Annexure I Interview Schedule: For Orphans of Age Group 0-18

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Annexure I
Interview Schedule: For orphans of age group 0-18
1. Nae
!. "rphanage nae
#. Age
$. Sex
%. &ducation status
'. "riginal (esident (ural )r*an+
,. "ccupation of &xpired parent:
a) Governmental employee
b) Private employee
c) Business man.
d) Farmer. .
e) Any other occupation.
8. Nature of orphan:
a) Natural death of parents
b) Any other nature of death ..
-. .hat copelled /ou to get registered in this orphanage0
a) Not helped by relatives.
b) Non availability of guardian.
c) Poverty of relatives.
d1 Any other.
10. .ho provided /ou the help at the initial stage
a) Family members.
b) Near Relatives.
c) Friends.
d) Neighbors
e) Any other
11. .ho registered /ou here0
a) Relatives.
b) Friends.
c) ocal committee members.
d) NG!s.
1!. .here do /ou stud/0
a) Government school.
b) At orphanage school.
c) Private school.
d) Not studying at all.
1#. After /ou *ecae orphan did the governent help /ou in an/ wa/0
a) "es.
*1 No.
1!.1 If /es2 what were the easures of help0
1$. Are /ou participating in an/ cultural activit/0
If /es2 what t/pe of activit/0
1%. 4oes an/ N5" help /ou other than this orphanage0
a) "es.
*1 No.
1%.1 If /es2 what were the easures of help0
1%.! If no2 what are the reasons0
1'. (ating the *asic dail/ necessities of life at orphanage
4ail/ activities 5ood Satisfactor/ 6odest 7ad 8.orse
"ther facilities
1,. <h/sical and <s/chological aspects of orphans at orphanages:
Aspects <resent A*sent
1. 7od/ tension
!. (estriction of oveent
#. 5eneral restlessness
$. .ithdrawal and indulgence in editation
%. 4ecreased interest in people2 pla/2 activit/2
'. )nwilling wetting and defecation of clothes
,. Fear2 panic
8. Aggression =unfriendliness2 anno/ance2 fights1
-. 4epressives2 grief2 tearfulness
10. Sleep distur*ances
11. Nutrition distur*ances
1!. Speech pro*les
1#. Increased connection to other people2 and fear fro
1$. Stu**ornness2 negativis
1%. Increased sensitivit/
1'. A*sent indedness
1,. 4ifficult/ in stud/ing and poorer results
18. Suicidal threats or attepts.
1-. (unning awa/ fro orphanage.
!0. 4rug addition
!1. ;ontusive-forced reactions and state =thoughts2 feelings2
!!. "ther distur*ances of *ehavior
=<s/chotic2 epileps/1.
18. .hat are /our future plans0
#$.) %ave you found your parents&
'(.) %as meeting your parents changed you& )f "es* %o+&
'#.) ,id your real parents say +hat it +as that caused you to be orphaned or put up for
i) -as it money& "es ......... No .........
ii) -as it divorce& "es ......... No .........
iii) -as it lac/ of education& "es ......... No .........
iv)-ere you born before the marriage of your parents
"es ......... No .........
''.) %o+ do you /no+ you0re an orphan&
'1.) -hen did you first reali2e you +ere an orphan& '1.) At +hat age&
'3.) -ere you abandoned&
'4.) Are you adopted& "es ......... No .........
)f adopted* have the legal adoptive parents made you a+are of your past and +here you
came from&
'5.) %ave the adoptive parent6s) divorced& "es ......... No .........
'7.) %ave the adoptive parent6s) re8orphaned you& "es ......... No .........
i.) !r are non8supportive& "es ......... No .........
'$.) ,o you have a high school education& "es ......... No .........
1(.) %ave you searched for your parents& "es ......... No .........
i) 6if possible). %ave you found them or any relatives& "es ......... No
1#.) ,o you have any /no+n blood siblings& "es ......... No .........
1'.) As an orphan* +here do you go for help&
##.1 what 9ind of *oo9 would /ou loo9 for that would help /our condition2 the orphan
#. Foster parents
'. 9lergymen
1. ,en :other 6type)
;. Friends
3. Biological parents
4. <elf8help seminars
5. ibraries
1;.) -hat are your ma=or needs and concerns&
a) %ousing* access to facilities* resources
b) oss of personal possessions
c) evel of emotional and physical care
d) 9oping methods
e) <upport structures
13.) Attitudes to careers* /ey influencing figures in your communities
14.) Attitudes of the others to+ards you* especially incidents of stigma
a) <tigma against orphan
b) Anger at !rphan
c) Positive attitudes to !rphan
15.) Are you happy in this !rphanage>Foster care& "es ......... No .........
)f N!* -hy&
17.) -hat are the diets providing in this !rphanage&
1$.) )s Available diet sufficient for you& "es ......... No .........
;(.) Recreation facilities are o/ay +ith you&
'7.) ,o you need any monetary help& "es ......... No .........
)f "?<* -hy&
;#.) ,o you +ant to leave this !rphanage& "es ......... No .........
)f "?<* -hy&
;'.) -hat are the ma=or problems you are facing in this !rphanage&
;1.) %ave you ever faced any /ind of brutality in this !rphanage&
"es ......... No .........
;;.) %ave you ever been to any tour* visit* e@cursion* function* trip* voyage etc&
"es ......... No .........
;3.) -hat do you /no+ and understand about !rphans&
;4.) -hat are your ma=or challenges* needs and concerns&
;5),o you have any /no+ledge about la+* policy or pre8established practices to protect
a) Attitudes to+ards such regulations
b) )mplementation and support of these regulations
;7.) <uggestions of ho+ to help !rphans in the !rphanages
;$.) Role of individuals* Govt.* NG!s and state structures
Interview Schedule: For Sponsors and 6anagers of "rphanages
1. Nae of orphanage
!. Nae of respondent
#. Age
$. Sex
%. 4esignation
'. &ducation status
,. 4uration of wor9 at orphanage
8. .hat is the nature of /our wor9 at orphanage0
-. &sta*lishent of orphanage0
7efore 1--0 After 1--0
10. Is this orphanage registered0
3es No
11. >otal nu*er of orphans at orphanage:
<cholarship>financial aid
Family help
a1 >otal nu*er of orphans2 due to ared conflict:
*1 >otal nu*er of orphans2 due to natural disaster:
c1 >otal nu*er of orphans2 due to natural death of parents:
11.1 .hat is the total out put of orphans+
&ducated orphans+

&plo/ed orphans
1!. .ho enrolls the orphans in this orphanage0
a1 "rphans
theselves. *1
(elatives of orphans. c1
Friends of orphans.
d1 :ocal 6ohalla
e1 An/ other person
1#. .hat is the axiu age of orphans to reside at this orphanage
7elow 1$ 1% 1' 1, 18 A*ove 18
1$. 4ifferent facilities in orphanage
1%. Schooling provided to orphans0
a1 At "rphanage.
*1 5overnent School outside orphanage.
c1 <rivate School outside orphanage.
d1 An/ "ther school ??????.
1%.1 >/pe of education:
a1 6odern.
*1 >echnical.
c1 <rofessional.
1'. 4o /ou provide recreational facilities to orphans0
a1 3es
*1 No
If /es2 what are these different facilities0
1,. Availa*ilit/ of @ealth facilities at orphanage:
a1 <rivate health services.
*1 5overnent health services.
1,.1 Availa*ilit/ of health records in the orphanage
a1 3es
*1 No
If /es2 indicate the different health pro*les.
<h/sical pro*les 6ental pro*les
18. 4oes the orphans have provision of social interaction with
a1 (elatives.
*1 Friends.
c1 :ocal coittee e*ers.
d1 N5"s.
e1 An/ other persons??????..
1-. .hat are different pro*les faced */ the orphans at this orphanage0
!0. Indicate the challenges faced */ the orphanage while executing their activities0
!1. .hat is the source of funding for this orphanage0
!1.1 Strategies of fundraising:
!!. Is this orphanage receiving an/ governental support0
3es *1
If /es2 in what for:
!#. 4o /ou have adeAuate infrastructure for orphans0
3es *1
If no2 what are different reAuireents0
!$. Is their an/ N5" supporting8intervening for the developent of
this orphanage0
a1 3es
*1 No
If /es2 in what for:
!%. 4o /ou conduct an/ cultural activities at orphanage0
3es *1
If /es2 what are different
!'. .hat future plans /ou have for orphans0
)). St a ff
)ntraine Sanctione
# 9are Aa/er
' Aeacher
1 9ounselors
; 9oo/
4 Administrativ
5 %ealth 9are
7 :anagement
))). St a tus o f child r e n
#.1. ;hildren in the Institution

1.'. <ource of getting information regarding childrenB
Source of
Govt. official>Police
9hild -elfare 9ommittee69-9)
Any other
1.1. ,o you communicate the 9-9 regarding admission of ne+ child&
Sl. Age group
"rphan 4estitute "thers >ota
l 6 F > 6 F > 6 F > 6 F >
# ( C 4
' 58#'
1 #18#7
1.;. -here do these children go once they are released from the
?@tend Family>Relatives
Any other
)D. 4 e t a ils o f F o r a l A d o pti o n in la s t fi v e / ea rs
;. Provide details of domestic and international adoptions in last five
"ear ,omestic )nternational
6 F > 6 F >
# '((; C
' '((3 C
1 '((4 C
; '((5 C
3 '((7 C
4 >otal
D. 6onitor/ C Supervisor/ Standards
#. -ho monitors the children during their sic/ness&
'. )s the care ta/er trained& #. "es '. No
1. -hat /ind of training has she>he undergone&
;. -hat is the Eualification of the care ta/er&
3. -ho monitors sports activities of children&
4. is she > he trained&
5. -ho monitors the children during their recreational activities&
7. ,o he > she guide the children in the recreational activities&
$. -ho prepares food for the children&
#(. -ho monitors the preparation process* the hygiene etc. in the /itchen&
##. -hat provisions are made to preserve food for the children&
#'. -hat is the +ee/ly diet menu&
#1. -hat are the food timings of children&
). Brea/fast C )). unch C ))). ,inner C )D. Aea 8
#;. -hat did the children have yesterday forB

). Brea/fast )). unch C
))). ,inner C )D. !ther
FG, chec/list on aspects of prevailing practice on adoptions
#. Any adoptions in your orphanage since the last five years&
#. "es '. No
'. )n your opinion +hich form of adoption is better&
#. Formal '. )nformal
1. -hy so&
;. -hat adoption promotion initiatives have you developed&
3. ,o you get any Government support in promotion of adoption&
#. "es '. No
4. )f yes* +hat&
5. -hat legal procedures did you follo+ +hile facilitating adoptions&
7. -hich social* cultural and political ha2ards do you generally face at the time of
facilitating adoptions&
$. -hat are the rehabilitation measures for the children&
). ?ducational8
)). :oral8
))). <piritual8
)D. Docational training8
D. Personality ,evelopment8 D). 9areer ,evelopment8
#(. -hat are the reasons for the non8adoption of a child&

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