Bulletin May 24-2014

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The Law of God and

the Law of Christ

Opening Words....Valdemar & Teresa Ferreira
Picture Presentation....Mike Keim & Gordon Baptiste
Praise & Worship.Mayfair, Raphael, Jessica
Hymn #652 ...........................................Love at Home
Reading #1...Marilyn & Don Topper
Hymn #655..Happy the Home
Reading #2....Sophon & Sheldon Bailey
Hymn #653.Lead Them My God To Thee
Intercessory Prayer......Jack, Angelina & Virginia Polihronov

Kansas Nebraska Conference, Healthy Marriages,
Families in Crisis
Next Week: Rocky Mountain, Forgiveness in Families, Thanksgiving,
Offering....Ontario Advance...Eileen & Dennis Plyley
Childrens Story...............................Beverlyn & Alisha Sealy
Interview for Kids....Video
Special Music..............Choir
Scripture..Matthew 19:10-12.....Pat Carter & Allison McKay

Pastor Alex Golovenko
Modern Family from Kingdom Perspective
Special Music....O Perfect Love Sheldon Bailey
AccompanimentPastor Alex, Virginia & Samuel
The KEY PrayerAlonso & Patricia Ferreira
Prayer Blessing for Families.Pastor Alex & Elders
Closing Hymn #538....Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer

Sunset Today: 8:50 p.m. Next week: 8:56 p.m.
1. TODAY, following the Worship Service,
Doris VanLeeuwen is inviting everyone
interested in volunteering with VBS this
summer, to attend a short, but very
important meeting. If you are unable to
attend, please contact her in person, by phone or via
e-mail at: s_vanleeuwen@rogers.com.

2. Pathfinders Club will meet tomorrow,
Sunday, for soccer honor & practice.
Pathfinders and their parents will also be
preparing and serving the daily evening meal at the Ark
Aid Street Mission, 696 Dundas Street. Food preparation
begin at 2:30 pm and dining from 4:30 pm.

3. Youth Bible Study Group for youth
ages 12 -25+ is meetings Tuesdays
from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. All are invited;
bring your friends to grow in knowing
Christ. @ 785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreiras home).

4. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7
pm. Come and be blessed.

5. The London Adventurers Club is having its 2nd annual
Bring a Friend Day on May 31 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. If
your child is between the ages of 4 and 9 they are most
welcome to join us. All guests will be given a small gift
as a souvenir of the day. Refreshments and fellowship
will follow. To commemorate the last club meeting for
the 2013 - 2014 year, we are going Hawaiian - so don't
forget to wear your favourite brightly coloured
shirt! Important: Please register your attendance
with Lucy Simoes or by
email lucysimoes2@gmail.com.

6. Ruth SDA Church from Brampton has
requested donations to purchase chairs for
their new facility. The Church Board voted to
sponsor 5 chairs gift at $350 cost. Your
donations for the sister church could be directed to our
treasurer, mark on the envelopes Ruth Church chairs.
7. Are you a Ministry or Small Group
Leader? Then youre invited to the
first Group Leaders Huddle for
equipping and empowering Group
Leaders as we prepare for spiritual
transformation June 9
, starting from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
at pastors home, 1210 Hamilton Road.

8. The Church Board has recommended a
review of the church schedule to facilitate
one Restful Sabbath Afternoon each
month to allow for more acts of hospitality.
The first Restful Sabbath will take place
on June 28
. If you are not planning to attend the
annual Conference wide Celebration Sabbath in
Mississauga, then this opportunity to share Christian
Hospitality with another family.

9. Bible Studies resumes, June 14 @ 5
pm, with George Perez teaching on
leadership principles in the Bible.

10. Two Camp meeting opportunities
are for you this summer. Simcoe
Regional Camp, June 7 @ Norfolk
County Fairgrounds, and
Mississauga Celebration Sabbath,
June 28 @ International Centre, Airport Road. The
church will remain open for live streaming from these
gatherings. Elder Teresa Ferreira will facilitate on June
, and elder Mike Keim on June 28
. Our church will
be participating officially in the Simcoe Camp meeting,
facilitating the Sabbath School and presenting musical
11. Picnic Potluck TODAY: at Springbank Park, Picnic
Area J (across from Shoppers Drug Mart on
Commissioners Road) between 1:00-4:00 p.m.

12. Vespers TONIGHT Traditional Concept of the Family
in Africa presented by John Ruhinda, Juliana & Max
testimony at 7:30 p.m. Followed by Suitcase Social and
games at 8:00 p.m.

13. You are invited to come celebrate my birthday on May
25th, 4-9 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall ~ Burlett Halstead

14. Sunday, June 8, 2014. From Paris to
Brant Park followed by a picnic potluck.
Please bring all food in a cooler chest, your
own water bottle, sunscreen and modest
swimming attire. Deadline to sign up is
May 31
. Cost is $10.50/person in a 3 person canoe.
Interested persons please contact Debbie Boscovic , at
deborahboskovic@gmail.com, 519-495-1235 or Pastor Alex.

15. Please note this date change: Golden Agers are inviting
all who are age 55 and over (and guests) for a hike in
Springbank Park Tuesday, June 17
. Please meet at the
shelter across from the Shoppers Drug Mart on
Commissioners Road, at 11 AM. A potluck picnic lunch will
follow the hike.

16. The church has booked Fanshawe Conservation area for
the camping trip taking place during July 4-6. Please put
your name on the sign-up sheet in the foyer and give your
deposit to Bill Dowdell.

17. VBS: Volunteers are needed for July
; please see Doris Van Leeuwen
if you are able to help.

Please send all bulletin related information by
WEDNESDAY 9:00 p.m. to larris.biggs@gmail.com

Singles and the Family of God
As we continue with the focus on the family this year new facets are
emerging in discussions among our people. One of themes we do not
talk much about is singles. Often when we talk family we focus so much
on the ideal traditional family, where father, mother and children are in
one accord, that we mistreat other families, different families, single
parent families, singles.
Singles are treated as a problem to be solved, a disease to be cured.
Often comments are made like Dont worry, your time will come, soon
youll meet someone, its just around the corner for you. And if
someone remains single the attitude of people often is Whats wrong
with you?
Such is a wrong mind set, biblically speaking. While traditional family
has a significant role to play in developing society, populating the earth
and transmitting values to the next generation, the marriage is often in
competition with ministry for the Kingdom of God. Today I am planning to
unpack more Jesus teaching on marriage in recorded in the Gospel of
Matthew 19
chapter, and also teachings of the Apostle Paul in the 1

letter to Corinthians, 7
chapter. Christ and his apostle lifted high
singleness, as an idea of total commitment to the kingdom service.
Instead of good vs. bad dichotomy between marriage and
singleness, the picture is presented as good and better. The family
language as referring to the Kingdom of God is significant. New believers
are considered spiritual children, and spiritual parenting is not connected
necessarily to physical parenting. Christian disciples are spiritual children.
Spiritual parenting permits singles to influence and invest in developing
children for Gods family.
In the context of the Christian church, all are to be involved in doing
family together, being a family for each other. This world puts pressure
on sexy and sexless to enter into relationships for sake of physical
satisfaction and accomplishment. Biblical paradigm invites one to
consider Gods calling and giftedness as determining factor of identity.
Often family duties, where the spouse is not supportive or committed
to Gods Kingdom, or where children are not spiritually mature, take the
best and the most energy and efforts, leaving nothing left for the kingdom
sake. Some may say family is my full time ministry. Which is true, we
are responsible for our offspring, and relatives, and they must be our first
disciples. Yet, if we are truly ministering to our family, then our family
members will become our partners in the ministry for the Kingdom of God,
and not be consumers of material benefits only.
I am not downplaying the role of the family in our church. I am
inviting to upgrade the role of singles in our congregation to the Biblical
status of worth, respect, trust, and recognition as Gods calling too.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko
Birthday Wishes for May
May 2 Leanne Pelissero
May 4 Joseph Beckles
May 4 Jessica Gyamfi
May 6 Abena Boah-
May 7 James Wood
May 7 Mayfair Appiagyei
May 8 Sarah Ruthanne
May 9 Bill Dowdell
May 11 Gabriel Agyeman
May 12 Lorenzo Lima
May 12 Archie Pandaleke
May 15 Shirley Dawson
May 15 Dave Gibson
May 17 Elizabeth-Joy Scale
May 19 Ishmael Violante
May 20 Debbie Skwarchuk
May 23 Kathy Rayner
May 23 Nancy Keim
May 23 Burlett Halstead
May 25 Teresa Ferreira
May 29 Andrew Stajfer
May 29 Jean Kaleb
May 29 Keller George
May 29 Lara Olawoore
May 30 John Reeve
May 31 Shelly Morris

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