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1. What is control system?
A system consists of a number of components connected together to perform a specific function. In a
system when varying the input quantity controls the output quantity then the system is called control system.
2. What are the to ma!or ty"es o# control system?
The two major types of control system are open loop and closed loop
3. De#ine o"en loo" control system. !" 2##$
The control system in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input quantity is called open
loop control system. This means that the output is not feedbac% to the input for correction.
&. De#ine close$ loo" control system.
The control system in which the output has an effect upon the input quantity so as to maintain the
desired output values are called closed loop control system.
'. What are the com"onents o# #ee$%ac& control system(
The components of feedbac% control system are plant) feedbac% path elements) error detector and
$. De#ine trans#er #'nction( *ov 2##$+ Apr 2##,+ Apr 2#1#-
The T.. of a system is defined as the ratio of the /aplace transform of output to /aplace transform of
input with 0ero initial conditions.
1. What are the %asic elements 'se$ #or mo$elin) mechanical translational system. *ov 2#11+ 2ay
2ass) spring and dashpot
,. What are the %asic elements 'se$ #or mo$elin) mechanical rotational system? *ov 2#1# + 2ay
2oment of inertia 3) dashpot with rotational frictional coefficient 4 and torsional spring with stiffness
6. Name to ty"es o# electrical analo)o's #or mechanical system.
The two types of analogies for the mechanical system are .orce voltage and force current analogy.
1#. What is %loc& $ia)ram?
A bloc% diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed by each
component of the system and shows the flow of signals. The basic elements of bloc% diagram are bloc%)
branch point and summing point.
11. What is the %asis #or #ramin) the r'les o# %loc& $ia)ram re$'ction techni*'e?
The rules for bloc% diagram reduction technique are framed such that any modification made on the
diagram does not alter the input7 output relation.
12. What is a si)nal #lo )ra"h? *8ec 2##'-
A signal flow graph is a diagram that represents a set of simultaneous algebraic equations .4y ta%ing
/.T the time domain differential equations governing a control system can be transferred to a set of algebraic
equations in s7domain.
13. What is transmittance?
The transmittance is the gain acquired by the signal when it travels from one node to another node in
signal flow graph.
1&. What is sin& an$ so'rce? *April + 2ay 2#1#-
9ource is the input node in the signal flow graph and it has only outgoing branches. 9in% is an
output node in the signal flow graph and it has only incoming branches.
1'. De#ine non+to'chin) loo"(
The loops are said to be non7touching if they do not have common nodes.
1$. Write Masons ,ain #orm'la( *8ec 2##&+2ay 2##1+ Apr 2#11+ov 2#11+!" 2#13-
2asons :ain formula states that the overall gain of the system is
T ; 1+ <*=% >% <%-
%7 o.of forward paths in the signal flow graph.
>%7 .orward path gain of %th forward path
< ; 17?sum of individual loop gains@ A?sum of gain products of all possible combinations of two
non7 touching loops@7?sum of gain products of all possible combinations of three non touching loops@AB
<% 7 < for that part of the graph which is not touching %th forward path.

11. Write the analo)o's electrical elements in #orce -olta)e analo)y #or the elements o# mechanical
translational system( *ov 2##$-
.orce7voltage e
"elocity v7current i
8isplacement C7charge q
.rictional coeff 47Desistance D
2ass 27 Inductance /
9tiffness 57Inverse of capacitance 1+E
1,. Write the analo)o's electrical elements in #orce c'rrent analo)y #or the elements o# mechanical
translational system(
.orce7current i
"elocity v7voltage v
8isplacement C7fluC F
.rictional coeff 47conductance 1+D
2ass 27 capacitance E
9tiffness 57Inverse of inductance 1+/
16. Write the #orce %alance e*'ation o# i$eal mass element( *Apr 2#11-
; 2 d
C +dt
2#. Write the #orce %alance e*'ation o# i$eal $ash"ot element( *Apr 2#11-
; 4 dC +dt.
21. Write the #orce %alance e*'ation o# i$eal s"rin) element( *Apr 2#11-
; 5C.
22. Distin)'ish %eteen o"en loo" an$ close$ loo" system. *ov 2##$+ 2ay 2#1#+ 2ay 2#13-
O"en loo" Close$ loo"
2.9imple and economical
3.The changes in output due to eCternal
disturbance are not corrected
&.They are generally stable
EompleC and costlier
The changes in output due to eCternal
disturbances are corrected automatically
:reat efforts are needed to design a stable

23. What is ser-omechanism?
The servomechanism is a feedbac% control system) in which the output is mechanical position *or
time derivatives of position velocity and acceleration-.
2&. Why ne)ati-e #ee$%ac& in-aria%ly "re#erre$ in close$ loo" system? *ov 2#11-
The negative feedbac% results in better stability in steady state and rejects any disturbance signals.
2'. ,i-e"le #or control system( *ov 2##&-
Traffic /ight Eontrol 9ystem
umerical Eontrol 9ystem
Temperature Eontrol 9ystem
2$. ,i-e to eam"les o# o"en loo" control systems(/NO01DEC 23456
Gashing machine whose input does not depend on the output)the cleanliness of clothes.
Automatic toaster)A sprin%ler system)etc.
1. 8escribe the force7voltage and force7current analogy with eCample *Apr 2#1#-
*Defer >age oH 3& to 3$ in IEontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
2. 8erive the transfer function of the field controlled 8E motor *Apr 2#1# + NOV 2013-
*Defer >age o H '3 to '& in I Eontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
3. *i-Ghat are the different types of electrical systems( Grite the procedure to write the system equations
for electrical system *2ay 2##$-
*Defer >age oH3& to 3$ in I Eontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
*ii-JCplain the procedure to construct signal flow graph from bloc% diagram. :ive a simple eCample
*2ay 2##$- *Defer >age oH$3 to $6 in I Eontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
&. *i- /ist the properties of signal flow graph *ov 2#11-
*Defer >age oH $$ to $1 in IAutomatic Eontrol 9ystemsK 4enjamin E %uo-
*ii- /ist the rules of bloc% diagram algebra
*Defer >age oH '& to '6 in IEontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
'. 8erive the transfer function of armature controlled 8E motor *ov 2#11-
*Defer >age oH &6 to '2 in IEontrol system JngineeringK I.3 agrath L 2.:opal-
$. .ind the overall transfer function of the system whose signal flow graph shown in figure.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.oH1#$-
1. Grite the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in figure. Also draw the force7
voltage and force7current analogous circuits.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.oH1''-
,. Grite the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in figure. 8raw the force7
voltage and force7current analogous circuits.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1''- *ov 2##&-
6. Eonvert the given bloc% diagram to signal flow graph and determine E*s-+D*s-.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H116- *Apr 2##&-
1#. .or the bloc% diagram shown in figure. !btain E+D.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1'1-
11. Eonsider the system shown in figure. !btain the transfer function by use of 2asonMs gain formula.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1',-

12. Eonsider the signal flow graph shown in figure. .ind N
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1'6-
13. Eonsider the signal flow graph shown in figure. .ind N
and N
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1'6-
1&. .ind the transfer function of the circuit shown in figure. *April + 2ay 2#1#-
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1$#-
1'. .ind the transfer function of the system having signal flow graph as shown in figure.
*IEontrol 9ystemK A.agoor 5ani >g.!H1'6-
47( 8raw the force voltage analogy of the mechanical system shown in figure.*!" 2#13-
11. .ind the closed loop transfer function E*9-+D*9- of the bloc% diagram shown in figure.*!" 2#13-

1. I.3. 2c:rath and 2.:opal) Ocontrol system engineeringM) ew age international publishers) 2##$.
2( A.agoor %ani) OEontrol systemsMM) D4A >ublications) 2##$.

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