allowing users to download it
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. ONLINE FORUM SYSTEM This system allows customers/users of the app to post
reviews/feedback/complaints about the app on an online forum, where app developers can
reply to or simply read them. This is how the app developers are able to connect to their
customers and improve the app.
3.10. 2. APP DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM This system is the system that allows the app to be
created. It will also allow the app to be modified and upgraded, so that the app becomes
more innovative and sustainable in the market.
3.10. 3. BUGS AND ERRORS DETECTION SYSTEM This system allows the app developers to
check for any major bugs or errors in their app, before releasing a new version. This means
that the app will always be reliable, without major bugs in updates, so that customers are
satisfied. This links to the vision by providing a reliable app for users.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. Customer
1. Receive reviews from customers

2. Implement fixes to app suggested by
Online forum system

App development system
Collaboration System

Transaction Processing
2. Research and
1. Research on innovative ideas that will give
app a competitive edge

2. Publishing the new update of app and
allowing users to download it
App development system

Bugs and errors detection
Transaction Processing

Transaction Processing


In conclusion, the business will create an app that will captivate its users through innovative
and reliable functions, and at the same time will be supporting the Auckland public
transport system. Through information systems like the online forum system, customers will
be able to discuss any improvements that can be made to the app.


1. Daud L. (2013). Just another complain about Aucklands Public Transport. Retrieved

2. Auckland Transport. (2013). Google Transit Feed. Retreived from

3. Auckland Transport. (2012). Auckland Transport Statistics Report (September).
Retrieved from

4. Android. (2014). Get the Android SDK. Retrieved from

5. Google. (2014). Search. Retreived from

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