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Name Leanne Gray
NetID lgra919
Group Number: 280
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Kirsten Van Dorp Thursday 10am
Time Spent on
15 hours Word Count:


Food allergies and intolerances affect many people in NZ and worldwide, this can often lead
to serious symptoms in people with allergies and intolerances if they eat the wrong food,
risking a severe reaction or even death. Whereas those with intolerances that eat the wrong
food can suffer from health issues and have an overall poor quality of life (Allergy NZ, 2010)
The problem? People with allergies/intolerances find it difficult and time consuming to
figure out what they can and cant eat. ScanMe is device with a scanner that can be
attached to shopping trolleys/baskets or handheld which determines whether or not an
individual can consume the food item depending on their allergies/intolerances by showing
either a red, orange or green light. The ScanMe system is personalised for each customers
allergen/intolerance details and can significantly help those with food allergies/intolerances
when shopping at their local supermarket.
3.1 The ScanMe Vision
We aim to improve the quality of life for those with food allergies and intolerances by
making their lives easier with technology that is easy-to-use, trustworthy and of high-
3.2 Industry Analysis: Food Allergy Technology Industry
Industry: Food Allergy Technology Industry. Food-allergic people rely on the food industrys
ingredient labelling to provide accurate and easily accessible information about what is in
their food there is no cure for food allergy so they need to avoid the food allergen
completely (Allergy NZ, 2010) ScanMe belongs to the Food Allergy Technology Industry,
specialising in barcode scanning to detect allergies/intolerance in these food items .


Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High Buyer power is high as buyers have many
substitutes for food allergy technology products
especially with the amount of allergy related
smartphone apps available (K. Holland, 2014)
Supplier power: Low Supplier power is low as there are many
substitutes for food allergy technology products
and buyers are price sensitive as it is not a
neccessity to have this technology as they are
able to survive without it.
Threat of new entrants: High There are no barriers to entry with the Food
Allergy Technology Industry and it does not
require a particularly significant amount of capital
to create a new food allergy technology product.
Therefore it is easy for anyone to enter into the
industry. The Food Allergy technology industry is
also becoming more popular as the proportion of
those with allergies/intolerances is on the rise as
well as avoiding particular ingredients becoming
trendy (J. Pisani, 2014)
Threat of substitutes: High There are many Food Allergy technologies being
developed and many already established such as
apps on smartphones and TellSpec, making the
threat of substitutes high within the industry as
there are multiple alternatives. (A. Orlov, 2013).


Rivalry among existing
High Because there are many alternatives and
competitors, technology including food allergy
technology products need to have product
differentiation and competitive edge in order to
survive and also the ability to adapt making the
competitor rivalry relatively high. Also, the rising
industry growth rate due to the popularity of
accomodating those with food restrictions (J.
Pisani, 2014) increases competitiveness.
Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall, the Food Allergy Technology Industry is not
very attractive particularly because of the high amount of substitutes creating high rivalry
between competitors as well as the low supplier power. However, it is a growing industry
and therefore supplier power in the future may increase because of buyers becoming more
dependent on food allergy technology to make their lives easier.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
ScanMes target group of customers are those with allergies and/or intolerances (Famillies,
individuals and couples) as well as high quality supermarkets such as Nosh as it will be
available for both individual and commercial sale. Our target group of customers needs are
crucial in that they purchase food items that they can actually consume. They need to be
provided with accurate and easily accessible information about what is in their food and
they need to be able to trust this information that it is reliable (Allergy NZ, 2010)

3.4 The Product and Service


ScanMe satisifes the needs of their target group in that it is a device has a system that can
be personalised for each customers allergen/intolerance details. With this customer-
specific information, the customer can scan any food items in the supermarket to detect
whether or not they are able to consume the product by flashing a red (not able to
consumer) , Orange (can consume in moderation) and Green (Yes, you can consume) light.
The ScanMe system is easy to use by any person of any age and we guarantee acccurate and
reliable results for each of its users.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
Potential suppliers and partners of ScanMe include:
Motorola Solutions Motorola is the the world leader in the barcode scanning
industry, therefore they are an important supplier of the barcode scanning
component in ScanMe products - ensuring a quality and trust in the technology used.
Color Pak Color Pak NZ will specialise in the construction and finishing of ScanMes
box packaging.
Allergy New Zealand Allergy NZ is national charity that provides those with
allergies/intolerance in NZ with reliable information, education and support in order
to manage a healthy lifestyle. As a partner, they will be particularly useful in
providing insightful information to make effective decisions about the development
of ScanMe and in return we will provide our support in terms of donations.
World Allergy Organization WAO will provide significant global allergy information
which will help in researching what exactly our customers want, for the continuous
improvement of ScanMe.



3.6 Strategy: Focus Strategy (Differentiation)
ScanMe uses the Porters generic focus strategy (DIfferentiation) as we target our product
at a small community of people affected by allergies and/or intolerances. Our product is
technology based and needs to be of a high quality, therefore it will have a high cost due to
the quality of the materials used as well as the high maintenance of the ScanMe system to
ensure its accuracy.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology Development
The most important value chain activity for this business is Technology Development.
Techonology Development includes research and development as well as product and
process improvement. This is a significant value chain activity for ScanMe as said in our
vision we aim to provide technology that is easy-to-use, trustworthy and of high-quality.
This is achieved mainly through the factors that fall under Technology Development as
thorough research, product and process development is needed to make ScanMe a high-
quality product that delivers accurate results.

3.8 Business Processes


3.8.1. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS - R&D is a key process needed to ensure the
success of ScanMe. The information gathered during this process is significant as the market
for Food Allergy Technology is changing and therefore needs continuous research to ensure
the survival of ScanMe as well as the high-quality and trustworthy technology that we have
promised our customers.



3.8.2. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS - The Product Development Process is significant as
with this process, we ensure that ScanMe doesnt fall behind in the fast-paced world of
technology ,customers wants are met and that any developments/innovations made are
successful with the use of previous research and development findings.


3.9 Functionalities
Discussion forum/Shared Whiteboard
Document Exchange
Solution test
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. GROUPWARE SYSTEM Groupware Systems are designed to support team
interactions such as the discussion forums and shared whiteboards used by the R&D
Department during the R&D Process. This system supports these interactions, making it
faster and easier to communicate within groups and therefore more efficient. This efficiency
of communication, especially between partners and ScanMes Research and Development
team, makes the development of ScanMe more productive and effective in terms of
providing customers the high-quality, trustworthy and easy-to-use product they desire.
3.10. 2. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DMS provides tools for the use of
creating,storing, editing and publishing documents. This is particularly useful during the
Research and Development Process as the exchange of valuable documents is highly used
and therefore needs to be safely stored and easily edited by those in the Research and
Development Department. With the support of DMS, research findings during the R&D
process can be used efficiently in the development and innovation of ScanMe and therefore
be of the high-quality expected.
3.10. 3. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM This system supports the functions such as
solution testing and computer-aided design used in the Product Development Process that
reduce rework, development effort, testing effort and overall project costs (DWS Limited,
2013). This also ensures that ScanMe is designed, with the help of CAD, to be easy-to-use as
well as tested appropriately to our high-quality standards so that customers are able to trust
our newly developed product.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. Research and
1. Discussion Forum/Shared Whiteboard

2. Document Exchange
Groupware System

Document Management
Collaboration System

Collaboration System
2. Product
1. Solution test

2. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Product Development System

Decisional Support System


ScanMe aims to improve the quality of life for those with food allergies and intolerances by
making their lives easier with our easy-to-use product. With the key systems of Groupware,
Document Management and Product Development to support ScanMe in terms of our
significant processes, we can ensure that ScanMe is of high-quality and trustworthy - which
is very important to us with the health and lives of our customers at risk as well as surviving
in the changing Food Allergy Technology Industry.

1. Better Health Channel. (2011, October). Food allergy and intolerance. Retrieved

2. Allergy New Zealand. (2010). Food Sector. Retrieved from

3. DWS Limited. (2013). Solution Testing And Quality Management. Retrieved from

4. A. Orlov. (2013, November 21). TellSpec Food Scanner Finds Allergens In Your Food.
Retrieved from

5. J. Pisani. (2014, May 23). Need help avoiding allergens, gluten? Technology serves up
assistance. Athens Banner-Herald. Retrieved from

6. K.Holland. (2014, May 19). The Best Allergy IPhone And Android Apps Of The Year.
Healthline Networks, Inc. Retrieved from

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