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Name Samuel Griffith
NetID Sgri817
Group Number: 341
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Kirsten Thursday 10am
Time Spent on
20 hours Word Count: 1421


The problem facing Auckland and other major cities around the world is traffic congestian,
the main cause of this is that there are too many cars on the road with 85% of people in
New Zealand listing cars as their main method of transport (Auckland council. 2013).
Therefore our application system aims to use integrated systems such as GPS trackers and
google maps to create a tracking and planning system of public transport so users are better
informed about the realtime location of public transportation so they can make informed
deicions. This will increase customers satisfaction of public transport when they have more
information due to increased usability which will increase public transport users and
therefore decrease the amount of traffic on our Auckland roads.
3.1 Vision
We aim to create integrated applications that anyone is able to use anywhere and anytime
in order to retrieve relevant user friendly information which best satisfies customers needs.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Transportation applications
Industry: Public Transportation application industry. (in Auckland, New Zealands context)
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: High Buyer Power is likely to be high for this industry
as their so no way in which the applications are
able to keep customers through loyalty
memberships or other means and since many of
the applications are free to purchase of the app
store, buyers have a lot of power in their
selection and are able to swap apps easily.


Supplier power: High The Information technology experts who are
likely the ones to supply us with this
transportation application are currently in short
demand and are listed as one of New Zealands
skill shortages so there the I.T suppliers of this
service will be able to determine their own
pricing etc as there is a shortage of their serivces.
(CareersNZ. nd. Jobs in skill shortage.
Threat of new entrants: High The threat of new entrants is likely to be
relativley high since making an app has relatively
low barriers to entry and methods can be easily
found online (Creative Bloq, 2014)
Threat of substitutes: Low The threat of substitutes currently is very low
because there is nothing that has surpassed the
userbility and efficiency of application systems
currently in our market today and the only
substitutes would be reading times on a board at
a bus stop this is a relatively small threat to the
application systems because there usefulness is
Rivalry among existing
High The rivalry among existing competitors is likely to
be relatively high due to the amount of other
transportation applications within the industry
and most of them are free which means they
must compete on quality of the product and


other ways rather than price. (GooglePlay.2014.)
Overall attractiveness of the industry: The overall industry is relatively unattractive as there
are many competitors in the industry due to its realtively low barriers of entry meaning
people can join with low costs and there is high buying and selling power.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Customers of transportation applications cover a very large range of people with different
age groups and languages therefore the application must be able to be easily be used by
people with different languages and technilogical skill. The application must also be very
accurate and without many errors in order to maintain peoples trust in the information the
application is providing and the application must be able to be used on and format of phone
or wireless device to provide for a wider range of users.
3.4 The Product and Service
The online application would be available in mutiple different languages in order to reach a
larger range of people. It would also be simplistic design with easily flowing controls which
can be used by older people who are not used to application technology and many others.
The application would be tested in many times to ensure that it is capable of providing
consistent information without inaccuracy or errors in the application. The reason for this is
because according to an article (Alfonso Pulido.2014) the best way to create customer
satisfaction and therefore to build loyalty with customers is to remain consistent.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
The main supplier for TransAPPorts transportation application system will likely be
information technology providers since they will be needed for building of the app and will
also be needed for the maintenance and system support of the application. Another
important supplier of the application system will be the designers of the application since
we want it to be as user friendly as possible for maximised customer satisfaction so the
application must be easy to use for a large range of customers varying in languages and


A partner of this application are likely to be Auckland transport so that we are able to
integrate the existing GPS trackers on buses to the application and also so the Hop payment
system is integrated as well in order to sumarize passenger numbers. Another major partner
is likely to be google maps for there mapping system already in place so users are able to
use these maps in order to track transport in auckland on this application.
3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership
The transportation application aims to be available to members of Auckland transport users
therefore meaning the competitive scope is a very broad market in which we must operate
for them to gain the goal of many people using the application to increase their satisfaction
of the transportation journey. The costs must also remain relatively low which would further
increase the amount of potential users of the application and increasing the future chance
of the goal of more people using Auckland transport. Also all other public transportation
apps for Auckland are free so to remain competitive the application must remain very low-
The overall strategy is therefore Cost leadership strategy.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Making the product/service.
The most important value chain activity for this business is Making the transportation
The primary objective is to provide users with a user-freidly and helpful application that is
able to make their public transport journeys a more satisfying experience to encourage
them to use public transport more. Therefore the application itself must have next to no
bugs or errors so that users do not become missinformed and unreluctant to use the
application again and potentially also public transport. The application must also be user
friendly as not to confuse customers using the app which means the design and building of
the application must be at the highest standard of design.


3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. INFORMATI ON DISTRIBUTION PROCESS The information of the positions of the public
tranportation and the passenger estimates must be uploaded to the application in order for
the application to be used.


3.8.2. TESTING PROCESS The process in which the application must have very few errors in
order to give customers correct information without the ease of bugs in the application
which could lead to unhappy customers.


3.9 Functionalities
Sending GPS location of bus or train to server.
Sending amount of passengers on public transport to server.
Testing accuracy of the transportation application
Indentifying reasons for problems. E.g troubleshoot for slow application
wireless conectiviety.
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. MOVEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM- Needed in order to track the movement of public
transportation via GPS in order to relate it to the google map so users are able to see the
movements of the public transporatation to make decisions.
3.10. 2. CUSTOMER I DENTIFI CATI ONSYSTEM- Uses information from users of trial to indentify
the people most likely to use the transport application system so that they can be focused
for marketing and the application can be relevant to their needs.
3.10. 3. HOP CARD PAYMENT SYSTEM- Tracks the amount of passengers onboard the public
transporation using the transaction process system used by HOP to identify when the
passenger gets on and when they get off to charge them accordingly.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

Making the
product or
1. Information
1. GPS tracks position of public transportation
on a map.

2. Tracks number of passengers aboard
particular public transportation.
Google Mapping system

HOP card payment system

Transaction process
2. Testing process 1. Checks usefulness of information from

2. Indentifying reasons for problems. E.g
troubleshoot for slow application
wireless conectiviety.
Movement control system

Customer identification

Customer Management


A transportation application such as TransAPPortation could greatly increase users
satisfaction of public transportation and greatly increase the numbers of Aucklands growing
population using public transportation. Industry analysis shows that the application industry
is no ideal and will be tough to compete but with an application that is a quality product and
is usable by a large variety of people in the market, the cost leadership strategy will mean
the application is able to gain a compettive share of the market. Many business processes
are used in the forming of this transporatation application but with reliable systems they are
able to deliver a application with will effectively increase the satisfaction of our customers
which is aligned with the vision of the business.


1. CareersNZ. (n.d.). Jobs in skill shortage. Retrieved from
2. Googleplay. (2014). Search of Auckland Transport on android store. Retrieved from

3. Alfonso Pulido, Dorian Stone, and John Strevel. (March 2014). The Three Cs of
customer satisifaction. McKinsey&Company. Retrieved from

4. Creative BloQ. (April 2014). Discover how to build an app. Retrieved from
5. Auckland Council. (2013). Transport. Retrived from

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