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Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

Karnatak Law Societys

Department Of
Academic Year
(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)
Udyambag, Belgaum 59!
This is to certify that, the "ro#ect $or% titled $Analyzing the customer
Perception, Satisfaction & Loyalty towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L! "at
%e&a A't( Acce))(rie) *ri+ate Limited is bonafide $or% and submitted by
Mr& %INAYA, S ,ITTU# bearing the USN- GI!.MBA/0 in "artial
fulfillment of the degree of MASTE# OF BUSINESS ADMINIST#ATION in
the 'e"artment of (BA, )ogte *nstitute of Technology, Belgaum affiliated to
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, during +9, +-&
*r(f. #ad1i2a Dr. M. M. M'n)1i Dr.A.S.De)1pande
*nternal )uide .ead of the 'e"t& /rinci"al
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
S'mmer In p4ant trainin&
Under ta2en at
012 T.3 0U440*44(35T 10
S'5mitted B6-
Mr. %ina6a2 S ,itt'r
Under t1e G'idance (f
Interna4 G'ide E7terna4 G'ide
*r(f. #ad1i2a , # Mr). San&eeta C1anda2
(BA6)*T . 2 (anager
Belgaum& Vega .elmet /VT 4T',
Department (f MBA
G(&te In)tit'te (f Tec1n(4(&6, Be4&a'm
Academic Year !"!

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
* hereby declare that this "ro#ect re"ort on, 7Ana468in& t1e c')t(mer
*ercepti(n, Sati)facti(n 9 L(6a4t6 t(:ard) %e&a A't( Acce))(rie) *%T LTD7
$hich is being submitted in "artial fulfillment of the (aster of Business
Administration course to Visvesvaraya Technological University, is the result of
the $or% carried out by me, under the guidance of Mr). #ad1i2a , #, MBA
*r(&ram, BELGAUM&
* also declare that the study is my original $or% and has not been submitted
earlier to any *nstitute81rgani9ation for the a$ard of any 'egree8 'i"loma of any

((r& Vinaya% : ;ittur)
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.


I ta$e immense &leasure in than$ing Dr. M M Munshi, our 'eloved (ead of the
)e&artment for having &ermitted me to carr out this *esearch +or$.
I %ish to e,&ress dee& gratitude to m Internal Guide, Mrs. Radhika K R, %ho had 'een
a source of ins&iration and for her a'le guidance and useful suggestion, %hich hel&ed me in
com&leting *esearch +or$, in time.
+ords are inade-uate to offering m than$s to the Pro.ect Trainee and &ro.ect Assistant
Mrs. Sangeeta Chandak and other heads of the )e&artments of Vega Auto
Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM for their encouragement and coo&eration in
carring out the *esearch +or$.
/inall, et im&ortantl, I %ould li$e to e,&ress m heartfelt than$s to m 'eloved
&arents for their 'lessings, m friends0classmates for there hel& and %ishes for the
successful 1om&letion of this *esearch +or$.

Mr. Vinayak S
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 2
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
*art A
S.NO T(pic) *a&e N(
". Ind')tr6 *r(fi4e "
-&- .istory of (otorcycle .elmet -
-&+ *ndustry 1vervie$ -
-&< *ndian .istory +
-&= *ndustry :tructure <
. C(mpan6 *r(fi4e ;
+&- Bac%ground > *nce"tion of the com"any =
+&+ 5ature of the business carried =
+&< Vision, (ission and ?uality /olicy 5
+&= /roduct /rofile @
+&5 Area of 1"eration A
+&@ 1$nershi" /attern !
+&A Bom"etitor *nformation 9
+&! *nfrastructure 0acilities 9
+&9 Achievements -
+&- Cor%flo$ model --
<. Mc2en)6=e . S M(de4 "
<&- :tructure -<
<&+ :trategy +<
<&< :ystem +<
<&= :hared,Value +=
<&5 :%ills +5
<&@ :tyle +@
<&A :taff +@
;. S>OT Ana46)i) .
/. Ana46)i) (f Financia4 Statement 0
?. Learnin& e7perience <"
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 3
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
*art @ B
S. N( T(pic *a&e N(
". Intr(d'cti(n t( *r(Aect >(r2 <;
-&- :tatement of the /roblem <=
-&+ 1b#ective of the :tudy <5
-&< :co"e of the :tudy <5
-&= (ethodology <@
-&5 4imitations of the study <A
. Ana46)i) (f He4met U)er) <B
<. C(nc4')i(n /0
;. Anne7're ?!
/. C'e)ti(ner) ?"
?. Bi54i(&rap16 ?0
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 4
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Part A
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 5
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 6
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
"D Ind')tr6 *r(fi4e
Hi)t(r6 (f M(t(rc6c4e He4met
Bet$een -9<- and -95<, the American race for the fastest motorcycle $as run by t$o
com"etitors .arley,'avidson and *ndian (otorcycle& But as the s"eed of motorcycles
increased, so did the number of accident fatalities& *t $as only then that University of :outhern
Balifornia (U:B) /rofessor B&0&2ed 4ambard develo"ed a motorcycle helmet designed to absorb
the shoc% of an im"act& Along $ith the layer of comfort "adding in a helmet, this helmet also had
another outer layer of "adding that not only absorbed, but s"read out the energy created by
*n -95<, (r& 4ombard a""lied for a "atent for his helmet& This $as the beginning of the
develo"ment of the modern,day motorcycle helmet& The standard had been set, and helmet
manufacturers Duic%ly follo$ed 4ombardEs lead.
Ind')tr6 (+er+ie:
)*A ()lobal *ndustry Analyst) announces the release of a strategic global re"ort on
(otorcycle .elmets mar%ets& The $orld mar%et for motorcycle helmets is "ro#ected to reach
F!5- million by the year +-5& *ncrease in number of countries im"lementing mandatory
motorcycle helmet la$s, rise in ne$ motorcycle registrations, and increase in re"lacement sales
are "roviding am"le gro$th o""ortunities for motorcycle helmets mar%et&
3uro"e is the single largest mar%et for "remium motorcycle helmets mar%et, accounting
for about half of the global mar%et in terms of value as stated by the ne$ mar%et research re"ort
on motorcycle helmets& Asia,/acific is eG"ected to emerge as the fast gro$ing regional mar%et
for "remium motorcycle helmets, $ith rising income levels and im"lementation of mandatory
helmets la$s in many countries across the region&
(otorcycle helmet use $itnessed substantial gro$th in recent years in countries such as
*ndia, Vietnam and the U:& (uch of the gro$th in usage of motorcycle helmets in *ndia and
Vietnam is ascribed to im"lementation of mandatory helmet $earing la$s in these countries& 1n
the other hand, helmet usage in the U: continued to rise over the years des"ite to"sy,turvy
helmet usage la$ environment, $ith different states enacting and $ithdra$ing helmet la$s&
1verall, rise in (otorcycle registrations, and enactment and enforcement of .elmet la$s are
"roviding significant mar%et "otential for manufacturers of helmets $orld$ide&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 7
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Indian Hi)t(r6
The usage of helmets in *ndia can be traced by from the ages of '$a"aryug& .elmets
have been in usage as a "rotective and safety tool& The discovery of /lastic, /olymer > Viscous
liDuid changed the outloo% of helmets in *ndia& /rior to inde"endence the usage of helmet in
*ndia as "art of travelling reDuirement $as significantly less& :o helmets $ere mostly im"orted
from 3ngland&
*ndiaEs first helmet manufacturer :teel Bird (-9@=), entered $ith $ide variety of
helmets at "remium "rices (starting from 2s&A5)& 4ater on many com"anies follo$ed the suite,
fe$ to mention are Boncord .elmets (-9@5), :tudds .elmets (-9@!), Vega .elmets (-9!-) and
many other com"anies
A) per t1e Secti(n "0 (f M(t(r %e1ic4e) Act "0BB EIndiaD,
$*r(tecti+e 1ead&earF means a helmet $hichH,
By virtue of its sha"e, material and construction, could reasonably be eG"ected to
afford to the "erson driving or riding on a motor cycle a degree or "rotection from
in#ury in the event of an accidentI and
*s securely fastened to the head of the $earer by means of stra"s or other fastenings
"rovided on the headgear&
.elmet *ndustry has gained a $ides"read im"ortance since last t$o decade or so& This
is mainly because of the im"ortance given by the concerned regulatory authorities in
various states and central government&
*n *ndia, the .elmet industry is gro$ing at a rate of ;G (+! 9)& And $ith many
state governments im"lement com"ulsory use of helmet shall contribute higher gro$th rate in
terms of sales of helmets&
(ore recently 'elhi, Tamil 5adu, ;erala, Andhra /radesh and many others have
im"lemented com"ulsory use of helmets $hile using t$o,$heelers&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !8
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Imp(rtance t1e (f :earin& 1e4met.
.elmets are the "rinci"al countermeasure for reducing crash related head in#uries, the
leading cause of death among un,helmeted riders&
.elmets decrease the severity of in#ury, the li%elihood of death, and the overall cost of
medical care& TheyEre designed to cushion and "rotect ridersE heads from the im"act of a
The Corld .ealth 1rgani9ationEs (C.1) re"ort on traffic in#ury "revention documents
that com"ulsory helmet use by t$o $heeler riders can reduce deaths by <J to 5J&
There is no scientific evidence available that use of helmets ma%es motorcyclists more
vulnerable because of reduction in sight or hearing&
Chen com"ulsory helmet use la$s are enacted, helmet use increases and fatalities
and serious in#uries decrease& And, $hen such helmet use la$s are re"ealed, helmet use
decreases and in#uries and associate costs increase
Ind')tr6 Str'ct're
.elmet industry in *ndia is categori9ed into organi9ed and unorgani9ed& 'ue to chea"
and easy availability on road side, many small scale manufacturers have able to "erform very
$ell and are Duite successful in ma%ing better "rofits& Today, only -J of the total @ million
helmets sold in the country go through the organi9ed channels and are *:*,mar%ed& The
organi9ed "layers in the industry do not have the ca"ability to "roduce so many helmets to meet
the eG"ected stoc% reDuirements at various t$o,$heeler dealershi"s across the country&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
F(44(:in& i) t1e 4i)t (f c(mpanie) EOr&ani8edD in Indian mar2et)-
Table -&-
Bac2&r('nd and incepti(n (f t1e c(mpan6
Vega Auto Accessories /vt&ltd (Vega), Belgaum $as established in the year -9!-&
The founder and the chairman of the com"any Mr. *remraA C1anda2 1a) given a ne$
dimension to the helmet manufacturing in the initial years of its ince"tion& The initial investment
of the com"any is #)."! Lac2)&
:ince ince"tion Vega has been concentrating on delivering Duality helmets and
related accessories of the highest order safeguarding the interests of millions of t$o $heelers
riders across the country and abroad& Cith the firm belief the Duality and form goes hand in hand
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !"
S4. N( C(mpan6 *4ace
" Vega Auto Accessories /vt&ltd Belgaum
:tudds Accessories /vt&ltd .yderabad
< :teel Bird .i,tech *ndia ltd 5e$ 'elhi
; Aerostar .elmets ltd& ;ol%ata
/ (/A .elmets ltd& (umbai
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Vega has been on the fore,front of the helmets industries incor"orating the latest "ractices and
standards be it the use of fiber glass or AB: material in manufacturing helmets, certification by
the coveted *:*& At Vega Duest for achieving eGcellence is an ongoing "rocess, and the latest
endeavor is to get its "rocesses and o"erations certified *:1& Chile all these achieved at ra"id
"ace, Vega does and forget its res"onsibilities to the society at large, ta%ing care to s"read the
message of safety through use of .elmets at every "ossible "latform be it the Auto 3G"o
conducted by the B**, the counters of its vastly s"read dealers or the self organi9ed road sho$s&
Vega has over <!! m(de4) of slee% designer helmets s"read over ? 5r(ad
cate&(rie), giving the "erfect fit, fashion and safety to its user& These $inning ranges of helmets
are "roduced at the state of the art manufacturing set,u" delivering on an average !!! 1e4met)
per da6& The sales of Vega helmet is not #ust limited to *ndian mar%ets alone E<! dea4er)D, but
has eGtended to foreign mar%ets, fe$ to mention are U:A, )ermany, *srael, *taly, :outh Africa,
UA3 and many other regions of the $orld
5D Nat're (f t1e 5')ine)) carried
Vega Auto Accessories is a manufacturing unit& The com"any is into both B+B and
B+B mar%eting of its "roducts& .elmet manufacturing at Vega is basically on a large scale and
"roducts are mar%eted and sold to both domestic and *nternational clients under the brand name
of Vega helmets& Vega is also in the business of auto accessories&
T6pe (f B')ine)) Man'fact'rin& EOEMD
T6pe (f *r(d'cti(n (ass /roduction
Tar&et Mar2et) 5ational, *nternational
Table +&b&-
cD %i)i(n, Mi))i(n and C'a4it6 *(4ic6

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
71ur vision is to create brand and to "rovide right "roducts to the eGacting demands
of the Duality conscious customers at a com"etitive "ricing structure& Vega a""reciates
commitment for team$or%, continuous im"rovement, and develo"ing mutually beneficial
relationshi" $ith the customerK
1ur mission is 7customer satisfactionK through continuous efforts on al$ays finding
better $ays to do things and "rotect the interests of our customers by selling eGclusively to the
both industrial and t$o,$heelers users& Ce a""reciate the o""ortunity to earn our customers
safety by "roviding Duality "roducts recogni9ed by Bureau of *ndian :tandards (*:*)&
C'a4it6 *(4ic6-
Vega is committed to "rovide consistent Duality "roducts to its esteemed customers
$orld$ide& To achieve this ob#ective management on its "art is fully committed to Duality and
"rovides all resources to accom"lish this tas%& The com"any is a""roved by Bureau of *ndian
:tandards (*:*) =-5- standards and s"ecifications vide 95+@,-9!&
Ce are committed to continuously im"rove the effectiveness of the Duality
management system so as to,
2educe cost, customer com"laints > analy9e the customer feedbac% to im"rove
customer satisfaction&
*m"rove "roductivity by effective utili9ation of $or% force and facilities&
(anufacture best Duality helmets and other related accessories according to 5ational
and *nternational standards&
3Gcellence and cost effectiveness by doing right $or% at first time&
dD *r(d'ct *r(fi4e
Vega Auto Accessories is "o"ularly %no$n for its $ide range of Duality helmets&
VegaEs main motto is to continue im"rovement and innovation at every stage of its value chain&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !2
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
T1e pr(d'ct p(rtf(4i( (f %e&a A't( Acce))(rie) *+t, LTD.
0igure +&b&-
Different t6pe) (f %e&a *r(d'ct)
F'44 Face He4met Open Face He4met Acce))(rie)
There are += models of Vega .elmets are available in different ty"es of colors& Vega
also "roduces .elmets $ith gra"hics on it& Chich are more "o"ular in these days& Vega has @
ty"es of accessories& Those are helmet loc%s, visors, ca"s, goggles and #ac%ets&
eD Area (f (perati(n
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !3
%e&a *r(d'ct)
He4met) Ot1er Acce))(rie)
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The com"any mar%ets its "roducts in both national and international mar%ets& Vega
"roducts are available in almost all ma#or cities across the country& This is mainly due to the
strong dealer net$or% and efficient mar%eting team at Vega& T1e c(mpan6 1a) pre)ence in
c('ntrie) 4i2e USA, German6, I)rae4, Ita46, S('t1 Africa and UAE.

Nati(na4 4e+e4 c4ient)
Ma1a4a7mi A't(m(5i4e), Ne: De41i
Tata M(t(r), M'm5ai
,ir4()2ar Oi4 En&ine) 4td, *'ne
G1a&te *ati4 Ind')trie) 4td
Spare) I.S *re)) 5'i4din&, C(c1in
*i(neer Sc((ter Center, C1ennai
C1ampi(n Sp(rt), *'ne
T:( @ :1ee4er) ')er-
Tami4 Nad', And1ra *rade)1, De41i
Table +&e&-
fD O:ner)1ip pattern
Name (f t1e c(mpan6 %e&a A't( Acce))(rie) *+t.4td
T6pe (f C(mpan6 (anufacturing
C1airman (r& /remra# L& Bhanda%
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !4
#e&i(na4 4e+e4 C4ient
Ma6(r Enterpri)e, Be4&a'm
T:( @ :1ee4er) ')er-
Ban&a4(re, Be4&a'm,
Man&a4(re, M6)(re etc.
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
*4ace Belgaum

&D C(mpetit(r) inf(rmati(n
Vega .elmets are $ell %no$n for its good Duality of helmets& ?uality $ise Vega has
got very fe$ com"etitors& *n these bunch of com"anies Vegas .elmets are most "referred by
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !5
S.N( Name (f Direct(r) T(ta4 *aidH'p eI'it6
capita4 E#)."!!J)1areD
" /remra# L& Bhanda% -<, @&
'ili" /& Bhanda% A<, <&
< )iridhari /&Bhanda% A<, <&
; :uhas /& Bhanda% A<, <&
/ Uttam /& Bhanda% A<, <&
? :angita '& Bhanda% A<, <&
. Al%a :& Bhanda% A<, <&
B :$ati U& Bhanda% A<, <&
0 :halini )& Bhanda% A<, <&
T(ta4 S1are)-
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

Table +&g&-
1D Infra)tr'ct're Faci4itie)
Vega Auto Accessories is an amalgam of latest technologies, advanced soft$are and
eGcellent man"o$er aimed to deliver an eGclusive range of highly secured helmets to its clients&
The unit s"reads over an area of =, sD& feet at Belgaum, ;arnata%a& The follo$ing is a small
detail of our infrastructural abilities&
ollo!ing are details o" the in"rastructure "acilit# at Vega Auto
Accessories, $elgaum
4atest BA'8BA( tools from 'elcam&
4atest /o$er,sha"e soft$are for modeling&
/: (old,ma%er and /:,2ender soft$are to deliver "erfect finishing touch&
'elcamMs /o$er,mill and Art,Bam for designing eGclusive "roducts&

Vega has these follo$ing de"artments in it
2 and ' 'e"artment
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !6
S4. N( C(mpan6 *4ace
" :tudds Accessories /vt&ltd .yderabad
:teel Bird .i,tech *ndia ltd 5e$ 'elhi
< Aerostar .elmets ltd& ;ol%ata
; Crangler .elmets ltd& 2oor%ee
/ (/A .elmets ltd& (umbai
? 2ail .elmets ltd& *taly
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Tool 2oom 'e"artment
02/ (olding 'e"artment
*n#ection molding 'e"artment
Tailoring 'e"artment
/ainting 'e"artment
Assembly 'e"artment
?uality 'e"artment
iD Ac1ie+ement)
Vegas "roducts have "assed the stringent test of the 'e"artment of Trans"orts , U:A
('1T) and *sraeli standards
Ce are no$ associated $ith Bom"act Bom"osite (*taly), the legendary com"any in the
arena of glass and fiber technology in order to add more Duality features in our "roducts
AD >(r2Hf4(: m(de4
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page !7
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0igure +&#&-
<& Mc2in)6=) .S Frame:(r2 :it1 reference t( %e&a p+t.4td
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "8
Butting >
'rilling >
/utty / V :anding
Touch u"
/ac%ing Assembly
:tic%er >
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The AE: model is better %no$n as (c%insey AE:&This is because the t$o "ersons,
$ho develo"ed this model Tom /eters and 2obert Caterman, have been consultants at (c%insey
and com"any at that time& They "ublished their AE: model in their article 7:tructure is not
organi9ationK in -9! and in their boo%s 7The art of Na"anese management in -9!-K and 7*n
search of eGcellenceK in -9!+K
The A,: frame$or% of (c%ensy is a Value Based (anagement (VB() model that
describes ho$ one can holistically and effectively organi9e a com"any& Together these factors
determine the $ay in $hich a cor"oration o"erates&
Or&ani8ati(n Strate&6 #('tine *r(ce))

Capa5i4itie) (f 2e6 pe(p4e Mana&ement )t64e
9 c'4t're
0igure <&-
T1e Se+en e4ement) (f Mc2en)6=) . S
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "!
Hard E4ement) S(ft E4ement)
:tructure :hared Value
:trategy :%ills
:ystem :tyle
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Table <&-
Benefit) (f t1e m(de4
*m"roves the "erformance of the com"any
3Gamine the li%ely effects of future changes $ithin com"any
Align de"artment and "rocess during a merger or acDuisition
'etermines ho$ best to im"lement a "rocessed strategy
Heard E4ement)
"D Str'ct're
Business needs to be organi9ed in a s"ecific form of sha"e that is generally referred to
as organi9ational structure& The structure of the com"any often dictates the $ay it o"erates and
"erforms& Traditionally, the businesses have been structured in a hierarchical $ay $ith several
divisions and de"artments, each res"onsible for a s"ecific tas% such as human resources
management, "roduction or mar%eting&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page ""
De)i&nati(n F'ncti(na4 Head)
C1airman (r& /remra# L&Bhanda%
Mana&in& Direct(r (r& 'ili" /&Bhanda%
Direct(r Mar2etin& (r& )iridhari /& Bhanda%
Direct(r Finance (r& 'ili" /&Bhanda%
Direct(r H'man #e)('rce (rs& :angeeta Bhanda%
Direct(r *r(d'cti(n (r& :uhas /& Bhanda%
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0igure <&+
Accessories basically
com"rises of
(ar%eting, 0inance,
/roduction, 'esign,
/urchase, :tores
Assembly& The
(anaging 'irector
governs all the
directors of various
de"artments& The
decision ma%ing
"rocess is a
combination of
centrali9ed as $ell as
decentrali9ed, $here in
the em"loyees are
allo$ed to ta%e
decision under
their "remises and
consult their head for
ma#or decision res"ectively.
:tructure is the organi9ational chart and associated information that sho$s $ho re"orts
to $hom and ho$ tas%s are both divided u" and integrated& *n other $ords, structures describe
the hierarchy of authority and accountability in an organi9ation, the $ay the organi9ationMs units
relate to each otherH centrali9ed, functional divisions (to",do$n)I decentrali9ed (the trend in
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
larger organi9ations)I matriG, net$or%, holding, etc& These relationshi"s are freDuently
diagrammed in organi9ational charts& (ost organi9ations use some miG of structures , "yramidal,
matriG or net$or%ed ones , to accom"lish their goals
*r(d'cti(n department-
The "roduction "rocess starts $hen these units gets #ob card $hich contains the
details of the "roduct such as the (odel, Bolor and the 'esign of the helmet&
The "roduction "rocess is divided in to three different units such as,
M('4din& Unit.
Tai4(rin& Unit.
A))em546 Unit.
". M('4din& Unit-
Ma2in& M('4d)-
The moulds are "re"ared by the fiber glass "a"er& The 2>' de"artment gives the
design as "er the customer reDuirement& *f it is an eG"ort order the im"orter su""lies the
design most of the time&
Ma2in& (f He4met )1e44-
After the fiber glass is stitched in the moulds $ith the hel" of the resin and the
hardness is added to the resin& *t is very im"ortant function&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "2
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The mould is %e"t for +,< minutes to get dry& *f the climate is cold then the bulbs
are used to dry the moulds& After drying shell is chec%ed t$ice to chec% for its Duality&
C'ttin& t1e )1e44-
Chen the shell is dried is o"ened and eGtra fiber glass is cutted to get the "ro"er
The sanding "a"er is used to level the shell&
4amdi is a "aste $hich is used for cover the tiny holes on the helmet shell&
:and "a"er is again used for remove the eGtra lambi "aste on the helmet shell& This is
done $hen the lambi is dried&
C'ttin& and De)i&nin&-
The shell is cut as "er the design and the holes are drilled for the ventilation&
After cutting and designing the shell lambi "aste is again used for cover the tiny
After the lambi sanding "a"er is used again to level the shell&
The "rimer is used 8 a""lied for giving "erfect smooth surface to the helmet shell&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "3
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The shell is "olished $ith the hel" of the "olishing machine to give more smoothness
to the surface&
Then, these helmet shells are transferred to the assembly unit for the further "rocess&
# . Tai4(rin& Unit-
The helmet sha"ed thermocol is gummed and %e"t a day&
The thermocol is cut into "ro"er si9e $ith the hel" of the grinding machine so that
"ro"erly shift in to shell&
C'ttin& f(am-
The foam is cut as "er the models in different "ieces&
'ifferent "arts of the foam are stitched& 0or eGH Belts&
The foam is "asted to the thermocol shell& Then the lining cloth is used to cover the
foam& These thermacol shells are then send to the assembly unit&
<. A))em546 Unit-
The helmet shells $hich come from the moulding unit are leveled by :anding&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "4
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The helmet shells are "ainted as "er the s"ecifications given in the #ob card& The
"ainted shell is %e"t for a day to get dry& *f there are t$o or more colors then it ta%es long
time to get the helmet "ainted&
The stic%ers are "ut on the helmet that has the model name, logo of the com"any and
*:* mar%&
LacI'er -
This is li%e a "olishing liDuid that is s"rayed on the helmet shell to give the shine& *t
ma%es surface $ater "roof and stic%er s and "aint are "rotected&
The rubber ring is used to cover the helmet corners and then the thermocol shell is
"asted in to helmet& The loc%s are attached to it& The last "rocess is to attach the visor if the
helmet is full face& 0inally these helmets are ready to "ac%ing&
Mar2etin& Department-
(ar%eting de"artment "erforms the functions li%e "romoting the "roducts at various
media sources, receiving the orders (1nline) and dis"atching the goods at the right time as "er
reDuirements of the customers& The de"artment is headed by (r& )iridhari /& Bhanda%&
(ar%eting de"artment has $ell Dualified Assistance > :ales force em"loyees $ho assess the
reDuirements of customer, and accordingly "rovide needed service to customers&
The organi9ation structure for 7(ar%eting 'e"artmentK is sho$n belo$H
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "5
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

*r(m(ti(na4 )trate&ie)-
Vega basically im"lements the "romotional as"ects li%e advertisementsI "aintings and
banners to "romote its helmet also sho$room dis"lays techniDues are used& *t also s"onsors
invents are ado"ted certain "ractices to "romote its "roducts& *ncentives, records and discount are
given to dealers&
Di)tri5'ti(n C1anne4)-
Vega has an immense net$or% of distribution channelsI it has a net$or% of around
<+ dealers& The organi9ation a""oints only one single dealer in a "articular area& This is done in
order to "revent unhealthy com"etition& 5eGt the dealer directly caters to the needs and demands
of the customers and there is no intermediary lin%&
(edia is suitable to reach the maGimum number of "eo"le in short "eriod of time&
The com"any gives advertisements through local T&V channels and ne$s"a"er&
*articipatin& in e71i5iti(n)
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "6
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The com"any has "artici"ated in various eGhibitions at national level, fe$ to mention areH
S.N( E71i5iti(n *4ace Year
" Vaahan Oatra Bangalore +=
The =
(umbai Auto :ho$ (umbai +=
< Automotive Bom"uter (anufacturing Association 5e$ 'elhi
; Team 2ally 'ay, )oa )oa
/ 5ational (otor Bross Bham"ionshi" )oa +=
Table <&<
#e)earc1 and De+e4(pment Department-
The 2>' de"artment is res"onsible forH
5e$ "roduct innovation or modifications of the eGisting ones&
3stimating costs for "roducing in different Duantities&
'ocumentation (/art list releases) before trial series to all de"artments&
2egular follo$,u" $ith other de"artments (li%e /roduction, :ales etc)
2esolve "roblems related to design mismatch $hile assembling the "arts&
St(re) Department-
The stores de"artment $ill be res"onsible for holding all the necessary tools, s"ares,
ra$ materials, brought out items and eDui"ments reDuired to service the manufacturing "rocess&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page "7
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
To maintain u",to,date bin levels of various materials and brought items so that
"roduction activity is not ham"ered&
To issue materials to various de"artments&
To acce"t or re#ect the eGtra material from the de"artment and ma%e suitable
arrangements for their dis"osals&
Finance and Acc('nt Department-
Mr. Di4ip *. C1anda2, the managing director, heads the financial de"artment& All
financial affairs related to the com"any are dealt $ith through this de"artment& The follo$ing is
the organi9ation chart of VegaEs finance > account de"artment&
The finance de"artment ta%es care of all the finance reDuirement of all the de"artments of
the organi9ation& This de"artment maintains a balance bet$een the finance reDuirement >
"rofitability of the organi9ation *n short this de"artment sees that organi9ation is financially
Acc('nt) Department-
The accounts de"artment at Vega Auto maintains the accounts of different
de"artments in a systematic manner > on continues basis&
The de"artment does the follo$ing $or%I
2ecording and monitoring of all trans
:ubmit re"orts li%e /rofit > 4oss A8B, Balance :heet, etc
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #8
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Balculating "roduction cost
Bost re"ort $ith variance analysis
Ban% dealings
'ealings $ith sales taG > income taG authorities
3stablished activities
(aintaining all accounts&
H# Department-
The human resources management at Vega Auto Accessories is ta%en care by .uman
2esources 'e"artment& This de"artment is under .2 de"artment has been secured from San&ita
C1anda2 9 Di4ip C1anda2.
H'man #e)('rce) Mana&ement-
The human resource function as "er the circular format is has been divided under the
follo$ing heads& The information about the functioning of the head of this de"artment is as
H'man re)('rce) p4annin&-
Vega Auto has no format s"ecific .2 "lan as such& Their "lanning de"ends u"on the
demand factors in their business& These eGits transfer "olicy in Vega& Also due to recent
emergency of the .2 de"artment, it is considering to have a .2 "lan in sub#ect "eriods of their
business management& /lanning goes according to the various %inds of situation that arise in the
H'man #e)('rce) maintenance-
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Vega "ursues an effective .2 maintenance "olicy& The $elfare of the em"loyees is
given "rime im"ortance& The $elfare administration of the organi9ing is done at the managerial
level for all the $or%s& The details regarding the $elfare facilities "rovided by Vega in terms of
>a&e) 9 Sa4ar6 admini)trati(n-
Vega "ursues the daily $age system& The em"loyees are given their $ages on
:aturday every $ee%& The .2 manager is administratorEs $age > salary as"ects& Asst& "ersonal
manager $ho loo%s into those as"ect assists& The staff salary is on monthly basis > they get their
salary "ac%age on A
of every $ee%& Besides this the annual bonus system "revails in Vega > is
solely on monitory basis&
Trainin& 9 de+e4(pment-
Vega em"loyees are given on the #ob training, both for technical > non,technical
"osts& This is intended so that the em"loyees are $ell accustomed to their #obs& The su"ervisors
conduct training& Besides this Vega also hire eGternal trainer to train the em"loyees&
Training is conducted by organi9ing lectures, seminars, $or%sho"s, etc& >
management games are also used&
The em"loyees are "rovided incentives if they achieve the desired tas%s $ithin the
sti"ulated time "eriod& The incentive is on monthly basis&
In)'rance c(+era&e-
*nsurance coverage is given to all the em"loyees $ho are covered under Emp4(6ee
State In)'rance Act& The management of Vega Auto is also "roviding different coverageEs li%e
E.L.D. I etc
D Strate&6
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
:trategy is the route that the organi9ation has chosen for its future gro$thI a "lan an
organi9ation formulates to again advantage over the com"etitors& *t deals $ith essentially three
Chere is the organi9ation standing at this moment of timeP
Chere the organi9ation $ants to be in a "articular length of timeP
.o$ to get thereP
Vega has a strategy to im"rove its Duality and maGimi9e its sales&

*ricin& Strate&6
1ut of various strategies ado"ted by the com"any since from its ince"tion, "ricing
strategy ado"ted by the com"any has "laced the Vega brand at the to" slot $ith res"ect to its core
Bom"ared to its ma#or com"etitors (:tudds and :teel Bird)
<D S6)tem

3very organi9ation has some systems or internal "rocesses to su""ort and im"lement
the strategy and run day,to,day affairs& 0ormal and informal "rocedures that are govern everyday
activity, covering everything from management information systems, through to the systems at
the "oint of contact $ith the customer&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page ##
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
S(ft E4ement)
;D S1ared %a4'e
:hared Values are the core values of the com"any that are evidenced in the cor"orate
culture and the general $or% ethic& The values and beliefs ultimately guide the em"loyee to$ards
QvaluedE behavior& These values and set goals %ee" the em"loyees $or%ing to$ards common
destination as a coherent team and thus hel" them to %ee" the team s"irit alive& Vega 4td is
conscious of its moral res"onsibilities to$ards its em"loyees, staff and customers&
:ome of the shared values areH
:u""orting the develo"ment and eGecution of fresh ideas.
7Thin%ing outside the boGK to develo" and im"lement Duic%ly and innovative ideas that
$ill move our business for$ard&
'riving the im"lementation of $inning ideas, $hile balancing the need for business
disci"line and core "rocesses&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #2
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
'is"laying and evo%ing eGtraordinary enthusiasm and commitment to delight our
customers& Belebrating team $or%, successes and eGceeding goals&
Being "roud of and determined to build a hydraulic com"any&
Believing in the vision that $e $ill become the best brand in hydraulic industry&
Inte&rit6 9 #e)pect
Being honest, ethical and o"en as a basis for building trusting relationshi"s&
Bustomer satisfaction is of cordial value to Vega 4td&
To sustain an organi9ation of able and committed em"loyees and "rovide o""ortunities
for gro$th and develo"ment&
5o discrimination bet$een staff and $or%men&
3nsuring that our em"loyees have a safe and clean $or% environment&
Being obsessive about the Duality of our "roducts and everything $e do to better serve
our customers&
0eeling driven by the need to delight our customers at every o""ortunity $ith the best
"roduct Duality and the effectiveness of our distribution&
.ighly concern for ?uality, safety, and $or% environment&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #3
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Bommitting ourselves to doing the things right at first time and doing them better than
anyone else&
Bontinuously eGceeding our targets and raising the standards and "erformance&
Beating our com"etitors by being "roactive in our business and mar%ets&
3G"ecting each other to be the best at $hat $e do, individually and as a team&
/D S2i44)
The actual s%ills and com"etencies of the em"loyees are $or%ing for the com"any&
Training and develo"ment ensures em"loyees to do their #obs $ell and stay u" to date $ith latest
At Vega Auto Accessories /vt&ltd different training "rograms are conducted for the
em"loyees to eDui" them in their "articular disci"line of $or%& 'ifferent training and
develo"ment "rograms are given to em"loyees, officers and eGecutives to co"e u" $ith the ne$
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #4
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
S.N( Department Trainin& E7pected S2i44)
" .2 Behavioral
(anaging inter"ersonal relations,
'esign Technical
U"date $ith the latest
technological changes
< .2 >
:afety Training 3G"ected safety "recautions
Table <&=
?D St64e
The leadershi" a""roach of to" management and the organi9ationEs overall o"erating
a""roach& Also the $ay in $hich the organi9ationEs em"loyees "resent themselves to the outside
$orld, to su""liers and customer&
T(p d(:n and B(tt(m 'p.
Vega Auto Accessories ado"ts both the styles i&e& To" do$n and Bottom u"
accordingly as reDuired& Chile ta%ing suggestions from em"loyees, they follo$ the Bottom u"
style& And for any management decision to be im"lemented, they follo$ To" do$n style& The
"articular de"artmental heads collects the needed information to ta%e "art to solve "roblem and
submits to the to" management, and accordingly the $or% or decision are being ta%en
.D Staff
The staff is the organi9ations human resources& 2efers to ho$ em"loyees are
develo"ed, trained, sociali9ed, integrated, motivated and ho$ their careers are managed&
T1e t(ta4 )taff (f t1e c(mpan6 i) di+ided a) f(44(:)-
Department N(. (f
" /roduction --!
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #5
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Assembly =9
< Tailoring 5@
; 2>' @
/ (ar%eting 5
? 0inance and
. .uman 2esource -
B 'is"atch 5
0 :tores and
T(ta4 /;

;D S>OT Ana46)i)

A :C1T analysis is a tool, used in management and strategy formulation& *t can hel"
to identify the :trengths, Cea%nesses, 1""ortunities and Threats of a "articular com"any&
:trengths and $ea%nesses are interna4 fact(r) that create value or destroy value&
They can include assets, s%ills, or resources that a com"any has at its dis"osal, com"ared to its
com"etitors& They can be measured using internal assessments or eGternal benchmar%ing&
1""ortunities and threats are e7terna4 fact(r) that create value or destroy value& A
com"any cannot control them& But they emerge from either the com"etitive dynamics of the
industry8mar%et or from demogra"hic, economic, "olitical, technical, social, legal or cultural
factors (/3:T)&

Table <&@
Vega .elmet has got good brand image in *ndian as $ell as in foreign mar%et&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #6
Interna4 E7terna4
Stren&t1 1""ortunity
>ea2ne)) Threat
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Vegas "roducts are high Duality and follo$s latest uniDue styles&
3ffective "artici"ation of management&
The com"any has good eG"ort ca"ability for foreign mar%ets&
3legant mar%eting of "roducts through Auto sho$s, Auto maga9ine, .oardings, internet
Absence of s%illed labor&
.igh labor turnover&
4ess concentration on domestic mar%et&
5o definite selection and recruitment "rocedure&
)ood tie,u" $ith motorcycles manufactures or dealers&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page #7
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Ada"t e,mar%eting techniDue to increase the sales volume&
The domestic mar%et is still unta""edI com"any can focus in im"roving mar%et share
The ma#or threat for the com"any is from local manufactures, $ho sell the helmet at half
rate $hen com"ared to Vega helmets&
)overnment re"ealing the order of com"ulsory helmet $earing&
0oreign com"anies are trying to enter the *ndian mar%et&

/D Financia4 ana46)i)

#ati( Ana46)i)
2atios (arch
A Financia4 #ati()
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 28
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
(i) 0iGed Assets 2atio &+!9 &+A5
(ii) Burrent 2atio +&@A +&A9-
(iii) 4iDuidity 2atio &<@ &+59
B T'rn(+er #ati()
(i) 0iGed Assets Turnover 2atio <&5-< <&+<9
(ii) Cor%ing Ba"ital Turnover
-&=+5 -&++@
B *r(fita5i4it6 #ati(
(i) 1verall /rofitability 2atio @-&@5-J 5<&5=5J
(ii) 3arnings /er :hare (3/:) --!&A --5&<
?D Learnin& E7perience

The eG"erience $as $onderful $hich eG"osed me to "ractical %no$ledge of $hat *
studied in the class room& *t gave me "ractical %no$ledge $ith regards to the functioning of
organi9ation, its culture, values, "ractices and beliefs& * heartily than% %e&a A't( Acce))(rie)
*+t. Ltd, for given me o""ortunity to do my "ro#ect and research&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 2!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
This "ro#ect $or% hel"ed me to learn and understand the $or%ing culture of the
organi9ation in different areas of it& *t enriched my "ractical %no$ledge about the field $or% in
mar%eting s"eciali9ation& The sco"e of the training covered various as"ects li%e ho$ they $or%,
Authority 2es"onsibility, /roduction, 'istribution, and 0unctioning of 'ifferent 'e"artments,
tracing out the "roblems related to mar%eting de"t, finding solutions to these "roblems in short
time of "eriod, analy9ing, inter"retation of results and finally suggesting for overall develo"ment
of the com"any&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 2"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Part $

". aD Genera4 Intr(d'cti(n
Bustomer loyalty "rovides the foundation of a com"anyEs sustained com"etitive
edge& 'evelo"ing and increasing loyalty is a crucial factor in com"any gro$th and "erformance&
Chat a customer "erceives, affects their #udgment and later customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty& *t is an industry,$ide belief that the best core mar%eting strategy for the future is to try to
retain eGisting customer by increasing customer loyalty and value&
This study to eGamine $hat consumer of .elmet believes are the main satisfaction
variables and $hy they remain loyal
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 2#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

Statement (f t1e pr(54em
7Chat are the various "arameters that determine the Sati)facti(n and L(6a4t6K
C')t(mer *ercepti(n for Vega helmets vis,R,vis its com"etitorsPK
Need f(r t1e )t'd6
.elmet *ndustry in *ndia is gro$ing at rate of +=J annually (+! 9)& The demand
for t$o $heelers has directly influenced the demand for helmets, other reasons being the safety
regulations follo$ed by .igh Bourts for com"ulsory usage in many states across the country&
At %e&a, t1e Mar2etin& Department :ant) t( 2n(:,
Chat customers thin% about Vega vis,R,vis its com"etitorsP
Chat is the need of the consumer in Vega .elmetP
Chat all consumers eG"ecting from Vega .elmetP

O5Aecti+e (f t1e )t'd6
A study on customer level of satisfaction in to$ards Vega .elmets&
To identify the loyalty of customer to$ards Vega .elmets&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 22
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
To measure the s"ecific reason for satisfaction and dissatisfaction $ith Vega
To identify the recommendation of Vega .elmet to other by eGisting customers&
To %no$ the recent trends in .elmet (ar%et&
Sc(pe (f t1e )t'd6

:co"e of the study mainly to %no$ the current level of customer satisfaction&
:co"e of the study mainly to %no$ the loyalty of the customer to$ards the
To give suggestion regarding im"rovement of "erformance standard of the
To inform the management about current level&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 23
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
#e)earc1 Met1(d(4(&6

#e)earc1 de)i&n
The ob#ective of the study has been achieved by using both /rimary and :econdary
'ataEs& The dataEs obtained for the study $as "rimarily from field investigation carried out
among the helmet user8 nonuser&
Data c(44ecti(n Met1(d
*rimar6 Data
?uestionnaires are filled by the res"ective customers in order to collect information
related to the to"ic& The Duestionnaires so designed for this "ur"ose $ere structured&
Sec(ndar6 Data
:econdary data $as collected through com"any $ebsites and records& And also have
referred some auto maga9ines&
:am"le design is a definite "lan for obtaining a sam"le from a given "o"ulation& *t
refers to the techniDue or the "rocedure the researcher $ould ado"t in selecting items for
:am"les are studied for the "o"ulation $ho are the customers of Vega Accessories
/vt& 4td& 2esearch design is needed because it facilitates the smooth railing of the various
research o"erations thereby ma%ing research as effective as "ossible yielding maGimal
information $ith minimal eG"enditure of effort, time and money&
The sam"le si9e of the research is -5 res"ondents& :am"le si9e is dived in to < "arts&
@ sam"les are Vega .elmets users, = are other brand .elmet users and 5 are non,helmet
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 24
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
T1e met1(d) f(44(:ed f(r t1e ana46)i) and interpretati(n (f data i) Uni +ariate
*ercenta&e Ana46)i)

/ercentage refers to a s"ecial %ind of ratio& *t is used to ma%e com"arison bet$een t$o
or more series of data& They can be used to com"are the relative items, the distribution of t$o or
more series of data, since the "ercentages reduces every thing to a common base and there by
allo$ meaningful com"arisons to be made& .ere only one factor is considered&
51 10 23:/15'35T:
/32B35TA)3 S G -
T1TA4 23:/15'35T:
Limitati(n) (f t1e )t'd6
Time limit restricts detailed survey $or% for this "articular to"ic of research&
:ome customers have lac% of time, so they may not communicate "ro"erly&
:ome of the res"ondents $ere reluctant to share the information $ith researcher&
All the results and conclusions have been dra$n on the bases of information
"rovided by the res"ondents, so it may lac% authenticity&
The study is restricted only to (BA courseI it does not re"resent the overall vie$ of
the *ndian mar%et&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 25
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

5D Ana46)i) f(r %e&a He4metJ He4metJ N(n He4met ')er)
Profile of respondents
"D Dem(&rap1ic Fact(r
a) Age
Age 2es"onse of 2es"ondents J Analysis
-@ ++ < +& J
+< < 5+ <=&A J
<- =5 =5 <& J
=@ above +< -5&< J
Total -5 -& J
Table B&-

!4 9 ""
"# 9 #8
24 a'ove
0igure B&-
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 26
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

b) )ender
1"tions 2es"onse of 2es"ondents J Analysis
(ale -++ !-&< J
0emale +! -!&A J
Total -5 -& J
Table B&+

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 27
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
c) 1ccu"ation
1"tions 2es"onse of 2es"ondents J Analysis
:tudent @@ =& J
3m"loyee 5 <<&< J
Business < +& J
.ouse $ife = A&A J
Total -5 -& J
0igure B&< Table B&<

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 38
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
"D Y(' ')e 6('r He4met :1i4e ridin& (n +e1ic4eL
1"tions 2es"onse of 2es"ondents J Analysis
Oes - @@&A J
5o 5 <<&< J
Total -5 -& J
Table B&=
The above table sho$s that @@&AJ of the res"ondents use the .elmet $hile riding on
vehicle& 1n the other hand <<&<J of the res"ondents donEt use the helmet $hile riding on
(a#ority of the res"ondents uses the .elmet $hile riding on vehicle&
(All res"ondentsE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 3!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

D D( 6(' ')e %e&a He4metL
1"tions 2es"onse of 2es"ondents J Analysis
Oes @ @& J
5o = =& J
Total - -& J
Table B&5
The above table sho$s that @J of the res"ondents use the V3)A .34(3T:& 1n
the other hand =J of the res"ondents use the other com"any .elmets&
(a#ority of the res"ondents use the Vega .elmets&
(All helmet usersE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 3"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
<D H(: 4(n& 6(' 1a+e 5een a c')t(mer (f %e&a He4metL
1"tions 2es"onse of res"ondents J Analysis
0rom last @ months -5 +5& J
0rom last -+ months - -@&A J
0rom last -! months -5 +5& J
0rom last += months -+ +& J
(ore than above months ! -<&< J
Total @ -& J
Table B&@
The above table sho$s that +5 J res"ondents use Vega helmet from last @ months&
5eGt -@&A J says from last -+ months& 5eGt +5 J says from last -! months& 5eGt + J says
from last += months& And final -<&< J says last more than += months&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 3#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

=) >1at t6pe (f 1e4met 6(' ')eL
1"tions 2es"onse of res"ondents J Analysis
0ull,face =5 =5& J
1"en,face = =& J
1ff,road - -& J
1ther 5 5& J
Total - -& J
Table B&A
The above table sho$s that =5 J of the res"ondents use the full,face .elmets&
5eGt = J use the o"en,face .elmets& 5eGt - J use the off,road .elmets& And final 5 J use
the other ty"e of .elmets&
(a#ority of the res"ondents use the full,face .elmet&
(All helmet usersE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 32
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
/D >('4d 6(' p'rc1a)e %EGA HELMET a&ainL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
'efinitely +5 =-&A J
/robably + <<&< J
5ot :ure - -@&A J
/robably not 5 !&< J
'efinitely not & J
Total @ -& J
Table B&!
The above table sho$s that =-&A J of res"ondents definitely "urchase Vega helmets
again& 5eGt <<&<J "robably "urchase again& 5eGt -@&A J are not sure about "urchase& 0inal
!&<J "robably not "urchase again&
(a#ority of the res"ondents $ant to "urchase Vega .elmets again&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 33
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

?D >('4d 6(' rec(mmend 6('r friend t( p'rc1a)e %EGA HELMETL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
'efinitely ++ <@&A J
/robably +< <!&< J
5ot :ure -< +-&A J
/robably not - -&A J
'efinitely not - -&@ J
Total @ -& J
Table B&9
The above table sho$s that <@&A J of res"ondents definitely recommend
"urchasing Vega .elmet to their friends& <!&< J "robably recommend& +-&A J res"ondent not
sure& 5eGt -&A J "robably not recommends& 0inal -&@ J is res"ondents definitely not&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 34
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
.D H(: )ati)fied 6(' are :it1 t1e f(44(:in& c1aracteri)tic) (f %EGA HELMETL
1"tions Very satisfied :atisfied 5either satisfied
nor dissatisfied
'issatisfied Very
/rice >
< + 5 5 @
Bolor >
<+ +@ + @
+A -! 9 = + @
+9 -@ - + < @
:afety >
=- -= 5 @
:ervice after
+< ++ - + < @
Avg 5o
2es"onses of
<&<< -9&<< @&!< +&-A -&<< @
J Analysis 5&@ J <+&+ J --&= J <&@ J +&+ J - J
Table B&-
The above table sho$s that 5&@ J res"ondents are Very satisfied $ith the
follo$ing characteristics of Vega .elmet& <+&+ J of the res"ondents are satisfied $ith the
follo$ing characteristics of the Vega .elmet& --&= J are 5either satisfied nor dissatisfied $ith
the characteristics of the Vega .elmet& 5eGt <&@ J are dissatisfied $ith the characteristics of
Vega .elmet& 0inal +&+& J is very dissatisfied $ith the Vega .elmet&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 35
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0igure B&-
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 36
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

BD H(: imp(rtant are t1e f(44(:in& c1aracter) :1i4e p'rc1a)in& 1e4metL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J
Analysis /rice
after sales
Total Avg 5o of
!- @- ! 59 -5 A&< =@&! J
*m"ortant <= 55 =@ << -5 =+& +!& J
5eutral +- <- += +- -5 +=&< -@&+ J
- < +< -5 9& @& J
5ot at all
5 -= -5 =&A5 <& J
Table B&--
The above table sho$ that =@&! J res"ondents are gives very im"ortance for
follo$ing characteristics $hile "urchasing helmet& +!& J of the res"ondent are thin%
im"ortant& -@&+ J of the res"ondents are thin% neutral& 5eGt @& J of the res"ondents are
thin%s less im"ortant& 0inal <& J res"ondents are thin%s that not at all im"ortant&
(All helmet usersE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular

Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 37
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0igure B& --
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 48
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0D H(: )ati)fied 6(' are :it1 6('r He4metL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
Very :atisfied @ @& J
:atisfied + +& J
5eutral - -& J
'issatisfied 5 5& J
Very dissatisfied 5 5& J
Total - - J
Table B&-+
The above table sho$s that @& J res"ondents are very satisfied $ith there helmet&
+& J are satisfied $ith helmet& -& J are neutral $ith their helmet& 5eGt 5& J are
dissatisfied $ith their helmet& 0inal 5& J are very dissatisfied $ith their helmet&
(All helmet usersE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
0igure B&-+
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 4!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
"!D a. O+er t1e pa)t 6ear) m6 4(6a4t6 increa)ed t(:ard) %e&a He4metL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
Oes =A A!&< J
5o -< +-&A J
Total @ - J
Table B&-<
The above table sho$s that A!&< J res"ondents are says that over the "ast years their
loyalty increased to$ards Vega .elmets& And remaining +-&A J res"ondents are says no&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
0igure B&-<
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 4"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.

"!D 5. I 5e4ie+e t1e c(mpan6 %e&a A't( Acce))(rie) *+t LTD de)er+e) m6 4(6a4t6
1"tion 2es"onse of res"ondents G Ana46)i)
Oes 5= 9 J
5o @ - J
Total @ - J
Table B&-=
The above table sho$s that 9& J res"ondents are say that Vega Auto Accessories
/vt 4T' deserves their loyalty& And remaining -& J res"ondents are says no&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
0igure B& -<
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 4#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
""D >1at )pecifica446 are 6(' )ati)fied (r di))ati)fied :it1 6('r %e&a He4metL
2easons for satisfaction of res"ondent $ith Vega .elmet are
Verity of /roduct
;ee"ing customer fully informed
Various reasons are given by the customers for the satisfaction li%e Duality of the
helmet, safety, comfort $hile using it, availability of huge rand of "roducts and %ee"ing
customer fully informed about its ne$ "roducts etc
2easons for the dissatisfaction of res"ondents $ith Vega .elmet are
5o com"any sho$rooms
4ac% of advertisements
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 42
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Various reasons are given by customers for dissatisfaction li%e no com"any
sho$rooms, lac% of advertisements, "rice etc& The com"any need more focused a""roach for
satisfying the customers&
(1nly Vega helmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
"D D( 6(' t1in2 He4met )1('4d ma2e c(mp'4)(r6L

1"tions 2es"onses of res"ondents J Analysis
Oes !+ 5=&A J
5o @! =5&< J
Total -5 - J
Table B&-=
The above table sho$s that 5=&A J res"ondents are in the favor that helmet should
made com"ulsory& 1n the other hand =5&< J res"ondents are not in the favor&
(All res"ondentsE res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 43
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
0igure B&-=
"<D >1at )tim'4ated 6(' t( p'rc1a)e (t1er c(mpan6 1e4metL
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
/rice ! +& J
?uality > 'esign < A&5 J
3asy Availability - +5& J
)ood Ventilation -= <5& J
Brand -5 <A&5 J
Total = - J
Table B&-5
The above table sho$s that +& J res"ondents are "urchased other com"any
helmet because of lo$ "rice& A&5 J res"ondents are due to Duality > design& +5& J
res"ondents are because of easy availability& 5eGt <5& J res"ondents are because of good
ventilation& 0inal <A&5 J res"ondents are because of good brand name&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 44
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
(1nly 5on,Vega .elmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this
"articular conclusion)
-=) * donEt use .elmet because it is
1"tions 2es"onses of 2es"ondents J Analysis
.eavy -< +@& J
(a%es me loo% bad A -=& J
Ventilation "roblem -< +@& J
Bloc%s side vie$ -A <=& J
Total 5 - J
Table B&-@
The above table sho$s that +@& J res"ondents are donEt use helmet because of
its $eight& -=& J res"ondents are because its ma%es loo% them bad in it& +@& J res"ondents
are due to ventilation "roblem& 0inal <=& J res"ondents are not use helmet because it bloc%s
side vie$&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 45
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
(1nly 5on,.elmet userEs res"onses are ta%en into consideration $hile coming to this "articular
0igure B&-@
@@&AJ of the res"ondents use the .elmet $hile riding on vehicle& 1n the other
hand <<&<J of the res"ondents donEt use the helmet $hile riding on vehicle&
@J of the res"ondents use the V3)A .34(3T:& 1n the other hand =J of the
res"ondents use the other com"any .elmets&
+5 J res"ondents use Vega helmet from last @ months& 5eGt -@&A J says from
last -+ months& 5eGt +5 J says from last -! months& 5eGt + J says from last +=
months& And final -<&< J says last more than += months&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 46
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
=5 J of the res"ondents use the full,face .elmets& 5eGt = J use the o"en,face
.elmets& 5eGt - J use the off,road .elmets& And final 5 J use the other ty"e of
=-&A J of res"ondents definitely "urchase Vega helmets again& 5eGt <<&<J
"robably "urchase again& 5eGt -@&A J are not sure about "urchase& 0inal !&<J
"robably not "urchase again&
<@&A J of res"ondents definitely recommend "urchasing Vega .elmet to their
friends& <!&< J "robably recommend& +-&A J res"ondent not sure& 5eGt -&A J
"robably not recommends& 0inal -&@ J is res"ondents definitely not&
5&@ J res"ondents are Very satisfied $ith the follo$ing characteristics of Vega
.elmet& <+&+ J of the res"ondents are satisfied $ith the follo$ing characteristics
of the Vega .elmet& --&= J are 5either satisfied nor dissatisfied $ith the
characteristics of the Vega .elmet& 5eGt <&@ J are dissatisfied $ith the
characteristics of Vega .elmet& 0inal +&+& J is very dissatisfied $ith the Vega
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 47
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
=@&! J res"ondents are gives very im"ortance for follo$ing characteristics $hile
"urchasing helmet& +!& J of the res"ondent are thin% im"ortant& -@&+ J of the
res"ondents are thin% neutral& 5eGt @& J of the res"ondents are thin%s less
im"ortant& 0inal <& J res"ondents are thin%s that not at all im"ortant&
@& J res"ondents are very satisfied $ith there helmet& +& J are satisfied
$ith helmet& -& J are neutral $ith their helmet& 5eGt 5& J are dissatisfied
$ith their helmet& 0inal 5& J are very dissatisfied $ith their helmet&
A!&< J res"ondents are says that over the "ast years their loyalty increased
to$ards Vega .elmets& And remaining +-&A J res"ondents are says no&
9& J res"ondents are saying that Vega Auto Accessories /vt 4T' deserves
their loyalty& And remaining -& J res"ondents are says no&
Various reasons are given by the customers for the satisfaction li%e Duality of the
helmet, safety, comfort $hile using it, availability of huge rand of "roducts and
%ee"ing customer fully informed about its ne$ "roducts etc
Various reasons are given by customers for dissatisfaction li%e no com"any
sho$rooms, lac% of advertisements, "rice etc& The com"any need more focused
a""roach for satisfying the customers&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 58
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
5=&A J res"ondents are in the favor that helmet should ma%e com"ulsory& 1n the
other hand =5&< J res"ondents are not in the favor&
+& J res"ondents are "urchased other com"any helmet because of lo$ "rice&
A&5 J res"ondents are due to Duality > design& +5& J res"ondents are because
of easy availability& 5eGt <5& J res"ondents are because of good ventilation&
0inal <A&5 J res"ondents are because of good brand name&
+@& J res"ondents are donEt use helmet because of its $eight& -=& J
res"ondents are because its ma%es loo% them bad in it& +@& J res"ondents are
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 5!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
due to ventilation "roblem& 0inal <=& J res"ondents are not use helmet because
it bloc%s side vie$&
Bustomer service& )o the eGtra distance and meet customer needs& Train the
staff to do same& Bustomers remember being treated $ell&
3m"loyee 4oyalty& 4oyalty $or%s from to" to bottom& *f you are loyal to your
em"loyee, they $ill feel "ositively about their #obs and "ass that loyalty alone to
your customers&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 5"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
3m"loyee Training& Train em"loyees in the manner that you $ant them to
interact $ith customers& 3m"o$er em"loyees to ma%e a decision that benefits
the customer&
Bustomer *ncentives& )ive customers a reason to return to your business&
Be 0leGible& Try to solve customer "roblem or com"laints to the best of your
ability& 3Gcuses :uch as 7That is our "olicy 7, $ill loose more customers&
;no$ their 5ames& )et to %no$ the names of your regular customers or at
least recogni9e there faces&

cD C(nc4')i(n)-

The "rimary "ur"ose of this research $as to investigate the factors that influence
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in *ndian helmet mar%et& The factors $ith a
significant on customer satisfaction are Duality, design, color and handiness& The factors $ith
significant im"act on customer loyalty are service after sales, Duality and "romotion&
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 5#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
The study utili9es a small sam"le from the Belgaum, /une > ;olha"ur& This may
inhibit the generali9ability of the findings, yet it is a sufficient indicator of satisfaction and
loyalty variables&
*t is necessary to loo% into the ne$ technology on manufacturing of good and large number of
helmets& There is a constant steam of light $eight and ne$ ty"e of helmets being introduced for
consumers& Theses include good design, ventilation and comfort& 0urther study is reDuired to
note the im"act of such additions on customer eG"ectation, satisfaction and loyalty&
dD Anne7're
Ta54e N( De)cripti(n) *a&e N(
-&- 4ist of com"any helmets <
+&b,- Ty"e of business =
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 52
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
+&e,- Area of o"eration A
+&f,- 1$nershi" "attern !
+&g,- Bom"etitor information 9
<&- (c%ensyEs A : -<
<&+ :tructure -<
<&< 3Ghibition sho$s -9
<&= :%ills +5
<&5 Bom"any :taff +@
<&@ :C1T Analysis +A
Fi&'re De)cripti(n) *a&e N(
+&b,- /roduct "ortfolio @
+&#,- Cor%flo$ model --
<&- (c%ensyEs A : -+
<&+ 1rgani9ation structure
C'e)ti(nnaire f(r $Analyzing the %ustomer Perception, Satisfaction &
Loyalty towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!& E%e&a He4met ')erD
Date- MM J ! J !"! *4ace- MMMMMMMMM
'ear :ir8(adam
* %ina6a2 S ,itt'r, student of )ogte *nstitute of Technology EGITD, Belgaum,
conducting a (ar%et 2esearch to %no$ $he customer Perception, Satisfaction &
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 53
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Loyalty towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!F& ;indly eGtend your coo"eration in
filling this Duestionnaire and enable in doing the research successfully&
". Y(' ')e 6('r He4met :1i4e ridin& +e1ic4eL
Oes 5o
. D( 6(' ')e %EGA HELMETL
Oes 5o
<. H(: 4(n& 1a+e 6(' 5een a c')t(mer (f %EGA HELMETL
0rom last @ months 0rom last -! months
0rom last -+ moths 0rom last += months
(ore than above months
;. >1at t6pe (f 1e4met 6(' ')eL
0ull,face 1"en,face
1ff,road 1ther
/. >('4d 6(' p'rc1a)e %EGA HELMET a&ainL
'efinitely /robably 5ot sure
/robably not 'efinitely not
?. >('4d 6(' rec(mmend 6('r friend) t( p'rc1a)e %EGA HELMETL
'efinitely /robably 5ot sure
/robably not 'efinitely not
.. H(: )ati)fied are 6(' :it1 t1e f(44(:in& C1aracteri)tic) (f %EGA HELMETL
Sati)fied Neit1er
Di))ati)fied %er6
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 54

Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Price %
Color %
Sa"et# %
a"ter sales
B. H(: imp(rtant are t1e f(44(:in& c1aracter) :1i4e p'rc1a)in& He4met)L
Imp(rtant Ne'tra4 Le))
N(t at a44
*rice 9 C'a4it6
C(4(r 9 de)i&n
Safet6 9
Ser+ice after
0. H(: )ati)fied 6(' are :it1 6('r He4metL
Very satisfied :atisfied 5eutral
'issatisfied Very dissatisfied
"!. *4ea)e rate 6('r 4e+e4 (f a&reement) :it1 t1e f(44(:in& )tatement)
ESca4e i) :it1 "H/, / 5ein& c(mp4ete46 a&ree and " 5ein& c(mp4ete46 di)a&reeD
* + , - .
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 55
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
a 1ver the "ast years my loyalty increased to$ards com"any
/ * believe the com"any V3)A Auto Accessories /vt 4T'
deserves my loyalty
"". >1at )pecia446 are 6(' )ati)fied (r di))ati)fied :it1 6('r %e&a He4metL
". D( 6(' t1in2 t1at He4met )1('4d ma2e c(mp'4)(r6L
Oes 5o
!#. An suggestion from ou to im&rove the &roduct
A :(rd a5('t 6('r)e4f-
Gander- (ale 0emale
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 56
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
A&e- -@ , ++ +< , <
< =5 =@ above
Occ'pati(n- :tudent 3m"loyee
Business .ouse $ife
%e1ic4e 6(' ')e- (otorcycle :cooter
(o"ed 3co , bi%es
T1an2 6(' f(r 6('r +a4'a54e feed5ac2
C'e)ti(nnaire f(r $Analzing the %ustomer Perception, Satisfaction & Loyalty
towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!& EN(nH %e&a He4met ')erD
Date- MM J ! J !"! *4ace- MMMMMMMMM
'ear :ir8(adam
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 57
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
* %ina6a2 S ,itt'r, student of )ogte *nstitute of Technology EGITD, Belgaum,
conducting a (ar%et 2esearch to %no$ $he customer Perception, Satisfaction &
Loyalty towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!F& ;indly eGtend your coo"eration in
filling this Duestionnaire and enable in doing the research successfully&
". Y(' ')e 6('r He4met :1i4e ridin& +e1ic4eL
Oes 5o
. >1at t6pe (f 1e4met 6(' ')eL
0 0ull,face 1"en,face
1ff,road 1ther
<. H(: imp(rtant are t1e f(44(:in& c1aracter) :1i4e p'rc1a)in& 1e4met)L
Imp(rtant Ne'tra4 S(me:1at
N(t at a44
*rice 9
C(4(r 9
Safet6 9
Ser+ice after
;. H(: )ati)fied 6(' are :it1 6('r He4metL
Very satisfied :atisfied 5eutral
'issatisfied Very 'issatisfied
/. >1at )tim'4ated 6(' t( 5'6 (t1er c(mpan6 He4metL
/rice ?uality > design 3asy Availability
)ood ventilation Brand
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 68

Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
?. D( 6(' t1in2 t1at 1e4met )1('4d ma2e c(mp'4)(r6L
Oes 5o
A :(rd a5('t 6('r)e4f-
Gander- (ale 0emale
A&e- -@ , ++ +< , <
< =5 =@ above
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 6!
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Occ'pati(n- :tudent 3m"loyee
Business .ouse $ife
%e1ic4e 6(' ')e- (otorcycle :cooter
(o"ed 3co , bi%es

T1an2 6(' f(r 6('r +a4'a54e feed5ac2
C'e)ti(nnaire f(r $Analzing the %ustomer Perception, Satisfaction & Loyalty
towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!& EN(nH He4met ')erD
'ear :ir8(adam
* %ina6a2 S ,itt'r, student of )ogte *nstitute of Technology EGITD, Belgaum,
conducting a (ar%et 2esearch to %no$ $he customer Perception, Satisfaction &
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 6"
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Loyalty towards Vega Auto Accessories PV L!F& ;indly eGtend your coo"eration in
filling this Duestionnaire and enable in doing the research successfully&
". Y(' ')e 6('r He4met :1i4e ridin& +e1ic4eL
Oes 5o
. H(: imp(rtant are t1e f(44(:in& c1aracter) :1i4e p'rc1a)in& 1e4met)L
Imp(rtant Ne'tra4 Le))
N(t at a44
C(4(r 9
Safet6 9
Ser+ice after
<. I d( n(t ')e HELMET 5eca')e it i)
.eavy (a%es me loo% bad
Ventilation "roblem Bloc%s the side vie$
;. D( 6(' t1in2 t1at 1e4met )1('4d ma2e c(mp'4)(r6L
Oes 5o
A :(rd a5('t 6('r)e4f-
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 6#
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
Gander- (ale 0emale
A&e- -@ , ++ +< , <
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Occ'pati(n- :tudent 3m"loyee
Business .ouse $ife
%e1ic4e 6(' ')e- (otorcycle :cooter
(o"ed 3co , bi%es
T1an2 6(' f(r 6('r +a4'a54e feed5ac2
eD Bi54i(&rap16
2eference boo%sH
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 62
Vega Auto Accessories Private Limited, BELGAUM.
/hili" ;otler and ;evin 4ane ;eller, (ar%eting (anagement,
/earson 3ducation ltd, -+e, +A&
2a#endra 5argund%ar, (ar%eting 2esearch, T(., <e, +!
Bontact Vinaya% ;ittur 1n Vinaya%-<56yahoo&com
Gogte Institute of Technolog, BELGAUM. Page 63

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