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Author: Nebu

February 1,Thursday
This day my mother was going to go to India. I
didn't feel very sad or emotional about it.Actually
she was going for a good reason.My grandfather
had a mild attack last month.e often like to live
alone.I can understand his feelings.e !ust don't
stay with anybody because he thinks he can do
everything on his own. "ut my #arents didn't want
him alone. That's why my mother is going to
India.After all my activities from morning to noon
$i.e from school to home% i had my lunch.My mother
was e&cited but always she asks whether you will
study,whether you will do that ,whether you will do
this etc.I !ust ke#t on nodding my head. 'e all
were getting ready to go to the air#ort.(ur
#acking was done not in the way that )eorge,arris
and *im #acked in 'T+,, M,- I- A "(AT' but
it was done in a systematic order.'e #rayed and
left the house all the way to the air#ort.(h my
)od.'hat a rush. I could not even believe , a big
rush in the air#ort in February.
I was !ust thinking why everyone so interested in
this month.I looked all over the #lace to check
whether an Amir or a /I0 was there or not."ut i
could not find any.'e was searching for a
#arking.'e almost took 112 an hour to find one.AT
that time my mother read 0salms .3uring this
occasion i saw a camry taking the car back .'e
suddenly con4uered the #lace .All the grace of )od.
At that i reali5ed if my mother didn't read the
#salm then we could have nit got a #arking or we
could have got a #arking but we will have to see the
flight leaving with a seat vacant for my mother.'e
send her with smiling faces.'e went back
home.'e had a chicken fry and #orrota. 'e went
to slee# late at night,snoring with the loudest voice
that the world have ever heard.

2 February,Friday
I t was sort of a busy day.I woke u# at 6789am to
get ready to go to church.As I am #laying the
keyboard ,I need to get their early #ossibly by
:799am.I reached the church.I have almost felt
that I am the #erson in any church that make
mistakes while #laying the keyboard.This day there
was not much of a #roblem.Then we had the
teenage meeting.I #lay keyboard there too.I !ust
give them the chords.Then after all that we come
back home, rest for a while,watch T/ and #lay.Th
en we will have ;unday school.My ;unday school is
at <uwait city and will start #robably at
8799#m."ut before we have the ;unday school for
the small kids at ;t 0eters Marthoma
=hurch.There also I #lay the keyboard.Actually
#laying for the little kids and seeing their
en!oyment makes my heart a cell of !oy.
After that I went to <uwait city.'e had a !oined
assembly in which all the Marthoma churches come
together.The singing session is su#erb.'e had the
classesthen we went back home by bus .'hen i feel
sort of bored, ;an!ith comes u# with !okes which
makes me sit at ease.'e reached home.'e didn't
have #ray today."ut my father had to #reach in
;halom #rayer .;o we all went there by >799#m.'e
sang songs and #rayed.3uring #rayer i saw my
father slee#ing.I wanted to wake him u# but i
didn't know how.Then an idea #assed through my
mind.I coughed for the first time moderately,no
movement.;econd time a little more louder,no
movement.Third time very loud then he moved but
sle#t again.The intercessory #rayer was about to
get over.Then i coughed at the loudest voice then
,?+,<A. The message was boring because I was
hearing the same message for the 2
time.then we
had cha##ati and chicken curry.'e went back home
and had a good slee#.

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