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Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
By: Kashif Nawaz Jakhar
Understanding the Power of Business Letters
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Most workplace messages deal with routine matters
that require straightforward answers
Positive, straightforward letters help organizations
conduct everyday business and convey goodwill to
A letter is a powerful way to get your message across
Business Letters are Necessary When:
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
A permanent record is required
Confidentiality is paramount
Formality and sensitivity are essential
A persuasive, well considered presentation is
Direct Requests for Information or Action
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
How to write an information or action request:
1) Opening- ask the most important question first
or express a polite command
2) Body- Explain the request logically and
courteously. Ask other questions if necessary
3) Closing- Request a specific action with an end
date, if appropriate, and show appreciation
Open Your Request Directly
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Readers tend to look at the opening and closing
Immediately tell the reader what you want
This saves the reader time
The Body and the Closing
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Provide the necessary details
Itemize the information to improve readability
Close with an action request
Tell the reader what you want done and when
Direct Claims
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
When you as a customer must write to identify or
correct a wrong, the letter is called a claim
Written claims are often taken more seriously, and
they also establish a record of what happened
Writing Plan for a Direct Claim
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Opening: Describe clearly the desired action
Body: Explain the nature of the claim, tell why the
claim is justified, and provide details regarding the
action requested
Closing: End pleasantly with a goodwill statement
and include an end date and action request, if
How to Write a Claim
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Open your claim with a clear statement of what you
Explain and justify your claim in the body
Avoid becoming angry or trying to fix blame
State the facts logically, objectively, and
unemotionally; let the reader decide on the causes
Include copies of all pertinent documents such as
invoices, sales slips, catalogues, etc.
Close your claim with a specific action request
Put it all together and revise
Direct Replies
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Example: a customer wants information about a product
Writing Plan for Direct Replies:
1) Subject Line: identify previous correspondence or
refer to the main idea
2) Opening: Deliver the most important information
3) Body: Arrange information logically, explain and
clarify it, provide additional info if appropriate, and build
4) Closing: End pleasantly
Adjustment Letters
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Even the best run and best loved businesses
occasionally receive claims or complaints from
When a company receives a claim and decides to
respond favorably, the letter is called an adjustment
3 goals in writing this letter:
1) rectify the wrong, if one exits
2) regain the confidence of the customer
3) promote future business and goodwill
Writing Plan for Adjustment Letters
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
1) Subject Line: (optional) Identify the previous
correspondence and refer to the main topic
2) Opening: Grant the request or announce the
adjustment immediately
3) Body: Provide details about how you are
complying with the request; try to regain the
customers confidence
4) Closing: End positively with a forward looking
thought; express confidence in future business
Goodwill Messages
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
What is a goodwill message?
According to Chapter 6, what should a goodwill
message be?
Is email appropriate for goodwill messages?
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
By: Kashif Nawaz Jakhar
Strategies for Delivering Bad News
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
You may have to write business messages ending
business relationships, declining proposals,
announcing price increases, refusing requests for
donations, terminating employees, turning down
invitations, or responding to unhappy customers
Because bad news disappoints, irritates, and
sometimes anger the receiver, such messages must
be written carefully
The bad feelings associated with disappointing
news can be reduced if the receiver:
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
1) Knows the reasons for the rejection
2) Feels that the news was revealed sensitively
3) Thinks the matter was treated seriously
4) Believes that the decision was fair
You have to know when to use the direct pattern and
when to use the indirect pattern
Primary Goals in Communicating Bad News
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Primary Goals:
1) Make the receiver understand the bad news
2) Help the receiver accept the bad news
3) Maintain a positive image of you and your
Secondary Goals in Communicating Bad News
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Secondary Goals:
1) Reduce bad feelings
2) Convey fairness
3) Eliminate future correspondence
4) Avoid creating legal liability or responsibility for
you or your organization
Using the Indirect Pattern to Prepare the Reader
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
What does the indirect pattern do when
communicating bad news?
When should you use the direct pattern to
communicate bad news?
How can you apply the writing process to
communicating bad news?
What are three causes of legal problems when it
comes to communicating bad news?
Techniques for Delivering Bad News Sensitively
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
1) Buffering the Opening- begin with a neutral but meaningful
statement that makes the reader continue reading; should be
relevant and concise and provide a natural transition to the
explanation that follows
2) Apologizing- sincere apologies work; apologize to customers if
you or your company erred; apologize sincerely and accept
3) Convey Empathy- involves understanding and entering into
the feelings of someone else
4) Presenting the Reasons- Bad news messages should explain
reasons before stating the negative news
5) Cushion the bad news- position the news strategically, use the
passive voice, or suggest compromises
6) Close Pleasantly- close with a statement that is positive and
promotes goodwill
Refusing Direct Requests and Claims
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
As a business communicator, if you have to say no to
a request in writing, you can use the direct or
indirect pattern
If youre using the indirect pattern, what should your
writing plan look like?
Delivering Bad News to Customers
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Ways to do damage control:
1) call the individual involved
2) Describe the problem and apologize
3) Explain why the problem occurred, what you are
doing to resolve it, and how you will prevent it from
happening again
4) Follow up with a letter that documents the phone
call and promotes goodwill
Denying Claims & Refusing Credit
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
What is the reasons-before-refusal pattern?
What are 4 goals a business writer has when refusing
Delivering Workplace Bad News
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Smart organizations involved in a crisis prefer to
communicate the news openly to employees,
customers and stockholders
When bad news must be delivered to employees,
management may want to deliver the news
Students: Describe the writing plan for announcing
bad news to employees
Have a Nice Journey!
Kashif Nawaz
Contact No. 0331-4791167
Its effort is only for us . Please make sure that my effort is not use less .please come and
join !
This time will never come back ! Its time to work hard .
ALLAH help those who help themselves

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