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Name David Wong
NetID dwon620
Group Number: 220
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Kit-Wah Huang Wednesday 12 pm
Time Spent on
25 hours Word Count: 1551


Mobile devices have been incorporated in our daily lives and can be an addiction, but with
these devices everywhere people become distracted by focusing their attention to the
screens rather than their suroundings. This can be problematic in situations where there is
danger around distracted pedestrians, this can be hazardous and can cause injuries and in
some cases be fatal. The solution to the problem is to create a mobile app to recive signals
and display warnings and sounds to the moblie user and to create a device to transmit
specific warning signals and counter measure signals to the mobile user. This will allow the
distracted person to be informed immediately so that that can react, preventing themselves
from injury and potentially preventing death.
3.1 Vision
To inform and protect the mobile users of today.
3.2 Industry Analysis: Distracted Pedestrian Safety Industry
Industry: Distracted Pedestrian Safety. Concerning the safety of mobile device using
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low Buyer power is low for the end users because all
apps purchased for mobile devices must be
purchased from their device platform. Buyer
power is also low due to the our unique idea, the
only close competitor in this industry is Walk Safe


App on Android which detects oncoming trafic
using the existing camera on the phones (N.
Owano 2011) this is flawed because the camera
for pedestrians are never facing the traffic
Supplier power: Low Supplier power is low because of the rapid
growth in App development there will be a large
number of App developers to work with. The
signal generator also has low supplier power due
to the wide market of radar and signal emitters.
Threat of new entrants: Low Threat of new entrants is low due to the large
numbers of signal generators required for the
system to work properly.
Threat of substitutes: High Substitutes to deter the customers use of mobile
devices are things like government intervention
where in the case of cell phone use in cars are
banned, which can then be applied to
pedestrians. Other solutions involve education
and the spread of media coverage of negative
outcomes when injuries and deaths involve a
mobile device.
Rivalry among existing
High Because our industry is relatively new, rivalries
are low with in the industry as our method is
different compared to education and media. The
other technological rival will be the WalkSafe app
by Android


Overall attractiveness of the industry: overall the distracted pedestrian safety is a relatively
new industry with a single technoligical competitor and multiple education and campaign
type competitors. Buyer power and supplier power are weak due to technological
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Our customers will be anyone with a smart phone as they will all be distracted sometime
during their daily life. Their need is a type of warning mechanism to inform them
immediately when there is danger surrounding them. Another target is the Government, the
government know that this is a problem, More than 1,500 pedestrians were estimated to
be treated in emergency rooms in 2010 for injuries related to using a cell phone while
walking, according to a new nationwide study. (J. Grabmeier 2012). These injuries cost
the government millions of dollars and this product will be a benefit to them. Businesses will
also be customers as they will be interested in the device to place around construction sites
to improve nearby safety e.g. Fletcher building.
3.4 The Product and Service
Our device is a small radar and signal emitter which can be attached anywhere and used at
anytime. The radar is used to detect danger and the emitter sends signals to near by mobile
devices. The App is basic and is active passively to warn the user of the dangers anytime and
anywhere. The warning signals will appear immediately on the screen and in the case where
the cutomer has ear phones on the app will have a ring tone to warn the user. For example
the user is at a intersection and is distracted and unable to sense an oncoming car, the radar
will sense this oncoming car and transmit signals to surrounding mobile devices which will
warn the user about the danger and specific of where the danger is and what procedures to
make inorder to avoid the accident. Our signaling device will also incorporate a manual
setting where businesses in a construction site can place to warn nearby people of the
hazards and events taking place, and can therfore be place infront of hazrds to warn and
deter the pedestrian. This device can be placed on vehicles and bycicles to notify
pedestrians of oncoming taffic and can also be placed at intersections to work in sync to the
traffic lights.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners


Our partners can be the app developers who develop and monitor the app , I have chosen
Zco Corporation because they are well established and trusted and there fore has a large
customer and supplier place to get our app where it needs to be. Other partners include
Mobile device manufacturers as they can therefore incorporate our system on to the phone
as a necessity rather than an external additional application. Our suppliers are device
producers to make our signal generators e.g. Finisar, Hansford Sensors and many more.
Another supplier is telecomunications partners like Chorus wo control the
telecomunications infrastructure in New Zealnd they can supply us with the necessary
labour to install our device, they can also become a partner and work alongside the

3.6 Strategy: Broad Market, Cost Leadershi p
Our main focus is on pedestrians with mobile devices and therefore targeting a large
market. Cost leadership is the strategy we have chosen because the infrastructure needed
to place the deivces can be expensive and therefore we will supply these devices at a low
price enough to cover costs. The app will aslo be a low price to make it attractive for
customers and we will have advertising and in app purchases to generate the revenue
The overall strategy is therefore Broad Market, Cost Leadership

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Make The Product or Service
This is because this is a new concept to the application on mobile devices and will therefore
need to use technology development to create the app and the appropriate device to
transmit signals to the mobile devices. With mobile apps as long as the app is helpful
customer will continue to use it
3.8 Business Processes



This is an important process as a unattractive app will lead to customers not using the app
and therefore the cost of setting up the devices will therefore be wasted if the app fails to
meet expectations



3.8.2. SI GNALING PROCESS this shows how the device works in conjunction with the mobile
and the mobile application. This is important to the organistion because it shows the
fundamental stages to our product and how our product is used and how it can be
implemented in costruction, cycling, driving and much more.


3.9 Functionalities
Create and test newly designed app
Identify flaws and improvements for the app
Identify the direction and type of danger
Warn and conduct counter measures
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. SOFTWARE UPDATING SUPPORT SYSTEM The app will need to be constantly updated
to add additional features due to the recency of this type of method, therefore tests will be
done frequently to ensure the product works as it could prove to be fatal
3.10. 2. COMMUNI CATI ON SYSTEM There will need to be good communication between the
devices and between departments of the organistion as the signaling device and application
development is out sourced and therefore we must work closely with each department and
this requires a good communication system.
3.10. 3. APP TESTING SYSTEM - a automated testing system to find the flaws in the app, used
to suppor testing methods before the application is at testing stage or beta stages.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

Make the
Product or
1. App
t process
1. Create and test newly designed App

2. Identify flaws and improvements for the app
App testing system

Communication system
Enterprise resource
planning system

Decision support system
2. Signaling
1. Identify the direction and type of danger

2. Warn and conduct counter measures
Software updating support

Communication support
Decision support system

Customer realation


The most important value chain activity is to make the product or service, this is supported
by app development process and signaling processes. Development supports the VCA by
identifying flaws and improvements of the app and the singnaling process identifies the
method of how the product functions in co-opertion with the starting user to the radar to
the signal emmiter to the end user.


1. N. Owano (2011) WalkSafe app shields smartphone pedestrains. Retrieved from

2. J. Greabmeier, J. Nasar (2012) Distracted Walking: Injuries Soar for Pedestrians on
phones. Retrived form

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