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Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title

CSE2002 English Discrete Structures

Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to introduce discrete atheatics and its coputerscience applications so that the students ha!e an
ade"uate set of atheatical tools for sol!ing pro#les in their ad!anced courses$ The interesting topics %ill co!er the follo%ings&
logic and sets' relations' functions' co#inatorics' graphs' #oolean alge#ra' achines and coputations' alge#raic s(stes' and pro#a#ilit($
The #ac)ground course for this stud( ight #e introduction to science or F*+T+,- language$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3002 English ,lgoriths
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to introduce algoriths for sol!ing pro#les in coputer applications and #asic principles and techni"ues for
anal(/ing algoriths$ The topics %ill include anal(/ing criteria' searching' sorting' graphs' pol(noials' string atching' and hard pro#les etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3003 English Coputer 1ision
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course focuses in the stud( of theories for iage anal(sis$ The first part consists of 2age forulation odel' earl( processing'
#oundar( detection' region gro%ing and segentation' otion detection' erging and introduction of orpholog($ The second part' %e
co!er #asic concepts of statistical odel' dis- criinant function' decision #oundar( and rules and neural net%or) for !isual pattern

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3026 English ,pplication to E##eded S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the #asic ethods for designing and ipleenting e#edded s(stes$ 2n detail' the #asic concepts on e#edded
s(stes' real-tie s(stes' e#edded operating s(stes' and e#edded Linu3 en!ironents %ill #e co!ered in this course$ ,lso' %e
stud( )ernel odule prograing and de!ice dri!er construction ethods' and e!entuall(' %e focus on the de!elopent of e#edded
s(stes and applications$ This course let the students to practice using the sensor and actuator ,42s in order to #e a#le to get the
)no%ledge for ipleentation of e#edded s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5206 English ,d!anced 4ro#a#ilit( and +ando 4rocesses
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The ai of this course is to de!elop a thorough understanding of the principles of rando processes and )no%ledge of appl(ing the to
soe pro#les in electrical engineering$ First' the #asic theor( in pro#a#ilit( and rando process is introduced' pa(ing particular attention to
the ulti!ariate 7aussian densit( function$ Then' the theor( of rando processes and their characteri/ation #( autocorrelation and po%er
spectral densit( functions is de!eloped$ The theor( is then applied to the design of optiu linear s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5200 English ,d!anced Topics on 4erforance E!aluation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The stud( of a#straction of a s(ste in the real %orld into soe )ind of tracta#le odel for the perforance e!aluation of the s(ste
in concern$ The techni"ues used are pro#a#ilit( theor(' #asic "ueueing anal(sis' the coputer odeling and siulation ethod' and
statistical anal(sis ethod for data anal(sis$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5200 English 8o#ile Coputing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n this course' the issues of o#ile coputing en!ironents' %hich is introduced #( technical ad!ances in the de!elopent of porta#le
coputers and %ireless counication technologies' are studied$ 9e deal %ith design issues %hich ste fro three essential properties of
o#ile coputing: porta#ilit(' o#ilit(' and %ireless counication$ Especiall(' %e stud( counication protocols for o#ile coputing
en!ironents' design ethodologies of soft%ares for o#ile coputing en!ironents' operating s(stes for o#ile hosts' and soe t(pical
application soft%ares for o#ile en!ironents$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5202 English Coputer ,rchitecture Design and ,pplications
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The focus of the course %ill #e on high-perforance processor and eor( architectures$ 9e %ill e3plore !arious techni"ues designed
to a3ii/e parallelis and ipro!e perforance$ 9e %ill loo) at the influence of technolog( on processor and eor( architectures and
ho% that a( affect future processor designs$ The ephasis is on the a;or coponent su#s(stes of high perforance coputers:
pipelining' instruction le!el parallelis' eor( hierarchies' input/output' and net%or)-oriented interconnections$ Students %ill underta)e a
a;or coputing s(ste anal(sis and its related pro;ect$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5203 English ,d!anced Electroagnetis
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The topic of this course is the theoretical anal(sis of electroagnetic %a!e phenoenon$ *rgani/ation of this course is as follo%s$ The
course #egins %ith #rief introduction to 8a3%ell<s e"uations$ -e3t' %a!e e"uations' characteristics of plane %a!es' %a!eguides and
resonators' and radiation theor( are discussed$ Se!eral e"ui!alence theores and the concept of 7reen<s function are e3plained$ Then'
solutions of %a!e e"uations and scattering are discussed in cartesian' c(lindrical' and spherical coordinates respecti!el($ Finall(' the
techni"ues of pertur#ational and !ariational techni"ues are introduced$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520= English ,d!anced Digital Counicaions
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Topics include atheatical odeling of counication channels' digital signal design for the efficient inforation transission' and optiu
recei!er design for the reco!er( of the distorted signals due to channel effects$ 8ore specificall(' the follo%ing topics are introduced:
perforance anal(sis of digital odulation/deodulation schees' signal detection/estiation' and channel coding$ 2n addition' #asics of
the spread spectru counications are discussed$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5223 English Seiconductor 4rocess Technolog(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course helps to understand the o!erall seiconductor processes #( introducing the theor( and the application of unit processes&
photolithograph(' photo-as)' dr(-etch' cleaning' cheical-echanical polishing>C84?' diffusion and thin fil' and odule processes&
transistor' isolation' capacitor' interconnection$ This also suggests the direction of process technologies for the future generations$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE522@ English 8icroelectronic De!ice ,pplications
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The priar( goal is to desci#e the operting principles and 1LS2 technolg( of seiconductors de!ices including pn ;unctions' #ipolar
transistors' and 8*SFETs$ The second concerned topics are listed as deposition' diffusion' ion-inplatation' etalli/ation' etching and theirt
related theor($ , final goal is to learn #asic theor( of designing integrated-circuits and to design icroelectronic de!ices for practice$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE522= English S*C ,rchitectures
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces #asic coponents of s(ste on chip and platfor-#ased design for SoC$ 2t co!ers the su#;ects on SoC s(ste
specification' platfor-#ased design and platfor architectures' e#edded s(ste hard%are/ soft%are coponents' prograa#le
processor core in SoC' e#edded eor( architecture' and architectural integration of SoC

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5230 English Coputer Control of Electric 8achines
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson theoreticall( considers ser!o otor and otion control technologies' on the #ase of echatronics engineering$ Coputer is
generall( used as a controller and sensor signal processor #ecause of fast coputational capa#ilit( and suita#le architecture' this lesson
e3perientall( deals %ith ser!o otor #ased on coputer for understanding$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE523= English Linear S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
8ethods of anal(sis for continuous and discrete-tie linear s(stes$ Con!olution' classical solution of d(naic e"uations' transfors and
atrices are re!ie%ed$ Ephasis is on the concept of state space$ Linear spaces' concept of state' odes' controlla#ilit(' o#ser!a#ilit('
state transition atri3' state !aria#le feed#ac)' copensation' decoupling are treated$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5236 English *ptii/ation 8ethods
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Linear prograing' nonlinear prograing' iterati!e ethods and d(naic prograing are presented' especiall( as the( relate to optial
control pro#les$ Discrete and continuous optial regulators are deri!ed fro d(naic prograing approach %hich also leads to the
Hailton-Aaco#i-Bellan E"uation and the 8iniu 4rinciple$ 8iniu energ( pro#les' linear trac)ing pro#les' output regulators and
iniu tie pro#les are considered$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE200C English Seiconductor Electronics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
, #ac)ground inforation of 4h(sics in Electronics %ill gi!e plent( of #enefits to the student ta)ing this course$ Aunction anal(sis is
e3panded fro hoo;unc-tion to hetero;unction$ Seiconductor gro%th technolog(' diffusion echanis' donor and acceptor aterials'
etali/ation ethod and surface state effect of seiconductor are descri#ed ainl( featuring silicon and copound seiconductorsThe
ain strea line of the lecture %ill #e the different seiconductor de!ice applications such as #ipolar transistors' field effect transistors'
integrated circuits and optoelectronic de!ices li)e light eitting diode' photo!oltaic de!ices' laser' detectors$ de!ice application
includes de!ice fa#rication' anal(sis' design and characteri/ation of the different seiconductor de!ices$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE200= English Signals and S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Fundaentals of the anal(sis and processing of continuous and discrete signals in #oth tie and fre"uenc( doains$ Linear Tie 2n!ariant
>LT2? s(stes and filtering$ con!olution' Fourier Series>FS?' Fourier Transfor>FT?' Transfor>DFT?' 2ntroduction to analog and digital
counications and the Sapling Theore Coputer #ased siulation and data processing are used to deonstraste the a#o!e
concepts in a la#orator( settings$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2006 English Electroagnetis 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
7eneral grasp of electrostatics and agnetostatics$ 2ntroductions to electric field intensit(' electric flu3 densit(' electric potentials' 7auss<s
la%' and Di!ergence theore$ 8aterial characteristics of conductors and dielectrics are e3plained' %hich produce the concept of
capacitance$ ,nal(tic and nuerical solutions of electric field' using Laplace<s and 4oisson<s e"uation$ Finall(' Bio-Sa!art la%' ,pere<s
la%' and Sto)e<s theore are introduced for agnetostatics$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2002 English Circuit Theor( 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
-onsinusoidal %a!e' transient phenoena' laplace transfor$ Fourier anal(sis techni"ues$ ,dittance paraeters' 2pedance paraeters'
H(#rid ,dittance paraeters$ 4araeter Con!ersions$ T-D e"ui!alent net%or)s$ T%o-port net%or)s Sinusoidal fre"uenc( anal(sis'
+esonant circiutis$ Distri#uted paraeter circuit$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2003 English Electronic Circuits 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Topics include ph(sical odels of diodes and transistors' FET circuits' sall- and large-signal operation' ad!anced treatent of acti!e
circuits' lo% fre"uenc( aplifiers' fre"uenc( response of aplifiers' and feed#ac) aplifiers characteristics$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3006 English 8odern *ptics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The goal of this class is to understand the propagation of light in free space and in aterials$ The light propagation is first e3plained #(
the %a!e theor( or Hu(gens<s principle$ Then the principles of reflection and refraction are e3plained$ -e3t the light propagation is
e3plained #( the oscillating dipoles of atos$ Based on this theor( the light scattering is e3plained$ -e3t the operation of siple optical
s(stes such as siple lens s(ste' copound lens s(ste' caera and huan e(es is e3plained$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3003 English 2ntroduction to +o#otics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
8anipulators' )ineatic odelling' in!erse )ineatics' tas) le!el description if otion' ;oint !elocit( anal(sis' force and oent anal(sis'
acturator tor"ue anal(sis' tra;ector( planning positional control' range sensing' apping and na!igation$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3025 English 2ntroduction to ,utoatic Control
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides an introduction to autoatic control of linear d(naic s(stes$ The topics include definition of input-output and state
!aria#les' atheatical odeling of control s(stes #ased on ph(sical la%s' #loc) diagra representation of s(stes' transfer function
and Laplace transfor' state space representation of d(naic s(stes$ Feed#ac) control concept' sta#ilit( of s(stes' transient and
stead( state responses of s(stes in the tie doain' and #asic controller forsare treated and coputer siulations of d(naic control
s(stes using control soft%are tool#o3 are assigned as hoe%or)$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3026 English 2ntegrated Circuits
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
8odern 1LS2 design' 8ethodolog( of C8*S circuit design$ Fundaentals of 8*S transistor and its operating principle$ C8*S 2C
design and its circuits$ cons- truction of C8*S logic gates' in!erter' -,-D' -*+ and cople3 gates$ Dualit( of 4 and - structure$ Bsic
structure of ultiple3or and eor($ +epresentation of circuit design$ Beha!ioral representation' structure representation' ph(sical
representation$ Design e"uations in cutoff' linear'saturation region$ DC characteristic of C8*S in!erter and related noise argin$
,lternati!es of staticC8*S' D(naic C8*S' Doino C8*S$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3032 English Counication S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers di!erse topics related to the counication' and the topics related to the application of the counication theor($
The topics to #e co!ered include counication channel odel' fading phenoena' recei!er struc- ture' #asics of o#ile
counication' #asics of satellite counication' %a!e propagation odel' counication traffic odel' and s(nchroni/ation theor($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3035 English Digital Control
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
8an( industrial control s(stes include digital coputers as an integral part of their operation$ +ecent trends to%ard digital control of
d(naic s(stes' rather than analog control' is ainl( due to the recent re!olutionar( ad!ances in digital coputers and to ad!antages
found in %or)ing %ith digital signals rather than continuous-tie signals$ ,lso' the a!aila#ilit( of lo%-cost icroprocessors and
icrocoputers esta#lished a ne% trend for e!en sall-scale control s(stes to include digital coputers to o#tain optial perforance$
The ain purpose of this course is to present a coprehensi!e treatent of the anal(sis and design of discrete-tie control s(stes$ 2n
particular' this course pro!ides clear and eas(-to-understand e3planations for concepts in!ol!ed in the stud( of discre-tie control

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3055 English 8o#ile Counication Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers !arious topics on o#ile counications' %hich include cellular s(stes' personal counication net%or)' ultiple
access techni"ues >CD8,/9CD8,/FD8,/TD8,?' %ireless protocol' transission techni"ues in %ireless channels' s(nchroni/ation
techni"ues' design and anageent of o#ile counication net%or)' fre"uenc( anageent and ne3t generation o#ile counication

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE2000 English Logic Circuits
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroductions in Boolean alge#ra' co#inational logic circuits' and se"uential logic circuits$ Techni"ues to anal(/e and design digital logic
circuits and s(stes are studied$ Topics include Boolean alge#ra' logic inii/ation' ulti-le!el co#inational logic circuits'
prograa#le and steering logic' flip-flops' tiing issues' eor( eleents' and the #asics of finite state achines$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE2002 English Data Structures
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to introduce data structures necessar( for sol!ingcoputer-oriented real pro#le and principles and
techni"ues for specif(ing algoriths$ The interesting topics %ill include the follo%ing& arra(s' stac)s' "uenes' lin)ed lists' trees' graphs' sorting'
hashing' and ,1L trees$ The recoended prere"uisite course for this stud( ight include DiscreteStructure and C-language$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3002 English Linear ,lge#ra
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Due to its tracta#ilit( and anal(tic propert( linear alge#ra posesses its fundaetal role in alost all su#;ects in engineerings and sciences$
9ell de!eloped atri3 calculation %ill #e studied and geoetrical insights %ill #e ephasi/ed %hene!er possi#le$ Transforations and
orthogonal pro;ection in the sae !ector space %ill #e considered the sae$ 7eoetrical insights %ill #e de!eloped for space appings
in possi#le cases$ Contents:8atri3 calculations' atri3 representations for linear appings' changeof #asis' Eigen!alue and eigen!ector'
Linear prograing$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3003 English Coputer ,rchitectures
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
9e introduce coputational odels %hich go!ern the logical instruction e3ecu- tion se"uencing of the C4E and re!ie% a #rief histor(
of coputer s(stes$ 8ostdiscussions on coputer architectures are focused on !on -euann Coputer archi-tectures : the C4E'
eor( organi/ation an eor( hierarch(' !arious )ind of peripherals and their characteristics' an interconnection structures for
connec-ting the C4E and othe coponents$ Here the details on pipelined C4E organi/ations are
descri#ed$ 9e also discuss ho% uch control unit ipleentation techni"ues are #enefita#le fro the +2SC-#ased processor design
technolog( and gi!e a coparison %ith that of con!entional C2SC coputer architectures$ Based on inii/ed progra e3ecution tie
high-perforance icroprocessors coercial a!aila#le no% has #een copared in ters of processing perforance$ 2n the end of
this course the design principles' architectures' goals and technical issues in ipleentation of parallel processing coputer s(stes are
introduced in #rief for #roadening e(e spans of students at the undergraduate le!el$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE200@ English 4h(sical Electronics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
+e!ie%ing acroscopic and icroscopic properties' the lecture introduces a #asictheor( of "uantu echanics$ Fundaental properties of
solid state such as the cr(stal structure' #onding echanis' therod(naic and electrical properties are studied$ 8an( #od( effects
are treated to stud( ph(sical theories of real solid state$ The stud( of #asic electronic structures in carried out to under- stand the
fundaental ph(sical theories of seiconductor$ The concepts of charge carriers in seiconductor and conducti!it( properties are
co!ered to deal %ith operational theories of the pn ;unction' pn ;unction diode$ The o#;ect of this lecture is to gain theoretical
#ac)ground of seiconductor in ters of ph(sics and to e3pand the achie!ed theor( to the practical applica- tions such as
seiconductor diode' transistor' field effect transistor' integrated circuits and seiconductor lasers$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE2000 Forean Coputer Engineering E3perient 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This is the introductor( coputer prograing course intended priaril( for students %ith a a;or in coputer science or coputer
engineering 2t uses the C language' and prepares the student for ore ad!anced %or) in coputer science/engineering courses$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE2003 Forean S(ste 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the theor(' design' and ipleentation ethodolog( of !arious t(pes of s(ste soft%ares such as asse#ler'
preprocessor>acro proce- ssor?' lin)er' loader' and te3t editor$ S(ste soft%are is closel( related to hard%are architecture and thus
the central thee of this course is the relationship #et%een achine architecture and s(ste soft%ares$ The recoendedprere"uisites
for this course ight include data structures and C/CGG prograing languages$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE2006 Forean Coputer Engineering E3perient 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course is to stud( the operational principles of digital logic circuits that constitute coputer' data process' control s(ste' and
counication through the anal(sis and design of the circuits$ The topics include nu#er s(ste' #oolean alge#ra' co#inational net%or)'
se"uential net%or)' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE200C Forean Eni3 4rogring
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces E-2H operating s(stes and prograing techni"ues #ased on the E-2H s(ste calls$ Su#;ects to #e co!ered are
E-2H coands and shell prograing' s(ste tools such as le3' (acc' and a%)' file s(ste and 2/* prograing' s(ste calls'
processes and inter-process counication >24C?' 24C !ia net%or)s' signals and s(ste prograing #( using the signals' threads and
threads prograing' progra de!elopent tools$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3000 Forean Coputer Engineering E3perient 222
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course co!ers the ethods and ad!anced s)ills re"uired for %riting and aintaining %ell-structured/ o#;ect-oriented soft%are$
E3tensi!e practice %ith a prograing language such as Aa!a is pro!ided$ Different sections use different prograing languages to get
ad!anced prograing techni"ues$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3005 Forean Data Counications
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The course co!ers #oth the essential and the fundaental topics in data counications and' at that tie' an( of the ne%er and
iportant areas of gro%ing technical need$ These include data counication net%or)s' open s(ste standards' the electrical interface'
ultiple3ing' error detection and correction' data securit(' data lin) control protocols' and integrated all-digital net%or)s$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300@ Forean Coputer Engineering E3perient 21
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course pro!ides an intensi!e tea-#ased pro;ect e3perience in the specification' design' and ipleentation of soft%are and/or
hard%are for su#se"uent use in research' industr(' and teaching$ Soe speciali/ed topics such as e#edded s(stes' net%or)
prograing' and data#ase anageent' and etc are intensi!el( co!ered$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3006 Forean Soft%are Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the o!erall process of soft%are de!elopent such as re"uireent ac"uisition/definition' specification' design'
ipleentation' !erification/ !alidation' conforance testing and aintenance' and handles a nu#er of technical issues eplo(ed in each
step$ ,dditionall(' the lectures on S42CE and C88' %hich reflect the iportance of soft%are process toda(' are gi!en$ *ther trend(
issuses such as usa#ilit( engineering' S/9 reuse and C,SE are also offered$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300C Forean Data#ase
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundaental concepts necessar( for the design' use' and ipleentation of data#ase
s(stes$The interesting topics %ill include the follo%ings' DB8S concepts' E+ design' relational odel' norali/ation' hierarchical odel'
net%or) odel' file organi/ation' etc$ The prere"uisite courses for this stud( ight include 2ntroduction to coputer science' discrete
structures' data structures$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300= Forean *perating S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
*perating s(ste is an essential part of a coputer s(ste$ 2t pro!ides an interface to the users and also anages s(ste resources$
There are three a;or goals of this course$ *ne is to pro!ide a fir foundation in the principles and concepts that underlie operating
s(stes$ The second is to stud( and discuss a;or issues of operating s(stes such as process anageent' storage anageent' file
and 2/* anageent' and securit( anageent$ Finall(' %e stud( soe design issues for the distri#uted operating s(stes and
operating s(stes of parallel processing s(stes$ ,lso' %e stud( and discuss the characteristics of soe standardi/ed operating s(stes
such as Eni3 and Linu3$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3000 Forean *#;ect-*riented 9indo%s 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course is intended to introduce ad!anced s)ills for application soft%ares under %indo%s en!ironents$ 2t also pro!ides students %ith
the a#ilities to de!elop cople3 logics associated %ith 7E2-#ased application soft%ares through e!ent-#ased flo%s$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3002 Forean Coputer 7raphics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces graphic hard%ares' transforation techni"ues aong !ari- ous t(pes of coordinates'raster graphic techni"ues'3
diension>3D?C7 e3pression'shado% handling echanis etc$ as #asic concepts and technical issues to reali/e !irtual +ealit(>1+?'
%hich is #eing focussed as a ne3t generation coputer en!ironent' are also introduced$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3006 Forean 2nforation Theor(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course includes inforation' Entrop( atuasl inforation' counication odel %hich are #ased on counicaiton theor(' source
coding theore' Huffan coding and channel capacit($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300C Forean 2nternet ,rchitectures
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course e3plains 2nternet architecture and its principle protocols for a student that has soe e3perience in data counications$ ,lso'
this course gi!es detailed o!er!ie% of ho% the 2nternet %or)s and ho% it has e!ol!ed' presents architectural odel sho%ing ho% TC4/24
and related protocols fit together$ This course co!ers error reco!er( operations' local and %ide area net%or)s' 24 and 2C84' TC4 and
ED4' the point-to-point protocol and the la(er 2 tunneling protocol' routing protocol' 2nternet securit(' net%or) anageent' and !oice
o!er 24$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300= Forean Cr(ptograph(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces classical ciphers' s(etric I as(etric ciphers' pu#lic )e( cr(ptos(stes and /ero-)no%ledge interacti!e proof
s(stes #ased on the eleentar( nu#er theor(' inforation theor( and cople3it( theor($ Etili/ing these s(stes gi!es a clear !ie% to
our lectures a#out identification' authentication' digital signature' )e( anageent ser!ices' doestic-a#road standard cr(ptograph( and
their applications such as counication and net%or) securit($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3020 Forean ,d!anced S(stes 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the s(ste prograing technologies that uses the s(ste call interfaces of the Eni3/Linu3 operating s(stes$ 2n
detail' %e stud( the s(ste prograing ethodologies that deals %ith files and file s(stes' processes' 24C>2nter-4rocess
Counication? facilities' signals' and 2/* anageent coponents$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3023 Forean Copilers
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
9e re!ie% the autoata theor( centered around the conte3t-free graar and re- gular graars$ ,s the conte3t of this course
the theories of le3ical anal(sis of parsing' optii/ation and of code generation are introduced and e3periented #( soft%are
ipleentation$ For these purpose and #roadening student<s under- standing of copiler construction regular graar' LL and L+
parsing theories' interediate code optii/ation theor( and o#;ect code generation and optii/a- tion techni"ues>register coloring? and
optii/ation techni"ues of peephole and of loops are touched in uch ore detail$ For e!aluation on the student<s understanding'
le3ical anal(sis odule and parser odule are gi!en as pro;ects$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3025 Forean ,rtificial 2ntelligence
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course focuses on foundation of theor( and introduction of ad!anced topics$Detailed su#;ects for theor( are pro#le representation in
state space' search strateg( including #readth first search' depth first search and heuristic searchand )no%ledge representeation ethods
such as using predicate logic' resolution and using rules$ ,d!aced topics planning s(ste >ST+24S?' neural net%or) and fu//(
techni"ues such as perceptron and hopfield net%or) %ith learning ethods' coputer !ision techni"ues such as iage representation' edge
detection' line and cur!e detection are also introduced$ Finall(' %e introduce s(#olic prograing language' L2S4 %ith

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE302@ Forean Coputer -et%or)s
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
There are details a#out the upper la(er' protocols' standards' and interfaces' #ased on the #asic concept of data counication$ This
course is concerned %ith the ode of operation of the different t(pes of data net%or) that are used to interconnect a distri#uted
counit( of coputers and the !arious interface a standards and protocols associated %ith the$ ,lso' descri#e the function and
operation of the additional protocols that are needed to ena#le a set of aplication progras to counicate %ith one another to
perfor specific distri#uted application functions$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE302= Forean -et%or) 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
-et%or) prograing in!ol!es %riting progras that counicate %ith other progras across a coputer net%or)$ *ne progra is
norall( called the client and the other the ser!er$ 8ost operating s(stes pro!ide precopiled progras that counicate across a
net%or)-coon e3aples in the TC4/24 %orld are 9e# clients>#ro%sers? and 9e# ser!ers' and the FT4 and Telnet clients and
ser!ers-#ut this lecture descri#es ho% to %rite our o%n net%or) progras$ 9e %rite net%or) progras using an application progra
interface or ,42$ 9e descri#e t%o ,42s for net%or) prograing>soc)ets' soeties called JBer)ele( soc)etsK ac)no%ledging their
heritage fro Ber)ele( Eni3' and HT2' a slight odification of the Transport La(er 2nterface de!eloped #( ,TIT?$,ll the e3aples in the
lecture are fro the Eni3 operating s(ste' although the foundation and concepts re"uired for net%or) prograing are' to a large
degree' operating s(ste independent$ The e3aples are also #ased on the TC4/24 protocol suite$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3026 Forean ,d!anced Coputer Engineering Design 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course is a pro;ect-oriented design course to failiari/e students %ith soft%are engineering ethods and inforation s(stes$
Topics include re"uireents anal(sis' odelling' design representations' ipleentation techni"ues' and e!aluation of s(stes$ This course
coprises the design phase and the ipleentation phase for each la# e3perient$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3030 Forean ,d!anced Coputer Engineering Design 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course addresses design principles' prograing techni"ues' and case studies of e#edded real-tie s(stes$ 2nterface techni"ues'
de!ices' representations and odeling a#out ph(sical processes are co!ered$ This course ephasi/es on the design and ipleentation
of se!eral coponents as %ell as s(stes integration$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE303@ Forean Data#ase 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces' using a coercial +elational DB8S' the practical data#ase prograing s)ills for the !arious data#ase theor($ 2n
particular' %e co!er #asic/ad!anced SLL' integrit( constraints' 1ie%s' Transactions' stored procedures' data#ase prograing interfaces'
and SLL tuning$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE303C Forean 8o#ile 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers a selection of o#ile prograing techni"ues that ight #e suita#le for o#le de!ices$ This course is designed for
students %ho %ant to #uild an application running on real o#ile de!ices$ For this purpose' students %ill learn a #road spectru of o#ile
prograing issues and understand a o#ile prograing en!ironent that is uni"ue fro others$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3036 Forean 4ractical 4rograing Languages
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the underl(ing fundaental concepts in !arious prograing languages$ The topics are organi/ed around the central
area of data o#;ects and t(pes' a#straction echaniss' se"uence control and data control' storage anageent' s(nta3 and operation
en!ironents fro the user' ipleentor' or designer<s !ie%$ ,lso' the a;or prograing languages such as iperati!e language' logical
language' functional language' and o#;ect oriented languages are e3plored$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5200 Forean Data#ase S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n this course' e3tending #asic concepts in data#ases introduced in undergraduate course' %e learn fundaental concepts and theor( for
constructing and anaging data#ase s(stes$ The a;or contents that %ill #e co!ered is the follo%ing: file inde3ing' e3ternal hashing'
e3ternal sorting' data#ase tuning' relational schea design' concurrenc( control' reco!er(' securit(' integrit( control' distri#uted data#ases'
deducti!e data#ases$' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5202 Forean ,d!anced Soft%are Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson considers ethodologies for de!eloping high "ualit( soft%ares' that is one of the ultiate goals in soft%are engineering$
Furtherore' this discusses !arious introduced techni"ues to e!aluate the "ualit( of legac( soft%ares %ith the current trend #oth at hoe
and a#road$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520@ Forean ,d!anced Topics on ,lgorith
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to pro!ide detailed understandings for tie/space cople3it(' recurrences' algorith design techni"ue' lo%er
#ounds' graph/atri3/set algoriths' sorting' intracta#le pro#les$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5206 Forean ,utoata Theor(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n this course' %e introduce autoata theor( %hich pro!ides an iportant theoretical #ac)ground in !arious fields in coputer science$
The a;or contents that %ill #e co!ered is the follo%ing: autoata and graar concepts' regular language' finite autoata' conte3t free
language' deterinistic and nondeterinistic concept' recursi!e and recursi!e enuera#le pro#les' undecida#ilit(' intracta#le pro#les' etc$$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520C Forean 2nforation S(ste Securit(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The o#;ecti!e of this course is to introduce the concepts of the net%or) securit( and applications$ The concepts of the net%or) securit('
4u#lic )e( infrastructure for electronic coerce' electronic cash' and electronic ail securit( for the pri!ac(' etc are studied$ These are
the concepts for the inforation acti!it( on the net%or)$ This lecture a)es the o#;ecti!e to understand the area a#out the securit( of
the inforation s(ste$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520= Forean ,d!anced Coputer -et%or)s
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course is an ad!anced stud( of the coputer net%or)s in 2nternet$ Ephasis is on understanding the net%or) la(er >3rd la(er? and
the transport la(er >5th la(er?$ ,lso optii/ation algoriths proposed in each la(er are co!ered in the course$ Specific topics co!ered
include +outing' 24!6' ulticasting in 24 and flo%' congestions controls in TC4 and securit( issues on the coputer net%or)s$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5205 Forean *ptical 4henoena and ,pplications
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lecture co!ers optical phenoena and their application$ 2n particular' !arious optical fields' including odern optics' optical signal
process' lasers' optoelectric de!ices' optical counication theor( and their coponents %ill #e presented$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5206 Forean E82/E8C
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers the practical ethods of noise suppression and control in electronic circuit and s(stes$ The organi/ation of the
aterial is as follo%s$ ,fter #rief introduction to the concept of noise suppression' the detailed noise reduction techni"ues are e3plained'
%hich include shielding' grounding' #alancing' decoupling' and filtering$ -e3t' the course co!ers the noise characteristics of passi!e and
acti!e coponents and their uses in noise reduction circuitr($ Finall(' noise generation and propagation echaniss in digital circuits and
their reduction design techni"ues are e3plained$ Finishing this course' the students %ill ha!e a #asic )no%ledge for sol!ing the E82/E8C
pro#les at the design tie %hich liit the final perforance of odern coplicated electronic coponents' circuitr(' and s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520C Forean ,d!anced Signal 4rocessing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
, sur!e( of techni"ues for signal processing going #e(ond Fourier #ased approaches$ *rthogonal transfors such as 9alsh and
Hadaard$ Hooorphic techni"ues' generali/ed 9iener filtering' ran) order filtering$ 8odel #ased signal processing including autoregressi!e
and a3iu entrop(' fre"uenc(-tie and space-tie' ephasis on algoriths and self paced pro;ects are also co!ered$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5206 Forean Topics in S(ste Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The o#;ecti!e of this course is to pro!ide and failiari/e the students %ith the critical concepts and specifications of current and future
o#ile counication s(stes$ 8ore specificall(' the follo%ing topics are included: 7S8' CD8,/CD8,2000/9-CD8,' 9L,-' 9iBro'
E8TS' and BC*$ ,lso' personal %ireless s(stes such as E9B and Bluetooth %ill #e co!ered$ 2n addition' #asics of the digital
#roadcasting technolog( >ES 1SB' European D1B' o#ile D8B' etc$? %ill #e discussed$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5220 Forean 8*S De!ices
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The use of etal-o3ide-seiconductor de!ices in integrated circuit fa#rication has #een gro%ing at an enorous rate since the
ipleentation of this technolog( in the earl( 0660<s$ 8*S is presentl( the doinant technolog( for digital logic and eor( circuits$ 8*S
De!ices discusses the 8*S technolog( at the de!ice le!el in the first half of the course and in the second half at the circuit le!el$ 9e
%ill e3aine the 8*S capacitor and the 8*S field effect transistor >8*SFET? in detail' discussing fa#rication #riefl( %here necessar($
9e %ill de!elop ph(sical and/or theoretical odels of 8*SFET operation' and %ill confir our understandings using the S2L1,C*
siulation tools$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5222 Forean 2ntroduction to Solid State 4h(sics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Solid State 4h(sics is concerned %ith the properties' often astonishing and often of great utilit(' that result fro the distri#ution of
electrons in etals' seiconductors' and insulators$ 2t also tells ho% the iperfections of real solids can #e understood %ith siple odels
using the %ell-)no%n e3periental results and the theories$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE522C Forean Digital 2ntegrated Circuits
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2t co!ers structures and operational principles of C8*S transistors and digital citcuits >2-1' -,-D' -*+' L,TCH' Current 8irror?'
coputation of si/ing and dela(s' Flash ,/D con!erter$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5232 Forean Electrical Energ( Con!ersion
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson discusses the #asic concepts of an electrical energ($ 8ain su#;ects are photo!oltaic energ(' %ind-po%er energ(' fuel-cell
energ(' con!ersion ethod of an electrical energ(' s(ste odeling$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE523C Forean +o#otics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course discusses the )ineatics and the d(naics of anipulators$ The path planning of each ;oint and soe control algoriths of
anipulators are also discussed$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2000 Forean Basic Circuits La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course consists of 3 ain su#;ects$ The first one is to practice s)ills in handling #asic electrical and electronic e"uipents' the
second ta)es the tests of #asic electric circuit theor(' and the last one are tests of linear electrical de!ice characteristics$ Basic
e"uipent such as an aeter' !olt-eter' tester' oscilloscope' function generator and po%er supplier are included$ Basic electric circuit
theor( co!ers Firchhoff<s !oltage' current la%' Superposition la%' The!nin--orton<s la%' and resonant characteristics of +-L-C circuits$
This lecture %ill pro!ide a student to understand #asic properties of linear eleental de!ices li)e resistor' inductor' capacitor' and their
co#inations in electrical circuits$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2002 Forean Logic Design La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
22n this course' #asic theories of digital s(ste including the operation and characteristic of logic eleents are re!ie%ed$ Students are
encouraged to design and !erif( odule #loc)s' i$e$ adder' su#tractor' encoder' decoder' ultiple3er' flip-flop' s(nchronous and
as(nchronous counters' and shift registers$ 2n addition to the #asic logic circuit design' ore coplicated logic circuits such as ping-pong
gae' fre"uenc( counter' etc$' are designed$ F47, design soft%are and #oard are used for !erif(ing 1HDL-#ased digital circuit designs$
Students are paticipated in design !arious co#inational and se"uential logic circuits using F47,-#ased design )it$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2005 Forean Electronic Circuits La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course is to de!elope the a#ilit( to atch the results of scheatic design of electronic circuits to their e3periental results$ The
course #egins %ith easureent ethods of #asic instruents' their interface to the coputer' fa#rication ethods of 4CB and #rief
introduction to S42CE$ -e3t' the #asic #uilding #loc)s for coplicated circuit design are e3periented$ The e3periental contents include
rectifier' operational aplifier' single transistor aplifier' output stage aplifier' ultistage aplifier' differential aplifier' acti!e filter' %a!efor
generator' and ,D-D, con!erter$ Finall(' ter pro;ect %ill #e assigned to e!er( la#orator( groups to ipleent the cople3 circuit on
the real 4CB$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2006 Forean 4h(sical Electronics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
+e!ie%ing acroscopic and icroscopic properties' the lecture introduces a #asictheor( of "uantu echanics$ Fundaental properties of
solid state such as the cr(stal structure' #onding echanis' therod(naic and electrical properties are studied$ 8an( #od( effects
are treated to stud( ph(sical theories of real solid state$ The stud( of #asic electronic structures in carried out to under- stand the
fundaental ph(sical theories of seiconductor$ The concepts of charge carriers in seiconductor and conducti!it( properties are
co!ered to deal %ith operational theories of the pn ;unction' pn ;unction diode$ The o#;ect of this lecture is to gain theoretical
#ac)ground of seiconductor in ters of ph(sics and to e3pand the achie!ed theor( to the practical applica- tions such as
seiconductor diode' transistor' field effect transistor' integrated circuits and seiconductor lasers$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2000 Forean Electroagnetis M
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduction to ad!anced concepts of acti!e electronic circuits$ Topics include operational aplifier characteristics and s(stes' sta#ilit( and
oscillators' %a!e shaping and %a!efor generator' analog-to-digital con!erter' digital-to- analog con!erter' acti!e filters' and
po%er circuits and s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2000 Forean Circuit Theor( 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Circuit eleent' Firchhoff<s la%' *h<s la%s$ Sine %a!e altenating current' 2nstantaneous !alue' a!erage !alue' effecti!e !alue$ +-L-C
series circuit and parallel circuit$ 4hasor representation of sine %a!e ,C' ipedance and adittance circuit$ T%o port net%or)'
#ridge circuit' coupled circuit$ ,cti!e po%er' cople3 po%er$ Constant !oltage and current source$ The!enin<s and norton<s theore$
4ol(phase ,C curcuit' #alanced and un#alanced 3-phase curcuit' ethod of s(etrical coordinates$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE2005 Forean Electronic Circuits 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduction to ad!anced concepts of acti!e electronic circuits$ Topics include operational aplifier characteristics and s(stes' sta#ilit( and
oscillators' %a!e shaping and %a!efor generator' analog-to-digital con!erter' digital-to- analog con!erter' acti!e filters' and
po%er circuits and s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE200C Forean Electronic and Electrical 4rograing La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
The course offers practical C prograing E3periences to the students %ho ha!e #asic )no%ledge of C language$ The progras in this
la#orator( %ill #e #asic data structures' and circuit odeling$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3000 Forean 8icro4rocessor La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
Enderstanding of icroprocessors through test and e3perients$ Hard%are and soft%are design of digital s(stes using icroprocessors$
Designs on interfaces' eor( decoding' serial/parallel counications and interrupts control$ Soft%are design is conducted %ith the aid
of a icroprocessor trainer s(ste$ ,lso' it deals %ith the structure of icro-coputer s(stes$ 4rogra e3ecution using asse#ler and
achine language coding$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE300@ Forean *ptical Fi#er Counication
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
8odes in dielectric sla# %a!eguide and optical fi#er %a!eguides' Dispersion and pulse distortion in optical 9a!eguides' coupling to the
%a!eguide' 7rated - inde3 fi#er' Light-Eitting diodes' Laser diodes' optical aplifiers' photoultiplier&seiconductor photodiodes' source
coupling' connector priciple' Distri#ution net%or)s' fi#er coponents' %a!elength-Di!ision 8ultiple3ing' Source odulation and Circuits'
heterod(ne recei!ers' -oises' recei!er circuit design',nalog and digital optical fi#er s(ste design$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE300C Forean -ano De!ice
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n this course' %e %ill co!er an( topics including the gro%th ethods and the ph(sical/electrical characteristic for su#-nanoeter
diensional aterials$ 9ith the #asic )no%ledge on nano scale aterials' %e deal %ith the nano de!ices >e$g$' eor(' logic' displa(
de!ices' etc$?' nano structures and operation principles$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE300= Forean Data Counication
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n general' there are details a#out lo% le!el protocols and standards including the related technologies in the data counication fields$
So' it co!ers all the standard topics found in a t(pical introductor( course in data counicationsuch as transission edia' analog and
digital signals' data transissions' ultiple3ing$ This course is designed to help the student understand : - concepts of
data counications - the differences' ad!antage' and disad!antages of different transission edia - analog and digital
signals' odulation and deodulation techni"ues - the need for error detection and correction$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3006 Forean Displa( Electronics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course studies !arious displa( s(stes including TFT-LCDs$ -e%l( eerging de!ices li)e electroluinescence >EL?' field eission
displa( >FED?' and plasa displa( panel >4D4? are the a;or topics in the course %or)$ 2portant consideration factors in displa( s(ste
are gi!en as fast response tie and e3cellent echanical properties of EL' high speed operation and long de!ice lifetie of FED' and
ease of large area ipleentation of 4D4$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3000 Forean Digital S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides ad!anced techni"ues for design of digital s(stes$ Se"uential and as(nchronous digital circuits are introduced' and
design techni"ues for those circuits are co!ered$ Basic odules such as ultipliers' floating point arithetic' state achines' and their
control #loc)s are studied$ Based on the concepts introduced so far' design ethodologies for ore cople3 digital s(stes are co!ered$
Standard hard%are description languages such as 1HDL or 1erilog' and design autoation tool flo% are also co!ered so that students
can cope %ith toda(<s design en!ironent$ *nl( the students %ho studied NLogic DesignN can ta)e this lecture$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3000 Forean Digital Signal 4rocessing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The topics to #e co!ered are : ,nal(sis and process techni"ues used in
coputer processing of signals$ ,nalog to digital con!ersion$ +ecursi!e digital filters' and atched filters$ Tie series
anal(sis of %a!efors' /-transfors' and Fast Fourier transfors >FFT? for digital signal anal(sis' cople3 deodulaion and data
copression$ Cepstru tecni"ue and spectral estiation$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3002 Forean Digital Counication
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers the essential theories and principles of digital and data counication$ The topics to #e included are & digital
net%or) configuration' circuit and pac)et s%itching s(ste' digital representation of inforation' s(nchronous and as(nchronouse tie
di!ision ultiple3ing' net%or) architecture ode' la(ered protocol' pac)et data net%or)' local area net%or)' and the concept of
2SD- >2ntegrated Ser!ices Digital -et%or)?$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE300@ Forean Seiconductor 2ntegration Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The priar( goal is to educate student as a seiconductor process engineer$ Eltra Large Scale 2ntegration >ELS2? technolog( %ill #e
co!ered in ters of icroelectronic de!ice fa#rication process and electrical and electronic characteri/ation of the fa#ricated de!ices$ To
understand icro- or nano-scale electronic de!ices' student %ill learn ho% unit de!ice is operated and %hat )ind of fa#rication
procedure has to #e used$ Enit process such as Lithograph( and Etching' *3idation' Diffusion' 2on 2plantation' Thin Fil Deposition' 41D'
C1D' Epita3(' 2nterconnection' 8*S 4rocess 2ntegration' 8*S Capacitor' BAT 2ntegration %ill #e treated in this course$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3006 Forean Electrical 4o%er S(ste Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The electric utilit( industr( is pro#a#l( the largest and ost cople3 s(ste in the %orld$ The electrical po%er s(ste engineers are
concerned %ith e!er( steps in the process of generation' transission' distri#ution and utili/ation of electrical energ($The o#;ecti!e of this
course is to stud( ethods of po%er s(ste anal(sis and design' particularl( %ith the aid of a coputer and inforation technolog( in
sufficient depth to gi!e the student the #asic theor( at the undergraduate le!el$ The approach is designed to de!elop students< thin)ing
process' ena#ling the to reach a sound understanding of a #road range of topics to po%er s(ste engineering and application of
coputer technolog(' %hile oti!ating their interest in the electrical po%er industr(

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3022 Forean Electronic 8aterials
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The lectures co!er %ide range of #asic theories and properties on the ost coonl( used aterials in electrical and electronic field
such as seiconductor' dielectric' and electronic aterials$ Learning soe properties of these aterials such as ph(sical' electrical' optical'
agnetic characteristics' and teperature properties' the students %ill #e e3posed to the de!ice applications of the afore entioned
aterials$ The #asic operational principles of the !arious de!ice applications' nael(' seiconductor de!ices' optoelectronic coponents'
superconducting eleents' agnetic de!ices' and po%er control de!ices ta)e an iportant portion of the lectures$ Soe of the specific
application e3aples are seiconductor integrated circuits' laser' optical fi#er counication' functional ceraics' high teperature ceraics'
ferroelectric- capacitors' agnetic recording head and solar cells$ The o#;ect of the offered lecture is to deli!er a %ell esta#lished
fundaental theories and applications of the aterial science and not to focus on onl( a specific field of aterial science$ +ecoended
course %or)s prior to ta)e this course are Electric Field and Electroagnetic Theor(' Electroph(sics and Seiconductor Engineering

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3023 Forean Electroagnetic 9a!e Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers theor( of electroagnetic %a!e and the application$ This course assues the student has #asic understanding of
electroagnetic theor( and ephasi/es on the practical application of %a!e traission and propagation$Topics to #e co!ered include:
transission lines' graphical aids to transission line anal(sis>Sith chart?' transission line ipedance atching' transission
line e"uations and representation' field e"uations' propagation of plane %a!es and guided %a!es' resonant ca!ities' %a!eguide as a circuit
eleent'radiation of elecroagnetic %a!es' and general theor( on antennas$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE302@ Forean Control Engineering Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides design ethods for control of linear d(naic s(stes$ The controllers introduced in this course include 42D
controllers' Lead-Lag copensators' state feed#ac) controllers' etc$' for %hich the design and anal(sis techni"ues are re!ie%ed in #oth
the tie and fre"uenc( doains$ ,ong the design ethods are the root-locus techni"ue %hich plots the root of transfer function in
ters of controller gain paraeter in the cople3 plane' the Bode plot and -("uist diagra that a)e it possi#le to deterine the
sta#ilit( of controller #( using the gain and phase responses of transfer function %ith respect to the fre"uenc( change' the pole
placeent control design ethod #ased on the state e"uation and state feed#ac) controller' etc$$ ,pplication of these techni"ues to
!arious linear d(naic s(stes are e3plained and siulations using the control soft%are tool#o3 are done to copare its result %ith the
theoretic prediction$ The topics ena#le us to get accustoed to the design and anal(sis of controllers %hich pla( a )e( role in controlling
the s(stes and de!ices used for an<s con!enience sa)e in our odern life : fro the hoe electronic coodities as electric fans'
air conditioner' refrigerator' etc$& and the electronic facilities of coputer' audio- and !ideo-pla(ers' %ired- and %ireless counication
s(stes' etc$& to the products of echatronic s(stes as autoo#ile' ele!ator' airplane' ro#ot' space ship' etc$$ , ter pro;ect to
design a controller for a g

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3030 Forean Coputer -et%or)s
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
There are details a#out the upper la(er' protocols' standards' and interfaces' #ased on the #asic concept of data counication$ This
course is concerned %ith the ode of operation of the different t(pes of data net%or) that are used to interconnect a distri#uted
counit( of coputers and the !arious interface a standards and protocols associated %ith the$ ,lso' descri#e the function and
operation of the additional protocols that are needed to ena#le a set of aplication progras to counicate %ith one another to
perfor specific distri#uted application functions$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3033 Forean 1LS2 Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course ais to con!e( a )no%ledge of #asic concepts of circuit designand autoation for digital LS2 and 1LS2 coponents in state
of the art 8*Stechnologies$ This course also co!ers recent issues of the circuit design optii/ation of lo% po%er circuits for use in
applications such as icro-processors' signal and ultiedia processors$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE303@ Forean E#edded S(ste Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course is aiing at the understanding of hard%ares and soft%ares for e#edded s(ste including the realtie *S$ +eflecting the
fast spread of e#edded s(ste as 4D, %ith the %ide use of the internet' the state of the art of de!elopent of e#edded s(ste
and its trend are taught along %ith the related coponent technologies$ The topics are its operating s(ste' 2/*' de!elopent tools'
application progras' processor' net%or) interface' TC4/24 stac)' etc$ 4reliinar( courses : Coputer architecture' *perating s(ste' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3036 Forean 8otor Control La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course co!ers #asic principles of otor and e3perient of otor control$ This lecture %ill pro!ide a student to understand #asic
control techni"ues of induction otor' s(nchronous otor and etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE303= Forean ,utoation and Design of Electric 4o%er S(ste
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n an( coutries' the electric suppl( industr( is undergoing a significant restructuring that has onl( ;ust #egun$ Full( copetiti!e ar)ets of
electric energ( are fairl( recent phenoena' and the e3isting copetiti!e ar)ets ha!e not e3perienced significant of resource shortages
(et$ This course deals %ith the #asic principles of po%er s(ste autoation fro the point !ie% of the central control facilities under
copetiti!e en!ironent$ ,nd it discusses central coputers used to process po%er s(ste econoic operating data' present !ital data
to an operator' and allo% the operator to ipleent coands to e"uipent field$ ,lso it contains the econoic load dispatch' the
7auss-Seidel' -e%ton-+aphson' and decoupled ethod to iterati!el( calculate net%or) po%er flo%$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3036 Forean 4o%er Electronics Engineering and Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Circuit for Digital electronic e"uipent is an application oriented and interdisciplinar( course' %hich re"uire a #ac)ground in atheatics'
electrical circuits' control s(ste' analog and digital electronics' icroprocessor and electric achines$The understanding of the operation of
a electronic e"uipent re"uires a clear )no%ledge of the transient #eha!ior of current and !oltage %a!efors for each and e!er( circuit
eleent at e!er( instant tie$These features a)e circuit for electronic e"uipents a difficult course for students to understand$Therefore
using soft%are such as 4Spice' 8atLa# and 4S28' the students get e3perience siulation for the operation of a electronic e"uipent$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3050 Forean Electric 8achines
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides students %ith fundaental principles and applications of electrical achines that co!er the topics including agnetic
circuits' transforers' principles of electro-echanical energ( con!ersion and rotating achines' s(nchronous achine' induction achines'
!arious D$C$ achines' sall po%er ,$C$ otors$ 2t deals %ith !arious application of electric achines such as ro#ot' 8E8S' electric car$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3050 Forean 4o%er Electronics S(ste ,nal(sis
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n!erters and con!erters pla( an iportant role to operate fuel cell s(stes' h(#rid electric !ehicles' and etc$ 2n this su#;ect' design and
control of !arious po%er con!ersion circuits according to the application conditions$ Copleting this su#;ect' one can handle hard%ares and
soft%ares for po%er con!ersion circuits and can utili/e the theor( and techni"ue for industr( applications$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3052 Forean Displa( *ptics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Lectured in this class are #asic principles of optics to understand and design !arious displa( s(stes$ Lecture topics include superposition
of light' polari/ation and its applications' li"uid cr(stals' interference theor( and optical s(stes' diffraction' Fourier transfor and its
application to optical s(ste anal(sis and design$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3053 Forean Design of Distri#ution ,utoation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson includes topics on distri#ution s(ste planning' load characteristics' application of distri#ution transforers' design of
su#transission lines' distri#ution su#stations' priar( s(stes' and secondar( s(stes& !oltage drop and po%er-loss calculations&
application of capacitors& haronics on distri#ution s(stes& and distri#ution s(ste protection and relia#ilit($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE305@ Forean -et%or)ed Control S(ste
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
The characteristics of the net%or)ed control s(ste>-CS? are e3plained and the design re"uireent of the -CS are suggested$ 9e treat
the topics of the sta#ilit( of the -CS' ro#ust controller design for the -CS and the scheduling techni"ues for perforance ipro!eent$
The -CS ipleented #( C,->Controller ,rea -et%or)? is presented as an application case$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE2003 Forean 4ro#a#ilit( and +ando 4rocesses
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduction to #asic pro#a#ilit( theor( and odeling rando processes for the anal(sis and design of electric s(ste$ Topics a(
include a3ioatic foundation of pro#a#ilit(' conditional pro#a#ilit(' indepedence' rando !aria#les' distri#ution function' densit( functions'
characteristic functions' e3pectation and rando process$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3000 Forean 8icroprocessor
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduce the recent ad!aces in icroprocessor design technologies and ad!ances in icroprocessor organi/ations and speed
enhanceents accopanied #($9e re!ie% the changes in control unit'arithetic logic unit'and register file organi/ationand ta)e loo) at ho%
the interconnection structures #et%een the C4E and !arious coponents: eor('and peripherals are affected #( the changes in the
organi/a- tion of icroprocessors$ ,nd follo%ed #( the descriptions of the ED,C>Error Detection ,nd Correction?'the TLB>Translation
Loo)aside Buffer?'the D8,C>Direct 8eor( Controller?' and the prograa#le interrupt controller$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE300= Forean 2nternship 4rogra 2 for School of 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 0= 0-0=-0
Course Description
This internship progra places ;unior/senior students in pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and go!ernent offices etc$ for
one seester$ ,fter ta)ing this course' students get 0= credits: 6 credits for a;or course' and another 6 credits for electi!e course$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3006 Forean 2nternship 4rogra 22 for School of 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 0= 0-0=-0
Course Description
This internship progra places ;unior/senior students in pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and go!ernent offices etc$ for
one seester$ ,fter ta)ing this course' students get 0= credits: 6 credits for a;or course' and another 6 credits for electi!e course$ ,
student %ho %ants to e3perience one (ear-long internship progra should ta)e #oth this course and N2nternship 4rogra 0 for School of
2nforation and CounicationN$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3000 Forean Field Training 4rogra 22 for School of 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 3 0-3-0
Course Description
This progra is a short ter field training progra for 3 or 5 %ee)s in suer and %inter #rea)s for ;unior/senior students$ Students
are supposed to learn and e3perience practical )no%ledge fro fields such as pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and
go!ernent offices etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3002 Forean Field Training 4rogra 222 for 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S/F 5 0-5-0
Course Description
This progra is a short ter field training progra for @ or 6 %ee)s in suer and %inter #rea)s for ;unior/senior students$ Students
are supposed to learn and e3perience practical )no%ledge fro fields such as pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and
go!ernent offices etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3003 Forean Field Training 4rogra 21 for School of 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F @ 0-@-0
Course Description
This progra is a short ter field training progra for C or = %ee)s in suer and %inter #rea)s for ;unior/senior students$ Students
are supposed to learn and e3perience practical )no%ledge fro fields such as pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and
go!ernent offices etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3005 Forean 8ultiedia Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces the #asics on ultiedia coputer s(stes incorporating real-tie edia such as audio/!ideo and HC2>Huan
Coputer 2nteraction?' data encoding standards' data copression techni"ues' h(peredia and optical storage de!ices$ ,lso
technological ad!ances in coputer net%or)s' ultiedia' icropro-cessor and ediaprocessor are presented to help the students for
)eeping the e(es on current issues in such a rapidl( e!ol!ing field$ 9e<re going to discuss on Coputer 8ediated Counication as
a #uilding #loc) to craft interati!e ultiedia applications and on ho% to use !arious #ro%sers a!aila#le on the 2nternet for custoi/ation$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3006 Forean Seinar in 2nforation Technolog(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 0 0-0-2
Course Description
This class pro!ides #road )no%ledge a#out an( fields of inforation technolog($ 1arious su#;ects are selected %hich are currentl( hot
issues in inforation technolog(' and in!ited tal)s are gi!en a#out the selected su#;ects$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE300C Forean Capstone Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 0-3-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides the essentials' design and practicing of electrical and engineering and coputer engineering$ The student %ill ha!e
copleted a single pro;ect fro conceptual design >pro#le selection' definition' and anal(sis?' through preliinar( design of the coplete
s(ste and perforance design >optii/ation?' to final design of the s(ste$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE5000 Forean CT* Seinar
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
This CT* seinar pro!ides %ith students anagerial !ie%' desira#le personal characteristics necessar( for anager or leaders %or)ing
for copanies dealing %ith the cutting-edge technologies$ This lecture is organi/ed as a series of lectures offered #( the CT*s or
e"ui!alent top engineers in the industrial fields$ 2t is designed to present the technical as %ell as non-technical students ho% to %or) in
cross-functional teas and deonstrate leadership as anagers of a di!ision of a technolog( copan($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2002 Forean Logic Design La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 2 0-2-5
Course Description
22n this course' #asic theories of digital s(ste including the operation and characteristic of logic eleents are re!ie%ed$ Students are
encouraged to design and !erif( odule #loc)s' i$e$ adder' su#tractor' encoder' decoder' ultiple3er' flip-flop' s(nchronous and
as(nchronous counters' and shift registers$ 2n addition to the #asic logic circuit design' ore coplicated logic circuits such as ping-pong
gae' fre"uenc( counter' etc$' are designed$ F47, design soft%are and #oard are used for !erif(ing 1HDL-#ased digital circuit designs$
Students are paticipated in design !arious co#inational and se"uential logic circuits using F47,-#ased design )it$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE200C Forean Electroagnetis 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
7eneral grasp of electrostatics and agnetostatics$ 2ntroductions to electric field intensit(' electric flu3 densit(' electric potentials' 7auss<s
la%' and Di!ergence theore$ 8aterial characteristics of conductors and dielectrics are e3plained' %hich produce the concept of
capacitance$ ,nal(tic and nuerical solutions of electric field' using Laplace<s and 4oisson<s e"uation$ Finall(' Bio-Sa!art la%' ,pere<s
la%' and Sto)e<s theore are introduced for agnetostatics$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE200= Forean Electroagnetis M
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
F 3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduction to ad!anced concepts of acti!e electronic circuits$ Topics include operational aplifier characteristics and s(stes' sta#ilit( and
oscillators' %a!e shaping and %a!efor generator' analog-to-digital con!erter' digital-to- analog con!erter' acti!e filters' and
po%er circuits and s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2006 Forean Electric Circuits La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course consists of 3 ain su#;ects$ The first one is to practice s)ills in handling #asic electrical and electronic e"uipents' the
second ta)es the tests of #asic electric circuit theor(' and the last one are tests of linear electrical de!ice characteristics$ Basic
e"uipent such as an aeter' !olt-eter' tester' oscilloscope' function generator and po%er supplier are included$ Basic electric circuit
theor( co!ers Firchhoff<s !oltage' current la%' Superposition la%' The!nin--orton<s la%' and resonant characteristics of +-L-C circuits$
This lecture %ill pro!ide a student to understand #asic properties of linear eleental de!ices li)e resistor' inductor' capacitor' and their
co#inations in electrical circuits$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2006 Forean Circuit Theor(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
S 3 3-0-6
Course Description
Circuit eleent' Firchhoff<s la%' *h<s la%s$ Sine %a!e altenating current' 2nstantaneous !alue' a!erage !alue' effecti!e !alue$ +-L-C
series circuit and parallel circuit$ 4hasor representation of sine %a!e ,C' ipedance and adittance circuit$ T%o port net%or)'
#ridge circuit' coupled circuit$ ,cti!e po%er' cople3 po%er$ Constant !oltage and current source$ The!enin<s and norton<s theore$
4ol(phase ,C curcuit' #alanced and un#alanced 3-phase curcuit' ethod of s(etrical coordinates$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE200@ File 4rocessing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
File process ethod for efficient anageent and storage of data$ The file structures such as #loc)ing and #uffering for dis) 2/*'
se"uential file' hash file' search tree' inde3ed se"uential file' and uliple )e( file$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE2006 2ntroduction to Coputer S(ste Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course introduces students to coputer engineering through the de!elopent of coputer-#ased pro#le sol!ing s)ills and
engineering design applications$ The ain goal is to de!elop pro#le sol!ing s)ills' to use soft%are tools' to de!elop a#ilities in odeling
and !isuali/ation' to access/use/create %e#-#ased docuents' to de!elop tea%or)s' and finall( to learn to produce %ritten and
oral reports$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE300@ ,pplication of Soft%are Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course is aied to a)e students ha!e practicel and efficient )no%ledges and e3periences for the o!erall process of S/9
de!elopent on the specific pro- ;ects #( using the general ethodologies and related techni"ues introduced in the pre!ious course of
SE$ Concretel( a set of techni"ues' such as re"uireent definition' specification' ipleentation' !erification/!alidation and test in each
pro;ect are utili/ed$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3006 8odeling and Siulation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers the #eha!ioral design and e!aluation techni"ues %hich trace the process of the target s(ste in tie doain$ The
detailed topics are odel forulation and construction ethods' odel cali#ration and !alidation ethods' the design of siulation
e3perients' and the interpretation ethods for siulation results$ For this purpose the discrete e!ent odeling concepts' the ost %idel(
used siulation odeling techni"ue' is introduced$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3033 Enterprise ,pplication 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The course %ill focus on the design and de!elopent of %e# #ased applications using a nu#er of currentl( popular tools and strategies&
also to #e learned is the use of data#ases as data repositories for %e# applications$ Topics to #e e3ained include: HTT4' C72' 4H4'
,S4' Cold Fusion' Aa!a Ser!lets' Aa!a Ser!er 4ages' Enterprise Aa!a Beans' H8L' data#ase connecti!it(' scala#ilit(' securit(' 9,4 and
other cutting edge %e# technologies$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3035 9e# 4rograing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers the design and application of H(perte3t 8ar)up Language >HT8L?' %hich is used to create docuents on the 9orld
9ide 9e#$ The topics include structure' presentation forat' lists' lin)s' iages' ta#les' fraes$ To a)e students understand those
contents it co!ers introduction to HT8L' 9e# 4age Design' 9e# 4age Fors' 2ntroduction to Aa!aScript' and 8ultiedia 9e# 4ages$ The
student %ill create 9e# pages on their o%n$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE3036 Seinar in Coputer Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
0 0-0-2
Course Description
This class pro!ides #road )no%ledge a#out an( fields of coputer engineering$ 1arious su#;ects are selected %hich are currentl( hot
issues in coputer engineering' and in!ited tal)s are gi!en a#out the selected su#;ects$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
CSE303= Design 4attern
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course intends to pro!ide techni"ues a#out design patten and refactoring$ The forer is a#out patterni/ed design )no%ledge of
e3pert designers' that is particular( iportant to ipro!e soft%are "ualit($ The latter is an ad!anced techni"ue to ipro!e soft%are design
%ithout changing internal structure of the soft%are$ This course is a prere"uisite for SC8 certification of 82C$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5203 Soft%are Seinar 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
4erfors research on a topic assigned #( his or her ad!isor for his degree$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5205 Coputer Siulation 4rinciples
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lecture co!ers general introduction of discrete e!ent coputer odeling I siulation' such as Building !alid siulation odels I
siulation engine$ ,lso input pro#a#ilit( distri#utions I rando nu#er generator for coputer odel %ill #e discussed$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE520@ Seinar 2 in Counications
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The o#;ect of seinar 0 in counications is to pro!ide undergraduate/graduate students %ith up-to-date )no%ledge a#out a !ariet(
of counication technologies$ To failiari/e students %ith current research and de!elopent acti!ities in counication areas' a#out
%hich in!ited tal)s are gi!en$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5220 Counication S(stes Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The ai of this course is to offer a principle of high le!el design techni"ues related to counication s(stes$ B( pro!iding a #road
#ac)ground and a co#ined techni"ue in counication ediu' +F s(ste' noise theor(' and digital counication techni"ues' this
course %ill ena#le the students to address the follo%ing design su#;ects: high l!el +F s(ste/antenna/circuit design'
transitter/recei!er architecture' and noise/28/gain/spectru as)$ For this purpose' this course offers the siulation techni"ue using
C language and the design and perforance e!aluation techni"ue #ased on siulation$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5225 Seiconductor De!ice Charactri/ation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The lecture is offered for the person %ho is reasona#l( failiar %ith the ph(sics and operation of a;or seiconductor de!ices as in pn
;unction' #ipolar transistors' 8*S capacitors and transistors' solar cells' Schott)( #arrier diodes$ B( coparing ost of the )no%n
characteri/ation tools' a student get a fir grip on pros and cons of the !arious e3periental ethods$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5226 Seiconductor Seinar 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
-e% techni"ues on Seiconductor process' electronic de!ices and 1LS2 design are co!ered$ Special topics or recent trends %ill #e
co!ered in this class$ Lecturer' students registered in this class' or e3perts a( present the ne% techni"ues$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5226 ,lgoriths in SoC C,D
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers all aspects of SoC Coputer ,ided Design 8ethodologies such as high le!el s(nthesis' logic and circuit s(nthesis'
F74, and DS4 s(nthesis$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5230 Seinar 2 in S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The o#;ect of seinar 0 in s(stes is to pro!ide graduate students %ith up-to-date )no%ledge a#out a !ariet( of s(ste
technologies$ Soe in!ited specialists %ill gi!e a seinar' or discuss %ith current research and de!elopent acti!ities in s(ste areas for
the students< #etter understanding$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5233 Siulation Engineering of Electric 4o%er S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The o#;ecti!e of this lecture is to present ethods of po%er s(ste siulation' particularl( %ith the aid of a personal coputer' in
sufficient depth to gi!e the student the #asic techni"ue at the graduate le!el$ 8ain su#;ects are stead(-state I transient po%er s(ste
siulation' fault odeling techni"ue' F,CT>fle3i#le alternating current transission? siulation and the usage of E8T4' ,T4'

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5235 4o%er S(ste ,nal(sis
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson discusses the #asic concepts of an electric po%er s(ste$ 8ain su#;ects are transission line paraeter' stead(-state
operation' s(ste odeling' net%or) odeling and nuerical solution

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE523@ 4o%er Electronics Control
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lesson studies the topics fro #asic principles of DC and ,C induction achines to application of icroprocessor controlled dri!es on
ro#ot ar' po%er supplies and rail%a( traction dri!es$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5236 2ntroduction to 1irtual +ealit(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
8odern coputer graphics ha!e pro!ided for an( (ears the ne%est and potentiall( ost e3pressi!e edia for pictorial counication'
#ut ipro!eents in the po%er and accessi#ilit( of interacti!e 3D graphics s(stes ha!e recentl( added a ne% diension$ 2t is no%
possi#le to dra% coputer graphics iages at rates sufficient that the !ie%point for the graphic iage a( #e sla!ed to follo% person<s
o!eent$ This forat has !ariousl( #een tered c(#erspace' !irtual realit(' or artificial realit($ This course pro!ides #asic inforation and
technical #rief for those %ho re"uire grounding in %hat is regarded as the ne3t generation coputer interface-!irtual realit( or !irtual
en!ironent s(stes$ 2t also ser!es as a coprehensi!e technical #ac)ground ho% the !arious technologies %or)' including their principles
of operation$ Both the huan factors and related engineering issues are discussed in detail$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
ECE5250 Fu//( S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
Fu//( S(stesThis class introduces the concepts of fu//( set theor( including uni!erse of discourse' e#ership function' fu//ification'
defu//ification' fu//( rules' fu//( easure' etc$ B( doing so' one can copare the classical set theor( and pro#a#ilit( %ith the fu//( set
theor( in dealing %ith the control s(stes$ ,d!antages and disad!antages of fu//( set theor( are gi!en #( appl(ing it to noniniu
phase control s(stes anddiscretetie-dela( control s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE3006 Seiconductor De!ice Siulation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The priar( goal is to descri#e the operating principles and de!ice fa#rication technolog( in electrical and electronic engineering$ Lecture
deals %ith an ad!anced ethod of aterial propert( characteri/ation and de!ice design >S2L1,C* siulation?$ ,tlas %ith Spices 2B'
2D De!ice Siulatoin$ Bla/e' 2D Hetero;unction Bipolar transistor' and 222-1 copound Siulator' Laser' 2D Seiconductor Laser Siulator'
7iga' 2D Lattice Heating Siulator %ith Heat Sin)' 8i3ed 8ode' 2D 8i3ed Circuit and De!ice Siulator' TFT' 2D ,orphous and 4ol(
Silicon Siulator' Luinous' 2D *ptoelectronic Siulator' Luantu' 2D Luantu Effects Siulator' Ferro' 2D Ferroelectric 8aterial Siulator$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE300C ,ntenna Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The course #egins %ith a #rief introduction to antennas and propagation$ -e3t' antenna concepts such as gain' directi!it(' and radiation
patterns are introduced$ The theor( for ipedance deterination for dipole and loop antennas are presented$ Then' the course treats the
aperture-t(pe antennas$ The recei!ing properties of antennas are e!aluated using the concepts of effecti!e area' effecti!e length'
ipedance atch' and antenna noise teperature$ Finall(' a #road spectru of topics related to radio-%a!e propagation is presented$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE302C 8icro%a!e Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers practical application of icro%a!e theor($ Thes course assues the student has #asic
understanding of electroagnetic theor($ 8a;or topics include icro%a!e circuits and net%or)s-passi!e and acti!e'%a!e propagation'
and antennas$ Detailed topics to #e included are& 8icro%a!e -et%or) theor(' %a!eguides' ulti;unction net%or)s' periodic structure
4araeter8atrices' distri#uted net%or)'coupled lines' capacitance atri3 transforations'antena odel >7reen<s function?' aperture radiation'
ethods of oent' reflectors and arra(s' and icro%a!e solid state de!ices' icro%a!e seiconductor$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
EEE303C Seinar in Electrical Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
0 0-0-2
Course Description
Econoics and anaging s)ills are andator( for toda(<s and toorro%<s engineers$ EE students in this class get #asic s)ills %hich a(
#e re"uired as a id or top le!el anager$ Broad range of practical s)ills are focused in this class rather than theoretical #ac)grounds
and deep )no%ledges$ The topics a( include pu#lic and pri!atel( o%ned copanies' concept of interests %hich a( #e either profit or
cost' concepts of in!estent' stoc)s' stoc) ar)ets and 8/,' international trades' accounting and ta3' contracts and agreeents'
intellectual properties' la%s related to copan( acti!ities' opening a ne% #usiness' and anageent of huan resources' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE2005 2ntroduction to 2nforation and Counication Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n this su#;ect' !ariuos #ranches of inforation and counication technolog(' such as counication' signal processing' seiconductor'
coputer' soft%are' and po%er s(ste are #riefl( introduced$ This su#;ect is pro!ided to help the students orient thesel!es for their
further studies in his/her college life$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3006 2nternship 4rogra 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-0
Course Description
The internship progra pro!ides the student %ith the opportunit( to practice and/or appl( )no%ledge and s)ills in !arious electrical and
coputer engineering professional areas$ This progra is intended to pro!ide a !alua#le e3perience to the student<s undergraduate studies
#( integrating prior course %or) into a %or)ing engineering en!ironent$ Students electing to participate in the 2nternship progra are gi!en
4ass/-o Credit as electi!es$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE300C 2nternship 4rogra 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-0
Course Description
This is a second part of the Co-*p internship progra %hich is reall( the practical application of Electrical and Coputer Engineering
)no%ledge and s)ills through an internship in a sponsoring organi/ation$ The student ust ha!e a facult( ad!isor as %ell as an industrial
ad!isor %ho %ill super!ise the student$ Students participating in engineering pro;ects are re"uired to %rite technical reports at the end of
the pro;ect$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE3000 Field Training 4rogra 2 for School of 2nforation and
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-0
Course Description
This progra is a short ter field training progra for 2 %ee)s in suer and %inter #rea)s for ;unior/senior students$ Students are
supposed to learn and e3perience practical )no%ledge fro fields such as pri!ate/pu#lic copanies' research la#oratories' and
go!ernent offices etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
2CE300@ -uerical ,nal(sis
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
-uerical ethods are ethods for sol!ing pro#les on a coputer >or on a poc)et calculator if the pro#le is siple?$ Basicall( it
relates to coputer de!elopents' and e!en a inor ipro!eent on algorith could a)e profound enhanceents on the calculation
speed$ The ai of this lecture is to understand the algoriths on atheatical pro#les' and students are encouraged to progra the
gi!en algoriths and tr( the out on the coputer$ 2t is recoended that the lecturer select the prograing language >or scientific
calculation soft%are?' and students a)e their o%n codes using the selected language$ Each student could ha!e their o%n li#raries or tool
#o3es on nuerical anal(sis at the end of this lecture$ The atheatical su#;ects %e %ill handle %ith are: linear and nonlinear alge#raic
e"uations' interpolation' nuerical integration and differentiation' cur!e fitting' spline' and ordinar( differential e"uations$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE200C Electronic Circuits La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-5
Course Description
This course is to de!elope the a#ilit( to atch the results of scheatic design of electronic circuits to their e3periental results$ The
course #egins %ith easureent ethods of #asic instruents' their interface to the coputer' fa#rication ethods of 4CB and #rief
introduction to S42CE$ -e3t' the #asic #uilding #loc)s for coplicated circuit design are e3periented$ The e3periental contents include
rectifier' operational aplifier' single transistor aplifier' output stage aplifier' ultistage aplifier' differential aplifier' acti!e filter' %a!efor
generator' and ,D-D, con!erter$ Finall(' ter pro;ect %ill #e assigned to e!er( la#orator( groups to ipleent the cople3 circuit on
the real 4CB$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE200= Seiconductor Electronics
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
, #ac)ground inforation of 4h(sics in Electronics %ill gi!e plent( of #enefits to the student ta)ing this course$ Aunction anal(sis is
e3panded fro hoo;unc-tion to hetero;unction$ Seiconductor gro%th technolog(' diffusion echanis' donor and acceptor aterials'
etali/ation ethod and surface state effect of seiconductor are descri#ed ainl( featuring silicon and copound seiconductorsThe
ain strea line of the lecture %ill #e the different seiconductor de!ice applications such as #ipolar transistors' field effect transistors'
integrated circuits and optoelectronic de!ices li)e light eitting diode' photo!oltaic de!ices' laser' detectors$ de!ice application
includes de!ice fa#rication' anal(sis' design and characteri/ation of the different seiconductor de!ices$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2020 Electronic Circuits 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
Topics include ph(sical odels of diodes and transistors' FET circuits' sall- and large-signal operation' ad!anced treatent of acti!e
circuits' lo% fre"uenc( aplifiers' fre"uenc( response of aplifiers' and feed#ac) aplifiers characteristics$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2020 Electronic Circuits 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
2ntroduction to ad!anced concepts of acti!e electronic circuits$ Topics include operational aplifier characteristics and s(stes' sta#ilit( and
oscillators' %a!e shaping and %a!efor generator' analog-to-digital con!erter' digital-to- analog con!erter' acti!e filters' and
po%er circuits and s(stes$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2022 Signals and S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
Fundaentals of the anal(sis and processing of continuous and discrete signals in #oth tie and fre"uenc( doains$ Linear Tie 2n!ariant
>LT2? s(stes and filtering$ con!olution' Fourier Series>FS?' Fourier Transfor>FT?' Transfor>DFT?' 2ntroduction to analog and digital
counications and the Sapling Theore Coputer #ased siulation and data processing are used to deonstraste the a#o!e
concepts in a la#orator( settings$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2023 C 4rograing 4ractice
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
0 0-2-2
Course Description
First (ear undergraduate students learns ore a#out general prograing techni"ues of C language and its practical ipleentations in
the industr($ The( read soe case studies' e3ercise an( e3aples of #asics in C including data t(pes' operators' conditions and
iterati!e stateents' functions' arra(s' pointers' strings' and structures$ 2n se!eral t(pical *S such as 8S 9indo%s' Eni3' and Linu3'
students ipro!e their prograing s)ills #( using 1isual CGG and gcc copiler$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE2025 Aa!a 4rograing 4ractice
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
0 0-2-2
Course Description
This course is to ipro!e Aa!a 4rograing s)ills for first (ear undergraduate students %ith se!eral practical e3ercises$ The( %ill ha!e
essential prograing e3periences and learn ho% to progra in an o#;ect oriented anner %ith Aa!a$ Topics include introductor( o#;ect
oriented prograing' algorithic thin)ing' pro#le sol!ing' de!eloping Aa!a ,pplications' Aa!a ,pplets' control structures' ethods' arra(s'
o#;ect-#ased prograing' o#;ect oriented prograing' and strings o#;ects$ Students o#tain Aa!a prograing s)ills and fashions for
structured prograing and logical reasoning$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3002 Seinar in Seiconductor Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
0 0-0-2
Course Description
Econoics and anaging s)ills are andator( for toda(<s and toorro%<s engineers$ EE students in this class get #asic s)ills %hich a(
#e re"uired as a id or top le!el anager$ Broad range of practical s)ills are focused in this class rather than theoretical #ac)grounds
and deep )no%ledges$ The topics a( include pu#lic and pri!atel( o%ned copanies' concept of interests %hich a( #e either profit or
cost' concepts of in!estent' stoc)s' stoc) ar)ets and 8/,' international trades' accounting and ta3' contracts and agreeents'
intellectual properties' la%s related to copan( acti!ities' opening a ne% #usiness' and anageent of huan resources' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3003 8icro4rocessor La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-5
Course Description
Enderstanding of icroprocessors through test and e3perients$ Hard%are and soft%are design of digital s(stes using icroprocessors$
Designs on interfaces' eor( decoding' serial/parallel counications and interrupts control$ Soft%are design is conducted %ith the aid
of a icroprocessor trainer s(ste$ ,lso' it deals %ith the structure of icro-coputer s(stes$ 4rogra e3ecution using asse#ler and
achine language coding$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3003 Digital Signal 4rocessing
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The topics to #e co!ered are : ,nal(sis and process techni"ues used in coputer processing of signals$ ,nalog to digital con!ersion$
+ecursi!e digital filters' and atched filters$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3020 Digital 2ntegrated Circuits
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
8odern 1LS2 design' 8ethodolog( of C8*S circuit design$ Fundaentals of 8*S transistor and its operating principle$ C8*S 2C
design and its circuits$ cons- truction of C8*S logic gates' in!erter' -,-D' -*+ and cople3 gates$ Dualit( of 4 and - structure$ Bsic
structure of ultiple3or and eor($ +epresentation of circuit design$ Beha!ioral representation' structure representation' ph(sical
representation$ Design e"uations in cutoff' linear'saturation region$ DC characteristic of C8*S in!erter and related noise argin$
,lternati!es of staticC8*S' D(naic C8*S' Doino C8*S$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3022 ,nalog 2ntegrated Circuits
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This lectur introduces #asic design aspects of analog C8*S integrated circuits$ These aspects include the dc and ac characteristics of
linear aplifiers' fre"uenc( response and copensation' and the anal(sis and design of !arious feed#ac) aplifiers$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3023 1LS2 Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course ais to con!e( a )no%ledge of #asic concepts of circuit designand autoation for digital LS2 and 1LS2 coponents in state
of the art 8*Stechnologies$ This course also co!ers recent issues of the circuit design optii/ation of lo% po%er circuits for use in
applications such as icro-processors' signal and ultiedia processors$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3030 Coputer Based 8achines Siulation
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides #asic inforation and technical #rief for those %ho re"uire grounding in %hat is regarded as the achines and
large-scale s(stes$ 2t also ser!es as a coprehensi!e technical #ac)ground ho% the !arious technologies %or)' including their principles
of operation$ The o#;ecti!e of this course is to stud( siulation ethods of continuous s(ste odelling function' surge arrester' !arious
achines' and transforer' particularl( %ith the aid of a coputer #ased siulation soft%are' in sufficient depth to gi!e the student the
#asic theor( and siulation techni"ues at the undergraduate le!el

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE303@ Electroagnetic 9a!e La#orator(
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
2 0-2-5
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to confir the theor( of antenna' electroagnetic %a!e and icro%a!e engineering through e3perients$
The course #egins %ith operation of icro%a!e easureent instruents and design e3cercise using icro%a!e C,D is follo%ed$ Finall(
fa#rication and easureents are perfored %ith ephasis on correspondence %ith theor( and e3perients$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3036 Seiconductor 2ntegration Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
The priar( goal is to educate student as a seiconductor process engineer$ Eltra Large Scale 2ntegration >ELS2? technolog( %ill #e
co!ered in ters of icroelectronic de!ice fa#rication process and electrical and electronic characteri/ation of the fa#ricated de!ices$ To
understand icro- or nano-scale electronic de!ices' student %ill learn ho% unit de!ice is operated and %hat )ind of fa#rication
procedure has to #e used$ Enit process such as Lithograph( and Etching' *3idation' Diffusion' 2on 2plantation' Thin Fil Deposition' 41D'
C1D' Epita3(' 2nterconnection' 8*S 4rocess 2ntegration' 8*S Capacitor' BAT 2ntegration %ill #e treated in this course$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE303C 8icro%a!e Engineering
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers practical application of icro%a!e theor($ Thes course assues the student has #asic understanding of
electroagnetic theor($ 8a;or topics include icro%a!e circuits and net%or)s-passi!e and acti!e'%a!e propagation' and antennas$
Detailed topics to #e included are& 8icro%a!e -et%or) theor(' %a!eguides' ulti;unction net%or)s' periodic structure 4araeter8atrices'
distri#uted net%or)'coupled lines' capacitance atri3 transforations'antena odel >7reen<s function?' aperture radiation' ethods of
oent' reflectors and arra(s' and icro%a!e solid state de!ices' icro%a!e seiconductor$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE303= Data Counication
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
2n general' there are details a#out lo% le!el protocols and standards including the related technologies in the data counication fields$
So' it co!ers all the standard topics found in a t(pical introductor( course in data counicationsuch as transission edia' analog and
digital signals' data transissions' ultiple3ing$ This course is designed to help the student understand : - concepts of data
counications - the differences' ad!antage' and Disad!antages of different transission edia - analog and digital signals' odulation
and deodulation techni"ues - the need for error detection and correction$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3036 Counication Theor( 2
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers di!erse topics related to the counication' and the topics related to the application of the counication theor($
The topics to #e co!ered include counication channel odel' fading phenoena' recei!er struc- ture' #asics of o#ile counication'
#asics of satellite counication' %a!e propagation odel' counication traffic odel' and s(nchroni/ation theor($

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3050 Counication Theor( 22
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers the essential theories and principles of digital and data counication$ The topics to #e included are & digital net%or)
configuration' circuit and pac)et s%itching s(ste' digital representation of inforation' s(nchronous and as(nchronouse tie di!ision
ultiple3ing' net%or) architecture ode' la(ered protocol' pac)et data net%or)' local area net%or)' and the concept of 2SD-
>2ntegrated Ser!ices Digital -et%or)?$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3050 2ntroduction to ,utoatic Control
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides an introduction to autoatic control of linear d(naic s(stes$ The topics include definition of input-output and state
!aria#les' atheatical odeling of control s(stes #ased on ph(sical la%s' #loc) diagra representation of s(stes' transfer function
and Laplace transfor' state space representation of d(naic s(stes$ Feed#ac) control concept' sta#ilit( of s(stes' transient and
stead( state responses of s(stes in the tie doain' and #asic controller forsare treated and coputer siulations of d(naic control
s(stes using control soft%are tool#o3 are assigned as hoe%or)$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3052 Digital S(stes Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course pro!ides ad!anced techni"ues for design of digital s(stes$ Se"uential and as(nchronous digital circuits are introduced' and
design techni"ues for those circuits are co!ered$ Basic odules such as ultipliers' floating point arithetic' state achines' and their
control #loc)s are studied$ Based on the concepts introduced so far' design ethodologies for ore cople3 digital s(stes are co!ered$
Standard hard%are description languages such as 1HDL or 1erilog' and design autoation tool flo% are also co!ered so that students
can cope %ith toda(<s design en!ironent$ *nl( the students %ho studied NLogic DesignN can ta)e this lecture$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3053 E#edded S(ste Design
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course is aiing at the understanding of hard%ares and soft%ares for e#edded s(ste including the realtie *S$ +eflecting the
fast spread of e#edded s(ste as 4D, %ith the %ide use of the internet' the state of the art of de!elopent of e#edded s(ste
and its trend are taught along %ith the related coponent technologies$ The topics are its operating s(ste' 2/*' de!elopent tools'
application progras' processor' net%or) interface' TC4/24 stac)' etc$ 4reliinar( courses : Coputer architecture' *perating s(ste' etc$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3055 *perating S(stes
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
*perating s(ste is an essential part of a coputer s(ste$ 2t pro!ides an interface to the users and also anages s(ste resources$
There are three a;or goals of this course$ *ne is to pro!ide a fir foundation in the principles and concepts that underlie operating
s(stes$ The second is to stud( and discuss a;or issues of operating s(stes such as process anageent' storage anageent' file
and 2/* anageent' and securit( anageent$ Finall(' %e stud( soe design issues for the distri#uted operating s(stes and
operating s(stes of parallel processing s(stes$ ,lso' %e stud( and discuss the characteristics of soe standardi/ed operating s(stes
such as Eni3 and Linu3$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE305@ Coputer -et%or)s
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
There are details a#out the upper la(er' protocols' standards' and interfaces' #ased on the #asic concept of data counication$ This
course is concerned %ith the ode of operation of the different t(pes of data net%or) that are used to interconnect a distri#uted
counit( of coputers and the !arious interface a standards and protocols associated %ith the$ ,lso' descri#e the function and
operation of the additional protocols that are needed to ena#le a set of aplication progras to counicate %ith one another to perfor
specific distri#uted application functions$

Course Code Language for Lecture Course Title
SSE3056 Coputer ,lgorith
Spring/Fall Credit Class Hours
3 3-0-6
Course Description
This course co!ers ad!anced techni"ues for anal(/ing upper #ounds for algoriths and lo%er #ounds for pro#les$ 4ro#le areas include
sorting' ad!anced data structures' graphs' d(naic prograing' di!ide-and-con"uer ethod' greed( ethods' co#inatorial algoriths'
-4-copleteness' and parallel odels$ *nl( the students %ho studied NData StructuresN can ta)e this lecture$

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